16106C06 SHSpec-7 Routine One, Two and Three Always check for what happened between sessions if the PC has a different TA read from the end of one to the beginning of the next session, even after just a break. The definition of rudiments is what's needed to get the PC in session. They are nothing more than that. Don't use ruds to waste auditing. Ruds processes are weak. Let the PC as-is it by telling you about it, but don't two way comm it. If the PC is still dramatizing something, it's too deep-seated for ruds anyway. If needed, you can ask in several ways fo find what it is. This is not the same as two way comm. You can run a rudiments process if it doesn't clean up when he spots it. With CCH's you are auditing out a valence end bringing the PC up. The valence will fight for survival, you will get comm lags, etc. The CCH's are not run in model session. You don't pick up ARC breaks, etc., because the person doesn't easily blow them and can get quite involved in them. Routine One: CCH's and Sec checks Routine Two: General run of the Prehav scale, Joburg, and havingness -- all in model session. PTP's of LD are assessed for the terminal, which is run on the Prehav scale. Routine Three: SOP Goals assessment, assess for terminals, run flat on Prehav, with Joburgs interspersed.