6109C27 SHSpec-59 Q and A Period: State of Beingness An overt act is an effort to individuate or withhold self from something. You cut comm with the thing, postulate separateness, use effort to withhold self, get involved with it, and become it: 1. Cut comm with something. 2. Postulate separateness. 3. Use effort to withhold self. 4. Get involved with it. 5. Become it. Whenever you are avoiding something, you'll be making energy pictures of it whenever you see it. So the bank gets full of the thing you are avoiding and you'll start being it. You never look at the pictures of the thing, so they don't as-is, so they can become rather dominant. You have to have postulated that the thing can overwhelm you before this sequence can start. When you start auditing somebody, he can't see that he has done anything to the objects he is being, but as he confronts more, he can individuate himself from his pictures. Valences start to separate, and on sec checking, he will come up with more withholds. An individual is not responsible for the things that have overwhelmed him to the point where he is being them. Processing lets him as-is some of his pictures so that he can stop being the thing and see that he has overts against it. So getting more withholds on subsequent sec checks is an index of case progress. A theta clear is someone who operates exterior to a body, without need of a body. Theta clears are clear on all dynamics. The state of MEST clear has been upgraded because of the stability of the state. Operating thetan is a different state. A clear would be someone who didn't have a bank troubling him and was not influenced in favor of one dynamic over another and not dependent on MEST for survival. OT would be someone who is in a state of being quite manipulative of MEST, a starter of whirlwinds, etc. This doesn't necessarily mean he's un-aberrated. The best statement of this definition is that OT = someone who has no consequences connected with creation. It has been a state which others have feared and have sought to suppress. There's a fourth state, which is release. This is when you've found the PC's goal, terminal and level and run a sec check on him. When a release has the idea that his new freedom is really a betrayal, he hasn't quite made it. He must know he won't get any worse. A MEST clear is one who has completed Routine 3. He has a persistent F/N. He'd have to have had his PTP of long duration handled. The common denominator of all cases that have bodies is that their attitudes of havingness are incorrect. They have anxieties about getting food, air, etc. You clear a clear of hunger. A clear tends to go onto the fourth dynamic with a crash; he gets very aware of the need to do something about it. Clears tend to lead and infect people with their enthusiasm. The only problem is that the clear's reality is beyond that of the surrounding populace. The most you can realistically do is to get them started and have an HGC to clear them. The clear will go on past awareness of the problems of the fourth dynamic to the fifth, seventh and eighth, then back to the sixth. By this time he'll be upwards towards theta clear. If at this point he felt there was a need to do something about Mankind, he'd do it, e.g. straightening out people's games conditions, etc. The best thing you can do for a society is to rehabilitate knowingness, so people can work things out for themselves. Those solutions which restore comprehension are the only ones which really work, in the long run. The more people who are responsible, able to decide, able to tell right from wrong, the better things will be. A person has as much power as he can trust himself to have. At the lower and of the spectrum, you have a criminal who responds only to exterior stimuli. In this case there's no sentience left, so where many people are at this level all you get in a confusion: the randomity of MEST. The police make the error of granting him more beingness than is warranted. The trouble is that society is rigged for people to be responsible in. If there are large numbers of people being irresponsible in it, it's hard to see how it can go on running. If you want to disestablish a chaos, all you need to do is to return responsibility to the area.