6402C06 SHSpec-5 Comm Cycle in Auditing The magic of communication is all that makes auditing work. If you sat down at a one-hand electrode E-meter, You would be amazed at this fact: You would get no tone arm motion beyond, perhaps, a brief residual flurry at the very start. With another auditor, you would get 175 TA divisions; with yourself, you would get two. It works this way because the thetan in this universe has begun to consider himself mass, so he is subject to the laws of physics. Consequently, he can't as-is much mass. He has to have a second terminal to discharge the mass, or energy, against. If an auditor thinks he is MEST, he is apt to get the condition of the PC, because he mocks up or envisions the PC's charge in himself, making himself a matched terminal. But that is not what makes auditing work. It is all consideration. No backflow actually hits the auditor. The ability to hold a position in space or to hold two terminals apart, is a definition of power. In the auditing situation, there is an apparent exchange of energy, from the PC's point of view, which doesn't hit the auditor, but because thetans think of themselves as terminals, you get an exchange of energy going on. Nothing hits the auditor, and it as-ises, as far as the PC is concerned. But you have set up a two-pole system, and that will bring about an as-ising of mass. It isn't burning the mass; it is as-ising the mass. That is why there is nothing hitting the auditor. The magic of auditing is contained in the comm cycle of auditing. You are concerned with the smooth interchange between these two poles, which is necessary for as long as the PC considers himself to be matter and therefore considers that he must discharge against something. Eventually, the PC will get up to a point where he no longer considers himself matter. When a lot (half) of the bank is gone, the meter will no longer "read on a sneeze". When a PC cognites that he is not MEST, the auditor can't knock any energy off, and the meter goes dead. Running R6, the meter only reacts when the PC decides what something is. You have to ask the PC if that is it. When the PC looks and decides if that is it or not, only then does the meter read. The PC is advancing away from the automatic physical energy manifestations of the physical universe. You get to a point where you have intention. A GPM is just "a method of limiting the person's ability to intend." That is the whole idea behind implanting: to foul up intention by fixing it so that every time a thetan intends positive, he gets negative, and vice versa, so he can't decide. If you talk to a person, and every time he says, "Yes," you say, "No," he will get to an indecisional state of mind, where he can no longer intend, "Yes," fully. This wears him down; it breaks his spirit. This is the whole idea behind implanting: to get a being unable to effectively intend or determine anything successfully. "He intends to write, but something is intending that he not write." Therefore, he can't write. All ideas of power of choice, self-determinism, etc., stem from the ability to intend something. The more enMESTed someone is, the more trouble they have with intention. (With the two-pole arrangement, a person can be influenced without his knowledge.) The difficulties of auditing are just the difficulties of the comm cycle. You can hit the parts of the comm cycle as buttons. The auditor must permit a smooth flow between himself and the PC, if matter is to be as-ised by the PC, using the comm cycle. When you don't permit a smooth flow between yourself and the PC as terminals, you get a no-as-ising of matter. Part of the trick is knowing what has to be as-ised, but that is a matter of technique. If the auditor is capable of getting the PC to be willing to talk to him, he wouldn't have to hit a particular button in order to get TA action. Basic auditing and the comm cycle is senior to the technique. The fundamental entrance to the case is not in tech, but in the comm cycle. In case supervision, you can look at the points of the comm cycle that are missing in the PC's case and heal those points up. There can be the comm cycle between the PC and the auditor, and between the PC and the auditing room. You can address the PC's comm between himself and the environment by looking at what he is worried about. With an unconscious person, pick up his hand and have him touch the pillow, your arm, etc., giving the command at the same time. You are just getting him in comm with the auditor and his surroundings. But now you are into technique. "Communication is simply a familiarization process based on reach and withdraw." When the auditor speaks to the PC, he is reaching; when he ceases to speak, he is withdrawing. When the PC hears you, he is a bit withdrawn. He reaches towards you with the answer. He is in a withdraw, as he looks for the answer. He reaches the answer and reaches the auditor. It is a communication exchange that as-ises energy and registers on the E-meter. No meter action occurs in the absence of that exchange, namely the comm cycle. If the comm cycle isn't in, the PC self-audits, and you get no case gain and no TA. That is the fundamental discovery of dianetics and scientology. It is so simple that everyone has overlooked it, because MEST is very complex stuff, being composed of atoms, molecules, wavelengths, etc. It is so complex that nobody can understand it. People who are ploughed into matter, who think as matter, think very complexly. "They cannot observe the simplest things with which they are confronted. They observe none of this." "The ease with which you can handle a comm cycle depends on your ability to observe what the PC is doing." Your inspection of what you are doing should have ended with your training. Now all observation should focus on the PC." The comm cycle you watch is the PC's." The true touch of genius, that makes an auditor that can crack any case, is the auditor's ability to observe the comm cycle of the PC and repair its various lacks. This consists of asking a question that the PC can answer, observing that the PC has completed the answer to it, acknowledging the PC, and then giving the PC something else to do. That is the auditing comm cycle. [See also p. 450, above, for an illustration.] This includes clearing the auditing command, so that the PC can answer the question. Ask the question in such a way that the PC can hear it. And know whether the PC is answering that question. "You can tell when the PC is finished....[It is] a piece of knowingness, ... an instinct." You should know, without having to ask the PC if he is finished. Then, knowing that he is finished, you use the acknowledgment to tell him that he has said it, using only the right amount of stop to stop that cycle, not the whole session. Then you give him something else to answer. When you don't see when he is finished and therefore fail to acknowledge, he thinks he is not done and looks for more. He even takes up humming! If you don't give him something else to answer, he will go on automatic. He will self-audit, with no TA action. The degree of lack of TA action measures the degree of self-audit that the PC is indulging in. Get your comm cycle good enough so that you don't have to pay attention to it, and give your attention to the comm cycles of the PC. Spend your basic auditing doing nothing but repairing the basic communication inabilities of the PC, and you will be a genius: You will crack 99% of the cases that walk in. For instance, the case that goes on and on with his comm. You may think that you are acknowledging him, but he never gets it. It is up to you to get that communication acknowledged, so he knows that it is heard. Or take the PC who takes twenty minutes to answer the auditing question, and then, in that answering, doesn't answer it. The very smart auditor knows that he would have to do three processes, because: 1. The PC cannot have an auditing question. He didn't answer it, so he never got it. This gives you the first process: "What auditing question wouldn't you mind being/should you be asked?" 2. Since he can't have auditing, he is wasting it, so after you have a comm line going, you can run wasting auditing. Run it as a concept, since you can't expect such a case to recall anything. You could use: "Get the idea of you wasting auditing,"or "What could you do here that would waste auditing?", or "What could an auditor do here that would waste auditing?" and maybe get him to waste communication. Elementary havingness is the ability to do. 3. Run, "Who would I have to be to audit you?" 4. After that, perhaps you could work on his memory. You would see the whole case change. Take a PC who is sitting there not saying anything. Find what the PC is doing and dream up something accordingly, e.g., "What could you say to me?" You get a long comm lag, then he says something. Build it up until you've got him in communication with you. Then inspect the rest of his comm cycle for other wrongnesses. Maybe now you have to find out whether he can have an auditor. It is what the PC isn't doing that the auditor might be able to get him to do that determines the auditing question. If you are alert, you will see these little disabilities showing up. For instance, someone stammers. Obviously, he is having trouble communicating. "Don't ask the PC to do things the PC can't do." For instance, the auditor asks, "From where could you view catfish?" The PC says, "Uh ... I'm sorry, I've never viewed any catfish." The auditor has asked the PC a question he couldn't answer. He is guilty of not having cleared the question. Clear questions beforehand to make sure the PC can do it, before asking it. Always respect the PC's saying that there aren't any more answers. Otherwise, you give the PC loses. Your entrance point to the case is where the PC breaks down in his comm cycle with the auditor and with the environment. For instance, if the PC can't look at the auditor, you could run, "If you looked over here, what would (or might) you see?" These are the ways you crack cases. There are tons of processes that you could use. Suppose you are running SCS on a PC who, you find, can't stand still. Don't ignore the disability. Take something else to remedy it, e.g. "Stand still/Don't stand still," which gets rid of automaticities. If the PC knows that he has the disability, he can itsa about it, because it is real to him. But often what the person is worried about is not what he is bugged with. You could still trigger the bank and run it out on an automaticity, as in dianetics, but then you would get a PC who gets better and doesn't know about it. PCs will run off a total automaticity of what is wrong with them, and they won't even listen to themselves talk. An auditing session is highly artificial. But it is only artificial because it approximates, to such harsh, staggering reality, the exact points of contact with beings and existence, like a Lycoming engine in a Model T Ford. Auditing highlights the exact important points of communication. Here is a capsule version of what is wrong with the mind: The only thing really wrong with people is that they have withdrawn from communicating. The individual has gone out of contact. He has stopped looking. The last time he looked, there were three sabre-tooth tigers ready to bite him. Of course, he believes that there are still three sabre-tooth tigers there. He does this throughout enough trilennia, and he's got an awful big stack of tigers, all of which have left. But he doesn't know this fact. He can't be sure that they have left. A person who withdraws from contact with tigers all the time and refuses to contact the area doesn't see whether the tiger is still there or not, but keeps mocking it up just to be sure. The tigers, actually, are gone. But this individual is in a condition of total withdrawal. He is "safeguarded" with automatic bank, with automatic beingness. A valence stands where he ought to be. Total withdrawal is a capsule summary of aberration. A thetan has, as his remedy for safety, shortening his reach. When he gets to the point of zero reach, he inverts it, into an inverted withdrawal, and you get the cycle of the dynamics, coming on down. He comes away from actual reach to zero reach, but he still has to reach, so he figures out some other way to reach. A zero of what he is doing always has a remedy that is lower. So you can get an inversion of an inversion of an inversion of withdrawal. This shows up in an auditing session right away, in the PC's inability to talk to the auditor about pertinencies. So you must remedy his communication by reaching him, in order to get him to reach. With a person who is on a compulsive outflow, you have to get him there, before you can run anything, e.g. by "Touch that chair." You have to have a session before you can have a technique. This is how to get one: you use, observe, and remedy the communication cycle. And after you have remedied it, notice that it has been remedied. Note that the PC is now able to communicate with the auditor, and notice what else needs to be done. Sometimes the remedy of the outpoint happens so fast that you are astonished. Don't overrun it. If things are going all right, don't remedy them. If things are going all wrong, find what you can fix up and fix it up. "If the PC is fully in session, you can run almost anything, and [he will] sail." But no technique by itself will put the PC in session. The auditor has to do it.