5406C04 6ACC-37 The Know-to-Sex Scale -- The Mind and the Tone Scale There's a line breaking existence in half, above and below which is a know to sex scale. The upper of the two scales has something good about each level; the lower one has something bad about each level [See Fig. 1]. E:g. a person who knows sex is bad is at the bottom. Next they will know eating, then symbols, etc. is bad. The tone scale is a [logarithmically] dwindling scale; it has wide spaces at the top and narrow ones at the bottom. The know to sex scale has a distance factor to it. The particles are progressively further apart as you ascend the scale, until you reach know, where you don't have any particles. For instance, at emotion, the particles are twice as many and half as far apart as at look. Thus, according to this gradient scale, you can't go straight from bad sex to good sex, so you have to go some to convince a person who thinks sex is bad, that it's good, or vice versa. Suppress = condense. That's why auditing appears to produce gradual results. A PC is fixed or dispersed about life, and life is divisible into these factors. Before you can get an individual to change his mind about some subject, you have to get him to change across a lot of categories. Also, all parts of the scale except the knowingness band contain particles. As long as the individual is allergic to space and particles he'll tend to cross-connect the different bands of the scale [as per restimulation] whenever he runs into space or particles. So our procedure is to get him to change his mind about various kinds of particles (gradiently) until we can get him to change his mind about all particles. 6a FIGURE 1 THE KNOW-TO-MYSTERY SCALE __ | KNOW | | LOOK | | EMOTE | GOOD | EFFORT | | THINK | | SYMBOLS | | EAT | | SEX -- ___________________________________________________________ __ | MYSTERY (Lower level "know") | | EFFORT | | LOOK | | EMOTE | BAD | EFFORT | | THINK | | SYMBOLS | | EAT | | SEX -- Below sex is mystery, which is like a lower level knowingness. In his study of dreams, Freud started with mystery, then proceeded to sex. If you could reveal to a patient that a mystery was not unsolvable, he would improve, but sometimes Freud would take too many mysteries from someone who had a scarcity, And he'd go down to lower level looking. With most people, Freud would get them through sex up to eat. Theorists got stuck trying to figure whether eat or sex was the basis of everything. None of them was up to effort themselves; they were in awe of anyone who could indulge in sports. Psychologists with their intelligence tests were at the level of symbols. At thinkingness, a man figure-figures to avoid effort. Engineering is the study of how to make effort use effort. This is very covert and is not a confront of effort. Psychoanalysis never got above the area of stimulus-response, with their theory of association. They didn't believe in independent thinking. A person who reacts to Op Pro by Dup is way down the know-sex scale. He will, in the course of processing, go up and down the scale, only hitting prominent points on his way up. This is crossing barriers which the individual has put up to protect himself in the business of livingness. The names of these barriers are Looking, emoting, etc. The barrier of looking is space. Next comes a barrier of a barrage of emotional states, for instance of serenity or enthusiasm. Each lower emotion could be considered a protection against the upper ones. He uses boredom to protect himself from enthusiasm. Antagonism is a barrage of particles used to fend something off; anger is a ridge. Fear is a defense: who wants to close terminals with someone who is in fear? E.g. animals in fear taste bad. People in fear smell bad. Grief goes like this: "I'm solid here; I can't move: take care of me." It's a barrier you mustn't do certain things to a person in grief. The upper edge of apathy is the barrier, "I don't care"; the lower edge is, "Eat me." Being sick to one's stomach is an apathy of eating: vomiting. This is evidence that below the band of emoting you get increasingly deeper emotions connected with each step down. Hence the apathy of eating = vomiting; the apathy of effort would be wanting to be less than inert. This is what people experience who are having a rough time with the mind. Efforting is observably a barrier: force used to protect. Thinkingness is figuring out where he will be when something else is elsewhere or where he will put something when he himself is not there. He's placing things in terms of force. So at this level, you can't carry a revolver; you have to figure out where money is safe, how to keep people from tripping you up, predict their intentions, etc. If you had a weapon, you could protect yourself at the efforting band and you wouldn't have to think. At symbols we get, "Don't look in here -- it might be dangerous. I'm really not here; I'm elsewhere. Attack this symbol if you like, because it isn't I." Eating is a way of getting attention [and admiration] from what one eats and as such may be very satisfying. Sex protects one from the present by providing an escape into the future. A symbol that can't be in the present can appear on the future track. You could process someone with, "Get the idea of putting something there; now [get the idea of] moving out; now [get the idea of] coming back and finding what you have put there." That is the action of sex; it is very satisfying to the PC. Sex also says, "Don't eat me." It's something else to do. The individual felt unsafe without these barriers. When he put something out as a barrier to protect him, he made it senior to him. Hence it's a dwindling spiral. 7a FIGURE 2 KNOW-TO-MYSTERY SCALE CYCLES KNOW | NO | EMPHASIS | V SEX ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- KNOW | EMPHASIZES | LOOKING | V SEX ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- KNOW | EMPHASIZES | EMOTING | V SEX ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- KNOW | EMPHASIZES | EFFORTING | V SEX ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- KNOW | EMPHASIZES | THINKING | V SEX ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- KNOW | EMPHASIZES | SYMBOLIZING | V SEX ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- KNOW | EMPHASIZES | EATING | V SEX ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- KNOW | EMPHASIZES | SEXING | V SEX ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Everything UNDIFFERENTIATED Identified with Everything ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- NUTS So far, we have discussed each of these levels as a defense against motivators. But we can also use each of these barriers as an overt level. Here, we get dispersal manifestations down the line. Tears, as a defense, are a flow. But there is an unnamed dispersal at grief that is offensive. Similarly, there is an unnamed dispersal at apathy. Actually, what you have is a series of know to sex scales (Fig. 2). You can see this in running Op Pro by Dup. Someone might start at effort, then go to emotion, to knowing it's silly, to a sex impulse, then a figure-figure, then a new know, then eat, emote, a new look, etc. He is hitting high points going upscale through ridges. He will linger in the upper ones longer, with more manifestations as he differentiates better and better. At the bottom, everything identifies with everything: effort = sex = the way you look, etc. One could draw the scale to indicate a dropping dominance. At the highest level, each band has about the same emphasis. At the first harmonic down, the emphasis will be on knowingness; at the next harmonic down, what you do with all the levels is look (a high-tones thetan loves to do this); at the next harmonic down, the whole scale is colored by emotion; at the next lower, it is colored by effort (as in German society, as opposed to Italian society, which is colored by emotion); next we get the figure-figure that is characteristic of Latin American societies, southern California, or universities; next we get the whole scale colored by symbols (here you get erudition, e.g. the idea that mathematicians have done it all for you; there's no need to think); similarly with eating, then sex. Below that level, it gets undifferentiated into an identification of everything with everything. It all gets very compressed -- effort is sex. If he is below this level, he is nuts. This scale provides a method of predicting how long it will take the PC to recover and how long it will take him to differentiate.