5410C20 8ACC-14 The Parts of Man This is a discussion of the parts of Man as understood through R2-61 and R2-62. The parts of Man are related to overts and motivators. [This is be cause a thetan as such cannot be harmed and therefore cannot receive a motivator. So he would have to have a confusion of identity to receive a motivator.] Man consists of four distinct, separate, though related, parts: 1. Thetan 2. Body 3. Thetan machinery 4. Reactive/somatic mind. Dianetics covers the first four dynamics. Even the first dynamic can be split into these four parts. When you thought you were treating the first dynamic, you were actually treating the third. The absolute Book 1 clear would be the awareness of awareness unit. Around the end of 1951, LRH mentions that erasure of all facsimiles would result in demolishment of the body (See Advanced Procedures and Axioms). In Book 1, we were talking about engrams of this lifetime. Erasing these would give a relative clear. The only trouble was that the awareness of awareness unit, after a few years of this research, kept insisting on exteriorizing, and it turned out to be the person himself. If he felt bad when he was out -- sort of with no character -- he is not stabilized. So the first dynamic is the awareness of awareness unit, as modified by various things. Pieces of thetan machinery are his creations, hidden and forgotten by him. All the energy used by the machines really comes from the thetan, though, for randomity, he may consider that he needs to eat to keep on going. He can also understand something from someone else, add it to his own machinery, and blame someone for giving him a machine. The thetan invests the body with characteristics, then he is afraid of losing these characteristics. But this is really no problem. He can invest himself with these characteristics. The thetan can also duplicate himself. He can create a new, different life unit with full determinism, power, personality, etc. It could have more power than he if it is set up that way. Sex is the super-condensed, many-times-via'd activity of creating other life forms. It is only more complex because it is considered to be. The Thetan actually needs no system to create a living being. Thetan machinery is not intended to have a life of its own, but sometimes the thetan endows machinery with life. In DMSMH, LRH talks of the possibility of setting the mind alongside the body. This was misinterpreted worst in E-therapy. One can do this and get himself haunted by living beings. He can create them, then go off and leave them. This is basic life multiplication -- a 1D creating a 3D through a 2D. So mankind could have one common ancestor. It would not make that one superior, however, since the offspring could just as well be the superior ones. Furthermore, an individual could just repostulate himself back into his creative unit and thus disappear, especially since, in reality, there is no time. All one could lose would be the knowingness that he had done it. One would have to shut that off for oneself. Now do you think you understand valence a little better? Having multiplied himself often, an individual had laid aside this ability, begun to hang on to the "only one" computation, and is holding his ability to be himself closely to himself. He tries hard to maintain an identity as a 1D. He becomes too involved in his own agreements and thinks he needs sex to create a being, but even that creates only a body, which is the granted beingness of many individualities, based upon one individuality that started that genetic line. The thetan got so complex, with all his machinery, and so interlocked with so many other individualities; he granted so much beingness in all directions that he forgot who and what he was and just knew he was supposed to be this identity and repeat the manufactured creation of this identity. This would make him solid, and his machinery would have composited. At this point, he would be a body, and his machinery would become the reactive/somatic mind. The thetan gets so solid as a body that he can be taken over and controlled by another thetan and his machines. The reactive mind that goes along with a body cannot be controlled unless another thetan comes along and takes over the body. However, the body can control the reactive mind. There is no difference between the reactive and the somatic mind. A thetan can create another thetan. From this, we can get a species, which implies other species, hence a 5th dynamic. Thetans are generally not as anxious to control animal bodies as human bodies, since men's affairs are complex enough to be interesting to control. So animals are generally body + reactive mind: a condensed thetan + machinery. By addressing the alter-ised complexity, as in psychotherapy, we would never get an as-is-ness, but just more mass. The auditor thus must address the right part: the thetan. Otherwise he might as well try to process a rock as a body: the rock is more complex, being denser (therefore it has more vias on the comm lines). The distance from cause to effect in a rock has so many vias and complexities in it that it loses both cause and effect for the rock. The impulse towards religion in most people is to discover basic cause; however, it leads them to go through vias, which gets them lost. The way to find cause is to find the highest level of freedom, assume it, and then know, because you will be cause and will therefore be capable of being an effect. As processing improves, we find that the better we understand something, the better we can control it, and the less need to process it so that it can be controlled. So, in modern scientology and dianetics, it is only necessary to knock out the factors you don't want to process because you understand them well enough to control them. The first of these is the reactive mind. There is no sense in processing it since we know how to control it. Also, there's no use in processing the body -- medicine will take care of that. Machinery is interesting, but it's not necessary. So we're left with only the thetan to process, and we process the thetan just enough so that he can take control of his other parts, having recognized them. "Right thought", as in Christian Science, would work fine if you had a clear to begin with. The Christian Scientists have limits on what "right thought" is. But actually, right thought is optimum survival on all dynamics. So, in processing, we can start with "Be three feet back of your head." For those who don't respond to that, the overt-motivator sequence is a good place to start; it's the mechanical process by which a thetan becomes solid enough to be a body, surrounded by his machinery, which has become the bank. Behind the overt-motivator sequence lies the consideration that matches the overt and motivator. You must be downstairs from pan-determinism to self-determinism for this to happen. A justifier is the mockup or overt act demanded by a person guilty of an unmotivated act. It is something nonexistent, as an effort to justify the unmotivated act. It's a false motivator. There's nothing really wrong with the motivator-overt sequence; it balances out; no one gets insane or even hurt by it. But the unmotivated act - justifier sequence is the villain! thus the thetan is doomed, because he can never really receive a motivator. That's the whole reason for the dwindling spiral. A thetan can never be harmed, but he can consider he's been harmed, act harmed, and dwindle. Everything the PC tells you is a search for a justifier. His search through his bank quickly as-is-es his few true motivators. So he has too many overts and must get himself sick, downtrodden and betrayed [motivator hunger]. He gives justifiers and pretends they're motivators. The way you could get him into this dwindling spiral is to define harm for him. This gets into good and evil: R2-61 and R2-62. It only requires the consideration that harm can take place to set off the unmotivated act/justifier sequence. You just get this consideration from yourself. A person must have intended harmful destruction and succeeded to define the concept, "harmful" for himself. Only when someone destroys something he's created does he define harm for the other fellow. He had to do it first himself, because he had to communicate first to be communicated to, since otherwise he couldn't have been located. Any solidity or departure from the static is a lie. The way we depart from the absolute truth of static is via the lies of justifiers. This is the source of all inabilities and deficiencies. The thetan also has an anxiety about creating an effect. Another thetan can never get a motivator; a thetan knows he can never receive an effect except as he considers it and agrees, so he knows he can never create an effect on another thetan. So he must consider life units as solids. He gets upset when he considers them thetans. Hence people turn away from scientology because they are afraid of exterior beings. The thetan wants to create an effect but can't without being guilty of an unmotivated act. All he had to do to get messed up was to discover he could harm others; he then tried to justify his unmotivated acts and got solid, and his whole past track would be nearly all hallucination. The insane pack along an enormous number of mocked up facsimiles = justifiers = pictures of things that never occurred. A good violent fast way to handle this state of affairs is to have the PC mock up things that anything on the seventh dynamic could do to him. This remedies his havingness [motivator hunger]. You can actually use all dynamics. Another process: the PC spots all the spots where he or anyone considered that harm could be or had been done. [R2-61 and R2-62, in Creation of Human Ability, pp. 153-154].