6106C13 SHSpec-13 Seminar -- Q and A Period There are people with stuck valence serenity who aren't clear, like the Buddhist definition -- no effect types. Clears are in fact responsive and active, volatile, alive, responsible and not that-all serene. They want things to happen and make them happen. Note that there is no single button one shot thought process which produces a clear. The fellow has to walk out of the labyrinth the same way he got in, which is by overwhelming and being overwhelmed. Scientology is the first mechanism which allows someone to erase the effects of having overwhelmed others. If there were any such one-shot process, LRH would have found it, but the fact that flows exist defeats the single button. People have thought that "What would you be pleased to accept?" would be a clearing process. It's been run to its ragged bottom in 1954, but didn't clear anyone. The flows at least would stick. It could produce a rapid result for a few minutes. Another rapid result-getter is "Look around here and find something you could go out of ARC with." It makes him feel great for awhile, then spins him. You could find a button for every cult. They're formed on a monomania on a single button, and if you make a reverse process on that button, you could make that kind of person out of the PC. You find what the button is that a _______ would be monomanic about and run it as out of ARC with a stuck flow and the guy will become that _______ . [Cf. EST processing.] This has been done on the whole track. Universities do it. For instance, they tell engineering students that engineers aren't wanted anymore; then the student will try very hard to be a good engineer to be wanted. In churches they use the blasphemy button to make people feel unsafe communicating with God. This makes them religious fanatics. You can restimulate whole track fixations selectively and produce momentary resurgences in certain goals directions. When a person can no longer be a beingness, he may introvert into and permanently permeate some object or familiar thing around the old beingness. (E.g. a headsman gets hanged, then becomes the headsman's axe) On a case that has trouble with SOP Goals, trouble finding a terminal, be sure the listing question is "Who or what..." to include 5th and 6th dynamic terminals. Repeater technique is repeated inspection.