6112C20 SHSpec-95 Upgrading of Auditors Most people are diffident about tampering with other people's minds. No better mechanism could be devised to keep a race enslaved. It means, "Take no responsibility for anyone's thinking but your own, and not even for that," and you will stay in every implant you have ever been handed. This ensures that no revolt will ever come out of any planet. This is the principle of the boxer. If your opponent is knocked out, he's safe, but there is no game. This is Galactic Council thinking, i.e. the thought of super-governments which are slave-rule governments. These governments are in a bottom-scale no-games condition when they know all about it and nothing ever happens. They go for this kind of concentration camp populations where everybody is out of the running and giving no trouble. The first thing you do to create this condition is never to let anyone tamper with anyone's mind or thinking. It guarantees that no one will ever as-is anything. It's put over as the principle that the "right to privacy" is paramount. Some auditors are more affected by this than others. These are auditors who are withholding their terminals. They have a terminal and an oppterm and they are withholding both of them because they have been thoroughly punished for having been it. So they know that's the safe thing to do -- to withhold the terminal. First one has the "right to privacy" of minds. It is no accident that in 50,000 years, no one on this planet has come close to even the edge of scientology. The right to freedom is one thing; the right to privacy is something else. Galactic thinking approves of the second, not the first. LRH's opinion is the opposite. The trouble with the Galactic thinking that would make a criminal into MEST by implanting him is that it's unsuccessful. You can't guarantee that he will stay MEST, just as you can't guarantee that a planet won't revolt. You can't guarantee that wisdom won't get abroad. All you can guarantee is that thetans are basically good but get all mixed up. But when you unmix them, they revert to being good. This is unpopular in galactic councils because it makes people so active and unpredictable. These truths may or may not be known to galactic rulers. Case advance results in greater controlled motion. Motion in the vicinity of insanity is uncontrolled, random motion. Directed, controlled motion is preferable. But don't try to sell the rulers of the universe on this because it would mean their losing power. You will observe that people who aren't totally spun in are willing to inquire into others' minds because they haven't accepted the idea that everything will be all right if you just be quiet. Auditors fall into three categories: 1. The fairly free individual who hasn't taken his terminal too heavily. He hasn't quite subscribed to the philosophy that he's a slave; he'll charge in. 2. The individual who can recognize intellectually that it would be all right to invade the privacy of others and that the only way he could set them free is if this sort of thing occurred, but who has a terminal so worded that he withholds it violently. 159 It's hard to get this kind of auditor up to Class II because his terminal gets in his road. His terminal seems dangerous, so he will hold it out of action, which makes it go into action. Withholding of the terminal is the key to the 3D package. That's what makes it go out of sight. It's fantastic that you can get to it at all. The degree that the PC withholds PT overts is the degree to which he is withholding his terminal. If he is doing it hard, he will have trouble getting other people to give up their withholds, as he will have trouble doing good sec checks, even though he knows intellectually what he should be doing. He can be educated into doing it right. 3. The third category of individual is too mixed in to be able to audit at all. He forms a large percentage of the human race. He is often found in government, where his galactic thinking is the norm. He won't even try to get off withholds. Conduct in session is monitored by the terminal package. It shows up as unwillingness to get off withholds plus a doubt about it which also comes from the pulled-in mass of the terminal. The modifier modifies their conduct whenever ruds are out. They'll dramatize it when ruds go out. Oddly enough, auditors don't have cases. The modifier doesn't much influence their auditing. What influences the auditor is the amount of withhold on the terminal. There is another factor in the plan of auditing. Every withhold the PC has is stacked up on top of withholdingness of the terminal. Since present time has greater value than past time, present-life overts and withholds have the terminal so glued down that it is virtually unassessable at first. Sec checking gets the withholds off so the terminal can come to view. This gives us an estimate of how long it will take to get a PC ready to be assessed and how long it will take a given auditor to get assessed for his terminal. It's not necessarily the more violent or secret types of terminals that get the most withheld. But the person's reaction to sec checks and ability to sec check is what alerts you to how quickly or easily they will be assessed. One is only worried or concerned about a subject when there's a not-know on the subject. Therefore, you can handle a PC to the degree that you understand pcs, because you can see what's happening with the PC. Someone who has never had bad auditing won't necessarily audit well, because he has no reality on what it is like to audit poorly. Getting some bad auditing would really make a citizen out of him and give him an appreciation of a perfectionist attitude toward training, which prevents the technology from getting lost. There is a value in having been aberrated. It gives you a wealth of experience that you can gain in no other way, even if, at present, it's unavailable to you. It is the experience of a knucklehead, of course, and a few trillion years of such experience should be enough. It's time now to get experience in other lines than that of your terminal. When life follows a pattern from an aberrated to a sane state, the best way to accumulate experience in that direction is to take someone who is aberrated and teach them something and improve them at the same time. Misadventure can be a teacher. It is the only teacher if you have to learn solely by experience. Clearing would have no value whatsoever if it was a matter of just taking a pill or having some magic formula to get it. No one ever appreciates his freedom unless he has had to work for it. If a person doesn't have to work for his freedom, he never finds out that he is free. You could even clear someone who doesn't realize that anything has happened, that anything was improved, or that they are going anyplace. He has no purpose to which to put his new breadth of skill, and it's more than he needs on this cotton-picking planet. The net result is a feeling of a lose for you. You've taken the chains off a fellow and the chains left some rust marks, and he keeps looking at the rust marks and he still thinks they are chains. Then one day he realizes he's not wearing any chains and goes into overwhelm and sets you up as a household deity.