6202C01 SHSpec-108 Flows What is a withhold? It is a non-flow. It is also a don't know, but the knowingness is influenced by flows. It is something the PC doesn't want others to know about or that it hasn't occurred to him to tell the auditor. Or he is incapable of telling someone about it. A PC can withhold about flows. A withhold is a restrained knowingness. A person who is restraining something from being known is withholding. He is withholding knowledge, data, or information. Any one of the flows can assist, aid, and abet a withhold, because knowledge can be buried under the flow. Given any point or any two points, where there is location in space, there are only two possible flows for any one of those points: inflow and outflow. The thing that causes flows is the motionlessness or fixedness of the point. The point may or may not have a mass. All power is derived from holding two positions fixed in space. The two points must be kept separate and are, to that degree, fixed in space. The strength with which they are fixed has everything to do with how much horsepower you can generate between them. This gives you an idea of how fixed some of the points in the PC's bank must be, to generate flows between them. As a person gets "weaker", he is no longer able to hold two points in space, and he gets masses. Masses are collapsed locations. Therefore, asking someone to locate things in space will generate flows. Identification is first and foremost identification of locations in space. The identified locations then disappear as a location because he can do nothing to them or about them. Areas where one has been or expects to be overwhelmed tend to be identified with each other. When a lot of things get identified and one can no longer differentiate but tries to compulsively, you get disassociation. He cannot locate anything but simply disperses off anything he tries to locate. The mechanism of loss of memory is that several things become one thing (identification); then they become so much one thing that they cease to exist, and you have forgettingness or lack of memory. That is what happens to past lives: the PC has lost all his power over that life and the locations of that life, so he forgets that life. Factually, he forgets things to get even. He ceases to be able to place things to make another effect. A thetan never gets into a situation where he is not making an effect. Axiom 10 is always in full throttle. If you don't believe forgetting is getting even, ask a PC, "Who would be affected by your forgetting about (chronic somatic)?", and you are liable to get an evaporation of the somatic. However, this is in the zone of postulates and considerations. Flows are just electrical phenomena. You can do rather marvellous things with electrical phenomena. When you run, "Point out something," he locates various points and he is located. Because the PC is located and another point is located, this process can cause flows; it can generate power, and his bank goes, "Whiz-whiz!", and he can get funny feelings, tingles, etc. -- various electrical phenomena. At the border between flows and intention, we have intention about flows. Until you try to do something with the flows, you have only outflow and inflow. Now, completely aside from electrical phenomena, you move a bit higher with his attitude about flows, and in that region, you can produce some interesting fireworks on a case, because you are in the band between electrical phenomena and knowingness. That band is his attitude towards flows. A thetan decides to regulate flows with his intention. At this first band of intention, we get the CDEI scale, but at a lower harmonic [See Fig. 6]. Instead of "desire" we get something that is like desire's lower edge: "permissible" or "allowable". There is an enforced flow. Then, relative to flows, there are two kinds of inhibited: "prohibited", meaning prohibited from without, and "inhibited" proper, meaning inhibited from within the point (terminal) we are talking about. As you go further down, you get an inversion of this scale. So, as the PC runs flow processes, he comes up through eight attitudes towards flows: inverted permissible, inverted enforced, inverted prohibit, inverted inhibit, inhibit, prohibit, enforce, permit. You only need four commands to run it to pick up both harmonics. Then there is inflow and outflow, so there are actually sixteen flows, but you only need eight, since the harmonic is a duplicate. Then, if you did this with four legs in a bracket, you would have 16 x 4 types of flows, or 64 flows (32, not counting the inversions). But luckily we don't have to run these by brackets. If we don't specify self or another or whatever point we are talking about, the PC will automatically shift flows as we run the process. So we only need four commands to run the process. 176a FIGURE 6 LOWER HARMONIC DEI SCALE Attitudes Towards Flows: DESIRE ------------------- PERMIT Inflow Outflow ENFORCE ------------------- ENFORCE Inflow Outflow --- From Without ---> PROHIBIT Inflow INHIBIT Outflow --- From Within ----> INHIBIT Inflow Outflow INVERTED INHIBIT Inflow Outflow INVERTED PROHIBIT Inflow Outflow INVERTED ENFORCE Inflow Outflow INVERTED PERMIT Inflow Outflow The rudiments get kicked out by triggering automaticities of flows. The PC is so much the effect of electrical energy in the bank that he feels the flow and obeys it. Under the flow is a consideration about it, which is resident in some identity (valence) in the bank, which Routine 3DXX may some day discover. All of the considerations about flows that we find in Class II auditing are, in effect, the considerations of identities contained in the bank. That is what you are processing in Class II. It is difficult to change the considerations of these packaged beingnesses, but that is what you are doing. These beingnesses in the bank have considerations about flows, and when flows flow, the beingnesses in the bank get ideas because they become activated electronically. So a current goes, "Whiz!" and the PC goes, "Ohh! Now I'm supposed to inhibit outflow," and comm lags. Something else goes, "Zap!" and the PC goes, "Now I'm supposed to inhibit inflow," so he gets the auditor to not talk, or he prohibits inflow by talking back at the auditor, etc. So, as you deal with pure knowingness, pulling withholds -- i.e. not-knowingnesses -- into view every now and then, you run aground on flows. The flow tells him to withhold. He can have a flow withhold as well as a data withhold. The data withhold can be pinned down by flows. A datum can actually substitute for a thetan. We do this all the time in education. One of the most serious mistakes a society can make is confusing ability with a thetan, such as with a diploma or the old school tie. If you look along the lines of a datum, you find that a thetan in his bank has parked data, which becomes fixed. These data are all the now-I'm-supposed-to's. The most basic datum he can park, the one he is withholding the hardest, the one which forms most of the flows, is an identity. It is released by Routine 3DXX. This is a datum which the PC thinks is holding locations in space. One gets lazy here, where bodies are all different. On a planet of doll bodies, you would just know the guy, even though the bodies were identical. You, a thetan, are carrying on nicely. You are not a datum or an identity. The identity you were is a datum that can park in the bank and be a terminal from which the flow can charge and discharge. This datum or identity had enemies. John Jones had the enemy Bill Smith, and Bill Smith has been approximated in the bank someplace by John Jones at an earlier time, you see, and now Bill Smith becomes a lock on an earlier identification that John Jones has made with an identity in the bank. Now you will get an electrical discharge between Bill Smith and John Jones, because they're holding positions in space in the bank. It is the interaction of flows between past beingnesses in the bank that causes all the bric-a-brac in the mind. Thus these beingnesses generate mass around them, so that they appear to be like a burned-out tar barrel. A past beingness is in itself a mass because it has blocked flows so often. It has gained mass. Its mass is dependent on its different positions in space as it has moved around, and upon the number of positions it has held, in space. So the valences look very black, sometimes with a shape, sometimes not. It startles a PC to come across one. He tries to find something in one of these things, and, of course, there is nothing in one; he was in it. Its circuits are still operational. It can still generate flows. It looks like a machine making pictures when it starts to come apart, but it is really just an old beingness. You cannot process points in space. You can spot them, but they are stills. You can process stills if you discharge them, but attempting to process stills without discharging them results in disaster. Processing the identity of a living body isn't processing a still, because it moves around, but processing dead bodies wouldn't work. If you had someone find something still, then make it more still, then make it be as still as it was before, you would get gains at first. It would restimulate a feeling of power -- holding a position. It is not the same as keeping something from going away, which does generate power and discharges a number of flows. In general, you do better to process actions rather than inerts in the bank. Having a datum in the bank, a withhold, fixed in space, we find that it tends to act as a pole in a motor. It causes some odd flows in the body. Because he must not tell it to anybody, it becomes a duplicative pole for the "anybody" he mustn't tell. You, the auditor, thus get duplicated as the withhold by the PC, and we get this odd phenomenon of a discharge going. When you process the withhold (a datum), it goes, "Snap!" out, and some kind of circuit disappears at the some time; he feels good. What happened was that he had this datum being restrained from all sorts of people. This gave the datum as great a magnitude as the people from whom it was being restrained. Thus he sets up a motor. He is at the receiving end. The withheld datum operates as a pole to generate a flow which then makes a ridge. That is how his valence gets solid in the bank. We can take an electrical lock at a problem. If two people have withholds from each other, it only takes a little opposed intention to set up two opposite poles, which then discharge on the old withholds. For instance: FISH FOR NO FISH <--------------------------------> SUPPER FOR SUPPER. That is why the prior confusion (containing withholds) holds the problem in place. If you get all the withholds off, the problem vanishes, since the problem was only the visible result of the hidden charged poles. When you miss a withhold, you trigger a live pole, which then triggers another and another, until you get an avalanche and the PC tells you off, having gone into an automaticity. So if you are going to pull withholds, do it thoroughly. Pc's have habitual flows. At least one of the eight attitudes will be in force with a PC, as a rule. So you could list the eight flows, assess the PC, and sec check the PC. So, during listing, if you notice that your PC tends, for instance, to have a prohibited inflow on automatic and things get sticky, you can put ruds in by asking a question that adds up to, "What inflow did you stop, just then?" The PC has withheld the data that this flow has occurred, and you could pull this fact, as a withhold. A PC can also believe that some exterior force should prevent his outflow, if he is on a prohibited outflow. Here you will find a PC with a compulsive outflow. He is waiting for the auditor to stop him. A German knight knew what he was supposed to do: enforce outflow. He was supposed to yap about his great deeds and knock people over the head who wouldn't listen. In fact, to get a total pattern of social conduct, you could just apply the eight attitudes towards flows to the tone scale. Different societies have different ones, characteristically. The PC can apply all these things on the auditor. He can try to enforce an outflow, for instance, or inhibit an outflow. A terminal can have flows for others as well as for itself. Since flows are caused by withholds, running flows unburies withholds. The pole of the withhold was buried by flows, so running flows uncovers it. You could assess the eight flows and sec check the most reactive, etc. A PC's bank could not possibly be discharged rapidly by any machine or chemical, because the flows are intricate and the ridges are composited flows. You have to do something to straighten the flows out. Any method that got rid of the bank as a whole block would never expose the understanding which is beneath it, because that is the second inversion. Understanding has first involved flows, electrical nonsense, masses, and the sixth dynamic and then inverts and goes under it all, and electricity is capable of burying all the knowledge in the world in the PC's bank. A case makes progress by finding out something about himself empirically.