6401C07 SHSpec-2 Good Indicators [Some of the material in this tape is also contained in HCOB 28Dec63 "Routine VI Indicators -- Part One: Good Indicators".] The good indicators listed in HCOB 28Dec63 don't all apply to all sessions, but most do. They don't just apply to R6 sessions. [For definition of R6, see p. 568, above.] If you learn what good indicators are, you can spot bad indicators. An auditor tends to look for wrongnesses. That is the nature of scientology. Because if there weren't something wrong with Man, he wouldn't be here. Unlike other "-ologies", we see an individual as basically good, able, and powerful. This is the reverse of most people's approach, so the way have to improve Man is also different. We have tremendous evidence that our concept is true and that the opposite one is erroneous. For instance, we found that children's I.Q.'s drop more and more, the longer they spend in school, because the longer they stay there, the more false stable data get shoved down their throats. Truth is demonstrated by workability, though some dispute a truth because its workability challenges their favorite theories. All present sciences have built up to their current state on the basis of workability. The idea of deleting something in order to bring about a recovery from a bad condition is not new with us, but the simplicity of asking someone for solutions that he has had to the condition is a new departure. You can ask what solutions and decisions a person has had, relative to his lumbosis, and get a recovery, from deletion of additives. This is all part of the idea that adding something to a being makes him feel worse. Take a being who is feeling blah: When we put in mid-ruds, we are subtracting actions. We are subtracting the livingness of some period, and he will feel better. LRH has made a more extreme test of this theory. He subtracted an insane being's body from him, by exteriorizing him. When exteriorized, the being was immediately sane. Back in his body, he was insane again. This is not therapeutic. It is just an experimental technique. The good things of life are havingness at one's own choice. The individual's power of choice is the only thing he had to begin with, which gave him power, capability, etc. That power of choice has been consistently and continually overthrown by giving him things he didn't want and taking away from him things that he did want. Someone who solves something and fixes the solution instead of just confronting the thing is putting himself down in power. In scientology, the only right we have to educate anyone is that we are teaching things that are as close to fact as they can be made. And the technology of how it is put together is so close to how it is put together that it runs itself out. This is the reason why scientology education doesn't have to usual bad effects of education. Scientology education runs itself out because it is so close to the truth. Whenever you have a solution to a problem, it gets stuck, except in the case of scientology. Scientology is the only solution in the universe that erases itself. You can do almost anything with scientology because of this. When scientology solves something, "it solves what has solved it." Its truths are shown to you so that you can reach other truths. The data of scientology is so minor, so sweet, and so pure, compared to all the other types of solutions -- GPM's, RI's, service facs, electric shock treatment, etc. -- that we don't come under the heading of adding aberrative data to the individual as a solution to his difficulties. Even if scientology data sits there for awhile on top of some aberration, it will eventually reach through the thing on which it is sitting, uproot it, and the truth of the data will cause it to blow (as-is) along with what it "solved". You are all sitting in some RI [that could behave in this way]. An individual becomes aberrated by additives. His experiences in this universe are calculated to degrade and depower him. All you have to do is to pick up, to as-is, the mess, and you will return him to power. If you handle his school "education", for example, his I.Q. will rise. The data of scientology "is a restimulation of more basic and fundamental truths, which, restimulated, tend to blow later data." Some people can just study scientology and leap out of bed, well. This adds up to the fact that Man, to date, is an added-to being. Everything that has been added to him has decreased his ability to cope. We have gotten him dependent on tools and that sort of thing. The more you give a person to work with, e.g. the more machines, etc., he is supposed to work with, the less he works. His ability to work is reduced by these additives. Primitive cultures, with minimal tools, work long and thoroughly to create aesthetic elements as part of ordinary workaday objects. Someone with lots of tools doesn't get much done. For instance, the Esquimo, with very simple tools, elaborately decorates his spear, whereas the person with drill presses, lathes, etc., says, "I can't do this thing, because I have to have that other thing first." There's a relationship between having to have and getting things done. The more you have, the less you tend to get done. "Have to have" becomes "never do". The fellow who has to have and have in order to get anything done does very little. The Chinese carpenter, working with hand-made fish bone dowels and a bow-drill, didn't have to have anything elaborate to drill a hole, etc. Yet he was able to get more done, by a good deal, than his western counterpart with his elaborate tools. You could have added to the universe of this Chinese carpenter the postulate that "You can't do without certain tools," (Think about that wording:), to the point where he could no longer do. That is an aberrative side to some thetans' bent for collecting havingness, e.g. LRH and his cameras. In collecting cameras, he has paid less attention to any one of them, so now he gets fewer pictures with more cameras. There can be a minimum amount of equipment needed to get a job done. But an overwhelmed being has to have and can't do. The more you add to the workman, the less he can accomplish. "Because we are in the business of deleting wrongnesses from the individual, we seldom look at rightnesses. That is what is wrong with most auditors." The recognition of the fact that a truth is present to be amplified or increased is a vital part of auditing. If you don't notice the rightnesses present, you don't see the truth present, that can then be used to promote more truth. So nothing gets done. If you only recognize wrongnesses, you won't be able to pull anything up a gradient, because you won't think that you have any rightnesses to work with. Our only purpose in finding wrongnesses is to increase rightnesses. You have to look at wrongnesses to remedy them, but you have to look at rightnesses to increase them. Progress is built on a gradient scale of rightnesses by which you delete wrongnesses, and they drop away." Processing is an action by which wrongnesses can be deleted from the case to the degree that rightness is present in the session." You cannot take a case that has no rightnesses present and delete any wrongnesses. Auditing is the process of maintaining rightness so that you can delete wrongness. You are trying to get a right being. If you don't continuously encourage right beingness, you will never get a right being. To correct a wrongness, you have to have at least as much rightness present. If rightness and wrongness are equally balanced, it is a dangerous situation. You are better off if the rightnesses far outweigh the wrongnesses. This will give you an easier job of auditing. The PC's ability to as-is is a rightness of varying magnitude. A PC who is pretty overwhelmed can't handle or as-is a large wrongness. If you delete good indicators from the session, the PC won't be able to as-is anything. "A PC's ability to as-is or erase in a session is directly proportional to the number of good indicators present in the session, ... and his inability to cope in the session rises proportionally to the number of bad indicators in the session." If the good indicators have dropped out of the session, the PC's ability to handle wrongnesses is much less. You have got to get GI's back in before you can expect the PC to handle what you want him to handle. You have to retrograde the process to match the state of the PC, if he becomes BI's. For instance, you may have to run the PC on a touch assist or havingness. You must watch, and if a good indicator goes out, you look for the bad indicator (if you are slow), find out what happened, and correct it. Bad indicators don't necessarily appear when good indicators disappear. They are separate breeds of cat. The auditor must always find out what is wrong, in a session, before the PC finds out. That is how you maintain altitude. To maintain optimal altitude, handle the scene when the good indicator goes out, but before the bad indicator comes in. Spotting the absence of a good indicator and remedying the situation with a remedy of appropriate magnitude will avoid the expense of auditing time on expensive repairs. A light indicator means that you should be alert; a medium indicator requires correction; a heavy indicator means, "Emergency!" Any process has its own series of bad indicators. Bad indicators come in when good indicators go out. Don't spend your time looking for bad indicators. Just know the good indicators so well that when one of them goes out, climb on and handle. Be alert. But don't always be looking for wrongnesses. Good Indicators in Routine 6 and Lower Levels 1. PC cheerful. In R6, no misemotion is allowable. At lower levels, for instance, the good indicator would be the PC getting more cheerful. In R3R, misemotion should be diminishing. But at Level VI, the PC should be running like a grinning idiot. 2. PC cogniting. This should happen sometimes on any level. Lack of cognition indicates that the PC has a PTP or an ARC break, or that he is running at a level above his reality. At lower levels, the good indicator would be the PC cogniting. At Level VI, the PC should be cogniting on RI's and goals. 3. PC's items found are the ones that the PC thought they were. At lower levels, it often turns out that what the PC thought was wrong is what was wrong. The PC's fundamental rightnesses assert themselves. 4. At Level VI: PC listing items briefly and accurately. At lower levels, the good indicator is giving things to the auditor briefly and accurately. The PC is finding things accurately and speedily. 5. A properly-reading meter. At Level VI, items found are not rocket-reading. At lower levels, things found give the proper meter responses. 6. At Level VI: short item lists. At lower levels, it doesn't take a long time to get things done. 7. Items found without a lot of wrassle. At lower level, this translates as being able to get data from the PC without a big hassle. 8. TA continuing in motion; TA not stuck. This good indicator can be overridden by the good indicator of the PC easily and rapidly flattening processes. 9. Active needle. The needle is fluid or fluent, moving, not stuck. A Mark V meter can be set at too high a sensitivity, giving the appearance of a more fluid-looking needle than you really have. It moves around. On the other hand, you may need high sensitivity for pulling withholds, etc., where it doesn't matter if you clean a clean once in awhile. On the other hand, if you leave the withhold, by using too low a sensitivity, you have had it. For R6, sensitivity 8 is maximum for listing and 16 for mid-ruds. You can have TA action with a gummy needle. Watch for that. This is still a missing GI. The needle should be swinging cleanly. 10. PC not being troubled by pains and somatics when answering auditing questions. Or, any somatic the PC runs into discharges very rapidly. A somatic that stays there and gets heavier is a bad indicator. You want change somatics. 11. TA goes down when PC cognites. You should get a further blowdown of the TA when the PC talks about something. 12. PC gets warm and stays warm in auditing or gets hot and unheats in auditing. The PC doesn't get chilled. Getting chilled is a BI. 13. PC's somatics turn on occasionally. This is a GI at lower levels. It is a BI in R6. 14. TA range 2.5 to 3.75. TA range 2.25 to 3.0 is excellent. This applies at any level. 15. Good TA action on spotting things. The expected TA action for any level is the best indicator. 16. Getting reads on what you and the PC think is wrong. 17. PC has no PTP. This is a good indicator, unless the PC is in total propitiation. The bad indicator would be the PC's developing PTP's about the session, in session. 18. PC satisfied after auditing and staying certain of the auditing solution. 19. PC not critical or ARC breaky -- always GI's. 20. PC happy and satisfied with the auditor, regardless of what the auditor is doing. 21. PC looking younger by reason of auditing. This is not common, but it is a good indicator. 22. PC without weariness. 23. PC without aches, pains, or illnesses developed in auditing. 24. PC wanting more auditing. 25. PC confident and getting more confident. 26. PC's itsa free, but only extensive enough to cover the subject under discussion. If the PC's itsa is too extensive, he is trying to stop the auditor from auditing. The PC should itsa, but not too much. 27. Auditor understanding why it is the way it is when the PC explains it, or how it was the way it was. The PC is saying things that make sense. The auditor should be able to understand the PC. [28. PC there under his own volition. (Taken from next tape)] If all these good indicators are present, you know that you are doing a good job.