Gerald Gardner - Radio Show Recordings (1 CD - 8 MP3s) Gerald Gardner, the father of modern Wicca, was featured on a number of radio broadcasts along with a few of his coven members such as Patricia Crowther.  Some enterprising soul gathered these recordings together and provided them on an audio CD that was bundled with a boxed set of Gardner's books "Witchcraft Today" and "The Meaning of Witchcraft" published and sold by Mercury Publishing in 1999 or 2000. The tracks are as follows: 01 Witches' Chant (Gerald Gardner's Coven) 02 Gerald Gardner interview 1960's 03 Witches' Chant (Gerald Gardner's Coven) 04 Halloween Special 05 Lord Of The Dance (Patricia Crowther) 06 Aradia Chanting (Sheffield Coven) 07 The Cauldron Chant (Sheffield Coven) 08 Cernunnos Chant (Sheffield Coven) Enjoy!