6111C02 SHSpec-75 How to Security Check The answer to why the bank beefs up when non-goals-terminals are run is this: When you run the terminal which is not the goals terminal, his attention is too bound up in his own terminal and goal to as-is the collapsing mass. So the mass the auditor pushes in on the PC, connected to the new terminal, doesn't get as-ised. The PC doesn't have enough attention units to as-is anything except the goals terminal, so the bank beefs up. Similarly, your E-meter starts up, the TA rises, to the degree that the PC is not as-ising what you are throwing in on him. The worst thing about E-meters is TR-0. TR-0 goes out and the meter doesn't work. An E-meter is a deadly weapon. You can slaughter a PC if the E-meter is not used correctly. You do this by missing instant reads. If, in addition, you took up latent reads and let the PC get off other people's overts, the session itself would be an overt, and the PC would feel worse afterwards. A more dangerous mistake is missing an instant read and leaving the question live, which can often result in the PC nattering, criticizing you and the organization, etc. Very funny. If you miss the question, he doubts you, your ability, the tech, etc. When you clean it up by pulling the withhold, the natter stops. A latent read has a comm lag of 0.5 sec or more. You could sec check a person into a high TA by making sure all the ruds were out, so his attention would be dispersed. Audit what the PC is stuck in. When a PC's attention is too bound up in one area, the PC cannot as-is anything else, so the TA goes high and sticks. It's not that the TA's going high should be utterly avoided. But the TA goes high because more is being thrown in on the PC than the PC can handle or as-is. If, during a run, the PC hits an engram, he may not be able to as-is it, if you start directing his attention to all the details, etc. and start running the engram. So just acknowledge it and carry on [with the goals or terminals run you were doing]. The auditor can push mass, circuits, pictures, etc., in on the PC and can move his track more easily than the PC, hard though it may be for auditors to recognize this. So your interrogation of the PC can pin his attention on the track. It's Ok to be curious enough to find out what he is looking at or doing, but not to start running it. Of course you can move him out of it by asking for earlier or later incidents. The reactive mind is always keyed to other-determinism and never to self-determinism, so the auditor can always move it around. High TA is often cured by getting off a withhold, even a small one. Getting off any withhold will make the TA go down. [Data on sec checking by dynamics] The trouble with the sec check is usually that the auditor is working from his own viewpoint and not from the PC's. A thetan is not natively a member of any culture. Thetans have come down the track accumulating various mores and civilizations and group ideas. Some have come down the track without finding out that groups exist. They've collected various things, but their mores register on the dynamics [rather than relative to groups.] Make sure you sec check what the PC considers an overt, even if to you it seems trivial. People are different. Men are so busy being ordinary that they don't recognize that every one of them is slightly, somewhere, extraordinary. This professional ordinariness is a great repressor; it not-ises the differences. Unless you can re-establish difference, you can't re-establish differentiation. The easy way out, the easy solution, is to say that it's all the same; they are all alike, all bad, so now I'm warned and safe, if miserable. That's such stupid reasoning that it's no wonder countries go down the drain of "all people are equal, but some people are more equal than others". Perhaps thetans were all equal at the beginning of the track, then became unequal and masked it with a pretended equality. [Details on problems intensives and sec check procedures] It is interesting that you can sec check out of existence every out-rudiment: the room, PTP's, the auditor, ARC breaks. Just get the prior confusion . A rudiment can't hang up unless there's an unknown, and an unknown can't exist unless there's a withhold. Here we have a class of things that all go together: unknowingness, forgettingness, stupidity, and withholds. They are like A, R, and C in the ARC triangle; they go up and down together. You are not likely to get a factual answer to the question, "Have you ever made someone guilty of something?" The thing that is wrong with the PC is that he has never successfully made anybody guilty and he is still trying. The basis of his aberration is the effort to made someone guilty, not the accomplished fact. You should ask, "Have you ever attempted to make anybody guilty of _______ ?" The only reason anyone has a victimish, motivatorish attitude is in an effort to make someone guilty. It may have even been a successful effort, but the person making the effort doesn't know about it. It is a debatable point whether you should ever take an unkind thought as an overt. Sometimes it does seem to be the only available overt, and the person does feel friendlier and better for having gotten it off. But there appears to be evidence that a person with a body of unkind thoughts against someone or something has an actual overt which is being withheld. The unkind thoughts are evidently just evidence that overts exist. So if you don't get the overts, you are leaving them with unflat sec check questions. Critical thoughts don't aberrate people. But the PC may not be able to reach the underlying overt. So if he can't, make a note, so that you can return to it.