6201C30 SHSpec-106 In-Sessionness Assessing isn't to find something to run; it's running the case. Rudiments must be kept in throughout the session, not just used to get the PC in session. End rudiments are there to keep the session from perpetuating itself or hanging up. Beginning rudiments are to get the PC out of the physical universe, into session and his own universe, not still coping with his life outside of session. If he has to put a lot of attention on the auditor, he is still in cope, in having to handle another human being -- a social situation, not a session. An auditor who does a poor job of getting rudiments in puts the PC into the physical universe, coping with the auditor. A PC in session should be able to be in a state of no-responsibility for the physical universe around him during the session. That is the reason you can plumb the bank. The less responsible you make the PC for the physical environment and the auditor and the auditing, the more no-responsible the PC is for those things. That sounds peculiar, because it is also the state of an hypnotic trance, but a PC in session is not in an hypnotic trance. The difference is interesting. In an hypnotic trance, it is demonstrated conclusively that he has no control over anything; the only person with any control is the hypnotist. Hypnotism is a total overwhelm, devoted directly to the physical universe (the PC's body). That has little in common with a PC's attitude in session. It was one of the few states Man could induce on Man, along with: cured, dead, injured, etc. It was the only one by which he could approach the spiritual and the infinite. People can misinterpret this when it comes to getting pcs in session. Their past track in dealing with these other states can color their approach to pcs. There are also the social states, which have nothing much to do with auditing; it is no sin to play on that. But auditors can get confused about what in-sessionness is. What is the beingness of a PC? It is, of course, "Willing to talk to the auditor and interested in own case". This is so simple that auditors can try to put additive states in on top of it. Using inval and eval, they can turn the session into an hypnotic trance session by overwhelming the PC. It can't happen easily; it takes some doing, but it could happen. What you want is just someone who is no longer fixated on the physical universe or in a social state with the auditor. But if you violate the Auditor's Code, he will still have the physical universe, because he will have a person, not an auditor, to deal with. He will be too concerned with what the auditor might think, what the auditor is doing, etc. That is normal enough, to a degree, early in auditing. So the first auditing a person has should be the best, because that is when he is most distrustful. You don't want him to keep a distrustful attitude towards an auditor. A PC in session can look at his own universe; the auditor has to get him to look. It's interesting that he is in such a state of no-responsibility for the physical universe, since that is actually the state he has been in since the beginning of track. It is his no-responsibility for the physical universe that makes it necessary for him to cope with it and be unsafe with it. This is a common denominator of bank. At the most aberrated spots on the back track, the person is 100% irresponsible for the lot. So he goes into this state rather easily. We are more interested in the backtrack than in his present time physical universe. The reason why we are trying to detach him from the PT physical universe is so that we can put him into communication with the past-time physical universe. If he stays "stuck in present time", he is in a state of super-cope. The mind, to such a person, is already an area of danger, because his time track is fraught with insecurity even greater than the insecurity of FT. But he is actually not stuck in PT; he is stuck on the back track, believing that it is present time. So you must get beginning ruds in much better with a new PC or a green PC. Likewise, if auditing gets into a grind, tear into the ruds. Don't just check them to see if they are in. Use them to audit the case. Don't just get them in for the session we are running. Get them in for all his past sessions, particularly the first. How many ruds processes should you use? Normally, you can just flick the withholds off of any ruds question to get the PC into session. But the available processes for getting ruds in are nearly countless. Any valid communication process, old problems processes, withhold processes: there are lots of them. You must recognize what rudiments are. They are reasons why he might not be in session. If you want to straighten him out on the subject of auditing, get his ruds in, starting with his first session. Having located the first session, you could run, "What didn't that auditor know?" and "What didn't you know about the environment?" If the PC has been an auditor, you can run out his first PC with, "What didn't that PC know about you?" You could get all ruds in on every session he has ever had, including end rudiments. Only the first session or two and a few others will have any importance. The best method to do this would be a Form 6 Sec Check [See HCOPL 7Jul61 "Processing Sec Check". This is intended for students who have done a fair amount of auditing.] So if a PC behaved peculiarly as a PC; if he was hard to get in session, etc., look for a past bum session and get all ruds in for the first session he'd had and given. You could lock-scan him to find where the PC is stuck. Lock-scanning is very useful for that. Then you can get ruds in wherever he is parked, [until] he takes no time to get from the first session to PT. You could do this over and over. It shouldn't take more than four or five hours. A failure to do something like this wastes auditing time because of out-of-sessionness. Out-of-sessionness could arrive from another quarter. Either you didn't prepare the PC for assessment, or ruds are out, or there was at least one bad session which has been restimulated, so that earlier auditing has to be cleaned up to get later auditing accomplished. The PC's interest may be in later incidents, but the trouble comes from earlier. This has been the uniform mistake all down the track: looking at the wrong end of the chain. The PC's interest is in the last occurrence and his aberration is in the first occurrence. The things a person can't remember are the things he has taken no responsibility for. You can get an inversion where the PC has no responsibility for things but has apparent full memory for them. Actually, it is a dub-in. Dub-in is an effort to take responsibility for something the PC has no responsibility for. This would be a barrier to an auditor unless he could detect something under it. For that, you can use your E-meter, which will detect no-responsibility areas that the PC cannot remember. When LRH audits a PC, he makes sure that the PC is interested in finding out about the unknown areas of his past; that he gets some familiarity with his own thinkingness; that he gets some realization that he has had some causation over his actions in life. One thing looms large over all technicalities: the state of being in session. The most gross auditing error there is, is not to get and keep a PC in session. One can fail to recognize when the PC isn't in session, or one can hope in-sessionness will materialize. It never materializes. It is not an accident or something you can put on automatic. You put a PC in session or you take advantage of a PC's in-sessionness when it occurs. The main thing that you don't notice is that the PC goes out of session in the middle of session. You have to devote some time to putting ruds in when they are out during the session. This is very necessary when doing 3D Criss Cross. You are handling charged items. The PC can hit one, lack confidence in his ability to handle it, and ARC break with the auditor or something; or they invalidate the situation; or they withhold something. The auditor has to keep these things picked up. But the PC isn't telling you what is wrong with his case when he tells you one of these things. He is telling you what has just blown. That is why it is an error to Q and A with what the PC gives you in middle ruds. If you do take it up, you will put the PC out of session. One way to get ruds in in mid-session is to find what flow the PC has on automatic. It is that flow that causes the others to materialize. When you get that one cleaned up, the ruds will stay in better because you know what the trigger is. All you have to know is which flow is sticky, which flow has his attention.