5707C15 18ACC-1 What is Scientology Scientology is aimed at a total know. Since no other "know" is total, it is hard to describe scientology, since there is no other datum of comparable magnitude. Only one other organization of knowledge on earth has had a similar goal: Buddhism. It squirreled when it went into Tibet as Lamaism. But there was no faith in Buddhism. It was analytical. The best refuge to take, when asked what scientology is, would be a refuge into incomprehensibility, by saying that it is epistemology. Buddhism and scientology both try to select out the importances of life and fill Man's void of knowledge with accurate observation. Buddha could be called the first scientist. "Authority has nothing to do with knowledge. Those things I tell you are true, are not true because I tell you they are true. And if anything I tell you, or have ever told you, is discovered to differ from the individual observation, be it a good observation, then it isn't true." We have certain positive procedures. As valuable as they are, if they incline us to lock at them, not at what they help us to look at; if they lead us to believe that they are a thing, not a means to doing another thing, we will be in the same blind condition as present-day religions and social sciences, and we will have to rediscover our blindness on the way up. Wherever we develop an area of special knowledge, such as TR's and processes, we must understand that they are a means to an end, not an end in themselves. Someone who forgot what TR's were could, in theory, do them all beautifully but be unable to use them in session, because he had forgotten what they were for: to create the proper communication atmosphere for the session. There is an enormous wonderland below blindness. This keeps people from seeing their blindness. Using Alice in Wonderland in TR's is a joke based on this imagined knowledge. The wonderland is the dispersal that results from the individual's reaction to being kicked in the teeth when he looks at something. He won't look again. Eventually he decides not to look at anything. But if he catches sight of something, he will go on a via and look at something else instead. This is how the wonderland of the social sciences was created. Someone couldn't confront Man, so he turned around and created a myth about Man. He must have been blind never to have noticed exteriorization or to have recorded the existence of the phenomenon somewhere. A thetan has the ability to create form, to create universes. When the ability dims out, when he is not doing it very intelligently, he begins to see things in the universe that he doesn't want to look at. Then he disperses and combines his ability to create and to not-is. The universe he then builds is below the level of the universe he is in. You have to bring him up North for him to discover that he is in a trap.