TECHNICAL BULLETIN 30 JULY 1984 ISSUE I THE "L" RUNDOWNS THE L11 RUNDOWN INTRODUCTION L11, The New Life Rundown was developed to give a person a new life. This means it can handle that part of an individual's case which stops him from really living. It handles the major source of aberration upon which attention is fixed, blasting apart that major personal stumbling block. The EP of L11 is a New Life. PREREQUISITES: Lll (formerly L9S) is not restricted to only those who have completed OT III. The only prerequisites to Lll are a complete Drug R/D and Expanded Grades. It may not be done in the Non-interference Zone between Grade VI, R6EW and OT III. In all the "L" Rundowns (L10, Lll, and L12), the PC or PreOT is fully set up first with a C/S 53 and GF40 expanded if needed.