INTRODUCTION INTO SCIENTOLOGY ETHICS Edition August 1978 THE PURPOSE OF ETHICS All that Ethics is for—the totality of the reason for its existence and operation is simply that additional tool necessary to make it possible to apply the technology of Scientology. Man does not have that purpose for his law or his justice. He wants to squash people who are giving him trouble. That is not the case with Scientology Ethics which having the above purpose is a fabulously successful activity. Man of course has a tremendous reaction to something called justice or what he laughingly calls justice. But Man has no understanding to back up any of his hangings that he commits himself to and in fact has no real justice because it has no end product. Its total end product, if you call it one. is punishment. That it doesn’t straighten out the community is manifest. Here and there it does some good but the crime statistic of the world is going up much more steeply than the rise of population. I have recently spoken to those in charge of law enforcement in the world’s best police force and they were in a very apathetic frame of mind. They just wanted to lie down and quit. Because there is no end product to what they are doing. Worse than that, the systems of disciplinary actions which are employed on earth today are incapable of doing more than worsening an individual. Now when you bring in an actual Ethics system across this line you jar a lot of people’s aberrations. They REACT. And it is a very interesting fact that a far greater proportion of people in Scientology today favor a decent ethical law and favor ethics actions than have reacted against it, because they see that it will make things go right. They see that it results in better training, better technical application, a better organization, and a better overall grip on the subjects that Scientology addresses, and keeps the abuses of the subject minimal. We are factually only here helping people to help themselves to better their conditions and the conditions of life. That is our total action. As that additional tool for making it all possible, the Ethics system of Scientology is tremendously successful. THE ANTI-SOCIAL PERSONALITY THE ANTI-SCIENTOLOGIST There are certain characteristics and mental attitudes which cause about 20% of a race to oppose violently any betterment activity or group. Such people are known to have anti-social tendencies. When the legal or political structure of a country becomes such as to favor such personalities in positions of trust, then all the civilizing organizations of the country become suppressed and a barbarism of criminality and economic duress ensues. Crime and criminal acts are perpetuated by anti-social personalities. Inmates of institutions commonly trace their state back to contact with such personalities. Thus, in the fields of government, police activities and mental health, to name a few, we see that it is important to be able to detect and isolate this personality type so as to protect society and individuals from the destructive consequences attendant upon letting such have free rein to injure others. As they only comprise 20% of the population and as only 2½% of this 20% are truly dangerous, we see that with a very small amount of effort we could considerably better the state of society. Well-known, even stellar, examples of such a personality are, of course, Napoleon and Hitler, Dillinger, Pretty Boy Floyd, Christie and other famous criminals were well-known examples of the anti-social personality. But with such a cast of characters in history we neglect the less stellar examples and do not perceive that such personalities exist in current life, very common, often undetected. When we trace the cause of a failing business, we will inevitably discover somewhere in its ranks the anti-social personality hard at work. In families which are breaking up we commonly find one or the other of the persons involved to have such a personality. Where life has become rough and is failing, a careful review of the area by a trained observer will detect one or more such personalities at work. As there are 80% of us trying to get along and only 20% trying to prevent us, our lives would be much easier to live were we well-informed as to the exact manifestations of such a personality. Thus we could detect it and save ourselves much failure and heartbreak. It is important then to examine and list the attributes of the anti-social personality. Influencing as it does the daily lives of so many, it well behooves decent people to become better informed on this subject. ATTRIBUTES The anti-social personality has the following attributes: 1. He or she speaks only in very broad generalities. „They say…” „Everybody thinks…” „Everyone knows…” and such expressions are in continual use, particularly when imparting rumor. When asked, „Who is everybody . . .” it normally turns out to be one source and from this source the anti-social person has manufactured what he or she pretends is the whole opinion of the whole society. This is natural to them since to them all society is a large hostile generality, against the anti-social in particular. 2. Such a person deals mainly in bad news, critical or hostile remarks, invalidation and general suppression. „Gossip” or „harbinger of evil tidings” or „rumormonger” once described such persons. It is notable that there is no good news or complimentary remark passed on by such a person. 3. The anti-social personality alters, to worsen, communication when he or she relays a message or news. Good news is stopped and only bad news, often embellished, is passed along. Such a person also pretends to pass on „bad news” which is in actual fact invented. 4. A characteristic, and one of the sad things about an anti- social personality, is that it does not respond to treatment or reform or psychotherapy. 5. Surrounding such a personality we find cowed or ill associates or friends who, when not driven actually insane, are yet behaving in a crippled manner in life, failing, not succeeding. Such people make trouble for others. When treated or educated, the near associate of the anti- social personality has no stability of gain but promptly relapses or loses his advantages of knowledge, being under the suppressive influence of the other. Physically treated, such associates commonly do not recover in the expected time but worsen and have poor convalescence’s. It is quite useless to treat or help or train such persons so long as they remain under the influence of the anti- social connection. The largest number of insane are insane because of such anti- social connections and do not recover easily for the same reason. Unjustly we seldom see the anti-social personality actually in an institution. Only his „friends” and family are there. 6. The anti-social personality habitually selects the wrong target. If a tyre is flat from driving over nails, he or she curses a companion or a non-causative source of the trouble. If the radio next door is too loud, he or she kicks the cat. If A is the obvious cause, the anti-social personality inevitably blames B, or C or D. 7. The anti-social cannot finish a cycle of action. Such become surrounded with incomplete projects. 8. Many anti-social persons will freely confess to the most alarming crimes when forced to do so, but will have no faintest sense of responsibility for them. Their actions have little or nothing to do with their own volition. Things „just happened”. They have no sense of correct causation and particularly cannot feel any sense of remorse or shame therefore. 9. The anti-social personality supports only destructive groups and rages against and attacks any constructive or betterment group. 10. This type of personality approves only of destructive actions and fights against constructive or helpful actions or activities. The artist in particular is often found as a magnet for persons with anti-social personalities who see in his art something which must be destroyed and covertly, „as a friend”, proceed to try. 11. Helping others is an activity which drives the anti-social personality nearly berserk. Activities, however, which destroy in the name of help are closely supported. 12. The anti-social personality has a bad sense of property and conceives that the idea that anyone owns anything is a pretense made up to fool people. Nothing is ever really owned. THE BASIC REASON The basic reason the anti-social personality behaves as he or she does lies in a hidden terror of others. To such a person every other being is an enemy, an enemy to be covertly or overtly destroyed. The fixation is that survival itself depends on „keeping others down” or „keeping people ignorant”. If anyone were to promise to make others stronger or brighter, the anti-social personality suffers the utmost agony of personal danger. They reason that if they are in this much trouble with people around them weak or stupid, they would perish should anyone become strong or bright. Such a person has no trust to a point of terror. This is usually masked and unrevealed. When such a personality goes insane the world is full of Martians or the FBI and each person met is really a Martian or FBI agent. But the bulk of such people exhibit no outward signs of insanity. They appear quite rational. They can be very convincing. However, the list given above consists of things which such a personality cannot detect in himself or herself. This is so true that if you thought you found yourself in one of the above, you most certainly are not anti-social. Self-criticism is a luxury the anti-social cannot afford. They must be RIGHT because they are in continual danger in their own estimation. If you proved one WRONG, you might even send him or her into a severe illness. Only the sane, well-balanced person tries to correct his conduct. RELIEF If you were to weed out of your past by proper search and discovery those anti-social persons you have known and if you then disconnected, you might experience great relief. Similarly, if society were to recognize this personality type as a sick being as they now isolate people with smallpox, both social and economic recoveries could occur. Things are not likely to get much better so long as 20% of the population is permitted to dominate and injure the lives and enterprise of the remaining 80%. As majority rule is the political manner of the day, so should majority sanity express itself in our daily lives without the interference and destruction of the socially unwell. The pity of it is, they will not permit themselves to be helped and would not respond to treatment if help were attempted. An understanding and ability to recognize such personalities could bring a major change in society and our lives. THE SOCIAL PERSONALITY Man in his anxieties is prone to witch hunts. All one has to do is designate „people wearing black caps” as the villains and one can start a slaughter of people in black caps. This characteristic makes it very easy for the anti-social personality to bring about a chaotic or dangerous environment. Man is not naturally brave or calm in his human state. And he is not necessarily villainous. Even the anti-social personality, in his warped way, is quite certain that he is acting for the best and commonly sees himself as the only good person around, doing all for the good of everyone—the only flaw in his reasoning being that if one kills everyone else, none are left to be protected from the imagined evils. His conduct in his environment and toward his fellows is the only method of detecting either the antisocial or the social personalities. Their motives for self are similar—self- preservation and survival. They simply go about achieving these in different ways. Thus, as Man is naturally neither calm nor brave, anyone to some degree tends to be alert to dangerous persons and hence, witch hunts can begin. It is therefore even more important to identify the social personality than the anti-social personality. One then avoids shooting the innocent out of mere prejudice or dislike or because of some momentary misconduct. The social personality can be defined most easily by comparison with his opposite, the anti-social personality. This differentiation is easily done and no test should ever be constructed which isolates only the anti-social. On the same test must appear the upper as well as lower ranges of Man’s actions. A test that declares only anti-social personalities without also being able to identify the social personality would be itself a suppressive test. It would be like answering „Yes” or „No” to the question „Do you still beat your wife?” Anyone who took it could be found guilty. While this mechanism might have suited the times of the Inquisition, it would not suit modern needs. As the society runs, prospers and lives solely through the efforts of social personalities, one must know them as they, not the anti-social, are the worthwhile people. These are the people who must have rights and freedom. Attention is given to the antisocial solely to protect and assist the social personalities in the society. All majority rules, civilizing intentions and even the human race will fail unless one can identify and thwart the anti-social personalities and help and forward the social personalities in the society. For the very word „society” implies social conduct and without it there is no society at all, only a barbarism with all men, good or bad, at risk. The frailty of showing how the harmful people can be known is that these then apply the characteristics to decent people to get them hunted down and eradicated. The swan song of every great civilization is the tune played by arrows, axes or bullets used by the anti-social to slay the last decent men. Government is only dangerous when it can be employed by and for anti-social personalities. The end result is the eradication of all social personalities and the resultant collapse of Egypt, Babylon, Rome, Russia or the West. You will note in the characteristics of the anti-social personality that intelligence is not a clue to the anti-social. They are bright or stupid or average. Thus those who are extremely intelligent can rise to considerable, even head-of- state heights. Importance and ability or wish to rise above others are likewise not indexes to the anti-social. When they do become important or rise they are, however, rather visible by the broad consequences of their acts. But they are as likely to be unimportant people or hold very lowly stations and wish for nothing better. Thus it is the twelve given characteristics alone which identify the anti-social personality. And these same twelve reversed are the sole criteria of the social personality if one wishes to be truthful about them. The identification or labeling of an anti-social personality cannot be done honestly and accurately unless one also, in the same examination of the person, reviews the positive side of his life. All persons under stress can react with momentary flashes of anti-social conduct. This does not make them anti-social personalities. The true anti-social person has a majority of anti-social characteristics. The social personality has a majority of social characteristics. Thus one must examine the good with the bad before one can truly label the anti-social or the social. In reviewing such matters, very broad testimony and evidence are best. One or two isolated instances determine nothing. One should search all twelve social and all twelve anti-social characteristics and decide on the basis of actual evidence, not opinion. The twelve primary characteristics of the social personality are as follows: 1. The social personality is specific in relating circumstances. „Joe Jones said…” „The Star Newspaper reported…” and gives sources of data where important or possible. He may use the generality of „they” or „people” but seldom in connection with attributing statements or opinions of an alarming nature. 2. The social personality is eager to relay good news and reluctant to relay bad. He may not even bother to pass along criticism when it doesn’t matter. He is more interested in making another feel liked or wanted than disliked by others and tends to err toward reassurance rather than toward criticism. 3. A social personality passes communication without much alteration and if deleting anything tends to delete injurious matters. He does not like to hurt people’s feelings. He sometimes errs in holding back bad news or orders which seem critical or harsh. 4. Treatment, reform and psychotherapy particularly of a mild nature work very well on the social personality. Whereas anti-social people sometimes promise to reform, they do not. Only the social personality can change or improve easily. It is often enough to point out unwanted conduct to a social personality to completely alter it for the better. Criminal codes and violent punishment are not needed to regulate social personalities. 5. The friends and associates of a social personality tend to be well, happy and of good morale. A truly social personality quite often produces betterment in health or fortune by his mere presence on the scene. At the very least he does not reduce the existing levels of health or morale in his associates. When ill, the social personality heals or recovers in an expected manner, and is found open to successful treatment. 6. The social personality tends to select correct targets for correction. He fixes the tyre that is flat rather than attack the windscreen. In the mechanical arts he can therefore repair things and make them work. 7. Cycles of action begun are ordinarily completed by the social personality, if possible. 8. The social personality is ashamed of his misdeeds and reluctant to confess them. He takes responsibility for his errors. 9. The social personality supports constructive groups and tends to protest or resist destructive groups. 10. Destructive actions are protested by the social personality. He assists constructive or helpful actions. 11. The social personality helps others and actively resists acts which harm others. 12. Property is property of someone to the social personality and its theft or misuse is prevented or frowned upon. THE BASIC MOTIVATION The social personality naturally operates on the basis of the greatest good. He is not haunted by imagined enemies but he does recognize real enemies when they exist. The social personality wants to survive and wants others to survive, whereas the anti-social personality really and covertly wants others to succumb. Basically the social personality wants others to be happy and do well, whereas the anti-social personality is very clever in making others do very badly indeed. A basic clue to the social personality is not really his successes but his motivations. The social personality when successful is often a target for the anti-social and by this reason he may fail. But his intentions included others in his success, whereas the anti-social only appreciate the doom of others. Unless we can detect the social personality and hold him safe from undue restraint and detect also the anti-social and restrain him, our society will go on suffering from insanity, criminality and war, and Man and civilization will not endure. Of all our technical skills, such differentiation ranks the highest since, failing, no other skill can continue, as the base on which it operates—civilization—will not be here to continue it. Do not smash the social personality—and do not fail to render powerless the anti-social in their efforts to harm the rest of us. Just because a man rises above his fellows or takes an important part does not make him an anti-social personality. Just because a man can control or dominate others does not make him an anti-social personality. It is his motives in doing so and the consequences of his acts which distinguish the anti-social from the social. Unless we realize and apply the true characteristics of the two types of personality, we will continue to live in a quandary of who our enemies are and, in doing so, victimize our friends. All men have committed acts of violence or omission for which they could be censured. In all Mankind there is not one single perfect human being. But there are those who try to do right and those who specialize in wrong and upon these facts and characteristics you can know them. THE CONDITIONS The declaration of a condition is something new in the universe. The conditions are not. These conditions are operating states and oddly enough in the physical universe there is a formula connected with every one of these operating states. If a government knew these it would never get into a great deal of trouble, and as governments don’t know them they get into a great deal of trouble. These formulas apparently have to be followed in this universe or you simply go „appetite-over-tin-cup“. So one in his own personal life, in his operation of a job, a state of organization, a state of family, a state of a civilization, the state of a planet, the state of a sector-all these will come under the heading of the conditions and if they are in one condition and operating on the formula of another they will fail. It is a marvelous discovery that we find that these things exist, that they do regulate existence, regulate life, and that life can therefore be followed successfully by their use. Conditions are declared on the basis of statistics. Therefore, in an organization particularly, you have to be able to get a statistic on anything anywhere in the operation. If you can’t, it all becomes rumor and you will soon be in trouble. Maybe your own life is in trouble because you don’t have a statistic for what you are doing. THE TABLE OF CONDITIONS The following is the table of Conditions: Power Power Change Affluence Normal Operation Emergency Danger Non-Existence Liability Doubt Enemy Treason Confusion THE CONDITIONS FORMULAS NEW POST FORMULA Every new appointee to a post begins in Non-Existence. Whether obtained by new appointment, promotion or demotion. He is normally under the delusion that now he is „THE __________“ (new title). He tries to start off in Power condition as he is usually very aware of his new status or even a former status. But in actual fact he is the only one aware of it. All others except perhaps the personnel officer are utterly unaware of him as having his new status. Therefore he begins in a state of Non-Existence. And if he does not begin with the Non-Existence Formula as his guide he will be using the wrong condition and will have all kinds of trouble. The Non-Existence Formula is: 1. Find a communication line 2. Make yourself known 3. Discover what is needed or wanted 4. Do, produce and/or present it. A new appointee taking over a going concern often thinks he had better make himself known by changing everything whereas he (a) is not well enough known to do so and (b) hasn’t any idea of what is needed or wanted yet. And so he makes havoc. Sometimes he assumes he knows what is needed or wanted when it is only a fixed idea with him and is only his idea and not true at all and so he fails at his job. Sometimes he doesn’t bother to find out what is really needed or wanted and simply assumes it or thinks he knows when he doesn’t. He soon becomes unsuccessful“. Now and then a new appointee is so „status happy“ or so insecure or so shy that even when his boss or his staff comes to him and tells him what is needed or wanted he can’t or doesn’t even acknowledge and really does go into Non-Existence for keeps. Sometimes he finds that what he is told is needed or wanted needs reappraisal or further investigation. So it is always safest for him to make his own survey of it and operate on it when he gets his own firm reality on what is needed or wanted. If the formula is applied intelligently the person can expect to get into a zone of bypass where people are still doing his job to fill the hole his predecessor may have left This is a Danger Condition-but it is the next one higher than Non-Existence on the scale. If he defends his job and does his job and applies the appropriate Danger Formula he will come through it. He can then expect to find himself in Emergency Condition. In this he must follow the Emergency Form Lila with his post and he will come through it. He can now expect to be in Normal Operation and if he follows the formula of that, he will come to Affluence. And if he follows that formula he will arrive at Power. And if he applies the Power Formula he will stay there. So it is a long way from Power that one starts his new appointment and if he doesn’t go UP the scale from where he really is at the start, he will of course fail. This applies to groups, to organizations, to countries as well as individuals. It also applies when a person fails at his job. He has to start again at Non-Existence and he will build up the same way condition by condition. Most failures on post are occasioned by failures to follow the Conditions and recognize them and apply the formula of the condition one is in when one is in it and cease to apply it when one is out of it and in another. This is the secret of holding a post and being successful on a job or in life. NON-EXISTENCE FORMULA EXPANDED Many staff misapply the new post Non-Existence Formula or the Non-Existence Formula by statistics and then wonder why they seem to continue in trouble. Executives sometimes wonder why certain staff personnel never seem to be able to do anything right and out of exasperation go into a PHASE I and wind up handling the whole area themselves. The answer is a misapplication of and not really doing the Non-Existence Formula on post. Recent experience has shown that even experienced executives and staff members have not in fact ever come out of Non- Existence. And where the org runs at all, it is carried on the back of one or two key seniors. The phrase „find a communication line“ is shortened down by too many to locating somebody’s in-basket and dropping a „needed and wanted“ request in it. This is not really finding a communication line. To handle ANY post you have to have INFORMATION and furnish INFORMATION. Where this is not done, the person finds himself doing projects that get rejected, projects that have to be redone, restraints put on his actions and finds himself sin king down the conditions. He gets in bad with his seniors BECAUSE HE DOESN’T ACQUIRE AND DOESN’T FURNISH the vital information of WHAT IS GOING ON. It is the duty of any staff member, new on post or not, TO ROUND UP THE COMMUNICATION LINES THAT RELATE TO HIS POST, FIND OUT WHO NEEDS VITAL INFORMATION FROM HIM and GET THOSE LINES IN IN IN as a continuing action. When a person fails to do just that, he never comes out of Non-Existence. He isn’t even up to Danger because nobody knows they are even by-passing him. In other words, when a staff member does not do that, in the eyes of the organization, he is simply a ZERO. Orders being issued by him usually wind up CANCELLED when discovered by some senior because they are not real. Joe was already handling it. Bill’s schedule was thrown out by it. Treasury yells, „How come this expensive Dev-T!“ Pretty soon, when staff hears it’s so-and-so’s order they just ignore it. The bright hopes of such a staff member usually wind up as hopes he will be able to get transferred the sooner the better. Everybody is agin him. But what really happened? He never applied the Non-Existence Formula for real and so he stayed in Non-Existence. His actions do not coordinate because he does NOT HAVE THE LINES TO GIVE OR RECEIVE INFORMATION. It is really and factually not up to anyone else to round up his lines for him any more than it is up to others to do his breathing for him. The inhale and exhale of an organization is the take and give of VITAL INFORMATION AND PARTICLES. Any staff member who finds himself in apparent Non- Existence, Liability or worse should rush around and find the comm lines that apply to his activity and post and insist that he be put on those lines. Sometimes he is baulked by security measures. Messages going out and coming in in code are not likely to be pried out of Communicators or External Comm with ease. Well, there’s a thing called a security pledge. One signs it and if the information is not safeguarded by the person he’s for it. The bulk of such information does not relate to his post anyway. But some of it may. Such a staff member or executive has to write down what information he has to have to handle his post and what information others have to have from him to do their jobs. And then arrange comm lines so that he is an info addressee from communicators on those lines. Senior executives such as Division Heads or heads of an organization do have a responsibility for briefing staff. But they are usually also faced with security problems as well as a wish to look good. And their data is general for the whole division or organization. It does include specifics like „Mrs. Zikes is arriving at 1400 hours“ or „the telephone company rep says the bill must be paid by 1200 hours today or we got no phones“ or „FSMs are sending their students to missions because the organization abolished the Comm Course“. Havoc and Phase I occur where the bulk of the staff has omitted to get themselves on important comm lines and keep those lines flowing. Do not send to find why the statistics are down if ninety percent of your staff is in Non-Existence or worse! Simply because they never really found any comm lines. Therefore the EXPANDED NON-EXISTENCE FORMULA is: 1. FIND AND GET YOURSELF ON EVERY COMM LINE YOU WILL NEED IN ORDER TO GIVE AND OBTAIN INFORMATION RELATING TO YOUR DUTIES AND MATERIEL. 2. MAKE YOURSELF KNOWN, ALONG WITH YOUR POST TITLE AND DUTIES, TO EVERY TERMINAL YOU WILL NEED FOR THE OBTAINING OF INFORMATION AND THE GIVING OF DATA. 3. DISCOVER FROM YOUR SENIORS AND FELLOW STAFF MEMBERS AND ANY PUBLIC YOUR DUTIES MAY REQUIRE YOU TO CONTACT, WHAT IS NEEDED AND WANTED FROM EACH. 4. DO, PRODUCE AND PRESENT WHAT EACH NEEDS AND WANTS THAT IS IN CONFORMATION WITH POLICY. 5. MAINTAIN YOUR COMM LINES THAT YOU HAVE AND EXPAND THEM TO OBTAIN OTHER INFORMATION YOU NOW FIND YOU NEED ON A ROUTINE BASIS. 6. MAINTAIN YOUR ORIGINATION LINES TO INFORM OTHERS WHAT YOU ARE DOING EXACTLY, BUT ONLY THOSE WHO ACTUALLY NEED THE INFORMATION. 7. STREAMLINE WHAT YOU ARE DOING, PRODUCING AND PRESENTING SO THAT IT IS MORE CLOSELY WHAT IS REALLY NEEDED AND WANTED. 8. WITH FULL INFORMATION BEING GIVEN AND RECEIVED CONCERNING YOUR PRODUCTS, DO, PRODUCE AND PRESENT A GREATLY IMPROVED PRODUCT ROUTINELY ON YOUR POST. ____________________ I can guarantee that if you do this-and write your information concisely so it is quick to grasp and get your data in a form that doesn’t jam your own lines, you will start on up the conditions for actual and in due course arrive in Power. ____________________ Here are the formulas of conditions given in order of advance upward: NON-EXISTENCE 1. Find a communication line 2. Make yourself known 3. Discover what is needed or wanted 4. Do, produce and/or present it. EXPANDED NON-EXISTENCE FORMULA 1. Find and get yourself on every comm line you will need in order to give and obtain information relating to your duties and materiel. 2. Make yourself known, along with your post title and duties, to every terminal you will need for the obtaining of information and the giving of data. 3. Discover from your seniors and fellow staffmembers and any public your duties may require you to contact, what is needed and wanted from each. 4. Do, produce and present what each needs and wants that is in conformation with policy. 5. Maintain your comm lines that you have and expand them to obtain other information you now find you need on a routine basis. 6. Maintain your origination lines to inform others what you are doing exactly, but only those who actually need the information. 7. Streamline what you are doing, producing and presenting so that it is more closely what is really needed and wanted. 8. With full information being given and received concerning your products. do. produce and present a greatly improved product routinely on your post. DANGER A Danger Condition is normally assigned when: 1. An emergency condition has continued too long. 2. A statistic plunges downward very steeply. 3. A senior executive suddenly finds himself or herself wearing the hat of the activity because it is in trouble. The formula for the senior declaring a Danger Condition: 1. Bypass (ignore the junior normally in charge of the activity- handle it personally) 2. Handle the situation and any danger in it 3. Assign the area where it had to be handled a Danger Condition 4. Handle the personnel by Ethics Investigation and Committee of Evidence 5. Reorganize the activity so that the situation does not repeat 6. Recommend any firm policy that will hereafter detect and/or prevent the condition from recurring. The senior executive present acts and acts according to the formula above. Junior Danger Formula Where a danger condition is assigned to a junior, request that he or she or the entire activity write up his or her overts (contra-survival actions) and withholds (undisclosed contra- survival actions) and any known out-ethics situation and turn them in at a certain stated time on a basis that the penalty for them will be lessened but if discovered later after the deadline it will be doubled. This done, require that the junior and the staff that had to be bypassed and whose work had to be done for them or continually corrected, each one write up and fully execute the FIRST DYNAMIC Danger Formula for himself personally and turn it in. First Dynamic Formula 1. Bypass habits or normal routines. 2. Handle the situation and any danger in it. 3. Assign self a Danger Condition. 4. Get in your own personal ethics by finding what you are doing that is out-ethics and use self-discipline to correct it and get honest and straight. 5. Reorganize your life so that the dangerous situation is not continually happening to you. 6. Formulate and adopt firm policy that will hereafter detect and prevent the same situation from continuing to occur. EMERGENCY 1. Promote. That applies to an organization. (To an individual you had better say produce.) That’s the first action regardless of any other action, regardless of anything else, that is the first thing you have to put their attention on. The first broad big action which you take is promote. Exactly what is promotion? Well, look it up in the dictionary. It is making things known; it is getting things out; it is getting one’s self known, getting one’s products out. 2. Change your operating basis. If for instance you went into a condition of emergency and then you didn’t change after you had promoted, you didn’t make any changes in your operation, well you just headed for another condition of emergency. So that has to be part of it, you had better do something to change your operating basis, because that operating basis leads you into an emergency, so you sure better change it. 3. Economize. 4. Then prepare to deliver. 5. Part of the Condition of Emergency contains this little line- you have got to stiffen discipline or you have got to stiffen Ethics. Organizationally when a state of emergency is assigned, supposing the activity doesn’t come out of that emergency, regardless of what caused the emergency, in spite of the fact they have been labeled a state of emergency, they have been directed to follow the formula, they have been told to snap and pop and get that thing straightened out, and they are still found to be goofing, the statistic is going down and continues to go down, what do you do? There is only one thing left to do and that is discipline, because life itself is going to discipline the individual. So the rule of the game is that if a state of emergency is ignored and the steps are not taken successfully then you get an announcement after a while that the condition has been continued and if the condition is continued beyond a specified time, why that’s it, it has to walk forward into an Ethics matter. NORMAL OPERATION 1. The way you maintain an increase is when you are in a state of Normal Operation you don’t change anything. 2. Ethics are very mild, the justice factor is quite mild, there are no savage actions taken particularly. 3. A statistic betters-then look it over carefully and find out what bettered it and then do that without abandoning what you were doing before. 4. Every time a statistic worsens slightly, quickly find out why and remedy it. And you just jockey those two factors, the statistic bettering, the statistic worsening, repair the statistic worsening, and you will find out inevitably some change has been made in that area where a statistic worsens. You had better get that change off the lines in a hurry. AFFLUENCE 1. Economize. Now the first thing you must do in Affluence is economize, and then make very, very sure that you don’t buy anything that has any future commitment to it. Don’t buy anything with any future commitments, don’t hire anybody with any future commitments-nothing. That is all part of that economy, clamp it down. 2. Pay every bill. Get every bill that you can possibly scrape up from any place, every penny you owe anywhere under the sun, moon and stars, and pay them. 3. Invest the remainder in service facilities, make it more possible to deliver. 4. Discover what caused the Condition of Affluence and strengthen it. POWER First Dynamic Power Formula 1. The first law of a Condition of Power is don’t disconnect. You can’t just deny your connections, what you have got to do is take ownership and responsibility for your connections. 2. The first thing you have got to do is make a record of all of its lines. And that is the only way you will ever be able to disconnect. So on a Condition of Power the first thing you have to do is write up your whole post. You have made it possible for the next fellow in to assume the state of Power Change. If you don’t write up your whole post you are going to be stuck with a piece of that post since time immemorial and a year or so later somebody will still be coming to you asking you about that post which you occupied. 3. The responsibility is write the thing up and get it into the hands of the guy who is going to take care of it. 4. Do all you can to make the post occupiable. Third Dynamic Power Formula 1. Life is lived by lots of people. And if you lead you must either let them get on with it or lead them on with it actively. 2. When the game or the show is over, there must be a new game or a new show. And if there isn’t somebody else is jolly well going to start one and if you won’t let anyone do it the game will become „getting you“. 3. If you have power use it or delegate it or you sure won’t have it long. 4. When you have people use them or they will soon become most unhappy and you won’t have them anymore. 5. When you move off a point of power, pay all your obligations on the nail, empower all your friends completely and move off with your pockets full of artillery, potential blackmail on every erstwhile rival, unlimited funds in your private account and the addresses of experienced assassins and go live in Bulgravia and bribe the police. And even then you may not live long if you have retained one scrap of domination in any camp you do not now control or if you even say, „I favour Politician Jiggs.“ Abandoning power utterly is dangerous indeed. 6. When you’re close to power get some delegated to you, enough to do your job and protect yourself and your interests, for you can be shot, fellow, shot as the position near power is delicious but dangerous, dangerous always, open to the taunts of any enemy of the power who dare not really boot the power but can boot you. So to live at all in the shadow or employ of a power you must yourself gather and USE enough power to hold your own-without just nattering to the power to „kill Pete“, in straightforward or more suppressive veiled ways to him as these wreck the power that supports yours. He doesn’t have to know all the bad news and if he’s a power really he won’t ask all the time, „What are all those dead bodies doing at the door?“ And if you are clever, you never let it be thought HE killed them-that weakens you and also hurts the power source. „Well, boss, about all those dead bodies, nobody at all will suppose you did it. She over there, those pink legs sticking out, didn’t like me. „Well,“ he’ll say if he really is a power, „why are you bothering me with it if it’s done and you did it. Where’s my blue ink?“ Or „Skipper, three shore patrolmen will be along soon with your cook, Dober, and they’ll want to tell you he beat up Simson.“ „Who’s Simson?“ „He’s a clerk in the enemy office downtown.“ „Good, when they’ve done it, take Dober down to the dispensary for any treatment he needs. Oh yes. Raise his pay.“ Or „Sir, could I have the power to sign divisional orders?“ „Sure.“ 7. And lastly and most important, for we all aren’t on the stage with our names in lights, always push power in the direction of anyone on whose power you depend. It may be more money for the power, or more ease, or a snarling defense of the power to a critic, or even the dull thud of one of his enemies in the dark, or the glorious blaze of the whole enemy camp as a birthday surprise. If you work like that and the power you are near or depend up on is a power that has at least some inkling about how to be one, and if you make others work like that, then the power-factor expands and expands and expands and you too acquire a sphere of power bigger than you would have if you worked alone. Real powers are developed by tight conspiracies of this kind pushing someone up in whose leadership they have faith. And if they are right and also manage their man and keep him from collapsing through overwork, bad temper or bad data, a kind of Juggernaut builds up. Don’t ever feel weaker because you work for somebody stronger. The only failure lies in taxing or pulling down the strength on which you depend. All failures to remain a power’s power are failures to contribute to the strength and longevity of the work, health and power of that power. Devotion requires active contribution outwards from the power as well as in. POWER CHANGE There are only two circumstances which require replacement, the very successful one or the very unsuccessful one. What a song it is to inherit a successful pair of boots, there is nothing to it, just step in the boots and don’t bother to walk. If it was in a normal state of operation, which it norm ally would have been in for anybody to have been promoted out of it, you just don’t change anything. So—anybody wants anything signed that your predecessor didn’t sign, don’t sign it. Keep your eyes open, learn the ropes and, depending on how big the organization is, after a certain time, why, see how it is running and run it as normal operating condition if it’s not in anything but a normal operating condition. Go through the exact same routine of every day that your predecessor went through, sign nothing that he wouldn’t sign, don’t change a single order, look through the papers that had been issued at that period of time-these are the orders that are extant-and get as busy as the devil just enforcing those orders and your operation will increase and increase. Now, the fellow who walks into the boots of somebody who has left in disgrace had better apply the State of Emergency formula to it, which is immediately promote. WISHING YOU SUCCESS. FORMULAS FOR CONDITIONS BELOW NON-EXISTENCE CONDITION OF LIABILITY Below Non-Existence there is the Condition of Liability. The being has ceased to be simply non-existent as a team member and has taken on the color of an enemy. It is assigned where careless or malicious and knowing damage is caused to projects, organizations or activities. It is adjudicated that it is malicious and knowing because orders have been published against it or because it is contrary to the intentions and actions of the remainder of the team or the purpose of the project or organization. It is a liability to have such a person unwatched as the person may do or continue to do things to stop or impede the forward progress of the project or organization and such a person cannot be trusted. No discipline or the assignment of conditions above it has been of any avail. The person has just kept on messing it up. The condition is usually assigned when several dangers and non-existences have been assigned or when a long unchanged pattern of conduct has been detected. When all others are looking for the reason mail is getting lost, such a being would keep on losing the mail covertly. The condition is assigned for the benefit of others so they won’t get tripped up trusting the person in any way. The formula of liability is: 1. Decide who are one’s friends. 2. Deliver an effective blow to the enemies of the group one has been pretending to be part of despite personal danger. 3. Make up the damage one has done by personal contribution far beyond the ordinary demands of a group member. 4. Apply for re-entry to the group by asking the permission of each member of it to rejoin and rejoining only by majority permission, and if refused, repeating (2) and (3) and (4) until one is allowed to be a group member again. CONDITION OF DOUBT When one cannot make up one’s mind as to an individual, a group, organization or project a Condition of Doubt exists. The formula is: 1. Inform oneself honestly of the actual intentions and activities of that group, project or organization, brushing aside all bias and rumor. 2. Examine the statistics of the individual, group, project or organization. 3. Decide on the basis of „the greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics“ whether or not it should be attacked, harmed or suppressed or helped. 4. Evaluate oneself or one’s own group, project or organization as to intentions and objectives. 5. Evaluate one’s own or one’s group, project or organization’s statistics. 6. Join or remain in or befriend the one which progresses toward the greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics and announce the fact publicly to both sides. 7. Do everything possible to improve the actions and statistics of the person, group, project or organization one has remained in or joined. 8. Suffer on up through the conditions in the new group if one has changed sides, or the conditions of the group one has remained in if wavering from it has lowered one’s status. CONDITION OF ENEMY When a person is an avowed and knowing enemy of an individual, a group, project or organization, a Condition of Enemy exists. The formula for the Condition of Enemy is just one step: 1. FIND OUT WHO YOU REALLY ARE. CONDITION OF TREASON The formula for the Condition of Treason is: 1. FIND OUT THAT YOU ARE. CONDITION OF CONFUSION There is a Condition below Treason. It is a Condition of CONFUSION. The formula of the Condition is: 1. FIND OUT WHERE YOU ARE. It will be seen that the progress upward would be in Confusion, find out where you are, in Treason, find out that you are; and for Enemy, find out who you are. The additional formula for the Condition of Confusion is: 1. Locational on the area in which one is. 2. Comparing where one is to other areas where one was. 3. Repeat Step 1. Lack of this Condition sometimes brings about an assignment of Treason in which the person cannot actually find out that he is and so occasionally does not make it on up the Conditions. Many more persons are in this Condition than is generally realized. THE ETHICS CODES OFFENSES AND PENALTIES These are the penalties we have always more or less used, and these are the offenses which have been usually considered offenses in Scientology. Formerly they were never written down or routinely enforced, there was no recourse, and these lacks made staff members uncertain of their fate. They knew something happened but not why. They knew certain things were frowned on but not how much or little. The penalties were suddenly administered without warn mg as to what they would be or for what offense. This then is a code of discipline which we have almost always more or less used, made plain for everyone to sec, with limits against over-punishment and recourse for those who are wronged. Accordingly this Code of Offenses and their penalties become firm and expressed policy. Lack of specified offenses, penalties and recourse brings everyone to uncertainty and risk at the whim of those in command. A reward system for merit and good performance also exists. ____________________ There are four general classes of crimes and offenses in Scientology. These are ERRORS, MISDEMEANORS, CRIMES AND HIGH CRIMES. ERRORS Errors are minor unintentional omissions or mistakes. These are: Auditing „goofs“; minor alter-is (change) of technology or policy; small instructional mistakes; minor errors or omissions in performing duties and administrative errors not resulting in financial loss or loss of status or repute for a senior. Errors are dealt with by corrections of the person, reprimand or warnings by seniors. Certificates, Classifications and Awards may not be canceled or suspended or reduced for an Error. The offender may not be transferred or demoted or fined or suspended for Committing an Error. No Committee of Evidence may be convened because of an Error. Repeated corrections, warnings or reprimands by a senior can, however, bring the repeated error offenses into the category of Misdemeanor. MISDEMEANORS A. TECHNICAL MISDEMEANORS 1. Knowing and repeated departures from standard technology, instructional procedures or policy. 2. Processing a known Potential Trouble Source or the family or adherents of a Suppressive Person or Group. 3. Auditor’s Code breaks resulting in a disturbance of the preclear. 4. Failure to follow the Instructor’s Code resulting in disturbed students. 5. Issuing data or information to wrong grades or unauthorized persons or groups or issuing data or information broadly without authority. 6. Any staff auditor turning in an illegible report. 7. Any staff auditor attesting falsely to TA or falsely reporting the flattening of a process. 8. Any staff auditor running any process on any organization preclear that is not given in grade and level HCO Bulletins. 9. Any alteration or non-standard rendition of a process. 10. Any staff auditor running a preclear above the preclear’s grade instead of for the next grade, or running processes out of sequence in a grade. 11. Any student knowingly altering technology, applying processes improperly, or using technology illegally on Hubbard Guidance Center preclears, or lower students or the public, while a student. 12. Any other answer to a student’s demand for verbal technical or unusual solutions than the permitted: „The material is in (HCO Bulletin, Policy Letter or tape).“ „What does your material state?“ „What word did you miss in the (Bulletin, Policy Letter or tape)?“ and requests for unusual auditing solutions: „What did you actually do?“ B. GENERAL MISDEMEANORS 1. Non-compliance. 2. Discourtesy. 3. Insubordination. 4. Mistakes resulting in financial or traffic loss. 5. Commissions or omissions resulting in loss of status or the punishment of a senior. 6. Neglect or gross errors resulting in the need to apply the Emergency Formula to their person, section, unit, department, organization, zone, or Division. 7. Continued association with squirrels. 8. Abuse or loss or damage of organization material. 9. Waste of organization material. 10. Waste of funds. 11. Alteration of senior policy or continued ignorance of. 12. Consistent and repeated failures to wear their hat regarding Dev-T. 13. Refusing an E-Meter Check. 14. Refusing auditing when ordered by a higher authority. 1 5. Disturbing a course or class. 16. Disrupting a meeting. 17. The discovery of their having an undisclosed criminal background in this lifetime. 18. The discovery of an undisclosed tenure in a mental hospital. 19. Omissions resulting in disrepute or financial loss. 20. Inadequate or declining income or traffic in a section, unit, department, organization, zone, or Division. 21. Assisting the inadequacy or decline of income or traffic in a section, unit, department, organization, zone, or Division. 22. Failure to acknowledge, relay or comply with a direct and legal order from an executive staff member. 23. Misconduct. 24. „Unauthorized issue“; issuing material that does not have an authority for that purpose. 25. Contributing to a crime. 26. Any staff member in a senior organization having vital data concerning an organization, department, unit or section that is IN AN EMERGENCY STATUS, or information clearly indicating that it should be, not bringing the matter effectively to the attention of superiors in his own organization. C. ETHICS MISDEMEANORS 1. Failure to appear before a Committee of Evidence as a Witness or Interested Party when personally given summons or receiving summons by registered post. 2. Refusing to testify before a Committee of Evidence. 3. Showing contempt or disrespect to a Committee of Evidence when before it. 4. Destroying documents required by a Committee of Evidence or refusing to produce them. 5. Withholding evidence. 6. False swearing on a signed statement or form. 7. Impeding Ethics. 8. Refusing to serve on a Committee of Evidence. 9. Refusing to vote while a member of a Committee of Evidence. Such offenses are subject to direct punishment by order and for a staff member the punishment is the assignment of a condition below Normal Operation and reduction of pay for the period assigned. Recourse may be had by requesting a Committee of Evidence for return of pay but not damages. The same offenses may be used for a Committee of Evidence but not both a Committee and punishment by direct order-one or the other. However, if any of these offenses become the subject of a Committee of Evidence the penalty. for a misdemeanor may be increased to include suspension of a single certificate and/or classification (but no more) or a minor demotion or transfer, but not dismissal. None of these offenses may be made the subject of dismissal by direct order or Committee of Evidence. Persons may not be dismissed for misdemeanors. Nor may any certificates, classifications or awards be canceled. Non-staff or field or mission Scientologists committing those of the above (except organizational) offenses applicable may have a Committee of Evidence convened on them. Where serious, repeated or of magnitude harmful to many, the same offenses can be re-classed as Crimes by a Convening Authority. CRIMES These cover offenses normally considered criminal. A. NON-COMPLIANCE AND NEGLECT 1. Non-compliance with urgent and vital orders resulting in public disrepute. 2. Placing Scientology or Scientologists at risk. 3. Omissions or non-compliance requiring heavy intervention by seniors, consuming time and money, with Dev-T. 4. Failure or refusal to acknowledge, relay or execute a direct legal order from an International Board Member, or an assistant Board Member. 5. Following illegal orders or illegal local policies or alter- is, knowing them to be different or contrary to those issued by the International Board. 6. Not directly reporting flagrant departures from International Board policy in a section, unit, department, organization, zone, or Division. 7. Being long absent from post while a senior executive without advising the Board Member of his or her Division. 8. Permitting a section, unit, department, organization, zone or Division to collapse. 9. Not taking over as a deputy in a crisis not otherwise being handled. 10. Not reporting the discovery of a Crime or High Crime to World Wide while in authority or as a member of a Committee of Evidence or as a witness before a Committee of Evidence. 11. Refusal to accept penalties assigned in a recourse action. 12. Overworking an executive by ignoring one’s duties. 13. Protecting a staff member guilty of a Crime or High Crime listed in this code. 14. Committing offenses or omissions that bring one’s senior staff member, unit, department, organization or zone official to personal risk and/or a Committee of Evidence, civil, criminal or court. 15. Condoning circumstances or offenses capable of bringing a course, section, unit, department, organization, zone or Division to a state of collapse. 16. Neglect or omission in safeguarding the copyrights, registered marks, trade marks, registered names of Scientology. 17. Neglect of responsibilities resulting in catastrophe even when another manages to avert the final consequences. B. FINANCIAL CRIMES 1. Passing organization students or preclears to outside auditors for private commission. 2. Taking an organization position to build up a private practice. 3. Taking private fees while on staff to audit outside preclears, run private courses, coach or audit students or organization preclears. 4. Embezzlement. 5. Taking commissions from merchants. 6. Reselling organization material for private gain. 7. Using an organization position to procure personal or non- Scientology funds or unusual favors from the public, a firm, student or preclear. 8. Making out or submitting or accepting false purchase orders. 9. Juggling accounts. 10. Illegally taking or possessing organization property. 11. Obtaining loans or money under false pretenses. 12. Pretending Scientology certificates, classifications or awards not actually held to obtain money or credit. 13. Selling auditing hours or training courses for advance which are not then delivered as to hours and time in training (but not results or subject matter). 14. Theft. C. TECHNICAL CRIMES 1. Being or becoming a Potential Trouble Source without reporting it or taking action. 2. Receiving routine auditing other than that intended for the handling of a Potential Trouble Source. 3. Withholding from local Scientology executives that he or she is a Potential Trouble Source. 4. Failing to report a Potential Trouble Source to local HCO. 5. Using Scientology harmfully. 6. Not bringing a preclear up through the grades but overwhelming the preclear with high grades. 7. Processing or giving aid or comfort to a Suppressive Person or Group. 8. Issuing the data or information or instructional or administrative procedures without credit or falsely assigning credit for them to another. 9. Allying Scientology to a disrelated practice. 10. Harmful flagrant and continued Code Breaks resulting in important upsets. 11. Issuing any Scientology data under another name. 12. A student damaging another by willful application of incorrect technology may be charged by his Supervisors with a Crime and a Court of Ethics action must be requested by his Supervisors. 13. Any Supervisor teaching or advising any method not contained in HCO Bulletins or on tapes, or slighting existing HCO Bulletins, Policy Letters or tapes. 14. Any staff auditor reporting falsely verbally or in writing on an auditor’s report. 15. A student falsely enrolling. 16. Putting HCO at risk of reputation by false attestation as a student or preclear. 17. Running a course without a checksheet. 18. Changing a checksheet on a student after it’s issued to him. 19. A Power Auditor seeking or accepting advice verbally or in writing on how to run Power Processes from a person not doing the folder. 20. Any auditor accepting an unusual solution without filing a job endangerment chit or found using an unusual solution must be charged with a Crime and given an Ethics Hearing. Failing to report an unusual solution advised or used is also so handled. An „unusual solution“ is one evolved to remedy an abuse of existing technology. 21. A Potential Trouble Source knowingly permitting the Suppressive Person to be processed without advising the auditor or Scientology authorities. D. GENERAL CRIMES 1. Organizing or allowing a gathering or meeting of staff members or field auditors or the public to protest the orders of a senior. A. Using a local Scientology title to set aside the orders or policies from the International Board. 3. Impersonating a Scientologist or staff member when not authorized. 4. Inciting to insubordination. 5. Instigating a local power push against a senior. 6. Spreading destructive rumors about senior Scientologists. 7. Pretending to express a multiple opinion (use of „everybody“) in vital reports, which could influence assistant board or board decisions. 8. Refusal to uphold discipline. 9. Getting another staff member disciplined by giving false reports about him or her. 10. Falsifying a communication from higher authority. 11. Falsifying a telex message or cable. 12. Causing a staff member to lose prestige or be disciplined by giving false reports. 13. Seeking to shift the blame to an innocent staff member for the consequences of one’s own offenses. 14. Willful loss or destruction of Scientology property. 15. Causing severe and disreputable disturbances resulting in disrepute. 16. Holding Scientology materials or policies up to ridicule, contempt or scorn. 17. Heckling a Scientology Supervisor or lecturer. 18. Falsely degrading an auditor’s technical reputation. 19. Impersonating an executive staff member. 20. Condoning the suppression of the word „Scientology“ in its use or practice. 21. Mayhem. 22. Being a knowing accessory to a Suppressive Act. Crimes are punished by convening Courts of Ethics or Committees of Evidence and may not be handled by direct discipline. Crimes may result in suspension of certificates, classifications or awards, reduction of post, or even dismissal or arrest when the crime clearly warrants it. But such penalties may not be assigned by direct discipline. Certificates, Classifications or Awards may not be canceled for a crime. HIGH CRIMES (SUPPRESSIVE ACTS) A SUPPRESSIVE PERSON or GROUP is one that actively seeks to suppress or damage Scientology or a Scientologist by Suppressive Acts. SUPPRESSIVE ACTS are acts calculated to impede or destroy Scientology or a Scientologist and which are listed at length below. A POTENTIAL TROUBLE SOURCE is defined as a person who while active in Scientology, or while a preclear, yet remains connected to a person or group that is a Suppressive Person or Suppressive Group. Until this connection is handled by special auditing, nothing beneficial can happen. (A Potential Trouble Source is a person or preclear who „roller-coasters“, i.e., gets better, then worse. This occurs only when his connection to a suppressive person or group is unhandled and he must, in order to make his gains from Scientology permanent, receive processing intended to handle such.) Suppressive Acts are defined as actions or omissions undertaken to knowingly suppress, reduce or impede Scientology or Scientologists. Cancellation of Certificates, Classifications and Awards and assignment of a Condition of ENEMY are amongst the penalties which can be leveled for this type of offense as well as those recommended by Committees of Evidence. A. ATTACKS ON SCIENTOLOGY AND SCIENTOLOGISTS 1. Proposing, advising or voting for legislation or ordinances, rules or laws directed towards the Suppression of Scientology. 2. Testifying hostilely before state or public inquiries into Scientology to suppress it. 3. Public statements against Scientology or Scientologists but not to Committees of Evidence duly convened. 4. Reporting or threatening to report Scientology or Scientologists to civil authorities in an effort to suppress Scientology or Scientologists from practicing or receiving standard Scientology. 5. Bringing civil suit against any Scientology Organization or Scientologist including the non-payment of bills or failure to refund without first calling the matter to the attention of the Chairman at World Wide and receiving a reply. 6. Writing anti-Scientology letters to the press or giving anti- Scientology or anti-Scientologist evidence to the press. 7. Testifying as a hostile witness against Scientology in public. 8. Being at the hire of anti-Scientology groups or persons. 9. Infiltrating a Scientology group or organization or staff to stir up discontent or protest at the instigation of hostile forces. 10. Mutiny. 11. Receiving money, favors or encouragement to suppress Scientology or Scientologists. 12. Publicly resigning staff or executive position in protest or with intent to suppress. 13. Theft or espionage for another group or government. 14. Pronouncing Scientologists guilty of the practice of standard Scientology. 15. Engaging in malicious rumor-mongering to destroy the authority or repute of higher officers or the leading names of Scientology or to „safeguard“ a position. 16. Delivering up the person of a Scientologist without defense or protest to the demands of civil or criminal law. 17. Falsifying records that then imperil the liberty or safety of a Scientologist. 18. Knowingly giving false testimony to imperil a Scientologist. 19. Blackmail of Scientologists or Scientology organizations threatened or accomplished-in which case the crime being used for blackmail purposes becomes fully outside the reach of Ethics and is absolved by the fact of blackmail unless repeated. 20. Spreading false tales to invalidate Clears. 21. Spreading libelous and slanderous statements about the alleged behavior of Clears. 22. First degree murder, arson, disintegration of persons or belongings. B. DISAVOWAL, SPLINTERING, DIVERGENCE 1. Public disavowal of Scientology or Scientologists in good standing with Scientology Organizations. 2. Announcing departure from Scientology (but not by reason of leaving an organization, a location or situation or death). 3. Seeking to resign or leave courses or sessions and refusing to return despite normal efforts. 4. Resignation of all certificates, classifications and awards (but not posts or positions or locations). 5. Demanding the return of any or all fees paid for standard training or processing actually received or received in part and still available but undelivered only because of departure of the person demanding (the fees must be refunded but this high crime applies). 6. Continued adherence to a group pronounced a Suppressive Group by the Hubbard Communications Office. 7. Aiding or abetting a person demonstrably guilty of Suppressive Acts in such acts. 8. Dependency on other mental or philosophic procedures than Scientology (except medical or surgical) after certification, classification, or award. 9. Accepting treatment from a splinter group. 10. Continued membership in a divergent group. 11. Organizing a splinter group to use Scientology data or any part of it to distract people from standard Scientology. 12. Organizing splinter groups to diverge from Scientology practices, still calling it Scientology or something else. 13. Calling meetings of staffs or field auditors or the public to deliver Scientology into the hands of unauthorized persons or persons who will suppress it or alter it or who have no reputation for following standard lines and procedures. 14. Seeking to splinter off an area of Scientology and deny it properly constituted authority for personal profit, personal power or to „save the organization from the higher officers of Scientology“. C. TECHNICAL HIGH CRIMES 1. Tolerating the absence of, or not insisting upon star-rated checkouts on all processes and their immediate technology and on relevant policy letters on Hubbard Guidance Center Interns or staff auditors in the Technical Division or staff auditors or Interns in the Qualifications Division for the levels and actions they will use before permitting them to audit Organization preclears and on supervisors in Technical and Qualifications Divisions who instruct or examine or failing to insist upon this policy or preventing this policy from going into effect or minimizing the checkouts or lists. 2. Pretending to have an organization but have no technical personnel on staff in Tech or Qual. D. CRIMINAL ISSUE OF MATERIALS 1. Public Dissemination of false or forbidden or dangerous data. E. WILLFUL MISAPPLICATION In truth, any Executive Council which is enforcing Ethics penalties without applying Ethics rewards is liable to a charge of willful misapplication. Willful misapplication (Ethics or Tech) is a High Crime. PETITION The right to petition must not be denied. It is the oldest form of seeking justice and a redress of wrongs and it may well be that when it vanishes a civilization deteriorates thereby. Therefore these policies apply: 1. Any one individual has the right to petition in writing any senior or official no matter how high and no matter by what routing. 2. No person may be punished for submitting a petition. 3. No two persons or more may simultaneously petition on the same matter and if so the petition must at once be refused by the person petitioned. Collective petition is a crime under Ethics as it is an effort to hide the actual petitioner and as there may be no punishment for a petition collective petition has therefore no excuse of safety and is to be interpreted as an effort to overwhelm and may not be regarded as a petition. 4. No generality may be used in a petition such as a report of collective opinion unspecified as to identities. This is to be interpreted as an effort to ARC Break a superior and the petition must be refused. 5. Only one person may petition on one matter or the petition must be refused. 6. Threat included in a request for justice, a favor or redress deprives it of the status of „petition“ and it must be refused. 7. Discourtesy or malice in a request for justice, a favor or redress deprives it of the status of „petition“ and it must be refused. 8. If a „petition“ contains no request it is not a petition. 9. There may be no special form for a petition beyond these policies. 10. A petition which cannot be deciphered or understood should be returned to the sender with a request that it be made legible or comprehensible, but this should not be interpreted as a refusal or acceptance of the petition. 11. A copy of a petition seeking justice against another person or group must be sent that person or group to qualify the request as a petition. No action may be taken by the person or group but he or they should append the copy to their own statement of the matter and send it at once to the executive being petitioned. 12. Petitions are normally directed to the heads of activities such as the head of a portion of an organization (Hubbard Communications Office or the Organization in the persons of the HCO Executive Secretary and the Organization Executive Secretary) or the Continental heads of organizations or to Mary Sue Hubbard or L. Ron Hubbard. 13. Petitions may not demand Committees of Evidence or punishment for executives but may only state what has happened and request the matter be righted. 14. A petition is itself and is not a form of recourse and making a petition does not use up one’s right to recourse. 15. All petitions delivered in person verbally or in person with a note particularly when this restricts a senior’s freedom of motion, must be refused. 16. HCO Secretaries or Communicators receiving petitions directed to be forwarded to higher executives which do not comply with these policies should append a copy of HCO Policy Letter of 29 April 1965, Issue II, Petition to the petition and return it to sender. The sender should then reform the petition into acceptable form and return it on the same channels. When receiving his petition back with this policy letter attached to it, the sender must not assume it has been refused and become apathetic. He or she should realize that a favor has been done for a petition in violation of these policies would have to be refused by the person to whom the petitioner addressed it and that by rewording or complying with these policies the petition now has a chance and will undoubtedly be given courteous attention. A petitioner should consider himself fortunate if a discourteous or collective or threatening petition is returned as it would not be regarded as a petition by the executive to whom it is addressed and might color his or her opinion of the petitioner, perhaps obscuring some real wrong which might well have received attention. REWARDS AND PENALTIES The whole decay of Western government is explained in this seemingly obvious law: WHEN YOU REWARD DOWN STATISTICS AND PENALIZE UP STATISTICS YOU GET DOWN STATISTICS If you reward non-production you get non-production. When you penalize production you get non-production. The Welfare State can be defined as that state which rewards non-production at the expense of production. Let us not then be surprised that we all turn up at last slaves in a starved society. Russia cannot even feed herself but depends on conquest to eke out an existence-and don’t think they don’t strip the conquered! They have to. Oddly enough one of the best ways to detect a Suppressive Person is that he or she stamps on up statistics and condones or rewards down statistics. It makes a Suppressive Person very happy for everyone to starve to death, for the good worker to be shattered and the bad worker patted on the back. Draw your own conclusions as to whether or not Western Governments (or Welfare States) became at last Suppressives. For they used the law used by Suppressives: if you reward non- production you get non-production. Although all this is very obvious to us, it seems to have been unknown, overlooked or ignored by 20th Century governments. In the conduct of Scientology in all matters of rewards and penalties we pay sharp heed to the basic laws as above and use this policy: We award production and up statistics and penalize non-production and down statistics. Always. Also we do it all by statistics-not rumor or personality or who knows who. And we make sure everyone has a statistic of some sort. We promote by statistic only. We penalize down statistics only. The whole of Government as government was only a small bit of a real organization-it was an Ethics function Plus a Tax function Plus a Disbursement function. This is about 3/100ths of an organization. A 20th Century government was just these three functions gone mad. Yet they made the whole population wear the hat of government. We must learn and profit from what they did wrong. And what they mainly did wrong was reward the down statistic and penalize the up statistic. The hardworker-earner was heavily taxed and the money was used to support the indigent. This was not humanitarian. It was only given „humanitarian“ reasons. The robbed person was investigated exclusively, rarely the robber. The head of government who got into the most debt became a hero. War rulers were deified and peacetime rulers forgotten no matter how many wars they prevented. Thus went Ancient Greece, Rome, France, the British Empire and the U.S. This was the decline and fall of every great civilization on this planet: they eventually rewarded the down statistic and penalized the up statistic. That ‘s all that caused their decline. They came at last into the hands of Suppressives and had no technology to detect them or escape their inevitable disasters. Any duress leveled by Ethics should be reserved for down statistics. If we reverse the conduct of declining governments and businesses we will of course grow. And that makes for coffee and cakes, promotion, higher pay, better working quarters and tools for all those who earned them. And who else should have them? If you do it any other way, everyone starves. We are peculiar in believing there is a virtue in prosperity. You cannot give more to the indigent than the society produces. When the society, by penalizing production, at last produces very little and yet has to feed very many, revolutions, confusion, political unrest and Dark Ages ensue. In a very prosperous society where production is amply rewarded, there is always more left over than is needed. I well recall in prosperous farm communities that charity was ample and people didn’t die in the ditch. That only happens where production is already low and commodity or commerce already scarce (scarcity of commercial means of distribution is also a factor in depressions). The cause of the great depression of the 1 920s and 1930s in the U.S. and England has never been pointed out by Welfare „statesmen“. The cause was Income Tax and government interference with companies and, all during the I 800s, a gradual rise of nationalism and size of governments and their budgets, and no commercial development to distribute goods to the common people, catering to royal governments or only a leisure class still being the focus of production. Income tax so penalized management, making it unrewarded, and company law so hampered financing that it ceased to be really worthwhile to run companies and management quit. In Russia management went into politics in desperation. Kings were always decreeing the commoner couldn’t have this or that (it put the commoner’s statistic up!) and not until 1930 did anyone really begin to sell to the people with heavy advertising. It was Madison Avenue, radio, TV and Bing Crosby, not the Gre-e-eat Roosevelt who got the U.S. out of the depression. England, not permitting wide radio coverage never has come out of it and her empire is dust. England still too firmly held the „aristocratic“ tradition that the commoner mustn’t possess to truly use her population as a market. But the reason they let it go this way and the reason the great depression occurred and the reason for the decline of the West is this one simple truth: If you reward non-production you get it. It is not humanitarian to let a whole population go to pieces just because a few refuse to work. And some people just won’t. And when work no longer has reward none will. It is far more humane to have enough so everyone can eat. So specialize in production and everybody wins. Reward it. There is nothing really wrong with socialism helping the needy. Sometimes it is vital. But the reasons for that are more or less over. It is a temporary solution, easy overdone and like Communism is simply old-fashioned today. If carried to extremes like drinking coffee or absinthe or even eating, it becomes quite uncomfortable and oppressive. And today Socialism and Communism have been carried far too far and now only oppress up statistics and reward down ones. No good worker owes his work. That’s slavery. We don’t owe because we do better. One would owe only if one did worse. Not everyone realizes how Socialism penalizes an up statistic. Take health taxes. If an average man adds up what he pays the government he will find his visits to medicos are very expensive. The one who benefits is only the chronically ill, whose way is paid by the healthy. So the chronically ill (down statistic) are rewarded with care paid for by penalties on the healthy (up statistic). In income tax, the more a worker makes the more hours of his work week are taxed away from him. Eventually he is no longer working for his reward. He is working for no pay. If he got up to £50 a week the proportion of his pay (penalty) might go as high as half. Therefore people tend to refuse higher pay (up statistics) as it has a penalty that is too great. On the other hand a totally indigent non-working person is paid well just to loaf. The up statistic person cannot hire any small services to help his own prosperity as he is already paying it via the government to somebody who doesn’t work. Socialism’s pay people not to grow crops no matter how many are starving. Get it? So the law holds. Charity is charity. It benefits the donor, giving him a sense of superiority and status. It is a liability to the receiver but he accepts it as he must and vows (if he has any pride) to cease being poor and get to work. Charity cannot be enforced by law and arrest for then it is extortion and not charity. And get no idea that I beat any drum for capitalism. That too is old-old-old hat. Capitalism is the economics of living by non-production. It by exact definition is the economics of living off interest from loans. Which is an extreme of rewarding non-production. Imperialism and Colonialism are also bad as they exist by enslaving the population of less strong countries like Russia does, and that too is getting a reward for non-production like they did in Victorian England from all the colonies. Parasitism is Parasitism. Whether high or low it is unlovely. All these isms are almost equally nutty and their inheritors, if not their originators, were all of a stamp- suppressive. All I beat the drum for is that the working worker deserves a break and the working manager deserves his pay and the successful company deserves the fruits of its success. Only when success is bought by enslavement or rewards are given to bums or thieves will you find me objecting. This is a new look. It is an honest look. Reward the up statistic and damn the down and we’ll all make out. SAFEGUARDING TECHNOLOGY For some years we have had a word „squirreling”. It means altering Scientology, off-beat practices. It is a bad thing. I have found a way to explain why. Scientology is a workable system. This does not mean it is the best possible system or a perfect system. Remember and use that definition. Scientology is a workable system. In fifty thousand years of history on this planet alone, Man never evolved a workable system. It is doubtful if, in foreseeable history, he will ever evolve another. Man is caught in a huge and complex labyrinth. To get out of it requires that he follow the closely taped path of Scientology. Scientology will take him out of the labyrinth. But only if he follows the exact markings in the tunnels. It has taken me a third of a century in this lifetime to tape this route out. It has been proven that efforts by Man to find different routes came to nothing. It is also a clear fact that the route called Scientology does lead out of the labyrinth. Therefore it is a workable system, a route that can be traveled. What would you think of a guide who, because his party said it was dark and the road rough and who said another tunnel looked better, abandoned the route he knew would lead out and led his party to a lost nowhere in the dark. You’d think he was a pretty wishy-washy guide. What would you think of a supervisor who let a student depart from procedure the supervisor knew worked. You’d think he was a pretty wishy-washy supervisor. What would happen in a labyrinth if the guide let some girl stop in a pretty canyon and left her there forever to contemplate the rocks? You’d think he was a pretty heartless guide. You’d expect him to say at least, „Miss, those rocks may be pretty, but the road out doesn’t go that way.” All right, how about an auditor who abandons the procedure which will make his preclear eventually clear just because the preclear had a cognition? People have following the route mixed up with „the right to have their own ideas.” Anyone is certainly entitled to have opinions and ideas and cognitions—so long as these do not bar the route out for self and others. Scientology is a workable system. It white tapes the road out of the labyrinth. If there were no white tapes marking the right tunnels, Man would just go on wandering around and around the way he has for eons, darting off on wrong roads, going in circles, ending up in the sticky dark, alone. Scientology, exactly and correctly followed, takes the person up and out of the mess. So when you see somebody having a ball getting everyone to take peyote because it restimulates prenatals, know he is pulling people off the route. Realize he is squirreling. He isn’t fol lowing the route. Scientology is a new thing—it is a road out. There has not been one. Not all the salesmanship in the world can make a bad route a proper route. And an awful lot of bad routes are being sold. Their end product is further slavery, more darkness, more misery. Scientology is the only workable system Man has. It has already taken people toward higher IQ, better lives and all that. No other system has. So realize that it has no competitor. Scientology is a workable system. It has the route taped. The search is done. Now the route only needs to be walked. So put the feet of students and preclears on that route. Don’t let them off of it no matter how fascinating the side roads seem to them. And move them on up and out. Squirreling is today destructive of a workable system. Don’t let your party down. By whatever means, keep them on the route. And they’ll be free. If you don’t, they won’t. GLOSSARY ALTER-IS: The practice of changing or falsifying the way something actually is. ARC: Affinity, Reality and Communication. ARC composes understanding. ARC BREAK: To cause an upset, or sudden drop in ARC. AUDITING: The application of Scientology procedures to a person by a trained Scientologist. AUDITOR: A listener or one who listens carefully to what people have to say. An auditor is a person trained and qualified in applying Scientology processes to others for their betterment. CLEAR: A person who through the technology of Scientology has achieved the extremely high state of being able to be at cause knowingly and at will over mental matter, energy, space and time as regards the first Dynamic (survival as self). COMMITTEE OF EVIDENCE: A fact-finding group appointed and empowered to impartially investigate and recommend upon Scientology matters of a fairly severe ethical nature. DEV-T: DEVeloped unnecessary Traffic. DYNAMIC: The urge, thrust and purpose of life—SURVIVE!—in its eight manifestations. The First Dynamic is the urge toward survival of self. The Second Dynamic is the urge toward survival through sex, or children. This dynamic actually has two divisions. The Second Dynamic (a) is the sexual act itself and Second Dynamic (b) is the family unit, including the rearing of children. The Third Dynamic is the urge toward survival through a group of individuals or as a group. Any group or part of an entire class could be considered to be a part of the Third Dynamic. The school, the club, the team, the town, the nation, are examples of groups. The Fourth Dynamic is the urge toward survival through all mankind and as all mankind. The Fifth Dynamic is the urge toward survival through life forms such as animals, birds, insects, fish and vegetation, and is the urge to survive as these. The Sixth Dynamic is the urge toward survival as the physical universe and has as its components Matter, Energy, Space and Time, from which we derive the word MEST. The Seventh Dynamic is the urge toward survival through spirits or as a spirit. Anything spiritual, with or without identity, would come under the Seventh Dynamic. A subheading of this Dynamic is ideas and concepts such as beauty, and the desire to survive through these. The Eighth Dynamic is the urge toward survival through a Supreme Being, or more exactly, Infinity. This is called the Eighth Dynamic because the symbol of Infinity oo stood upright makes the numeral „8“. E-METER CHECK: The procedure whereby an Ethics Officer or trained auditor establishes the state of a person in regard to ethical or technical matters by using the technology of the E-Meter, an electronic instrument for measuring the mental state or change of state of an individual. ETHICS: Ethics is reason and the contemplation of optimum survival. EXTERNAL COMM: External Comm Bureau. A bureau responsible for handling all incoming and outgoing communication traffic of telexes, freight and mail in a Scientology organization. FIELD STAFF MEMBER (FSM): A person appointed by the Church of Scientology to act as a representative for the Church in his local area. FLATTENING OF PROCESS: Technical term for ending the use of a process by an auditor at the exact moment at which it must be ended. HAT: Slang for the title and work of a post in a Scientology organization (derived from railroading, etc. usage where the hat worn indicates one’s job). LOCATIONAL: „Locate the _______ .“ The auditor has the preclear locate the floor, the ceiling, the walls, the furniture in the room and other objects and bodies. OVERT(noun): A contra-survival act against one or more Dynamics. PHASE I: Beginning a new activity. An executive single-hands while he trains his staff. When he has people producing, functioning well and hatted he then enters the next phase: PHASE II—running an established activity. An executive gets people to get the work done. POTENTIAL TROUBLE SOURCE: Any person who, while active in Scientology or a preclear, remains connected to a Suppressive Person or Group. (A person „rollercoasters“, i.e., gets better, then worse, etc., only when connected to a Suppressive Person or Group, and in order to cease roller-coastering must receive processing intended to handle such.) PRECLEAR: This term covers anyone who is not a Clear; however, it is principally used to describe a person who, through Scientology processing, is finding out more about him self and life. SCIENTOLOGY: Scientology is a religious philosophy and technology. The word Scientology comes from the Latin SCIO (knowledge) and the Greek LOGOS (study) and means „knowing how to know“ or, „the study of wisdom“. „SQUIRRELS“: Those who engage in actions altering Scientology, and off-beat practices. STAR-RATED CHECKOUTS: Technical or administrative material of highest importance checked on the person studying it by another to make sure the person knows and can apply it exactly. STATISTIC: A number or amount compared to an earlier number or amount of the same thing. Statistics refer to the quantity of work done or the value of it in money. SUPPRESSIVE PERSON: One who is battling constantly in covert ways to make others less powerful and less able because of imagined danger to himself. TA: Tone Arm Action. A technical term for the quantitative measurement of case gain in the Scientology processing of a preclear for a given unit of time. THETAN: The person himself-not his body or name, the physical universe, his mind, or anything else-that which is aware of being aware; the identity that IS the individual. (From Theta e, the Greek symbol for „thought“ or perhaps „spirit“.) WITHHOLD (noun): An undisclosed contra-survival act against one or more Dynamics.