5009C23-1 LECT General Dianetics, Part 1 Mental therapy is at least as old as the Aesculepian School, who used hellebore to cause chemically convulsive therapy. Perception during surgical anesthesia -- old reference: American Journal of Neurology? 1914. The reactive mind and the analytical one are biochemically independent. Thus it is possible to inhibit one or the other independently by chemical means. The reactive mind is the sole source of error. [Cf. Freud, The Psychopathology of Everyday Life] Society, as a kind of organism, can have engrams. When a cell divides, it gives all its progeny its memory. This can be proven by conditioning cells. So the cell brings hair color, instinctive behavior patterns, and the genetic personality, but along with this comes any moment of injury. The cells have held back full power from the analytical mind in moments of danger, to enforce fight, flight, etc. There is also a somatic mind containing training patterns that can easily be changed by the analytical mind, and organic responses, which can also be controlled analytically [Cf. Yogis] But the engram bank can bypass the analytical mind and seize control of the somatic mind. The common cold comes from the birth engram.