6203C29 SHSpec-127 Q and A Period When you get a TA knob alternating between two different locations, it is a circulation between two masses. This is similar to a stage four needle, but on the TA. It is the case shifting between two valences. This is not the same as TA motion. It is a sudden shift, not a gradual change. If running a CCH turns on a somatic, you run it until the somatic turns off. If it is not a matter of somatics, run CCH's until the PC can do them all willingly and well. Run out gross changes. Somatics are the most gross; little objections and raggedness are less gross. If you can't detect the somatic by physical manifestations, it doesn't exist for the purposes of CCH's. Too many pcs dramatize victims and make up somatics, etc. If you wanted the greatest possible gain and the least possible blow, on pcs who were pretty sensible anyway, you would do ruds on the meter along with CCH's. This makes a different breed of CCH's, when it is done this way. You would ease up any tendency to blow and it would make it easier for the PC to stay in session. On many cases, you can't do ruds, but if the PC is fairly upscale, it would probably go better with ruds put in. [Details on running 3DXX] The PC is his terminal. The terminal has pain on it, and it is always facing outwards against enemies. So you give him an enemy, an enemy, an enemy, and he will get dizzy from too many enemies. But on the pain phenomenon, he is simply being someone else. You won't get 3DXX turning on constant pain. If the PC has the same pain, grief, or fights you for 20 minutes, that is no change, but the pain must be something more than the PC's statement about it. You must see some physical manifestation, since CCH's are non-verbal. If the same grief or whatever has gone on for 20 minutes with no change, it won't just run out, so that is why it is OK to leave it. Why the pain is on the PC's terminal: It is just an observation. However, it doesn't seem too unreasonable that he should get pain as himself. If he has created pain, he will feel it as himself as the motivator -- that is highly probable. You can run an oppterm flat, sometimes, and the PC will feel better. The terminal will still be live. On CCH's 3 and 4, you handle PC originations, but only out of courtesy. You don't really care about how he says he is feeling, because what you are running off can cause the PC to say the damnedest things, most of them lies. It runs out all sorts of counter-creates, verbal and non-verbal. They will throw you all sorts of red herrings. A PC running CCH's never originates; he only dramatizes. You don't have to get into a games condition with the PC. Just run the process. As an R-factor for CCH's, you can and should tell the PC what you are doing and why you are doing it, as a sort of rudiment to start the session. Try to get the PC's agreement before the session starts, and then you run the session anyway. After session, you can talk about the CCH's, provided you don't evaluate for him, if the PC wants to talk about them. When a CCH session goes into screaming fits, it is probable that the R-factor could have been established better. You can tell the PC anything, like, "It's a drill; I'm gonna do it; let's see if you can do it, etc." Dramatizations on CCH's are closely connected to oppterms [and terminals], but nothing can be read out of it. The worst the PC is sitting in will discharge, because a circuit is unable to: 1. Duplicate 2. Have or 3. Be controlled. So giving someone control, communication, and havingness inevitably gets them into 3DXX items that are banging in and out. Usually, there will be one major circuit that tries to discharge via the PC's dramatization, the circuit he is sitting in. CCH's knock out the not-is on masses he is sitting in, and he will see them for the first time. Weird things show up from the vanishment of the not-is: heavy masses he has "never had before"; somatics he hasn't felt, etc. He will move on the track in the valence he is in to a more comfortable position. CCH's knock out not-is; you get an "is". The phenomena you see with the PC is the valence. The phenomena that occur around the PC is the oppterm. CCH's also familiarize the PC with phenomena that he will encounter later on, in 3DXX. SENSATION: That which is produced by reason of other beingness and dislocations of space. PAIN: Alteration of form. Pain is produced by direct contact between the thetan and an identity. Fain is heat + cold + electrical shock, combined. The PC is always more directly connected with the terminal than the oppterm and thus feels pain. He must be touching the mass with the idea that he is it in order to feel pain. One of the biggest mistakes someone can make is to regard his body as self.