6204C05 SHSpec-129 As-isness: People Who Can and Can't As-is Things that won't as-is include: 1. Things you don't know about. 2. Things you can't communicate with and that can't communicate with you. 3. Things that are not as-ised because there is nothing there to do any as-ising. An operating G.E. doesn't as-is things, so any mechanism that makes nothing out of the thetan is non-as-isable, A thetan is "nothing" only in regard to MEST attributes. It still has abilities. If you had something that made nothing of the thetan's ability to look, create, do, cause, etc., there would be a reverse not-is, where instead of the person not-ising the item, the item not-ises the the person. That, of course, is the most dangerous valence. Religions often have campaigns to get rid of all the evil spirits. Earlier religions often admit the existence of non-malignant beings -- spirits like leprechauns, etc. When a religion has been totally successful, it manifests itself in a society where the spirit is totally unknown and there are no spirits. Beware of that society. It is pretty far south. It is a total overwhelm of you, the thetan. The soul is something you take care of (an other-determinism) which you send off at your demise to some pie-in-the-sky sanitarium. How is this manifested in our present world? Take the "exact science" of physics, for example. The first fundamental of elementary physics is the conservation of energy and mass. This is very "reasonable". We cannot destroy or create energy, and mass is really energy. The question is, "How can you have an expanding universe with a constant amount of energy?" Why is there no conservation of space? No wonder physicists go nuts. They are dealing with something they can neither create nor destroy, so it is sacred. However, you are likely to find times on the backtrack when you violated the conservation of energy. If you can't do anything to energy, time becomes inexorable. Time is a postulate; it is not monitored by the change in space of particles, but one becomes aware of time through change of space of particles. The physicist is actually just a priest gone mad. He discovers that the principles he has sworn to -- conservation of energy, etc. -- are a bit shaky, so he gets to be like a boy whistling past a graveyard. This happens when he studies nuclear physics. Now he is trying to maintain one set of principles, while experimenting with a contradictory set. So it is no wonder that nuclear bombs are the main threat to civilization: the first thing a fellow who is in the condition the physicist is in would do is to destroy himself. He is asking for an executioner. We hear of the dedication of science, which means, "All for science; nothing for me. No individual should have a right to his own inventions; patents belong to the university or corporation." The scientist will accuse the scientologist of maintaining secrecy. A person in that condition is defending the sacredness, the unreachability of the mind. He thinks that there is nothing there to do the as-ising. Therefore, those valences which you have the most trouble running out are those which deny the existence of the thetan, because then there is no one there to as-is the valence. The least as-ising situation is that of being an object. When you look over items to run, the E-meter will indicate, not the toughest to as-is, but the easiest. After it is run and the individual has increased his own beingness to the extent of not being what you have just run out, now he can be assessed again and become aware that he is not quite the nothing-there valence. It didn't read before, but now it will register. Lots of vegetables and flowers read on the meter. The more endurance there is in the plant, the MESTier it is, the less it will register. The greater the effort to survive something has, the MESTier it is. Tomatoes read more than trees. So in the early stages of sorting out 3DXX, you will get no reaction on those things that should be run. The PC is in the condition of not-know about them. They are there, but he isn't there. This adds up to a total overwhelm. When you start differentiating items and nulling items, the PC starts feeling that there is some beingness to them. You at least have the PC in PT, exterior enough to say, "Yes, somewhere on the track there is a whizzer." Up to then, he couldn't say a whizzer was on the track because he was a whizzer, without being there at all. Until then, all you had was a whizzer, not a thetan plus a whizzer or inspecting a whizzer. So assessing and differentiating these items leaves a person more and more able to inspect and lessens his identification with MEST, because all these valences are composed of matter, energy, space, and time, and trapped postulates. I.e. GPM's have trapped postulates in them. The person doesn't see himself come out of them; he sees the ideas come alive. So 3DXX is a gradient scale of bailing someone nut. The items which the PC can't as-is are the ones where there is nothing to as-is them with. He is just in them, but not THERE in them. They just are and look to him like packages of MEST when he first looks at them. When you first encounter them, he is that MEST. So your approach could be to notice a doingness he has and to list, "Who or what would oppose that?" From this, he will get some item, which he sees as an actual identity off his own past track. You can find what opposed that, continually getting him more and more able to observe these identities, hence more and more aware of self, so he can as-is more. That is why 3DXX gives constant gain. If you are not getting TA action during listing on 3DXX, you are not there, and they are not there enough to have you there, so nothing is as-ising. At this point, you can use CCH's. Then the beingness of auditor and PC appear and there can be observation of an identity. There is an extreme gradient of case state: SOUTH 1. Picking up future items. 2. Picking up PT items. CCH's cut in here. 3. Picking up present life items. NORTH 4. Picking up past life items. CCH's cut the person in on this scale at PT, with the identities of the auditor and the PC. The PC gets a higher and higher ability to differentiate between himself and the auditor. Op Pro by Dup, run long enough, gets the PC out of the body and able to observe the body doing the process. Op Pro by Dup shows the PC forcefully that he is not an "it". Exteriorization by some more sudden process can shock him. He will go back in, into some other valence or something. Blowing him out of his head on an other-determinism is very unstable. If you exteriorize someone on your determinism, he won't remember it or he will invalidate it, because he can't have not being a thing. 3DXX is an exteriorization process with a very gentle gradient. The last item to come off is the most sacred, the one which was him. It is not something that can be in any way characterized no described. It is just "me". How does a person get so interiorized? He asserts that an identity or an object will react. That is the clue to all future interiorization. This is the first gradient on the overt - motivator sequence: "If you do something, this paper will react," then, "It will do something to you."