OFFICE OF SPECIAL AFFAIRS NETWORK ORDER OSA NW ORDER 45 25 June 1988 OSA NW Execs Legal Staff _Confidential_ _GOVERNMENT_ALLEGATIONS_ (Taken from an LRH advice of January 1980. Issued as an OSA NW Order on 25 June 1988.) (References: HCO PL 5 Feb 82 OUT-ETHICS SYMPTOMS OSA NW Order 18 WILFUL FALSE REPORTS) It's been my experience with government employees that they don't know their own codes and laws and will pretend to quote non-existent statutes. They might simply _tell_ you that there is something wrong with what you're doing when there actually isn't. One is prone to underestimate the criminality of certain government agencies. I know of many instances of the above. It's one of the ways they operate. So, any government allegations should be looked over very carefully as they are very suspect. L. RON HUBBARD Founder Adopted as official Church policy by CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY INTERNATIONAL LRH:CSI:jk:ta:pp