D I A N E T I C S T O D A Y [picture#01] Dianetics Symbol The Greek letter Delta is the basic form. Green for growth, yellow for life. The four stripes represent the ~four~ dynamics of Dianetics; Survival as I self, II Sex and Family, III Group and IV Mankind. This symbol was designed in 1950 and has been used since. LRH TO THE READER § Scientology(R) is a religious philosophy containing spiritual counseling procedures intended to assist an individual to attain spiritual freedom. The mission of the Church of Scientology is a simple one--to help the individual attain full awareness of himself as an immortal being, and of his relationship to the Supreme Being. The attainment of the benefits and goals of Scientology requires each individual's dedicated participation as only through his own efforts can he himself, as a spiritual being, achieve these. § This is part of the religious literature and works of the Founder of Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard. It is presented to the reader as part of the record of his personal research into life, and should be construed only as a written report of such research and not as a statement of claims made by the church or the author. § Scientology and Dianetics, as practiced by the church, address only the "thetan" (spirit). Although the church, as all churches, is free to engage in spiritual healing, it does not, as its primary goal is increased ~spiritual awareness~ for all. For this reason, the church does not wish to accept individuals who desire treatment of physical illness or insanity but refers these to qualified specialists of other organizations who deal in these matters. § The Hubbard Electrometer is a religious artifact used in the church confessional. It, in itself, does nothing, and is used by ministers only, to assist parishioners in locating areas of spiritual distress or travail. § We hope the reading of this book is only the first stage of a personal voyage of discovery into the new and vital world religion of Scientology. This book belongs to: ___________________ Date ______________________ THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY All mail addressed to me shall be received by me. I am always willing to help. By my own creed, a being is only as valuable as he can serve others. Any message addressed to me and sent to the address of the nearest Scientology church listed in the back of this book, will be forwarded to me directly. [signature] L. RON HUBBARD Dianetics(R) Today DIANETICS TODAY by L. Ron Hubbard Publications Organization ------------------------------------------------- Los Angeles Published by Church of Scientology of California Publications Organization United States The American Saint Hill Organization 2723 West Temple Street Los Angeles, California 90026 ~Church of Scientology of California is a non-profit organization~. ~Scientology is an applied religious philosophy. Dianetics(R) and Scientology(R) are registered names~. First printing 1975 Copyright (C) 1951, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975 by L. Ron Hubbard. All Rights Reserved. ~The E-meter is not intended or effective for the diagnosis, treatment or prevention of any disease~. ~A Dianetics Publication. Dianetics is the trademark of L. Ron Hubbard in respect of his published works~. Compiled and edited by The LRH Personal Compilations Bureau Edited by: Jill Steinberg/Alethiea C. Taylor Artwork by: Andre Clavel ISBN 0-88404-036-4 Printed by Kingsport Press, Inc. Printed in the U.S.A. Important Note In reading this book, be very certain you never go past a word you do not fully understand. ~The only reason a person gives up a study or becomes confused or unable to learn is because he or she has gone past a word that was not understood~. The confusion or inability to grasp or learn comes AFTER a word that was not understood. Have you ever had the experience of coming to the end of a page and realizing that you didn't know what you had read? Somewhere earlier on that page, you passed a word that you didn't understand. If, in reading this book, the materials become confusing or you can't seem to grasp it, there will be a word just earlier that you haven't understood. Don't go any further but go back to BEFORE you got into difficulty. Find the misunderstood word and get it defined. An extensive glossary containing Dianetic and Scientology words and terms dealing specifically with the text is provided in the back of this book. These words carry an asterisk the first time they appear. However, new and unusual words are not the only words that cause difficulty. Commonly used words are very often misdefined and usually cause the greatest difficulty. Use a general English language dictionary for these. Contents [FREEZONE BIBLE MISSION STATEMENT] Introduction ................. ~iii~ BOOK ONE Chapter 1 Become an Auditor ....... 1 Chapter 2 How To Study Dianetics .. 7 Chapter 3 Basic Dianetic Definitions and Illustrations ....... 37 Chapter 4 What Is The Mind? ....... 73 Chapter 5 Dianetic Use ............ 107 BOOK TWO Chapter 1 The Magic of Communication ........... 119 Chapter 2 The E-Meter ............. 185 Chapter 3 Observing the Obvious ... 219 Chapter 4 End Phenomena ........... 231 Chapter 5 Administration, A Piece of Truth ................ 245 BOOK THREE Chapter 1 Dianetic Auditing and Society ................. 275 Chapter 2 R3R Procedure ........... 327 Chapter 3 The Pc's Introduction to Auditing ............. 403 Chapter 4 Rudiments and Havingness .............. 411 Chapter 5 Assists ................. 425 Chapter 6 Drugs ................... 469 Chapter 7 The Bridge To Health .... 521 Chapter 8 Auditor Rights .......... 537 Chapter 9 The Ivory Tower ......... 545 Chapter 10 Personally C/Sed Sessions ............... 645 Chapter 11 Keeping Dianetics Working ................ 931 Chapter 12 The Value of Training .. 943 Quadruple Dianetics .................. 963 The Dianetic Axioms .................. 967 About the Author ..................... 987 Bibliography ......................... 991 Abbreviations List ................... 1009 Glossary ............................. 1013 Index ................................ 1045 ************************************************** FREEZONE BIBLE MISSION STATEMENT Our purpose is to promote religious freedom and the Scientology Religion by spreading the Scientology Tech across the internet. The Cof$ abusively suppresses the practice and use of Scientology Tech by FreeZone Scientologists. It misuses the copyright laws as part of its suppression of religious freedom. They think that all freezoner's are "squirrels" who should be stamped out as heritics. By their standards, all Christians, Moslems, Mormons, and even non-Hassidic Jews would be considered to be squirrels of the Jewish Religion. The writings of LRH form our Old Testament just as the writings of Judiasm form the Old Testament of Christianity. We might not be good and obedient Scientologists according to the definitions of the Cof$ whom we are in protest against. But even though the Christians are not good and obedient Jews, the rules of religious freedom allow them to have their old testament regardless of any Jewish opinion. We ask for the same rights, namely to practice our religion as we see fit and to have access to our holy scriptures without fear of the Cof$ copyright terrorists. We ask for others to help in our fight. Even if you do not believe in Scientology or the Scientology Tech, we hope that you do believe in religious freedom and will choose to aid us for that reason. Thank You, The FZ Bible Association ************************************************** iii INTRODUCTION DIANETICS means "through the soul" (from Greek ~dia~, through, and ~noos~, soul). It is the first fully precise science of the mind. The world before Dianetics had never known a precision mental science. Dianetics was first conceived in 1930. A long research in ancient and modern philosophy culminated in 1938 when I discovered that the common denominator of all existence was "SURVIVE!" Dianetics was first publicly released in 1950 with the book ~Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health~, and has been increasingly successful since that time. Dianetics was the basic discovery which led to and was the reason for Scientology, (from Latin ~scio~, knowing in the fullest sense of the word, and Greek ~logos~, to study), an applied religious philosophy. In the early 1950s new discoveries concerning the spirit brought us into Scientology. But Dianetics was never lost sight of and every little while I would push it further ahead toward fast, easy 100 percent workability. Physical illness, aches, pains, continual exhaustion, body malfunctions are created or held in an unchanging state by the mind. This is called psychosomatic (~psycho~ -spirit, ~somatic~ -body) illness. It has been known about for a century but there has never been a positive remedy before Dianetics. The actual source of psychosomatic illness has been located in Dianetics. No drugs, no hypnotism, no mechanical treatment is used. The end product of Dianetics is a well, happy, high IQ human being. It does not attempt and should not be confused with the end product of Scientology which is spiritual freedom. Though they hold in common certain basic tools, Dianetics and Scientology are not identical subjects and their technologies are not the same. iv Dianetics is the route from aberrated (or aberrated and ill) human to a well, happy, high IQ human being. Scientology is the route from there to total freedom and ability as a spiritual being. In early Dianetic research the human mind and basic human character were found to have been most grossly maligned because Man had not been able to distinguish irrational conduct derived from another, far more vicious source. The ~reactive mind~ was discovered. The reactive mind is a portion of a person's mind which works on a totally stimulus-response basis, which is not under his volitional control and which exerts force and the power of command over his awareness, purposes, thoughts, body and actions. It had managed to bury itself from view so thoroughly that only inductive philosophy, travelling from effect back to cause, served to uncover it. The isolation and resolution of the reactive mind was a major breakthrough for Man. The exact moment of the breakthrough is recorded with the book ~Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health~. This book burst on the Western World in May 1950, shot to the top of the leading best seller lists and has stayed there. It still sells more copies around the world than the average best seller in any given year. Stored in the reactive mind are engrams, and here we find the single source of aberrations and psychosomatic ills. An ~engram~ is a mental image picture of an experience containing pain, unconsciousness, and a real or fancied threat to survival. It is a recording in the reactive mind of something which actually happened to an individual in the past and which contained pain and unconsciousness, both of which are recorded in the mental image picture called an engram. It must, by definition, have impact or injury as part of its content. These engrams are a complete recording, down to the last accurate detail, of every perception present in a moment of partial or full unconsciousness. The reactive mind comprises an unknowing, unwanted series of aberrated computations which bring about an effect v upon the individual and those around him. It is an obsessive strata of unknown, unseen, uninspected data which are forcing solutions, unknown and unsuspected on the individual which tells you why it remained hidden from Man for so many thousands of years. In the thousands of years before 1950 there were many philosophers and much knowledge was gathered in the field of mathematics, electronics and the material sciences. However, due to idealogies and political conflicts, little of this prior knowledge was ever applied to the field of the human mind. The scientific idea of regarding as a truth only that which could be demonstrated with a result was never really applied to the mind. "Researchers" in this field were not fully trained in mathematics, the scientific method or logic. They were interested mainly in their own private ideas and in political targets. Man has used mental knowledge in the past mainly for control, politics and propaganda. Various forms of "mental therapy" were in existence before Dianetics. Psychology and psychiatry were developed chiefly by a Russian veterinarian named Ivan Petrovich Pavlov (1849-1936). His basic principle was that men were only animals and could be conditioned and trained much like dancing bears or dogs. This work was intended only to CONTROL people and so has found great favor with certain rulers and upper classes. None of the activities of psychology or psychiatry were designed to help or cure, only to control the masses. The Western nations overlooked the fact that this work had already destroyed several countries (including Czarist Russia) and that Stalin had made Pavlov write up his work in the Kremlin in 1928 in order to permit the control of men. The subject of psychology began its texts by saying they did not know what the word meant. So the subject itself never arrived. Professor Wundt of Leipzig University in 1879 perverted the term. It really means just "a study (ology) of the soul (psyche)." But Wundt, working under the vi eye of Bismarck, the greatest of German military fascists at the height of German war ambitions, had to deny Man had a soul. So there went the whole subject! Men were thereafter animals (it is all right to kill animals) and Man had no soul, so the word psychology could no longer be defined. The West at that time was run by only the "very best people" and possibly it pleased them greatly to think that the masses they controlled were only animals after all. That this also made them animals did not occur to them. Using the mental studies of an enemy is a very dangerous thing to do. Psychoanalysis was developed by an Austrian Jew, Sigmund Freud (1856-1939). His occasional successes served to point out that there was a possibility of solving psychosomatic illness through addressing the mind. His concentration on sex gave psychoanalysis considerable popularity. The results of psychiatry are physically damaging, consisting of various brutalities and often injure the patient for life or kill him outright. There have never been any cures listed or claimed for psychiatric treatment as its interest lies only in control. Psychology is mainly used for testing aptitude or intelligence. It has counseling as part of its activities but it is more concerned with and financed for warfare. Psychoanalysis requires about five years for an uncertain result. Dianetics requires only a matter of hours and only helps and does not injure anyone. It costs about $50 an hour in the US. (The Hubbard Standard Dianetics Course, which includes all the Dianetic counseling a student wants from other competent students at no additional charge, costs only $500 total in the US.) The two subjects, psychology and psychiatry, have bitterly contested any healing subject and use public media, governments and rumor to forward population control. This action has often made it difficult to bring bonafide mental health to the people. In some areas, mainly the US, it was illegal to heal or cure anything. There was even a law in California giving 25 vii illnesses that were against the law to cure. The "Better" Business Bureau in the US even issued pamphlets that state, "You can always tell a fake healer because he says he can cure something." Why a civilization would make it illegal to cure illness can only be explained by some vested interest making more money out of people being sick than getting people well. Man should not be kept ill just to let a few have a monopoly. In almost all other countries than the US there is no restriction on healing despite monopolistic efforts to make one. There is no quarrel between Dianetics and general practitioners of the medical profession. They both have the same purpose (to make people well) and are not political. It is freely admitted in Dianetics that physical illness that can be effectively treated medically should be so treated. Spiritual counseling will not set a broken leg or deliver a baby. But it can help get the leg healed in two weeks instead of the usual six and after-effects of childbirth do not exist when Dianetic counseling is also used. Dianetics refuses to be a revolutionary activity. It does not have to be. All it has as a mission is to get itself ~applied~. The basic building block of a society is the individual. From individuals, groups are built. And this is the society. No society is better than its basic building blocks. Men are ~not~ animals. Well men are sane men. Dianetics, if applied to individuals in the society, brings hope and well and sane beings. These well and sane beings, sent on to Scientology, then become brilliant and very able beings. We are evolving Man to a higher state. In this state he can better handle his problems. We are not trying to overthrow anyone. We are not revolting against anyone. In truth we can even make the fancied "very best people" into actual very best people. Man is being subjected to fantastic and violent efforts to lure or crush him into docility. This is the obvious end viii product of Russian and East European technologies now heavily financed and supported, unwittingly, by Western governments. Man's response to this is riots and civil disorder in universities, unions and streets. Man does not accurately trace the source of oppression. He is violently worried. The government response is more millions to psychologists and psychiatrists to develop new means of control and oppression. What has not worked in the past is not likely to work in the present or the future. Dianetics is not only the first mental science developed in the West. It is the first mental science on the planet that uniformly produces beneficial results. Dianetics has progressed from the pre-Dianetic period of no science of the mind, to the existence of a real science of the mind, to a fast accurate science simpler than any other scientific subject and of more value to men. All this advance has been hard won, without government billions, in the teeth of avalanches of lies and opposition. The subject owes no allegiance to anyone but itself. It has no commitments to anyone. It has no politics. It belongs to those who use it. The reason why Dianetics and Scientology were abused or even fought has to do with what is called a "cultural lag." This has often occurred in the history of technical developments. An example is Dr. Semmelweis' discovery of the cause and cure of childbed fever. For over half a century after that women still died in agony after childbearing. Eventually the culture caught up to it and the illness which had accounted for a huge percentage of female deaths ceased to exist. Dr. Semmelweis' discovery of its prevention was "ahead of its time." Pathetically scoffed and disbelieved, he even died to prove he was right. The radio telephone was invented and demonstrated half a century before it was generally used. Cultural lag occurs for many reasons. ix In any field as retarded as the human sciences the emergence of Dianetics and Scientology, full and workable and complete is startling. And thereby subject to disbelief. This does not mean they aren't used and useful. It is significant that hundreds of aerospace technicians, working with satellites and rocketry broadly used Scientology first. At the same time parliaments in some socially backward countries were busy passing laws against Scientology to protect their psychiatrists whose medieval approach was to seize people without any process of law and castrate them and saw out brains as a "cure" for mental illness. In a world where governments are fighting to dominate men's minds, mental technology is needed to protect the individual and to prevent the enslavement of all. So Dianetics and Scientology may be a century ahead of their times but still they are just in time before we all go up in smoke. Dianetics is the first practical workable easily taught technology of the mind. It has endured already twenty-four years and is better and more used than ever before. ** BOOK ONE CHAPTER 1 BECOME AN AUDITOR Auditing is the application of Dianetic and Scientology processes and procedures to someone by a trained auditor. An auditor is one who listens carefully to what people have to say and is one who is trained and qualified in applying Dianetic and Scientology processes to others for their betterment. A process is a set of questions asked by an auditor to help a person find out things about himself and life and so improve himself and his life and the conditions around him. Therefore a more exact definition of auditing (also called processing) would be the action of asking a preclear a question (which he can understand and answer), getting an answer to that question and acknowledging him for that answer. A preclear is a term principally used to describe a person who, through Dianetic and Scientology processing, is finding out more about himself and life. 2 BOOK ONE Auditing gets rid of unwanted barriers that inhibit, stop or blunt a person's natural intelligence and abilities--as well as gradiently increasing the abilities a person has so that he becomes more able and his survival, happiness and intelligence increase enormously. To be an auditor you only have to be willing to guide a person's attention to an area in life that is bothering him by asking him an exact auditing question, and then be willing to listen attentively to the person's answer and then be willing to accept that answer and acknowledge him for that answer. In doing this you must be willing to follow a code or a collection of rules (do's and don'ts) that an auditor follows while auditing someone. This will ensure that the preclear will get the greatest possible gain out of the processing that he is having, and that ~nothing~ can occur that will worsen the preclear. Every now and again somebody tries to get me to say what I think of auditors. Well, I had better make a public utterance. I think of auditors in a rather intense way. As I know more auditors than anybody else and have a better basis for judgment, on this subject I can be for once an authority. My opinion of auditors in general is fairly well known to several people. I think of an auditor as a person with enough guts to DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. This quality is rare and this quality is courageous in the extreme. It is my opinion and knowledge that auditors are amongst the upper tenth of the upper twentieth of intelligent human beings. Their will to do, their motives, their ability to grasp and to use is superior to that of any other profession. I think of an auditor as having INITIATIVE. He is able to grasp or intend something and put it into action. Auditors survive better than other people. If this world has any faintest chance of surviving it will be not because I write but because auditors can and will think and do. BECOME AN AUDITOR 3 I think our auditors came from beings lately arrived on Earth who seeing where it was going decided to band together to send it elsewhere. I consider all auditors my friends. I believe they have a right to express themselves and their own opinions. I would not for a moment hamper their right to think. I think of auditors and Scientologists* as the Free People. Just as they consider one another their people so I consider them my people. I think their errors of the past, when they existed, came about because they were new and were finding out and I don't think any of their errors were intentional. I don't expect auditors or Scientologists to instantly agree with or seize upon whatever I say. I would be offended if they did and would feel they weren't a Free People. Since they are intelligent I expect them to think over what's said, try it and if it's good for them, use it. That old auditors sooner or later come back to and use what I have discovered isn't any testimony to our relationship at all, it's only a testimony to my being right because I meant to be right in the first place. I sorrow when I see somebody accomplishing less than he should because he thinks I wouldn't approve of it. In churches and out I count upon initiative and good judgment. The most decent people I have ever known have been auditors. The best hearted people I know are auditors. No auditor should audit with the fear that he will do some irreparable damage if he makes an error. ~Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health~ provides the answer to the question, "What happens if I make a mistake?" The following extracts are from ~Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health~, Book 3, Chapter 1, "The Mind's Protection": "The mind is a self-protecting mechanism. Short of the use of drugs as in narcosynthesis, shock, hypnotism or surgery, no mistake can be made by an auditor which cannot be remedied either by himself or by another auditor. 4 BOOK ONE "Any case, no matter how serious, no matter how unskilled the auditor, is better opened than left closed." Auditing means to listen and compute and it also means to get a result on a preclear, that is, someone who is not yet Clear. (A Clear is a being who can be at cause knowingly and at will over mental matter, energy, space and time as regards survival for self.) Successful attainment of Dianetic results requires auditing that is done in a technical and professional manner which has not departed from standard procedure. A Scientologist is trying to make people better and that's a new idea in the whole field of the human mind. Our situation doesn't compare to therapies and other things, such as torture and imprisonment, which have passed for mental therapy down through the ages. The goals of Scientology predate all ideas of "therapy" and are found first in religion and philosophy as long as 10,000 years ago. Clearing someone is erasing his reactive mind. All the misery Man has is contained in the reactive mind. We are not concerned with social behavior. Auditing is not social criticism. Psychotherapies are involved in social criticism. Psychiatrists exist for the "good of the society." Legislatures are interested in the "sick" and "insane." We are not. We work in a very much older field. We know how a preclear behaves. We know how human beings work but we don't care much about that. Good or bad behavior is all by definition. If you kill a man it is good or bad by definition. If you kill him in war or by sentencing him in court that's good. But if you kill him just one inch outside the letter of the law that's bad. There is a morass of social behavior you can get interested in if you want, but don't mix it up with auditing. There is a certain road out. Dianetics and Scientology are the way, they are the road out; the road away from reactivity, away from aberration*, away from identifying everything with everything else. It increases a person's abilities, it increases his general performance and existence to a fantastic degree that can be precisely measured and experienced. BECOME AN AUDITOR 5 Anybody who wants to help his fellow man can become an auditor. An auditor is essentially a technician. Existing techniques are tools. Any tool requires intelligent handling and a deftness in application. To use any tool, whether it be a stone axe or a Geiger counter, a person must acquire confidence in himself, in his tools, in his attitude toward the preclear and in the results he means and determines to achieve. When you, as an auditor, accomplish your mission with a single preclear, you increase your confidence and your general ability. Sometime between the first moment you decide to be an auditor and your first major success, you have question marks. You have lots of question marks. But you have to start somewhere. Even a trapeze artist had to start somewhere. Now for anybody who wants to be an auditor, the thing for him to do is start--and just face bluntly the fact that he's going to make mistakes, and maybe fall flat on his face and then all of a sudden he's going to be auditing with the greatest of ease. As an auditor, you can do something about life. You can confront* it and have a much wider, broader view of life and people. Today, the mysteries of life are not, with Dianetics and Scientology, mysterious. We're using the technology for which Man, even in his cruelty and blindness, searched for eons. And we must get it out and use it. What we have got to face up to now is the fact that our expansion will be an accelerating expansion. So it's my responsibility to make the best auditors I can make. We have learned a tremendous amount about auditing. Today, we have the technical materials. We are making our way, all the way. Now we must not stop. It is time Man grew up. That is what we have in mind. You know we are a potent force on Earth. Indeed the only force that is doing something about it. We weren't effectively prevented from attaining our knowledge--the hard part of the journey. Now we cannot be prevented from applying it. We can take the 6 BOOK ONE individual and raise him. Thus we can raise the whole. So there is a mission for you as an auditor. Auditors have, since the first session been the only individuals on this planet, in this universe, capable of freeing Man. At times, some will forget or choose to ignore the fact that the auditor is not just another fellow or a guy who works in Dianetics and Scientology. An auditor is a highly trained specialist, no matter what level of auditor. He or she is the only one who can give Man the truth that Man knows. An auditor is to be respected. An auditor is very important in Clearing this planet and this universe. It's a big job and the auditor will do it. All auditors are appreciated. CHAPTER 2 HOW TO STUDY DIANETICS The first thing that a Dianetic auditor has to find out for himself and then recognize is that he is dealing with precision tools. It isn't up to someone else to force this piece of information on him. The whole subject of Dianetic auditing, as far as the auditor is concerned, is good or bad in direct ratio to his knowledge of his tools. It is up to an individual to find out how precise these tools are. He should find out for himself whether or not the mechanics of this technique are in existence, and whether or not this technique adequately handles the mechanics. He should make up his own mind about the mental phenomena he is studying. Do they exist? There are two ways to answer this to his own satisfaction: find them in a preclear or find them in himself. These are fundamentals, and every auditor should undertake to discover them himself, thus raising Dianetics above an authoritarian category. It is not sufficient that a supervisor* stand before him and declare their existence. Each and every auditor must determine for himself whether or not the statement is true. 8 BOOK ONE In the field of medicine some "authorities" declare that multiple sclerosis is the decay of nerve fibers, and that it is incurable, and that people who contract the "disease" die in a relatively short period of time. It must be answered in just this way on the examination paper or the student will find himself with less than a passing grade. This is not instruction--this is obstruction. In the first place it is curable, and in the second place it is not fatal. A good instructor would expect his students to question such a statement, and to find for themselves what can be done about multiple sclerosis. There are two ways men ordinarily accept things, neither of them very good. One is to accept a statement because authority says it is true and must be accepted, and the other is by preponderance of agreement amongst other people. Preponderance of agreement is all too often the general public test for sanity or insanity. Suppose someone were to walk into a crowded room and suddenly point to the ceiling, saying, "Oh, look! There's a huge, twelve-foot spider on the ceiling!" Everyone would look up, but no one else would see the spider. Finally someone would tell him so. "Oh yes there is," he would declare and become very angry when he found that no one would agree with him. If he continued to declare his belief in the existence of the spider he would very soon find himself institutionalized. The basic definition of sanity in this somewhat nebulously learned society is whether or not a person agrees with everyone else. It is a very sloppy manner of accepting evidence, but all too often it is the primary measuring stick. And then the Rule of Authority: "Does Dr. J. Doe agree with your proposition? No? Then, of course, it cannot be true. Dr. Doe is an eminent authority in the field." A man by the name of Galen at one time dominated the field of medicine. Another by the name of Harvey upset Galen's cozy position with a new theory of blood circulation. Galen had been agreeing with the people of his day concerning the "tides" of the blood. They knew nothing about heart action. They accepted everything they had been taught and did little observing of their own. Harvey found HOW TO STUDY DIANETICS 9 by animal vivisection the actual function of the heart. He had the good sense to keep his findings absolutely quiet for a while. Leonardo da Vinci had somehow discovered or postulated the same thing, but he was a "crazy artist" and no one would believe an artist. Harvey was a member of the audience of a play by Shakespeare in which the playwright made the same observation, but again the feeling that artists never contribute anything to society blocked anyone but Harvey from considering the statement as anything more than fiction. Finally, Harvey made his announcement. Immediately dead cats, rotten fruit and pieces of wine jugs were hurled in his direction. He raised quite a commotion in medical and social circles until finally, in desperation, one doctor made the historical statement that "I would rather err with Galen than be right with Harvey!" Man would have made an advance of exactly zero if this had always been the only method of testing evidence. But every so often during Man's progress there have been rebels who were not satisfied with preponderance of opinion, and who tested a fact for themselves, observing and accepting the data of their observation, and then testing again. Possibly the first man who made a flint axe looked over a piece of flint and decided that the irregular stone could be chipped a certain way. When he found that flint would chip easily he must have rushed to his tribe and enthusiastically tried to teach his fellow tribesmen how to make axes in the shape they desired instead of spending months searching for accidental pieces of stone of just the right shape. The chances are he was stoned out of camp. Indulging in a further flight of fancy, it is not difficult to imagine that he finally managed to convince another fellow that his technique worked, and that the two of them tied down a third with a piece of vine and forced him to watch them chip a flint axe from a rough stone. Finally, after convincing fifteen or twenty tribesmen by forceful demonstration, the followers of the new technique declared war on the rest of the tribe and, winning, forced the tribe to agree by decree. 10 BOOK ONE ¤Evaluation of Data¤ Man has never known very much about that with which his mind is chiefly filled: data. What is data? What is the evaluation of data? For instance, if you have been in Dianetics very long the chances are that someone has glibly told you that he knew from psychoanalysis that if one could remember childhood experiences one could be relieved of certain psychosomatic pains. His conclusion from this tiny scrap of information was that Dianetics is not new. In 1884 when Breuer first presented this tiny fact to Freud, he was unable to convince the eminent Doctor, but he managed to convince Freud in the next ten years. Then Freud convinced his literary agents. Medicine then fought Freud to a standstill, but eventually psychoanalysis emerged from the imbroglio. All these years in which psychoanalysis has taught its tenets to each generation of doctors, the authoritarian method was used, as can be verified by reading a few of the books on the subject. Within them is found, interminably, "Freud said. . . ." The truly important thing is not that Freud said a thing, but "Is the data valuable? And if it is valuable, how valuable is it?" You might say that a datum is as valuable as it has been evaluated. A datum can be proved in ratio to whether it can be evaluated by other data, and its magnitude is established by how many other data it clarifies. Thus, the biggest datum possible would be one which would clarify and identify all knowledge known to Man in the material universe. Unfortunately, however, there is no such thing as a prime datum. There must be not one datum, but two data, since a datum is of no use unless it can be evaluated. Furthermore, there must be a datum of similar magnitude with which to evaluate any given datum. You cannot evaluate a mountain by comparing it to a grain of sand. Man has always evaluated data to a certain point, and then said, "From here on is God." Strangely enough, with the passing of time and the acquisition of new data with which to evaluate, the line of demarcation between material knowledge and God was pushed further and further back, HOW TO STUDY DIANETICS 11 and today is being pushed even further back. Actually, in order to conceive God, Man had to have a datum of comparable magnitude--and thus the "Devil." Data is your data only so long as you have evaluated it. It is your data by authority or it is your data. If it is your data by authority somebody has forced it upon you, and at best it is little more than a light aberration. Of course, if you asked a question of a man whom you thought knew his business and he gave you his answer, that datum was not forced upon you. But if you went away from him believing from then on that such a datum existed without taking the trouble to investigate the answer for yourself--without comparing it to the known universe--you were falling short of completing the cycle of learning. Mechanically, the major thing wrong with the mind of course, the turbulence of the physical pain recorded in it, but the overburden of information in this society is enforced education that the individual has never been permitted to test. Literally, when you are told not to take anyone's word as an absolute datum you are being asked to break a habit pattern forced upon you when you were a child. Your supervisor in Dianetics can tell you what he has found to be true and invite you to test it for yourself, but unless you ~test it~ you very likely will not have the fundamentals of Dianetics in mind well enough to be comfortable in the use of any or all of the techniques available to you. This is why theory is so heavily stressed in Dianetics. The supervisor can tell you what he has found to be true and what others have found to be true, but at no time should he ask you to accept it--please allow a plea otherwise. Test it for yourself and convince yourself whether or not it exists as truth. And if you find that it does exist, you will be comfortable thereafter; otherwise, unrecognized even by yourself you are likely to find, down at the bottom of your information and education, an unresolved question which will itself undermine your ability to assimilate or practice anything in the line of a technique. Your mind will not be as facile on the subject as it should be. It is not through courtesy that you are being asked to check your data--you are being asked to 12 BOOK ONE become good auditors by resolving your basic and fundamental concepts. Any quarrel you may have with theory is something that only you can resolve. Is the theory correct, or isn't it correct? Only you can answer that; it cannot be answered for you. You can be told what other auditors have achieved in the way of results, and what other auditors have observed, but you cannot become truly educated until you have achieved the results for yourself. The moment a man opens his mouth and asks, "Where is validation?" that man is saying, bluntly and abruptly, "I cannot think for myself. I have to have authority." Where could he possibly look for validation except into himself, the physical universe, and into his own subjective and objective reality?* ¤A Look At The Sciences¤ Unfortunately, Dianetics is surrounded by a world that calls itself a world of science, but it is a world that is in actuality a world of authority. True, that which is science today is far, far in advance of the Hindu concept of the world wherein a hemisphere rested on the backs of seven elephants which stood on seven pillars, that stood on the back of a mud turtle, below which was mud into infinity. The reason engineering and physics have reached out so far in advance of other sciences is the fact that they pose problems which punish Man violently if he doesn't look carefully into the physical universe. An engineer is faced with the problem of drilling a tunnel through a mountain for a railroad. Tracks are laid up to the mountain on either side. If he judges space wrongly the two tunnel entrances would fail to meet on the same level in the center. It would be so evident to one and all concerned that the engineer had made a mistake that he takes great care not to make such a mistake. He observes the physical universe, not only to the extent that the tunnel must meet to a fraction of an inch, but to the extent that if he were to misjudge wrongly the character of the rock through which he drills, the tunnel would cave in--an incident which would be considered a very unlucky and unfortunate occurrence to railroading. HOW TO STUDY DIANETICS 13 Biology comes closer to being a science than some others because in the field of biology, if someone makes too big a mistake about a "bug" the immediate result can be dramatic and terrifying. Suppose a biologist is charged with the responsibility of injecting plankton into a water reservoir. Plankton are microscopic "germs" that are very useful to man. But if through some mistake the biologist injects typhoid germs into the water supply there would be an immediate and dramatic result. Suppose a biologist is presented with the task of producing a culture of yeast which would, when placed in white bread dough, stain the bread brown. This man is up against the necessity of creating a yeast which not only behaves as yeast but makes a dye as well. He has to deal with the practical aspect of the problem, because after he announces his success there is still the "yeast test": Is the bread edible? And the brown bread test: Is the bread brown? Anyone could easily make the test, and everyone would know very quickly whether or not the biologist had succeeded or failed. Politics is called a science. The punishment for a mistake in the "science" of politics is so tremendous that this whole culture is on the verge of being wiped out! There are natural laws about politics. They could be worked out if someone were to actually apply a scientific basis to political research. For instance, it is a foregone conclusion that if all communications lines are cut between the United States and Russia, Russia and the United States are going to understand each other less and less. Then by demonstrating to everyone how the American way of life and the Russian way of life are different, and by demonstrating it day after day, year after year, there is no alternative but a break of affinity. By stating flatly that Russia and the United States are not in agreement on any slightest political theory or conduct of man or nations, the job is practically complete. Both nations will go into anger and suddenly there is war. Russia is very, very low on the tone scale. She is a totalitarian slave state and about as safe to have in the 14 BOOK ONE family of nations as a mad dog at a cocktail party. America as a nation could be very, very clever--it could try to put Russia back together again. It is a nation possessed of the greatest communications networks on the face of the earth, with an undreamed of manufacturing potential. She has within her borders the best advertising men in the world. But instead of selling Europe an idea we give machine guns, planes and tanks for use in case Russia breaks out. The more threats imposed against a country in Russia's tone level, the more dangerous that country will become. When people are asked what they would do about this grave question, they shrug and say something to the effect that "the politicians know best." They hedge and rationalize by saying that after all, there is the American way of life, and it must be protected. What is the American way of life? This is a question that will stop almost any American. What is the American way of life that is different from the human way of life? We have tried to gather together economic freedom for the individual, freedom of the press, individual freedom, and define them as a strictly American way of life--why hasn't it been called the human way of life? America is faced with an Asia which is awakening. Japan, having been induced to become a modern industrial nation, branched out into Asia with her ideas of freedom for the individual. She sold other backward nations on the idea that Japan could free them from the yoke of the white man, even though she realized that she was committing suicide by so doing. To quote from some political propaganda distributed in these countries by Japan, "You will cry for us when we are gone. But we have freed you. Don't ever forget it, and don't forget us." Japan's missionaries knew that Japan would go under when it came to a contest between her country and the Western world, but the seed she sowed is far from dead. We, in the persons of Perry and others who sailed their ships into Asia, gave Asia the spark of freedom. Japan accepted the teaching and committed national suicide by attempting imperial expansion, involving us in a very long and terrible war. We cannot but wonder and sometimes HOW TO STUDY DIANETICS 15 become confused, nor can we blame the Asiatics for a tiny bit of confusion now and then concerning the intentions of the Western world, when we try to fathom the actual nature of our political foreign policy. Do we, or do we not, desire democratic principles and the "American" way of life for the Asiatic peoples? Consider the U.S. support of China's totalitarian regime headed by Chiang Kai-shek. While America weakly spoke of freeing the Chinese from the yoke of imperialism they poured huge sums of money and war material into the hands of a government which practiced the very principles America spoke against! When that government finally fell there was no one ready to teach the Chinese the human way of life. If we had only sent out a few missionaries with a desire for these people's freedom in their hearts saying, "Now if you would like to have radios, and automobiles, and safety razors, this is how you go about it . . ." things might have been different today. We had no one there, and even if we had our support of the fallen government would have been ample proof to the people that we did not have their interests at heart. But somebody was there. Somebody was there with a propaganda aimed directly into the desires of the people who want just a tiny taste of freedom. Russian agents were there. "You are all comrades," they shouted over loudspeakers and in public markets. "The way to freedom and equality is to shoot all the landlords and divide the land so that each of you has an equal share." So Russia is first with the most, and we complain because she takes over! In the field of humanities science has been thoroughly adrift. Unquestioned authoritarian principles have been followed. Any person who accepts knowledge without questioning it and evaluating it for himself is demonstrating himself to be in apathy toward that sphere of knowledge. It demonstrates that the people in the United States today must be in a low state of apathy with regard to politics in order to accept without question everything that happens. ¤Fundamentals¤ When a man tries to erect the plans of a lifetime or a profession on data which he himself has never evaluated, he 16 BOOK ONE cannot possibly succeed. Fundamentals are very, very important, but first of all one must learn how to think in order to be absolutely sure of a fundamental. Thinking is not particularly hard to learn; it consists merely of comparing a particular datum with the physical universe as it is known and observed. How, for instance, would you find out for your own satisfaction that there exists such a thing as an "engram" (a mental image picture* of a moment of pain and unconsciousness)? Find a person who is also interested in verifying such existence and run through an engram, or have someone take you through an engram. Your supervisor in Dianetics has done this a sufficient number of times and has seen it done to others a sufficient number of times to satisfy himself that an engram exists. But just because it exists for him and he informs you of his knowledge does not mean that it exists for you. Unless you have made up your mind through comparison of the information with the known universe, you will not be able to handle engrams properly. When there is an authoritarian basis for your education you are not truly educated. Authoritarianism is little more than a form of hypnotism. Learning is forced under threat of some form of punishment. A student is stuffed with data which has not been individually evaluated just as a taxidermist would stuff a snake. Such a student will be well-informed and well-educated according to present-day standards, but unfortunately he will not be very successful in his chosen profession. Indecision underlies an authoritarian statement. Do not allow your Dianetic education to lie on the quicksand of indecision. Your supervisor and the author of this book declare that an engram exists. Unless you have looked into the matter for yourself--unless you actually run a person into an engram--the realization that physical pain can be stored and can be recovered, and that all perceptions are registered during these moments of unconsciousness, will not be yours. Your knowledge concerning the engram depends exclusively upon what ~you~ have observed about that engram. HOW TO STUDY DIANETICS 17 There have been volumes of articles written about the technique of auditing engrams. Make up your mind whether or not it works out for you. First of all, find out to your own satisfaction whether or not there is an engram in existence. Then determine whether or not the technique in question will discover the engram for you, and whether or not the technique really handles the engram. Having made certain that there is an engram, ask yourself what kind of technique you would evolve if you decided to do something about this object, the engram? How would you go about it? Unless you have asked yourself this question and tried to come to a definite conclusion about it, you will never come into agreement on the technique of auditing engrams! You will be performing an authoritarian rote. You can learn how to handle an engram by rote, but unless you decide from your own observation that there is an engram to be handled you will be simply performing some ritual in which a mistake is very easy to make. About the worst thing that could happen to a preclear is to drop into something and then feel that the auditor is thinking, "Now let's see--it was page 62 . . . or was it 63 . . . ? and the question was . . ." while the person lies there, suffering and thinking, "Do something! Say something!" An auditor who is auditing by rote will make mistakes like that because he does not have the basic fundamentals as a part of his background of training. A truly good auditor doesn't have to think twice. When the basic fundamentals are securely the auditor's own there is no need for him to be told what has to be done. You are asked to examine the subject of Dianetics on a critical basis--a very critical basis. It is not to be examined with the attitude that when you were in school you learned that such and such was true, and since you learned that first, the first learning takes precedence. A prime example of this is the literary critic who says, after reviewing a book, that the book is not a novel because it is a not a cross-section of life. He learned in some seminar or other that a novel ~had~ to be a cross-section of life. His professor in literature gave him a passing grade because he answered the question "correctly" on his examination paper, and therefore a book 18 BOOK ONE is not a novel unless it is a cross-section of life. There is yet to appear a good definition for aesthetics and yet they parrot a definition for a specific form of art! Do not make the mistake of criticizing something on the basis of whether or not it concurs with the opinions of someone else. The point which is pertinent is whether or not it concurs with ~your~ opinion. Does it agree with what ~you~ think? Nearly everyone has done some manner of observing of the material universe. No one has seen all there is to see about an organism, but there is certainly no dearth of organisms available for further study. There is no valid reason for accepting the opinion of Professor Blotz of the Blitz University who said in 1933 that schizophrenics were schizophrenics, and that made them schizophrenics for all time. If you are interested in the manifestations of insanity, there is any and every form of insanity that you could hope to see in a lifetime in almost any part of the world. Study the peculiarities of the people around you and wonder what they would be like if their little peculiarities were magnified a hundredfold. You may find that by listing all the observable peculiarities you would have a complete list of all the insanities in the world. This list might well be far more accurate than that which was advanced by Kraepelin and used in the United States today. If sanity is rationality and insanity is irrationality, and you postulated how irrational people would be if certain of their obsessions were magnified a hundredfold, you might well have in your possession a far more accurate and complete list of insanities and their manifestations than is currently in existence. If you will take the time and effort of making a complete examination of your subject, then by observation, you will find that you have suddenly become an excellent auditor. The hard way is to sit down and memorize a third of a million words contained in ~Science of Survival~[1] --the method all too many educational systems employ in this age. Examine some of the theories in vogue, one of which is the belief that sex is the prime motivation of life. After you have thought about it for a while and compared it to the HOW TO STUDY DIANETICS 19 known universe, you may find that someone has left out a factor or two from his calculations. Consider the theory that pain is the prime motivation of the human being. Ask yourself whether an organism keeps pain or whether he associates things with pain. You may suddenly find that you have extrapolated an engram. You might arrive at the engram independently, and in doing so come up with some brand new workable concepts. And then, having found the engram you begin to wonder how you can go about getting rid of it. You hit upon a theory that by stretching time from one-fifth of a second that it took to burn a preclear's finger to a full minute, the event can be assimilated analytically, and suddenly you have discovered something for yourself. And in so doing you might well discover a lot more. What you are doing in Dianetics--the techniques, the theories and postulates--are highly workable, but they are not highly workable because the author says so! Compare what you learn with the known universe. Seek for the reasons behind a manifestation, and postulate the manner and in which direction the manifestation will likely proceed. Do not allow the authority of any one person or school of thought to create a foregone conclusion within your sphere of knowledge. Only with these principles of education in mind can you become a truly educated individual. ¤The Intention of the Student¤ The state of mind with which a person approaches study will determine the results that person gets from the study. The individual ~must~ determine what he is going to do with the materials he is studying. He ~must~ determine what he is going to do with the information he is absorbing. If the intention is to study the materials so as to pass the exam he will be very incapable of doing anything with the subject once the exam is over. He might be a great theoretician, but he will not be able to use the subject. Some students don't have any intention other than getting through the course. They are just there studying away. They balk at doing demonstrations or looking up ---------------------------------- [1] See footnote--page 36. 20 BOOK ONE words for their exact meaning. Even when forced to demonstrate something they maintain the attitude that it has nothing to do with them. "It's all very interesting to read but . . ." Noninvolvement is the primary barrier in the ability to apply materials. There can be many reasons for study; points, exams, status, speed, glory, whatever. There is only one valid reason! Studying for understanding, application and practice. A student is one who studies. He is an attentive and systematic observer. A student is one who reads in detail in order to learn and then ~apply~. As a student studies he knows that his purpose is to understand the materials he is studying by reading, observing and demonstrating so as to ~apply~ them to a specific result. He connects what he is studying to what he will be ~doing~. A person can be hung up on the all-importance and everything-ness of a subject. He is so nervous of dire consequences that he will eventually have an accident. People are often thoroughly educated into this attitude. It is all so important it will kill him if he doesn't know. This inhibits his power of choice and ability to evaluate data. Education today is taught by consequence, not by the fact it is a sensible thing to do. In the world, importance essentially means punishment. To teach someone a subject just have him select out the unimportances of the subject. He will start to think everything is important but coax him on with affinity, reality, communication and good control and he will eventually come up with something unimportant, that is, you are teaching him how to drive a tractor. He will find the coat of paint on the crank unimportant. You acknowledge and ask him to find something else unimportant. Keep at this repeating it and repeating it and eventually "allness" will start to disintegrate. He will select down to the most important controls of the tractor and the next thing you know he can drive a tractor! He won't have a craving to know anxiety HOW TO STUDY DIANETICS 21 and won't be nervous at all. You are teaching by de-evaluation of importance. It is interesting that a person who never selected out the importances of Scientology or any subject, and who believes every datum must be memorized, you will find, has a history of being punished within an inch of his life. There is a direct co-ordination here. Education is basically fixing data, unfixing data, and changing existing data, either by making it more fixed or less fixed. This technology of using importances can undo to a marked extent a very thorough "education" in some subject and return it to the power of choice of an individual. ¤Nonapplication¤ I first noticed the phenomenon of ~nonapplication~ on student auditors. A student would get examined on the technical materials completely. Then he would sit down to audit and do the action 180 degrees in reverse, completely opposite to what was supposed to be done. You see this in students who study and think the materials have nothing to do with them. They signed up for the course but they are there for some other reason than to study. They are not there to use the materials. When you see this kind of phenomenon you are looking at three things: 1. Status 2. Involvement 3. Representation. Under ~status~ you might get a student who is studying because there is prestige or rank involved. "I want to study this course so I can get promoted to lieutenant," or "I can't wait to be a doctor so people will look up to me finally." You see this in Spain where an engineer gets his degree in engineering and never has to use it. It is a status symbol. They just sit there and have a certificate. Under ~involvement~ you get fear of involvement and spectatorism. The student is afraid to really get into the materials he is studying. 22 BOOK ONE You see this in a resistance to do demonstrations in clay. You see this in a reluctance to do the very basic training drills.* The student is afraid to get involved. He becomes a spectator and not a student. Under ~representation~ you get people who represent themselves as something when they are not. "I am a student," when the guy doesn't even know what a student is and hasn't begun to apply the study data to himself. Or "I am a Dianetic auditor," and the guy never uses Dianetic auditing. He is really just a symbol. Any of the three add up to no doingness. These points when used can help a student locate what is preventing him from applying the material he is studying to produce a desired result. ¤Three Barriers To Study¤ There are three different sets of physiological and mental reactions that come from three different aspects of study. They are ~three~ different sets of symptoms. Education in the absence of the ~mass~ in which the technology will be involved is very hard on the student. It makes him feel physiologically condensed. Actually makes him feel squashed. Makes him feel bent, sort of spinny, sort of dead, bored, exasperated. If he is studying the doingness of something in which the mass is absent this will be the result. Photographs help and motion pictures would do pretty well as they are a sort of promise or hope of the mass but the printed page and the spoken word are not a substitute for a tractor if he's studying about tractors. You have to understand this data in its purity: and that is that educating a person in a mass that they don't have and which isn't available produces physiological reactions. That is what I am trying to teach you. It's just a fact. You're trying to teach this fellow all about tractors and you're not giving him any tractors--well, he's going to wind up with a face that feels squashed, with headaches and with his stomach feeling funny. He's going to feel dizzy from time to time and very often his eyes are going to hurt. HOW TO STUDY DIANETICS 23 It's a physiological datum that has to do with auditing and the field of the mind. You could therefore expect the greatest incidence of suicide or illness in that field of education devoted to studying absent masses. This one of studying the something without its mass ever being around produces the most distinctly recognizable reactions. If a child felt sick in the field of study and it were traced back to this one, the positive remedy would be to supply the mass--the object or a reasonable substitute--and it would clear it up. There is another series of physiological phenomena that exist which is based on the fact of too steep a study gradient. That's another source of physiological study reaction because of too steep a gradient. It is a sort of a confusion or a reelingness that goes with this one. You've hit too steep a gradient. There was too much of a jump because he didn't understand what he was doing and he jumped to the next thing and that was too steep and he went too fast and he will ~assign~ all of his difficulties to this new thing. Now differentiate here because ~gradients~ sounds terribly like the third one of these study hang ups (definitions) but remember that they are quite distinctly different. Gradients are more pronounced in the field of doingness but they still hang over into the field of understanding. In gradients however it is the ~actions~ we are interested in. We have a plotted course of forward motion of actions. We find he was terribly confused on the second action he was supposed to do. We must assume then that he never really got out of the first one. The remedy for this one of too steep a gradient is cutting back. Find out when he was not confused on the gradient, then what new action he undertook to do. Find what action he understood well. Just before he was all confused what did he understand well? And then we find out that he didn't understand it well! 24 BOOK ONE It's really at the tail end of what he understood and then he went over the gradient you see. It is most recognizable and most applicable in the field of doingness. That's the gradient barrier and one full set of phenomena accompanies that. The third one is an entirely different set of physiological reactions brought about through a by-passed definition. A by-passed definition gives one a distinctly blank feeling or a washed-out feeling, a not-there feeling and a sort of an hysteria will follow in the back of that. The manifestation of "blow"* stems from this third aspect of study which is the misunderstood definition or the not-comprehended definition, ~the undefined word~. That's the one that produces the blow--an unauthorized departure from an area. The person doesn't necessarily blow on these other two, they are not pronouncedly blow phenomena. They are simply physiological phenomena. The misunderstood definition is so much more important. It's the makeup of human relations, the mind and subjects. It establishes aptitude and lack of aptitude and it is what psychologists have been trying to test for years without recognizing what it was. It's the definition of words. The misunderstood word. That's all it goes back to and that produces such a vast panorama of mental effects that it in itself is the prime factor involved with stupidity and the prime factor involved with many other things. If a person didn't have misunderstoods his ~talent~ might or might not be present but his ~doingness~ would be present. We can't say that Joe would paint as ~well~ as Bill if both were unaberrated in the field of art, but we can say that the ~inability~ of Joe to paint compared with the ~ability~ of Joe to do the motions of painting is dependent exclusively and only upon definitions. There is some word in the field of art that the person who is inept didn't define or understand and that is followed by an inability to act in the field of the arts. HOW TO STUDY DIANETICS 25 That's very important because it tells you what happens to doingness and that the restoration of doingness depends only upon the restoration of understanding of the misunderstood word, misunderstood definition. This is very fast processing. There is a very swift, wide, big result obtainable in this. It has a technology which is a very simple technology. It enters in at the lower levels because it has to. This doesn't mean it is unimportant. It means it has to be at the entrance gates of Dianetics and Scientology. It ~is a sweepingly fantastic discovery in the field of education and don't neglect it~. You can trace back the subject a person is dumb in or any allied subject that got mixed up with it. The psychologist doesn't understand Scientology. He never understood a word in psychology so he doesn't understand Scientology. Well, that opens the gate to education. Although I've given the misunderstood definition last it is the most important one. The first phenomenon of a misunderstood word occurs when a student misses understanding a word. The section right after that word is a blank in his memory. You can always trace back to the word just before the blank, get it understood and find miraculously that the former blank area is not now blank. The above is pure magic. The second phenomenon occurs after the student has gone by many misunderstood words. He begins to dislike the subject being studied more and more. This is followed by various mental and physical conditions and by various complaints, fault-finding and look-what-you-did-to-me. This justifies a departure, a blow, from the subject being studied. But the system of education frowning on blows as it does, causes the student to really withdraw self from the study subject (whatever he was studying) and set up in its place a circuit (a part of an individual's mind* that behaves as though it were someone or something separate from him and either dictates or takes over his actions) which can receive and give back sentences and phrases. We now have "the quick student who somehow never applies what he learns." 26 BOOK ONE The specific phenomenon then is that a student can study some words and give them back and yet be no participant to the action. The student gets A+ on exams but can't apply the data. ~Demonstration~ is the key here. The moment you ask this type of student to ~demonstrate~ a rule or theory with his hands or the paper clips on your desk this glibness will shatter. The reason for this is that in memorizing words or ideas, the student can still hold the position that it has nothing to do with him or her. It is a total circuit action. Therefore, very glib. The moment you say "~Demonstrate~" that word or idea or principle, the student ~has~ to have something to do with it. And shatters. The thoroughly dull student is just stuck in the noncomprehended blankness following some misunderstood word. The "very bright" student who yet can't use the data isn't there at all. He has long since ceased to confront the subject matter or the subject. The cure for either of these conditions of "bright noncomprehension" or "dull" is to find the missing word. But these conditions can be prevented by not letting the student go beyond the missed word without grasping its meaning. And that is the ~duty~ of the twin. The twin is the study partner with whom one is paired. Two students studying the same subject who are paired to examine or help each other are said to be "twinned." Whenever a person has a confused idea of something or believes there is some conflict of ideas IT IS ALWAYS TRUE THAT A MISUNDERSTOOD WORD EXISTS AT THE BOTTOM OF THAT CONFUSION. Example: Bill: "I just don't understand this idea of opposing forces. I think it all ought to be rewritten and . . ." Joe: "Is there any word there you don't understand?" Bill: "Oh no, I understand all the words. It's . . ." Joe: "Let's look it up." Bill: "Oh no, I know what it means. It's the idea that . . ." HOW TO STUDY DIANETICS 27 Joe: "Let's look it up!" Bill: "Well all right. Let's see, D . . . E . . . F. . . FO . . . FORCES. Here it is. 'That which changes the motion of a body on which it acts."' Joe: "Use it in a sentence several times." Bill: (he does): ". . . er . . . ah. I've got it. Oh! I thought it meant police brutality! Couldn't figure out why two police forces would fight!" Joe: "Now how do you feel about this idea of opposing forces?" Bill: "Oh, let's see. Why that's clear enough. Just like I'd never read it before!" Every green body of students will argue and fuss about ideas or confusions in the directions or material they are given to read. They will generate weird ideas and erroneous concepts of what the test says. They do wrong things and say the text said to. They ask strange questions of their supervisors. They clamor for "clarifications." AND AT THE BOTTOM OF ALL THIS IS SIMPLY MISUNDERSTOOD ~WORDS~. There is not ~also~ misunderstood ideas. There is ~only~ the misunderstood ~word~ which breeds, then, huge towering wrong ~ideas~. ¤Simple Words¤ You might suppose at once that it is the BIG words or the technical words which are most misunderstood. This is NOT the case. On actual test, it was English simple words and NOT Dianetics and Scientology words which prevented understanding. For some reason Dianetics and Scientology words are more easily grasped than simple English words. Words like "a," "the," "exist," "such," and other "everybody knows" words show up with great frequency. It takes a BIG dictionary to define these simple words fully. This is another oddity. The small dictionaries also suppose everybody knows. 28 BOOK ONE [picture#02] ~A MISUNDERSTOOD WORD BREEDS STRANGE IDEAS~ Confused Concepts or Ideas of Material Misunderstood ~Word~ PICTURE OF A STUDENT'S MIND HOW TO STUDY DIANETICS 29 It is almost incredible to see that a university graduate has gone through years and years of study of complex subjects and yet does not know what "or" or "by" or "an" means. It has to be seen to be believed. Yet when cleaned up his whole education turns from a solid mass of question marks to a clean useful view. A test of school children in Johannesburg once showed that intelligence DECREASED with each new year of school! The answer to the puzzle was simply that each year they added a few dozen more crushing misunderstood words onto an already confused vocabulary that no one ever got them to look up. Stupidity ~is~ the effect of misunderstood words. In those areas which give Man the most trouble you will find the most alteration of fact, the most confused and conflicting ideas and of course the greatest number of misunderstood words. (Take "economics" for example.) THE EARLIEST MISUNDERSTOOD WORD IN A SUBJECT IS A KEY TO LATER MISUNDERSTOOD WORDS IN THAT SUBJECT. "HCOB" (Hubbard Communications Office Bulletin), "TR" (Training Routine), "Issue I" (first issue of that date), are the commonest misunderstoods because they occur at the beginning of technical bulletins, and words like "a," "the" and other simple English are the next. In studying a foreign language it is often found that the grammar words of one's ~own~ language that tell about the grammar in the foreign language are basic to not being able to learn the foreign language. That a person ~says~ he knows the meaning is ~not~ acceptable. Have him look it up no matter how simple the word is. Even words a student misunderstands and looks up can yet remain troublesome. It's this way: The student runs across a word he or she doesn't understand. He or she looks it up in a dictionary, finds a substitute word and uses that. Of course, the first word is still misunderstood and remains a bother. 30 BOOK ONE Example: (line in text) "The size was Gargantuan." Student looks up Gargantuan, finds "Like Gargantua, huge." Student uses "huge" as a synonym and reads the text line "The size was huge!" A short while later is found still incapable of understanding the paragraph below "Gargantuan" in the text. Conclusion the student makes: "Well, it doesn't work." The principle is that one goes dull after passing over a word one does not understand and brightens up the moment he spots the word that wasn't grasped. In actual fact, the brightening up occurs whether one defines the word or not. But to put ~another~ word in the place of the existing word is to mess it all up. Take the above example. "Huge" is not "Gargantuan." These are synonyms. The sentence is "The size was Gargantuan." The sentence was ~not~ "The size was huge." You can't really substitute one word for another and get anything but an alteration. It just isn't what was said or thought. The ~correct~ procedure is to look over, get defined well and understand ~the~ word that was used. In this case the word is "Gargantuan." Very well, what's that? It means "like Gargantua" according to the dictionary. ~Who~ or ~what~ is Gargantua? The dictionary says it is the name of a gigantic king in a book written by the author Rabelais. "Cheers" the student thinks, the sentence meant "The size was a gigantic king." Oops! That's the same goof again, like "huge," but we're nearer. So what to do? Use Gargantuan in a few sentences you make up and bingo! You suddenly understand ~the~ word that was used. Now you read it right. "The size was Gargantuan." And what does that mean? It means "The size was Gargantuan." And ~nothing~ else. Get it? There's no hope for it. You'll have to learn real English, not the six-hundred word basic English of the college kid, in which a few synonyms are substituted for all the big words. HOW TO STUDY DIANETICS 31 A frequent and major error I have observed is the following situation: Joe (or Examiner): "What does the word ~syncopated~ mean?" Bill: "What is the sentence it is in?" Joe: "Jazz music has a syncopated rhythm." Bill: "Oh, well, then that means jazz has an oom-pah beat." Joe: "Okay." NOT OK! Why? Well, in the first place giving the student the sentence allows the word "syncopated" (which the student does not understand on its own) to be given meaning by the context and thus ~disguised as a misunderstood~. Secondly he is rewording the sentence in different words so that one cannot tell from his answer whether he knows what "syncopated" means or not. So the following rules apply: YOU NEVER GIVE THE SENTENCE A WORD IS IN WHEN ASKING FOR ITS DEFINITION. YOU ONLY ASK THE EXACT WORD YOU WANT A DEFINITION OF AND NOTHING MORE. Proper examples of the above would be: Joe: "What does ~syncopated~ mean?" Bill: "What is the sentence it is in?" Joe: "Thank you. What does the word ~syncopated~ mean?" Bill: "Well, um, . . . I know I know it! . . ." Joe: "Let's look it up." Or another example: Joe: "What does ~syncopated~ mean?" Bill: "Well, ~syn~ means ~together~ and ~copate~ is from ~copare~ which means ~to cut~ so it means ~cut-together~. In music this occurs when two normally separated notes are collapsed to make one longer causing an emphasis to occur on the offbeat." Joe: "Very good." You sometimes come across a word which has more than one meaning of course. Take the word "counsel" which 32 BOOK ONE has the meaning of advice but it is also the English term for "attorney." Well, even here one can distinguish by asking either "What is ~a counsel~," or "What does ~counsel~ mean?" If it was coun~cil~ one would spell out the word for the student. In other words one would ~understand~ what one was trying to achieve. In learning the meaning of words small dictionaries are very often a greater liability than they are a help. The meanings they give are often circular: like "cat: an animal," "animal: a cat." They do not give enough meaning to escape the circle. The meanings given are often inadequate to get a real concept of the word. The words are too few and even common words are often missing. HUGE dictionaries can also be confusing as the words they use to define are often too big or too rare and make one chase through 20 new words to get the meaning of the original. The best dictionaries are the very large child's dictionaries. Little pocketbook dictionaries may have their uses for traveling and reading newspapers, but they ~do~ get people in trouble. I have seen people find a word in them and then look around in total confusion. For the dinky (small, insignificant) dictionary did not give the full meaning or the second meaning they really needed. So the dinky dictionary may fit in your pocket but not in your mind. Words sometimes have different or more than one meaning. You have to know every different meaning so all definitions are looked up and the word is fully defined. You also must choose the definition in use in the sentence so that the materials are understood. Many times when looking up a word, you will find in its definition other words which need to be looked up in order to understand the meaning of the original word. Therefore, each word given in the definition must also be clearly defined and understood so that there are no underlying HOW TO STUDY DIANETICS 33 misunderstood words on the word you are looking up. Large child's dictionaries are good as the definition words are simple. The smaller dictionaries (paperback or junior) seldom contain complete definitions of a word. Sometimes a most vital part of a definition is omitted. This can involve running around to look for another dictionary or missing the real meaning of the word. So always use a big enough dictionary. The dictionary usually has several examples of use. These are not enough. The person has to make up several of his own before he really knows the word. There are two kinds of foreign-language dictionaries. One is a dictionary entirely in the foreign language. The other is the English-foreign language dictionary, in which one half of the dictionary is English words with the foreign word next to it, and the other half is foreign words with its English counterpart next to it. You would use the all-foreign language dictionary only with a person who knew that language fluently. YOU USE A DICTIONARY. IT IS ALWAYS A MISUNDERSTOOD WORD, NEVER A CONCEPT OR IDEA. The first requisite of any subject is the ability to confront the various components (things) (parts) (divisions) of the subject itself. All misunderstoods, confusions, omissions, alterations of a subject ~begin~ with failures or unwillingness to confront. The difference between a good pilot and a bad pilot depends of course on consistent study and practice, but underlying this, determining whether the person ~will~ study and practice, is the ability to confront the components of study and airplanes. A "quick student," by which is meant a student who learns rapidly or a person who grasps a subject quickly, has a high ability to confront that subject. In a dramatic profession, the wild animal trainer who could confront wild animals remained alive. The one who couldn't confront was too slow of perception to live long. In a more common line of work, the ~fast~ typist could confront study and typing in the first place and the slow typist couldn't and can't. 34 BOOK ONE The confusions about "talent" and "native ability" and such are resolved to no small extent when one recognizes the role played by the ability to confront. Basically, if one can just be there with it, he can ~then~ achieve the skill of communicating with whatever "it" is and handling it. Thus, before communicating with the components of a subject can properly begin, one must be able to be there comfortably ~with~ the components of the subject. All power depends upon the ability to hold a location. To communicate one must be able to hold a location. This is even true in the physical universe. You can't move a chair unless you can hold a position yourself near the chair. If you don't believe it, try it. Thus the ability to communicate with ~precedes~ the ability to handle. But before one can communicate with something one must be able to ~be~ in a location near it. The age-old puzzle of how some scholars can get "A" on a subject they have studied and then not be able to ~apply~ even a scrap of the data is resolved by this fact of confronting. They can confront the book, the class and the thought. But they haven't attained the ability to confront the ~physical objects~ of the subject. At least such "glib" students can confront the book, the paper, the thought. They are part way there. Now all they need to do is confront as well the physical things to which the subject is applied and they would be able to apply what they know. Some people are not so lucky as to be "glib" students. They have to work up to "being there" with the book, paper, classroom and teacher. Thus "confronting" is actually the ability to be there comfortably and perceive. Amazing reactions occur when conscious effort is made to do this. Dullness, perception trouble, fogginess, sleep and even pains, emotions and convulsions can occur when one knowingly sets out to BE THERE AND COMFORTABLY PERCEIVE the various parts of a subject. HOW TO STUDY DIANETICS 35 These reactions discharge and vanish as one perseveres (continues) and at last, sometimes soon, sometimes after a long while, one ~can~ be there and perceive the component. As one is able to confront one part he then finds it easier to confront other components. People have mental tricks they use to get around actual confronting--to be disinterested, to realize it's not important, to be sort of half dead, etc.--but these discharge as well eventually and at last they can just be there and comfortably perceive. Eye blinks, swallows, twitches, aches, pains, are all systems of interrupting confronting and are the symptoms of discomfort. There are many of these. If they are present then one is not just being there and perceiving. Confronting on a via (using a relay point) is another method of ducking out of it. The worst off cannot even tolerate the idea of being there and perceiving anything. They run away, even go into emotional fits rather than be there and perceive. Such people's lives are a system of interruptions and vias, all substitutes for confronting. They are not very successful. For success in life depends not on running away from it but by being there and perceiving it and then being able to communicate with it and handle it. "A gradient scale" means a gradual increasing condition, or a little more of little by little. A "skipped gradient" means taking on a higher degree or amount before a lesser degree of it has been handled. One has to go back and handle the missed degree or thing or else one will have just losses on a subject thereafter. "Flattening" something means to do it until it no longer produces a reaction. "Overrunning" something means accumulating protests and upsets about it until it is just a mass of stops. Anyone can do anything forever unless he begins to stop it. "Invalidation" means a refuting or degrading or discrediting or denying something someone else considers to be a fact. 36 BOOK ONE Some of the things one would have to be able to be there and perceive in order to study, placed on a graduated scale of increasing difficulty are: Beginning at all The classroom or work space Paper Books Writing materials Sounds A student The supervisor The area of the study subject's physical components The motionless equipment of the subject The moving equipment of the subject Masses connected with the subject The subject as a whole. The next stages would have to be confronting while moving. This requires a consecutive being there and perceiving even though one is occupying different locations. The next stages would be confronting selectively while moving despite other things seeking to distract. This is not an effort to set out the numerous confronting drills. It is intended to set out the various axioms* or laws necessary to an understanding of the subject of confronting itself. From these brief notes all the axioms can be derived. The fundamental and basic simplicities of confronting itself is the first thing that must be grasped. All complexity surrounding any subject or action comes from a greater or lesser inability to confront. Study is very simple and study data is for use. Use it well to become a competent Dianetic counselor. ------------------------------------------------------------------- [1]~Science of Survival~ by L. Ron Hubbard: This book gives a thorough analysis of the characteristics common to people of different levels of awareness and emotional tone. Included are chapters on social, ethical, physical and emotional characteristics, courage, responsibility and many, many more covering the full range of human behavior. CHAPTER 3 BASIC DIANETIC DEFINITIONS AND ILLUSTRATIONS 38 BOOK ONE [picture#03] Dianetics: Man's most advanced school of the mind. From the Greek ~dia~, through, and ~noos~, soul, thus "through soul" or "through thought." Mental image picture: mental image picture is a copy of photograph of the physical universe as it goes by. A person records all that he perceives in the form of mental image pictures. BASIC DIANETIC DEFINITIONS AND ILLUSTRATIONS 39 [picture#04] Time Track: The time track is the consecutive record of mental image pictures which accumulates through the person's life. It is very exactly dated. It also contains sounds, tastes, smells, sights, dimensions, color and many other perceptions a person experiences. Everyone has a time track. Everything which an individual has perceived throughout his life is recorded on this time track from the beginning to the end. 40 BOOK ONE [picture#05] The person makes the time track as time rolls forward. BASIC DIANETIC DEFINITIONS AND ILLUSTRATIONS 41 [picture#06] Every moment of now--present time--finds the organism registering by perception some portion of the physical universe. He does this as an obsessive create on a subawareness level. It is done by an involuntary intention, not under the pc's awareness or control. There is a scene about every 1/25th of a second. 42 BOOK ONE [picture#07] A time track is made up of different types of mental image pictures. Pleasure moment: Pleasure moments are mental image pictures containing pleasure sensations. One seldom addresses them unless the person is fixated on some type of "pleasure" to a point where it has become highly aberrated. BASIC DIANETIC DEFINITIONS AND ILLUSTRATIONS 43 [picture#08] Engram: An engram is a mental image picture which is a recording of a time of physical pain and unconsciousness. It must by definition have impact or injury as part of its content. An engram is a recording of something which actually happened to a person in the past. 44 BOOK ONE [picture#09] Secondary: A secondary is a mental image picture of a moment of severe and shocking loss or threat of loss which contains misemotion such as anger, fear, grief, apathy or "deathfulness." It is a mental image picture recording of a time of severe mental stress. It may contain unconsciousness. These contain no physical pain--they are moments of shock and stress and depend for their force on earlier engrams which have been restimulated by the circumstances of the secondary. BASIC DIANETIC DEFINITIONS AND ILLUSTRATIONS 45 [picture#10] Lock: A lock is a mental image picture of an incident where one was knowingly or unknowingly reminded of a secondary or engram. It does not itself contain a blow or a burn or impact and is not any major cause of misemotion. It does not contain unconsciousness. It may contain a feeling of pain or illness, etc., but is not itself the source of it. A lock is a mental image picture of a non-painful but disturbing experience the person has experienced and which depends for its force on an earlier secondary and engram which the experience has restimulated. 46 BOOK ONE [picture#11] The time track is made up of a lot of mental image pictures, particular experiences which either stand out or remain hidden. The preclear is the effect of all this recorded experience. Almost all of it is unknown to him. There are no other influencing agencies for the preclear than this time track and present time. And present time, a moment later is part of the time track. Shakespeare said all life was a play. He was right in so far as the time track is a 3D, 55 perception movie which is a whole series of plays concerning the individual. But the influence of it upon the preclear removes it from the class of pretense and play. It is not only very real, it is what contains whatever it is that depresses him to what he is today. Its savageness relieved, he can recover, and only then. There is no other valid workable road. BASIC DIANETIC DEFINITIONS AND ILLUSTRATIONS 47 [picture#12] The engram is the single and sole source of aberration and psychosomatic illness. Aberration: Aberration is "any departure from rationality." Used in Dianetics to include psychoses, neuroses, compulsions and repressions of all kinds and classifications. Psychosomatic: ~psycho~, of course, refers to mind and ~somatic~ refers to body; the term psychosomatic means the mind making the body ill or illnesses which have been created physically within the body by derangement of the mind. 48 BOOK ONE [picture#13] Derangement falls sharply into two categories: The first is the mental derangement, any irrational condition, which in Dianetics we call aberration. BASIC DIANETIC DEFINITIONS AND ILLUSTRATIONS 49 [picture#14] The other derangement of the individual is somatic. This applies entirely to his physical being and physical ability and health. Both these things are present in every engram: the ~aberration~ and the ~somatic~. 50 BOOK ONE [picture#15] Unwanted attitudes and emotions, bizarre aches and pains in various portions of the body stem from engrams. (To name a few; arthritis, allergies, asthma, eye trouble, ulcers, migraine headaches.) Just how many physical errors are psychosomatic depends upon how many conditions the body can generate out of the factors in the engrams. For example, the common cold has been found to be psychosomatic. In "normal people," in the neurotic and insane, the removal of these engrams wholly or in part, without other therapy, has uniformly brought about a state greatly superior to the current norm. The end product of Dianetics is a well, happy, high IQ human being. BASIC DIANETIC DEFINITIONS AND ILLUSTRATIONS 51 [picture#16] How Dianetic Auditing Works. The Dianetic auditor handles the parts of the time track which cause the preclear to have unwanted attitudes, emotions, sensations and pains. Each pain or discomfort is caused by a series of related pictures which form a chain. Chain: Chain means a series of recordings of similar experiences. A chain has engrams, secondaries and locks. Example: head injury chain. 52 BOOK ONE [picture#17] Chains can grow to any length. As time goes on the person records new experiences in the form of mental image pictures. Key-in: the action of recording a lock on a secondary or engram. For example: at some future point the person may be watching a ball game and not having had enough sleep the night before or not eating properly that day has made him very susceptible to restimulation. So he "keys in" and gets a headache and another lock is formed on the chain. This is restimulation. BASIC DIANETIC DEFINITIONS AND ILLUSTRATIONS 53 [picture#18] A future head injury containing pain and unconsciousness would add a new engram to the chain. 54 BOOK ONE [picture#19] More secondaries, locks and engrams can accumulate on the chain. The years go by and one day he shows up at a church for some Dianetic counseling. By this time the chain might look something like this. (And he would probably be complaining of a migraine headache.) BASIC DIANETIC DEFINITIONS AND ILLUSTRATIONS 55 [picture#20] ¤How A Chain Is Run¤ The Dianetic process, R3R, is a standard set of commands and steps. The Dianetic auditor uses R3R to get a preclear to locate and examine the chains on his time track which cause him discomfort in present time. The feeling chains (pains, soreness, physical sensation) are the ones that relieve what's wrong with the preclear. Therefore, the Dianetic auditor asks for and follows down only feelings. Those can be attitudes, emotions, sensations or pains. Somatic: essentially body sensation, illness, pain or discomfort. ~Soma~ means body. By using somatics (meaning discomforts, complaints, sensations, aches, pains) to trace back and by staying on the chain of only one somatic (i.e. headaches) you get back down the single chain without dispersing all over the place into different chains. 56 BOOK ONE [picture#21] An incident is a series of mental image pictures held together by a common sequence. As each incident is found on the chain, and the auditor has his preclear examine it from the beginning to the end of the incident--that is, from the point furthest away from present time. BASIC DIANETIC DEFINITIONS AND ILLUSTRATIONS 57 [picture#22] The preclear is guided along his time track to earlier and earlier incidents on the somatic chain until he finds the earliest or BASIC incident on the chain which actually started that chain and that somatic. Basic: This is the FIRST experience recorded in mental image pictures of that TYPE of pain, sensation, discomfort, etc. Every chain has its basic. Basic is simply earliest. Unburdening: As a basic is not at once available on any chain one usually ~unburdens~ it by running later engrams (closer to present time), secondaries and locks. The act of unburdening would be digging off the top to get at the bottom as in moving sand. As you run off later incidents, the ability of the preclear to confront it also increases and basic is easy to run when finally contacted. 58 BOOK ONE [picture#23] It is a peculiarity and a fact that when one gets down to the basic on a chain (a) it erases and, (b) the whole chain vanishes for good. Erasure is the action of erasing, rubbing out locks, secondaries or engrams. The auditor sends the preclear through the basic engram as many times as it takes to erase it. BASIC DIANETIC DEFINITIONS AND ILLUSTRATIONS 59 [picture#24] 60 BOOK ONE [picture#25] While running an incident, sometimes the whole chain will key out--that is, move away from the person so that it is no longer impinging on him and exerting its force and command over him. Key-out is an action of the engram or secondary dropping away without being erased. This is OK, but the basic engram is still there. It still holds the chain in place, and the chain can key back in at some future time. BASIC DIANETIC DEFINITIONS AND ILLUSTRATIONS 61 [picture#26] So, what the Dianetic auditor wants is erasure of the basic engram. This leaves the pc free of that particular somatic forever. 62 BOOK ONE [picture#27] A person has numerous incidents which form various somatic chains stretching back along his time track. There is a basic engram at the earliest point on each chain. Most chains are loaded with locks, secondaries and engrams. A person usually only has a small number of the total of his engramic chains in restimulation at any one time. A sickness or somatic is usually a composite involving more than one chain. The above shows a person who might say he had "rheumatic" pains in his right shoulder and a headache. As you can see, he really has a composite of three basic engrams in restimulation impinging on him. BASIC DIANETIC DEFINITIONS AND ILLUSTRATIONS 63 [picture#28] The Dianetic auditor audits the most available symptom first until the picture causing it is erased. Then find the next one and audit it to erasure of its picture, then the next. Sooner or later the "pc" will have a well, healthy body, health, stability and a sense of well-being. The person's Dianetic auditing is now complete. He still has other engrams, but these are not in restimulation and so do not get in his way or cause pain or illness. These may never restimulate in the entire life of the pc, but if any should, the pc can receive more Dianetics at any time. All somatic chains that were in restimulation have been traced to basic and blown. THE PC IS NOW HAPPY AND HEALTHY. (Other engrams and chains can exist back on the time track but as they are not in restimulation they have no effect on the person.) 64 BOOK ONE These Dianetic illustrations are also to be used in conjunction with the following Dianetic basic definitions. AUDITING consists of asking a preclear a question (which he can understand and answer), getting an answer to that question and acknowledging him for that answer. It is the application of Dianetic or Scientology procedures to someone by a trained auditor. THETAN: The person himself--not his body or name, the physical universe, his mind or anything else; that which is aware of being aware; the identity that IS the individual. (From ~theta~ -O-, the Greek symbol for "thought" or perhaps "spirit.") REACTIVE MIND: Reactive bank; composed of engrams, secondaries and locks, the reactive mind can be described as a collection of facsimiles (recordings in mental energy picture form) made and retained unknowingly by the individual of the universe around him, which are not under his volitional control and which exert force and the power of command over his awareness, purposes, thoughts, body and actions. Resolved by processing, using Standard Dianetics and Scientology. BANK: A colloquial name for the reactive mind. (This is what the procedures of Dianetics and Scientology are devoted to disposing of, for it is only a burden to an individual and he is much better off without it.) It comes from computer technology where all the data is in a "bank." E-METER (Hubbard Electrometer): An electronic instrument for measuring mental state and change of state in individuals, as an aid to precision and speed in auditing. (The E-meter is not intended or effective for diagnosis, treatment or prevention of any disease.) F/N (floating needle) is a needle manifestation of the E-meter which indicates the preclear has reached the end point of the process being run. The needle moves in an idle, uninfluenced motion. It appears to "float." SOMATICS is a general word for uncomfortable physical perceptions coming from the reactive mind. Its genus is early Dianetics and it is a general, common package word used to denote "pain" or "sensation" with no difference made between them. To understand the source of these feelings, BASIC DIANETIC DEFINITIONS AND ILLUSTRATIONS 65 one should have a knowledge of engrams, and other parts of the reactive mind. To the Dianeticist anything is a somatic if it emanates from the various parts of the reactive mind and produces an awareness of reactivity. Symbol, SOM. PAIN (in its various forms) is the indication of an engram. Composed of heat, cold, electrical and the combined effect of sharp hurting. If one stuck a fork in his arm, he would experience pain. When one uses pain in connection with auditing one means awareness of heat, cold, electrical or hurting stemming from the reactive mind. According to experiments done at Harvard, if one were to make a grid with heated tubes going vertically and chilled tubes going horizontally and were to place a small current of electricity through the lot, the device touched to a body would produce a feeling of pain. It need not be composed of anything very hot or cold or of any high voltage to produce a very intense feeling of pain. Therefore what we call pain is itself heat, cold and electrical. If a pc experiences one or more of these from his reactive mind, we say he is experiencing pain. Its symbol is PN. "ELECTRICAL" is the bridge between sensation and pain and is difficult to classify as either pain or sensation when it exists alone. SENSATION (in its various forms) is the indication of a secondary, which precedes the actual engram. All uncomfortable perceptions stemming from the reactive mind are called sensation. These are basically "Pressure," "motion," "dizziness," "sexual sensation," and "emotion and misemotion."* There are others, definite in themselves but definable in these five general categories. If one took the fork in the pain definition above and pressed it against the arm, that would be "pressure." "Motion is just that, a feeling of being in motion when one is not. "Motion" includes the "winds of space," a feeling of being blown upon especially from in front of the face. "Dizziness" is a feeling of disorientation and includes a spinniness, as well as an out-of-balance feeling. "Sexual sensation" means any feeling, pleasant or unpleasant, commonly experienced during sexual restimulation or action. "Emotion and misemotion" include all levels of the complete tone scale except "pain"; emotion 66 BOOK ONE and misemotion are closely allied to "motion," being only a finer particle action. A bank solidity is a form of "pressure," and when the sensation of increasing solidity of masses in the mind occurs, we say "the bank is beefing up." All these are classified as sensation. Symbol, SEN. It is of the very greatest importance that a Dianetic auditor really grasp what these things are. Otherwise he won't know what he is doing or to what. Now because he isn't ~seeing~ his preclear's pictures an auditor can become very careless about them and not handle them correctly. If an auditor doesn't really know what these things are (erasure, locks, secondaries, engrams) he cannot of course hope to handle them for the preclear. The basic Dianetic errors are just not knowing what these are and that they are there to be handled and that these and these alone cause psychosomatic ills. Once one has a full grip on these definitions he can then and only then hope to do anything with them for the preclear. If the auditor is going to handle the aches, pains, unwanted sensations and psychosomatic illnesses of the preclear, it requires that he fully grasp these basic definitions. Literally millions of complications can stem from the simple fact that a preclear records experiences in mental image pictures and that these thereafter can affect his body adversely. Once one really understands that mental image pictures are ~all~ there is in the preclear's "mind" one has understood the total of aberration. There is NOT something else there. No "id," no "ego." There are only mental image pictures. These, if you use the exact procedures of Dianetics can be found and erased. When the unwanted locks, secondaries and engrams are erased the preclear will be rid of the physical disabilities of which he complains and will be well physically. MISEMOTION is anything that is unpleasant emotion such as antagonism, anger, fear, grief, apathy or a death feeling. BASIC DIANETIC DEFINITIONS AND ILLUSTRATIONS 67 This is the entire breadth of Dianetics today. In Scientology we deal with the thetan, the being who is the individual and who handles and lives in the body. This is beyond the scope of Dianetics. If a preclear is well physically, made so spiritually by Dianetics and any required physical medication or nutrition, he can then embark on Scientology, the increase of his abilities and spiritual freedom. If a preclear who is being audited or has been audited on Scientology becomes ill one DOES NOT TRY TO MAKE HIM WELL BY GIVING HIM HIGHER LEVEL AUDITING. That would be an error of great magnitude. Instead ONE REVERTS TO DIANETIC AUDITING until the pc is well and only then continues with Scientology. This is correct procedure because it works. People "come into Scientology" to cure their headaches. Give them Dianetic auditing until he or she no longer has headaches and then begin to audit the person on Scientology so as to put them well above ever again getting headaches. Continual headaches come from mental image pictures retained by the pc of having a head crushed or shot off or hit. That is an engram. It actually had to happen. It is NOT imaginary or delusion. The proof is that when the auditor finally erases the engram the recording of the injury is gone and the headaches will not again occur. The preclear often is unable to confront the actual engram at once. He offers one a lock, a time when he had a headache. One "runs" (processes) this lock, (one always runs whatever is offered, you don't force the pc) and finds after putting the preclear through it a couple of times that IT IS GETTING MORE SOLID (the preclear experiences the feeling of pressure becoming heavier or the somatic intensifying) or it simply isn't erasing. One finds an earlier recording. This possibly turns out to be a secondary. The preclear had a moment of loss and cried and also had a headache. This secondary may or may not erase. If it does one leaves it of course as finished. But if it does not erase and isn't erasing after a couple of times through it, one then asks for an earlier one. 68 BOOK ONE One probably would then get the actual ~engram~, a recording of a time when the head was actually injured. One runs this and after a couple of times through, finds it isn't erasing and so goes earlier for another engram. This one erases. When it erases, the whole chain of headaches ALSO erases. And that is the end of the pc's headaches period. One then inquires after other somatics or sensations and handles them the same way. It is also done by using the technique called R3R (covered later in the book)* without variation. Since these recordings contain mainly other determinedness (pictures of others doing things) the auditor always has more control over the preclear's mental image pictures than the preclear does. Thus the pictures do what the auditor says. This point too must be grasped by an auditor or he will be waiting on the preclear to act or move in time. BLACK FIELD is just some part of a mental image picture where the preclear is looking at blackness. It is part of some lock, secondary or engram. It responds to R3R. INVISIBLE FIELD is just a part of some lock, secondary or engram that is "invisible." It, like a black field responds to R3R. PRESSURE SOMATIC in Dianetics is considered to be a symptom in a lock, secondary or engram, simply part of the content. Whatever the symptom, pain, sensation, whatever, it is from either the body directly (such as a broken bone, a gallstone or immediate physical cause) or is part of the content of a mental image picture--lock, secondary or engram. The Dianetic auditor does not audit ideas or "think." He is handling mental recordings. Ideas are in them. Ideas come out of them. But "~think~" is not part of Dianetics. In Dianetics we handle locks, secondaries and engrams. FLOATING NEEDLES* occur when a key-out occurs or when an engram is erased. BASIC DIANETIC DEFINITIONS AND ILLUSTRATIONS 69 When one ~keys out~ (rather than erases) an engram, the preclear can always, in life, get a ~key-in~ of the engram again and so become ill as before. This does not mean one should audit past a floating needle. It does however point out that you can ~key out~ an engram without running it and at once key it back in again and run it. An example is getting the date. One gets a floating needle. It is better to leave it at that. But also realize the incident that hasn't been run is still there. ASSESS in Dianetics means choose, from a list of statements which item or thing has the longest E-meter reaction or the pc's interest. The longest read* will also have the pc's interest oddly enough. MULTIPLE ILLNESS. The preclear is physically uncomfortable or ill from several engrams of different types all restimulated. One runs one somatic chain at a time, running each new symptom that is assessed or stated by the preclear. One runs the chain of one particular somatic or discomfort or complaint down to key-out or erasure before doing the next somatic or discomfort or complaint. AUTOMATIC BANK. When a pc gets picture after picture after picture all out of control. This occurs when one isn't following an assessed somatic or complaint or has chosen the wrong one or one which the pc is not ready to confront or by overwhelming the pc with rough TRs* or going very non-standard. Some pcs turn up in their first session with automatic banks. The thing to do is carefully assess the physical complaint for longest or best read and gently handle ~that~ chain well. VALENCE is the assumption at the reactive level by one individual of the characteristics of another individual. An individual may have a number of valences which he puts on and off as he might hats. Often these changes are so marked that an observant person can notice him dropping one valence and putting on another. The shift from valence to valence is usually completely outside the awareness and control of the individual doing so. In other cases an individual has one valence, not his own, in which he is thoroughly stuck. 70 BOOK ONE ALLY is a person from whom sympathy came when the preclear was ill or injured. If the ally came to the preclear's defense or his words and/or actions were aligned with the individual's survival, the reactive mind gives that ally the status of always being right--especially if this ally was obtained during a highly painful engram. CIRCUIT is a part of an individual's bank that behaves as though it were someone or something separate from him and either dictates or takes over his actions. (Circuits are the result of engramic commands.) MACHINE is an actual machine in the mind (like ordinary machinery) constructed out of mental mass and energy, that has been made by the individual to do work for him, usually having been set up so as to come into operation automatically under certain pre-determined circumstances. RIDGES are solid accumulations of old, inactive energy suspended in space and time. They are generated by opposing energy flows hitting one another and continue to exist long after the energy flows have ceased. Ridges exist in suspension around a person. ABERRATION is a departure from rational thought or behavior. From the Latin, ~aberrare~, to wander from, Latin ~ab~, away, ~errare~, to wander. It means basically to err, to make mistakes, or more specifically to have fixed ideas which are not true. The word is also used in its scientific sense. It means departure from a straight line. If a line should go from A to B, then if it is "aberrated" it would go from A to some other point, to some other point, to some other point, to some other point, to some other point, and finally arrive at B. Taken in its scientific sense, it would also mean the lack of straightness or to see crookedly. As an example, a man sees a horse but thinks he sees an elephant. ~Aberrated~ conduct would be wrong conduct, or conduct not supported by reason. When a person has engrams, these tend to deflect what would be his normal ability which then would cause an ~aberrated~ reaction to them. ~Aberration~ is opposed to sanity, which would be its opposite. ~Aberree~ is sometimes used in Dianetics to designate an aberrated person. BASIC DIANETIC DEFINITIONS AND ILLUSTRATIONS 71 ALTER-IS is a composite word meaning the action of altering or changing the reality of something. IS-NESS means the way it is. When someone sees it differently he is doing an "alter-is," in other words, is ~altering~ the way it is. ADDITIVE is a thing which has been added. This usually has a bad meaning in that an ~additive~ is said to be something needless or harmful which has been done in addition to standard procedure. ~Additive~ normally means a departure from standard procedure. For example, an auditor puts different or additional words into a standard process or command. It means a twist on standard procedure. In common English, it might mean a substance put into a compound to improve its qualities or suppress undesirable qualities. In Dianetics and Scientology, it definitely means to ~add~ something to the technology or procedure resulting in undesirable results. ANALYTICAL means capable of resolving, such as problems, situations. The ~analytical~ mind would be the conscious aware mind which thinks, observes data, remembers it and resolves problems. It would be essentially the conscious mind as opposed to the unconscious mind. In Dianetics and Scientology the ~analytical~ mind is the one which is alert and aware and the reactive mind simply reacts without ~analysis~. The word ~analytical~ is from the Greek, ~analysis~, meaning resolve, undo, loosen, which is to say take something to pieces to see what it is made of. This is one of those examples of the shortcomings of the English language since no dictionary gives the word analytical any connection with thinking, reasoning, perceiving, which in essence is what it would have to mean, even in English. ARC is a word made from the initial letters of Affinity, Reality and Communication which together equate to understanding. It is pronounced by stating its letters A-R-C. To Scientologists, it has come to mean good feeling, love or friendliness, such as "He was in ~ARC~ with his friend." ARC BREAK means a sudden drop or cutting of one's affinity, reality or communication with someone or something. Upsets with people or things come about because of a lessening or sundering of affinity, reality, or communication 72 BOOK ONE or understanding. It's called an ~ARC break~ instead of an upset because if one discovers which of the three points or understanding have been cut, one can bring about a rapid recovery in the person's state of mind. It is pronounced by its letters A-R-C break. When an ~ARC break~ is permitted to continue over too long a period of time and remains in restimulation a person goes into a "sad effect," which is to say they become sad and mournful, usually without knowing what is causing it. This condition is handled by finding the earliest ~ARC break~ on the chain; finding whether it was a break in affinity, reality, communication or understanding and indicating it to the person, always, of course, in session.* If you know these definitions COLD so you don't have to mutter them or memorize them but just KNOW them, you will really get results with Dianetics. The discoveries of Dianetics were basic and vital and opened a wide new unexplored frontier. These words were assigned to things arbitrarily. They had to be. Man had not had any notion of these things before so they had no names and had to be assigned names. the names were chosen because they didn't also mean something else in another field of science. The terms are therefore IMPORTANT and what they mean and the things they name must be grasped before success can attend any auditing. Any failures of Dianetic auditors were not the failures of Dianetics. The persons attempting to audit others didn't KNOW what these ~things~ were, essentially the lock, the secondary, the engram, erasure and key-out. So these are essential to any training or use of Dianetics. CHAPTER 4 WHAT IS THE MIND Man for all his years took the observation for a fact that when a human being was no longer able to control his own operations and functions and so long as he, again in control, could not recall what had occurred, that the material was not recorded. This was wholly unwarranted as an assumption. Let us examine, first, pain. Pain, technically, is caused by an effort counter to the effort of the individual as a whole. The organism is a colonial aggregation of cells. Each cell is seeking to live. Each cell and the whole organism is basically motivated by a desire to survive. The entire physical structure is composed of atoms and molecules, organic and inorganic. While the individual is alive and conscious, these atoms and molecules are in a state of optimum or near-optimum tension and alignment. On the receipt of a counter-effort such as that of a blow, or, internally, as in the case of drugs, shock or bacteria, the 74 BOOK ONE optimum or near-optimum tension and alignment of these atoms and molecules, as contained in the nerves, muscles, bones, and tissues of the body, are disarranged. The result is a slackening or speeding of the motions of the physical body in such a way as to cause misalignment and maltension of the atoms and molecules. This is pain. Counter-efforts to survival cause this effect to take place. The technical name of this effect is RANDOMITY. The directions of motion of the various portions of the body are disarranged into random vectors or patterns. Pain results in loss, invariably, the loss of cells or the loss of general alignment. When pain departs, it is still on record. The record of that pain can be called again into existence. If you wish to make a very simple test, simply go back to the last time you hurt yourself. Get as many perceptions as you can of the object which hurt you and the surrounding environment. Seek to contact the painful object again. Unless you are badly occluded, you should be able to feel that pain once more. Ask your friends to try it. Sooner or later you will find someone who can recall pain. Another test: Pinch yourself and then go back to the moment you did it and feel the pinch again. In short, pain is stored on record. But that is not all that is stored. The whole area of any randomity is stored in full. The atoms and molecules rearrange themselves, when pain is recontacted, into the pattern they had when that pain was received. Hence the pain can come back. But also the effort and all of its perceptions can come back when either the pain or the general randomity come back. The misalignment caused by a blow, shock, drugs, or bacteria causes an inability of the control center of the mind to function. Thus, the control center of the mind can go unconscious, and can be overwhelmed by this misalignment. After consciousness is regained, whenever the control center of the mind tries to recall what happened, it can recall only the randomity. It is trying to recall a time when it could not recall and thus draws a blank. WHAT IS THE MIND 75 Man thought that if he could not recall a thing, then it didn't record. This is like the little child who hides his eyes and then thinks you can't see him just because he can't see you. With every area of randomity thus created by injury or illness or shock or drugs, there is stored as well the counter-effort to the body. The effort impinged upon the body by the blow or other misaligning factor is also stored. This is physical force. When it comes back upon the body, it comes back as physical force. It can distort features or the body by being in constant "restimulation." Restimulation is occasioned by some part of the early recording being approximated in the environment in the present. This calls up the old area of randomity. The body, confused, registers the old counter-effort. Nearly everyone has these counter-efforts of the past being, some of them, exerted against him in the present. His sub-level awareness is tied up in resisting old counter-efforts, blows, sicknesses, drugs, which once affected him and drove him into unconsciousness. The moment an individual wholly concentrates his attention elsewhere these old areas may exert their force again. Feel the aliveness or full sense of being of each one of the following. Feel wholly alive only in the member of your body named: 1. The right foot 2. The left foot 3. The right cheek 4. The left cheek 5. The toes 6. The back of the head 7. The back of the neck 8. The nose 9. The right hand 10. The tongue 11. The left hand 12. The stomach. 76 BOOK ONE If you have gone over these members, investing carefully, aliveness only in each, you probably will have received various aches and pains in areas where your concentration was not fixed or at least experienced grogginess. Try it several times. Processing cleans up these old areas with resultant rise in health and sanity. In Dianetics the reactive mind is that thinkingness which goes on without analytical inspection. The reactive mind is described fully and accurately in ~Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health~. The whole of Freudian analysis concerns itself with treating the reactive mind. Freud called it the unconscious, amongst other things. The whole of German (and U.S.) psychology concerns itself with examining the reactive mind. Only Dianetics laid bare the full anatomy of the reactive mind. That anatomy is concerned with mental image pictures ordinarily unseen by the person which nevertheless dictate his illnesses and responses. The primary characteristic of the reactive mind is response to a situation without analytical inspection. People react without volition. They do strange things when confronted with stimuli. Offer a man a cup of coffee. He twitches. He doesn't know why he did. Wink at a girl and she gets an earache. She doesn't know why she did. This is the reactive mind at work. Think of going for a drive--get tired. Decide to study--get a stomach ache. These are reactive mind actions. And the pity of it is the man didn't know it was the cup of coffee that made him twitch. The girl didn't know it was the wink which gave her an earache. Because it is an illogical connection. But that is the stock in trade of the reactive mind--everything equals everything. ¤Time Track¤ The auditor ~must~ know the basic laws and mechanics of the time track in order to run engrams. There ~is not rote~ WHAT IS THE MIND 77 procedure and never will be that will be successful on all cases in the absence of a knowledge of what a time track is. There is no substitute for knowing what engrams are and what they do. Knowing that, you can run engrams. Not knowing that, there is nothing that will take the place of such knowledge. You have to know the behavior of and data about engrams. There is no royal road that avoids such knowledge. If you know all about engrams you can run them. If you don't, you'll make a mess regardless of the commands given for use. Therefore, the essence of engram ~running~ is a knowledge of the character and behavior of engrams. This is not a vast subject. However, these three things stand in the way of learning about engrams: 1. Engrams contain pain and unconsciousness; fear of pain or inflicting pain causes the auditor not to confront the pc's engrams and unconsciousness is after all a not knowing condition; and 2. The auditor is so accustomed to projectionists reeling off movies and TV programs for him or her that the auditor tends to just sit while the action rolls forward, acting like a spectator, not the projectionist; 3. Failure to handle time in incidents. On 1, you can remedy this just by knowing about it and realizing it and surmounting it and on 2, you can remedy the attitude by realizing that the auditor, not the preclear (or some installed movie projectionist) is operating the preclear's bank. #3 is covered later. Take a pocket movie projector and any bit of a reel of film and wind it back and forth for a while and you'll see ~you~ are moving it. Then give a command and move the film and you'll have what you're doing as an auditor. Many drills can be developed using such equipment and 2 will be overcome. 1 requires just understanding and the will to rise superior to it. The endless record called the TIME TRACK, complete with 55 perceptions of the preclear's entire past, is available to the auditor and his or her auditing commands. The rules are: ~The time track obeys the auditor~. ~The time track does not obey a preclear~ (early in auditing). 78 BOOK ONE The time track is a very accurate record of the preclear's past, very accurately timed, very obedient to the auditor. If motion picture film were 3D, had 55 perceptions and could fully react upon the observer, the time track could be called a motion picture film. It is at least 350,000,000,000,000 years long, probably much longer, with a scene about every 1/25th of a second. That part of the time track that is free of pain and misadventure is called simply the free track, in that the preclear doesn't freeze up on it. ~Any~ mental picture that is unknowingly created and part of the time track is called a FACSIMILE, whether an engram, secondary, lock or pleasure moment. Any ~knowingly created~ mental picture that is not part of a time track is called a MOCK-UP. Any unknowingly created mental picture that appears to have been a record of the physical universe but is in fact only an altered copy of the time track is called a DUB-IN. Those parts of the time track that contain moments of pain and unconsciousness are called ENGRAMS. Those parts of the time track which contain misemotion based on earlier engramic experience are called SECONDARIES. Those parts of the time track which contain the first moment an earlier engram is restimulated are called KEY-INS. Those parts of the time track which contain moments the preclear associates with key-ins are called LOCKS. A series of similar engrams or of similar locks are called CHAINS. Incidents are not in piles or files. They are simply a part of the consecutive time track. By INCIDENT is meant the recording of an experience, simple or complex, related by the same subject, location or people, understood to take place in a short and finite time period such as minutes or hours or days. A CHAIN OF INCIDENTS makes up a whole adventure or activity related by the same subject, general location or people, understood to take place in a long time period--weeks, months, years or even billions or trillions of years. WHAT IS THE MIND 79 An incident can be an engram, secondary, key-in or lock. A chain of incidents can therefore be a chain of experiences which are engrams, secondaries, key-ins and locks. A chain of incidents has only one BASIC. Its BASIC is the earliest engram received from or overt act committed against the subject, location or being which make it a chain. There are valences, circuits and machinery in the reactive mind, but these all have their place on the time track and are part of the time track. The preclear makes the time track as time rolls forward. He does this as an obsessive create on a sub-awareness level. It is done by an INVOLUNTARY INTENTION, not under the preclear's awareness or control. The Road to Clear by making the preclear take over the creating of the time track was long explored and proved completely valueless and chancy. The Road to Clear by making the preclear leave the time track lasts only for minutes, hours or days and has proven valueless. The Road to Clear, proven over many years of intense research and vast numbers of auditing hours and cases, lies only in an auditor handling the time track and removing from it, by means governed by the Auditor's Code, the material, which, recorded on it, is out of the control of the preclear and holds the preclear at effect. Engram running, recall processes and assists* all handle the time track successfully and are therefore the basis of all Dianetic processing. There are no faults in the recording of the time track. There are only snarls caused by groupers, and unavailability and lack of perception of the time track. A grouper is anything which pulls the time track into a bunch at one or more points. When the grouper is gone the time track is perceived to be straight. Unavailability is caused by the preclear's inability to confront or BOUNCERS and DENYERS. A bouncer throws the preclear (pc) backward, forward, up or down the track and so makes it apparently unavailable. A denyer obscures a 80 BOOK ONE part of track by implying it is not there or elsewhere (a mis-director) or should not be viewed. Groupers, bouncers, and denyers are material (matter, energy, space and time in the form of effort, force, mass, delusion, etc.) or command phrases (statements that group, bounce, or deny). When a grouper, bouncer or denyer are enforced by both material ~and~ command phrases they become most effective, making the time track unavailable to the pc. Unless the time track is made available it cannot be as-ised* by the pc and so remains aberrative. The time track is actual in that it is made of matter, energy, space and time as well as thought. Those who cannot confront matter, energy, space and time think it is composed only of thought. A grouper can make a pc fat and a bouncer thin if the pc is chronically stuck in them or if the track is grouped or made unavailable through bad auditing. Through a great deal of study, the following surmises can be made about the time track, the physical universe and the pc. The tendency of the physical universe is condensation and solidification. At least this is the effect produced on the individual. Continued dwelling in it without rehabilitation* causes the person to become less reaching ("smaller") and more solid. He may become convinced he cannot duplicate matter, energy, space or time or certain intentions and so succumbs to the influence of this universe. This influence in itself would be negligible unless recorded by the individual, stored and made reactive upon him as a time track and then maliciously used to trap the person. Researches I have done in the field of aesthetics tend to indicate that rhythm is the source of present time. The being is carried along both by his own desire to have, do or be and by having been overwhelmed in the distant past by a continuous minute rhythm. This is a possible explanation of a being's continuous presence in present time. Present time, then, can be defined as a response to the continuous rhythm of the physical universe, resulting in a hereness in nowness. In response to this rhythm, and with his convictions of the need of recording, the individual began to respond to the WHAT IS THE MIND 81 physical universe in his creations and eventually obsessively created (by means of restimulatable involuntary intentions) the passing moments of the physical universe. But only when he began to consider these pictures important could they be used to aberrate him. These are only partly permanently created. Other moments of the past become re-created only when the person's attention is directed to them, on which these parts spontaneously appear, the being not voluntarily creating them. This forms the time track. Some parts of it, then, are "permanently" in a state of creation and the majority of it becoming created when the person's attention is directed to them. The "permanently created" portions are those times of overwhelm and indecision which almost entirely submerged the being's own will and awareness. Such parts are found in implants* and great stresses. These parts are in permanent restimulation. The mechanism of permanent restimulation consists of opposing forces of comparable magnitude which cause a balance which does not respond to current time and remains "timeless." Such phenomena as the overt act-motivator sequence,* the problem (postulate/counter-postulate), tend to hold certain portions of the time track in "permanent creation" and cause them to continue to exist in present time as unresolved masses, energies, spaces, times and significances. The intention of the physical universe (and those who have become degraded enough to further only its ends) is to make a being solid, immobile and decisionless. The fight of the being is to remain unsolid, mobile or immobile at will, and capable of decision. This in itself is the principal unresolved problem and in itself creates timeless mass which accomplishes the basic purpose of a trap. The mechanism of the time track can then be said to be the primary action in making a person solid, immobile and decisionless. For without a record of the past accumulating and forming a gradient of solidification of the being, the 82 BOOK ONE entrapment potential of the physical universe would be negligible and the havingness* which it offers might be quite therapeutic. It probably requires more than just living in the physical universe to become aberrated. The main method of causing aberration and entrapment is therefore found in actions which create or confuse the time track. An individual has things beyond matter, energy, space and time which can deteriorate. His power of choice, his ability to keep two locations separate, his belief in self and his ethical standards are independent of material things. But these can be recorded in the time track as well and one sees them recover when no longer influenced by the time track. As the person himself makes his own time track, even if under compulsion, and commits his own overts, even if on provocation, it can be said, then, that the being aberrates himself. But he is assisted by mammoth betrayals and his necessity to combat them. And he is guilty of aberrating his fellows. It is doubtful if any type of being built the physical universe and still lurks within it to trap further. But older beings, already degraded, have continuously been about to help newer beings to go downhill. It is enough for us to resolve the problem of the aberrative nature of this universe and provide a technology which assuages that aberration and keeps one abreast of it. This is practical and we can already do it. There are not many laws of engram running. One of the things I discovered is that we have never changed a basic tenet of auditing. That is, you've never successfully audited anything but the time track and you never successfully will. There is nothing to audit but the time track. There is no grand key to the release of things but the time track. And it ~is~ a time track. Probably people think of engrams as something stowed in the pc's wits like cordwood. They're just stowed there. And then over in this file cabinet are some round cylinders of some kind, and those are valences. And down in the basement we have machinery stowed. Locks belong to an entirely separate division and have nothing to do with WHAT IS THE MIND 83 anything. Secondaries are sort of stowed out in the woodshed. They're pieces and bits of things that are not related. Actually, they're simply different phenomena of the time track. That little discovery seems to be terribly elementary, but it might serve to orient you pretty well on what you are doing. It is a time track. It is the continuous record of time of the individual since the first moment he began to experience, straight on through until now. It is an uninterrupted, 3D, 55 perception movie. Things happen to that movie, and it gets grouped and becomes unavailable to the preclear. It becomes unavailable to the preclear for various reasons: his inability to confront and the fact that the track itself can get grouped. It's as though you took a can of motion picture film which was all stretched out, and you just started crumpling it up in your hands in big wads. Various things can happen to this consecutive record of experience. All that auditing ever does is straighten it out and make it available and as-is it. That gives you a simplification of outlook. As you go along on this track, you'll get a moment of pain and unconsciousness. That's just another record. It's consecutive with the next moment which is, perhaps, not of pain and unconsciousness. Chains don't exist in separate slots and compartments. They're just sections of the film which happen to be interrelated. A person is hit over the head with a hammer; therefore, every incident of hitting people over the head with a hammer, and being hit over the head with a hammer makes a chain (a related series of experiences). They interrelate in the association of the individual and actually tend to pull this time track down on top of one another. You've got a grouper there, so the track actually gets looped at this point. Then there is the basic time the individual was hit over the head with a hammer and the basic time the individual hit somebody over the head with a hammer. And then there are all the times that he saw a hammer or thought somebody was going to get hit with a hammer. Those constitute the locks, and they pack down on top of this thing. 84 BOOK ONE Eventually there is a solid wad there that looks like a piece of black "God help us." The pc, of course, does not have that experience available. So when the experience becomes unavailable to him it has a command value over him. He does not know what it is, and when he comes near it, it has a tendency to operate as a command level. A hammer is telling him what to do, in other words. There are only two classes of things involved in the time track. One is what you might call the mechanical things, which are matter, energy, space and time and their interrelationships, which is this track. And then there's the significance. So the time track is basically composed of matter, energy, space, time and thought. That's all the time track is composed of. A psychiatrist or a psychologist did not make discoveries of the time track or this particular area, the very woof and warp of which the mind is made, simply because he conceives it all to consist of only thought. His confront is down to a point where he thinks the brain contains thought. This is kind of silly. It's like walking down the street and saying there's nothing on this street but opinions. The street is all full of opinions. If you just get all these opinions on this street you're all set. Whereas it is no opinion that is pushing the pc's face in. It's somebody's fist. The fist might have been put on the time track because of somebody's opinion, but the fact of the matter is, it's not an opinion that's pushing his face in--it's a fist. Therefore, the time track is not imaginary. It should not be treated as an imaginary thing. What is "real"? What is real has mass and weight and so on, and so does the time track. You're into vague philosophic mutterings when you start saying, "What is reality?" You could put on your long, white robe and walk all over Greece from one end to the other making a good living in almost any century by just continuing to ask this question in a somewhat deliberate frame of mind, "What ~is~ reality?" We have a pretty good idea of what reality is, but descriptions of reality do not really form too much of our WHAT IS THE MIND 85 technology. We take the shortcut to it and say, "Reality is what is." Then we shortcut the idea of: Is it because we're thinking it is? Or is it because we're not thinking it is? Just bypass all of that garbage pail full of reasons not to look at reality. Just recognize that it's a non-confront. However it got here, it is! The main point is where we are and what we're looking at. The secondary point is where did it come from? And a tertiary point is what's going to happen to it? And what we are looking at, Scientologically, ~is~. It just ~is~. There isn't any discussion, then, of whether the preclear is imagining that he is looking at a brick wall. Is he looking at a brick wall? Well, it ~is~. Now, what is it the product of? In the physical universe a brick wall is a product of a bricklayer, a brickmaker, the economics of the society, a clay bank which is part of a planet, which was made and put here. Now we get to a divergence of opinion: was it put here religiously or by the Galactic Construction Company? That actually has little importance. It is here. What is ~is~, and where it came from is a slightly different question. You don't necessarily have to go into these fantastic ramifications. We have also sort of agreed amongst ourselves that nothing is holy, by which I mean nothing is proof against being inquired into. Recognizing all those things, we see then that the time track has remained undiscovered, undescribed, and forms absolutely no part whatsoever of modern mental studies. Now we must ask why? It's because the time track has tricks of unavailability, and the beings who are working in this field do not have a confront sufficient to look past that unavailability. You have to be just a little bit tougher to be a Scientologist. These other guys weren't quite tough enough. They took the time track, consisting of matter, energy, space and time and thought, and said it was all thought. And this of course leaves everything inexplicable. The first of the tricks of unavailability is that there is nothing in a mind but thought. Recognize that as a trick of debarment. If there's nothing in the mind but thought, 86 BOOK ONE anybody who says he's looking at a brick building in the mind, of course, isn't looking at a brick building; it must, therefore, be imaginary. So, therefore, he is living in the field of illusion or delusion. Therefore, he must be slightly mad. It's all on the basis that insane people must be mad because they say they are seeing things. This, of course, compounds the insanity. The person who is supposed to be treating the insanity says, "No, you are not seeing these things." So he makes the track less available. The direction of sanity lies in the capability of confronting the time track and the present time environment. For any one individual, existence consists of the physical universe, present time and everything that is in it at this exact, precise, present time instant; and the time track, which consists of everything that has been. That is the total is-ness* as far as this thing called reality is concerned. You can speculate on what the time track has been by reason of the state it's in now, but that actually is not an is-ness. For example, you can go around England and see mounds of dirt, furrows on a hillside. If you look a little bit closer you'll see that it's some old fortification, a Roman camp, or a medieval castle that has long since gone to dust and the Socialists. It's a lot of fun to add some significance to a pile of stone and say, "What has it been?" I know I've absolutely astonished myself by the brilliance with which I could reconstruct, out of a single mound of stone, the tremendous civilization which went before, and the power of the fellows who erected it. One time I was so overwhelmed by my own learnedness in this direction that I hardly heard the farmer when he said, "Well, yes, that's the silo we built last year. It fell down." That is a suppositional reality, tremendously subject to error, but not outlawed for that reason. But recognize its is-ness which is just suppositional is-ness. Every once in a while on the track you've met some fellow in a conical hat who was saying, "Abracadabra, hocus-pocus, if you just gaze into the pot here I will tell you WHAT IS THE MIND 87 the future." That's quite a game in itself. It's probably a lot of complexities, but it's suppositional. All futures are suppositional. The odd part of it is that if they're suppositional enough they come true. I used to tell lots of fortunes. You pull a wise face and take a look at the person's facsimiles and say, "I see you living in a house which is very close to a railroad track. And there's some very tall, slender trees, right there at the corner of the roads. Let me see now, let me see now, don't interrupt me, it's Acacia Manor. Yes, I see you living at this house." "Why, it's fantastic, we just went out to look at such a house today. In fact, we're going to buy it." Of course, the person wasn't going to buy it until you said he was going to live in it. A future is always enforceable from altitude and authority. There are people like Toynbee who can predict the future. He says he has some formula that nobody knows but Toynbee. He can predict some sort of a future out into the future. Of course, he's actually found a trick method of making a postulate stick by saying, "That is the way it's going to be because I can read the future." It doesn't escape the fact that it's a suppositional reality. If you break existence down into is-ness and potential is-ness, you can probably break down this potential into several categories. You could break this down into numbers, types, categories, sub-classes, and then sub-classes of sub-classes and then sub-classes of sub-classes of sub-classes of sub-classes. Pretty soon nobody would know what you're talking about. So I prefer to leave it at that. There's is-ness and there's suppositional is-ness. The time track often gives people the feeling that the "was" can return. And they think if they run back just a few hours, years, millenia, down the track, they will once more find themselves standing up at the Battle of Bennington and getting their head shot off. This makes them very nervous about going back. One time I saw a line of Redcoats and a line of militia standing up exchanging shells. For the space of a minute or so, they were total 3D and a much greater reality than the 88 BOOK ONE physical universe had had to me. That was ~solid~. For a moment I thought I had returned back down the time track on the physical universe time track and found it all there yesterday. I didn't realize I was going down my own time track. I could smell the mildew in the wigs, I was all ready to duck from the next volley. Probably it was there so solidly because I didn't duck from the next volley. Just looking at it, the is-ness of it turned out to be simply the is-ness of my own time track. And at that moment it fitted itself into perspective. It was an exaggeratedly solid piece of my own time track, more solid and more real because of the awareness jammed into the moment of time. You could mock yourself up futures and could do all sorts of things. But again, what you're mocking up is suppositional. There is one more category that you have to take something of a look at. It's what is created. The whole business of creating really tends to rock people because it's half real and half suppositional, the borderline between the two. It almost depends on the person who says he is going to create something. If a person who you know does build buildings says he's going to build a building, his statement is quite close to reality. You know he was building a building; in fact, you can also already see the cornerstone. That's a good reality. But suppose some person down in the loony bin says he's going to plant 10,000 acres of forest. That's hardly even a suppositional reality. You know darn well he's never even going to look at a tree much less plant a forest. So you know that thing is never going to exist. And it won't ever exist. This matter of suppositional reality and creation come together. But remember that a creation is just a suppositional reality until the moment it is created. At the moment it is created, for whatever period it may endure, it is. Anything created is an is-ness for whatever period it endures. All of this is quite pristine pure, whether it is good for people, bad for people, nice to do, not nice to do or anything else. These again are adjudications of what is. That's the opinion of what is, but that's part of the thought of reality. WHAT IS THE MIND 89 Thought is not separate from reality. Thought is woven solidly into reality, and thought is part of the is-ness of reality. For instance, BBC TV conducted a Ł10 million test to find out who viewed television and what programs they liked. They built a small studio, bought a television set, and hired some children. They bought some candy and comic books and got some furniture and put it in the studio, and drilled some spyholes in the wall. Then they turned on canned programs so the children could watch the programs or talk to each other or eat the candy or read the comic books. And they very carefully noted the reactions of the children at various points of the programs. They learned that little children do not like to look at older children's programs, and older children do not like to look at little children's programs. It never occured to them to ask anybody, to establish an isness on the situation. They've got a long way to go. There are certain opinions abroad in the world today with which we may or may not agree, but they happen to be part of the is-ness of this world. Whether or not they could be changed is again not part of the is-ness. These thoughts are. The ironmonger who weaves his sign with curlicues had a thought when he wove that set of curlicues on the sign. If you get back and take a look at this, you're actually looking at iron set in space. You are perceiving it by energy reflected, and there is a time that you're looking at it in, and you look at it for a certain period of time, and all of this is-ness goes together. But most people overlook the fact that the curlicues are an expression of thought which is part of the physical universe. There's a great deal of thought woven into the physical universe that is part of its is-ness. It doesn't have to be written up, "Go here," "Go there," "This is a bear." But, certainly, either the bear making himself a bear or somebody else making a bear is expressing the thought of a bear. That thought is expressed by the formation of matter, energy, space and time. To some degree, thought is a part of the physical universe, and is part of it's is-ness. 90 BOOK ONE The physical universe, then, consists of matter, energy, space, time and thought. And the time track consists of matter, energy, space, time and thought. As the broadest classification that is the simplest statement that can be made concerning the time track or the physical universe. We can complicate it tremendously, we can get the suppositional is-nesses, we can get the befores and afters. We can get the purposes, the additive utilities, and the aesthetics. One can really go mad when one goes into aesthetics. The devil whispered, "Is it art?" That devil is always standing alongside the shoulder of every artist or anybody engaged in an artistic pursuit. The little girl doing her sampler is saying, "I think that looks nice. And I'm going to make it so-and-so and it's going to look nice." And she looks at it and thinks "Yes, but is it artistic? Is it art?" You sometimes see a concert pianist beating his fingertips off at the concert, and you very often are utterly astonished afterwards to find out that he does not consider that this is art. He could do much better, or he has done much better or he will do much better. But is he doing better right now? You seldom find that he is ever doing better right now. He's always on some suppositional kick. The degree that an individual is on a suppositional kick measures directly his confrontingness, his ability to confront. The amount of suppositional is-ness that is added to actual is-ness measures directly the individual's ability to confront. That's a very involved and complicated statement because it's almost too broad to embrace. For example, a fellow goes down and takes a look at a water color at the art gallery and says, "He should have." That "should have" has measured the amount of not confront he is doing of the water color. Therefore, you get into this in the area of criticalness, and speak of people as being "high criticals." A very critical pc is a common term amongst auditors. It's the degree that the pc is into suppositional and not into is-ness that is critical. He is not confronting to the degree that he is critical. From being a very esoteric statement it becomes a very very interesting auditing tool, if you look at it just in its bareboned fashion. WHAT IS THE MIND 91 The pc says, "I suppose . . . but if at all . . ." You say, "What's happening?" "Well, it sort of looks here that it might have been." All these things are quite acceptable and quite ordinary in auditing. "But it sort of looks here, I don't know, some kind of a wreck out here. I think there has been a wreck." It's quite ordinary to have him then find out it's not even an airplane in front of him, but a building. He has given you the suppositional. He hasn't given you the is-ness of it. The time track straightens out and erases in direct ratio to the amount of is-ness confronted by the pc. How sane and capable somebody gets is measured directly by the amount of is-ness the individual is capable of confronting. And he is having as hard a time as he is moving from is-ness to suppositional. In view of the fact that a pc's track is in terrible condition, there are two things at work. There are the pc's own feelings of incompetence and there is the unrecognizableness of the track. These two things come into combination to make a cat's breakfast. The pc is sure that if he confronts it something horrible is going to happen. You see it in the extremity of the pc who doesn't want to report for his session. That is merely an expression that he's moved over into suppositional to that great degree. He supposes that it's not confrontable. He supposes that the auditor is not going to be able to do anything for it. He supposes that the auditor won't be able to handle it. All the time he's supposing, he's not confronting. Over a long long period of time the pc has come down the emotional scale and sort of given up on the idea of being able to confront very much. You can more or less measure this and call it state of morale. It's quite volatile, it will shift with great rapidity. A thetan's state is actually not pinned mechanically by anything. It's just where he is and what he is doing. He's not made less of a thetan or more of a thetan. But when you surround him with a tremendous amount of threat and suppositional unconfrontabilities as intimate as the time track, he is continuously enforced into a state of low morale. He doesn't think he can do anything. As a matter of fact, he can't. It's part of the is-ness of the 92 BOOK ONE situation. He knows what will happen. He's surrounded by jack-in-the-boxes; he's touched this one time and it's knocked him flat, and he's touched that and it's ruined something. He's touched something else and it's blown him down. And his attention is still terribly fixed on something else and he knows he mustn't take his attention off of that. Then he also knows that if he doesn't take his attention off of it, he's going to go to pieces. Then he's forgotten that he has his attention on it. He's in a frightful state. He gets this feeling of degradation because of what he feels his capability is. But then there's the actual state of the bank, which is horrible. It looks like a bunch of mad theater managers have rushed in and grabbed all of the motion pictures that have ever been shown and mixed them up with a stick and set fire to them. A thetan is standing in the middle of this debris, which hasn't even got a bright flame left in it. There he is in the middle of this debris, and he knows that if he moves or sparks or does anything, something horrible will occur. Every bit of this has retained in full its command value over him. Just the fact that he's standing in the middle of it is enough to depress him. But at the same time, it's all the old tin cans he's got. It has value; it's all his knowingness, it's his record files. He's like somebody who has become totally dependent on the record department, and then the record department has been bombed. He can't even find out his own name, rank and serial number without the record department. That dependency and the reason that came about is also included in the record department, so he can't even find that. It's all there. He's gone into a terrible state with regard to all this. It's booby-trapped; it jumps apart if he puts a beam on it. He sort of feels funny because there's a hand that vaguely shows out from underneath a black plate, and he doesn't know whose hand it was, doesn't know where it's from, doesn't know when it happened; but he knows he'd better keep an eye on it. We've used other methods to approach this problem of the time track. Amongst those other methods was exterior- WHAT IS THE MIND 93 ization:* "Try not to be three feet back of your head." I've exteriorized people and had them lose their stammer, their aches and pains, everything else. There was only one person I had trouble with when I exteriorized him. It didn't cure his cough. Then we found out ~he~ was coughing. There he was, fifty or sixty feet from the body, coughing. But he didn't have a chest to cough with. The odd part of it is that the thetan is free. You can have some fantastic experiences. But you can get a synthetic state, a temporary, momentary state of a thetan which approximates his actual state if he didn't have a bank, by exteriorization. But that state doesn't last because the individual is in a state of low morale at the time you did it and even though you get him away from the bank, you've just taken him away from the central control office and made him leave all of his files behind and he sort of thinks that those files can be straightened out. He definitely knows that he must have them in order to know anything. He goes along just so far and then he'll jump or get scared or something will happen, and he'll snap back into his head. You can do this to an individual two or three times, and then he won't go exterior anymore. He's very suspicious about it. Everybody, however, can be made to exteriorize. If you've exteriorized them out of the bank to a marked degree, of course, the bank follows them. You can exteriorize somebody out of a body and then exteriorize him out of his bank. Just tell him to be three feet back of the mass that he's associated with. "Be three feet back of your head. All right. You've got a black mass there? All right. That's fine. Be three feet back of the black mass." The individual gets a foretaste of what it is like not to be pushed in on all sides by these black masses, but it's a momentary foretaste. Because he'll take his attention off what he thinks he should hold his attention on, he'll collapse back into the bank, the bank collapses back into the body, and then he says he doesn't want that experience again. Actually, what it does is restimulate dying. This is more or less what he does at death. But he takes the bank with him at death. 94 BOOK ONE The only possession a thetan has consists of this bank. He really doesn't own anything else at a moment of death on this planet due to the laws of inheritance and other mechanisms. At various times on the track a thetan has tried very hard to straighten this up so that when you died you didn't lose everything. It has been more often true on the track that you didn't lose everything than it has been that you did. A thetan is actually conditioned into this and he considers it a considerable deprivation. So he makes very sure he keeps that bank very close to him because it's the only possession he knows he can hold on to. Yet it's in a terrible state and he doesn't want it in that kind of state. It's really no use to him, but he hopes it will be of use to him, and he couldn't get away from it anyhow. You can do remarkable things exteriorizing people, but it is a failure. You better know something about exteriorization; it'll always help out an old buddy who's just been knocked down by a freight train or something of the sort, and lies there gasping his last. Tell him to be three feet back of his head, and go on his way. Suppose a person is in perfectly good shape and has just accidentally fallen off the bridge and drowned. They're working on him with Pulmotors, and he doesn't start breathing again. If you happen to be around, and he hasn't been dead very long, just say to him, "Hey! There's nothing wrong with the body. Pick it up!" All of a sudden, he will start breathing again. Exteriorization is quite remarkable; it's part of the mechanics of existence. But as far as a solid processing mechanism, it doesn't exist as practical processing. This is a piece of the is-ness of existence. Thetans do this kind of thing and you can do this kind of thing with thetans. Once upon a time, whenever a thetan lost a body on Erxes he went and picked up a new one at home base. He was always going back and picking up a new body. But he didn't necessarily lose his identity. You'd be surprised at the searching security regulations which sometimes would be stressed on somebody picking up a new body. You didn't want enemy troops in there picking up one of your own uniform bodies. "What's your name? Oh, do you know Joe? What's the name of the bar at Yak Bung WHAT IS THE MIND 95 crossroads? You say you come from there. What's his favorite joke? Ah, have this man shot." In fact, it is very, very unusual for a person to totally forget his identity just by reason of death--and you haven't been doing it very long. You don't lose your whole identity and everything you've ever been just because you kicked the bucket. The way it's going now, thought is passing out of everything, and the identity passes out, and the thetan not only loses his physical universe possessions by reason of death, but he also loses his identity. And he doesn't like that. He thinks this is a can't-have-no-have proposition, and he's not in favor of this at all. Therefore, he tends to pull even more tightly on the time track. He's been denied a new record, so he's grabbed this record. Everytime somebody wanted to get even with him on the whole track somebody booby-trapped the record. Somebody threw a bomb into the file room. That was the way it was done. In the loony bin you can find people screaming about being jumped by demons. "There's a great bird that comes every night and perches on the bottom of the bed and pecks at me." The psychiatrist strokes his beard. "This man's insane." Why is he insane? "He sees a bird." That's the end of it. If he ~sees~, he's insane. This is just a further denial of record. That's the way to really make them spin. A Scientologist would have an entirely different approach. He'd probably tell his buddy, "What dub-in." But he would say to the person, "Yes, what kind of a bird is it?" He would find out more about this bird. And he's liable to find a honey of a series of incidents. But the trouble is if you approach them from that bird you're liable to go straight into one of the doggonedest, most awful messes that anybody had anything to do with. You would pull him right into the middle of it. He'll eventually collide with this bird in processing. It's not necessarily at the start of his processing, however. You certainly don't invalidate the bird. That's the last thing you'd better do. Because whatever it is, it is. He saw it 96 BOOK ONE so it is. We don't care whether other people agree that it is, or they don't agree that it is. You should keep off these wild by-roads. Is reality really something that everybody agrees to? It isn't. Because there are people around who don't necessarily agree to the reality, so therefore it couldn't be that that really isn't real. That's just a method of making it unreal for somebody else. That reality is mutual in the physical universe is a miracle. It's fantastic that it is a mutual reality. And that is the biggest proof of its is-ness; its mutual reality. Banks have a mutuality, they're not necessarily all different. The tricks that have been used to wreck the file room have not been very many. And those that were really capable of messing up the film and bending all the reels up and bashing the cans in had to be pretty horrendous. It really took some doing. In Dianetic auditing, whether you're assessing a list, or running engrams, you're handling the time track or a piece or a portion of the time track. This fact has never been escaped because the only tried and true approach to sanity and to recovered ability is to straighten out the pc's time track. We have approached it in many ways. We have tried to find out, "Who is mocking up this time track?" Obviously, the thetan is mocking it up. But that's again a suppositional reality. It all comes back to the fact that those processes which effectively handle and straighten out the time track--put something there to confront, that is to say, untangle it enough so that it can be confronted, and raise the pc's morale--are valid processes. (Remember it isn't enough just to straighten up the track. You've got a pc there, too, and if you lower his morale too much while straightening up his track, the track doesn't straighten up because you're actually not raising the thetan's confront at the same time. That's why processing has to be rather delicate.) The only difficulty we get into is just this: the pc's suppositional is-ness is so great because his confront is so low in this particular zone. All the great savants of the field of the mind never even suspected this track except Freud, WHAT IS THE MIND 97 and he said that the body contains some sort of a record or blueprint of its immediate past. I consider it very interesting that he never went ahead and explored it. He went into the suppositional reality that it made everybody barbarians and very vicious people to have this. About 1914-15 there was a chap who remarked on the fact that there was such a thing as an engram, that a moment of unconsciousness was recorded all the way through. It's a very small portion of a book printed back then. I heard about it around 1951. People stumble on this and they get out of there fast! They don't want anything more to do with it after they trip over some corner of this thing. It's like the two-dimensional worm trying to describe a third dimension. Everything is flat. Yet here's this pole. And occasionally one will say, "Well, you'll run into something if you go across that particular side of the two-dimensional plate. You'll bump your head." And others will say, "Well, it's impossible to bump your head because there are only two dimensions." And then he replies, "Well, then there's nothing there." It doesn't occur to most of them to say there might be three dimensions. In such a way, that is-ness gets barred out. We should examine how it does because it's a very simple answer. How does the existence of the time track get completely wiped away? Why do the great savants never remark on this particular piece of property which can be found in any and every human being and the handling of which is the only road that has ever been discovered which straightens the person out? It's the same reason that you sometimes have trouble in an auditing session. This is not one of the reasons he can't see the track, which is pretty obvious due to the unavailabilities and the tricks of it. But the suppositional reality of the pc who is sitting in front of you is very low but very great. It just supposes. His "I guesses" about the track are terribly thin. And you have to develop those things along a very smooth line. The pc supposes he has a black mass in front of his face. He doesn't ~see~ the black mass. Actually, all you have to do is 98 BOOK ONE not make the track more solid for him, but just keep going around in the area and take what the pc says, and keep working with it. This thing will start to unravel, and the pc will come up, and you'll find less and less supposition. He says after a while, "There ~is~ a black mass in front of my face." If you're inexperienced in this line, the principal barrier that you get is you suppose that because the pc is so vague you can't get anything. So if you take it that the pc doesn't know what's there, then you won't be able to find out what's there. You don't recognize that he is just so far down on suppositional is-ness that he is not approaching is-ness. Whatever the tricks of auditing are and how you audit engrams, it is the process of gradient scale, familiarization. You've got to raise the morale of the pc with regard to it, and raise the available thing to confront. Familiarization with and running of the track tends to unravel it and stretch it out and make it available to the pc. His morale comes up at the same time and you get to an is-ness. It's ~all~ a gradient, from Can't to Can. The pc says, "I don't know anything about this, I never heard of such balderdash. I never heard of such a thing. It's such a horrible thing." Very shortly afterwards he starts to look. After all, he's been given a little piece of data, something to look at and he looks. And he says, "Hey! By golly, it's there, you know." This makes him feel better. He can see it. It is there to be seen. He looks at it a little bit more and there's more there to be seen now. And then he feels better about seeing, and there's now ~more~ to be seen because you've gone over and developed the track. It's at once a problem of getting a viewer and a stack of pictures together. You've got to get the viewer so he can see the pictures. That's your Auditor's Code,* morale of a pc, coaxing him along and giving him the right orders. That's for the pc. And then you go over the technology of arranging the pictures. The way you arrange them is just stroke them. That's all. Just stroke them enough times and stroke the right picture. And say, "There, that's a nice picture. Yes, that's a nice picture, there . . ." All of a sudden the pc says, WHAT IS THE MIND 99 "My God, there's my bird! Yes, that's familiar, that bird. There he is. That's pretty good. Let's find out some more about this." If you've done it smoothly then the pc's morale is up so he can look. And if you've handled the bank right, that's been rubbed up so that it can be looked at. This gradient approach is terribly simple. There really isn't anything very involved about it. In teaching people how to run engrams, they always want to know the command with which you run an engram. All the rules of auditing have to be obeyed. It gets to look pretty complicated after awhile, but it isn't. You're running a touch assist* on a picture. Of course, your pc can't touch the picture and if he feels that you won't let him touch the picture, he's going to have an awful hard time touching it. Then if you don't give him the right picture to touch, of course he can't touch that. And one of the big boons you have in technology is that I've found out what pictures can be touched, which then produce a tremendous resurge and start untangling his track. I have found out what are the principal things that have the track snarled, and which of them can be touched. What is snarled and what to touch to unsnarl it are two distinctly different problems. The auditor tends to not confront to some slight degree the fact that an engram contains pain and unconsciousness. He doesn't want to inflict pain on the pc, of course. And, of course, you can't see anything when you're unconscious. So all the great savants of all history have simply remained unconscious of the engram and the time track, unwilling to approach its pain and unconsciousness. That's why they have never said, since time immemorial, "Every being has a time track." It's as elementary a piece of nonsense as that. They say, "Well, you can't see it, and you can't do anything with it, and there's really only thought in the head anyway." The time track is unavailable to the being, so the savant supposes it is unavailable to him. He doesn't want to have anything to do with that pain, so he leaves it alone; and because there's unconsciousness in it, he remains unconscious of it. 100 BOOK ONE But the auditor mustn't fall for this. In the first place, I don't think a thetan can go unconscious. I don't think there is a level at which you could say absolute unconsciousness takes place. If you run somebody through an engram, he might not remember what happened in the incident. That doesn't mean he was unconscious in the incident. It just means he can't remember what happened in the incident. He might have been conscious all the way through. When you start running this thing through as an engram, all of a sudden the pc finds out during those moments of unconsciousness he was conscious of things going on. I suppose the only real "tragedy" of life is that absolute unconsciousness and absolute unknowingness are unobtainable. The auditor must realize that there is no slightest portion of that time track that isn't available. He should go into no "I don't know anything about it" simply because the thetan he's auditing, of course, doesn't know anything about it. This is the expected state. He'd be a Clear if he knew all about it. Then you're saying, "When he gets to be Clear I'll give him a session." It's all by gradients. There's a great deal of technical information about this. The reasons he can't view the track are very mechanical. I don't think you would be very excited about viewing a door if every time you walked up to the door it crashed open and broke your nose. After awhile you would get out of the habit of walking up to this door. And eventually you would say that door doesn't even exist and that you're not going to go in that part of the room. Because the violence that is contained on the time track cannot be underestimated. You can hit portions of the time track that'll kick a preclear right out of his head if you forced him into them. So the pc may say, "Look, I can't confront the bank. It's too tough for me." Therefore, it's important not to give him losses early on. There are various approaches of this kind. This is all very simple technical know-how. If you go into too much suppositional you'll have trouble. An auditor has success in auditing if he has a good idea of the mechanics of engrams and the time track. If he WHAT IS THE MIND 101 knows what this is all about, he will be in there sailing. A person who keeps asking for a rote command is a person who doesn't know the mechanics of what he's auditing. Giving a double command is the most serious thing in engram running, as it confuses the pc. Suppose I said to a preclear, "Go to the beginning of the incident when you go to the end of the incident because the beginning of the incident is a place where we don't start." And then got provoked with him because he didn't execute the auditing command. I certainly wouldn't have known very much about the bank to do something like that. This is another gross error: an auditor says to the preclear, "Go to the beginning of the incident where the birds are." (He doesn't know the mechanics and behavior of an engram.) It seems like a perfectly innocent command. This is a mistake almost anybody would make. The beginning of the incident ~was~ where the birds are. That was the beginning of the incident half an hour ago. So the auditor thinks that while he handles an engram nothing happens. He thinks nothing is ever going to change. So he thinks the birds are going to be the beginning of this incident from here on out. The birds are NEVER the beginning of the incident, even the second time. So the auditor says, "Go to the beginning of the incident," and then suddenly gives this command, "Go to the beginning of the incident where the birds are." Go to the birds. Go to the beginning of the incident. He asks the pc "What's the matter?" The pc replies, "What do you want me to do? Do you want me to go to the beginning of the incident or go where the birds are?" The pc gets all fogged up and can't give the data very well. He just neglected to tell the auditor that there was an incident the day before the birds arrived, when there was an edict issued that you mustn't shoot any birds. He's just discovered this and made mention of it, but the auditor didn't get its time, and didn't realize that was the day before. That is now the beginning of the incident. He's told the pc to go 24 hours deep in the incident while going to the beginning of the incident. And the pc gets very, very confused. 102 BOOK ONE The bank follows the hop-skip-jump, you-think-you're-there-and-you're-there system of a thetan. When you move ~to~ the end, you're at the end. The only difficulties you could have with engram running is just lack of appreciation of exactly what it is you're handling. It is not a matter of the rote command. It's a matter of understanding exactly what is this thing called the time track, and exactly what are you handling in the individual, exactly what keeps you from handling it, and what permits you to handle it. When you get that sorted out, all this becomes very, very easy. Although finding and curtailing the development of the time track at genus is not improbable, the ability of the preclear to attain it early on is questionable without reducing the charge* on the existing track. Therefore, any system which reduces the charged condition of the time track without reducing but increasing the awareness and decisionability of the preclear is valid processing. Any system which seeks to handle the charge but reduces the preclear's awareness and decisionability is not valid processing but is degrading. According to early axioms, the single source of aberration is time. Therefore any system which further confuses or overwhelms the preclear's sense of time will not be beneficial. Thus the first task of the student of engram running is to master the handling of time on the preclear's time track. It must be handled without question, uncertainty or confusion. Failing to handle the time in the preclear's time track with confidence, certainty and without error will result in grouping or denying the time track to the preclear. ¤Valences¤ Another interesting facet of the mind is valences. Amongst the several types of valences the least suspected and most interesting in terms of processing is the "synthetic valence." WHAT IS THE MIND 103 By synthetic valence we mean those valences which have never actually confronted the preclear in the flesh. The first valence is of course the preclear's "own valence," which is his own concept of himself. The next is the valence additive to him by the characteristics of his body. The next is the direct valence by which he has transferred identity with someone who has directly confronted him and following this there is the attention valence, the valence one has assumed because it got attention from another valence. And at the end of this list there is the synthetic valence and of all of them this is the most baffling. The greatest historical example of this is probably Charles XII of Sweden who read "The Romance of Alexander" by Pseudo-Calisthenes and became so much an Alexander that he spent the remainder of his days attacking Russia in an effort to emulate his hero. Charles XII had never confronted Alexander, he had only been told about Alexander, but he had nevertheless assumed the valence of Alexander in most of his activities. The little boy who looks at television and sees the cowboy in the white hat triumphing over all, or who sees Superman in the comic books and then assumes these identities, is actually doing more or less a direct transfer. Where he is simply told about these and has never been confronted with any form of any kind to corroborate the telling, he would have a case of synthetic valence. He has been read to about Tom Sawyer and becomes Tom Sawyer without ever seeing Tom Sawyer or looking at Tom Sawyer. This would be a case of synthetic valence. We get the synthetic valence in many amusing and non-aberrative games conditions and here it is not much of a problem. But the synthetic valence can become an evil genius in a case when it has been carefully and expressly tailored as an alteration from the direct valence which might have occurred. As an example of this we have the case of the father who, in the mother's absence or even when she is sporadically present, tells the children consistently and continually what a bad mother they have. Father continually describes mother as a certain type of character and the 104 BOOK ONE children are then adjured not to transfer into this type of character. Naturally, resisting it, they do not actually transfer into mother's valence, but transfer into a synthetic valence of mother. In the case where mother, let us say, ran away or was lost to the family early in the child's life, he may have no real recollection of mother but may have a synthetic valence of mother. This becomes very difficult to run because it is run mainly on a sonic level. As another example, one is told consistently and continually that all men of force or all conquerors are bad and one is warned never to become a conqueror. This is of course an excellent way to make nothing out of an individual, but here we have a false valence--a personality which never existed--and we discover in the lives of the conquerors that they actually were not totally possessed of bad characteristics. In order to dominate his fellow beings to the marked extent necessary in a conqueror, one could not possess totally bad characteristics, and the actual character of most conquerors is quite different than the assigned character given them by the society--a fact which does not make a conqueror any less liable for the crimes he commits, but which gives us an insight into the tailor-making of characters who never lived. The keynote of all synthetic valences is that a character has been developed or created more or less out of whole cloth, possibly with some small foundation, but certainly with exaggeration, which puts into existence a being who never breathed or coughed or spat. The police and newspapers are continually doing this. You actually don't know whether the criminals who have been arrested by the police and tried in the newspapers were the people who were arrested or not, since they are assigned a synthetic valence and are condemned as very bad people indeed. Of course some of these criminals were or are bad, but the chances are that amongst this legion of people arrested and tried in the newspapers there were some who were quite deserving men and whose actual character and behavior did not even vaguely compare with the represented character. WHAT IS THE MIND 105 We have a flagrant case of synthetic valences when newspapers and other public media and even word-of-mouth gossip begin to tear to pieces anyone's character and put in its place some synthetic understanding which was never a real person. In this way we begin to believe there are many more bad people in the world than there are. In my own experience with bad men--and I have met several of various nationalities--I have seen some men who could put up a rather ferocious front, but I have never found one of them totally lacking in human warmth. Yet were I to read the newspapers and popular books on such people I would begin to believe it would be possible for a complete demon to exist who would never respond to any decent impulse. Yet I have even argued bandits into a more amenable state of mind. In other words, you can actually create an effect on almost anybody. The synthetic valence is an effort to tell you and others that beings can exist who are so bad that no effect can be produced on them. Of course this makes everybody subservient to them. The greatest historical example of this was the invention of the devil by the Persian priests who were called together to synthesize a new religion for Persia. The devil they invented there was borrowed later on by the Christians and was set up as something so evil that nothing could affect it. The devil of course is the championship synthetic valence of all time. There are no devils upon whom one cannot produce an effect. ¤Summary¤ When you are running Dianetic secondaries and engrams, you are handling the human mind. Added to that then is the valence as another picture, and a machine, and that comprises the whole human mind. There is nothing else there. That was a basic discovery in Dianetics. We probably know more phenomena about Dianetic auditing than any other single activity. Now somebody will tell you that it's very, very bad to fool about with the mind, but in actual fact any Dianetic auditing is better than no Dianetic auditing. 106 BOOK ONE I have never seen anything really more interesting in the realm of human endeavor and activities than Dianetic auditing. It is the champion of all time. It's a tremendous amount of fun. It does fantastic things. The amount of benefit to be regained from running half a dozen engrams exceeds anything that Man has ever been able to do for anybody in the history of the human race. CHAPTER 5 DIANETIC USE For many years, 1950 onward, a Dianetic auditor was proudly capable of resolving mental and physical problems by his ability to find and run engrams. The Dianetic auditor has no other skill or tools than his understanding of mental image pictures, such as locks, secondaries and engrams and the time track. With these tools he produces many miracles. Broken bones heal in two weeks instead of six, withered limbs restore, burns vanish, swellings reduce visibly to nothing, lives wrecked by grief and loss recover, women lose their aging wrinkles, and sought after abilities return. Dianetic training is usually one month in length and attains a high percentage of successful graduates who can attain excellent results. Dianetics operates at the level of the human being and is addressed mainly to the body and mind. It does not attempt and should not be confused with the end product of Scientology which is spiritual freedom. The end product of Dianetics is a well, happy, high IQ human being. 108 BOOK ONE Dianetics is itself and has its place. When one can handle Dianetics so as to make people well and happy, one can then begin to think of and work on the higher aspects of Scientology. To attempt to obtain the results of Scientology by applying only Dianetics is in fact a confusion of objectives. The Dianetic auditor, whether the "very best people" behind governments like it or not, is the natural inheritor of all mental healing. Working in conjunction with bonafide physical healers such as the actual practicing medical doctor, the Dianetic auditor, with only the skills taught on the Hubbard Standard Dianetics course, could all but eradicate psychosomatic illness and mental illness on this planet. Tens of thousands of cases in Dianetics show this is no idle boast. The breakthrough showing most insanity is common physical illness untreated adds up to making such an objective a fact. The role of Dianetics, let us face it, is that of a spiritual healing technology. It is the most advanced mental science Man has. It should not be skimped or scanted. A good Dianetic auditor can handle the bulk of psychosomatic illness and speed the healing of ordinary illness or make it possible for the person to recover. Mental aberration as such can be handled in Dianetics if it works in conjunction with other valid branches of physical healing. There is then a demarcation between Dianetics and Scientology. The Dianetic auditor's skills reach up to and include a well happy human being. This is in excess of Man's hope of any mental technology. The Scientology auditor is working for increased ability and spiritual freedom. And that is far in excess of any dream or accomplishment Man has had, including Buddhism. When we get a sick human being being handled to make him spiritually free we get a confusion and are likely to fail. The Scientology auditor who is also a good basic Dianetics auditor can make that being well enough, using Dianetics and available healing skills, to succeed with Scientology objectives. But there is a vast difference between Dianetics and Scientology. DIANETIC USE 109 A Dianetic preclear is one who is being processed toward the objective of a well and happy human being. A Scientology preclear is a well happy human being who is being processed toward total ability and spiritual freedom. Those two definitions should be well learned. It will prevent much confusion. ~I~ would never never never audit a pc on Scientology processes if I found before me a sick person. I would simply change gears, get busy with Dianetics and use physical healers if necessary to get a well happy pc before me. ~Then~ I would go on with Scientology processing. Scientology objectives are so far above anything Man has any hope for that he at once thinks of them as healing activities. They are not. Dianetics is a spiritual healing activity. Therefore all Dianetic course materials have that objective fully in view. And when a Scientology auditor finds himself with a Dianetic preclear on his hands and if that auditor learned his Dianetics well, then he will apply Dianetics and when the preclear is ready for it, only then will he apply Scientology. The basic use of Dianetics is to make a well body and to augment physical treatment. Any injurious experience can be erased by Dianetics. It is very easy to use and if one wants people well and happy it should be used at every occasion. A person has an operation. This should be followed soon after by the erasure of the engram of the experience and by the usual Dianetic auditor actions. The healing time will be greatly speeded and often healing will occur where a relapse might have followed. A woman has a child. The engram of delivery should be run out soon after. The result of doing so is very spectacular. There is no "post partum psychosis" or dislike of the child and no permanent injury to the mother. It is in fact best to audit the mother both before and after the delivery, which gives one fast, relatively painless childbirth and quick recovery. 110 BOOK ONE Recovery from disease under treatment is speeded by Dianetic auditing. A broken limb will heal (by X-ray evidence) in two instead of six weeks. Some patients who are not responding to medical treatment, who are given even basic Dianetic auditing, will ~then~ be found responsive to the medical treatment. An auditor giving the person a Dianetics session will more or less ensure that the medical treatment will now work. A person who is accident-prone when audited usually loses this unwanted characteristic. Many "insane" recover from their symptoms when given proper medical treatment, rest, no harrassment and then good mild Dianetic processing. They become and remain normal people without relapse. Chronic, which is to say, long-term illnesses cease when audited by Dianetics and then medical treatment which was earlier ineffective. Whole classes of "mentally retarded" children have been made more normal by teachers in London County Council schools using relatively unskilled Dianetics. Tiredness, unwanted sensations, bizarre pains and aches, bad hearing or sight also routinely respond to Dianetic processing. The sickness and death rate of persons who are part of Dianetic groups is only a small fraction of that of other groups. Pilots audited with Dianetics, by a test involving a whole squadron, went without a single even minor accident for the following year. Scientists audited with Dianetics have greatly improved intelligence. Dianetics raises IQ in addition to usual auditing, at a rate of about one point of IQ per hour of processing. Withered limbs, skin blotches and rashes and even blindness and deafness have all responded to Dianetics. Possibly the point which was raised against Dianetics in the early attacks on it was that it did a vast array of things. The truth was, it actually did them. When you have the answer to the human mind as in Dianetics, of course anything caused by the mind can be remedied. DIANETIC USE 111 It is very much easier to train a Dianetic than a Scientology auditor. It requires only about a month to make a Dianetic auditor who is sufficiently conversant with the subject to get results. This too was used against Dianetics as the psychiatrist of that day claimed he himself needed twelve years of study to do psychiatry. Of course when the public found out that the result of these twelve years of study was killing the "insane" and increasing their numbers, the argument became silly. You use Dianetics much the same way you would use any remedy. When a fellow is burned you audit out the burn. When a woman loses a loved one you audit out the loss. When a young man can't finish his schooling you audit out his unhappy school experiences. Dianetics is for USE. There is not a lot of administration* about it. It isn't something you use after bowing down three times to Chicago. You just USE it. A Dianetic auditor who sees someone sick and who doesn't get him treatment and then audit him is just not humane. Woman going to have a baby--get out the E-meter and audit her into shape for it. When she's had it, run out the delivery. Fellow burns his hand, break out the meter. Dianetics must be preserved and used in all cases of psychosomatic illness or in physical suffering. People will ask "Deafness? Now what special process is needed in curing deafness . . .?" This is one of the refinements of Dianetics. One runs whatever is real to the preclear. He doesn't decide to cure somebody of deafness. He handles the illness that reacts on the meter, and in which the pc is interested. Maybe it will be deafness. Having gotten the pc well by medical care and Dianetic auditing, ~then~ start out with Scientology. If he gets sick again before long, revert to Dianetics, handle it and then when he is well, resume Scientology where you left off. ~Never~ run a Scientology process to make a preclear well or cure something. It's a misapplication. 112 BOOK ONE By ~using~ Dianetics as readily as you use shoes, you can make and keep people well. By then correctly using Scientology we can make the person a far better being. We have STANDARD DIANETICS. We have standard Scientology technology. Both are valid as themselves. They do not cross. Dianetics for the body. Scientology for the spirit. If it is a body pain, sensation, somatic, illness, disability, the subject to use is Dianetics. If it is a gain in ability and beingness that is the purpose, the subject to use is Scientology. After many years of handling cases this emerged as a very factual fact. Dianetics is Dianetics, Scientology is Scientology. See these two subjects as clearly separate. They each have their own case supervision* orders. You don't use Scientology case supervision orders in case supervising Dianetics. And you don't use the Dianetic rules on Scientology. One addresses the body, the other the thetan. They both go by their own rules. Dianetic results are a well body and a being happy with it. Scientology results are a free, powerful and immortal being. They can and do achieve their proper end results but only when used properly, separately and as themselves. ¤The Psychiatrist At Work¤ Auditors are often fought by psychiatry. The auditor is often called upon to handle psychiatric abuses. Auditors should know some facts about psychiatry. As a technical action, it is of interest to any auditor to know that pain and ideas are a basic "therapy" used down the years by psychiatrists and such lot. The practice is very general and very old. DIANETIC USE 113 The person is made to associate his "wrong ideas" with pain so that he "will not have these ideas," or will be "prevented from doing these things." A crude current example is to electric shock a person every time he smokes a cigarette. After several "treatments" he is supposed to associate the pain with the idea and so "give up smoking." Homosexual tendencies are also so "treated." In earlier times alcoholism was "cured" by putting poison in drinks so drinking would make the person violently ill so he would "stop it." Examples of this are all over the time track. The mechanism is, "If you get this idea, you will feel this pain." ZAP! Basically this is the action of an implanter.* Current use of it will be encountered where psychiatry has been busy implanting. This is a pinnacle, an all, of psychiatric "treatment." Another version of it is drugs. Make the person too torpid (sluggish) to have ~any~ ideas. The motto of this is "too dead to act." Institutions are emptied by hooking psychotics and "community psychiatry" exists "to make them take their pills." In short, to keep them hooked. This started the current drug craze that has spread into "illegal" drugs. The psychiatrist if he handled his field well and did really effective work would have a ~declining~ insanity and crime statistic. That the psychiatrist and his "technology" has been in charge during the whole period of these alarming statistics is ignored by governments. The psychiatrist argues that he needs more money and more practitioners. But he gets money by the billion. The state has to totally support them because the public will have nothing to do with them. Psychiatry is collecting more than $44,107,306,153 a year for ruining hundreds of thousands of people. Psychiatric treatment runs more than five times the total cost of every course, grade and action available in Scientology churches and missions. 114 BOOK ONE Any Hubbard Apprentice Scientologist knows more and can do more about the mind than any psychiatrist. The auditor will encounter this with growing frequency as the business of it is so big that one group spends 12 billion in advertising alone per year! They also spend vast sums in lobbying parliaments. Most "got to's" or obsessions come from pain association or drug association. People in pain or when drugged can become obsessed with ~doing~ the idea. What the psychiatrist does not care to publicize is that his "cures" consist of implanting with compulsive ideas. The smoker so treated now MUST smoke but CAN'T smoke. These two things are opposed. That is known as frustration--a form of insanity. Must reach-can't reach, must withdraw-can't withdraw is total basic insanity. Thus psychiatry is ~making~ insane people. This is why the insanity statistic is soaring and why the crime statistic is on a wild climb. There is no real level of comparison since psychiatry as used is a destructive technology. Under a "drug treatment" engram you often find savage electric shocks of execution strength buried. It is doubtful if one could watch an electric shock "treatment" without vomiting. In "neurosurgery" the ice pick is used to rip and tear up people's brains. Holes are drilled in skulls and the brain sliced up. No evidence exists that this ever helped anyone but it makes incurable invalids. Illegal seizure of anyone and his torture is legal in most "civilized countries." The psychiatrist has masters. His principle organization, World Federation of Mental Health, and its members, the National Associations of Mental Health, the "American" Psychiatric Association and the "American" Psychological Association are directly connected to Russia. Even the British Broadcasting Corporation has stated that psychiatry and the KGB (Russian Secret Police) operate in direct collusion. DIANETIC USE 115 A member of the World Federation of Mental Health sits on every major "Advisory Council" of the United States government, to name one government. Ministers of Health or Health Authorities are members of the National Association or the World Federation of Mental Health. All these statements are the subject of total documentation in the hands of Scientology. The auditor in auditing uncovers considerable data in former psychiatric cases. Further, an auditor can put to rights a case so abused unless a fatal injury has been done. As psychiatry circulates rumors about auditors and attempts to discourage the use of Dianetics and Scientology, it is only fair for the auditor to know exactly the status of psychiatry and psychology as used today. It goes without saying that the savagery and fraud of psychiatry must cease and that auditors must encourage in state and public and through all his connections displacing psychiatric abuses with sane auditing. Dianetics is the answer to human suffering. USE it. BOOK TWO Auditor's Code (~In celebration of the 100% gains attainable by Standard Tech~) I hereby promise as an auditor to follow the Auditor's Code: 1. I promise not to evaluate for the preclear or tell him what he should think about his case* in session. 2. I promise not to invalidate the preclear's case or gains in or out of session. 3. I promise to administer only Standard Tech to a preclear in the standard way. 4. I promise to keep all auditing appointments once made. 5. I promise not to process a preclear who has not had sufficient rest and who is physically tired. 6. I promise not to process a preclear who is improperly fed or hungry. 7. I promise not to permit a frequent change of auditors. 8. I promise not to sympathize with a preclear but to be effective. 9. I promise not to let the preclear end session on his own determinism but to finish off those cycles I have begun. 10. I promise never to walk off from a preclear in session. 11. I promise never to get angry with a preclear in session. 12. I promise to run every major case action to a floating needle. 13. I promise never to run any one action beyond its floating needle. 14. I promise to grant beingness to the preclear in session. 15. I promise not to mix the processes of Scientology with other practices except when the preclear is physically ill and only medical means will serve. 16. I promise to maintain communication with the preclear and not to cut his comm or permit him to overrun in session. 17. I promise not to enter comments, expressions, or enturbulence* into a session that distract a preclear from his case. 18. I promise to continue to give the preclear the process or auditing command when needed in the session. 19. I promise not to let a preclear run a wrongly understood command. 20. I promise not to explain, justify or make excuses in session for any auditor mistakes whether real or imagined. 21. I promise to estimate the current case state of a preclear only by standard case supervision data and not to diverge because of some imagined difference in the case. 22. I promise never to use the secrets of a preclear divulged in session for punishment or personal gain. 23. I promise to see that any fee received for processing is refunded if the preclear is dissatisfied and demands it within three months after the processing, the only condition being that he may not again be processed or trained. 24. I promise not to advocate Scientology only to cure illness or only to treat the insane, knowing well it was intended for spiritual gain. 25. I promise to cooperate fully with the legal churches of Dianetics and Scientology as developed by L. Ron Hubbard in safeguarding the ethical use and practice of the subject according to the basics of Standard Tech. 26. I promise to refuse to permit any being to be physically injured, violently damaged, operated on or killed in the name of "mental treatment." 27. I promise not to permit sexual liberties or violation of the mentally unsound. 28. I promise to refuse to admit to the ranks of practitioners any being who is insane. CHAPTER 1 THE MAGIC OF COMMUNICATION You will find that the magic of communication is about the only thing that makes auditing work. The thetan in this universe has begun to consider himself mest* and has begun to consider himself mass and the being that considers himself mass of course responds to the laws of electronics. An individual considers himself massy and therefore he has to have a second terminal. A second terminal is required to discharge the energy. Here we have two poles. We have an auditor and a pc and as long as the auditor audits and the pc replies we get an exchange of energy from the pc's point of view. Many auditors think they are being a second terminal to the degree that they pick up the somatics and illnesses of the pc. Actually there is no backflow of any kind that hits the auditor, but if he is so convinced that he is MEST he will turn on somatics in echo of the pc. Actually nothing hits the auditor, it has to be mocked up or envisioned by him. 120 BOOK TWO You have set up in essence a two-pole system and that will bring about an as-ising of mass. It isn't burning the mass, it is as-ising the mass and that's why there is nothing hitting the auditor. Now that is the essence of the situation. The magic involved in auditing is contained in the communication cycle of auditing. You see now you are handling a SMOOTH INTERCHANGE BETWEEN THESE TWO POLES. When you look over the difficulties of auditing realize that you are handling simply the difficulties of the communication cycle and when you yourself as the auditor do ~not~ permit A SMOOTH FLOW BETWEEN YOU AS A TERMINAL AND THE PC AS A TERMINAL, AND THE PC AS A TERMINAL BACK TO YOU, you get a no as-ising of mass. Part of the trick of course is what has to be as-ised and how do you go about it, but that we call technique (what button* has to be pressed). The person who is insisting continuously upon a new technique is neglecting the ~basic~ tool of his auditing which is ~the communication cycle of auditing~. When the communication cycle does not exist in an auditing session, we get this horrible compounding of a felony of trying to get a technique to work but the technique cannot be administered because there is no communication cycle to administer it. Basic auditing is called ~basic auditing~ because it goes PRIOR to the technique. A communication cycle ~must exist~ before the technique can exist. The fundamental entrance to the case is not on a level of the technique but is on a level of the communication cycle. Communication is simply a familiarization process based on reach and withdraw. When you speak to a pc you are reaching. When you cease to speak you are withdrawing. When he hears you, he's at that moment a bit withdrawn but then he reaches toward you with the answer. You'll see him go into a withdraw while he thinks it all over. Then he reaches the reason. Now he will reach the auditor with the reason and he will say that was it. THE MAGIC OF COMMUNICATION 121 You have made an exchange from the pc to the auditor and will see it reflect on the meter because that exchange now is giving an as-ising of energy. IN THE ABSENCE OF ~THAT~ COMMUNICATION YOU DO NOT GET METER ACTION. So THE FUNDAMENTAL OF AUDITING IS THE COMMUNICATION CYCLE. ~That's~ the fundamental of auditing and that is really the ~great~ discovery of Dianetics and Scientology. ~Auditing Comm Cycle~ The following is the AUDITING comm cycle. An auditor runs the session. He gives the pc the session action without pulling the pc's attention heavily on the auditor. He does ~not~ leave the pc inactive or floundering without anything to do. He does not leave the pc to make a session out of it. The auditor makes the session. He doesn't wait for the pc to run down like a clock. The auditor runs the session. He knows what to do everything that can happen. And this is the auditing comm cycle that is ~always~ in use. 1. Is the pc ready to receive the command? (appearance, presence) 2. Auditor gives command/question to pc (cause, distance, effect). 3. Auditor observes that pc received the command. 4. Pc looks to bank for answer (Itsa maker line). 5. Pc receives answer from bank. 6. Pc gives answer to auditor (cause, distance, effect). 7. Auditor acknowledges pc. 8. Auditor sees that pc received acknowledgment (attention). 9. New cycle beginning with 1. ¤The Three Important Communication Lines¤ When you are sitting in an auditing session what are the most important communication ~lines~ and what is their ~order of importance?~ These lines are: a. The pc's line to his bank. The ~Itsa* Maker~ line. 122 BOOK TWO b. The pc's line to the auditor. The ~Itsa~ line. c. The auditor's line to the pc. The ~What's-it~ line.* Now the definition, "~Willing~ to talk to the auditor" is very easy to interpret as "~Talking~ to the auditor." So the auditor ~cuts the pc's communication line~ with his bank in order to ~bring about~ an Itsa line--and then he wonders why he gets no meter action and why the pc ARC breaks. This cut communication line is not perceivable to the naked eye. It's hidden because it's from the pc--a thetan unseen by the auditor--to the pc's bank--unseen by the auditor. The auditor is simply there to use the What's-it line in order to get the pc to confront his bank. The itsa line is a report on what has been as-ised, that gives it its flow. The ~sequence~ of use of these lines in an auditing cycle is c, a, and then b. If you violate one of these communication lines of course you are going to get into trouble which causes a mishmash of one kind or another. There is another communication cycle inside the auditing cycle and that is at the point of the pc. It's a little additional one and that's the one between the pc and himself. This actually can be multiple as it depends upon the complications of the mind. This line is the hardest to detect when it isn't being done. Let's delineate the communication cycles involved in an auditing cycle. A communication cycle consists of just: cause, distance, effect, with intention, attention and duplication. How many of these are there in an auditing cycle? You'd have to answer that with how many ~principal~ ones there are. If a pc indicates that he didn't get the command, the auditor would give a repeat of it and that would add more communication cycles to the auditing cycle--because there was a flub. So anything unusual that happens in a session adds to the number of communication cycles in the auditing cycle, but they are still part of the auditing cycle. THE MAGIC OF COMMUNICATION 123 Repetitive commands as an auditing cycle, is doing the same cycle over and over again. Now there is a completely ~different~ cycle. The pc is going to originate and it's got ~nothing to do~ with the auditing cycle. The only thing they have in common is that they both use communication cycles. The pc says something that is not germane to what the auditor is saying or doing and you actually have to be alert for this happening at any time and the way to prepare for it is just to realize that it can happen at any time. It has nothing to do with the auditing cycle. Maybe the auditing cycle went to pieces and this origination cycle came in. Well, the auditing cycle can't complete because this origin cycle is now here. That doesn't mean that this origin cycle has precedence or dominance but it can start and take place and has to be ~finished off~ before the auditing cycle can resume. So this is an interruptive cycle and it is cause, distance and effect. The auditor has to understand what the pc is talking about and then acknowledge. There is a little line where the pc indicates he is going to say something. The effect at the auditor's point is to shut up and let him. There can be another little line where the auditor indicates he is listening. Then there is the origination, the auditor's acknowledgement of it and then there is the perception of the fact that the pc received the acknowledgement. That's your origination cycle. An auditor should draw all these cycles out on a scrap of paper and all of a sudden it will become very straight how these things are and you won't have a couple of them jammed up. What's mainly wrong with a person's ~auditing cycle~ is that he has confused a couple of these ~communication cycles~ to such a degree that he doesn't differentiate that they exist. That's why the auditor sometimes chops a pc who is trying to answer the question. The auditor knows whether the pc has answered ~the~ question or not. How does he know? Even if it's telepathy it's ~cause, distance, effect~. It doesn't matter how that 124 BOOK TWO communication took place, he knows whether he's answered the command by a ~communication cycle~. I don't care how he senses this. If you are nervy on the subject of handling the basic tool of auditing and if that gives you trouble (and it can get you into trouble) then it should be broken down and analyzed. I've given you a general pattern for an auditing cycle, maybe in working it over you can find a couple of extra communication cycles in the thing. But they are all there and if you made someone go through each one painstakingly you would find out where his auditing cycle is jammed up. It isn't necessarily jammed up on his ability to say, "Thank you." It may well be jammed up in another quarter. ¤The Two Parts of Auditing¤ In order to do something for somebody you have to have a communication line to that person. Communication lines depend upon reality and communication and affinity and where an individual is too demanding the affinity tends to break down slightly. Processing goes in two stages: 1. To get into communication with the person you are trying to process. 2. Do something ~for~ him. There is many a pc who will go around raving about his auditor, whose auditor has not done anything ~for~ the pc. All that has happened is that a tremendous communication line has been established with the pc and this is so novel and so strange to the pc that he then considers that something miraculous has occurred. Something miraculous ~has~ occurred but in this particular instance the auditor has totally neglected ~why~ he formed that communication line in the first place. He formed it in the first place to ~do~ something for the pc. He very often mistakes the fact that he has formed a communication line, and the reaction on the pc for his having formed one, with having ~done~ something for the pc. There are two stages THE MAGIC OF COMMUNICATION 125 [picture#29] 1. Is the pc ready to receive the command? 2. Auditor gives command to pc. 126 BOOK TWO [picture#30] 3. Auditor observes that pc received the command. 4. Pc looks to bank for answer. THE MAGIC OF COMMUNICATION 127 [picture#31] 5. Pc receives answer from bank. 6. Pc gives answer to auditor. 128 BOOK TWO [picture#32] 7. Auditor acknowledges pc. 8. Auditor sees that pc received acknowledgment. THE MAGIC OF COMMUNICATION 129 1. Form a communication line 2. Do something for the pc. Those are the two distinct stages. It is something like (1) walking up to the bus, and (2) driving off. If you don't drive off you don't go anyplace. It is a very tricky and no small thing to be able to communicate to a human being who has never been communicated to before. This is quite remarkable, and is such a remarkable feat that it appears to be an end-all of Scientology to some. But you see that's just walking up to the bus. Now you have got to ~go~ someplace. Any upset that the individual has is so poised, it is so delicately balanced that it is difficult to maintain. It is very hard to remain batty. A fellow has to work at it. If your communication line is ~very~ good and ~very~ smooth and if your auditing discipline is ~perfect~ so you don't upset this communication line and if you just made a foray of no more importance than saying something like--"What are you doing that's sensible and why is it sensible?"--and kept your communication line up all the while and kept your affinity up with the pc all the while, did it with perfect discipline, you would see more aberration fall to pieces per square inch than you ever thought could exist. Now that's what I mean when I say ~do something for the pc~. You must audit well, get ~perfect~ discipline and get your communication cycle ~in~. Don't ARC break the pc, let your cycles of action ~complete~. All of that is simply an entrance. You see, the discipline of Dianetics and Scientology makes it possible to do this, and one of the reasons that other fields of the mind could never get near anybody was because they couldn't communicate to anybody. So that discipline is ~important~. That is the ladder that goes up to the door and if you can't get to the door you can't do anything. The perfect discipline of which we speak, the perfect auditor presence, perfect meter reading--all of those things 130 BOOK TWO are just to get you in a state where you ~can~ do something for somebody. So when you're real slow picking up the discipline, real slow picking up keeping in the communication cycle, when you're pokey on the subject you are still 9 miles from the door. You're not even attending yet. What you want to be able to do is audit ~perfectly~. By that we mean keep in a communication cycle, be able to approach the pc, be able to talk to the pc, and be able to ~maintain~ the ARC. Get the pc to give you ~answers~ to your questions. Be able to read a meter and get the reaction. All of those things have to be ~awfully good~ because it's very difficult to get a communication line in to somebody anyway. They all have to be present and they all have to be ~perfect~. If they are all present and they are all perfect, ~THEN~ we can ~start~ to process somebody. I'm giving you an entrance point here. If all your cycles were perfect, if you were able to sit there and confront the pc and meter that pc and keep your auditing report* and do all these various things, and keep a pleasant smile on your face and ~not chop his communication~, well then there is something you ~do~ with those things. Your magic is getting into communication with the person. The rest is very easy to do; all you have to do is ~remain~ in communication with the person while you are doing this, and realize that these huge aberrations he's got are poised with the most fantastically delicate balance on little pin points. All you have to do is "poof" and these things crash. Now if you were a perfect auditor from the basis of your auditing basics and presence and handling somebody, what could you do? You've got to do something for the person. It takes a process now. A process is simply a combination of mental mechanisms which when inspected will pass away. All auditing is negative gain. You never add anything to the case. All auditing is subtractive, you're ~as-ising~ things on the case and that's all you're doing. An elementary procedure would be--"What do you think is sensible?"--or anything of that sort. The pc says, THE MAGIC OF COMMUNICATION 131 "Well, I think ~horses sleep in beds~. That's sensible." The auditor says, "All right. Now why is that sensible?" The pc says, "Well, . . . ah . . . Hey! . . . That's not sensible. That's nuts!" He's cognited. You've flattened it (continued the process as long as it produces change and no longer). Now if you're ~not~ in communication with this person he doesn't cognite.* He takes it as an accusative action. He tries to justify thinking that way. He tries to make himself look good to you and tries to put on a public front of some kind or another. He tries to hold up his status. Anytime I see a bunch of pcs around who want to jump happily to something else because sane people run on that and crazy people run on something else, and they never have to be run on the crazy one, I right away know their auditors are ~not~ in communication with them and that auditing discipline itself has broken down because the pc is trying to justify himself and trying to uphold his status. So he must be defending himself against the auditor. The auditor couldn't possibly be in communication with him. So we are right back at the fundamental of why didn't the auditor get into comm with the pc in the first place. You get into communication with the pc in the first place by doing proper auditing discipline. You sit down and you start the session and you start handling the pc and his problems and that sort of thing and you DO IT BY COMPLETING YOUR COMMUNICATION CYCLES AND NOT CUTTING HIS COMMUNICATION AND THE VERY THINGS YOU ARE TAUGHT IN THE TRs, and you find you are in communication ~with~ the person. Unless, having gotten into communication you ~do~ something for the person, you lose your communication line because the reality factor of why you're in communication with the pc breaks down. He doesn't think you're so good, and you go out of communication with him. That having happened, the person will be in a sort of status defensive and wonder why he is being processed. If you ~have~ done something for the pc and he has ~had~ his cognition,* and you try and go on and get more out of the 132 BOOK TWO fact that "all horses sleep in beds," you don't get there as you've ~already~ flattened the process. You can over audit and you can under audit. If you don't notice that ~one~ answer come your way, that indicates that you have ~done~ something for the pc and if you keep him working on that same thing your pc will get resentful and you'll lose your communication line. He's already ~had~ the cognition you see. You are now restimulating the pc. You have gotten your key-out destimulation factor--it has occurred right before your eyes. You have ~done~ something for the pc. One more mention of the subject and you've had it. There are a lot of things you could do ~with~ the pc, without doing anything ~for~ him. You can turn on some very, very handsome somatics on a pc at one time or another without turning them off either. You've got to do something ~for~ the pc, not ~to~ him. Now you can be doing something A, and the pc is doing B, and you go on doing A, while the pc is doing B then somewhere on down the line you wind up in a mess and you wonder what happened. Well, the pc never did what you said so you didn't do anything ~for~ the pc. There was in actual fact no barrier to your willingness to do something for the pc ~but there must have been a tremendous barrier to your understanding of what was going on~. That you could ask A, while the pc answered B, in itself showed the auditor observation was very poor so therefore the auditor wasn't in communication with the pc. So again the communication factor was out and once more we weren't doing anything for the pc. It requires of the auditor discipline to ~keep~ in his communication line. He has got to stay in communication with his pc. Those cycles have got to be ~perfect~. He can't be distracting the pc's attention onto the E-meter; e.g., "I'm not getting any E-meter reaction now." That's not staying in communication with the pc--has nothing to do with it. You're distracting the pc from his own zones and areas. Don't put the pc's attention out of session. Keep him going and keep that communication line ~in~. And the next THE MAGIC OF COMMUNICATION 133 requirement is to do something productive for the pc ~using~ the communication line. ¤Comm Cycle Additives¤ There are ~no~ additives permitted on the auditing comm cycle. Example: Getting the preclear to state the problem after the preclear has said what the problem is. Example: Asking a preclear if that is the answer. Example: Telling a preclear "It didn't react on the meter." Example: Querying the answer. This is the WORST kind of auditing. Processes run best MUZZLED. By muzzled is meant using ~only~ TR-0, TR-1, TR-2, TR-3 and TR-4 by the text. A preclear's results will go to HELL on an additive comm cycle. There are a hundred thousand tricks that could be added to the auditing comm cycle. EVERY ONE of them is a GOOF. The ~ONLY~ time you ever ask for a repeat is when you couldn't hear it. Since 1950, I've known that all auditors talk too much in a session. The maximum talk is the standard session and the TR-0 to TR-4 auditing comm cycle ~ONLY~. It is a serious matter to get a preclear to "clarify his answer." It is in fact an ethics matter and if done habitually is a suppressive act,* for it will wipe out all gains. There are mannerism additives also. Example: Waiting for the preclear to look at you before you give the next command. (Preclears who won't look at you are ARC broken. You don't then twist this to mean the preclear has to look at you before you give the next command.) Example: A lifted eyebrow at an answer. Example: A questioning sort of acknowledgement. The whole message is: ~GOOD AUDITING OCCURS WHEN THE COMM CYCLE ALONE IS USED AND IS MUZZLED~. 134 BOOK TWO Additives on the auditing comm cycle are ~any action, statement, question or expression given in addition to TRs 0 to 4~. They are gross auditing errors. And should be regarded as such. Auditors who add to the auditing comm cycle never make releases. So, that's suppressive. Don't do it! ¤Premature Acknowledgements¤ Do people ever explain to you long after you have understood? Do people get cross with you when they are trying to tell you something? If so, you are suffering from premature acknowledgement. Like body odor and bad breath, it is not conducive to social happiness. But you don't use Lifebuoy soap or Listerine to cure it, you use a proper comm formula. When you "coax" a person to talk after he has begun, with a nod or a low "yes" you acknowledge, make him forget, then make him believe you haven't got it and then make him tell you at GREAT length. He feels bad and doesn't cognite and may ARC break. Try it out. Have somebody tell you about something and then encourage before he has completely told you all. ~That's~ why preclears itsa on and on and on and on with no gain. The auditor prematurely acknowledged. ~That's~ why preclears get cross "for no reason." The auditor has prematurely and unwittingly acknowledged. ~That's~ why one feels dull when talking to certain people. They prematurely acknowledge. That's why one thinks another is stupid--that person prematurely acknowledges. The quickest way to become a social pariah (dog) is to prematurely acknowledge. One can do it in ~many~ ways. The quickest way to start the longest conversation is to prematurely acknowledge, for the person believes he has not been understood and so begins to explain at greater and greater length. THE MAGIC OF COMMUNICATION 135 So this was the hidden ARC break maker, the cognition wrecker, the stupidifier, the itsa prolonger in sessions. Anyway some people believe others are stupid or don't understand. Any habit of agreeable noises and nods can be mistaken for acknowledgement, ends cycle on the speaker, causes him to forget, feel dull, believe the listener is stupid, get cross, get exhausted explaining and ARC break. The missed withhold* is inadvertent. One didn't get a chance to say what one was going to say because one was stopped by premature acknowledgement. Result, missed withhold in the speaker, with all its consequences. This can be counted on to make you feel frightened of being "agreeable with noises or gestures" for a bit and then you'll get it straight. There have come up many instances of auditors asking odd non-process questions while "doing a process" and giving odd orders. These are distractive and additive questions and orders. Example: While running a process an auditor ~also~ kept asking "Is your attention on something else?" This is of course a daffy thing to do. The auditor's TRs or handling of the meter go out. Then the auditor badgers the pc with strange irrelevant questions. These are ~distractions~, nothing more nor less. Not all the silly questions in the world substitute for lack of TRs and proper meter handling. A question about "What else are you doing?" does not substitute for having by-passed a floating needle or running an uncharged item. Giving orders that are not part of any process is very bad. Example: Auditor has missed a read, by-passed a floating needle and is goofing it generally. Pc gets dull, disinterested. Auditor says "Come back into the room!" Evaluation fits into this set of bad tricks. Like, "You are really totally sane you know. You just think you're aberrated." Or "You better tell the examiner you are really Clear." Or "You are in pretty bad shape unless you can see the whole building." These of course are suppressive evaluations. 136 BOOK TWO In 1950 there was a general observation: ~all auditors talk too much~. As a period of additive questions and comments occurs from time to time, the observation can be made again. ~Muzzled~ auditing means stating only the standard session wording and commands and TRs. It ~always~ gets the best results. Do ~not~ add a lot of questions or orders to a session to cover up goofs in standard technology. Standard technology works. Use it and it only. ¤The Reason for Q and A¤ Q and A means "_Q_uestion and _A_nswer." When the term Q and A is used it means one did ~NOT~ get an answer to his question. It also means not getting compliance with an order but accepting something else. Example: Auditor: "Do birds fly?" Pc: "I don't like birds." Auditor: "What don't you like about birds?" Flunk. It's a Q and A. The right reply would be an answer to the question asked and the right action would be to get the original question answered. TR-4 (handling origins) can apply here. The moment TR-4 is violated (acknowledge and return the pc to original question) and the original unanswered question is not again asked, the auditor just drifts along with the pc. Things get restimulated, nothing gets really handled or run. Q and A is simply ~postulate aberration~. Aberration is a non-straight line by definition. A sick thetan who is all caved in* can't direct a postulate ~at~ anything. When he tries, he lets it wobble around and go elsewhere. The difference between a degraded being and an OT* is simply that the degraded being can't put out a postulate or intention in a direct line or way and make it hold good. The insane are a great example of this. They are insane because they have evil intentions. But they can't even make these stick. They may ~intend~ to burn down the house but THE MAGIC OF COMMUNICATION 137 they usually wind up watering the rug or doing some other non sequitur thing. It's not that they don't mess things up. The whole point here is that they can't even properly destroy what they intend to destroy. Even their evil intentions wobble, poor things. But not all people who Q and A are insane. When a person is running at ~effect~ he Qs and As. He is confront~ed~ by life, he does not confront it. He is usually a bit blind to things as his ability to look ~at~ is turned back on him by his lack of beam power. Thus he gives the appearance of being unaware. His emotional feeling is overwhelm. His mental state is confusion. He starts for B and winds up at A. Other not too well-intentioned people can play tricks on a Q and Aer. When they don't want to answer or comply they artfully bring about a Q and A. Example: Bosco does not want to staple the printed issue. He knows his boss Qs and As. So we get this. Boss: "Staple that issue with the big stapler." Bosco: "I hurt my thumb." Q and A Boss: "Have you been to see the medical officer?" Bosco: "He wouldn't look at it." Q and A Boss: "I'll go have a word with him." (Departs). Bosco gets back to reading "Jesse James Rides Again" humming softly to himself. For ~his~ trouble is, he Qs and As with the mest universe! Some people Q and A with their bodies. The body is, after all, composed of mest. It follows the laws of mest. One of these laws is Newton's first law of motion: ~inertia~. This is the tendency of a mest object to remain motionless until acted upon by an exterior force. Or to continue in a line of motion until acted upon by an exterior force. Well, the main force around that is continually acting on a human body is a thetan, the being himself. 138 BOOK TWO The body will remain at rest (since it is a mest object) until acted upon by the thetan that is supposed to be running it. If that being is an aberrated non-straight line being ~the body reacts on him more than he reacts on the body~. Thus he remains motionless or very slow. When the body is in unwanted motion, the being does not deter the motion as the body is acting upon him far more than he is reacting on the body. As a result, one of the manifestations is Q and A. He wants to pick up a piece of paper. The body inertia has to be overcome to do so. So he does not reach for the paper, he just leaves the hand where it is. This would be no action at all. If he then weakly forces the motion, he finds himself picking up something else like a paper clip, decides he wants that anyway and settles for it. Now he has to invent why he has a paper clip in his hand. His original intention never gets executed. Some people on medical lines are just there not because of actual illness but because they are just Qing and Aing with their bodies. People also Q and A with themselves. They want to stop drinking and can't. They want to stop or change something about themselves or their bodies and then disperse off onto something else. Freud read all sorts of dire and awful things into simple Q and A. He invented intentions the person must have that made him "sublimate." All Freud succeeded in doing was making the person introspect looking for wrong whys. The right why was simple--the person could not go in a straight line to an objective and/or could not cease to do something he was compulsively doing. The very word ~aberration~ contains the idea of this--no straight line but a bent one. ~The cure for this sort of thing~ (Q and A with a body) ~is objective processing~.* And a very willing and bright thetan ~can~ simply recognize it for what it is--not enough push! And instead of going to the doctor for a slight ache, he just pushes on through. THE MAGIC OF COMMUNICATION 139 As the ache is a recoil of body Q and A in a lot of cases, the ache itself goes away as soon as one simply pushes through. Painters and artists buy the idea they are benefited by aberration. "Be glad you are neurotic" was a trick being played by the late and unlamented psychiatrists on artists. One paints because he can push into execution what he visualizes. The best painters were the least aberrated. Greenwich Village or Left Bank artists, when they ~don't~ paint, never suspect it's because they just can't overcome hand inertia to push a paint brush! People live Q and A lives. They never become what they desire to be because they Q and A with life about it. Schopenhauer, the German philosopher of doom, even had a dirty crack about being able to ~do~ things: "Stubbornness is the will taking the place of the intellect." By this, one is "intellectual" if he Qs and As. People who can't get things done are simply Qing and Aing with people and life. People who ~can~ get things done just don't Q and A. All great truths are simple. This is a major one. Q and A has to be cured before an auditor can get results. It is a dreadful malady. Auditor: "Spot that wall." Pc: "My neck hurts." Auditor: "Has it been hurting long?" Pc: "Ever since I was in the army." Auditor: "Are you in the army now?" Pc: "No, but my father is." Auditor: "Have you been in comm with your father lately?" Pc: "I miss him." Auditor: "That F/Ned, end of process." The auditor has failed to note that he ~never~ got the pc to spot the wall or that he has run the pc all over the track flattening nothing, restimulating the pc. When an auditor asks a question and F/Ns something else he can mess a pc up badly. Auditor: "Do you have a withhold?"* (meter reaction) 140 BOOK TWO Pc: "It's just a second dynamic* perversion. What I was really thinking about was my raise I got today." Auditor: "That F/Ns." Pc (later in session): "You run a lousy organization here. Charge too much . . ." Auditor in mystery, caves in. ~That is simply Q and A in another coat~. Case supervisors can Q and A and infect their area with its bacteria. Pc to examiner: "I have a cold." C/S: "Run spot spots to cure his cold." Pc to auditor: "It's really I have problems with my aunt." C/S: "Do problems process on aunt." Pc to examiner: "It's really my foot." C/S: "Do touch assist on foot . . ." What C/S ever got a pc's program* done that way? Where you find undone programs in folders you find goofing auditors and Q and A type case supervisors. There are definite cures for this dreadful and disgraceful malady. It must be handled as it results in a breaking out of bogged cases and blows. The direct result of all this is a symptom known as "patty-cake." This is a child's game of clapping hands and putting palms together and has meant since 1950 ~not handling cases~. The signs of patty-cake are a weak slouching posture, bags under the eyes, a bowed spine and hangdog pathetic eyes. The respiration is quick and panicky, the palms sweat and one starts at pins dropping in the next room. The reason the person Qs and As is that he can't confront or see the existing scene and so can't handle it. Q and A is the ~disease of dodging life~. When such a person tries to get a question or program done and the other person says or does something else, the Q and Aer goes into a sort of overwhelm or cave-in and just rides along at effect. ~People who get things done are at CAUSE~. When they are not, they Q and A. THE MAGIC OF COMMUNICATION 141 Thus it ~is~ a kind of illness. Chronic overwhelm. It is ~not~ cured by drugs or electric shocks or brain operations. It is cured by making oneself strong enough in confront and handle to live! ¤Confronting¤ There are several choices in English on the meaning of "confront." These include the right one: To face without flinching or avoiding. An example in a sentence: "The test of a free society is its capacity to confront rather than evade the vital questions of choice." There is another meaning, "To stand facing or opposing, especially in challenge, defiance or accusation." English is a pretty limited language in many ways. I imagine the thought of facing something (which is what the word came from and originally meant ~way~ back--"fron" being "face") was so horrifying to the types who write dictionaries they knew it would be bad! In essence it is an action of being able to face. If one cannot, if he avoids, then he is not AWARE. Awareness is the ability to perceive the existence of. In the dictionary it also fails to confront that and says "Awareness: the quality or state of being aware." And aware means: "marked by realization, perception or knowledge." We are moving out of the range of language when we want to say: "He could stand up to things and wasn't always shrinking back into himself and avoiding, so he could be fully conscious of the real universe and others around him." And that's what confront means. If one can confront he can be aware. If he is aware he can perceive and act. If he can't confront he will not be aware of things and will be withdrawn and not perceiving. Thus he is unaware of things around him. That's the technology of it. That which a person can confront, he can handle. The first step in handling anything is gaining an ability to face it. 142 BOOK TWO It could be said that war continues as a threat to Man because Man cannot confront war. The idea of making war so terrible that no one will be able to fight it is the exact reverse of fact--if one wishes to end war. The invention of the long bow, gun powder, heavy naval cannon, machine guns, liquid fire, and the hydrogen bomb add only more and more certainty that war ~will~ continue. As each new element which Man cannot confront is added to elements he has not been able to confront so far, Man engages himself upon a decreasing ability to handle war. We are looking here at the basic anatomy of all problems. Problems start with an inability to confront anything. Whether we apply this to domestic quarrels or to insects, to garbage dumps or Picasso, one can always trace the beginning of any existing problem to an unwillingness to confront. Let us take a domestic scene. The husband or wife cannot confront the other, cannot confront second dynamic consequences, cannot confront the economic burdens, and so we have domestic strife. The less any of these actually are confronted the more problem they will become. It is a truism that one never solves anything by running away from it. Of course, one might also say that one never solves cannon balls by baring his breast to them. But I assure you that if nobody cared whether cannon balls were fired or not, control of people by threat of cannon balls would cease. Down on skid row where flotsam and jetsam exist to keep the police busy, we could not find one man whose basic difficulties, whose downfall could not be traced at once to an inability to confront. A criminal once came to me whose entire right side was paralyzed. Yet, this man made his living by walking up to people in alleys, striking them and robbing them. Why he struck people he could not connect with his paralyzed side and arm. From his infancy he had been educated not to confront men. The nearest he could come to confronting men was to strike them, and so his criminal career. The more the horribleness of crime is deified by television and public press the less the society will be able to THE MAGIC OF COMMUNICATION 143 handle crime. The more formidable is made the juvenile delinquent, the less the society will be able to handle the juvenile delinquent. In education, the more esoteric and difficult a subject is made, the less the student will be able to handle the subject. When a subject is made too formidable by an instructor, the more the student retreats from it. There were, for instance, some early European mental studies which were so complicated and so incomprehensible and which were sown with such lack of understanding of Man that no student could possibly confront them. In Scientology when we have a student who has been educated basically in the idea that the mind is so formidable and so complicated that none could confront it, or perhaps so bestial and degraded that no one would want to, we have a student who cannot learn Scientology. He has confused Scientology with his earlier training and his difficulty is that he cannot be made to confront the subject of the mind. Man at large today is in this state with regard to the human spirit. For centuries Man was educated to believe in demons, ghouls, and things that go boomp in the night. There was an organization in Southern Europe which capitalized upon this terror and made demons and devils so formidable that at length man could not even face the fact that any of his fellows had souls. And thus we entered an entirely materialistic age. With the background teaching that no one can confront the "invisible," vengeful religions sought to move forward into a foremost place of control. Naturally, it failed to achieve its goal and irreligion became the order of the day, thus opening the door for Communism and other idiocies. Although it might seem true that one cannot confront the invisible, who said that a spirit was ~always~ invisible? Rather let us say that it is impossible for Man or anything else to confront the non-existent, and thus when non-existent gods are invented and are given more roles in the society we discover Man becomes so degraded that he cannot even confront the spirit in his fellows, much less become moral. Confronting as a subject in itself is intensely interesting. In fact, there is some evidence that mental image 144 BOOK TWO pictures occur only when the individual is unable to confront the circumstances of the picture. When this compounds and Man is unable to confront anything anywhere, he might be considered to have pictures of everything everywhere. This is proven by a rather interesting test made in 1947 by myself, when it was discovered that if an individual could be made to "run a lock" of something he had just seen, run another lock on something he had just heard, and run an additional lock on something he had just felt, he would at length be able to handle much more serious pictures in his mind. I discovered, that an individual has no further pictures when he can confront pictures; thus being able to confront everything he has done, he is no longer troubled with the things he has done. Supporting this, it will be discovered that individuals who progress in an ability to handle pictures eventually have no pictures at all. This we call a Clear. A Clear in an absolute sense would be someone who could confront anything and everything in the past, present and future. Unfortunately for the world of action, it will be discovered that one who can confront everything does not have to handle anything. In support of this is offered that Scientology process, "Problems of Comparable Magnitude." In this particular process the individual being processed is asked to select a terminal with which he has had difficulty. In that the definition of a terminal is a "live mass" or something that is capable of causing, receiving or relaying communication, it will be seen that terminals are quite ordinary people in the problem category of anyone's bank. The person is then asked to invent a problem of comparable magnitude to that person. He is asked to do this many, many times. It will be found midway in the process that he is willing to do something now about the problems he is having with that person. But at the end of the process a new and strange thing is found to occur. The individual no longer feels that he ~must~ do something about the problem. Indeed, he can simply confront or regard or view the problem with complete equanimity. Now an almost mystic quality enters this when it is discovered that the problem in the physical universe about which he has been worried often ceases to THE MAGIC OF COMMUNICATION 145 exist out there. In other words, the handling of a problem seems to be simply the increase of ability to confront the problem, and when the problem can be totally confronted it no longer exists. This is strange and miraculous. It is hard to believe that an individual who has a drunken husband could cure that individual of drink simply by processing out the problem of having a drunken husband, and yet this has occurred. I am not saying here that all the problems of the world could be vanquished simply by running problems of comparable magnitude on a few people, but neither am I saying that all the problems of the world could not be handled by running problems of comparable magnitude on a few people. Perhaps it could be said, however, that if there existed one person in the entire universe who could confront all of the universe, the problems of the universe for all would deintensify enormously. Man's difficulties are a compound of his cowardices. To have difficulties in life, all it is necessary to do is to start running away from the business of livingness. After that, problems of unsolvable magnitude are assured. When individuals are restrained from confronting life they accrue a vast ability to have difficulties with it. ¤Coaching*¤ In order to help you to do the best you possibly can as far as being a coach is concerned, below you will find a few data that will assist you: ~1. Coach with a purpose~. Have for your goal when you are coaching that the student is going to get the training drill correct; be purposeful in working toward obtaining this goal. Whenever you correct the student as a coach just don't do it with no reason, with no purpose. Have the purpose in mind for the student to get a better understanding of the training drill and to do it to the best of his ability. ~2. Coach with reality~. Be realistic in your coaching. When you give an origination to a student really make it an origination, not just 146 BOOK TWO something that the sheet said you should say, so that it is as if the student was having to handle it exactly as you say under real conditions and circumstances. This does not mean, however, that you really feel the things that you are giving as the coach, such as saying to the student "my leg hurts." This does not mean that your leg should hurt, but you should say it in such a manner as to convey to the student that your leg hurts. Another thing about this is do not use any experiences from your past to coach with. Be inventive in present time. ~3. Coach with an intention~. Behind all your coaching should be your intention that by the end of the session your student will be aware that he is doing better at the end of it than he did at the beginning. The student must have a feeling that he has accomplished something in the training step, no matter how small it is. It is your intention and always should be while coaching that the student you are coaching be a more able person and have a greater understanding of that on which he is being coached. ~4. In coaching take up only one thing at a time~. For example: Using TR-4, if the student arrives at the goal set up for TR-4 then check over, one at a time, the earlier TRs. Is he confronting you? Does he originate the question to you each time as his own and did he really intend for you to receive it? Are his acknowledgements ending the cycles of communication, etc. But only coach these things one at a time; never two or more at a time. Make sure that the student does each thing you coach him on correctly before going on to the next training step. The better a student gets at a particular drill or a particular part of a drill you should demand, as a coach, a higher standard of ability. This does not mean that you should be "never satisfied." It does mean that a person can always get better and once you have reached a certain plateau of ability then work toward a new plateau. As a coach you should always work in the direction of better and more precise coaching. Never allow yourself to do a sloppy job of coaching because you would be doing your THE MAGIC OF COMMUNICATION 147 student a disservice and we doubt that you would like the same disservice. If you are ever in doubt about the correctness of what he is doing or of what you are doing, then the best thing is to ask the supervisor. He will be very glad to assist you by referring you to the correct materials. In coaching never give an opinion, as such, but always give your directions as a direct statement, rather than saying "I think" or "well, maybe it might be this way," etc. As a coach you are primarily responsible for the "session" and the results that are obtained on the student. This does not mean, of course, that you are totally responsible but that you do have a responsibility toward the student and the "session." Make sure you always run good control on the student and give him good directions. Once in a while the student auditor will start to rationalize and justify what he is doing if he is doing something wrong. He will give you "reasons why" and "becauses." Talking about such things at great length does not accomplish very much. The only thing that does accomplish the goals of the TR and resolves any differences is doing the training drill. You will get further by doing it than by talking about it. In the training drills the coach should coach with the material given under "training stress" and "purpose." These training drills occasionally have a tendency to upset the student. There is a possibility that during a drill a student auditor may become angry or extremely upset or experience some misemotion. Should this occur the coach must not "back off." He should continue the training drill until he can do it without stress or duress and he feels "good about it." So, don't "back off" but push the student through whatever difficulty he may be having. There is a small thing that most people forget to do and that is telling the student when he has gotten the drill right or he has done a good job on a particular step. Besides correcting wrongnesses there is also complimenting rightness. You very definitely "flunk" the student auditor for anything that amounts to "self-coaching." The reason for this 148 BOOK TWO is that he will tend to introvert and will look too much at how he is doing and what he is doing rather than just doing it. As a coach, keep your attention on the student auditor and how he is doing and don't become so interested in what you yourself are doing that you neglect the student and are unaware of his ability or inability to do the drill correctly. It is easy to become "interesting" to a student, to make him laugh and act up a bit, but your main job as a coach is to see how good your student can get in each training drill and that is what you should have your attention on; that, and how well he is doing. To a large degree the progress of the student auditor is determined by the standard of coaching. Being a good coach produces auditors who will in turn produce good results on their preclears. Good results produce better people. MORALE depends on production. PRODUCTION is the evidence of the demonstration of competence--the exhibition or exercise of competence. MORALE IS UP WHEN COMPETENCE IS DEMONSTRATED. MORALE IS UP WHEN PRODUCTION IS UP. (Morale isn't necessarily built by being "nice.") A student auditor getting a tough coaching session and passing feels great. He has really accomplished something. He ~knows~ that he knows the data or drill. A student auditor who gets poor or non-standard coaching feels and knows that he has been cheated. If his twin is just being "nice" he doesn't win and doesn't appreciate the coaching. His morale is down. Additionally a situation can occur where the student auditor and coach get in a "games condition," one with the other. This gives a "no progress," problem situation. A "games condition" occurs when the student and coach are not both working towards the same goal but one is in ~opposition~ to the other in some way. This gives no progress, no wins, no production, NO DEMONSTRATION OF COMPETENCE PERMITTED, and low morale. Student auditors and coaches must not allow such a situation to occur. THE MAGIC OF COMMUNICATION 149 Keep your twin's morale and production high. Give him tough standard coaching sessions so he ~becomes~ competent. Give him tough standard coaching so he KNOWS HE HAS DEMONSTRATED HIS COMPETENCE IN THE MATERIALS. To keep morale high, the coach must insist on the demonstration of competence on all materials by the student auditor, and on production. Student production ~without~ the ~demonstration of competence~ is not really production but is an ~overt product~. TOUGH STANDARD COACHING IS DONE WITH GOOD ARC. (Being "nice" however, isn't enough.) ¤Gradients in the Training Routines (TRs)¤ Time after time you're going to find somebody trying to teach the TRs this way: Go on to TR-0 and stick there. Eight months later he'll still be doing the TRs. Here is the way you do the TRs. You'll find it valuable. You do TR-0, flunking only TR-0. You go on to TR-1. The guy didn't pass TR-0. He just got accustomed to it a little bit. You do TR-1, flunking only TR-1. Don't flunk anything else. TR-2, flunking only TR-2. TR-3, flunking only TR-3. TR-4, flunking only TR-4. Now come back to TR-0. Get the guy better at TR-0. Then go on through it again, flunking only the TR he is on. About the third run through or maybe the fifth run through, according to your judgment, you should really start toughening up on the student. Flunk only the one he's on but get tough. Give him the business. Give him things he can't possibly confront. Try to shake him up. I'd better review that so you don't get a double confusion. 150 BOOK TWO TR-0, TR-1, TR-2, TR-3, TR-4, flunking only the TR he's on; then TR-0, 1, 2, 3, 4 again, not giving the student much trouble. Now--start in TR-0 and give him the works. TR-1 and give him the works. TR-2, 3, 4. Flunk only the TR that he's on, but give him the works. Run through the TRs that way a couple of times, flunking only the TR that he's on, giving him the works, pushing his buttons. Give him something to confront for sure. And then start the business of TR-0, TR-1, give him the works--and flunk TR-1 ~and~ TR-0. TR-2, give him the works, flunk TR-2, TR-1, TR-0. Get him on TR-3, giving him the works and flunking TR-3, TR-2, TR-1, TR-0. Get him on TR-4, giving him the works and flunking TR-4, TR-3, TR-2, TR-1, TR-0. Thereafter in running the TRs give him the works. Flunk everything in that battery of TRs. If you do that, you shorten considerably the time it takes to learn the TRs. In other words, you approach this with a gradient scale. We did learn about gradient scales many years ago and we should continue to apply that knowledge. Let them get used to each TR. You'll find out they progress much faster if you do it that way. ¤The Training Routines (TRs)¤ The auditing skill of any student remains only as good as he can do his TRs. Flubs in TRs are the basis of all confusion in subsequent efforts to audit. Almost all confusions on meter, model sessions* and Scientology or Dianetic processes stem directly from inability to do the TRs. A student who has not mastered his TRs will not master anything further. THE MAGIC OF COMMUNICATION 151 Scientology or Dianetic processes will not function in the presence of bad TRs. The preclear is already being overwhelmed by process velocity and cannot bear up to TR flubs without ARC breaks. TRs are not a tea party. These TRs given here should be put in use at once in all auditor training, and should never be relaxed. Absolutely no standards are lowered. DO REAL TRs--ROUGH, TOUGH AND HARD. To do otherwise is to lose 90 percent of the results. There is nothing pale and "patty-cake" about TRs. THIS MEANS WHAT IT SAYS. IT DOES NOT MEAN SOMETHING ELSE. IT DOES NOT IMPLY ANOTHER MEANING. IT IS NOT OPEN TO INTERPRETATION FROM ANOTHER SOURCE. THESE TRs ARE DONE EXACTLY AS FOLLOWS WITHOUT ADDED ACTIONS OR CHANGE. ¤OT TR-0¤ Number: OT TR-0 Name: Operating Thetan Confronting. Commands: None Position: Student auditor and coach sit facing each other with eyes closed, a comfortable distance apart--about three feet. Purpose: To train a student auditor to be there comfortably and confront another person. The idea is to get the student auditor able to BE there comfortably in a position three feet in front of another person, to BE there and not do anything else but BE there. Training Stress: Student auditor and coach sit facing each other with eyes closed. There is no conversation. This is a silent drill. There is ~NO~ twitching, moving, confronting with a body part, "system" or vias used to confront or anything else added to BE there. One will usually see blackness or an area of the room when one's eyes are closed. BE THERE, COMFORTABLY AND CONFRONT. 152 BOOK TWO When a student can BE there comfortably and confront and has reached a ~major stable win~, the drill is passed. History: I developed this in June 1971 to give an additional gradient to confronting and eliminate students confronting with their eyes, blinking, etc. ¤TR-0¤ Number: TR-0 Confronting Name: Confronting Preclear Commands: None Position: Student auditor and coach sit facing each other a comfortable distance apart--about three feet. Purpose: To train a student auditor to confront a preclear with auditing only or with nothing. The whole idea is to get the student able to be there comfortably in a position three feet in front of a preclear, to BE there and not do anything else but BE there. Training Stress: Have the student auditor and coach sit facing each other, neither making any conversation or effort to be interesting. Have them sit and look at each other and say and do nothing for some hours. Student must not speak, blink, fidget, giggle or be embarrassed or anaten. It will be found the student tends to confront WITH a body part, rather than just confront, or to use a system of confronting rather than just BE there. The drill is misnamed if confronting means to DO something to the pc. The whole action is to accustom an auditor to BEING THERE three feet in front of a preclear without apologizing or moving or being startled or embarrassed or defending self. Confronting with a body part can cause somatics in that body part being used to confront. The solution is just to confront and BE there. Student auditor passes when he can just BE there and confront and he has reached a ~major stable win~. History: I developed this in Washington in March 1957 to train students to confront preclears in the absence of social tricks or conversation and to overcome obsessive compulsions to be "interesting." THE MAGIC OF COMMUNICATION 153 ¤TR-0 Bullbait*¤ Number: TR-0 Bull-bait Name: Confronting Bull-baited Commands: (Coach) "Start," "that's it," "flunk." Position: Student and coach sit facing each other a comfortable distance apart--about three feet. Purpose: To train a student auditor to confront a preclear with auditing or with nothing. The whole idea is to get the student auditor able to BE there comfortably in a position three feet in front of the preclear without being thrown off, distracted or reacting in any way to what the preclear says or does. Training Stress: After the student auditor has passed TR-0 and he can just BE there comfortably, "bull-baiting" can begin. Anything added to BEING THERE is sharply flunked by the coach. Twitches, blinks, sighs, fidgets, anything except just being there is promptly flunked, with the reason why. Patter: Student auditor coughs. Coach: "Flunk! you coughed. Start." This is the whole of the coach's patter as a coach. Patter As a Confronted Subject: The coach may say anything or do anything except leave the chair. The student's "buttons" can be found and tromped on hard. Any words not coaching words may receive ~no~ response from the student auditor. If the student responds, the coach is instantly a coach (see patter above). Student passes when he can BE there comfortably without being thrown off or distracted or react in any way to anything the coach says or does and has reached a ~major stable win~. History: I developed this in Washington in March 1957 to train students to confront preclears in the absence of social tricks or conversation and to overcome obsessive compulsions to be "interesting." ¤TR-1¤ As far as the auditor is concerned in TR-1, Dear Alice,* his job is done when he has delivered an auditing command 154 BOOK TWO to a preclear. He didn't deliver it over the hills and far away or to the window; he delivered it to a being and he delivered it from where he was to where the preclear was--and it's so easy. Anyone to whom this was described briefly, insufficiently, out in the street would, flunking it at the same time, tell you, "Of course I can communicate to people! Well, yes! There's nothing to it. I'm a salesman, you know. I run the Atomic Energy Omission. I'm a big man! Of course I communicate to anyone." We look in that man's vicinity and nobody's heard anyting he's said since the days of Noah's Ark. He never said it to anybody in the first place. He sort of throws things out, and he just hopes they land. Well, that's what passes for communication and it isn't by a long ways--he throws out a statement of some sort or another and he thinks he's communicating with somebody. Franklin Delano Roosevelt never talked to the nation--he talked to an individual citizen. And therefore he communicated. There was another fellow who spoke the most beautiful English I have ever heard, almost incomprehensibly parsed. Perfect. He would have passed any Oxford English professor's most critical look, and that was Herbert Hoover. When this man uttered pronunciamentos they pronounced nothing to anybody anywhere. And therefore he couldn't lead a nation out of a depression, for an excellent reason. He had no concept in the final analysis of talking to an individual, of getting his communication to land right there. Now this is a touchy point that I open up. You say, "Well, how about you, Ron? You talk to an awful lot of people." Well, that's the whole secret of Dianetics and Scientology. I don't talk to an awful lot of people. I talk to you. I haven't any concept of a large multitude that reads my books or listens to my lectures. I can get a multiple concept of talking to a great many at the same time by talking to every one of them individually. I ~communicate~. Therefore, someone wanting to know how to speak to a crowd would first begin with Dear Alice, TR-1. So it is very very far from an unimportant step. It is not just the THE MAGIC OF COMMUNICATION 155 entrance step that you have to get through to get the drill over with so you can really learn something. That is not what it is. It is the first door that opens and it opens when you can communicate a statement from you to a person. We won't worry about a preclear, because the person who is sitting there as a "preclear" is really the coach. But you've got to get something across from you to that person. And it has to be from you to that person--it has to be ~a~ communication. And when you can do that, well, you're all set. I once told somebody that if he had a very difficult student, the thing to do would be to put him through seven weeks of TRs and then teach him some auditing procedures in the last week and turn him loose with a certificate and it would be a safe investment. But to give him one week when he needed two or three on TRs and then try to cram* him full of data and hope that the processes would carry him through somehow didn't make an auditor, it made a liability--both to himself and to preclears. So this step is not an easy one--it is the toughest step you'll perform in Dianetics. It's to say something to somebody with the full confidence that they will receive it. And that's quite a trick. How exactly is this done? We give a person a book. The book is ~Alice in Wonderland~. Why ~Alice in Wonderland?~ Well, that's just because it is, no further significance. We give him this book and he is supposed to find any sentence in that book that he cares to find. (These people who just want to read the book consecutively to the "preclear" are not doing TR-1. They again are not in communication with the "preclear.") He is supposed to find a line. Now he doesn't put "Alice said" or "The Queen said" or something like that on the line. He just puts the statement itself. The book says, " 'Why do they run so fast' the Queen asked." We don't use "the Queen asked." We just say, "Why do they run so fast?" He picks that up out of the book. Why not out of his head? In using the English language, you are not using your own ideas, you did not invent the words. You only helped invent the words that compose the English language. You are already using somebody else's ideas. There is nothing 156 BOOK TWO wrong with your composing these into new ideas of your own, but remember you are already using somebody else's ideas when you're speaking English. We are given a set pat process. I found it, but an awful lot of auditors worked with this. It's had a lot of looking at, and it's become phrased in a certain way, and that certain way might very well be taken by you out of the textbook and given to the preclear, and it won't ever work if you do. "Do fish swim?" is not a therapeutic procedure. But the statement "Do fish swim?" is not yours really, at the beginning, is it? You got it from the supervisor or off of a book, and then you used it. Well, when does it become yours? Any idea is yours that you make yours. We won't go along with dialectic materialism and say that no ideas are new, because that's not true. There can be new ideas. But if you get an idea from someone else, it is not still their idea. It's your idea. There is nothing wrong with mis-owning ideas, there's no mass in them to get you confused. You take an idea out of a book, it becomes your idea, and then as your idea you relay it to the preclear. And that is all there is to it. It is coached this way. It is not from the book to the preclear. It is from the book to the auditor, and then the auditor, making it his own idea, expresses that idea to the preclear in such a way that it arrives at the preclear. So it's from the auditor to the preclear. But we give him the book as a third via because most of the material he is going to handle in communication is from a source outside himself. You've just got to get used to the idea that there is nothing wrong with using another person's ideas. I always know what someone's state of learning is in Scientology when they speak of Scientology as "your" ideas. They say, "I've been reading your ideas." I know at once this person can't communicate. They reveal at once that they cannot take this first basic step of taking an idea and then communicating it to someone else. They are standing back looking at the world in some large sense and they are not any part of it because they can't own any of the world's ideas. If they can't own any of the world's ideas, then they won't own any of the world, because the easiest thing to own is an idea. No mass to impede it. THE MAGIC OF COMMUNICATION 157 So, we coach exactly in this way. We want the person to find a phrase in ~Alice and Wonderland~, and then, taking that as his own idea, communicate it directly to the preclear and he can say it over and over, the same phrase if he wishes, in any way he wishes to say it, until the "preclear" (who is really a coach) tells him that he thinks it has arrived. Now sometimes the preclear, the first day, feels just a little bit strange about these communication lines, too, and sometimes has his entire criticism based upon the erudition, the pronunciation, the way the auditor holds his little finger while he announces the phrase--this has nothing to do with it. It is the intention that communicates, not the words. And when you have the intention to communicate to the preclear, and that intention goes across, it will arrive. If you broadcast that intention, no matter if you're saying it in Chinese, if you're a Scientologist, it will arrive. One of the steps of the much higher indoctrination level, Tone 40 8-C, consists entirely and completely of saying things in funny voice tones while one is communicating an intention--using very odd voice tones. This is not part of "Dear Alice." The voice tones are unimportant, pronunciation is unimportant. It's whether or not the person could take that idea out of that book, own it, and then communicate it. And the intention must communicate. And it must be communicated in one unit of time. That is to say, it isn't repeated from the last time it was said. It is new, fresh, communicated in present time. The fifty-fifth command of "Do fish swim?" is the fifty-fifth, not the first repeated. So we have one unit of time, one command, and the intention. And when we have those things relayed across, then he can find another phrase and communicate that. And that is the way we do that, and I hope you find it helps communication. Here is the exact drill. Number: TR-1 Name: Dear Alice Purpose: To train the student auditor to deliver a command newly and in a new unit of time to a preclear without flinching or trying to overwhelm or using a via. Commands: A phrase (with the "he saids" omitted) is picked out of the book ~Alice in Wonderland~ and read to the 158 BOOK TWO coach. It is repeated until the coach is satisfied it arrived where he is. Position: Student auditor and coach are seated facing each other a comfortable distance apart. Training Stress: The command goes from the book to the student auditor and, as his own, to the coach. It must not go from book to coach. It must sound natural not artificial. Diction and elocution have no part in it. Loudness may have. The coach must have received the command (or question) clearly and have understood it before he says "Good." The coach says "Start," says "Good" without a new start if the command is received or says "Flunk" if the command is not received. "Start" is not used again. "That's it" is used to terminate for a discussion or to end the activity. If the "session" is terminated for a discussion, the coach must say "Start" again before it resumes. This drill is passed only when the student auditor can put across a command naturally, without strain or artificiality or elocutionary bobs and gestures, and when the auditor can do it easily and relaxedly. History: Developed by me in London, April 1956, to teach the communication formula to new students and to increase auditing ability. ¤TR-2¤ Acknowledgement is the next part of the communication cycle. When you have gotten a thought over to a preclear it is customary to prove it. The whole stress of acknowledgement is completely upon making sure that the preclear receives the auditor's acknowledgement. That is the entire stress of TR-2. Now why all this stress on acknowledgement? Well, acknowledgement is a control factor--I'll just let you in on a secret right here at the beginning. If you acknowledge a preclear well, you will have the preclear under much better control. Why? The formula of control is start, change, and stop. And that's just it, an acknowledgement is stop. If you said to him, "Keep going" or "Keep talking," you would not be acknowledging him. The perfect acknowledgement com- THE MAGIC OF COMMUNICATION 159 municates only this: "~I have heard your communication~--that's all there is to it--~I have heard what you said~." It signalizes that the preclear's (or person's, since Dianetics and Scientology apply to life, not just to an auditing room) communication to you has been received. But when you use it as an auditor you use it also as a control factor. And it says this: "~Your communication has been received--and that is all there is to it, and that is the end of that cycle of action, thank you~." And you have to put that whole intention into a "Yes" or an "Okay" or anything else you use. It isn't the word, it's the intention that ends it. "~Your communication has been received and I have now decided to stop that cycle of communication and your communication is therefore under my control~." Those things which you stop, very crudely, are things which you control. You have to be able to stop things if you control them. If you cannot control a preclear's communication line you can't control the preclear. I'll give you an example of this. Let's say we're auditing Mrs. Gotrocks, the wife of the executive manager of Fleabite Dustpowder or something. She is bored, and she's crazy, and she never has anything to do. She's just been lying around, and she has ailments. She comes into the auditing room and starts to talk to you. She says, "Oh, I've been to this specialist and that specialist and it cost this much money and that much money and I've been here and I've been there and what's really wrong with me and what you really should take up is . . ." The longer you let such a person talk, the less havingness they have. You can watch them go straight down the tone scale* if you keep on letting them talk. It's obsessive communication, obsessive outflow. And the first time you really understand what this acknowledgement is all about is when somebody starts this on you and starts talking, talking, talking, talking, and you want to get a session started. You get the intention really well and you say to them, "~Good!~" And they stop talking. Your intention was such that they knew that you had received their communication. If you can do this very well, and can get that acknowledgement just right and if it does exactly what it is supposed to do, very often the person will look at you 160 BOOK TWO fixedly and say, "You know, I don't think anybody has ever heard me before." Why is this person talking obsessively? They are trying to make up in quantity what they lack in audience. There's nobody listening to them. They are not talking to anyone. And you all of a sudden come up with an acknowledgement and say, "Hey! I heard you. I heard that. You have communicated to me, and that's it, now." And they say, "Wow! I don't think I've ever talked to anybody before." It's quite amazing. I have seen an auditor on an obsessive outflow case get down in front of the preclear, fix him with an eye, move his finger back and forth just in front of the preclear's nose and say, "Good! I heard that," and have the preclear all of a sudden say, "Ooooh! Gee! You are there, aren't you!" So a good acknowledgement can actually wind up the entire goal of the process and find the auditor--that's how important it is. Now, that is a specialized use, stopping a compulsive outflow. Its general use is putting a period on the communication cycle. It ends the moment of time in which you gave the command you learned how to give in Dear Alice. You said something, the preclear heard it, and you understood then that the preclear had heard it, and you said, "Good." Now the exact way TR-2 is done is this. The coach, or a person acting as a "preclear," takes "Dear Alice" and reads random phrases out of it any old way, we don't care how. (We're not disciplining the preclear; we never do that, we merely control them.) In this particular case this person says something out of ~Alice in Wonderland~ and the auditor has to say, "Good," "Fine," "Okay," "I heard that," ~anything~--in such a way as actually to convince the person who is sitting there acting as the preclear that he has heard it. There is a specific way to do this. That is to ~intend~ that the communication cycle ends at that point and to end it there. Anything that you do to make that come about is, of course, legitimate, unless it utterly destroys ARC. It finishes a cycle of communication. So what could the auditor in this case do? There sits the auditor, no book; there sits the preclear with a book; and the preclear is reading, "And the THE MAGIC OF COMMUNICATION 161 Mad Hatter dipped his watch into the teapot," and the auditor says, "Good." That ends that. In view of the fact that the preclear is reading a continued story which goes on sentence after sentence after sentence, the auditor will have a tendency to treat this as "in passing," and that is not an acknowledgement. The auditor ~could say~, "Well, read some more." That's not an acknowledgement--it didn't stop it, did it? "Continue, go ahead"--no, that's not an acknowledgement at all. An acknowledgement says, "Stop"--"whoa"--"Air brakes"--"Period"--"End"--"Heard you"--"You've communicated"--"That's the end of that moment of time"--"Final cycle"--"That's it." So the auditor has to say "Good," "Fine," "Okay," in such a way as to have received the communication in the "preclear's" eyes. The "preclear" has to know that the auditor has received the communication, and that's the only point on which they are coached--at first. Then we could start to bear down and say, "Well, did you acknowledge that "preclear's" communication? Did you?" we could say, supervising. And the auditor says, "Well, uhh. . ." "Did you do a perfect acknowledgement?" "Well--certainly." And the answer to that would be "No." The preclear is still reading, still has the book in his hands, is still going on with it, still sitting in the chair, and he's still in this universe. What is this all about? What are we actually trying to do? Well, we're not trying to reach the ultimate in an acknowledgement because that would be the end of the universe. If somebody could say "Yes"--"Good"--or "Okay" with enough intention behind it, all communications of this universe from the moment of its beginning would then be acknowledged, totally. (Except that this would violate the communication formula because they weren't all addressed to him, although lots of people think they were.) But what does the auditor actually feel called upon to do? He feels called upon to put a period to that cycle of communication. It actually started, you see, with the auditor's phrase to the 162 BOOK TWO preclear, then the preclear signified with some kind of wince or grunt or something that it had been heard, and then the auditor says, "Well, that's the end of that. Good. Fine. That finished that." But an acknowledgement ends the cycle of the communication which you may have read about in ~Dianetics 55!~ and that is the Bill-Joe cycle. "Good," says the auditor. This is fantastic. If you got good enough at this, a traffic cop would drive up and say something to you and you would acknowledge the fact that he had spoken and he would simply get back on his bike or go back to the station house and turn in his badge and retire. That would be the end of that. As a matter of fact, it actually staggers people to have an acknowledgement come to them, really to get it through. It's a good thing, and it's very therapeutic for a person to know that he has been acknowledged. I know that you will be around in the local stores, maybe stopping a pedestrian on the street and suddenly looking at him and saying, "Good"--acknowledging him. And you will have some fantastic things occur if you do. An acknowledgement is a very, very powerful sixteen-inch gun in the communication formula; and you shouldn't use it sparingly, you should use it to end cycles of communication. I hope you learn to do that very, very well. Mood can be expressed by an acknowledgement. Evaluation can also be accomplished by acknowledgement, depending on the tone of voice with which it is uttered. There is nothing bad about expressing mood by acknowledgement, except when the acknowledgement expresses criticalness, ridicule, or humor. Number: TR-2 Name: Acknowledgements Purpose: To teach a student auditor that an acknowledgement is a method of controlling a preclear's communication and that an acknowledgement is a full stop. Commands: The coach reads lines from ~Alice in Wonderland~ omitting "He saids" and the auditor thoroughly acknowledges them. The coach repeats any line he feels was not truly acknowledged. THE MAGIC OF COMMUNICATION 163 Position: Student auditor and coach are seated facing each other a comfortable distance apart. Training Stress: To teach a student auditor to acknowledge exactly what was said so preclear knows it was heard. Ask student from time to time what ~was~ said. Curb over and under acknowledgement. Let the student do anything at first to get acknowledgement across and then even him out. Teach him that an acknowledgement is a stop, not beginning of a new cycle of communication or an encouragement to the preclear to go on. To teach further that one can fail to get an acknowledgement across or can fail to stop a pc with an acknowledgement or can take a pc's head off with an acknowledgement. The coach says "Start," reads a line and says "Flunk" every time the coach feels there has been an improper acknowledgement. The coach repeats the same line each time the coach says "Flunk." "That's it" may be used to terminate for discussion or terminate the session. "Start" must be used to begin a new coaching after a "That's it." History: Developed in London in April 1956 to teach new student auditors that an acknowledgement ends a communication cycle and a period of time and that a new command begins a new period of time. ¤TR-3¤ TR-3 is interesting in that it makes somebody duplicate. Way back in 1950, I found out that some auditors, in order to be interesting, would vary their pattern; and every time the pattern was varied, every time the auditing command changed, the preclear received a little jolt. There was an upset because of it. For an auditor, using the auditing command "Do fish swim?" to say, "By the way, do finny creatures wiggle in the water?"--and next time to say, "Say! does the finny tribe bathe?"--and the next time to say, "What brands of fishes are there that progress from point A to point B in liquid habitats?" causes the pc to be upset. In TR-3 (Duplication), the auditor says, "Do fish swim?" And, 164 BOOK TWO just to vary it, he then says, "Do fish swim?" And, just for good wild variation, he then says, "Do fish swim?" This is where we learn why we were so insistent on one command in one moment of time back in TR-1 because we don't repeat the first "Do fish swim?" another thousand times. No auditing command should ever depend for any of its meaning on any other auditing command ever uttered. Each one exists, theoretically and purely, in its own moment of time and is uttered itself in present time with its own intention. Now this is quite important. The basic auditing process of Communication, Control, Havingness (CCH) does not work unless each command is in a separate unit of time. If you run it this way, "Give me your hand thank you, give me your hand thank you, give me your hand thank you," it's not very therapeutic and nothing happens to the preclear. Why? Well, we've got a machine which is simply repeating the first "Give me your hand" over and over again. We're not saying it--there's no intention there. Do you know that if you told somebody to give you his hand with enough intention behind it his body would respond without any via through the thetan? The body doesn't obey the words, the body obeys the intention to extend a hand. Therefore, when you are asked to express an auditing command with the same words over and over and over, each time you must express it in present time as itself with its intention. It isn't just a long duplication of it. Just duplicating something over and over and over is sometimes so trying that people wonder how auditors ever arrive at all. Nobody could sit in a chair and repeat the same command, each time with a new intention, for seventy-five hours. It's beyond human possibility, according to some people. But the trick is that if it's always uttered in present time it could be said for a thousand and seventy-five hours. It's only when the first command is repeated over and over and when no new intention arrives that it becomes very arduous. Only when it goes on to a machine does it become almost impossible to do. Communication is reached by control plus duplication. At first you find that to make each utterance of the THE MAGIC OF COMMUNICATION 165 command different in its own unit of time you use different voice inflections. But as you come up the line on this you find out that you actually can pattern the same tone and each time have it entirely new. It would be very, very incorrect in teaching this to have the auditor each time duplicate his own voice tones as they were the last time, because that is making an auditing command depend on the last auditing command. We couldn't care less; and, after a while, you couldn't care less, either, what voice tone you're uttering, but each intention is new and fresh. The intention is to ask and get an answer to this question, "Do fish swim?" and, each time you utter it, it is uttered newly and in its own area of time. That's really the only stress there is. One command per unit of time. Each command separate, and each command containing the words, quite incidentally, "Do fish swim?" Here we learn a great deal about the duplicative factors of communication. We find out that, in having to duplicate, we think we actually lose some of the communication at first. It's utterly idiotic--how could you possibly maintain ARC and therefore, of course, interest, asking a person over and over again this silly question, "Do fish swim?" Who could do this? Well, interest in communication has everything to do with the intention to be interesting and very little to do with text. Furthermore, it is not the auditor's job to be interesting. Being interesting is a part of the communication formula, but to an auditor the least possible part, as far as the preclear is concerned. He's not there to interest and intrigue the preclear. Right away, people think they are. Place two people in chairs facing each other and each one of these two people feels the compulsion to be interesting to the other. That's not auditing, that's being interesting, that's being social. So if a person had any difficulty doing TR-3, the supervisor would be perfectly in order if he simply had him go back to TR-0. We do have variation, and therefore interest, in TR-1 and TR-2; but now we reach this one and it is utterly devoid of interest. We're saying the same thing over and over and over and over. And if a person can't do this he probably has a compulsion to vary, to alter-is, to be interesting, and he wouldn't find it easy just to sit in a chair 166 BOOK TWO and face another human being and not say a word and not do a thing but just sit there and look at the other human being. And if I were coaching someone that had difficulty in repetition of steps, I would have them do TR-0 for an hour or two that day. It is absolutely necessary that an auditor be able to duplicate. But answer me this: Is a person who is saying something in present time each time really duplicating the last moment of time? He really isn't, is he? And so this duplication that we do in Dianetics and Scientology means only the ability apparently to duplicate while being in present time. The greatest motto of experience and the life we have lived is: ~I won't ever do that again~. This is the one thing your mama wanted you to promise. If you did nothing else, if you lived a completely sinful life, why, mama still wanted you to learn by experience; which is to say that when you did something wrong, or did ~something~, you weren't ever to do it again. She hoped perhaps you would eat enough candy to make you so sick that you wouldn't "wolf" candy again; that you would eat enough ice cream so that ice cream would make you so green that you wouldn't make a pig of yourself over ice cream again; that you would become so embarrassed and lose so many friends that you would not do that evil thing again, whatever it was you did; and thus learn by experience never to do it again. And this is experience talking. One thing you must understand, that experience teaches you, is never to do anything the second time. This doesn't necessarily mean that all experience is painful, but people who are having a hard time tend to believe that it is; and when they begin to depend upon experience and stand by this lesson of never doing it again, they can no longer duplicate. And what do you know, they can't communicate. Also, their bank jams. All sorts of interesting things occur. All moments become one moment. One moment becomes all moments. Identification occurs all over the place. And just the action of repeating something like "Do fish swim?" as a student auditor, with a full intention, has a tendency to unjam the time track. THE MAGIC OF COMMUNICATION 167 You should know that this is what this step is up against. It is violating all of that hard-won experience that you have accumulated in the last seventy-six trillion years, and all that wonderful, wonderful lot of mess that you got into, added up completely to ~never do it again~. And so you've been taught not to live, which is what happens when you get experience. And when you can duplicate an auditing command over and over again, you will find out that auditing does not become a painful experience. A person who can do this well, by the way, never gets restimulated. Why should he?--he's not in the moment of time in which the restimulation took place. There is a more basic step to this particular one, by the way. This is to pat the wall five times and then distinguish one of the pats from the rest. A supervisor can do that on a student with some profit. Pretty soon the student can tell all five pats apart, and when the student can tell them all apart, even though they sounded all the same, he can also duplicate an auditing command in present time all the way. I've broken cases with that one. Number: TR-3 Name: Duplicative Question Purpose: To teach a student auditor to duplicate without any variation an auditing question, each time newly, in its own unit of time, not as a blur with other questions, and to acknowledge it. To teach that one never asks a second question until he has received an answer to the one asked. Commands: "Do fish swim?" or "Do birds fly?" Position: Student auditor and coach seated a comfortable distance apart. Training Stress: One question and student auditor acknowledgement of its answer in one unit of time which is then finished. To keep auditor from straying into variations of command. Even though the same question is asked, it is asked as though it had never occurred to anyone before. The student auditor must learn to give a command and receive an answer and to acknowledge it in one unit of time. The student auditor is flunked if he or she fails to get an answer to the question asked, if he or she fails to repeat the 168 BOOK TWO exact question, if he or she Q and As with excursions taken by the coach. The coach uses "Start" and "That's it," as in earlier TRs. The coach is not bound after starting to answer the auditor's question but may comm lag* or give a commenting type answer to throw the student auditor off. Often the coach should answer. Somewhat less often the coach attempts to pull the student auditor into a Q and A or upset him. Example: Student Auditor: "Do fish swim?" Coach: "Yes." Student Auditor: "Good." Student Auditor: "Do fish swim?" Coach: "Aren't you hungry?" Student Auditor: "Yes." Coach: "Flunk." When the question is not answered, the auditor must say, gently, "I'll repeat the auditing question," and do so until he gets an answer. Anything except commands, acknowledgement and as needed, the repeat statement, is flunked. Unnecessary use of the repeat statement is flunked. A poor command is flunked. A poor acknowledgement is flunked. Q and A is flunked (as in example). Student auditor misemotion and confusion is flunked. Auditor failure to utter the next command without a long comm lag is flunked. A choppy or premature acknowledgement is flunked. Lack of an acknowledgement (or with a distinct comm lag) is flunked. Any words from the coach except an answer to the question, "Start," "Flunk", "Good" or "That's it" should have no influence on the auditor except to get him to give a repeat statement and the command again. By repeat statement is meant, "I'll repeat the auditing command." "Start," "Flunk," "Good" and "That's it" may not be used to fluster or trap the student auditor. Any other statement under the sun may be. The coach may try to leave his chair in this TR. If he succeeds it is a flunk. The coach should not use introverted statements such as "I just had a cognition." "Coach divertive" statements should all concern the student auditor and should be designed to throw the THE MAGIC OF COMMUNICATION 169 student auditor off and cause him to lose session control or track of what he's doing. The student auditor's job is to keep a session going in spite of anything, using only command, the repeat statement or the acknowledgement. The student may use his or her hands to prevent a "blow" (leaving) of the coach. If the student auditor does anything else than the above, it is a flunk and the coach must say so. History: I developed this TR in London April 1956 to overcome variations and sudden changes in sessions. Auditors had been frail in getting their questions answered. This TR was designed to improve that frailty. ¤TR-4¤ The next thing an auditor has to do is to handle an origin from the preclear. It is actually true that when you are handling Tone 40* processes, you do not handle the preclear's originations. But you will find that these Tone 40 processes are in the minority amongst processes, and ~in all processes not Tone 40 a preclear's originations are handled~--remember that. Don't let anybody talk you out of it. If you are handling Tone 40, which is just pure, positive postulating, you, of course, are not worried about anybody's opinion, origin, condition, or anything else. You simply want him to do certain things, and he finds out that his beingness* can be controlled and therefore that he can control it. What do we mean by an origin of the preclear? He volunteers something all on his own in the session; and do you know that is a very good index of case--whether the person volunteers anything on his own? An auditor uses this as a case index. He says, "This fellow isn't getting any better. He hasn't offered up anything yet." You see, he didn't originate a communication. So remember that we have not lost, out of the galaxy of processes, the fact that the preclear is as well as he can originate a communication. That means he can stand at Cause on the communication formula. And that is a desirable point for him to reach. You see, in controlling people we are 170 BOOK TWO really only showing them that they can be controlled, that it is possible for their possessions to be controlled; and then they eventually decide that these are controllable and that people are controllable and that things are controllable and their bodies are controllable, and they say, "Wonderful! Look I'll try!" Before that they didn't even try. So we are controlling a person's possessions or body only until this person then himself decides to take a hand in it, too. And then he finds out that control is possible. But most people don't originate. Circuits originate, computers originate, compulsive outflows originate. And when you first start to use Tone 40 on a person you will apparently see originations--but they are not originations, they are restimulations being dramatized.* There is a big difference between a restimulation being dramatized and an origination. It's whether or not the thetan said it. Did ~he~ say it, or was it just a circuit starting up? Well, you can start up circuits and actually throw them into being and you will see that these are not originations. But when an origination appears in anything but a Tone 40 process, you handle it. And you must handle it well and conclusively. There are preclears who have had astonishing things happen to them, who have tried to communicate them to the auditor, who have failed to do so and have then sunk into apathy and just gone right on out of session because their communication origination was not handled properly by the auditor. There are instances of this, and many of them. Tone 40 processes do not particularly violate this. An understanding of what they are takes place rather rapidly with the preclear and he doesn't expect you to. But if he has graduated into being a human being and he's getting up there and he originates something and you answer it, he's liable to say the most astonishing things to you. And if you don't handle them he's liable to drop into apathy about the whole thing. So you must handle them well because they're always unexpected. I would say that unexpectedness actually should be part of the definition of an origination, because they are quite often completely off the subject, they take THE MAGIC OF COMMUNICATION 171 you completely by surprise, they are apparently not at all what you expected him to say. The fellow says, "Huh! I'm eight feet back of my head!" Well, what do you do? You handle the origination. He says, "You know, the whole back of my head feels like it's on fire." Do we ignore it? Well, if we are running Tone 40 processes, we ignore it. But if we are auditing any other process, of which there are many, we ~handle the origin~. And an auditor who has not been trained to do this will often find himself very embarrassed. But how about in the everyday world? The world that is ambulant and moving around and spinning quietly, or noisily, as the case may be. Do you ever have to handle an origin in it? Well, I dare say that every argument you have ever gotten into was because you did not handle an origin. Every time you have ever gotten into trouble with anybody, you can trace it back along the line you didn't handle. If a person walks in and says, "Whee! I've just passed with the highest mark in the whole school" and you say, "I'm awfully hungry, shouldn't we go out and eat?"--you'll find yourself in a fight. He feels ignored. He originated a communication to have you prove to him that he was there and he was solid. Most little kiddies get frantic about their parents when their parents don't handle their originations properly. Handling an origination merely tells the person, "All right, I heard it, you're there." You might say it is a form of acknowledgement, but it's not. It is the communication formula* in reverse; but the auditor is still in control if he handles the origin; otherwise, the communication formula goes out of his control and he is at effect point, no longer at cause point. An auditor continues at cause point. So let's look this over. The handling of an origin has a great deal of use. There are three steps in handling an origin. Here is the setup. The preclear is sitting in the chair and the auditor is sitting across from the preclear, and the auditor is saying, "Do fish swim?" or "Do birds fly?" and the preclear says, "Yes." Here is the factor, now, entering. "Do fish swim?" The preclear doesn't answer ~Do fish swim~, the preclear says, 172 BOOK TWO "You know--your dress is on fire," or "I'm eight feet back of my head," or "Is it true that all cats weigh 1.8 kilograms?" You see, wog, wog. Where did this come from? Well, although it is usually circuitry or something like that at work when it's that far off beam, it is, nevertheless, an origin. How do you handle it? Well, you don't want the preclear to go out of session, and he would if you handled it wrongly, so (1) you answer it; (2) you maintain ARC (you don't spend any time at it, but you just maintain ARC); and (3) you get the preclear back on the process. One, two, three. And if you spend too much time in (2), you'll be doing wrong. What is an origin? All right, he says, "I'm eight feet back of my head." What are you supposed to do with that statement? Well, you're supposed to answer it. In this particular case, you would say to him something on the order of, "You are?" (you mean something like, "I've heard the communication. It's made an effect on me."). Now, in maintaining ARC you can skimp that second one ~if~ you handle the third one expertly enough. The least important one is the second one, but the most deadly thing you can do is utterly to neglect the second one of maintaining ARC. That's deadly. But you can skip it if you really punch it into the third one, which is to say, get him back into session. So he says, "I'm eight feet back of my head," and you say, "YOU ARE???" (what he said really hit, you know). He's kind of wogwog about this--he's not sure what this is all about. You say, "You are?" and the fellow says, "Yes." "Well!" you say, "What did I say that made that happen?" "Oh, you said 'Do birds fly,' and I thought of myself as a bird and I guess that's the way it is, but I am eight feet back of my head." "Well, that's pretty routine," you say--reassure him, maintain the ARC. "Now, what was that auditing question?" "Oh, you asked me 'Do birds fly?' " And you say, "That's right. Do birds fly?" Back in session, you see. THE MAGIC OF COMMUNICATION 173 You can't put it into a can and put a label on it and say ~This is how you do it always~, because it's always something peculiar; but you can say these three steps are followed. I will give you another example. You say "Do birds fly?" and he says, "I have a blinding headache." "You do?" you say. "Is it bothering you (that's the ARC) too much to carry on with the session? (and you've reached number three at once)." "Oh no--it's pretty bad though." "Well, let's go on with this, shall we?" you say. "Maybe it'll do something with it. (maintaining ARC)." He says, "Well, all right," and you're right back onto it again: "Do birds fly?" One of the trickiest of these is "What in my question reminded you of that?" The fellow says, "Well, so and so," and he explains it to you and you say, "Good. Do birds fly?" and you're right back in session again. That is the important thing. You have to learn how to handle these things. At the same time that we are doing this, we can get much more complicated, particularly toward the end of the session, by just trying out a communication bridge. A communication bridge from "Do birds fly?" to "Do fish swim?" and from "Do fish swim?" back to "Do birds fly?" A communication bridge is a very easy thing. It simply closes off the process you were running, maintains ARC, and opens up the new process on which you are about to embark. If you could look at it as two V's, the points facing each other, with a line between the bottoms of the two V's, you would see that one process, which you have been running, is closed down to nothing, easily, by gradients. You say, "How about running this just three or four more times, and then we'll quit, okay?" We give him warning that we're closing the process off, and we run it three or four more times, then we say, "How are you doing?" (We never ask people, by the way, "How do you feel?" This as-ises havingness.) We say "How are you doing?" and he says, "Oh, not too badly," and so on. "Well, did anything happen there while we were 174 BOOK TWO running 'Do fish swim?' " And he says, "I don't know. I got a little bit of reality. I felt like a fish for a couple of moments there." Auditor says, "Is it okay? Are you doing all right now?" The preclear says, "Not too badly." You say, "Well, let's go over onto 'Do birds fly?' It's an interesting process and it goes like this--I ask you, 'Do birds fly' and you answer me. how about running that?" And he says, "Well, all right, okay." You establish agreement again and away we go. Actually, it is three contracts in a row. The first contract is: to stop the process we are running; the next contract is: we are in an auditing session, binding this as a continuing auditing session; and the third contract is simply we have a new process we would like to run, and I want your signature on this dotted line that you will run it. That actually is a communication bridge. The reason we do this is so a preclear will not be startled by change, for if we change too rapidly we stick the preclear in the session every time. We give him some warning; and that is what a communication bridge is for. The handling of origins, however, is most important. Learn how to handle origins, and you'll never be taken by surprise by a preclear. You'll be right in there pitching, and the session will keep on. I have seen an auditor sit with his mouth open for twenty or thirty seconds after some preclear said something fantastic. He just didn't know what to make of it. Well, you answer it, you maintain ARC, and you get him back in session. Number: TR-4 Name: Preclear Originations Purpose: To teach the student auditor not to be tongue-tied or startled or thrown off session by originations of the preclear and to maintain ARC with the preclear throughout an origination. Commands: The student auditor runs "Do fish swim?" or "Do birds fly?" on the coach. Coach answers but now and then makes startling comments. The student auditor must handle originations to satisfaction of coach. Position: Student auditor and coach sit facing each other at a comfortable distance apart. THE MAGIC OF COMMUNICATION 175 Training Stress: The student auditor is taught to hear the origination and do three things. (1) Understand it; (2) Acknowledge it; and (3) Return the preclear to session. If the coach feels abruptness or too much time consumed or lack of comprehension, he corrects the student into better handling. All originations concern the coach, his ideas, reactions or difficulties, none concern the auditor. Otherwise the patter is the same as in earlier TRs. The student auditor's patter is governed by: (1) Clarifying and understanding the origin; (2) Acknowledging the origin; (3) Giving the repeat statement, "I'll repeat the auditing command," and then giving it. Anything else is a flunk. The auditor must be taught to prevent ARC breaks and differentiate between a vital problem that concerns the pc and a mere effort to blow session (TR-3). Flunks are given if the student does more than (1) understand; (2) acknowledge; (3) return pc to session. Coach may throw in remarks personal to student auditor as on TR-3. Student's failure to differentiate between these (by trying to handle them) and coach's remarks about self as "pc" is a flunk. Student auditor's failure to persist is always a flunk in any TR but here more so. By ~originate~ is meant a statement or remark referring to the state of the coach or fancied case. By ~comment~ is meant a statement or remark aimed only at student or room. Originations are handled, comments are disregarded by the student auditor. History: I developed this in London in April 1956 to teach auditors to stay in session when the preclear dives out, and to teach auditors more about handling origins and preventing ARC breaks. It is better to go through these TRs several times getting tougher each time than to hang on one TR forever or to be so tough at start that the student auditor goes onto a decline. TR-0 exists so an auditor is not ducking the session but can sit there relaxed, doing his job. TR-1 must be done so the pc can ~hear~ and understand the auditor (without blowing the pc's head off either). 176 BOOK TWO TR-2 must be done so that the pc gets acknowledged. This can be so corrupted that the auditor doesn't acknowledge at all but gives the pc meter phenomena instead of acknowledgements! Or keeps saying, "I didn't understand you," etc. TR-3 basically exists so that the auditor continues to give the pc commands and not squirrel off or pack up with total silence. TR-4 exists so that the pc's origins are accepted and not Q'd and A'd with or invalidated. TR-5 had as its purpose to teach the auditor that ~verbal~ commands are not entirely necessary. As the steps of this training routine are a process, it is not included here. Following are the Upper Indoctrination (often called upper indoc) TRs 6 to 9 inclusive. ¤TR-6¤ Number: TR-6 Name: 8-C (body control)* Commands: Non-verbal for first half of training session. First half of coaching session, the student silently steers the coach's body around the room, not touching the walls, quietly starting, changing and stopping the coach's body. When the student has fully mastered non-verbal 8-C, the student may commence verbal 8-C. The commands to be used for 8-C are: "Look at that wall." "Thank you." "Walk over to that wall." "Thank you." "Touch that wall." "Thank you." "Turn around." "Thank you." Position: Student and coach walking side by side; student always on coach's right, except when turning. Purpose: First part: To accustom student to moving another body than his own without verbal communication. Second part: To accustom student to moving another body, by and while giving commands only, and to accustom student to proper commands of 8-C. Training Stress: Complete, crisp precision of movement and commands. Student, as in any other TR, is flunked for THE MAGIC OF COMMUNICATION 177 current and preceding TRs. Thus, in this case, the coach flunks the student for every hesitation or nervousness in moving body, for every flub of command, for poor confronting, for bad communication of command, for poor acknowledgement, for poor repetition of command, and for failing to handle originations by coach. Stress that student learns to lead slightly in all the motions of walking around the room or across the room. This will be found to have a great deal to do with confronting. In the first part of the session, student is not allowed to walk coach into walls, as walls then become automatic stops and the student is then not stopping the coach's body but allowing the wall to do it for him. History: Developed in Camden, New Jersey in 1953. ¤TR-7¤ Number: TR-7 Name: High School Indoc Commands: Same as 8-C (control) but with student in physical contact with coach. Student enforcing commands by manual guiding. Coach has only three statements to which student must listen: "Start" to begin coaching session, "Flunk" to call attention to student error, and "That's it" to end the coaching session. No other remarks by coach are valid on student. Coach tries in all possible ways, verbal, covert and physical, to stop student from running control on him. If the student falters, comm lags, fumbles a command, or fails to get execution on part of coach, coach says "Flunk" and they start at the beginning of the command cycle in which the error occurred. Coach falldown is not allowed. Position: Student and coach ambulant. Student handling coach physically. Purpose: To train student never to be stopped by a person when he gives a command. To train him to run fine control in any circumstances. To teach him to handle rebellious people. To bring about his willingness to handle other people. Training Stress: Stress is on accuracy of student performance and persistence by student. Start gradually to 178 BOOK TWO toughen up resistance of student on a gradient. Don't finish him off all at once. History: Developed in London, England in 1956. ¤TR-8¤ Number: TR-8 Name: Tone 40 on an Object Commands: "Stand up." "Thank you." "Sit down on that chair." "Thank you." These are the only commands used. Position: Student sitting in chair facing chair which has on it an ashtray. Coach sitting in chair facing chair occupied by student and chair occupied by ashtray. Purpose: To make student clearly achieve tone 40 commands. To clarify intentions as different from words. To start student on road to handling objects and people with postulates. To obtain obedience not wholly based on spoken commands. Training Stress: Under the heading of training stress is included the various ways and means of getting the student to achieve the goals of this training step. During the early part of this drill, say in the first coaching session, the student should be coached in the basic parts of the drill, one at a time. First, locate the space which includes himself and the ashtray but not more than that much. Second, have him locate the object in that space. Third, have him command the object in the loudest possible voice he can muster. This is called shouting. The coach's patter would run something like this: "Locate the space" "Locate the object in that space." "Command it as loudly as you can." "Acknowledge it as loudly as you can." "Command it as loudly as you can." "Acknowledge it as loudly as you can." That would complete two cycles of action. When shouting is completed, then have student use a normal tone of voice with a lot of coach attention on the student getting the intention into the object. Next, have the student do the drill while using the THE MAGIC OF COMMUNICATION 179 wrong commands--i.e., saying "Thank you" while placing in the object the intention to stand up, etc. Next, have the student do the drill silently, putting the intention in the object without even thinking the words of the command or the acknowledgement. The final step in this would be for the coach to say "Start" then anything else he said would not be valid on the student with the exception of "Flunk" and "That's it." Here, the coach would attempt to distract the student, using any verbal means he could to knock the student off tone 40. Physical heckling would not be greater than tapping the student on the knee or shoulder to get his attention. When the student can maintain tone 40 and get a clean intention on the object for each command and for each acknowledgement, the drill is flat. There are other ways to help the student along. The coach occasionally asks "Are you willing to be in that ashtray?" When the student has answered, then "Are you willing for a thought to be there instead of you?" Then continue the drill. The answers are not so important on these two questions as is the fact that the idea is brought to the student's attention. Another question the coach asks the student is, "Did you really expect that ashtray to comply with that command?" There is a drill which will greatly increase the student's reality on what an intention is. The coach can use this drill three or four times during the training on Tone 40 on an Object. As follows: "Think the thought--I am a wild flower." "Good." "Think the thought that you are sitting in a chair." "Good." "Imagine that thought being in that ashtray." "Good." "Imagine that ashtray containing that thought in its substance." "Good." "Now get the ashtray thinking that it is an ashtray." "Good. "Get the ashtray intending to go on being an ashtray." "Good." 180 BOOK TWO "Get the ashtray intending to remain where it is." "Good." "Have the ashtray end that cycle." "Good." "Put in the ashtray the intention to remain where it is." "Good." This also helps the student get a reality on placing an intention in something apart from himself. Stress that an intention has nothing to do with words and has nothing to do with the voice, nor is it dependent upon thinking certain words. An intention must be clear and have no counter-intention in it. This training drill, Tone 40 on an Object, usually takes the most time of any drill in Upper Indoc, and time on it is well spent. Objects to be used are ashtrays, preferably heavy, coloured glass ashtrays. History: Developed in Washington, D.C. in 1957 to train students to use intention when auditing. ¤TR-9¤ Number: TR-9 Name: Tone 40 on a Person Commands: Same as 8-C (Control). Student runs fine, clear-cut intention and verbal orders on coach. Coach tries to break down tone 40 of student. Coach commands that are valid are: "Start" to begin. "Flunk" to call attention to student error and that they must return to beginning of cycle, and "That's it" to take a break or to end the training session. No other statement by coach is valid on student and is only an effort to make student come off tone 40 or in general be stopped. Position: Student and coach ambulant. Student in manual contact with coach as needed. Purpose: To make student able to maintain tone 40 under any stress or duress. Training Stress: The exact amount of physical effort must be used by student plus a compelling, unspoken intention. No jerky struggles are allowed, since each jerk is a stop. Student must learn to smoothly increase effort quickly to amount needed to make coach execute. Stress is on ~exact~ intention, exact strength needed, exact force THE MAGIC OF COMMUNICATION 181 necessary, exact tone 40. Even a slight smile by student can be a flunk. Too much force can be a flunk. Too little force definitely is a flunk. Anything not tone 40 is a flunk. Here the coach should check very carefully on student's ability to place an intention in the coach. This can be checked by the coach since the coach will find himself doing the command almost whether or not he wants to if the student is really getting the intention across. After the coach is satisfied with the student's ability to get the intention across, the coach should then do all he can to break the student off Tone 40, mainly on the basis of surprise and change of pace. Thus the student will be brought to have a greater tolerance of surprise and a quick recovery from surprise. History: Developed in Washington, D.C. in 1957. The purpose of these four training drills, TR-6, TR-7, TR-8 and TR-9, is to bring about in the student the willingness and ability to handle and control other people's bodies, and to cheerfully confront another person while giving that person commands. Also, to maintain a high level of control in any circumstances. ¤Auditor Trust¤ A pc tends to be able to confront to the degree that he or she feels safe. If the pc is being audited in an auditing environment that is unsafe or prone to interruption, his or her confront is greatly lower and the result is a reduced ability to run locks, secondaries and engrams and to erase them. If the auditor's TRs are rough and his manner uncertain or challenging, evaluative or invalidative, the pc's confront is reduced to zero or worse. This comes from a very early set of laws: Auditor plus pc is greater than bank. Auditor plus bank is greater than the pc. Pc minus auditor is less than the bank. (By "bank" is meant the mental image picture collection of the pc. It comes from computer technology where all data is in a "bank.") 182 BOOK TWO The difference between auditors is not that one has more data than another or more tricks. The difference is that one auditor will get better results than another due to his stricter adherence to procedure, better TRs, more confident manner, and closer observance of the Auditor's Code. No "bedside manner" is required or sympathetic expression. It's just that an auditor who knows his procedures and has good TRs inspires more confidence. The pc doesn't have to put his attention on or cope with the auditor and feels safer and so can confront his bank better. In the presence of rough TRs, cognitions do not occur. Cognitions are the milestones of case gain. Rough TRs, rough metering, out-Code and a distractive auditor then make no case gain. When an auditor has smooth, usual TRs, does his metering expertly and without attracting the pc's attention, when he follows the Auditor's Code (particularly regarding evaluation and invalidation) and when he is interest~ed~, not interest~ing~ as an auditor, the pc cognites and makes case gains. Further, according to the axioms, a bank straightens out by AS-ISING its content. If the pc's attention is distracted to the auditor and meter his attention is not on his bank so AS-ISING cannot occur. The definition of in session is INTERESTED IN OWN CASE AND WILLING TO TALK TO THE AUDITOR. When this definition describes the session in progress, then of course the pc will be able to AS-IS and will cognite. When the auditor plus the bank are both overwhelming the pc then the bank seems greater than the pc. It is this situation which gives a pc a low tone arm. An auditor who can't be heard, doesn't acknowledge, doesn't give the pc the next command, fails to handle origins simply has OUT*-TRs. The auditor who is trying to be interest~ing~ to the pc, who over-acknowledges, who laughs loudly, is putting the pc's attention onto himself. So the pc's attention, not being on his bank, doesn't as-is or cognite. THE MAGIC OF COMMUNICATION 183 The auditor whose metering bypasses F/Ns or calls F/Ns at wrong points, or who any other way uses the meter distractingly (the pc knows when he is being under or overrun and knows when he is being mismetered), is of course violating the definition of IN SESSION. The pc's attention goes to the meter, not his bank, so he doesn't AS-IS or cognite. Auditor invalidation and evaluation is just plain villainy. It interferes with pc cognitions. Other Code breaks are similarly distractive. If you understand the exact definition of IN SESSION, if you understand the pc's necessity to have his attention on his bank so as to AS-IS it and work out what is really going on in a session that brings about a cognition (as-ising aberration with a realization about life), you will then be able to spot all the things in TRs, metering and the Code that would prevent case gain, if they were not applied. Once you see that out-TRs, mis-metering and Code breaks would PREVENT the IN SESSION definition you will see what would impede a pc from AS-ISing and cogniting. When you have this figured out you will then be able to see clearly what are IN-TRs, CORRECT METERING and CORRECT CODE APPLICATION. There can be an infinity of wrongnesses. There are only a few rightnesses. Recognition of right TRs, right metering and right Code use depend only on a. Understand these principles, and b. Their practice so as to establish habit. This mastered, one's pcs will get cognitions and case gain and swear by "their auditor"! TRs are for use in the session itself, not just a drill. They are ~how~ one runs a session. 184 BOOK TWO [picture#33] CHAPTER 2 THE E-METER Mental image pictures have mass. The mass has what is called resistance to electricity. The E-meter measures electrical resistance. Mass resists electricity. The E-meter does not and never has diagnosed physical or mental illness. It does not and cannot heal anything. A person who is physically ill is sent to a medical practitioner for treatment. The Hubbard E-meter is a religious artifact developed for the exclusive use of ordained ministers and technological students who are trained in its use in church ministrations. In order to apply Dianetics standardly, it is ~very important~ that you own an E-meter and quickly become familiar with it. Practical drills to develop skill in its use are found in ~The Book of E-meter Drills~ by the same author. You should practice the drills thoroughly. By the time you finish this book, if you have studied diligently, you will be able to perform miracles with Dianetics. 186 BOOK TWO To obtain an E-meter one must be a sincerely enrolled student of the Church of Scientology or a fully qualified minister of that church and must undertake as well to become wholly skilled in its purpose and use. The following essential points concerning the E-meter must be known to an auditor. There is no known way to clear anyone without using a meter. There is no guarantee that a scrap or non-standard meter will behave properly. The only way known to learn to use an E-meter is use one, handle one, practice with one. Skill in meter use depends upon familiarizing oneself with the actual meter. Get familiar with the meter by holding it, watching it, turning it on and off. Touch it. Reach and withdraw from it. Play catch with it. Don't just read books about it. Put various persons on the meter. Check them out on rudiments* checks, and release* checks. Check out dates of incidents. The person who says the meter is not a precision instrument is either unfamiliar with one or has something to hide. The auditor's questions can be off. The meter never is. The meter tells you what the preclear's mind is doing when the preclear is made to think of something. The meter registers ~before~ the preclear becomes ~conscious~ of the datum. It is, therefore, a pre-conscious meter. The meter passes a tiny current through the preclear's body. This current is influenced by the mental masses, pictures, circuits and machinery. When the unclear pc thinks of something, these mental items shift and this registers on the meter. Some preclears are in denser masses than others. Therefore the tone arm* reads very low (most dense), very high, or normal. A low-toned preclear may not be able to influence his mind or body at all and registers the same as a dead body around two or three without action. A low-toned person may be at two or three on the tone arm dial with a dirty needle.* THE E-METER 187 A middle-toned preclear reads actively on the meter both tone arm and needle. A very high-toned person (Clear) registers at two or three on the tone arm with a free needle. The key difference between a low-toned preclear and a high-toned one is seen in needle response, the low-toned having a sluggish needle or a sticky* one, the high-toned person having a free needle. The low-toned person cannot answer questions about help intelligently. Thus we see that the E-meter basically registers the body at two (female) or three (male) on the tone arm. If a thetan is "dead" he doesn't add to or subtract from the reading. If a thetan is "partially alive" he adds or subtracts from the reading. If a thetan is "fully alive" he is not necessarily inside the body he controls and so does not add to or subtract from the reading. ¤The Tone Arm¤ The three general states have many way stops. There is always a lower-toned mockery of higher tones. A low-tone case, to the relatively unskilled, can be at clear read, unreactive on a sticky sort of needle. He cannot however ~do~ things in life. He or she cannot answer questions intelligently about help or control. The first ~advance~ of a very low-toned case may be to drop into the minus two area on the tone arm dial. Because of the construction of an E-meter, the tone arm cannot pass through the bottom of the dial. As a low-toned case gains responsibility, the tone arm goes from three or two to 1.5 to 1 to 6 to 5 to 4 to 3 (for a male) and then to 2 (for a female). This occurs over a long term of processing, of course, and takes many, many hours of processing and the tone arm ebbs and flows back and forth. Very few cases are in a "dead" state. Most cases will be found on the tone arm around four or five. The tone arm registers density of mass (ridges, pictures, machines, circuits) in the mind of the preclear. This is 188 BOOK TWO actual mass, not imaginary, and can be weighed, measured by resistance, etc. Therefore the tone arm registers state of case at any given time in processing. The tone arm also registers advance of case during processing by moving. An unmoving case has an unmoving tone arm. A moving case has a moving tone arm. If a case is not moving, no matter what the preclear says, the tone arm is not moving. If a case is moving, no matter what the preclear says, the tone arm is moving during processing. If the tone arm shows motion, continue the process, no matter what the preclear says. If the tone arm shows no motion, you can change the process. To change a process while the tone arm shows good motion is a breach of the Auditor's Code. Also to continue a process that is producing no tone arm motion is a breach of the Auditor's Code. It is a nice judgment when to leave a process. The judgment is done by the tone arm action. Take hold of the tone arm of your E-meter. Set it at 4.5 on its dial. Move it to 3. Move it to 5. Now pretend a period of twenty minutes. Move the tone arm from 5 to 4, then from 4 to 4.5, then from 4.5 to 3.5, then from 3.5 to 4.8, then from 4.8 to 4. If that's all that happened in twenty minutes of processing, that is terrific tone arm motion. The case would be changing very, very well, and you would not change the process. You would go on running it. Take the tone arm in hand again. Set it at 3.5. Pretend a period of twenty minutes. Move it from 3.5 to 3.3. Move it from 3.3 to 3.6. Move it from 3.6 to 3.4. If that's all that happened in twenty minutes of processing, be alert. The tone arm may be getting ready to stick. ~But~ don't be surprised if the tone arm motion suddenly picks up again. If it does, carry on with the same process. The above give you two extremes of tone arm motion. The first example is excellent motion. The second example is poor motion. Between these two examples you have a variety of types of motion. THE E-METER 189 In using the meter you are trying to (a) assess for a process that will produce tone arm motion and (b) run the motion ~out~ of the tone arm. When the tone arm does not move under processing, one of two things is true: (a) you didn't get the right process to run, or (b) you have run it flat. The remedy for (a) is to do better assessment* and run another process. The remedy for (b) is to do another assessment. That the tone arm moves under processing denotes a change in the preclear's mind. That the tone arm doesn't move under processing denotes no change of mass, pictures, machinery or circuits in the preclear. When a preclear is Clear he may occasionally get some tone arm motion due to purely body electronics but in the main reads at male or female on the tone arm (3 or 2) according to his or her sex. As a preclear nears Clear, an assessment plus a few commands will "blow" the connected masses and thus flatten the process. As a preclear gets even nearer, assessment alone blows the remaining masses. Therefore, when the state is approached, the tone arm motion gets less and less, no matter what you do. But the condition is self-evident when observed, the preclear gaining more and more effect on his bank with less and less time necessary to remedy a condition. ¤The Sensitivity Knob¤ The sensitivity knob increases the swing of the needle. To run with too high a sensitivity makes the auditor's work unreliable. To run with too low a sensitivity makes the needle unreadable. The sensitivity knob is adjusted at the start of the session, any assessment, or any process or when the auditor wants to know. The exact setting of the knob is done as follows: Have the preclear hold the electrodes comfortably in his hands. Have him tighten his hands and then relax them, still holding the cans. The needle should drop exactly one-third of 190 BOOK TWO a dial. Adjust the sensitivity knob by asking the preclear to squeeze the cans again and observing the needle fall. On older meters, as the preclear gets to release, you can't get just one-third of a dial--you get more even with the knob on the lowest sensitivity. Set it as low as you can and use it anyway. In short, adjust the knob to a still needle that will yet move on needed responses. If at any time the needle doesn't react and you want a comparative reaction between two or more questions, increase the knob, read the question responses, and then set it back again for running. If you change the sensitivity knob during an assessment, you have to do the whole assessment again on the new setting as the amount of needle fall will be changed. In looking for suspected withholds in particular, read with a high knob. By holding a constant sensitivity knob during an assessment or during a process, you find out how the preclear is reacting on the needle relative to the start of the assessment or process. ¤The Needle¤ A needle is monitored by the sensitivity knob, the tone arm and the momentary or changing reactions of the preclear. There are ten main needle actions: 1. Stuck 2. No reaction (null) 3. Fall* 4. Change of characteristic 5. Rise* 6. Theta bop* 7. Rock slam* 8. Free needle* 9. Body reactions 10. Stage Four* In a totally ~stuck needle~ (1) the preclear would not even register being pinched. It looks stiff. In a ~null needle~ (2) the question does not change the needle behavior. THE E-METER 191 In the presence of an ARC break with the auditor, the needle is liable not to register any reaction at all, and to look like a null needle; therefore, before writing off any assessment item question as null, be sure to check for--and repair--any ARC break. A ~falling needle~ (3) makes a dip to the right as you face the meter. A fall may consist of half a division (about one-eighth of an inch) or may consist of fifteen dials (the whole meter face dropped fifteen times). It is still a fall. A fall always happens with rapidity, within a second or two. It denotes that a disagreement with life on which the preclear has greater or lesser reality has met the question asked. A fall is the most used and observed needle action. It means to the auditor, "I've found it," or "I've gotten a response in the bank." It is the click of the light switch illuminating where we are going. Falls are measured relative to falls. That's why we leave the sensitivity alone when we are looking for something question by question. Given two falls, the longer fall is the right one. For instance, a question about "Joe" gets three-eighths of an inch of fall. A question about "Mabel" right after gets five-eighths of an inch of fall. The right answer is ~Mabel~. ~Any~ fall denotes there is something there. Any fall at ~any~ sensitivity level on rudiments questions denotes the presence of a bad reaction to the room, an ARC break, a withhold, or a present time problem* and ~must be cleared~ no matter what the preclear says. A fall follows at once upon the question being asked. A fall can be in two stages or more providing they take place within a second or two after the question. A fall is the diagnostic meter action. Set for falls from a still needle as given under sensitivity above. In starting out the first thing you want to know is, "Is the ~preclear~ reading on this meter?" You get the preclear to squeeze the cans. You get a fall as he does. Oh. He or she is reading on the meter. The meter is not broken or turned off or disconnected. It is the fall that tells us. The next thing we want to know is rudiments. It is the fall that tells us what we must handle. 192 BOOK TWO The next thing is the assessment. It is degree of fall that tells us what is right, for we always take the greatest fall we can obtain, the sensitivity being kept constant. The next thing is the running. We ignore the fall now and watch the tone arm instead. The needle, of course, has to move if the tone arm is going to move, but, until we want more rudiments type answers or until we want a new assessment, we ignore the needle and watch only the tone arm. ~Change of characteristic~ (4). Sometimes, we cannot get clean falls on what we are looking for. Another guide is "change of characteristic" of the needle. The needle is doing a pattern of small rises and falls. We ask a question, it stops moving. We ask another question, it resumes idly rising and falling as before. That stop is a ~change of characteristic~. Or the needle is stopped while we ask a long series of questions but suddenly does a small dance. That is a change of characteristic. Change of characteristic occurs when we hit on something in the preclear's bank. It occurs only when and each time that we ask that exact question. As the question or item alone changes the needle pattern, we must assume that that is ~it~ and we use it. A question that stops a rising needle is a change of characteristic question and like a fall means we have struck something. Further exploration usually develops it into a fall. By using "change of characteristic" we can sometimes get our foot in the door and get into a channel that brings about falls. ~The only~ needle reactions in which you should be interested are those which occur INSTANTLY, i.e., within one tenth to one half of a second after you have asked a question of the preclear. ~Rises~ (5). A rising needle means "no confront." Of course a needle ~must~ rise at times or the tone arm would never move. But it still means that the preclear has struck an area or something he isn't confronting. One never calls his attention to this. But one knows what it is. THE E-METER 193 The ~right~ circuit, valence, machinery, called off, will ~stop~ a rising needle. The rising needle is, a steady, constant movement of the needle, rather slow, from right to left. A needle returning to position after a fall is not a rising needle. ~A Theta Bop~ (6) is a small or wide steady dance of the needle. Over a spread of one-eighth of an inch, say (depending on sensitivity setting--it can be half an inch), the needle goes up and down perhaps five or ten times a second. It goes up, sticks, falls, sticks, goes up, sticks, etc., always the same distance, like a slow tuning fork. It is a constant distance and a constant speed. A theta bop means "death," "leaving," "don't want to be here." It is caused by a yo-yo of the preclear as a thetan vibrating out and into the body or a position in the body. It's as if the needle is jumping between two peaks across a narrow valley. Mention death to anyone (or make them think about it) while they're on a meter and you'll see a theta bop. Its use is to detect whether a preclear is being left stuck in death, or to locate death or departures. If a preclear wants badly to get out of session he or she may start theta bopping without being stuck in a death. But few theta bops mean the preclear wants to leave session. If you get a "bop" turned on during an assessment, it takes it quite a while, sometimes, to turn off. The next several questions after a "bop" turns on are therefore seldom validly readable. Just keep on with an assessment but be careful to go over the ground again and again if you're getting a "bop." Theta bops turn on fast and turn off slowly. They are not very important in diagnosis. They're more interesting than vital. ~Rock slam~ (7). In assessing or running you occasionally get a rock slam. A rock slam is a crazy, irregular, unequal, jerky motion of the needle, narrow as one inch or as wide as three inches happening several times a second. The needle "goes crazy," 194 BOOK TWO slamming back and forth, narrowly, widely, over on the left, over on the right, in a mad war dance or as if it were frantically trying to escape. It means ~hot terminal~ or ~hot~ anything in an assessment and takes precedence over a fall. It differs from a theta bop, which has no precedence over a fall, in that a theta bop is even and gentlemanly and a rock slam is as crazy as a Commie agitator. If found in an assessment, use it, but make sure of what turned it on before you buy. It means the item is hot. If found in running a process, just carry on. It means the going is hot, so for heaven's sakes don't stop the session. ~Free needle~ (8). This is probably the least understood term and needle action in all of E-metering. It means an idle, uninfluenced motion, no matter what you say. It isn't just null, it's uninfluenced by anything (except body reactions). Man, it's really free. You'll know one when you see one. They're really pretty startling. The needle just idles around and yawns at your questions on the subject. Use NULL as a word, not Free, if you're in doubt about it. A NULL just doesn't fall on a question. It might fall on a similar question. A free needle wouldn't fall if the psychiatrists surrendered in a body or the Empire State Building fell down. A free needle means, when it's used as a term, "The preclear is getting awful close to end phenomena." Tight needles (stuck) are far from free. A stuck needle can be made to fall by advancing the sensitivity way up. Thus even a "stuck needle" can be "null." But a free needle is not stuck or null. It just floats around. ~Body reactions~ (9). The deep breathing of a preclear, a sigh, a yawn, a sneeze, a stomach growl can any one of them make a needle react. Get a person on the cans. Turn the sensitivity high. Make him do the following one at a time: sigh, yawn, breathe deeply, cough, laugh, knock the cans together, lift a finger off the electrode (can), convulsively grip the cans, scratch his head while holding the cans, scratch his leg, rub a can against his or her shirt or skirt, rub his fingers THE E-METER 195 together without letting the cans touch, and stretch. Note the needle reactions. Now have the person do all these things again as you read them off. Now turn down the sensitivity knob so that the needle drops one-third of a dial (about one and a half inches). Now with that setting, read off the list to him and watch the needle. Do you see now why you don't run with high sensitivity? These are body reactions. The meter will also read basal metabolism, interesting because it tells you if the preclear really is eating, or has eaten breakfast. Have the preclear on the cans take a very deep breath. If a moment later the needle falls half a dial (two inches or more) the preclear has a good high basal metabolism. If he hasn't eaten breakfast, it won't fall like that. On the second or third deep breath let out, the basal metabolism stops registering, so the first time is the test, not subsequent tries. These are all more or less body reactions. They get in your road as to movement and sneezes and they don't affect your processing as to "cross currents" between auditor and preclear. So bear up under them and skip them. They're not important once you know what they are. ~Stage Four~ (10). A stage four needle is important to identify when met as it means this preclear is from Noplace as a case. A stage four is below a merely stuck needle. The preclear's thoughts and a few of your questions have any bearing on the preclear's case. A stage four needle goes up about an inch or two (always the same distance) and sticks and then falls, goes up, sticks, falls, about once a second or so. It is very regular, always the same distance, always the same pattern, over and over, on and on, and nothing you say or the preclear says changes it (except body reactions). Break through this meter action by pulling withholds or unkind thoughts or the Control, Communication, Havingness processes, and you have busted the lowest level of the case. But it's a disheartening phenomenon. The E-meter just doesn't react to anything except a kick in the head. Up, 196 BOOK TWO stick, fall, up, stick, fall. On and on like a metronome set for the ~Dead March of Saul~. Know it when you see it. Until you break it, there's no case change. ¤E-Meter Watching¤ An E-meter reacts instantly on the reactive mind. An OT doesn't react because he is able to be conscious. An aberree reacts because he can't think without thought exciting the reactivity of the reactive mind. This, being composed of mass, energy, space, time and thought, responds to tiny electrical impulses. If your auditing was not aimed at reactivity it would not register on a meter. Thus, you run what reacts because it reacts and is therefore part of the reactive mind. The reactive mind responds instantly on data a billion years ago. How is this? Time in the reactive mind is out of order. So is space. So is matter, so is energy. Pin a sign on the reactive mind: "Out of Order." It connects wrong connections, hence, the E-meter. What is wrong with the pc is not known to the pc. Therefore if a pc knows all about it, it isn't wrong with him. That's why you never run what the pc says. You run ~only~ what the meter says. Now, why are assessments wrong sometimes? Because the auditor is persuaded by the pc, not the meter. ~If~ the pc and the meter agree, so what. You can still run it. But only if the meter says so, for only then is it reactive. 1. The pc does not have to be given a chance to think before the needle responds. 2. The pc does not have to answer or say one word to make the needle respond. 3. All needle response is reactive. 4. There is not time in the reactive mind. 5. If the pc knew what was wrong with him it wouldn't be wrong. 6. Only the meter knows. 7. The auditor has more control over the pc's reactive mind than the pc since the pc is influenced by the reactive mind responses and the auditor is not so influenced. THE E-METER 197 The meter responds instantly. The reaction you will get on the needle starts to occur on the needle a fraction of a second after you utter it. There is no need to sit there afterwards waiting for the needle to respond again, for it won't until ~you~ push that button again. The only wait is caused by letting the needle come back at the end of a fall. This may make one second. Therefore, TO WAIT MORE THAN THREE SECONDS BEFORE UTTERING THE NEXT WORD ON THE LIST IS A COMPLETE WASTE OF AUDITING TIME. All the response you want will begin to occur instantly after you utter a question. Thus the maximum time between questions is at most a three second interval of silence while you digest the data. Further, on an assessment, you do not now say, "Do you . . ." or any other dunnage. You just say the question itself, note response, put a pencil point down on the line if it responds, say the next, etc., etc. Takes about five minutes to run down the list. The pc doesn't have to say a word throughout the whole assessment. You can even ask him politely not to, as breath going in and out in speech can vibrate the needle. All auditing actions and questions are done effectively, neither frantically rushed nor slowly. Don't wait for the E-meter to play Dixie. It was made in the Nawth. A read is a small fall ("SF"), Fall ("F"), Long Fall ("LF"), or Long Fall Blowdown* ("LFBD"). A "stop" is not a read. A "tick"* is always noted and in some cases becomes a wide read. THINGS THAT DON'T READ WON'T RUN. When you go around running unreading items you get low* and high TA* trouble. One does NOT tell the pc anything about the meter or its reads ever, except to indicate an F/N. Steering a pc with "that, that, that" on something reading is allowable. But that isn't putting attention on the meter but on his bank. 198 BOOK TWO Definition of "In Session" is "pc interested in own case and willing to talk to the auditor." Saying, "that reads," "that didn't read," "that blew down," is illegal. It is no substitute for TR 2. It violates the In Session definition by putting the pc's attention on the meter and can make him very unwilling to talk to the auditor! A survey of auditing has brought up the datum that the gross auditing error in failure to obtain results lies wholly in the inability to read an E-meter. You may some day get a huge reality on the fact that, in supervising auditing, all failures are gross auditing errors, not flukey case differences. Auditors often demand "an extraordinary solution" because such and such a case isn't moving. The unwise supervisor will actually furnish "extraordinary solution" after "extraordinary solution," "to handle this different case." It may be John Jones who "cannot think of any changes in his life" or it may be Mary Smith who "just doesn't respond!" And the supervisor burns the midnight oil and gives the auditor some new involved solution. Then as often as not, the auditor comes back the day after and says, "That didn't work either." And the supervisor goes a quarter around the bend and again burns the midnight oil. . . . If this seems familiar to you as a supervisor, know you ~should~ have asked, "~What~ didn't work?" Usually the auditor can't even recall the solution--it was never used. Or it was applied in some strange fashion. For ~today~, the reasons for failure all lie under the heading "Gross Auditing Error." Such an error would be, the auditor never arrived for the session, the E-meter was broken throughout, the pc hadn't eaten or slept for three days, the din from construction next door made it impossible to give commands or hear answers. The auditor didn't run any known process. That is the order of magnitude of a "Gross Auditing Error." It is never, the pc was unhappy, the pc has difficulty remembering, etc. In supervising auditing, ~always~ look for the gross auditing error and ~never~ give out an extraordinary solution. The auditors who were having trouble couldn't read an E-meter. THE E-METER 199 The errors went like this: 1. The auditor believed the E-meter could not be read while the needle was swinging around. The auditor was waiting until it stopped every time before asking a question. 2. The auditor believed the needle had to be exactly at "set" on the dial before it could be read. 3. The auditor did not know a rising needle could be read by stopping the rise with a question or making the needle twitch. 4. The auditor had not done the body reaction drills and was reading only body reactions and ignoring all others. 5. The auditor thought an E-meter could not be read if it showed breathing or heartbeat. 6. The auditor always looked at the pc for a few seconds after asking the question, then looked at the meter, and so missed all but latent (non-significant) reads. 7. The auditor sat staring at the meter for twenty seconds after the reading had registered. 8. The auditor thought E-meters could be fooled so easily, it was more reliable to make up his own mind about what the pc's item or guilt was. 9. An auditor thought that if the needle rose on a rudiment question, the rudiment was out. Get cases started by learning to really read an E-meter. ¤How To Smooth Out Needles¤ Quite often a pc is found whose needle is jerky, random, gives many prior and latent reads and goes into small scratchy patterns or wild, continuing rock slams. Such a needle is hard to read--and such a pc is a long way out of session a lot of the time. An auditor, seeing such a needle, and faced with the task of reading the instant read through all these prior and latents and scratchy patterns, tends to think in terms of heroic measures. It is "obvious" that this pc has W/Hs, missed W/Hs, overts* and secrets to end all reactive banks and that the thing one ought to do is pick each one of these random needle reactions up as soon as possible. ~BUT~ when you try to do this you find the needle gets even ~more~ confused. It reads something all the time! 200 BOOK TWO An extreme case of a dirty, random needle is not solved by "fish and fumble" or heroic measures. The pc's needle reacts that way because of ~no confidence~, which induces a sort of auto-control in session which induces a dirty needle. ~Ability to predict equals confidence~. The thing to do is give this pc about three sessions of rudiments and havingness--just model session severely with no Q and A or added chit-chat. The sessions should be each one about one hour long. All one does is do model session, getting the rudiments in carefully exactly by the text book. Avoid any Q and A. By doing this perfect, predictable text book auditing session, three times on the pc, most of these prior and latent reads will drop out and the needle will look much cleaner. Why? Because the pc is off auto or "in session." You can ~make~ a pc's needle get dirty and react to many odd thoughts by the pc by doing the following: 1. Try to clean off prior reads and avoid instant reads in getting ruds in. 2. Use a scruffy and ragged session pattern. 3. Double question any rudiments question. The pc's needle, even if very clean and loose at the start, will tighten up and develop patterns if an auditor fails to use a text book session. New pcs particularly require a severely text book session. Don't think because they're new they won't know. A pc who has become unwilling to be audited is best cured by three text book flawless sessions as above. Just establish a standard of excellence the pc can predict. And up will come the pc's confidence. There ~are~ no difficult pcs. There are only auditors who do not give text book sessions. If your pc has a ~dirty needle~, its cause is CUT ITSA or a ~session~ ARC break. ~NO~ other source such as earlier engrams can cause a dirty needle. If it's a dirty needle its cause lies in basic auditing not in technique errors. This rule is invariable. The ~apparent~ exception is the session ARC break that keys in bypassed technique charge. THE E-METER 201 An auditor whose basic auditing is poor (who Qs and As, cuts itsa, invalidates or evaluates, or who misses meter reads on rudiments or cleans cleans* or misses withholds) can be spotted by his pc's dirty needle. It's an invariable sign. ~If the pc has a dirty needle, the basic auditing of the auditor is bad~. That auditor ought to put one of his sessions on tape and listen to it and analyze it. Oddly enough, an auditor could run perfect technique and yet be so poor in basic auditing that the pc is always ARC breaking. This would be spotted by the pc's chronically dirty needle. You may see a dirty ~read~* on a pc while assessing. This means nothing as long as it is a dirty ~read~. A dirty needle, of course, jitters all the time. By their pc's needles you can know them. A "dirty needle" indicates that a pc has withholds or is ARC broken. If a DIRTY NEEDLE (ragged, jerky, ticking needle, not sweeping) is seen by the Examiner or the auditor prior to the pc receiving Dianetic auditing, the pc should have a Scientology review before Dianetic auditing is begun. The needle of a preclear with an ARC break may be dirty, stuck or sticky, but may ~also~ give the appearance of FLOATING. This is ~not~ a release point however, as the pc will be upset and out of comm at the same time. The auditor must observe the preclear and determine which it is. When a student auditor's pc develops a dirty needle ("DN") it is caused by one of three things: 1. The auditors TRs are bad. 2. The auditor is breaking the Auditor's Code. 3. The pc has withholds (W/Hs) he does not wish known. The remedy for TRs is to have the auditor do them in clay, showing the lines and actions of each TR. And to do more TRs with a fellow student auditor. The remedy for code breaks is to have the auditor define and demonstrate in clay invalidation and evaluation. 202 BOOK TWO And to list examples of possible upsets caused by breaking each line of the code. The remedy for the pc with withholds is handling out-rudiments. It is a safe rule in any event that when a "dirty needle" occurs to send the preclear to a Scientology Review auditor. It is also a safe rule to assume that the auditor whose pcs get dirty needles is deficient on TRs and the Auditor's Code. ¤Tone Arm Action (TA)¤ The skill of an auditor is directly measured by the amount of TA he or she can get. Pcs are not more difficult one than another. Any pc can be made to produce TA. But some auditors cut TA more than others. The state of case of the pc has nothing to do with getting tone arm action. An auditor is in absolute control of the bank--it always does what you tell it to do. A case ~must not~ be run without TA action or with minimal TA action. If it didn't occur, tone arm action has to have been prevented! It doesn't just "not occur." The most vital necessity of auditing is to get tone arm action. Not to worry the pc about it but just get TA action. Not to find something that will get future TA. But just to get TA NOW. Many auditors are still measuring their successes by things found or accomplished in the session. Though this is important too, it is secondary to tone arm action. 1. Get good tone arm action. 2. Get things done in the session to increase tone arm action. And body motion doesn't count as TA. Without tone arm motion no charge is being released and no actual case betterment is observed beyond a few somatics removed. The pc's session goals stay the same. The pc's life doesn't change. THE MOST CORRECT TRACK SIGNIFICANCES RUN BUT WITHOUT TA ACTION WILL NOT CHANGE BUT CAN DETERIORATE A CASE. It takes the right THE E-METER 203 process correctly run to get TA action. So don't underrate processes or the action of the auditor. TA MOVING SIGNALS AUDITOR NOT TO ACT. TA NOT MOVING SIGNALS AUDITOR TO ACT. Your enemy is over-restimulation of the pc. As soon as the pc goes into more charge than he or she can itsa easily the TA slows down! And as soon as the pc drowns in the over-restimulation the TA stops clank! A blowdown is a period of relief and cognition to a pc while it is occurring and for a moment after it stops. Therefore it is a serious goof for an auditor to speak or move during the blowdown or for a moment afterwards. ~An auditor must not speak or move during a blowdoum~. When the auditor has to move the TA from right to left to keep the needle on the dial and the movement is 0.1 divisions or more then a blowdown is occurring. The needle of course is falling to the right. That is a period of charge blowing off the bank. It is accompanied by realizations for the pc. Sometimes the pc does not voice them aloud. They nevertheless happen. If the auditor speaks or moves beyond adjusting the TA quietly with his thumb the pc may suppress the cognitions and stop the blowdown. To see if a needle floats the TA must be halted for a moment between 2 and 3 on a calibrated meter. A floating needle cannot be observed during a blowdown. For an auditor to sit up suddenly and look surprised or pleased, or for an auditor to say the next command or "That's it" during a blowdown can jolly well wreck a pc's case. So it's a real goof to do so. To get auditing results one must audit with a good comm cycle, accept the pc's answers, handle the pc's originations, and be unobtrusive with his auditing actions. One should not hold the pc up while he writes, not develop tricks like waiting for the pc to look at him before giving the next command, not prematurely acknowledge and so start compulsive itsa, and be very quiet during and just after a blowdown. It is also a serious goof for the auditor to speak or move during a blowdown of the tone arm. 204 BOOK TWO When a tone arm has to be moved rapidly down, the needle ~appears~ to float to some but it is just falling. To see if a needle is floating the TA must have stopped moving down. An auditor must set the sensitivity of an E-meter exactly right for ~each~ pc. The setting is different for almost every pc. Too low a sensitivity on some pcs (like Sens 5-32) will obscure reads and make them look like ticks. It will obscure an F/N. Whereas a Sens 16-128 will show reads and F/Ns. When auditing a pc who is doing well or an advanced preclear, the auditor who sets the sensitivity too high gets weird impressions of the case. "Latent reads" on such a case are common. They aren't latent at all. What happens is that the F/N is more than a dial wide at high sensitivity and a started F/N looks like a read as its sweep is stopped by the pin on the right of the dial. In this way uncharged items are taken up, the case is slowed, overrun and general upsets requiring repairs occur. A Clear sometimes has a floating TA* at Sens 32-32 instead of an F/N. He would have to be run at Sens 3-32 two cans to keep him on a dial or detect F/Ns. This is a ~very~ important matter as the auditor will miss F/Ns, think beginning F/Ns are reads and as the pre-OT is off the dial, miss reads. Thus uncharged areas are run and charged ones are missed. The result is very chaotic to repair. Some lower level pcs also have a need for lower sensitivity settings. Sometimes an easy pc looks very difficult just because of wrong sensitivity settings. Set the sensitivity for the pc for a half dial F/N maximum or minimum. Don't get repairs. Get wins. THE E-METER 205 ¤Meter Trim Check¤ E-meters can go out of trim during a session because of temperature changes. Thus even if the meter is properly calibrated and reads at 2.0 with a 5,000 ohm resistor across the leads and 3.0 with 12,500 ohms, by the end of the session a pc can be apparently reading below 2.0 because the meter is off trim. The following meter procedure is therefore to be followed AT THE END OF EACH SESSION (AFTER GIVING "THAT'S IT"): 1. Don't move the trim knob. 2. Pull out the jack plug. 3. Move the TA until the needle is on "set" at the sensitivity you were using in the session. 4. Record the TA position at the bottom of the Auditor's Report Form as: "Trim check--TA= . . ." 5. If your meter is known to be out of calibration (as above) record also: "Calibration error-- . . . on meter = 2.0 actual" at the bottom of the form. ~You must never never never have your meter in a position where the preclear can read the TA~. To do so can cause the pc to worry about his TA position and take his attention off his case. It violates Clause 17 of the Auditor's Code. ¤False TA¤ Some pcs have a ~very~ difficult time in auditing due solely to can (electrode) outnesses. Some auditors have heavy losses because they do not realize the troubles that can come from electrodes and thus remedy them. The TA must be between 2 and 3 for a correct F/N. When the TA is reading falsely a pc can be butchered. Example: Auditor talking the TA down. It gets to "3.1" by his meter. So he gets the pc to talk a bit more to get the TA between 2 and 3 and F/N. The TA suddenly rises to 3.8. Pc and auditor go desperate. What has happened is that the TA was a false read. It was really reading 2.9 and F/Ning but for reasons given below it read "3.1." Thus the 206 BOOK TWO auditor overran the F/N and by keeping on invalidated the release, pulled the pc's attention out of session and demanded more than the pc had to give. Example: Auditor two-way communicating with pc to get the TA up from "1.8." The TA suddenly sinks to1.6, pc goes into apathy. What happened was a missed F/N. For reasons covered below the TA at 1.8 was false and was really at 2.1 and F/Ning. Example: Pc being asked for an earlier similar incident because TA is at "4.0." Pc can't get one, gets desperate, TA goes to 5.0. For reasons given below the TA was at 3.0 but was reading falsely at "4.0." Some cases get upset at the very idea of F/N when these mistakes are made. More than one case has missed all his wins for a year because of a false TA. So it is very important to know how a false TA comes about and how to avoid it. A ~properly set up meter with cans (electrodes) fitted to a pc who is holding them properly IS ALWAYS CORRECT~. However, totally false tone arm readings can exist and ~an auditor must know how these come about~. A meter can be improperly trimmed (not set at 2.0 with the trim knob) and can give a false TA position. Further, when a meter is not left on a minute or two before trimming, it can drift in the session and give a slightly false TA. The trim can be quietly checked mid-session by snapping out the jack where the cord goes into the box and putting the TA on 2, seeing if the needle is now on SET. If not, the trim knob can be moved to adjust it. The jack is quietly slipped back in. All without distracting the pc. A cadmium cell meter discharges very suddenly when it does go flat. In mid-session the meter can run out of battery. The TA will cease to act well and may go very false. The remedy is to keep a meter charged at least one hour for every ten of auditing for 240 AC volt charging THE E-METER 207 current, or two hours for every ten of auditing on a 110 AC volt charging current. A meter lasts much longer than this in practice but the above is very safe. Before each session snap the knob over to TEST. The needle should hit ~hard~ on the right side of the face. It can even bounce. This guarantees lots of charge in the battery and no chance of a meter going flat in session. If the needle doesn't snap to the right hard or if it doesn't quite get there on TEST, then that meter will go flat in mid-session and give false TA and no reads or TA on hot subjects. When a pc's hands sweat a lot you will get a low TA. Contrary to 19th century superstition the meter does not work on sweat. Very sweaty hands as found on nervous persons gives a false TA. It goes low. ~Many~ "low TA cases" are just sweaty hand cases. Paper handkerchiefs (Kleenex) are a standard item for an auditing room--for grief charges and burning eyes, etc. These should be available. If the TA is low, check if the pc's hands are wet. If so have him wipe them and get a new read. It is usually found that the 1.6 was really 2.0. Or the 1.6 was really 1.8 and the trim was 1.8 = 2.0. Have the pc wipe hands, check and correct trim before you bypass all a "low TA's" F/Ns! TAs can go low. Invalidation of the pc, lousy TRs can drive one low. If so the TA comes back up on repair. But don't brand a case a low TA case until you make sure his hands are dried and the meter trimmed. Also, very small cans or cans too small for the pc can give a slightly low reading. Some pcs have extremely dry hands, usually from industrial chemicals such as chlorine in dish water or skin scale. This can give a wildly high TA. The pc can be worried to death with high TA repairs when in fact he just doesn't have contact with the electrodes. 208 BOOK TWO Metal foot plates connected to the meter and the pc barefooted in session will usually handle. A quick test is have the pc put the cans under his armpits and you'll see if its his calloused or chemically dried out hands. A rare pc is so crippled with arthritis that he doesn't make contact fully with the cans. This gives a high TA. Use foot plates or wide wrist straps and you'll right read. Sometimes a rare pc lets his hands go slack on the cans, particularly if they are the wrong size cans, too big. This gives a mysterious "high TA." It is false. The TA will come down only to 3.2 and F/N and of course an overrun then really gives a high TA. And the pc goes a bit frantic and begins to believe things don't erase or release. Keep the pc's hands in sight. Check the pc's grip. Get smaller cans. The most common fault is wrong can size. For a normal or large handed pc the can size is about 4 7/8ths inches by 2 5/8th inches or 12 1/2 cm by 7 cm. This can be altered as big as 4 1/2 inches by 3 inches diameter or 11 cm by 8 cm. This is standard. This can is too large for people with small hands. These should use a can 3 3/4" by 2 1/8th inches or 9 cm by 5 cm diameter or thereabouts. A small child would be lost even with that can. So a small 35 mm film can could be used. This is 2 inches long by 1 3/16th" diameter or 5 cm by 3 cm. This works but watch it as these cans are aluminum. They do work but test for true read with a slightly larger can and then trim to adjust for the aluminum if any different. Cans of course should be STEEL with a thin tin plating. Regular soup cans. Can size to match the pc avoids slack can grip or tiring the hands into going slack, giving the auditor 3.2 F/Ns and trouble. A pc who is too cold sometimes has a falsely high TA. Wrap him in a blanket or get a warmer auditing room. THE E-METER 209 The auditing environment is the responsibility of the auditor. Between 2 and 3 a.m. or late at night a pc's TA may be very high. The time depends on when he sleeps usually. This TA will be found normal in regular hours. Rings on the pc's hands must always be removed. They don't influence TA but they give a false rock-slam. Many an auditor before now has gone a bit mad trying to handle a floating TA. They are not very common and are startling. What happens is the pc is so released the needle can't be gotten onto the dial. The needle is swinging wider than the meter dial both ways from center and appears to lay first on one side then the other. The TA can't be moved fast enough to keep the extreme floating needle on the dial. This gives a false TA of sorts as it can't be read. Some auditors seeing it for the first time have even sent the pc out of the room so they could "adjust" the meter or get another one! Thus the very highest state of release can be invalidated as where ~is~ the TA? You'd think soup was very expensive the way some auditors hold onto old cans. Corroded cans can falsify TA. Get new ones now and then. And then there was the vain lady who wore shoes too small for her feet. She removed them every session. The session went well each time. Then she put on her agonizing shoes and went to the Examiner and the C/Ses and auditors all went mad trying to find out why every exam had a high TA. Tight shoes. The E-meter is accurate. It is a lovely instrument. You have to fit the pc to it. Regardless of can size, cold E-meter electrodes tend to give a much higher tone arm reading particularly on some PCs. Until the cans warm up, the reading is generally false and is false in the direction of high. 210 BOOK TWO A chilled pc almost always has a high TA until he or she gets warm. Just throwing a coat over the pc's shoulders can bring down a TA in a cool room. But some pcs are "cold blooded" and the shock of ice cold cans can drive the TA up and it takes a while to drift down. This has a great effect on examinations where the cans are used very briefly. A practice which gets around this is for the auditor or Examiner to hold the cans briefly until they are warm and then give them to the pc. A variation is for the auditor or Examiner to put the cans under his armpits while setting up. This warms them. There are probably many other ways to warm up cans to body temperature. Tests show that footplates do not give exactly the same read as hand held electrodes on pcs who have nothing wrong with their hands. This is probably due to body imbalance. Cans held under the armpits or under knees (not advised as there sometimes is a tiny electrical sting) give varied reads from hand held cans. Where full weight rests on the footplates the read is also varied. To all practical purposes the differences can be neglected unless they give trouble in getting F/Ns. One should simply be alert in using footplates and find out the differences ~if~ new problems of false TA or no F/Ns develop and handle any such trouble when it occurs. A person used to going barefoot for instance would have foot callouses and would give a false footplate TA. Some pcs (rare) take mistaken pride in being able to push the TA up by straining or tensing. By just moving into the body the TA can be sent up by an otherwise exterior pc. Some pcs also take a road out by "getting an F/N at will." They have various tricks that do this, the main one being to "think of something else" and get an F/N. Any of these (rare) pcs are manifesting out-of-sessionness. They aren't in session. THE E-METER 211 The definition of In Session is "interested in own case and willing to talk to the auditor." Remedy that and they cease such tricks. Usually they aren't being run on what they are interested in or have comm blocks or withholds or no confidence. They are easy to detect and easy to handle. There is an infinity of wrong ways to get a pc to read between 2.0 and 3.0 on an E-meter. One method would be to shoot him. Dead bodies read between 2.0 and 3.0. Another way is to throw the trim knob off. An auditor who is not very expert is apt to find strange ways to do things because the usual is beyond his skill. The commonest sources of high TA are PROTEST, OVERTS and out-INTERIORIZATION RUNDOWN and too big or too small cans. The commonest sources of low TA are overwhelming auditor TRs or wet sweaty hands. The subject is not open to experimentation. If a pc's TA is low or high and you don't correct it with the usual remedies mentioned above, the pc goes into the soup. GOOD AUDITORS KNOW THEIR TECH AND USE IT TO REMEDY HIGH AND LOW TAs. GOOD AUDITORS DO HONEST WORKSHEETS AND HONEST AUDITING. BE A GOOD AUDITOR. A meter is a meter. Meters are used to measure water, natural gas, and many other things. An ~E~-meter is used to measure a pc. If you rig a meter up so as to falsify its read you get a wrong result. You could rig up a water meter so it read that twice as much water had flowed and then sit around and wonder all week why the swimming pool never filled up. The ACCURACY of a meter depends upon its being honestly set up and honestly used. The HONESTY of the auditor determines his results. 212 BOOK TWO The whole field of psychotherapy was dishonest from the days of witch doctors to psychiatry. Falsified data came from lack of knowledge of the mind. This made its practitioners DISHONEST. We do not and must not follow that fatal road. The technology we have WORKS to definite positive predictable results. Results are obtained if the auditor has honestly studied and understood his materials and honestly applies them. Falsifying study leads to falsifying meters and this gives bad results on pcs. One who does not know his materials and who cannot do his drills then thinks he has to make a meter cheat. HONEST use of the meter by an HONEST auditor is the route to GOOD RESULTS. A bad practice has arisen to "beat" the low TA. This is to have the pc wipe his hands every few minutes to get the TA up above 2.0. Not only does this distract the pc and yank him out of session, but it is by inference putting his attention on the meter, a thing a good auditor does NOT do in a formal session. The pc's attention must be on his own case in a session, not on the meter or his hands. An answer to low TA because of wet hands is footplates. But the best answer is to get the pc up scale so he doesn't have perspiring hands. Overwhelming TRs is the commonest reason for low TAs. Not all the hand wiping in the world will cure poor TRs. Some auditors "spook" (leap off the road like a horse frightened by something blowing along) at the very thought of high or low TAs. This is because they haven't got the TRs to handle a low TA nor the tech to handle a high one. One "auditor" "solved it" by just calling F/Ns whenever she got tired of the pc regardless of TA position. After a year or more of this she saw the light and became ethical. The funny part is that her co-auditor had been doing the same thing on her! HONEST TA IS THE BEST POLICY. THE E-METER 213 Apparently when a person has taken certain medicines or chemicals, or uses detergent soaps or is in contact with certain chemicals (such as those in some furniture polishes) the ordinary skin oils vanish. These oils are needed to make an electrical contact with the cans. When these oils are absent, there is no adequate electrical contact and the "TA is high." When a person is deficient in certain minerals or vitamins such as magnesium or B Complex, his hands can be excessively wet. Either of these two conditions in hands ~or feet~ can produce an incorrect TA position. The dry condition produces a false high TA. The overly wet condition produces a false low TA. The TA depends on normally moist hands. This does not mean the meter works on "sweat." It does mean the meter works only when there is a correct electrical contact. Too much and too greasy hand cream could produce too low a TA. Too much powder or drier could produce too high a TA. Therefore one must not go to extremes. The excessively "dry" hand is seen as shiny or polished looking. It feels very dry. The correct treatment is to use a "vanishing cream" (obtainable from any cosmetics store) not a greasy hand cream. The "vanishing cream" is so called because it rubs all the way into the skin and leaves no excess grease. This restores normal electrical contact. There are many such creams. It makes no difference which is used so long as it vanishes into the skin. It is doubtful if it would have to be applied more than once--at session start--as it lasts for a long while. This would apply to some footplate cases as well (whose hands are defective or too heavily calloused). If a cream leaves smears on a can, it is too heavily applied or too little absorbed. Vanishing type cream is usually smeared on, rubbed in and can then be thoroughly wiped off. The hands (or feet) will usually produce, then, a normal TA and meter response. 214 BOOK TWO Anti-perspirants can be applied to too wet hands. There are many brands of these, often a powder or spray. It can be wiped off after application and should work for two or three hours. It can be applied to hands or feet (for footplates). If the TA then goes too high, use vanishing cream on top of it. While much work could be done still, the above is enough for a practical result. High TAs and low TAs do not widely F/N. If you are getting a wide persistent F/N with the TA too high (above 3) or too low (below 2) you have a pc whose hands are too dry or too wet. Using this information should correct it and in future sessions you should continue the remedy on ~that~ pc. NOTHING excuses the misreading or falsifying of a TA. Get the TA in normal range with this data before you start calling processes ended. C/S 53RH* and the False TA Checklist are your tools for handling too high and too low TAs. The only other conditions I know of that make an auditor mess up a pc's TA are: a. A discharged meter (registers high). b. An incorrectly set meter by trim button. c. A "fleeting F/N" where the pc F/Ns so briefly the auditor misses it and overruns. d. Bad TRs. e. Unflat processes. f. Overrun processes. g. Heavy drugs or medicines. False TA often comes to light when the auditor runs out of reasons it is high or low and it dawns on him that he is dealing with false TA. In the latter case he should know all MATERIALS ON THE SUBJECT OF FALSE TA AND REMEDY THE FALSE TA SITUATION AND THEN RESUME NORMAL AUDITING. He must not go on calling high or low TA F/Ns just by assuming the TA is false. Given a contact the meter always tells the truth. THE E-METER 215 ¤~False TA Checklist~¤ The following are the items to be checked by an auditor on any pc. It need only be done once unless the check itself is suspected false, or if conditions of the pc's hands etc., change. The checklist is kept in the pc folder and is entered on the folder summary as an action done. The value of operating with correct can size should not be underestimated. The auditor signs and answers the following points on the checklist, and gets answers from the pc where needed. ---------------------------------- R-factor to pc: "We are going to check the cans and adjust them to get the best accuracy." 1. Is the meter charged fully? __ 2. Is the meter trimmed correctly? __ 3. Are the leads connected to the meter and cans? __ 4. Are the cans rusty? __ 5. Are pc's hands excessively dry requiring vanishing cream? __ 6. Are the pc's hands excessively wet requiring powder? __ 7. The pc is ~NOT~ being told continually to wipe his hands? __ 8. The pc's grip on the cans is ~NOT~ being continually checked by the auditor in a way that interrupts the pc? __ 9. TA position on large cans? Size approx. 4 7/8 inches by 2 5/8 inches or 12 1/2 em by 7 cm __ 216 BOOK TWO 10. TA position on medium cans? Size approx. 3 3/4 inches by 2 1/8 inches or 9 cm. by 5 cm. __ 11. TA position on small cans? Size approx. 2 inches by 1 3/16 inches or 5 cm by 3 cm __ 12. Are the cans too large for pc? __ 13. Are the cans too small for pc? __ 14. Are the cans just right in size? __ 15. Are the cans cold? __ 16. Are the pc's hands dry or calloused? __ 17. Does the pc have arthritic hands? __ 18. TA position on foot plates? __ (Foot plates are used and TA checked on them when the answer to 16 & 17 is affirmative.) 19. Are the pc's feet calloused or excessively wet or dry? __ 20. Does the pc loosen his grip on the cans? __ 21. Check the pc's grip, does he hold the cans correctly? __ 22. Is the pc hot? __ 22A. Is the pc well slept? __ 23. Is the pc cold? __ 23A. Is the pc hungry? __ 24. Is it too late at night? __ 25. Is auditing being done not in the pc's normal ~regular~ awake hours? __ 26. Are there rings on the pc's hands? __ 27. Is the pc wearing tight shoes? __ THE E-METER 217 28. Is the pc wearing tight clothes? __ 29. Is it actually chronic high or low TA case condition? __ 30. Has the pc gone into despair over his TA? __ The handling of these points is stated above. The handling of high or low TA after checking these points is by C/S 53RH, Short Hi-Lo TA Assessment C/S. When a pc goes to the Examiner he ~must~ use footplates or the same size cans as he uses in session. To fail to do this could falsely upset a pc and confuse the auditor and C/S. The Examiner should have various sizes of cans on his table, and a set of foot plates on the floor connected to its own leads, so that it can be plugged in quickly when required. The Examiner should place a small clear sign in front of his meter shield advising the pc to use the same sized cans or footplates as used in session. ¤Summary¤ It will be seen that the tone arm, the sensitivity knob, and the needle form three distinctly different parts of E-meter operations. The tone arm shows case change and process action. The needle shows case significance and reality. The sensitivity knob is a magnifying glass for the needle. The ~needle~ shows ~what to run~. The ~tone~ arm shows ~how it is running~. When searching, watch the needle. When running a process, watch the tone arm. The needle's most looked for reaction is the fall. The tone arm's most looked for reactions are: (a) change of position, and (b) ceasing to change position. Skill with the meter comes from gaining great familiarity with it, by handling and using it. Handle the meter. Study this book. Handle the meter. Become an expert. Then read this book again and you'll be one. CHAPTER 3 OBSERVING THE OBVIOUS Obnosis is a word put together from the phrase: "observing the obvious." The art of observing the obvious is strenuously neglected in our society at this time. Pity. It's the only way you ever see anything; you observe the obvious. You look at the is-ness of something, at what is actually there. Fortunately for us, the ability to obnose is not any sense "inborn" or mystical. But it is being taught that way by people outside of Dianetics and Scientology. How do you teach somebody to see what is there? Well, you put up something for him to look at, and have him tell you what he sees. A student is asked to stand up in front of the classroom and be looked at by the rest of the students. A supervisor stands by and keeps asking, "What do you see?" The first responses run about like this: "Well, I can see he's had a lot of experience." "Oh, can you? Can you really see his experience? What do you see there?" "Well, I can tell from the wrinkles around his eyes and mouth that he's had lots of experience." 220 BOOK TWO "All right, but what do you see?" "Oh, I get you. I see wrinkles around his eyes and mouth." "Good!" The supervisor accepts nothing that isn't plainly visible. A student starts to catch on and says: "Well, I can really see he's got ears." "All right, but from where you're sitting can you see both ears right now as you're looking at him?" "Well, no." "Okay. What do you see?" "I see he's got a left ear." "Fine!" No conjectures, no tacit assumptions will do. Nor are the students permitted to wander in the bank. For example, "He's got good posture." "Good posture by comparison with what?" "Well, he's standing straighter than most people I've seen." "Are they here now?" "Well, no, but I've got pictures of them." "Come on. Good posture in relation to what that you can see right now?" "Well, he's standing straighter than you are. You're a little slouched." "Right this minute?" "Yes." "Very good." You see what the goal of this is? It is to get a student to the point where he can look at another person or an object and see exactly what is there. Not a deduction of what might be there from what he does see there. Not something the bank says ought to go in company with what is there. Just what is there, visible and plain to the eye. It's so simple, it hurts. Along with this practice in observing the obvious about people, students can be taught a lot of information about particular physical and verbal indications of tone level. Things very easy to see and hear, by looking at a person's body and listening to his words. "Thetan-watching" has no OBSERVING THE OBVIOUS 221 part in obnosis. Look at the terminal, the body, and listen to what's coming out of it. You don't want to get mystical about this, and start relying on "intuition." Just look at what's there. As examples: You can get a good tip on chronic tone from what a person does with his eyes. At apathy, he will give the appearance of looking fixedly for minutes on end, at a particular object. Only thing is, he doesn't see it. He isn't aware of the object at all. If you dropped a bag over his head, the focus of his eyes would probably remain the same. Moving up to grief, the person does look "downcast." A person in chronic grief tends to focus his eyes down in the direction of the floor a good bit. In the lower ranges of grief, his attention will be fairly fixed, as in apathy. As he starts moving up into the fear band, you get the focus shifting around, but still directed downward. At fear itself, the very obvious characteristic is that the person can't look at you. Terminals are too dangerous to look at. He's supposedly talking to you, but he's looking over in left field. Then he glances at your feet briefly, then over your head (you get the impression a plane's passing over), but now he's looking back over his shoulder. Flick, flick, flick. In short, he'll look anywhere but at you. Then, in the lower band of anger, he will look away from you deliberately. You know, he looks away from you; it's an overt communication break. A little further up the line, and he'll look directly at you all right, but not very pleasantly. He wants to locate you--as a target. Then, at boredom, you get the eyes wandering around again, but not frantically as in fear. Also, he won't be avoiding looking at you. He'll include you among the things he looks at. Equipped with data of this sort, and having gained some proficiency in looking at the is-ness of people, students are sent out into the public to talk to strangers and to spot them on the tone scale. Usually, but only as a slight crutch in approaching people, they are given a series of questions to ask each person, and a clipboard for jotting the answers, notes, etc. They are public opinion poll-takers from the Church of Scientology. The real purpose of their talking to people at all is to spot them on the tone scale, chronic tone 222 BOOK TWO and social tone. They are given questions calculated to produce lags and break through social machinery, so that the chronic tone juts out. Here are some sample questions, actually used: "What's the most obvious thing about me?" "When was the last time you had your hair cut?" "Do you think people do as much work now as they did fifty years ago?" At first, the students merely spot the tone of the person they are interviewing--and many and various are the adventures they have while doing this! Later, as they gain some assurance about stopping strangers and plying them with questions, these instructions are added: "Interview at least 15 people. With the first five, match their tone, as soon as you've spotted it. The next five, you drop below their chronic tone, and see what happens. For this last five, put on a higher tone than theirs." What does a student gain from these exercises? For one thing he gains a willingness to communicate with anyone. To begin with, students are highly selective about the sort of people they stop, e.g., only old ladies, or no one who looks angry, or only people who look clean. Finally, they just stop the next person who comes along, even though he looks leprous and armed to the teeth. The student's confrontingness has come way up, and this person is just somebody else to talk to. They become willing to pinpoint a person on the scale, without shilly-shallying. Then say, "He's a chronic 1.1 (per numbers on the Tone Scale) social tone 3.5, but real phony." That's the way it is, and they can see it. They also become quite gifted and flexible at assuming tones at will, and putting them across convincingly. This is very useful in many situations, and lots of fun to do. They grow adept at punching through a comm lag in an informal situation, and at sorting out apparencies from realities. The rise in certainty of communication, and in ease and relaxation of manner while handling people, in the students who have been run through this mill, is something which must be seen or experienced to be believed. The one most often repeated request in every course is: "can't we please have some more obnosis this week? We haven't had enough of it yet." (This statement is very funny to Supervisors, because OBSERVING THE OBVIOUS 223 these same students said at the beginning, "If you make me go out there, I'll walk out on the course.") Obnosis is quite important, and should be learned as thoroughly as possible by all Scientologists. Here are some scales used in Scientology and Dianetics, including a Table of Reality-Spotting by E-meter. ¤Tone Scale¤ Tone Scale Expanded Know to Mystery Scale Serenity of Beingness 40.0 Know Postulates 30.0 Not Know Games 22.0 Know About Action 20.0 Look Exhilaration 8.0 Plus Emotion Aesthetic 6.0 Enthusiasm 4.0 Cheerfulness 3.5 Strong Interest 3.3 Conservatism 3.0 Mild Interest 2.9 Contented 2.8 Disinterested 2.6 Boredom 2.5 Monotony 2.4 Antagonism 2.0 Minus Emotion Hostility 1.9 Pain 1.8 Anger 1.5 Hate 1.4 Resentment 1.3 No Sympathy 1.2 Unexpressed Resentment 1.15 Covert Hostility 1.1 Anxiety 1.02 Fear 1.0 Despair .98 Terror .96 Numb .94 Sympathy .9 224 BOOK TWO Propitiation (Higher Toned, .8 Selectively Gives) Grief .5 Making Amends (Propi- .375 tiation, Can't Withhold Anything) Undeserving .3 Self-Abasement .2 Victim .1 Hopeless .07 Apathy .05 Useless .03 Dying .01 Body Death 0.0 Failure 0.0 Pity -0.1 Shame (Being Other -0.2 Bodies) Accountable -0.7 Blame (Punishing Other -1.0 Bodies) Regret (Responsibility as -1.3 Blame) Controlling Bodies -1.5 Effort Protecting Bodies -2.2 Owning Bodies -3.0 Think Approval from Bodies -3.5 Needing Bodies -4.0 Symbols Worshipping Bodies -5.0 Eat Sacrifice -6.0 Sex Hiding -8.0 Mystery Being Objects -10.0 Wait Being Nothing -20.0 Unconscious Can't Hide -30.0 Total Failure -40.0 Unknowable ¤Reality-Spotting by E-Meter¤ Needle characteristics plotted on a scale with numerical tone scale values. There are two scales: "old" Reality Scale and "new" Reality Scale. OBSERVING THE OBVIOUS 225 Tone Reality Scale Needle (Old) Characteristics 40-20 Postulates Produces meter phenomena at will. 20-4 Consideration Free needle. 4-2 Agreements Free needle, drop at will. 1.5 Solid Terminals Drop. 1.1 Terminals too Theta bop. solid Lines solid 1-.5 No terminal Solid line Stuck, sticky. .5-.1 No terminal Less solid line .1 No real terminal No solid line Rising needle. Substitute terminal 0.0 No terminal Stuck. Also No line stage four needle ("all machine--no pc"). ¤¤¤¤ Tone Reality Scale Needle (New) Characteristics 40-20 Pan-Determined* Produces meter Creation phenomena at will. 20-4 Self-Determined* Free needle. Creation 4-2 Experience Free needle, drop at will. 1.5 Confront Drop. 1.1 Elsewhereness Theta bop. 1-.5 Invisibility Stuck, sticky. .5-.1 Blackness .1 Dub-In (no confront, not-isness)* Rising needle. 0.0 Unconsciousness Stuck. Also stage four needle ("all machine--no pc"). For complete description of human behavior at the above tone levels, study ~Science of Survival~ with the "Chart of Human Evaluation." Learn also the "Hubbard Chart of Attitudes." The above chart of correlations applies in two ways: 1. by the chronic standard reaction of the preclear, 2. by type of material contacted. ¤The 55 Human Perceptions¤ 1. Time 2. Sight 3. Taste 4. Color 226 BOOK TWO 5. Solidity (Barriers) 6. Relative Sizes (External) 7. Sound 8. Pitch 9. Tone 10. Volume 11. Rhythm 12. Smell (4 subdivisions) 13. Touch (4 subdivisions) 14. Personal Emotion 15. Endocrine States 16. Awareness of Awareness 17. Personal Size 18. Organic Sensation (including Hunger) 19. Heartbeat 20. Blood Circulation 21. Cellular and Bacterial Position 22. Gravitic (Self and other weights) 23. Motion of Self 24. Motion (Exterior) 25. Body Position 26. Joint Position 27. Internal Temperature 28. External Temperature 29. Balance 30. Muscular Tension 31. Saline Content of Self (Body) 32. Fields/Magnetic 33. Time Track Motion 34. Physical Energy (Personal Weariness, etc.) 35. Self-Determinism (Relative on each Dynamic) 36. Moisture (Self) 37. Sound Direction 38. Emotional State of other Organs 39. Personal Position on the Tone Scale 40. Affinity (Self and others) 41. Communication (Self and Others) 42. Reality (Self and Others) 43. Emotional State of Groups 44. Compass Direction OBSERVING THE OBVIOUS 227 45. Level of Consciousness 46. Pain 47. Perception of Conclusions (Past and Present) 48. Perception of Computation (Past and Present) 49. Perception of Imagination (Past and Present) 50. Perception of Having Perceived (Past and Present) 51. Awareness of Not-Knowing 52. Awareness of Importance, Unimportance 53. Awareness of Others 54. Awareness of Location and Placement a. Masses b. Spaces c. Location Itself 55. Perception of Appetite (Problem covered under 18) ¤Bad Indicators¤ 1. Pc not wanting to be audited. 2. Pc protesting auditing. 3. Pc looking worse after auditing. 4. Pc not able to locate incidents easily. 5. Pc "not having time for auditing." 6. Pc less certain. 7. Pc not doing well in life. 8. Somatics not blowing or erasing. 9. Pc in ethics trouble after auditing. 10. Pc protesting auditor actions. 11. Pc wandering all over track. 12. Pc misemotional at session end. 13. Pc demanding unusual solutions. 14. Skin tone dull. 15. Eyes dull. 16. Pc trying to self audit* in or out of session. 17. Pc continuing to complain of old somatics after they have been run. 18. Pc dependence on medical treatment not lessening. 19. Pc using, or continuing to use, other treatments. 20. Pc lethargic. 21. Pc not becoming more cheerful. 22. Pc wanting special auditing. 228 BOOK TWO 23. No TA action on running incidents. 24. Pc not cogniting. 25. Pc dispersed. 26. Pc trying to explain condition to auditor or others. 27. Pc bored with auditing. 28. Pc not available for sessions. 29. Pc tired. 30. Pc attention on auditor. 31. Pc not wanting to run the process or incident. 32. Pc overwhelmed. 33. Pc taking drugs or excessive alcohol. 34. Pc not sure that auditing works for him. 35. Pc continuing former practices. 36. Pc not handling environment more easily. 37. Pc sick between sessions. 38. Pc not going on to next grade or level. ¤Good Indicators¤ 1. Pc cheerful or getting more cheerful. 2. Pc cogniting. 3. Fundamental rightnesses of pc asserting themselves. 4. Pc giving things to auditor briefly and accurately. 5. Pc finding things rapidly. 6. Meter reading properly. 7. What's being done giving proper meter response. 8. What's being found giving proper meter response. 9. Pc running rapidly and flattening by TA or cognitions. 10. Pc giving auditor information easily. 11. Needle cleanly swinging about. 12. Pc running easily and if pc encounters somatics they are discharging. 13. Tone arm goes down when pc hits a cognition. 14. Further TA blowdown as pc continues to talk about something. 15. Expected meter behavior and nothing unexpected in meter behavior. 16. Pc gets warm and stays warm in auditing or gets hot and unheats while in auditing. 17. Pc has occasional somatics of brief duration. OBSERVING THE OBVIOUS 229 18. Tone arm operating in the range of 2.0 to 3.5. 19. Good TA action on spotting things. 20. Meter reading well on what pc and auditor think is wrong. 21. Pc not much troubled with present time problems and they are easily handled when they occur. 22. Pc stays certain of the auditing solution. 23. Pc happy and satisfied with auditor regardless of what auditor is doing. 24. Pc not protesting auditor's actions. 25. Pc looking better by reason of auditing. 26. Pc feeling more energetic. 27. Pc without pains, aches or illnesses developing during auditing. Does not mean pc shouldn't have somatics. Means pc shouldn't get sick. 28. Pc wanting more auditing. 29. Pc confident and getting more confident. 30. Pc's itsa free but only covers subject. 31. Auditor easily seeing how it was or is on pc's case by reason of pc's explanations. 32. Pc's ability to itsa and confront improving. 33. Pc's bank getting straightened out. 34. Pc comfortable in the auditing environment. 35. Pc appearing for auditing on his own volition. 36. Pc on time for session and willing and ready to be audited but without anxiety about it. 37. Pc's trouble in life progressively lessening. 38. Pc's attention becoming freer and more under pc's control. 39. Pc getting more interested in data and technology of Dianetics and Scientology. 40. Pc's havingness in life and livingness improving. 41. Pc's environment becoming more easily handled. CHAPTER 4 END PHENOMENA Now and then you will get a protest from preclears about "floating needles." The preclear feels there is more to be done yet the auditor says, "Your needle is floating." A lot of by-passed charge can be stirred up which upsets the preclear. The reason this subject of floating needles gets into trouble is that the auditor has not understood a subject called END PHENOMENA. END PHENOMENA is defined as "those indicators in the pc and meter which show that a chain or process is ended." It shows in Dianetics that basic on that chain and flow has been erased and in Scientology that the pc has been released on that process being run. A new flow or a new process can be embarked upon, of course, when the end phenomena of the previous process is attained. Floating needles are only one-fourth of the end phenomena in all Dianetic auditing. 232 BOOK TWO Any Dianetic auditing has four definite reactions in the pc which show the process is ended. 1. Floating needle 2. Cognition 3. Very good indicators (pc happy) (VGIs) 4. Erasure of the final picture audited. Auditors get panicky about overrun. If you go past the ~end phenomena~ the F/N will pack up (cease) and the TA will rise. BUT that's if you go past all four parts of the end phenomena, not past a floating needle. If you watch a needle with care and say nothing but your R3R commands, as it begins to float you will find: 1. It starts to float narrowly. 2. The pc cognited ("What do you know, so that's . . .") and the float widens. 3. Very good indicators come in, the float gets almost full dial, and 4. The picture, if you inquired, has erased and the needle goes full dial. That is the full end phenomena of Dianetics. If the auditor sees a float start, as in 1 above and says, "I would like to indicate to you your needle is floating," he can upset the pc's bank. There is still charge. The pc has not been permitted to cognite. VGIs surely won't appear and a piece of the picture is left. By being impetuous and fearful of overrun, or just being in a hurry, the auditor's premature (too soon) indication to the pc suppresses three quarters of the pc's end phenomena. Did you know that you could go through a picture half a dozen times, the F/N getting wider and wider without the pc cogniting? This is rare but it can happen once in a hundred. The picture hasn't been erased yet. Bits of it seem to keep popping in. Then it erases fully and now, 2, 3 and 4 occur. This isn't grinding. It's waiting for the F/N to broaden to cognition. The pc who complains about F/Ns is really stating the wrong problem. The actual problem was the auditor dis- END PHENOMENA 233 tracting the pc from cognition by calling attention to himself and the meter a moment too soon. The pc who is still looking inward gets upset when his attention is jerked outward. Charge is then left in the area. A pc who has been denied his full end phenomena too often will begin to refuse auditing. ¤Floating Needles¤ A floating needle is the idle uninfluenced movement of the needle on the dial without any patterns or reactions in it. It can be as small as one inch or as large as dial wide. It does not fall or drop to the right of the dial. It moves to the left at the same speed as it moves to the right. It is observed on a Mark V E-meter calibrated with the TA between 2.0 and 3.0 with good indicators (GIs) in on the pc. It can occur after a cognition blowdown of the TA or just moves into floating. The pc may or may not voice the cognition. It by the nature of the E-meter reading below the awareness of the thetan occurs just before the pc is aware of it. So to give a "That's it" on the occurrence of the F/N can prevent the pc from getting the cognition. One does not sit and study and be sure of an "F/N." It swings or pops, he lets the pc cognite and then indicates the F/N to the pc preventing overrun. You should not cut into the pc's end phenomena with premature questions or F/N indications. The pc is introverted and such actions by the auditor extrovert his attention and annoy the pc and spoils the correct end phenomena which is F/N + cognition + VGIs. Actions by the auditor such as "Your needle is floating," "Did it erase?" etc., chop the pc ~before~ full end phenomena is attained. Feeding the pc the end phenomena (EP) of a process or action is illegal and very out-tech. Example: Auditor asks pc "since the last session did (stating the EP)." Or "In this session did (stating the EP)." This is evaluating for the pc. The pc has to make it himself then he truly makes it. 234 BOOK TWO The correct way to check to see if a pc has made an EP (rare as pcs usually tell their auditor their cognitions, etc.) would be to ask "Did anything occur?" or "Since your last session did anything occur?" If the pc then states the EP or words to that effect, with F/N and VGIs, the process can be terminated or if necessary, rehabbed and terminated. If the pc does not state the EP the auditor then knows to continue the process. Usually sessions aren't ended before F/N, VGIs and EP on a process. It's easier on the C/S, auditor and pc to complete a cycle of action in the one session. A floating needle always occurs when the basic on a chain erases. A floating needle is valid only between 2.0 and 3.0 tone arm position on a meter. Above or below that tone arm reading, the F/N is called an "ARC break" needle. Additionally, a floating needle between 2.0 and 3.0 tone arm position with BAD indicators is an "ARC break" needle. It is not a real floating needle. A real floating needle, between 2.0 and 3.0 tone arm position also carries with it COGNITIONS and VERY GOOD INDICATORS. The pc is cogniting, cheerful and happy. When the tone arm is below 2.0, the chain has not been erased. When the tone arm is above 3.0, erasure has not occurred. When the tone arm is up at 4.4, the pc has made it more solid and has not erased the basic on the chain. On the second time through, if the TA rises, you know there is an earlier incident. The Dianetic auditor is not concerned with rehabilitation of the overrun if he sees the tone arm has gone high. In Dianetics it only means the engram chain is in restimulation and has not been erased. When the basic erases, the TA will fall or rise to the area between 2.0 and 3.0 and the needle will F/N, the pc will have cognitions and very good indicators. The sequence is F/N, cognition, VGIs, erasure. The auditor then stops running that chain. He can reassess and run another chain now. END PHENOMENA 235 COGNITION means a pc origination indicating he has "Come to realize." It's a "What do you know? I . . ." statement. Erasure is almost always preceded by a COGNITION. Cognitions can also occur while running the chain. But when they occur with a real floating needle and very good indicators, you know erasure is occurring. When you see this happening, let the pc cognite. Don't chop his cognition. Let all the bits and pieces blow or erasure of the picture will not be complete. Despite all this, one still must not overrun and get the TA up. But in Dianetics an ~erasure~ leaves nothing to get the TA up with! ALL auditors must realize that the END PHENOMENA of successful auditing is not just an F/N but has three more requisites. And an auditor can chop these off. The mark of the real VIRTUOSO in auditing is his skilled handling of the floating needle. It is possible to get a floating needle and very good indicators while simply spotting or dating an engram. This does not often happen. But when it does happen it ~occasionally~ also causes trouble if the F/N is by-passed. The criterion is to let the pc have his win. A pc who gets 1. An F/N 2. A cognition, and 3. Very Good Indicators on an incident or chain has A. Keyed it out (still there but not keyed-in) or B. Erased it by inspection or C. Has erased it by running the chain. C is the case in by far the greatest percentage of pcs and sessions. B is so rare that you won't find it except on clears or persons who are nearly clear. A (key-out) is rather common. The auditor's problem is to tell which it is. Really it isn't much of a problem. Almost all of the time C is the case. One just does standard Dianetics--list, assessment, R3R, and you even- 236 BOOK TWO tually get an erasure of the basic of the chain, with an F/N, VGIs and a cognition. When a key-out occurs, you can get an F/N, GIs and possibly a cognition BUT THE INCIDENT THE PC WAS RUNNING HAD NO IMPACT OR INJURY IN IT. You ~can~ by-pass the F/N in Dianetics in this case and complete the chain. If you just leave it at that no damage is done BUT THE PC MAY KEY-IN AGAIN EVEN BEFORE HE OR SHE GETS TO THE EXAMINER. Even the somatic may come back. If so, just finish the chain. There's no real damage done. But if it WAS an engram (contained pain and unconsciousness) and it erased and the auditor got an F/N, VGIs and a cognition and tried to force the pc to go earlier you can get a very upset pc who has to be sent to a Scientology review. When you get the very rare pc who, well advanced, actually blows an engram by inspection you will know it. Such a pc already audits very fast--and is Clear or near Clear. The somatic, the lot simply goes. If you try to push the pc into running it, some sort of firefight* may occur, a thing to be avoided. If judgment of all this seems difficult, there's a safe rule: "Let the pc have his win." And remember that a win consists of: 1. An F/N 2. A Cognition, and 3. VGIs. The main liability of pushing a pc past a win is that he may "jump chains" and begin on another chain with no assessment. This gets him into trouble. If, in A above, you left it as a keyed-out lock, the pc will simply get the same symptoms again sooner or later. You are dealing with an exact activity in standard Dianetics. It has no "special cases" or "exceptions." The procedure is the procedure and it is the procedure that gets the wins. This matter of key-out or erasure is the only area of the subject where judgment comes into play. And even that can be shirked by letting the pc have his or her win. END PHENOMENA 237 ¤F/N Everything¤ Whenever an auditor gets a read on an item from rudiments (ARC breaks, present time problems, missed withholds) or a prepared list IT MUST BE CARRIED TO AN F/N. To fail to do so is to leave the pc with by-passed charge.* When a pc has had several reads on various lists which were none of them carried to F/N, it can occur that he will become upset or depressed without any other apparent reason. As one has DONE the lists without F/Ning each item, one now has the mystery of what is wrong. The error is reading items from rudiments or prepared lists cleaned to no read but not carried to F/N. When an auditor first tries this he may well think it is impossible. Yet it is simplicity itself. If you know bank structure you know it is necessary to find an earlier item if something does not release. What has been found as a read on a prepared list ~would~ F/N if it were the basic lock. So if it doesn't F/N, then there is an earlier (or an earlier or an earlier) lock which is preventing it from F/Ning. So the RULE is: NEVER WALK OFF FROM A READING ITEM ON A RUDIMENT OR A PREPARED REPAIR LIST BEFORE YOU CARRY IT DOWN (EARLIER SIMILAR) TO AN F/N. Example: ARC break reads. Pc says what it is, auditor handles it. If no F/N, auditor asks for an earlier similar ARC break, gets it, and handles until he gets an F/N. Example: PTP (present time problem) reads. Carry it E/S (earlier similar) until a PTP F/Ns. So there is a much more general rule: EVERY ITEM THAT READS MUST F/N. In Dianetics you get the F/N when you run E/S secondaries or engrams to an erasure, F/N, cognition, VGIs. In rudiments, every out rud you get a read on is run E/S to F/N. 238 BOOK TWO On a prepared list you take each read to an F/N or E/S to F/N. So another rule: EVERY MAJOR AND MINOR ACTION MUST BE CARRIED TO AN F/N. There are NO exceptions. Any exception leaves by-passed charge on the pc. ~Also~, every F/N is indicated at the conclusion of the action when cognition is obtained. You take too soon an F/N (first twitch) you cut the cognition and leave by-passed charge (a withheld cognition). I could take any folder and simply write out the rudiments and prepared list reading items and then audit the pc and carry each one to F/N and correct every list so disclosed and wind up with a very shining, cool calm pc. So "Have reading items been left charged?" would be a key question on a case. Using lists or rudiments on high or low TAs that are not meant for high or low TAs will get you reading items that won't F/N. So, another rule: NEVER TRY TO FLY RUDIMENTS ON A HIGH OR LOW TA. One can assess an L3RD.* The most frequent errors in all this are: Not taking a read earlier similar but just checking it and leaving it as "clean." Not using "suppress" and "false" on items. And of course leaving a pc thinking things are still charged by failing to indicate the F/N. Indicating an F/N before cognition. Not going back through the folder to handle rudiments and items that read but were called "clean" or were simply abandoned. A pc audited under tension of poor TRs has a hard time and does not F/N sometimes, inviting overrun. The rules then to happy pcs are: GOOD TRs. F/N EVERYTHING FOUND ON RUDIMENTS AND LISTS. END PHENOMENA 239 AUDIT WITH TA IN NORMAL RANGE OR REPAIR IT SO IT ~IS~ IN NORMAL RANGE. ¤Persistent F/N¤ A FLOATING NEEDLE can ~persist~. This fact tells you at once why you cannot do three major actions in a row in the same ten minutes. For example the auditor attains a bona fide full dial F/N. The pc is still cogniting, still in a big win. The auditor "clears the next process command," and sees an F/N. He then "clears the ~next~ process command," and sees an F/N. BUT IT WAS THE SAME F/N! Result was that processes 2 and 3 WERE NEVER RUN ON THE CASE. This is really what is meant by "Quickie Grades."* In 1958 we got real releases. You could not kill the F/N for ~days~, weeks. Several processes had this effect. Today's real clear also goes this way. You couldn't kill the F/N with an axe. By running a lot of Scientology communication processes for instance you can get a real swinging unkillable F/N. It not only gets to the examiner, it comes in at the start of the next day's session! Now if in one session you ran all of Level Zero, communication processes, and went on up to Level One, problems processing, you would just be ~auditing a persistent F/N~. The pc would get no benefit at all from Level One. He's still going "Wow" on Level Zero. A session that tries to go beyond a big dial wide drifting floating F/N only distracts the pc from his BIG WIN. Any ~big win~ (F/N dial wide, cognition, VGIs), gives you this kind of persistent F/N. You at least have to let it go until tomorrow and let the pc have his win. That is what is meant by letting the pc ~have~ his win. When you get one of these dial wide F/Ns, cognition, VGIs "WOW," you may as well pack it up for the day. 240 BOOK TWO In running a Dianetic chain to basic triple flow,* you will sometimes see in one session a half dial on flow 1; 3/4 of a dial on flow 2; a full dial on flow 3. You will also notice in the same session--long time for first action, shorter, shorter, shorter for the next three actions. Now you have an F/N that anything you try to clear and run will just F/N WITHOUT AFFECTING THE CASE AT ALL. If you audit past that you are wasting your time and processes. You have hit an "unkillable F/N" properly called a persistent F/N. It's persistent at least for that day. Do any more and it's wasted. If an auditor has never seen this he had better get his TR-0 bull-bait flat for two hours at one unflunked go and his other TRs in and drill out his flubs. For that's what's supposed to happen. F/Ns on pcs audited up to (for that session) a persistent F/N always get it to the examiner. If you only have a "small F/N" it won't get to the examiner. However, on some pcs maybe that's good enough. May take him several sessions, each one getting a final session F/N a bit wider. Then he gets an F/N that gets to the examiner. After that, well audited on a continuing basis, the F/N lasts longer and longer. One day the pc comes into session with a dial wide floating swinging F/N and anything you say or do does nothing whatever to disturb that F/N. It's a real release man. It may last weeks, months, years. Tell him to come back when he feels he needs some auditing and chalk up the remaining hours as undelivered. If the F/N is truly persistent he will have no objections. If it isn't, he ~will~ object. So have him come back tomorrow and carry on whatever you were doing. This is not to be confused with a Stage 4 (sweep, stick sweep, stick) or an ARC broken needle (pc bad indicators while F/Ning). END PHENOMENA 241 This is not to be used to refuse all further auditing to a pc. It is to be used to determine when to end a series of major actions in a session. ¤Drill¤ Name: Indication of F/N Drill Commands: "Do birds fly?" or "Do fish swim?" Purpose: To train the student auditor to correctly obnose and handle end phenomena. Position: Student and coach seated facing each other across a table. Training Stress: The student and coach do the drill per the below steps. The coach uses a pencil to indicate F/Ns. The student runs "Do birds fly?" and the coach mocks up end phenomena for the student to handle. Flunks are given for premature or late F/N indications, or any out TRs. The coach gradiently makes this drill more and more difficult and the student auditor is not passed until he can effortlessly and flawlessly see a process cycle to complete EP. Steps: 1. Student auditor and coach seated facing each other across a table. 2. E-meter with shield, worksheets,* C/S* set up in such a way that auditor can see pc, pc's hands holding the cans, and the E-meter dial. 3. Student runs "Do birds fly?" 4. Excellent TRs 0-4. 5. Coach shows EP, and has a pencil in one hand to denote an F/N. 6. Coach simulates a small F/N which is gradually being widened as the "pc" cognites. (Uses pencil for this.) 7. Coach talks, looks at student auditor, looks away, looks at student, etc. 8. The student obnoses coach until he sees coach has said all; the needle is floating widely, coach has VGIs, and is in present time, that is, no longer introverted. 9. Indicates the F/N by saying as though agreeing with the pc, "Your needle is floating." 242 BOOK TWO ¤Get the Preclear Through¤ Since 1950 we have had an ironbound rule that we didn't leave preclears in trouble just to end a session. For 24 years we have always continued a session that found the preclear in trouble and I myself have audited a preclear for nine ~additional hours~, all night long, in fact, just to get the preclear through. Newer auditors, not trained in the stern school of running engrams, must learn this all over again. It doesn't matter whether the auditor has had a policy on this or not. One would think that common decency would be enough as to leave a preclear in the middle of a secondary or an engram and just cooly end the session is pretty cruel. Some do it because they are startled or afraid and "rabbit" (run away by ending the session). Auditors who end a process or change it when it has turned on a heavy somatic are likewise ignorant. ~What turns it on will turn it off~. This is the oldest rule in auditing. Of course people get into secondaries and engrams, go through misemotion and heavy somatics. This happens because things are running ~out~. To end off a process or a session because of the clock is to ignore the real purpose of auditing. The oldest rules we have are: a. Get the preclear through it. b. What turns it on will turn it off. c. The way out is the way through. Auditing at all levels works ~well~ when it is done by the book. There is no modern process that will not work when exactly applied. In the eyes of ethics* all auditing failures are ethics failures. And the first offense an auditor can commit is ceasing to audit when he is most needed by his preclear. Hence it is the first most important consideration of ethics to prevent such occurences. Then we'll make happy preclears, releases and Clears. END PHENOMENA 243 ¤The Five GAEs (Gross Auditing Errors)¤ The five gross auditing errors (GAEs) are: 1. Can't handle and read an E-meter. 2. Doesn't know and can't apply technical data. 3. Can't get and keep a preclear in session. 4. Can't complete an auditing cycle. 5. Can't complete a repetitive auditing cycle. These are the only errors one looks for in straightening up the auditing of an auditor. If you look for other reasons, this is itself a gross goof. ¤Pc Wins¤ Different types of auditing call for different handlings of end phenomena. End phenomena will also vary depending on what you're running. In Dianetics, the EP of a chain is erasure, accompanied by an F/N, cognition and good indicators. You wouldn't necessarily expect rave indicators on a pc in the middle of an assist, under emotional or physical stress until the full assist was completed though. What you would expect is the chain blown with an F/N. Those two things themselves are good indicators. The cognition could simply be "the chain blew." The data on EPs has been in some instances misapplied in the direction of overrun. "the pc isn't getting EP on these chains as there's no cognition, just 'it erased' " is one example. Obviously the C/S didn't understand the definition of cognition or what an EP is. Another example is the pc spots what it is and F/Ns and the auditor carries on, expecting an "EP." An advanced preclear is particularly subject to F/N abuse as he can blow things quite rapidly. If the auditor misses the F/N due to too high a sensitivity setting or doesn't call it as he's waiting for an "EP," overrun occurs. It invalidates the person's ability to as-is and causes severe upsets. This error can also stem from auditor speed. The auditor, used to auditing lower level pcs, can't keep up with the upper level pc, and misses his F/Ns or reads. 244 BOOK TWO Thus overruns occur and charged areas are by-passed. The remedy of this problem begins with thoroughly clearing all terms connected with EPs. The next action is to get the above data on the subject of EPs and also related metering technology fully understood. This would be followed by clay demonstrations* of various EPs of processes and actions showing the mechanics of the bank and what happens with the pc and meter. TRs and meter drills on spotting F/Ns would follow, including any needed obnosis drills and correction of meter position so that the auditor could see the pc, meter and his administration (admin) at a glance. Then, the auditor would be gradiently drilled on handling the pc, meter and admin at increasing rates of speed including recognizing and indicating EPs when they occurred. When the auditor could do all of this smoothly at the high rate of speed of an advanced preclear blowing things by inspection without fumbling, the last action would be bullbaited drills like TRs 103 and 104,* on a gradient to a level of competence whereby the auditor could handle anything that came up at speed and do so smoothly. Then you'd really have an OT auditor. And that's what you'll have to do to make them. Overrun and underrun alike mess up cases. Both stem from an auditor inability to recognize and handle different types of EPs and inexpertness in handling the tools of auditing at speed. Don't overrun pcs and have to repair them. Let the pc have his wins. CHAPTER 5 ADMINISTRATION A PIECE OF TRUTH 246 BOOK TWO [picture#34] SESSION FOLDER INSIDE FRONT COVER: --Case progress sheet --Yellow sheet --Folder summary --OCA graph --Program sheets FOR EACH SESSION: --Auditor's C/S --Exam report form --Summary report form --Auditor's report form --Work sheets --Correction lists --Dn assessment lists --Miscellaneous reports INSIDE BACK COVER: --Dn flow table --FES CHAPTER 5 ADMINISTRATION, A PIECE OF TRUTH Over the years much "know-how" has been developed in auditor administration. This is now standardized throughout the world. ADMINISTRATION consists of the formation and handling of the lines and terminals involved in production. AUDITOR ADMINISTRATION would include: 1. The know-how of writing session reports. 2. The know-how of folder arrangement. 3. The know-how of all lines and terminals in the technological area of his church or mission. 4. The know-how of other lines and terminals that directly relate to an auditor getting out his product. ALWAYS ADMINISTRATION IS A COMMUNICATION. Administration is important because the administration is a piece of truth. Administration of a folder is a responsibility. NO AUDITOR HAS ANY BUSINESS BEING IGNORANT OF ADMINISTRATION. 248 BOOK TWO A folder is provided for each pc. The folder is foolscap size, light card, usually blue or green in color. The pc's name and grade is printed (using a fat felt pen) on the front of the folder and also along the spine. It's on the spine so you can pull it out of a stack, if they are lying in piles. A rubber band or elastic garter is placed around each folder to prevent loss of contents and make for easier handling. The auditor should not let the folders get too fat as this wrecks the folder and makes handling difficult. When the current folder gets too fat (approximately 2 1/2" or 6 cms) a new folder is started. A new folder is given a folder number (for example - 2) which is marked boldly on the bottom left hand side of the front cover and along the spine. The old folder which already is numbered (with the folder number 1) has the dates of the contents marked against the number 1 (on the front and on the spine). Example: 1 25 Mar 71 - 4 Oct 71 The fact of the change to a new folder is marked in on the folder summary. ~NO~ separate Dianetic folders are kept. All auditing reports of whatever type of action are simply filed chronologically in the current folder. ¤Auditor Report Form¤ An auditor's report form is made out at the end of each session. It gives an outline of what actions were taken during the session. Each report form should be filled in at the top with: a. Preclear's name (full name) and grade (very prominent). b. Auditor's name (full name). c. Date. d. Number of intensive hours scheduled (12 1/2, 25, 50, etc.) e. Time length of session excluding time for breaks (example: 5 hrs. 15 m). This is "hours in the chair." ADMINISTRATION, A PIECE OF TRUTH 249 f. Running total of schedule hours completed to date. g. Total TA for session. Important as an indicator of case progress. The body of the form is filled in with the following information: h. Time started and ended session. i. Condition of pc. j. TA and sensitivity setting at beginning and end of session. k. Rudiments. l. What process was run LISTING THE EXACT COMMANDS. m. Time, TA and sensitivity at start and end of process. n. Whether process is flat or not. o. Any F/Ns. p. Any rockslam (R/S) items or evil purposes* noted in the right hand column in red. q. TA range. At the bottom of the form the trim check result is noted. ¤Work Sheets¤ The worksheets are the sheets on which the auditor writes a complete running record of the session from beginning to end, page after page, as the session goes along. A worksheet is always foolscap, 8" x 13" written on both sides and each page is numbered, back and front, top center of page. This is so an auditor can say, "Now the R/S (rock slam) occurred on page 25," which saves a lot of time. Further it gives the proper number of pages the session went. The worksheet is written in two columns. The auditor writes down the left-hand column and then down the right-hand column. The most important parts of the session to be noted are: a. when the TA goes up (on what?) b. when the TA goes down (on what?) c. when an F/N occurs (on what, any cog?) d. when VGIs occur (on what?) 250 BOOK TWO e. when BIs occur (on what?) f. how the process ran (what commands are being run?) TA and time notations should be made at ~regular~ intervals throughout the session. When a process reaches EP, write in the pc's cognition, circle the F/N and whether or not it was indicated, note the pc's indicators, the time and TA. When running a two-way communication process, it is essential that all items (terminals, statements, etc.) that read are so marked on the worksheets--LF, LFBD. All reading items are circled in green after the session. R/S items, ethics situations, service facsimiles* and evil purposes are marked after the session by ringing them on the worksheet with a red pen. Auditors usually develop a system of shorthanding the session actions being done, so that session speed is not hampered by admin. For example, the repetitive process: Recall a change Recall a no change Recall a failed change is run as a bracket (the pc is given the first command, then the second and then the third and then the first and then the second, etc.) The first command can be abbreviated to 1, the second to 2 and the third to 3. The worksheet therefore would look like: 12.32 2.8 a v* (Note that each word of the failed v command is cleared before change v clearing the command as a no change v whole.) recall v (F/N) 1. cleared 2. cleared 3. cleared 12.49 2.6 ADMINISTRATION, A PIECE OF TRUTH 251 1. Mother went on holiday 2. at school 3. didn't sell bike 1. moved to new house 2. etc. After the session when the commands are written out in full on the auditor's report form the numbers are again noted so that the Case Supervisor (C/S) can refer to them. ~Whatever system of abbreviation is used by the auditor, the worksheet must communicate to the C/S what actions were taken during the session~. Worksheets should be written legibly. They are never recopied. The auditor should always read over his worksheets before turning in the folder to the case supervisor and if any words or letters are missing or cannot be read, they should be put in in block print, in red. Example: TOTALLY want to get 11111 well This can be overdone to the extent that it is almost sarcasm. At the most it should just run into one or two corrections to a page. If the auditor is having to correct the page more than that he should learn how to write rapidly and legibly. It is a CRIME to give any session without making an auditor's report (i.e., actual worksheets taken at that time) or to copy the original worksheets after the session and submit a copy instead of the real reports. Assist reports that use only contact* or touch assists are written after the session and sent to the pc folder. The pc is sent to the examiner after an assist. Any time a case supervisor sees long stenographic recounts and notes in the auditor's worksheets he knows the pc has not got an auditor there running the session. If the auditor is writing down every word the pc says (like a stenographer) the auditor's TRs will be out and session control will have passed to the pc. No auditor can write fast enough to take down everything the pc says and at the same time observe the pc, maintain session control and keep in his TRs. 252 BOOK TWO On the worksheets you note, in abbreviated form, the technical actions taken by the auditor, the pc response, time and TA. The case supervisor expects a synopsis of the incident or what the pc says, e.g., in Dianetic auditing the auditor writes down sufficient data for the case supervisor to see what sort of incident is being run and if it is on the correct chain. One should not go to the other extreme by noting only the auditor's technical actions as this gives the C/S no means of evaluating the session. The auditor who just sits and lets the pc roll on and on running a sort of solo session will seldom get results. It is a pretense of auditing. The auditor ~controls~ the session. The auditor does not supersede auditing by administration. Never hold the pc up while you write or the pc will go on to automatic. Because he does not see the pc's pictures the auditor in some cases feels he cannot control them or that they do not really exist. The pictures do exist. They respond to the auditor not the pc. Auditor plus pc is greater than the bank. A stenographer is not an auditor. An auditor controls the session, has excellent TRs and gets results. ¤Program¤ A program by definition is the sequence of actions, session by session, to be undertaken on a case by the C/S in his directions to the auditor or auditors auditing the case, and is any series of actions designed by the C/S to bring about definite results in a pc. The program consists of the pc's name, the date, brief case notes of why the program is being written, and the actions numbered 1, 2, 3, etc., to be done on the pc to bring about a definite result. The person writing the program prints his name at the bottom. These program sheets are kept paper clipped on the inside of the front cover, earliest at the bottom to latest on top. ADMINISTRATION, A PIECE OF TRUTH 253 The C/S works at completing the program that is topmost. As each step of the program is completed it is ticked off marked "DONE" with the date. When the whole program is done, it is marked "PROGRAM DONE (Date)." All flubs made during the program are marked in and repaired. If while doing a program an extensive repair is undertaken then this is programmed on a red sheet and then this becomes the topmost program. The original program should however be marked at the point it was left and can be resumed when the red one is done. Any program retired because of new data about a case should be so marked with the date. The auditor as C/S is responsible for marking off the programs as above. Evil purposes and R/S items are marked on the left-hand edge of the topmost program in red with the date and worksheet page number. ¤Lists*¤ A correction list is a list of prepared questions on a sheet which is used by the auditor for the repair of a particular situation, action or rundown (R/D).* If a correction list is used it must be stapled at the back of the worksheets. The correction list must not be omitted and must be in the session reports so the C/S can look at the original assessment. If a correction list is not completely handled in one session, it is not stapled as above but left free. It is stapled to the worksheets of the session in which its handling is completed. When using a correction list, the number of the question being handled is marked on the worksheet. The question is usually written in after the session in a different color which makes it easy for the C/S to read through the session. A Dianetic assessment list is a list of somatics/items given by a pc and written down by the auditor with the reads marked that occur on the meter. 254 BOOK TWO A Dianetic assessment list is always done on a separate sheet. The pc's name and the date is put on the top of the sheet. The assessment question is noted. In the assessment the read is taken when the pc first says the item and this is written down next to the item. Suppress and invalidate buttons can be put in on an unreading item if needed. This is noted on the list. If interest is asked of the pc this is noted by the item. (Drug items are automatically run if they read and interest is not asked.) These lists are not stapled to the worksheets but are paper clipped under the worksheets. Items on the list that are R3Red should be circled and marked: "R3R TRIPLED (Date)." Details of the Dianetic assessment list and all items on it run R3R triple are noted IN FULL on the folder summary.* ¤Summary Report Form¤ The summary report form is a report used simply as an exact record of what happened and what was observed during the session. A standard form is used and the auditor fills in the appropriate data. It is a tool for increasing an auditor's observation of what goes on in a session. It teaches auditors how to quickly and concisely analyze and report on a case. The summary report form is filled in as follows: 1. The date. 2. The pc's name and the auditor's name, in BLOCK letters. 3. The process run, the total tone arm action for the session and the length of the session in hours and minutes. 4. Goals are not set at the beginning of session but if the pc in passing mentions any goals he has attained, or more likely gains he has had in the session, these are noted at this point. ADMINISTRATION, A PIECE OF TRUTH 255 5. Aspects of running process--each of the questions 1 to 22 of the form are answered. Here write down briefly what the preclear was doing in the session. Do not write opinions with regard to what was happening or how the preclear was running the process. Here we are interested in the aspects of the case in relationship to the process or processes being run. 6. Ethics report These are written on the auditor's 7. Suggest C/S sheet.* The summary should be done for the session given the preclear for the day. It is not stapled to the worksheets but is paper clipped on top of the auditor's report form and beneath the exam report.* Two sessions in one day calls for only one summary report with the TA and data of each session. It should be LEGIBLE and READABLE. If an auditor's handwriting is poor, it should be printed out by the auditor. Writing the reports should only take the auditor 15 minutes to do at the most. Having just audited the preclear you should quite easily fill the report out. SUMMARY REPORT The auditor checks each one off and fills in the appropriate data. Date _________ Pc or Pre-OT _________Auditor: _________ Process run: _________ Goals and Gains: TA: Time: Aspects and Gains: 1. How did the pc do in relation to what was run. 2. Effectiveness of process. 3. Any free needles. 4. General needle behavior. 5. Did TA go below 2.0 (how low) __ Did it come up __ 6. Did TA go high __Did it come down __ 7. General TA range. 8. Emotional tone of the pc and whether this improved. 9. Any misemotion. 256 BOOK TWO 10. Preclear appearance. 11. Mannerisms. 12. Mannerism changes. 13. Any change in skin tone. 14. Did color of eyes change__Get brighter__Get dull__ 15. Any comm lags. 16. Any cognitions. 17. Any pains turn on __ blown __ 18. Any sensations turn on __ blown __ 19. Any difficulties. 20. Did you complete C/S instructions. 21. Was pc happy at session end. 22. TA at session end__ Needle at session end__ ETHICS REPORT: SUGGEST: ¤Exam Report¤ The exam report is a report made out by the examiner when the pc goes to exams after session or goes on his own volition. The exam report contains the meter details, pc's indicators and statement. The examiner's form is filled out as follows: ~Top Left~: If "After Session," put a tick on that line. If "Volunteered," put a large tick. If "Medical," circle the word "Medical" then write ON (if the pc is going onto medical lines or OFF on the line as the case may be, or REPORT if that's what it is. ~Top right~: Date is noted, e.g., 4 June 72. Time is noted, e.g., 1803 hrs. The date and time are important as it prevents altered sequence. Pc or Pre-OT* name is printed in. ADMINISTRATION, A PIECE OF TRUTH 257 "Last Grade Attained"--this is important from the C/S viewpoint as it saves him wasted time in searching through the folder looking for it. "Grade, Course or Action Being Attested"--whatever it happens to be on declare. Write DECLARE across the line or if C/S Query, write C/S QUERY, etc. "Pc's statement"--Write down exactly what pc says. Note also what reads, BDs and where his indicators change and vary, tone in which statements are made and so forth. "TA position and any BD"--note TA position at start of exam and TA position at end if different. "Pc Indicators"--are judged on the following scale: VBIs Very Bad Indicators BIs Bad Indicators POOR Poor Indicators OK Indicators OK GIs Good Indicators VGIs Very Good Indicators VVGIs Very Very Good Indicators ^ ^^^^^ However, any obvious manifestation that would be helpful for the C/S is noted. Examples: BIs pc crying; OK pc frowning; VVGIs pc radiant, skin tone very pink. ^ "State of needle"--This is important as different needle manifestations indicate different things, i.e., R/S, DN (Dirty needle), RISE, etc. Also on F/Ns note the size. Small F/N = 1" to 2" (at sensitivity 8). Normal F/N = 2" to 3". Wide F/N = 3" to 4". Dial F/N = Floating from one pin to the other right across the dial. Floating TA = Can't get the needle on dial, just falls over. On this it is sometimes possible to get TA range, e.g., needle comes on dial at 2.3 and again at 2.5. This would be indicated as Floating TA = 2.5 - 2.3. Size of F/Ns is important. A TA F/N at session end, to a small F/N at examiner, would indicate something out. "F/N indicated to pc"--If F/N write YES, if not leave blank. "Signature of Examiner"--The form is signed by the person doing the exam along this line. 258 BOOK TWO "Sensitivity"--All exams are done with sensitivity 8. "Footplates"--If a pc is audited on footplates he or she must be examined on footplates. This is noted by writing FOOTPLATES above the TA reading. A RED TAB EXAM is where the examiner sees any one of the following manifestations in a pc after a session: 1. Nonoptimum TA position (above 3, below 2) 2. Nonoptimum needle (ARC break needle, stage 4, rockslam, stuck, still or dirty) 3. Bad indicators 4. Nonoptimum statement from pc, critical, hostile, belittling, sad, etc. When a red tab exam occurs the examiner draws a small red flag at the top left of the exam form and paper clips a RED CARD on the outside of the front cover of the folder. Red tab folders must not be held onto by the auditor. They must get handled on a rush priority basis. The exam report form is put in the folder on top of the summary report. Volunteered exam report forms are put in the folder at the appropriate date. EXAMINER'S FORM After session ______ Qual Div ________ (Place) Volunteered _______ Date ____________________ Medical ___________ Time ____________________ Pc or Pre-OT name ______________________________ Last grade attained ____________________________ Grade, course or action being attested _________ Pc's statement (Write down exactly what pc says). ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ TA position and any BD _______ Pc indicators ___ State of needle ________________________________ F/N indicated to pc ____________________________ ______________________ Signature of Examiner ADMINISTRATION, A PIECE OF TRUTH 259 Route this form into the folder. When illness reported make this out with a carbon under it and route original to the folder and carbon to the Medical Officer. Rush route any later report or sick report to folder to prevent C/S errors. ¤Folder Error Summary (FES)*¤ (Pc Name) (Grade) (Page No.) ______________________________________________________________ Date Error Handling Done ______________________________________________________________ 22 Oct 71 Drug R/D attested Objectives run to EP with no objective 23 Sep 72 ______________________________________________________________ 22 Oct 71 Reading item on All "no interest" items com- Drug R/D lists not pleted. Attested 14 Oct 72. run due to "no interest." ______________________________________________________________ One can see at a glance that all the noted errors have been corrected. A blank space in the right-hand column would indicate that the error had not yet been fixed. This column is filled in by the FESer as he goes along, or by the C/S as correction is done. Any error noted in the correction of the case IS NOTED AS A NEW ERROR ON THE FES. THE FES IS KEPT IN PRESENT TIME BY THE C/S AS ERRORS ARE NOTED. In this way the C/S will not lose his place with the pc and the FES will serve as a help in any further programming. It is kept in the inside back cover of the pc's folder. An FES should contain those points of error in the auditing of a case which might cause the pc future difficulty or may require handling. These would include rundowns left unflat or with missing steps; signs of unflat grades; absence of any of the parts of EP, noting what was being run; any chronic problem or difficulty; by-passed EP on any rundown, illness or ethics trouble after an auditing cycle. 260 BOOK TWO The most important points which can bog a case are well covered. An FES is ~not~ the same as an FS (folder summary). The two must not be combined or confused. Opinions have no part in an FES. Do not note admin errors in an FES. Any error which is not part of the case or its auditing has no place on the FES. R/S (rockslam) statements (what the pc said that R/Sed when he said it) and ev purps (evil purposes) are noted on separate clearly marked lists. Dianetic chains that did not go to EP, flows not run, are noted on a full-flow table, not on the FES. The fact that a series of items was run flow 1 only, or did not EP, ~is~ noted on the FES, to be marked off when corrected. ¤Folder Summary¤ The folder summary is written on sheets located on the inside of the front cover and is an adequate summary of the actions taken on a pc in consecutive order. It is stapled inside the front cover of the pc's current folder and requires the following data: 1. ADMIN DETAILS Session date, length of time of session and admin time. When a new folder is started. The total time of a series of auditing sessions. When OCA taken. When an FES done. 2. PROCESS DETAILS What was run and whether it ran. Mark an EP beside each action taken, or if it was not taken to EP mark in red UNFLAT, O/R, or whatever. If an item or terminal R/Ses in session, it is noted in red on the summary report with the page number and circled. Similarly an evil purpose arising in a session is marked in red with the date and circled. 3. EXAM REPORT At the bottom of the process details mark F/N indicating an F/N occurred at the examiner, or BER (red) if a bad exam report. If TA was high or low at exam, it can also be noted. ADMINISTRATION, A PIECE OF TRUTH 261 4. ATTESTS Date and what was attested. If pc sent but did NOT this is noted. 5. MEDICAL DATA When pc reports sick. Date and brief statement of illness. Then a further entry when pc OFF medical lines. 6. ETHICS DATA Any ethics cycles or conditions. A BLUE or BLACK pen is used for normal entries. A RED pen is used to mark any R/Sing item, evil purpose, list or Dianetic item correction, BER, high or low TA at exams, flubbed attest, medical action or ethics cycle. The auditor is responsible for keeping up this summary after each session and immediately on receipt of a medical report or pc volunteered BER. It is a standard part of the auditor's session admin. The folder summary sheets are foolscap, divided into four columns. When a new pc starts auditing and the first folder is made up, a copy of the summary form is stapled by two staples at the top to the inside front cover. The form is printed on lightweight paper so that it is not bulky. The auditor fills in this form as he progresses with the auditing. New sheets are added as needed, earliest at the bottom to most recent on the top. When a new folder is made up ALL summary sheets are removed from the old folder and advanced to the inside cover of the new folder so that the completed folder summary of the case is always in the current folder. ¤The Dianetic Flow Table¤ The Dianetic flow table is a chronological list of Dianetic items run, from earliest to latest, with the flows that have been run. Here is an example of the way to do it: 262 BOOK TWO DATE ITEM F1 F2 F3 ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ 2 Feb 62 Guf Shoulder Unflat 3 Feb 62 Gow in foot EP 29 Sep 67 Chow in chump EP Unflat Unflat Repaired Repaired to EP to EP 2 Oct 70 2 Oct 70 (red) (red) 30 Sep 69 Anger Unflat Peeved Unflat 4 Oct 70 Feeling EP EP EP numb Any flow that is later repaired is marked on the table in a different color with the date. The flow table is kept at the back of the folder for reference and use. ¤The Auditor's C/S Summary¤ The auditor's C/S is a sheet on which the auditor writes the C/S instructions for the next session. Here is an example: Pc's Name (red)_________ Date _________________ Auditor's Name (red)____ Class of auditor _____ required next session Session grade (left blank for the C/S) Auditor's comment (red) or think about the case if he wishes. The next C/S 1. __________________________________ Blue 2. __________________________________ Blue 3. __________________________________ Blue 4. __________________________________ Blue Auditor signature (red) The C/S instructions for the session go ~under~ that session. So you get C/S 4/6/68, auditing session 4/6/68, C/S 5/6/68, auditing session 5/6/68, C/S 7/6/68, etc., etc. ADMINISTRATION, A PIECE OF TRUTH 263 Under auditor's comments would be noted any ethics situation that came to light in the session. ¤Yellow Sheet¤ A yellow sheet is a sheet detailing each correction list or set of commands which have been word cleared. It also lists the pc's current havingness process and the type of cans the pc uses. Example: Rudiments 20/8/72 20/8/72 Footplates R3R 20/8/72 "Notice that_______" Commands 21/8/72 L3RD 21/8/72 19/10/72 "Feel that________" The sheet is kept up by the auditor. ¤The Examiner¤ The whole duty of the examiner is to note the TA, and needle behavior of the pc. This duty is done muzzled. No talk or chatter. The pc comes in. The examiner smiles, and indicates for the pc to sit down. The examiner hands the pc the cans. Notes the TA, needle and looks up at the pc for his statement. When the pc says what he wants, the examiner says, "Thank you very much." ~AND~ indicates to the pc his F/N if he sees one. He then indicates with an arm gesture the way out. This is the whole drill. Very rarely, the pc appears to be disturbed by the silence of the examiner. They show this by restlessly shifting in the chair, or talking on and on, or trying to get the examiner to talk. It is permissible for the examiner to politely acknowledge the pc's origination. This acknowledgement will make the pc feel comfortable. To do or say anything else will invalidate the pc and/or lose the F/N he or she got in session. You don't, as an examiner, care about anything except TA, needle behavior 264 BOOK TWO and indicating F/N if one is observed, statement, pc indicators. The pc will tell you what he wants to. You don't have to ask for it. The stable datum is always indicate an F/N when you observe one, whether an examiner or auditor. A flubbed session is visible at the examiner. Regardless of the worksheet or report, any session ending with bad indicators, above 3.0 TA or below 2.0 with no F/N or an ARC break needle, a stage 4 needle, a rockslam, a stuck needle, still or a dirty needle independent of TA position indicates a nonoptimum session. When an examiner sees any one of these following four manifestations in a pc after a session: 1. Nonoptimum TA position (above 3, below 2) 2. Nonoptimum needle (ARC break needle, stage 4, rockslam, stuck, still or dirty) 3. Bad indicators 4. Nonoptimum statement from pc, critical, hostile, belittling, sad, etc. The examiner applies the 24-hour rule. This rule is: ~ANY GOOFED SESSION MUST BE REPAIRED WITHIN 24 HOURS~. The reason for the rule is that occasionally, particularly when a person has had a sickly life, physical illness will key-in after a session goof. Such are purely C/S or auditing flubs. A C/S flub consists of gross violations of case programming. Auditing flubs consist of corny things like running a rudiment (rud) but no F/N, failure to flatten a chain, bad TRs, auditing over out ruds, chopping the pc before full end phenomena is attained. Evaluation or even chatter after the session can upset a pc that ended session on F/N VGIs. IN ALL CASES as per 1 to 4 above, the EXAMINER paper clips a RED CARD on the outside of the FRONT COVER OF THE FOLDER and marks on it THE DATE AND HOUR of the examination as well as places the EXAM ADMINISTRATION, A PIECE OF TRUTH 265 REPORT in the folder. He then logs it in his log in RED BALLPOINT. The EXAMINER must see that the C/S receives this folder as soon as possible. The C/S gives total priority to C/Sing it and it is given priority in auditing that C/S. The pc may even be asked to wait if it can be done in the next hour or two. THE FASTER THE FLUBBED SESSION IS REPAIRED THE EASIER IT IS TO REPAIR. Sessions which are left unrepaired for more than 24 hours occasionally find the pc physically ill. If repaired quickly or at least within 24 hours, no physical reaction results. The illness will be a key-in of illnesses the pc often had before any auditing. All the flubbed auditing does is key it in, it itself makes no one ill. If you check folders of ill pcs you will find usually a long period of no auditing or a flubbed session a few days before the onset of the illness. Pcs who have not been properly programmed but have been audited on random this or that are the most likely to become ill. ¤Handwriting Drill¤ Purpose: To train the student auditor in handwriting so that he can write legibly and quickly in session. Position: Student auditor seated at a table. Coach seated opposite him. Commands; "Do birds fly?" or "Do fish swim?" Training Stress: This drill is to increase the speed and legibility of an auditor's handwriting. Steps: 1. The coach gives a "Start" and the student auditor says, "Do birds fly?" or "Do fish swim?" 2. The coach answers the questions and talks about the rate of a slow "pc." 3. The student auditor keeps adequate session admin. 266 BOOK TWO 4. When the student auditor can easily keep up with the coach and maintain good session control, the coach increases his speed of talking until the student can keep adequate session admin even with a very fast pc. 5. Flunks are given for out TRs, illegible handwriting, or not getting important data written down. 6. The drill is passed when the student auditor can write quickly and legibly even with a very fast pc. ¤Oxford Capacity Analysis (OCA) Graph*¤ The OCA graph is a specially prepared graph which plots 10 traits of a pc's personality from a personality test taken by the pc. Several OCA tests can be taken by a pc during a series of intensives. Usually one is taken before an intensive to give the C/S information as to ~what~ is to be audited, and one is taken after a big win, at the end of a rundown or at the completion of a grade, as an indication of what has been achieved. This can however be overdone by too frequent use. The results of the OCA (and an IQ test) are entered on an OCA graph. A series of OCAs are drawn on the ~same~ graph to give an indication of the change that has occurred. Each graph is drawn in a different color (red, blue, black, green) or in a different fashion (bold line, normal line, broken line, dotted line) so that each line of the graph can be distinguished. On the top of the graph a key is drawn that gives the date when each test was done. The month is written in letters so no confusion on numbers occurs. The graph is kept paper clipped on the inside cover of the folder (on top of the F/S and below the programs), so it can be taken out and the next OCA drawn in. The answer sheet that the pc fills in is placed with the worksheets of that date, after the graph is drawn. An amazing number of auditors in the field do not use one of the most important mechanical tools for gauging the progress of preclears and students, the American Personality Analysis or the Oxford Capacity Analysis. Your pre- ADMINISTRATION, A PIECE OF TRUTH 267 [picture#35] 268 BOOK TWO clears deserve to be treated as professionally as possible and to have something which they can set as a standard of progress for themselves. This is one of the tests used in determining whether a person is progressing or not. More important, however, is the use of this test by the auditor to judge how he is doing in his processing or training. Certain drops in the graph indicate certain definite wrongs, which can be corrected by the auditor as the preclear continues his processing. Understand to start with that the graph of a preclear should always rise after processing. Never attempt to excuse a dropped graph or a graph with many lowered traits. If this occurred you did something wrong. The preclear may be better for his processing, yes; but you did not better him as much as you could have done. You did something wrong. In knowing what you have done wrong, you can improve your auditing skill and not make the same mistake again. The American Personality Analysis or the Oxford Capacity Analysis should always be given before processing or training has begun and after that processing or training has been completed. In the case of preclears, they should, if taking several weeks of processing, be tested at the end of every twenty-five hours. "Bit and piece" processing is never too successful. You're the one who is to help the preclear, so start this help off right; make him comply by having the number of hours necessary to produce results with the processing you are giving him. Also, by doing this, you will not create auditing failures for yourself. Now as to the graph, the first most important point is what has happened when the whole graph line or a majority of traits on the graph drops. This has been caused simply by ARC breaks with the auditor not being cleared away. Now if the graph does not change very much and the line follows to a great extent the line of the previous graph, you can be sure that the preclear had a present time problem (PTP) which was not touched by the auditor. It has been stated time and again that one cannot audit over the top of a PTP. An auditor can slip up on this one by not ADMINISTRATION, A PIECE OF TRUTH 269 checking for the existence of a problem carefully enough with the E-meter, by not looking closely into whether or not the preclear is withholding communication, and by not being in good communication with the preclear. I am reminded of a preclear who was audited and audited with very little change. Only a short time ago was it discovered that the preclear's problem was that he had epilepsy which he was controlling with drugs and of which he was too ashamed to tell the auditor. Pretty wow! So you be sure to watch this with your preclears. A drop in trait H, "Correct Estimation, Appreciation" on the American Personality Analysis, and "Logical Reasoning, Appreciation" on the Oxford Capacity Analysis, tells the auditor that the preclear suffered a loss of havingness. If a person cannot have something, he is critical of it. A preclear actually gives the auditor enough outward physical evidence of the fact that he is suffering a loss of havingness, so that an auditor should never really miss on this one, but still auditors do. A preclear who changes position frequently, fidgets with the E-meter cans, looks tired and enervated, has a lowered level of havingness. He becomes more critical, too. Rough auditing on the part of the auditor can reduce havingness for the preclear. Lack of proper comm bridges, sudden communications from the auditor, improperly ending an auditing session, and so on, can also reduce your preclear's havingness, so try to do as smooth a job as possible. Be sure to run a havingness process (included in a later chapter) to handle this reduction. A drop in trait G, which is "Being Cause, Objective" on the American Personality Analysis and "Responsibility" on the Oxford Capacity Analysis, is simply auditor evaluation. The auditor by evaluating for the preclear had made the preclear less cause, less responsible for himself and his environment. This simply is not done or should not be done in an auditing session. All auditors should have E-meters as this is the only means of ascertaining what should be run. If you don't have an E-meter, run Control, Communication, Havingness processes (CCHs). 270 BOOK TWO If you find yourself just having to "explain" things to your preclear, watch it. This is evaluation creeping into your session. If you are tempted to go into a song and dance when your preclear asks you a question about the session or process, remember your TR on handling originations, and carry on. Don't evaluate and you will help your preclear to be more at cause over what is wrong with him. Now to explain what has occurred when your preclear has a drop in trait A. A is the trait which tells us how orientated or how stable the preclear is, and this is raised when the auditor thoroughly makes himself "there" as an auditor for the preclear. By "there" is meant that the preclear knows that the auditor can handle and confront him, his bank, his body, and the environment; in other words, the auditor is good on TR-0 and is in control of the session. When this trait drops, you can say the reverse has happened, definitely. There are many things that an auditor can do to lower this trait. One is to ask the preclear where he would like to sit down for the session. Another one is to lounge in the chair or to put his feet up on a table, to be unable to look at the preclear. When this happens you just find someone and get them to do TR-0 with you until you are once more "there" as an auditor. In running preclears who are low on trait A to start out with, this is the primary point to watch in low profiles. From the lowness of this trait, you can tell whether or not it will be necessary for you to run the CCHs. If low, you will have to run them. In particular are CCH-3 and CCH-4 designed to assist the preclear find the auditor. A drop in trait J on the profile indicates that you have lowered the preclear's level of communication. This is done by double acknowledgement on the part of the auditor. The preclear, when this happens, feels that the auditor is just cutting him off before he has had a chance to complete a cycle of action on the auditing question or command. He computes that the auditor is not interested and has little affinity for him as a preclear. ADMINISTRATION, A PIECE OF TRUTH 271 With trait I, "Empathy" on the American Personality Analysis, and "Appreciation" on the Oxford Capacity Analysis, you have reality as the factor with which you are dealing. When this drops, your preclear has a lowered reality level. When this decreases you are either running him on processes too high for his level of case or you are running a process or terminal on which he has no reality whatsoever. When a preclear is no longer interested and talking about his case, you not only know that he is out of session, but you also know that you are no longer reaching him on his reality level; therefore, you can use this as a gauge to know whether your preclear is experiencing a lessening of reality. Also, the position of the trait on the profile can tell you whether or not you are dealing with a dub-in case or not. If an incident was seen and this trait drops, you can pretty well tell that the incident run was just a nice, unreal substitute for the real incident. Now that you have this material, I hope that you will have better reality on the use of the American Personality Analysis or the Oxford Capacity Analysis, and that you will use it to help your preclears better and to assist yourself as an auditor. BOOK THREE CHAPTER 1 DIANETIC AUDITING AND SOCIETY Dianetics has probably got connected with it more history per square inch than any other activity that's ever occurred on this planet. It hit like a battering ram and completely disorganized all lines in all directions. The planet has never really recovered from the impact. Dianetics is the entrance point to what the mind is all about. The world of mental healing as regards spiritually caused ills is all wrapped up in Dianetics. And the refinement and smooth-out you now have in Dianetics really ties up the package. But at this moment Man is still pretending he knows something about the mind. He is playing about with shooting people in their gluteus maximi hoping that they will suddenly cease to be schizoparanoid or something. They haven't even got classifications that mean anything. I ask psychiatrists questions and they always talk to me very respectfully. They're very nice and feed me tea, which 276 BOOK THREE I'm careful to not drink. They talk to me and show me all their records. But it throws them for a complete loop. The secret is they know that what we do works. It is not a mystery to them. Their backflash against Dianetics or Scientology is because they think of it as a rival; if it got ahead, everybody would get well and where would they be? An American university student went amok and got up in the tower of the University of Texas and slaughtered a lot of people with rifles. Somebody had tried to find his aberrations this lifetime. In fact, he had just been to see a psychiatrist to whom he had confessed his impulses toward such crimes. When the fellow didn't turn up for his next appointment, the psychiatrist never much bothered about it. And then the student went out and killed about fourteen people. It is interesting, if you read carefully into such cases, to find that the person had "just been to see a psychiatrist." A movie star commits suicide--she had just been to see a psychiatrist. And that university student had just been to see a psychiatrist. I don't like these statistics that go 100 per cent. These people don't have any goal of helping the human race. And the psychiatrist who is seen just before the accident or catastrophe is not there to help anybody or even prevent a disaster. You would be interested to have a discussion with such a person because he wouldn't make any sense to you. You know why you're processing people, but he doesn't give you the same answers. These people do not understand what we're doing because they don't have the same goals. If one wants to help somebody, he does something effective. But supposing a person didn't want to help anybody? And supposing also he had no mission of bringing law and order, and supposing he didn't want to help the society either? You'd wonder why he was in business. The difference is, basically, goals. There is no doubt in the mind of the psychiatrist that Dianetics works. And that is what m akes it so fearsome. However, these are not all bad boys. They are wrapped up into some kind of a routine which they can't get out of. For instance, in many states and areas it's against the law ~not~ to electric shock people. And there is a law on DIANETIC AUDITING AND SOCIETY 277 experimental surgery that one has to weigh the value of the individual against the good that the research will do. This is called "equitable practice," and it makes it ethical to butcher somebody up if you can resolve it in your own mind that this will benefit a lot of other people. Shifty think. Many of these psychiatrists are suppressive persons,* and those that aren't soon become very PTS.* Operating in an atmosphere of that particular character is quite--not to make any pun--maddening. New philosophies come out at the rate of a thousand or two per annum. And there must be new schools of psychology and psychiatry invented every two or three months. No one ever hears anything of them. Where do they go? They don't go anyplace. But we are still going forward and growing. To suppressives, that's what's frightening about us: we're making headway. If we stopped helping people, maybe the psychiatrists would be satisfied. If we started to adopt a goal line similar to that of medicine or psychiatry and fitted ourselves into their goal lines and perverted the technology so that it would act in that direction, we would be very acceptable. My philosophy about all of them is very quickly stated: to hell with them. I rarely go around zoos wondering if I'm acceptable to the monkeys in the cage. How did medicine spin in? How did psychiatry spin in? How did the old alienists go by the boards? You see, the field of mental healing is one field where every decade or so you get a change of title. In an unsuccessful activity such title changes occur frequently. In the twenties, psychiatrists were known as alienists. If you go back down the line you'll find out that since about 1850, they've been known as about a dozen different things, but it isn't that the schools are going down: the whole profession is going down. And that's because it is giving all of its time and effort to an existing down statistic -- the insane. And it becomes very enturbulated. * To engage upon such an activity, we would have to be ourselves based so strongly, our feet would have to be so solidly on the ground, our economic framework would have to be so fantastically good, and our success in what we are 278 BOOK THREE doing would have to be so great that we could afford to take on an extra activity and carry on. That's a very odd frame of reference for this sort of thing. Envision standing on a rather slippery log across a roaring brook with leather shoes on and trying to reach over to pick up a big heavy stone out of that running water. What do you think would happen to you? But if you were firmly planted on the bank and you had rubber boots, and you were of such stature and strength that if you were hit with a 16-inch shell it would dent itself, you could pick up that great big stone with the greatest of ease. Ours is an activity going along in a somewhat barbaric environment. The West is a scientific barbarism. It is really not a civilization, not yet. But it is very scientific. And a man has to be pretty civilized and pretty understanding, and he has to know his business pretty shockingly well to be trusted with very much power. The society is unbalanced at this time to the degree that it possesses scientific power without the gentler graces. It has power without humanity and to that extent is not a civilization. Any army in the West can whistle up an unlimited number of machine guns, tear gas bombs, and all sorts of materials with which to injure, wreck and ruin people. But do you know that they could not at this time whip up a single technology to make somebody who was crying laugh, or even to make somebody who was laughing cry? They are attempting to alter human behavior with ~forte main~. "If you don't change and act better I am going to hit you on the head with a sledge hammer." That is the approach of this civilization. Into a scene like that it is very dicey to put technology broadly in the road of those who are already accustomed to the abuse of technology. You could do it successfully only if the technology itself advanced state of case with such rapidity that it completely overcame any impulse to abuse it. I have taught psychiatrists how to find and run an engram. One came to me absolutely bubbling over with enthusiasm. "This is marvelous. You really have something DIANETIC AUDITING AND SOCIETY 279 in Dianetics. I've been trying for years with one of my paranoid schizophrenics to find the incident that was responsible for his insanity, and you've just handed it to me on a silver platter!" And I said, "Well, what was the incident?" "His father hadn't changed his diapers." "Good," I said. "And after you found this, what did you do?" "It was quite remarkable," he said. "He all of a sudden conceived that he was lying there in the crib with dirty diapers and he was starting to tell me something about being angry with his father at that point. And that was just what I'd been looking for. So I was able to tell him at that moment that that explained all of his symptoms. I explained it all to him." "Well," I said, "is the guy sane?" "What's that got to do with it?" That was the first time I ever reeled on the subject. This person was a sort of a guinea pig that he kept in a padded cell. And he used Dianetics to find a point in this guinea pig that he had been looking for for some time because he knew it was there. But he then reverted to psychoanalytic evaluation techniques which put the patient right back in the padded cell again. Every now and then I get an impulse to summon up a whole bunch of psychiatrists and give them a course. Then I remember things like this and abandon that notion forthwith. For instance, I had an argument with a medical doctor on the subject of the E-meter. He thought it worked because the auditor had a strong personality, and explained the whole thing to me on that basis. But the use of the electrogalvanometer in the detection of emotional response has been known for a hundred years, and he should have known this in his own technology. But he selected out the whole subject of the electrogalvanometer and blamed it on Scientology. Then he claimed that the E-meter said what the auditor wanted it to say. That was as much technical insight as he was capable of, even though he was the most advanced and liberal physician in a large district. 280 BOOK THREE In view of such attitudes, we won't push in that direction yet. We won't stand on the slippery log halfway across this stream and try to pull up any great big boulders like the totality of the health level of the human race, or the whole insane population of the West. But now you've got your hands on a refined, smoothed out, highly experienced Dianetics. Read this book and study the technical data hard. Read ~Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health~ and follow the directions in tapes, technical bulletins, and the present text, and you'll have a very smooth running proposition. You have an E-meter which tells you whether the fellow is running. It didn't exist in 1950. You have technical materials on the composition of the mind which are senior to those we had in 1950. We're advancing the most powerful psychosomatic technology on the planet into a planetary area which never dreamed of anything that advanced. A fellow just got through having an automobile accident, and you want to straighten him out. Run the engram. Or a girl has just lost her husband. Run the moment of loss as a secondary and spill it. To use a Freudian expression, "traumatic shock" is contained in a broken leg. As long as that mental reaction to the experience of breaking the leg remains intact, healing of the leg will be a normal six weeks. But if you ran the incident of breaking the leg, you would reduce the time of healing from six weeks to two weeks. This is one of the wildest bafflers that medical doctors have ever run into with Dianetics. If a person falls and hits his head on the walk, a Dianetic touch assist can be done on him. Then run the engram. Too much overwhelm on a case can result in an illness which must be addressed Dianetically by running out the somatics connected with the illness. I've seen some spectacular things happen. I've seen a goiter the size of a baseball visibly shrink and disappear in the space of one-half hour right after an engram was run. DIANETIC AUDITING AND SOCIETY 281 I've seen several bad conditions of the body disappear, mental conditions alter, the insane turn sane. The last is one of the easier tricks. You'd be surprised how many insane can run engrams. A person considered to be totally helpless might just be PTS. You would be interested how well they do run incidents. Being sane or insane has nothing whatsoever to do with state of case. That sounds absolutely outrageous, but it is just a manifestation or a behavior pattern. It wasn't whether the person could be audited easily or with difficulty that determined whether he was sane or insane. Ease of auditing has nothing to do with his state of case. The insane very often audit like a baby buggy. The funny thing is that an insane person usually wants to run the incident the psychiatrist has kept telling him was a delusion or a hallucination. The psychiatrist has said it wasn't true and wouldn't even listen, creating an ARC break. The incident by this stage is possibly a bit delusory as the basic incident has become all messed up with so much suppression. But he kind of wants to run that. He sometimes will be very thoughtful about telling you anything about it but you eventually can get it rolling. The alarming thing I found is that a very large population in institutions has been put there by families for reasons other than insanity. Families can be a bit suppressive in some cases to the point of putting away someone who is not insane. That is the main danger of having an institution and of having civil rights suspended because of a condemnation of insanity. You mustn't suspend civil rights simply because somebody is declared insane. He hasn't ceased to be a member of the human race. Despite remonstrances not to, one auditor tried to handle an insane person whose family was paying the auditor a fortune to do something for him. In this case--and in others--the auditor was totally tied up for months on end doing nothing but holding somebody's hot hand and trying to do something about it. The investment of effort in such a case is high. But the auditor, even when he has brought the guy out of the woods, never gets otherwise than a kick in 282 BOOK THREE the teeth. As you can see from my case histories on this sort of thing, it does not pay to reward the down-statistic. There are five men walking down the street. One of them is as mad as the hatter but he has a brother willing to pay an auditor ten thousand pounds an hour to cure him. If the other four fellows didn't have any money at all, I can assure you that you would be much further ahead to audit any of these four. This is from pure unadulterated experience. I've had lots of discussions with doctors on their patients in institutions. I'm not quite as ill-informed on this subject as a psychiatrist. If you or I went out and shot somebody dead, they'd throw us into the electric chair and we would be dispensed with with great rapidity. But not an insane person. He can go out and shoot fifteen people and if he doesn't get killed in the process he goes into court and his friend the psychiatrist says, "The man is insane." So he is put in a nice institution where he can sit for the rest of his life. Doctors take care of him. Social workers work on him. Appropriations of about eighteen thousand dollars are spent on him. And in some of these cases nobody ever bothers to follow through and in as little as three days the person can be right back on the street, even after having been sent to the institution as insane, for murder. They just give him electric shock and put him out in the street. Sometimes not even electric shock is given. Psychiatrists look him over, decide he isn't dangerous and let him out. Or a man beats up three cops and busts up a bar. In court, he is pronounced insane and shipped to the institution for two or three days. Then the doctors let him out, where he will possibly repeat the performance. The police give up arresting him. Why bother? How can they keep law and order when a person can get away with anything if he's insane? That's a pretty steep reward for a down-statistic. Keep doing that for very long and unpleasant things start happening in a society. Every time the U.S. police try to stop a riot, somebody in Washington will be very critical of the police handling of the situation but won't say very much about the ringleaders. Bills are passed in Congress DIANETIC AUDITING AND SOCIETY 283 that reward rioters. The rioter is not supporting the country nor is he keeping law and order by looting stores and tearing everything to pieces. So let's give him more social workers, more dole? Let's give him more votes, more rights? That's rewarding the down-statistic. How about all the citizens around who weren't in riots and who weren't looting stores? They have to pay the tax that rewards the guy who did. That's penalizing the up-statistic. A suppressive society always penalizes the up-statistic and rewards the down-statistic. In such a society you could make yourself agreeable by awarding the down-statistic of illness and insanity, and penalizing the up-statistic. For example, by taking a fellow who is extremely bright, proclaiming that geniuses are liabilities because they always go to pieces, and tossing him in an institution. If we went along with a total agreement like this, society would love us. I don't care to be loved in that framework. When you look at behavior outside institutions and behavior inside you begin to wonder if the psychiatrist does know his job. The rising statistic of the number of insane in Western countries is so fantastic that it could only be a very suppressive society or government that would give psychiatry another penny appropriation. Psychiatry has failed in a big way. We are swimming against the stream. But by swimming with the stream, we'd go over Niagara Falls with no barrel. But going up against a down-statistic activity (like psychiatry) that is already being rewarded tends to bring you into the picture as being rewarded because you make down-statistics. And the next thing you know, everything you're trying to do is corroded. So my solution to the whole thing is to leave it alone. Let them go spin, practitioner and practiced-on alike, and do what you can. We are on a winning line. Making the able more able might not be as profitable financially as it could be made but it is much sounder on a basis of personal and organizational repute and growth. 284 BOOK THREE Now in some peculiar way we are able to hold certain constants: a constant of ethical conduct, a constant of doing the best we can to help other people. Our impulses in this direction are very good. And if we were just holding constants we would win, as the rest of the society is going by the boards. You didn't see riots like this twenty years ago in the United States. Forty years ago they weren't handling psychiatry the way they're handling it today. You didn't see millions of dollars being appropriated to the care and reward of a bunch of nuts. Fred Allen, the old American comedian, once said that the quality of humor had sunk to such a low ebb as to leave him on a pinnacle. If we kept on holding our constants, true to our own ideals, with the society decaying around us we would remain pretty well where we were. That would leave us on a pinnacle and society would eventually turn to us. However, that is not what we are doing. Although our motives are quite constant, our state of case or size of the movement is not. That is growing! And everyone connected with the movement is getting more able individually. This of course presents a picture of us remaining not on a constant plateau in a sinking society, but rather on a rising plateau in a sinking society. Now where do you think that's going to leave us as far as control and influence in the society is concerned.? Now what you do with what you know, is determined by the framework of the society in which you are working. It's not always the same solution. You don't always get the same answer because there are different environments, different surroundings into which you can use what you know. Imagine a violinist from the Philharmonic Orchestra going out to a lumber camp and playing for the lumberjacks. Now I am sure that he would amuse the lumberjacks but if he did not monitor his action or exhibition of skill against the environment in which he was performing he would probably be quite unpopular and might even become damaged. It is very well to have a constant of action, and we can really congratulate anyone who is sufficiently powerful to always act constantly and apply the same solution to all DIANETIC AUDITING AND SOCIETY 285 situations. But when you have still got one foot in the human race and you're still human yourself, you won't find that this is too easy to do. You're not strong enough yet. So you monitor your application and use of technology against the environment in which you find yourself. When you try to disseminate Dianetics and Scientology, you're really up against a problem not of how you suffer all the slings and arrows but of how you tailor-make what you know to fit the group to whom you are speaking. It isn't false to do that. You have the whole vast panorama of existence: the mind, the spirit, religion. You've got the entirety of life as a bin out of which you can pull fragments of the subject to offer people. You are actually trying to tell him what he already knows down deep, although it is all covered by a tremendous amount of false information. But in every case there is an entrance point. And there being an entrance point, all you have to find is that point of a gradient of what you know about existence which he does not have to protest and which he does not have to argue with in order to preserve "his own integrity." At what point can we enter? I have talked by the hour to medical doctors about Dianetics and Scientology. I don't have to talk long until they're sitting there with their jaws dropped, very appreciative of the whole thing. And then they fit it into their framework and run with the ball. If you can't get the other guy to contribute somewhat to the conversation it ceases to be an agreement. So if you want to disseminate broadly in all directions, you would simply estimate the persons or groups to whom you are seeking to speak. Then having estimated you would give them something with which they could agree without violating their own mores, without violating their own fixed ideals. Also never give someone something which is false just to agree, because your force and impact consists of the fact that you speak truth. You have to estimate your audience very accurately. And if you do that right, short of your having confronted a 286 BOOK THREE suppressive person, the proper response is, "Gee, where has this been all my life?" It hasn't anything to do with their religious fixations or convictions. It hasn't anything to do with their social mores. Now the Road to Truth can never be traveled partially. So if you do not provide some way in which to let them go on traveling on the road you can also get into trouble. No matter how tiny the crack in the door, there must be some way for them to go further. Don't just leave them totally parked. It's tantamount to a sin to introduce somebody to the fact that there is a certain technology which is known, about immortality and the Road to Truth and that there are certain books and courses about this, and not tell him the address of where this is taught. That way you sentence somebody to no auditing. But an estimation of whom you are trying to speak to and where they sit on the tone scale, what problems they have and what use they can have for the data comes into the whole field of dissemination. Dianetics has a big role in dissemination. To get together a group of people, teach them all about the fundamentals of the mind and get them to run secondaries and engrams would be highly effective. If you get very smart with Dianetics it is just about the most interesting dissemination technology you ever had anything to do with. You can teach people Dianetics technology. They might not stay around if you simply talked to them about their souls, whereas you would find them getting very enthusiastic indeed if you taught them how to run engrams and secondaries. In Dianetics you are handling the most powerful dissemination tool there is. Your knowledge of the anatomy of the engrams and secondaries of the mind puts into your hands terrific absorbing interest on the part of any human being you talk to. The mind is probably the least understood, the most mysterious object that anybody ever heard of. You would have to know that an individual was quite capable of making pictures, of creating mass, energy, space and time before you could understand what the mind was. That would DIANETIC AUDITING AND SOCIETY 287 require that you understood there was such a thing as an individual. An individual isn't something walking around in a frock coat or with pince-nez glasses. An individual is a static.* A static is something that's motionless. And there is no reason to explain a thetan or say where it came from, because it didn't come from any place. It ~is~. A thetan is a life unit capable of many things but is most familiar to one and all as "you." If you don't believe you are a thetan, here is a little exercise: Look around you. What do you see? You see the physical universe. And look at another person. You see a body. Then make a picture of a cat. That picture is a synthetic and a creation at the moment you're making it up. That is the mind. But what's looking at that cat? You are. That you are mocking up that thing called the mind was the great discovery of Scientology. But what is the source of this thing? In college I studied atomic molecular phenomena. It should have been left there as a toy subject and not gone any further, because out of that subject came the atomic bomb. It was originally called atomic molecular phenomena; highly specialized, it is now called nuclear physics. Today, people get degrees in nuclear physics and go out with aplomb to blow human beings to pieces because politicians don't know how to handle governments. But the whole subject of the human mind was so unknown, so bedazzled and mucked about, people hardly even knew there was a mind. Mary Baker Eddy said, "All is mind, infinite mind." She was using "mind" in some other connotation. She thought the universe was a big think. There is a lot to think, but there is also us. This thing called the "engram" came from a theory I developed at George Washington University. It's an interesting theory because Man had no explanation for the storage of thought. This is typical scientific think: if memory is contained in a molecule, there are 10 to the 21st power binary digits of molecules in the brain in the neuron system, some phenomenal figure. But if there were a hundred holes in each one of these molecules, and one memory in each hole, then by calculation of the number of things observed 288 BOOK THREE and remembered, and by actual inspection of Man's memory, Man had enough memory storage to last him three months! And although this may not be true of psychologists, psychiatrists and many professors, there are those who can remember back further than three months. I wrote this up as proof that this was not how Man remembered. But a few years later, about 1936, this was issued in Vienna as the way Man remembered. Man is so scarce on data that he will even buy ways people have proved Man doesn't remember in order to explain the mind and memory. There is a mirror theory that is even more ridiculous, whereby one perceives by having a mirror which reflects the perceptions and concentrates them. That was the explanation of the psychological school of thought in the fifties. Don't ask what looks at the mirror because they'll tell you another mirror. They never followed the thought all the way through. Something had to look at the mirror. Similarly they talk about the wonders of computers. Some of my friends use Eniacs and Univacs and Mukluks or whatever these things are called these days, and they are doing this gorgeous stunt of praising the computer and saying how much better it is than a human being. I shatter their comparisons by saying, "Who asks the computer questions?" And they say, "Well, of course we do, because we're so stupid." And I say, "Who, then, does it answer questions for?" That stops them. They have the idea that a computer answers questions for other computers, then asks questions for other computers. But the truth is there is always someone there feeding it cards and feeding it questions. You'll also see somebody come over and take out a long tape and then read it. It didn't mean a thing until somebody read it. So Man's approach to this was so childish as to be silly. And what data he had about the mind he couldn't even think about. The psychiatrist thinks the mind is the brain; that's why he keeps sawing up brains and drilling holes in them. He thinks he's getting something. You can't drill a hole in a mind; it's not possible. DIANETIC AUDITING AND SOCIETY 289 The mind, then, is being asked to think about something called the mind. The big electronic computers are not able to think about computers or to design themselves. But fortunately the mind doesn't have to understand the mind because there is somebody there to understand it. We also have to understand the idea of what is reality. This really baffles people because this is the biggest philosophic conundrum of the ages: What is reality? People tell you to face reality. But you could say with a philosophic quip, "I'll be glad to face it if you'll explain it." That would stop them cold because they can't explain reality. Reality totally lacks philosophic definitions. We get into such wierdities as: if the tree fell in the forest and there was nobody there to hear it fall, then would it have made a sound? Those philosophers couldn't all have been serious. If you want to have a ball, read some of these old-timers' works of three or four centuries ago and get their definitions for some of these commodities you have to know about in order to be free. Reality is one of them. Reality is "what is." People who can't see very much don't have much reality. You can experience reality so easily that I wonder a little bit at anybody having trouble with it. You can stamp and there it is, it's real. Someone says, "But a lot of people have an awful lot of delusions." And you say, "Okay, what's a delusion?" That would probably stop them. We could answer it easily. A delusion is what one person thinks is but others don't necessarily. I'd hate to have a mental practitioner who himself had a very low level of reality because he would be out of agreement with everybody else's, so that everything to him would be delusion. Just the fact that somebody said it was real would be enough for him to then state that it was delusion. One of the ways to handle such a person is to get him just to feel the table. Don't be amazed if he experiences a fantastic case gain in that instant. And let him in on something: you feel the table and you say, "I can feel it too." And it will be such a relief to him because for a long time he thought only he could. 290 BOOK THREE Now out of these questions of, "What is reality?", "What is a being?" and "What is a mind?" we can map a path with great security and find out what it is that has Man trapped, and why Man acts and reacts as he does. All this is very elementary once you know the basic definitions. The engram is a mental image picture of an experience which contains pain and unconsciousness. A secondary is a mental image picture of an experience which contains loss and is therefore mis-emotional. In Dianetic processing, you have to know what the mind is, and it isn't anything more complicated than what I've told you. How did it get made? A thetan is a compulsive mocker-upper. By a mock-up we mean a mental image creation, ordinarily, and he is able to create instantaneously. He makes a full picture of his being hit by a bullet. He is so overwhelmed by it that he thinks the obvious thing for him to do is make a picture of it. And that is the one flaw in a thetan which makes him aberrated. If you can get him over doing this so that he can recover from this mad obsession to make a picture of everything that happens to him and then hide it from himself and then fix it up so it can impinge itself upon his existence, you can get him out of the cage. The case happens to be that the individual is trapped by his own creations. Now he dramatizes these pictures or they enforce computations on him. He will go through being shot because he has an engram of being shot. He does this by getting dislocated in time. The precision with which a thetan mocks these things up as they happen and then puts them on the time track with the exact time on them is amazing. It is correct within seconds. If it happened four years, two months, one day, three hours, seven minutes and two seconds ago, that is the exact thing that will fall on the meter. He can also turn time around to how long ago it was. You can run it from the beginning but you'd better not because there are some booby traps at the beginning. But if you run it from present time back, you'll find that this ability to spot in time these mental image pictures of experience is amazing. It is so great that sometimes all you DIANETIC AUDITING AND SOCIETY 291 have to do is date how long ago the incident occurred to have it blow. An individual has to be in pretty good shape, however, before you can do that. In essence, the mind is those pictures which have been made of experiences and plotted against time and preserved in energy and mass in the vicinity of the being and which, when restimulated, are recreated without his analytical awareness. That's the mind you're working with and trying to get out of. You say we're trying to get this individual out of a body. No, you won't get anybody out of a body so he'll stay out because he's so weakened by his mind that he cannot control or handle himself in relation to his body. The trick of all this is that you cannot make a postulate or an intention through this mass called the mind. And whenever you do, the mind restimulates so a thetan is not able to make or handle things by postulates. He has an impulse to say, "You will be all right," as in miracle healing. Saint Peter meets someone and wants to heal him. The intention is there to make the fellow all right. But St. Peter's intention goes only so far, collides with whatever engrams are in restimulation and goes splat! He immediately concludes that that is not a good thing to do, whereas his intention is actually terrifically powerful. A thetan's thought can't go through his own barricade of his mock-ups, so obviously the fewer creations of experiences an individual has around him and the fewer there are to restimulate, the more he can think or project his thoughts, or the bigger he gets. You can delete these experiences by Dianetic auditing. Let's say an individual is always going around bent over. There may be dozens of reasons he's going around like that all contained in the mind. But you can be absolutely sure that he's got a mental image picture where something made him get bent over. Theoretically you could say, "All right, the incident in which you are bent over like this will now appear," and he would get the incident. You'd better not do this with any case that is having any trouble at all, but with someone who is pretty well uptone and doing fine you can ask things like that. The trouble is, if they're uptone they aren't obeying their engrams to that degree. 292 BOOK THREE But if he did not then get the incident and it remained black, you could then get the duration of the incident. You could get the date of the incident. You date it, then get the duration and the pc will get the picture of it. And there he is dangling from a tree with a rope under him having been shot with 54 arrows or some experience of this character. This has various complications. The individual is all messed up because he's trying not to dramatize the engram in which he's stuck; and he's trying not to dramatize it because the tendency of the individual and the dramatization is to repeat in action what has happened to one in experience. That's a basic definition of it. Much more important, it is a replay out of its time and period now of something that happened then. Either the person is totally unrestrained and therefore totally dramatizing, at which moment we consider he is mad, or he has the impulse to dramatize but he knows he'd better not. A fellow will tie himself down like Gulliver in Lilliput and hold himself back trying to keep from dramatizing some incident. So there is a double action here: the impulse to dramatize and the effect of the incident on the individual, and the individual's analytical awareness that it's not bright, whenever one sees a rock, to pick it up and hit someone with it. He thinks he's rather odd and doesn't know where this comes from, so he begins to lose confidence in himself. Each time he sees a rock he has an impulse to pick it up and bash somebody's head in with it, and he knows that's not nice. It isn't that he's afraid of the police; it's because he's basically good, he doesn't want to do those things. But there is the rock and there is a head. So he starts holding things up so he can't look at rocks, and soon he is walking around bent over all the time so he won't see any rocks. He's dramatizing an incident where somebody else picked up a rock and hit him over the head with it and then he went into the other person's valence which was the winning one. You're dealing with the basic mind. The core of the reactive bank also has this same character; but it is so outrageous, so different, and so overwhelming that you're not about to touch that unless you've got the exact map. DIANETIC AUDITING AND SOCIETY 293 Even when you've got the exact map you occasionally knock your block off. But you are approaching this lightly, dealing with this lifetime--probably the last year or two--and some people have probably not penetrated any deeper than this morning's breakfast. In view of the fact that a person doesn't know what happened, occasionally he tells himself what happened. Therefore he will sometimes have his actual experience overlaid with another experience. This is the way you get too many Julius Caesars. The man was a mad heterosexual with very nasty personal habits whose ideas of conquest were laughable. He conquered such countries as England which were ready to welcome the Romans at that time. They would have brought them ashore and shaken them by the hand, but Caesar landed with chariots and spears so he could conquer everybody. And he cut off the right hands of 50,000 Gauls. That's pretty suppressive. Nevertheless, this made him the winning valence, so a lot of people who served with him on his side and a lot of people on the other side would register loud and long as Julius Caesar. Whenever you have a personality that has been terrifically successful or a personality who has been terribly overwhelming, vicious and oppressive, you get a lot of people in that time in that valence, because there are a lot of mental image pictures of it. So don't get too baffled about past lives. Every once in a while past lives get so invalidated that people don't want anything to do with them. They've seen too many Julius Caesars. And it tends to suppress one saying, "I was Cassius." It's the invidious comparison. For instance, a perfectly valid and capable statesman has a plan that is going to help the British Empire. He meets a complete idiot who says that he used to be Disraeli and he has a plan to save the British Empire. The statesman tends to feel he must be crazy because he also has a plan to save the British Empire. This is invidious comparison. A person thinks, "I couldn't have lived before because look at those nuts talking about past lives. There are three Julius Caesars over there and two Napoleons." 294 BOOK THREE Sometimes if the pc is being too doubtful about all this and is having a hard time on it, run suppress and invalidate and so forth on the subject of "have you lived before?" You'll get some very interesting results. Because thetans are meshed in to the degree that they are smashed down by mass and the mind, it's very hard for them to remember more than a few years. One of the reasons is that a thetan's effort to remember gets painful so he'd rather not remember. When a person is 21 years old and 21 years ago he was blown to pieces by a cannon ball, trying to coax him to remember any earlier than 20 years ago, or even more comfortably 16 years ago becomes very difficult unless a person knows what he's up against. One of his favorite methods of handling the bank is almost as crazy as making it in the first place: it's to forget about it. You have to be up in the vicinity of Clear before it really starts to look hilariously funny. As high as Grade V, and certainly as high as Grade IV, people still try to figure out how this bank, this mind of theirs is valuable. This is an excuse not to confront it. A person's effort to confront it is an effort to confront very, very painful experiences which he doesn't want to confront. He says, therefore, that there must be some virtue in it so he'd better leave it there. This is another method he uses in fooling himself concerning it. There is a whole cult that follows this, the cult of psychology which actually subscribes to the theory that you had better be glad you're neurotic. But that is merely a school's expression of something that beings kind of want to think anyhow. If you can't cure neurosis and you don't know what the mind is all about then you can excuse all that by simply saying, "You don't want anything done about your mind because it's a good thing you're neurotic; all great artists are nuts." But the mind is a complex mechanism which influences the individual and which he's better off without. And you really won't believe all the way that you'd be better off without it until you finally get rid of it. Then you'll say, "I sure had a lot of weird reasons why I was hanging on to all this coal tar. I must have been nuts!" That's right! DIANETIC AUDITING AND SOCIETY 295 Every now and then somebody's got a genius valence all rigged up to answer questions--a computer. He says, "How big should I build this building?" He gets, "562 1/2 feet high," and puts it down on the drawing. He wouldn't know what to do without that thing. It never occurs to him that he himself has to go around there to work out the answer and then come back here and hear it. He will become very sad about losing his mind if he gets one of these things half desensitized: it's still there but it doesn't work anymore and he hasn't taken back and owned the ability. It's erased to a point where it doesn't work. At this point he will be rather regretful of having done something about it. When he says, "How big should the building be?" there's dead silence. With further auditing he gets a bit better and all of a sudden he says, "The building ought to be 819 feet tall, any fool could see that." He can see that now. What he had been doing was attributing the ability to a circuit and putting it on an automatic-response basis. He was in actual fact using a valence. Every once in a while you'll see a six-year-old child playing a piano or a violin with a symphony orchestra. Suddenly he's ten or twelve and one day he looks at a piano or a violin and he doesn't know what it is. That same mechanism has occurred, except he's been working on a circuit and has somehow or other erased part of it or has done something about it, if he got up to a point of realization. In one lifetime you can almost erase your own skills if you put them all on picture form. The way to do that is to stick yourself in college, get a nice valence which is "the expert," and then always consult the expert, and never think it out for yourself. Then one day accidentally abandon this thing, mislay it, or move on the time track so that you're not near it any more, and then be totally lost and not have the skill. But who has the skill in the first place? The individual himself. Now the thetan, once having started this trick of mocking up and holding on to all of his personal experiences, then began to find virtues for it, and he made little machines 296 BOOK THREE and circuits. And when you start reversing this procedure he wonders what is happening because halfway through any action he will have lost the benefit of the machine or circuit without himself having regained the ability. This is not true, however, of his IQ graph. Any processing increases IQ. The individual is getting brighter, and that's the final test of it. A great many things have been borne out about Dianetic auditing since we have begun to make clears. Man is basically good, and the more mind you get rid of, the brighter you get, until you get rid of all of it. Then you're very bright. You as an auditor had better get familiar with the mind: those are the bars of the cage in which your preclear is trapped. The technology required to vanquish this thing is actually in excess of the simple erasure of pictures. You have to know an awful lot. That doesn't mean it isn't still a simple problem and that the definition of the mind doesn't hold, but it means that the mind is more complex and the experiences have been far more complex than anybody had ever imagined. And it is much harder for somebody to confront. An early Dianetic Clear was a release, and quite validly he had been temporarily cleared. But his reactions to the entirety of existence were really far less than those of a Clear and infinitely less than those of an OT. After you are Clear then you have to study up and regain what you can do. Anybody who is clever enough to mock up a mind and keep it in place and not even know about it for that long has got a lot of abilities. But an individual has as many engrams and secondaries as he has had experiences. I won't ask you to take my word for how old you are--it's very impolite, particularly to ladies, to hang any vast age upon you. But if you start chalking it up on the meter as to how long you've had a mind, you will come up with something very interesting indeed. You'll feel better, too, unless you get too serious about it and then you'll plummet yourself right down into the middle of the reactive bank and have an awful time. But if you asked the question bluntly, "how old am I?" you would DIANETIC AUDITING AND SOCIETY 297 probably get a variety of answers because, of course, you are the ones who invented time. And you aren't old. You have been in a certain state for a certain period of time and you can measure those states but you cannot measure a total with any degree of accuracy. You're going to get variations. But there has been quite a long period. Let's say you've averaged a pain out of every year; you've at least stubbed your toe. And let's say you've had a major catastrophe at least every lifetime. Therefore divide 25 into the length of time which reads on the meter that you have had a mind, and you will get too many trillion incidents for anybody in this lifetime to sit and erase. Theoretically it could all be erased incident by incident, chain by chain. But you haven't got that much auditing time and nobody's got that much patience. It would take thousands of hours, maybe binary digits of hours, and this is impractical for a human being because the average age of decay of the body is 75 years, and it would take more than 75 years to get in enough auditing to erase all of the engrams on the track. Therefore, I had to bring this right to basics of what a thetan consists of rather than what he mocks up. By addressing the thetan and its mechanics, it is possible to clear somebody well within a couple of years. The lower grades are perfected and there is no shortcut for Grade VI and Clear. Anybody who tells you there is, is trying to cut your throat. Remember that. There is no short cut. Someone told me he thought I would have blown the whole bank just by plotting it. No, not even me. Eventually I got so I could take a fantastic engram of being blasted all to pieces and betrayed at the same time and blow it just by inspection. But confronting the basic reactive bank isn't like that. I'm not trying to scare you; I'm just trying to keep you from making mistakes. You should untangle your nomenclature and get your misunderstood words out of this area because this is very, very important. In erasing engrams, you encounter the various phenomena already mentioned. And you might think that the toughest incident would be the earliest incident. However, the toughest incident to try to do anything about is the most recent one, and the easiest is the earliest. 298 BOOK THREE A chain simply means a series of incidents of similar content. There's the "hit by car" chain. There may only be one engram on that chain, but that would be very rare indeed. There may be 20 on the "hit by car" chain. But if we confine ourselves to this lifetime, we may find one or two on the "hit by car" chain that won't erase, because the basic occurred many lifetimes ago. People don't like past lives because it points their attention back at a lot of agony. There's a good reason for it. For example, a fellow is 41 years old; 41 years ago he died. He probably didn't die pleasantly either, being the kind of fellow he is. If you tell him he's lived before this life, you're pointing his attention back at that horrible incident and he just bounced right straight back to present time, shaking. You think he's angry because you're talking about past lives. No, he's terrified. The resolution of a problem requires that you handle the elements of the problem. Therefore if you insist on a person staying in this lifetime, you're going to run into the "hit by car" chain with two incidents in this lifetime. You are trying to erase these last two of 520 incidents. He was first hit by a car 1,765,777 years, three months, one day, one hour and ten seconds ago. So when you go through an incident once and it doesn't desensitize, and you start the fellow through again and the incident now appears a little bit heavier and massy, you'd better realize you're probably at number 520 on that chain, and if you try to put this fellow through it too often it's going to get heavier and heavier and thicker and thicker. You must erase the earlier incident. It always requires the earliest incident you can reach to totally desensitize a chain. But here is one of the symptoms: you start the pc through an engram, and when you bring him back through it to go over it again, he says exactly what he said before without any change or variation. He is no longer in the time of that engram. He has bounced and he's now running the lock he put into PT. It was so heavy that it laid in a lock in present time. Also, he has learned better than to go near it. You've run into the mechanism exactly of why a thetan keeps a mind: because he doesn't want to confront it. It would erase DIANETIC AUDITING AND SOCIETY 299 if he confronted it, but it is too painful for him to do so. You have actually got the pc in over his head. If you run what he can erase and what reads well on the meter, you've got a level of confront he can confront. "Did you ever lose anything?" He thinks for a little while and says, "Yeah, I lost a ring." That's the incident. But as you run him through it with Dianetic auditing--it's a secondary because it contains loss--you are going to get meter action. And you'd better watch your meter, too, because it's liable to go free needle. And if it does, that's it on that chain, get onto something else. A man can remember what he can confront and that's all he's going to remember. If he had a fight at breakfast, he's not going to want to remember breakfast. If he got hit by a truck ten years ago, he doesn't want to remember "hit by a truck ten years ago." If he talks about it at all, it's because he's talking about a lock which he's moved up into PT which is comfortable. He'll tell you all about having been hit by a truck but he won't give it to you in present time, as though it's just now this minute happening. Instead, he comes to present time away from the incident with a sort of synthetic history of the incident, and he can go through that. If you run unreading incidents, that's the way he will run engrams: synthetic and PT. He doesn't want to go back down. The person at fear on the tone scale will act like he's on a powerful spring which is shooting him straight up the track to PT. He's stuck right here and now. He's not going to go back anyplace. He doesn't even want to remember what he had for breakfast. This is not the chap who wins medals for courage. He acts like he's being ejected on hydraulic thrust straight up to present time. Freud was dealing with people of this type all the time. They were as crazy as they couldn't confront, and they were pretty nutty. Yet he was asking them to go back and remember their childhood. It never occurred to him to ask them if they could remember entering his office because they probably would not have been able to tell him. Amnesia is not a very mysterious mechanism. The amnesiac is so spooked that he doesn't dare remember ten 300 BOOK THREE seconds ago. He has had some experience earlier than which he is not going to remember, including the experience. He is only willing to remember some moment after that experience. We call this amnesia, but he is just scared. You will run into this all the time in varying degrees in pcs, and the worst ones are those that are rigid in present time. They are going along with each click of the clock and no further back than the last click. Such a person will tell you he has a bad memory. That is not the only source of bad memory. A bad memory is simply accumulated occlusion of it all. Nevertheless it is non-confront. For instance, trying to train somebody with beatings would be the last way in the world you could get him to learn, because you're giving him all of his education so that he can't confront it. This tells you why some instructors who are beloved by their students turn out geniuses: the students find the instruction very easy to confront. Now where do you find relief to this situation of a pc being stuck in present time? You will actually get the pc back into the first part of the incident and get him to roll it off. Maybe he'll even go through it once. He'll suddenly hold back the pain that hit his hip. That's it! He was already in it, but like a diver emerging from the sea, he'll come up to the surface and run the incident the next time straight along present time where it's nice and safe. He doesn't want anything to do with that dirty old nasty pain that almost took his leg off. It's all a bouncer but it isn't just a bouncer phrase that pushes people up to present time or shoots them about. Now an individual is liable to feel so imprisoned at some point of the track that he knows he cannot progress any further than that point forever. And you'll find somebody who's totally stuck on the track. But this is somebody who is terrified of the future. And people get in this frame of mind when they're about to be executed. If you can recall the last time you were about to be executed--time must halt at that point! DIANETIC AUDITING AND SOCIETY 301 And you'll find that such a pc seems to go back earlier very easily. He shoots back to the beginning of anything. You can't hold him in an incident. You say, "We're going to run the automobile accident when you were five years old." He says, "No, I've got one now two thousand years ago. I've got one now fifteen thousand, I've got one a trillion years ago, I've got one two trillion years ago." You say, "Whoa!" Recognize what you're dealing with. This is a person who doesn't dare move forward with the time track. A Dianetically audited pc misbehaves only when put beyond his ability to confront, and then you run into all the problems of Dianetics. You have to know an infinite number of solutions. You have to be a screaming genius with answers. As an auditor, you have to sit there and sweat. You've got to be right on the ball. Why? You're running the pc over his head. And one of the best ways in the world to run a pc over his head in his early auditing is to take a new pc with no familiarity with the mind and take up an unreading item to discover the source of his lumbosis, plunge him into it straightaway, and try to force him to go through it. You will have a very unwilling pc; you will have to practically sit on his head. He will bounce all over the place. The second time you bring him through it he runs it in PT, he can find no other part of the chain, he can't erase it. He's in trouble. You're running him beyond his ability to confront, that's all. His ability to confront is one-millionth of an attention unit, and what you're asking him to confront requires one thousandth of an attention unit. He's not about to stay there comfortably and do anything about it at all. Therefore I stress gradient scales. After you have been going a while the pc's ability to confront comes up. You are getting somewhere. But the truth is that if you want to make a release this way, don't ever run an unreading item and he will come out the right end of it. He will be able to confront more and more, and you have improved his ability to confront his past experience. 302 BOOK THREE If you run Dianetic auditing right, you will get results. The test of that is, does your pc feel any better afterwards? If he doesn't, you have done one of two things: either you've let him go too light or you've let him go too strong. You have insisted he run some tiny light lock that he isn't interested in and could confront a dozen like it, or you've pushed him in over his head. The best test is the pc. The pc knows what he can tolerate. When you run a secondary, you can ask him, "Have you ever lost anything?" And if you want to be very sure, ask, "Recently, have you lost anything?" And he says, "Why yes, I lost a ring." Run it. But when you're asking for moments of loss, remember that you're asking for the whole chain of all secondaries. So you could soften your question up even further: "Do you recall a period of sadness?" Attach the chronic emotion to it and solve that. You could ask for times when he was sad, times when he was afraid, times when he felt some other emotion. In the early days of running Dianetics, there were so many techniques developed for throwing people into engrams that it was practically a snap of the fingers and over Niagara Falls the guy went. We were so skilled in those days in putting people into incidents that the most remarkable dramatizations would occur. But it's true that you can do something with it. I remember one chap that I snapped into an incident of straight unadulterated terror; terror so great that as his body shook on the bed, he was lifting the legs of the bed off the floor and banging them down again in a chatter. I wouldn't have believed it myself if I hadn't seen it. He was scared! And there is such a thing as an odor of fear, and that odor permeated the room to a point where it smelled like a terrified army in full rout. The incident was right there. He'd been sitting in it, it was in full restimulation. He had been resisting it, couldn't confront any part of it, and I just tripped him into it with a bit of skill. It was an incident where he and a fellow scout had gone as a couple of savages to scout the enemy position, had been caught and his companion had been boiled and eaten before him. In an effort not to get eaten, he had managed to get DIANETIC AUDITING AND SOCIETY 303 free and threw himself over a cliff. At first he couldn't really determine whether he'd been thrown over the cliff because he'd gone mad, or whether he had thrown himself over. It finally resolved that it was the latter. We ran this out, the emotion discharged from it (I only had to go through it five or six times) and that finished it. Before he ran it, he was not about to go anyplace else on the track. It cured something with him and completely changed his life. But the faster process was the first one I ever used, which is gradient scales--find something the fellow can confront and run him through it. And factually, I have made people a lot better by getting them to run the incident of walking into the room to keep their appointment with me, by coaxing them back that far on the time track. And I had my best results with that type of an approach. You could ask, "What would you say your chronic emotion was?" "I think I'm just bored most of the time." "Good. Can you remember a time when you were bored?" "Yes." "Good. Now let's start in at the beginning of that period." And you'll find a secondary, then another secondary, and still another below this, and the next thing you know, you'll find he was made to be in a place of no interest but some danger for a period of time that was very upsetting. You don't have to call for engrams to parallel this, but if you did, sooner or later you'd come up with an incident where he was perhaps executed in similar surroundings. That would be the engram behind the secondaries. A chronic emotion is involved; you could ask for various types of emotion and this way you could sort the thing out. Get the guy through it, no matter how many commands you have to give him. That's what you're supposed to do. You can offer encouragement--"Go on," "Continue," anything similar you want to say. And you'll get your best results by not throwing the fellow in over his head. Then you won't need 8,765 solutions 304 BOOK THREE to 50,000 problems. You won't run into any problems if the pc is running what he almost can confront, and he'll get quite a relief out of running those. But you would be fascinated at how little some people can confront. You'd also be fascinated at how much some other people can confront. Another pc will run through an incident with somatics tearing throughout his body and say, ". . . so the lion took another mouthful out of my left leg." It's what the pc can do, not what you decide the pc can do. So the individual who doesn't run well is being asked to confront either far too much or far too little, and the numbers that will be confronting too little are very few. Far more common is your asking them to confront too much. How much is too much? That depends on the person you are auditing. That same too much won't be too much for the next pc; the amount varies from being to being because experience varies. Not only does experience vary, but different parts of the track are in restimulation. Some people are in a very tough basic incident of some kind which makes all other incidents including the lightest of locks the most painful things imaginable. Some people have the idea that there is an engram and then a secondary which in turn accumulates locks. It isn't that simple. Just because I have given you simple answers is no reason the mind is simply built. You have all the jerry-rigged messes of the track. There will be a chain of the same type of incident: the original and the repeated ones plotted in time thereafter. For example, the "off with the head" chain contains 150 engrams, each one of which consists of having one's head cut off. Parallel to that will be the "off with the head" motivator series which has maybe 49 incidents where the individual cut someone else's head off. In addition to all of that, each one of those will have accumulated locks, which are conscious-level experiences which stick without the individual knowing quite why. A shiny piece of metal would be enough to make a lock. So each one of the 150 engrams can have as many as 300,000 locks. DIANETIC AUDITING AND SOCIETY 305 And what are the secondaries? If you were looking at a ladder rung the the bottom side of that rung were natural wood color and there was a stripe of black painted across the top of that rung, the natural wood would be the engram and the black stripe would be the secondary. It's actually lying right there with the engram. Each one of these 150 engrams has its own secondary, and each of those secondaries has two or three thousand locks. That isn't all. This chain cross-references and interconnects with other engram chains. For example, "public gatherings, injuries during." That is not a series of locks. That's an independent series of engrams, such as being trampled to death in a crowd. So the "off with the head" chain, the "smashed in the crowd" chain, and the "public gatherings, injuries during" chain will be cross-referenced and their locks will intermingle, so that the locks of the "off with the head" chain will cross over and become the locks of one of the other chains. Let me show you where you would really get foxed if you tried to trace something like this down. This is a typical Freudian problem: fetishism. For example, the fellow has a fixation on hairbrushes. It would be impossible to trace any single article such as a hairbrush back to why the individual is afraid of it. You could desensitize it, you could find some reasons for it, but to get the basic reason for it? It occurs in engram chain one, engram chain two, secondary chain four, and eight billion locks, and it turns out not to be a hairbrush anyhow but a small black animal. The hairbrush itself is just a restimulator. But to set anybody a job of tracing back something like that would be pure idiociy; there's no point in it. That's the wrong way to go about it. Such are the cognitions that a pc gets out of it: "I always wondered why I got colic--it's when my mother wore that cameo that matches the disc on the bridle that I saw when I was killed in the tournament!" But he'll find eight thousand more reasons for his colic before he's through. There is hardly anything an individual has not been or done at one time or another of his career. And to say this is 306 BOOK THREE a specialized thetan, that he's always been a magistrate, is a laugh. At what period in his career did he get tired of being a criminal and become a magistrate? After having been a ditchdigger, a coal heaver, a counsel, an artisan, a pilot, a space ranger, and a writer. But the individual's experiential track is very important with regard to what he can do when he finally comes out, because we're producing a new thing in a Clear. We are producing a being without a bank who has experience. Man has never had anything like that before. One has had main points of experience on the track which have been more emphasized than other points and he will tend to be better at these than things he has not had so much experience with. But it's a case of emphasis, not difference. Where your individual is being run on engrams, he can easily get in too deep, but only if you push him in. If he's not running them properly, you figure out why. It's either overconfront or underconfront. My bet is that it's overconfront, and you asked too generalized a question and took too vague an answer. You didn't get it established; you didn't decide what you were going to run, and get it all mapped out before you began it. You're going to run some times when the person was scared. When was the last time he was scared? And the individual trips into this new mechanism of "mustn't have any future." Back down the track he goes, winding up in bad incidents. This is simply because you've lost control of the situation. You didn't steady him on and make him run what you started to run. You got him all involved in whether he should go earlier, and he's trying to go totally Clear on engram running. To go Clear on engram running would take him three of four lifetimes. Engrams are the woof and the warp and the exact thing which you're auditing all the way to Clear. It's what has got us in the cage. And it's always a good thing when you find yourself in a trap to find out what the trap consists of. But don't despair if you haven't yet been able to run an engram on anybody. You haven't been able to do so because you've disdained to run some faint lock. If you can't make any progress with your pc and you haven't been able to get DIANETIC AUDITING AND SOCIETY 307 him into anything, run breakfast. You'll find that usually works. If you can't run breakfast, run the time he came to the session as an incident. A person can be so bad off that present time and the march of time past him in this universe is itself a continuous running engram. He is living in a moment of pain and unconsciousness. And the tick tick of the clock is an engram in itself. Now a person is pretty batty when he's in that shape. But that's how bad it can get. And you've run into some vestige of that when you're not able to run incidents on your pc. He's not about to go anywhere; it's nice and safe where he is. You can always run an incident on somebody. Don't listen to orders that you must run an engram. Don't take unreading items because you'll throw him in over his head. Run the incident your pc can confront and you'll win all the way. The most fundamental fundamentals have to be gone into to teach somebody something about Dianetic auditing. There's a lot of essential data in ~Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health~, but it runs engrams quite differently, by repeater technique and by phrases. A Dianetic session today would look like a repetitive auditing session with the single exception that it takes longer for the pc to answer the question. If you tell him to go through it and tell everything that has happened, that is an auditing command but it may take him five minutes to answer it. In Dianetic auditing he isn't continuously itsaing, you tell him to go through it and say what happened. When he finishes telling you, you give him a final acknowledgment. Sometimes he gets scared or lonesome and you have to give him an "uh-huh" to encourage him, as a sort of half acknowledgment. If you give him too many of these, he'll start talking to you obsessively because he feels that he's got more to say and you've already acknowledged him. So get your half acknowledgments really half, "mmm-hmm." Don't say, "GOOD!" If you really want to start him talking, just do that to him a time or two, and he'll feel that you're stopping him from talking. He will then talk more and more. With continuously talking pcs, where the auditor never has a chance to get a question in edgewise, either the pc has 308 BOOK THREE been trained in the field of psychoanalysis, or the auditor is over-acknowledging and the pc is trying to get past that acknowledgment. If auditors can't audit, no auditing gets done. That's very horribly true. Then nobody makes it up the line at all. I once turned a preclear over to an auditor who didn't know enough to flatten the process. When the pc went unconscious, he changed the process. Even if the pc does go unconscious, get your question answered. If the pc says he can't answer the question, just sit there until he does. If a pc has no more answers, the process probably went free needle and you didn't notice. But don't change a process because a pc goes unconscious. He'll "wake up again" and answer! These are the little truisms of auditing. Get your auditing question answered. Don't change processes because the pc goes out like a light. Don't panic. I have made releases with Dianetic auditing; they were the first Clears. It's not too hard to do. Of course they were simply keyed-out Clears, which today we call releases, but it completely changed their lives. The trouble I had in those days was that the person felt so good that he just walked away. There was no training pre-1950. I kept tabs on these people for some years, but somebody stole my book and I don't have any idea what happened to them. They really weren't up to a Grade Zero Scientology release, but they were certainly in much better shape than they had been. Something had happened. So there's value in this type of auditing. But if you become an expert Dianetic auditor then we're all in "trouble" because we will start handling spiritually caused ills and all those poor doctors will be worried about their jobs! In Dianetic auditing, you get so that you can handle ARC breaks, the communication cycle and so on. You get plenty of experience. You can use a meter. It's quite rewarding for the auditor as well as for the pc. The Auditor will get so that he knows that a pc who's being critical has got a withhold, he knows enough to get his question answered, and knows enough not to overrun. DIANETIC AUDITING AND SOCIETY 309 When the pc completely runs out of answers, you should recognize that he has done so. It isn't just a dodge, he's not a very imaginative pc. You say, "Where did you put the cat?" The pc replies, "In the living room." There's no point in now saying, "Where did you put the cat?" because there aren't any more answers to it. But the way to learn how to audit is to get your hands dirty, and the dirtiest you can get your hands is going down the reactive bank on the time track. Now there aren't any bugs in Dianetic auditing. They've all been ironed out, even visio. There is a way to turn on somebody's viso so he can see the pictures. ~All you do is get the duration of the incident~. If you get the exact duration of the incident, it'll have visio in it. So you would have to know how to get the duration of the incident. For example, if the pc had been hit on the head with a sledge hammer, you would have to know if he was hit on the head for one minute or five minutes or one day. Or suppose the pc says it's all black. He's never seen pictures. If you get the exact point where he's parked on the time track with the assistance of your meter, and then get ~the exact duration~ of the incident, suddenly he has visio, he can ~see~ the incident. To use Dianetic auditing at all you have to know something about Dianetic auditing. That brings us back to a subject called the human mind. Sigmund Freud started out on an adventure in hypnotism with a fellow by the name of Breuer, to explore the entirety of the human mind. He explored it down to a light lock at three years of age and thought he had done the whole works. That's something like looking at a mountain and telling everybody you have found the entire mountain because you are now holding a pebble. But occasionally after he had let somebody chatter for a while, Freud would find a childhood experience of some kind (maybe that was his own case he was running, who knows?). And he would take some charge off and the person would feel a little bit better. Then the person would be told, "Now if you are very, very careful for the next 30 years, you will not be neurotic any more." That was psychoanalysis. 310 BOOK THREE In 1894, he released the libido theory saying that all life is based on sex. That is maybe an unkind statement with regard to the libido theory (libido for love), but nevertheless that was it. In later years, psychoanalysts had an awful lot of trouble trying to explain this away, saying that what Freud really meant was that life was based on social things as well as sex. But Freud didn't say that. He said it was based on sex. In spite of all that, Freud was a sharpie. He did discover that there was possibly some coordination between mental reaction or mental experience and psychosomatic illnesses, or physical illnesses stemming from the mind. He discovered that there was this relationship but he didn't have any proof for it. How medicine has gone on believing it ever since has got me staggered because Freud couldn't do it, one for one. Therefore, it was not really proved. But medicine today believes there is such a thing as psychosomatic illness, even though they've never proven it. They can't make somebody's lumbosis go away by doing something with the mind. But we can. So it's quite factual that physical illness can result from mental aberration. We're not much interested in the vagaries of neurosis and psychosis. Let somebody else worry about these. Use more basic processes. If you have got a psychotic, put him someplace where it's nice and quiet, where he gets something to eat, where he feels safe, and nobody disturbs him for a long time. Let him look at a motionless object that has some mass as the common thing for him to do. You'll find out he generally will come out of it. The difference between neurosis and psychosis is that in psychosis, the person is generally the effect of everything; and in neurosis, he's more or less singly the effect of things--he's a deranged being on some subject. All of this is very easy to say today, and it's very easy to cover. If you want to know more about it, read some things on psychoanalysis. It's a good practice for you to do so. Nobody's trying to make a psychoanalyst out of you but you might be curious about it. You won't find very much there. Knowing Dianetics, you will read far more into what DIANETIC AUDITING AND SOCIETY 311 you are reading than was ever there. They didn't know what was there. Now let's get into this subject called the mind. The mind is a literal record of experience plotted against time from the earliest moment of aberration until now--plus additional ideas the fellow got about it, plus other things he may have mocked-up or created on top of it in mental mass, plus some machines, plus some valences. But you can audit all of those plusses. Valences are interesting. Joe Doakes is a monster, Joe Doakes beats up John Doe; therefore Joe Doakes is the winning valence; and after that John Doe can keep a valence called Joe Doakes and even BE Joe Doakes occasionally. Valences make circuits and these circuits will talk to the being. He can talk to them and they talk to him. This idea of circuits is very disturbing. It gave the Arab his psychotherapy which was to chase out the demons. What he was really talking about were these valences. Now the auditor can actually talk to the pc and get the pc to talk to the demon or the valence and have the valence talk to the pc and back to the auditor. It gets that complex. It is an endowed life object. Now when we say "record" or "mass," we're speaking of mental mass. A thetan is quite capable of mocking up mass. He can mock up matter, energy, space and time. Only in his aberrated condition he mocks it up very thin indeed. Its proportionate weight would be terribly slight compared to the real objects which he is mocking up a picture of. He mocks up a picture of a car; the picture weighs about 100 billionth of a gram, yet the car weighs two tons. Nevertheless, he can mock up a full picture of a car in his aberrated condition. When he gets better and when he's no longer sick or human, of course he can mock up a car. But that's beside the point. We're getting off into more advanced therapies now. The psychiatrist and the psychoanalyst more and more began to try to address what the person was creating. They began to consider that everything there was what the person was creating. So they addressed the things that the 312 BOOK THREE person had himself created and they are not very aberrative. They are the lightest of aberrations. The person says, "I think the room is full of Martians," The psychiatrist's immediate therapy is, "You're just imagining it." Through accounts at hospitals you possibly know that that is the standard response. That's because they are addressing the illusion or the unactual. They think the illusion is what is wrong with the person. Actually what is wrong with the person is that he is producing illusions. You want to find out why he is producing illusions, not tell him he's imagining it and pronounce him insane because he thinks he's Napoleon or the Prime Minister. This is illusion. The psychiatrist attacks illusion; he's trying to get rid of that. But that is something that you neglect entirely. You're only interested in experience. He would have gotten much further had he actually attacked experience. Sometimes a person gets delusory after he's had an experience. But this is a minor problem because as the person confronts the experience he will lose the illusion and get the actual experience. Illusion is a surface manifestation which disappears when experience is consulted. So with Dianetic auditing you are auditing experience. Don't get all clouded up over whether or not it is illusory. Advanced Scientology processes that handle valences by assessment are summed up today in Search and Discovery.* If you want to change somebody's personality graph fast, audit a few valences, because the personality graph is actually a picture of a valence on any human being. He himself is not really enought there to have a personality. He's very subdued. The least profitable is to audit the machine, though very often a lot of fun. Every once in a while a thetan has got a machine parked out there with wheels and smoke stacks. This isn't very uniform but it is remarkable. So we take machines out of Dianetic auditing--they are fun but they don't do anything. You may think I am joking about these machines, but every now and then you will run into one with great big red flywheels and brass and little whistles that produces predictions for him or something like that. These people are not insane; their perception has to be DIANETIC AUDITING AND SOCIETY 313 much better than the average in order for them to perceive that they have these things. So we are going to neglect that. You must also neglect illusion in Dianetic auditing. That's very very important. Illusion is simply the product of the actual, and if you attack illusion, you prevent him from reaching the actual. Now the actual is bizarre from the viewpoint of a human being. But people are all too prone to call the actual and the illusion both illusion, or hallucination. There are people who work on the basis of making someone hallucinate. For instance, in the play, ~Gaslight~, a man works on this girl and by changing the actual physical universe, makes her think she is crazy. He moves something and blames it on her; she can't remember doing it so she thinks that she's gone mad, that she's having illusions or hallucinations. People work on this all the time. For instance, the newspapers would like you to believe what they print, but there isn't a line of truth anywhere in the paper. Somewhere in the human world there was probably some event that had an actuality on which the news story is based. You get down to more solid objects like trains running off bridges--it's easy for them to write something like that because it's at their tone level--disaster. But it's remarkable how much illusion they'll even write about a train wreck. There was a train wreck but what appears in the paper is very often quite different. You only have to read about yourself in the press a few times to then wonder about the story to the right and to the left of that story. You wonder if Senator Snodgrass was even in Washington at the time he made that speech. It's spooky! A river of lies. So that is the social illusion--what normally, laughingly, is called news. It better compares to an old woman's gossip. There used to be gossips occasionally who were put in stocks because they said nothing but vicious things about everybody and stirred up trouble and told nothing but lies. The modern gossip is the newspaper, and if those characteristics were in one human being, that human being would be driven from the community. 314 BOOK THREE You can expect a pc running things to get an illusion of the event. Because the event was too much for him to confront, he dreams up what it was. If you're running a real engram, illusion will often come off of it. The pc will start changing his mind about it, so don't fix him with the illusion till he reaches the actual. Don't say, "The last time we ran that you went off the bridge. Now apparently you weren't in the car at all." And don't be baffled yourself because the fellow couldn't confront the experience. He partially confronted it and partially dreamed it up. The part that he couldn't confront he invented. As he audits this, his confront gets better and he sees what it is. A pc will often get himself confused: "The mental image picture is absolute and that is what I saw the first time I ran it through, and therefore I am very upset because the second time through the woman has a red hat on and she wasn't wearing a hat the first time through!" This, then, is not a real experience, but it's not for you to evaluate for him. Just put him through it again and he will say, "Oh, I guess I never could confront her," or something similar. Actual experience is at the root of all illusion, and you are not in the business of evaluating the context of secondaries and engrams. The business you are in is the alleviation of the incident--the mental image picture of the incident itself. A thetan is a busy little bee, and he will make pictures of events as they occur. He clutches these pictures to this thetanish bosom and wonders why he's so sick. This is not very bright, but he does it. Let's say he has a great loss, which creates a secondary that depends for its charge on an engram which containes pain and unconsciousness. A secondary contains loss. It does not contain pain and unconsciousness, it contains emotion. Any emotion or misemotion may be contained in a secondary but of course pleasure does not make a secondary or an aberrative incident because the person was so happy. A person, however, can have a win which is so magnitudinous and so unexpected that it hangs him up forever. He's always going back to this big win. Very often old men will sit around and go over their wins with one another. It was always amazing to me as a little boy DIANETIC AUDITING AND SOCIETY 315 listening to former road agents, cattle rustlers and ex-sheriffs. They talked about the horses they had stolen and the cattle rustlers they hadn't shot and all this sort of thing. And while I found their stories of interest at first, I soon became very familiar with all of them. But they would still tell them. One of them would be talking and the other one would simply not be listening at all but waiting to talk in his turn. It was interesting to me that those incidents never wore out, never desensitized. They were good forever, like an unperishable phonograph record. And that is true about pleasure moments: the thetan goes on with them forever. But a secondary has misemotion: grief, fear. It's the tone scale. We got the tone scale from the fact that as you run a classic secondary, it will come up from below apathy into apathy and move right on up the tone scale in its tones. And it will wind up at boredom, which is the wrong place to stop because enthusiasm is just above that and at that point he doesn't care about it any longer. The tone scale was plotted from the behavior of secondaries under auditing. But to have a secondary--a moment of loss which is aberrative--an individual must have had an experience containing pain and unconsciousness, and that is an engram. An engram is a mental picture of an event of pain and unconsciousness. The person had to hurt, and he had to have gone unconscious to a greater or lesser degree. Sometimes a person goes unconscious only during the center moment of the hurt, but there's always a little unconsciousness connected with great pain, and the mental image picture of that event is the engram. The word "engram" means "trace on a cell." At the time I was first working with this, I was thinking in terms of cellular memory. I didn't know where these things came from. That was "way back when," and so I chose a word different from other terms being used, as the first consideration. The second consideration was that we could define it and say what it did mean. So any time an individual was hurt he made a complete record of the event. You'd be surprised how complete it is. Do you know that you can take somebody through a tonsillectomy with a stopwatch? You can even have a doctor 316 BOOK THREE there who knows the speed and action connected with a tonsillectomy and have him criticize the quality of the surgeon performing it. You can move the person right through the tonsillectomy by calling off the time in the operation one minute deep, two minutes, three minutes, and so on. You can put the time in it. A thetan is fantastically accurate in terms of time. Analytically he gets confused about time but right down deep he never makes an error about it. He knows reactively exactly when it happened and for how long, but he now is incapable of confronting the fact, so he makes "errors" while he's wide awake. You ask some girl how old she is, you'll understand what I mean. She sometimes looks very vague. Very often a person can't tell the date. That's because he doesn't particularly want to confront dates. But if you went at it with a meter, you would pick up the exact date. It is recorded but is unconfrontable. A being records what he can't confront, and that is where he gets engrams and secondaries. I find that very amusing. Why would he record it if he can't confront it? If he can't confront it, why didn't he just skip it? But the truth of the matter is, he didn't. We are only dealing with what is, not what should be. So we have a time track, a consecutive series of events, beginning with the first aberration of the being on through to the present. And the wonder of the E-meter is that as a person is more capable of confronting, the E-meter will help you reach just below to what he slightly can't confront and will give you a read on it. With the E-meter you see deeper than he does. But the E-meter doesn't see all the way down. You'll run right straight across events that won't register on the E-meter, but when the pc is improved by auditing, you'll find the E-meter registering on those events that it didn't register on before. That's because they are closer to being confronted. So the E-meter will register on anything that is close to being confronted, and with it you can see deeper than the thetan can confront, which is quite amusing. It's as though life is at a level four feet off the floor with the E-meter able to sound a foot deep. The being can see only this stratum four feet off the floor but the auditor by use of the E-meter DIANETIC AUDITING AND SOCIETY 317 can see three feet from the floor. That doesn't mean there isn't "event" between three feet and the floor; there are tons of events in there. But as the being becomes more familiar with his own mind and his own past and as he becomes more able, this depth increases. When the four-foot level is very, very easy to confront, then the three-foot level where the E-meter was seeing before is confrontable by the being himself, and the meter is now confronting to two feet. And eventually the being can confront as much as the meter can confront but at that time the individual is Clear. Therefore the function of the E-meter is not that of a seer with a swami-type turban and a big glass diamond. It is simply something with a little bit better telescopic sights; it can see a bit deeper than the being himself. Don't feel completely reassured because there is no meter read that everything on that subject is gone. No, everything in restimulation that will have any effect upon the thetan is gone. So therefore you can easily unflatten things which you have flat. When you've got something down to a point where it no longer registers on the meter, that's flat. When you get it down to where you aren't getting tone arm action, you've more or less got it. The mind that is being approached by Dianetic auditing is the mind of event. And the things in that mind which are aberrative are the engrams and the secondaries which are often visible through their locks or tiny surface manifestations. A person is hit on the head with a hammer. That makes an engram; there is physical pain and unconsciousness in it. A few days later he walks into a hardware store. He doesn't like to be there. He can't tell you why because he can't confront the incident of being hit on the head with the hammer. There are hammers in that hardware store but he doesn't even see what is restimulating the engram. He is merely uncomfortable, and he will take a picture of the hardware store as an uncomfortable place. You chase him down the time track and he has a picture of a hardware store, and you couldn't possibly guess why. He might have been hurt with a blowlamp or he might have gone bankrupt, making a secondary. We don't know why he 318 BOOK THREE has this little picture of a hardware store because there's no pain and unconsciousness connected with it. But with a meter, getting him to think it over and look around the area of the incident, we can pick up what it was a lock on. The lock is in view and the incident is out of sight. What a person knows about is not aberrative. A woman says, "I know exactly what it is: my second husband, and he beat me all the time with a club and I've been in terrible shape ever since." We point out this interesting fact: she knows about that, and she has told a thousand and one people about that, and it hasn't blown yet. So obviously, that isn't what's wrong. It is your job as the auditor to discover what is wrong. In actual practice that would be an exercise in finding valences--listing and assessing lists for individuals or things the pc has known. But we are talking about it from a Dianetic approach. We go on down the line now to find out what this is all about. This was her second husband; according to her, her first husband was a knight in shining armor. That is illusion. Or, you have noticed a fellow is terribly silent; he never has anything to say. You ask him, "Who was the most talkative person you ever knew?" "Oh, my Uncle Bill, he talked all the time." "What did he look like?" "Oh, he was a tall fellow, and he had grey hair, and he talked continuously, he was the most talkative fellow you ever--" He stops. You ask, "What's the matter?" "That's funny, I can't ever remember him saying a word." He is in Uncle Bill's valence, who resented everybody being talkative; but he has actually transferred valences, so his valence at the time has now transferred to Uncle Bill's valence. You ought to try this some time just for fun. You notice something about a person and ask him who was the reverse. And watch him get all confused and mixed up. You notice a very sad, moping-type girl and ask, "Who's the happiest, gayest, most enthusiastic person you ever knew?" DIANETIC AUDITING AND SOCIETY 319 "Bessie Ann." "Well, tell me about Bessie Ann." About halfway through the dissertation she'll say, "You know Bessie Ann was the most sour sourpuss I ever ran into in my life." She herself had losses in being enthusiastic and trying to cheer up Bessie Ann. That's a valence problem which you're not interested in, but this comes into auditing because in an engram a pc sometimes swaps valences. If an individual is looking at himself in the picture he is out of valence. Just run it--he eventually will get into valence. And if you want a real tough engram, you will find somebody has been the scaffold, the headsman, the axe, the block, his wife, a little boy in the crowd, an egg, a hen. The game in running this incident is to find out what was he. And if you run it long enough, you'll generally find out that he was the guy being beheaded or the executioner. A danger in running Dianetic engrams is that you might run too late on a chain. Incidents of similar nature strung out in time are called chains. Now let's take the automobile accident chain. The individual will tell you he's been in one automobile accident but when you start checking it over he's been in three. You have to have the earliest incident on the chain before you really start grinding away. You can get too enthusiastic about this, and you can work too hard to find the earliest incident on the chain, because unfortunately past lives is one of the first phenomena you'll run into in Dianetic auditing. You'll run into it in everybody. Of course, the psychiatrist doesn't like us to say this, and even the church is quite insulted occasionally when we mention that their converts have lived before this life. Now a "this lifetime" address to the situation is recommended because the number of automobile accidents the fellow's been in may be nearly infinite. He might have been in dozens, hundreds, thousands. He may be stuck in an incident in a space society where a flying car hits him, and that last truck accident is simply hung up on it. But you can't always insist that he stay in this lifetime because it's very hard for him to do. He'll skid. 320 BOOK THREE The danger is not in going into a former lifetime, but rather in trying to erase something that's getting more solid, because it is too late on the chain. There are two possible mistakes. You can continue to grind and it gets tougher; or you can hit it too lightly and go back too quickly again and again without taking enough charge off, and the pc will become just a ball, all messed up. Let's say we have fifteen automobile accidents and we can only find the fifteenth so we take a light pass through it. We get all the charge of it off and then we go to the fourteenth. We think that is the earliest one now; that's what it registers on the meter. (By the way, it's a bad thing to use "earli~est~ one" because you quite commonly have a lot of earli~est~ ones earlier than the one you are running: so it's better auditing terminology if you say the "earli~er~" incident.) So you get the fourteenth. You don't know it's the fourteenth yet, you think it's number one. And you go through it, but it also behaves in a peculiar fashion and if you grind it too hard the pc will be in a bad way. So you find the thirteenth, and here's where you might enthusiastically make a mistake: you just note that there's a thirteenth, note there's a twelfth, note there's an eleventh, and tenth, and ninth, and so on. That's not good. That's trying to shoot him down with the same perception as the E-meter. There's not enough charge off. You must go through those incidents. You should get enough charge off of them so that he can go through them and go down earlier on them. So an auditor can make this error, and it's a very serious error to try to follow down a chain without running what you find on it, just out of your impatience or the pc's curiosity. If he's had fourteen automobile accidents, you better run him through fourteen until you get to the first one. Maybe in the last two or three at the bottom he'll suddenly jump to the first one and you run that and the whole chain blows. But you can ball him up. The area has too much unconfrontable stuff in it. But the more of these he goes through, the more he can confront and the deeper he can go and the more charge blows off. In other words, the more DIANETIC AUDITING AND SOCIETY 321 material he has confronted, the more he is able to confront it and you will finally get him down to where he can confront basic on the chain. Now sometimes a pc will fool you; he himself will get so anxious that he skips five, six, seven incidents just to get to that bottom one. And the next thing you know he's gone into the glue. A pc gets very confused if you do this. The right way is to erase the auditing. You don't go back and do what you should have done--you just erase the auditing. Treat the session as an incident and erase it as a lock and everything goes back together again rather neatly. Usually when a person has a rough session, right away we want to get him over to review and get his ARC breaks off. But you don't have to do that. Run the session as an incident: "You remember the beginning of this session? All right, go to the beginning of this session. All right, rapidly pass through to the end of the session and tell me the incident and tell me what happened." Do that two or three times and that's it. You can erase anything if you're good. But oddly enough, if you took him through the session two or three times it might gum him up because he's had some earlier rougher sessions that you should have gone back to on a chain. You've got a new chain--rough sessions. You might say you can always go through something once. But if it's a chain, watch it. So the whole of Dianetic auditing is the tracing of experience. There are thousands of phenomena. And the funny part of it is all you really need to know is pretty well contained in this book and ~Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health~. There's power in this stuff. You can become involved in Dianetic auditing very easily because it is the root material of life. There is another handy thing to know: If you get some lifetime in restimulation, run the engram of the death and the life will desensitize. When the pc is stuck in a lifetime as a sewer cleaner in Paris, it is such a degraded life that he may at first tell you he was Joan of Arc during that period. He isn't necessarily wrong about this, but he actually was jumping to an earlier life and getting it beautifully confused 322 BOOK THREE so that he wouldn't have to face the degradation of the sewer cleaner in Paris life. The lives that almost make it are the bad ones, the lives so degraded a pc can't imagine himself as that kind of a being. Those will upset him. It isn't really the successful lives. People will run Julius Caesar with the greatest of ease but they wouldn't like to run Cassius. People who run Julius Caesar were probably someone horrible during Caesar's lifetime. They're like the person flying around in the incident who is the headsman, the headsman's axe, the block, the executioner, and so on. You can have a lot of fun running stuff like this. You can find out a lot about track, pcs have an awful lot of cognitions, and you may hit some lower levels of release. But that would be release by chain. You are not going to get a release from the whole experiential track. That's not possible. You might get a free needle on automobile accidents, and if you do, pull out. But then don't go on running auto engrams; find some other type of engram. I can assure you that you're seldom going to get a total bank release because those total releases are above this at Scientology Grades 0 through V. You're going to get negative releases on the minus scale which you have on the Gradation Chart.* Apparently you can assess the minus levels and sometimes produce a release just by assessing them where the pc is stuck, but don't keep on assessing after you see a free needle. If your pc is very groggy after a Dianetic session, get him to look around the room. Get him to name two or three objects in the room and it actually will orient him in PT. Try for light locks when you first start running incidents. Then try for a little bit more in the way of secondaries. If you just keep auditing secondaries, you'll eventually fall into engrams. He can run the secondary, but the engram is too much for him to confront, at first, so he can't run that, but the reason for the secondary is the engram. The fellow is sad at the departure of his wife. If he is exaggeratedly sad and she wasn't a very good cook, you can't see how this is going to ruin his next hundred years. But he's all set to have this ruin his next hundred. Why is DIANETIC AUDITING AND SOCIETY 323 that? Well, it's sitting on an engram; and maybe he was a wife in a life before and got shot, or something like that. There's pain and unconsciousness associated with a similar contextual incident. Now he gets this heavy grief type incident and he doesn't know what to make of it. Auditing of secondaries has great value. It takes a long time to audit these things sometimes. You fall into it, you start developing it, you start recognizing it because it's very obvious. For instance I could take ten or fifteen years off the appearance of any widow by simply running her husband's death. It's fantastic. You wouldn't believe the change that would occur. There are certain things that you can do that produce remarkable and fantastic changes in a being. There are certain things that you can alleviate. But let me warn you: don't try using Dianetic auditing to handle somebody's lumbosis. Every so often you will handle his lumbosis spiritually, every so often you'll have a win. But that's the wrong way to go about it because you're validating a down-statistic. You're giving him attention because he's got lumbosis and he tends to deteriorate as a being. You want to use this just as you use any other kind of auditing: to improve the being. You are auditing a thetan, you are not auditing lumbosis. You're not medical doctors or psychiatrists. You are people who can make beings totally recover. You have the technology of total recovery of a being. And that doesn't mean a body. And that is so fundamental a truth that as long as you use any auditing just to make the being better, you'll have wins. All you're trying to do is to improve the person's confront. But if someone wants to be audited to cure his medicosis, a deadly illness, I don't think I'd take that pc on. I would much rather audit his sister who wants to dance better. This guy is down the line in a sort of a cave-in. He's going to be rough as he'll be very anxious. He's already told you he has a hidden standard.* When he says "cure my medicosis," he's saying, in essence, "If you can have an effect upon my medicosis, then I will believe in Scientology." And I don't think it will change any part of human history whether he believes in Scientology or not. 324 BOOK THREE If you know somebody who thinks he can be better, I'll happily audit him. But I've had enough hidden standards. His medicosis probably wouldn't alleviate until he's about a Scientology Grade V, and he's asking me to do it with two seconds at Grade 0. He's so stuck on a hidden standard that he wouldn't even care if his communication was better. He's all wrapped up in problems. There are ways and means to handle this person but not in routine Dianetic auditing. This is fun. Why get serious about it? In your early career you often burned your finger or cut your hand, and an auditor can run it out. It's very remarkable. An auditor can make burns go down and do all sorts of magical things with people. Don't burn yourself just so that you can have the experience, but it is interesting to watch a blistered finger go down as an auditor steadily runs out the incident of your having burned it. (I wouldn't advise you to do it for some little kid just because he's burned; I'd give him a touch assist.) Every once in a while in auditing somebody with these, you'll get a fantastic win. Please don't get stuck in those wins. There's greater value to this auditing than Man ever before had. This solves with spectacularity problems far beyond those Sigmund Freud was concerned about. Have wins by all means, but don't say, "Hey! You can cure people with this. Ron's really got something there! The guy had a withered arm, I ran three engrams, and his arm grew the normal size. This is for me!" You go out and collect a whole bunch of people with withered arms and that's it. I've seen more auditors ruin their careers by making a career out of one psychotic. Think of all the able people that could have been made more able while one psychotic was giving an auditor a rough time. The reason he was psychotic was probably his environment, and if he wasn't even removed from his environment to be audited he got up two feet and got knocked back three. For instance, one auditor kept auditing a girl in New York City who would come up to anger and run away from the household. The family would promptly blame the auditor because the girl was now angry, put her into apathy, and get the auditor to audit her again. He would audit her to anger again and the family would DIANETIC AUDITING AND SOCIETY 325 blow up because the person now couldn't be lived with. So they would knock her back into apathy again. What an awful waste of time. The road out is the road you have--Dianetics then up through the grades. And it took all this knowledge of Dianetic auditing, all the material, all the observations, all those years of work to carve that very thin and now rather ordinary looking path that works fast up through the grades. You will be rather interested to learn about recorded incidents. You will become very familiar with this thing called the human mind as you use this in auditing. You will get an interesting insight into such things as history, customs and habits of bygone races. You'll have lots of fun, and you might make some minus grade releases. If you were to go out and hang up a shingle with this, you'd get probably 50 to 60 percent wins. But you're rewarding a down-statistic. That's probably what's wrong with him in the first place: he wants attention. And if you go bog yourself down at this stage of development of Scientology with handling all the sick and the insane of this planet, you will never get any place. There are all kinds of people who aren't sick or insane. Somewhere up the line--in a century or a millenium--registrars are going to run out of auditors and pcs. By that time, everybody will either be very adept or very disinterested. But wait for such a time as when a Scientology church to function must have such pcs. Then get into it. You're not strong enough or stable enough to suddenly take on all the woes of the world simultaneously. I can confront them, but that's no reason I have to audit them. So routine Dianetic auditing is not for the psychotic, the neurotic or the sick, in spite of the fact that it could probably handle them. It is to make those who are able even more able. CHAPTER 2 R3R PROCEDURE If an auditor hasn't a clue about the time track and its composition, he or she won't ever be able to run engrams. So, obviously, the first thing to teach and have passed in engram running is time track composition. When the auditor learns that, he or she will be able to run engrams. If the auditor does not know the subject of the time track well, then he or she can't be taught to run engrams, for no rote commands that cover all cases can exist. You couldn't teach the handling of a motion picture projector by rote commands if the operator had never imagined the existence of film. An auditor sitting there thinking the preclear ~is~ doing this or that and being in a general fuddle about it will soon have film all over the floor and wrapped about his ears. His plea for a rote command will just tangle up more film so long as he doesn't know it ~is~ film and that ~he~, not the preclear, is handling it. If an auditor can learn this, he will ~then~ be able to learn to run those small parts of the time track called engrams. If 328 BOOK THREE an auditor can't run a preclear through some pleasant time track flawlessly, he or she sure can't run a preclear through the living lightning parts of that track called engrams. An auditor who cannot handle the time track smoothly can scarcely call himself an auditor as that's all there is to audit besides postulates. No matter what process you are using, no matter what process you invent and even if you tried what is laughingly called a "biochemical approach" to the mind. There's only a time track for the bios to affect. There's a thetan, there's a time track. The thetan gets caught in the time track. The job of the auditor is to free the thetan by digging him out of his time track. So if you can't handle what you're digging a thetan out of, you're going to have an awful lot of land slides and a lot of auditing loses for both you and preclears. Invent games, devices, charts and training aids galore and teach with them and you'll have auditors who can handle the time track and run engrams. Charge, the stored quantities of energy in the time track, is the sole thing that is being relieved or removed by the auditor from the time track. When this charge is present in huge amounts, the time track overwhelms the pc and the pc is thrust below observation of the actual track. This is the State of Case Scale. (All levels given are major levels. Minor levels exist between them. The following scale is ~NOT~ to be confused with levels of training per the Classification and Gradation chart.) Level 1 No track No charge Level 2 Full visible time Some charge track Level 3 Sporadic visibility Some heavily charged areas of track Level 4 Invisible track Very heavily charged areas (Black or invisible exist field) Level 5 Dub-in Some areas of track so heavily charged pc is below uncon- sciousness in them R3R PROCEDURE 329 Level 6 Dub-in of dub-in Many areas of track so heavily charged, the dub-in is submerged Level 7 Only aware of own Track too heavily charged evaluations to be viewed at all Level 8 Unaware Pc dull, often in a coma. On this scale the very good, easy to run cases are at level 3. Skilled engram running can handle down to level 4. Engram running is useless from level 4 down. Level 4 is questionable. Level 1 is of course an OT. Level 2 is the clearest Clear anybody ever heard of. Level 3 can run engrams. Level 4 can run early track engrams if the running is skilled. (Level 4 includes the Black V case.*) Level 5 has to be run on general ARC processes. Level 6 has to be run carefully on special ARC processes with lots of havingness. Level 7 responds to the CCHs. Level 8 responds only to reach and withdraw CCHs. Pre-Dianetic and pre-Scientology mental studies were observations from level 7 which considered levels 5 and 6 and 8 the only states of case and oddly enough overlooked level 7 entirely, all states of case were considered either neurotic or insane, with sanity either slightly glimpsed or decried. In actuality on some portion of every time track in every case you will find each of the levels except 1 momentarily expressed. The above scale is devoted to ~chronic~ case level and is useful in programming a case. But any case for brief moments or longer will hit these levels in being processed. This is the temporary case level found only in sessions on chronically higher level cases when they go through a tough bit. Now what makes these levels of case? It is entirely ~charge~. The more heavily charged the case, the lower it falls on the above scale. It is charge that prevents the pc from confronting the time track and submerges the time track from view. Charge is stored energy or stored or recreatable potentials of energy. 330 BOOK THREE The E-meter registers charge. A very high or low tone arm, a dirty needle all are registrations of this charge. The "chronic meter of a case" is an index of chronic charge. The fluctuations of a meter during a session are registering relative charge in different portions of the preclear's time track. More valuably the meter registers ~released~ charge. You can see it blowing on the meter. The blowing down of the TA, the heavy falls, the loosening needle all show charge being released. The meter registers charge found and then charge released. It registers charge found but not yet released by the needle getting tight, by dirty needle, by a climbing tone arm or a tone arm going far below the Clear read. Then as this cleans up, the charge is seen to "blow." Charge that is restimulated but not released causes the case to "charge up," in that charge already on the time track is triggered but is not yet viewed by the pc. The whole cycle of restimulated charge that is then blown gives us the action of auditing. When ~prior~ charge is restimulated but not located so that it can be blown, we get "ARC breaks." The state of case, the chronic level, as given on the above scale, is the totality of charge on the case. Level 1 has ~no~ charge on it. Level 8 is total charge. The day-to-day condition of a case, its temper, reaction to things, and brightness depends upon two factors: a) the totality of charge on the case and b) the amount of charge in restimulation. Thus a case being processed varies in tone by (a) the totality of charge remaining on the case (b) the amount of charge in restimulation and (c) the amount of charge blown by processing. Charge is held in place by the basic on a chain. When only later than basic incidents are run charge can be restimulated and then bottled up again with a very small amount blown. This is known as "grinding out" an incident. An engram is getting run, but as it is not basic on a chain, no adequate amount of charge is being released. R3R PROCEDURE 331 Later than basic incidents are run either (a) to uncover more basic (earlier) incidents or (b) to clean up the chain after basic has been found and erased. No full erasure of incidents later than basic is possible, but charge can be removed from them ~providing they are not ground out~ but only run lightly a time or two and then an earlier incident on the chain found and similarly run. When ~the~ basic is found ~it~ is erased by ~many~ passes over it. Basic is the only one which can be run many times. The later the incident is (the further from basic) the more lightly it is run. There is no difference in the technology required to run a basic or a later incident. It is only the number of times THROUGH that differs. Basic is run through many times. A somewhat later engram is run through a couple of times. Otherwise all engrams whether basic or not are run exactly the same. Engrams are run to release charge from a case. Charge is not released to cure the body or to cure anything physical and the meter cures nothing. Charge is released entirely to return to a thetan his causation over the time track, to restore his power of choice, and to free him of his most intimate trap, his own time track. You cannot have decent, honest or capable beings as long as they are trapped and overwhelmed. While this philosophy may be contrary to the intentions of a slavemaster or a degrader it is nevertheless demonstrably true. The universe is not itself a trap capable only of degradation. But beings exist who, beaten and overwhelmed themselves, can utilize this universe to degrade others. The mission of engram running is to free the charge which has accumulated in a being and so restore that being to appreciated life. All cases, sooner or later, have to be run on engrams, no matter what else has to be done. For it is in engrams that the bulk of the charge on the time track lies. And it is therefore those parts of the time track called engrams which overwhelm the thetan. These contain pain and unconscious- 332 BOOK THREE ness and are therefore the record of moments when a thetan was most at effect and least at cause. In these moments then the thetan is least able to confront or to be causative. The engram also contains moments when it was necessary to have moved and most degrading to have held a position in space. And the engram contains the heaviest ARC break with a thetan's environment and other beings. And all these things add up to charge, an impulse to withdraw from that which can't be withdrawn from or to approach that which can't be approached and this, like a two pole battery, generates current. This constantly generated current is chronic charge. The principal actions are: a. When the attention of the thetan is directed broadly in the direction of such a track record the current increases. b. When the attention is more closely (but not forcefully) and accurately directed, the current is discharged. c. When the basic on the chain is found and erased, that which composes the poles themselves is erased and later incidents eased, for no further generation is possible by that chain and it becomes incapable of producing further charge to be restimulated. The above are the actions which occur during auditing. If these actions do not occur despite auditing, then there is no case betterment, so it is the auditor's responsibility to make sure they do occur. As the time track is created by an involuntary response of the thetan, it ~is~ and exists as a real thing, composed of space, matter, energy, time and significance. On a level 8 case the time track is completely submerged by charge even down to a total unawareness of thought itself. At level 7 awareness of the track is confined by extant charge to opinions about it. At level 6 charge on the track is such that pictures of pictures of the track are gratuitously furnished, causing delusive copies of inaccurate copies of the track. At level 5 charge is sufficient to cause only inaccurate copies of the track to be viewable. At level 4 charge is sufficient to obscure the track. At level 3 charge is sufficient to wipe out portions of the track. At level 2 there is only enough charge to maintain the existence of the track. At level 1 there is no R3R PROCEDURE 333 charge and no track to create it. All charge from level 1 and up to higher states that is generated is knowingly generated by the thetan, whose ability to hold locations in space and poles apart results in charge as needful. This would degenerate again as he put such matters on automatic, or began once more to make a time track, but these actions alone are not capable of aberrating a thetan until he encounters further violent degradation and entrapment in the form of implants. Aberration itself must be calculated to occur. The existence of a time track only makes it possible for it to occur and be retained. Thus a thetan's first real mistake is to consider his own pictures and their recorded events important and his second mistake is in not obliterating entrapment activities in such a way as not to become entrapped or aberrated in doing so, all of which can be done and should be. Engram running is a step necessary to get at the more fundamental causes of a time track and handle them. So it is a skill which must be done and done ~well~. The prime source of ARC breaks in engram running sessions is by-passing charge by time mishandling by the auditor. As a subhead under this, taking and trying to run incidents which are not basic on a chain constitute an error in time and react on the preclear. An ARC break-less session requires gentle accurate time scouting, the selection of the the earliest timed incident available and the accurate time handling of the incident as it is run. There are only a few reasons why some cannot run engrams on preclears. These are: 1. Q and A with the pain and unconsciousness of incidents 2. Failing to handle the time track of the preclear for the preclear 3. Failure to understand and handle time. 2 and 3 are much the same. However, there are three ways to move a time track about: a. By significance (the moment something was considered), 334 BOOK THREE b. By location (the moment the pc was located some somewhere), c. By time alone (the date or years before an event or years ago). You will see all three have time in common. "The moment when you thought . . ," "The moment you were on the cliff . . ," "Two years before you put your foot on the bottom step of the scaffold," are all dependent on time. Each designates an instant on the time track of which there can be no mistake by either auditor or preclear. The whole handling of the time track can be done by any one of these three methods, significance, location, time. Therefore all projectionist work is done by the time of significance, the time of location or time alone. The track responds. Those auditors who have trouble cannot grasp the totality and accuracy and speed of that response. The idiotic and wonderful precision of the time track defeats the sloppy and careless. They wonder if it went. They question the pc's being there. They fumble about until they destroy their command over the time track. "Go to 47,983,678,283,736 years, 2 months, 4 days, one hour and six minutes ago." Well, a clear statement of it, unfumbled, will cause just that to happen. The tiniest quiver of doubt, a fumble over the millions and nothing happens. Fumbled dating gets no date. One must date boldly with no throat catches or hesitations. "More than 40,000? Less than 40,000?" Get it the first read. Don't go on peering myopically at the meter asking the same question the rest of the session. Accurate, bold, rapid. Those are the watch words of dating and time track handling. In moving a time track about, move only the track. Don't mix it and also move the preclear. You can say, "Move to . . ." You don't have to say (but you can) "The somatic strip will move to . . . " But never say, "~You~ will move to . . ." And this also applies to present time. The preclear won't come to present time. He's here. But the time track will move to the date of present time unless the preclear is really stuck. In getting a preclear to present time say, "Move to (date, month and year of PT)." R3R PROCEDURE 335 In ~scouting~ you always use ~to~. "Move to . . ." In ~running~ an engram or whatever, you always use ~through~. "Move through the incident . . ." ¤Triple Flows¤ A being has a minimum of three flows. By "flow" is meant a directional thought, energy or action. The three flows are inward to oneself outward to another or others crossways, others to others. Examples: Flow 1--to self, drinking Flow 2--self to another or others, pc giving them drinks. Flow 3--others to others, people giving other people drinks. Flow 1--to self, being hit on the nose. Flow 2--self to another, pc hitting somebody else on the nose. Flow 3--others to others, other people hitting others on the nose. Item example using a proper Dianetic item, a pain in the arm: Flow 1--to self, receiving a pain in the arm. Flow 2--to another, pc giving another a pain in the arm. Flow 3--others to others, other beings giving others a pain in the arm. Notice that the direction of the flow does NOT change the item. Only the direction changes. ¤Routine 3R Preliminary Step¤ The R3R (Routine 3 Revised) preliminary step is done to ensure that the correct incident chain is run on the pc for that pc. Many chains, locks, secondaries and engrams, are available on any pc. But some of them are beyond the pc's reality and ability and some of them are too featherweight to get any case gain. 336 BOOK THREE The basic problem in starting a case on R3R is to run the pc on a chain that will (a) improve the case, (b) hold the pc's interest, (c) be within the pc's current ability to handle. Almost any pc from Case Level 7 upwards can run engrams if the exact ~chain~ necessary to resolve the case is established. This is accomplished by an accurate assessment using a sensitive E-meter and the following form and procedure. It does not matter if the pc begins on a chain of locks, secondaries or engrams so long as running it does (a), (b) and (c) above. You do not have to specify in R3R whether you are running engrams, secondaries or locks. The word "incident" covers all. Also, it does not matter if the pc stays within this lifetime or goes whole track so long as the assessed chain is followed and a basic eventually discovered for it. The chain leads where the chain leads. Thus the result obtained in the preliminary step is used on and on until an actual basic is reached. This may be fifty or more engrams run. When a basic is reached and discharged and the chain being run now gives little or no TA action (or even free needle), a ~new preliminary step is done~. But until that happens, this preliminary step is not repeated with the other steps. Once it ~has~ happened, (a basic found and run) however, a new preliminary step is done exactly as given here for the first chain assessment. You find the chain. You run engram after engram on that chain (or lock after lock or secondary after secondary). You find a basic. You run the basic thoroughly. With TA action now gone on the chain found you do a new preliminary step. RULE: TA ACTION EXISTS ON THE CORRECT CHAIN. RULE: A CHAIN ONCE ASSESSED MUST BE FULLY RUN. R3R PROCEDURE 337 RULE: TA ACTION CEASES ON A DISCHARGED CHAIN. RULE: A NEW ASSESSMENT IS DONE ONLY WHEN A CHAIN IS DISCHARGED. RULE: ANY PROPERLY ASSESSED CHAIN WILL PRODUCE TA ACTION. RULE: IF A CHAIN ASSESSED DOES NOT PRODUCE IMMEDIATE TA ACTION WITH SKILLED R3R THE ASSESSMENT (OR THE RESULTING QUESTION FORMED) IS INCORRECT. An assessment consists simply of calling off the items the pc has given and marking down the reads that occur on the meter. The pc is not required to comment during this action and it is better if he does not. This action is called "assessment for longest read." It is used mainly in Dianetics. There are Scientology assessments which are differently done. They are not used in Dianetics. In Dianetic assessment by longest read one uses these symbols: X - Didn't read Tick - Small jerk of needle sF - Small fall, (a quarter to half an inch) F - Fall (about one to two inches) LF - Long fall (two to three inches) LFBD - Long fall followed by a "blowdown" or TA motion downward. All falls are to the right. A "BD" is a tone arm motion to the left made to keep the needle on the dial. The favored action for an item is an LFBD and if one item on the list does so, that is it without any further assessment. The reason one assesses is that ~if an item does not read on the meter when assessed it is beyond the pc's level of awareness~. It is very unwise and unsafe to try to run a somatic which has not read on the list. It will be beyond the pc's reality and beyond his awareness and will result in overwhelming him. 338 BOOK THREE That an item reads guarantees that the pc will be able to confront and erase the chain. So, that an item reads well is a guarantee that the pc can handle it and will not get in too deep for him. The exception to this is a ~protest~ read. An item, possibly already run, is seen to read. The pc frowns. He is protesting and the meter is registering protest, not the item. One never runs a pc against this protest. To do so will overwhelm him and give a bad result. A protest almost never blows down the TA. To be ~sure~ that the item is right, one usually asks the pc if he is interested in the item chosen. If the pc says no, he doesn't want to run it, this is a protest read. One then picks the second-best reading item on the assessment already done and checks that with the pc for interest. The pc will usually be interested in it. The pc can almost always be counted on to be interested in any item that gives an LFBD. One ~never~ simply asks the pc which item on the list he is interested in as "an assessment" as it will be found the pc simply chooses at random and may choose a null item. The result may be a very unsuccessful session. An auditor may sometimes be astonished by what reads. The pc, let us say, obviously has a broken leg but what reads is an earache. One runs what reads, not what the auditor knows should be run. A "know best" in an auditor can be a fatal fault. On a second or third assessment items which were at first null or reading poorly will be found to "come alive" and read well. The pc, by being audited has had an increase of ability to confront and, if the auditing is standard, an increase in confidence. The result is that items beyond his reach previously (and did not read well) are now available and can be run easily. The E-meter measures the awareness depth of the pc. On things which do not read on assessment you would find his reality poor. Things that read well on assessment will be found to be things on which a pc has a high reality and a high interest level. R3R PROCEDURE 339 Only if pushed to audit without a meter could an auditor assess by interest only. There is no real excuse for it if one has an E-meter. Auditing without a meter is a chancy activity. Good assessment by longest read is the best entrance to a successful session. The same list will serve for the next item to be run and should be used rather than just asking the pc. In all the years of auditing, assessing anything has been a weak spot in general auditing. More goofy alterations can occur and more errors in this activity than any other. In Standard Dianetics if you assess the wrong item or a wrongly worded item the case won't run, the TA goes up or the TA goes down. High TA (above 3.5) is a lot of mass coming in. Low TA (below 2) is overwhelm. Bad TRs can cause low TA as the auditor is overwhelming the pc. Too many times through without going earlier is the usual cause of these 4.5 to 5.5 TAs. But both high and low TA are in some degree caused by not quite right assessment. Pictures going off (pc gets a black or invisible field) is also caused by a wrong assessment. The whole subject of assessment means ~pick out the thing that will run~. That's all one is trying to do. As I have never had the faintest trouble assessing anything or even finding the right somatic with no meter at all, it is hard for me to advise how to correct ~misassessment~ or assessment errors. It just evades my reality. The whole subject is too easy. So my belief is that students try to put too much into it. They try to get a pat-phrased question to ask like "What is the feeling?" They stare (TR-0) at the pc when they should be looking at the meter. Try TR-0 on the meter! An old operating definition of ~assessment~ is: ~Assessment is done by the auditor between the pc's bank and the meter. There is no need in assessing to look at the pc. Just note which item has the longest fall or~ 340 BOOK THREE ~blowdown. The auditor looks at the meter while doing an assessment~. One is assessing for ~pains~, ~sensations~, ~unwanted emotions~, ~attitudes~. It can get so far out that the pc is made to say only feelings like "a going in feeling" and never even mention a pain. There are so ~many~ signs and indicators that it is a wrong item when it is that I can't see how it could be missed. On a wrong item the pc has bad indicators, the meter doesn't read, there is no pc interest. Wow. It's as obvious as a sinking ship. On a right item the meter reads well when the pc says it, the pc's good indicators come in somewhat when it's announced, the pc is very interested in running it. It's about as obvious as skyrockets. So just given these two descriptions of the reaction to a wrong item and a right item I should think anybody could tell them. Rote procedure gets heavily in the road of a Dianetic assessment. The pc gives a list, the auditor doesn't watch the reads and note them, then the auditor commonly goes back to assess the list. By that time the charge is off. He should have watched the meter in the first place and taken that. Why all this assessing of the finished list? Of course when you already have a list done by another with no reads marked on it, you have to read it off and mark what reads. And using a list a second time you have to read it off to the pc to see what reads. When a student demands a rote procedure for Dianetic assessment he is asking for trouble and is trying not to understand. If the student simply understood that he was trying to find an item that read well brought in moderate GIs and in which the pc was interested and which was usefully worded and which would run, he would have it made. ~But~ the auditor has to watch the meter and be sure he has one with the pc's interest, worded so as to run into an engram chain. I've seen an incredibly botched up job on finding a somatic, done this way. Pc listed, needle and TA all over the R3R PROCEDURE 341 dial. Auditor picked out four somatics. Wrote them down and called them off. None read. The auditor then said the pc couldn't be audited on Dianetics and should be sent for Scientology. ~Who~ is kidding who? The somatics read like mad. There was even one with an LFBD. Yet the auditor had to go into some goofy rote procedure or ritual and by it "discover" there were no somatics. The errors in this operation of finding a somatic can be so corny and so idiotic that I have to assume the auditor doesn't know or understand what he's trying to do and doesn't even look at the meter while he does it. Honest, this action of finding the somatic to run is ~so~ easy to do that only overcomplication can block it. The auditor wants to know what attitudes, pains, bad feelings, misemotions the pc complains of and out of these take the one that reads best while the pc is saying it or it is being called off and which brings in the pc's GIs moderately and in which the pc is interested. The somatic ~must~ read. Now what's so hard about that? It requires that one look at his meter when the pc is giving it or it is being talked about. Now and then the pc has a discreditable somatic and the auditor has to coax the pc to give all. Now and then the pc says, "My lumbosis" and if you ran that or any medical term you'd only get him in doctor's offices or in hospitals, as it's a medical term, not a somatic. Evidently the student gets in such a sweat about finding a "right item" that he goes up the spout on good sense. On Dianetic lists there can be a dozen items. It isn't trying to isolate the mental troubles of the pc. A Dianetic list is simply the pc's physical aches and pains. People are notorious for discussing their aches and pains. Why is it so hard to find one that reads well on a meter? Well, you have to watch the meter. That's probably the outness. Student auditors are so socially adjusted they keep looking at the pc, maybe even trying to look pleasant rather than trying to read a meter. I feel, in trying to communicate and teach how to locate what to run, as if I am explaining where the floor is. And 342 BOOK THREE the people I'm explaining it to are wondering ~how~ you look at a floor, what chant you intone while looking at a floor and what mathematical equation you use to make sure it ~is~ the floor. It's that kind of a thing. I say, "There's the floor. If you stamp on it, you will get a sound." And guys think, "Well, maybe, but how loud a sound and do you use the right foot or the left foot and if that's the floor I can't find the ceiling because I have no sextant." All I'm trying to tell you is that when you are looking for a somatic in the pc and hit it, the meter reads well, the pc has moderate GIs when you tell him what it is you've chosen, he is interested and it will run. And honest to Pete, that's all there is to it. And if somebody says there's anything else he's trying to wreck a whole lot of auditors. I can't say it any plainer. It can occasionally happen that an auditor misses a read on an item or question and does not run it as it "has not read." This can hang up a pc badly if the item was in fact a reading item or question. It does not get handled and exists in records as "no read" when in fact it ~did~ read. ~Therefore all Dianetic auditors whose items occasionally "don't read" must be checked out* on this material~. These errors come under the heading of gross auditing errors as they affect metering. 1. An item or question is said to "read" when the needle falls. Not when it stops or slows on a rise. A tick is always noted and in some cases becomes a wide read. 2. The read is taken when the pc first says it or when the question is cleared. ~This~ is the valid time of read. It is duly marked (plus any blowdown). ~This~ reading defines ~what~ is a ~reading item or question~. ~Calling it back to see if it read is not a valid test~ as the surface charge may be gone but the item will still run. 3. An item does not have to read when the auditor calls it to be a valid item for running engrams. The test is did it read when the pc first said it on originating it or in clearing it. 4. That an item or question is marked as having read is sufficient reason to run it or use it or list it. Pc interest, in R3R PROCEDURE 343 Dianetics, is also necessary to run it, (except in the Drug Rundown), but that it did not read ~again~ is no reason to not use it. 5. When listing items the auditor must have an eye on the meter ~not~ necessarily the pc and must note on the list he is making the extent of read and any blowdown and how much. ~This~ is enough to make it a "reading item" or "reading question." 6. An additional calling of the item or question to see if it read is unnecessary and not a valid action if the item or question read on origination or clearing. 7. That an item is marked as having read on an earlier Dianetic list is enough (also checking interest) to run it with no further read test. 8. To miss seeing a read on an origin or clearing is a gross auditing error. 9. Failing to mark on the list or worksheet the read and any BD seen during pc origination or clearing the question is a gross auditing error. Auditors who miss reads or have poor eyesight should be tested and should wear the proper glasses while auditing. The rims of some glasses could obstruct seeing the meter while the auditor is looking at the worksheet or pc. If this is the case the glasses should be changed to another type with broader vision. A good auditor is expected to see his meter, pc and worksheet all at one time. No matter what he is doing he should always notice any meter movement if the meter needle moves. Then even while writing he sees the meter needle move as it is in his line of vision. Any and all confusions as to what is a "reading item" or "reading question" should be fully cleaned up on any auditor as such omissions or confusions can be responsible for case hang-ups and needless repairs. Any comment that an item or question "did not read" should be at once suspected by a C/S and checked on the auditor. Actually nonreads, a nonreading item or question means one that did ~not~ read when originated or cleared and also did not read when called. 344 BOOK THREE One can still call an item or question to get a read. That it now reads is fine. But if it has never read at all, the item will not run. It is not forbidden to call an item or question to test it for read. But it is a useless action if the item or question read on origination by the pc or clearing it with him. This data, if not known, can cost case failures. ¤Null Lists in Dianetics¤ It happens all too often in Dianetic auditing that: a. No further items on the assessment list read but, b. The pc still has these somatics. This is quite a problem. It cuts short the number of hours that can be delivered and leaves an unhappy pc. But what do you know, the list isn't null. It is ~suppressed~ or ~invalidated~. Here is where the Dianetic auditor bridges over into Scientology, to which this action properly belongs. However, the great importance of the problem of a null or apparently dead list makes it necessary to teach the Dianetic auditor this technique. Situation: No item on the health form or list now reads, one or more have been run, the pc still has symptoms that are on the list. But they won't read. Solution: The Dianetic auditor nulls by suppress "button" and if needed, the invalidate button. This is normally called "getting in the suppress button" or "getting in the invalidate button." It is called button because when you push it (say it) you can get a meter reaction. All right, the list comes out all X--nothing reading. The auditor, watching the needle out of the corner of his eye and also looking at the list (a trick you must be able to do so as never to miss a read on the meter), nulls down the list on all unrun items. "On the item 'dizzy feeling,' has anything been suppressed?" "On the item 'painful head,' has anything been suppressed? (read)." R3R PROCEDURE 345 Pc: "Yes, I suppress it all the time." Auditor: "Are you interested in running that item?" Pc: "Yes! I kept wondering why it never read." The auditor then runs R3R. In the case of ~invalidate~, if suppress doesn't read, one "puts in the invalidate button." Auditor, reading an apparently null list: "On the item 'dizzy feeling' has anything been invalidated?" "On the item 'sore feet' has anything been Invalidated? (read)" Pc: "Yes, because it didn't read in the first place." Auditor: "Are you interested in running that item?" Pc: "Yes!" So the auditor runs R3R. When the pc suppresses or invalidates something, the read ~transfers~ to suppress or invalidate, whichever he did. Suppress or invalidate now read, the item itself doesn't until one puts the button (suppress or invalidate) in. ~Don't let a Dianetic pc off auditing just because his unrun list items won't read on the meter~. Get in suppress and invalidate on the items as above. It is a rapid action, not two-way comm between items. You ask the ~meter~, not the pc. ¤Unreading Questions and Items¤ Never list a listing question that doesn't read. These rules hold good for all lists, all items, even ~Dianetics~. A "tick" or a "stop" is not a read. Reads are small falls, or falls or long falls or long fall blowdown (of TA). A preclear's case can be gotten into serious trouble by listing a list that doesn't read or running an item that doesn't read. In a Dianetic "list" one is only trying to find a somatic or sensation, etc., that will run. The item must read well. Or it won't produce a chain to run. In actual fact the Dianetics list question does usually read but one doesn't bother to test it. 346 BOOK THREE But an item that doesn't read will produce no chain, no basic and the pc will jump around the track trying but just jamming up his bank. The moral of this story is: ~Always TEST a listing question before letting the pc list~. ~Always MARK the read it gave (sF, F, LF, LFBD) on the worksheet~. ~Always test an item for read before running recall or engrams~. ~Always mark the read an item gave (sF, F, LF, LFBD) on the worksheet~. The whole subject of "charge" is based on this. "Charge" is the electrical impulse on the case that activates the meter. "Charge" shows not only that an area has something in it. It also shows that the pc has possible ~reality~ on it. A pc can have a broken leg, yet it might not read on a meter. It would be ~charged~ but below the pc's reality. So it won't read. ~Things that don't read won't run~. The case supervisor always counts on the ~auditor~ to test questions and items for read before running them. The auditor, when a question or item doesn't read, can and should always put in "suppress" and "invalidate"--"On this (question) (item), has anything been suppressed?" "On this (question) (item), has anything been invalidated?" If either one read, the question or item will also read. The case supervisor also counts on the ~auditor~ to use suppress and invalidate on a question or item. If after this there is still no read on the question or item, that's it. Don't use it, don't list it. Go to the next action on the C/S or end off. ¤Routine Three Revised (R3R) by Steps¤ This is the designation for the principal process of Standard Dianetics. It is the technique for running Engrams. The first thing the auditor does is to make sure the room and session are set up. This means, in other words, that the room is as comfortable as possible and free from R3R PROCEDURE 347 interruptions and distractions; that the auditor's meter and meter shield are set up and that the auditor's report form and worksheets are ready. The pc is seated in the chair furthest from the door and is asked to pick up the cans (from now until the session ends the pc stays on the cans). The auditor says: "This is the session" (Tone 40). The auditor then puts in the reality factor with the pc by telling him briefly what he is going to do in the session. Preliminary step: Establish the type of chain the pc is to run by assessment. Flow 1: Step One: Locate the first incident by the command: "Locate an incident of another causing you . . ." (somatic or feeling assessed). Step Two: Date the incident. This is done by asking: "When was it?" Take what he gives you. ~The pc must give a date, this is what turns on the picture in many cases~. Step Three: Telling a pc to move to an approximate date he has just given moves him wrong. So, move the pc to the incident with the exact command: "Move to that incident." Step Four: Establish duration (length of time) of incident. Ask: "What is the duration of the incident?" (An incident may be anything from a split ~second~ long to 15 trillion, trillion years or more long). Duration always turns on the picture. If it is omitted, the pc will run black--no picture. Step Five: Move pc to beginning of incident with the exact command: "Move to the beginning of that incident." Wait until meter flicks. Step Six: Ask pc what he or she is looking at with exact command: "What do you see?" (If pc's eyes are open tell pc first: "Close your eyes.") Acknowledge ~whatever~ pc says. Do ~not~ ask a second question, ever. Step Seven: Send the pc through the incident with the exact command: "Move through the incident to a point (duration established in Step Four) later." Step Eight: Ask nothing, say nothing, do nothing (except observe the meter or make ~quiet~ notes) while pc is 348 BOOK THREE going through the incident. If the pc says anything at all, just acknowledge and let him continue, using this exact command softly: "Okay, continue." Do not coax, distract, or question pc during this period. Step Nine: When the pc reaches the end of the incident (usually pc moves or looks up) say ~only~: "What happened?" Take whatever pc says, acknowledge only as needful. Say ~nothing~ else, ask ~nothing~ else. When pc has told little or much and has finished talking, give him a final acknowledgment. In going through an incident the second time one ~does not~ ask for date and duration again or any description. After the first time through an incident and when pc has recounted it, the auditor: A. Tells pc: "Move to the beginning of the incident." B. "Tell me when you are there." Steps A and B can be done at one time. They will sound like one sentence: "Move to the beginning of the incident; tell me when you are there." C. When pc has said he is: "Scan through to the end of the incident." D. "Tell me what happened." The second, third, etc., run through the same incident use the above commands. After the second time through, find out if it is erasing or going more solid. Ask: "Is the incident erasing or going more solid?" If it is erasing go through it a third time, etc., until it is erased. Erasure is usually accompanied by a floating needle and a cognition immediately afterwards. One does not need to ask "erasing/solid?" when he sees the TA rise as obviously it (the incident) is going more solid. It is correct, the auditor seeing the TA rise, simply to ask for an earlier incident and if "No" then an earlier beginning. When a pc doesn't know if it's solid or erasing, it's time to look earlier. If in answer to "erasing or going more solid?" the pc says it's going more solid, or if he doesn't know, you ask for an earlier incident on the same chain with the question: R3R PROCEDURE 349 Step One A: "Is there an earlier incident of another causing you (the exact somatic or feeling used in Step One). Then you go through Steps one to nine and A to D in the same way, always going down the chain to an earlier incident whenever the incident you are running is going more solid after the second time through. Sometimes when you ask for an earlier incident the pc will say there isn't an earlier incident. In this case, the incident you have been running may ~start~ earlier. You would therefore ask: "Does the one we are running ~start~ earlier?" If the pc says "Yes," then you give the command: "Move to the new beginning of the incident." Then continue on to B, C, D and continue as usual. The important thing is to give the pc time to find the earlier incident or the earlier beginning. If the pc can't find an earlier incident or an earlier beginning, run the incident you were doing on A to D again. Step one and Step one A (going earlier) commands for flow 2 and flow 3 are: Flow 2: Step one: "Locate an incident of you causing another . . ." (the exact somatic or feeling used in flow 1). Step one A: "Is there an earlier incident of you causing another . . . ?" (the exact somatic or feeling used in flow 1). Flow 3: Step one: "Locate an incident of others causing others . . ." (the exact somatic or feeling used in flow 1). Step one A: "Is there an earlier incident of others causing others . . . ?" (the exact somatic or feeling used in flow 1). The item can be preceded by "a" or "an." Each of these Step one and Step one A commands are run on the full verbatim 1 to 9, A to D steps as given herein. ¤Understanding R3R Commands¤ A student auditor working on his Dianetics internship* was ordered to study the Dianetic technical data (time track 350 BOOK THREE and engram running by chains). He read the data but had not studied it vigorously enough and for ~application~. The supervisor worked with him covering technical data and ~Original Thesis~.* During the course of this action many confusions (primarily roteness) were handled. Among them were things like "What is the purpose of Step 6 of R3R: "What do you see?'" He had previously thought it was to "orient" the pc to the incident or some such but basically it came down to the fact that he had never worked out the purpose of the command as related to the mechanics of the bank and time track. After some working he finally got the fact that command 4 (duration) is to turn on the visio and that before moving the pc through the incident one would have to know the pc had visio so he could move through. Conversely, if the picture was not "turned on" then the duration would have to be corrected. Another was the Step 3 command: "Move to that incident" on which the intern thought that by repeating the auditing command when the pc "couldn't get there" you would handle the time track. This of course is failure to handle an origination and failure to handle time for the pc. He finally realized that obviously the pc didn't have the correct date in the first place and it is the auditor's action to find and get the correct date and thus move the somatic strip to that incident. Each command of R3R was taken up and its purpose demonstrated out against the basic definitions and mechanics of the time track. One other thing discovered by this auditor was that command 9: "What happened?" has a purpose of running out the locks created in present time, in session, by virtue of the fact that you're reminding the pc of secondaries and engrams right there! (This is covered in ~Original Thesis~.) Another was the fact that in ~Original Thesis~, chapter "Exhaustion of Engrams," it says, "the principle of recounting is very simple. The preclear is merely told to go back to the beginning and to tell it all over again. He does this many times. As he does it the engram should lift in tone on each recounting. It may lose some of its data and gain other. If the preclear is recounting in the same words time after time, it is certain that he is playing a memory record of R3R PROCEDURE 351 what he has told you before. He must then be sent immediately back to the actual engram and the somatics of it restimulated. He will then be found to somewhat vary his story. He must be returned to the consciousness of somatics continually until these are fully developed, begin to lighten and are then gone." This of course totally invalidates the use of a completely rote system and requires an understanding of what is happening to the pc, bank, etc. Needless to say this auditor went through many changes, now feels in comm with his preclears and not "stuck" to some rote procedure which truly inhibits the real gains to be gotten from Dianetic engram running. As evidence to this action and its resultant gains in the auditor's ability to audit the following is a brief description of a case he audited ~applying~ real engram running and ~Original Thesis~ to this case. "Case has run many hours of Dianetics with a hidden standard to do with his hand. Has been trying since earliest Dianetic sessions to get this handled. The somatic has been addressed by many different wordings and many chains but had never blown yet chains had apparently gone to end phenomena. The auditor was C/Sed to find the actual somatic and run it out. It was found in session that the somatic had been run out to "EP" so an L3RD was done. From the L3RD the auditor found it was one incident in restimulation and proceeded to flatten the somatic chain connected with it. During this the auditor on occasion had to correct three dates and two durations but the spectacular part was pc began on Steps 9 and D to say the same thing regarding incident each time. This being indicative of pc running a memory record, auditor moves pc to the ~actual engram~, somatics intensify and then blow (for the first time) pc exterior with VVGIs. Exam result is quite spectacular." All the above serves to once again validate the results of the Dianetic materials when they are applied in full. ¤Some Important Rules¤ Given a knowledge of the composition and behavior of the time track, engram running by chains is so simple that 352 BOOK THREE any auditor begins by overcomplication. You almost can't get uncomplicated enough in engram running. In teaching people to run engrams in 1949, my chief despair was summed up in one sentence to the group I was instructing: All auditors talk too much. And that's the first lesson. The second lesson is: All auditors acknowledge too little. Instead of cheerily acknowledging what the pc said and saying "Continue," auditors are always asking for more data, and usually for more data than the pc ever could give. Example: Pc: "I see a house here." Auditor: "Okay. How big is it?" That's not engram running; that's just a lousy Q and A. The proper action is: Pc: "I see a house here." Auditor: "Okay. Continue." The exceptions to this rule are non-existent. This isn't a special brand of engram running. It is modern engram running. It was the first engram running and is the last and you can put aside any complications in between. The auditor is permitted ~one~ question per each new point of track and that is ~all~. Right example: Auditor: "Move to the beginning of the 88 plus trillion year incident." (Waits a moment.) "What do you see?" Pc: "It's all murky." Auditor: "Good. Move through the incident." ~Wrong~ example: "Auditor: "Move to the beginning of the 88 plus trillion year incident." (Waits a moment.) "What do you see?" Pc: "It's murky." Auditor: "Can you see anything in the murk?" Flunk! Flunk! Flunk! The rule is ~acknowledge what the pc says and tell him to continue~. Then there's the matter of being doubtful of control. Wrong example: Auditor: "Move to yesterday. Are you there? How do you know it's yesterday? What do you see that makes you think . . ." Flunk! Flunk! Flunk! R3R PROCEDURE 353 Right example: Auditor: "Move to yesterday." (Waits a moment.) "What do you see? . . . Good." Another error is a failure to take the pc's data. You take the pc's data. Never take his orders. If the pc is a dub-in, you should be running the ARC processes not engrams anyway as the case is too overcharged for engrams. If the pc isn't a dub-in then the pc's data is quite reliable. What the auditor believes has little to do with the preclear's reality. If a practitioner challenges or demands proof of a patient's data the patient becomes ill--that is the bald fact of it. It's part of the Auditor's Code. The reason the first Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation had trouble was that its Board of Directors attempted to stop past lives from being run. When a group seeks to forward only what is currently acceptable it of course stalls all progress. Further it is dishonest to suppress or fail to reveal scientific discoveries. Disagreeing with the law of gravity could give one some very bad falls. Pre-Dianetic mental studies customarily threw out anything that did not agree with their pet theories or would be "unpopular" with authorities. Such was the dishonesty practiced in the humanities that the whole field had fallen into brutal hands. Dianetics had to encounter the Dark Age atmosphere which then prevailed, complete with torture and murder of the insane. As far as ~past lives~ are concerned if you don't run mental image pictures from past lives when they come up on a chain, the preclear will not recover. A pathetic case of this occurred in early research. A girl crippled by polio was able to throw away her crutches after my first session. And would have become entirely well except that she recalled seeing and hearing Lincoln give his Gettysburg address. Her mother condemned her for such nonsense. The girl's lameness was confirmed and perpetuated by this and by a psychotic father who raved at me for daring to suggest such things. I didn't suggest anything. In 354 BOOK THREE auditing the girl she suddenly came up with being at Gettysburg listening to Lincoln. Seems a bit cruel to condemn a young girl to a lifetime of lameness just to satisfy a fixed idea. The ~wierd~ idea is that one only lives but once. Also, minimize a pc's dependency on a meter. Don't keep confirming a pc's data by meter read with, "That reads," "Yes, that's there." Just let the pc find his own reality in running an engram. All auditors talk too much. You can date on a meter but only so long as the pc doesn't cognite on the date. You can help a pc identify or choose an area of track but ~only~ if he specifically asks you to. Example: Pc: "I've got two pictures here. Can you find out which one is the earlier? One is of a freight engine, the other is a whole train." Auditor (on meter): "Is the freight engine earlier than the whole train? Is the whole train earlier than the freight engine?" (To pc) "The whole train reads as earlier." Now, however, if the pc has two facsimiles, your problem is only that you've missed something. Rule: Whenever charge is missed the time track tends to group. This does not mean the auditor has to do something about it unless the pc gets confused and ~asks for help~, at which time the ~only~ action is to spot on the meter what charge has been missed and tell the pc. All Routine 3R ARC breaks, are handled the same way, an exact way. There is ~no~ deviation from this. If the pc becomes critical of anything outside the engram (room, auditor, Scientology, the technology) it is an ARC break. ARC breaks are of greater and lesser magnitude ranging throughout the misemotional band of the tone scale. We have several times traced the graves of pcs in a special project and they usually came up correct. One pc was very upset to find his friend had failed to erect the fitting paid for tombstone, substituting a common slab, possibly to pocket the difference. R3R PROCEDURE 355 Some pcs have been so overwhelmed in the past by some great figure that they go into his valence in that life. This often throws discredit on past lives. I recall one girl who had been every famous figure in history who when we got her in valence turned up to have been only a victim to them. The great generals and politicians of history, it must be sadly remarked aren't easily distinguished from mass murderers. But even famous figures are somewhere. Past lives as a subject is made distasteful, possibly purposely, by some who, by fearing to have been a nobody and seeking status, talk loudly to others about having been Napoleon, Julius Caesar and Brutus all at the same time. In a society which tries to hide in the current identity or seeks to mortalize everyone and make people only animals, the subject of past lives can be a difficult one socially. The truth in auditing is, IF YOU DON'T RUN THE INCIDENTS GIVEN BY THE PC HE DOESN'T GET WELL. One spectacular recovery of an insane woman occurred when she ran an incident as a lion who ate her keeper. Freudian work hadn't been able to crack the case. The alienist at the sanitarium kept her in with trying to explain how it was all delusion (the current technique pre-Dianetics). A Dianetic auditor found and ran it and she became sane at once and stayed so. It is NOT the auditor's role to handle the philosophic or social aspects of incidents. To chide a pc for having an anti-social engram or a record of a crime or to challenge his data or refuse him his past life will bar his road to recovery and is itself a crime. It will be found that Man is basically good. Only his aberrations are bad. When you run out his engrams he becomes social and reverts to being good. Auditing is auditing. Audit what the pc has to audit. Leave the social aspects of the case to others. It's not the auditor's job. 356 BOOK THREE The handling of ARC breaks ~always~ follows this rule: ARC Break Rule 1: If the pc ARC breaks, issue no further auditing commands until both pc and auditor are satisfied that the cause of the ARC break has been located and indicated. Do not issue more orders, do not run a process, do not offer to run a process, do not sit idly letting the pc ARC break. Follow this rule: ARC Break Rule 2: When a pc ARC breaks or can't go on for any reason, do an ARC break assessment and locate and indicate to the pc the by-passed charge. The only harm that can be done in R3R is issuing further orders to the pc or trying to run something before the by-passed charge has been located and indicated. Given this handling of ARC breaks and an exact adherence to the rote of R3R and ~all~ former problems of engram running vanish! If you know old-time engram running, there is no attempt here to invalidate you or that knowledge or make you wrong in any way. Those are all ways to run engrams and gave you a better grasp on it. I only wish to call to your attention that R3R is not old time engram running and is not designed for any other use than freeing the spirit of man. Therefore, study and use R3R and ~don't~ mix it with any earlier data on engram running. Anything you know about engram running will help you understand R3R. But it won't help your pc if ~mixed~ in with R3R. I couldn't put this too strongly. You'll trace any failure in the auditor with R3R to: 1. Inability to execute the auditing cycle 2. Inability to run a session 3. Failure to study and understand the time track 4. Failure to follow R3R ~exactly~ without deviation 5. Failure to handle ARC breaks as above 6. Using R3R on lower level cases not prepared by pre-engram running processes. Engram running by chains is designated "Routine 3R" to fit in with other modern processes. It is a triumph of simplicity. It does not demand visio, sonic or other perceptions at once by the pc. It develops them. R3R PROCEDURE 357 The ordinary programming of the lowest level case would be reach and withdraw processes, CCHs, repetitive processes, R3R. Many cases, even the Black V, can begin at once on R3R. So R3R ~is~ the fundamental bridge step to Clear and OT. And we're going for Clear and OT. ¤Narrative Items¤ A narrative item is one which will land the pc in a single incident for which there is no chain. Flagrant example: "The time the horse Baldy dumped me in the Potomac." Obviously there was only one such incident. If it doesn't F/N, where are you going to go with R3R? No chain. Example: "When my mother spanked me." One incident. No chain. Example: "A feeling like catching my hand in a 322 IBM computer on March 3 last year." Only one incident. No chain. Example: "Like being bitten by a dog." Several examples on a chain but the ~somatic~ he is trying to get rid of has a basic on it of being tortured. Narrative chains are by repeating story, by incident description. These can be of excessive length. There may be 40 billion times his shoe pinched. Example: "Feeling like a shoe pinching me." The chain is endless. On the same somatic list was "A painful foot." This, being a somatic, permits you to get to a basic. Example: "Feeling like my parents were cross with me." There may be seven thousand such incidents. You never get to basic. Narratives can be run. But now and then there is only one incident and it never arrives at any basic. Or there are so many similar incidents you go on for days! The breakthrough came in assessing only somatics, sensations, emotions, attitudes. There are two types of chains--(1) story or narrative, (2) feelings. 358 BOOK THREE The feeling chains (pain, soreness, physical sensation) are the ones that relieve what's wrong with the pc. You can audit for a long time on narrative or story incidents without relieving any somatics. Narrative items can give you trouble in R3R. Somatics, sensations, emotions, attitudes as R3R items not only give you no trouble to audit but deliver the goods. A sore arm chain can include incidents such as: 1. being hit by a tree 2. run over by a carriage 3. being wounded in a duel 4. being hit by a stone axe. If "sore arm" is the item assessed (a somatic) then you get all four incidents listed. Suppose you assess 3 "being wounded in a duel," as the item. It's a narrative item because it describes the incident. So you run 3 only, never get to 4 and leave the pc with a sore arm. He's trying to get rid of a ~sore arm~, not a duel. Get it? A narrative item is often run to run out the physically painful experiences the person has just undergone, accident, illness, operation or emotional shock. This erases the "psychic trauma" and speeds healing to a remarkable degree. The commands for narrative R3R are: Flow One: "Locate the time when you had/were . . . (brief statement of incident)." Flow Two: "Locate a time you caused another to have/to be . . . (incident)." Flow Three: "Locate a time others caused others to have/to be . . . (incident)." For secondaries it would be: Flow One: "Locate the time when you lost a/your . . . (item)." Flow Two: "Locate a time you caused another to lose a . . . (item)." Flow Three: "Locate a time others caused others to lose a . . . (item)." ~Always run narrative incidents TRIPLE flow as above~. R3R PROCEDURE 359 The earlier command is: "Is there an earlier similar incident?" In doing R3R it is necessary that (a) one chooses things the pc is interested in and (b) one does not force a pc to run things he is protesting being run on. If you ask if there is an earlier incident and the pc says "no" you do not just walk off from the one he was just running. You send the pc through it again and it will erase. If you do sloppy R3R and do one thing after another without getting an F/N or an erasure, you will get the pc stuck up on the track. You complete each chain to F/N or erasure. If a LOCK F/Ns you can get earlier incidents on the same chain until the pc acutally runs the engram or chain of engrams. While it is not always safe to pass an F/N and go earlier to the real engram and erase it, a pc who is only F/Ned on locks will get the engram keyed-in again later. The somatic may return unless engrams are run to erasure. An R3R session can be safely ended on a cognition and good indicators such as a cheerful, happy pc. This doesn't mean the end of all Dianetic auditing. In the next session another assessment will turn up more unwanted feelings. Dianetics is ended off only when a pc has become well and happy and remains that way. ¤Erasure¤ Now and then a pc does not understand that he is supposed to be erasing a ~picture~ and only goes far enough to erase the somatic. The Auditor says "Is ~it~ erasing?" The pc can't feel the somatic so he says "It's gone." Auditor is puzzled by no F/N, but buys it. What you want to know as an auditor is "Is the ~picture~ erasing?" You can use that line to check, but not habitually. Erasure depends to some measure on the pc getting to the ~beginning~ of the incident. Sometimes the pc keeps starting a bit late in the incident and so does ~not~ get an erasure. 360 BOOK THREE If you assess an item like "dizziness after an operation" and try to run it, the pc will bog utterly as the whole operation precedes the somatic called for and not only won't erase but also won't show as a picture. Trying to run a somatic like "my mother hitting me" is a narrative incident not a somatic. It won't erase because you can't go earlier on the somatic as it's not named. There's probably a whole chain on "a stinging face" and chains are connected by somatic, not narrative or the same people or incident type. ~Feeling~ makes the chain. Only chains of feelings (pains, sensations, misemotions, etc.) uniformly go down to a basic that will erase. If you run a lock, secondary or engram through ~twice~ and it does not erase, you ask for an earlier similar incident related to the somatic being handled. If a mental image picture goes more ~solid~ on the second pass through, an earlier similar incident must be found. Eventually you will find a basic incident that will erase. It will be the earliest on the chain. Follow the somatic, not the narrative content. In handling an assessed head pain you ask for "an earlier head pain." Don't ask for narrative chains such as "an earlier fight with your mother." The rule is invariable--~if it isn't erasing or is going more solid after twice through get an earlier incident relating to the assessed somatic and run it~. ¤Rising TA¤ In running R3R when the pc's TA is rising after two runs through, the indication is that there is an earlier incident (or in rare cases, an earlier beginning). One does not need to ask "erasing/solid?" when he sees the TA rise, as obviously it (the incident) is going more solid. It is correct, the auditor seeing the TA rise, simply to ask for an earlier incident and if "no" then an earlier beginning. The exception is the low TA (below 2.0). If the TA is let us say at 1.6 and rises to 1.8 during or after the second run R3R PROCEDURE 361 through, the incident may well be erasing as below 2.0 is abnormal. It will come above 2.0 only when the chain is erased. So one ~does~ ask for "erasing/ solid?" and carries on as usual with R3R when the TA is below 2 but rises. ¤Grinding Out Engrams¤ Now and then an auditor encounters the phenomenon called (since 1950) ~grinding~. ~Grinding~ means going over and over and over and over a lock, secondary or engram without obtaining an actual erasure. The sense of the word comes from the action of using an emery wheel on a hard substance. The substance doesn't get much smaller or thinner no matter how long it is done. The reason grinding occurs is that the incident is too late on the chain. There are earlier incidents. It is a highly undesirable action. A Dianetic auditor who puts the pc through an incident four or five times without erasure or appreciable reduction is encountering "grinding." He should ask the pc to see if there isn't something earlier with a similar somatic. We have encountered two cases who were "OT VI" who also got into grinding without there being anything earlier. In both these cases, they did not want a session and were only going through it to be obliging. Both of these "OTs" had skipped some of their grades. The proper action would have been to review their grades, the grade known as OT III was certainly out. When a person gets above Clear, oddities can be expected to occur when you try to run Dianetics on them. If they really haven't made all their grades, however, and are physically ill, the correct action is to do all possible to handle their case by standard Dianetics and then rehabilitate or get done all the rest of the grades. What has happened here is that they were using Scientology to escape an uncomfortable body that should have been straightened out by Dianetics in the first place. The "out grade" is in fact Dianetics, failure to use it before going on to Scientology. You can therefore expect some of these Scientology cases who are "OT" but haven't really made it, due to out 362 BOOK THREE Dianetics, to run very well on Dianetics by the book. The action is to handle their physical complaints with Dianetics and then rehabilitate or get done all the Scientology grades, being watchful for grades not done at all. Some of these "OT" flubs, however, can be expected to "grind" and to fail to erase engrams. They will not have wanted a session in the first place and need a Scientology review with particular attention to "withholds" and thereafter a complete review of all grades, particularly completely skipped "OT grades." Possibly a pc who does not go down the somatic chain but who skips from one somatic to another could also get into grinding. A pc not put through each incident on a chain twice before going earlier could get into grinding. The pc who is run through each incident once only before being sent earlier will certainly fail to get off enough charge to get earlier. The pc who is stubbornly refusing to go into any past lives will certainly get into grinding as they seldom reach basic on any chain. There are two extremes a Dianetic auditor can go to on the subject of erasure. A. He can grind and grind and grind (ABCD, ABCD, ABCD, ABCD, on and on) with the TA going up up up and never once tell the pc to go earlier. B. He can watch the TA come down to between 2 and 3 and go loose on the last incident run, ask the pc "erasing or solid?" get a noncommittal answer and send the pc earlier. He can keep sending the pc earlier and earlier on another chain without ever noticing he's finished the first chain. These are the two extreme cases. In Case A it is ~obvious~ from TA rise that the chain has an earlier incident. In Case B it is obvious from the TA that the chain erased. In A the auditor is preventing the pc from going earlier when he should. In B the auditor is forcing the pc to go earlier when he shouldn't. In both cases the auditor hasn't a clue of what an engram chain is. R3R PROCEDURE 363 It is marvelous how auditors demand "the exact phrase" to use as an effort to avoid having to really understand what he is doing in auditing. If an auditor hasn't a clue about what he is doing, then a thousand goofy outnesses will keep cropping up, each one requiring a special instruction. After a while you get a text weighing one ton, and all because the auditor didn't grab the basic definitions in the first place. An auditor who will do either A or B above has not grasped that an engram chain is held in place by the basic for that chain and that basic is the ~first time~ and that the clue to erasure is unburdening down to first time and erasing first time and that all picture chains are there because the first time is there. The auditor assumes one ~always~ asks "solid or erasing." Or that one always does only what the pc says. Or some such consideration. I would never ask "solid or erasing" if I saw the TA start to climb, I would know the TA measured mental mass and that it was accumulating and wouldn't erase. I'd just ask for an earlier incident. Honest, it's awfully easy. A very odd outness an auditor will encounter when he is so dedicated to the exact words is the fast pc who erases before he can tell about it. Along about number three of R3R the TA blows down and the needle F/Ns. An auditor who knew his business by understanding would ask "Did it erase?" of course. The pc would say "It vanished," and VGIs would come in. A fast-running pc on a light chain can occasionally blow an engram by inspection. If it was basic for that chain, one would be committing the crime described in B above. The pc is likely to go into another chain on a heavy protest. So you see, there's no substitution for actually ~understanding~ what's going on. There's the pc, there's the bank, there's the meter needle, there's the meter tone arm, there's the auditor, there's the procedure, and there's the report. That's all the parts there are to a session. 364 BOOK THREE When one ~understands~ each one, one can audit. When one doesn't understand some part of any of the above, he will require unusual solutions. Anything truly powerful is truly simple. So an auditor who goofs is being complex and hasn't understood something about one of the major parts named above. I once saw a goofed up session that went like this: Pc: "It (the engram) happened every day for three days." Auditor: ABCD. Flunk. The auditor was so deficient in knowing about chains and 'first time' that he didn't tell the pc to go to the first day's engram but let the poor pc flounder in day three! And so the chain did not erase and the pc hung up in it. If the rule of 'first time' is really understood, one would realize a lot of things, even that the pc was beginning an incident halfway through it and hadn't begun to run the beginning of it so of course, no erasure. If this happened on basic . . . "There's no earlier incident." (TA high.) Auditor: "Does the one we're running start earlier?" Pc: "Hey, yes it does." Auditor: "Move to the new beginning of the incident . . ." Yoicks, an erasure! This is no invitation to depart from procedure. It's an invitation to see procedure as an ~action~, very precise, capable of being understood and done, not a rote chant. That's the procedure--not do the commands rhyme! ¤High TA in Dianetics¤ In Scientology a high TA is always an overrun. In Dianetics it means ~an engram too late on the chain to erase is in restimulation~. A Scientology auditor "rehabilitates" overruns. A Dianetic auditor cures high TA by finding what engram (lock or secondary) is in restimulation (active). This will show up as a ~pain~, ~sensation~, ~misemotion or other present time feeling~ the pc has. In short, just by finding the R3R PROCEDURE 365 somatic by list and assessing for longest read and running R3R you can cure a high TA. You handle a TA that goes up during a session by completing the chain exactly as in R3R. The same action you do for R3R ~also~ cures the high TA. By running a pc through only once each time instead of twice you leave a later incident too charged for the pc to see an earlier incident. By trying to erase the somatic only, not the picture ("pc no longer has somatic") you can leave the picture partially there. There can be an infinity of wrong ways but only one right way and the right way is R3R by the book. A high TA (3.5 or above) is simply the E-meter's reaction to increased mass. Thus in the presence of mental mass as contained in mental image pictures, the tone arm of the E-meter rises. When you restimulate an engram, the E-meter's current flow has more trouble getting through the pc and the TA rises. When the engram (or lock or secondary) is "keyed out" (moved away) the TA comes down and the meter needle will float. If you find a long chain with many engrams on it and run a late engram the TA goes up. As you go earlier, and eventually find basic, the TA comes down and when you erase the basic engram the TA will come down to between 2 and 3 and the needle will float. Old disproved theory pre-Dianetics was that the E-meter reacted to sweat on the hands but of course a person would have to sweat and "unsweat" to make the meter behave as it does. And the idea of "unsweating" would be ridiculous. Palms of the hand do not go wet-dry with enough rapidity to account for meter reaction up and down. When you run several engrams through once or several somatic chains without erasing any, you pile up too much mass and the TA will go high and stick. Even if nothing is done to repair this, the pc will destimulate (the pictures will drop away) in from three to 366 BOOK THREE ten days. However, it is a very poor show of auditing to do R3R other than exactly by the book. It is very easy to do it exactly right. The drill is simple. If done exactly right the result is good and invariable. When a pc has a high TA (3.5 or above) ~after~ having one or more sessions, it is ~obvious that the earlier chains found were not erased~. What makes a TA ~high?~ A TA, in Dianetics, is high ~only~ for one reason. One or more engram chains are ~in restimulation~. A high TA equals mental energy mass. Engrams have mass in them even when they are pictures. The figures in the picture, the scenery, and the picture itself have mass. It is electrical mass. It registers as a TA above 3. To say that the TA is 3.3 and the picture was erased is silly. That .3 is indicating that part of the mass is still there. This is often also true above 2.0. When the meter needle is not floating the TA is registering ~mass~. Mental mass. So when you see a TA going up, up, up you know the picture isn't erasing but is getting more ~SOLID~. The solidness is visible right on the TA dial. So to ask for a rerun when you've already ground and ground and the TA has been up up up is silly. The meter is already telling you there is an earlier incident, as the one the pc is in is getting more solid and is not erasing. In Scientology a high TA means "overrun." The Dianetic auditor, however, doing Dianetics does not "rehabilitate" the F/N. He is handling why the TA does go high: mental mass consisting of pictures. A Scientology overrun goes by an F/N. In the F/N movement the mass moved away. It didn't erase. If you keep on running the same action the mass moves in again. The Scientology auditor recovers the moment it moved off by "rehabilitating the point of release." The Dianetic auditor in doing Dianetics finds the incomplete chain, carries it to basic and gets it ~gone~ forever. R3R PROCEDURE 367 If the C/S cannot find the incomplete chain by folder inspection he orders "Assess the pictures or masses pc has touched in life or auditing and have been left unflat, get its somatic, run R3R." He could also order an L3RD be done. A low TA (below 2) means the pc is overwhelmed and has retreated. If you chop up a pc with bad TRs you may see his TA go below 2. Also some incidents force a pc below 2. But when they are erased the TA comes back up to F/N. If you think you have had an erasure but the TA is below 2 at the time of F/N, then you haven't erased any chain. A discharged meter or one with its trim set incorrectly or a faulty meter or electrodes will give the auditor or examiner wrong reads. One should check his meter before session for full charge and get the pc to squeeze the cans to see if ~he~ is registering on the meter. ¤Overt-Motivator Sequence¤ There was an important discovery made in 1952 on the subject of engrams which did not get included in "Book One," ~Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health~. This was the "overt-motivator sequence of ENGRAMS." AN OVERT, in Dianetics and Scientology is an aggressive or destructive ACT by the individual against one or another of the eight dynamics (self, sex/family, group, mankind, animals or plants, mest, life or the infinite). A MOTIVATOR is an aggressive or destructive act received by the person on one or more of the dynamics. The viewpoint from which the act is viewed resolves whether the act is an overt or a motivator. The reason it is called a "motivator" is because it tends to prompt that one pays it back--it "motivates" a new overt. When one has done something bad to someone or something, one tends to believe it must have been "motivated." 368 BOOK THREE When one has received something bad, he also may tend to feel ~he~ must have done something to deserve it. The above two points are true. The actions and reactions of people on the subject are often very falsified. People go about believing they were in an auto accident when in actual fact they caused one. Also people may believe they caused an accident when they were only ~in~ one. Some people, on hearing of a death, at once believe they must have killed the person even though they were far away. Police in large cities have people turn up and confess to almost every murder as a routine. One doesn't have to be crazy to be subject to the overt-motivator sequence. It is not only used on him continually by others, it also is a basic part of his own "case." There are two extreme stages of overt-motivator phenomena. One is a person who gives up only motivators (always done to him) and the other is a person who "has done only overts" (done to others). In running an engram you will find: 1. All overt engrams that hang up (won't audit easily) have ~also~ a motivator engram as the same or different incident 2. All motivator engrams that hang up have an overt engram in the same or different incident. The two ~types~ of engrams then are OVERT engrams and MOTIVATOR engrams. Example of overt engram--SHOOTING A DOG. Example of motivator engram--BEING BITTEN BY A DOG. The rule is that the subject matter MUST BE SIMILAR. They can be different points in time. When you can't run out (erase) a dog bite engram, why then you find the "shoot dog" engram. ~Psychosomatic ills or aberrations that do not resolve by running one side, usually resolve by finding and running the other~. R3R PROCEDURE 369 When you can't erase an engram about shooting a dog, why then there's a "bitten by dog." It's all very simple really. There are always two sides to the coin. If one won't run, you try the other. Finding the basic engram on a chain also applies to finding the basic overt or basic motivator engram. Engrams then hang up (won't run out) when: a. The other type needs to be run and b. The one found has earlier engrams on it. An "engram" sometimes didn't exist. A pc can be trying to run being run over by a car when he never was. What needs to be done, when the incident won't run, is get the pc's incident of running over somebody. It also works in reverse. A pc can be trying to run an engram of running over somebody when he was in fact only run over himself and never did run over anyone. So BOTH engrams can exist and be run or only one side exists and can be non-factual and won't be run because only the ~other~ side exists. It is easy to visualize this as a matter of flows. An overt of course is an outflow and a motivator is an inflow. It may never have been said that secondaries always sit squarely on incidents of actual pain and unconsciousness. Also secondaries can exist on the overt-motivator sequence pattern just as in engrams. This is the cause of frozen emotions or "unemotional" people. Also some people complain they can't feel anymore. This works out by overt-motivator sequence. A person in grief over loss (grief is always loss) who then can't run it has ~caused~ grief and that overt-secondary can be run. Also a person misemotional over causing grief has been caused grief. It works both ways with ALL POINTS ON THE TONE SCALE. The last is a newer discovery and wasn't known to early Dianeticists. The overt-motivator engram phenomena did not receive adequate dissemination. It is basically Dianetic engram running that resolved all cases in the end so one had better be pretty good at auditing engrams and secondaries, motivator and overt both. 370 BOOK THREE ¤Dianetics--Triple Flow Action¤ Dianetics, including Dianetic assists, are to be run by ~triple flows only~. Running Dianetic singles is ~forbidden~. The reason for this is to be found in the basic technology of the overt-motivator sequence. A pc who only runs motivators (done to him only) will worsen. You will see him becoming more and more critical. He may blow or become ill. He will commit overts (harmful acts) on himself, the church or others. And he will continue going downhill until you get ~his~ overts, i.e., what ~he~ has done. In Dianetics the first flow, F1, is the ~motivator~ chain (done to him). The other two flows, F2 and F3, are the ~overt act~ chains. Running only singles, i.e., the motivator (done to him) chains could go on and on without lasting gains and could wind up with a pc getting sick, committing overts or blowing. Therefore, the overt chains, flows 2 and 3, must also be run before going on to the next item. Dianetic pcs who have had only Dianetic singles run in the past should have flows 2 and 3 run on those items. The following rules are in effect: 1. NEVER RUN DIANETIC SINGLES 2. ALWAYS RUN DIANETICS BY TRIPLE FLOWS--ALWAYS, ALWAYS. Wherever single flow Dianetics is mentioned, the statement is revised according to the following rule: ~Dianetics is run by triple flows only. Dianetic singles is forbidden and if done will be considered gross out tech~. The item must be made plural on flow 3 when one is running triples, i.e., "pain in the head," as an item on flow 1 and flow 2 becomes "Pains in their heads" on flow 3. ¤Full Flow Dianetics*¤ Where a case has only been run on single flow Dianetics (flow 1) one goes back to the first Dianetic item ever run of which record can be found and does F1, F2, F3 in that order. R3R PROCEDURE 371 To C/S a case for ~triple~ Dianetics it is best to first lay out a Scientology repair, making sure the case is flying, then list out the items already run on single and triple. Then get them run so that all ~three~ flows are complete on each item in sequence from first to last. This includes any former practice items, drugs or any other engram running. These, like Dianetic items, are listed in their correct sequence of former running. Then the missing flows are run. A rehabilitation step of the flows already run is not necessary. This rehab of a flow already run to EP is usually used only when there is question about its having gone to F/N, Cog, VGIs. In C/Sing for ~triples~ one completes any flow of an item found that did not F/N. This is indicated on the item list. All former Dianetic items ever run are listed and what flows have been run on them and to what end phenomena. If any auditor has a poor record of getting Dianetic results, of bogged flows, etc., he needs a retread. His drills and TRs are out or he is committing Gross Auditing Errors. Dianetics gives remarkable results only when flawlessly done. The commands must be precisely given and ~all~ commands 1-9, A-D are used. It is NEVER shorted "because the pc did it." It should be realized Dianetics is its own field of C/Sing. This remains the same in ~triple~ Dianetics. ~Triple~ Dianetics, including the re-run actions, produces some very startling new gains. Well done Dianetics always has produced fine results. ~Triple~ Dianetics almost doubles the gain. Any and all Dianetic remedies and general technology remain in full use. They are not changed at all. Only ~triple~ flows ~are~ added in each case. It is mandatory that one does not audit three flow items until one has brought ~all~ earlier Dianetic items into three flows. On a case where only flow 1 (single) has been run, you don't suddenly run a triple (F1, F2, F3) until one has run the 372 BOOK THREE earliest Dianetic item ever run (or that can be found) on Dianetic triple and then on forward on triple. By auditing additional flows while earlier items remain single, one restimulates the missing flows and stacks them up as mass. They can make a pc uncomfortable until run. All the missing flows (that were not run) are still potential mass. This mass restimulates like something too late on the chain when a flow not run on earlier items is run on later items. Auditing itself is a sort of time track. The earliest session blows the later sessions. Before running triple Dianetics one makes a table of earlier items run. Like this: ¤Full Flow Table¤ ~Flow Prev- ~Date~ ~Item~ iously Run~ ~Must Run~ 2/3/62 Guf shoulder F1 F2, 3 3/3/67 Gow in foot F1 F2, 3 30/4/67 Chow in Chump F1 F2, 3 29/9/68 Anger F1, 2, 3 Peeved F1, 2, 3 4/10/69 Feeling numb F1, 2, 3 9/10/70 Feeling of goof F1, 2, 3 10/10/71 Dianetic Assist on head F1 F2, 3 F1 is FLOW ONE, something happened to self. F2 is FLOW TWO, doing something to another. F3 is FLOW THREE, others doing things to others. Standard R3R commands are used on triple Dianetics. The question will come up, do we triple narrative items or multiple somatic items? The test is, did the flows already run F/N when they were originally run? If they did, include them. If they didn't run exclude them. This does not mean you omit everything that didn't run. While auditing this FULL FLOW DIANETICS you will find various chains that did not F/N when originally run. R3R PROCEDURE 373 These are included and should be concluded to F/N. This means one has to find out if they bypassed the F/N, went too early, jumped the chain, etc. Usually an L3RD assessed on that faulty action will give the answer. It is too easy to make these old flubbed chains F/N unless you work at it too hard. Usually the reason they didn't is visible on the old worksheet. The auditor forgot to ask for earlier beginning or by-passed the F/N or jumped the chain or tried to run it twice forgetting he'd run it before. Corny errors. The result of doing a FULL FLOW DIANETIC ACTION on a case is quite spectacular. The shadowy remains of somatics blow, mass blows and the pc comes up shining. When doing triple Dianetics on Clears and OTs (and a very few others) it may be found that many chains are now missing or are just copies of the original. Don't be disturbed. Pc says they're gone now they're gone. Just F/N the fact and carry on with the next flow or item. ¤Filling in Undone Flows in Dianetics¤ Steps: 0. R-factor: "We are going to fill in the undone flows in your Dianetic auditing." 1. Clear the word "flow." 2. Have a list of all items not triples, in the order they were run, early to late, stating what flow run, and what flow(s) not. Indicate any bogged items clearly. (Some preclears have been run on narrative items or multiple somatics in the past. You triple these items only if the flow or flows already run F/Ned when run. If they didn't, exclude them.) Be sure bogged items were not corrected in a later session. 3. Starting from the first item run on the pc (earliest) that has missing flows, run the missing flow or flows. Always run F1, 2, 3 in that order exactly. Use L3RD if any trouble. 4. Clear R3R command number 1 of the first undone flow, in sequence (i.e., Flow 2, if only Flow 1 has been done). 5. Run that flow R3R to EP, L3RD any bog. 374 BOOK THREE 6. Clear R3R command number 1 of the next flow (F3). 7. Run that flow R3R to EP, L3RD any bog. 8. Then verify erasure of the flows that were run by saying, "According to session records, flow (1, 2, 3) (item) erased." It will F/N. If no F/N, or BIs, do an L3RD on it. If any of the flows already run were bogged flows and not corrected, L3RD them. Don't try to verify erasure. 9. The auditor continues as above to completion of all flows of all previous R3R items. ¤Triple Reruns¤ LAW: WHEN ONE OR MORE OF THE THREE FLOWS OF AN ITEM OR GRADE ARE LEFT UNRUN; WHEN USED IN LATER PROCESSES THE EARLIER UNRUN ONES RESTIMULATE AND MAKE MASS. This tells you that high TAs, heavy pressures and even illness can come from bypassed flows. Example: Dianetic singles have been run on seven items. Now the auditor begins to run new items triple without running triple on the already run items. The result will be seven unrun flows 2s and seven unrun flow 3s. These will restimulate and form mass and bypassed charge. Example: Now let us say that Dianetics was all run single and grades were run triple. This will restimulate the Dianetic chains F2 and F3. ~Any later grade run with more flows than used in earlier actions can throw the earlier unflat flows into restim, pile up mass giving high TA and bypassed charge (BPC) giving ARC breaks~. Thus high TAs have three principal sources: 1. Overruns 2. Auditing past exterior 3. Earlier unrun flows restimulated by those flows used in later actions. There are other minor ones such as drug background, illness, etc., as per hi-low TA assessment. One must NOT recklessly or continuously rehab a past major action. This causes overrun. The thetan is placed at the ~end~ of the incidents not yet in restimulation or run and the bank gets more solid. R3R PROCEDURE 375 The whole trick of this universe is contained in thetans copying or picturing incidents and then getting stuck in the later portion of them. "Incidents" is the keynote. A thetan is incident hungry. This is what traps him. For some reason he has to be at the earliest end of incidents to erase them. The later he is in incidents and the later he is on the track the more solid he is. This also applies to the "auditing time track." By omitting things like flows on the auditing time track, the thetan thus becomes massy. The whole theory of the Exteriorization Remedy is based on having gone out (later) ~after~ he went in (earlier). So exteriorizing can stick him. The remedy is done by a Scientology review auditor to permit further auditing. They exteriorize of course when the bank is handled. When flows of items are bypassed and then later restimulated by auditing them, mass occurs. When doing additional flows on earlier items or processes, one must ~also~ check or rehab those flows marked as run to F/N in worksheets. This again will leave unflat flows and BPC unless it is done. And if it is overdone it will raise the TA by overrun. So if one had a case that had single Dianetics and was later run on triple for new items (but the singles not done into triple) one would have to RUN FIRST the missing unrun flow or flows and then ~check~ the first single F1 for flatness, then check other previously run flows. The rule is run the previously unrun one or ones first to get charge off, then verify or run the ones listed as run already. Then one would do the same for the next item. Run the previously unrun flow or flows and then verify or run those listed as already run to be sure they F/N. ~All~ items, in chronological sequence, and ~all~ processes, would have to run triple. ~It would be a waste of time now to run only singles~. So all C/Ses and auditing actions are "rehab or run F1, F2, F3" when getting in all flows on things run to date. 376 BOOK THREE Get in all flows from the beginning. Bring ~all~ his auditing up to triple. If the pc is not in trouble, his best bet is to get on up the grades to Expanded OT III. If he ~is~ massy and is having trouble the best bet is to FES, list the items and grades and do a Full Flow action from the beginning of his auditing, raising them all to triple. The auditor getting in triple flows can also ARC break the pc by failing to verify if the previously run flows are flat. All the auditor wants is to see them F/N on the command. If they don't he runs them. Sometimes when he has "run them" again he finds they are being overrun or run twice and has to rehab them by finding this out. The pc sometimes doesn't know until he actually starts to run them. Then he finds they are already run. The clue to this is a climbing TA. If the TA goes up, get off that flow and rehab it. Example: Pc at first thinks "pain in shoulder" F2 was never run. Starts to run it. TA goes up. Auditor must pull him off of it by finding out if it is being run twice and rehab it to F/N. The moral in all these reruns is don't firefight, keep an L3RD list handy and use it. The results of putting in all flows on a pc are fantastic. Getting an All Flows Rundown done correctly gives one all the latent gain the pc has been begging for. Program it right. C/S it right. Audit it right. ¤Rehabilitating Chains¤ One handles a Dianetic chain that, according to a previous worksheet, erased by saying, "According to session records, (flow direction) (item) erased." That's all. One does not say, "Did the chain giving others a headache erase?" One does not run it again to find out. One does not run a single command "to see if it F/Ns again." One can say, "Do R3R PROCEDURE 377 you agree that the chain giving another a headache erased?" But the more you ask the pc to look for an erased chain the more messed up things will get. It isn't there. But the auditor by his action can imply it ~should~ be there or ~might~ be there. A totally wrong approach would be "Look around your bank and see if what isn't there anymore isn't there." Dianetics is NOT Scientology. A Dianetic chain is ~not~ a release. If you try to use Scientology rehab tech on a Dianetic chain, you have had it. It isn't a "release" (which is a key-out). A Dianetic chain is an erasure. You can't rehab erasures with "How many times?" etc. The test of this is the doing. If you try to use Scientology rehab on Dianetic chains, the PC MIGHT TRY TO FIND SOMETHING. This causes him to key-in other unrun or similar items. It is a dangerous action at best to try to handle old erased chains. The best you can do is to tell the pc what the old worksheet said. If no worksheet exists leave the already erased flows alone! Many times, a folder error summary will give a flubbed chain and then fail to note it was repaired in the next session! A C/S and auditor would have been pretty irresponsible to just go on auditing past flubbed chains. The only safe way to handle some previous flubbed chain is to: a. Verify in the folder if it was repaired b. If still unrepaired assess the L3RD on it and handle according to the L3RD. Using the new L3RD is a Dianetic action. L3RD has its own directions. Questions not marked with directions are used to indicate the fact. This can amount to two-way comm as the pc chews it over. But L3RD where marked is handled by Dianetics actions. Example: "earlier beginning" reads. You can't just say "the incident had an earlier beginning" and you can't say, "Tell me about the earlier beginning." The pc will go up the wall. There'll be no F/N. You have to use R3R and get him to the earlier beginning and then run it and if it still doesn't erase, get him to an earlier similar and erase that. 378 BOOK THREE L3RD is a Dianetics list. Overruns are demonstrated by a rising TA. If as you seek to get in Full Flow Dianetics (FFD), the pc's TA begins to average higher, overrun is occurring. Example: While doing FFD pc's TA has been riding at 2.2 and F/Ns. After a new FFD action it begins to ride at 2.5 and F/Ns. Something is being overrun. Find it and indicate it. And cease to stir the bank up so much! The fault is going over items already run. In doing a Full Flow Table you often find that the same or similar items have been run in the past. Sometimes you find that a previous attempt to run the item a second or third time has resulted in an ARC break, the reason for which was never detected. The right action is to note the session date it was ~first~ run and just tell the pc "Feeling surprised was run three times. On (first date it was erased) it was erased. When later run it was an overrun." This tends to blow the later charge laid in by trying to run the same item again. It sounds so strange that erased chains can be overrun. But it is true. What happens is that pcs try to cooperate and put something there. The action of a quarrel between an auditor and a pc is called a firefight. Restimulating earlier unrun engrams or overrunning chains upset a pc. The best action, as soon as a pc is disturbed, is to do an L3RD fast and handle what reads the way it should be handled according to the L3RD. The wrong way is to argue or try to go on. The pc does NOT know what it is. He just feels awful. He tries to guess. He will ARC break or get sad if the auditor continues. The correction action is an L3RD. If the pc remains ARC broken, try L3RD again, particularly the ~whole~ L3RD. A fully genned in auditor, well-crammed, well-drilled, well-skilled, can be trusted with Dianetic triples. Auditors not so handled can get pcs into serious trouble with these things. R3R PROCEDURE 379 A safe course is to use triples on new "never audited before" pcs. Those begun on triples, continue to use only triple flows. ¤Dianetic TRs¤ A student auditor may think he knows his commands. When he is auditing a doll he can do it. When confronted by a live pc, he needs to know the commands so well that pc randomity does not throw him off the right command. I have therefore developed four Dianetic TRs. They are TR-101, 102, 103, and 104. When a student fails to get a good result we (1) ask the pc what he did, (2) send the student back to training, (3) send the pc to review, (4) send the student to review, (5) get the student corrected on what was learned he did wrong from the pc and, (6) get the student drilled on TRs 101, 102, 103 and 104. We tolerate no flubbed sessions. If a pc suffers because of a flub, we boost him way up with review as a case. If a student auditor flubs we handle him as a case and retrain. All this has been subjected to a lot of research and proof. And what do you know! We get 100 percent training wins and 100 percent Dianetic session wins! No failed auditors, no failed pcs. Planet, here we come! ¤Practical Drills¤ Practical drills are introduced throughout the book. Their purpose is to improve the quality of auditing by familiarizing the auditors with the exact procedure of each auditing action through the use of drills. Most of the drills are done within the basic format of the bull-baited and unbull-baited drills as outlined here. However each drill has its own training stress, position, etc. These should be totally drilled out as you reach them in the book. 380 BOOK THREE Simply start with the first actions and apply the drills unbull-baited and bull-baited until you are thoroughly familiar with each separate auditing action, and can apply it flawlessly, even with distractions. If a student has trouble on a drill, find out whether the student has a misunderstood or has skipped a gradient and handle either or both with standard study tech. This can lead back to outnesses and misunderstoods on auditing basics such as TRs, the auditing comm cycle, codes or scales as well as earlier drills. Whatever it is, find it and handle it thoroughly. ALWAYS COACH ON A GRADIENT, and build them up to get them tough. ~NOTE:~ Fruit words are inserted in the place of dates and durations, etc., in the commands and answers so that no coach restimulation occurs. Format for Unbull-baited Drills Name: Auditing On a Doll Unbull-baited. Commands: As for each separate process. Purpose: To train the student auditor to be able to coordinate and apply the commands and procedures of each separate auditing action with the actual doingness of auditing. Positon: Student seated at a table with E-meter, worksheets, auditing forms and lists as needed. In the chair opposite the student is a doll occupying the position of the pc. (During checkouts the coach is seated or standing beside the auditor. He does not take the position of the doll.) The most common errors made by student auditors are forgetting the commands during session and misusing command sequence or procedure or doing odd things because they get nervous. The following drills are designed to handle this. The drills must be thoroughly done. ¤TR-101¤ Name: R3R to a Wall (TR-101) Commands: R3R commands including earlier incident and earlier similar commands. Position: Student auditor seated facing a wall. R3R PROCEDURE 381 Purpose: To get the student auditor able to give all R3R commands accurately, in correct order without hesitation or having to think what the next command should be. [+] Training Stress: This drill is not coached. The student auditor sits facing a wall with a copy of the R3R commands in his lap. The student gives the commands, in order, to the wall maintaining good TR-0 and TR-1. When the student auditor falters or is uncertain of the next command he rereads the commands from the book then continues to give the commands to the wall. When the student auditor can confidently give all the commands accurately without any slightest comm lag, he gets a checkout. ¤TR-102¤ Name: Auditing a Doll (TR-102) Commands: All R3R commands and standard Dianetics procedure. Positon: Student auditor seated at a table with E-meter, auditor report forms, and worksheets. In the chair opposite him is a doll occupying the position of the pc. Purpose: To familiarize the student auditor with the materials of auditing and co-ordinate and apply the commands and procedures of Standard Dianetics in an auditing session. Training Stress: This drill is not coached. The student auditor sets up the E-meter and worksheets exactly as in a session. He starts the session and runs a complete Standard Dianetics session on the doll keeping full session admin and using all standard procedures of Dianetics. The drill is passed when the student can do the drill flawlessly with good TRs 0-4, correct procedure and commands, without comm lags or confusion and can maintain proper session admin, including worksheets, auditor's report form, and summary report. ¤TR-103¤ TR-103 is done between the student auditor and a doll, with a coach sitting beside the student auditor. -------------------------------------------------- [+] When doing this drill ensure you (give to the wall) the steps one to nine, A to D and step one A (earlier similar command) for all four flows. 382 BOOK THREE The purpose of this drill is to give the student auditor total certainty on the R3R procedure, handling the meter and the administration at the same time. This is done in the drill by the coach following this gradient: 1. The coach gives the student auditor some "items" to assess on the doll--these must not be real somatics; but for example: apples, pears, lemons, etc. to avoid restimulation. 2. The coach has the student do a proper assessment on the doll, coach indicating reads and interest. The student auditor applies standard data on assessment and finds ~the~ item to run. 3. The coach has the student do a standard rundown of R3R to erasure of the "chain"; the coach answering the questions, carrying out the commands for the doll. The coach does not use ~actual~ time units giving date and duration on Step 2 and 4, but gives for example "15 beans" as a duration. This is to avoid any chance of "running" the coach in this drill by moving his time track with the commands. The coach creates "situations" by giving answers like: "solid--but can't see anything earlier" or "it's all gone--TA 5.6," etc. 4. When the student auditor can handle any situation to the coach's satisfaction, the coach now calls command numbers, letters or situations at random for the student auditor to handle to make the student auditor totally certain on all the commands and actions. The commands do not have to be carried out or answered by the coach here, but the coach can call a new number or letter or situation immediately after the last command has been given by the student auditor. If the coach does not call out a new number or letter, the student auditor just continues down the procedure from the last command. If the coach doesn't call a new number or letter, he of course answers the question or carries out the command instead to keep the drill ~real~. Flunks are given in this drill for failure to do proper assessment, failure to give correct commands with certainty R3R PROCEDURE 383 or failure to handle a situation. Out TRs, comm lags, etc. are of course immediately flunked. This drill is passed when the student auditor can do these steps flawlessly. ¤TR-104¤ TR-104 is done between the student auditor and a "Pc/bull-baiter," with the coach seated beside the student auditor. In other words, three persons are present in this drill. The purpose of this drill is to train the student auditor to deliver a standard session, with standard procedure, using standard commands, without session additives, and to train the student auditor to apply TRs 0 to 4 in the R3R procedure, here having a "real" pc, E-meter and admin handled with skill. The drill's purpose is achieved by the following gradient: 1. The coach gives the student auditor items to assess on the pc/bull-baiter--same as in TR-103. 2. The coach has the student auditor do an assessment on the pc/bull-baiter, coach indicating the reads--pc/bull-baiter the interest. And the student auditor finds ~the~ item to run. 3. The coach has the student do a complete rundown of the "chain" to erasure, using R3R procedure. The purpose of the pc/bull-baiter is to be a ~dummy pc~ and to make the drill a "real" session. The pc/bull-baiter is to answer the auditing questions (still not to give time units), and to carry out the commands. Doing this he can enter commands, originate troubles or gains, be tricky, etc. But he must never lose sight of the data on coaching, especially "coach with reality." This drill trains the student auditor to handle a Dianetic session! The coach still creates the situations, as in TR-103. Stress is put here to train the student auditor to have his TRs 0 to 4 ~in~ on the pc/bull-baiter. 4. When the student auditor has done a complete and successful rundown of the chain to the coach's satisfaction, 384 BOOK THREE the coach now calls command numbers, letters or situations at random, as in TR-103, only difference now that the commands have to be carried out, the question answered, before coach calls a new number, letter or situation. If the coach does not call a new number or letter after the last command has been carried out or answered--the student auditor continues down the procedure from the last command. Flunks are given in this drill for failure to do proper assessment, failure to give correct commands with certainty, or failure to handle a situation. Hesitation, stumble on commands, comm lags and ~out TRs~ are of course flunked instantly. The student auditor is passed when he can do the above flawlessly. These are ~the~ drills that train the student auditor to handle all the elements in a session, so be exact and be real, your next step being auditing itself. TR-104 has been found in some cases to have been done wrongly. TRs 2, 3 and 4 were missing with the student auditor's attention only on the coach and not keeping TRs in on the "bull-baiter." Full TRs 0 to 4 are kept in by the student auditor on the pc/bull-baiter. The student gets his questions answered or command carried out, acknowledges execution, for example. Otherwise TR-104 becomes completely unreal. If the student auditor is not making the grade he is returned to the earlier TR that is out. Further, if the coach does not call out a number, the student auditor simply continues on with R3R procedure, giving the next command in sequence. The above applies also to TR-103. ¤Clearing Commands¤ Failure to clear up all the words in the commands with the preclear, can cause you to get reads on items that aren't valid. R3R PROCEDURE 385 The rules of clearing commands are: 1. Always have a good dictionary in the auditing room. Have a copy of the ~Scientology Dictionary~ and any other materials necessary to define Dianetics and Scientology terms. If the pc's native language is not English, have a dual dictionary for that language and English. A simple grammar book may also be required. For a foreign-language case one should ~also~ have a dictionary of the foreign language ~itself~. For example, English "apple"--looks in English-French, finds "pomme"--Iooks in French dictionary to define "pomme." So for the foreign-language case two dictionaries are needed--(1) English to foreign language, (2) foreign language itself. 2. Clear the commands (or questions or list items) by first clearing in turn ~each word~ in backwards sequence of the words in the command. (For example, if command is "Do fish swim?" clear "swim" then "fish" then "do"). This prevents the pc starting to run the process by himself while you are still clearing the words. 3. That a ~word~ reads when clearing an assessment or listing question does not mean that the ~question~ has read. Misunderstood words read on the meter. 4. F/Ns obtained on clearing the ~words~ does not mean the ~process~ has been run. 5. Next, clear the command itself. Auditor asks the pc: "What does this command mean to you?" If it is evident from the pc's answer that he has misunderstood a word as it is used in the context of the command: a. Reclear the obvious word (or words) with the dictionary. b. Have him use each word in a sentence until he has it. (Clear all definitions of a misunderstood word.) c. Reclear the command. d. If necessary, repeat Steps 2 and 3 to make sure he understands the command. e. Under no circumstances is the auditor to evaluate for the pc and tell him what the word or command means. 386 BOOK THREE 6. You clear the first command that you are going to run, then run it. Then clear the second command and run it, etc. Don't clear more than one command at a time. 7. When clearing the command, watch the meter and note any read on the command. 8. Have the pc on the cans throughout the clearing of the words and commands except when the pc is doing demos as needed. The auditor holds the dictionary for the pc. 9. As it is difficult to clear all the words of a correction list on a pc over heavy by-passed charge, it is standard to clear the words of rudiments very early in auditing and to clear an L3RD ~before~ running R3R. When the need for the correction list arises one does not then need to clear all the words as it has already been done, thus it can be used when needed without delay. ARC breaks and lists should be word cleared before a pc gets into them and should be tagged in the pc folder on a yellow sheet as cleared. 10. Do not reclear all the words of assessment lists each time the list is used on the same pc. Do it once, fully and properly the first time and note clearly in the folder, on a yellow sheet for future reference, which of the standard assessment lists have been cleared. 11. These rules apply to ~all~ processes, and assessments. Any violation of full and correct clearing of commands or assessment questions, whether done in a formal session or not, is an ethics offense. ANY AUDITOR FAILING TO CLEAR EACH AND EVERY WORD OF EVERY COMMAND OR LIST USED MAY BE SUMMONED BEFORE A COURT OF ETHICS. The charge is OUT-TECH. ¤Clearing Lists and R3R¤ A great many people can't go into Dianetics at all. They can't run an engram at all. That is uniformly one of two things: It is ~drugs~ or the ~commands have not been cleared~. This is very interesting to you, that ~failures to clear up all the words in the commands with the preclear, and the~ R3R PROCEDURE 387 ~failure to clear every isolated different word in the list, including the tiny little words ("is," "the," 'from," "such"), can cause you to get reads on the items the preclear himself has given you, that aren't valid~. Now it is ~not~: Do you know what this word means? You ask: ~What is the definition of . . . ?~ They can't give it to you? Have your stuff right to hand. Look it up. Have your metering perfect and all the rest of that, but clear up those words and you'll get the preclears that fail. The following is a list of the words in R3R procedure and the L3RD. A can earlier happened abandoned causing else have accept chain emotion actions chains end implant after changed engrams in all changing erasing incident an charge exterior incidents and close eyes incorrect another command Int RD answer commands interiorization are connected false into ARC break confused feel invalidated assessment continue field invisible audited constantly first is auditor correct flow it at could flubbed item attitude F/N (floating needle) date jumped basic death for just be demanded found been Dianetic from late before didn't later beginning distracted go list black do going locate by drugs gone by-passed duration got mass 388 BOOK THREE me paid see twice medicine past sensation two messed persistent should misassessment picture shouldn't up misrun pictures similar upset missed place solid misunderstood point something was more pressure spot went move prevented stopped were problem stuck what new protest suppressed when no protesting while not taken with nothing real tell withhold really than wording of reason that wrong off recall the okay refused there you old restimulated this your on restimulation thing one run things or running through other time others same to over saying too overrun scan trouble Note that some of these words have several senses, all of which would have to be cleared. ~It isn't the hard words, it's the stupid ones~. ¤L3RD--Dianetics and Int RD* Repair List¤ This list includes the most frequent Dianetic errors. A high or low TA and a bogged case can result from failures to erase a chain of incidents. ~Do not attempt to repair a chain or engram without using this list~ as it can have different or several errors. ~Remember to clear each word on this list. If a question reads and the pc says he doesn't understand it, clear it and reassess~ (don't explain it and take it as it read on a misunderstood not on a fact). R3R PROCEDURE 389 ~Running preclears on Dianetics without a full and complete Dianetic C/S 1 indoctrination is a foolish action~. ~Take any read found to F/N by full repair of it per the instructions~. 1. There was an earlier similar incident.__ Indicate it, flatten the chain. 2. There was no earlier similar incident.__ Indicate it. Determine if the chain is flat or if the last incident needs to be run through again. Complete the chain to F/N by indication or send to a Scientology Review Auditor. 3. There was an earlier beginning.__ Indicate it. Handle with R3R and complete the chain. 4. There was no earlier beginning.__ Indicate it. Complete the chain with R3R ABCD on last incident if unflat. 5. An F/N was indicated too soon.__ Indicate it. Flatten the last incident. 6. An F/N was indicated too late.__ Indicate it. Spot the flat point, indicate the overrun. Scientology Review Auditor if necessary. 7. An F/N was not indicated at all.__ Indicate it. Spot the flat point, indicate the overrun. Scientology Review Auditor if necessary. 8. There was no charge on an item in the first place.__ Indicate it, and that it shouldn't have been run. Scientology Review Auditor if necessary. 9. Jumped chains.__ Indicate it. Reorient to the original chain, spot flat point and indicate the overrun or flatten the chain. Send to Scientology Review Auditor if necessary. 390 BOOK THREE 10. Flubbed commands.__ Indicate it, earlier similar to F/N. 11. Didn't have a command.__ Indicate it, earlier similar (E/S) to F/N. 12. Misunderstood on the command.__ Find it and clear it. 13. Incident should be run through one more time.__ Indicate it. ABCD on the incident, flatten the chain. 14. Too late on the chain.__ Indicate it. Get the earlier similar incident and complete the chain with R3R. 15. Incident gone more solid.__ Indicate it. Check for earlier incident or earlier beginning and complete the chain. 16. Stopped running an incident that was erasing.__ Indicate it. ABCD on the incident and erase it. 17. Went past basic on a chain.__ Indicate it. Scientology Auditor if necessary. 18. An earlier misrun incident restimulated.__ Indicate it. Find out what it was and do an L3RD on it. 19. Two or more incidents got confused.__ Indicate it, sort it out with an L3RD on it. 20. An implant was restimulated.__ Indicate it, if no joy do an L3RD on the time of the restimulation. 21. The incident was really an implant.__ Indicate it or L3RD on it. 22. Wrong item.__ Indicate it was a wrong item and that all other actions connected with it were wrong. If any difficulty, send to a Scientology Review Auditor. R3R PROCEDURE 391 23. Not your item.__ Indicate it, E/S to F/N. 24. Not your incident.__ Indicate it, E/S to F/N. L3RD if any trouble. 25. Same thing run twice.__ Indicate it. Spot the first flat point, indicate the overrun. To Scientology Auditor if any difficulty. 26. There was a wrong date.__ Indicate it. Get the correct date and flatten the incident if unflat. 27. There was no date for the incident.__ Indicate it. Get the date and flatten the incident if unflat. 28. It was a false date.__ Indicate it. Get the correct date and flatten the incident if unflat. 29. There was an incorrect duration.__ Indicate it. Get the correct duration and flatten the incident if unflat. 30. No duration was found for the incident.__ Indicate it. Get the duration and flatten the incident if unflat. 31. There was a false duration.__ Indicate it. Get the correct duration and flatten the incident if unflat. 32. An earlier Dianetic upset was restimulated.__ Locate what it was, indicate it. Sort it out with an L3RD if necessary. 33. An earlier ARC break on engrams was restimulated.__ Indicate it. Sort out the ARC break, or send to Scientology Review Auditor if necessary. 392 BOOK THREE 34. There was an ARC break in the incident.__ Indicate it. Flatten the incident if unflat. Handle the ARC break. Scientology Review Auditor if necessary. 35. You were protesting.__ Indicate it, clean it up E/S to F/N. 36. Auditor demanded more than you could see.__ Indicate it, E/S to F/N. To Scientology Auditor if necessary. 37. Auditor refused to accept what you were saying.__ Indicate it, E/S to F/N. To Scientology Auditor if necessary. 38. You were prevented from running an incident.__ Indicate it, E/S to F/N. Flatten the incident if unflat. To Scientology Auditor if any difficulty. 39. You were distracted while running an incident.__ Indicate it, E/S to F/N. Flatten the incident if unflat. Scientology Auditor if necessary. 40. Audited over an ARC break __ Problem __ Withhold __ Indicate it and handle the out rudiment. Do not pull withholds before the engram or chain is repaired or it will mush engrams. 41. An item was suppressed.__ Indicate it. Get the suppress off E/S to F/N then run or flatten the item. 42. An item was invalidated.__ Indicate it. Get the invalidation off E/S to F/N, then run or flatten the item. 43. An item was abandoned.__ Indicate it, get the item back and run or flatten it. R3R PROCEDURE 393 44. The wording of the item was changed.__ Indicate it. Get the correct wording and give it to him. Flatten it if unflat. 45. Stuck picture.__ Indicate it. Do an L3RD on it. You can also unstick it by having him recall a time before it and recall a time after it. If necessary, to Scientology Auditor. 46. All black.__ Spot the black field or picture. Get the correct duration. If no go, L3RD on it. 47. Invisible.__ Spot the invisible field or picture. L3RD on it. 48. Constantly changing pictures.__ Indicate there was a misassessment and a wrong item was taken off the list. Get the correct item and run it, or L3RD on that session. 49. There was a persistent mass.__ L3RD on it, or to Scientology auditor. 50. There was trouble with a pressure item or pressure on an item.__ L3RD on it, or to Scientology Auditor. 51. You went exterior.__ Indicate it, rehabilitate. If TA high as a result of this send to a Scientology C/S if preclear hasn't had an Interiorization Rundown. 52. Your Interiorization Rundown was messed up.__ Indicate it; if TA high send to Scientology C/S. If TA okay, to Scientology Review auditor to clear up any misunderstoods on interiorization, exteriorization, etc. 53. Audited over drugs or medicine.__ Indicate it. L3RD on that time, then verify all chains to ensure they erased. 394 BOOK THREE 54. A past death restimulated.__ Indicate it, if it doesn't blow run it out. 55. There was nothing wrong in the first place.__ Indicate it. Continue the action you were on. 56. The real reason was missed.__ Indicate it. Locate the real reason and handle. To Scientology auditor. 57. Something else wrong.__ Locate what it is and sort it out. To Scientology Review Auditor. ¤Practical Auditor Drill¤ Name: L3RD Position: Same as basic drill. Purpose: To teach the student auditor to do an L3RD flawlessly with TRs and excellent metering. Training Stress: The student auditor uses an actual L3RD form in doing this drill bull-baited, but uses the prefix "In apples . . ." rather than a regular prefix. The coach as always answers with fruit answers, and as on other listing drills squeezes the cans to make reads. The coach indicates an F/N with his index finger. Flunks are given for out TRs, incorrect procedure or out admin. The drill is passed when the student does this auditing action flawlessly. Steps: 1. Read through the entire L3RD and, with your dictionary and using the glossary at the back of this book, clear any words you don't know as you go along. 2. Read through the L3RD again. This time, take each line and demonstrate (for your twin): a. What is happening with the pc, his bank in that situation, and, b. The handling instruction for each line--showing each step of the handling and what is happening with the pc and his bank as it is handled. 3. With your twin, drill the handling of each line per the instruction written on the L3RD. Drill each line one at a time, until you have it. On a gradient, the coach throws in R3R PROCEDURE 395 situations that could come up, originations, etc. that must be handled. End off on this step when you feel confident that you can handle each question on the L3RD. 4. Drill assessing the L3RD until you can assess it rapidly, with no flubs, with excellent TRs, metering and admin--while seeing your meter, preclear (coach) and worksheet all at one time. The coach squeezes the cans to simulate instant reads and flunks for lack of impingement, any other out TRs, mismetering, out admin, etc. (Note: on this step it is not necessary to handle the reading questions. The purpose of this step is to perfect your assessment patter.) Drill this for a method 3* and a method 5* assessment (which follow). 5. Drill the assessment and handling of the L3RD as you would do it in session: a. Clear the prefix (that is, "in Dianetics," "In your last session" etc., as needed.) R-factor: "We are going to do an assessment. Just sit there comfortably." b. Assess until you get an ~instant read~ c. Handle as per instructions on L3RD d. Follow method 3 procedures. (See Auditor Drill Method 3 below.) ¤Practical Auditor Drill¤ Name: Method 3 Unbull-baited. Method 3 Bull-baited. Steps: 1. Use meter at a sensitivity so meter needle is loose but it is easy to keep needle at "set." If sensitivity is too high the needle will be in constant motion as one tries to set the Tone Arm. If too low, the instant read will not be visible. Five (5) is usual for upper grade cases. Sixteen (16) is usual for lower grade or Dianetic cases. 2. Have your meter in a position (line of sight) so you can see the list and the needle or you can see the needle and the pc. The meter position is important. 3. Hold the printed list close beside the meter. Have your worksheet more to the right. Keep record on your worksheet. Mark the pc's name and date on it. Mark what 396 BOOK THREE list it is on the worksheet with the time. It remains in the folder stapled to the worksheet. 4. Read the question on the list, note if it reads. Do ~not~ read it while looking at the pc. It is more important to see the pc's cans than his face as can-fiddle can fake or upset reads. 5. TR-1 must be good so the pc clearly hears it. 6. You are looking for an ~instant read~ that occurs at the end of the exact last syllable of the question. 7. If it does not read, mark the list "X." If the list is being done through an F/N and the F/N just continues, mark the question F/N. 8. If the question reads, do ~not~ say "That reads." Mark the read at once (sF, F, LF, LFBD, R/S), transfer the number of the question to the worksheet and look expectantly at the preclear. You can repeat the question by just saying it again if the preclear doesn't begin to talk. He has probably already begun to answer as the question was live in his bank as noted by the meter. 9. Take down the pc's remarks in shortened form on the worksheet. Note any TA changes on the worksheet. 10. If the pc's answer results in an F/N, (cognition, VGIs sometimes follow, GIs always accompany a real F/N) mark it rapidly on the worksheet and say "Thank you. I would like to indicate your needle is floating." 11. Do ~not~ wait endlessly for the pc to say more. If you do he will go into doubt and find more, also do ~not~ chop what he is saying. 12. If there is no F/N, at the first pause that looks like the preclear thinks he has said it, ask for an earlier similar ______ whatever the question concerned. Do ~not~ change the question. Do ~not~ fail to repeat what the question is. "Was there an earlier similar time you were protesting?" This is the "E/S" part of it. You do ~not~ leave such a question merely "clean." "Suppress" and "false" are used as needed. 13. It does not matter now if you look at the preclear when you say it or not. But you can look at the preclear when you say it. 14. The preclear will answer. If he comes to a "looks like he thinks he said it" and no F/N, you ask the same question as above. R3R PROCEDURE 397 15. You ask this question "Was there an earlier similar _______?" until you finally get an F/N and GIs. You indicate the F/N. 16. That is the last of that particular question. 17. You mark "F/N" on the list and call the next question on the list. You call this and other questions without looking at the preclear. 18. Those that do not read, you mark as out. (X) 19. The next question that reads, you mark it on the list, and transfer the question number to the worksheet. 20. Take the pc's answer. 21. Follow the above E/S procedure as needed until you get an F/N and GIs for the question. Acknowledge. Indicate and return to the printed list. 22. You keep this up until you have done the whole list in this fashion. 23. If you get no read on the list question but the preclear volunteers some answer to an unreading question, do ~not~ take it up. Just acknowledge and carry on with your printed list. 24. ~Believe your meter~. Do not take up things that don't read. Don't get "hunches." Don't let the preclear run his own case by answering nonreading items and then the auditor taking them up. Also don't let a preclear "fiddle the cans" to get a false read or to obscure a real one. Also if a question is not going to F/N, "suppress" and "false" can be used as in rudiments. 25. F/N everything on the assessment that read. 26. When all items are handled tell the preclear "That completes the (list name) ." --------------- If halfway down a prepared list (the last part not yet done) the preclear on some question gets a wide F/N, big cognition, VGIs, the auditor is justified in calling the list complete and going to the next C/S action or ending the session. There are two reasons for this one, the F/N will usually just persist and can't be read through and further action will tend to invalidate the win. The auditor can also carry on to the end of the prepared list if he thinks there may be something else on it. 398 BOOK THREE Name: Method 5 Unbull-baited. Method 5 Bull-baited. Steps: 1. R-factor to the pc. 2. Take the prepared list. 3. Assess down it rapidly marking reads, and the size of them on the assessment sheet or if no read, X. If stop or F/N, mark such. 4. Also keep the pc in the field of vision so preclear movement is not mistaken for reads. 5. Continue the full assessment without indicating any reads or handling. If the preclear originates just TR-4 it. 6. Mark in which order you are going to handle, according to the type of list assessed, normally in descending size of read. 7. R-factor to preclear: "We are going to handle some of the items. The first one is _____ (line off list)." 8. Handle each item that read, and check it off on the list that it is handled. "Suppress" and "false" can be used where needed to take an item to F/N. (As used in rudiments.) F/N everything on the assessment that read. 9. When all items are handled tell the preclear "That completes the (list name) ." -------------- ¤Auditing Out Sessions¤ Now and then it is necessary to audit out the last session or an auditing session. One does this by R3R but there is a slight change in wording when asking the pc to go earlier. One asks for an ~earlier similar incident~. "Is there an earlier similar incident?" A session, when audited, does not always erase. Instead it has become part of a chain. Therefore one has to run R3R on it and get an earlier similar ~incident~. The chain may go back vast amounts of time. Whereas the pc may only have been in Scientology three days, before Scientology there were other types of "sessions" such as psychoanalysis. And before that, in Rome and Greece, dream therapy in which one was "visited by a god." And before that, well, the chain can have a very far R3R PROCEDURE 399 back basic. One does not, of course, suggest ever what the earlier incident may be. There is no telling what the pc may confuse with a session. If one asked the pc to "Locate an earlier incident with a similar feeling," one would be on another chain entirely. Hence one asks, simply, "Is there an earlier similar incident?" when running a session out. Running a session out has the liability that one is running a ~narrative chain~, a similar ~experience~ rather than a similar somatic. One of the major 1969 breakthroughs was that chains are held together mainly by somatics. The body condition or somatic is what keeps the chain in association. One can, of course, run "narrative incidents" by which one means similar ~experiences~. "Locate an earlier time your mother spanked you." "Locate an earlier wreck." These will run and sometimes even get to and erase a basic. ~But~ they are ~long~ and sometimes don't ever get to basic at all and the chain may not erase. Somatic chains go quickly to basic and are the important chains. Thus when we erase a chain of sessions we sometimes run into a very long chain. Sometimes the TA goes up to 4 or 5 (particularly if the auditor grinds). Using a wrong "go earlier" command is a primary reason for trouble. Usually if you ask simply for an earlier similar incident the pc goes back to something that will erase and the chain blows. But remember, asking for similar types of ~experience~ can cause trouble in that it gets very long and basic may not appear for some time. You can get away with running out sessions in most cases, enough to make it a worthwhile action. But only if you ask for "an earlier similar incident." This phrase is a workhorse phrase of auditing anyway. The ~best~ thing to do is goof no assessments or sessions in the first place. 400 BOOK THREE ¤Stuck Pictures¤ A picture is stuck because of: a. An effort to withdraw from it or something in it b. An effort to stop or stop something in it c. A stop-withdraw combination d. An effort to suppress the picture or something in it e. An effort to invalidate the picture or something in it f. A protest against the picture or its content g. An effort to hold on to the picture h. An ARC break about the picture i. A present time problem about the picture j. An overt picture of which the stuck one is the motivator k. Too late on the chain of similar pictures. Long before one gets to (k) it should have blown. One should have had good luck running engrams himself before being very expert on others. The above also applies to secondaries. Engrams which go solid when you try to run them are too late on the chain, really. If you run too far back you get a preclear into masses he can't easily handle. A preclear should never be ~forced~ into or through engrams. If he has a struggle he should be running locks. Reality on engrams increases in ratio to the charge taken off the case. In handling the above (a) to (k), you use (a) to run through until the needle doesn't react, then (b) through. Then (c) through. And so on. One at a time. Although I say ~stuck~ picture, you can use the above on any engram, particularly if one "hangs up" in some portion. L3RD is also used to handle stuck pictures. ¤Peculiarities¤ When you run into pc peculiarities or odd pc phenomena in Dianetic auditing that get in the road of R3R, ~do not~ try to solve it by going nonstandard or getting inventive. It will be fatal. R3R PROCEDURE 401 The operating rule is end off the session and ~send the pc to Scientology review~. If you are a Scientology as well as a Dianetic auditor, you may be tempted to at once shift into Scientology. That can also be fatal. If no Qualifications Division* is nearby and you are a Scientology auditor also and if no other Scientology auditor is around to give the review only then could you attempt a "green form"* which is used in Qualifications Divisions in Scientology churches. The way to do that is end the Dianetic session, take a break and begin the Scientology review session. But this is not good. It is best to send the pc to Qual. Some odd phenomena that come under this rule follow: Pc gets a stuck picture and can't audit the chain he should be on because picture keeps coming in. Pc's pictures are constantly changing, sometimes too fast to grab onto. Pc gets a dozen pictures at once and can't run them or decide what to run. Field goes black and won't clear up. Pc gets angry at auditor. Pc very nattery about Dianetics or Scientology. On these or many more the Dianetic auditor should ~never~ try to force the pc to go on or do something odd or brilliant. He should simply say "I am sorry. I will end this session." And does so. And sends the pc to the nearest Qual Division. Where possible, however, Dianetic outnesses should be handled by using the Standard Dianetic correction list, L3RD. ¤Dianetics is Precision Run¤ There is no permissive R3R. Skipping R3R commands or not making the pc do each one gives you key-outs like recalls and a self-auditing pc. The pc is made to execute each step by order even if he's done it. Pcs will come back under auditor control! A fast pc is never too fast for a precision auditor. There is a ~difference~ between a ~fast~ pc and a pc whom the auditor is not controlling. 402 BOOK THREE R3R is run ~muzzled~. Only the commands as given above are used. The ~full~ extent of TR-0 to TR-4 is used. No step is skipped ever. R3R is precise and exact and never varied whether run by a Dianetic auditor with no other classification or by a Dianetic auditor who is also a highly classed Scientology auditor. This is the most exact procedure known. And there you have it, engram running superior to any engram running ever done and giving superior and faster results. ----------------------------------------------- Important Note: As the first pages of this book were being printed, "Quadruple Dianetic Flows" was re-released by L. Ron Hubbard. In order not to delay the publishing of this long awaited work, an addendum[1] giving the reader all data and rules regarding "Quadruple Dianetics" has been included. The reader is asked to read passages up to and including the section concerning Triple Flows and then to read the addendum before continuing any further. [1] See page 963 The Editor -------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER 3 THE PC'S INTRODUCTION TO AUDITING The "training" of a new preclear (never-before audited) has long been a subject of know-how amongst auditors but has not actually been covered previously. The conditions of a new preclear are these: a. Doesn't know what is supposed to happen b. May be under stress of being embarrassed to talk to someone c. May have preconceived ideas of how he is supposed to respond to the auditor (such as psychoanalytic "free association" where he just talks, etc.) d. May be waiting for some magical effect entirely independent of his own participation (as in getting a "shot" from a doctor). It is too much to ask of a being to: 1. Talk to another intimately about himself. 2. Fumble with a new activity while 3. Confronting his own bank. Possibly he has never done any of the three before and to ask him to do them all at once . . . well! 404 BOOK THREE All cases are started in their lowest ability level since they have not had it increased. Whereas they may be quite well-off as human beings, they do not know how well-off they might become. The wrong thing to do is to enforce their improvement with a sales talk or evaluation on how well they did in the session. And it is wrong to go on auditing them while they essentially remain in mystery. The correct solution to all these difficulties is to assign the pc to do a Personal Efficiency Course if it includes TRs and to have the pc do the TRs before being audited. If the preclear seems not to be improving even as early as the TRs, a white form* of case and health history should be very carefully done, including narcotics. If he is on narcotics he must come off them and have been off them for a while (six weeks), before resuming his auditing. If on resuming auditing the preclear still does not gain, a careful and full medical-clinical examination should be ordered as the preclear is medically ill in some previously unsuspected fashion. Should this not prove to be the case, or if the pc does not get well then apply an auditing assist. Above all, don't let ~unnecessary~ stops occur on this line for pcs who just sail through. ¤Dianetic Auditing C/S 1*¤ PURPOSE I: CASE SUPERVISORS--to be able to order a standard auditing C/S 1 for Dianetics or Scientology for new pcs or already audited pcs as required to ensure that both auditors and pcs will be able to accomplish successfully the purpose of a Dianetic or Scientology auditing session. PURPOSE II: AUDITORS--to get the reality and procedure on what is required to educate a new pc or previously audited pc as needed so that auditing of Dianetics or Scientology can occur. THE PC'S INTRODUCTION TO AUDITING 405 PURPOSE III: PRECLEARS--to give pcs new to Dianetics or Scientology and to give previously audited pcs as needed, the necessary data and R-factor* on basics and auditing procedures so that they understand and are able and willing to be audited successfully. ------------------------- Give the pc R-factor that you are going to do an auditing C/S 1 to familiarize him with auditing procedure and any basic data that may require clarification. Note: Some pcs who have been trained or audited previously may protest that they know the terms and procedures. Acknowledge with excellent TRs and without invalidation or evaluation and tell them that this C/S is intended to make auditing more effective for all preclears. If the auditor uses excellent TRs and good R-factor, no ARC breaks should ever occur and the preclear will have tremendous wins. The auditor should take a very thorough look at what has to be covered with the preclear in this C/S 1 and should ~know~ his materials very well and have them ready in the C/S 1 session for reference and for clearing up misunderstoods and questions that the preclear may have. Cover by exact definition all terms used. Get your preclear to give real "life" examples using his experiences or those of friends or relatives. Do not settle for glib or "perfect answers" that do not show understanding or, on the other hand, do not overrun or put duress on the preclear. 1. Clear the words: ~Dianetics~ ~Scientology~ ~auditor~ ~preclear~ ~Clear~ ~auditing session~ ~auditing~ Check for understanding and have preclear explain it back to you in his own words. 2. Clear: ~E-meter~. For demonstrations, you can do a "pinch test" where you explain to the preclear that to show him how the meter 406 BOOK THREE registers mental mass you will give him a pinch as part of the demonstration. Then get him to think of the pinch (while he is holding the cans) showing him the meter reaction and explaining how it registers mental mass. You can also use E-meter drill 21 in ~The Book of E-meter Drills~, "Consider the Events of Today." Check if preclear has any questions, and if so, clear them up with a source reference. 3. Clear the words: ~thetan~ ~picture~ ~mental image~ ~body~ ~mind~ ~picture~ Check for misunderstoods or questions and refer to source for answers. Get the preclear to explain it back to you and give examples or demonstrations. 4. Clear the words: ~postulate~ Have the preclear explain it back to you. Have him give you examples of a time or two when he postulated something and got it. ~mental mass~* ~bank~ ~reactive mind~ ~charge~ ~key-out~ ~release~ ~cognition~ ~floating needle~ Use the book glossary. 5. Clear: The ~communication cycle~ and the ~auditing comm cycle~. Get the preclear to explain it back to you giving examples he has observed. Get him to explain the difference between a comm cycle and the auditing comm cycle. Have him demonstrate it. You can also ask him questions like: "Have you eaten dinner?" (or breakfast or lunch)--and when he replies, ask "What did you do when I asked you that question?" Then tell him to ask you a similar sort of question. Answer him and be sure he acknowledges you. Really establish your comm cycle with the preclear. Check for and clear up any misunderstoods or questions the preclear may have on this. THE PC'S INTRODUCTION TO AUDITING 407 6. Clear the words: ~axiom~ ~mest~ Go over Scientology Axioms 30, 32, and 51.* Check for and clear up any misunderstoods or questions the preclear may have on this. 7. Go over Auditor's Code numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 14, 17, 18, 19, and 22. Check for and clear up any misunderstoods or questions the preclear may have on this. 8. Clear the words and have preclear demonstrate the following: ~rudiment~ ~affinity (A)~ ~ARC break~ ~reality (R)~ ~present time ~communication (C)~ problem (PTP)~ ~understanding (U)~ ~overt~ ~curious (C)~ ~withhold (W/H)~ ~desired (D)~ ~missed withhold~ ~enforced (E)~ ~(M/W/H)~ ~inhibited (I)~ ~no (N)~ ~refused (R)~ 9. Clear what a ~repetitive command~ is. Explain why and how it is done. Have preclear demonstrate it to you. 10. Clear ~similar~ and ~earlier~ and ~earlier similar~. Give preclear some examples of where it would be used. 11. Clear and explain very simply what a ~preclear examiner~ is and what he does in relation to an aftersession examination and an attest. Have preclear explain it back to you and demonstrate it. Handle any questions he may have on the preclear examiner. 12. Clear the words: ~assess~ ~assessment~ Explain what assessment is and that it is not auditing. Show preclear with a demonstration why it is not auditing. 13. To give your preclear more mass on an auditing session and the bank, you can do the following: Have a flat board 15 inches by 20 inches. Have lots of clay. Before session starts, the auditor makes two clay bodies about 7 inches tall, two clay chairs and a table. Put 408 BOOK THREE them to one side of the board (don't place the clay bodies on the chairs) then as you and your preclear go through the C/S 1, have him build the parts of a session and parts of the mind, comm cycle, etc., in clay, adding more and more parts and labels as he learns them. This would be in addition to using a demonstration kit.* Note: The above general C/S 1 covers only the basics of getting a preclear sessionable. ~Know~ the preclear in front of you and get your product of an educated preclear who can run Dianetics easily and get case gain. So you must find out what is needed and wanted to attain your product on that preclear. The C/S can also order any additional actions. Give an R-factor that you are now going to clear the Dianetic auditing procedure. Go over the Dianetic illustrations with the preclear. (You can also use data on the time track.) 1. Give an R-factor on the action of the "Dianetics Clearing Lists and R3R" and clear the words with the preclear. Clear the words: ~attitude~ ~sensation~ ~emotion~ ~pain~ Make sure the preclear understands the difference between pain and sensation. 2. Take up Routine 3R. Clear the word ~flow~. Clear each flow. Have the preclear give examples and demonstrations. Clear also ~R3R~. 3. Clear ~each~ command of the R3R procedure. 4. Then tell the preclear that you and he will do a demonstration so he will get a reality on how the Dianetic R3R procedure works in auditing. Have the preclear put the cans down and touch his right foot. Then have the preclear "Locate the incident of touching your right foot." Continue with Steps 2 through 9 and A to D, erasing/solid and earlier incident etc. After each step ask the preclear "What did you do?" so that he gets the idea of how R3R is run. Don't overdo this step, but ensure that the preclear understands what is required of him at each step. 5. Clear the Dianetic listing procedures, i.e., the health form (don't ask preclear questions from the health form) and THE PC'S INTRODUCTION TO AUDITING 409 A, E, S, P (attitude, emotion, sensation, pain) type of lists. Give examples. Check for any questions and handle. In doing an auditing C/S 1 the auditor would pick up any disagreements or misunderstoods and clear them with excellent TRs and R-factor. This C/S 1 can usually be completed in one session. If it is done in more than one, the session should be ended off at the end of a step or completion of a word or demonstration--never in the middle. Make sure you do not leave your preclear with a misunderstood or confusion. This C/S 1 will result in huge wins for any preclear whether new or previously audited, and even the newest preclear should be able to be audited like a well-trained veteran preclear. CHAPTER 4 RUDIMENTS AND HAVINGNESS ¤Rudiments¤ No auditing is possible in the presence of an ARC break. Other auditing is not possible in the presence of present time problems and overts. These are data like "acknowledge the pc," "an auditor is one who listens," etc. When a pc has a PTP and you don't handle it, you get ~no~ gain. There will be no rise on a personality test graph. There will be little if any TA action. There will be no gain in the session. The pc will not make his session goals, etc., etc. So you don't audit pcs who have PTPs on anything but the PTPs ~the pc has~. And you don't audit PTPs slowly and forever. There are numerous ways of handling PTPs. One of them is "What communication have you left incomplete about that problem?" A few answers and poof! No PTP. Another is "What doesn't (that person or thing pc is having PTP with) know about you?" Other versions of overts and withholds can be 412 BOOK THREE used. These are all fast PTP handling methods and they get rid of the PTP and you can audit what you started to audit. The mark of an amateur in auditing is somebody who can always do successful assists but can't do a real session. The secret is: in an assist you are handling the PTP, aren't you? So you never audit over the top of (in the presence of) a PTP! Another circumstance is "can't get down to real auditing because the pc always has so many PTPs." This is only a confession that one can't ~handle~ a PTP and then get on with the session. One fumbles with the PTPs so badly as an auditor one never really handles the pc's PTPs so of course one never gets on with the job at hand--auditing the pc. The pro, in a real session, just handles the PTPs quickly, gets the pc into sesson and gets on with whatever should be run. Overts are the other principal source of getting no gain. Here we really can tell the goony birds from the eagles professionally. No pro would ~think~ of auditing a pc on other processes in the presence of overts. 1. The pro would recognize by the pc's natter, or lack of previous gain, that the pc had overts. 2. The pro would know that if he tried to do something else besides pull these overts, that the pc would eventually get critical of the auditor; and 3. The pro wouldn't (a) fail to pull the real overts or (b) ARC break the pc in getting the overts off. If one gets "reasonable" about the pc's condition and starts agreeing with the motivators ("look at all the bad things they did to me"), thus ignoring the overts, that's the end of gains for that pc with that auditor. If one is clumsy in recognizing overts, if one fails to get the pc to give them up, if one fails to properly acknowledge the overts when given, or if one demands overts that aren't there, overt pulling becomes a howling mess. Because, then, getting the pc's overts off is a tricky business, auditors sometimes become shy of doing it. And fail as auditors. RUDIMENTS AND HAVINGNESS 413 Sometimes pcs who have big overts become highly critical of the auditor and get in a lot of snide comments about the auditor. If the overt causing it is not pulled the pc will get no gains and may even get ARC broken. If the auditor doesn't realize that such natter ~always~ indicates a real overt, when pcs do it, eventually over the years it makes an auditor shy of auditing. Auditors buy "critical thoughts" the pc "has had" as real overts, whereas a critical thought is a ~symptom~ of an overt, not the overt itself. Under these critical thoughts a ~real~ overt lies undetected. Also, there's the pc who "has" to get off a withhold about you. "last night Jim said you were awful . . ." An experienced auditor closes the right eye slightly, cocks his head a bit to the left and says, "What have you been ~doing~ to me I haven't known about?" "I thought . . . " begins the pc. "The question is," says the old pro, "What have you been doing to me that I don't know about. The word is ~doing~." And off comes the overt like "I've been getting audited by Bessy Squirrel between sessions in the coffee shop." Well, some auditors are so "reasonable" they never really learn the mechanism and go on getting criticized and getting no gains on pcs and all that. I once heard an auditor say, "Of course he was critical of me. What he said was true. I'd been doing a terrible job." The moral of this story is contained in the fact that this auditor's pc blew. The pc had terrible overts on Dianetics and the auditor, yet this auditor was so "reasonable" those overts were never cleaned up. And that was the end of those auditing sessions. It's almost never that drastic, but if an auditor won't pull overts, well auditing gets pretty unpleasant and pretty pointless too. A lack of grasp of the overt-motivator sequence (when somebody has committed an overt, he or she ~has~ to claim the existence of motivators--when one has a motivator he is liable to hang himself by committing an overt) puts an auditor at a very bad disadvantage. Howling pcs and no pc wins. You can't audit an ARC break. In fact you must ~never~ audit in the presence of one. 414 BOOK THREE Only auditing over the top of an ARC break can reduce a graph, hang the pc up in sessions or worsen his case. So it's next to the most serious blunder that an auditor can make. (The most serious error is to deny assistance either by not trying to get the pc into session or not using Dianetics at all.) Auditing an ARC broken pc and never realizing it can lead to very serious trouble for the auditor and will worsen the pc's case--the only thing that will. It is elementary auditing knowledge that no gains occur in the presence of PTPs or overts and that cases worsen when audited over the top of an ARC break. There aren't "lots more conditions that can exist." Given an auditing session there are only these three barriers to auditing. One puts the pc on the meter to start off and checks for PTPs, overts, withholds even ARC breaks, handles them quickly and then goes into the body of the session. One just knows the things that mustn't be there (PTPs, overts, ARC breaks) and checks for them, handles if found and goes on with the main session activity. If a PTP or an overt or an ARC break shows up, one handles them. It's true of any auditing that gets done. They're with the auditor in every session ever to be run. So one might as well stay alert to them and be continuously expert in handling them. They are the only big reefs on which an auditing session can go up high and dry so their existence, causes and cures are of the greatest possible importance to the skilled auditor. ALL ARC BREAKS STEM FROM MISSED WITHHOLDS. This is vital technology, vital to the auditor and to anyone who wants to live. Conversely: THERE ARE NO ARC BREAKS WHEN MISSED WITHHOLDS HAVE BEEN CLEANED UP. By WITHHOLD is meant AN UNDISCLOSED CONTRA-SURVIVAL ACT. RUDIMENTS AND HAVINGNESS 415 BY MISSED WITHHOLD is meant AN UNDISCLOSED CONTRA-SURVIVAL ACT WHICH HAS BEEN RESTIMULATED BY ANOTHER BUT NOT DISCLOSED. This is FAR more important in an auditing session than most auditors have yet realized. Even when some auditors are told about this and shown it they still seem to miss its importance and fail to use it. Instead they continue to use strange methods of controlling the pc and oddball processes on ARC breaks. This is so bad that one auditor let a pc blow rather than pick up the missed withholds! So allergy to picking up missed withholds can be so great that an auditor has been known to fail utterly rather than do so. Only constant hammering can drive this point home. When it is driven home, only then can auditing begin to happen across the world; the datum is that important. An auditing session is 50% technology and 50% application. I am responsible for the technology. The auditor is wholly responsible for the application. Only when an auditor realizes this can he or she begin to obtain uniformly marvelous results everywhere. No auditor needs "something else," some odd mechanism to keep pcs in session. PICKING UP MISSED WITHHOLDS KEEPS PCS IN SESSION. There is ~no~ need for a rough, angry ARC breaky session. If there is one it is ~not~ the fault of the pc. It is the fault of the auditor. The auditor has failed to pick up missed withholds. It is not the pc that sets the tone of the session. It is the auditor. And the auditor who has a difficult session (providing he or she has used standard technology and can run an E-meter) has one only because he or she failed to ask for missed withholds. What is called a "dirty needle" (a pc's needle pattern) is caused by missed withholds, not withholds. Technology today is so powerful that it must be flawlessly applied. One has his TRs and E-meter operation completely perfect. And one follows exact technology. And one keeps the missed withholds picked up. 416 BOOK THREE There is an exact and precise auditor action and response for every auditing situation, and for every case. We are not today beset by variable approaches. The less variable the auditor's actions and responses, the greater gain in the pc. It is terribly precise. There is no room for flubs. Further, every pc action has an exact auditor response. And each of these has its own drill by which it can be learned. Auditing today is not an art, either in technology or procedure. It is an ~exact~ spiritual technology. This removes Dianetics and Scientology from every one of the past practices of the mind. Medicine advanced only to the degree that its responses by the practitioner were standardized and the practitioner has a professional attitude toward the public. Dianetics and Scientology are far ahead of that today. What a joy it is to a preclear to receive a completely standard session, to receive a textbook session. And what gains the pc makes! And how easy it is on the auditor! It isn't how interesting or clever the auditor is that makes the session. It's how standard the auditor is. Therein lies pc confidence. ¤Rudiments Procedure¤ The first thing the Dianetic auditor does is to make sure the room and session are set up. This means, in other words, that the room is as comfortable as possible and free from interruptions and distractions; that the auditor's meter is set up and that the auditor's report form and worksheets are ready, that any correction lists, forms or references that might be needed are at hand. The pc is seated in the chair furthest from the door and is asked to pick up the cans. (From now until the session ends the pc stays on the cans.) 0. C/S says "Fly a rud." If TA 3.5 or above, or low do not start the session. Send the folder back to the C/S for further instructions. Never attempt to handle a high TA with rudiments. If the TA is in normal range, the auditor says: "This is the session." (Tone 40.) 1. Auditor obnoses whether the pc is in session and ready to be addressed. If the needle is floating and the pc has VGIs, the auditor goes directly into the major action of the session. If not, the auditor must fly a rudiment. RUDIMENTS AND HAVINGNESS 417 2. Auditor hands the pc (for ~new pcs~ or a pc new to him, as the auditor) the ~Scientology Dictionary~, page opened on ARC, pc on the cans. Auditor clears "ARC" with the pc and "ARC break" all from the ~Scientology Dictionary~. Auditor clarifies C,D, E, I, N, R. The auditor ensures the pc really "got" it. 3. To an ~experienced pc~ the auditor could say, "We are going to fly a rud." 4. NOTE: Do not use the ARC break rudiment to try to bring down a high TA. The CDEI scale as assessed when flying the ARC break rud is expanded to CURIOUS DESIRED ENFORCED INHIBITED NO REFUSED 5. The rud would run like this: 1. Do you have an ARC break? (read) (suppress) or (false). 2. What was it? 3. Was it a break in ARCU? (assess) You assess it once, ask the pc if it's right. If he says no, rehandle. If yes, give it to him. CDEINR follows the same rule. 4. Was it CDEI No Refused? (assess)--(add ARC or U from 3). As in 3 above you assess it once, ask the pc if it's right. If he says no, rehandle. If yes, give the pc the combined assessment as ARCU plus CDEINR as "It was ____." e.g. "It was a no reality." 5. If no F/N, "Is there an earlier similar ARC break?" Handle as in 2, 3, and 4 above. An example of incorrect assessment of an ARC break would be as follows. A sF / R x x C F x U x x The auditor is doing it by elimination, doing it twice because of a possible instant read fault. Assessing by elimination is done on double (2 item) reads. But a hot auditor does it on best largest ~instant~ read. The auditor that knows his business does not miss the read. The pc will also brighten up, even if ever so slightly, ~on the very first assessment~. PROVIDED THE RIGHT ITEM HAS BEEN GOTTEN. 418 BOOK THREE Sometimes the pc will originate, "Yes, I guess it was reality, but to me it really is more a break in communication," (for example). The wise auditor then says, "Thank you," and indicates the break in communication. 6. If the pc says "No" but appears ARC broken, or has an ARC break F/N, had a read on the question, auditor says, "Has an ARC break been suppressed?" The auditor's TRs and obnosis being in, he will get a response in the affirmative from the pc, and he then handles ARCU--CDEINR E/S to EP. 7. Pc may be ARC broken to the extent of being unwilling to even talk to the auditor. The auditor then says without further preamble "Is this ARC break a break in A, R, C, U," indicates the charge and then assesses C, D, E, I, N, R, and indicates. Go E/S and handle to EP. 8. If the pc is not ARC broken the needle will float on the question. 9. A read may have occurred on the question without the pc being ARC broken, in which case the situation gets handled by asking the "false read" button: "Who said you had an ARC break when you didn't have one?" This may well have to be taken E/S to F/N by asking "Is there an earlier similar time someone said you had an ARC break when you didn't have one?" 10. Ask pc, "Do you have a present time problem?" (If needed, clear the question first.) 11. Acknowledge what the pc gives. If "No" and no F/N, check "On the question, do you have a PTP, has anything been suppressed?" If it reads get what. Take it E/S PTP to F/N, cognition, VGIs. 12. If no F/N ask "Do you have an earlier similar present time problem?" etc., to F/N, cognition, VGIs. Suppress--If no read, or no E/S ask "Do you have a suppressed earlier similar problem?" Watch for read. False--"Who said you had a PTP when you didn't have one?" "Earlier similar time someone said you had a PTP when you didn't?" 13. Clear missed withhold command if needed. 14. Ask pc "Has a withhold been missed?" RUDIMENTS AND HAVINGNESS 419 15. Then, "What's the withhold?" Remember one must find an overt ~doingness~--something the pc did DO! "Who missed it?" "What did he/she do that made you think he/she knew?" "Who else missed it?" 16. If when you asked "Who else missed it?" and the meter was clean, acknowledge and go E/S. 17. E/S. Ask pc, "Is there an E/S missed withhold?" Repeat Steps 15-17 to F/N, cognition, VGIs. Note: Rudiment questions are not rote. There are many ways to ask for an ARC break (Upset? Sad?), PTP (Worried? Concerned?) Missed Withhold (Not told? Haven't said?). If the pc is not fully okay on a rudiment, although one chain may have F/Ned, there may be another chain in restimulation. If pc not fully okay--on that rud--check "Do you have ~another~ ARC break (PTP, W/H)?" Handle to EP. On C/S order use W/H rud as additional to M/W/H rud. If so, clear the question (for the pc) and ask "Are you withholding anything?" Noting the meter read, get ~what~ the withhold is; if discreditable and missed withhold (M/W/H) phenomena turns on (critical-nattery), find out all and who nearly found out, earlier similar withhold--checking suppress when no read and false when pc says "No" but meter reads, as necessary to F/N, cognition, VGIs. Otherwise go E/S W/H to F/N, cognition, VGIs. Example: "Do you have an ARC break?" Pc natters about auditor. Auditor: "Good. What withhold was missed?" Pull it. Or pc natters about Sam. Auditor: "What have you done to Sam that he doesn't know about?" And pull it. If no F/N-- "When did Sam miss it?" "What did he do that made you think he knew?" "Is there an earlier similar missed withhold?" to EP. ¤The Importance of Havingness¤ A preclear will not progress when his havingness is impaired. 420 BOOK THREE Definition of Havingness: willingness and ability to duplicate in all senses of the word. What are the symptoms of loss of havingness? Running any as-ising techniques, such as R3R, the preclear may become anaten,* slightly nervous, agitated, want a cigarette, or seem to break out of the session in some fashion. In either case, he is "down on havingness." In other words he has burned up, used up or as-ised too much of his physical body energy in the auditing itself. In view of the fact that every subjective technique puts a sort of hole in the middle of the electronic mass surrounding a preclear, parts of that mass then begin to cave in on the preclear. Thus running an as-ising technique on a preclear requires a repair or remedy of havingness. The following havingness processes are tested for on the E-meter in an exact way. The havingness process is located on the ~needle~ by the preclear squeezing the cans before the command is tested and after it has been run five to eight commands. If the second squeeze shows the needle looser (wider swing) than the first squeeze did, you've got it. The command you are testing is the havingness command for the preclear and may thereafter be used at intervals to set up the room in rudiments, gain havingness before or after processes and at session end, using only ten or twelve commands at a time. Havingness is tested on the ~needle~ with can squeezes. If the process tested for havingness ~tightens~ the needle during the test, get rid of it. Don't bridge off. Just get off now. The havingness process selected, even if the right one, if run too much (more than ten or twenty commands), will start running the bank. It doesn't harm the preclear, but that isn't its use. The tone arm may "blow down" toward Clear read if you run fifteen minutes or half an hour of the havingness process. Again, it might not. ¤Order of Use of Havingness¤ In testing, first find the havingness process that suits the pc. RUDIMENTS AND HAVINGNESS 421 Five to eight commands is enough to show if a havingness process is going to work or not. If the needle fails to free and the tone arm starts to rise, stop at once and go to the next test process. By definition: a pc's havingness process is one that returns the tone arm to clear read and frees the needle (F/N). Here are the commands in possible order of likelihood they will locate the pc's havingness process: "Point out something." "Look around here and point out an effect you could prevent." "What is the emotion of that (indicated object)?" "Notice that (indicated object)." (No acknowledgment) "What aren't you putting into it?" "Look around here and find something you could have." "Look around here and find something you could withhold." Outside process: "What is the condition of that person?" (Two ~small~ objects in auditor's hands.) Exposes them alternately to pc, with as little motion of arms and hands as possible. "Look at this (no acknowledgment). What around here isn't this duplicating?" "Where is the (room object)?" (Pc points.) "Look around here and find an object you are not in." "Look around here and find something you can agree with." "Point out something around here that is like something else." "Where isn't that (indicated object)?" "What is that (indicated object) not duplicating?" "What scene could that (indicated object) be part of?" "What bad activity is that (indicated object) not part of?" "Look around here and find something you could have." "Point out something in this room you could confront." "Point out something in this room you would rather not confront. " "What part of a beingness around here could you have?" "Look around here and find something you could withhold." 422 BOOK THREE "Notice that (room object). Get the idea of making it connect with you." "What else is that (indicated object)?" "Duplicate something." "What is the condition of that (indicated object)?" "What is the condition of that person?" "Notice that body." "What aren't you putting into it?" "Where would that wall have to be located so you wouldn't have to restrain it?" "What around here would you permit to be duplicated?" or, "What is the safest thing in this room?" "Who would that (indicated object) be a good example to?" "What would you have to do to that (indicated object) in order to have it?" A. "How could you deter a __________?" B. "What have you not given a _______?" Notice that (indicated room object). How could you get it to help you?" "Notice that (room object). How could you fail to help it?" ¤The Purpose of Running Havingness¤ Havingness is apparently the willingness and ability to duplicate in all senses of the word. It also has many lesser connotations but the havingness ability of a pc apparently depends upon his willingness and ability to duplicate, again in all senses of the word. That which makes ~communication~ work in processes is the duplication part of the communication formula (Axiom 28). The position of a being on the tone scale is determined by his willingness and ability to duplicate. The lower the tone of the being the less willing the being is to permit similar incidents to happen again. This outlaws the experience factor and leaves the being with an "experience scarcity" which causes him to refuse further experience. All this is remedied by objective havingness processes (objective duplication increase). The bank additionally must RUDIMENTS AND HAVINGNESS 423 be adjusted by subjective confront processes (subjective duplication increase). A case will not advance appreciably until the being can remedy objective havingness. Objective havingness, the ability to remedy it, determines the entrance point of the case. Before a process to improve a pc's objective havingness is well-established, the case ~will not~ advance, no matter what else is run. After a process that remedies objective havingness is sufficiently established the case will advance on other processes so long as objective havingness is re-established frequently. Objective havingness is probably incapable of making a case totally stable in the absence of other objective processes. As havingness is the willingness to duplicate, then anything which improves the pc's ability to duplicate improves his or her havingness. Various mimicry processes have some workability. They are duplication processes and work only because they raise havingness. An objective havingness process must be found for every case which will increase the can squeeze of the preclear. People go out of present time because they can't have the mest of present time. That's it. Present time is the only referral point that exists. In its absence all becomes "bank." The purpose of a havingness process is to get the preclear stabilized in his environment. It will also do other things if overrun, none bad, but other processes do them better. Once you have tested and found a havingness process for the preclear you use it always at the end of a session. You may run the havingness process during the session, for example, after completing all three flows of an R3R item if the pc has indications of loss of havingness. However, do not run havingness between flows (after each chain). To do so would put a severe strain on the pc extrovert-introvertwise. Many havingness processes now exist. Use them. CHAPTER 5 ASSISTS Definition of an assist: an action undertaken by a minister to assist the spirit to confront physical difficulties. An assist is not normally done in a formal session. The way the term has been used is a very simple activity to relieve an immediate troublesome difficulty. An assist is much more specifically and definitely anything which is done to alleviate a present time discomfort. An assist could happen almost anywhere. At the beginning of a session, no matter how formally this session is constituted, you are running an assist. You have an auditing room. You have a preclear, and you are the auditor. You know all these things, but the preclear doesn't. Don't call it a formal session. Tell the preclear that it is an assist. In rendering an assist you should tell the preclear that this is an assist to try to ease the pain in his hand a little, after which you are going to stop. 426 BOOK THREE The handling of an assist as an auditor is different from the handling of a formal session since the factor of control is notably slackened, sometimes almost completely missing. One of the factors in assists is that an assist has as a large part of its anatomy, "trying to help." Just remember that you are only trying to help and don't get your heart broken by the fact that the fellow's broken spine doesn't heal instantly. Another factor is that an assist is differentiated and defined as addressing the game someone knows he is playing. What techniques would comprise an assist? Anything that would help. And what are these? One of the easiest ones to render is Locational Processing.* You tell the person, "look at that chair. Look at that ceiling. Look at that floor. Look at that hand," (the auditor pointing to the objects), when the person has an injured hand and the pain will diminish. This is a very easy assist. For example, a person has a bad shoulder. You touch his hand of the same arm and say, "Close your eyes and look at my fingers." Make sure that he keeps his eyes closed. You then touch him on the elbow and say, "Look at my fingers." Do this anywhere on his body. Just touch him and say, "Look at my fingers." This is a communication process which eases his attention over from a concentration upon the injury to something else which is quite near the injury to something else which is quite near the injury and thus doesn't result in too much of a shock. It is positive and gets positive results. It can be done by an untrained person. You can teach this assist to anybody. If somebody has a bruise, injury, a burn, a cut, the way to handle this is to tell the person to close his eyes, and then you touch the area near and distant from the vicinity of the injured area, asking them, with their eyes closed, to look at your fingers. You contact them this way many times. They will experience sudden pains in the area, and you will discover that the "psychic trauma" has been discharged. You will find that most people do not have any upset about physical contact. Most people think that this is the thing to do. ASSISTS 427 Suppose you wanted to render an assist on somebody who had a very indefinite difficulty. That is the hardest one to render an assist on. The person has a pain but he cannot say where. He doesn't know what has happened to him. He just ~feels~ bad. Use locational processing as such. You will find out that this will work when other processes fail. An assist carries with it a certain responsibility. If you give an assist casually to somebody out in the public and do not shove a calling card in his pocket, you are making an error. The reason for this is that he will not know from whom and where help came. An auditor goes through life and he casts his shadow upon many people and they have really no cognizance of what has happened at all if he is rendering an assist. But these people have been helped. They don't know really by what except some word that the auditor kept saying. They don't even know that he is an auditor. They don't know anything about it at all. Show a person where he can obtain further assistance and by whom the assistance was given. Be yourself. Be positive. Be professional and definite. Have a calling card and make sure the card is easily enough understood. Don't ask them for permission. Just do it. There is no reason to wander around and give them funny notions. If you are going to help some stranger out, help him out. Don't explain to him or any bystander, otherwise you are likely to stand there explaining, waiting for somebody's permission. Don't bother with that. You act as though you are the one in charge and you will be in charge. And this is part and parcel of the knowledge of how to do an assist. You have got to be the person in charge. This has to be so good, as far as you are concerned, that you overcome the informality of the session to a very marked degree. If you do it extremely well, the assist will amount to auditing. For example, there is a big accident and a crowd of people are pressing around. The police are trying to push the people back. Well, push the people back and then push the policeman back. Say, "Officer, keep these people at a distance." Then you lean over the victim and snap him back 428 BOOK THREE to rights. If you are enough THERE, everybody else will realize that YOU are the one that is THERE. Therefore, such things as panic, worry, wonder, upset, looking dreamily into the far distance, wondering what is wrong or what should be done are no part of your makeup if you are rendering an assist. Cool, calm and collected should be the keynote of your attitude. Realize that to take control of any given situation it is only necessary to be there more than anybody else. There is no necromancy (magic; conjuration of the spirits of the dead in order to predict the future) involved. Just BE there. The others aren't. And if you are there enough, then somebody else will pull himself out of it and go on living. Understand that an auditor when rendering an assist must make up with presence what he lacks in surroundings and agreements. It all comes under the heading of willingness to be there and willingness to control people. One of the ways of convincing people of beingness and of being there is to exercise control--positive, undeniable tone 40 control. Start to control the situation with high enough ARC, enough presence and factuality and there won't be anybody present that won't step back and let you control the situation. You are entitled to it in the first place because of senior "know-how." The control of body attention or thought comprises the majority of your knowledge. Dianetics and Scientology simply point in this direction. The observable thing is control of attention, objects and thoughts. When you have good confidence of being able to handle these, and when you positively know how to do these, then you can make sure that everybody else knows you can do this, and you make them realize this by doing it. You have all of these things available in rendering an assist. You might never think of a riot as being a situation which necessitated an assist, or an assist as applicable to a riot, but a riot is simply a psychosomatic momentary injury or traumatic condition on the third dynamic. Could you settle a riot? Well, if you can settle a riot, you can certainly settle one person who is in a riot. The antithesis of any pain, disturbance or tumult is order. The thing which controls tumult is order, and conversely, the thing which controls ASSISTS 429 order is tumult. You need only bring order into a confused situation and bring confusion into an orderly situation to control everything in the field of motion, action and objects. This is a fantastic simplicity and one which takes some grasping. Conceive as order, merely a fixed position, idea and attitude. A policeman knows what he is supposed to do. Maybe he will put on a tourniquet or maybe he won't. Keep the people away and stop everything is his idea of how it should be. Now you can aid or abet the order he is creating, or cancel the order by creating a confusion which he cannot handle. Of the two, the first is the better in that situation. You aid and abet and cap the order he is creating. If you were to accuse him of having a confused accident scene, which is by now not at all confused, and ask him to straighten it out, you would channel his attention in the direction it has already gone, and so you control his attention. Remember, the injured person is still moving a little bit; he is still breathing. There is still a tiny bit of motion going on. If you were to ask him something on the order of "Can't we have it a little quieter and more orderly here?" he would at once perceive that there was far too much confusion and motion, and he would simply come under your direction because you have simply channeled his attention in the direction it was already going. Therefore, you have taken control. If you ever want to overset a fixed order, create a confusion. If you want to overset a confusion, create a fixed order. Pick out of the scene those beings in the scene whose attention is channeled in the direction you want attention to go, and you aid and abet that attention which already exists. Or, where you have too many fixed positions and fixed ideas to overcome, you simply take those turbulent individuals in the scene who are creating the confusion against those fixed ideas and channels and you make their confusion much more confused, at the same time yourself imposing another order in another direction. The mechanics of taking over any confused scene are simply the mechanics of trying to get a preclear to see through the morass of cross purposes, commands, ideas, and 430 BOOK THREE environments in which he has lived. And whether that applies to the third dynamic or otherwise, the laws are still there and it tells you then that the imposition of order on a preclear comes foremost in an assist. In an assist you always count on the fact that the thetan himself would, if he could, do the right thing. If you work on that postulate you will never be wrong. Get the idea that it is something else trying to do the wrong thing. The keynote of a thetan is order. Where you are giving an assist to one person, you put things in the environment into an orderly state as the first step, unless you are trying to stop a pumping artery whereby here you would use first aid. You should understand that first aid ~always~ precedes an assist. You should look the situation over from the standpoint of how much first aid is required. Maybe you will find somebody with a temperature of 106 degrees. It may very well be that he needs to lie down and be covered up, and though antibiotics are much overrated, he might be better off with a shot of one of these than with an assist at that time. Auditing will not shut off a pumping artery, but a tourniquet will. If you are going into the zone of accidents, you are going to be in the vicinity of a great deal of destruction and chaos, and you are very foolish not to have your Red Cross First Aid Certificate. You may often have to find some method of controlling, handling and directing personnel who get in your way before you can render an assist. You might just as well realize that an assist requires that you control the entire environment and personnel associated with the assist if necessary. An assist is auditing on several dynamics. It is, therefore, much harder to do than auditing in a formal room as it requires presence. You must bring yourself to face the fact that you have to give enough presence and enough control to enough dynamics to bring the environment into a compliance with your postulate. If you postulate that somebody is going to pick up his bed and walk, then you have to be willing to move and be capable of moving around the people who are going to watch him pick up his bed and walk. ASSISTS 431 A good example of an assist is this: Somebody is washing dishes in the kitchen. There is a horrendous crash, the person comes down all over the sink, hits the floor as she is going down, and grabs the butcher knife as it falls. You go in and say, "Well, let me fix that up." One of the first things you would have to do is to wind some bandage around the hand to stop the bleeding. Part of the first aid would be to pick up the dishes and put them back on the sink, sweep the pieces together into a more orderly semblance. This is the first symptom of control. She becomes introverted into the cut to the point that she wouldn't particularly notice what you were doing. But you relieve the anxiety that all her blood is pouring out; your first attention to the case is attention to the environment. Next you would make her sit down. To remove her from the scene of the accident is not as desirable as auditing her there. That is directly contrary perhaps to what you believe but it is true. That is why you bring a little order into the environment. You position her and then you are ready for techniques. It is quite remarkable as you have manifested order in a much wider sphere than a cut hand in order to bring about a healing of the cut hand. If you understand that your responsibility always extends much wider than the immediate zone of commotion, you never miss. If you bring order to the wider environment you also bring it to the narrower environment. If you bring it into the narrow environment, you also bring it to the wider environment. It is a gradient scale of how much order you can bring. In processing, you have to control or direct attention, objects, person, or thoughts of the injured person. If you are really good on the subject of assists, you will direct an additional thing: his knowingness. You can control a man's knowingness rather easily, but it is hard to see it. About the first thing that you can observe about somebody is his person. You are trying to straighten it out. Don't think that even though you have this person sitting down that you have straightened it out because it is still messed up. There is something that you can straighten out easily--and that is his attention. If you could heighten his attention and his knowingness at the same time, you would really be in 432 BOOK THREE wonderful circumstances. You always shift and direct his attention, hence locational processing. Because he is injured you are not going to move his person around. You have got his attention. Don't try to shift his thoughts around at first because they are dispersed and chaotic. This leaves you his attention only. If someone is in terrible condition and he is really writhing around, and you want to render an assist, you don't wait until he stops writhing. He is liable to stop writhing dead. What you do with him is direct his attention. You say "~Shut your eyes and look at my fingers.~" You press your fingers hard enough so that he can't help but put his attention on them. In this wise you can always have a successful assist because assists all come under the heading of control. The beingness of the person and his presence makes the control possible. So part of control is always presence, identity, person, the one who takes charge and has things under control. When you are able to control his attention, his body and thoughts, then he will be in session and you are no longer doing an assist. Assists dominantly require that you direct the attention of the preclear and dispose his person one way or the other and eventually take over control of his thoughts on the subject. But by the time you have all these three in line, you are no longer doing an assist. So what you really do is an assist up to the time the person can handle the incident or pain. Then put him in a more favorable environment and give him auditing. So the assist is what you do on the street, and auditing is what you do in the auditing room when he comes to you after your assist has been successful. There are three main types of assists used by Dianetic Auditors. They are: 1. Contact Assist 2. Touch Assist 3. Dianetic Assist. They are quite different from each other. ASSISTS 433 They are VERY effective when properly done. A severe injury or illness case can be run on all three and SHOULD BE. If the handling is very soon after injury, burns do not blister, breaks heal in days, bruises vanish. But to obtain such results it is necessary that the C/S and auditor or auditor alone know and RESPECT the assist tech. Every assist must end with an F/N (at examiner or checked on a meter). Contact Assist. Done off the meter at the physical mest universe location of the injury. EP--Pain gone. Cognition. F/N. Touch Assist. Done off the meter by an auditor on the pc's body. EP--Pain gone. Cognition. F/N. Dianetic Assist. Done in session on the meter. EP--Pain gone. Cognition. F/N. An unconscious pc can be audited off a meter by taking his hand and having him touch nearby things like his pillow, the floor, etc. or his body without hurting an injured part. A person in a coma for months can be brought around by doing this daily. One tells them a hand signal like "Press my hand twice for 'Yes,' once for 'No"' and one can get through to them, asking questions and getting "Yes" and "No" hand responses. They usually respond with this, if faintly, even while unconscious. When one has the person conscious again one can do the assists. FIRST AID RULES APPLY TO INJURED PERSONS. IN MAKING THEM TOUCH SOMETHING THAT ~WAS~ MOVING, STOP IT FIRST. IN MAKING THEM TOUCH THINGS THAT WERE HOT, COOL THEM FIRST. WHEN POSSIBLE MAKE THEM HOLD THE THINGS THEY WERE HOLDING, IF ANY, WHILE DOING A CONTACT ASSIST. IF AFTER A TOUCH OR CONTACT ASSIST THEY DON'T F/N WHEN TAKEN TO OR GIVEN AN EXAM, 434 BOOK THREE CHECK FOR OVERRUN AND IF NO F/N TAKE THEM AWAY AND COMPLETE THE ASSIST. DIANETIC ASSISTS ARE RUN TRIPLE. ¤Contact Assist¤ Do not run a touch assist when the exact spot is available for a CONTACT ASSIST. In a CONTACT ASSIST you take the person to the exact spot where the accident occurred. Then have him duplicate exactly what happened at the time of the incident. For instance, if he hit his head on a pipe, have him go through the action of putting his head against the exact spot on the pipe, having the pipe also touch the exact spot on his head. He should be duplicating the whole thing. That is, the rest of his body should be in the position it was at the time of the accident. If the object is hot, you let it cool first, if the current was on you turn it off before doing the assist. If he had a tool in his hand, or was using one, he should be going through the same motions with it. Have the person repeat this several times, until the somatic occurs again. It will occur and blow off when he exactly duplicates it. Ask him how it's going; has the somatic occurred? End when you get this phenomena of it turning on and blowing off. ¤Practical Drill¤ Name: Contact Assist Unbull-baited. Commands: None. Purpose: To train the student auditor to do a contact assist. Position: As needed. Training Stress: This drill is done between a student auditor and coach. At first it is not bull-baited. The coach mocks up having hurt himself on something in the area. The student auditor starts the session and runs a standard contact assist with the coach acting as pc. This section of the drill is done until the student auditor can very standardly do all the actions of the contact assist. The coach gives the ASSISTS 435 "Start," flunks, and "That's it." He gives the student auditor a pass when he can do this auditing action with all TRs in and with correct procedure. When the above is being done correctly and has been passed by the coach, light bull-baiting building up on a realistic gradient is used by the coach. Be sure and keep in the data on coaching. The student auditor is passed when he can maintain session control and get the contact assist accomplished to EP successfully. Steps of a contact assist: 1. Take the pc to the physical mest universe location of the injury. R-factor: "We are going to do a contact assist." 2. Keep your talking to a minimum. 3. Have him go through the same motions as when he had the accident. Put him in the same position he was in when the injury occurred. If he was holding anything have him hold it the same way. Make the injured member gently contact the place where it was hurt. Do this over and over until the pain turns on again and then blows (a sudden pain will fly off) and the pc cognites with VGIs. 4. If burned on a hot stove or engine that was running, be sure to turn it off and wait until it's cold before you do the assist. 5. When the pain is gone, accompanied by a cognition, and VGIs, put the pc on a meter and it should F/N. If not check for overrun and if no F/N go back and flatten the assist. (The E-meter should be reasonably nearby.) EP--Pain gone, cognition, F/N. ¤Touch Assist¤ If the spot is not available, you do a TOUCH ASSIST. This is run on both sides of the body. It is run until the pain is gone, cognition, F/N. It is run around the injury and especially below the injury; that is, further from the head than the injury. It is a good idea to have the person shut his eyes so that he is definitely looking "through" the area of the injury in order to tell that you are touching him. Just use a simple command like "Feel my finger. Thank you," giving the command first and then touching. 436 BOOK THREE Before or after the assist, depending on the seriousness of the injury, report the injury to the Medical Officer. Report also the assist, length of time, somatics, nature of the injury, how it was run and on whom. TO GET REAL RESULTS EVERY TIME, I gave a demonstration of a touch assist to some medical officers. They had been told by someone it needed case supervisor clearance and by another that it had to be done by a Class IV auditor. Both of these data were false. Being alerted that students were learning how to do a touch assist on a doll with no idea of balance, I wish to make sure the correct data is known, so this tech, very ~powerful~ when CORRECTLY DONE, is better understood as to exact use. Normal ~errors~ in a touch assist are: (1) To not go to extremities, (2) To not equalize balance to both sides, (3) To not carry through (they go to release point only), (4) To not repeat on following days if needed. When a person stubs his toe, the other toe is where it locks up. There is a balance of the nerve energy of the body on 12 nerve channels going up and down the spine. The type of energy in the body travels at ten feet a second. The energy from a shock will make a standing wave in the body. The brain is a shock cushion, that is all. It absorbs the shock from a large amount of energy. The neuron-synapse is a disconnection. A wave one way will have a wave reacting the other way. In the sympathetic system the wave locks up on both sides of the body. So do the assist thoroughly on both sides. The purpose of a touch assist is to unlock the standing waves, which are small electronic ridges of nervous energy that are not flowing as they should. You can unlock an impulse in the leg and it can get into the spine and lock up. So this is where you get the chiropractor fixing people. But the nerves are "telling the muscles" to hold the bone out of place. A shock puts, via the nerves, a permanent command into a set of muscles, with all different "commands" going ASSISTS 437 out from the shock. The system functions through stops to try to hold that shock back. It's actually nerve to muscle to bone. Light massage along nerve channels will get the muscles unlocked to permit the bone to go in place. The wave is slowed down as it goes through the body. There are "brain cells" at each joint absorbing the shock. When enough heavy charge goes through a nerve it stops passing the charge through and just builds it up. A touch assist will bring the flow back and the suspended pain, cold, electrical charges and muscle command will blow through. A shock impulse goes tearing down the nerve in huge volume, accumulating nodules of standing waves all over the body, trying to stop the nerve impulse. The nerve goes into apathy with the huge volume of impulse. Like 100,000 volts of electricity over a small wire, something goes. With auditing you are bringing back the nerve "from apathy" up through the tone scale. Like getting apathy of nerve up through the pain explosion. So the touch assist is short sessioned and always balanced, and must go to corresponding extremities. At first the person might just get an awareness of the area, then maybe after the third or fourth assist (third or fourth day or many more days with one done each day) there is a large jolt that will go through. The comm cycle is not as important in the touch assist as it is with thetan auditing. But it must be present. Here we are dealing with the body. You give the command, get an answer from the patient and acknowledge each time. ¤Touch Assist Demo Done on Arthur Hubbard¤ My 16-year-old son, Arthur, had a wound on his right foot, right side, at ball of foot location, which was not healing quickly. Arthur was sitting on a chair with his legs straight and feet on my knees, (one foot on each knee) and hands palms down on his shins. I made sure he was comfortable. 438 BOOK THREE The target of this touch assist was the pain in the wound in the side of the foot; the extremity was the top end of the big toe. Both hands and especially fingertips were also extremities. (R-factor): "I'm going to touch you like this." (I touched Arthur's foot.) "When you feel it well tell me, okay?" "Okay." "Feel my finger." "Yes." "Good." This was done ~rapidly~ alternating from one side of the body to the other, one command and answer and acknowledgment for each touch; assist done on each toe back and forth, left to right, one for one touch on one side, touch on other side. Up foot, each toe, over to hands, left hand to right hand, one touch for one. This was done for several minutes. I then had Arthur bend over to get to the spine. He said he had some numbness in the lower spine when I asked about this area. I then did the spine, touching three inches from the spine on one side, then to three inches on the other side alternately, up the head and around the neck and head. On inquiring "How's that?" Arthur said, "Better," gave a cognition on his pants being the same ones he had on during the accident, and we ended off. Arthur, during the assist, had numbness in the kidney/back area. This is the midpoint between the extremities on the sympathetic system. In the future if the assist hadn't been done he might have had kidney trouble. The impulse locks up in the spine, so you have to do the spine too to release that charge. The extremity is beyond the point of the body injury. Really handling the extremity furthest from the injury, the legs, would strip the blocked energy out (if you get the extremity). (During the assist I did not do the legs, or arms, only toes, feet, hands, fingers and back.) The way you run the touch assist is: give the command, then touch. ~Do not touch and then give the command as it's backwards~. ASSISTS 439 ~This requires a drill:~ "~Feel my finger~" ~Then touch a point~. The thing that's wrong with each school of healing is that it says it can do the job totally. It can't. An example of this is a Swedish masseur saying he can cure a person. But in addition to massage, let us say, the person doesn't eat. It's not part of the cure, so doesn't cure. The doctor's bug is diagnosis. He is even setting up a computer system in one country to figure out what is wrong with the person. But they don't have logic to program from so they won't make it. There is a big hole in Adele Davis's book on dieting. She doesn't talk enough about iodine in diets, but that is what activates thyroid which burns up the food. So her reducing diets don't always reduce. If you block out the fields of knowledge you won't get anywhere. To cure things a doctor should use a number of things (schools of healing) and do each one right. Regard the body with a question mark in your mind. There is a "brain" at each joint. This is why acupuncture works. One can paralyze a whole body area with it by touching these minor "brains" with a needle. It can do other things as well if you know how. Mesmerism is no relation to hypnotism at all. Mesmerism is animal magnetism. It's a physiological rapport. Not a concentration on mental but on mental-physiological. To have rapport with something you can ~be~ it. Hypnotism is the reduction and absorption of mental power of the person. In hypnotism one takes over the person. The subject has no control. When doing physical healing, if you stroke sympathetically (both sides) alternately inducing a rhythmic motion which is monotonous, you can mesmerize a person. In mesmerism there is an imposition on feeling. If you mesmerize a person and pinch your back, he will get red in the same place and feel the pain of the pinch. This is physiological rapport. No words are said during mesmerism. 440 BOOK THREE In assists you ~don't~ want rapport; ~avoid~ a rhythm; on stroking in massages keep the person talking; keep him saying "Yes" and you acknowledging in an assist. Keep him in comm with you. That is why you use the comm cycle, or else all feeling can go out of the body. The comm cycle ~prevents~ a mesmeric trance occurring that would leave the patient in rapport. Rapport is mutual feelingness. In an assist (1) keep talking, (2) break rhythms, (3) end off. This is important. Mesmerism is the transfer of the feeling and fault of operator to patient. A woman doing massages quietly and rhythmically could be giving her patient her disjointed hip. A doctor with bad eyesight can make his patients worse or vice versa possibly, if he had good eyesight, the patient could get good eyesight. ¤Touch Assist an Improvement on Spinal Adjustment¤ Spinal adjustments can be painful if done when the injured person is out of communication with the afflicted area. Snapping or popping a disk into place--if it is out of place--~is~ the correct action, but can in some cases result in additional shock and a strained or pulled muscle. The following method has been found to work successfully with no uncomfortable aftereffects. Between each two bones of the spinal column there is a soft cushion called the INTERVERTEBRAL DISK. It serves as a ball bearing and shock absorber. A sudden shock such as a fall, a jerk of the body or the lifting of a heavy object with the strain on the back may cause the intervertebral disk to be pinched or pushed out of place. Symptoms of this may be pain, dull or sharp, directly on the spinal column or along any of the connecting muscles of the back. A numbness or "buzzing" sensation may be experienced on the backside below the small of the back. The slipped or pinched disk may not always be detected by running the fingers along the spinal column, but CAN be detected by lightly running the hand or fingers along either ASSISTS 441 side of the spinal column. The reason for this is that the disk itself is very small and may not be felt, but the muscles and ligaments connected to the spine will have strain on them and may be cramped or knotted. This is the reason there may be pain along these muscles and not directly on the spinal column. This can be easily felt with the lightest of touches along either side of the spine. To handle, have the injured person recline on a flat surface. Give him a standard touch assist, with his agreement. Afterwards, also with his agreement, check to see if there is a pinched or slipped disk. It will more than likely be detected by the presence of a "swollen" muscle or knot on either side of a particular section of the spinal column. RELAX THE MUSCLE. Use a light, circular motion, alternated with a sliding motion towards the spinal column. This is the most important action. It is the muscle that is PHYSICALLY holding the disk out of place. It is usually during the action of relaxing the muscle that the disk slides back into place. As the muscle loosens up, you will be able to feel the disk which is out of place. If it has not slipped into place with the above action, you may GENTLY slide it sideways into place. It will go easily, without a "snap," and the person will feel instant relief. NOTE: WHEN THERE IS NO IMPROVEMENT BY GENTLE TREATMENT PROPERLY DONE AS ABOVE, HAVE THE SPINE X-RAYED AS IT MAY BE FRACTURED AND IN NEED OF MEDICAL SETTING. The Touch Assist drill follows: Name: Touch Assist Unbull-baited. Commands: "Feel my finger." "Thank you." Purpose: To train the student auditor in the procedures of doing a touch assist. Position: Pc seated. For this drill a doll is used. The student auditor as needed, standing, kneeling, or seated to accomplish the process. Training Stress: The student has an E-meter available for use at the end of the session. The student auditor starts the session and runs a standard session on the doll, doing a full session admin at the end. The drill is passed when the 442 BOOK THREE student can do a standard touch assist. Flunks are given for out TRs or any incorrect procedure. (See steps below.) Name: Touch Assist Bull-baited. Commands: "Feel my finger." "Thank you." (Giving the command and ~then~ touching the point.) Purpose: To train the student auditor to be able to do a touch assist under any distractions of the pc and to maintain full session procedure and accomplish the desired EP. Position: The coach pretends that he has an injury or pain and tells the auditor where it is. The student auditor then does a standard touch assist. The "pc" coach bull-baits the student auditor using "fruit" words or moving in such a way as to give the student auditor experience with handling physical originations and verbal originations of the preclear. Flunks are given for any improper commands, procedure, comm lags, break in TRs or for improper session admin. The coach does the "Start," flunking or "That's it." The student auditor is passed when he is confident of how to handle any situation the coach offers, and does a standard touch assist to EP. Steps: 1. Start of session. 2. Find the injured part or area of pain (ask for it). 3. Do the touch assist. Keep him in comm with you--keep talking. Avoid a rhythm. a. Make sure the pc is as comfortable as possible and that the areas you need to work with are available. b. Give your pc the R-factor that you are going to touch him with your finger and that you want him to tell you when he feels it. c. Tell pc "Close your eyes." Acknowledge him when he does. d. Give the command "Feel my finger." Then touch. Get an answer from the pc and acknowledge him each time. e. Continue touching him, and acknowledging him when he says he has felt it. Get nearer to the injury or pain on a gradient. Follow the nerve channels. Head for the extremities. This is done rapidly. ASSISTS 443 f. Always touch the same area on the other side of the body--one touch on one side--for one touch on the other side. g. If the pc originates, acknowledge and continue. Keep him in good comm with you. ¤Dianetic Assists¤ There is everything to be said for correct medical treatment in the handling of the sick and insane. "Insanity" is most often the suppressed agony of actual physical illness and injury. To "treat" this agony with shock and "brain operations" is a Nuremberg type offense and is indictable as mayhem or manslaughter. The medical treatment of "insanity" requires sure awareness by the patient of his whereabouts and present time. These are usually quite unbearable so he has sunk into the past to escape the agony of the present. The ~touch assist~ given to such injured persons permits healing to occur by restoring the person to the present and his whereabouts to some degree. Healing after medical treatment might not occur rapidly if the "insane" or chronically ill person remains in the past, unable to confront the present. Thus the touch assist speeds and often permits healing after medical treatment and sometimes in minor injuries and illness permits the doctor to accomplish healing without further treatment. The touch assist brings the patient's attention to injured or affected body areas. When attention is withdrawn from them, so is circulation, nerve flows and energy which for one thing limits nutrition to the area and for another permits the drainage of waste products. Some ancient healers attributed remarkable flows and qualities to the "laying on of hands." Probably the workable element in this was simply heightening awareness of the affected area and restoring the physical communication factors. The ~contact assist~ is remarkable when it can be done. The patient is taken to the area where the injury occurred 444 BOOK THREE and the injured member made to gently contact it several times. A sudden pain will fly off and the injury if minor lessens or vanishes. This is again a physical communication factor. The body member seems to have withdrawn from that exact spot in the physical universe. The restoration of awareness is often necessary before healing can occur. The prolongation of a chronic injury occurs in the absence of physical communication with the affected area or with the location of the spot of injury in the physical universe. The ~auditing assist~ is done by a trained auditor using an E-meter. It consists of "running out" the physically painful experience the person has just undergone, accident, illness, operation or emotional shock. This erases the "psychic trauma" and speeds healing to a remarkable degree if done properly. In addition to assists there is Dianetic auditing of an acutely ill person which handles the current and past illnesses and injuries by erasing the "physical trauma." The last is a skilled activity. Practitioners who have the idea such things do not have causes will of course fail to locate the causes. A sickness can be composed, let us say, of a headache, a nausea, apathy and weariness. Such a sickness may be bizarre, without medical reason. By first getting the patient to find and say what shock occurred when the sickness began, getting when, and getting it recounted, the "illness" will lessen, the emotional state will alter--called a "release of affect." By then finding an earlier similar instance and getting that one dated and recounted a further release of affect may occur. If the good indicators, smiles, etc., do not occur in the patient, one again asks for an earlier incident, dates it and gets it recounted. The phenomenon of "floating needle" on the E-meter should not be by-passed on a physically sick person if it occurs, regardless of when, and the patient is smiling and ASSISTS 445 suddenly free from symptoms, one at once desists with further auditing on that subject and at that time. If no floating needle and a full release of symptoms occur, one then traces back the remaining symptoms. Let us say the headache is now gone due to recounting times of emotional duress. But the patient is still slightly nauseous. One traces the nausea to earlier or other incidents. It will vanish when found and dated. The apathy vanished somewhere along the way but weariness remains. One traces the weariness to another or other incidents. In short one handles each manifestation of the bizarre illness until all symptoms are gone and the patient is happy and cheerful. Needless to say all this requires a skilled auditor but the skill can be acquired in a Dianetic training course, the Hubbard Standard Dianetics Course (HSDC) at your nearest church or mission and in this book. The important thing is not to tell the patient what caused it, but to let him tell you. Otherwise the symptom suppresses. The approach in any of these assists is quiet, gentle, permissive, never forcing the patient, speaking only the words required to do the process. The temporarily insane by reason of emotional shock, where no medical illness exists should be permitted rest and should then be handled by an assist as above or normal Dianetic auditing. Most often, rest and no further harassment result in a return to sanity in a short time such as a few days, but not in a terror atmosphere such as a psychiatric asylum where the patient is at risk of being hurt or killed. Electric shock prolongs the condition and brain surgery is of course not treatment but murder, as at best it deprives the person of his coordination and shortens his life. The occasional and rare brain tumor is of course an exception, but this is a medical not a psychiatric matter, no matter what manifestations the person exhibits. Most medically ill people do exhibit symptoms of mental derangement at some stage of their illness. 446 BOOK THREE The acceleration of healing of medical illness or injury such as broken bones or the aftereffects of delivery or operations can be accomplished by the Dianetic auditing of the resulting trauma soon after full medical treatment or attention. The improvement factor is about one-third the normal time of recovery by some thousands of test cases. Such auditing is done by a usual Dianetic procedure. ¤Antibiotics¤ A pc on antibiotics ~should~ be given Dianetic auditing. Very often antibiotics do not function unless the illness or injury is also audited. The basic failures of antibiotics apparently stem from a traumatic condition which prevents the medical treatment from functioning. When a person is medically treated for an illness, it is best to back up the action with auditing. Sometimes the patient is too ill to be fully audited. It is difficult to audit someone who is running a temperature. In such a case, let the antibiotics bring the temperature down before auditing. But if the temperature does not come down, in the interest of the patient's recovery, auditing should be done. A patient will sometimes respond to commands even when "unconscious" if you tell them to squeeze your hand to acknowledge they have done the command. Years ago the auditing of unconscious persons was worked out and successfully done. Needless to say, processing any sick person requires the most exact, careful auditing, strictly by the Auditor's Code. A person who has been operated on or medically or dentally treated, or a mother who has just delivered a child, should have the engram audited out ~as soon as possible~ by Dianetic R3R. The aftereffects of anaesthetics or the presence of drugs or antibiotics is to be neglected. The usual action is to: 1. Get them medical treatment. ASSISTS 447 2. Audit them as soon as possible on the illness or injury. 3. Audit them again when they are well. 4. Get them a review if they seem to be showing much later aftereffects despite Dianetic auditing. HEAVY DOSES OF VITAMIN B1, B-COMPLEX and C should accompany all such auditing actions. All this comes under the heading of saving lives. At the very least it saves slow recovery and bad aftereffects and resultant psychosomatic illnesses. Dianetics is the first development since the days of Rome that changes and improves the RATE OF HEALING. Dianetics is also the first development that removes traumatic barriers from the path of healing. Medicines and endocrine compounds quite often are effective in the presence of Dianetic auditing which were once inexplicably ineffective in many cases. The barrier to healing was the engram. With that removed, healing can occur. Any barriers or objections to using Dianetics to assist the effectiveness of medicine or to increase the rate of or even secure effective recovery place the patient at risk as certainly as failing to use antiseptics. Such objections can be dismissed as stemming from barbaric or superstitious mentalities or from motives too base to be decent. It would not be possible to count the number of lives Dianetics has saved. Few human betterment activities have been so widely successful and so uniformly helpful as Dianetics. The following drills should be done to become proficient in auditing assists. Name: Dianetic Assist Unbull-baited. Dianetic Assist Bull-baited. (~Use basic drill format~.) Steps: 1. Make sure your pc (coach) has thoroughly cleared the words and commands of R3R. 448 BOOK THREE 1a. R-factor: "We are going to do a Dianetic assist on your recent injury." (Or whatever the nature of it is.) Flow 1 2. "Locate the time when you had/were (_item_). " Have the pc locate the incident of the injury. 3. Run R3R. The "earlier" command changes to "Is there an earlier similar incident?" 4. Run to EP. Indicate F/N. Flow 2 1. "Now we are going to run flow 2 on this." 2. "Locate a time you caused another to have/to be (_item_)." 3. Run R3R. The "earlier" command is "Is there an earlier similar incident?" 4. Run to EP. Indicate the F/N. Flow 3 1. "We are going to run flow 3 on this." 2. "Locate a time others caused others to have/to be (_item_)." 3. Run R3R. The "earlier" command is, "Is there an earlier similar incident?" 4. Run to EP. Indicate the F/N. Dianetic Assist Part B. 1. Clear the question used in Step 2 below. 2. List "What attitudes are connected with (_injury_or_incident_)." Note down any reads as the pc says the item. 2a. Take the largest reading item or first LFBD item. 3. If pc is interested, run it R3R to EP triple flow. 4. Run all reading items with pc interest R3R. Exhaust the list. 5. Reassess any remaining unrun items to see if they now read. If they do, run them. Check for any more items the pc has to add to the list, and mark them down with their reads. 6. Repeat Steps 2a to 5. 7. When no more items to add and no further items reading but there are some unrun items on the list, null with "suppress" and "invalidate." 8. Run any now reading items. 9. Exhaust the list. ASSISTS 449 10. Repeat Steps 1-9 handling the emotions, sensations and pains connected with (_injury_or_incident_). Handle each area separately and in this exact order. ¤How to Make a Person Sober¤ There is another interesting piece of technology I developed: It is the use of locational havingness to make a person sober. This process is not used to cure a person of alcoholism. The development of prior assessment* in Standard Dianetics handles the conditions that caused a person to be alcoholic. The use of locational havingness will make a drunken person sober in a very few minutes and the cause of his need for alcohol can be audited out later. As society currently has no technology for handling the drunk who is an embarrassment to the police, his family, and often to himself, this process has social value and may serve as a line of co-operation and assistance to the police. The locational havingness process is simply the command "Look at that . . . (room object)." Use very good TR-0. A drunk is usually considered somewhat unconfrontable and he himself certainly cannot confront. One thing he cannot confront is an empty glass. He always refills it if it is empty. Repeat the command, each time pointing out a room object, as often as required to bring the person to sobriety. Do not Q and A with the frequent comment "What object!" Just get the command carried out, acknowledge, and give the next command. DO NOT EVER GET ANGRY WITH OR STRIKE A DRUNK WHATEVER THE PROVOCATION. We are not particularly in the business of handling the drunk. But we are in the field of helping our fellow men, in a society where the only alternative is a night in the clink and a fine, which is not desired by either the police or the intoxicated person. Another assist every auditor should know how to do is "How to handle an unconscious person." The drill follows: Name: How to Handle an Unconscious Person. Purpose: To teach the student auditor how to handle an unconscious person. 450 BOOK THREE Position: Coach lying down as if unconscious. Student auditor standing and as needed. Commands: "You lie that body on that floor." "Thank you." Training Stress: The coach acts as though unconscious. The auditor runs through the steps, as follows, until the coach is handled. Flunks are given for out TRs, incorrect procedure, or failure to follow through to completion of the action successfully. The drill is passed when the coach is confident the student auditor can correctly handle this auditing action. Steps: 1. Observe the person and ensure he is not lying in such a way as to cause damage. Make sure nothing is in his mouth and throat, and stop any bleeding. 2. Form a command to fit the environment--for instance--"You lie that body on that bed, street, etc." 3. Simply tell him what you are going to do. The process gets done by duplicating what the person is doing and putting him at cause. For example: "You lie that body on that floor." "Thank you." "You lie that body on that floor." "Thank you." etc. 4. Tell him to squeeze your hand when he does it. 5. Don't end just because be opens his eyes. Keep going until he stabilizes out and preferably cognites with VGIs. (Note: You can also use a command like "Touch that pillow" or "floor" or "body"--without hurting an injured part. ¤Assist Summary¤ Injuries, operations, delivery of babies, severe illnesses and periods of intense emotional shock all deserve to be handled with thorough and complete assists. Medical examination and diagnosis should be sought where needed, and where treatment is routinely successful, medical treatment should be obtained. As an assist can at times cover up an actual injury or broken bone, no chances ASSISTS 451 should be taken, especially if the condition does not easily respond. In other words where something is merely thought to be a slight sprain, to be on the safe side an X-ray should be obtained, particularly if it does not at once respond. An assist is not a substitute for medical treatment but is complementary to it. It is even doubtful if full healing can be accomplished by medical treatment alone and it is certain that an assist greatly speeds recovery. In short, one should realize that physical healing does not take into account the being and the repercussions on the spiritual beingness of the person. Injury and illnesses are ~predisposed~ by the spiritual state of the person. They are ~precipitated~ by the being himself as a manifestation of his current spiritual condition. And they are ~prolonged~ by any failure to fully handle the spiritual factors associated with them. The causes of ~predisposition~, ~precipitation~ and ~prolongation~ are basically the following: 1. Postulates 2. Engrams 3. Secondaries 4. ARC breaks with the environment, situations, others or the body part 5. Problems 6. Overt acts 7. Withholds 8. Out of communicationness. The purely physical facts of injuries, illnesses and stresses are themselves incapacitating and do themselves often require physical analysis and treatment by a doctor or nutritionist. These could be briefly catalogued as: A. Physical damage to structure B. Disease of a pathological nature C. Inadequacies of structure D. Excessive structure E. Nutritional errors F. Nutritional inadequacies G. Vitamin and biocompound excesses H. Vitamin and biocompound deficiencies 452 BOOK THREE I. Mineral excesses J. Mineral deficiencies K. Structural malfunction L. Erroneous examination M. Erroneous diagnosis N. Erroneous structural treatment O. Erroneous medication. There is another group which belongs to both the spiritual and physical divisions. These are: i. Allergies ii. Addictions iii. Habits iv. Neglect v. Decay. Any of these things in any of the three groups can be a cause of nonoptimum personal existence. We are not discussing here the full handling of any of these groups or what optimum state can be attained or maintained. But it should be obvious that there is a level below which life is not very tolerable. How well a person can be or how efficient or how active is another subject entirely. Certainly life is not very tolerable to a person who has been injured or ill; to a woman who has just delivered a baby, to a person who has just suffered a heavy emotional shock. And there is no reason a person should remain in such a low state, particularly for weeks, months or years when he or she could be remarkably ~assisted~ to recover in hours, days or weeks. It is in fact a sort of practiced cruelty to insist by neglect that person continue on in such a state when one can learn and practice and obtain relief for such a person. We are mainly concerned with the first group, 1-8. The group is not listed in the order that it is done but in the order that it has influence upon the being. The idea has grown that one handles injuries with touch assists only. This is true for someone who as an auditor has only a smattering of Dianetics and Scientology. It is true for someone in such pain or state of case (which would have to be pretty bad) that he cannot respond to actual auditing. ASSISTS 453 But a Dianeticist or Scientologist really has no business "having only a smattering" of auditing skills that could save his or the lives of others. And the case is very rare who cannot experience proper auditing. The actual cause of not handling such conditions is, then, to be found as ~iv. Neglect~. And where there is neglect, ~v. Decay~ is very likely to follow. One does not have to be a medical doctor to take someone to a medical doctor. And one does not have to be a medical doctor to observe that medical treatment may not be helping the patient. And one does not have to be a medical doctor to handle things caused spiritually by the being himself. Just as there are two sides to healing--the spiritual and the structural of physical, there are also two states that can be spiritually attained. The first of these states might be classified as "humanly tolerable." Assists come under this heading. The second is "spiritually improved." Grade auditing comes under this second heading. Any minister (and this has been true as long as there has been a subject called religion) is bound to relieve his fellow being of anguish. There are many ways a minister can do this. Administering an assist is not engaging in healing. It is certainly not engaging in treatment. What it is doing is ~assisting the individual to heal himself or be healed by another agency by removing his reasons for precipitating, and prolonging his condition and lessening his predisposition to further injure himself or remain in an intolerable condition~. This is entirely outside the field of "healing" as envisioned by the medical doctor and by actual records of results is very, very far beyond the capability of psychology, psychiatry and "mental treatment" as practiced by them. In short, the assist is strictly and entirely in the field of the spirit and is the traditional province of religion. A minister should realize the power which lies in his hands and his potential skills when trained. He has this to give in the presence of suffering: he can make life tolerable. 454 BOOK THREE He can also shorten a term of recovery and may even make recovery possible when it might not be otherwise. When a minister confronts someone who has been injured or ill, operated upon or who has suffered a grave emotional shock, he should be equipped to do and should do the following: A ~contact assist~ where possible and where indicated until the person has re-established his communication with the physical universe site. To F/N. A ~touch assist~ until the person has re-established communication with the physical part or parts affected. To F/N. ~Handle any ARC break~ that might have existed at the time (a) with the environment, (b) with another, (c) with others, (d) with himself, (e) with the body part or the body, and (f) with any failure to recover at once. Each to F/N. ~Handle any problem~ the person may have had (a) at the time of illness or injury, (b) subsequently due to his or her condition. Each to F/N. ~Handle any overt act~ the person may feel he or she committed, (a) to self, (b) to the body, (c) to another, and (d) to others. Each to F/N. ~Handle any withhold~ (a) the person might have had at the time, (b) any subsequent withhold, and (c) any having to withhold the body from work or others or the environment due to being physically unable to approach it. ~Handle any secondary~, which is to say emotional reactions, before, during or after the situation. This must be run from the first intimation something was wrong or going to happen or being told something had happened. This is by chain to F/N. And then flow 2 to F/N, and then flow 3 to F/N. ~Handle any engram~ of actual physical duress. Run flow 1 by chain to F/N. Then flow 2 to F/N. Then flow 3 to F/N. It is understood here that flow 1 was the physical incident itself, not necessarily something done to the person but as something that happened to him or her. ~Present time:~ An injured or sick person is out of present time. Thus running ~havingness~ in every assist ASSISTS 455 session is vital. This not only remedies havingness but also brings the preclear to present time. ~Before-after:~ Where an injured or ill pc is so stuck that he has a fixed picture that does not move, one can jar it loose by asking him to recall a time before the incident and then asking him to recall a time after it. This will "jar the engram loose" and change the stuck point. ~Unconsciousness:~ A pc can be audited even if in a coma. The processes are objective, not significance processes. One process is to use his hand to reach and withdraw from an object such as a pillow or blanket. One makes the hand do it while giving the commands. One can even arrange a "signal system" where the pc is in a coma and cannot talk by holding his hand and telling him to squeeze one's hand once for yes, twice for no. It is astonishing that the pc will often respond and he can be questioned this way. Where a person is injured, given a contact or touch assist and then medical examination and treatment, he is given the remainder as soon as he is able to be audited. The drug "five days" does not need to apply. But where the person has been given an assist over drugs, one must later come back to the case when he is off drugs and run the drug part out or at least make sure that nothing was submerged by the drugs. It is not uncommon for a person to be oblivious of certain parts of a treatment or operation at the time of initial auditing, only to have a missing piece of the incident pop up days, months or even years later. ~This~ is the reason injuries or operations occasionally seem to persist despite a full assist: a piece of it was left unhandled due to a drugged condition during the operation; such bits may come off unexpectedly in routine auditing on some other apparently disrelated chain. It can happen that a person is in the midst of some grade auditing at the time of an injury or illness or receiving an emotional shock. The question arises as to whether or not to disrupt the grade auditing to handle the situation. It is a difficult question. But certainly the person cannot go on with grade auditing while upset or ill. The usual answer is to give a full assist and repair the case to bridge it back into the 456 BOOK THREE grade auditing. The question however may be complicated in that some error in the grade auditing is also sitting there, not to cause the illness or accident but to complicate the assist. This question is handled fully only by study of the case by a competent case supervisor. The point is not to let the person go on suffering while time is consumed making a decision. Religion exists in no small part to handle the upsets and anguish of life. These include spiritual duress by reason of physical conditions. Ministers long before the Apostles had as a part of their duties the ministering to the spiritual anguish of their people. They have concentrated upon spiritual uplift and betterment. But where physical suffering impeded this course, they have acted. To devote themselves only to the alleviation of physical duress is of course to attest that the physical body is more important that the spiritual beingness of the person which, of course, it is not. But physical anguish can so distract a being that he deserts any aspirations of betterment and begins to seek some cessation of his suffering. The specialty of the medical doctor is the curing of physical disease or nonoptimum physical conditions. In some instances he can do so. It is no invasion of his province to assist the patient to greater healing potential. And ills that are solely spiritual in nature are not medical. The "psych-iatrist" and "psych-ologist" on the other hand took their very names from religion since "psyche" means soul. They, by actual statistics, are not as successful as priests in relieving mental anguish. But they modernly seek to do so by using drugs or hypnotism or physical means. They damage more than they help. The minister has a responsibiliy to his people and those about him to relieve suffering. He has many ways to do this. He is quite successful in doing so and he does not need or use drugs or hypnotism or shock or surgery or violence. Until his people are at a level where they have no need of physical things, he has as a duty preventing their spiritual or physical decay by relieving where he can their suffering. His primary method of doing so is the ~assist~. ASSISTS 457 As the knowledge of how to do them exists and as the skill is easily acquired, he actually has no right to neglect those for whose well-being he is responsible, as only then can he lead them to higher levels of spiritual attainment. Quite often an injury or illness will miraculously clear up before one has run all the steps possible. If this is the case one should end off any further assist. All auditing of injured or ill people must be kept fairly light. Errors in TRs (such as a bad TR-4) errors in technology rebound on them very heavily. An ill or injured person can easily be audited into a mess if the processes are too heavy for him to handle and if the auditor is goofing. Very exact, in-tech, good TR, good metering sessions are all that should be tolerated in assists. Pregnant women should receive special attention from the Dianetic auditor. The proper auditing on pregnant women consists of Dianetics and preparatory auditing for delivery. This means running out all out-ruds on the subject of babies, children and families, especially ARC breaks of long duration. Any PTS condition should be handled. Engrams of past deliveries and the woman's own birth should be run out as engram chains. Any bad hospital experiences should also be handled. A pregnant woman should be set up for a very easy delivery. The delivery should be silent. When delivery occurs the engram is run out within twenty-four hours of the actual delivery ~regardless of any drugs used~. Proper nutrition including a reduction in fattening foods is vital. Vitamin D, calcium and magnesium must be given throughout the term of pregnancy. The absence of these, the woman seeking to abort the child, accidents, and improper medications are the causes of miscarriages. Today's dietary problems contribute to such difficulties as are encountered during term and delivery. Preparatory auditing makes delivery very easy and an erasure of the incident of the delivery wipes out conse- 458 BOOK THREE quences; but only providing the nutritional and vitamin-mineral deficiencies are not present and that the woman has not been physically or medicinally mishandled. Auditing is for use. One of its important but too frequently neglected uses is in the preparatory auditing of pregnant women and postdelivery auditing immediately after birth. Auditing saves lives. Correct auditing used in conjunction with proper nutrition and care results in easy delivery and miraculously fast recovery of both mother and child. May there be many more. ¤Birth Control Pills¤ It has been thought that birth control pills brought on dizziness and side effects and got in the road of auditing. It has now been observed that where these effects occurred and the woman a. changed brands b. changed strength or amount or c. both a and b the condition vanished. This information is given by the medical officer. Therefore 1. There is no regulation or rule which states that a woman may not take birth control pills and 2. There is apparently no side effects effecting auditing and 3. Where side effects do exist one should consult a doctor so that brand or amount or both can be changed. Nothing here recommends or prevents or prescribes birth control pills and the information is simply passed on from medical authority. The following is an assist summary checklist for use on an individual pc by an auditor. 1. ~Contact assist~ where possible and indicated. No set commands. Take the person to the exact spot where the accident occurred. Then ASSISTS 459 have him duplicate exactly what happened at the time of the accident. Do this until the person has re-established communication with the physical universe site. F/N VGIs.__ 2. ~Touch assist~. "Feel my finger" to end phenomena of communication re-established with the physical part or parts affected. F/N VGIs.__ 3. ~ARC breaks~. a. "Did you have an ARC break at the time with the environment?" ARCU CDEINR E/S to F/N VGIs.__ b. "Did you have an ARC break at the time with another?" ARCU CDEINR E/S to F/N VGIs.__ c. "Did you have an ARC break at the time with others?" ARCU CDEINR E/S to F/N VGIs.__ d. "Did you have an ARC break at the time with yourself?" ARCU CDEINR E/S to F/N VGIs.__ e. "Did you have an ARC break at the time with the body part or the body?" ARCU CDEINR E/S to F/N VGIs.__ f. "Did you have an ARC break at the time with any failure to recover at once?" ARCU CDEINR E/S to F/N VGIs.__ 4. ~Problems~. a. "Did you have a problem at the time of the illness/accident/injury?" Two-way comm E/S to F/N VGIs.__ b. "Did you have a problem subsequently due to your condition?" Two-way comm E/S to F/N VGIs.__ 460 BOOK THREE 5. ~Overt acts~. a. "Did you commit an overt on yourself?" Get what, E/S to F/N VGIs.__ b. "Did you commit an overt on the body?" Get what, E/S to F/N VGIs.__ c. "Did you commit an overt on another?" Get what, E/S to F/N VGIs.__ d. "Did you commit an overt on others?" Get what, E/S to F/N VGIs.__ 6. ~Withholds~. a. "Did you have a withhold at the time?" Get what, if discreditable get who missed it, E/S to F/N VGIs.__ b. "Did you have a withhold subsequently?" Get what, if discreditable get who missed it, E/S to F/N VGIs.__ c. "Did you have to withhold the body from work?" E/S to F/N VGIs.__ d. "Did you have to withhold the body from others?" E/S to F/N VGIs.__ e. "Did you have to withhold the body from the environment?" E/S to F/N VGIs.__ 7. ~Secondaries~. a. List emotional reactions before the situation: "What emotional reactions did you have before the illness/accident/injury?" Take largest read, check interest, R3R triple. Exhaust the list. Use "suppress"/ "invalidate" on unreading items.__ b. List emotional reactions during the situation: "What emotional reactions did you have during the illness/accident/injury?" Take largest read, check interest, R3R triple. Exhaust the list. Use "suppress"/ "invalidate" on unreading items.__ ASSISTS 461 c. List emotional reactions after the situation: "What emotional reactions did you have after the illness/accident/injury?" Take largest read, check interest, R3R triple. Exhaust the list. Use "suppress"/ "invalidate" on unreading items.__ ~Note:~ On secondaries, the F-1 chain, be sure to clear with the pc ~before~ starting, that you want the first intimation something was wrong or going to happen or being told something had happened as the beginning of the incident. 8. ~Engrams~ of actual physical duress. a. F-1: "Locate the time when you had/were _______." Earlier: "Is there an earlier similar incident?" R3R to EP.__ b. F-2: "Locate a time you caused another to have/be ____." Earlier: "Is there an earlier similar incident?" R3R to EP.__ c. F-3: "Locate a time others caused others to have/be _____." Earlier: "Is there an earlier similar incident?" R3R to EP.__ 9. ~Postulate two-way comm~. If the pc has not already discovered that he had decisions connected to the incident, two-way comm "Was there any decision to be hurt/ill/injured?" to F/N, cognition, VGIs.__ ~Note:~ Be careful not to invalidate the person. 10. ~Prior confusion~. Two-way comm "Was there a confusion prior to the accident/injury/illness?" E/S to F/N, cognition, VGIs.__ 11. ~Mystery point~. Two-way comm "Was there any mysterious aspect of the incident?" E/S to F/N, cognition, VGIs.__ 462 BOOK THREE 12. ~Suppressive presences~. Two-way comm "Was there any suppressive or invalidative presence that may have caused a mistake to be made or the accident/illness/injury to occur?" E/S to F/N, cognition, VGIs.__ 13. ~Agreement~. Two-way comm "Did you agree with the incident or some part of the scene?" to F/N, cognition, VGIs.__ 14. ~Protest~. Two-way comm "Was there any protest in the incident?" to F/N, cognition, VGIs.__ 15. ~Prediction~. a. Two-way comm "How long do you expect to take to recover?" to F/N, cognition, VGIs.__ b. Two-way comm "Have others made any predictions about it?" to F/N, cognition, VGIs.__ ~Note:~ Avoid getting the person to predict it as a very long time by getting him to talk about that further. 16. ~Losses~. Two-way comm "Was there anything you may have lost?" to F/N, cognition, VGIs.__ 17. ~Remedies (to be C/Sed first)~. a. High or low TA. To Scientology auditor to assess a C/S 53RH and handle. (To be done by an auditor who knows how to meter and can get reads.)__ b. Illness following auditing. To Scientology auditor, assess a green form method 5 and handle. (To be done by an auditor who can meter and get reads.)__ ASSISTS 463 c. Before-after (fixed picture). Where the pc is so stuck that he has a fixed picture that does not move run: "Recall a time before the incident. What was it?" "Recall a time after the incident. What was it?" Alternate repetitive to end phenomena of picture jarred loose (unstuck) F/N, cognition, VGIs.__ d. Unconscious. Where a pc is unconscious run: "Touch the _____ " (blanket, pillow, etc.) "Let go of the _____ ," making the hand do it while giving the commands and ack- nowledging. Run to a win, whether it be favorable change in skin tone or GIs or pc conscious.__ ~Note:~ You can arrange a signal system where the pc answers your questions by squeezing your hand once for yes, twice for no. Another process for an unconscious pc is "Feel that _____ " (bed, pillow, etc.) using hand squeezes for answers, to a win.__ e. Temperature assists. Version A: If the pc is too ill to get up run, "Look around here and find something. Hold it still" (Until the pc feels he can.) Alternate repetitive to F/N, cognition, VGIs. Check temperature before and after. Follow with two-way comm: "How do you feel?" "Have you felt like this before?" E/S to F/N,__ cognition, VGIs.__ Version B: Done on a pc who can, even with effort, walk around a room. Run "Look around here and find something." "Walk over 464 BOOK THREE to it." "With your hands hold it still." Alter- nate repetitive off the meter to cognition and__ VGIs. Then check on the meter for F/N.__ If no F/N, rehabilitate or flatten to F/N. A thermometer can be used to check tempera- ture after the meter check for F/N. ¤Dianetic Student Rescue Intensive¤ In working with a student, a supervisor found that engrams and secondaries gather around the subject of study and developed some material on it which I tested and redeveloped. He said: "The subject of study has been abound with 'authorities' and boobytraps forever and a day, but until Ron researched this field of human endeavor and published his findings on tapes, technical bulletins and policy letters, nobody has EVER made any progress toward the resolution of study itself as a problem." "In this very day and age we find physical punishments of students the rule rather than the exception, and even the use of instruments like canes, sticks, shoes and such articles in order to 'teach' a student (create 'ARC') are accepted as normal practice." "The phenomena of secondaries and engrams resulting thereof, which inhibit study are not known about or are completely ignored, and often handled by further duress." "And many a once bright keen young student throws in his study in despair and goes to the nearest oculist for even stronger lenses in his glasses to help his ruined eyesight." "THE SUBJECT, THE VERY IDEA OF STUDY ITSELF HAS BECOME TRAUMATIC, IT IS AN AREA OF LOSSES AND PHYSICAL PAINS." To handle this I developed the following rundown: Assessing items for best read and pc interest and running standard R3R on the item thus found forms the framework of the Dianetic Student Rescue Intensive. ASSISTS 465 The Dianetic Student Rescue Intensive is thus very simple: 1. Assess "being trained," "being educated," "study," "learning," for best read (a fall or longer). 2. List for attitudes connected with ______ (item found in 1 above). 3. Run the resulting items R3R triple by standard Dianetic procedure. Exhaust the list. 4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3, listing (separately and in this order) for emotions, sensations and pains connected with . . . (item found in 1 above). A point will come where the pc is now happy about the subject and has no further items. At this point the intensive is concluded. (Make sure, however, that any remaining reading items are handled.) (It is assumed that usual actions such as checking for additions and using "suppress" and "invalidate" on the list to obtain further items are done if necessary.) Steps: 1. R-factor: "We are going to run the Dianetic Student Rescue Intensive." 1a. Clear the words of the assessment. 2. R-factor: "I am going to start with an assessment--you don't have to say anything--I will assess this on the meter." Assess: being trained being educated study learning for the best read. Note the meter reads on an assessment sheet. 2a. Make sure your pc has thoroughly cleared the words and commands of R3R. 3. List "What attitudes are connected with (_best_reading_item_in_2_)" and handle with Steps 4-11. 4. Take the largest reading item or first LFBD item. 5. If pc is interested, run it R3R to EP--triple flow. 6. Run all reading items with pc interest R3R to EP--triple flow. Exhaust the list. 466 BOOK THREE 7. Reassess any remaining unrun items to see if they now read. If they do, run them. Check for any more items the pc has to add to the list and mark them down with their reads. 8. Repeat Steps 4-7. 9. When no more items to add and no further items reading but some unrun items on the list, null with "suppress" and "invalidate." 10. Run any now reading items. 11. Exhaust the list. 12. Repeat Steps 3-11 handling the emotions, sensations and pains connected with the (_best-reading_item_). Handle each area separately with Steps 3-11 and handle them in this exact order. 13. Repeat Steps 3-12 with the next best-reading item from the assessment in Step 2. An auditor has it in his power to make well, happy, healthy human beings. That power is in direct proportion to his flawlessness as an auditor. Only the most exact and proper technology will produce the desired result. If you truly want to help your fellows, that exact skill and those results are very well worth having. In addition to the above assists there is regular Dianetic auditing which handles chronic discomforts and prevents future illness as well as improving the state of well-being of a person. The mechanisms of the mind revealed in Dianetics are of great use to the field of medicine. They are easy and quick to apply. About one month's training is all that is necessary to acquaint an otherwise educated and intelligent person with the fundamentals and skills necessary to audit Dianetics. Considerably more time of course is necessary to train a skilled Scientology auditor, but this is not the subject of this book. There is no conflict of interest between any healing profession and Dianetics. Dianetic materials and papers are fully available. ASSISTS 467 There is a conflict between Dianetics and political practices such as psychiatry, since electric shock, brain operations and general degradation of the person may prevent the patient's recovery by Dianetics. As answers exist now for insanity, there is no reason to continue medieval or fascist solutions to the problem of the psychosomatically ill or the insane and we are doing everything in our power against fantastic opposition to end the torture and killing of the insane regardless of the politically "desirable" ends envisioned by some groups. Dianetics, like any other true treatment, was designed to handle the apparent basic cause of psychosomatic illness. The first research was intended to help allied prisoners of war degraded by the Japanese and Chinese prison camps and who after V-J Day were transferred to Oak Knoll Naval Hospital. Later, in 1954, in a much more advanced state of development, Dianetics was successfully employed to eradicate the results of allied prisoners of the Korean War who had been subjected to Russian brainwashing. The subject has been improved, made easier to teach and apply and its results bettered continually. Fully updated as ~Standard~ Dianetics, it is very successful and is in very broad use over the world. CHAPTER 6 DRUGS I have made a real breakthrough on the action of painkillers (known as aspirin, tranquilizers, hypnotics, soporifics). It has never been known in chemistry or medicine exactly how or why these things worked. Such compositions are derived by accidental discoveries that "such and so depresses pain." The effects of existing compounds are not uniform in result and often have very bad side effects. As the ~reason~ they worked was unknown, very little advance has been made in biochemistry. If the reason they worked were known and accepted, possibly chemists could develop some actual ones which had minimal side effects. We will leave the fact that this could be the medical biochemical discovery of the century and let the Nobel prizes continue to go to the inventors of nose drops and new ways to kill, and simply ourselves use it. Biochemical technology is not up to the point at this time that it can utilize it. 470 BOOK THREE Pain or discomfort of a psychosomatic nature comes from mental image pictures. These are created by the thetan or living beings and impinge or press against the body. By actual clinical test, the actions of aspirin and other pain depressants are to: A. INHIBIT THE ABILITY OF THE THETAN TO CREATE MENTAL IMAGE PICTURES and also B. TO IMPEDE THE ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY OF NERVE CHANNELS. Both of these facts have a vital effect on processing. If you process someone who has lately been on drugs, including aspirin, you will not be able to run out the Dianetic engram chains properly because they are not being fully created. If you process someone immediately after taking aspirin for instance, you probably will not be able to find or assess the somatics that need to be run out to handle the condition. For the next day after taking the aspirin or drug the mental image pictures may not be fully available. In the case of chronic drug taking, the drugs must be wholly worn off and out of the system and the engrams of drug taking must be run out in their entirety, triple flow. If this is not done, auditing will be trying to handle chains that aren't being fully created by the thetan. In the case of auditing someone who has taken drugs--aspirin, etc.--within the last few hours or two or three days the chains of engrams definitely will be found not fully created and therefore not available. This would all be fine except for three things: 1. Auditing under these conditions is very difficult. The TA may be high and will not come down. One gets "erasures" at TA 4.0 with an "F/N." Auditing errors become easy to make. The bank is jammed. 2. The thetan is rendered STUPID, blank, forgetful, delusive, irresponsible. A thetan gets into a "wooden" sort of state, unfeeling, insensitive, unable and definitely not trustworthy, a menace to his fellows actually. DRUGS 471 3. When the drugs wear off or start to wear off the ability to create starts to return and TURNS ON SOMATICS MUCH HARDER. One of the answers a person has for this is MORE drugs. To say nothing of heroin, there are, you know, aspirin addicts. The compulsion stems from a desire to get rid of the somatics and unwanted sensations again. There is also something of dramatization of the engrams already gotten from earlier drug taking. The being gets more and more wooden, requiring more and more quantity and more frequent use. Sexually it is common for someone on drugs to be very stimulated at first. This is the "procreate before death" impulse as drugs are a poison. But after the original sexual "kicks" the stimulation of sexual sensation becomes harder and harder to achieve. The effort to achieve it becomes obsessive while it itself is less and less satisfying. The cycle of drug restimulation of pictures (or creating in general) can be at first to increase creation and then eventually to inhibit it totally. If one were working on this biochemically the least harmful pain depressant would be one that inhibited the creation of mental image pictures with minimal resulting "woodenness" or stupidity and which was body soluble so that it passed rapidly out of the nerves and system. There are no such biochemical preparations at this time. These tests and experiments tend to prove that the majority of pain and discomfort do come from mental image pictures and that these are immediately created. Erasure of a mental image picutre by Standard Dianetic processing removes the compulsion to create it. Drugs chemically inhibit the creation but inhibit as well the erasure. When the drug has worn off, the picture audited while it was in force can return. The E-meter tone arm under drugs or on a drug case can go very high--TA 4.0, TA 5.0. It can also be dropped to "dead thetan" (a false Clear read). Auditing a person on drugs can obtain an "erasure" and "F/N" at TA 4.0. But the erasure is only apparent and must be "rehabbed" (verified or redone) when the person is off drugs. 472 BOOK THREE Any habitual drug taker, applying for auditing while still on drugs should be given a six weeks' "drying out" period off drugs this whole time and then the drug taking (by somatic or sensation of drugs or prior assessment to drugs--preferably both) must be run out as an early auditing action. A person who has taken aspirin or other drugs within the past 24 hours or the past week, should be given a week to "dry out" before auditing of any kind is given. It is not fatal to audit over drugs. It is just difficult, the results may not be lasting and need to be verified afterwards. Chronic drug takers who have not had drugs specifically handled may go back to drugs after auditing as they were too drugged during auditing to get rid of what was bothering them and which drove them to drugs. With the enemies of various countries using widespread drug addiction as a defeatist mechanism, with painkillers so easily available and so ineffective, drugs are a serious auditing problem. It can be handled. But when aspirin, that innocent seeming painkiller, can produce havoc in auditing if not detected, the subject needs care and knowledge. The above data will keep the auditor clear of the pitfalls of this hazard. To paraphrase an old quote: we used to have iron men and wooden ships. We now have a drug society and wooden citizens. I've been studying this for many years and have made the breakthrough. Drug companies would be advised to do better research. And auditors are advised to ask any pc, "Have you been taking any drugs or aspirin?" The medical aspect is an understandable wish to handle pain. Doctors should press for better drugs to do this that do not have such lamentable side effects. ¤Drug Data¤ LSD-25 is a colorless, odorless, tasteless and virtually undetectable derivative of a rye mold called ergot. The use DRUGS 473 of sugar cubes as a medium was discontinued several years ago. Dosage is fantastically small, 50 to 1000 ~micro~grams per dose, so capsules and tablets are used to reduce evaporation. Price varies from three to seven dollars and it is only sold on the black market. Prior to 1964 the drug was administered by psychologists and psychiatrists. However, it is now illegal for them to do so. Despite its illegal status, LSD is very popular among teenagers and college students. An entire subculture of psychedelic (mind- manifesting) posters, light shows, and electronic music emerged on the West Coast. Most of the pop music has hidden drug references. A 1968 survey indicated that over 50% of the students graduating from the Los Angeles City School System had tried either LSD or marijuana. Marijuana is the most popular of the psychedelic drugs. One ounce may be readily purchased for around ten dollars and will furnish thirty to fifty cigarettes or "joints." A smoker quickly progresses from the one ounce "lids" to puchasing a "brick" or "kilo." This is a kilogram (2.2 lbs.) and sells for approximately $140 to $200. Marijuana may be easily identified. It has a strong characteristic odor which is similar to fresh hay or wet, freshly cut grass. Smoking some tea leaves rolled up into a cigarette will give you a good stable datum for identifying marijuana odor. Marijuana may be physically identified as a green or greenish-brown tobacco with varying amounts of brown stems and small round seeds. Hashish, like marijuana, comes from the female hemp plant, ~Cannabis sativa~. When matured, the plant is hung upside down and resins collect which are dried into hashish. One gram of hashish sells for about $10 to $20, and will supply ten to thirty "hits" or periods of being "high." Hashish is brown, tan, or black and is usually kept in tin foil. Users of both hashish and marijuana will have bloodshot eyes while under the influence. Someone under LSD may be identified by very dilated pupils. Peyote "buttons" are several inches in diameter and come from the peyote cactus of Southwest America. The pure form of the drug is a synthetic called mescaline sulfate. 474 BOOK THREE A beefed up version of this drug was made available but was, as of June, 1968, unnamed. Another drug is STP. This drug is much more powerful than even LSD. As of June, 1968, STP was waning in use as people found its results too unpredictable. One other drug worth mentioning is DMT. This drug is smoked or injected and has immediate effects which end in about an hour. It may be identified by an odor similar to moth balls and is either a white powder or soaked into a medium such as pot or tobacco. Marijuana is basically a very mild drug which creates euphoria. Also it has the unpleasant consequence of distorting the senses of the user to the point that people on "trips" have been known to open the door of a car going 80 miles per hour and step out "since they could walk faster." The remaining psychedelic drugs are much more powerful and will strongly influence a person. The "trips" that a drug user goes on tend to produce stuck points on the track with much fixation of attention on that area. Bad "trips" tend to act like super engrams collapsing the track at that point. Users of drugs cannot as-is, do not get TA, nor do they have cognitions. ¤Drugs and "Insanity" Non-Compliance and Alter-Is¤ I have done some research on drug cases and takers which has shed some interesting light on this and also insanity. The basic equation is apparently: WHEN THREATENED WITH UNMOCKING A THETAN MOCKS UP OBSESSIVELY. Actually the datum explains for instance why a pc, challenged by an "auditor" who is breaking the Auditor's Code, gets such a solid reaction in the reactive bank. Threatened by an apparent effort to destroy him instead of letting him find the truth, the pc reacts by mocking up hard below his awareness level. This does not, of course, make him insane. It just sticks him a bit in the session. DRUGS 475 Drugs (LSD, marijuana, alcohol, whatever) produce a threat to the body like any other poison. The threat is to the ~body~. The thetan reacts by mocking up. Of course what he mocks up is some engram, secondary or combination of fancy and fact. He can do this in some cases, so hard that it becomes more real (and safer) than present time. Thus, under threat, he goes out of present time. Now comes the next bit which is important as a new discovery: HIS TIME TRACK IS NOT THEN BEING MADE UP WHOLLY OF PRESENT TIME EVENTS. IT IS A COMPOSITE OF PAST TRACK, IMAGINATION AND PRESENT EVENTS. Thus, right there before your eyes he, apparently in the same room as you are, doing the same things, is really only partially there and partially in some past events. He ~seems~ to be there. Really he isn't "tracking" fully with present time. What is going on to a rational observation is ~not~ what is going on to him. Thus he does not duplicate statements made by another but tries to fit them into his composite reality. In order to fit them in, he has to alter them. We therefore have the real basis of ~alter-is~. He may be ~sure~ he is helping one REPAIR the floor but in actual fact he is hindering the actual operation in progress which really consists of CLEANING the floor. So when he "helps one" mop the floor he introduces chaos into the activity. Since ~he~ is REPAIRING the floor a request to "give me the mop" has to be reinterpreted as "hand me the hammer." But the mop handle is larger than a hammer handle so the bucket gets upset. As a thetan can mock up an infinity of combinations, there would be an infinity of types of reactions to drugs. There would also be an infinity of types of insanity. What is constant is that he is NOT RUNNING IN THE SAME SERIES OF EVENTS as others. This can be slight, wherein the person is seen to make occasional mistakes. It can be as serious as total insanity 476 BOOK THREE where the events apparent to him are ~completely~ different than those apparent to anyone else. And it can be all grades in between. It isn't that he doesn't know what's going on. It's that he perceives ~something else~ going on instead of the present time sequence of events. Thus others appear to him to be stupid or unreasonable or insane. As ~they~ don't agree in their actions and orders with what he ~plainly sees~ is in progress "they" aren't sensible. Example: A group is moving furniture. To all but one they are simply moving furniture. This one perceives himself to be "moving geometrical shapes into a cloud." Thus this one "makes mistakes," "alter-ises," "non-complies." As the group doesn't see inside him and only sees another like themselves, they can't figure out why he "balls things up so." Such persons as drug takers and the insane are thus slightly or wholly on an apparently different time track of "present time" events. A drug may be taken to drive a person out of an unbearable PT or out of consciousness altogether. In some persons they do not afterwards return wholly to present time. A thetan can also escape an unbearable PT by dropping into the past, even without drugs. The penalty is running into obsessive mocking up to counter the threat of being unmocked. The answer is to erase the engrams and reactive mechanisms. As all this out-of-PT is unknowing, it is aberrative. Things one is doing that one knows one is doing are not aberrative. The drug taker and the insane alike have not recovered present time, to a greater or lesser degree. Thus they think they are running on a different time track than they are, which, unknowningly and out of the past, they are, to a greater or lesser degree, mocking up. These are the underlying facts in odd human behavior. Thus we get an explanation of enturbulation as well. DRUGS 477 As what is going on, according to the perception and subjective reality of such a person, is varied in greater or lesser degree from the objective reality of others, such a person enturbulates the actual environment. What is really going on is not what is going on for them. Orders, then, are not complied with, other things happen and people around such a person have their own consecutive events disrupted. This causes enturbulation. The non-compliance, alter-is and upsets from a person who is out of present time and (what is new about this) who is running on a different series of events than those going on for the rest, causes general enturbulation. This is why it takes two additional people to handle the routine goofs of such a person. They are forcing events to run more or less normally against the counter effort of a person with a delusory time track. We have all known such a person, many more than one, so it is not uncommon in the current civilization. The sudden non-sequitur remark, out of context. The blank stare when given an order or a remark--behind these lie a whole imaginary time track which we jar into and accidentally disrupt. We sometimes hear of a person who is "exterior" and so can't be audited any more. The symptoms of the person have not changed. So he still has aberrations. The answer is to clear the word ~exteriorization~ with them. They often are exterior into a never-never non-extant universe. Or exterior in a past death. When the word is cleared with them, they often don't really say what was going on. They experience a strange reaction and change. If one then runs a bit of objective havingness, they come into present time. This applies only to exteriorized cases who can't be audited because they are "exterior." And yet aren't all right casewise. The usual course is to just handle the case by standard technology. They eventually come right. 478 BOOK THREE Anyone forced into a dangerous environment tends to either go fully into present time or retreat from present time. The only ones who suffer from it afterwards are those who don't move on up the track as life goes on, but stay there, retreated from a long-gone present time or stuck in a moment of the past. This is done, of course, because of pictures mocked up obsessively under the threat of unmock. When you understand the condition you can't be fooled by it and think such people are there with you when they are not. Auditing, of course, resolves this. ¤Drugs Drying Out¤ It occasionally happens that someone is still on drugs when he or she requires drug processing. This sets up a very rough problem. DRUGS PREVENT ANY CASE GAIN. If the person is still on drugs, processing will have little effect. He will not cease to be a drug addict. The drugs trap him. When the world went druggie (about 1960), this problem of drying out became one of the first order. It was not just a problem to us. All pre-Scientology efforts failed--and had been failing for all Man's history. But relatively small numbers had been involved. After 1960 the problem became planet-wide. Our first church to handle this was Los Angeles. They made the person cease to take drugs for six weeks, then audited the drugs out. Most of these cases stayed stable and thereafter had case gain and were no longer condemned to an eternity of disability. However, some were unable to stop taking drugs. What is called WITHDRAWAL SYMPTOMS set in. These are the body and mental reactons to no longer taking drugs. They are ghastly. No torturer ever set up anything worse. DRUGS 479 The patient had this problem then: A. Stay on drugs and be trapped and suffering from here on out. B. Try to come off the drugs and be so agonizingly ill meanwhile that he couldn't stand it. This was a dead-if-you-do, dead-if-you-don't sort of problem. Medicine did not solve it adequately. Psychotherapy was impossible. Two approaches now exist to this withdrawal problem. 1. Light objective (look outward, take attention off body) processes ease the gradual withdrawal and make it possible. 2. Nutritionist experiments indicate that vitamins assist the withdrawal. According to the late, world-renowned nutritionist Adele Davis, vitamin therapy has had success in handling withdrawal symptoms. Instead of just telling the person to break off drugs with all that suffering and danger of failure, the patient is given heavy doses of vitamins. The data is repeated here for information. Drug Bomb One Dose. 1,000 milligrams of niacinamide (~not~ nicotinic acid as it is severely toxic in such amounts). This for any mental disturbance. 500 milligrams of magnesium carbonate (to make the Vitamin C effective). 2,000 milligrams of Vitamin C. 25 milligrams of B6. 200 milligrams of B Complex. 100 milligrams of pantothenic acid. The bomb is given four times a day, roughly every six hours. It is given in a mild preparation that furnishes intestinal flora such as yogurt. ~Great caution~ must be used to give the dose in such a way that the vitamins will not corrode the stomach. If this is neglected the patient can be given a false duodenal (upper intestine) ulcer and will be unable to continue the treatment. 480 BOOK THREE "Druggies" are usually in terrible physical condition anyway. Thus all the above would have to be in "enteric coated" capsules, meaning an intestinal shielding must be on the pills so they gradually dissolve and don't hit the sensitive upper stomach hard enough to corrode it. Thus milk with powdered amino acids in it would have to be given to wash the pills down. In testing these recommendations stomach corrosion from the bomb was the main barrier noted. If the bomb is given without any cushion the patient can (a) feel too full after eating (b) have a stomach ache (c) have a burning sensation (d) the exterior of the stomach can get sore. These are all stomach ulcer symptoms. If such symptoms turn on, end off the vitamins. Aluminum hydroxide tablets chewed up and swallowed in milk each time the symptoms start will ease the stomach. Amino acids, intestinal flora and milk must then be given until the stomach gets better. Shots, with a needle, especially of Vitamin C can be too painful. Not the needle, that's nothing; but the vitamin itself. Such medication is in a crude state of research, mainly because of the violent hostility earlier exerted against vitamin people by the American Medical Association and other reactionaries to anything beneficial or new. It is hoped that the stomach corrosion factor can be lessened by new preparations which do the same thing but less violently. I am not particularly advocating the use of the drug bomb but as a pioneer in this area of research I feel that any data of value on the subject of drug withdrawal should be widely published. The difficulties and agonies of withdrawal are the primary failure point in trying to salvage a being from the insanity of drugs. People who have been on drugs do not make case gain until the drugs are handled in processing. Processing such as Dianetics is not effective when done on a person who is taking drugs. DRUGS 481 Withdrawal from drugs sometimes sets up a violent physical reaction too painful or depressing to be continued and the person goes back on drugs. Coming off a heavy addiction to heroin, opium, cocaine, methadrine, and other such heavy drugs has with it a period of withdrawal which contains body contortions and pain. A person, during withdrawal from heavy drugs, should have vitamins, and be in a safe space, with a trained person giving assists throughout the withdrawal (usually a few days). Once a person is off a heavy addiction he will often need a lot more personal attention than most people and often tends to have ethics trouble. Anyone on drugs or who has taken drugs is doomed as a being--just like that. He or she will cave right on in and finish up in the ash can from here on out. ~Only~ processing by Dianetics and Scientology can handle the effects of drugs fully. No other technology, medical or biochemical has ever helped--we have thousands of cases to prove this completely. The primary barrier to processing is getting the person off drugs and keeping him off until he can be fully audited. Then he will be very okay. Two means to do this are known: A. Light objective processes while "drying out" and B. Nutritional therapy. A and B can be combined. Neither A nor B will fully handle drugs. The person on vitamins if not processed will relapse. Vitamins are not drugs. They are nutrition. A person can be processed while on them. By close application of these principles the person can be salvaged. And having been salvaged can go on up to greater freedom and ability. He won't make it otherwise by any other known technology. It is possible to come off drugs without convulsions. Drugs essentially are poisons. The degree to which they are taken determines the effect. A small amount gives a 482 BOOK THREE stimulant. A greater amount acts as a sedative. A larger amount acts as a poison and can kill one. This is true of any drug. Each has a different amount. Caffeine is a drug. So coffee is an example. 100 cups of coffee would probably kill a person. Ten cups would probably put him to sleep. Two or three cups stimulate. This is a very common drug. It is not very harmful as it takes so much of it to have an effect so it is known as a stimulant. Arsenic is known as a poison. Yet a tiny amount of arsenic is a stimulant, a good sized dose puts one to sleep and a few grains kills one. But there are some drugs which have another factor. They directly affect the reactive bank. Marijuana (pot), peyote, morphine, heroin, etc., turn on the pictures one is stuck in. And they turn them on too hard to audit out. LSD-25, the psychiatric drug designed to make schizophrenics out of normal people, is evidently widely distributed by psychiatrists. It looks like cube sugar and is easily made. Drugs are considered valuable by addicts to the degree that they produce some "desirable effect." But they are dangerous to those around because a person on drugs: a. has blank periods b. has unrealities and delusions that remove him from present time c. is ~very~ hard to audit. Thus a drug taker can be holding a boat alongside, go into one of his blanks, think he is on Venus and let go. A drug taker left on watch may go blank and miss a menacing situation and not handle it because he is "somewhere else." Giving an order to a drug taker can be grim as he may simply stand and stare at one. He ARC breaks people with it. It takes about six weeks apparently for LSD to wear off. After that a person can be audited. But it ruins his case to a marked degree as it builds up ridges which don't as-is well. DRUGS 483 A drug or alcohol ~burns up~ the Vitamin B1 in the system rapidly. This increased speed of burning up B1 adds to his "happy state." But now his system is out of B1 so he goes depressed. To avoid convulsions take lots of B1 daily when coming off drugs. And wait for six weeks before one is audited. And then lay off. It's a pretty poor trick on those who are dependent on one and get let down. ¤Drug Handling¤ A person who has been on drugs is one of the "seven types of resistive cases." (These types are found on the Scientology Green Form No. 40.) In other words, someone who has been on drugs does not make good case gain until the drugs are handled. The same somatics will come back again. The case rollercoasters--goes up and down. Drugs, since 1962, have been in very widespread use. Before then they were rare. A world-wide spread of drugs has occurred. A large percentage of people became and are drug takers. The psychiatrists' gift to Man, LSD, is the worst. Any medical drugs are included. Drugs are drugs. There are thousands of trade names and slang terms for these drugs. ALCOHOL is included as a drug and receives the same treatment in auditing. They are supposed to do wonderful things but all they really do is ruin the person. Even someone off drugs for years still has "blank periods." The abilities to concentrate or to balance are injured. The moral part of it has nothing to do with auditing. The facts are that: a. People who have been on drugs can be a liability until the condition is handled in auditing. b. A former drug user is a resistive case that does not make stable gains until the condition is handled. 484 BOOK THREE c. Auditing is the only successful means ever developed for handling drug damage. On persons who are currently on drugs, it is necessary to take them through a special TR Course while they are still on them. They gradually come off of them voluntarily in most cases without painful "withdrawal symptoms" (which is the term for the agony and convulsions caused, particularly in the case of heroin takers, by just stopping the drug. Alcoholics are, of course, included). People who have been on drugs are sometimes afraid of running engrams. In fact, it is almost a way to detect a "druggie." The drugs, particularly LSD and even sometimes antibiotics or other medicines to which the person has an allergy can turn on whole track pictures violently. These tend to overwhelm the person and make him feel crazy. Some of these people are afraid to confront the bank again. The TRs and other steps of the special TR Course improve their confront. If a person "doesn't like Dianetics" and doesn't want to be run on engrams, it is necessary to put them on the special course. If Dianetics ~has~ been run but poorly, it should of course be repaired fully with an L3RD (list used to correct Dianetic errors). But if the person still flinches, the special course successfully completed will handle. It contains recall steps giving the pc a chance to confront the bank more easily and get used to it. A full auditing rundown on drugs, all done on the same pc, would be: 1. Special TR Course for ex-drug users or alcoholics. (Done at a Scientology church or mission.) 2. Pc Assessment sheet.* 3. Class VIII* Drug Rundown triple. 4. By a Dianetic auditor: pains, emotions, sensations, attitudes connected with drugs (or alcohol), R3R triple. 5. Prior Assessment to drugs, R3R triple, Dianetic auditor. This can be followed by routine triple Dianetics to EP for the grade. DRUGS 485 Drugs are done ~first~. They are NOT done after the health form and regular Dianetics. Why? Because drugs make a resistive case! Regular Dianetics will get loses. Any current Dianetic case failures are from flubby Dianetic auditing or the person has been on drugs or alcohol which were not handled by Dianetics. It hasn't harmed anyone to omit drugs. But it made it hard or impossible to get stable case gain. THUS ANY DIANETIC PC WHO HAS HAD DRUG HANDLING OMITTED MUST BE RUN ON DRUGS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE BEFORE MORE AUDITING IS GIVEN. I repeat, drugs or alcohol in most instances make a resistive case so the point must be handled before the case will attain and hold case gain. ANY PC WHO IS NOT MAKING IT IN AUDITING SHOULD BE CHECKED FOR A DRUG OR ALCOHOL HISTORY. In investigating a series of cases who were not making it, I found in each one that the person had been on drugs or alcohol and that drugs or the alcohol had not been run out. I found several Dianetic pcs were only run on the prior assessment to drugs. This is not good enough. Where Dianetic auditing only is available and the rest of the rundown given above is not, drugs can still be handled by a Dianetic auditor in this way with this Dianetic program. 1. Pc Assessment sheet. 2. Full C/S 1, also doing the TRs well with the pc. 3. Write down the drugs from the pc assessment sheet. Take the one that reads best on the meter. 4. List, what pains, emotions, sensations or attitudes are connected with taking (the drug). 5. Take the best reading Dianetic item from the list in (4). Run R3R triple. 6. Complete items on the (4) above with R3R triple. 7. Take another drug from (3) above that reads. 8. Repeat (4). 9. Repeat (5). 486 BOOK THREE 10. Use up the whole list in (4) above in this way until the entire list of drugs F/Ns when called. 11. Do prior assessment to drugs (or alcohol). R3R triple. 12. Triple R3R on any missing flows of earlier Dianetic items run. 13. Do Health Form. 14. Proceed with routine triple Dianetics. This program is the one that would be done at Step 4 in the full drug program which includes the TR Course and Class VIII Rundown (latter is included in this chapter). This unblocks the case gain of a great many pcs on whom a drug or alcohol history was never noticed or handled. ¤The Special Drug Rundown¤ The ~Special~ Drug Rundown was developed to handle persons ~currently on drugs~. Such persons have to be weaned off drugs in order to be audited. This is done by having the person do TRs further assisted by vitamins. Those with heavy drug histories or recently or currently on drugs do not usually run well on engrams until objective processes have been run (CCHs, 8-C, etc.). Thus a person ~currently~ on drugs would require a full TR course as the first step and then objective processing before the standard Drug RD could be started. This gives three levels of drug handling: 1. Persons who have had drugs of some sort but are not currently on drugs, who do respond well to auditing, already had objective processing and can run engrams. Such persons can be run on the standard Drug Rundown. 2. Persons who have had heavy drug history, not currently on drugs but do not run well on engrams (common with such cases). Always run objective processes prior to doing the Drug Rundown. 3. Persons currently on drugs. These persons do a full ~Special~ Drug Rundown, which starts with the Hubbard Qualified Scientologist Course (HQS) and is followed by full drug handling. This can be done at your nearest church or mission. DRUGS 487 If a person wants auditing and is not ~currently~ on drugs then give him ~auditing~. Just make sure that drug handling is included in the person's program which will also include objective processes if the person has any trouble running engrams. One does not have to have been on drugs in order to do the HQS Course. It is a regular public course covering a great range of very valuable data and gives tremendous case gain to anyone whether a "druggie" or not. On completion of the HQS Course the person can be signed up for either training or processing. It is preferable to have ~training~. Co-audit is an abbreviation for co-operative auditing. It means a team of two people who are using Scientology processes to help each other reach a better life. The two people alternate auditing each other. First one person is the auditor and the other the pc. The auditor audits the pc on one process until a predetermined time length, or the end phenomena (EP, result), which is cognition (realization) and VGIs (very good indicators--pc looking very bright and happy) are achieved for the pc. The two people then switch and the first person becomes the pc and the second becomes the auditor, using the same process. A person with an earlier drug history can co-audit on drugs in full. Having started the person on a training/co-audit basis on the HQS it is desirable to keep the person on that route and so produce ~auditors~. The main point is being made is that the HQS is ~not a prerequisite~ to any training or auditing except only where a person is ~currently~ on drugs. The steps of the Special Drug Rundown are as follows: R-factor--The person is routed to the HQS Course Supervisor who will give him an R-factor on the program and the following data: 1. He must come off drugs as soon as possible (for the person still taking drugs). 2. He should get plenty of rest, eight hours or as much as it takes to be well rested; good food, at least three full meals a day with lots of protein, and vitamins. The vitamins, dosage of each, and the method of taking them as given 488 BOOK THREE previously for drugs, drying out. The person is told to acquire the vitamins and is given ~very exact~ instructions on when and how to take them. The person is also instructed to report daily to the supervisor of the course whether he has taken his vitamins and any effects from them; whether he has eaten and slept well; and whether he has taken any drugs, if so what and how much. 3. The person should then be requested to have a full medical exam and a report of the results from the doctor given to the supervisor. At the end of the interview the person commences the HQS Course. On completion of the TRs, (0-4 and 6-9), with both the supervisor and student satisfied that the student has successfully completed the TRs, the student goes on to the co-audit. The co-audit contains objective and recall processes. The co-audit gives the person both case gain, and wins on producing case gain in others. It increases the person's cause level. The co-audit section includes data on the processes to be co-audited, and a very exact drill for each process so that the student can gain certainty on doing the process before running it on another student auditor. Then run control, communication, havingness. The processes for running each CCH are given below. CCH-1 process purpose: To demonstrate to pc that control of pc's body is possible, despite revolt of circuits, and inviting pc to directly control it. Absolute control by auditor then passes over towards absolute control of his own body by pc. CCH-1: "Give me that hand." "Thank you." CCH-2 process purpose: To demonstrate to pc that his body can be controlled and thus inviting him to control it. To orient him in his present time environment. To increase his ability to duplicate and thus increase his havingness. CCH-2: "You look at that wall." "Thank you." "You walk over to that wall." "Thank you." "You touch that wall." "Thank you." "Turn around." "Thank you." DRUGS 489 CCH-3 process purpose: To develop reality on the auditor using the reality scale (solid communication line). To get pc into communication by control and duplication. To find auditor. Auditor should be gentle and accurate in his motions, all motions being tone 40 (intention without reservation), giving pc wins. To be free in two-way communication. If pc dopes off in this process auditor may take pc's wrist and help him execute the command one hand at a time. If pc does not answer during anaten to the second command, auditor may wait for normal comm lag of that pc, acknowledge and continue process. CCH-3: "Put your hands against mine, follow them and contribute to their motion." "Did you contribute to their motion?" "Thank you." After first flattening (three equal comm lags) increase distance between hands with command, "Put your hands facing mine about half an inch away, follow them and contribute to their motion." Increase distance. CCH-4 process purpose: To bring up pc's communication with control and duplication (control and duplication equal communication). CCH-4: No set verbal commands. Auditor makes a motion with a book. Gives the book to the pc. The pc duplicates the auditor's motion with the book in mirror image. Running the process: These are run together as a four-part process with each part to flat point (three equal comm lags with the pc doing the process). The student may go through the series of the four parts more than once. CCHs 1 to 4 are repeated (1, 2, 3, 4, 1, etc.) through and through until a. all are flat on one run through, b.~or~ until pc has good cognition with VGIs c. ~or~ pc exterior. When the auditor sees one of these, he ends the process, and sends pc to the pc examiner. When the process has reached its EP and F/Ned at the examiner, C/S for the next process. 490 BOOK THREE Run to EP. It is possible to do the process in two or three sessions as long as the auditor ends on a good flat point. Process CCHs 5, 6, and 7. Each of these CCHs is a separate process and is taken to EP (cognition, VGIs, and F/N, when put on a meter). Each is done in a separate co-audit session, and when the EP is attained the auditor checks for F/N etc. as above. When the process has reached its EP and F/Ned at Examiner, C/S for the next process. Number: CCH-5. Name: Location by Contact. Commands: "Touch that (indicated object)." "Thank you." Position: Auditor and preclear may be seated where the preclear is very unable, in which case they are seated at a table which has a number of objects scattered on its surface. Or auditor and preclear may be ambulant, with the auditor in manual contact with the preclear as is necessary to face him toward and guide him to the indicated object. Purpose: The purpose of the process is to give the preclear orientation and havingness and to improve his perception. Training Stress: Training stress is upon gentleness, ARC and the raising of the preclear's certainty that he has touched the indicated object. It should be noticed that this can be run on blind people. Number: CCH-6. Name: Body-Room Contact. Commands: "Touch your (body part)." "Thank you." "Touch that (indicated room object)." "Thank you." Position: Auditor and preclear move about together as needed, the auditor enforcing the commands by manual contact using the preclear's hands to touch objects and touch body parts. Purpose: To establish the orientation and increase the havingness of the preclear and to give him in particular a reality on his own body. Training Stress: Training stress is upon using only those body parts which are not embarrassing to the preclear DRUGS 491 as it will be found that preclear ordinarily has very little reality on various parts of his body. Impossible commands should not be given to the preclear in any case. Number: CCH-7. Name: Contact by Duplication. Commands: "Touch that table." "Thank you." "Touch your (body part)." "Thank you." "Touch that table." "Thank you." "Touch your (same body part)." "Thank you." "Touch that table." "Thank you." "Touch your (same body part)." "Thank you." etc., in that order. Position: Auditor may be seated. Preclear should be walking. Usually auditor standing by to manually enforce the commands, if necessary but only using enough effort to get the pc to carry out the command. Purpose: Process is used to heighten perception, orient the preclear and raise the preclear's havingness. Control of attention as in all these "contact" processes naturally takes the attention units out of the bank which itself has been controlling the preclear's attention. Training Stress: Training stress is on precision of command and motion, with each command in its unit of time, all commands perfectly duplicated. Preclear to continue to run process even though he dopes off. Good ARC with the preclear, not picking one body part which is aberrated at first but flattening some non-aberrated body part before aberrated body part is tackled. Process Op Pro by Dup (Opening Procedure by Duplication). Commands of Process: (Two objects, a book and a bottle, are used alternately.) 0. Familiarize pc with the two objects (book and bottle). Have the pc look them over and handle them to his satisfaction. Then have him place them at some walking distance apart in the room, on a couple of tables or similar locations. A. "Look at that book." B. "Walk over to it." C. "Pick it up." 492 BOOK THREE D. "What is its color." E. "What is its temperature." F. "What is its weight." G. "Put it down in exactly the same place." H. "Look at that bottle." I. (Repeat B-G on the bottle.) (Acknowledge after the completion of each command.) Do not vary the commands in any way. Use tone 40 "Thank you" acknowledgment. The basic commands should never be departed from and never, never "trick" the preclear by using the book again when you know he was just about to start toward the bottle. The purpose of the process is duplication. Good control should be used. Accept the pc's answers whether they are logical, silly, imaginative, dull or unlawful. In starting the process you can discuss with him what you are about to do and make sure you have got the rudiments established. This process is run, continually repeating the commands A to I, to the EP which is A. Flattened Comm lags and no more change on the process, or B. A real big win with F/N, Cog, VGIs and ability regained, or C. Exterior with an F/N, Cog, VGIs. When process has reached its EP and F/Ned at Examiner, C/S for the next process. Recall Lists (From the book ~Self Analysis~,* by L. Ron Hubbard.) Commands of Process: A. Can you recall a time when ______ ? (Have him recall a particular sense in that incident.) B. Can you recall another time when _____ ? (Have him recall the same sense as used for A, but in the B incident.) C. Recall the earliest time you can when ________ ? (Have him recall the same sense as used for A, but in the C incident.) (Refer to ~Self Analysis~.) The endings used in this are found in ~Self Analysis~, Lists One through Twelve. The "senses" are also given in the book and include sight, smell, touch, etc. The auditors co-audit on this process doing each list in a separate co-audit session, to EP (cognition, VGIs and F/N DRUGS 493 when put on a meter). When the process has reached its EP and it has been acknowledged, C/S for the next list. The lists are continued until the pc has a big win. The ~correct~ commands for ARC straightwire at the end of ~Self Analysis~ lists, as researched and as successful in cracking even neurotic cases, with one command added to modernize it, were and are: Recall a time that was really real to you. Recall a time that you were in good communication with someone. Recall a time you really felt affinity for someone. Recall a time you knew you understood something. Run ~only~ on a meter. Run ~only~ to floating needle and ~not~ beyond. (Don't abruptly cut pc's communication.) A true fact is that ARC always must precede an ARC ~break~. Also ARC = Understanding and Time. A = Space and the willingness to occupy the same space of. R = Mass or agreement. C = Energy or recognition. (End of co-audit process commands.) There are drills for each process so that the student understands and feels confident about the process before doing it on another student. They are done with a doll to make it as much like a real session as possible. Name: Drill--CCHs 1 to 4 (CCH: Control, Communication, Havingness). Commands: (As per Special Drug Rundown) Purpose: To train the student to be able to coordinate and apply the commands and procedure of CCHs 1 to 4 with the doingness of auditing so that he can do it smoothly in co-auditing. Position: Student and a doll (representing the pc) are seated in armless chairs, facing each other. Student's knees are on the outside of the doll's knees. Training Stress: Student (auditor) starts the session and runs a standard session including those steps given below. 494 BOOK THREE The drill is complete when the student can do it smoothly and comfortably without flubs or out TRs. (TRs 0 to 4 and 6 to 9). Steps: 1. Select and set up an auditing space, and prepare your auditing report forms (on a clip board). The space should be large enough and suitable for the pc to be able to walk from wall to wall. There should be two chairs facing each other and a small plain book (for CCH-4). 2. Bring in the pc, sit the pc in his or her chair and then sit down across from the pc with the pc's knees between the auditor's. There is of course no E-meter. 3. Ask the pc if it is all right to audit in the room and if not, make things right by adjusting the room or location of auditing. 4. Tell the pc the purpose of such sessions (Reality factor) "I want to improve your ability." It's the auditor's goal at this level, not the pc's. Also tell the pc exactly how long the session will be. Note the time you started on the worksheets. 5. Tell the pc "Start of session," and start your report form. 6. Tell the pc "We are now going to do CCHs." Then note the time session started and place your clip board on the floor. (Report forms are written up immediately following the session for objective processes, not kept during the process.) 7. Don't go into a discussion of the process, just say "We will now run CCH-1. Start of process." Raise your right hand to just above waist height halfway between your body and pc. Hand held open. 8. Give tone 40 command, "Give me that hand." Indicate pc's right hand by slight nod. 9. When pc has put his right hand in the auditor's give an acknowledgment, "Thank you." 10. Take the pc's right wrist by your left hand and return the pc's hand to the pc's side. 11. Repeat Steps 8 through to Step 10. Continue until the pc has done so to three equal consecutive comm lags. DRUGS 495 12. Take up any physical manifestations as pc originations by saying, "What's happening?" This is done after the pc has carried out the command and been acknowledged but before letting go of the pc's hand. 13. If pc doesn't give you his hand after the command and waiting a normal response period, take the pc's right hand in your left hand and place the pc's hand in your right. Then acknowledge the pc. Ask "What's happening?" Accept whatever the pc says and continue. 14. After three consecutive commands when the pc does carry out the command and of equal comm lag without any new physical change, CCH 1 is considered flat. 15. Tell pc "We will now run CCH-2." 16. Stand up, move chairs to side of auditing room leaving an unobstructed walk between two opposite walls of the room. Stand to the right of the pc, with the pc facing the opposite wall. 17. Give the command (tone 40) "You look at that wall." Indicate the wall by pointing. "Thank you." 18. "You walk over to that wall." Walk with pc to opposite wall. (Keeping to pc's right.) "Thank you." 19. "You touch that wall." "Thank you." 20. "Turn around." If pc turns around move in two steps to a position just in front of the pc (facing pc). "Thank you." Then move to pc's right. 21. Repeat 7 to 21 until the process is flat (three consecutive sequences of commands with pc doing the process and no new physical manifestations or change of comm lag.) 22. Take up any physical change as a pc origination as it occurs. 23. Tell pc we will now run CCH-3. 24. Return to the two chairs set up as in CCH-1. 25. Raise both hands, palms open facing pc, hands about shoulder height and halfway between auditor and pc. 26. Give command (not tone 40) "Put your hands against mine, follow them and contribute to their motion." 27. When pc has hands against auditor's, move first the right hand, then the left hand in a simple motion. 496 BOOK THREE Straight line motions are simpler than curved motions, make the motions fairly slow, very positive and smooth. (Tone 40 intention in the motions.) 28. After the motion is done, first with the right, then the left and finally with both hands, which are then returned to starting position (pc's hands still raised against auditor's), ask "Did you contribute to their motion?" Usually pc says "Yes." If pc not happy that he did you can repeat the same motion. 29. After cycle is complete, acknowledge, "Thank you." 30. Return hands to lap. 31. Repeat 26 to 30, each time varying the motion, a little; you can increase the complexity slightly but don't get too complicated. 32. After three consecutive cycles with pc doing the process and no physical change or change of comm lag, tell pc "We will now run CCH-4." 33. Remain seated in chairs as in CCH-3. Take up a book (a light hard-covered book with a plain cover is best). Explain to the pc that you are going to make a motion with the book, when you have done so, you want him to duplicate the motion. 34. When the pc understands, then hold the book steady in a comfortable position between auditor and pc. Make a simple motion of the book (similar to CCH-3 type motions). Complete the action at the starting point, pause, then hand the book to the pc. (Don't tell him to take it, just move it slightly toward him and look at the pc as though offering him the book.) 35. After the pc has repeated the action, ask, "Did you duplicate that motion?" or "How did you get on with that one?" (Not a rote question--friendly, not tone 40.) 36. If the pc is happy with it, then do a new motion. If pc ~says~ he wasn't happy that he duplicated it then do it again and then keep the motions very simple to improve pc confidence. If pc says he was happy with it but the auditor sees it was obviously misduplicated, just acknowledge him, start a new cycle doing just the first part of the motion then building it up until the pc duplicates the full motion. DRUGS 497 Don't invalidate the pc by continuing to repeat motions he is happy with. Never say or indicate by facial expression that he didn't really duplicate the motion. 37. Repeat 34 to 36 to three consecutive no change sequences. 38. Repeat CCHs 1, 2, 3, 4 through and through until A. all are flat on one run through. B. ~or~ until pc has good cognition with VGIs (very good indicators). C. ~or~ pc exterior. 39. When any of these occur, end off with "That's it" and have the pc sit down (if not sitting). Write briefly what happened on the EP. Then take the pc to the examiner to check for F/N, or continue the process (if a full EP has not been reached). When you go to the examiner bring back the report with you and put it in the pc's folder. 40. If the set time comes up before the end phenomena (EP) of the process, do the following: A. Towards the end of the auditing period, warn: "The session time is about over. We'll have to be ending shortly." B. When the pc has carried out an extra command or two, say, "We're closing the session now. Time is up." (Have him sit down if he is not sitting.) "Have you made any gains in this session?" C. Quickly note down on your report form the pc's answer. D. End the session with "End of Session." Take the pc to the examiner. 41. After the session write up your auditing report forms for the session, put them into the pc's folder and hand them in to the Case Supervisor. (Have worksheets and auditor report form.) Note: If you get into an impasse in session and can't make any progress, or if the pc becomes upset or other confusions arise, end off for further C/S instructions. Special Note: If the set time length comes up before you get through all four CCHs, end off at that time (as given in 40). The CCHs will be continued the next time it is your chance to be the auditor. 498 BOOK THREE Name: Drill--Recall Lists (Reference: the book ~Self Analysis~, by L. Ron Hubbard). Commands: 1. "Can you recall a time when (item from ~Self Analysis~ list)?" "What (sense) did you get in the recall?" 2. "Can you recall another time when (item from ~Self Analysis~ list)?" "What (sense) did you get in the recall?" 3. "Recall the earliest time you can when (item from ~Self Analysis~ list)?" "What (sense) did you get in the recall?" Senses to be used: sight, smell, touch, color, tone, external motion, emotion, loudness, body position, sound, weight, and personal motion. Purpose: To train the student auditor to be able to coordinate and apply the commands and procedure of (~Self Analysis~) recall lists so that he can do them smoothly in co-auditing. Position: Student (auditor) and a doll (representing the pc) are seated in chairs a comfortable distance apart, facing each other. The student has a clip board with worksheets and report form on it. Training Stress: Student (auditor) starts the session and runs a standard session which includes the steps given below. The student also keeps records on the worksheets and report forms as he goes along. The drill is considered passed when the student can do it smoothly and comfortably without flubs or out TRs. Steps: 1. Prepare your report forms and set up the auditing space and two chairs facing each other. Also have a copy of ~Self Analysis~ there and open to the list you will be working on. 2. Get the pc, sit the pc in his or her chair, and then sit down across from the pc, knees a few inches from the pc's. 3. Ask the pc if it is all right to audit in the room and if not, make things right by adjusting the room or location of auditing. DRUGS 499 4. Tell the pc the purpose of such sessions (Reality factor)--"I want to improve your ability." It's the auditor's goal at this level, not the pc's. Also tell the pc exactly how long the session will be. (An hour would be a good length. The process win point may occur before that and if it does end off the session.) 5. Tell the pc "Start of session" and start your worksheet. (These will be kept throughout the entire session, as the auditor goes along.) 6. Clear the three basic commands (without the endings), one at a time. Tell the pc the command and find out what that means to the pc. Use a dictionary and have the pc make up sentences to clear any words until the pc understands all the commands. (Note quickly on your worksheets what the commands mean to the pc and any words you have him look up.) 7. Give the pc an R-factor that you are going to be using different endings on the questions as you go along. 8. Give the pc an R-factor that after each question you will be asking him to recall a particular sense in that incident. 9. Give the "senses" one at a time to the pc and find out what each means to him. Use the dictionary and have pc make up sentences to clear any words until the pc understands all of the senses. Note: During the session keep your worksheets as you go along. The commands you give can be indicated by numbers, and also note briefly what the pc says and any changes that occur. 10. Tell the pc, "Start of process." (Start with "List One" of ~Self Analysis~, by L. Ron Hubbard.) 11. Tell the pc that you are now going to give the first command to him and then you want him to tell you what it means to him. Read the first command to him, "Can you recall a time when ~you were happy~," and ask him what that means to him. Use a dictionary if necessary. 12. Tell the pc, "I want you to concentrate on getting the ~sight~ in the recall." Notice that he understood that and then acknowledge him. 500 BOOK THREE 13. Give the pc the command, "Can you recall a time when ~you were happy?~" 18. Allow the pc to answer and then acknowledge his answer. 15. Ask the pc, "What ~sight~ did you get in the recall?" 16. Allow the pc to answer and then acknowledge his answer. 17. Give the pc the next command, "Can you recall another time when ~you were happy?~" 18. Allow the pc to answer and then acknowledge his answer. 19. Ask the pc, "What ~sight~ did you get in the recall?" 20. Allow the pc to answer and then acknowledge his answer. 21. Give the pc the next command, "Recall the earliest time you can when ~you were happy~. " 22. Allow the pc to answer and then acknowledge his answer. 23. Ask the pc, "What ~sight~ did you get in the recall?" 24. Allow the pc to answer and then acknowledge his answer. 25. Tell the pc, "I'm now going to give you the next command and I would like to know what it means to you." "The command is, 'Can you recall a time when ~you had just finished constructing something?~' What does that mean to you?" 26. Allow the pc to answer, acknowledge, and use the dictionary as needed. 27. Tell the pc, "I want you to concentrate on getting the ~smell~ in the recall." 28. Give the pc the command, "Can you recall a time when ~you had just finished constructing something?~" 29. Allow the pc to answer and then acknowledge him. 30. Ask the pc, "What ~smell~ did you get in the recall?" 31. Allow the pc to answer and then acknowledge him. 32. Continue down the list in the same pattern used in 11 through 27. Each time you go on to the next item use the next "sense" (given either on a disk or on the bottom of the page of the recall list). DRUGS 501 Note: For each item be sure to clear it first as done in 25, and give the R-factor of the "sense" to be used with the item as given in 27. 33. If the pc says something that you don't grasp, get it clarified before continuing. 34. If the pc says he can't recall anything on an item, acknowledge him and go on to the next item. 35. Continue down the list until the pc has the EP (cognition and VGIs). End off with "That's it" and write briefly what happened at the EP. Send the pc to the examiner to check for the F/N or continue the process (if the EP has not quite been reached). When you go to the examiner, bring the report back with you and put it with your auditing reports. 36. If the set time length comes up before the EP (end phenomena) of the process, do the following: a. Toward the end of the auditing period, warn: "The session time is about over. We'll have to be ending shortly." b. When the pc has carried out a few more commands say, "We're closing the session now. Time is up." (End on a completed cycle after the third command and sense on an item has been answered.) "Have you made any gains in this session?" c. Quickly note down on your report form the pc's answer. d. End the session with "End of Session." Take the pc to the examiner who will put the pc on a meter. 37. Tidy up and complete your report forms, put them in the pc's folder. (Worksheets and auditor report form are used.) Note: You may not have to go through the entire list before the pc has an EP (cognition and VGIs). In other cases, if the pc has not had his EP on the process when you come to the end of a list, go back to the beginning of the same list and go through it again. The other lists (Two through Twelve of ~Self Analysis~) are done in the same pattern. Take note that in some lists, such as List Three, there are many sublists. Each of these should be run in the same way to cognition and VGIs. 502 BOOK THREE If the pc has a big win on the lists in general or on the subject of recall, it is not necessary to run any remaining lists. That may be considered a completion. ¤Auditing Rundown¤ This step includes a full C/S 1 and Pc assessment sheet, drug rehabs and drug chains handled (Class VIII Drug Rundown), somatic chains connected to each drug taken handled, and prior assessment. First: A full C/S 1 and Pc assessment sheet are done. It is done in an auditing room and on a meter. The actions are done as per materials on auditing C/S 1 for Dianetics and preclear assessment sheet. a. Give the pc an R-factor that you are going to do a C/S 1. b. Do the C/S 1 including clearing the Dianetic R3R commands. c. Any F/Ns are indicated. d. Do a thorough Pc assessment sheet, noting all reads. Any F/Ns are indicated. ¤PRECLEAR ASSESSMENT SHEET¤ ~Who does the assessment?:~ The auditor assigned to audit the preclear does the assessment. ~When is the assessment done?:~ This assessment is done at the beginning of each intensive the preclear has. If he is having 75 hours now, this assessment sheet is done at the beginning of the 75 hours. If the preclear comes back for a further 25 hours one week later, another assessment sheet is completed by the auditor processing him whether it is the same auditor or not. The reason for this is the preclear changes, his memory improves, and things can have happened in that one week he was not processed. ~Is this part of the preclear's auditing time?:~ Yes, it is. The questions asked are to a degree auditing because the auditor is asking the preclear to look and to recall. ~Purpose of preclear assessment sheet:~ The purpose of this form is to establish auditor control over the preclear, to DRUGS 503 better acquaint the auditor with his preclear, and to provide essential information required. ~Neatness of preclear assessment sheet:~ If you cannot write plainly and neatly, print all the data required. Information is wanted, not mysterious cryptographics. Date_________ Preclear Assessment Sheet Name of Pc____Age of Pc____TA Position at Start of Assessment___ Auditor___________________ D of P's initials___ A. ~Family:~ 1. Is mother living?________ E-meter reaction___ 2. Date of death__________ E-meter reaction___ 3. Pc's statement of relationship with mother ____ _______________________________________ _______________________E-meter reaction___ 4. Is Father Living?________ E-meter reaction___ 5. Date of death___________E-meter reaction___ 6. Pc's statement of relationship with father______ _______________________________________ _______________________E-meter reaction___ 7. List brothers, sisters, and other relatives of the pc, date of death of any and E-meter reaction: Relation Date of Death E-meter Reaction _________ __________ _____________ _________ __________ _____________ _________ __________ _____________ 504 BOOK THREE _________ __________ _____________ _________ __________ _____________ 8. Where and with whom do you live?_________ ______________________________________ 9. Are you currently associated with anyone who is antagonistic to mental or spiritual treatment or Scientology? (If yes, who?):___________________________ B. ~Marital Status:~ 1. Married__Single__No. of times divorced_____ 2. Pc's statement of relationship with spouse___ ______________________________________ _____________________E-meter reaction____ 3. List any marital difficulties pc presently has___ _____________________E-meter reaction____ 4. If divorced, list reasons for divorce and pc's emotional feeling about divorce______________ ______________________________________ ____________________E-meter reaction_____ 5. List children, date of death of any child and E-meter reaction. Children Date of Death E-meter Reaction _________ __________ _____________ _________ __________ _____________ _________ __________ _____________ _________ __________ _____________ _________ __________ _____________ DRUGS 505 C. ~Education Level:~ State the level of schooling pc has had, university education, or professional training______________ ________________________________________ _______________________E-meter reaction____ D. ~Professional Life:~ State main jobs pc has held. Job E-meter reaction ______________________ _________________ ______________________ _________________ ______________________ _________________ ______________________ _________________ ______________________ _________________ E. ~Accidents:~ List any serious accidents pc has had, the date of such, any permanent physical damage, and E-meter reaction. Accident Date Physical Damage E-meter reaction _______ ____ ______________ ____________ _______ ____ ______________ ____________ _______ ____ ______________ ____________ _______ ____ ______________ ____________ F. ~Illnesses:~ List any serious illness (excepting usual childhood diseases, colds, etc.) giving date of such, any permanent physical damage, and E-meter reaction. 506 BOOK THREE Illness Date Physical Damage E-meter reaction _____ _____ ______________ _____________ _____ _____ ______________ _____________ _____ _____ ______________ _____________ _____ _____ ______________ _____________ _____ _____ ______________ _____________ G. ~Operations:~ List any operation, the date of each and E-meter reaction. Operation Date E-meter reaction _________________ ________ ____________ _________________ ________ ____________ _________________ ________ ____________ _________________ ________ ____________ _________________ ________ ____________ H. ~Present Physical Condition:~ List any bad physical condition pc presently has and E-meter reaction to such. Physical Condition E-meter reaction _________________________ _____________ _________________________ _____________ _________________________ _____________ _________________________ _____________ DRUGS 507 I. ~Mental Treatment:~ List any psychiatric, psychoanalytic, hypnotic, mystical or occult exercises, or other mental treatment which pc has had, the date of the treatment and E-meter reaction. Treatment Date E-meter reaction ___________________ ______ _____________ ___________________ ______ _____________ ___________________ ______ _____________ J. ~Drugs:~ Are you taking any drugs currently? What Drug Date (How Long) E-meter reaction ___________ ______________ ______________ ___________ ______________ ______________ ___________ ______________ ______________ Have you ever taken drugs? What Drug Dates E-meter reaction ___________ _______________ _____________ ___________ _______________ _____________ ___________ _______________ _____________ ___________ _______________ _____________ ___________ _______________ _____________ K. ~Disability Payment or Pension:~ List any disability payment or pension received by the pc, what it is for, how much and for bow long it has been received. 508 BOOK THREE What For How Much When E-meter reaction _________ __________ _______ _____________ _________ __________ _______ _____________ L. ~Any Familial History of Insanity?~ Who What When E-meter reaction ________ __________ _______ ______________ ________ __________ _______ ______________ M. ~Medicines:~ List any medicine currently or previously taken. What When E-meter reaction _________________ _________ _____________ _________________ _________ _____________ _________________ _________ _____________ _________________ _________ _____________ N. ~Eyes~ E-meter reaction Any tint in eye white ________ _____________ Eye Color ________ _____________ Color Blindness ________ _____________ Glasses ________ _____________ O. ~Body Weight~ E-meter reaction Overweight? _________ _____________ Underweight? _________ _____________ DRUGS 509 P. ~Any perception difficulties~ What E-meter reaction _________________________ ______________ _________________________ ______________ Q. ~Any perception E-meter reaction trouble in family~ _________________________ ______________ _________________________ ______________ R. ~Sick or Disabled Family~ E-meter reaction _________________________ _______________ _________________________ _______________ S. ~Earlier Allies or Close Friends~ _________________________ _______________ _________________________ _______________ _________________________ _______________ T. ~Husband or Wife Physical Troubles--What~ _________________________ _______________ _________________________ _______________ _________________________ _______________ U. ~Attitude Towards Illness~ _________________________ ________________ _________________________ ________________ _________________________ ________________ 510 BOOK THREE V. ~Attitude Towards Treatment~ _________________________ _________________ _________________________ _________________ W. ~Any Current Treatment in Progress~ _________________________ _________________ _________________________ _________________ X. ~Compulsions, Repressions and Fears~ List any compulsions (things pc feels compelled to do), repressions (things pc must prevent himself from doing) and any fears of pc. Compulsions, Etc. E-meter Reaction __________________________ _________________ __________________________ _________________ __________________________ _________________ Are you trying to change something someone else doesn't like? __________________________ _________________ Y. ~Criminal Record:~ List any crime committed by pc, prison sentence, if any, and E-meter reactions: Crime Sentence E-meter reaction _______________ _____________ _______________ _______________ _____________ _______________ _______________ _____________ _______________ _______________ _____________ _______________ DRUGS 511 Z. ~Interests and Hobbies:~ List any interests and hobbies of pc. Interests and Hobbies E-meter reaction ____________________________ _______________ ____________________________ _______________ ____________________________ _______________ ____________________________ _______________ ARE YOU HERE ON YOUR OWN SELF-DETERMINISM? ____________________________ ______________ AA. ~Previous Scientology Processing:~ 1. List auditors, hours, and E-meter reactions to any processing done other than in the HGC or Academy. Auditor Hours E-meter reaction _______________ ___________ _____________ _______________ ___________ _____________ _______________ ___________ _____________ _______________ ___________ _____________ 2. List briefly processes run ______________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ 3. List goals attained from such processing __ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ 4. List goals not attained from such processing _ _________________________________________ 512 BOOK THREE _________________________________________ BB. ~Present Processing Goals:~ List all present goals of pc and E-meter reaction to each. Goal E-meter reaction ___________________________ ________________ ___________________________ ________________ ___________________________ ________________ ___________________________ ________________ Tone arm position at end of assessment ____________ Name: Preclear Assessment Sheet Unbull-baited. Purpose: To train the student auditor in doing a preclear assessment sheet on a doll. Position: Student auditor seated at a table with an E-meter and a preclear assessment sheet; across the table is a doll. Training Stress: This drill is not coached. The student auditor starts the session and does a complete preclear assessment sheet on the doll. He does this until he feels very good about his handling of the questions. He is passed when he can call off all questions of the sheet keeping in all TRs and can maintain proper session admin. Name: Preclear Assessment Sheet Bull-baited. Purpose: To train the student auditor to be able to do a preclear assessment sheet through any distractions. Position: Student auditor seated at a table fully set up as for a session, with a coach in the chair opposite the auditor. Training Stress: This drill is the same as for auditing on a doll except that the "pc" coach bull-baits the student auditor during the session in an attempt to throw the student off session. The coach answers as always with mocked up answers, not real ones. The coach squeezes the cans for reads. And uses a pencil to indicate F/Ns. DRUGS 513 Flunks are given for any improper commands, procedures, comm lags, break in TRs or improper session admin. The coach gives the "Start," the flunking or "That's it." If the student is not making the grade he is returned to the earlier TR that is out. This drill is coached tough and only passed when the student is totally competent, exact and correct in all commands, procedures and session admin with excellent TRs and no slightest variation from or additives to doing a standard preclear assessment sheet. (See steps for preclear assessment sheet.) Steps: 1. Take a preclear assessment sheet. 2. Give a brief R-factor on the preclear assessment sheet. 3. Ask each question on the preclear assessment sheet in turn, clearing questions as needed. 4. Mark TA each time its position changes and all reads on questions. 5. Note his answer and any physical or emotional reactions. 6. Make sure pc gives specific answers and get complete answers. 7. Indicate any F/Ns that occur with good indicators. 8. Repeat 3-7 throughout the sheet. 9. On questions such as drugs, accident, psychiatric history, ask any further questions necessary in order to get the required information. 10. Get the full data and note the reads. 11. Have additional worksheets available and use as needed. 12. Upon completion of the sheet say, "That completes the preclear assessment sheet, thank you very much." (This action may be done in more than one session if necessary.) Second: Class VIII Drug Rundown is done as it is given below. a. Start the session. Clear the words of L3RD and R3R commands. b. Using the data from the Pc Assessment Sheet, rehab in turn each drug by counting the number of times released for each type of drug to F/N. 514 BOOK THREE c. Run three-way recall (each leg run repetitively to EP--F/N, cognition, VGIs). F1. "Recall another giving you drugs."--EP, F/N, cognition, VGIs. F2. "Recall giving drugs to another."--EP, F/N, cognition, VGIs. F3. "Recall another giving drugs to others."--EP, F/N, cognition, VGIs. d. Run three way secondaries (each leg to EP,--F/N, cognition, VGIs). F1. "Locate an incident containing loss or emotion of another giving you drugs." Full R3R procedure Steps 1-9 and A to D to EP--F/N, cognition, VGIs. F1. ~Going earlier:~ "Is there an earlier incident containing loss or emotion of another giving you drugs?" F2. "Locate an incident containing loss or emotion of you giving drugs to another." R3R procedure. F2. ~Going earlier:~ "Is there an earlier incident containing loss or emotion of you giving drugs to another?" F3. "Locate an incident containing loss or emotion of another giving drugs to others." R3R procedure. F3. ~Going earlier:~ "Is there an earlier incident containing loss or emotion of another giving drugs to others?" e. Run three-way engrams (each leg to EP--F/N, cognition, VGIs). F1. "Locate an incident containing pain and unconsciousness of another giving you drugs." Full R3R procedure, to EP--F/N, cognition, VGIs. F1. ~Going earlier:~ "Is there an earlier incident containing pain and unconsciousness of another giving you drugs?" F2. "Locate an incident containing pain and unconsciousness of you giving drugs to another." R3R procedure. F2. ~Going earlier:~ "Is there an earlier incident containing pain and unconsciousness of you giving drugs to another?" F3. "Locate an incident containing pain and unconsciousness of another giving drugs to others." R3R procedure. DRUGS 515 F3. ~Going earlier:~ "Is there an earlier incident containing pain and unconsciousness of another giving drugs to others?" Third: Somatics Connected with Taking Drugs: Somatic chains connected with each drug taken are run. This is handled as in drug handling, outlined previously. ¤Drug and Alcohol Cases Prior Assessing¤ Those cases which have been long and habitually on drugs and alcohol sometimes suffer from a "SOMATIC SHUT-OFF." They appear anaesthetized (unfeeling) and sometimes have "nothing troubling them" whereas they are on drugs, drink and are in reality in a suppressed physical condition and cannot cease to take drugs or drink. One can find in such a case, a very high TA which doesn't seem to reduce. The TA can be brought down by auditing the drug and alcohol engrams as a chain. However, there is another approach. Any such case took up drugs or alcohol because of unwanted pain or sensation or misemotion. You can use that as a stable datum which resolves the situation. All it requires is a special assessment called a PRIOR ASSESSMENT. For the person looked on drugs or alcohol as a cure for unwanted feelings. One has to assess what was wrong ~before~ or prior to the cure. You determine if the person is on drugs or alcohol habitually. If so, you determine which was earlier. Now you ask for and list the pains, sensations, emotions or feelings he or she had before taking drugs or alcohol. In doing this assessment, you must grab the read and mark it plainly as it occurs. If you just list and then go over the list the person may be back in present time and, as these are now cut off by the masses of drug or alcohol engrams on top of them, they won't read again. So you must catch the read as the person first mentions it. You choose the longest read and find and run the chain by R3R as in any other Standard Dianetic auditing. The only difference is the assessment time period. You are listing for a time before they went on drugs or alcohol. 516 BOOK THREE The running out of the chain of unwanted feelings they had before going on drugs or alcohol removes the reason they started taking drugs, smoking marijuana or drinking. The compulsion to still use drugs or drink is lessened and they can come off it. This can also be used as a working rule to get earlier than any "curative" activity. Almost anything which comes later is a cure for something earlier. It could be said that the present time being is a compound of past cures. To handle, the action would be the same as for drugs or alcohol. List the unwanted pains or feelings before the cure and run the longest reads by R3R. As there will be more than one chain involved, you of course take your next longest read and run that next, just as in any assessment. The general term for this type of assessment is PRIOR assessing, not because it is done before auditing but to determine what the pc was suffering from before he used a harmful "cure." These are the steps for running the Drug Rundown and Prior Assessment: 1. Make sure your pc has had a thorough Dianetic C/S 1 either by folder inspection or by asking the pc directly. 1a. Write down the drugs from the pc assessment sheet. Take the drug that reads best on the meter. 2. Clear the first assessment question in Step 3. 3. List "What attitudes are connected with taking (the drug)." 4. Take the best reading Dianetic item from the list in Step 3. Run R3R triple. If you get an LFBD item, run that. ~Do not check interest~. 5. Complete items found in Step 3 with R3R triple. 6. Reassess any remaining unrun items to see if they now read. If they do--run them. Also, check for any more items the pc has to add to the list and mark them down with their reads. 7. Repeat Steps 3-6 on any items found. 8. When there are no more items to add, and no further items reading--but there are some unrun items on the list, null with ~suppress~ and ~invalidate~. DRUGS 517 9. Run any now reading items R3R triple. 10. Exhaust the list. 11. Repeat Steps 2-10 handling the emotions, sensations and pains connected with (the drug). Handle each area separately and in this exact order (AESP). 12. Take the next drug (from Step 1 above) that reads and repeat Steps 2-11 on it. 13. Use up the whole list of drugs in this way until the entire list of drugs F/Ns when called. (Note: if, during the rundown, the pc thinks of other drugs he has taken, add them to the list with their reads noted and handle them in turn according to the size of read.) ~Note:~ Interest is not checked in running drug items. Run all items that read when the pc gave them or read on subsequent calling. The prior assessment to drugs (or alcohol) is done R3R triple. Steps: 1. Clear the first prior assessment question given in Step 2. 2. List "What attitudes did you have prior to taking drugs (or alcohol)." 3. Take the best-reading Dianetic item from the list in Step 2 and run R3R triple. If you get an LFBD item, run that first. 4. Complete items found on Step 2 above with R3R triple. 5. Reassess any remaining unrun items to see if they now read. If they do--run them. Also check for any more items the pc has to add to the list. 6. Repeat Steps 3-5 on any items found. 7. When no more items to add, and no further items reading--but there are some unrun items on the list--null with "suppress" and "invalidate." 8. Run any now reading items. 9. Exhaust the list. 10. Repeat Steps 2-9 handling the emotions, sensations and pains prior to taking the drugs or alcohol. Handle each area separately and in this exact order (AESP). 518 BOOK THREE ¤Catastrophe of "No Interest" Items¤ I have done a review of several former drug cases. ~The common factor in every one was CASE BY-PASSED DUE TO "NO INTEREST."~ The auditor finds a reading drug item and proposes to run R3R on it. The auditor asks if the pc is interested in running it. The pc says "No." The auditor does not run it. ~Bang~, we have a ~by-passed case~. The pc will blow or go sour or not recover. One of these cases was unchanged after "a drug rundown." He had a pair of eyes that looked like blank disks. Check of folder showed all major drug items "not run due to no interest." The solution was to recover the lists, run the items that had read R3R triple and complete the case. Each flubbed case I have found has had his drug items left unrun on R3R due to "no interest." ~So don't ask for interest on drug items~. ~If they read, run them!~ 1. On any stumbling case that has had a "drug rundown" get the folder FESed to see if reading items were left unrun on R3R triple. List them chronologically, early to late. 2. Get the case back, with an R-factor of "incomplete." 3. Run every one of those unrun drug items. 4. If the items don't now read, then get in "suppress" and "invalidate" on them. 5. If the case bogs do L3RD Method 5 and handle on that chain only. 6. Go on with the action and complete it. It has been found that Quickie* Drug Rundowns have crept into existence. It is essential that ~every reading drug~ is fully handled. ~Do not check for pc interest when doing a Drug Rundown~. Take up each reading item in order of greatest read, and fully handle each one. Not fully handling each reading item to erasure leaves the person open to a return to drugs. There are three main ways a Drug Rundown can be done quickie: DRUGS 519 1. Not run all reading items to erasure because of no pc interest. 2. Not do ~all~ steps of the Drug Rundown, in sequence. 3. The pc can't run engrams. (Indicates by-passed steps in the rundown itself.) Any person who has had a quickie Drug Rundown should be fully completed. ¤Unhandled Drugs and Ethics¤ Several cases have come to light where the person was permitted to go on to upper grades, Power and even OT levels whose drugs had not been handled. In each case there was no or poor case gain, organizational upsets and wasted auditing. ~Therefore it becomes firm policy that any C/S, or auditor who permits a person with unhandled or partially handled drugs to be audited on anything but a full and complete Drug Rundown including no interest items will be subject to a Committee of Evidence* with a minimum penalty of treason and a maximum penalty of expulsion~. The technology must not be made to fail because of overt, covert or ignorant misapplication of the technology. It is fully established that a chief cause of failure in cases is unhandled or only partially handled drugs including medical drugs, treatments and alcohol. This is a barrier to case gain and in this society at this time, the major barrier. Where drugs have not been handled or only partially handled, the ~No Interference Zone Rule~ is waived. ¤Dianetics, Beginning a Pc On¤ Make Dianetics work fully in our modern culture. ~Begin Dianetics with a Pc Assessment Sheet~. ~If you get any TA action or reads on drugs even if the pc says "No" the first Dianetic action is to handle drugs~. If the pc is currently on drugs, then the Special Drug TR Course ~is vital~ until the pc is off them. ~Then~ do the drug rundown. 520 BOOK THREE If you get a read on Part E of assessment sheet, accidents, run them out narrative R3R triple. (Check pc interest.) If illness Part F assessment sheet reads, run it out narrative R3R triple. (If pc interested.) If mental treatment reads, run it out narrative R3R triple. (With pc interest.) If operations Part G reads run the reading one out narrative R3R triple. (Check interest.) If medicine Part M reads ~treat it~ per drug handling, as it reacts like any other drug but pcs don't sometimes think of medicines as drugs when they are. If deaths of relatives, etc., read on Part 7, run them out narrative as ~secondaries R3R triple~. (Check interest.) If Part L reads on a member of the family going insane, run it out narrative ~secondaries R3R triple~. (Check interest.) Lack of perception (sight, hearing, etc.) comes from overts and improves when flow 2 is done on any of the above or any R3R. (Check interest.) The C/S programs the case from the assessment sheet as above, using drugs or medicines first and the rest by largest reads first. Narrative items or incidents were used for years with great effect. ~But the item must be done R3R triple~ and is once in a while very long. Repair by L3RD ~any flubbed Dianetic session or chain within twenty-four hours~. Do not let it go unrepaired. ~When~ any and all of the above are handled, then and only then proceed with the usual health form by item. The pc in many cases won't be able to run engrams at all unless you run out drugs or medicines first. They will run these and these alone until the engrams are gone. People who "can't run engrams" are usually drug cases. This is ~correct~ Dianetic programming. ~Make Dianetics work for you~. Program it correctly. C/S it correctly. It won't work unless used on where the pc's attention is. ~It will work if you use it~. CHAPTER 7 THE BRIDGE TO HEALTH As one needs a guide to know what to audit on a case, the Dianetic Health Form* is an essential auditing action. Also, some cases do not know they have recovered. It is Scientology that addresses improved awareness, not Dianetics. Dianetics accomplishes an eradication of the unwanted condition and when it is gone it is gone. The pc will not again mention it in many cases and it would be an error to hammer him about being better now. ~Therefore~ a second Health Form gives a comparison. The somatics and pains not mentioned in the second which were in the first can be considered to be gone. A second form done later gives the auditor and (when a Case Supervisor is also on the case) the Case Supervisor an indication of the actual improvement. A few days, weeks or months can elapse between giving the form. This gives an indication of improvement. Any number of Health Forms can be given. One of the old problems of Dianetics was that the pc recovered from his arthritis fully and then only nagged the 522 BOOK THREE auditor about a new symptom. It wasn't that the pc ~had~ to have an illness (only the 19th century psychologist believed that it was no use to cure anything as the patient just got something else). The fact is that the symptoms of the pc are ~several~, not just one. You take up and audit ~each~ symptom or complaint to erasure of its picture, one after the other. This is a new advance in Dianetics--that a preclear's illness or upset has more than one source. His illness or upset is a ~composite~. You audit the most available symptom first until the picture causing it is erased. Then find the next one and audit it to erasure of its picture, then the next, etc. The symptom which has the longest read and also in which the pc is interested is the one to do first. You run its chain to erasure of basic and it vanishes. Then do the one which has the longest read (omitting the first from the list) and in which he is interested and run its secondary or engram or chain to erasure. Now find the next symptom, etc. Sooner or later the pc will have a well, healthy body, stability and a sense of well being. One finds "an incident which could have caused that," dates it loosely, runs it as an incident without pushing hard, gets an earlier similar incident and runs that, or even a third or fourth earlier similar (each time earlier) incident until a floating needle or the pc indicates the PICTURE IS GONE (has erased). Then one finds out what may now be bothering the pc by new assessment and does the same action on it. You can expect each chain erased to end with GOOD INDICATORS, pc smiling and happy. It is not all done in one session. You only end a session really when a pc is smiling and happy after an erasure of the basic picture on the chain. Sooner or later the pc will become bright, happy, symptom-free, stable and have a well body. Then one shifts the preclear off into Scientology auditing to bring about maximum intelligence and ability. Symptoms are pains, emotional feelings, tiredness, pressures, sensations, unwanted states of the body, etc. THE BRIDGE TO HEALTH 523 If you are auditing without a meter, you take the pc's ~interest~ as the indicator. You audit the symptom in which he is interested and cease to audit it when it is gone. This, however, is very chancy and often fails, so an E-meter is recommended. You can use whatever is given on the original Health Form that was done until the form is no longer valid or until the pc's good indicators are in. When the pc brightens up, that's the end of the Health Form. A new one must be done WHEN THE PC IS AGAIN FEELING BAD, TIRED OR WORRIED. The purpose of any session or series of sessions is to get the pc feeling well and happy. Sometimes the pc's condition is obvious and the engram equally obvious. The pc has just had a child. The delivery of it and any earlier similar engram is of course audited at once. Any recent experience is so handled. If a pc wants no auditing and yet is ill or miserable, one finds out ~why~ he doesn't want to be audited by getting him to explain (when he will become auditable) or one finds and runs as secondaries, engrams or chains bad experiences with treatment. The best answer to a difficult pc is to send him or her for a Scientology Review and ~then~ begin Dianetics. If the pc doesn't recover at all, then the Auditor's Code has been violated or the engrams were overrun or not run long enough to erase or the pc was very ill medically and should have had a medical examination first. But even with poor auditing it is rare for a pc not to recover. Of course, the more skilled (follows the Auditor's Code, knows his meter, knows his Dianetics) the auditor is, the more certain recovery becomes. The worst crime is overwhelming the pc by telling him what's wrong, not letting him tell you. The Health Form is of very great assistance in handling all this. The use of it is as follows: 1. The auditor sits down with the pc (usually the pc on a meter) and explains he's going to do a Health Form and try to help the pc. 2. The form is completed. 524 BOOK THREE 3. The auditor picks out by meter or by asking the pc which symptom he has his attention on. 4. The auditor finds an incident that had that symptom in it, dates it and runs the incident as per R3R. 5. The incident, picture (and symptom) erases or the auditor finds an earlier similar incident, dates it, etc., until the pictures and symptoms are gone. 6. A new symptom is located on the Health Form by meter and its chain is erased. Each chain should leave the pc cheerful if not completely well. 7. Steps 4 and 5 are repeated. 8. A new symptom is located on the Health Form or by pc's complaint. 9. Steps 4 and 5 are repeated. 10. We go on doing this until the pc is suddenly well, smiling and happy and at that moment we at once desist. 11. We tell the pc that is the end of the session. Note: If several sessions were required to do the above start each new one by telling the pc it's started and end each session by telling the pc the session is ended. Each session is written down as it is done and preserved for future correction or use. ¤Somatics¤ All chains are held together by one similar ~feeling~. Chains are not held together by narratives or personnel or locations. They are held together by FEELINGS. Thus we ~ask for and follow down only feelings~. Those can be pains, sensations, misemotion--any feeling. You must run only by somatic, not by narrative. Narrative means "Falls down stairs," "An earlier fight with brother." By ~somatic~ is meant a pain or sensation and also misemotion or even unconsciousness. There are a thousand different descriptive words that could add up to a ~feeling~. Pain, dizziness, sadness--these are all ~feelings~. Awareness, pleasant or unpleasant of a body, is what we are trying to run in Dianetics. One never assesses medical terms or symptoms. THE BRIDGE TO HEALTH 525 An engram contains pain and unconsciousness. So its basic would be a physical duress not a symptom resulting from that duress. Example: The pc says "headache." You assess headache, you try to run "headaches" and all you ever get is times a pc had a headache. Well, the headache is a symptom caused by a head ~injury~. The engram must have contained a shot in the head or a crushed skull or some actual injury. The word "headache" would describe only how the head feels later when the engram occasionally goes into restimulation. So you would get only locks and secondaries to audit and only by chance and an alteration by the pc of the command to find an earlier headache would you ever get to an engram in which the head was crushed or injured. "Headache" is the ~result~ of a head injury, and it doesn't describe the injury which, in engram form, is now giving the pc headaches. Take the medical term arthritis. You could ask for arthritis and get only visits to the doctor or times in a wheel chair. The physical injury contained in the engram causing the arthritis is not described. Alcoholism would present the same problem. If the pc listed and the auditor assessed "alcoholism" we would only get times when he was drunk, not the engram causing the symptom which might contain "feeling very dry." Therefore one has more than one column on a Health Form. One would give the physical disability or complaint. The second would be the pc's description of the ~feeling~. We would land the real engram every time, not only its locks or secondaries. (It is quite all right to run locks and secondaries as it is necessary to unburden the chain and increase the pc's confront, but chains always end up in a basic engram at the bottom and if you don't get and erase that then the chain will key-in again.) In asking for list items one puts down only what the pc says. That's an invariable rule. But when the pc says some mere symptom like "headache" or medical term like "arthritis" the auditor writes it down but ~also~ asks "What is the 526 BOOK THREE feeling of that?" or some such question and writes what the pc then says ~and only assesses the feeling stated~. Example: Pc says a complaint is "~sinusitis~. " The auditor writes it down. But asks also for the feeling of it. The pc says "A burning sensation in the nose." In assessing the list the auditor does not call out "sinusitis." He says "A burning sensation in the nose." And marks down its meter read. If the auditor took and assessed only "~sinusitis~" and then asked for incidents of sinusitis he would get only locks and secondaries--times when the engram was in restimulation. And he would rarely get the real basic and engram that causes the symptom. This discovery opens the door to swift "cures." But one is obviously not treating ~sinusitis~. He is looking for an incident in which there was a "burning sensation in the nose." And after a few locks and upper engrams he'd find and run the real injury in which the nose was burned. PASTORAL COUNSELING HEALTH FORM This form is done by an auditor. It is metered. Don't try to handle items as the pc gives them unless an item BDs and the pc is interested. Otherwise assess after it is done. It also should be reassessed for additional items to run. If the pc gives you a medical term (e.g., migraine headache) as an illness, write it down in the first column then ask the pc what the somatic is (e.g., pain in head) write that down in the second column and note beside it any read. There is no rote command. Get somatics (not incidents) that can be assessed and run. If the pc gives you a ~somatic~ don't then ask for the feeling of it. Just write it down in the second column with its read and carry on down the list. If the pc gives you a several somatics in response to one illness, write down each as a separate somatic. Assess only the second column. Do not assess multiple somatics (i.e., several somatics as one item) and do not assess items that are not somatics. Do not assess narrative items. Do not accept or assess considerations. THE BRIDGE TO HEALTH 527 Remember that an illness has more than one somatic to be audited out before it is wholly gone. Persons medically ill should be sent for a medical exam. Cross those off that have been run until the form is completely handled. The end product of this form is entirely to pick out what to audit. Preclear___________________ Date____________ Auditor __________________ Church__________ TA position at start of form Answer Feeling Meter Read ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ 1. Do you have any CURRENT ILLNESS? 2. Have you RECENTLY had any ILLNESS? 3. Do you have any RECURRING ILLNESS? 4. Do you have any CURRENT MISEMOTION? 5. Have you RECENTLY had any MISEMOTION? 6. Do you have any RECURRING MISEMOTION? 7. Do you have any ACHES? 8. Have you RECENTLY had any ACHES? 9. Do you have any RECURRING ACHES? 10. Do you have any PAINS? 11. Have you RECENTLY had any PAINS? 12. Do you have any RECURRING PAINS? 13. Do you have any INJURED BODY PART? 14. Do you have any PRESENT DISEASE? 528 BOOK THREE 15. Do you have any RECURRING DISEASE? 16. Do you have any PRESENT INFECTION? 17. Do you have any RECURRING INFECTION? 18. Do you have any PRESENT VENEREAL INFECTION? 19. Do you have any RASH? 20. Do you have any RECURRING RASH? 21. Do you have any UNWANTED SENSATIONS? 22. Have you RECENTLY had any UNWANTED SENSATIONS? 23. Do you have any CONTINUING UNWANTED SENSATIONS? 24. Do you have any RECURRING UNWANTED SENSATIONS? 25. Do you have any TEETH TROUBLES? 26. Do you have any other PHYSICAL CONDITION YOU WANT TO MENTION? 27. Do you have any unwanted ATTITUDE? 28. Is there something you wanted handled which wasn't? Are these all the complaints? (If question reads get the additional complaints. Mention such things as VD in case pc is embarrassed to mention them.) Cross off what has been run. Completely handle the form. Add new items in subsequent sessions if pc gives them. THE BRIDGE TO HEALTH 529 ¤Secondaries and Engrams Triple¤ Dianetic secondary and engram triples, the commands of which address the overall subject of loss, pain and unconsciousness, are the final step of Dianetics before the pc starts up the Scientology Grade Chart. Running secondaries and engrams triple gives one a Dianetic release. RECALL STEP: F1 "Recall losing something." To EP__ F2 "Recall another losing something." To EP__ F3 "Recall others losing something To EP__ of anothers." Havingness: (one process) Notice that________To EP__ SECONDARY TRIPLE STEPS: F1: "Locate an incident of another causing you loss and misemotion." F1 "Is there an earlier incident of earlier: another causing you loss and misemotion." R3R to F/N + Cog + VGIs and erasure.__ F2: "Locate an incident of your causing another loss and misemotion." F2 "Is there an earlier incident of your earlier: causing another loss and misemotion?" R3R to F/N + Cog + VGIs and erasure.__ F3: "Locate an incident of another causing others loss and misemotion." F3 "Is there an earlier incident of another earlier: causing others loss and misemotion?" R3R to F/N + Cog + VGIs and erasure.__ 530 BOOK THREE If the pc drops into the underlying engram chain on any secondary flow being run, before F/N on the chain, continue down the ~engram~ chain to F/N and note the fact so that the engram flow will not be run again in error. After F/N on that engram chain, take up the next remaining secondary flow. Havingness: F1: "Tell me something you could touch." To EP__ F2: "Tell me something another could touch." To EP__ F3: "Tell me something another could get others to touch." To EP__ Dianetic Engrams, Triple F1: "Locate an incident of another causing you pain and unconsciousness." F1 "Is there an earlier incident of another earlier: causing you pain and unconsciousness?" R3R to F/N + Cog + VGIs and erasure.__ F2: "Locate an incident of you causing another pain and unconsciousness." F2 "Is there an earlier incident of you caus- earlier: ing another pain and unconsciousness?" R3R to F/N + Cog + VGIs and erasure.__ F3: "Locate an incident of another causing others pain and unconsciousness." F3 "Is there an earlier incident of another earlier: causing others pain and unconsciousness?" R3R to F/N + Cog + VGIs and erasure.__ Havingness: F1: "Look around here and find something you like." To EP__ F2: "Look around here and find something another would like." To EP__ THE BRIDGE TO HEALTH 531 F3: "Look around here and find something another could get others to like." To EP__ ¤Dianetics and Illness¤ Although mention of this is made elsewhere the facts about ~illness~ do not seem, in practice, to reach the case supervisors or Dianetic auditors. The idea that one can always get rid of an illness by auditing ~one~ chain to basic is false. Man dreams about "one-shot" cures to a point where he could be accused of being impotent! Here is an example: A preclear "has always wanted to get his bronchitis handled." In Dianetics a list is made for chest or lung pains or sensations. ~One~ is chosen and erased. The "bronchitis" is now better or even absent for a few days. Then we have the preclear back again saying "It didn't cure my bronchitis." Enough cases are handled successfully by running ~one~ chain on a somatic that people get stuck in the win. Here is another example: The pc says he has migraine headaches. The auditor assesses a "head pain" quite correctly and then runs out one chain. The migraine does not occur for a week after. Then here's the pc again saying "I've still got a headache." All this is invalidative of the technology and the auditing. The ~fact~ is that the illness was not properly handled or C/Sed or audited. In the first place a pc trying to get cured of bronchitis or migraine--or any one of a dozen dozen other illnesses--should be sent for medical examination. How do you know the bronchitis isn't tuberculosis? Or the migraine headache isn't a fractured skull? A "continual side pain" may be a gallstone. In short, something which continually hurts or disables may be structural or physical. So, when you omit the first action (medical) in handling an illness, you set up an auditor for a possible failure. Many of these things can be cured medically without too much heroic action. 532 BOOK THREE If it ~is~ medical and can be cured medically, then it should be. Also it should be audited. This lets the medical treatment work. Many "incurable" illnesses become curable medically when they are also audited. The second thing that gets overlooked is that ~an illness is a composite~ (composed of many) ~somatics~. The correct auditing action on "bronchitis" or "chest trouble" or "migraine headache" or any other continual worrisome illness is to continue to find somatics, sensations, feelings, emotions or even attitudes in the area affected and run their chains. It takes more than one chain of engrams to build up an ill area. Having found and run the "deflated feeling" of bronchitis, which was the first best read, the C/S should order and the auditor find and run the ~next~ somatic, sensation, feeling, emotion or attitude in ~that~ area. It is sometimes necessary to add to the list ~for that area~ of the body. Seeing a continual or recurring illness on the health form the C/S and auditor should dig out of that area every somatic, sensation, feeling, emotion and attitude that can be made to read and run those chains, each one to basic and erasure. ~That~ is the way you handle any illness, whether continual or temporary. The maxim is that ~it takes more than one chain of engrams to make a body ill~. Continual reassessing and adding to general lists will get there eventually, providing it is done long enough. But this general approach will find a certain number of pcs saying "I've still got my . . ." It is in fact a false report. They don't still have all of it. It is one chain less and therefore better. But auditing gives gains by ~deletion~. A pc does not suffer from what has been erased. He suffers only from that which has not yet been handled. Some persons tried years ago to get their trouble handled, somebody or some practice failed and after that THE BRIDGE TO HEALTH 533 they don't mention it at all. They don't support the technology anymore either. So, in handling illness, give the handling of the structural disease side of it to the medical doctor, and thoroughly handle ~all~ the mental side of it with auditing and everyone wins. Any person colliding with "My lumbosis was not handled" should call this data to the attention of the person, the case supervisor and the auditor. Only then can you have 100% tech. It will sometimes happen that a pc has a session and then three or four days later becomes physically ill. The auditor may feel that auditing did it. It didn't. The auditing given would have to be non-standard for this to happen, but the auditing is not to blame. According to my friend, Dr. Stanley Lief, over a century ago Hahnemann developed a healing technology known as homeopathy which administered minute doses of medicine. The original theory seems to have been that the disease or illness was still in the body and would be released. The person would be wildly ill again and then permanently recover. This is probably a poor statement of the whole subject of homeopathy and its basic techniques may have worked well but have been lost. In any event, the phenomenon has application here. We would say that the mental image picture of the incident was stopped at a "stuck point" and that it would "run out" of itself if it were unstabilized. A touch assist can do this. The person may become wildly ill after one and then recover. What apparently happens is that the chain of incidents becomes unsettled and the same incident on the chain in which the person has been stuck for a long while runs out physically. It completes itself which is to say, it finishes its cycle of action. At a hospital where I studied, this was part of the things I observed. Medicine sometimes will not work on a patient. It works on others but not on a particular one. 534 BOOK THREE If that particular one is given mental attention, it will be found that medicine will now work on the person. This formed one of the first application discoveries I made. From it I inferred that function monitors structure and proceeded to investigate mental actions and reactions in the field of illness. From this came Dianetics some years later. Mental therapy prior to 1945 was so ineffective, consisting only of 19th century psychoanalysis and Russian and East European psychiatry, that no one else seems to have observed, then or now, that "mental blocks" are able to obstruct medical treatment of a real physical nature. The proof is that when one even reduces the mental block slightly, medicine such as antibiotics or hormones will now be effective when they were previously ineffective on some patients. It is this factor which gives purely medical treatment a somewhat random appearance. The patient is "stuck" at some point in time. Even inadequate handling of him mentally (such as a touch assist or a poorly or partially done session or even a "bad" session) "unsticks" the person from the frozen or fixed "stuck" point. One of three things can now happen: 1. The person can be treated medically for his illness with greater effect. 2. The person in two or three days gets apparently sick or sicker but eventually recovers and is not subject to that exact sickness again (it "ran out"). 3. No further result is noted. These data are ~very~ useful to a Dianetic auditor or a medical doctor. A person can be ill and the illness not surrendering to the usual treatment. Brief mild Dianetic auditing can be done. The medicine may now work. An auditor who specializes in keying-out locks at the first F/N will find occasionally that his preclear becomes ill in two or three days from some occasional but long-standing illness which then "runs out" and doesn't appear again. An auditor who gives a nonstandard, very poor session may find a preclear occasionally becoming ill within the next THE BRIDGE TO HEALTH 535 three or four days. The auditor and others blame the auditing. Any auditing is better than no auditing. Standard Dianetics is very powerful and should only be done by auditors trained to do it exactly. Sessions which are nonstandard should be corrected ~as soon as possible~, certainly within two days or you may find the preclear beginning to go through an illness cycle. The cycle was waiting to complete itself for a long time. The auditing unsettled it. It "ran out" physically because the pc was moved in time in the incident in which he has been "stuck." An understanding of this phenomena is necessary. It is useful data. Audit a pc badly, audit a pc too much to F/Ns on locks only, give a pc too many touch assists and you will find now and then that the occasional pc becomes physically ill, runs a temperature etc. Before blaming yourself too much, realize the pc has often been ill in the past, that the mental cause of it has been loosened up and manifests itself and runs out physically. It is not fatal. That illness won't recur again as it has in the past. However, that it is not fatal to the pc is no excuse not to do a good ~standard~ job of auditing. If Standard Dianetics is used ~with no departure~ from its technology and procedure the phenomenon will not occur and no preclears will experience a physical aftermath. ~Standard Dianetics~ taught precisely, done precisely only makes people well. CHAPTER 8 AUDITOR RIGHTS The responsibility of an auditor who receives a case supervisor direction (C/S) of what to audit on a pc is ~not~ discharged of his responsibility as an auditor. ~The auditor has a series of responsibilities that are part of every C/S he gets to audit~. When the auditor gets a C/S to do on a case and if he thinks it is not the correct thing to do he has the right to reject the C/S for that pc and require another one he can agree to. The auditor does ~not~ have the right to start doing a C/S and change it during the session except as noted below. The auditor may ~not~ C/S in the auditing chair while auditing the pc. If he ~no~ case supervisor at all, the auditor still audits from a C/S. He writes the C/S before session and adheres to it in session. To do something else and not follow the C/S is called "C/Sing in the chair" and is very poor form as it leads to Q & A. A C/S that is a week or two old or a repair (progress) program that is a month or two old are dynamite. 538 BOOK THREE This is called a "staledated program" or a "staledated C/S" meaning it is too old to be valid. It should have been done sooner. The pc of last week when the C/S was written may have been well and happily employed but a week later may have headaches and reprimand from the boss. It is dangerous to accept a repair (progress) program if it is old. The auditor who sees his C/S is old and sees the pc has bad indicators is justified in demanding a fresh C/S giving his reasons why. A program written in January may be completely out of date in June. Who knows what may have happened in between. Use fresh C/Ses and fresh programs. Staledates only occur in poorly-run, backlogged areas anyway. The real remedy is reorganize and hire more and better auditors. When the C/S he has is proving unworkable ~during~ the session, the auditor has a right to end the session and send the folder to the C/S. Ending the session is totally up to the auditor. If the auditor just doesn't complete an action that was producing TA and could be completed it is of course a flunk. Such a case is just not running a basic engram the one more time through that would bring the TA down and give a proper end phenomena. This and similar actions would be an auditor error. The judgment here is whether or not the auditor's action is justified in ending the session. Even though he may have made an error, the auditor cannot be blamed for the ~ending~ off of the session as that is totally up to him. He can be given a flunk for the error. Auditing a pc on something else whose rudiments are out is a ~major auditing error~. Even if the C/S omits "Fly a rud" or "Fly ruds" this does not justify the auditor from auditing the pc over out rudiments. AUDITOR RIGHTS 539 The auditor can do one of two things: He can fly all rudiments or can return the folder and request rudiments be flown. The ~Dianetic auditor~ is not excused from auditing over out rudiments. He should learn to fly rudiments. When a pc has not had a session for some time, or when a pc gets sessions days apart, RUDIMENTS MUST BE FLOWN. Otherwise the pc will get audited over out-rudiments. This can develop mental mass. Optimum session scheduling is a series of sessions or a whole program done in a block of sessions close together. This prevents the world from throwing the pc's rudiments out between sessions. Giving sessions far apart barely keeps up with life. The auditing time is absorbed in patching life up. Rapid gain gets above life's annoyances and keeps the pc there. When an item the auditor has been told to run doesn't read on the meter, even when the auditor puts in suppress and invalidate on it, the auditor MUST NOT do anything with the item no matter what the C/S said. It is expected he will see if it reads and use suppress and invalidate on it. And if it still doesn't read he will be expected NOT to run it. When the auditor sees the TA is high at session start yet the C/S says to "Fly a rud" or run a chain, the AUDITOR MUST NOT TRY TO FLY A RUD and he must not start on a chain. Trying to bring a TA down by running ARC breaks or rudiments is very hard on a pc as ARC breaks aren't the reason TAs go up. Seeing a high TA at start the Dianetic auditor does ~not~ start the session but sends the folder back to the C/S. (Dianetic handling of high TAs is covered in the section "R3R Procedure.") A folder summary inside the front cover must exist and must be kept up. Over it there must be a program on which the case is being audited. But just because it's covered, never 540 BOOK THREE neglect entering a session and what was run on the folder summary (FS). Don't let major rundowns be done twice. ~Dianetic items~ must ~never~ be run twice. Dianetic lists must not be scattered through a folder. Bring them together and keep them together and being brought forward. Don't copy Dianetic lists or worksheets from notes or items from lists. Keep all admin neat and in the original form. Copying makes errors possible. When the rudiments go out during the session the auditor recognizes the following: Pc critical = Withhold from auditor Pc antagonistic = By-passed charge (BPC) in session No TA = Problem Tired = Failed purpose or no sleep Sad = ARC break Soaring TA = Overrun or protest Dope off = By-passed F/N or not enough sleep No interest = Out rudiments or no interest in the first place. An auditor who isn't sure what it is but runs into trouble with the pc is smart to end off the session quickly, write down the full observation and get it to the C/S. The auditor has no business trying to do the C/S given when it collides with and isn't designed to handle any of the above. An auditor should ~never~ begin a major action on a case that is not "set up" for it. As this can occur during a session it is vital to understand the rule and follow it. Otherwise a case can be bogged right down and will be hard to salvage as now a new action to repair has been added to an unrepaired action. Now, if the auditor starts a major action on a case not "set up" we get ~two~ things to repair where we only had one, as the major action won't work either. ~Repair~ = patching up past auditing or recent life errors. This is done by prepared lists or completing the chain. ~Rudiments~ = setting the case up for the session action. This includes ARC breaks, PTPs, W/Hs. AUDITOR RIGHTS 541 ~Set up~ = getting an F/N showing and VGIs before starting any major action. It means just that--an F/N and VGIs before starting ~any~ major action. Such may require a repair action and rudiments as well. ~Major action~ = any--but any--action designed to change a case or general considerations or handle continual illness or improve ability. This means a ~process~ or even a series of processes like three flows. It doesn't mean a grade. It is any process the case hasn't had. ~Grade~ = a series of processes culminating in an exact ability attained, examined and attested to by the pc. ~Program~ = any series of actions designed by a C/S to bring about definite results in a pc. A program usually includes several sessions. The vast bulk of auditing errors come about because C/Ses and auditors seek to use a major action to repair a case. It is a responsibility of an auditor to reject a C/S which seeks to use one or more major actions to repair a case that isn't running well. The auditor must understand this completely. He can be made to accept a wrong C/S for the pc and even more importantly can in his own session make the error and mess up the case. Example: Pc has not been running well (no real TA or had a grumpy exam report). Auditor sees C/S has ordered a major action, not a repair by prepared lists, rudiments, etc. The auditor must reject the C/S as he will be made to fail in session by it. It is fatal to begin any new process on the case designed to change the case if the case is not F/N VGIs. The ~only~ exceptions are a touch assist or rudiments or the Dianetic assist all on a temporarily sick pc. But that's repair isn't it? When an auditor receives a C/S and sees that it violates the pc's program he should reject it. The pc, let us say, is supposed to finish his Dianetic triples but is suddenly being given a student rescue intensive. That violates the program and also the grade. 542 BOOK THREE If the pc is running badly, a repair should be ordered. If not, the program should be completed. Example: An effort is being made to get the pc to go backtrack. This is a program containing several major actions which probably consists of several sessions. Before this program is complete and before the pc has gone backtrack, the C/S orders "1. Fly a rud, 2. Student Rescue Intensive." The auditor should recognize in the Student Rescue Intensive a major action being run into the middle of a program and reject it. The correct action is of course the next backtrack process. Now and then before the full major action is complete the pc will attain the ability of the grade or the end phenomena of the action. The auditor should recognize it and with the F/N and VGIs always present at such moments, end off. The ability itself gets invalidated by pushing on. On the other hand this should never be taken as an excuse. "I think he cogged to himself so we ended off." It must be a real "What do you know!" sort of out loud cognition with a ~big~ F/N and VVGIs and directly on the subject to end off a major action or a program or a grade before its actions are all audited. The vilest trick that can be played on a preclear is for an auditor to falsify an auditing report. It may be thought to be "good public relations" (good PR) for the auditor with the C/S. Actually it buries an error and puts the preclear at risk. ~Integrity~ is a hallmark of Dianetics and Scientology. Just because psychiatrists were dishonest is no reason for auditors to be. The results are there to be gotten. False reports like false attests recoil and badly on both the auditor and the preclear. When an auditor finds himself being nattery or critical of his preclears he should get his withholds on preclears pulled and overts on them off. An auditor who goes sad is auditing over his own ARC break. AUDITOR RIGHTS 543 An auditor worried about his preclear is working over a problem. Getting one's rudiments in on preclears or case supervisors or the organization one works for, can bring new zest to life. In the chair no auditor has a case. If breath shows on a mirror held to his face he can audit. Faint afterwards if you must but see that the preclear gets to the examiner with his F/N. ~Then~ get yourself handled. An auditor has a right to know what he did wrong in the session that went wrong. Most often a sour session occurs only when the rules and data in this chapter have been violated. But an auditor's TRs can go out. After a session that went wrong somebody else (not the auditor) should ask the preclear what the auditor did. This sometimes spots a false auditing report. But it also sometimes is a false report by the preclear. In any event, the auditor has a right to know. Then he can either correct his auditing or his knowhow or he can advise the C/S the preclear's report is untrue and better repair can be done on the preclear. Savage action against an auditor is almost never called for. He was trying to help. Some people are hard to help. Not only does an auditor have the right to be told what was wrong but he must be given the exact materials, date and title, that he violated. Never take a verbal or written correction that is not in written or taped materials. Don't be party to a "hidden data line" that doesn't exist. "You ruined the pc!" is not a valid statement. "You violated chapter__, page__" is the charge. No auditor may be disciplined for asking "May I please have the tape or technical bulletin that was violated so I can read it or go to cramming." If it isn't in tapes, books or technical bulletins IT IS NOT TRUE and no auditor has to accept any criticism that is not based on the actual source data. 544 BOOK THREE "If it isn't written it isn't true" is the best defense and the best way to improve your technology. It is the established right of an auditor to use the exact correction list to repair a specific auditing action, when required. An auditor does not have to obtain case supervisor okay to do a correction list for a specific auditing action, so long as the auditor knows how to audit that specific correction list. An auditor is expected to take a preclear who has red tagged (no F/N at the Examiner after a session) back into session immediately and handle with the right correction list for that process or rundown. The first responsibility of an auditor is his preclear and getting that preclear through, by application of flubless technology. These are the rights of the auditor with relation to a case supervisor. They are all technical rights based on sound principles. An auditor should know them and use them. Auditing is a happy business--when it is done right. CHAPTER 9 THE IVORY TOWER Who or what is a "C/S"? The C/S is the CASE SUPERVISOR. He has to be (a) an accomplished and properly certified auditor and (b) a person trained additionally to supervise cases. The C/S is the auditor's "handler." He tells the auditor what to do, corrects his tech, keeps the lines straight and keeps the auditor calm and willing and winning. The C/S is the pc's case director. His actions are done ~for the pc~. What he is actually accomplishing can be listed: 1. The C/S is keeping Dianetics and Scientology working in the hands of auditors for the benefit of pcs. 2. The C/S is keeping the correct sequence of programs and processes being used on the pc. 3. The C/S is keeping the technical ~flow lines~ straight and in proper sequence of actions. 4. The C/S has the repute of Dianetics and Scientology in his area fully in his hands. 546 BOOK THREE The C/S must earn the confidence of his auditors by knowing what he is doing and getting results via the auditors. The skill of an auditor can be enormously improved by a good C/S. And reversely, under an incompetent C/S the skill and enthusiasm of an auditor can be badly deteriorated. A C/S who fails to see errors the auditor knows were there is soon regarded as incompetent. A C/S is in effect a technical leader. His skill, attitude and demands bring about the state of technology in the area. His attitude toward session length, the exactness required, the state of case preparation he requires, when he will let a pc go, what he demands of his auditors all add up to the general technical attitude in an area. If this is good the area will be a good, respected one. The pc (or pre-OT) ~is~ the real reason the C/S is there. All C/Sing as to programming and what to run then is ~for the pc~. It is not for the auditor except as it influences the auditor's willingness and attitude and skill. The product the C/S is after is the pc's (or pre-OT's) case gain. This is accomplished by applying the usual, by preventing errors and keeps pcs in session and winning. Correctly applied technology works. The C/S has to know this. The C/S is there to efficiently and effectively order the right action based on a survey of the case and then see that it is done. The end product is a winning pc and an expansion of Dianetics and Scientology. ¤The Ivory Tower¤ The Case Supervisor is most successful when he supervises in seclusion. This is called the ~Ivory Tower~ rule. The fantastic results I achieve as a C/S mainly stem from not permitting what I know of technology and cases to be clouded by "human emotion and reaction," by others. THE IVORY TOWER 547 Part of a C/S's duty is to get the case through it despite auditor opinions and flubs or the opinions of others. A C/S has no political or personal opinions. He can of course have his own opinions of the pc's case. But he is the ~friend~ of the pc even when being harsh. Often the C/S, unseen by the pc, is sometimes never suspected but quite often adored by those for whom he C/Ses. One often sees this in success stories, "Thank you, thank you to my great auditor (name) and the C/S (name) and Ron." Sometimes it's only the auditor. But most pcs know the C/S is there. This awareness is also a great trust and it is a trust that is earned by great results and is never betrayed. To the majority of pcs, then, it is a trio--always in the same order--his auditor, his C/S and myself. He trusts us. And we do our best for him. We don't change our actions, then, if he is a dope addict, a wife beater, a criminal, a degraded being or an upstat (one who has high statistics) and a sterling person. When we are researching, C/Sing or auditing, we do our best for him. We have nothing to do with whether his seniors like him or for that matter whether ~we~ like him. It is our job. We hold it in trust. In our hands is his future, his sanity, his immortality. It depends on us whether he survives and lives a full life or whether he goes into limbo. If we do our duty, when we know and do our jobs, he achieves everything. When we don't, he is gone. No priest or fancied idol has even been endowed with more cause over the beingness of another than a C/S and his auditor. This isn't my opinion or my feeling about it. It's the way pcs look at it. Actually one can't really state the full actuality of it. The pc is justified in trusting us when we keep up-to-date on our tech, know our job, take every care that a good job is done and do our duty. Some auditors develop overts and withholds on a pc and color their auditing reports with critical remarks about a pc. This equals more withholds. 548 BOOK THREE A C/S who pays much attention to these ~opinions~ is foolish. When they get too bad on too many pcs, get the auditor's overts and withholds pulled as he'll begin to flub. The worksheet and what the pc said or did is important. The opinions aren't. A lot of "dog cases" are just unsolved cases that can be solved. Some are very difficult, true, but the difficulty is finding the bug. Some pcs are rather wild in conduct. But they solve too. So an auditor's ~opinion~ is not a study of the case. Talking to an auditor about a case he is auditing is ~not~ of any technical value to a C/S. Again, a case does not know what is wrong with it or it would as-is and wouldn't be wrong. So talking to a case about his case is a waste of time for a C/S. Some write huge notes to the C/S. The only value in all this is to analyze whether it's a hidden standard* or an ARC break or a W/H or a PTS matter. ~Technical~ considerations are all that matter, in looking over such. ~Executive~ opinion is the world's worst source of data on a pc. No C/S should ever take what seniors say about a junior. It's all human emotion and reaction. It's not technology. ~Family~, husbands, wives, fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles are of little value to listen to about a case. The most they could give you would be a list of accidents or illness or time in a home. But beware, they may be worse off than the pc. No. The C/S is the pc's safest friend. The pc trusts the C/S and the auditor. Or he wouldn't sit still at all. Sometimes he only trusts me. And that's the time I have to trust you. And I do. ¤What the C/S is Doing¤ In ~Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health~, considerable stress is placed on the words and phrases in engrams. This is still functional. However as I did further THE IVORY TOWER 549 research I found that (a) many pcs were unable to get the words in the engram and (b) the apparent force of the words was derived wholly from the pain, emotion, and effort contained in the engram. In Standard Dianetics the words in an engram play no major role in the auditing. The use of the words to deaberrate and concentration on phrases in engrams is valid but ~junior~ in force to the pain, misemotion, etc., in the engram. Thus if you run out the ~force~ the words drop into insignificance. This is often how the pc gets cognitions: the words and meaning concealed in the engram are changing value and devaluating. The pc can then think clearly again on a subject previously pinned down by the ~force~. Get the ~force~ out and the words take care of themselves and need no special handling. The ~meaning~ of things plays a secondary role in processing to forces. Thetans find counter-forces objectionable. Almost all chronic (continual) somatics have their root in force of one kind or another. In that the handling of things with bodies involves force to greater or lesser degree, incapability and derangement of mental values is proportional to the thetan's objection to force. This objection descends down to a wish to stop things. It goes below that into overwhelmedness in which propitiation and obsessive agreement manifest themselves. The low TA is a symptom of an overwhelmed being. When a pc's TA goes low he is being overwhelmed by too heavy a process, too steep a gradient in applying processes or by rough TRs or invalidative auditing or auditing errors. A low TA means that the thetan has gone past a desire to stop things and is likely to behave in life as though unable to resist real or imaginary forces. Chronically high TAs mean the person can still stop things and is trying to do so. However, all one has to do is restimulate and leave unflat an engram chain to have a high TA. High TA is reflecting the force contained in the chain. 550 BOOK THREE An "overrun" means doing something too long that has engrams connected with it which means an engram chain with too many engrams on it being restimulated by life or auditing. Hence overrun. If this overrun persisted unhandled eventually the pc would be overwhelmed and one, in theory, would have a low TA. Mental masses, forces, energy are the items being handled by the C/S on any pc. If the C/S loses sight of this he can wander off the road and go into the thickets of significance. Engrams, secondaries, locks all add up to mental masses, forces, energies, time which express themselves in countless different ways such as pain, misemotion, feelings, old perceptions and a billion billion thought combinations buried in the masses of significance. A thetan can postulate or say or reason anything. Thus there is an infinity of significances. A thetan is natively capable of logical thought. This becomes muddied by outpoints* held in by mental forces such as pictures of heavy experiences. As the masses and forces accumulated and copied from living build up, the logic potential becomes reduced and illogical results occur. The ~pc~ is continually searching for the ~significance~ of a mass or force--what it is, why is it. The C/S is easily led astray by this. All forces in the bank contain significances. All forces can be unburdened and lightened up by the various procedures of auditing. The search of the pc is for significance. The action of the C/S is reduction of forces. The E-meter records what force is being discharged in every slash, fall and blowdown. The amount of TA per session is the C/S's index of gain. Note that a discharged process no longer gives TA and case gain. The amount of significance recovered or realized by the pc only shows up as cognitions. THE IVORY TOWER 551 As the TA works off the case, then one has two indicators: 1. There is needle and TA action. 2. The pc cognites. One shows that force is coming off. Two shows that thought is releasing from force. If a C/S processes toward significance only he will get cases that do not progress. The needle action detects not so much significance as where the force is. Diving toward significance the C/S winds up shortening grades, looking for "magic one-shot buttons" and overwhelming cases by shooting them on up the grades while levels remain ~loaded~ with force. When a pc gets no more TA action on Level One he will have made Level One and will ~know~ it. He will therefore attest to "no problems." The reliable indicators are TA action and cognitions while a level is still charged. Diminished TA action and cognitions means the purpose of the level has been reached. A feeling of freedom and expansion on a subject is expressed in a normal TA and a loose needle. The pc will now attest to an ability regained. To process only to F/N and even chop off the cognitions on a process abuses the indicator of the F/N. You can find many pcs who bitterly resent F/N indications. They have been: A. Not run on all processes of a level B. Still have force on the subject C. Were chopped off before they could cognite. The ARC break in this is ~unfinished cycle of action~. The proper end phenomena for a process is F/N, cognition, VGIs. Now look at that carefully. That is the proper end phenomena of a ~process~. It is not the end phenomena of a ~level~ or even of a ~type~ of process. It is not enough for the pc to have only negative gains of deleting force. Sooner or later he will have to begin to confront force. 552 BOOK THREE This comes along naturally and is sometimes aided by processes directly aimed at further confront. "What problem ~could~ you have?" sooner or later is needed in one form or another. What force can the pc now handle? All auditing in a body--and any living in a body--makes a being vulnerable. Bodies break, suffer, intensify pain. Sooner or later a pc will go exterior. The Interiorization Rundown must be ordered as the next action or you will have a pc with a high TA. After this the pc is less subject to the body and his ability to confront force will improve. Do not be too worried or surprised if after this the pc has some minor accident with the body. Exterior he forgets its frailty. However, such things are minor. He is "learning how to walk" a new way and ~will~ run into chairs! He gets this figured out after a while. Pcs sometimes improve their ability to handle force while interior so as to have mysterious headaches or new body pressures. Inevitably they ~have~ been ~exterior~ and need interiorization run. They were just using too much force while still inside! Thus force is the thing, significances very secondary. Force, of course, is made up of time, matter, energy, flows, particles, masses, solids, liquids, gases, space and locations. The pc tends to dive for the ~thought~ imbedded in the force. He will tell you he's being processed to find out who his parents were or why he is sterile or who did him in, etc. The C/S who chases after this is a deerhound illegally chasing mice! The C/S is there to make certain that the pc makes gains and attains the actual abilities of the level. ~The C/S is for the pc~. C/S auditor control exists only to keep the auditing standard, the TRs good, the processes ordered done and to end phenomena each one. No other reasons for C/Sing exist. THE IVORY TOWER 553 ¤The Supreme Test¤ ~The supreme test of a thetan is his ability to make things go right~. This of course is a rather savage and brutal datum for it thrusts aside all justification, reasonableness, excuses and even does not take into account the size or obstacles of the opposition. But please note that the datum is not "are things all right around him" as this is a passive test and could mean only that he was simply sitting still. Whether things are ~currently~ all right or not is beside the point. The thetan who is making things go right may be tackling a mountain of confusion and of course things are ~not~ all right because what he is attacking is mainly wrong. It is whether or not he is ~making~ things go right in spite of "hell or high water" that is the test. Many beings live lives of quiet correctness without even once making anything do anything. Things around them just happen to be orderly. The social system props them up. But someday--bang--the society gets into a turmoil which knocks out the props. ~Then~ we see that there were too few present who could ~make~ things go right and that is the end of the society. Thus died all old civilizations. Their people lived in a system correctness and things went right only so long as nothing was going wrong. Then one day things go wrong. These sophisticated but weak beings never were able to ~make~ things go right and so the whole society collapses. One might also ask, "What is meant by right?" This would be forwarding a purpose not destructive to the majority of the dynamics. Aberration is by definition "a crooked line." It is from the Latin ~aberratio~, "a wandering from" and from the Latin ~errare~, "to wander" or "to ~err~." A sane person thinks, looks and sees in straight lines. Black is black, white is white. The aberrated person looks toward black and wanders off in his gaze to something else and makes the error of saying it is "grey." 554 BOOK THREE You can consider aberration in a passive way (supinely, of no force or action). A person is sane or not sane. He thinks straight or crookedly. Now consider aberration in a forceful way. A person ~looks~, then an opposing force to him pushes aside his gaze or distracts it. But the really sane, forceful person looks right on through and past the opposition and sees what is there anyway. Let us take real action. Mr. Q rolls a ball from A towards B. Enroute Opposition X pushes the ball aside toward C. Mr. Q then shoves the ball toward C and says the reason he did not arrive properly at B was because . . . Mr. S rolls a ball from A toward B. Opposition X diverts the ball toward C. Mr. S pulls the ball back into line and despite, over and through Opposition X arrives at B anyway. You can see that Mr. Q in the first example is willing to be aberrated or pushed aside or at least does not contest it enough. Mr. Q is aberrated. Mr. S on the other hand was not willing to be diverted and went right on to B. Mr. S is not aberrated. Now society, being mainly suppressive, observes that Mr. Q never has much commotion around him. True, he never arrives and gets nothing done, but he isn't noisy so he is "okay." Mr. S on the other hand makes an awful row and bashes Opposition X on the head and snarls his way onward toward B. Society says he is a bad fellow because he has fusses. Of course he also gets something done. But in a decadent society men are measured by how ~pleasant~ they are, not how effective they are, so Mr. S is regarded as a bit "mad." ~Yet~ when trouble comes it is only the Mr. ~S~'s who will save the day while the Mr. ~Q~'s all give up and die. There is another point here, however. That is ~purpose~. The difference between one thetan's forward thrust and another's is ~purpose~, validity of. A madman can also go from A ~toward~ B relentlessly where B is a totally undesirable and destructive point. But in actual practice, real madmen never really arrive at the B THE IVORY TOWER 555 they wanted to arrive at. A madman only goes ~toward~ but never really arrives. So he only makes everything go ~wrong~. B must be a desirable point not destructive to a majority of the dynamics for rightness to occur. So there is the savage and bare datum: THE SUPREME TEST OF A THETAN IS THE ABILITY TO MAKE THINGS GO RIGHT. People who explain how wrong it is all going and who have reasons why and ~who aren't putting it right~ are the real crazy people in the universe. The only ones crazier than they are are the ones who are quite happy to have everything fail and go wrong with no protest from them. And the only ones even worse are those who work endlessly to make things go wrong and prevent anything from going right and oppose all efforts instinctively. Fortunately there are a few around who ~do~ make things go right in spite of everything and anyone. ¤The Supreme Test of a C/S¤ A C/S or auditor who knows his technology is able to hold the line on any given action in auditing or C/Sing and not mix up. One C/Ses Dianetics purely. One C/Ses or audits a rundown as itself, not as a botch of several actions run into it. So this brings to view that some can run the process or program from A to B. And some, worse luck, a. Go from A to G to Q to A and wonder why they don't arrive at the B of result. b. Some go from A to B all right but when at B go right on past it. Both, actually, are a type of non-confront. The A-G-Q-A can't confront and disperses off arriving at B. The A beyond B hasn't confronted B and so doesn't recognize B. The ability to confront the pc and the session and parts of the session permit one to accurately go from A to B. Proving this, perception reduces in ratio to overts. Accept that fact as it's true. If you run O/W on an auditor 556 BOOK THREE regarding the pc he is to audit, the auditor will give a perfect session to that pc. Why? He can confront because he can see. Programming is simply an A to B action. The road is all laid out. Auditing a process is a simple A to B action. What if you had an auditor who halfway through Level Zero with no completion found a picture, did Dianetics on it, didn't flatten the R3R because the pc cogged it was like his mother and the auditor did O/W on mother in the middle of the engram! The pc would be a mess! B was run away from. Same way with programming that isn't handled. What if you had an auditor who got an F/N, cog, VGIs and continued the same process to TA 5.6? He got to B and kept right on going. Same way with programs. So really the supreme test of an auditor or C/S is to begin at the A and arrive at the B in any process or program. You should look into some folders where the C/S or auditor dispersed off B or where B was reached with no halt. The most recent examples I've seen have been taking processes out of one rundown and using them in another rundown all in an effort to achieve a maximum effect when the error that was present came from failure to complete two earlier programs. The correct action would have been to complete the earliest program left incomplete and then complete the next incomplete program, not scramble parts of two ~new~ programs. A to B is a cycle of action. A clean one. It is best to keep it so. The supreme test of an auditor to a C/S is to make auditing go right--by the book. ¤The Three Golden Rules of the C/S¤ There are three firm rules in handling auditors which makes the difference between good auditors and poor auditors or even having auditors or no auditors at all. THE IVORY TOWER 557 ~1. Never fail to find and point out an actual goof and send the auditor to cramming~. ~2. Never invalidate or harass an auditor for a correct action or when no technical goof has occurred~. ~3. Always recognize and acknowledge a technically perfect session~. By reversing these three things a C/S can wreck and blow every auditor in the place. By ~always~ doing these three things correctly the C/S winds up with splendid auditors. An auditor who knows he goofed and yet gets a well done doesn't think the C/S is a good fellow. He holds the C/S in contempt and his auditing worsens. An auditor who didn't goof and yet is told he did becomes bitter or hopeless and begins to hate the C/S. The test of a C/S in the auditor's eyes is "Is he spot on?" meaning is the C/S ~accurate~ in giving the right program, the right C/S, spotting the goof and ordering cramming, and being well enough trained to see and commend a well done session. You never get bad indicators in an auditor or student when you state the truth. You only get bad indicators when your statement is not true. "PR" (public relations' cheery falsehoods) has nothing to do with getting good indicators. Good indicators in auditors are made with ~truth~. "You goofed, go to Cramming, do TRs 101 to 104 until you cease to alter commands." "Well done by Exams. Practice handwriting so I don't take so long reading your worksheets." "This F/N VGIs at session end and the bad exam report do not agree. Is there any way this report was falsified? Is there any goof you didn't write down?" or "Very well done" on a very well done totally ~on~ tech, ~on~ admin and correct auditor's C/S session. Auditors work well even for a bad tempered C/S ~when~ that C/S is always "spot on" with program, C/S, auditor's grade or censure of auditor and cramming. 558 BOOK THREE Auditors like a businesslike, accurate C/S. A "good fellow" C/S who "lets it slide" and says nothing becomes a very bad fellow indeed in auditors' eyes. A C/S who doesn't recognize and who invalidates good auditing is looked on as a suppressive even when it's just ignorance. Only those C/Ses who follow the golden rules are truly loved by their auditors. ¤A Case Supervisor Has the Duty:¤ to refuse to discuss a case with either the auditor or the pc. to refrain from discussing or mentioning data from pc folders socially. to correct his auditor's application of tech positively, without invalidation. to order the auditor to cramming or retraining for any flunked session. to maintain a standard of professional conduct. to C/S all folders delivered to him daily. ¤A Case Supervisor Has the Right:¤ to have his own office. to hold no other post. never to rush his own C/S actions. to accept no technical orders or advices other than from me. to demand a high administrative standard of those who work on his lines. to demand that pcs do not discuss their own cases or otherwise violate pc rules. to issue and get compliance on any orders necessary to the performance of his duty and technical results. ¤The Code of a C/S¤ This is the Code of a C/S as regards his auditors and their pcs for whom he is C/Sing. THE IVORY TOWER 559 1. I promise to know my Dianetics and Scientology totally cold up to the level at which I am C/Sing. 2. I promise never to look for some imagined error in technical data but always to look for and find the real error in the auditing programming or C/Sing. 3. I promise never to treat a case as "different." 4. I promise that if I cannot find the reason why a session has failed from the folder that I will suspect a false auditing report and get the pc asked about the session and get data as to why it failed. 5. I promise never to punish an auditor for querying a C/S. 6. I promise to refrain from discussing or mentioning data from pc folders socially. 7. I promise to correct my auditors' application of technology positively without invalidation. 8. I promise that I will order the auditor to cramming or retraining for any flunked session. 9. I promise never to order an unnecessary repair. 10. I promise never to use repair processes to get case gain when the pc needs the next grade. 11. I promise never to give verbal C/S instructions but always to write them down. 12. I promise never to talk to the auditor about the case. 13. I promise never to talk to a pc about his case. 14. I promise to send the pc to the Examiner to get data if unsure why the folder has been sent up for C/S. 15. I promise never to be "reasonable" as a C/S. 16. I promise to maintain sufficient ethics presence to get my orders followed. 17. I promise never to issue involved repair orders. 18. I promise never to follow C/S advice from a pc but I will accept the pc's data. 19. I promise that I will ~always~ read through the pc folder before C/Sing a case. 20. I promise I will always have the folders of cases in trouble casewise, ethically or medically reviewed to find the out technology. 21. I promise never to put a pc on a grade to "solve his case." 560 BOOK THREE 22. I promise to always order a repair of a misaudited grade until the end phenomena has been achieved. 23. I promise to advance the pc up the gradation chart in the proper sequence. 24. I promise never to order a grade run that the pc is not set up for. 25. I promise never to indulge in the practice of "hopeful C/Sing." 26. I promise never to C/S a session I cannot read but will instead return it to the auditor for clarification. 27. I promise to make every effort to find and point out an actual goof and send the auditor to cramming. 28. I promise never to invalidate or harass an auditor for a correct action or when no technical goof has occurred. 29. I promise to recognize and acknowledge a technically perfect session. 30. I promise to see that a pc or pre-OT who knows he has made an EP is sent to Exams and C & A to attest. 31. I promise never to send a pc or pre-OT who hasn't made it to declare and attest. 32. I promise to see that pcs and pre-OTs who haven't made it are handled until they have made that specific declare. 33. I promise to complete cycles of action on the pc and never start a new one while an old one is still incomplete. 34. I promise to ensure that the auditors for whom I am C/Sing continue to improve in skill and training level. 35. I promise to maintain a standard of the highest professional conduct. ¤The "Art" of Case Supervision¤ One does not in actual fact case supervise against results. Case supervision is done against the thoroughness and exactness of technical application. To give an auditor a well done when he has made a technical flub (despite a good result on the pc) is to hang the auditor with a win. The next time he does the same thing he is liable to get a resounding lose. THE IVORY TOWER 561 In looking over folders one C/Ses against standardness of application. The technology takes care of the rest. For a long time, auditing was "what you could get away with." It no longer is. It is the act of holding a standard. Only in that way does one get 100% wins. In assigning what is to be done with a pc or pre-OT, one seeks to keep the case progressing or winning. The case supervisor's action is to get the case audited as long as possible! Any impulse to get the case off one's lines will be a losing one. Cases progress in exact ratio to the amount of charge gotten off. They do not progress by magic buttons designed just for that case. The "sudden" big wins are the result of the accumulated effect of getting charge off. It is of course charge of a certain type in the mechanics of Dianetics and Scientology. Early on (using Standard Tech) the ~worse~ off (more shallow) the case is, the ~faster~ it F/Ns. The pc is reaching no depth. An example is someone who cannot get into or run past lives. They F/N almost at once on any process. This does not mean they are at once "clear" or released. It means they are like a coiled spring. When you touch them something flies off. The case supervisor on such a case works hard to keep them running Dianetics. The task is finding something to audit, not to complete pcs. When the Dianetics grade was missed, people F/Ned their way straight on up to OT VI, still wondering where their headache came from. This doesn't mean that in Scientology you by-pass F/Ns. It means the case supervisor prepares the case. Therefore the case supervisor is alert to the inability or ability of a pc or pre-OT to go backtrack, to the number of engrams the pc runs per chain before erasure, to the number of commands given before F/N on a Scientology process. And by this he can gauge how arduously the case must be worked on. For example, on a child, a bruised finger yesterday run as an engram F/Ns. 562 BOOK THREE But if you keep at it and at it and at it, gradually, gradually the case runs deeper and deeper into the past and confronts heavier and heavier incidents. Then, as it goes along, the case runs faster and faster, requiring far more "commands per unit of time in session." Finally the case begins to blow by inspection, and becomes a Dianetic Case Completion.* Scientology, dealing with the thetan and considerations, is now able to function with total bite. That is the general Case Supervisor plan. Solve it ~standardly~. Applying the right C/S direction at the right time is only knowing one's technology. This is the basic rationale behind C/Sing. It really has no strain. Only poor auditing can mess it up so you police that hard, do the right direction at the right time and let technology do the rest. ¤Dianetic Case Supervision¤ Dianetics is done differently than Scientology in that its auditors are trained on Dianetics only. Therefore they do not have various skills you will find in a Scientology auditor. Even when they become a Scientology auditor, Dianetics is still done as Dianetics. Knowledge and skill above and beyond the training received on Dianetics is not to be expected. We use Dianetics. We do demand some skill with a meter and what a floating needle is. If a Dianetic pc gets in trouble we send him to the Qualifications Division for a review. In this review, all Scientology skills (but no grades) can be done. It is very worthy of note that in reviewing Dianetics or in doing Dianetics auditing ~one can run out bad sessions as an auditor or pc by using R3R on auditing sessions or therapy~. If we keep Dianetics to Dianetics we will achieve the miracles of which it is capable. THE IVORY TOWER 563 Dianetics has been refined greatly. But it is all there. There is no hidden data line. It is far less complex today than it was in 1953, for instance, and much more effective. But it is still Dianetics. It is a technology that runs and erases locks, secondaries and engrams and their chains. It should be case supervised and done with that fully in mind. A Dianetic auditor is a Dianetic Auditor. He can do what he can do. And it's marvelous. ¤Chart of Human Evaluation¤ ~Science of Survival~'s "Chart of Human Evaluation" is a study for case supervisors and is of great use. When you find the pc on one of its columns you can see if the pc stays there or falls back there. Standard Dianetics opened this chart to full use for C/Ses. Twenty-four years of Scientology processes and know-how are to a large degree evolved from this chart. ~If a pc is staying at a level of the chart or falls on it~ you know he is running ~above~ his level. Processing changes conditions. If it doesn't improve them (or the pc's behavior) then the pc's reality is not being reached. It can be plus or minus, above or below. It is seldom that the pc's reality is higher than the processes used and really only occurs when a grade honestly run is rerun. Then you get pc protest as he's ~made~ that. Pcs who get sick suddenly are being run far too high on the "Class Chart."* Pcs who don't change are also being run too high. Behavior, mannerisms are the index. ~Do these change?~ If they do the pc is improving. If they drop lower on the "Human Evaluation Chart" the pc is in overwhelm. ~Picking thoughts out of forces in the bank bring a no-change~. In other words you can park a pc by continuing nothing but think processes which address only significance. 564 BOOK THREE Self-auditing is the manifestation of being overwhelmed by masses, etc., and pulling only think out of the bank. Pulling out think then pulls ~in~ more force which gives more self-audit. Not all self-audit is bad. The pc eventually realizes its forces! After a few tens of thousands of hours! If he knows all the answers. A good push against a wall is worth a hundred hours of self-auditing. And it's force. This famous chart (in use by the way by an airline and several other areas, and which had to be printed as desk blotters for personnel people at one time) could easily be expanded in numbers of vertical columns to include all behavior. The C/S is at a disadvantage as he doesn't see pcs. But he can have a mannerism item filled in on a summary report. "Mannerisms ________________." "Mannerism changes _________." This serves. It also serves to look at the psychosomatic column of the chart and a pc's health form. The pc will change in ideas when he changes his relationship to forces. Tons of processes do this. Objective processes have to be run in on a pc now and then. Somatics passing through in a session are a definite clue to force change. The no-somatic pc is either high as an angel or being run too high. You don't have to run directly at force for forces to change in the pc. One two-way communication I did with a pc released his hold on a huge bundle of forces! The body responds badly to forces. The conflict between protecting or using a body and being as a thetan able to withstand large forces gets so mixed up in a pc he can wind up as a force-shy thetan! Standard processes such as those in use for twenty-four years handle this when fitted into their levels. What the C/S has to realize is that he is (a) producing an optimum rate of change in the pc if he is C/Sing well and THE IVORY TOWER 565 (b) changing the pc's position upward on the "Chart of Human Evaluation." ¤Programming of Cases¤ Every action taken on a case by a ~case supervisor~ (or an auditor doing his own C/S actions) should be part of a definite outlined ~program~ for that case. ~Program~ definition--A program is defined as the sequence of actions session by session to be undertaken on a case by the C/S in his directions to the auditor or auditors auditing the case. The master program for every case is given on the ~Classification and Gradation Chart~ issued from time to time. The earliest of these charts was 1965 followed by 1st December 1966 followed by 1st January 1968 followed by 1st December 1969. The reissues of the chart are done to improve the communication of the data on the chart. The program factor has not much changed since its earliest issue. Tapes about this chart were made at its first issue and of course remain valid. From time to time they are reissued but they remain standard and have been so since the first issue of the chart. Omitting this gradient of processes not only stalls cases but results in a case manifesting out-grade phenomena. A pc ~must~ attain the full ability noted on the chart before going up to the next level of the chart. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Preclear Grade Name of State Process or State of Being Audited ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dianetic Case Dianetic Case Dianetic Secondaries Completion Completion and Engrams, Secondaries Triple, Engrams Triple ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Subject Ability Inability Class of Auditor Audited Gained Lost Required ------------------------------------------------------------------------ All processes A Well Freedom from HDC or HDG of the level and Happy physical pain and no less Human Being and emotion 566 BOOK THREE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Where Obtained Training Required Prerequisites ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hubbard Guidance No training No Prerequisites Centres, Dianetic required Counseling Groups, but HSDC Mission auditors, or recommended as a student on an HSDC, Academy or Saint Hill Course Telling the pc he has made it is of course evaluation. Genius in C/Sing is normally required only when some former driver wrecked the thing instead of driving it right in the first place. To case supervise one has to accept the following facts: 1. Dianetics and Scientology work. 2. The subjects are serious subjects not experimental toys. 3. The basics and fundamentals are stated early in the period of development and have not changed. 4. The "newest and latest" is usually a recovery of basics and better statement of them. 5. The purpose of the subject has not altered and continues to be the attainment of ability and freedom for the individual. 6. That things which were true early in the subjects are still true. 7. That the mind responds on a gradient of improvement not suddenly like a bomb explosion. 8. That the ~Classification and Gradation Chart~ and ~all~ its processes and steps ~IS~ the basic program of ~any~ case. 9. That all other programs are efforts to get the pc or pre-OT back on the basic program. 10. That there is no hidden data line and that the materials and procedures are refined mainly to facilitate use and communication of them. 11. That auditing is for the pc, not the church or the auditor. THE IVORY TOWER 567 12. That major processes are done to improve the case. 13. That repair is undertaken to eradicate errors made in auditing or the environment which impede the use of major processes. 14. That a case has to be programmed by the C/S to get it advancing as it should have been in the first place on the ~Classification and Gradation Chart~. 15. That a C/S is not being called upon to develop a new chart for the case but only to get the case back on the basic chart and get it done. There are then three types of programs: 1. ~The~ program laid out in the ~Classification and Gradation Chart~. (Called the basic program.) 2. Repair programs to eradicate case mishandling by current life or auditing errors. (Called a set-up program.) 3. Major actions to be undertaken to get the case back on the Class Chart from wherever he has erroneously gotten to on it. (Called a return program.) It has been a very common C/S action to disperse away from a program laid out. This has been happening ever since the first issue of the Class Chart and has been a principal source of trouble for C/Ses. This happens in several ways: 1. Not knowing the importance of the Class Chart. 2. Not knowing basics. 3. Falling for suppressive propaganda that "we don't use that now," "the material is old," "it's only background data," etc., that deteriorates what one ~does~ know and could use. 4. Failure of auditors to give good sessions and do the usual required in a session. 5. Abandonment of the C/S's own repair or return program--usually because of false auditor reports or operating on insufficient data from the pc. The correct way to go about all this is to: A. Repair the case thoroughly with minor actions like green forms, prepared lists, rudiments, two-way communication. 568 BOOK THREE B. Acquire adequate data on the pc. C. Complete any C/S return program begun. D. Get the pc back on the Class Chart without any processes of the grade skipped. E. Run the case on the Class Chart. F. Repair any departures or errors made in life or auditing. G. Get the pc back on the Class Chart. Not following ~any~ program is a complete exercise in non-sequitur (means one step does not follow the last but is different and unrelated). In giving a pc process after process that are not related to each other and follow no repair program or return program is non-sequitur in the extreme. If processes were remarks one would get a sequence of processes given the pc sounding like this: "The submarine just went by so we will order a hundred tons of bread. There wasn't any beer so birds are seldom seen. The dance was very fast so we fixed the carburetor. He has very long hair so we decorated his father's tomb." "Give pc Scientology triples then do his Dianetics then fix up his hidden standard," would be a series of crazy non-sequitur C/Ses. Nothing is connected to or proceeds from anything. That would be a dispersed program for sure. Such C/Sing has no cause and effect in it. A person totally ignorant of basic cause and effect gets "Pc nattery. Run Dianetics." "Pc's case not advancing. Do Grade Zero." The cause of the pc condition is not understood. A nattery pc has withholds. A case not advancing has problems. That's real actual basic tech. This data is over nineteen years old. The reasons for the pc's behavior or trouble are not mysterious reasons never revealed. They are all very well given in Dianetic and Scientology materials. One can see from all this the ~necessity~ of working by program on a case. Even when one starts an honest program for the case one can get thrown off of it and begin to do something else. If the pc goes exterior, of course, one has to handle by Interiorization Rundown before the case can be audited at all. But that's no reason to then skip all the grades! A pc can THE IVORY TOWER 569 go exterior at any point. Thus it must be handled when it occurs. But that does not mean anything happened to one's program or the Class Chart. Exterior or interior, a pc unflat on Dianetics (not attained the ability marked on the Class Chart) is unflat on Dianetics! And a pc who is unflat on Dianetics will have out lower grades. A C/S who gets wound up in this sort of skipped everything and made nothing of course has an awful mess on his hands. He can feel as lost as Hansel or Gretel. But waiting to get covered up by leaves is for the birds. If one finds the pc off the road, the thing to do is return the pc to the road at the point he didn't walk it ~and there are no shortcuts for the mind~. The utter despair and insane barbarism psychiatry descended into was patient lost, psychiatrist lost, patient crazy, psychiatrist into insane sadism. So maybe the first lesson a C/S really has to learn is ~There is a known road out~. There is no shortcut, it has to be walked every inch of it. And therefore the greatest enemy of the C/S is the suppressive person who says "that's all old," "we don't use that now," "that's just background data" and thereby obscures the actual road. And another enemy is the pc who screaminly demands to be put up to Clear at once so he won't have this awful headache! Thus the measures a C/S takes to hold a steady course will profit him greatly in the end with good solid gains for the pc. A C/S who puts a Class Chart into every folder he handles is doing a wise thing. Even if it's big, clumsy, hard to handle, it is at least thorough. If on it he marks in red things the pc has gotten to falsely and if in green things the pc made from the bottom walking an honest road, he knows where he is at! Seeing the whole training cycle half of the chart continue blank means that much more ignorance and trouble for the pc in making his gains stable. 570 BOOK THREE If the C/S put his repair program on a ~red~ sheet in the folder and dated it out session by session to be audited until it was ~done~ and all flubs made in doing it also marked in and repaired, the C/S wouldn't lose his place in the book. For a red sheet stands out in amongst other folder papers. A red sheet with a "folder error summary" on one side of it and the C/S's repair program on the other keeps the pc's progress located. When that red sheet is done it should be signed by the C/S as ~done~ which retires all errors to that point. A bright ~blue~ sheet giving the ~C/S return program~ properly dated also gives one a chance to not get steered off. A new red repair program sheet fixing up errors occurring in doing the blue sheet can be pushed into the folder but the blue sheet can be resumed again. The blue sheet completed should find the pc back on the Class Chart. A list of processes run tallied up by the auditor each session keeps the C/S from repeating a process and gives him the Dianetic items used singly to be done triple. While all this admin may seem time-consuming, lack of it mounts up into valuable ~auditor time~ being thrown away. Case supervising is a road. It has milestones. When the pc didn't pass one honestly he got lost. There's no reason for pc, auditor and C/S to ~all~ get lost. The C/S has an exact road to hold to, return to and repairs to get done so the pc can get moving on the return program and the Class Chart which ~is~ the road. It took too many trillions to find this road for it to be neglected. For if the C/S neglects it people won't arrive anywhere but lost as well. The right idea is the road. ¤Starting Dianetics on Pcs Who Have Had Scientology Auditing¤ I have found that: ~One can make a considerable error by not starting a pc out on Dianetics with a C/S 1 on the basis that the pc has already had lots of Scientology auditing~. THE IVORY TOWER 571 That a pc has had lots of Scientology auditing is no guarantee that the pc understands such things as "erasure" or what a Dianetic session or even what auditing is all about. The C/S 1 must be well done. If not you will have a pc not running well because he didn't know the terms or what was expected in session. A C/S 1 can be done again if the pc doesn't do well. ¤The Difficult Case¤ Handling the OT case can be very tricky. Anyone of these can give the auditor trouble. But it is usually nothing much to handle unless the OT is what we call a "false III." This is somebody who gaily went up the grades without doing them. You don't have to know more about it than that. Thus if a person who is OT is giving trouble geing audited on Dianetics it's better to turn him or her over to a church or mission for routine handling on Scientology. Any OT who has somatics is auditable on Dianetics which he should have had in the first place as he was using Scientology grades to get rid of his headache! Or some somatic. If the "OT" isn't auditable on Dianetics then he's a problem for Scientology and not a very tough one either. To the Dianetic auditor this is not very complex. Audit the "OT" on Standard Dianetics. If it works okay just carry on until he's rid of his somatics and turn him over to Scientology auditing when he's okay. If it doesn't work, then cease Dianetics and turn him over to a Scientology Qual Division who will get the thing straight by the usual Class VIII remedies. That's all you have to know about OTs in Dianetics. ¤Dianetic Folders¤ All a case supervisor looks for in Dianetics folders to advise the next action is departures from exact Standard Dianetics procedure. It is a very easy job providing the case supervisor knows his Standard Dianetics exactly and completely. 572 BOOK THREE Any time there is the most minute or flagrant departure from exact assessment or exact R3R, there will be a breakdown of the results. It is quite a tribute to the technology that this is true. And it is true. Doing C/Sing on a very great many Dianetic cases audited by relatively untrained auditors the following emerged in letters ten feet high! 1. Where the auditor followed the exact procedure without deviation, the results were uniformly excellent. 2. Where the auditor deviated from the exact procedure the results were poor or bad. There are many, many ways an auditor can deviate from exact procedure. There is only one exact procedure. As a result of doing this C/S work, I would, if I were doing Dianetic C/Sing, refuse to let an auditor audit until he had been through the HSDC checksheet three times. This would save nearly all the work required of a case supervisor. When the auditor is in a fumbly state regarding the procedure and has not drilled it until he could do it with the house caving in, the preclear does not get good results. That is really all there is to it. If the auditor simply observes the Auditor's Code, handles TRs and the meter fairly well and does the assessments and R3R exactly as laid out, the results will be found to be astonishingly good, even miraculous. To correct a bad session the normal action of the C/S is to order the offbeat actions done correctly. Example: A. Auditor assessed by interest only, not by read and the session bogged down. C/S action--reassess by longest read. B. Medical terms and operations were part of assessment list, one was chosen and case bogged. C/S action, order such be taken off the list and somatics, pains, sensations, emotions only be assessed. C. Pc was put through each incident on the chain only once and finally bogged. C/S action, order the whole chain rerun so that pc has been through each one twice and the earliest one found erased. THE IVORY TOWER 573 D. A basic was found and auditor told it was erasing but sent pc earlier. Pc could find nothing so auditor left it. C/S orders the basic erased. E. Auditor tells pc he won't run it because it "isn't an engram." C/S action order auditor to retrain on Auditor's Code and do "invalidation" and "evaluation" in clay. Orders pc to a Scientology review, green form. F. Pc very nattery to auditor. C/S orders auditor to fly each rudiment, "and be sure to pull all withholds." G. C/S finds his orders to complete a chain left undone with a high TA was not done--folder mislaid or pc not routed. Pc has become ill. Order the pc to medical treatment and the chain completed. You see how it is. Each time the auditor violated normal simple procedure, the C/S orders that the normal simple procedure be completed either by first giving pc a Scientology green form in Qual and then completing the Standard Dianetics action or omitting Qual (when pc not out-rud) just getting the real standard action done. This is really all there is to case supervising Dianetic case folders. The more you try to do something else than the above the further the case will go wrong. The Dianetic auditor does not have to know how to do green forms and these are ~not done~ in Standard Dianetic sessions. When they have to be done you get a Scientology auditor to do them. This is case supervision, Dianetics. It has been fully worked out by my case supervising a great many Dianetic sessions to launch this new view of Dianetics. And the above is what I found. It drives home also the necessity of training Dianetic auditors as precision technologists and the risk of letting people audit before they are fully grooved in on exactly what's done in a Dianetic session. It is very easy to case supervise a Dianetic folder and pcs being handled by Dianetics. There is ~very~ little to Dianetic C/S work. The case supervisor ~must~ be a Hubbard Dianetic Counselor. There is no substitute for that. One who isn't 574 BOOK THREE would hopelessly snarl up real Dianetic auditors or students aspiring to be such. The Dianetic C/S should really be a Hubbard Dianetic Graduate (HDG) ~and~ a Class VIII. Even so he has to keep these technologies completely separate. One ~never~ asks a Dianetic auditor in a Dianetic session to do anything except Standard Dianetics. There are ~no~ other actions. The C/S, in correcting an auditor, should do it positively and refer to the Dianetic technical bulletin. Negative criticism, I have found, undermines auditors. One can easily say the same thing in a positive way. Instead of "You broke the Auditor's Code" one can as easily say "Pcs must be rested before session. See Auditor's Code." One ~never~ gets inventive in doing a Dianetic C/S. It is all very straightforward. The C/S point of view in Dianetic C/Sing is that one is trying to get Standard Dianetics done. One isn't, in dianetics C/Sing, torturously laboring to solve some difficult case. Therefore there are only four possible actions for a Dianetic C/S to take: ~A. The case that makes gains is given more Dianetics~. ~B. The case that has had all possible Dianetic gain~ (and that is considerable) ~is sent on to Scientology~. ~C. The case that makes no gain due to case "oddity" is sent to a Scientology review~. ~D. The session that is non-standard in auditing requires the pc be sent to Scientology review~. It is the fantastic fact that the pc will ~only~ get Dianetic wins when receiving Standard Dianetics. Non-standardness only once in a hundred will give a case gain and that is a fluke. The case supervisor must have good subjective and objective reality on this fact. ~He~ must therefore be the ultimate in dictatorial martinet precision in requiring ~standard~ auditing and assigning standard C/Ses. There are two types of cases only that come up. 1. The case as in A above who just goes on getting wins. THE IVORY TOWER 575 2. The case (who in life is usually chronically ill even if "up and about") that requires a C/S to play adept Scientology reviewes against Dianetic auditing. Such a case is "solved" by now being sent to review, now being sent to Dianetics, back and forth. In D above, the pc who gets a non-standard session and is bogged at the examiner's is simply given a Scientology green form to F/N. He or she is then returned to Dianetic auditing. This is a very usual, easy action. In C above, the "oddity" case is easily recognizable in the folder. The oddity consists mainly of getting Dianetic auditing, getting sick. Or in getting auditing but not being able to follow good standard commands. Such a case also has a history of being ill. This case also can't make any real headway in study and messes up pcs as an auditor and can't seem to do standard auditing. This C case, at first glance, seems to be hopelessly difficult and invites many to squirrel. The case is more prevalent than one would think. It runs as high as 50% of voluntary pcs. It could run much higher in the workaday world. One spots the case ~only by the cases's reaction to good~ Dianetic auditing, not by any opinion or test. But this case isn't any real challenge to the C/S or Scientology review auditor. Underlying all this illness and inability to concentrate or study or audit or hold case gains there is a heavily burdened chain that makes things seem very different than they are. There is no trick to resolving the C case. The C/S, having seen that the person rollercoasters after Dianetic auditing, or can't study or can't audit, orders the person to review for: "Green Form to F/N." "Assess No. 40 GF and handle." The Scientology auditor in review does this. No. 40 GF is the "Seven Resistive Cases." Then the C/S sends the pc back to Dianetic auditing for routine assessments and R3R. It is a saddening event to a C/S when the Scientology review auditor lets him down. So an accomplished Class VIII 576 BOOK THREE on that review spot is worth his weight in blessings. Lucky is the C/S who has a fine Class VIII. When he doesn't have he orders only one action done between C/Ses and watches like a hawk. Reviewing reviewes is a horrible waste of time, even though it has to be done when necessary. This C type pc will now sail along for a while in Dianetics. But don't be amazed to have the pc rollercoaster ~again~. When the C type pc does you simply order again a Scientology review and Green Form to F/N and No. 40 GF and handle. And it will all come out differently this time. And then the pc is sent back for more Dianetics. This is what is meant by interplaying Dianetics with Scientology reviews for a C type case. You will just be ~amazed~ at the eventual result in the pc. Really a cracked case, man! Very sick pcs are sent directly to a medico of course. And Dianetic auditing is given along with medical treatment to get the pc off stuck points. This is all covered in medical uses of Dianetics and includes touch assists. The "insane" pc is given absolute rest, a secure environment and any needful medical treatment (but never shock or surgery of the brain or nerves, of course, since that's only depersonalization treatment). When in better physical health the "insane" pc is given just routine Standard Dianetics. But the sessions must be flubless and thoroughly within the Auditor's Code as the "insane" can't stand up to any goofs or overwhelm. These "insane" pcs are most often simple cases of medically ill people--gallstones, malnutrition, deficiencies in certain vitamins, broken backs--the usual. To undertake to ~audit~ an "insane" pc to sanity without complete attention to the above paragraphs is adventurous in our experience. But with these things given attention, the "insane" pc often responds amazingly. But do not be surprised to find that the "insane" pc turns into a C type as he comes up the scale. The main trouble with the "insane" is that too many people around them are completely devoted to making them even more insane and they almost never respond to any THE IVORY TOWER 577 treatment, medical or Dianetic, while kept in their same environment associating with the same people. We have the technology to handle the insane pc. This will be the subject of another book. We could say that "Hell hath no fury to match that of a cured psychotic's associates." Usually the real crazy one is an associate, not the "insane" one. In doing a C/S on a Dianetic folder, I usually inspect the following in the following order: 1. The examiner's report to see if the pc thought it was okay and if the examiner's TA, needle and indicator observation is all right. 2. The pre-session C/S to see what was previously ordered done. 3. The session to see if the C/S was done. 4. The 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 sequence and A, B, C, D to see if it is standard. I seldom read text if the session was okay at the examiner unless the session did not go well. 5. The F/N, cognition and GIs or VGIs at chain and session ends. If all that is okay I give it a "well done." If it isn't okay I look for the 1, 2, 3, etc. that was not followed by an A, B, C, D but by a new 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., instead. I try to find where the session went off standard and point out the standard actions that should have been done. If the pc came out of it okay, I order more Dianetic auditing. If the pc didn't, I send the pc to review. If it had lots of A, B, C, Ds and ground to a high TA session end I check to see if the auditor asked for an earlier beginning. If the Dianetic folder is getting fat and the session was unsuccessful I look for a possible C type pc and handle accordingly. If the pc is reported ill, I order medical, an assist and treat the pc thereafter as a C type. The ~value~ of a C/S whether Dianetic or Scientology depends on his unfailing adherence to standard actions. 578 BOOK THREE A C/S that dreams things up to try to "solve a case" by squirrel processes is worse than no case supervisor at all. The gain of cases depends on the standard, unswerving adherence to Standard Dianetics, to C/Sing in complete standardness and a Scientology review auditor who really is a flawless standard technology man. The result is the result of a ~team~. To that team ~one~ also adds the admin team of the rest of the group doing ~their~ jobs. Given all that, one can straighten up whole population areas and activities and get the job done on the goal lines of well and happy human beings and a well and happy society both with greatly increased survival potential. C/Sing is a happy job itself. And blessed is a C/S who has good standard Dianetic auditors and good review auditors on his lines and a good Dianetic course supervisor making new good Dianetic auditors. The C/S's job only becomes unhappy and impossible when the auditors are non-standard or the admin people never heard of lines or policy and he himself departs from the straight and narrow of Standard Dianetics and standard technology. The purpose of Dianetics can be accomplished smoothly and easily only if the above are taken into account. These C/S data are as thoroughly researched in practical application of technology itself and are derived from hard won practical experience. ¤Case Folder Analysis, Dianetics¤ There are only nine things that can go wrong in a Dianetic session. These are the only reasons chains do not erase or the session does not complete with very good indicators. The first eight come under the heading of auditing skill or knowledge. They are listed in order of frequency: 1. Auditor comm lag (lack of speed in giving commands.) 2. Flubbed commands in which the commands are used incorrectly. THE IVORY TOWER 579 3. TRs out, either being inaudible or overwhelming or TR-4 not handled. 4. Auditor additives. 5. Failure to call for an earlier beginning of the incident when the pc can find no earlier incident--results in grinding and high TA. 6. Failure to call for an earlier incident when there is one. 7. Demanding pc goes earlier when the last incident was basic, making pc jump into another chain. 8. Misassessment (multiple item or narrative item or both or taking an item that doesn't read or in which pc has no interest). 9. Pc has out rudiments. Note that the first four are ~beyond the view of the case supervisor~. The largest number of session failures come under these first four. Therefore it is routine for the case supervisor to have the pc asked what the auditor did. It is usually surprising. It will be one of the first four listed above. It requires a retrain. The next four are also auditor flubs but are detectable if the case supervisor reads the worksheets of the session. Therefore the case supervisor must know 5, 6, 7 and 8 above very well indeed and be able to look for them. In all of these the TA goes high or very low and the session ends up as a bust. You can easily see 5. The pc is still on the same chain but begins to grind ABCD ABCD ABCD ABCD, the TA goes way up or down below 2 and the auditor command "Is there an earlier beginning" is spectacularly absent. So the C/S tells the next auditor to get the earlier beginning of the same incident and it will F/N, erase and get VGIs. Six is very easy for the C/S to spot. The pc has been given ABCD ABCD ABCD ABCD ABCD etc., ~and~ has been asked for an earlier beginning to the same incident but hasn't been asked for an earlier incident. So the C/S tells the next auditor to get an earlier incident. 580 BOOK THREE Seven is also easy for a C/S to detect from the worksheets of the session. Before the pc got into another chain by being forced to go earlier below basic, the TA went to a normal range, there may even be a cognition noted. The auditor missed the potential F/N by just not putting the pc through the basic again ABCD. Also the pc protested or had trouble when the auditor tried to go "earlier than basic" and also may mention another somatic. In 8, misassessment, you can tell just by looking at the item that is is multiple such as "A burning pain in my hair and a feeling of tension in my hand"; that it is narrative, "getting my feet wet" (where's the feeling in that????); or after the fact of the engram "dizziness after a car wreck." A real classic would be "A stomach ache when I was thrown from a horse." The C/S hardly has to look at the end of the session to know it will be no erasure, high or low TA and bad indicators at the examiner. As auditors who do these last four things have their basic definitions madly out (such as "I never did understand what a somatic was") and as in the first four the approach to the pc, TRs and additives need ironing out, the C/S sends the auditor for retrain. From the C/S point of view (and fact) the technology applied gets uniform good results. Thus the C/S ~never gets reasonable~. The auditor will on retrain settle down. 100% sessions will occur regularly when he really can audit. The commonest C/S for a pc after a session that ends with a high TA or a below 2 TA and/or bad indicators at examiner is "To Review, GF to F/N. Assess auditors, auditing, Dianetics, Scientology, sessions, reviews, gains (or whatever you care to add), prepcheck.* Review auditor to (complete chain) (check last incident for earlier beginning and complete chain) (complete first chain left incomplete when pc forced into second chain and then complete second chain) (find out what was wrong in session and correct)." Use the one in brackets that applies. In number 9, we get several manifestations. The pc has a good looking session yet complains to the examiner. That THE IVORY TOWER 581 is to say VGIs, F/N, cognition at session end, but sour grapes later at the examiner. A pc who gets sad at session end and is or has been sad for a long time and is sad and moping or despondent is, of course, suffering from an ARC break and is being audited over one and probably has had it for a long duration. The proper C/S action is "To Review, GF to F/N. Check ARC break long duration (LD)." This last is done with itsa earlier itsa and ARCU CDEINR by the auditor. The pc who is being audited over a PTP won't be making any gains. They quickly evaporate. The C/S orders "To review. GF to F/N. Check problems and being audited over problems." When a pc is a bit nasty to the auditor or examiner, he is of course being audited over withholds. The C/S is "To Review. GF to F/N. Then check and pull all withholds and check if the pc has been audited over withholds." When a pc is ill or has a history of illness you get him or her medical attention and list all somatics, etc., in the area and run them all by R3R. When a pc gets ill after auditing but the sessions look all right, you can be pretty sure that the pc is being audited over out ruds so a C/S orders "To Review. GF to F/N. Assess GF 40 and handle any out ruds found in that assessment first." There may be some special versions of out ruds but they are all one variety or another of out rud. The pc himself can generate out ruds by lying to his Dianetic auditor. It still shows up as out ruds, withholds. One pc (out of a hundred) said uniformly that "it was getting more solid" to escape each incident, got himself into a jump chain situation continually and became very ill indeed. This also operated as a withhold in session. It was not detectable in the worksheets except that the pc became ill. It came out while flying ruds in a review session. But generally pcs don't act up in sessions if the auditing is straightforward and many get better even when audited over all kinds of out ruds. 582 BOOK THREE When a C/S begins to be mystified concerning some pc, why betterment isn't occurring--why the pc's manifestations and remarks never change--or the pc becomes ill, then only four things need to be done. And all four should be ordered by the C/S. 1. Medical exam and any treatment. 2. Review to straighten up all out ruds. 3. Dianetic auditing listing all somatics, etc., in area and R3R on all those that read. And when the pc has markedly recovered: 4. Fly a rud, GF 40 and handle every item that reads fully. The use of GF 40 is not restricted only to sick pcs. One gives any pc whose folder gets the least bit fat the GF 40 routine and assumes he's out of valence whether it reads or not and then send the pc back to Dianetics. There is one other flub a bit maddening to a C/S. When the C/S says "Assess existing lists or add" and the auditor says no items, it is quite often an auditor flub, a special kind of the number 8 above--misassessment. One green auditor took three pcs in a row and could find no item, concluding that each of the three pcs was done with Dianetics! It turned out that the auditor's TR-1 was so bad the pcs couldn't hear her! Another auditor didn't have his meter plugged in and another one was found never to have done any meter drills. Aside from getting the pc asked what the auditor did, which also should be done when it's obvious there should have been an item and wasn't, the C/S should order "Do a new health form" when the old list F/Ns or draws a blank even when properly assessed. The pc can also be sent to the examiner to be asked if there is anything not handled. The pc may give an area of interest. If there is one, but it hasn't read, the C/S should send the pc to review for GF to F/N and probably a GF 40 and handle. Then one can get the area asked about in review and "suppress," "inval" and "protest" put in on it and back to Dianetics. I have personally C/Sed a vast number of Standard Dianetic sessons and the above is all I had to do or know to keep them all going well. THE IVORY TOWER 583 If you look for tricky processes in Dianetics to "solve" some case, you will make a bad error as a C/S. They all come under the above data. ¤C/Sing Full Flow Dianetics (FFD)¤ If when I am C/Sing I ever find an auditor has omitted key session actions or has falsified a report, I order that auditor not to cramming but a full retrain. The safest course, especially in handling rundowns like Full Flow Dianetics (FFD), is to require special drilling and cramming on auditors who are already known for their results by actual success story stats. Any trouble a C/S is running into comes from the factors of TRs, metering, code and incomplete or false auditor's reports. A C/S does not see these points. He can get the pc asked what the auditor is doing or did. He can get sessions monitored. This helps him fill this gap in his data. It's what isn't in the auditor's report that is often the trouble. Auditors omit what they said, omit the firefight, omit session alter-is in their worksheets. All this sticks the C/S's neck out for the axe of failure. So particularly in FFD and other such actions, a C/S has to act to obtain confidence in the auditor's TRs, metering, code use and accurate worksheets. In FFD experience has proven that if the auditor is not top grade, if the C/S is not alert, we put a pc at risk. The USUAL is what keeps the pc safe. A thorough study of his case, looking for obvious bugs (such as the case a druggie but drug engrams never run), sending auditors to cramming for the slightest flub, insisting on standard TRs USED IN SESSION, good metering, use of the code, accurate and complete worksheets, use of standard tech, all guarantee the safety and progress of the pc. FFD requires flawless C/Sing and auditing or the case goes wrong. When this action was introduced it showed up any flaws in case studying, TRs, metering, code and worksheets. There are two ways to handle. 584 BOOK THREE a. Cancel FFD as an action. Obviously that is going backwards and is impossible. b. Begin and continue a serious, effective campaign to (1) train auditors better, (2) cram expertly on every flub, (3) raise quality of TRs and metering. As you can see, my approach is to improve quality of training, cramming and delivery. Please help me out in getting this in. The whole "secret" of producing high case gain and total results with Dianetic and Scientology auditing lies in the following. When an auditor can produce exact auditing on Dianetics you know he can audit. Dianetics is a very simple, precise procedure. The ~major~ errors are: a. misassessment (inability to use a meter usually but out TRs can do it) b. taking narrative somatics and running them c. forcing a pc toward "earlier incident" when it required "earlier beginning" making the pc jump chains, d. fumbling commands e. out TRs. An auditor's poor TRs and corny errors such as above will prevent Dianetic results. But the Standard Dianetic auditing is so simple ~that it demonstrates clearly whether the PERSON can audit or not~. Therefore it is vital that an auditor be a proven result-getting standard Dianetic auditor before any result can be expected of him in his/her Scientology auditing. We have now had several dark mysteries cleared up on this subject with many examples. For instance, one auditor who had been thought a competent Class VI* and had been "auditing" for years was found to be getting too many failed pcs; he was trained up as a standard Dianetic auditor and on his first sessions it was found that he could not produce standard Dianetic results; he was vigorously groomed on his TRs which were wildly out and always had been and made to do the very exact businesslike procedure of Standard Dianetics. He then got excellent Standard Dianetics results THE IVORY TOWER 585 session after session on his pc and could be designated as a very good Dianetic auditor. He was briefly retreaded on his Scientology materials and at once could get terrific results with upper level Scientology. From this we can state without any fear of contradiction by your future experience that: A Class VIII who is not a proven standard Dianetic auditor as well is not dependable as an auditor no matter who trained him. The practice of loosely certifying Dianetic auditors without total proof that they get excellent uniform session results on Dianetic pcs can foul up the whole field and jeopardize the entire auditing future of the student. To certify a Dianetic auditor who doesn't get provenly excellent standard Dianetic results is an act of treason against all that person's future pcs and all the rest of us. If technology is "out" in an area it will be because some of the auditors, whatever their class, are not capable of delivering simple standard Dianetic sessions, regardless of the level at which they are auditing. And out-technology will be compounded if the case supervisor is not ALSO an excellent Dianetic auditor for he won't know the errors for which to look. When you can really dig this and know it and get it in practice, the bulk of out-technology and "failed pcs" in an area will vanish. I know it is sometimes hard to achieve a simplicity as simple as standard Dianetics but when it is done, technical worries from there on up are over. ¤Auditor Training¤ I have made a breakthrough in auditor training which gives us 100 percent training success and 100 percent results on Dianetic sessions. In C/Sing hundreds of Dianetics sessions I found that the auditors' reports on failed sessions did not include any reason for the failure. In researching this I found that only 586 BOOK THREE certain auditors were failing. Thus, it was not a technical failure but an auditor failure. In a glance over the case folders of some stalled or "chronically ill" pcs I found the main sin was simply "no auditing" occurring in the following ways: Case 1--Three case supervision directions carefully and correctly advised but NONE OF THEM DONE. No other auditing was done either. Then a fourth case supervision direction on top ignoring the folder and advising something else but that not done either. Case 2--Preclear chronically doing badly. Was being "audited" but hadn't a clue. Was not up to talking to an auditor at all. (I ordered TRs and the auditor did them, the pc bloomed and went on up the grades splendidly.) Case 3--Pc all crippled up from old injuries. In the folder I found no C/Ses there had been done as ordered. Also found the pc had sneaked his folder and done some wild self-auditing before auditing could be done. (Ordered touch assists and then medical treatment to set a long-time ~broken back~.) Case 4--Pc ~told~ the auditor in the session she had a secondary sitting right there and was in it. And although bad indicators in, the auditor just ended the session. Case 5--Pc ordered in for a review, was given the cans, the auditor said "That's it," pc went off in mystery. Case 6--Pc shaking and fevered but no physical illness according to doctor. Auditor A did an S & D (Search and Discovery). Pc still not well. A few weeks later illness recurred. I got hold of the pc, asked when the shaking had begun, found an engram where the pc had been withholding being cold, ran it, pc totally recovered. The incident had occurred only a day before Auditor A's session. Had Auditor A merely asked what had been going on he would have found it at once, run it and that would have been that. It was only an auditing assist that was needed It hadn't ever occurred to me that auditors wouldn't use the principle of engram running to handle a pc who hurt. So it adds up to the fact that just not ~doing~ auditing is a fundamental error. That's what's meant by "no auditing." Auditing just wasn't used to handle the pc. "No auditing." THE IVORY TOWER 587 The ~new~ pc who hasn't a clue what auditing is is apt to get a lot of "no auditing." So you teach him what to expect by posters, personal efficiency lectures, TRs. The ~troubled~ pc who is all introverted with a real physical or mental problem had jolly well better get it handled, Dianetically. You don't just sail on up the grades and throw them away. If you ever get an area that thinks Dianetics and Scientology don't work (which is about as silly as saying there is no gravity) then a. You have an area that has been infiltrated and the technical performance perverted or b. You have a person around who is terrified that it ~will~ work and others grown more powerful will now destroy him, or c. You have a narcotic-silly area and are not making them desist before auditing or handling their past addiction by running out its engrams, or d. You have an area that just isn't auditing at all, or e. You are not handling new pcs as we used to and as recommended above. So lay this down, case supervisors and auditors all, as a firm cast-in-concrete rule: IF YOUR PC DOES NOT OBTAIN A TOTAL REALITY ON HAVING HAD GAINS BEYOND HIS EXPECTATIONS, AUDITING HAS NOT BEEN DONE IN THE FIRST PLACE OR THE PC IS ON DRUGS OR PHYSICALLY ILL. I look at it this way, auditing is terribly simple. Turn me loose with an E-meter and a pc and up the line he comes. If he doesn't or can't respond he's seriously ill. If he's that ill that he can't be audited he needs medical treatment. And when he's had that, back to the meter and I'll show you a shining pc. You say, "Yes, that's you. You know and can do it." Sure, sure, sure. But anyone who has studied his meter, his books and materials can do it just as easily. If the pc answers his questions and ~if he does audit~. These folders must therefore contain false reports or no reports on what had happened. 588 BOOK THREE For all that I could see, as the case supervisor, new Dianetics technology was failing on some cases. Further investigation disclosed that things had gone on in those sessions which were nonstandard but not reported. In developing this I discovered the golden rule: When you have a failed session you ask the pc what the auditor did. In this way you discover an amazing array of flagrant outnesses. With these you can retrain the auditor and he or she will then win every time. We have compiled a large array of samples of outnesses found, any one of which would have made a session fail or cause a Dianetic auditor not to obtain results. The variety can be infinite in number but the chief one is: ~failing to give the next command~. The new auditor does not realize how serious it is to flub a command. The pc is "down the track" and not in present time. He looks like he is there. When he fails to get the next command or gets a wrong command he becomes alarmed, comes into present time as best he can and the auditor loses control. Anytime a pc is made to wait, whether by a wrong command or no command or an auditor writing too much on his worksheet, a Dianetic session crashes. The TA may go up or down, the chain messes up and the session fails. Other additives or outnesses mess things up. An auditor instead of auditing talking about other pcs or his own case, an auditor halting to look up a word for himself, a thousand such actions can, any one, wreck a session. Auditing is very fast and very exact. It is a businesslike activity. It is a technical preciseness. When that is violated one gets failed sessions. ¤Dianetics, Major Auditing Faults¤ The major Dianetic auditing faults I have observed over a large number of case supervised sessions are: THE IVORY TOWER 589 1. ~Not doing it~. Not doing it at all. Finding something but not running it out. Not continuing down the chain. Not continuing to audit what is now troubling the pc. Not finding a new chain or somatic to erase. 2. ~Crossing Dianetics with Scientology~. These are two separate subjects. All the data of Dianetics that is used in practice is contained in this book. 3. ~Invalidating what the pc says it is~. Changing what the pc says on the Health Form. Refusing to take what the pc gives as the incident because the auditor considers it not to be a lock, secondary, or engram. 4. ~Not discharging each incident contacted on the chain~. Only doing one run through an incident then going earlier leaving restimulated incidents all over the track. 5. ~Ceasing to run the chain after obtaining an F/N on a lock or secondary~. Failure to distinguish between key-out and erasure. 6. ~Failing to use Dianetic assists on a person who has had a recent operation, accident, or severe loss~. Failing to erase the engram chain as soon as possible after the accident. Neglecting one's fellows and not using Dianetics to help them. 7. ~Following narrative chain instead of somatic chain~ 8. ~Attempting to run out a medical term~. Running migraine headache, sciatica, etc., instead of finding out what it feels like to the pc and using that for a chain. 9. ~Assigning a pc with a psychotic history to a non-standard auditor~. With such a pc you have to be very careful to go to F/N or erase and not let them be goofed up by an auditor who doesn't follow exact procedure and the Auditor's Code. 10. ~Failing to erase the cause of something~. When you fail to erase the cause of something you can expect it to come back. It may even come back at the end of the session. 11. ~Assigning husband-wife auditing teams~. This should be avoided whenever possible as it requires a very good auditor indeed to be effective when he or she is also the husband or wife. 590 BOOK THREE 12. ~Running items taken randomly~ instead of doing a meter assessment, taking largest read, checking for pc interest and then running. 13. ~Taking up a new somatic when the pc mentions it~ instead of continuing to erase the chain already started. 14. ~Improper R3R procedure~. Particularly doing duration step on the second and subsequent runs through the same incident. 15. ~Running an incident or somatic chain pc is not interested in~. Read was on protest, not on the somatic. 16. ~Out admin~. Mainly illegible reports and not stating what chain is being run or how. 17. ~Invalidating pc ability to erase~. Done by trying to get an earlier incident when current incident is erasing, or by continuing to grind on with something already erased. 18. ~Grinding on an incident too late on the chain~. 19. ~Auditor not understanding erasure~. Common one is auditor thinking a picture getting more visible is erasing. 20. ~Auditing a pc who doesn't know what is happening~. Pc doesn't understand what a session is or what erasure, locks, secondaries or engrams are. 21. ~Giving altered training or evaluative examination~. Messing up the material being taught or the standard so he fails to learn the exact simplicity of Dianetics in the first place. Standard Dianetics fully applied produces miraculous results. The foremost failure of Dianetics on cases, by actual inspection, is a failure to DO Dianetics. It may sound peculiar or too obvious to say that. But this fact has to be stressed since it was found to be the leading reason for nonrecovery. Even this has its degrees of error. First is just ~NO~ auditing. A case wasn't audited at all. No session, no auditor, no auditing. Complaint, "I'm a Scientologist. I still have awful headaches." Sounds really incriminating. The ~fact~ is in this question "Did anybody run the engram?" "No, just grades." Dianetics wasn't used at all! THE IVORY TOWER 591 The next degree is starting in on a lock, secondary, engram or chain of them and not completing it to erasure. Running the pc through one engram once with no good indicators or erasure and then calling it a session is really no auditing. Next session you must ~complete the action started~. The next degree is to get rid of one chronic somatic or sensation and then fail to carry on when the pc has others too. An illness has several sources expressed each one as a different sesnation, ache, pain, or emotion. ~Every one of these is out of a mental image picture or the series of them called a chain~. The degree of omission in applying Dianetics is that one did not take up each separately stated or assessed symptom and erase its source--that particular mental image picture. The vast majority of Dianetic cases I have case supervised have this in common--~no auditing~ in one or more instances outlined above. Really it's kind of "corny" as an error. It is so "corny" that people try to make more of it than simply the patient or engram didn't get audited. Example: "She still has her headaches." "Did you find and audit the mental image picture of the experiences which had head injury in it?" "No." "Well, did you give her a session?" "Yes." "What did you run?" "I did power on her." "Then you didn't give her a Dianetic session." "Oh, no. Dianetics is old, we don't do that anymore. She still has her headaches . . ." POW! ¤Case Supervision, How it Goes Non-Standard¤ Probably the number one lesson that has to be learned by a case supervisor without any wiggles or doubts or 592 BOOK THREE derails is that he can be (and must not be) driven off standard tech by false auditing reports. At least half the failed sessions he gets are false reports! The auditor has not noted some of the things he did or he has noted things that did not happen. The person who falsifies an auditing report usually is the same person who gets bad results. Naturally. The report is usually not knowingly false. It does not include the data as to why the session failed. This leaves the case supervisor with an impression that standard tech was done but that it failed. That sends him into a figure-figure and proposing unusual solutions. This gets him into reviewing reviews, long hours of C/Sing, backlogs and an area muddied up by "failed cases." A case supervisor has to know his standard tech forwards and backwards. In a correct auditing report of a failed session the answer as to why it failed is neon light big and glaring. So the case supervisor corrects it and corrects the auditor. But that is only true of about half the failed sessions the case supervisor gets. ~The other half of the failed sessions are false reports~. Instead of going the route and first getting inventive and then damning tech and taking up yogi, the case supervisor ~must~ realize: 1. That if he himself doesn't know his Dianetics and Scientology cold, he will certainly never be able to spot errors in its application 2. That standard tech--Dianetics and Scientology--are invariable in results and that the only variables are the case supervisor and the auditor 3. That there are no "different" pcs 4. That 50% of the failed sessions are also false reports if you can't find in the folder why the session failed 5. That if you can't find in the folder why the session failed or the pc isn't doing well you get the pc asked about the session and get ~data~ as to why it failed (The answers and outnesses will amaze you.) 6. That when the above fully dawn on a case supervisor he becomes totally successful. THE IVORY TOWER 593 There is a sort of breakthrough a case supervisor makes, a sort of crisis he passes through where the above points suddenly become glaringly clear to him. After that he is a hard-eyed, uncompromising precisionist that nothing gets by and whose field area gets results--results--results and tech and stats soar. It doesn't take too much. Given a command of the technology, Dianetics and Scientology, he can spot easily in the worksheets why a failed session went adrift, send it to review to be remedied and send the auditor to cramming. But the session where the pc left the session with "F/N, VGIs, 2.0" and arrives at examiner with "needle tight, 4.3, indicators poor" and in which all seems usual and standard . . . ! Hey! That's a false auditing report. It doesn't mean standard technology doesn't work! It means a false worksheet. You haven't got the data needed to handle or do the next C/S. So you have somebody else ask the pc what happened in that session and get it written down and get the folder back. Man, it would knock over an elephant. Some of the things you get back! "Well he was reading off items I guess but I couldn't hear him . . ." "I asked him not to shout and he said 'I'm the auditor, not you.'" "I kept trying to tell him I was exterior . . ." "He wouldn't accept the withhold. He said it wasn't a withhold because he'd heard it from my wife . . ." "I had to keep telling him what the next command was . . ." "But it ~wasn't~ a headache that I was trying to get handled. I was vomiting during most of the session . . ." Boy, the world of never-never that lies behind those reports where you can't find the reason: Suddenly, as I say, the case supervisor makes his own personal breakthrough. His, "I wonder what's really wrong with this pc . . ." turns into, "Auditor to cramming to review R3R commands and TR-104. Pc to review for GF to F/N." Oh, you say, "we don't have an examiner in our mission"--Listen, you had better teach your receptionist to do an examiner form. "Yes, but we don't have a case supervisor or cramming." Brother, are you so in love with the buck that you'll salt out your whole area with failed cases just to get high pay on low stats? Auditing is a TEAM action. If you can't do it as a team action it's not standard 594 BOOK THREE administration to begin with and sure as shooting your practice or your mission will fail in the long run. Maybe that's the first breakthrough the case supervisor makes. To realize auditing actions are team actions. But not to get off the rails, IF YOU CAN'T FIND THE FAILURE IN THE FOLDER GET THE PC ASKED, FOR YOU'RE LOOKING AT A FALSE IF ONLY INCOMPLETE WORKSHEET. The following auditing errors were discovered by asking the pc what was done in their sessions after the sessions had mysteriously failed without any reason apparent in the auditor report sheets. Each one of these is a flagrant departure from standard auditing and is adequate to stop all pc gains for the session and to leave the pc stuck down the track and heavily keyed-in. These are just given as samples of outnesses to show what you will find by asking the pc and to show what can cause a Dianetic session to have a poor result. These instances and others actually occurred in sessions and the sessions failed. There was no mention of them in the report form, summary or worksheets and only asking the pc brought them to light. 1. Auditor not remembering one or more of the commands 2. Auditor delaying the pc while thinking of the next command 3. Auditor failure to give the next command 4. Giving wrong or altered commands 5. Incorrect procedure 6. Invalidating the pc's cognitions 7. Not recognizing that the pc had gone through the incident and just waiting or saying "Okay, continue" when the pc had said that was all 8. Auditor during session looking up something he (the auditor) didn't understand that the pc said 9. Auditing pc in circumstances where the pc is expecting he may be disturbed at some time later in the session 10. Auditor walking out of auditing room leaving pc folder in room with pc THE IVORY TOWER 595 11. Continuing to audit on a chain that the pc insists is erased (usually because auditor missed the F/N) 12. Not acknowledging pc originations 13. Telling pc to close eyes when pc already has eyes closed 14. Keeping pc waiting after pc has carried out command 15. Telling pc to wipe her hands on her dress during session (auditor attempt to change TA position by session additive) 16. Auditor running out of ink and having to borrow a pen from the pc during session 17. Forcing pc to continue looking for earlier incidents when the pc can't find any 18. Auditor talking too quietly for pc to hear (out TR-1) 19. Auditor ignoring pc originations (out TR-4) 20. Continuing to "audit" when auditor doesn't know what should be done next 21. Auditor staring at meter for a long time looking for F/N (can turn off a real F/N and bring on an ARC break needle) 22. Auditing with a contemptuous, sympathetic, too sweet, motherly, or any attitude that is a departure from a pleasant businesslike attitude 23. Auditor talking to pc about auditor's own case in session 24. Auditor discussing other pcs with current pc in session 25. Bull-baiting pc when doing C/S 1 26. Auditor and/or pc smoking or chewing during session 27. Auditor doing or saying anything during session other than assessment and exact R3R procedure 28. Auditor talking to pc after session about something the pc ran during the session 29. Auditing with a discharged meter 30. Auditing with legs up on table or some other improper posture 31. Auditor commenting on the pc's cognitions 32. Auditor continuing to grind on the same incident when there's an earlier one 596 BOOK THREE 33. Auditor keeping voluminous admin during which the pc has to wait These are just a few examples. There is an infinity of wrongnesses possible. Every session additive is a departure from TR-0 to TR-4 and a violation of the Auditor's Code and a gross goof. The auditor did not do these things maliciously. He was unaware of these as goofs and that the session didn't come off seemed to him to be a complete mystery; the failed sessions were also a mystery to the case supervisor who also thought technology had failed until he had others ask the pc what happened in that session. Needless to say, the auditors who goofed as above were extensively audited and retrained on Dianetics using TRs 101, 102, 103 and 104. ¤Case Supervisor--Folder Handling¤ Go back in the folder to the session where the preclear was running well and come forward from it doing a folder error summary. In reviewing a folder, the first thing to do is to look at the C/S to see if it was done. Use the summary sheet to get the auditor's attitude. Use the auditor's report form to get the time of processes. Read and take all your data from worksheets and compare it to and see that the C/S was complied with and ensure standard technology was applied. If you can't read the reports, send it back to have the auditor overprint illegible words. Never try to case supervise (C/S) an illegible worksheet as you'll only run into headaches. The after session examiner's report gives you the first clue of how suspicious you should be in exmining the folder and whether or not auditing reports contain falsities. You're never led by anything departing from standard technology. The ~only~ reason it doesn't work is that it hasn't been applied. THE IVORY TOWER 597 The main question of a case supervisor is: ~Was it applied?~ If you follow this exactly, you'll never miss. ¤Folder Error Summaries¤ A folder error summary, (FES) is usually done by a student auditor, well taught, learning his practical technology or by an auditor especially hired to do FESes. It requires many hours to put a folder in sequence and then to list all errors in it. It should ~never~ be done by a working C/S who is responsible for a church or mission's delivery flow. It is costly to do an FES and where possible the cost, duly consulting the pc, should be borne by the pc as a special service. It can be directly paid for or simply deducted from auditing hours purchased. A good C/S looking over a folder usually goes back to the last time the pc was doing really well and notes actions necessary from that point. Thus an FES is ~useful~. Auditors and C/Ses so detected are sent to cramming in their areas to smooth out their technical knowledge or TRs, all to improve delivery of technology. To halt delivery because of a missing folder or to do a long time-consuming FES is of course contrary to the need to deliver auditing and can result in a no-auditing situation. An FES has value. It is valuable to the pc to get one done. It is a long and extensive action. It can be sold directly or removed from hours bought. It is of vast interest in training auditors and should be done by already trained student auditors or specially hired auditors. It is ~not~ done by a case supervisor and it is ~not~ used to halt all delivery of auditing and jam up the C/S lines. A lost or delayed folder is not a barrier to a ~very~ well-trained case supervisor who has starrated a Case Supervisor's Course. An FES is very useful and tends to eradicate any mystery for a case supervisor. 598 BOOK THREE These are the most common goofs found made by auditors in case supervising over a hundred folders. 1. Pc audited with no instructions from C/S. 2. Audited on squirrel process. 3. False auditor report--~flunk flunk~. 4. Audited past F/N. 5. Leaving pc with a problem. 6. Auditing a pc on no sleep. 7. Not tracing an ARC break, missed withhold, or present time problem down to basic when it doesn't blow. 8. Failure to use rudiments before starting major action of session. 9. Not following C/S instructions. 10. Taking frequent breaks. ¤Case Supervisor Administration in Auditing¤ A case supervisor cannot do a decent job of case supervising when he is presented with lousy administration such as--no auditor report forms, not handling L3RD reads as they occur, not writing in F/Ns. Also, illegible writing, failure to go over a report when done and make obscure words plain in print is a ~no report~ and gets liability. When you run into a snag you can't handle, ~don't~ start inventing technology and doing something else other than the case supervisor's instructions. End off the session and send it to the case supervisor. The ~correct~ action and the ~only~ correct action is to end the session and get folder and session reports to a case supervisor, who (1) does not see the pc and (2) does not talk to the auditor. Case supervision is folder ~only~. Then there's a chance of standard technology. ¤Session Grading¤ A "well done" to an auditor requires a precise meaning. It is not given by the C/S because an auditor is a friend or because he would be offended if he didn't get one. THE IVORY TOWER 599 "~Well Done" given by the C/S for a session means the pc had F/N VGIs at the examiner immediately after the session~. This then presupposes that session lines include an examiner even if it's a receptionist and it includes the use and understanding of exam reports. It presupposes the examiner has a meter to hand and that the pc makes a statement. Thus, if there are no exam reports there can't be a well done given, eh? True enough. A C/S who C/Ses without exam reports done by a different person that the auditor is asking to fly blind and to get auditor "PR" (public relations or brag) and false auditing reports. No F/N at exam, no well done. This is harsh as early on pcs often get no F/N at examiner. ~But in every case there are current earlier technical errors on the case~ when the F/N doesn't get from the session to the examiner. It is also harsh because the failure to get the F/N to the examiner could be a C/S error! But the auditor should not have accepted the C/S. The C/S could be too heavy, or the case needed a repair first or the process ordered is not part of a proper program. ~Hours successfully audited includes only "well done" or "very well done" sessions~. An auditor gets a "~very well done~" when the session by worksheet inspection, exam report inspection is: 1. F/N, VGIs at examiner. 2. The auditing is totally flubless and by the book. 3. The whole C/S ordered was done without departure and to the expected result. A no mention of well done or very well done or anything simply means: 1. F/N did not get to examiner. 2. No major auditing errors exist in the session. A ~flunk~ is given when: 1. The F/N did not get to examiner and didn't occur at session end. 2. Major errors or flubs occurred like no EP, multiple somatic, unflown ruds, etc. 600 BOOK THREE 3. The C/S was not followed or completed. 4. Auditor's rights listed errors occurred. 5. No F/N and BIs at examiner. The exact error must be noted on the worksheet and in the next C/S along with the flunk. When an auditor does not improve but continues to get ~no mentions~ and ~flunks~, he requires retraining. Such retraining must include: 1. Cleaning up all misunderstoods of technology 2. Cleaning up willingness to audit 3. Cleaning up overts on people and pcs 4. Examination by inspection of TRs 5. Restudying material missed or not grasped as per session troubles. Invalidative remarks should not be made by a C/S. Experience has shown they do no good and also do harm. But there are two methods of invalidating an auditor's auditing: 1. Let him go on flubbing and getting no results 2. Direct invalidation of his intentions or future or potential. In (1) nearly all auditors who stop auditing never really knew how to audit in the first place or have gross misunderstoods or have accumulated intentional or unintentional overts on pcs or who have been too harshly invalidated. When they don't really grasp the ease and simplicity of auditing they get into other troubles. A really well-trained, smooth auditor never gets any real charge on his case on the subject of auditing. When you let an auditor flub, the whole subject gets invalidated and he loses his value because he goes into doubt. This can be said with complete confidence today as the whole of Dianetics and Scientology is there and it works very, very well indeed ~if it is used and if the C/Sing and auditing is correct and flubless~. The C/S is really not just the case supervisor, he is also the auditors' handler. Like a boxer's trainer or a star's director, the C/S handles his guys. They are all a bit different, auditors. There THE IVORY TOWER 601 are prima donnas and meek mousey ones and steady-going ones and all kinds. They get the credit for the sessions from the pcs most often. They really don't like not to be C/Sed. And they ~value~ the well dones and the very well dones and they flinch at the flunks. And the honest ones know all about it before they turn it in. And some don't mention the flub but think you're a fool if you miss it. So it's important to have a constant in assigning what the auditor is given for the session. ~Well done auditing hours~ are all that's valid for a statistic. So a C/S must be very exact and correct in his determination of well done, very well done, no mention and (forlornly) a flunk. This should remove argument from the matter and bring certainty. ¤How to Write Up a Cramming Order¤ There is a certain technology on how to write up a cramming order. 1. Isolate the exact outnesses in the folder. 2. Order those materials crammed. 3. Now look in a slightly wider circle around the data flunked and get which ~basic~ is involved (i.e. Auditor's Code, TRs, metering, handling the session, handling the pc as a being, etc.) and get that crammed, too. The C/S can have a feeling the auditor is doing something peculiar in a certain area (e.g., weak TR-1, or slow TR-2, or can this auditor see the pc, meter and worksheets all in the same range of vision?) and request that this be looked into and handled. There is a great spirit of cooperation between the cramming officer and the C/S. Together they are building a better bridge in their area and keeping Dianetics and Scientology working. 602 BOOK THREE ¤Case Supervisor Signature¤ All case supervisors must sign their name clearly at the bottom of each C/S done. If the signature of the C/S is not naturally clear then it must be printed by the C/S at the bottom right-hand corner of the page. In this way it will be known who is C/Sing a session in the folder. ¤Pc Welfare and The Case Supervisor¤ Some years ago, before the post of case supervisor came into being (in 1965) and before the present examiner post was instituted, the director of processing wore what could be called the "pc welfare hat."* Welfare--"The state of being or doing well. Condition of health, happiness, prosperity. Well being." (~Webster's New World Dictionary~) The D of P had as part of his duties interviewing the pcs in the HGC and seeing to their well-being. To the D of P, pcs brought any difficulties, questions or upsets not settled in auditing. Foremost of the D of Ps in that era was Mary Sue Hubbard. It was well known that no pc blew the church while she was on that post. They "blew" to her. She of course was a terminal for the pc who listened and put them straight back on lines with snappy instructions (now equivalent to a C/S in the folder) to the auditor. Pcs of course thrived and many still talk of this and of their subsequent wins. An analysis of that action shows two very important points: 1. Pcs don't really want to blow, even when they do--they pray someone will come and take them back and get whatever it was straightened out. 2. Mary Sue Hubbard was a terminal who, they knew, ~cared~. As part of her D of P hat, Mary Sue was wearing what has now been separated off into the Case Supervisor hat. And that part of caring for the well-being of the pc also belongs to the ~technical case supervisor~. THE IVORY TOWER 603 But--you say--the case supervisor mustn't and doesn't ever see the pc. ~That is correct~. Today's case supervisor doesn't have to see the pc. He sees all and knows all from the folder. He does folder error summaries. It's all there in the session reports and in the examiner report forms. And if the case supervisor suspects it ~isn't~ all there in the reports, he can easily find out by sending the pc to the examiner to answer some questions. What isn't generally realized is that Mary Sue and I were the first case supervisors, and that I ~still~ wear this hat for the whole planet. Case supervisors around the world are helping me wear this hat. What may not be known by some is that part of my C/S hat is the pc welfare hat. This hat consists of ~caring about the well-being of the pc~. The C/S carries full authority to ensure that pcs are being properly audited. He does not permit a preclear to be poorly audited. That's caring. When the pc is not going well he finds out ~why~--he doesn't just try one things or another hoping to patch things up. He does a folder error summary and finds out when the pc last ran well and what the goof was. He repairs that pc. That's caring. He finds out where the pc really is, and not where he apparently is. And even if that pc has been audited miles above his actual level, he has the auditor gently lead him back to Dianetics, or where he actually is, and audits him up the expanded lower grades. That's caring. If the pc has been left in the middle of an engram chain and is moaning with aches and pains, the C/S doesn't order Scientology auditing to cure the pains, he orders the engram chain to be erased. The C/S isn't kind to the auditor who left the pc in the middle of the engram chain to go to dinner, either. That's caring. Of course caring for one's fellow beings and in particular a pc's well-being is not the exclusive property of the case supervisor, for every decent auditor and Scientologist cares for his fellow being. 604 BOOK THREE But in the confines of the case supervisor's Ivory Tower, caring for the well-being of one's fellow Scientologists is done by enforcing the application of the usual for the preclear. The C/S is the one who ~makes~ auditing be done correctly. And ~that~ is caring. ¤Superficial Actions¤ In the late 1960s there was a growing cultural disinclination to do things thoroughly. "Fast, quick results" was interpreted as seconds or minutes. In old psychotherapy as practiced in the 19th century it required ~one year~ of weekly consultation to see if anything could be done about a case and ~four more years~ to produce a meager superficial result. Compared to that two or three hundred hours of processing was nothing. As we began to dominate this field in terms of persons handled and results obtained, psychiatry invented "instant psychiatry" by which no result was gotten in no time. ~Speed~ became the primary consideration of the culture. Jet planes, fast cars "saved time." But an old Chinese, when told by a driver that he had saved four minutes in speeding back from town asked "What are you going to do with the four minutes?" Time itself is a basis of aberration. Dropping time out is the consideration of factory managers of production lines as "the faster something can be made the more you have of it." But look at this again. Something can be done so fast it isn't done at all! The difference between a very fine camera and a cheap one is speed of manufacture. Cheap cameras don't get their parts carefully machined or matched--they don't fit together--they break, cease to work. A fine gun can be told by the lack of tool marks on the hidden places. A cheap gun's inner bolt is a mess of scars. It isn't smooth in operation. It didn't take much time to make but it also jams and freezes up when you try to use it. Maybe you've heard of "hotter than a two dollar pistol." A two dollar pistol is "hot" because it's so quickie-made it usually blows up and blows off a hand. There is a point where ~speed~ is simply a cover for a cheap worthless product. THE IVORY TOWER 605 Let us take a filthy room. A lazy housekeeper comes in and sweeps a few bits of dust under the carpet, leaves soot all over the windows and garbage on the mantle and says it's clean. Somebody else not afraid of work spends an hour at it and leaves a really clean room. A short pc program is economically and efficiently for the birds. In the first place a C/S has to know the extent of his technology well to be able to think up light processes in quantity. If one heard a C/S say "But I don't have time to spend an hour doing a long program for the pc" one is listening to something peculiar. If one spent an hour or two doing up a real long twenty-action program for the pc, then for the next twenty C/Ses it takes only a few minutes to look over the session and order the next action on the list. If one had no program one would have to study the ~folder~ each time. One actually saves C/S time by doing ~long~ programs. ~Quickie results are lazy and dishonest~. Honest grades and time spent in C/Sing and in auditing to obtain them add up to success for the individual, the church, its field, the country and the planet. The ~time~ it takes to process somebody is how long it takes to get ~each~ single result available. It is not how slowly or quickly it is done. A book is not a good book if it takes seven years to write. And a bad book isn't always written in two weeks. It takes as long to write a good book as you get a good book. The ~result~ is the result and ~time is just an entered arbitrary~. There ~is~ time. If anyone looked over his area he would be able to throw out the time-wasting actions if it comes to that. "Look. I'm the C/S, the Director of Processing and have to audit three . . ." That's a statement that the job has already been done so badly that no persons show up to take over the extra hats! And the no-result programs cripple the economics and that becomes no help. When there are sick people on a list one doesn't just "give a Dianetic assist" and send to a doctor and write them off. 606 BOOK THREE If one knows his technology, there was a ~reason~ the person got sick. One also knows a sick person goes into overwhelm easily. One can do a touch assist, a contact assist, rudiments on the accident, rudiments before the accident, full Dianetic assist, medical treatment, assessment for area of illness, more Dianetics, rudiments on area. That's not a program. It's just a helter-skelter list of a ~lot~ of things to do. It would not greatly matter what order they were done in but lighter actions should be the earlier. Now if a C/S or an auditor has a magical complex, he expects ~one~ process to run a person from zero to OT and in ~one~ minute. The missing knowledge is "gradient scales." Stairs and ladders have steps and rungs. It takes ~time~ to climb a tower. The magical complex thinks of processes as incantations or charms. A person C/Sing would always be trying to find ~the~ process the pc should be run on. The think is that ~the~ process, once discovered would take no time at all and the pc would magically become well! Pardon me, but that's pure goofiness. And it would set the C/S up for constant ~failure~. One sees such a person scrambling through processes, trying to guess "which one which one which one. Oh there's one! Now we run it for three minutes on the pc. Oh dear. It didn't work. He isn't well. Let's see what's here still. Scramble, scramble. Oh, here's one. This green paper is probably the right color. Auditor! Run this on the pc. Oh dear, it didn't work. He isn't well yet. So! We will take these five major processes and run them all in one session and add six grades. Do that! Do it! It's a desperate situation. Oh dear, the pc blew. Well, I guess the subject doesn't work or I'm a failure . . ." That is ~not~ how one should C/S. If a workman was supposed to cure an ox hide and was told salt would do it and he had a magical complex, what whould he do? Well, he might take a small salt shaker and sprinkle the corner of the hide (thinking the right thought) and find that the hide rotted in a few days. He could then conclude salt didn't cure ox hides. If someone kept THE IVORY TOWER 607 hammering at him to cure ox hides with salt and he kept sprinkling the corner (knowing it wouldn't work) he'd get a very odd idea about his orders. But who would suspect that this workman thought it was magic! An honest rubbing of salt all over and into the ox hide is the meaning of "salt will cure ox hides"! But that would take work. It would take ~time~! It would have to be honestly and thoroughly done. But one would have cured ox hides and gotten shoes and a profit and pay and everything for one had a ~product~. Magical thought in auditing isn't likely to give anyone a product of really able people! Processes can be short-cut as well as programs. Take Dianetics. Dianetics can be chopped "to save ~time~." First feeble flutter of an F/N, no cognition, no VGIs, auditor barking "Did it erase? Did it erase?" Final result, no real gain. There goes the subject. Half an hour to run the chain, no extra thirty seconds for the real F/N, the cognition the VGIs. ~So one wastes a result for the sake of saved time~. It is a symptom of the age that there is no time. But "omitted time" is a basic insanity. That a body lives only about 70 years puts an awful limit on Man. Man's empires endure at most only about 300 years if that. Seventy years is not enough time to make a real career and 300 years is not enough time to even groove in a civil service. Man pays for it with poor lives and rotten governments. But it doesn't take 70 years or 300 years to process a pc. A year maybe up to ~homo novis~. A few years to OT. Even traveling it casually slow. Twenty-five hours to repair someone's life and 50 to 100 hours to get him up to no somatics with Dianetics is pretty satisfactorily fast. What does this take? A week to repair. Two to four weeks for full Dianetics. At 25 hours a week. That's very little. 608 BOOK THREE And it's enough to tell him to get trained so he can have all he wants. When speed is the consideration, not results, you get a very cheap camera or car. And you can expect it to fall apart very soon. You also get a cheap reputation. We are in the Leica and Cadillac and Rolls Royce product class without trying. We've learned all this the hard way. So let's not let it go unheeded. The place to handle the situation is with C/Sing. And to gain the cooperation of C/Ses to make results real results by insisting that speed is the fast road to poverty in the long run. If the C/S burden is too heavy, start pushing training. Then you'll get help. Honest C/Sing gives an honest result. It takes as long to correct a case as it takes. It takes as long to make a person well as it takes. It takes as long to get a real lasting grade result as it takes. ~There are no considerations which forgive any result that is not thorough and honest for every program or grade~. ¤"Quickie" Defined¤ The reason an auditor can say he doesn't "quickie a rundown" (and none ever say they do) is because he has no definition for the word ~quickie~. The word has been used to designate rundowns that were not completely and fully done. It is not a slang word. In the dictionary you will find "~Quickie~ also quicky: something done or made in a hurry. Also: a hurriedly planned and executed program (as of studies)." What makes a quickie "completion" quickie? Is it length of time? Not necessarily. Is it fewness of processes? Not necessarily. To define ~complete~ gives us the reverse of quickie. ~Complete~: To make whole, entire or perfect; end after satisfying all demands or requirements." A completion is "the act or action of completing, becoming complete or making complete." THE IVORY TOWER 609 So "completing" something is not a loose term. It means an exact thing. "End after satisfying all demands or requirements" does not mean "doing as little as possible" or "doing what one can call complete without being detected." Anything that does not fully satisfy all requirements is ~quickie~. So "quickie" really means "omitting actions for whatever reason that would satisfy all demands or requirements and doing something less than could be achieved." In short, quickie is not doing all the steps and actions that could be done to make a perfect whole. Standard auditing actions required for ages that auditors cleared each word of each command. Yet when they went quickie they dropped this. When this was dropped, ~gains on 75% of all pcs lessened or vanished~. We are right now achieving spectacular wins on pcs just by clearing up commands and words on all lists. We are finding that these pcs did not recover and ~never before had been in session~ even though previously "audited" hundreds of hours. By omitting an essential action of clearing commands, processing did not work because the pc never understood the auditing commands! So quickie action did not save any time, did it? It wasted hundreds of hours! Essentially quickie tech is simply ~dishonest~. Auditors who do it have their own ethics out in some way. To be sure their confront is down. There are numerous remedies for the quickie impulse. Plain simple TR-0 is a standard remedy. TR-0 properly done and completed, itself usually cures it. Wherever quickie tendencies or false stats (the quickest quickie possible) show up, the above had better be gotten into full use fast. It is doubtful if one could count the number of uses to which auditing can be placed to help livingness and improve the health, ability and outlook of a person. The trend now is to apply auditing to special requirements. But this is not a new trend--it is merely unknown. Emphasis on completed grades tended to drive out of sight the real uses of auditing. 610 BOOK THREE Naturally one wants his Dianetic triples and his Scientology triples. But to say this is the end of auditing is silly. In the pursuit of the "new" one forgets the successful old. There are thousands of processes, all valid, if run only to F/N. Dianetic auditing particularly lends itself to specific situations. For instance, a pregnant woman should be audited on emotions and somatics relating to birth or babies before delivery. We used to simply audit the girl's own birth and any past births (R3R). Then immediately after delivery the engram is run out. Handling pregnancy in this fashion has the woman up and about in three days and in fine condition. This prevents utterly the extreme of "postpartum psychosis" as mental upset due to delivery is called. It prevents any upset with the husband or child. It prevents physical after-effects. In short, it ~should~ be done. People who have been ill for some time often only get well because they are audited. After any illness the person should be audited. After accidents and medical care people should be audited. Almost any human situation containing pain or misemotion should be handled by auditing. In the field of ability, auditing is king. The inability to study or to work or even to live can be handled in many ways. The simple action of listing the somatics, emotions and attitudes of the unwanted condition and running them R3R triple relieves them. Auditing is for ~use~. Auditing ~is~ the answer to human disability and travail. It can make life worth living. Auditing is not a limited action, "He's had his triples so you can't do anything" is about as limited a view as you can get. A case supervisor should be fully aware of what auditing can do and insist that it gets done. There is no limit to what good auditing can do. That is the first thing one should learn about it. THE IVORY TOWER 611 ¤Nulling and F/Ning Prepared Lists¤ A prepared list is one which is used to correct cases. There are many of these. Notable amongst them is the L3RD. Now and then you get the extreme oddity of a list selected to exactly remedy the case not reading but not F/Ning. Of course this might happen if the list did not apply to the case (such as an OT prepared list being used on a Dianetic pc, heaven forbid). In the case of lists to correct Dianetics, it is nearly impossible for this situation to occur. A C/S will very often see that the auditor has assessed the list on the pc, has gotten no reads, and the list did not F/N. A "reasonable" C/S (heaven forbid) lets this go by. Yet he has before him first class evidence that the auditor 1. Has out-TRs in general 2. Has no impingement whatever with TR-1 3. Is placing his meter in the wrong position in the auditing session so that he cannot see it, the pc and his worksheet 4. That the auditor's eyesight is bad. One or more of these conditions certainly exist. To do nothing about it is to ask for catastrophe after catastrophe with pcs and to have one's confidence in one's own C/Sing deteriorate badly. An amazing number of auditors cannot make a prepared list read for one of the above reasons. Putting in "suppress," "invalidation," or "misunderstood words" on the list will either get a read or the list will F/N. The moral of this is that prepared lists that do not read F/N. When prepared lists that do not read do not F/N or when the auditor cannot get a prepared list to F/N, serious auditing errors are present which will defeat a C/S. In the interest of obtaining results and being merciful on pcs, the wise C/S never lets this situation go by without finding what it is all about. 612 BOOK THREE ¤Dianetic Errors¤ There are several corny stunts that can occur in Dianetics, any of which will add up to no F/N. 1. Trying to run an item that didn't read on being given or when being called. As the chain is not charged it will be hard, if not impossible, to run. Blowdown (BD) items are of course the very best and almost always erase very easily. 2. Starting a new session with a new item with the TA way, way up. To play it safe in Dianetic auditing (it can be handled in Scientology) the Dianetic auditor who starts a session and a new action at the same time with the TA high is very foolish. It may not be high on what the auditor is now newly trying to run. The correct action is not to start the session. Just end off with no auditing done. When the TA has settled down on another day (three days to ten days later) begin your new action. The pc is ill or is having trouble in life. If you were running a chain in the last session and continue it in the next, disregard the high TA. A way to get around this is get some new items from the high TA pc and take one that blows down well and you can probably bring it off. Safest is don't audit a high TA pc unless to repair an unflat chain (or to run Exteriorization Rundown). This rule is variable. But you should know it is risky to audit a new item taken from an earlier list when the pc comes into session with a high TA as it may not be high on what you are about to run and so you may get no F/N. The only remedy is to get new items and choose a BD one (or to turn the pc over to a Scientology auditor to assess a high-low TA list and handle). 3. Running a narrative item can lead to no F/N. (A narrative item describes only one possible incident, i.e., "dropping an ironing board on my foot" = no chain = possible no F/N.) 4. Running a pc who has exteriorized in auditing (whose TA is now high) on something other than an Exteriorization Rundown will produce a high TA and no F/N in the session. After an Exteriorization Rundown has been run anything can be run. 5. Probably the ~worst~ blunder is failing to ask for ABCD again when the pc says "It's erased," but the TA is THE IVORY TOWER 613 still high. This is really a corny error. TA 4.9. Pc says, "It's erased! All blank now," and the auditor fails to ask ABCD once more. There is a moment when the pc's ~not-is~ of the picture squeezes it into invisibility. The mass of it is still there. It takes just one or two more passes to get the BD and F/N. It's up to the auditor not to let the pc go without that additional ABCD. Then the BD and F/N happened with cognition and VGIs. This error is more common that one would think. 6. Failure to ask for the earlier beginning will also cause a long grind (ABCD over and over) and no F/N. 7. Of course, not asking for an earlier incident mentioning the same item will also cause a grind and no F/N. When the item isn't also mentioned in the command, the pc can jump chains. And if the earlier beginning is not asked for at all, of course there will be no F/N. 8. Auditing a pc under protest will cause the TA to stay up and no F/N. Forcing a pc to go on being audited when the pc is refusing or not wishing to go on upsets the pc and his case and will often result in low TA (below 2) and will give the pc a heavy loss. There is no excuse for it. It invalidates the pc's cause. The correct action is to either find out why he doesn't want to go on or send the pc to a Scientology review. The skilled Dianetic auditor knows these things cold and does not make these errors. Thus he gets his end of session F/N regularly and gets an F/N at the examiner as well when the case has had a few sessions. ¤F/N What You Ask or Program¤ When an auditor asks one question but F/Ns something else it is simply a version of Q and A. Example: Auditor: Do you have a problem? Pc: (ramble-ramble): I was thinking of last night's dinner. Auditor: That F/Ns. 614 BOOK THREE Every few folders you pick up, you can find examples of this: The auditor is not trained not to Q and A. He is ~not~ getting answers to his questions. When the auditor starts something (such as a question or process) he ~must F/N~ what he started ~even though he did something else during it and got an F/N on something else. He must F/N the original action~. The result can be: a. Missed withhold phenomena b. High or low TA an hour after the pc "F/Ned at examiner" c. A stalled case d. An undone program e. An unhandled pc f. Continual need for repair programs. To get this disease out of an area it requires that auditors go through an anti-Q and A handling. C/Ses can also Q and A. They simply handle whatever the pc originates to the examiner or auditor, over and over and on and on. The result is: A. Incomplete programs B. Tripled or quadrupled C/S effort as the case never seems to get solved C. Loads of repair programs. Yet a C/S who does it will never look for it as ~the~ primary error being committed. The remedy is to have the C/S do an anti-Q and A program. ¤The Primary Failure¤ A C/S who cannot get a result on his pcs will find the most usual biggest improvement by getting the offending auditors' ~assessing~ handled. We used to say that "the auditor's TRs were out" as the most fundamental reason for no results. This is not specific enough. ~The most common reason for failed sessions is the inability of the auditor to get reads on lists~. THE IVORY TOWER 615 Time after time I have checked this back as the real reason. It became evident when one could take almost any "null" (no read) list in a pc's folder, give it and the pc to an auditor who ~could~ assess and get nice reads on it with consequent gain. Example: Pc has a high TA. C/S orders a correction list. List is null. Pc goes on having a high TA. C/S gets inventive, case crashes. Another C/S and another auditor takes the ~same~ pc and the same list, gets good reads, handles. Case flies again. What was wrong was: a. The auditor's TR-1 was terrible b. The auditor couldn't meter. One takes the above and gets these points fully checked on the flunking auditor. The C/S gets the auditor's TR-1 corrected. In doing the latter one may find a why for the out-TR-1 like a notion one must be soft-spoken to stay in ARC or the auditor is imitating some other auditor whose TR-1 is faulty. It takes correct metering and ~impingement~ to make a list read. If the auditor does not have these, then drug lists, Dianetic lists, correction lists will all go for nothing. As the prepared list is the C/S's main tool for discovery and correction, an auditor failure to get a list to respond or note it then defeats the C/S completely. ~The error of an auditor being unable to get a list to read on a meter is a primary cause of C/S failure~. To win, correct it! ¤Important, Auditing Speed¤ Almost any failure you have ever had with an auditor or in auditing came from auditor comm lags or errors. This is a vital datum. It came to light from applying the rule: ask the pc what the auditor did after any failed session and get it corrected in the auditor. SPEED is the main factor behind the mystery of a failed session. 616 BOOK THREE In AUDITING pre-OTs, the speed the auditor must have is far greater than that required to handle those just in off the street. This ~speed~ factor is the real REASON why pre-OTs were at first considered very hard to audit on Dianetics. The better an auditor knows his TRs, his processes, his meter and admin, the faster he can operate. If you train auditors only up to slow, comm-laggy handling of a session you will get a lot of mysteriously "failed sessions," ending with the TA high and the pc very low! A somewhat slow auditor auditing a new pc may be fast enough to get away with it. Put him on a person whose Dianetics is finished and some grades in, he begins to have a few "case failures." Now put him to auditing reviews or Dianetics on a pre-OT and all sessions fail. The remedy is to speed the auditor up with the special Dianetic TRs 101, 102, 103 and 104. In assigning auditors you only dare assign fast ones to pre-OTs. Speed and accuracy then is the stress of all training and the lack of it is the source of all auditing failures on pcs who are not severely ill. Even the latter respond once their purely physical illness is properly handled. The pre-OT in session normally moves much faster than a lower grade pc. The auditor has to be about five times faster and must know his auditing commands and technical procedures without any slightest flub in application in order to keep up with the pre-OT and not distract him from session. In the early stages of the development of Standard Dianetics it was found that a small number of pcs did not want to be audited. Further investigation revealed that each of these were in fact pre-OTs and each had just had a session that was failed to some degree. With the breakthrough in auditor training and the development of command drills, there is now no difficulty in auditing fast THE IVORY TOWER 617 OT level pcs, there are no failed sessions, and there have been no further instances of pre-OTs not wanting further auditing. It is essential at all training levels that the exact commands and procedures be properly duplicated and that auditing on a doll and bullbaited session training drills be well-emphasized, thoroughly drilled and the student not be graduated until the supervisor and examiner are certain that the student would never forget, fumble, or give an incorrect command or use incorrect procedure despite any distraction and could easily keep up with the pc no matter how fast the pc, at the same time maintaing excellent TRs, adequate session admin, and competent meter handling. ¤Auditor Assignment Policies¤ One sometimes hears auditors complain, "Scientologists are harder to audit than new pcs." We know the answer to this. It is auditor ~speed~. When an auditor complains of this, he is revealing that he is a slow auditor. Dianetics and Scientology (demonstrated by carefully controlled tests) greatly speed up reaction time. They also increase IQ rapidly and were the reason colleges came off their "IQs never change." As a person is audited he becomes quicker mentally, also he becomes less comm-laggy. Also he is more familiar with technology and his own case and is less afraid of himself and his "bank." In assigning auditors to pcs, if you do not pay attention to comparable grade levels between auditors and pcs you will have failed sessions. Therefore it is policy not to assign an auditor to a pc, whose grade and class is less than that of the pc. PRECLEARS WHO HAVE STUDIED OR RUN THE OT III MATERIALS MAY ONLY BE AUDITED BY AUDITORS WHO ARE OT III OR ABOVE. This applies to Dianetics and Scientology auditing. You can wreck a non-OT III Dianetic auditor by assigning him or her to a pc who has run the OT III materials. SO DON'T DO IT. 618 BOOK THREE Any auditor who is not OT III who is assigned to a pc who has studied or audited OT III must refuse to audit that pc. This rule is invariable. Don't violate it. ONLY AUDITORS WHO ARE OT III OR ABOVE MAY AUDIT PRECLEARS WHO HAVE STUDIED OR RUN THE OT III MATERIALS. Further, a good auditor deserves a good auditor. To assign a new student to audit a skilled and practiced veteran auditor of excellent auditing record is suppressive. The new student or new graduate would proabaly be intimidated just at the thought of auditing someone who is far more expert, and this would magnify his flubs and comm lags. Therefore assign only good proven auditors to good auditors. It is a suppressive act to assign a new or poor auditor to an auditor who has proven he can attain uniformly good results. Slow auditors will be found successful auditing slow auditors. This does not excuse not drilling slow auditors up to becoming, fast, precision auditors. Good auditors are valuable. They should be safeguarded, given favors and even pampered. Slow auditors should be drilled and given slow (new) pcs only until their own case gain brings them, with their drills, higher case gain and thus higher speed. We are now in the era of 100 percent auditing success ~and~ 100 percent auditor training. If sessions are flubbed, the technology was not applied or there were flagrant auditor errors. Handle the auditor and then you have the standard invariable 100 percent. ¤Non F/N Cases¤ When cases do not bring an F/N VGIs to the examiner, it is the signal to study the whole case anew and find the bug or bugs that keep it from running and get them handled. THE IVORY TOWER 619 Recently I took over a whole series of these non-F/N VGIs at examiner cases and very, very carefully studied each one. ~In every examiner non-F/N case I found flagrant out-tech in (a) the programming, (b) the C/Sing AND (c) the auditing~. All three outnesses existed. These cases were taken as ~all~ the non-F/N exam reports on a line containing hundreds of folders and over 600 well-done hours a week. So you can see that these errors had been missed by expert C/Ses and auditors. The errors were missed because ~hope~ was being used instead of study. There was a ~hope~ that just routine C/Ses and auditing would work it out eventually. The fact of non-F/N at examiner was not given sufficient importance. The fact is that many who F/Ned at the examiner had small flaws in them yet still got by. The exam non-F/N indicates ~flagrant out tech~ in the programming ~and~ the C/Sing ~and~ the auditing. That's what it takes. After a bug is found and corrected the case still may not F/N at the examiner for a while. But after that while is passed the failure to give the examiner an F/N means ~another~ bug and more study. There is always a bug, not necessarily current, often very old in these exam non-F/N cases. There are sometimes two or three bugs. The answer is ~not~ to go on C/Sing and hope. The answer ~is~, study and find the bug. Cases run on triples after a long list of singles is a type of bug. Cases exteriorizing (TA high) then getting no Interiorization Rundown is another bug. Cases given false reads or already run withholds, cases who don't tell their cognitions, cases who were on drugs but drugs were never run, cases that rock-slammed but no crime found, cases that are always sad or tired . . . well, these types of cases are the usual bugged cases. But even they sometimes F/N if only to roller coaster* up and down. The general rule of going back to where the case was running well and coming forward still holds. 620 BOOK THREE Every case I examined had a big bug. Flagrant god-awful overruns, three major programs begun, each incomplete, engram after engram botched and run to high TA then walked off from. The errors were real! They bad been sitting there for some time unnoticed. Session after session mounting up into piles of wasted auditing. Sick pcs are another indicator. Pc F/Ns at examiner, then reports sick. Look behind it and you find some wild program, C/S and auditing error. So the answer is to ~study the case~. Get a total FES done if one has never been done. Get a current FES done or do it yourself. Then examine the programs and the FESes and folder summaries and suddenly you'll find it. Sometimes the errors are silly. A bogged Dianetic case had gotten tons of Class VI repair. The C/S, a Class VIII, had never realized Dianetic C/Sing is its own brand of C/Sing. He didn't shift gears to Dianetic C/Sing when C/Sing Dianetics sessions. The auditor way back had not known that when the pc originates "It's erased" and the TA remains high, his correct action is one more ABCD. This C/S had then tried Class VI remedies instead of telling the auditor "Flatten or rehab the last chain." When the chains left unflat were rehabbed all was suddenly well. The stable datum is ~cases moderately well-programmed, C/Sed and audited run well~. So cases that don't run well (unchanging exam, natter,* comment, non-F/N) have a ~big~ error in programming C/Sing and auditing. Look well and you will find it. And if that isn't it, there was another to be found as well. If you can't find the folder or data in it you should take every imaginable measure to acquire more data. D of P interviews, telexes to his last church and telegrams to his auditors. But get data from somewhere somehow. An auditor or C/S who really knows his theory and has a good grasp of practical application knows the right way. From that he can easily see how things are wrong. THE IVORY TOWER 621 An ounce of case study is worth ten pounds of wasted sessions. ¤Getting the F/N to Examiner¤ If after an F/N session end the pc's TA goes up at the examiner, the pc is afflicted with unflat engram chains. All high TAs depend on unflat or restimulated engram chains. TAs go high on overrun because the overrun restimulates engram chains not yet run. Engram (or secondary or lock) chains can be keyed-out. This does not mean that they stay ~out~. In a few minutes or hours or days or years they can key back in. A pc will also ~de~stimulate in from three to ten days usually. This means be "settles out." Thus a pc can be overrun into new engram chains (by life or an auditor), TA goes up, three to ten days later the TA comes down. When a pc is audited to F/N VGIs and then a few minutes later has a high TA the usual reasons are: 1. Has had his communication chopped or full Dianetic end phenomena not reached or 2. Has been run on an unreading item or subject or 3. Is overwhelmed or 4. Has a lot of engrams keying-in or 5. Has been run in the past without full erasure of engrams or attaining end phenomena 6. Lists badly done or other misauditing causes a pc to feel bad and key-in chains, also 7. A pc can be audited when too tired or too late at night. The solution to any of these is easy: on (1) always see that the pc attains full EP, particularly on engram chains. On (2) make auditors check for read on Dianetic items before running them. On (3) see also (2) and get the pc a proper program. On (4) repair or isolate pc so his PT isn't so ferocious looking. Let him change his environment and then audit him or (5) look into his folder to see who audited him on so many chains with no real erasure or EP. On (6) you 622 BOOK THREE use repair lists (like L3RD and other usual actions). On (7) you make the pc get some rest and if he can't make him go for a walk away until he is tired and ~then~ walk back and get some sleep. All these really add up to keyed-in or unflat engram chains. Whether the pc can handle them depends on repair and the usual. Of all these the past auditing without attaining EP on engram chains (whether done in Dianetics or Scientology) is a usual reason for a much audited pc to have a high TA. The answers to any high TA that won't come down and to any pc who continually arrives at examiner after an F/N VGI session end with his TA ~up~ are: A. Faulty auditing not letting pc go to full Dianetic EP when running engrams B. A false auditing report (PR-type report meaning promoting instead of auditing) C. Too many engram chains in past restimulation by life or auditing. ~Any~ correct standard Dianetic auditing will eventually handle. But it is usual to do a ~picture remedy~ (covered later in this chapter under Dianetic Remedies). A pc who has a ~chronic somatic~ would get programmed like this: I. Repair program until pc feeling better. II. Picture remedy with all reading and interest items Dianetic triple to full Dianetic EP. III. Health form--with all reading and interest items Dianetic triple to full Dianetic EP. IV. Somatics of the area with all reading and interest items Dianetic triple to full Dianetic EP. V. Run the engram chain of the incident (operation, accident, etc.,) he believes caused it, R3R triple. VI. Health form to F/N on the health form itself and attest full Dianetic result as per class chart. That's maybe 50 hours, all done in Dianetic triples, of course, in Steps II to VI. Pcs with high TAs feel ill and get ill. THE IVORY TOWER 623 No use to elaborate on that. It's just a fact and is ~the~ fact about pcs who get ill. So maybe you see why this is important! Pcs with low TAs are more or less in apathy. If it F/N VGIs at session end and is low at Examiner (like 1.9 OR if went low in session and didn't F/N), then the pc is: a. overwhelmed and needs auditing and life repair b. can have been run on a flat or unreading item that invalidated his former win. Example: Pc listed on an unreading list; few sessions later worrying about it and coming to exam with low TA. Repair is the answer. Low TA pcs need a life repair also. ¤Pressure Somatics and Dianetics¤ Pressure somatics from a health form or a Dianetic list, e.g., pressure on the chest, pressure arount the head, should be taken up in a Dianetic session with ~caution~ as the pc can often bog on the chain and no erasure is obtained. Case supervisors can okay pressure somatics to be run in Dianetics when the pc runs well and there is a proven Dianetic auditor available. Otherwise treat pressure somatics with caution as pcs can have trouble locating the basic incident on the chain and getting an erasure. Any difficulty with a pressure somatic item in Dianetics is handled with an L3RD, particularly question number 50. ¤TRs Rules¤ With the use of TRs on auditors and students, a rule must be laid down: ~A person on a TR course or in progress on a TR cycle may not also be audited~. ~While working on TRs and until they are passed, do not accept auditing~. The reason for these rules lie in the major C/S rules: ~Do not begin new programs to end old~. 624 BOOK THREE ~Do not start a new action before completing the existing one~. And the auditor rule: ~Obtain an F/N before starting the next C/S action. If unable to do so, never begin the next C/S action but end session and return the folder to the C/S~. The surest way in the world to bog a case is to: 1. Begin a new process without obtaining an F/N on the one just run 2. Begin a major action without completing the old one 3. Begin a major action without setting up a case with rudiments and F/Ns 4. Begin a new program without completing the old one 5. Start several programs without finishing any 6. Enter a new major action into a case already in progress on another incomplete major action. I have seen a case on as many as ~five~ major actions with none complete. And when I see this the first thing I take up is the first unflat incomplete program and get it finished, then the next, then the next. The case comes out all smooth. Example: Case is on but not complete on Dianetic auditing. Switched to grades. Incomplete on grades, gets auditor program. Incomplete on that, shifted to upper level Scientology processing. The only apparent exception is a repair. A case can be repaired if bogged ~providing the original action is rehabbed if overrun or completed to EP~. A program may reach EP before the ~written-up~ program is completed. Thus a process completion is defined as the ~end phenomena~ of the process. A program is complete when the ~end phenomena~ of the program is attained. Any course or program containing TRs 0-4, 6-9 is a major program in itself. It produces case gain--if run right--and has an end phenomenon. Further, by actual experience when a person is on a real (not a patty-cake and weak) TR course and is also being audited at the same time, the C/S and auditor if they don't know the person is also on TRs can be utterly baffled and THE IVORY TOWER 625 worried as the case does not run right. "What did I do?" "What C/S was wrong?" "Look, his TA is high." "Now it's low." "Last session he . . ." And the C/S and auditor engage in efforts to handle the odd case behavior. But the person, unknown to them, was ~also~ on a real TR course and his case was changing! You can also run into this same oddity with a mystic who "bathes the body in light" every night or a wife whose husband audits her between HGC* (Hubbard Guidance Centers) sessions or a self-auditor. The principle is the same. The C/S and auditor are going down Well-being Street and hidden trucks keep dashing out of alleys and running into the pc. The reason auditing should be done in intensive packages, not one hour a week or a session a month lies in the fact that ~life~ can run a new action in on a pc. It's a great way to waste auditing to let a pc have a session once a week. You can't even keep his rudiments in if he lives in any confusions. So nothing is done for the ~case~, all the auditing goes to handle the life interjections! A case runs on cycles of actions. This is true in the auditing comm cycle. It is true in a process cycle. It is true in a program cycle. New things being crossed into old incomplete things make a sort of ARC break situation like a cut comm cycle. No case gain can be created by lack of a comm cycle in an auditor, lack of an action cycle in processes or messing up a program cycle. Further the fellow who doesn't reach the EP of a ~course~ is likely never to use that material or be faulty with the subject. Usual Dianetics and Scientology study courses give case gain. One can carry on with auditing parallel to them. But still expect a case to change a bit by study and baffle a C/S once in a while. But a ~real~ TR course produces changes up and down and up that are not possible to ~also~ audit around. So they don't mix. 626 BOOK THREE ¤Don't Force a Pc¤ Don't force a pc who is ill. The whole intention when auditing a pc who is sick is making him well. If overts or missed withholds don't read, even though he is nattering, then they are not available to be run right then. A preclear who is not well cannot look, his havingness is down and he must be handled permissively-- ~always~. The mechanism of ~release~ must be well-understood to make an ill person well. They plunge down the track madly on any excuse. They require much lighter auditing than they stand up to when well. ¤Dianetic C/Ses¤ Dianetic sessions often go five or even eight hours. One tries to do all the flows of an item in one session. ¤Unresolved Pains¤ It occasionally happens that a pc's certain pain does not resolve on Dianetics. There are two reasons for this: 1. ~Not enough auditing on enough chains~. Sooner or later the exact small piece of an engram "already run" shows up on another chain later. Example: Pain in an area of an operation occurs now and then again weeks, months or years after the operation has been run out as an engram. Sooner or later just on general auditing the missing bit of the operation shows up, and blows. Voila! Pain gone forever. This is peculiar especially to abdominal operations like an appendectomy. The operation was run out. The scar stays puffy. The pc is occasionally ill from it. Pc's conclusion is that Dianetics hasn't worked on it. More auditing on other somatics (just general Dianetics) is given. One day the remaining bit of the operation, hidden from view, apparently erased, shows up, and blows. Pc is now fine. A reason for this is "overburden" in that the incident was too charged in one place to be confronted. As the whole THE IVORY TOWER 627 case is unburdened, confront comes up. The piece that was missing (and giving the pain) blows. There is no way of forcing it. In fact it would be fatal to try. The other reason for it is that the missing bit causing the pain is a different somatic like "a chest compression." This bit of the operation had another basic than the one run. The answer to a persistent or recurring somatic in an injured area is always more Dianetic auditing of the standard type, just addressed to the bank not the special somatic. Just keep doing the usual and one day it all straightens out. 2. ~Sympathetic nervous system pains~. There are two sides to the body. As you learn in touch assists, if the right hand is injured you include also the left hand. Body nerves conduct pain. The two sides of the body interlock. Pain gets stopped in the nerves. If the right elbow is hurt the ~left~ elbow will have echoed the pain. Example, you find a pc with a pain in the left elbow. You try to audit a left elbow chain. It doesn't fully resolve. If you ran injuries to the ~right~ elbow, suddenly there's a somatic going through the left elbow! It gets well. This is the sympathetic nervous system. The right ear injured, also gets echoed with a somatic in the left ear. You audit the right ear only. Pc comes up with a sore left ear! You can actually direct a pc's attention to it (nonstandard but a research technique) and he can find where the uninjured ear echoed the injured ear. Where you can't fully repair a crippled left leg, don't be surprised to find it was the ~right~ leg that was hurt. You audit the ~left~ leg somatic in vain. If you do, start auditing somatics in the ~opposite side of the body~. The mystery of toothache is resolved in both 1 and 2 above, especially 2. The pain is concentrated on the left upper molar. You audit it in vain. Toothache persists. Look at the pc's mouth. Has the ~right~ upper molar ever been pulled or injured? Yes. That's how the ~left~ molar began 628 BOOK THREE to decay. The right upper molar was pulled. The pain (especially under the painkiller on the right side only) backed up and stopped on the opposite side. Eventually the left upper molar, under that stress, a year or ten later, caves in and aches. Mysterious as it wasn't injured. Mysterious as the opposite molar is long gone, doesn't hurt anymore. When a toothache does not resolve in auditing, audit the opposite tooth on the other side. You can actually do it by count of teeth. It's sort of auditing a no-somatic. Pc in misery with right upper molar. No pain on left side. Audit an injury he had on the left side (it will read on the meter also). Voila! The toothache that wouldn't go away eases up! The fellow who has the exact opposite teeth pulled (upper-right wisdom, upper-left wisdom) is in for it as there is a constant cross play. Makes the mouth odd and pressury. Both sides are reacting to the other side! Dentists often note the strange pressure, "bursting feelings" a patient has when a tooth "needs pulling." This is the stress in the nerves from an injury which occurred on the opposite side! An auditor can audit a right side tooth in vain unless he knows enough to audit ~the other side~. For a pc with a toothache, on the ~right~ side, you can list for feelings on the ~left~ side of the mouth and get "numbness," "no feeling," etc. Audit ~that~ list and suddenly magically the toothache on the opposite side not being audited eases up. As toothacbes sometimes give a Dianetic auditor a failure, he should know about the sympathetic factor as above. The failure becomes a success. ¤Somatics and OTs¤ If a preclear or pre-OT has physical difficulties, bad perception trouble, illness or physical disability ~he has no business getting grades, power,* clearing or OT levels~. ~He needs Dianetics~. THE IVORY TOWER 629 Once ~that~ is completely understood it will end any and all "failures." Using Scientology auditing and grades to handle common Dianetic problems is to audit a pc over a present time problem. The big PTP a thetan has is his body. A thetan is a thetan and he wants spiritual freedom and ability. A body is a body. Scientology = thetan rehabilitation. Dianetics = body improvement. All Dianeticists and Scientologists, all pcs and pre-OTs should be informed of this. Using Scientology to help the body and Dianetics to help the thetan is a mixture of practices and the misuse of both. Dianetic processing uses a meter, R3R, assists and TRs. It also uses an understanding of what the subject is for. It erases locks, secondaries and engrams or their chains. That's exactly what it does and what is done with it. The mental image picture is the source of continued pain, somatics, bad perception or illness. This subject has to be ~done~, actually ~used~. These data in this paragraph are the ~total~ essentials of Dianetics. It is taught, case supervised and used as Dianetics. The thetan, scales, ARC, exteriorization, ability, freedom, the grades, clearing, and OT levels are the sole province of Scientology. Don't overlap and intermingle the two subjects. Cleanly separate the two and so obtain enormously increased case gains. ¤The Pc Who Has Something That Hasn't Been Handled¤ When a person who came into Dianetics to get something handled complains in some way that it hasn't been handled you find out what it is, get it stated in the form of an assessable item, then the case supervisor orders the chosen version be run by R3R to erasure of chain. If a person tells the examiner he has never had handled what he came into Dianetics, or even medicine to handle, the examiner finds out what it is, (e.g. "My feet." What about 630 BOOK THREE your feet? "Painful feet.") then sends the examiner's report to the C/S with the pc folder. If the pc indicates in session that there is something he never had handled the auditor notes the fact and sends to the C/S after completing the session he is currently running. The C/S may instruct the examiner to get more specific data from the pc if the statement was too generalized. ¤Dianetic List Errors¤ It ~can~ happen that a Dianetic list of somatics, pains, emotions and attitudes can act as a list under the meaning of the Scientology laws of listing and nulling. The most violent session ARC breaks occur because of list errors under the Scientology meaning of listing and nulling. Other session ARC breaks even under withholds are not as violent as those occurring because of listing errors. Therefore when a violent or even a "total-apathy won't answer" session upset has occurred in Dianetics, one must suspect that the preclear is reacting under the Scientology laws of listing and nulling and that he conceives such an error to have been made. The repair action is to send the pc to a Scientology review to assess the prepared list which corrects listing errors. This is L4BR. It is used "On Dianetics lists . . ." as the start of each of its questions when employed for this purpose. When a pc has not done well on Dianetics and when no other reason can be found the case supervisor should suspect some listing error and order an L4BR to be done "On Dianetic lists . . ." at the start of each question. ~All~ Dianetic lists can be carried to an item that blows down and F/Ns. This does not mean the item found is now wholly clean. Even though it F/Ned it can be run by recall, by secondaries and by engrams. It is usually run by engrams, triples, R3R. A case supervisor must be alert to the fact that: a. Extreme upsets and deep apathies are almost always list errors THE IVORY TOWER 631 b. That a Dianetic list can be conceived to be a formal list and can behave that way c. L4BR is the correction list used in such cases (done by a Scientology auditor). Very few Dianetic lists behave this way but when they do they must be handled as above. ¤Dianetic Remedies¤ A. Past Life Remedy There are three ways of getting a pc to run past track incidents in Dianetics. 1. For a pc that does not run incidents or somatic chains back to basic, in past lives, you would list: "What attitudes would make one unwilling to go earlier than this life?" You get the best reading item, check for interest and run the item by R3R. You reassess, check for interest and R3R. Continue to reassess (or add to the list) until the list is exhausted. Repeat these steps listing (separately and in this order) for emotions, sensations, and pains that "would make one unwilling to go earlier than this life." Somewhere along the line, the pc will go earlier than this life, and that is the result of this first action. (Make sure, however, that any remaining reading items are run--if they have pc interest.) 2. Children. Some children respond positively and successfully to the above remedy. However, children are very burdened cases. They speak of "remembering" all the time. They say they can't go backtrack "because they don't remember." They don't seem to take it from pictures. Contrary to psychology theories, children are in very rough case shape, nervous, frightened, griefy, etc. They are stuck in the books and movies they see. They run very shallow, which means they F/N too easily and they run incidents very close to present time. The easiest way to unburden cases is by: a. Contact processes (CCHs, etc.) b. Recall. 632 BOOK THREE 3. Children again. There exists also a category of children that have a fear of going into past lives. Even though they had been run on the above remedies, they still did not make it. You would list that type of pc as follows: "What attitudes would make you not want to look at earlier lives?" You get the best reading item, check for interest and run R3R on that item. Reassess. Get the next best reading item, check for interest and run R3R. Continue until you have exhausted the list. (Add to the list if necessary.) Then repeat this procedure listing (separately and in this order) emotions, sensations, and pains that "would make you not want to look at earlier lives." Somewhere along the handling of the list (or lists) made, the pc will look at pictures that he doesn't recognize easily, can't date, etc. The Dianetic auditor handles those inabilities as per standard Dianetic procedure, and off you go, with a pc looking at pictures of earlier lives, cogniting and winning and F/Ning on erasure of incidents with VGIs! (Make sure, however, that any remaining reading items are run--if they have pc interest.) B. The Anaten Pc, Dopes Off in Session, High TA. The handling of the pcs or pre-OTs that fall under the above category, even though they were well-rested before session, consists of three ways: 1. The case supervisor sends the pc or pre-OT to a Dianetic auditor who would list: "What pictures or masses have you touched on in life or in auditing that have been left unflat?" The Dianetic auditor would get the best reading item from the list, get the somatic or pain, or sensation or unwanted emotion or attitude that goes with that picture or mass, make sure that it reads well, and he would follow down to basic and erasure that item that read with the picture or the mass, by standard R3R. The list is reassessed and is exhausted as above. When the above action is performed, the TA of that pc or pre-OT will come back to its normal range, i.e., between 2 and 3, and the pc brightens up as the list is handled. THE IVORY TOWER 633 2. There are some pcs or pre-OTs that keep talking in Dianetic or review sessions about "this huge automaticity of pictures coming in, faster and faster." They also dope off somewhat in session and they are somewhat hard to get an F/N on. The case supervisor would send such pcs or pre-OTs to a Dianetic auditor who would list: "What pictures have you seen in auditing?" The list is handled exactly as in 1 above. And the results are exactly the same as in 1 above. ¤Resistive Cases Former Therapy¤ Hypnotism, "psycho" analysis, "psychiatry" and other implant type therapies often key-in and jam the track. These characters here, on any other planet and on the whole track ~dramatize~ implanting. The "therapy" involved would be a temporary relief brought about by suggestion. The wrong data of the "science" itself operates as a whole track lie. Getting well or able depends on establishing truth. These "scientific" lies are alterations of actual laws. We often note electronics men have a rough case time. This traces to the lies Man uses for his "electrical science." As the subject is based on false assumptions, it itself tends to aberrate. Therefore we get out of the road any former "therapy." We can rehabilitate any moment of release in it, handle any overrun, etc. The only cases which hang up are: 1. Unaudited cases (lies about grades, etc.) 2. Drug cases (who seek in processing the delusions or madness which exhilarated them on drugs) 3. Former therapy cases (In this or past lives) 4. Out of valence cases 5. Cases who continue to commit overts on Dianetics or Scientology 6. Case "audited" with their ruds or grades out 7. Seriously physically ill cases (where the illness makes too much PTP in present time). Of all these the former therapy case is apt to be the roughest as any ~auditing~ session can be reactively mistaken 634 BOOK THREE for the "treatment." The next roughest is the drug case as a false exteriorization often occurs on an enforced basis and may go into restimulation. Some drug takers go plowing back into early implants and drug therapies so the two get crossed up on a case. To isolate the reason for a highly resistive case or high TA you can assess the above seven items and get a clue. Don't limit it to this lifetime. And don't do it so as to key the person in hard on things he wasn't in. And don't do it unless the case is very hard to get a gain on. Engram running of a crude sort can be found hundreds, thousands or billions of years ago and consists, if it appears, of an overrun. They didn't know much about it and overran them badly. Implants, psychoanalysis, phychiatry, hypnotism gets all snarled up with sex as these birds would commonly (and do) stage insane sex scenes. They violate the children and wives of officials even today to produce a degrade and to make a scene so insane that the "patient" if he remembers it really thinks he ~is~ insane. And if he tried to tell anybody (or if she tried to tell her husband) it's a prompt mess, so these "practicitioners" hide their activities in this fashion. The trouble with such former "therapies" and electric shock, etc., is that it: A. Groups track by the command of the practitioner B. Sends the pc to the start of track ~way~ back and sticks him there out of present time. The keynote of piloting through messes like this is to (a) know what kind of a mess it is and (b) don't ~ever~ force a pc back track or into anything he doesn't want to confront easily. Drugs ~force~ the person back into these messes and stick him. One of these former therapy or drug messes is only hard to untangle because they are full of incredibles. The pc doesn't accept them or just try to see what's in them. The basic rule in any case is reality is proportional to the amount of charge removed and so reality can be increased simply by removing charge. These surges of the needle as well as the BDs of the TA are "charge coming off." THE IVORY TOWER 635 Anything eventually resolves if the pc just keeps on getting charge off. The earliest charge is the most important. Charge off the exact grades is the most valuable. But ~any~ charge off will make it, even on former "therapies." ¤Dianetic High Crimes¤ Aside from Auditor's Code violations there are only four high crimes a Dianetic auditor can commit: 1. Cease to audit suddenly with the pc down the track somewhere 2. Make a sudden evaluative remark in the middle of the session 3. React or comment adversely on what the pc is running such as being critical of the pc for having such an incident 4. Force a pc to go on when he doesn't want to. These mess up pcs quite badly and give them a great deal of trouble afterwards. Over the years these four actions have been observed being done from time to time by persons trying to audit in Dianetics. They are just as bad in Scientology but oddly, I don't recall them being done in Scientology, only Dianetics. Example of (1): Auditor fails to give next command or any further commands and leaves pc hanging. Example of (2): "Are you really interested in this session or not?" Example of (3): "That was a horrible thing to do." Example of (4): "Go ahead. Get into it," after pc has asked to stop. There are countless variations of these. In (1) the pc volunteers it's all sort of unreal in the incident, so the auditor, instead of TR-4, just ends session. These are very bad things to do. They don't kill anybody. But they surely make pcs less auditable. 636 BOOK THREE ¤Seriously Ill Pcs¤ In Green Form No. 40 there is an item: Seriously ill. This is handled as follows: 1. Medical examination 2. Medical care 3. Dianetic auditing as follows: List all somatics and feelings connected with the illness. Assess the list. Run R3R. Continue to assess the list and run R3R on items found. Add to the list any new items connected with the illness. The main point is to exhaust the entire list of all reading items. An illness contains many somatics, feelings, emotions. As a pc who is ill is easily made an effect, the auditing sessions should be smoothly done and each session relatively short, completing each session on the first erasure that gives the pc an F/N and a win (erasure, cognition and F/N). The remaining items on the GF 40 are then handled. If "seriously physically ill" is not ~the~ GF 40 item, it is still handled but in its turn doing the above Dianetic actions. Needless to say the item "seriously physically ill" is handled by a Dianetic auditor. (Note: No narrative or multiple items must be audited. Get them restated.) One can very easily go to extremes on mental illness versus physical illness. One school says all trouble comes from physical illness. Another says it all comes from mental illness. The psychiatrist mixes the two and says all mental illness is physical. The ~body~ is capable of having physical illness, acute (momentary) or chronic (continual). Broken bones, pinched nerves, diseases can any of them occur to a body ~independent~ of any mental or spiritual action. The mind or spirit can predispose the illness or injury. By this is meant a person can be distraught and have an accident, or decide to die and get a disease. THE IVORY TOWER 637 But the disease or injury when he's got it is a body circumstance and responds best to skilled medical (ordinary usual, put on a tourniquet, set a bone, give a shot) treatment. On a sick or injured person, you can reduce the time of healing or recovery by removing the spiritual or mental upset, providing the person can be audited, but usually after effective physical treatment. The facts are real enough. Auditing a person with a broken leg ~after~ it is set and he is comfortable, to remove the engram of the accident or treatment and the earlier "reason" he or she was distraught or had the accident, can improve the bone knitting time by as much as two-thirds by actual test. This would be six weeks down to two weeks. But the bone has to be set! A body is a biological object. It has all manner of internal communication systems and organized interrelated functions. Now if you tried to audit a preclear when he was acutely ill, you would find him hard to audit, confused and distracted and unable to follow commands. He may become overwhelmed easily. He certainly is not likely to respond properly. Because the ~body~ is sending all sorts of pain or discomfort messages and confusions, it is very much in his way. Two things are going on at the same time--his case as a spiritual being, his body as a distracting pain or sensation object. The pc assigns the body to his case or his case to his body. You have to get the body out of the attention area to some degree before anything helpful usually occurs by way of auditing. Now let us take the pc with a ~long-term~ illness. He has been sick with something since the age of eight. He really doesn't know he's sick physically. He blames it all on his own case. In a lot of cases we audit him and he has enough relief to then get physically well. For he was mentally or spiritually suppressing his body. These successes (and they are numerous) could cause us to do an ~all mental~ concentration and lead some to insist all 638 BOOK THREE illness was from the mind. This makes some make the mistake of omitting physical examination and treatment in all cases. Certain schools of healing in the past got the entire field in disrepute by assuming and stating and acting on just that. When you find a pc who does not easily respond, whether he answers up to seven cases "physically ill" or not, you sure better get him to the nearest clinic for a thorough physical examination including head and spine X-rays and get him examined pathologically. For you will usually find he is physically ill, in suppressed pain or discomfort. There are cures for a lot of these things now and not requiring "exploratory" operations either. ~Don't~ throw away all the grades of auditing on him. He's sick. Physically. That's why you do a Preclear Assessment Sheet. A long history of accident and illness should prepare you to be alert and to send him to a clinic if his response to auditing is the least bit poor. ~Then~ when you have the physical side of it in hand, audit him at assist level. ~When~ he is ~well~ give him his grades. ~Don't~ force auditing into physical healing. It works much of the time. Special types of auditing (running out injuries, etc.) assist healing markedly. That doesn't mean you should avoid all medical treatment! "Failed cases" are medically ill or injured cases. Without exception. So why fail. There ~are~ medical doctors and clinics. There are standard, usual treatments. You don't have to buy "exploratories" and questionable actions. These are done only when the medical doctor can't find out either. When this impasse occurs, start doing assists or look for engrams. There are some bizarre or strange postoperative (after operation) or post-injury (after injury) conditions which do surrender miraculously to auditing. A suppurating incision (operation cut that remains open and unhealing), a bone that will not heal after having a plate put on it, such things usually surrender to auditing. These facts should be used THE IVORY TOWER 639 but they do not contradict that medical treatment was needed in the first place. The psychiatrist is an example of the other extreme to spiritual healing. Instead of "all mind" he is saying "all physical." Holding either extreme produces failures. The psychiatrist got into his "all physical" by a sensing that insanity symptoms seemed to resemble persons in pain or delirium. In these cases the stress of physical suffering is pouring back into and overwhelming the mind. After considerable study on this, I realized that an error could have been made out of a statement "all insanity is physical." This is probably the case in the large percentage of the insane. But from this one cannot then say "all mental trouble is physical" because that can be demonstrated as not true. We see it as easily as in a case of a person falling ill on the receipt of bad news, who then gets good news and gets well. The great Voltaire, on his death bed, received news that he had been awarded the Legion of Honor, after a lifetime of being scorned by authority. He promptly got up, put on his clothes and went down to receive the award. In the case of insanity having physical causes, one could discover this, say it and be promptly misunderstood in this way. The sufferer is in a general agony from a nerve long ago crushed. This actual pain is distributed from its point of concentration to the whole of the nervous system. The person cannot think, looks dazed, cannot work or act. An operation removes the pressure causing the condition. The person is then "sane" in that he can perform the actions of life. After a few successes of this nature, the psychiatrist leaps to the conclusion all ~mental~ trouble is physical. He teaches some student saying "all mental trouble is physical." The ~student~ goes off, tries to figure it out, dreams up a special insanity virus or "genes" or a special illness called "insanity." He then resorts to all manner of odd and often brutal treatments. By cutting or shocking a nerve channel 640 BOOK THREE one can stop the pain messages but such actions lay in new complications which usually terminate in premature if not immediate death or injury. This tells one why tranquilizers (psychotropic drugs) make a patient rational or at least able to function for a short while. They too have their side effects. Usually all they do is, like aspirin, reduce the pain. Patients do not always know they hurt. They suppress the pain or sensation. It seems normal to them or "life." When they receive a distressing experience or have an accident they cease to suppress and may go "insane," which is to say, become continuously overwhelmed by pain or unwanted sensation. They cannot think or act rationally. They may even be insane only during periods of the day or month that coincide with the ~time~ of the accident. But they are in physical distress. As they cannot eat or sleep, their condition worsens by exhaustion and they may go into various states including a death motionlessness or actually die. The ~correct action on an insane patient is a full searching clinical examination by a competent medical doctor~. He may find disease, fractures, concussion, tumors or ~any common illness~ which has escaped treatment and has become chronic (perpetual). He should keep looking until he finds it. For it is there. ~Not~ some "insane germ" but some ordinary recognizable illness or physical malfunction. The ~wrong thing~ is to cut nerves or subject the person to more pain. Electricity can ~force~ a nerve channel to flow or paralyze it. That is probably why it ~seems~ to work sometimes. But it cures nothing and more often ~confirms~ the insane condition and certainly fills the patient with dread and terror, injures him and shortens life. The problem in insanity is often how do you keep the patient from injuring himself or starving or dying before he can be examined by a competent medical doctor in a properly equipped clinic. This is done by rest, security, feeding, under drugs if necessary. THE IVORY TOWER 641 A patient can be "built up" by various biochemical compounds, diathermy and other mild means that add to his stamina. Treatment of what really troubles him such as continual sensation from a once broken leg which was never set, a broken spinal disk or such pathological ills as disease, can then be treated properly and corrected. Recovered from the treatment, the patient will be found not to be "insane" any longer. Auditing can then occur, any and all engrams (traumas) erased and the person's recovery will be greatly accelerated. Of course the real target of auditing is the improvement of the ability to handle life, greater intelligence, reaction time and other benefits. Like the spiritual healer of another age who said all was mind and forbade physical healing, the practitioner who says all is body and scorns mental healing is an extremist. Each of these is at the opposite ends of "Aristotle's Pendulum." Each has ~seen~ with his own eyes a ~few~ remarkable cures. Thus each is confirmed in his belief and will hotly argue and even attack others who do not share his or her extreme view. The truth, as is usually found, lies in between. There is no "insanity virus." Even heredity remains unproven since families perform similar actions, are prone to similar physical ills and they also mentally pattern or copy each other. Either physical or mental facts can similarly prove that "insanity runs in the family" when it seems to do so. Thus "hereditary insanity" is an apparency which gives rise to the folk tale. There is the spiritual identity of Man, the mind, the thetan, call it what you will. There is the physical body of Man and that, even if cellular, is still material or physical or whatever you call that. Proponents of both extreme allnesses are likely then to go off on an erratic course of search and research as the truth includes both and when you do include both you then begin to add up successes toward the desirable 100% of the physical sciences in result. 642 BOOK THREE One cannot call either extreme more than an art. And the proponent of the purely physical does not have a "science" just because sciences are also physical. One has a science only when one can predict and attain uniform results by the application of its technology. It was very natural for the psychiatrist to ~think~ he had a foe in Scientology as all he had to hear was "spirit" and he was off. Since that has been his opposite "foe" for a long time. To ~heal~ Man one has to realize he is dealing with two things--the spirit and the body. When a preclear comes to us because he wishes to be ~physically~ cured of a real current illness or malfunction, we do not serve him well if when we see he does not respond to auditing we do not require a fully physical clinical study of his body until a real illness is found and treated. If we already ~know~ he is ill we should call in the doctor. And we should limit auditing to assists. This is also a case of crossed purposes. We are trying to give him greater capability and freedom. He is only trying to stop hurting. Go ahead, take them on. But at the first smallest clue (like the preclear assessment sheet) that he is being audited only to get well, you should have in good contact a medical doctor or clinic who is friendly and does not do unusual things to people and get the preclear diagnosed to ~really~ find what is wrong with him, get it cured if it is medically feasible and then, with a physically well pc, give him his auditing. If this is done routinely, another benefit will also occur. The preclear so audited will not again become ill easily and will retain his very real auditing gains when he has these. The ability of the body to get well often asserts itself when a preclear is given auditing, since the source of perpetuation (continuance) is removed from the illness and it changes. Letting a pc, who has a badly set continually painful bone go on up the grades is doing him a disservice. He probably will not attain or retain his gains. THE IVORY TOWER 643 The stable datum on which I operate as a case supervisor is that if a pc does not get good gains quickly I want to know (and will find) what is physically injured or ill about him before I go on letting him be audited. The X-ray machine and other clinical actions become a must. For he is in suppressed pain and each time he gets a ~change~, he puts on full stops as it started to hurt. He won't get the same gain again and tomorrow the same process or type of process won't work. He stops the pain if it starts to hurt which puts a new stop on his case. This is true of those cases who really have a physical illness. Slow gain, poor result is a physically ill pc. The exercise of these points requires judgment for a person can be given treatments which will not heal him. Where this is the case, and the treatment seems too damaging or uncertain, treat the pc on this routine: 1. Rest 2. No harassment 3. Food 4. Mild sedatives. When the person seems well, audit him. The truth of the above definition of "insanity" can be experienced easily with no great stress. To have a headache or toothache is sometimes quite distressing and distracting, making one gloomy or inactive. Taking an aspirin cheers one up and he can work. That is in fact the basic mechanism. It is why tranquilizers work. This is why old-timers thought they had to cut nerves to "cure" the insane. But that's like fixing the telephone exchange by throwing a hand grenade into the switchboard. You may get no more complaints but you sure don't have a telephone any more. Which, I suppose, is the basic way to stop ~all~ complaints. Nobody can ring up even if the house were on fire! Drugs such as marijuana are craved only when the being "needs them" to stop undesirable physical pain or sensation. Then they backfire, causing more distress than they cure. 644 BOOK THREE Some pcs, taken off marijuana for a few weeks, can be audited. Some can't. Those who then can't be audited are in pain whether they consciously realize it or not. In their "unconscious mind" (below their self- suppression) they ~hurt~. So those who can't be audited well when taken off some drug like marijuana should be gotten to a good clinic and given "the works." A competent medical doctor will find the broken bone, the disease, the diabetes. Give it a medical cure. Then audit the pc by standard technology, checking resistive case lists, etc., all over again. Pcs don't always know they're ill. Mental upset aggravates physical discomfort. Physical discomfort aggravates mental unrest. So play it safe. A slow case who doesn't respond well to very usual approaches has something else wrong with him physically. Don't be an extremist. Your job after all is to do the most you can for the pc. CHAPTER 10 PERSONALLY C/Sed SESSIONS The health, happiness, and sanity of the planet depends on turning out auditors who really can audit. My personally case supervised sessions are a vital part of learning Dianetics and must be well studied. Don't just read the case supervisions, study the session, read it all, locate any errors in handling the pc, procedure, or admin. Notice also where the session was standard. Study the case supervision, look back through the session to see exactly what is being referred to and note what actions I have ordered and why, referring to what you have already learned when any uncertainty arises. By the time you complete this book, you should be a competent Dianetic auditor. This is done by: 1. Knowing cold all the materials of this book. 2. Being able to audit standardly. 3. Being able to supervise the auditing of others by knowing what happened in session from the session reports, 646 BOOK THREE being able to pick up all departures from standard technology, being able to give the instructions which will now put the pc right (if previous session goofed) and able to proceed with standard Dianetics to completion of case. This is achieved by thorough study of my case supervised sessions. Only my approved C/Sed sessions are permitted to be used for study and training purposes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Editor's notes: 1. The sessions that follow were C/Sed by Ron in 1969. All Dianetic R3R items are now run triple flow. 2. Case 22 has been reproduced in its original handwritten form to give the reader an idea of what a session looks like. In this case Ron's comments tally with the page numbers of the original worksheets. However, in the remaining 32 sessions, references such as "goof on Page 5 Column 2" are marked with the symbol [!!!] which refers the reader to the corresponding area in the worksheet also marked with the symbol [!!!]. PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 647 Case 1 [PICTURE#36] page 655 648 BOOK THREE AUDITOR'S REPORT FORM Preclear: EL Date 26/4/69 No. of intensive hours Auditor: LB No. of hours 3:15 Total hours Environment Auditor Withholds PTP ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Process Time Tone-Arm Sensi- Results & Reads tivity Comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is session 1320 3.5 16 Chains run: Health Form (New). (first part) "unpleasant feeling of tightness in my nose." Assessed to headache 32 1. No.4 on form. (No.4 "unpleasant feeling 2. (second part) a of tightness in my nose.") swelling or infection on gum line making teeth sore." Process R3R 3. (located by interest) Scar on head from operation that gave a tight feeling in head. That's it. 1635 3.7 32 4. No.21 on form, "not wanting to have a body." ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Instructions and comments: _________________ Director of Processing PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 649 TIME TA R3R. Unpleasant feeling of tightness in my nose. 1348 4.0 ~1.~ Yes ~2.~ 1957 ~3.~ ~4. Dur:~ 47 min ~5. Move to beginning~ ~6. What do you see?~ A large white room with an operat- ing table and some steel work and a black mask. ~7. Move thru inc. to a point 47 min later.~ (Pc quiet, tending toward anaten.) 1353 4.0 Lying on op. table, mask put on my face, huge feeling of pressure on my nose. Huge feeling of golden dizzi- ness, feeling of something alien. It moves on and my leg is cut on just behind my knee and several people are touching it with cold steel. Pulling on muscles I could move but I don't want to. Don't want doctors to know I'm alive, I'm awake. ~2.~ 1357 3.9 ~3. Move to 1957~ ~4. Dur~ 23 min ~5. Move to begin of inc. in 1957.~ ~7. Move thru to a point 23 min later.~ (Pc going anaten) (quiet) ~Earlier inc. with feeling of uneasi- ness in the nose?~ 1400 3.9 (TA not moving) Checked for incorrect assess? pc says yes it is, now. ~Which one is your interest on?~ Soreness in mouth. TIME TA ~1. Locate an incident in which you had a soreness in your mouth.~ Can't locate one. ~1. Locate an incident which might have caused that soreness in your mouth.~ Yes ~2. Date~ Yesterday ~3. Move to yesterday~ ~4. Duration:~ 5 min ~5. Move to begin~ ~6. What do you see?~ Dane being assessed by Zelda in front of me. ~7. Move through.~ ~3. Move to yesterday.~ ~4. Dur~ 5 min ~5. Move to begin~ ~6. What do you see~ Dane and Zelda ~7. Move through~ ~9. What happened?~ Dane started talking about a bump in his mouth which was operated on. I had a twinge in my mouth when he spoke about pus and cutting it open. ~3. Move to yesterday~ ~4. Dur~ 2 min ~5. Move to begin~ ~7. Move through~ 1415 3.75 (B.M.) ~Earlier similar incident which might have caused that soreness in your mouth:~ I can't find one. ~Checked for interest.~ On scar from operation that gave a tight feeling in head. ~Feeling:~ general feeling of pressure on my temples, on my eyes and down along my nose. 650 BOOK THREE TIME TA ~1. Locate an incident that might have caused that~ 1427 4.0 ~2. Date~ 1958 ~3. Move to 1958~ ~4. Dur~ 17 min ~5. Move to begin~ ~6. What do you see?~ I don't see anything, my eyes are closed, white bandage over my eyes. ~7. Move through inc.~ 1433 4.0 ~9. What happened?~ I'm laid down on op. table, knife, scalpel. Nurse puts swab on my eye, blood trickles down into my eye. Feeling I want to get away but I don't dare move--it would hurt me, knife so close to my eye. 1433 4.1 ~3. Move to 1958~ ~4. Dur~ 10 min ~5. Move to begin~ (flick) ~6. What do you see?~ Dr's white coat, white bandage and a needle (PC GOING ANATEN) ~7. Move through~ (TA MOVING VERY LITTLE) 1437 4.1 (PC's HEAD SAGGING DOWN, NEEDLE OF METER VERY STILL, ALMOST STUCK -- MOVES ON BODY MOVEMENTS AND NOT MUCH ELSE.) ~9. What happened?~ Needle was put in my neck. Bandage on my right eye. Very strong feeling of pressure. Prickly feeling of fear. Feeling of fear that blood running into my eye would hurt it. Not wanting to move. End. Incident is better now. ~Locate an earlier similar inc.~ (Steered with meter to inc.) TIME TA ~2. Date~ 1962 ~3. Move~ ~4. Dur~ 20 min ~5. Move to begin~ ~6. What do you see?~ ~7. Move thru to a point 20 min later.~ (TA starting to move.) Dead body lying on table. ~3. Move to 1962.~ ~4. Dur~ 18 min ~5. Move to begin~ ~7. Move through to pt 18 min later.~ 1454 4.2 ~9. What happened?~ I walk with my sister into a room. Cadaver there. I put my hand on it. Top of head has been cut off it. Gives me a sort of dizzy feeling. Leave. End. 1501 4.1 ~More solid?~ No ~3. Move to 1962~ ~4. Dur~ 17 min ~5. Move to begin~ ~6. What do you see?~ Cadaver--an old man lying on table. ~7. Move through 17 min later~ (Pc quiet. TA and needle not moving.) Okay ~9. What happened?~ Walk in, body on table, chest caved in. Bone very thick in skull. I put my finger on it, inside, nerves, muscles, strange alien machine. Can't believe it's a human body. Gives me a feeling of tightness and pressure to look at it. We leave. (PC QUIET) 1508 4.2 ~More solid?~ Yes. ~Locate an earlier similar inc. with a general feeling of pressure on my~ PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 651 TIME TA ~temples on my eyes and down along my nose.~ 1517 4.0 (BM) (STEERING) Located -- bright white light streaming into my eyes. 1522 4.0 (BM) Not an inc. Check meter--no more inc. on chain. Blown. 1530 4.5 Interest on "Not wanting to have a body." ~1. Locate an incident which might have caused that.~ 1532 4.1 (BM) Can't find one. (Steering) It's being born. ~2. Date~ Oct 22, 1946 ~3. Move to Oct 22, 1946~ ~4. Dur~ 17 min ~5. Move to beginning.~ ~6. What do you see~ Nothing ~7. Move through to a point 17 min later.~ 1545 3.9 (BM) (TA starting to move) (cough) ~3. Move to Oct 22, 1946 ~4. Dur~ 17 min ~5. Move to the beginning of the inc on Oct 22, 1946.~ ~6. What do you see?~ Muscles rippling. ~7. Move thru the inc to a point 17 min later.~ Okay. ~9. What happened?~ Very close, tight feeling. Solidity all around, pressure on my head and ears, and pushing feeling of being very small and very large all at once. Heavy; wanting to move very quickly. Feeling of choking, not being able to breathe. Feeling of pushing through. Light, very bright TIME TA light. Being very tired. 1557 4.25 ~More solid?~ Yes. 1558 4.3 ~Locate an earlier similar incident with a feeling of not wanting to have a body.~ (Pc quiet. Cough.) (Needle moving very little. Pc has eyes closed. Hands crossed with cans. 1603 4.2 (BM) leans back and hands with cans in lap, goes slightly anaten. Shakes head and slouches down in chair. Still has not said anything. Looks as if she is searching hard for an incident, and having difficulty fin- ding one.) Pc: Okay. ~2. Date of inc.~ 1614 ~3. Move to 1614~ ~4. Dur:~ 40 min. ~5. Move to begin~ ~6. What do you see?~ White, white all over. Everything's white. I see a dog. ~7. Move thru to 40 min later~ (cough) 1613 4.2 ~9. What happened?~ I'm walking along in the snow with a dog. Slip and fall thru. Fall very far. Start coughing. Coughing in snow. There's a little hole way up at the top. Look at the light. It's very far. Colder, breathing in more and more snow. It's very cold. It all starts pressing on me at once. It's no use to fight it. Sort of drift off. 1617 4.2 Than it's all gone. ~3. Move to 1614~ ~4. Duration~ 45 min ~5. Move to begin of inc at 1614.~ 652 BOOK THREE TIME TA ~6. What do you see?~ White snow, rocks and a dog, big dark grey vicious looking, very big. ~7. Move thru inc to point 45 min later.~ 1621 4.25 Okay ~9. What happened?~ Very strange, young, walking along in the snow with a dog. Not afraid of anything at all. Great feeling of freedom. Then I slip into a hole. Go crashing down. Can see all the way up to the top, determined to get back up there. So soft, pushing, it comes in all around me, very cold and slippery. I start coughing and getting very tired. It just keeps col- TIME TA lapsing in. It's impossible. Very tired. Now it's all gone--gone away. 1626 4.3 1627 4.4 1631 4.3 ~More solid?~ Yes. ~1. Locate earlier similar incident with a feeling of not wanting to have a body.~ There isn't one. ~How you doing on not wanting to have a body?~ Feel fine. 4.5 ~Look around room~ 4.5 } } BD 3.7 } ~That's it.~ PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 653 EXAMINER'S FORM Qual Div: Apollo Before session exam: Date: 26/4/69 or Time: 16.40 After session exam :v Pc, Pre-OT name :EL Last grade attained :VA or Grade being attested :Dianetics Pc's statement (write down exactly what pc says. Don't ask any questions): ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Most confusing. That's all. LF BD 3.5 3.1 Laugh Not full GIs in. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why pc came to Examiner: TA position: 3.1 Pc indicators: State of needle: Needle stuck, then loosened, then rose. Note any further data required by C/S: Examiner routes: To Case Supervisor: v or (if medical treatment required) To Case Supervisor: via Medical Officer (Examination form must be placed in pc folder before going to C/S). _________________ Signature of Examiner 654 BOOK THREE SUMMARY REPORT Pc or Pre-OT:EL Date 26/4/69 Process run :R3R TA 3.7 Time 3: Auditor LB Goals and gains: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aspects and gains: 1. How did pc do in relation to what was run. Ran incidents well. Had difficulty locating incidents. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Effectiveness of process. Unable to tell at this time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Any free needles. Yes. At end. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. General needle behavior. Tight, sticky. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Did TA go below 2.0 (how low). Did it come up. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. Did TA go high. Did it come down. Yes Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7. General TA range. 3.5 - 4.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8. Emotional tone of the pc and whether this improved. Yes. Unhappy with pt environ to cheerful ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9. Any misemotion. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10. Preclear appearance. Very good throughout. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11. Any change in skin tone. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12. Did color of eyes change. Get brighter Get dull No - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13. Any comm lags. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14. Any cognitions. None mentioned by pc ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15. Any pains turn on blown No - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16. Any sensations turn on blown No - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17. Any difficulties. Yes. Difficulty in locating incidents and in staying on a chain. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18. Did you complete C/S instructions. No. Have not yet reached basic on the chain. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19. Was pc happy at session end. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20. TA at session end Needle at session end 3.7 Loose. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ETHICS REPORT: None. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUGGEST: Review HCOB 26 Apr. 1969 (handwritten copies only as yet) and recheck symptoms list, perhaps doing a new form. Get "feelings" stated clearly with pc's agreement. This pc often needs steering, but meter dependence must be avoided. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 657 Case 2 [PICTURE#37] page 663 658 BOOK THREE AUDITOR'S REPORT FORM Preclear: DT Date 24/4/69 No. of intensive hours 51 min. Auditor: SM No. of hours Total hours Total TA - 3.0 Environment Auditor Withholds PTP ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Process Time Tone-Arm Sensi- Results & Reads tivity Comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SOS 2045 2.6 5 Pc cheerful - happy R3R on accident 22.4.69 F/N 2100 2.0 5 Assess List 2101 2.0 5 High TA 2.65 Backpain F/N 2114 2.0 5 Low TA 2.0 Somatic on my back F/N 2134 2.0 5 EOS 2136 2.0 5 Pc beaming very good indicators TC - 1.80 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Instructions and comments: Pc was so happy and ecstatic I ended session on last F/N. _________________ Director of Processing PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 659 TIME TA 2045 2.6 ~1.~ ~2.~ 22nd June 1430 pm 1969 (Fall in engine room) ~3.~ ~4.~ 2 min ~5.~ Yes ~6.~ Me in engine room. ~7.~ 2.6 } } BD 2.2 } 2040 ~9.~ I'm such a coward, I hate pain. ~AB.~ I'm there. ~C.~ I'm hanging on. Feet slip and I fall. Blood running down my arm and I'm crying. 2041 2.0 I'm all confused. ~D.~ I get a touch assist and get ARC broken because the M.O. doesn't clean the cut. ~Erasing?~ ~More solid?~ Erasing. ~AB.~ Me hanging on a bar in the engine room. ~C.~ ~D.~ I slipped and fell on my knee and elbow. Got touch assist. The M.O. came down and bandaged up my elbow, then I go to bed. ~Erasing?~ ~More solid?~ It's like uggh--I have a half dozen somatics turning on now from my neck to my spine (yawn). It's solid. ~Earlier similar?~ Yes--oh, that's ugly 2058 2.0 ~2.~ Fallin on head. Date: 1332 Gam- blich (laughter). F/N It's blown. 2100 2.0 TIME TA I fell on my head--I was mountain climbing. Now I know what it means when you dramatize an engram. F/N INDICATED VGIs 2101 2.0 Medical List Head pain - x Back pain - sF Mens. pains - x Sore feet - x Depression - x Overweight - x ~Back pain Interested?~ Yes. R3R ~1.~ ~2.~ Two fish having fight. ~3.~ ~4.~ 20 min. ~5.~ Yes. ~6.~ I see a big killer whale--it's not me--lurking in deep dark ugly water. ~7.~ I look like a big killer whale--it's not me. It runs into another big fish (yawn) we start fighting--getting bitten--water churning--vertebrae crack--rib cage crumbles--a body floats to top of water. ~9.~ Well, these two large fish had a fight--the fish I felt responsible for (it's not me) lost--in a bad way. ~AB.~ ~C.~ Large ferocious fish lurking in dark water. This fish runs into another fish and starts fighting. 2110 2.3 Bitten on neck, slapped around-- water churning and bubbling. Can hear vertebrae breaking and rib cage cracking. ~D.~ Two fishes had a fight. The one I was responsible for lost. 2.3 ~Erasing~ ~More solid?~ 660 BOOK THREE TIME TA More solid. ~Earlier similar?~ Yes. ~2.~ Working with like karate. 4 tril- lion yrs ago. 2114 F/N 2.6 } } BD 2.0 } Line charge It just blew. F/N IND VGIs. 2115 One more somatic on my back. ~2.~ 363 (date) ~3.~ ~4.~ 10 min ~5.~ Yes ~6.~ Me in a man body, six feet tall, on hilly plain being chased by giant. ~7.~ This monster is coming after me. He's 18 feet tall, knife in one hand and club in other. Knocks me in back with club, back cracked. Hits me in neck with club, then splits my body with sword. ~9.~ I lost. Also blew some mass on that one. 2121 2.0 ~AB.~ Me in male body running over hilly plain. ~C.~ I'm running away from a giant, 18 ft. tall, he has club in right hand and sword in left. 2123 2.3 I can hear him breathing (that's why I hate snoring) ~D.~ He hits me and my spine goes zap. Hit on right and left side of neck. Then slice, right down the middle and that body is gone. ~Erasing~ ~More solid?~ 2.25 TIME TA More solid. ~Earlier Similar?~ There must be 2125 2.25 (Yawn) Hard to confront these, they hurt. LF (yawn) 2126 2.3 } } BD 2.0 } Aha! An implant ~2.~ Two trillion years ago (yawn). ~3.~ ~4.~ 12 min. ~5.~ ~6.~ I see me in girl space body. Still have ability to exteriorize, still OT. ~7.~ I've been had, captured, in middle of implant station. It's horrible, bad vibrations. Wish I hadn't brought my body. How do they do this? Their purpose is to make it painful to leave body. I can see getting sucked into something. It's purple and domelike. I believed them that I shouldn't leave my body. Two electric poles, couldn't move. I was told I couldn't be without my body and that I was my body (I was hypnotized) If I tried to exteriorize they told me I would never come back and I would be in pain. 2134 F/N 2.0 I'm so happy. I know why I got so sick when I exteriorized and I really really feel good. Wow, do I feel good! VVGIs. F/N INDICATED ~That's it.~ ~EOS~ 2136 2.0 PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 661 EXAMINER'S FORM Qual Div: Apollo Before session exam : Date: 24/4/69 or Time: 21.50 After session exam :x Pc, Pre-OT name :DT Last grade attained : or Grade being attested: Pc's statement (write down exactly what pc says. Don't ask any questions): ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I ran an implant. I ran all sorts of pain and charge. LF BD 2.5, 2.3 My back feels so good -- GIs Do I feel good Jim! Do I feel good! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why pc came to Examiner: TA position: 2.25 Pc indicators: State of needle: F/N Note any further data required by C/S: Examiner routes: To Case Supervisor: x or (if medical treatment required) To Case Supervisor: via Medical Officer (Examination form must be placed in pc folder before going to C/S). _________________ Signature of Examiner 662 BOOK THREE SUMMARY REPORT Pc or Pre-OT:DT Date 24/4/69 Process run :R3R TA 3.0 Time 51 min. Auditor Goals and gains: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aspects and gains: 1. How did pc do in relation to what was run. Very good. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Effectiveness of process. Very. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Any free needles. Yes - 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. General needle behavior. Loose and clean. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Did TA go below 2.0 (how low). Did it come up. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. Did TA go high. Did it come down. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7. General TA range. 2.0 - 2.25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8. Emotional tone of the pc and whether this improved. Tone high and greatly improved. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9. Any misemotion. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10. Preclear appearance. Coloring ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11. Any change in skin tone. Yes - face flushed and shining. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12. Did color of eyes change. Get brighter Get dull No Yes - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13. Any comm lags. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14. Any cognitions. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15. Any pains turn on blown Yes Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16. Any sensations turn on blown Yes Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17. Any difficulties. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18. Did you complete C/S instructions. No - have not completed list. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19. Was pc happy at session end. Ecstatic ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20. TA at session end Needle at session end 2.0 F/N ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ETHICS REPORT: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUGGEST: Continue on list. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 665 Case 3 [PICTURE#38] page 672 666 BOOK THREE AUDITOR'S REPORT FORM Preclear: RB OT IV Date 30/4/69 No. of intensive hours Auditor: GR No. of hours 3 hr. 32 min. Total hours Environment Auditor Withholds PTP ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Process Time Tone-Arm Sensi- Results & Reads tivity Comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------ R3R START OF SESSION Assessment 16:54 2.25 5 1. Locate inc 2. When was it 3. Move to date END OF SESSION GIs 4. Estab duration 18:08 2.9 5 5. Move to the beginning of that inc. 6. What do you see? 7. Move thru the inc. to a point duration later 8. (Ack - cont.) START OF SESSION 9. What happened? 18:48 3.15 5 A. Move to the beginning of that incident. END OF SESSION 20:06 2.35 5 F/N Very GIs B. Tell me when you are there. C. Scan thru to the end of the inc. D. Tell me what happened. 10. Repeat A to D as required. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Instructions and comments: _________________ Director of Processing PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 667 TIME TA Headache "the feeling of a head pain." 17:36 ~1.~ ~2.~ 26 or 27 March 1943 ~3.~ ~4.~ 11:37 to 13:53 ~5.~ ~6.~ . . . couple of ships. ~7.~ (yawn) Hit head on flat stone 3.0 3.15 } } BD 2.85 } (yawn) See I'm bending over. I'm in a daze. I'm walking. I'm not in body. I'm following it at an angle. In house. Suffer loss of memory. ~9.~ I come to, 3.0 standing in a bathtub. 17:44 3.0 ~AB.~ (Yawn) Smile ~C.~ Frowning ~D.~ Difficult to tell. ~Erasing/More solid?~ It doesn't seem to be getting more solid. ~AB.~ (yawn) 2.85 ~C.~ Pc getting dopey 17:48 Pain head to neck. PC showing 3.0 } } BD signs 2.85 } of effort running inc. 17:55 ~D.~ I never realized that I actually died this lifetime. GIs 2.75 (Cog) 9 yrs, 6 mos and 11 days ago I actually died! LF TIME TA { 2.75 LF BD { { 2.5 ~Erasing/More solid?~ It's erasing. I'm sure it's not the basic on the chain, though. 2.75 I was dead, that is I was not even around. It's a bit much to confront. I as a thetan went to sleep on it. I was still around. 3.0 There was a comm line put in to me by this little girl. She brought me back to life with a comm line. I had a floating needle on this when I said I was dead. We by-passed it. (F/N) But there's more 2.85 basics there. 18:07 The inc got GIs more solid as I ran through it. There are earlier incs. This isn't the basic. END SESSION FOR SUPPER. 18:08 2.9 ~This is the Session:~ (GIs) Let's finish the chain right down to the end 18:50 3.25 ~Earlier Inc?~ Yes--Get a picture of a metal band on head. Roman soldier type hat. { 3.75 BD { { 3.5 ~2. On battle field ~3.~ ~4.~ 1 min 126 ~5.~ It's pretty solid. ~6.~ Horses, men; 3.75 battle song ~7.~ 3.85 I'm laying on ground slash on head, blood pumping out. 668 BOOK THREE TIME TA ~8.~ ~9.~ Went into battle and died. (laugh) I know the guy I'm fighting. ~AB.~ East coast of 4.0 Italy, Naples. 19:00 3.9 ~C.~ ~D.~ I got body knocked off. It's not a basic. ~Earlier Inc?~ I see a pict (needle tight). Something to do with fast cars. 4.15 I'm very vague about this Marcab confederacy. I've had some attention on this for some time. 4.25 19:11 4.3 ~2.~ Actually, you know it's dispers- ing. Hey! It's very, very far back. (Needle loosening.) My first time I got fixated on mest. Ran into this once when doing TR-0. 19:45 4.15 It's 132 trillion 643 Billion 493 Million (SOM IN HEAD) 863 thousand 962 years 11 mos 15 days 4 hrs 17 min and 5 secs ago. ~3.~ ~4.~ The figure I gave you, it continues till now. It's right here! ~5.~ ~6.~ Looking at a creation of press-on steel like gold sequins. Like the creation of a basic games condition. ~7.~ We're going thru now. ~8.~ If they succeed they flub. I can't run this out at this point. This is like the first betrayal of mankind. TIME TA ~8.~ I'm going to sleep. 4.1 Once you're inside this thing you can't get out. ~8.~ I feel it's a bit heavy at this point. I feel I'm falling asleep at this point but I felt misemotion. 3.9 4.1 ~9.~ All I did was look at it and here I am, boy. This to me is the beginning of the bank! Prior to this if you 4.1 made a mistake you could go back and handle it. But after this inc. boy you can't handle anything. You're less than half at this point. I became other-determined. What's a 3.85 thetan want?--admiration, right! (Anger) 4.1 } } BD 3.8 } What I've done up to this point has been the fog--this is the iceberg. Underneath (GIs) is a feeling of being invalidated. If a person does not feel safe he will not expand beyond that point. (Angry) 3.8 } } BD 3.0 } 3.3 } } BD 3.2 } That does it. It's got to be safe. (GIs) 3.3 ~AB.~ 3.5 (Yawn) I'm aware of a triangular object 300 yds away. ~C.~ ~D.~ Hey! (Cog) (Smile) At first I was in something then I wasn't. 3.75 Now I am in something and can't get out of it. This is basic track. When I PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 669 TIME TA run this out the rest won't matter. Pc saying factors. "In the beginning was the cause, etc." 3.3 ~Erasing/More solid?~ Erasing. ~AB.~ ~C.~ ~D.~ I got into this and thought I wouldn't get out. (NEEDLE VERY LOOSE.) I'm sitting on this basic on the chain, I don't think I'll ever be able to run it out. How could I ever run it? The time track seems to be straight- ened out except for this one area of "What's it" I get into 3.65 and can't 3.75 } } BD get out of. 3.3 } ~Erasing/More solid?~ Erasing. TIME TA It all came after this--this one point is the beginning. 20:00 3.85 ~AB.~ (Yawn) ~C.~ I'm just mystified by it (yawn). I'm not taking all that much interest in it. 3.8 I'm looking over it casually. I'm 3.75 in it, inside is hollow. It's interesting at this point. I have no mock-up, it's just me as a thetan inside this thing. VGIs 3.75 (Cog)--Here is the basic! LFBD going into agreement 3.75 } } F/N with a lie. VGIs 2.35 } 20:06 F/N INDICATED 2.35 WOW! ~That's it.~ 670 BOOK THREE EXAMINER'S FORM Qual Div: Apollo Before session exam : Date: 30/4/69 or Time: 20:11 After session exam :x Pc, Pre-OT name :RB Last grade attained : or Grade being attested: Pc's statement (write down exactly what pc says. Don't ask any questions): ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (laughs) That was a good session. Basic on the chain is going into agreement with a lie. (laughs) F/N Your needle is floating. I know it is. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why pc came to Examiner: TA position: 2.6 Pc indicators: VGIs State of needle: Clean, then F/N Note any further data required by C/S: Examiner routes: To Case Supervisor: or (if medical treatment required) To Case Supervisor: via Medical Officer (Examination form must be placed in pc folder before going to C/S). _________________ Signature of Examiner PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 671 SUMMARY REPORT Pc or Pre-OT:RB Date 30/4/69 Process run :R3R TA 8:10 Time 2 1/2 hrs. Auditor Goals and gains: Ran a "head pain" chain to basic. Pc feels great. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aspects and gains: 1. How did pc do in relation to what was run. Very well. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Effectiveness of process. Very effective. He is flying! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Any free needles. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. General needle behavior. Tight to very loose. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Did TA go below 2.0 (how low). Did it come up. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. Did TA go high. Did it come down. Yes Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7. General TA range. 2.25 - 3.15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8. Emotional tone of the pc and whether this improved. Yes, came right up to enthusiasm. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9. Any misemotion. Yes, lots, anger. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10. Preclear appearance. Very good. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11. Any change in skin tone. Yes, from yellowish grey to healthy reddish. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12. Did color of eyes change. Get brighter Get dull X ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13. Any comm lags. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14. Any cognitions. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15. Any pains turn on blown Yes Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16. Any sensations turn on blown Yes Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17. Any difficulties. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18. Did you complete C/S instructions. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19. Was pc happy at session end. Very happy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20. TA at session end Needle at session end 2.35 Free ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ETHICS REPORT: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUGGEST: I have no suggestions. It was an excellent session. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 673 Case 4 [PICTURE#39] page 680 [PICTURE#40] page 681 [PICTURE#41] page 682 674 BOOK THREE AUDITOR'S REPORT FORM Preclear: DT Date 26/4/69 No. of intensive hours Auditor: SM No. of hours 1 hr. 33 min. Total hours Total TA: 1.7 Environment Auditor Withholds PTP ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Process Time Tone-Arm Sensi- Results & Reads tivity Comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SOS 2107 2.75 5 Goals: R3R 1. Locate inc PC - bright and alert. 2. When was it? 3. Move to that inc. 4. Duration 5. Move to the beginning High TA 4.1 of inc. Low TA 2.75 6. What do you see? 7. Move through the incident to a point _______ later. Pc appears tired. 9. What happened? EOS. 2240 4.1 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Instructions and comments: _________________ Director of Processing PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 675 TIME TA ~This is the session.~ 2107 2.75 (Item apathy) Needle clean and loose ~1.~ ~2.~ ~3.~ ~4.~ ~5.~ ~6.~ F--courtroom ~7.~ sF-- Comm lag ~9.~ Not too sure--standing in court- room something happens--I went unconscious or died. ~2.~ ~3.~ ~4.~ ~5.~ (sigh) Jude talking. ~6.~ ~7.~ 1911 3.0 1912 3.35 (Deep breath) ~9.~ I tried to explain and it's not accepted (yawn) ~More solid?~ No, I get dizzy ~Earlier sim inc?~ [!!!] Yes, there is. ~2.~ 47 trillion ~3.~ ~4.~ Comm lag ~5.~ F ~6.~ Great cloud ~7.~ I'm being hung ~8. (OK, Continue)~ 1916 3.7 ~9.~ I think it's a death by hanging. Get dizzy--wonder if it's implant. Seems I was hung by the neck. 2120 3.55 } } BD 3.25 } TIME TA ~2.~ ~3.~ ~4.~ ~5.~ ~6.~ People--Hill--I'm walking up hill (yawn) ~7.~ Hands are bound--guards beside me--walking up hill--robe on--there's nothing I can do about it. I've been betrayed. I'm alone now --Scaffold-- black--facing stairs--noose around neck (wince) Terrible pain--impossible to do anything--it's gone now--broken. I'm dead--no more--ugly, pathetic, (sigh) There's nothing (sigh) (Burp) nothing I can do about it. I'm gone--that's all--dead! Feel better (yawn) ~9.~ I was hung by the neck until dead. ~More solid?~ [!!!] More real. ~Earlier sim?~ (yawn) Yes. ~2.~ 84 trillion ~3.~ (Yawn) (long yawn) ~4.~ 11 days 7 hrs ~5.~ sF--(yawn) ~6.~ Space ~7.~ sF (yawn) (yawn) Trying to prevent collision--two planets. Dropped myself in between (yawn) 2133 3.8 (eyes watering) (Deep breath) (Body jerked) oh! 2138 4.0 ~9.~ Trying to hold two planets apart and couldn't. Got myself in between. They exploded. My body splattered over the universe--was trying to round up all the bits ~2.~ 676 BOOK THREE TIME TA ~3.~ ~4.~ (yawn) ~5.~ ~6.~ Two planets coming together. ~7.~ sF, sF, F ~9.~ Seems to have gone 4.05 ~Earlier sim?~ Comm lag 2146 4.05 (Needle tight) Yes ~2.~ Beginning of time 94 trillion ~3.~ ~4.~ 1 min ~5.~ ~6.~ Nothing ~7.~ sF, F. ~9.~ Nothing much, I don't know. I've got a headache. There's no incident here. ~Earlier sim?~ No. Feel apathetic about running apathy engrams--maybe wrong date some- where--94 trill years wasn't right. ~Earlier than 84 trillion~ Yes--Big space thing. ~2.~ 14years--another time--another space another universe. The year 14 in time. ~3.~ ~4.~ 14 yrs. ~5.~ ~6.~ Spaceships ~7.~ I'm in charge of this whole fleet. I've got a war going. The enemy is there. I take them into battle; got to get around to other side. Got to beat these people or it will be the end of the world, fights all around. Send that small force to the rear. I don't know what's happening--can only use the data you've got. They are TIME TA stronger than we thought. There's nothing I can do now; my men are getting slaughtered. Got to stop them. I caused the death of hundreds of thousands of men. Got to get info. ~9.~ There was a battle. I didn't have enough info. Lost the battle. ~2.~ ~3.~ ~4.~ ~5.~ ~6.~ (yawn) Big room. ~7.~ It's a strategy room. Haven't got the info. Don't know where the enemy is --complete breakdown of intelligence. Have to do something. Send in troops. Troops are not ready. In they go. They are slaughtered. My fault. I'll go myself; good general always makes right decision. Nothing more to do--no information. Only thing to do is kill myself. But it won't solve anything. Nothing I can do about it, it's happened, that's all. (PN) ~9.~ Just what I told you as I went through. ~More solid?~ Yes. ~Earlier sim?~ 2213 4.1 Yes. ~2.~ 1462 ~3.~ ~4.~ Not 1462, it's 400. 400 years ago I guess. ~3.~ ~4.~ 3 min, 37 1/2 sec. ~5.~ ~6.~ Mountain. ~7.~ Yea--dust and rocks failing down on me. I'm trapped. Keeps falling. I die. PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 677 TIME TA ~9.~ Landslide. Someone set it off. Got trapped under it. Tried to push it off, couldn't do it. Body died. ~2.~ ~3.~ ~4.~ It's gone, not there--Yes, I got it. ~5.~ ~6.~ Rocks falling. ~7.~ ~9.~ Just got crushed under some stones. This chain ended about two incidents ago. These are just a couple of little things. It's gone. I think they are emotional tone levels. Perhaps I'm not confronting basic; it's just an engram. ~Earlier sim?~ 2226 4.1 Seems like it's a bloody big overt here because I run one flow too long. Maybe implanting a lot of people or something; being suppressive. ~2.~ 94 trillion, 462 billion, 842 million, 427 thousand, 500 yrs ago and I was a dog. TIME TA ~3.~ sF ~4.~ 4 yrs. ~5.~ ~6.~ (burp) Lots of people. ~7.~ I'm on a balcony looking down on people, guards around palace. I'm very cruel. I've got the secret. I'm feared--(burp) I torture people. I'm very cruel. I have this woman cut up and visciously molested. Same done to a lot of women. 2235 4.1 I have food tasters who try the food before me. I'm very suppressive. They get me and lock me up in dungeon and I go mad and get very thin--and I don't care what happens. They let me out and I try to escape and become inconspicuous -- they find me and tear me to shreds. Break my arms, cut out my stomach. Nothing left. ~9.~ I told you--was an overt-motivator thing. ~That's it.~ 2240 ~EOS~ 4.1 678 BOOK THREE EXAMINER'S FORM Qual Div: Apollo Before session exam : Date: 26/4/69 or Time: After session exam :x Pc, Pre-OT name :DT Last grade attained :OT VI or Grade being attested: Pc's statement (write down exactly what pc says. Don't ask any questions): ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I got to my office before I remembered I had to get to the Examiner. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why pc came to Examiner: TA position: 2.7 Pc indicators: GIs fair. State of needle: Clean Note any further data required by C/S: Examiner routes: To Case Supervisor: x or (if medical treatment required) To Case Supervisor: via Medical Officer (Examination form must be placed in pc folder before going to C/S). _________________ Signature of Examiner PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 679 SUMMARY REPORT Pc or Pre-OT:TD Date 26/4/69 Process run :R3R TA 1.7 Time 1 hr. 33 min. Auditor SM Goals and gains: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aspects and gains: 1. How did pc do in relation to what was run. Not good. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Effectiveness of process. Process effective ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Any free needles. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. General needle behavior. Loose and clean, then tight - stuck. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Did TA go below 2.0 (how low). Did it come up. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. Did TA go high. Did it come down. Yes No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7. General TA range. 3.0 - 4.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8. Emotional tone of the pc and whether this improved. High-toned at first, went down later. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9. Any misemotion. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10. Preclear appearance. Tired ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11. Any change in skin tone. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12. Did color of eyes change. Get brighter Get dull No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13. Any comm lags. Some ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14. Any cognitions. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15. Any pains turn on blown Yes Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16. Any sensations turn on blown Yes Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17. Any difficulties. Yes - see Suggest ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18. Did you complete C/S instructions. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19. Was pc happy at session end. Not really ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20. TA at session end Needle at session end 4.1 Stuck ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ETHICS REPORT: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUGGEST: Pc mentioned "I seem to be running an emotional tone - Should the feeling of apathy - an emotion which certainly every thetan experiences just before death, be run in Dianetics?" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 683 Case 5 [PICTURE#42] page 690 684 BOOK THREE AUDITOR'S REPORT FORM Preclear: MM Date 26/4/69 No. of intensive hours Auditor: PS No. of hours 1 hr. 30 min. Total hours 1 hr. 30 min. Environment Auditor Withholds PTP ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Process Time Tone-Arm Sensi- Results & Reads tivity Comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------ START OF SESSION Goals: 13:40 2.4 8 Assessment of somatics (the feeling) R3R 1. Locate an incident Pc got 2. When was it? tired while 3. Move to making up 4. What is the duration somatics of the incident? list in the 5. Move to the beginning beginning of that incident of session 6. What do you see? Pc bad 7. Move through the incident indicators. to a point (duration) later. ARC 8. What happened? broken. END OF SESSION 15:10 2.95 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Instructions and comments: _________________ Director of Processing PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 685 TIME TA ~Start of Session.~ Sens 8 1340 2.4 2.5 ~What somatics do you have?~ Headache. ~What's the feeling of it?~ 1. Pain in my forehead. 1341 2.7 ~What other somatics do you have?~ 2. Backache Sens8 muscles pull on my spine. 1344 3.0 3. Shakes (when cold) ~What is the feeling of it?~ 1345 3.1 It's hard to describe. Feeling like energy running up on top of my spine. ~Cuts?~ Cut my fingers lots 3.1 } }BD of times. 2.9 } ~Any somatics from it?~ no. ~Twitches?~ My thumb used to twitch, it doesn't any more. 1348 2.4 (Change grip of cans) Strikes in head. ~Any somatics from it?~ No. 4. Tiredness Tiredness is the feeling. 1350 3.0 When it's hot and sticky I get confused and tired. 1352 3.3 } }BD 1353 3.2 } ~Do you have any other somatics?~ No, I don't think 3.4 } } BD so. 3.28 } Assessment: 1. PAIN IN MY FOREHEAD. 2. MUSCLES PULL ON MY SPINE TIME TA 4. FEELING OF ENERGY RUNNING ON TOP OF MY SPINE. 4. TIREDNESS. 1356 (Pc dopy) 3.1 BM 1359 Tiredness. 3.1 ~Locate an incident which could have caused a feeling of tiredness.~ 3.2 (Pc tired, bent over) I don't know one which could have caused it. I know one where I felt tired. ~2.~ June 17, 1967 1900 3.5 3.25 BM ~3.~ OK ~4.~ 5-6 hours 1901 3.6 ~5.~ I'm there ~6.~ HCO 3.5 ~7.~ 1902 3.7 I'm tired and I'm fed up. 3.4 BM 1904 3.6 ~8. Fine, continue.~ 1905 2.75 Pc dopey. Very tired. Looks up. 3.6 BM (Changed grip.) Closes his eyes. Pc half asleep, bent over and looks up. 1909 ~9.~ It's clean, man, we audited this yesterday. ~AB.~ Hmm. 1911 3.6 ~C.~ Hmm-hmm HCO Lenka and 3rd Mate's desk. 1911 3.8 This is such a bore. I'm going back to sleep. I ran that yesterday. ~Fine, continue.~ 686 BOOK THREE TIME TA 1912 3.0 BD ~D.~ I was confused about my work. I went into tiredness. When I get tired I fall into that. ~When was the incident?~ 17 June 1967. 1915 3.75 ~8.~ Comm lag. This is so boring. I ran this yesterday. 3.25 BM ~9.~ When? In the incident I got tired because I got confused. I'm being overrun. ~Is the incident getting more solid?~ The incident has no charge left. 1920 2.9 BD ~Earlier incident with a similar feeling?~ I did yesterday. I forgot what it was. Something yesterday. ~Locate an earlier incident with a similar feeling.~ 1921 2.5 1923 2.75 1924 3.0 I can't. We ran one yesterday. 3.0 } } BD (MISEMOTION) 2.5 } You got an 2.75 } } F/N on this 2.5 } BD } yesterday! 2.4 } Yesterday was a basic. Pc's GIs come in. Reassessment PAIN IN MY FOREHEAD 1925 2.75 We didn't get to the basic on 2.5 that one. I'll give you the basic right now. 2.3 (Comm lag) 3.1 What was the command again? ~7.~ TIME TA 1441 3.1 3.0 There is something out here. These we ran before. 2.75 I got a headache when I used to get losses. ~Was that the same feeling?~ Yes. (looked up) ~Do you remember the last incident we ran on that chain yesterday?~ No. ~It was when Liz cut your comm and you got a headache pain in forehead.~ Oh yes. I can't audit. I'm getting ARC BROKEN. I'm being asked for something I can't find. I can't think of anything. Can't concentrate my attention in that area. 1940 2.4 (Pc getting angry.) 2.6 BM 2.4 1945 2.6 I've got by-passed charge. 1947 2.75 } } BD 1948 2.4 } I'm ARC broken about something we did before. ~All right, we are going to find the basic engram, on that chain we ran yesterday. We ran a lock and a secondary.~ 2.2 Oh no! (laugh). 1951 2.5 I'm stuck. I want a review. Want to get the other thing handled. 1955 2.4 I'm waiting for you to end session. 1959 2.25 I don't want to be audited any more. PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 687 TIME TA R3R on session. Have you ever read the HCOB that you never audit over an ARC break? 1503 No. 2.2 TIME TA ~End session~ 1510 Pc ARC broken. Has by-passed charge on something. 688 BOOK THREE EXAMINER'S FORM Qual Div: Apollo Before session exam : Date: 26/4/69 or Time: 15.19 After session exam :v Pc, Pre-OT name :MM Last grade attained :VA or Grade being attested : Pc's statement (write down exactly what pc says. Don't ask any questions): ------------------------------------------------------------------------ It wasn't a real cool session man! We started the session and the new bulletin that came out, he took the symptoms and the feelings, he ran them and overran it. He put me in a funny position. I don't know what he was doing. I am totally ARC broken. I could tell the guy was committing out tech on my case and it makes me mad. I don't know what he was trying to do. He messed up the whole thing. I want to get an ARC assessment done to handle this right away. He invalidated all the gains I had from the last session. Bad indicators. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why pc came to Examiner: TA position: 1.8 then climbed Pc indicators: to 2.1 State of needle: Dirty needle -- stuck. Note any further data required by C/S: Examiner routes: To Case Supervisor: v or (if medical treatment required) To Case Supervisor: via Medical Officer (Examination form must be placed in pc folder before going to C/S). _________________ Signature of Examiner PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 689 SUMMARY REPORT Pc or Pre-OT:MM Date Process run :R3R TA Time Auditor Goals and gains: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aspects and gains: 1. How did pc do in relation to what was run. Not well. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Effectiveness of process. Not good. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Any free needles. No. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. General needle behavior. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Did TA go below 2.0 (how low). Did it come up. No. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. Did TA go high. Did it come down. Yes, 3.8 Yes, 2.25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7. General TA range. 2.25 - 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8. Emotional tone of the pc and whether this improved. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9. Any misemotion. Yes, angry. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10. Preclear appearance. Fine ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11. Any change in skin tone. Healthy ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12. Did color of eyes change. Get brighter Get dull No - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13. Any comm lags. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14. Any cognitions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15. Any pains turn on blown No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16. Any sensations turn on blown Tiredness No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17. Any difficulties. Yes. Pc not possible to audit. Had to end. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18. Did you complete C/S instructions. No. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19. Was pc happy at session end. No. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20. TA at session end Needle at session end 2.25 Dirty. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ETHICS REPORT: None. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUGGEST: Find by-passed charge in Review. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 691 Case 6 [PICTURE#43] page 696 692 BOOK THREE AUDITOR'S REPORT FORM Preclear: HB Date 26/4/69 No. of intensive hours Auditor: WA No. of hours 31 min. Total hours 31 min. Environment Auditor Withholds PTP ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Process Time Tone-Arm Sensi- Results & Reads tivity Comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Start of Session 2:39 3.30 6 Goals: This is the process 2:40 3.30 6 1. Inc. 2. When was it? 3. Move to 4. Duration of incid. 5. Move to the beginning of that incident. 6. What do you see? 7. Move through the incident to a point (?) later. 8. What happened? End of Session 3:10 4.0 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Instructions and comments: _________________ Director of Processing PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 693 TIME TA ~1.~ Blockage of nose. Pc's interest. Pressure blocked up. ~2.~ May 14, 1963. ~3.~ Nodded. Pc dozing off. ~4.~ 5 minutes. ~5.~ ~6.~ Pc sleeping dozing off. Chunks of bank. ~7.~ Pc doping off. ~8.~ I just go straight off. ~3.~ 2:45 3.4 Pc still doping off. Aud: ~What's happening?~ Pc: Nothing, I wasn't with it. Yeah. ~4.~ 3 1/2 minutes ~5.~ ~6.~ Just start to look at something and I go straight off. Room with table in it books open, pencil. ~7.~ Floor worn. TIME TA ~9.~ I'm discouraged that I go off so easy. ~Is it getting more solid?~ I think it must be. Pc still doping off. ~Earlier similar time of pressure?~ Not that I know of. Pc doping off. 2:58 4.0 Aud: ~What's happening?~ Pc: I just keep going off. Pc is continually going to sleep. I just go blank. I just go unconscious everytime the question is asked. 3:06 3.60 Pc continuously falling asleep. Did assessment on new Health Form. No reads. Asked pc what he has his interest on now. Pc unconscious, not responding to questions or commands, throughout session. ~End of Session.~ 694 BOOK THREE EXAMINER'S FORM Qual Div: Flag Before session exam : Date: 26/4/69 or Time: 15:10 After session exam :v Pc, Pre-OT name :HB Last grade attained :OT III or Grade being attested: Pc's statement (write down exactly what pc says. Don't ask any questions): ------------------------------------------------------------------------ It ain't going right. I just go out like a light. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why pc came to Examiner: TA position: 3.25 Pc indicators: State of needle: Needle jerky, then loose. Note any further data required by C/S: Examiner routes: To Case Supervisor: or (if medical treatment required) To Case Supervisor: via Medical Officer (Examination form must be placed in pc folder before going to C/S). _________________ Signature of Examiner PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 695 SUMMARY REPORT Pc or Pre-OT:HB Date 25/4/69 Process run :R3R Dianetics TA .2 Time 31 min. Auditor WA Goals and gains: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aspects and gains: 1. How did pc do in relation to what was run. Not good at all. Pc kept falling asleep when given commands. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Effectiveness of process. No apparent effect. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Any free needles. No. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. General needle behavior. Stuck. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Did TA go below 2.0 (how low). Did it come up. x x ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. Did TA go high. Did it come down. Yes No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7. General TA range. 3.75 - 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8. Emotional tone of the pc and whether this improved. Unconscious. Didn't improve. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9. Any misemotion. No. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10. Preclear appearance. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11. Any change in skin tone. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12. Did color of eyes change. Get brighter Get dull x x x ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13. Any comm lags. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14. Any cognitions. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15. Any pains turn on blown x x ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16. Any sensations turn on blown x x ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17. Any difficulties. Yes, pc started to fall asleep at beginning of session. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18. Did you complete C/S instructions. No. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19. Was pc happy at session end. No. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20. TA at session end Needle at session end 4.0 Stuck. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ETHICS REPORT: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUGGEST: More to do and I don't know what. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 697 Case 7 [PICTURE#44] page 705 [PICTURE#45] page 706 [PICTURE#46] page 707 698 BOOK THREE AUDITOR'S REPORT FORM Preclear: BR Date May 26th No. of intensive hours Auditor: KJ No. of hours 2 hrs. 7 min. Total hours 2 hrs. 7 min. Environment Auditor Withholds PTP ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Process Time Tone-Arm Sensi- Results & Reads tivity Comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is the session 2043 4.25 16 Goals: Reality-Factor 2045 4.0 16 Not asked. Health Form 2045 4.0 16 Pc appearance fair. _Item_Assessed_ Deep heavy pain right in the middle of the belly 2053 4.4 16 No end of session comments Process R3R 2054 4.4 5 4.3 2250 4.7 5 Pc That's it. 2256 4.5 5 appearance - more colorful, youthful. TOTAL TA 6.9 Trim check TA 1.7 = 2.0 1. Locate an incident 2. When was it? 3. Move to... 4. What is the duration of the incident. 5. Move to the beginning of that incident. 6. Close your eyes. What do you see? 7. Move through the incident to a point _____ later. 8. Okay, continue. 9. What happened? A. Move to the beginning of the incident. B. Tell me when you are there. C. Scan through to the end of the incident. D. Tell me what happened. Q. Locate an earlier incident that could have caused a similar... Q. Okay, we'll re-run the previous incident. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Instructions and comments: _________________ Director of Processing PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 699 TIME TA ~R3R question~ Deep heavy pain right in the middle of the belly. 2055 4.5 ~1.~ Pc quiet, needle steady. Pc swathes forehead. Grief building up. 2057 4.4 Pc grunts: Well, that's difficult. When I had my appendix out as a kid of 12 years. 4.5 2100 4.5 ~2.~ I think just before my 12th B/Day I got a new bicycle when I got out of hospital. Before March 1936. Between Christmas and end of February, '36. ~3.~ Ahem. ~4.~ Say about total 1/2 hr. ~5.~ ~6.~ 2105 4.5 Oh, I see an operating theater. The big gas bottles, pans, doctors, nurses, instruments, etc. Big lights. ~7.~ (Auditor coughs) Dr. Urwin, old fanatic. ~8.~ Yes, well this bloke, he put this anaesthetic tremendously sweet, suffocating. (Pc yawns) I choke, I'm not gettin air. (Pc laughs) . . . I must have gone to sleep. Next I remember violently ill after operation. There was a nurse holding my head firmly. Nothing to remember. Unconscious. End of incident. (Pc yawns) 4.6 ~9.~ Pain in the belly. 2111 Monstrous sore belly. (Pc laughs) Sorest belly I've ever bad. That's TIME TA about all. That was the anaesthetic. Unconsciousness. Nurses. I like pretty girls. I just stayed in bed a couple of weeks . . . Had appendix taken out. 2115 4.5 Extremely sore belly. ~AB.~ I'm there. ~C.~ Ya. ~D.~ I would say a doctor with a mask, had cotton wool--choked me, couldn't breathe, felt like choking to death. I know he told me to keep on counting up to ten. (Pc yawns) by then I was asleep. Yes, I remember counting, yes, then the op. I was unconscious. I was a spoilt child, whole family was there. (Pc laughs) ~Erasing?~ Yes. 2120 4.5 Bloody hard to see when I look around. Must be erasing. My head was being pushed down when I (pc bends . . . ) vomiting!!! (Pc touching cans together) 4.6 ~AB.~ (Touching cans) I'm there. ~C.~ 4.6 ~D.~ One of these . . . (Pc yawns) (Moans) Talks slowly and softly. ~Erasing?~ 4.6 It is, yes. It difficult for me to say. (Laughs) 4.6 Vomiting like porridge . . . cut open belly. ~AB.~ I'm there. ~C.~ 2115 4.3 Operating theater . . . on wheels. 700 BOOK THREE TIME TA (Pc yawns) Doctor--needle at same time. I think I told them I was choking, "Take it off, I can't breathe." 4.4 Counting very slowly. ~D.~ Next thing I know I was vomiting in basin. Hurt belly when I vomited. 2129 4.5 2 nurses . . . 4.6 BD Exotic bitch 4.4 That's all. ~Erasing?~ Definitely. ~AB.~ A bit difficult--a basin of water. Yes . . . I'm at the beginning. 2132 4.4 ~C.~ (Pc moving and yawning) 4.3 Choking unconsciousness. (Auditor coughs) That's all 4.6 4.4 ~D.~ I was operated on. That's all. Yeah, it was over when I vomited in the basin. 4.7 ~Erasing?~ Yeah. ~A.~ ~B.~ Right, fine. ~C.~ 4.5 ~D. ~ Chloroform operating theater. (Pc yawns, sits up) (Pc shifts--crosses legs) (Sits sideways) ~Erasing?~ 4.5 Definitely erasing. ~A.~ 4.4 ~B.~ I'm there. ~C.~ Yeah. ~D.~ I just scan through same. ~Erasing?~ Yes. 4.5 ~AB.~ I'm there. TIME TA ~C.~ I did that. ~D.~ 2140 (Pc yawns) . . . When I woke up I was sick. ~Erasing?~ 4.7 [!!!] Yes, but it's certainly difficult to see the picture. Still sore belly . . . (Moves in chair and touches body, says it's less than when we started) 4.75 ~AB.~ Pc more awake. ~C.~ 4.3 ~D.~ 2145 (pc shifts) 4.4 Drooping off to anaten again. (Looks up) Don't think anything particularly happened, given more drugs, a shot in the arm. 4.6 } } (!!!Pc cogniting) 4.5 } BD } Says it's funny. 4.4 } (Looking around, quietly) (Pc shifts, clip off cans) ~Erasing?~ Yes, there's not much to see. ~AB.~ I'm there. ~C.~ Yeah. ~D.~ Pc shifts to another position and talks . . . Drugs to sleep 4.6 } } BD ~Erasing?~ Yes. 4.5 } ~A.~ Yeah. ~B.~ ~C.~ Yeah. ~D.~ 4.6 Wheeled on a cart into operating theater, gassed, anaesthetized. wake up sick, painful. ~Erasing?~ 2150 Yeah, well, the pain in my belly is less. (Pc feels and smiles) ~A.~ 4.6 ~B.~ Yeah. ~C.~ Yeah. BD PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 701 TIME TA ~D.~ Pc shivers. Body movement. 4.4 Well, I told you. ~Erasing?~ Yeah. ~AB.~ 4.6 ~C.~ They're all there. Yeah. 4.3 4.6 ~D.~ (Pc yawns moves in chair) Dr. Urwin. 4.4 ~Erasing?~ 4.5 I can't see anymore. I've got the feeling coming on that I had before. That's why I'm not sitting still. How can I explain. I've had it a long time. It's excruciating. (Pc flinches) 2200 ~AB.~ (Mumble) 4.75 ~C.~ ~D.~ (Pc scratches head) No food, then to operating room anaesthetic--asleep, wake up. 4.75 ~Erasing?~ 4.5 Yes, very hard to see. 2201 ~A.~ (Pc goes anaten) ~B.~ Yeah. 4.7 ~C.~ What? ~Repeat C.~ (meter ticks) Pc anaten--looks up slowly, then quietly down again. 2205 (Anaten) 4.7 Pc dozes off to sleep. Needle clean, very steady. 4.6 Needle swaying back and forth on set. (Noise outside wakes pc) 2210 Pc dozes off again. 4.6 (Auditor coughs) Noise on deck. (Pc looks up) ~D.~ (More noise from ship) Pc looks up and returns to dozing/anaten. TIME TA Ship continues noises around pc. But pc anaten. Pc originates "I didn't say anything." (~Ack~) Pc returns to dozing. (1/2 inch theta bop) (Needle flicking to right and back to set) (Steady pattern ~not~ dirty) 2217 4.6 Pc sleeping very comfortably. Some- body runs past, pc wakes and just hmmmmms. Returns to sleep. (Au- ditor coughs) 2221 4.6 !!! Pc begins breathing very heavily and in rhythm. 2221 Needle slight swaying to and fro!! On set. 2224 Pc quieter now. (Aud coughs) Noise outside wakes pc. Pc says it's funny. 2230 4.6 Pc sits up but still anaten. Pc asks what's going on. (TR-4) ~Repeat D.~ Well, there's not much left to tell. Pc coming to PT. (Aud coughs) Pc repeats there's not much more to tell. (Muttering) 4.75 Also moves. 4.5 2234 4.5 (Pc orienting self) quietly. Well, I feel now as if I've been unconscious. ~OK, continue.~ 4.75 Nothing to continue. ~Erasing?~ Yes. Pc GIs. ~AB.~ All right, I'm there. 702 BOOK THREE TIME TA ~C.~ Pc nods, yeah. ~D.~ . . . (Yawns) 4.75 Pc shifts I told you there's nothing left to tell. ~Erasing?~ Yeah. ~AB.~ Yeah, there. ~C.~ 4.6 ~D.~ Just went on wheels onto the operating table. Mask on face, nurses around. Choking feeling. ~Erasing?~ Hmmmm. 4.6 ~AB.~ There's something wrong. I keep going back. What am I looking for? Pc stretches. ~A.~ Repeat. ~B.~ I'm there. ~C.~ Yeah. ~D.~ Exactly as I told you before. (Aud coughs.) Pc scratching. 4.6 Hospital, I'm being sick. 2241 4.4 4.5 ~Erasing?~ TIME TA Yes, it's erasing. It's erased, there's nothing there. ~We'll go earlier and see if a similar incident.~ ~Q Earlier incident of sim . . .~ 2245 4.5 No, I don't think I can. ~All right.~ Re-run previous incident. ~AB.~ ~C.~ 4.6 ~D.~ Around the operating theater choking feeling. 2250 4.7 Pc doesn't want to run it anymore. Not interested in running anymore. 2256 4.7 4.5 Gave pc havingness, ~"Point out something in the room."~ ~That's it.~ PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 703 EXAMINER'S FORM Qual Div: Apollo Before session exam : Date: 26/5 or Time: 2310 After session exam : Pc, Pre-OT name :RB Last grade attained :I or Grade being attested: Pc's statement (write down exactly what pc says. Don't ask any questions): ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hi -- Grin -- Looks good. Well -- ha ha -- What's the word? Nonplussed -- I'm not aware of anything coming out of that session -- I feel quite happy. I guess that's about all. Smile. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why pc came to Examiner: (see above) TA position: 3.5 Pc indicators: Good State of needle: Flowing Note any further data required by C/S: Qual closed -- had to set up meter. Examiner routes: To Case Supervisor: or (if medical treatment required) To Case Supervisor: via Medical Officer (Examination form must be placed in pc folder before going to C/S). _________________ Signature of Examiner 704 BOOK THREE SUMMARY REPORT Pc or Pre-OT:BR Date May 26th Process run :R3R TA 6.9 Time 2 hr. 7 min. Auditor KJ Goals and gains: Pc left session without PTP somatic - Less!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aspects and gains: 1. How did pc do in relation to what was run. Pc did fair on process run. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Effectiveness of process. Yes, somatic in PT gone. Lots of drowziness dis- charged. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Any free needles. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. General needle behavior. Steady on set, but clean. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Did TA go below 2.0 (how low). Did it come up. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. Did TA go high. Did it come down. Yes Part ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7. General TA range. 4 to 4.75 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8. Emotional tone of the pc and whether this improved. Pc gave signs of higher tone. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9. Any misemotion. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10. Preclear appearance. Good ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11. Any change in skin tone. Yes, more rosy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12. Did color of eyes change. Get brighter Get dull No Yes No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13. Any comm lags. Yes, mostly pc anaten ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14. Any cognitions. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15. Any pains turn on blown headache at beginning of Yes session ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16. Any sensations turn on blown Yes Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17. Any difficulties. Pc sleeping in session. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18. Did you complete C/S instructions. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19. Was pc happy at session end. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20. TA at session end Needle at session end 4.5 Steady and clean. See trim check 1.7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ETHICS REPORT: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUGGEST: Continue with R3R. If TA high though, to Examiner. Note: Page 6, top of column one: Pc says PTP: Somatic less than when he came up. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 709 Case 8 [PICTURE#47] page 716 710 BOOK THREE AUDITOR'S REPORT FORM Preclear: PM Date 22/5/69 No. of intensive hours Auditor: KJ No. of hours 1 hr. 12 min. Total hours Environment Auditor Withholds PTP ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Process Time Tone-Arm Sensi- Results & Reads tivity Comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------ R3R 1. Locate an incident that could have caused 2. Date 3. Move to 4. Duration of incident 5. Move to beginning 6. What do you see? 7. Move thru the incident to a point later. 8. Okay, continue 9. What happened? A. Move to the beginning of the incident. B. Tell me when you are F/N there. Pc very happy C. Scan through to the end of the incid. D. Tell me what happened? This is the session 1258 3.25 End of Session 1410 2.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Instructions and comments: _________________ Director of Processing PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 711 TIME TA 1258 3.25 ~This is the session.~ Did assessment. LF--pain in back. LF--pain in back of neck. Pc interested in pain in back. Feeling dull ache. 1:02 4.0 4.2 ~1.~ Yes 4.25 ~2.~ 16th century. ~3.~ Yes. ~4.~ I don't know. 4.2 ~5.~ Yes. 4.5 ~6.~ Some horses. A lot of fires around. 1:10 3.9 ~7.~ Lances. 3.8 Fighting on horses. 4.2 ~9.~ I only see a bunch of horses. 4.0 3.8 ~AB.~ I'm there. ~C.~ 4.1 Men on horses with lances. Ride out. Gallop and gallop. 1:16 3.9 ~D.~ Some men in a courtyard arrive on horses with lances. 3.5 That's all. I can't see further. ~More solid?~ No. ~Erasing?~ No. Just that little part of it is there. I cannot see further than just galloping horses and horses with their lances. There is a lot of whiteness. Dry countryside, no trees. 1:20 3.3 TIME TA I've got a feeling that the one man is me. Me in a man's body. I'm no longer on the horse. 3.1 (Pc is thinking and telling what happened. Pc a little confused about date.) I'm in a little garden. ~More solid?~ No. ~Erasing?~ Yes. ~A.~ Yes. ~B.~ I'm there. 1:25 3.2 ~C.~ Men with their lances on the horses, galloping off. I see a man riding thru the mountains, it could be me. I see a garden, part of a house, people from outside. Couldn't look in and see. No one in the garden. No one there. 3.75 ~D.~ A woman there with long dress. I was a soldier in the army. I was looking at her. I am angry with her. She was not looking at me at all. 2.8 Two guards come in and take me away. I'm very amazed. I hate her. 2.75 I mount up some steps, two guards walked behind me into the building. Just a lot of talking about papers. I think they tied my hands behind my back. My head is knocked off. 2.6 ~More solid?~ No. ~Erasing?~ Yes. ~AB.~ 2.6 ~C.~ Men in army with their lances, on horses. They gallop. 2.7 A lot of little hills. 1:11 One of these men in armor I think is me. No longer on the horse. Suddenly come to the place I was looking for. It was a beautiful garden. I saw a 712 BOOK THREE TIME TA woman. I was looking at her. I was furious with her. I was very angry. Two men came along and told me I must come with them. 2.6 I went off with two men behind me. I hated her. I walked into a big building. 2.6 ~D.~ Men sprinkling something on the papers. My hands are tied behind my back. The chopper comes down and chopped me on my neck. And that's all. 2.3 ~More solid?~ No, it's erasing. ~AB.~ I'm there. ~C.~ A lot of activity. Men on horses. 1:47 2.75 Suddenly I'm alone. I walked through a garden. I saw a woman there. I spoke to her but she didn't look up. I was furious. 2.7 She didn't look up. Two men come in and take me away. I went into a big building. 2.6 Man in dark clothes. My arms were tied behind my back. My head on the block. They chop up my head and that was all. 2.4 ~More solid?~ No. ~Erasing?~ Yes. ~AB~. Man in armor ready to mount their horses. 1:52 2.4 One of the soldiers was climbing. That was me. I tried to get to some place; beautiful garden. I saw a woman. ~C.~ 2.5 I was furious with her. Two guards came in and took me away. Got in a big building. Men were writing some TIME TA things, sprinkling a lot of things. My arms tied behind my back. Head on the block. Chopper came. 2.2 ~D.~ My head was chopped that's what happened. That's why I got the pain. 2.25 ~More solid?~ No. ~Erasing?~ Yes. Pc looks better. ~AB.~ ~C.~ A lot of activity with soldiers. I find myself without my horse climb- ing up a hill making my way to some place. Beautiful garden. 2.3 There was a woman. 2:01 2.4 I walked to her, furious with her because she betrayed me. 2.4 Two guards came to take me away. I hated her. I walked to a big building where they were writing. My arms were tied behind my back. The chopper came down to cut off my head. I was dead. ~D.~ 2.2 2:05 2.3 2.5 2.4 2.5 2:10 I think that woman was my wife. 2.25 } } BD F/N 2:10 2.0 } 2:10 2.0 I feel very good. F/N INDICATED. ~That's it.~ Pc looks very fine. Afterwards she found it curious she had run the pain PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 713 TIME TA in her neck instead of the pain in her back. She felt happy, and is no longer interested in the pain in her TIME TA back for the moment. That's why I ended the session. She found it a beautiful session. 714 BOOK THREE EXAMINER'S FORM Qual Div: Apollo Before session exam : Date: 22/5/69 or Time: 14:17 After session exam :v Pc, Pre-OT name :PM Last grade attained : or Grade being attested: Pc's statement (write down exactly what pc says. Don't ask any questions): ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Pc smiling. No statement.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why pc came to Examiner: Sent by DAC Student Auditor. TA position: 3.00 Pc indicators: Good State of needle: F/N Note any further data required by C/S: Examiner routes: To Case Supervisor: v or (if medical treatment required) To Case Supervisor: via Medical Officer (Examination form must be placed in pc folder before going to C/S). _________________ Signature of Examiner PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 715 SUMMARY REPORT Pc or Pre-OT:PM Date 22/5/69 Process run :R3R TA 5.65 Time Auditor Goals and gains: Happy pc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aspects and gains: 1. How did pc do in relation to what was run. Good. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Effectiveness of process. Very. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Any free needles. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. General needle behavior. Loose. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Did TA go below 2.0 (how low). Did it come up. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. Did TA go high. Did it come down. 4.5 Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7. General TA range. 4.5 - 2.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8. Emotional tone of the pc and whether this improved. All the time thinking and talking. At the end she felt good. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9. Any misemotion. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10. Preclear appearance. Fine ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11. Any change in skin tone. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12. Did color of eyes change. Get brighter Get dull No Yes No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13. Any comm lags. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14. Any cognitions. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15. Any pains turn on blown No No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16. Any sensations turn on blown No No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17. Any difficulties. Pc said she was interested in pain in back. After she ran the pain in her neck. She was no longer interested in pain in her back. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18. Did you complete C/S instructions. Yes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19. Was pc happy at session end. Very. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20. TA at session end Needle at session end 2.0 F/N ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ETHICS REPORT: None. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUGGEST: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 717 Case 9 [PICTURE#48] page 722 718 BOOK THREE (Done after assessment) AUDITOR'S REPORT FORM Preclear: PW Date 29/4/69 No. of intensive hours Auditor: MM No. of hours 10 min. Total hours Environment Auditor Withholds PTP ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Process Time Tone-Arm Sensi- Results & Reads tivity Comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Start of assessment 1405 4.0 16 Goals: End of assessment 1415 3.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Instructions and comments: _________________ Director of Processing PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 719 TIME TA ~START OF ASSESSMENT~ 1405 4.0 Teeth ache--small fall Leg pain--very sm fall Skin soreness--v sm rise Carsick, fear--v sm rise Doesn't bother pc weariness--I haven't noticed it since auditing. Clean Pc says: "None of those things bother me anymore except skin soreness, and mostly my sight. Auditing has improved it somewhat but it still bothers me." ~END OF ASSESSMENT~ 1415 3.9 TIME TA 29/4/69 ASSESSMENT HEALTH FORM Teeth, ache--small fall Leg damage--very small fall Skin soreness--very small rise. Carsick, fear--doesn't bother pc--very small rise. Weariness, "I haven't noticed it since auditing." 4.0 Pc says none of the above bother her anymore except her skin and her sight. (Suspect MULTIPLE ILLNESS. Suggest another chain be found and run on sight--blindness.) 720 BOOK THREE EXAMINER'S FORM Qual Div: Apollo Before session exam : Date: 29/4/69 or Time: 2:41 After session exam :v Pc, Pre-OT name : Last grade attained : or Grade being attested: Pc's statement (write down exactly what pc says. Don't ask any questions): ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Don't think I have anything to say, really. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why pc came to Examiner: TA position: 4.0 Pc indicators: State of needle: Sluggish Note any further data required by C/S: Examiner routes: To Case Supervisor: v or (if medical treatment required) To Case Supervisor: via Medical Officer (Examination form must be placed in pc folder before going to C/S). _________________ Signature of Examiner PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 721 SUMMARY REPORT Pc or Pre-OT: Date Process run :Assessment TA .1 Time 10 min. Auditor Goals and gains: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aspects and gains: 1. How did pc do in relation to what was run. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Effectiveness of process. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Any free needles. No. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. General needle behavior. Loose - sluggish. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Did TA go below 2.0 (how low). Did it come up. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. Did TA go high. Did it come down. Yes No. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7. General TA range. 3.9 - 4.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8. Emotional tone of the pc and whether this improved. pc happy ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9. Any misemotion. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10. Preclear appearance. Bright ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11. Any change in skin tone. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12. Did color of eyes change. Get brighter Get dull No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13. Any comm lags. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14. Any cognitions. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15. Any pains turn on blown No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16. Any sensations turn on blown No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17. Any difficulties. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18. Did you complete C/S instructions. None given. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19. Was pc happy at session end. Yes, somewhat ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20. TA at session end Needle at session end 4.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ETHICS REPORT: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUGGEST: Folder to C/S. Suspect multiple illness; maybe another chain on sight-blindness. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 723 Case 10 [PICTURE#49] page 724 [PICTURE#50] page 729 PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 725 AUDITOR'S REPORT FORM Preclear: BD Date 28/4/69 No. of intensive hours Auditor: MM No. of hours 20 min. Total hours 20 min. Environment Auditor Withholds PTP ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Process Time Tone-Arm Sensi- Results & Reads tivity Comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is the session 20:54 2.8 6 Goals: Process R3R 1. Locate the incident 2. When was it? 3. Move to 4. Duration 5. Move to the beginning of that incident. 6. What do you see? 7. Move through the incident to a point later. 8. What happened? A. Move to the beginning of the inc. B. Tell me when you are there. C. Scan through to the end of the inc. D. Tell me what happened. Item No.1 - Pain in my ankle. 20:56 2.5 Erased F/N 21:03 2.3 Item No.2 - Sore throat 2.3 Cognition F/N 21:16 2.5 That's it. Very pronounced GIs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Instructions and comments: _________________ Director of Processing 726 BOOK THREE TIME TA ~This is the session.~ 2054 2.8 Item: pain in my ankle. ~1.~ When was 7 yrs old ~2.~ 14 April 1960 ~3.~ Um ~4.~ 15 min. ~5.~ Um. ~6.~ I see myself--teacher friend. ~7.~ We're on a running trip. I sprain my ankle. ~9.~ I lost the race. ~AB.~ I'm there ~C.~ Um ~D.~ Well, when I was running; my attention was distracted, so I tripped. ~Is the incident erasing?~ Um-hum. It's gone. VGIs 2103 F/N INDICATED 2.3 Item No. 2 sore throat. ~1.~ One month ago. TIME TA ~2.~ 12 March 1969. ~3.~ Yea ~4.~ 1 hr ~5.~ Yea ~6.~ Coming back from galley. ~7.~ Bob Medical Officer 21:11 2.7 Then talked to Bob, decided Aus- tralia was a cool place to be. Sore throat blew. ~9.~ I cognited on the fact that I lived in a downtone area and that was what keyed-in my sore throat. Cog F/N 2115 See whenever I thought of Austra- lia or if I wanted to go back, I'd pull in this sore throat. (Very pronounced GIs) F/N INDICATED. 2116 2.5 ~That's it.~ PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 727 EXAMINER'S FORM Qual Div: Apollo Before session exam : Date: 28/4/69 or Time: 2130 After session exam :3.0 Pc, Pre-OT name :BD Last grade attained : or Grade being attested: Pc's statement (write down exactly what pc says. Don't ask any questions): ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (laugh) Just looking bright-eyed. (Said nothing.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why pc came to Examiner: TA position: 3.0 Pc indicators: State of needle: Very loose needle, then F/N. F/N indicated. VGIs (smiling) Note any further data required by C/S: v Examiner routes: To Case Supervisor: x or (if medical treatment required) To Case Supervisor: via Medical Officer (Examination form must be placed in pc folder before going to C/S). _________________ Signature of Examiner 728 BOOK THREE SUMMARY REPORT Pc or Pre-OT:BD Date 28/4/69 Process run :R3R TA .7 Time 20 min. Auditor Goals and gains: Cog on sore throat ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aspects and gains: 1. How did pc do in relation to what was run. Very well. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Effectiveness of process. Pretty good. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Any free needles. Two ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. General needle behavior. Free--floating ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Did TA go below 2.0 (how low). Did it come up. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. Did TA go high. Did it come down. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7. General TA range. 2.3 - 2.7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8. Emotional tone of the pc and whether this improved. Yes, pc walked out enthused and happy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9. Any misemotion. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10. Preclear appearance. Smiling, cheerful. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11. Any change in skin tone. No. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12. Did color of eyes change. Get brighter Get dull No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13. Any comm lags. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14. Any cognitions. Yes, on sore throat ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15. Any pains turn on blown No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16. Any sensations turn on blown No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17. Any difficulties. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18. Did you complete C/S instructions. Yes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19. Was pc happy at session end. Very happy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20. TA at session end Needle at session end 2.5 Floating ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ETHICS REPORT: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUGGEST: Folder to C/S ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 731 Case 11 [PICTURE#51] page 732 [PICTURE#52] page 738 PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 733 AUDITOR'S REPORT FORM Preclear: CC Date 16/5/69 No. of intensive hours Auditor: GR No. of hours 1hr. 50 min. Total hours Environment Auditor Withholds PTP ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Process Time Tone-Arm Sensi- Results & Reads tivity Comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Find out if pc START OF SESSION Goals: has been on dope. Assess som. before she began to use that Fair indicators Dn C/S 2, if not cont. Needle tight R3R 19:05 2.65 5 1. Locate inc that could have caused (som or feeling) After session trim check TA 1.8 = 2.0 2. Date inc. 3. Move to 4. Estab dur. 5. Move to the beginning of that inc. 6. What do you see? 7. Move thru the inc to a point time later. 8. Ack - cont. 9. What happened? (ack) A. Move to the beginning of the incident. B. Tell me when you are there. C. Scan through to the end of the incident. D. Tell me what happened. (Repeat A to D as required) END OF SESSION 20:55 1.65 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Instructions and comments: Per C/S asked pc if she had been on dope. LFDB 2.65 to 2.15. Pc answered - NO! _________________ Director of Processing 734 BOOK THREE TIME TA ~Start session~ 1903 2.65 Ask pc if she had been on dope. 2.65 } } BD Answer "NO!" 2.15 } Item: (LFBD .50 BD) My head, just heavy and massy in front. 1911 2.0 ~1.~ Pc locating an inc. Pc having 1.8 trouble finding an inc. 1.85 Pc can't find one. I've got this som. on now but can't find an inc. I also have the PN in spine and tried to run that last session, but didn't get anywhere. I'm interested in this head som. but the spine thing last session couldn't find earlier inc and it didn't run and I don't want to go through that again (not running.) 1925 1.75 Pc feels head som, is the right item. Pc is having another look for inc. 1928 1.75 I found time when I had it but it couldn't have been the cause. ~2.~ It was afternoon in my father's room, in '59. ~3.~ ~4.~ Half hour. ~5.~ ~6.~ My father's room. ~7.~ ~9.~ I had been 1.65 in room reading fell asleep, woke up and head was heavy. 1.7 ~A.~ 1.65 ~B.~ OK ~C.~ Yeah 1.65 ~D.~ Same thing not erasing 1939 TIME TA ~Earlier inc?~ ~1.~ Can't find any. 1.75 1942 1.75 ~AB.~ OK ~C.~ Hmmm ~D.~ Same thing as before only saw it more real. It's getting more solid. ~Earlier inc?~ No can't find one 1.65 I'm having trouble really. I'm moving back but all I see is pleasure moments. ~A.~ Smiles. ~B.~ Hmmm ~C.~ Hmmm 1950 (yawn) 1.65 ~D.~ Same thing, I'm just seeing more of it. Not erasing. ~Earlier inc?~ Pc looking for earlier inc. Comm lag 2005 A day at the ocean. 2005 1.65 ~2.~ Not sure. Somewhere between '53 and '55. ~3.~ ~4.~ About a minute. 1.5 ~5.~ ~6.~ The ocean. ~7.~ ~9.~ Mother was holding band. I fell down, a wave came over my head. ~AB.~ 1.5 ~C.~ ~D.~ I jumped away, fell down; a wave came over my head. I don't know if it's getting solid or erasing. ~AB.~ 1.5 ~C.~ ~D.~ Same thing Seems to be erasing. ~AB.~ PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 735 TIME TA ~C.~ 2012 1.5 ~D.~ Same thing. Seems to be erasing. ~AB.~ OK ~C.~ Hmm 2014 1.5 ~D.~ Same thing No, can't be erasing. It's still the same. ~Earlier inc?~ Looking for earlier. As needle starts to rise pc squirms, then needle falls, then rises (squirm) Fall 1820 1.5 Comm lag (laugh) I remember more about the last inc and can't find an earlier one. (Pc still looking) 2024 1.8 Comm lag 2030 Can't find one. ~AB.~ OK ~C.~ Hm ~D.~ Same thing. I remember the undertow. Yes, it's erasing. ~AB.~ ~C.~ ~D.~ Same thing. Yes, it's erasing. ~AB.~ ~C.~ 2033 1.65 ~D.~ Same thing Seems to be erasing. ~AB.~ ~C.~ Hmm D. Same thing Guess it's erasing. Can't see it as clearly. TIME TA ~AB.~ ~C.~ ~D.~ Same thing. It's erasing. 2035 1.8 ~AB.~ ~C.~ ~D.~ Same thing. yeah, erasing. ~AB.~ 2036 1.5 ~C.~ Hmm ~D.~ Same thing. It's erasing. 2039 1.5 ~AB.~ (yawn) ~C.~ ~D.~ Same thing. I'm not sure if it's erasing. It hasn't changed much. Not more solid, not changing. Guess it's erasing. 2043 1.5 ~AB.~ ~C.~ ~D.~ Same thing. Yeah, it's erasing. I think so. Not very much. 2044 1.5 ~AB.~ ~C.~ ~D.~ Same thing. Not erasing any more. ~Earlier ine?~ Looking for earlier. Comm lag 1.65 2054 1.7 Can't find any. 1.5 ~End Session~ 2055 TA 1.65 736 BOOK THREE EXAMINER'S FORM Qual Div: Apollo Before session exam : Date: 16/5/69 or Time: 20:58 After session exam :v Pc, Pre-OT name :CC Last grade attained :VA or Grade being attested: Pc's statement (write down exactly what pc says. Don't ask any questions): ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The session was cool. I found a chain and knew it was a real chain. It didn't erase. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why pc came to Examiner: Sent by D.A.C. Student TA position: 2.00 Pc indicators: Good State of needle: Loose, then tight and dirty. Note any further data required by C/S: Examiner routes: To Case Supervisor: v or (if medical treatment required) To Case Supervisor: via Medical Officer (Examination form must be placed in pc folder before going to C/S). _________________ Signature of Examiner PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 737 SUMMARY REPORT Pc or Pre-OT:CC Date 16/5/69 Process run :R3R TA 2.00 Time 1 hr, 50 min. Auditor GR Goals and gains: Pc got nowhere, couldn't find anything on chain but two locks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aspects and gains: 1. How did pc do in relation to what was run. Not well. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Effectiveness of process. No go. Pc wouldn't look or was withholding. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Any free needles. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. General needle behavior. Was clean, then tightened up. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Did TA go below 2.0 (how low). Did it come up. 1.7 to 1.95 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. Did TA go high. Did it come down. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7. General TA range. 1.7 - 2.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8. Emotional tone of the pc and whether this improved. Not noticeable. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9. Any misemotion. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10. Preclear appearance. Fair ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11. Any change in skin tone. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12. Did color of eyes change. Get brighter Get dull ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13. Any comm lags. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14. Any cognitions. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15. Any pains turn on blown None mentioned. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16. Any sensations turn on blown None mentioned ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17. Any difficulties. Yes, Pc couldn't find any incidents earlier than a lock. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18. Did you complete C/S instructions. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19. Was pc happy at session end. Yes, fair. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20. TA at session end Needle at session end 1.85 Tight ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ETHICS REPORT: Lock wouldn't erase or key out and nothing earlier. The item run had the largest read on list LFBD also had pc's interest. As ordered in C/S at start of session, I asked pc if she had been on dope. Pc said "No!!", but got LF + BD 2.65 to 2.1 on question. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUGGEST: I ended session and sent pc to examiner as chain wasn't running and we were only grinding away on a lock getting nowhere. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 739 Case 12 [PICTURE#53] page 740 [PICTURE#54] page 745 PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 741 AUDITOR'S REPORT FORM Preclear: MD Date 21/5/69 No. of intensive hours Auditor: No. of hours 1 hr. 5 min. Total hours Environment Auditor Withholds PTP ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Process Time Tone-Arm Sensi- Results & Reads tivity Comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------ R3R 1005 3.2 6 Ran item of interest to pc - "severe pressure on back" Ran chain to birth - cog, erasure and F/N. START OF SESSION MO report to get exact description and then assessed for interest and longest read R3R 1047 2.8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D SOLID OR ERASING? EARLIER F/N END OF SESSION 1110 2.6 6 Trim Check = 1.95 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Instructions and comments: _________________ Director of Processing 742 BOOK THREE TIME TA ~This is the session.~ 10:05 3.2 (Needle loose) (Went over items on MO report to get "feeling" See report. 10:30 2.8 Still getting somatics on MO form. Item selected by both meter and interest. "Severe pressure on back" 10:47 2.80 ~1.~ Yeah ~2.~ September, 1960 ~3.~ ~4.~ 30 sec. ~5.~ ~6.~ Sitting at a light at intersection --waiting to make left turn--just turned wheel. ~7.~ 10:50 2.80 (Needle loose) ~9.~ Truckload of concrete rammed me in back. My car went thru two lanes of traffic. I ended underneath dashboard. Crowd said I must be dead. Got out of car with help, just wanted to see what happened. 10:54 2.85 ~A B C~ ~D.~ Same thing. Truck driver very concerned; he's worried about losing job. Cop very reasonable--gives guy ticket for "failure to yield right of way." ~Solid?~ Yes. ~Earlier?~ Yes. 10:56 3.00 (Comm lag) I've got one. ~2.~ Nov 21, 1947 ~3.~ ~4.~ About 2 min. TIME TA ~5.~ ~6.~ Grade school, front porch. ~7.~ ~8.~ Must be 7 or 8 of us. Let out of class--made for front door. Snow on ground. Race across porch, jump--miss, heel landed on edge of step, landed on bottom. Back on step, then roll into snow. Patty said I must be dead. ~AB.~ ~C.~ ~D.~ Same thing. Principal came out. There is a blank spot there. ~Solid? or~ ~Erase?~ --Solid. ~Earlier?~ Yes. ~2.~ Oct 29, 1935 ~3.~ ~4.~ About 5 min. ~5.~ ~6.~ 11:04 3.25 Can't find any pictures but I got-- hmm. I'd just been born. Doctor got a hand under back. ~7.~ Five minutes later it's fine. Skipped--pc moving too fast already back at begin -- ~AB.~ ~C.~ ~D.~ Doctor holding me up--bending back--that slob "old Doc Benson" 3.25 } LFBD } 2.75 } F/N Cog Tell pc of F/N 11:10 2.6 ~Erasing?~ It's gone. F/N ~That's it. Your needle is floating.~ ~End of Session~ Pc laughing and GIs. To Examiner. PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 743 EXAMINER'S FORM Qual Div: Apollo Before session exam : Date: 21/5/69 or Time: 11:17 After session exam :v Pc, Pre-OT name : Last grade attained :OT I or Grade being attested: Pc's statement (write down exactly what pc says. Don't ask any questions): ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Just had a beautiful session. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why pc came to Examiner: DAC Auditor TA position: 3.25 Pc indicators: Good State of needle: Dirty Note any further data required by C/S: Examiner routes: To Case Supervisor: v or (if medical treatment required) To Case Supervisor: via Medical Officer (Examination form must be placed in pc folder before going to C/S). _________________ Signature of Examiner 744 BOOK THREE SUMMARY REPORT Pc or Pre-OT: Date 21/5/69 Process run :R3R TA 1:05 Time 1 hr. 5 min. Auditor Goals and gains: Find a somatic that interests pc. Went over MO report getting feelings of somatics - assessed - got read and interest on "severe pressure on back." ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aspects and gains: 1. How did pc do in relation to what was run. Good! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Effectiveness of process. Excellent ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Any free needles. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. General needle behavior. Loose ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Did TA go below 2.0 (how low). Did it come up. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. Did TA go high. Did it come down. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7. General TA range. 3.2 - 2.6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8. Emotional tone of the pc and whether this improved. Good, then very good. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9. Any misemotion. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10. Preclear appearance. Good ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11. Any change in skin tone. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12. Did color of eyes change. Get brighter Get dull Yes Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13. Any comm lags. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14. Any cognitions. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15. Any pains turn on blown Yes Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16. Any sensations turn on blown ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17. Any difficulties. None ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18. Did you complete C/S instructions. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19. Was pc happy at session end. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20. TA at session end Needle at session end 2.6 F/N ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ETHICS REPORT: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUGGEST: Run next item on MO form: "Fear of not being able to breathe" or return to Scn processing. Pc runs smoothly where the exact description of SOM is run. NOTE: On way to examiner, pc talked to auditor - he may have also looked at his TA on meter when leaving session. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 747 Case 13 [PICTURE#55] page 752 748 BOOK THREE AUDITOR'S REPORT FORM Preclear: BM Date 16/5/69 No. of intensive hours Auditor: SG No. of hours Total hours 10 min. Environment Auditor Withholds PTP ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Process Time Tone-Arm Sensi- Results & Reads tivity Comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------ START OF SESSION 5:50 4.4 8 Goals: None Dianetic assist on lifting weight on ship. TA very hight. 2.25 Pc smiling and calm! No F/N. 2. When was it? 3. Move to... (date). 4. What is the duration of the incident? 5. Move to the beginning of that inc. Close your eyes. 6. What do you see? 7. Move through the inc. to a point... later. 8. Okay, continue. 9. What happened? A. Move to the beginning of the incident. B. Tell me when you are there. C. Scan through to the end of the incident. D. Tell me what happened. END OF SESSION 6:00 5.25 8 Meter Trim Check TA = 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Instructions and comments: _________________ Director of Processing PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 749 TIME TA Dianetic assist on lifting heavy weight. ~Start of Session~ Time = 5:50 4.2 ~2.~ Monday 4.5 ~3.~ Yes F 4.8 ~4.~ ±5 min ~5.~ 5.0 ~6.~ Holding up meat. Put the meat down. Tried to lift it up, felt pain in my side. Dropped it again. ~AB.~ ~C.~ Yes. ~D.~ We were lifting meat off the dock onto the ship. Stood up 5.2 Had a pain in my side. (Needle rising) 5:55 5.3 ~It is erasing?~ 5.3 Yes. TIME TA ~AB.~ Yes. ~C.~ Yes. ~D.~ F Lifting meat pulling it up on gangway. I tried to lift it up. Felt a pain in my side. Side was sore. 5:57 5.3 (Needle tight) (Needle still tight) ~Is there earlier inc?~ (Pc thinking) No ~AB.~ Yes. ~C.~ Yes. ~D.~ Pulling meat, pick it up, pain in my side. (Needle tight) ~Is this one erased?~ Yes. OK F 5.25 (Needle stuck pc smiling. ~End of Session~ 6.00 750 BOOK THREE EXAMINER'S FORM Qual Div: Apollo Before session exam : Date: or Time: 1805 After session exam :v Pc, Pre-OT name :BM Last grade attained : or Grade being attested: Pc's statement (write down exactly what pc says. Don't ask any questions): ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pc said nothing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why pc came to Examiner: TA position: 3.75 Pc indicators: Smiling, but seemed forced. State of needle: Rising Note any further data required by C/S: Examiner routes: To Case Supervisor: v or (if medical treatment required) To Case Supervisor: via Medical Officer (Examination form must be placed in pc folder before going to C/S). _________________ Signature of Examiner PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 751 SUMMARY REPORT Pc or Pre-OT:BM Date Process run :Dianetic Assist R3R TA 0.25 Time 10 min. Auditor GS Goals and gains: None. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aspects and gains: 1. How did pc do in relation to what was run. Good. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Effectiveness of process. None ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Any free needles. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. General needle behavior. Rising ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Did TA go below 2.0 (how low). Did it come up. NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. Did TA go high. Did it come down. Yes, 5.3 No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7. General TA range. 4.2 - 5.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8. Emotional tone of the pc and whether this improved. Calm and smiling. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9. Any misemotion. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10. Preclear appearance. Good. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11. Any change in skin tone. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12. Did color of eyes change. Get brighter Get dull No No No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13. Any comm lags. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14. Any cognitions. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15. Any pains turn on blown No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16. Any sensations turn on blown No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17. Any difficulties. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18. Did you complete C/S instructions. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19. Was pc happy at session end. She looked good, but was calm. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20. TA at session end Needle at session end 5.25 Rising, then fall and loose. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ETHICS REPORT: None. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUGGEST: High TA. Pc for Scient. Review. I think the engram run out yesterday was the basic of this chain. So overrun. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 753 Case 14 [PICTURE#56] page 760 754 BOOK THREE AUDITOR'S REPORT FORM Preclear: FJM Date 21/5/69 No. of intensive hours Auditor: SN No. of hours 1 hr. 10 min. Total hours TOTAL TA = 7 Environment Auditor Withholds PTP ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Process Time Tone-Arm Sensi- Results & Reads tivity Comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------ R3R START OF SESSION Goals: Pc cheerful, bright, smiling. 1620 2.9 6 Assessment 1627 2.6 R3R 1628 2.7 1. Locate an incident that could have caused 2. Date 3. Move to 4. Duration 5. Move to beginning of incident. 6. What do you see? 7. Move thru incident to a point duration later. 8. 9. What happened? A. Move to beginning B. Tell me when there. C. Scan thru the inc. D. Tell me what happened. F/N 1700 2.3 F/N 1730 2.3 That's it. TC 1.8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Instructions and comments: _________________ Director of Processing PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 755 TIME TA ~Start of Session~ 1620 2.9 Assessment 1627 2.6 R3R Grief ~1.~ 1628 2.7 Comm lag Yes Needle loose, clean ~2.~ Feb 13, 69 LF ~3.~ Pc eyes closed LF ~4.~ 5 min Ok ~6.~ Rob seated in aft lounge. ~7.~ Pc quiet OK 1632 2.6 ~9.~ I felt griefy LF Burning in eyes F Tired (Pc in grief--tears Eyelids fluttering.) Pc breathing is hard. ~AB.~ OK 1635 2.6 ~C.~ LF Pc opening mouth, licking lips. Tears gone. Licked lips ~D.~ LFBD I'm confused F Still tired 1638 2.7 Pc took deep breath LF LF Pc smiled It doesn't matter. I don't care as long as he's happy. ~Is it becoming more solid or erasing?~ Pc smiling. It must be erasing. TIME TA Nothing is changed. ~Is it more solid or erasing?~ It is erasing. I feel better about it. 1640 2.5 1643 2.7 ~AB.~ LFBD Deep breath ~C.~ OK LF Pc looks sad ~D.~ He made a decision and then I made a decision. I ended cycle. ~More solid or erasing?~ I think it's solid. ~Earlier inc?~ OK ~2.~ Sept 19, 1967 ~3.~ ~4.~ 5 min. ~5.~ F ~6.~ F Joey seated at table. ~7.~ OK ~Move thru incident to a point 5 min later.~ ~8.~ Pc in grief 1647 2.6 LF (tears) ~9.~ Pc LF (Blew out) I'm turned on grief. Eyes burning. Tired. I don't care. 1648 2.75 Tired of holding onto something. Didn't want me. 2.75 } } LFBD 1649 2.5 } (Tears) Pc opened eyes said OK (Grief) Little needle movement. 756 BOOK THREE TIME TA 1650 2.75 Hard to breathe. (Pc sniffed) 1651 2.7 I'm just tired. ~More solid or erasing?~ Solid LFBD 1652 2.4 ~Earlier inc?~ Yes 1654 2.8 Pc looking; eyelids fluttering. Pc sniffed. Nose red. LF 2.8 } } 1955 2.6 } OK LFBD ~2.~ Jan 2, 1959 ~3.~ ~4.~ 5 min. ~5.~ ~6.~ Parents. ~7.~ Needle loose ~9.~ 1656 2.4 I got a lump in my throat. Sniff SOM, headache. Tired F 1658 2.65 F 2.5 I always had someone making my decisions for me. Just thought I couldn't make decisions. Go into agreement with their decisions. That's it. F/N 1700 2.3 Indicated. Pc indicators in. That's what you call an ARC break of long duration. TIME TA ~Is there earlier similar inc that could have caused grief?~ Yes. ~2.~ June 11, 1956. No, let me check. ~3.~ OK ~4.~ 5 min. ~5.~ OK ~6.~ Swing. ~7.~ ~8.~ OK ~9.~ Pc sighs. I'm just tired. Grief. 1706 3.0 LFBD 1707 2.6 Pc sighed. Face red, grief as if been crying. Sniffed. I just got a picture when I was hit in the head. I was in the water. Pc smiled. I come up and called my friends. Nobody comes. I did not know what to do. Pc laughed. 1710 2.25 Mainly because I didn't know what happened. I never expressed how I felt about anything. I just let people pick it up on a different level. 2.75 LFBD 2.5 Needle very loose, clean ~AB.~ OK ~C.~ LFBD } } 2.5 } ~D.~ Numbness 1713 2.75 } Grief, sniff } } 1714 2.3} PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 757 TIME TA ~More solid or erasing?~ Solid. ~Earlier similar?~ 1715 2.75 Pc very still, looking. 1717 Yes 2.9 ~2.~ LF 2 June 47 ~3.~ OK. ~4.~ 5 min 1725 2.6 ~5.~ ~6.~ Aud goofed LF ~7.~ ~8.~ LFBD Pc smiling. Hit in head with rock. LF Rest of crowd running up to look, did not hear me cry. I did not know what to do. No one to help me. (Pc giggled) Felt too many things happening. No one to help. I couldn't make TIME TA decision. (Pc coughed) LF LF 1726 2.4 1727 2.7 (Pc softly smiling.) Pc raised up head. Took deep breath. Pc laughed ~9.~ Pc smiling. I think I ran out my grief. F/N 1730 2.3 I must have. It's easy to breathe. Not even tired. (Pc looks cheerful, smiling.) F/N INDICATED ~That's it.~ (On way to examiner pc said, "You know what this feels like? When I got my ARC Straightwire release--I was walking on air.) 758 BOOK THREE EXAMINER'S FORM Qual Div: Apollo Before session exam : Date: 21/5/69 or Time: 17:33 After session exam :v Pc, Pre-OT name :EJM Last grade attained :VA or Grade being attested: Pc's statement (write down exactly what pc says. Don't ask any questions): ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (laughs) What can I say? Great! F/N ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why pc came to Examiner: Sent by DAC student after session. TA position: 2.8 Pc indicators: Very good State of needle: F/N Note any further data required by C/S: Examiner routes: To Case Supervisor: v or (if medical treatment required) To Case Supervisor: via Medical Officer (Examination form must be placed in pc folder before going to C/S). _________________ Signature of Examiner PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 759 SUMMARY REPORT Pc or Pre-OT:EMJ Date 21/5/69 Process run :R3R TA Time 1hr. 10 min. Auditor SN Goals and gains: Pc said ran out of grief, it's easy to breathe, no longer tired. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aspects and gains: 1. How did pc do in relation to what was run. Excellent ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Effectiveness of process. Effective. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Any free needles. Yes, 2. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. General needle behavior. Loose, clean ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Did TA go below 2.0 (how low). Did it come up. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. Did TA go high. Did it come down. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7. General TA range. 2.25 - 3.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8. Emotional tone of the pc and whether this improved. Pc rather apathetic. Yes, cheerful. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9. Any misemotion. Yes, grief, apathy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10. Preclear appearance. Good ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11. Any change in skin tone. Yes, pink now. Was a little dull. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12. Did color of eyes change. Get brighter Get dull No Yes No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13. Any comm lags. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14. Any cognitions. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15. Any pains turn on blown Yes Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16. Any sensations turn on blown Yes Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17. Any difficulties. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18. Did you complete C/S instructions. Yes, so far. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19. Was pc happy at session end. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20. TA at session end Needle at session end 2.3 F/N ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ETHICS REPORT: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUGGEST: Folder to C/S ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 761 Case 15 [PICTURE#57] page 770 762 BOOK THREE AUDITOR'S REPORT FORM Preclear: CD Date 23/5/69 No. of intensive hours Auditor: BD No. of hours 2 hrs. 48 min. Total hours 2 hrs. 48 min. Environment Auditor Withholds PTP ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Process Time Tone-Arm Sensi- Results & Reads tivity Comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is session. 13:38 3.1 3 Goals: R-factor Nothing happened Added to list reassessed R3R 13:59 4.0 3 Something very out here. Please check worksheets. I checked out previous sessions and there seems to be a pattern with this pc. He is not running at all. I followed procedures as indicated by C/S, but made no difference. 1. Locate an inc... 2. Date 3. Move to date 4. Duration 5. Move to begin of inc at date. 6. What see? 7. Move thru inc. to pt... later 8. 9. What happened? A. Move to begin of inc. B. Tell me when there. C. Scan thru to end of inc. D. Tell me what happened. That's it. 14:53 (Pc had to go to bathroom immediately) This is the session 15:05 3.0 3 That's it. 16:26 3.0 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Instructions and comments: _________________ Director of Processing PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 763 TIME TA ~Start of session.~ 13:38 3.1 R-factor--add to list, Reassess and run R3R Ind. item--sen. of falling in space. 13:59 4.0 ~1.~ OK. ~2.~ Jan 2, 1964 ~3.~ Yeah, ~4.~ 2 hrs. ~5.~ All right ~6.~ I'm asleep in bed and all of a sudden these wings appear and a cliff, and I find myself falling. I start jumping in bed--still falling. Any- way, that's what I see. ~7.~ ~9.~ I just keep falling--hear mother's voice. Woke up and that's it. Scared to death. Body movement ~AB.~ All right 3.8 ~C.~ All right ~D.~ I was sleeping one night--saw wings at end of cliff. Start falling, falling--faster and faster. Mother came in, called my name and I woke up right in the middle of falling. ~Erasing?~ No. 4.2 ~More solid?~ Yes. ~Earl. Sim. ?~ 14:06 4.1 ~1.~ Comm lag. All right. ~2.~ I think it was . . . 1948-49 ~3.~ All right. ~4.~ About, 3 hrs. long. 4.25 ~5.~ ~6.~ I see these trees around us; one of my friends and I, winding pathway in forest like place. ~7.~ ~8.~ TIME TA ~9.~ There was my friend and I--he was much bigger than I. Running from other guys; they had a gun and real thick twine. Chasing us. Kept on running and running; ran down path. Finally, friend passed out. Ran to see where he was. Got back to see two guys throwing friend off cliff. Falling, falling. I passed out. Weird feeling of falling, and falling. 4.3 ~A.~ ~B.~ All right. ~C.~ All right. ~D.~ Same thing as before. With friend, taller than I was. Running from two guys with guns, ropes, etc. Ran and ran. 4.2 Finally, friend passed out and I kept going. When I realized what happened I went back to see friend thrown over cliff. I pushed those two off cliff. They fell. And I felt falling and falling, etc. Body 4.0 motion ~Erasing?~ Shaking me up, really. More solid. ~Earl Sim.?~ 14:21 4.1 ~1.~ Comm lag 4.2 4.25 4.3 All right. ~2.~ 1932 (in that area) ~3.~ Yeah. Body ~4.~ About 15 min. 3.9 motion ~5.~ All right. ~6.~ See cable stretched across two ledges over a long sloping waterfall --looks rough at bottom. ~7.~ 764 BOOK THREE TIME TA 3.9 BD 3.7 ~9.~ I was on this . . . these guys had just stretched cable between two mtns. Tight at each end. I was elected to walk across. I was tightrope walker. Rope around me. Had hold of pole and started to walk across. Wind started blowing and I started swinging, and then . . . 3.9 I slip, let go of one side of pole, grab other side, fall on wire--get across wire. I don't fall. 3.8 ~AB.~ All right. 3.7 ~C.~ ~D.~ Mound of dirt on one side and pole. This guy and girl. 3.8 I'm watching this guy go across this cable. He goes across 3.75 and all of a sudden, he gets caught in wind and he fell and that was it. ~Erasing?~ Yeah. ~AB.~ All right. ~C.~ All right. 3.8 ~D.~ There was third guy on mountain and wire stretched across--cable not wire. He was . . . No, I was going to meet him. We met at middle of cable. Overbalanced Body 3.6 move He fell. I made it across the rest of wire. ~Erasing?~ Yeah. 14:35 3.6 ~AB.~ All right. ~C.~ ~D.~ On this (clear throat) mountain top, two mountains, cable stretched between. 3.8 My friend Eric on other side and I'm on this side. We decide to meet halfway. 3.7 TIME TA He's a little squirt, but can sure run fast. And I just fall, keep on falling, don't stop falling. Then . . . That's what happened. ~Erasing?~ No, getting more solid. ~Earl. Sim. ?~ ~1.~ Comm lag 3.6 3.75 Yes. 3.8 ~2.~ March 2, 1902 ~3.~ Yeah 3.9 ~4.~ 3 min. ~5.~ All right. ~6.~ This lion 4.0 ~7. ~ ~8.~ Comm lag 4.1 (Falling asleep) (~Repeat command~) All right. Comm lag. OK (Fall asleep) 4.1 } } BD 3.9 } ~9.~ I fell. (Falling asleep) ~AB.~ OK ~C.~ Yeah. ~D.~ I was in this airplane I think, yeah, going past this canyon. All sorts of rock stone figures. Body 3.75 move All of a sudden, props died. Plane starts diving. We all pull ejector parachute. Heat caught balloons and drifting us up again. Out of heat, drifting with wind. Then started falling. Hit and that was it. (Pc has to go to bathroom immediately. Bowel movement.) 14:53 ~That's it.~ 3.7 15:05 ~This is the Session~ 3.0 ~A. Move to the beginning of inc. of March 2, 1902.~ ~B.~ ~C.~ Comm lag. 3.5 PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 765 TIME TA ~D.~ I was in the airplane I think, yeah. right. and, um . . . 3.75 we were searching for these two guys. We started chasing them down this pathway. We chased these guys off the pathway. Other guy took a shot at us with rifle. Hit airplane and caused it to go out of control. Started falling, falling, falling. Blew our bodies to bits, and that's what happened. 3.7 ~Erasing?~ Yeah. Feel like it's erased. 3.6 Feel it's cool. (Smiles) 3.5 ~Earl. Sim?~ ~1.~ Comm lag. 3.6 3.7 All right 3.75 ~2.~ Was, uh, dunno . . . somewhere around . . . comm lag. 3.7 (falling off) (~Repeat aud. question~) March 2, 1870. ~3.~ All right. ~4.~ About 3 hrs or so. ~5.~ Right. ~6.~ I see a vulture, not like a regular vulture you have here. It's a big thing. Well, there's this guy in this tree with me. Keeps telling me to lie still, be quiet, go to sleep and it won't get you. ~7.~ All right. 3.9 ~9.~ I'm with this friend of mine. In jungle-like place--few trees. Vul- ture chased me. We were running --he was huge. Tried to get me. Threw a rock and hit him in jaw. He flew away. Friend and I went to tree, started to build a hut. It dove at tree, but didn't hit tree. Friend TIME TA said, "Go to sleep, it won't hurt you. So I sleep. Him too. Thing dove down, knocked over hut. Friend dead. Bird ate my body. Chewing out head, ripped out my guts. Left the rest. 15:26 4.1 ~AB.~ All right. ~C.~ Comm lag 4.1 } } BD 3.9 } ~C.~ (cough) ~D.~ Ok. This friend and me running from gigantic bird. We built hut. He said, "Go to sleep and it won't hurt you." We did. Thing came down, broke hut, split my head, killed friend. Started chewing on my head. He grabbed hold of 4.0 my guts and ripped them out and that was it. 4.0 Whew! Nice to be 3.8 back here. 3.2 Lot of body move. He says: ("Cog")--Hey, that might be the reason 3.1 why I overslept in engine room. ~Inc. erasing??~ Yeah, it is. 3.1 ~AB.~ All right. ~C.~ All right. ~D.~ This big bird (yawn) 3.25 swooped down from sky at me. Hurled rock at him. We fell to ground. Bird came back, bits 3.4 tree, then left. Friend said stay asleep, he won't bother you. We both fell asleep. Bird came and broke branches. I fell on rock, split head open. Friend 3.5 died from impact. Bird came by and ate my head. Chewed my eyeballs, 3.6 my ear and all the bits of meat on 766 BOOK THREE TIME TA my face. Ripped from top of chest to between my legs. Literally ripped out my guts. And flew away and left me. 3.75 And that was it. Body 3.6 move ~Erasing?~ Yeah. Pc says, "Difficult to confront." Inform him that body 3.1 movement isn't recorded. [!!!] ~AB.~ All right. ~C.~ (Falling asleep) 3.3 Comm lag. 3.5 OK. ~D.~ Same as before. Friend and I walking down this path. Bird came down and attacked us. Threw stone at him, hit him in mouth and he flew away. Made hut up in tree. Friend said, "If he comes just fall asleep, just stay asleep (falling asleep) and . . . bird came back, hit top of tree, split head on razor rock. Bird came back half hour later and chewed up my head, hit my stomach open and left me there. 3.4 ~Erasing?~ No, more solid. ~Earl. sim.~ 15:50 3.3 ~1.~ Comm lag. Comm lag. 3.4 Comm lag. 3.5 Comm lag. 3.6 Comm lag. 3.7 ~2.~ 14 . . . I don't 3.5 Body know . . . 1400 or move something (Yawn) 1463 ~3.~ Right 3.25 Body ~4.~ About 50 min. move ~5.~ Where the hell is the beginning? Comm lag. TIME TA (Staring out, somewhere else.) All right. 3.5 ~6.~ I see snakes, lizards, cactus, 3.4 desert sand. ~7.~ OK. ~8.~ All right. 3.3 ~9.~ I was in . . . Body 3.1 move there was this extremely bright cave and I walked into it and there was this hypnotic effect. One thing men- tioned over and over again. Images of lizards and snakes and desert. Going round and round. Felt like I 16:05 3.5 was dehydrating. And 3.3 Body uh, kept going move around in circles--an image of fal- ling. Kept hearing this. Start feeling lighter and lighter. Started feeling like I didn't know what was going on. Slowly layed myself down and I just went out. All of a sudden this little rat bit me on ankle and gave me infection in right leg, which 3.25 grows bigger than my left leg. Packed mud on it to let it dry it. Then fell asleep. ~A.~ Don't know if that's the be- ginning. ~B.~ Yeah, OK. 16:10 ~C.~ All right. ~D.~ Walked into this cave, 3.3 very bright. Kept hearing one thing, can't remember what it was. Rat bit me on right leg, 3.1 Body move and ran away. Put mud on it, let it dry out. Lay down, then 3.25 woke up. More solid. ~Earl. Sim. ?~ ~1.~ Right. PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 767 TIME TA ~2.~ Uh . . . comm lag. 3.3 Yr. 1000 ~3.~ All right. ~4.~ About 10 minutes ~5.~ ~6.~ I see a man with club in hand. ~7.~ All right. ~8.~ Yep. ~9.~ Walking along, had boomerang and big club draped around shoulder and big slingshot. This idiot takes whack at my head, misses, falls. I pull out slingshot, he kicks it out of my hand. Takes big swing and hits me under chin; tears neck open a little bit. All of a sudden, 3.5 fall off cliff and that's it. 3.2 Big Body TIME TA Have an awful headache. Move ~A.~ Right. ~B.~ ~C.~ All right. ~D.~ On plateau, got club slingshot. This guy comes along and takes a swing and I pull out my slingshot. He kicks it out of my hand and rips my gut open and I fall. That's it. 3.1 ~Erasing?~ Yeah, but fingers hurt like hell. [!!!] ~Dave, before we go any further, are you interested in continuing this session?~ No, uh, I feel like I'm just picking off engram after engram. 16:26 ~That's it.~ 3.0 768 BOOK THREE EXAMINER'S FORM Qual Div: Apollo Before session exam : Date: 23/5/69 or Time: 16:31 After session exam : Pc, Pre-OT name :CD Last grade attained :VA or Grade being attested: Pc's statement (write down exactly what pc says. Don't ask any questions): ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I kept on running through one incident after another and nothing was happening. Then he finally asked me if I was interested in running an incident and I wasn't. I guess that's what's the matter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why pc came to Examiner: Sent by DAC auditor after the session. TA position: 2.7 Pc indicators: Good State of needle: Dirty Note any further data required by C/S: None Examiner routes: To Case Supervisor: v or (if medical treatment required) To Case Supervisor: via Medical Officer (Examination form must be placed in pc folder before going to C/S). _________________ Signature of Examiner PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 769 SUMMARY REPORT Pc or Pre-OT:CD Date 23/5/69 Process run :R3R TA 1.8 Time 16:53 Auditor BD Goals and gains: Pc doesn't seem to have goal; not really interested. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aspects and gains: 1. How did pc do in relation to what was run. Not well ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Effectiveness of process. Ineffective ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Any free needles. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. General needle behavior. Dirty throughout. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Did TA go below 2.0 (how low). Did it come up. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. Did TA go high. Did it come down. Yes occassionally ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7. General TA range. 3.0 - 4.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8. Emotional tone of the pc and whether this improved. Came in fairly eager, indifferent to process, bored, left session saying it had been good. (??) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9. Any misemotion. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10. Preclear appearance. Okay, looks healthy enough. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11. Any change in skin tone. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12. Did color of eyes change. Get brighter Get dull No Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13. Any comm lags. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14. Any cognitions. Said there was one; didn't see it myself. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15. Any pains turn on blown No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16. Any sensations turn on blown No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17. Any difficulties. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18. Did you complete C/S instructions. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19. Was pc happy at session end. Said so (??) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20. TA at session end Needle at session end 3.0 Dirty. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ETHICS REPORT: Something is out with the pc. After checking the pc's folder a second time, I am convinced the pc is fabricating; he either doesn't understand what he is supposed to be doing or has a huge block to running. Please check this out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUGGEST: To C/S. I definitely suggest GF to find out what is the matter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 771 Case 16 [PICTURE#58] page 777 772 BOOK THREE AUDITOR'S REPORT FORM Preclear: KJ Date 20/5/69 No. of intensive hours Auditor: MP No. of hours Total hours 1.36 hr. Environment Auditor Withholds PTP ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Process Time Tone-Arm Sensi- Results & Reads tivity Comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------ R3R Goals: 1. Locate an incident that could have caused... Pc beginning very frightened. 2. Date the incident. 3. Move to... 4. Duration 5. Move to the beginning of that incid. 6. What do you see? 7. Move through the incid. to a point later 8. Okay, continue End pc looked better F/N 9. What happened? A. Move to the beginning. B. Tell me when you are there. C. Scan through to the end of the incid. D. What happened. This is the session 1155 3.1 6 End of session 1216 2.75 6 This is the session 1:00 3.5 End of session 2:15 2.7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Instructions and comments: _________________ Director of Processing PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 773 TIME TA ~This is the Session~ 11:55 3.1 Pc said hungry and wanted to eat. She puts down the cans. ~End of session.~ 1216 2.75 Feeling of fear ~This is the Session~ Pc felt better 1:00 3.5 ~1.~ Dark place. Sitting flat on the ground, dark, hot. 3.25 Sitting cross-legged down on the floor. All is dark. ~2.~ Too dark to date--its 1875 1:04 2.9 ~3.~ OK 3.0 3.25 ~4.~ I don't know--hours ~5.~ Yes 3.75 ~6.~ Dark hole. People sitting around me on the floor. I can't see them, everything dark. 1:10 3.3 } } BD 2.9 } I'm tied with my arms behind. ~7.~ 1:12 2.8 ~8.~ Getting very hot 2.75 Terribly frightened. 2.7 ~9.~ I'm being burned, oh! ~AB.~ Dark ~C.~ ~D.~ People were sitting around on the floor listening to something. Judges--I was 2.5 tied on a pole. My arms tied behind my back on a pole. Then they started burning. I was terribly afraid. Didn't know why they burned me. Felt very sad, very upset TIME TA 1:10 2.3 ~More solid?~ No. ~Erasing?~ Yes. ~AB.~ Yes. ~C.~ 2.7 2.7 ~D.~ Big hole. People in the shadow . . . . can't see them, too dark. Standing on a small platform. Table with three men. Other people in darkness, talking, talking. Me in the light. 1:25 2.2 I feel frightened, nervous. Then I'm tied on a pole. My hands behind the pole. Feel the heat of flames. Suddenly feel very sad. I felt sad because people were burning me, should never have done it. 2.2 ~Erasing?~ Yes. ~AB.~ ~C.~ Big hole in the middle of platform with me standing on a long table with three men. Light behind us on the wall, many men. 1:32 2.6 Thirsty men. Three men at table are 2.3 speaking for me. In the crowd, common people, criminals, brutal people. They're accusing me of being a witch. Stupid. Now I'm tied on the pole. 2.4 They burning me. Angry that they could do that to me, terribly frightened. I move away from my body, to take a look. I feel sad. They shouldn't have burned me. 2.3 } }BD 1:37 2.2 } ~D.~ Three men speaking for me. 2.3 774 BOOK THREE TIME TA Other man very angry. Tied on the pole; they burned me. So terribly afraid. I was so sad. 2.6 They shouldn't have done it. ~1. Earlier similar?~ 2.5 Yes. 2.6 Lovely day and mountains beautiful scenery. 1:41 2.7 ~2.~ 1602 ~3.~ Yes 2.7 ~4.~ I don't know. 2.9 Just looking down in the valley. ~5.~ 2.75 ~6.~ I'm standing. The beautiful day, mountains. Everything quiet and peaceful. 1:45 2.8 ~7.~ I'm getting afraid again. So beautiful and so peaceful. I'm so frightened. 2.2 ~9.~ Someone pushed me over the Cliff. 1:49 2.3 ~AB.~ ~C.~ Standing on a little hill. Every- thing peaceful. 2.4 Suddenly very afraid; wanted to move away. Before I could someone pushed me over. 1:52 2.6 ~D.~ Just being there, I think I'm dead. Shame! ~Erasing/More solid?~ More solid. 2.5 ~Earlier similar?~ Can't find one. Can only see black- ness. I'm too nervous. 2.25 TIME TA I don't think I can go on. 2.3 2.5 Everything dark and black. Feeling very, very frightened. 2:00 2.75 2.9 2.7 Everything's just black. 2.6 ~We'll run though this one 2.75 once more.~ ~AB.~ Top of little hill . . . beautiful . . . mountains. So peaceful. 3.1 ~C.~ Suddenly feel afraid. Somebody pushes me over. I lie on the bottom dead. See myself, my back has been broken. I'm dead. Someone pushed me! 2.8 } } BD 2.3 } ~D.~ Terrible. ~Erasing?~ Yes. 2.3 ~AB.~ Standing on the hill. Mountains around it. 2.6 ~C.~ Suddenly somebody pushed me over. Lie down on the bottom, my back's been broken. Death. 2:13 2.8 ~D.~ I was standing on the hill looking down. Someone 2.6 pushed me over. Landed down on the bottom, with my back broken. ~Erasing?~ Yes, it's erased! F/N GIs INDICATED. ~That's it.~ 2.2 2:15 2.2 PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 775 EXAMINER'S FORM After session :v Qual Div: Flag Volunteered : Date: 20/5/69 Medical : Time: 14:00 Pc or Pre-OT name :KJ Last grade attained :IV Grade, Course or Action Being Attested: DAC Pc's statement (write down exactly what pc says): ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (none) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TA position and any BD: 3.0 Pc indicators: eyes glowing State of needle: F/N F/N indicated to pc: Yes _________________ Signature of Examiner ROUTE THIS FORM INTO THE FOLDER. WHEN ILLNES REPORTED MAKE THIS OUT WITH A CARBON UNDER IT AND ROUTE ORIG. TO THE FOLDER AND CARBON TO MEDICAL OFFICER. RUSH ROUTE ANY LATER REPORT OR SICK REPORT TO FOLDER TO PREVENT C/S ERROR. 776 BOOK THREE SUMMARY REPORT Pc or Pre-OT:KJ Date 20/5/69 Process run :R3R TA Time Auditor PM Goals and gains: End pc looked better ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aspects and gains: 1. How did pc do in relation to what was run. Good. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Effectiveness of process. Fine ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Any free needles. One ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. General needle behavior. Loose ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Did TA go below 2.0 (how low). Did it come up. No Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. Did TA go high. Did it come down. No Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7. General TA range. 3.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8. Emotional tone of the pc and whether this improved. Pc frightened... End pc seemed better. Before pc could find something, put down the cans and wanted to eat. She felt better. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9. Any misemotion. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10. Preclear appearance. Fine. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11. Any change in skin tone. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12. Did color of eyes change. Get brighter Get dull ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13. Any comm lags. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14. Any cognitions. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15. Any pains turn on blown ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16. Any sensations turn on blown ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17. Any difficulties. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18. Did you complete C/S instructions. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19. Was pc happy at session end. Very ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20. TA at session end Needle at session end 2.2 F/N ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ETHICS REPORT: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUGGEST: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 779 Case 17 [PICTURE#59] page 786 780 BOOK THREE AUDITOR'S REPORT FORM Preclear: WP Date 28/4/69 No. of intensive hours 1 hr. 42 min. Auditor: MM No. of hours 1 hr. 20 min. Total hours 3 hr. 2 min. Environment Auditor Withholds PTP ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Process Time Tone-Arm Sensi- Results & Reads tivity Comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is the session 14:34 2.8 16 Goals: Process R3R 1. Locate an incident. 2. When was it. 3. Move to... 4. Duration 5. Move to the beginning at (date). 6. What do you see? 7. Move through the incident to a point -- later. 9. What happened? A. Move to the beginning of the incident. B. Tell me when you are there. C. Scan through to the end of the incident. D. Tell me what happened. Item I - sight blindness Break - That's it. 16:16 3.25 This is the session 16:38 3.2 6 That's it. 17:58 3.0 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Instructions and comments: _________________ Director of Processing PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 781 TIME TA ~This is the Session.~ 14:34 2.8 Process R3R Item No. 1 -- sight blindness 14:37 ~1.~ Yes. ~2.~ 20 March 1692 ~3.~ Yes. ~4.~ 1 hr. ~5.~ Umm. ~6.~ I'm going towards something. I only see grayness. 14:43 3.5 ~7.~ I'm groping away, something behind me. Animal springs on my shoulders, painful. I'm the lion. 3.6 I bit his neck. I eat him. That's it. ~8.~ 3.5 ~9.~ I seemed to have changed valences. ~AB.~ I'm there. ~C.~ I seem to be walking in a hot climate. Western clothes. Then something happens. I only see gray- ness. I become aware of danger behind me. I try to get away from. 14:50 3.75 I think something's happened. I was eaten. ~D.~ I don't know exactly what happened. Seems like a sudden key-in. ~Is the incident erasing?~ I think it's still developing. [!!!] ~Earlier similar?~ Yes. ~1.~ I think I have it. ~2.~ 43 1/2 trillion years ago. ~3.~ 3.8 ~4.~ 22 hrs. ~5.~ I'm there. 6. Grayness is gone. Space ship on left. People. TIME TA ~7.~ I get the impression of going somewhere in this thing. We run into some sort of clouds. The stuff comes inside the ship. Gray water. It gets into one's eyes. ~9.~ We ran 3.7 BD into something 3.2 which made my body unable to see. 15:06 3.5 ~AB.~ I seem to be. ~C.~ I'm in a room; two people behind me. There's some substance. It seems to be pushing down on my neck. 15:15 3.8 (Pc shaking head.) 15:16 3.3 It's pushing my head off. I go to the ship; a number of people coming aboard. The substance seems to cling to my eyes. I think it's acid. I wash it out. 15:18 3.0 I committed an overt. 15:19 3.2 It is impossible for your eyes to get better--something there. ~Is the incident erasing?~ Yes. I'm not sure if there is an earlier one. ~Earlier similar?~ [!!!] I think there might be but I can't pick it up. ~AB.~ Yes. 15:30 3.3 ~C.~ I agree to what they want. Being blind is better than being dead. Pressure from machine. (Pc sneezed.) She releases grayness. It's done tho' I can't recognize these people again. It's in my eyes. Wash it out, get to a hospital. It can't be fixed, he said. I shouted, it can. 782 BOOK THREE TIME TA 15:36 3.6 } } BD 3.25 } ~D.~ I failed. ~Is the incident erasing?~ The first part has. ~AB.~ Yes. ~C.~ I get this guy to get hold of this fellow. If when he pulls lever stuff sprays into his eyes. ~D.~ Well, I messed up a guy's life. 15:52 3.25 ~Incident erasing?~ Um, it's fine now. ~Earlier similar?~ Yes. ~2.~ 45 trillion. ~3.~ Yes. ~4.~ A couple of years. ~5.~ Yes. ~6.~ I'm sitting down at table. A row of eyes. ~7.~ I think I have been out collecting eyes. ~9.~ I seem to have built a successful business. ~AB.~ Yes. ~C.~ I'm standing in airfield. Negro man. I get one arm behind his back, cut out his eyes. ~D.~ I made a good living for myself. ~Incident erasing?~ Yes, it is. ~AB.~ Yes. 16:10 3.5 ~C.~ I see this man, take his eyes out. (Pc mumbling.) And that was it. ~D.~ Nothing very much, really. I worked for a geezer killing people and got caught myself. 16:16 3.25 Break. ~That's it.~ TIME TA ~This is the Session.~ 16:38 3.2 Process R3R ~Has the incident become more solid?~ No. ~Earlier similar?~ Yes. ~2.~ 48.73 trillion years ago. ~3.~ Yes. 16:45 3.75 ~4.~ 2 min. ~5.~ Yes. ~6.~ (Comm lag) There's something on my right, everything else is gloomy. ~7.~ The solution to something you don't like is not to look at it. 4.0 } }BD 3.6 } I made a decision not to look at it. And as soon as I do so the darn thing is inside of me. (Pc mumbles something) Then as soon as I try looking again it stops. Then I make the decision not to look. As soon as I do that I seem to be free. ~9.~ I went into not looking at something unpleasant. 16:59 3.8 ~AB.~ Yes, I'm there. 17:00 3.4 ~C.~ Somehow I have to be careful. I have the knowledge. If I'm not clever enough I would lose. If I don't look it's not there. ~D.~ Nothing at 3.6 } } BD all, really. 3.0 } ~Incident solid?~ Yes, it has I think. ~Earlier similar?~ If there is I can't find it. I don't feel anything earlier than the last one. (Date 48.73 trillion ago) PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 783 TIME TA ~AB.~ Yes, I am. ~C.~ Pc jerked. Yes, I'm at the beginning. Something peculiar. Somehow I've got myself in distance of this thing. It is based on its own consideration. I consider something can be done. 17:21 3.6 Anything you can't see isn't there. ~D.~ I was fed a lie. ~Incident erasing?~ Some. ~Going solid?~ No. ~Earlier similar?~ I don't fine one. ~AB.~ Yes. 3.2 ~C.~ I'm sitting on grayish mass. (Pc jerked) So I seem to be aware of top but not of anything else. When I decide to look I don't see it. 17:38 3.6 ~D.~ For some strange 2.8 TIME TA reason if you don't look you do see. If you do look you don't see. ~Incident erasing?~ Yes. ~AB.~ Yes, I'm there. 17:43 3.1 ~C.~ I'm here and . . . there. But I can't remedy because something which you can't see you can't remedy. It struck me I could be here forever. 17:50 2.75 If you don't look you can't see. ~Incident more solid?~ No. I feel better about it. [!!!] ~Earlier similar?~ I don't think so. I think the basic on that is erased. (Pc GIs in.) F/N INDICATED ~That's it.~ 17:58 3.00 784 BOOK THREE EXAMINER'S FORM After session :v Qual Div: Flag Volunteered : Date: Medical : Time: Pc or Pre-OT name :WP Last grade attained :VA Grade, Course or Action Being Attested: Pc's statement (write down exactly what pc says): ------------------------------------------------------------------------ We're getting there, I think. It's working very well. Things are going right. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TA position and any BD: 3.0 Pc indicators: GIs State of needle: F/N F/N indicated to pc: Yes _________________ Signature of Examiner ROUTE THIS FORM INTO THE FOLDER. WHEN ILLNES REPORTED MAKE THIS OUT WITH A CARBON UNDER IT AND ROUTE ORIG. TO THE FOLDER AND CARBON TO MEDICAL OFFICER. RUSH ROUTE ANY LATER REPORT OR SICK REPORT TO FOLDER TO PREVENT C/S ERROR. PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 785 SUMMARY REPORT Pc or Pre-OT: Date Process run : TA Time 3 hr. 2 min Auditor Goals and gains: Pc feels better about it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aspects and gains: 1. How did pc do in relation to what was run. Well. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Effectiveness of process. Good, had trouble with basic. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Any free needles. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. General needle behavior. Loose ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Did TA go below 2.0 (how low). Did it come up. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. Did TA go high. Did it come down. Yes Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7. General TA range. 2.0 - 4.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8. Emotional tone of the pc and whether this improved. Pc smiling - yes, happier. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9. Any misemotion. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10. Preclear appearance. Happy ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11. Any change in skin tone. Clearer ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12. Did color of eyes change. Get brighter Get dull Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13. Any comm lags. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14. Any cognitions. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15. Any pains turn on blown No No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16. Any sensations turn on blown No No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17. Any difficulties. Yes, in finding basic. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18. Did you complete C/S instructions. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19. Was pc happy at session end. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20. TA at session end Needle at session end 3.00 F/N ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ETHICS REPORT: Next largest read be run. Folder to C/S. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUGGEST: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 787 Case 18 [PICTURE#60] page 793 788 BOOK THREE AUDITOR'S REPORT FORM Preclear: PM Date 18/5/69 No. of intensive hours Auditor: MM No. of hours 1 hr. 50 min. Total hours Environment Auditor Withholds PTP ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Process Time Tone-Arm Sensi- Results & Reads tivity Comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Health Form 14:20 4.0 16 Goals: Start of session 14:23 3.7 Process R3R Item I - Itching Cleared Commands 14:30 3.5 Item I 14:43 F/N Continue H.F. Item 2 - Tired That's it. Break 15:17 2.7 Men started banging Must find new auditing room. Re-start of session 15:46 3.6 16 Goals: Pc said after session: "I am very glad that is gone! You were so calm." Process R3R Item - Tired Chain erased 16:39 2.4 F/N That's it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Instructions and comments: Finding a big language problem very difficult to audit. _________________ Director of Processing PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 789 TIME TA ~Start of Session.~ Process R3R Item--itching feeling. I have always to scratch. Like insects walking over body. Cleared commands 14:30 3.5 ~1.~ OK. ~2.~ Is Feb. 19, '69. ~3.~ Now. 14:32 3.25 ~4.~ 1 min. ~5.~ OK 14:33 3.2 ~6.~ My husband; I received first symptoms during making love. ~7.~ OK. ~8.~ Nothing. Two or three days later I had itching. ~AB.~ I'm there. ~C.~ OK ~D.~ A few days later I saw little red bumps on arms. Doctor gave some- thing. Didn't work. Got harder. 14:40 3.1 ~Solid?~ I don't think so. ~Erasing?~ No. ~Earlier?~ No. It's erased. GIs 14:43 F/N INDICATED Continue Health Form. Item 2--tired. Don't like to do any- thing--like to go to bed and sleep. ~1.~ 15:08 2.5 ~2.~ Yesterday ~3.~ Um. ~4.~ 7 hr. ~5.~ OK ~6.~ Me in Hold 2. ~7.~ Um. ~9.~ I was so tired. I learned all the evening; at one o'clock I went to sleep. TIME TA ~AB.~ I'm there. ~C.~ OK. ~D.~ I'm in Hold 2. Learned all evening--became, very tired. ~Solid?~ No. ~Erasing?~ I don't know. I don't feel it. ~That's it for break.~ Men started banging. Pc can't audit. 15:17 2.6 ~Start of Session.~ 15:46 3.6 New auditing room. Item: tired. Don't like to do anything. I like to go to bed and sleep. I think it's going more solid. ~Earlier?~ Yes. ~2.~ 5th or 6th May. ~3.~ Um. ~4.~ 8 hrs. ~5.~ Um. ~6.~ Hold 2. My feet painful; tired in legs. ~7.~ Ok. ~9.~ I stayed in Hold 2, and I became tired. I learned my course. Didn't go well 'cause I was tired. I couldn't go very good 'cause, of my feet. At 24:00 I went to sleep. 15:56 3.4 ~AB.~ OK. ~C.~ But in morning when I had to wake up I was still tired. ~D.~ I felt very sad--I didn't like to learn any more. ~Solid?~ Yes. ~Earlier?~ 16:00 2.75 Yes. ~1.~ ~2.~ The first part of 1966. 790 BOOK THREE TIME TA ~3.~ Um. ~4.~ 1 sec. ~5.~ Um. ~6.~ I was in kitchen making food. ~7.~ I was cooking, the pan fell from fire on leg. Burnt. ~9.~ A few days later I had infection on it; I called the doctor, 'cause it was big, I was tired of it. 16:08 3.3 ~AB.~ Um. ~C.~ OK. ~D.~ I burnt me. The day after incident I must go to work. Doctor told me I must not wear stockings. I did. I received infection. I was tired. ~Solid?~ No. ~Erasing?~ I think so. ~AB.~ OK. ~C.~ Um. ~D.~ Me cooking. My pan fell on my leg. Day after I had to work. Wore stockings, got infection. Felt sad, tired, very unhappy. ~Erasing?~ I don't know. I don't feel it. ~Solid?~ I don't think so. ~AB.~ Um. ~C.~ OK. ~D.~ Hot pan fell on my leg, burnt me. Doctor came. I was disappointed with it. It wouldn't go away. When the injury better, a few days, it was finished. 16:20 2.6 TIME TA ~Solid?~ No. ~Erasing?~ No. ~Earlier?~ ~1.~ Yes. ~2.~ 19 June, 1965. ~3.~ Um. ~4.~ 10 min. ~5.~ Um. ~6.~ I am in a room, dark kitchen with red light. ~7.~ 16:25 3.1 ~9.~ I was there for an abortion. It was not painful. But a few mins later I had pain. 16:28 2.9 ~AB.~ Um. ~C.~ She did something to let come the baby. Day after I went to clinic. I had to rest a week. 16:32 2.5 ~Solid?~ No. ~Erasing?~ Yes. ~AB.~ Um. ~C.~ OK. ~D.~ Kitchen--women did something to let come the baby. It was painful. At last baby come. I was very tired. 16:39 2.4 ~Erasing?~ The chain has erased! F/N INDICATED ~That's it.~ PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 791 EXAMINER'S FORM After session :v Qual Div: Flag Volunteered : Date: 18/5/69 Medical : Time: 16:49 Pc or Pre-OT name :PM Last grade attained :None Grade, Course or Action Being Attested: Pc's statement (write down exactly what pc says): ------------------------------------------------------------------------ F/N IND. Pc smiling ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TA position and any BD: 3.0 Pc indicators: V. good State of needle: F/N F/N indicated to pc: Yes _________________ Signature of Examiner ROUTE THIS FORM INTO THE FOLDER. WHEN ILLNES REPORTED MAKE THIS OUT WITH A CARBON UNDER IT AND ROUTE ORIG. TO THE FOLDER AND CARBON TO MEDICAL OFFICER. RUSH ROUTE ANY LATER REPORT OR SICK REPORT TO FOLDER TO PREVENT C/S ERROR. 792 BOOK THREE SUMMARY REPORT Pc or Pre-OT:PM Date 18/5/69 Process run :R3R TA 3.05 Time 1 hr. 50 min. Auditor MM Goals and gains: Erased chain on tired. Basic was an abortion. Pc was mother. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aspects and gains: 1. How did pc do in relation to what was run. Very well. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Effectiveness of process. Good ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Any free needles. 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. General needle behavior. Loose. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Did TA go below 2.0 (how low). Did it come up. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. Did TA go high. Did it come down. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7. General TA range. 2.0 - 3.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8. Emotional tone of the pc and whether this improved. Pc happier, GIs in. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9. Any misemotion. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10. Preclear appearance. Pc very happy ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11. Any change in skin tone. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12. Did color of eyes change. Get brighter Get dull Yes X ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13. Any comm lags. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14. Any cognitions. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15. Any pains turn on blown No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16. Any sensations turn on blown Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17. Any difficulties. Yes, language problem but we made it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18. Did you complete C/S instructions. Yes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19. Was pc happy at session end. Very ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20. TA at session end Needle at session end 2.4 F/N Pc said she could feel floating needle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ETHICS REPORT: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUGGEST: Folder to C/S. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 795 Case 19 [PICTURE#61] page 804 796 BOOK THREE AUDITOR'S REPORT FORM Preclear: BB Date 23/5/69 No. of intensive hours Auditor: GS No. of hours 1 hr. 58 min. Total hours Environment Auditor Withholds PTP ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Process Time Tone-Arm Sensi- Results & Reads tivity Comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------ START OF SESSION (R3R) 10:02 3.75 8 Goals: Birth engram and one chain erased. 1. Locate an inc that could have caused... 2. When was it? 3. Move to... 4 F/N 4. What is the duration? 5. Move to the beginning... Chain flat. 6. What do you see? 7. Move through the inc. to a point... 8. OK, continue. 9. What happened. A. Move to the beginning of the incident Meter trim check B. Tell me when you are there. TA 2 = 2 C. Scan through to the end of the incident. D. Tell me what happened END OF SESSION 12:00 2.7 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Instructions and comments: (Pc had to wait 6 minutes before exam as the Examiner was busy with other!) _________________ Director of Processing PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 797 TIME TA ~Start of Session~ 10.02 3.75 Sens 8 Item--Pain in head 3.25 ~1.~ I got one 3.2 ~2.~ 1923 3.25 ~3.~ OK. ~4.~ 20 min. ~5.~ Yes. ~6.~ I see a bedroom. ~7.~ OK 3.3 Slow R 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.75 3.8 3.9 } F } 3.8 } 3.9 (Pc deep 4.0 thinking) 4.1 4.2 } }LFBD } 3.8 } } } 3.75 } 3.9 4.1 4.2 } } LFBD 3.9 } 4.0 10.15 4.1 4.2 4.25 4.3 F 4.2 } } LFBD I went } through 3.8 } birth again. } } 3.5 } 3.7 3.75 3.8 F 3.7 3.8 TIME TA 3.9 } F } 3.7 } 3.8 3.9 4.0 4.2 } } LFBD 10.20 3.8 } 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.25 } } LFBD 4.1 } (Puts his head 4.0 on table.) 3.8 Misemotion 4.0 10.24 4.1 LFBD 3.3 ~9.~ I took another walk in my birth area. (Pc muttering now) 3.1 } } That's what I did. 3.0 } ~AB.~ OK 3.1 ~C.~ 3.2 10.28 3.25 3.3 3.4 3.5 } LFBD } 3.2 } 3.25 3.3 3.4 F 3.3 } } It's pretty good. 3.1 } ~D.~ I just took a look through my birth engram again. (laughs) ~Erasing or more solid?~ 2.9 It's erasing 2.75 2.7 ~AB.~ OK (laugh) ~C.~ 2.75 2.8 2.9 3.0 } } LFBD 2.8 } 798 BOOK THREE TIME TA 2.7 } } 2.6 } 2.7 2.75 10.37 2.8 2.9 10.38 2.9 3.0 } }LFBD 2.75 } 2.8 2.8 2.9 10.41 3.0 ~D.~ I went through the inc. again-- feeling of a gag, choking! Cogn, Thank you F/N 2.7 GI. That must be all I have left on this. (smiling) (laugh) (Needle still floating.) 10.42 2.5 Item--tenseness 10.46 2.6 OK. 2.7 2.75 Yes! ~2.~ 1910 ~3.~ Oh! Ok ~4.~ 10 min. ~5.~ Ok ~6.~ Just a shape. 2.7 ~7.~ 2.8 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.25 3.3 (Pc smiling, LF then laughing) 3.2 } }LFBD 2.9 } I had a horse. 10.53 2.8 (Put his head on table.) ~9.~ Hard to tell . . . 3.0 with horses. TIME TA It was quite heavy. I see horses. I seem to be in some sort of . . . I was riding the horse. Very clear view of back end of horse. That's it. 2.7 ~AB.~ Yes. ~C.~ (Pc smiling) 2.75 the . . . ground seems to be moving pretty fast. 2.7 10.58 2.75 Ideas coming up. 2.8 2.9 3.0 } } LFBD 2.8 } A horse in front of me 2.9 Riding a horse. Looks like I'm riding it. 2.75 Can hear hoofs stamping on the ground. 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.1 11.00 3.1 3.2 ~D.~ But I get the idea 2.8 I was on a race track. I seem to be 2.75 listening for something. Think I was a highway robber. 2.7 ~Inc erasing or going more solid?~ More solid. ~1. Earlier similar feeling?~ Yes. 2.75 ~2.~ 1.500 . . . 2.8 ~3.~ Yes. 2.9 ~4.~ 1 hr 20 min 3.0 ~5.~ Good ~6.~ Sort of a hat. 3.1 ~7.~ OK. 3.2 11.06 3.25 (Cough) 3.3 PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 799 TIME TA Oh-oh, I got it. (Pc smiling) It seems to be . . . something circular. 3.4 } } LFBD (laugh) 3.25 } Yeah! Moving across terrain high up 3.3 Oh god! 3.4 Some funny . . . 3.25 } } LFBD sensations. 3.1 } 11.10 3.2 } } LF 3.1 } } I just--(Iaugh) 3.0 } It's kind of funny. 2.9 3.0 3.1 Yes! 3.0 I got myself into a situation. (laugh) ~9.~ (Pc laughing) I'm not so sure on that. It feels like I could have got sort of drunk. I got into a situation. I got a fright, you know. (Pc laughing) Yeah. I've F/N just been riding when I got a fright. F/N INDICATED [!!!] OK. GIs (laugh) Cog 2.7 ~1. Earlier inc: similar feeling?~ Yes. 2.7 11.17 ~2.~ 110.842 ~3.~ Yes. 2.75 ~4.~ 15 min. ~5.~ Yes. ~6.~ I'm a piece of machinery. ~7.~ 2.8 There are a lot of 2.9 machines around here . . . 3.0 Yeah, seems to be a base. It's funny. 3.2 3.25 3.3 3.25 TIME TA ~9.~ I seem to be in a base, yeah! ~AB.~ OK. 3.2 ~C.~ 11.24 . . . Aah! 3.3 3.4 F 3.5 Slow Rise 3.6 3.7 (Yawn) 3.8 } } LFBD I don't get this one. 3.6 } (Smile) Yes! Oh yes. (Pc laughing) 3.5 Oh yes. ~D.~ I seem to be looking for another where I was sort of . . . seem to be flying in huge craft. 3.3 Like graduating from a yacht, to the ~Queen Mary~. Pure and simple. Cogn F/N (laughing) GI. That's fine. That's great. Break--11.32 2.8 (Pc wanted a cigarette) 11.38 ~Start of session.~ 3.6 [!!!] ~1.~ Locate an earlier inc. similar 3.5 feeling. 3.4 ~2.~ 186 million. ~3.~ OK 3.3 ~4.~ 1 hour 30 min. ~5.~ Yes. 3.3 ~6.~ Space, fast. ~7.~ 3.4 I seem to be moving 3.5 across the space. 3.6 Something going down falling . . . sensation. (Pc laugh) Inside 3.5 I know what 3.4 that was. ~9.~ I seem to be 3.0 moving across this vast space at a very high altitude. 100,000th of a 800 BOOK THREE TIME TA planet closer than that. Anyhow, the thing, something went. It was falling . . . it went up. It seems to be 3. a planet in the vicinity . . . of a couple of 3. thous. miles. ~AB.~ OK 3.3 ~C.~ 11.48 3.4 3.6 3.7 3.75 3.8 F 3.8 11.52 3.7 I seem to have crossed a vast space. 3.5 ~D.~ A sort of piece of a rocket. 3.25 (Coughs) That's it. 3.1 ~Is the inc. erasing or going more solid?~ It's erasing. 3.0 ~AB.~ OK. 3.1 TIME TA ~C.~ I see a burnt black body 3.25 3.3 } } LFBD 3.1 } 3.2 3.25 F 3.2 ~D.~ I seem to get 3.25 what I want out 3.3 of it. 3.1 } } LFBD 2.9 } Ahh/ (laugh) Looks like a -- A ghost, a crime. F/N 2.9 (Pc laughing) GI -- cogn I blew up a planet, man! (laughs) 12.00 F/N INDICATED. ~End of session.~ PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 801 TIME TA TIME TA Assessment Sheet 1. Feeling like the 1. Reassess 3. Reassess 2. Reassess inside of my head is . . . roar. 2. Roar feeling. LFBD x 3. A no-life sort of SF F x feeling. 4. Flat feeling. x x x 5. Pressure x x x feeling. 6. It feels like SF Tick F having a head no body. 7. Pressure in LF x x back of eyes feeling. 8. Heat feeling SF x F in the face. 9. Tiredness x x LF -- 10. Feeling xSF x SF of heat. 11. Tenseness. SF SF ext 12. Fear of F making mistakes. addition LF 13. Dizziness on top of head. 14. A tightening around the top of the head. 802 BOOK THREE EXAMINER'S FORM Qual Div: Flag Before session exam : Date: or Time: After session exam :v Pc, Pre-OT name :BB Last grade attained :VA or Grade being attested: Pc's statement (write down exactly what pc says. Don't ask any questions): ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "OK" (smiling) (laughs) "Sha--" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why pc came to Examiner: TA position: 2.5 Pc indicators: GIs (smiling) Beaming. State of needle: Loose Note any further data required by C/S: Examiner routes: To Case Supervisor: or (if medical treatment required) To Case Supervisor: via Medical Officer (Examination form must be placed in pc folder before going to C/S). _________________ Signature of Examiner PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 803 SUMMARY REPORT Pc or Pre-OT:BB Date 23/5/69 Process run :R3R TA Time 1hr. 58 min. Auditor Goals and gains: Birth engram erased and chain to erasure. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aspects and gains: 1. How did pc do in relation to what was run. Very well, a bit tired. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Effectiveness of process. 100 percent. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Any free needles. Yes, 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. General needle behavior. Rising, F - later loose. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Did TA go below 2.0 (how low). Did it come up. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. Did TA go high. Did it come down. Yes, 4.3 Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7. General TA range. 3.0 - 3.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8. Emotional tone of the pc and whether this improved. From interested to bright appearance. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9. Any misemotion. Yes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10. Preclear appearance. Bright ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11. Any change in skin tone. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12. Did color of eyes change. Get brighter Get dull No Yes - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13. Any comm lags. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14. Any cognitions. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15. Any pains turn on blown No - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16. Any sensations turn on blown Yes Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17. Any difficulties. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18. Did you complete C/S instructions. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19. Was pc happy at session end. Very ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20. TA at session end Needle at session end 2.7 F/N ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ETHICS REPORT: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUGGEST: Continue R3R ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 805 Case 20 [PICTURE#62] page 812 [PICTURE#63] page 813 806 BOOK THREE AUDITOR'S REPORT FORM Preclear: GS Date 15/5/69 No. of intensive hours Auditor: TK No. of hours Total hours 1 + 28 Environment Auditor Withholds PTP ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Process Time Tone-Arm Sensi- Results & Reads tivity Comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is the session 13:15 2.6 6 Goals: TA 3.0 R-factor List from C/S before dope - Sept.67 1. Locate incident 2. When was it? 3. Move to____ 4. What is the duration of the incident? 5. Move to the beginning of that incident. 6. Close your eyes. What do you see? 7. Move through the incident to a point_____ later. 8. Okay, continue. 9. What happened? A. Move to the beginning of the incident. B. Tell me when you are there. C. Scan through to the end of the incident. D. Tell me what happened. Is the incident erasing or going more solid? Locate an earlier incident with a similar somatic. F/N 13:57 2.0 6 F/N indicated to pc. F/N 14:14 2.15 6 F/N indicated to pc. F/N 14:17 2.2 6 F/N indicated to pc. F/N 14:06 2.15 6 F/N indicated to pc. F/N 14:43 2.25 6 F/N indicated to pc. That's it. GI's pc. very bright. Meter TA check 1.95 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Instructions and comments: _________________ Director of Processing PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 807 TIME TA ~This is the session.~ 13:15 2.6 R-factor on listing for all somatics, sensations, misemotions you had before you first took any dope. '67? September. Fear of punishment LFBD 13:17 2.3 Liver infection stomach trouble Liver Hard feeling of everything pulling together in the area of liver -- F 13:19 2.2 Stomach A knot in my stomach. Ear operation. Burning feeling in ear -- x That's it. (Smile) 13:21 2.2 Fear of punish -- sF Hard-pulling together feeling. Knot in stomach -- sF Burning in ear -- LF 13:24 2.15 ~1.~ Locate an incident that could have caused burning in ear. OK. ~2.~ 1961. Can't locate exactly. ~3.~ All right. ~4.~ 14 days. ~5.~ OK. ~6.~ Talking with the doctor. 13:27 2.1 (Needle very calm, not stuck, bob- bing with jerky motions.) ~7.~ Clinic -- operation. To bed at home when I woke, girlfriend there. Head in plaster. Father hollering at me. Sent me to school. Then in bedroom bad pains in my ear. Could not sleep. Eyes also bothered me. 13:31 2.15 TIME TA ~AB.~ All right. ~C.~ ~D.~ Difficult to find pictures. More a recall. Misemotion is gone. That's it. ~Erasing--solid.~ I think it is erasing. 13:34 2.25 ~AB.~ All right. ~C.~ Needle rising very slightly. Pc looks. ~D.~ Black field. I can't find pictures. Looks like solid. ~Earlier?~ 13:37 2.2 (Needle very loose) [!!!] (No read on earlier) 13:38 2.25 I would like to make a statement. I have a PTP of ~itching~. I am [!!!] only interested in this present time problem. My interest is hung on this PT somatic. LFBD 13:42 2.1 Sensation of ~itching~. Yes. Different parts of body changing from cold to hot sensation, to all together mixed up. 13:45 2.2 Itching sensation. ~1.~ Ok. ~2.~ Begin February, 1969. ~3.~ OK. ~4.~ Two hours. ~5.~ Ok. ~6.~ I'm in bed with a girl. I'm annoyed by a dog. 13:48 2.15 ~7.~ 13:58 2.2 Laughing F/N INDICATED I have to laugh. I like you as an auditor. I look at you and have to laugh. (Acknowledgement) 808 BOOK THREE TIME TA ~Locate fear of punishment.~ ~1.~ Ok 14:00 2.15 ~2.~ 1960 ~3.~ OK. 14:02 2.2 ~4.~ Two minutes. ~5.~ All right. ~6.~ I am walking, passing corner street there was a truck. ~7.~ 14:03 2.25 ~8.~ OK. ~9.~ Well, I turned the corner at parent's home. The lights are all on. I had run away and was coming back. 14:05 2.25 (Pc laughs) Charge gone F/N 14:06 2.15 ~Locate an earlier.~ ~1.~ It is difficult. (Moving in chair) I have one. ~2.~ That's a problem. 14:08 2.1 14:08 2.15 ~2.~ 1952 approximately. ~3.~ Five minutes. ~4.~ ~5.~ Ok. ~6.~ I am in father's office. He is angry at me. ~7.~ OK. 14:10 2.2 ~8.~ (Pc body jerking a little) ~9.~ I was in his office and he was angry. I had stolen one Belgian franc out of adding machine. He tells me thieves all the same. I was crying. I said it was not true. I had to say it was. I was afraid. I was crying. ~AB.~ I am there. TIME TA 14:12 2.15 F/N ~C.~ Pc bright. ~D.~ I've lost the incident somehow. (Pc laughing) (Pc shiny) 14:14 2.15 INDICATED F/N (Pc very happy) ~1.~ Locate earlier with similar fear.~ (Pc now looking and very serious.) I cannot find anything. 14:17 2.2 ~Check: Is there an earlier?~ 14:18 F/N 2.2 ~Check: Hard-pulling (Liver) is OK.~ Protest. Those are over and done already. Two engrams while on drugs. I went unconscious, two times on drugs. I just remembered the ear- liest of the two. 14:21 2.2 ~1.~ The first one unconsciousness. ~2.~ 1968. ~3.~ All right. ~4.~ 1/4 hours. ~5.~ OK. ~6.~ Me in little cafe-bar completely stoned. ~7.~ OK. 14:24 2.25 ~9.~ I had drunk too much. I became drunk and smoked. Went out to get air. I went unconscious later. Awoke on street, head bleeding. Stood up, took taxi. 14:26 2.25 ~AB.~ OK. ~C.~ 14:27 2.2 ~D.~ Same story. I went outside (laughing) on ground, no feeling. ~E/S?~ Erasing. ~AB.~ PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 809 TIME TA (Lauging) I'm there. ~C.~ ~D.~ I lost it . . . 14:29 2.25 It is not funny to lose the picture you're looking for. (Laugh) ~Earlier?~ ~1.~ Yes. ~2.~ One month earlier, 1968. ~3.~ ~4.~ About ten minutes. ~5.~ ~6.~ In a bar. I'm in a bar smoking a stick. ~7.~ OK. 14:32 2.25 Hand jerking, head jerking a little. 14:33 2.2 ~9.~ Strong sticks. Drunk and didn't feel well at first but try second. Went outside for air against wall of house. 14:34 2.4 Black. Woke up. Went out--woke up Went out--woke up TIME TA Three times. 2.2 F/N I feel uncomfortable. ~AB.~ I am there. ~C.~ OK. ~D.~ I practically lost picture again. No sensation left. ~E/S?~ Erasing. 14:37 2.4 ~AB.~ I am there. ~C.~ Needle -- F ~D.~ Cafe--outside unconscious. Then I lost pictures. Saw others. Football field, air- planes. Could not get it back. BD } } 14:39 2.2 } ~Earlier?~ (Pc laughing, bright) I cannot get it. I saw just a tenth of a second and then it blew. 14:43 2.2 F/N INDICATED (Laughing) GIs 810 BOOK THREE EXAMINER'S FORM After session :v Qual Div: Flag Volunteered : Date: 15/5/69 Medical : Time: 15:00 Pc or Pre-OT name : Last grade attained :IV Grade, Course or Action Being Attested: Pc's statement (write down exactly what pc says): ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I feel allright. I still have one problem -- recalling. I can't remember dates. Very difficult to recall dates of incidents. F/N ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TA position and any BD: 2.2 Pc indicators: GIs in -- smiling. State of needle: F/N F/N indicated to pc: Yes _________________ Signature of Examiner ROUTE THIS FORM INTO THE FOLDER. WHEN ILLNES REPORTED MAKE THIS OUT WITH A CARBON UNDER IT AND ROUTE ORIG. TO THE FOLDER AND CARBON TO MEDICAL OFFICER. RUSH ROUTE ANY LATER REPORT OR SICK REPORT TO FOLDER TO PREVENT C/S ERROR. PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 811 SUMMARY REPORT Pc or Pre-OT:GS Date 15/5/69 Process run :R3R TA 3.0 Time 1 + 28 Auditor TK Goals and gains: List somatics prior dope - run. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aspects and gains: 1. How did pc do in relation to what was run. Very well. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Effectiveness of process. Very good. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Any free needles. Yes, five ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. General needle behavior. Clean ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Did TA go below 2.0 (how low). Did it come up. No v ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. Did TA go high. Did it come down. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7. General TA range. 2.15 - 2.25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8. Emotional tone of the pc and whether this improved. Yes/good. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9. Any misemotion. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10. Preclear appearance. Very bright ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11. Any change in skin tone. Yes, face color - up. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12. Did color of eyes change. Get brighter Get dull Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13. Any comm lags. Only while locating. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14. Any cognitions. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15. Any pains turn on blown Yes Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16. Any sensations turn on blown Yes Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17. Any difficulties. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18. Did you complete C/S instructions. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19. Was pc happy at session end. Very happy ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20. TA at session end Needle at session end 2.25 F/N ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ETHICS REPORT: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUGGEST: C/S. Run sessions mentioned page 3, column 1 as incidents. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 815 Case 21 [PICTURE#64] page 820 816 BOOK THREE AUDITOR'S REPORT FORM Preclear: SG Date 24/5/69 No. of intensive hours Auditor: MD No. of hours 1 hr. 45 min. Total hours Environment Auditor Withholds PTP ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Process Time Tone-Arm Sensi- Results & Reads tivity Comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------ START OF SESSION Goals: 9:45 3.9 6 Ran a feeling with regard "Feeling of to drugs. going dead" R3R 9:55 2.8 6 From a drug experience. 1. 2. 3. Pc ran smoothly. 4. Had many BDs, just talking about drugs - Got an F/N had erasures on a very unpleasant experience. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. A. B. C. D. MORE SOLID? ERASING? GIs and very happy. EARLIER? Trim check = 2.00 END OF SESSION 10:08 2.7 8 F/N ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Instructions and comments: _________________ Director of Processing PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 817 TIME TA ~This is the session.~ 9.45 3.9 ~Food and rest.~ Yes. ~R-factor: Is there any feeling that you do like or do not about drugs?~ LFBD 3.5 } } BD 3.3 } (Pc) Gave me a feeling of everything good, laughable. Really liked the group friendship. Never took them alone. I don't like to be alone.. During youth BD had an excessive need for admira- tion. I forgot--when I took opium once I got very sick and never took it again. 3.0 BD I'd like to run the opium experience and two times I went 2.9 LFBD unconscious with hashish. Opium experience, "feeling of going . . . 9:55 2.8 ~1.~ OK. TIME TA ~2.~ Dec. '68 ~3.~ ~4.~ 15 hours. 9:57 2.8 ~5.~ ~6.~ Sitting with a group in a room smoking pot and hashish. ~7.~ 10:00 3.0 ~9.~ When sitting in room one guy had a piece of opium. I bought it, swallowed, later got sick--very sick--for all the time. It's turning on now. ~A. B. C.~ 10:05 2.80 ~D.~ I lost the incident. It's gone--couldn't find it. BD Aud indicates F/N GIs 10:08 2.65 ~That's it.~ 10:08˝ F/N ~E.O.S.~ 2.7 818 BOOK THREE EXAMINER'S FORM After session : Qual Div: Flag Volunteered : Date: 24/5/69 Medical : Time: Pc or Pre-OT name :GS Last grade attained : Grade, Course or Action Being Attested: Pc's statement (write down exactly what pc says): ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Smiling ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TA position and any BD: 2.7 Pc indicators: GIs State of needle: F/N F/N indicated to pc: Yes _________________ Signature of Examiner ROUTE THIS FORM INTO THE FOLDER. WHEN ILLNES REPORTED MAKE THIS OUT WITH A CARBON UNDER IT AND ROUTE ORIG. TO THE FOLDER AND CARBON TO MEDICAL OFFICER. RUSH ROUTE ANY LATER REPORT OR SICK REPORT TO FOLDER TO PREVENT C/S ERROR. PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 819 SUMMARY REPORT Pc or Pre-OT:GS Date 24/5/69 Process run :R3R TA 1.45 Time 20 min. Auditor MD Goals and gains: Ran a bad drug experience ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aspects and gains: 1. How did pc do in relation to what was run. Good ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Effectiveness of process. Good ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Any free needles. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. General needle behavior. Loose ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Did TA go below 2.0 (how low). Did it come up. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. Did TA go high. Did it come down. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7. General TA range. 3.9 - 2.65 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8. Emotional tone of the pc and whether this improved. Happy, high - improved. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9. Any misemotion. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10. Preclear appearance. Good ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11. Any change in skin tone. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12. Did color of eyes change. Get brighter Get dull No X ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13. Any comm lags. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14. Any cognitions. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15. Any pains turn on blown No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16. Any sensations turn on blown Yes v ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17. Any difficulties. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18. Did you complete C/S instructions. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19. Was pc happy at session end. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20. TA at session end Needle at session end 2.7 F/N ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ETHICS REPORT: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUGGEST: Folder to C/S, perhaps pc should be back to Scientology as he is very high-toned, healthy, happy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 821 Case 22 [PICTURE#65] page 822 [PICTURE#66] page 823 [PICTURE#67] page 824 [PICTURE#68] page 825 [PICTURE#69] page 826 [PICTURE#70] page 827 [PICTURE#71] page 828 [PICTURE#72] page 829 [PICTURE#73] page 830 [PICTURE#74] page 831 [PICTURE#75] page 832 [PICTURE#76] page 833 [PICTURE#77] page 834 822 BOOK THREE AUDITOR'S REPORT FORM Preclear: G. S. Date 17 - 5 - 69 No. of intensive hours Auditor: T. K. No. of hours 1 + 44 Total hours TA = 2.7 Environment Auditor Withholds PTP ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Process Time Tone-Arm Sensi- Results & Reads tivity Comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is the session 19:05 2.5 6 Goals: R-factor 19:06 2.25 6 Listing / Assess 19:07 2.2 6 ------------------- 19:24 1.75 6 R3R 19:29 1.75 6 1. Locate an incident that could have caused ____. 2. What was the date of that incident ? 3. Move to ____. 4. What is the duration of the incident ? 5. Move to the beginning of the incident. 6. Close your eyes. What do you see ? 7. Move through the incident to a point ____ later. 8. Only - Okay, continue. 9. What happened ? A. Move to the beginning of the incident. B. Tell me when you are there. C. Scan through to the end of the incident. D. Tell me what happened. E/S. Is the incident erasing or going more solid ? Locate an earlier incident which caused a similar. That's it 20:49 2.0 6 How do you feel ? Good. Meter Check TA = 1.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Instructions and comments: _________________ Director of Processing PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 835 Case 23 [PICTURE#78] page 841 836 BOOK THREE AUDITOR'S REPORT FORM Preclear: BD Date 1/5/69 No. of intensive hours 20 min. Auditor: MM No. of hours 28 min. Total hours 48 min. Environment Auditor Withholds PTP ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Process Time Tone-Arm Sensi- Results & Reads tivity Comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is the session. Goals: Assessment 16:14 3.0 6 Process R3R 1. Locate an incident 2. When was it? 3. Move to 4. Duration 5. Move to the beginning of that incident. 6. What do you see? 7. Move through the incident to a point ___ later. 9. What happened? A. Move to the beginning of the incident. B. Tell me when you are there. C. Scan through to the end of the incident. D. Tell me what happened. Item - thumb squashed. Incident erased - F/N 16:26 2.1 Headache to the right of both eyes. 16:32 2.1 Cog: F/N Headache: Pressure in forehead. Cog: F/N 16:35 2.1 Item - weak right eye stinging 16:43 2.0 Basic found 16:45 F/N Pc says chain erased. Assessed again 16:48 2.1 Cog: F/N 16:52 2.0 That's it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Instructions and comments: _________________ Director of Processing PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 837 TIME TA ~This is the session.~ 16:14 3.0 Process R3R. Assessment. End Assessment. 16:20 2.4 Item: thumb squashed. 16:22 2.4 2.25 ~2.~ 8 Jan 1969 ~3.~ Um ~4.~ 5 min. ~5.~ Um Pc jumped command. ~6.~ My room in nursery. It was my birthday. Denna telling me what she got for birthday. I got angry, squashed my thumb. I started crying. (Cog) I slammed finger in door to make her wrong. ~9.~ I had a strange sensation of squashed finger. 16:26 F/N INDICATED 2.1 Assessed list again. Cog: during assessment on head- aches to right of both eyes. When you get keyed-in you'll pull in mass and you'll have headaches. 16:32 F/N Cog: during assessment, headache --pressure in forehead. Just mass indication. TIME TA 16:35 F/N Item: weak right eye, stinging. 16:42 2.0 ~1.~ ~2.~ 14 Feb 1969 ~3.~ Hm. ~4.~ 10 min. ~5.~ Hm. ~6.~ Studying TR-0 in Hold 2. Just confronting. Eyes started watering --grief. One eye cleared up, (pc jumped command.) ~9.~ Pulled in somatic from earlier incident. Wouldn't you like basic? When I got stone in my eye! 9 Sept 1965, Thurs evening, 5 o'clock! 16:47 F/N Pc says chain is erased. Pc laughing. Cheekbones hurt!! Assessed list again. Cog: when body first forming. Fin- gers are straight. One was cracked. Had to justify; pulled in broken fingers. 16:42 2.0 F/N, ~That's it.~ List complete. 838 BOOK THREE Medical Assessment Weak right eye -- stinging -- fall Headaches to right of both eyes -- bumping head against wall -- small fall Headache -- pressure in forehead -- small F Thumb -- squashed -- long fall Toenail -- small fall -- no feeling Little fingers -- fall -- pins in the joint of the finger. 2nd Assessment Weak right eye -- stinging -- LF Headaches to right of both eyes -- banging head against wall -- fall Headache -- pressure in forehead -- needle F/N Toenail -- fall Little fingers -- pins pricking in knuckles -- small fall 3rd Assessment Toenail -- no feeling Little fingers -- F/N FINISHED!!! PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 839 EXAMINER'S FORM Qual Div: Flag Before session exam : Date: 1/5/69 or Time: After session exam :v Pc, Pre-OT name :BD Last grade attained :VA Release or Grade being attested: Pc's statement (write down exactly what pc says. Don't ask any questions): ------------------------------------------------------------------------ None. GIs, laugh. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why pc came to Examiner: TA position: 2.5 Pc indicators: State of needle: Loose and clean. Note any further data required by C/S: Examiner routes: To Case Supervisor: or (if medical treatment required) To Case Supervisor: via Medical Officer (Examination form must be placed in pc folder before going to C/S). _________________ Signature of Examiner 840 BOOK THREE SUMMARY REPORT Pc or Pre-OT:BD Date 1/5/69 Process run :R3R TA 1.0 Time 28 min. Auditor MM Goals and gains: Pc finished medical list. 3 cogs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aspects and gains: 1. How did pc do in relation to what was run. Very well. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Effectiveness of process. Very, very good. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Any free needles. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. General needle behavior. Floating ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Did TA go below 2.0 (how low). Did it come up. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. Did TA go high. Did it come down. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7. General TA range. 2.0 - 3.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8. Emotional tone of the pc and whether this improved. Pc (laughing) happy, walked in session a bit gloomy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9. Any misemotion. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10. Preclear appearance. Giggling, bright, happy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11. Any change in skin tone. Pc's face clear. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12. Did color of eyes change. Get brighter Get dull Yes X ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13. Any comm lags. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14. Any cognitions. Yes, 3. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15. Any pains turn on blown No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16. Any sensations turn on blown No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17. Any difficulties. No. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18. Did you complete C/S instructions. Yes!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19. Was pc happy at session end. Very much so. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20. TA at session end Needle at session end 2.0 Floating ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ETHICS REPORT: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUGGEST: Folder to C/S. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 843 Case 24 [PICTURE#79] page 849 [PICTURE#80] page 850 844 BOOK THREE AUDITOR'S REPORT FORM Preclear: TK Date 17/5/69 No. of intensive hours 1 hr. 3 min. Auditor: FJ No. of hours Total hours TOTAL TA = 6.9 Environment Auditor Withholds PTP ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Process Time Tone-Arm Sensi- Results & Reads tivity Comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Start of session 10:29 3.9 8 Goals: Pc 10:30 3.75 8 looks healthy, a bit introverted and dispersed. Assess 11:10 3.3 8 Asked for any unwanted feeling before drink. Pc recounted briefly several times the incs which caused his unwanted feelings. Make list of any unwanted feelings before any drugs. Assess. 11:32 3.2 8 Got lots of TA during this and loose needle but needle would then tighten quickly. Assessed list. No reads. End of session 11:32 3.2 8 Needle perfectly still. Pc said "broken feeling" was the description of the back. Described it better than any other. Trim Check = 1.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Instructions and comments: _________________ Director of Processing PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 845 TIME TA ~Start of session.~ Pc looks healthy 10:29 3.9 } } BD 3.75 } Ask for list of unwanted feelings before drinking. 3.75 } } LFBD 3.5 } I'm trying to figure out when I really started to drink. I started drinking as a game in 1951. (Needle tight.) Just childhood romance before that. 10:35 3.6 In college in fall of 1950 I was refused clearance to play football. 3.75 (Pc depressed.) 3.8 (Pc comm lagging, thinking) 3.9 I wet bed till I was nine 4.0 4.1 } } LFBD 10:39 3.8 } That was quite a mystery to my folks. 4. I didn't enjoy that -- LF 3.9 ~Any somatic or feeling with it?~ It was not a feeling just problem. 3.9 I was always healthy. I'm not being much help. (Pc quiet) Is that it? Oh, I could LFBD say I was a bit bored 3.4 with life. I didn't like kids' games. 3.3 There are -- 3.5 (Needle loose) 3.6 What were the unwanted feelings of the things you 3.7 gave me? 10:45 3.8 (Pc quiet) (comm lag) 3.6 TIME TA I get more into tone level here. 3.7 } } LFBD 3.2 } I was very independent. I had no problems. 3.0 I can't stand having to take orders from incompetents. Only problem there was school. But I got straight As. (Needle loose) ~Unwanted feelings?~ Wow. (Needle tightens) I could manage it on my own. I did well. (Laugh) I could control mom. (Needle loose) 10:51 3.1 I wish I could have played football. (Pc moving a lot.) (Puts down cans. Picks up cans.) 3.25 First problem was cartilage (Needle very tight.) 3.3 Pc describes feelings of cartilage 3.4 (Needle sticky.) Loose 3.2 LFBD ~Could you give me exact feeling?~ 10:55 3.3 Bed wetting, to do with it's feeling guilty. No body feeling. ~Kids?~ -- No feeling. No problem. 10:59 3.2 That's when I got my first back incident. Dec 1949 3.3 (Pc briefly 3.4 recounts it.) 3.5 (Pc yawns) I was unconscious. 3.25 } LFBD Recounting 3.1 now. 3.2 3.3 11:02 3.4 846 BOOK THREE TIME TA ~Feeling?~ It smarted. 3.3 } (Laughs) LFBD } Body motion. 3.0 } Let's see. Pc recounting 3.1 trying to get feeling. 3.2 11:05 3.3 3.4 ~Would smashed 3.5 LFBD sensation be right?~ 3.4 3.5 3.6 LFBD 3.3 3.4 3.5 11:09 That'sit. 3.3 11:10 Assess LFBD No reads. No drugs. 3.0 Except when prescribed. 3.2 ~What about 3.1 those times, what unwanted feeling before those?~ Gives 3.2 broken back again. 10:14 I got drugs from woman who worked at place. Used when I needed drugs. Took codeine for cartilage. Morphine 3.4 for pinched nerve in the left 3.5 knee. LFBD Whenever I 3.3 hurt my back LFBD 3.0 3.1 3.2 I've had 3.3 codeine for tense back. I 3.2 TIME TA took codeine for 3 or 4 days on back. They did help. 3.3 11:19 3.4 hurt arm. Knees 3.4 Back (Needle sticky) Ribs -- no LFBD ~That'sit?~ 3.1 Yeah. LFBD 2.9 (Pc laughs) I had cog. I'm feeling guilty cause I'm so healthy. (Needle looser) (Laugh GIs) 3.1 Pc looks up smiling. Feeling of knees 3.2 same as before. 3.3 ~Feeling of back?~ 3.2 10:25 3.3 Describes 3.4 I should probably look up def. of ache. LFBD 3.3 I took drugs 3.2 for pneumonia. In Oct 1958 I had it. LFBD 11:31 3.2 ~Is that it?~ 3.1 Yeah. 3.2 Assess 3.4 3.2 3.2 no reads. ~End of session.~ 11:32 Pc calm. Needle sticky. Pc less desperate than when we started. Pc's GIs in after session is over. Smiling, laughing. PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 847 EXAMINER'S FORM Qual Div: Flag Before session exam : Date: 17/5/67 or Time: 11:40 After session exam :v Pc, Pre-OT name :TK Last grade attained : or Grade being attested: Pc's statement (write down exactly what pc says. Don't ask any questions): ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Was a nice session. I don't seem to have any body problems. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why pc came to Examiner: TA position: 2.8 Pc indicators: GIs in. State of needle: Loose Note any further data required by C/S: Examiner routes: To Case Supervisor: or (if medical treatment required) To Case Supervisor: via Medical Officer (Examination form must be placed in pc folder before going to C/S). _________________ Signature of Examiner 848 BOOK THREE SUMMARY REPORT Pc or Pre-OT:TK Date 17/5/69 Process run :Asked pc for TA 6.9 Time 1 hr. any unwanted Auditor FJ feelings for R3R. Got no reads. So nothing run. Pc's GIs in at session end. Goals and gains: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aspects and gains: 1. How did pc do in relation to what was run. Well ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Effectiveness of process. No process run ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Any free needles. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. General needle behavior. Loose, occasionally very sticky ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Did TA go below 2.0 (how low). Did it come up. No - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. Did TA go high. Did it come down. Yes, 4.1 Yes, 2.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7. General TA range. 3.0 - 3.6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8. Emotional tone of the pc and whether this improved. Pc was unenthusiastic, dispersed, came uptone ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9. Any misemotion. Laughing, smiling at session end. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10. Preclear appearance. Healthy ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11. Any change in skin tone. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12. Did color of eyes change. Get brighter Get dull No No No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13. Any comm lags. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14. Any cognitions. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15. Any pains turn on blown No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16. Any sensations turn on blown No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17. Any difficulties. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18. Did you complete C/S instructions. Yes, but no reads, ran nothing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19. Was pc happy at session end. Yes! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20. TA at session end Needle at session end 3.2 sticky ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ETHICS REPORT: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUGGEST: From the data I have, pc back to Scn. lines. Possibly wait awhile and do new health form. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 851 Case 25 [PICTURE#81] page 858 852 BOOK THREE AUDITOR'S REPORT FORM Preclear: BJ Date 25/4/69 No. of intensive hours Auditor: MS No. of hours Total hours 1 hour Environment Auditor Withholds PTP ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Process Time Tone-Arm Sensi- Results & Reads tivity Comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Reassessment of medical Goals: report and Health Form. 14:20 2.25 16 START OF SESSION Chicken pox Start 14:26 2.1 16 F/N - BD incident run out with R3R 14:45 2.1 16 Very good GIs - Loose needle 1. Locate inc 2. When was it? 3. Move to date 4. Establish duration 5. Move to the beginning of that incident 6. Close your eyes. What do you see? 7. Move through the incident to a point (duration) later. 9. What happened? Incident - measles 14:53 2.8 16 F/N - BD very good Start End of incident 15:00 2.3 16 GIs laughting Incident - toothache 15:05 3.0 16 F/N BD very good GIs 15:15 2.6 16 End of session 15:20 2.6 16 Pc very happy ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Instructions and comments: Two symptoms - tiredness and dizziness were not run as pc said they were run out in previous session as they occurred at the same time as the stomach ache of the last session. _________________ Director of Processing PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 853 TIME TA Incident chicken pox. 14:26 2.1 ~1.~ ~2.~ 1965 2.05 ~3.~ Yes ~4.~ 3 weeks' long ~5.~ Yes. ~6.~ A boy I was looking after, had chicken pox. I had a bath and . . . had chicken pox. In bed with ice cream, reading a book. ~7.~ Friend, asked friend of teacher if I could have and read books. The day I went to school, Mother bought me some books. 14:31 2.0 ~9.~ Spotted pimples on my back. And Mother sent me to bed and teacher said it was better to rest . . . Doctor gave me medicine. 14:35 2.1 14:36 2.05 ~AB.~ Yes ~C.~ Little boy, mother and I were looking after. I get in the bath and Mom says I have chicken pox. Retia comes to see me and asked if she could get me books. ~D.~ Just what I told you. 14:42 1.9 ~Erasing/Solid?~ NOT GETTING SOLID. ~AB.~ Yes. ~C.~ Little boy. Just got home spotted some spots on my back and she said better for me to go to bed. ~D.~ Just what I told you. (Very good GIs, laughing) F/N BD 14:45 2.1 (Nice, loose needle) F/N INDICATED 14:35 INCIDENT MEASLES 2.8 TIME TA ~2.~ When 3 years old, 8th February, 1962. ~3.~ ~4.~ 3 or 4 days 14:58 3.0 ~5.~ Yes ~6.~ At school, teacher called me, what were the spots on my neck. ~7.~ Sent to bed, a bath every day and I ate ice cream and lemonade. ~9.~ What I told you. 14:59 2.9 ~AB.~ Yes. ~C.~ At school, teacher said mother said they were measles. Sent me to bed. I had a bath every day . . . ice cream. ~OK.~ ~D.~ What happened? What I told you before. ~Erasing/Solid?~ Not getting solid. GI 15:00 F/N 2.3 BD (Very good GIs, feels like she's floating! Laughing.) F/N INDICATED Incident--toothache 15:08 3.0 (Nice, loose needle) ~2.~ 17 April, 1969 ~3.~ Yes ~4.~ 10 Minutes ~5.~ Yes ~6.~ Sitting in the car ~7.~ I get a horrible toothache. I took an aspirin and it went away. 15:12 3.0 ~9.~ That. It's run out. I feel good about it. (Very good GIs) F/N F/N INDICATED 854 BOOK THREE TIME TA 15:15 2.6 Just wanted to tell you fall 15:15 2.6 F/N Incident--dizziness. Feels it was handled with the stom- ach ache incident. ~End of Session~ TIME TA 15:20 2.7 Feel its complete. Incident tiredness. Felt it had been handled in the session with stomach ache; was part same somatic. It was run out and pc feels it was not needed to be run out. PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 855 Re Assessment -- 25/4/69 Dianetic Health Form, Pc Assessment Sheet and Medical Report. TIME TA SYMPTOM 14.21 1/4 div BD Chicken pox 14.22 1/8 div BD Measles 14.23 Rise Not run - see below Tiredness (with stomach ache) 14.23 Rise Toothache 14.24 Rise Dizziness. (same time as stomach ache) ~Pc did not want it run as it was taken care of in previous session~. 856 BOOK THREE EXAMINER'S FORM Qual Div: Flag Before session exam : Date: 25/4/69 or Time: 15.23 After session exam : Pc, Pre-OT name :BJ Last grade attained :VA or Grade being attested: Pc's statement (write down exactly what pc says. Don't ask any questions): ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Laugh! No statement! This time. Just Susie is a good auditor. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why pc came to Examiner: TA position: 2.5 Pc indicators: State of needle: Clean and loose needle. Note any further data required by C/S: Examiner routes: To Case Supervisor: or (if medical treatment required) To Case Supervisor: via Medical Officer (Examination form must be placed in pc folder before going to C/S). _________________ Signature of Examiner PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 857 SUMMARY REPORT Pc or Pre-OT:BJ Date 25/4/69 Process run :R3R TA 1.45 Time 60 min. Auditor MS Goals and gains: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aspects and gains: 1. How did pc do in relation to what was run. Very good. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Effectiveness of process. Made pc very happy; she said she felt like she was floating. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Any free needles. Yes, 3. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. General needle behavior. Loose ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Did TA go below 2.0 (how low). Did it come up. 1.9 Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. Did TA go high. Did it come down. 3.1 Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7. General TA range. 2.0 - 3.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8. Emotional tone of the pc and whether this improved. Yes, really very happy and light and enthusiastic. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9. Any misemotion. No. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10. Preclear appearance. Very bright and glowing ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11. Any change in skin tone. Red, rosy cheeks ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12. Did color of eyes change. Get brighter Get dull Yes X ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13. Any comm lags. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14. Any cognitions. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15. Any pains turn on blown No X ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16. Any sensations turn on blown Feeling like she was X floating. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17. Any difficulties. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18. Did you complete C/S instructions. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19. Was pc happy at session end. Very much so. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20. TA at session end Needle at session end 2.6 Loose and free. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ETHICS REPORT: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUGGEST: I suggest that this is now complete and the other two items on the list have been taken care of as the pc said, "I feel it's complete and the dizziness and tiredness are run out now, as I don't feel them any more after the last session. I only took them for a short time when I had them." Pc had no other ailments and felt really great and mentioned that she felt she had had her power again. Re: dizziness and tiredness items, pc said they occurred for a short time while she had the stomach ache which was run out in the last session. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 859 Case 26 [PICTURE#82] page 864 860 BOOK THREE AUDITOR'S REPORT FORM Preclear: BM Date 15/5/69 No. of intensive hours Auditor: GS No. of hours 17 min. Total hours Environment Auditor Withholds PTP ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Process Time Tone-Arm Sensi- Results & Reads tivity Comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Start of Session 4:15 3.6 6 Goals: Dianetic Assist R3R 1. Locate an inc Inc. erased. 2. When was it? F/N 3. Move to... (date) Process flat. 4. What is the duration of the inc... Pc looks bright 5. Move to the beginning of that inc. 6. What do you see? 7. Move through the inc. to a point... later. 8. ...Okay ...continue 9. What happened? A. Move to the beginning of the inc. B. Tell me when you are there. C. Scan through to the end of the incident. D. Tell me what happened. F/N 4:31 2.8 6 Meter Trim Check End of Session 4:32 2.8 6 TA = 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Instructions and comments: _________________ Director of Processing PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 861 TIME TA 4:15 ~Start ofSession.~ Pulled a muscle. 3.75 ~Feeling?~--stitch in your side. 3.8 Pushing a needle in me 4.0 and pushing it out. 4.2 ~1.~ Yes. 4.5 ~2.~ 1845 ~3.~ Yes ~4.~ Half an hour. 3.8 ~5.~ ~6.~ I'm on a table, guy over me with a knife, cutting my side to get some evil out of me. After taking it out, took a needle and stitched me up. I wake up again just as he was putting the needle in last time. I scream and fell unconscious again. 4.0 } LFBD } 4:22 3.8 } ~9.~ I was given some gas, it wasn't enough. I woke up too soon. I pulled myself together and screamed and I fell unconscious again. F 3. ~AB.~ Yes. LFBD 3.6 ~C.~ 3.4 ~D.~ I was on a table. Guy over me. Took a knife to take evil out of me. I screamed, tried to get up. Fell unconscious again. 3.8 ~Is the incident erasing?~ TIME TA Yes, I think so. 4.0 ~AB.~ F. ~C.~ I was hanging on a table. Guy takes some evil out of me. Guy was screaming. I tried to get up then I fell unconscious again. 4:25 4.5 ~Earlier inc. ?~ F. 4.2 } } BD F. 3.8 } Not that I can think of. 4.2 ~AB.~ Yes. 4.25 F BD ~C.~ 3.8 ~D.~ I was pulled on a table to cut some evil out of my side. Then I screamed and I pulled myself to- gether then I fell unconscious again. (Needle tight) 4:30 Rises 4.0 ~Other incidents earlier that caused the same feeling?~ No. ~Is the inc. erased?~ LFBD Oh, F/N 3.0 I feel great! GIs F/N INDICATED. Pc smiling. ~End of Session~ 862 BOOK THREE EXAMINER'S FORM Qual Div: Flag Before session exam : Date: 15/5/69 or Time: After session exam :v Pc, Pre-OT name :BM (DAC Student Audit) Last grade attained :VA or Grade being attested: Pc's statement (write down exactly what pc says. Don't ask any questions): ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PC SAID NOTHING. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why pc came to Examiner: TA position: 2.75 Pc indicators: Very high, happy and joking. State of needle: Clean Note any further data required by C/S: Examiner routes: To Case Supervisor: or (if medical treatment required) To Case Supervisor: via Medical Officer (Examination form must be placed in pc folder before going to C/S). _________________ Signature of Examiner PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 863 SUMMARY REPORT Pc or Pre-OT:BM Date 15/5/69 Process run :R3R TA 3.83 Time Auditor Goals and gains: Process Dianetic Assist R3R to F/N ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aspects and gains: 1. How did pc do in relation to what was run. Very well. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Effectiveness of process. Ok ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Any free needles. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. General needle behavior. Loose ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Did TA go below 2.0 (how low). Did it come up. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. Did TA go high. Did it come down. Yes Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7. General TA range. 3.75 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8. Emotional tone of the pc and whether this improved. Was pale and looked tired. From boredom to happiness. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9. Any misemotion. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10. Preclear appearance. Bright ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11. Any change in skin tone. Yes, more colored. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12. Did color of eyes change. Get brighter Get dull Yes Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13. Any comm lags. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14. Any cognitions. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15. Any pains turn on blown No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16. Any sensations turn on blown No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17. Any difficulties. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18. Did you complete C/S instructions. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19. Was pc happy at session end. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20. TA at session end Needle at session end 2.8 Loose ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ETHICS REPORT: None. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUGGEST: Back to C/S ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 865 Case 27 [PICTURE#83] page 872 866 BOOK THREE AUDITOR'S REPORT FORM Preclear: CD Date 22/5/69 No. of intensive hours 1 - 40 Auditor: IP No. of hours Total hours 1 hr. 40 min. Environment Auditor Withholds PTP ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Process Time Tone-Arm Sensi- Results & Reads tivity Comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Start of session 15:40 3.2 Goals: Referred to 16.5.69 C/S 3.2 Session was slow at first but was a big win for pc and auditor towards end. Referred to 30.4.69 W/S Found feeling of burn and ran chain on R3R. R3R 1. Locate 3.25 2. Date - 3. Move to - 4. Duration 5. Move to begin. 6. What you see 7. Move thru Good 8. Ok, continue 9. What happened? GIs on pc (and auditor) A. Move to begin B. Tell me when you there. C. Move thru to end. D. Tell me what happened. Is it erase or got solid? Earlier incident? End of Session 16:17 2.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Instructions and comments: Auditor to brush up a bit and repeat R3R. _________________ Director of Processing PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 867 TIME TA 14:40 3.2 ~Start of session.~ Aud: ~What was the feeling of the burnt oven incident?~ Pc: Felt like something was sizzling in my back. 14:41 3.2 ~1. Locate an incident that could have caused a sizzling in my back feeling.~ 3.25 14:45 3.4 Pc quiet and frowns. Sighs noisily . . . coughs weakly. Pc: Oh, alright, got one. ~2.~ Aud: ~When was it?~ 3.25 sF Pc mutters on date. Calculates 3.3 1957, April 3rd. ~3.~ Alright. 3.4 ~4. What is the duration of the incident?~ 3.5 Pc: About 20 min. 3.5 ~5.~ Alright. V ~6.~ Ol' maid--Negro, big double sink, it'll bold my size at that time. ~7.~ My mums left me with the old Negro lady along with other kids & we're watching TV. ~9.~ My ma left me at the house I was watching and I messed in my BD pants, so this maid takes me to this hot bath. I got mad and LFBD started screaming & the old lady said I got to have another one. 3.0 15:07 Aud: ~Is the incident [!!!] erasing or going more solid?~ 15:10 Solid. [!!!] ~Earlier inc?~ 3.5 Yes, when my back got sF sunburned. 3.1 ~2. When was it?~ Pc: March 14, 1963. TIME TA ~3.~ Aud: ~Move to . . .~ ~3.~ Alright. 3.3 ~4.~ 2 hrs. ~5.~ Aud: ~Move to beginning of . . .~ Pc: Yeah . . . aaah I got it. 15:15 3.1 sF ~6.~ I see this bunch of sand & my friends. 3.1 ~7. Move through the incident to a point 2 hrs later. . .~ 3.3 Pc: Yeah, OK BD ~8.~ Pc: I've already done that. ~9.~ Pc: On sand beach, hot & I sizzled & I felt dry & crisp & I felt burning like hell. The burning started, my ma put 3.3 vinegar on my back, my brothers had fun afterward peeling the skin off my back. 3. Aud: ~Is it erasing or going more solid?~ LF Pc: It's erasing, I'd say. BD ~A.~ Aud: ~Move to the beginning of the incident.~ Pc: Alright. ~B.~ Pc: Yeah, ok. ~C.~ Aud: ~Scan thru~ LFBD 2.6 ~D.~ Aud: Pc looks bright. ~Tell me what happened. ?~ I was on beach. It was sunny and we went body surfing. We laid down in the sun. My mom came to the beach and drove us home. Got into the bath (cough) (yawn) I refused to take bath. 15:30 My brothers and sisters afterwards peel the skin off my back. 2.7 Pc sighs. Pc does musical hum. 15:32 2.75 Aud: ~Is picture erasing or going more solid?~ 868 TIME TA 2.5 Pc: Picture is erasing. 2.7 } BD } Pc: is restless & more cheery. 2.5 } 15:35 2.6 Aud: ~Does this incident interest you?~ Pc: Neither way, just went to the beach one time & I got sunburnt. 2.9 ~A.~ Alright. ~B.~ I'm there. ~C.~ Alright. 3.2 ~D.~ I was at the beach with my friends & laid in sun for 1/2 hr. My mum drove me back & I took a bath & I was burning like hell. The skin . . . peeled off & my brothers 3. had great fun peeling it off. ~Is it erasing or going more solid?~ Solid. ~1. Locate an earlier similar inc. that could be something like a sizzling in your back.~ Yes. ~2.~ 1860, 50th day of the year. ~3.~ Move to . . . Wow! My thumb's fallen asleep. (Pc shifts & yawns.) ~4.~ It's a full day. ~5.~ Yeah, alright. ~6.~ I see a reflector. ~7.~ Ooh yeah (pc grins) 15:40 15:41 Pc twitches, yawns--curses. sF 3.5 Pc silent 3.7 Pc more color sF 15:50 3.4 Pc twitches and frowns, rolls head. Lifts eyebrows. 3.5 15:58 ~8.~ No, I've finished moving thru the incident. TIME TA ~9.~ On this ship and they had these ray things in those days. I was on this ship with this king. I saw this woman. I stowed away. I got caught & pinned down. There was this rectangular thing which was reflected on me. They turned the thing on once anyway and it (burp) evaporated me & I could taste food, & all these liquids were going into my body. I let out a hell of a yell and then I was dropped into this . . . this . . . pot of acid & that was it. Aud: ~How you doing?~ sF 15:59 Pc: What do you know, I lost LFBD my body. I can have it. 2.8 16:01 Aud: ~Is the hot sizzling feeling in your back erasing or going more solid?~ Pc: It's erasing. Matter of fact, sF I feel a lot better. 16:04 2.6 ~A. Move to the beginning of the incident.~ 2.5 Yawn Burp ~B.~ Ok. 2.7 ~C.~ Pc white, sways OK. 2.9 2.7 ~D.~ I was playing on the deck of this ship. I had some kind of difficulty. I had stowed away & they had me down on the deck with a reflector on me. It was about the same size as my body (burp) & it dried me out. There was some food nearby & I let out a scream & they threw me into the acid. Anyway, I can 3.0 } } LFBD have that. That was 2.4 } the incident. 869 TIME TA 16:16 I can have it, it's cool. Yawns sF Mutters LFBD Pc: OK, I feel it's finished. 2.2 Pc yawns. Anyway . . . 2.2 TIME TA Pc sings quietly. 16:17 2.2 ~Has the incident erased or is it going more solid?~ [!!!] [!!!] Oh, it's gone. ~End of session. VGIs. 870 BOOK THREE EXAMINER'S FORM Qual Div: Flag Before session exam : Date: 22/5/69 or Time: 18 After session exam :v Pc, Pre-OT name :CD Last grade attained :VA or Grade being attested: Pc's statement (write down exactly what pc says. Don't ask any questions): ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I ran through an incident a long, long time ago. (smiles) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why pc came to Examiner: TA position: 2.6 Pc indicators: GIs State of needle: Clean Note any further data required by C/S: Examiner routes: To Case Supervisor: or (if medical treatment required) To Case Supervisor: via Medical Officer (Examination form must be placed in pc folder before going to C/S). _________________ Signature of Examiner PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 871 SUMMARY REPORT Pc or Pre-OT:CD Date 22/5/69 Process run :R3R TA 2 Time Auditor Goals and gains: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aspects and gains: 1. How did pc do in relation to what was run. Pc did well. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Effectiveness of process. Very adequate ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Any free needles. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. General needle behavior. Plenty of movement ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Did TA go below 2.0 (how low). Did it come up. No - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. Did TA go high. Did it come down. 3.75 Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7. General TA range. 3.5 - 2.7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8. Emotional tone of the pc and whether this improved. Yes, improved ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9. Any misemotion. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10. Preclear appearance. Slightly sallow at first. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11. Any change in skin tone. Less sallow. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12. Did color of eyes change. Get brighter Get dull Little Little No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13. Any comm lags. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14. Any cognitions. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15. Any pains turn on blown Yes Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16. Any sensations turn on blown Yes Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17. Any difficulties. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18. Did you complete C/S instructions. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19. Was pc happy at session end. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20. TA at session end Needle at session end 2.3 Loose ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ETHICS REPORT: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUGGEST: Lots more R3R ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 873 Case 28 [PICTURE#84] page 880 874 BOOK THREE AUDITOR'S REPORT FORM Preclear: BFM Date 21/5/69 No. of intensive hours Auditor: No. of hours Total hours 1 hour Environment Auditor Withholds PTP ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Process Time Tone-Arm Sensi- Results & Reads tivity Comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------ R3R Start of Session 8:50 3.2 5 Goals: 1. Locate an incident Ran 2 locks to F/N and birth engram erased. 2. When was it? 3. Move to... 4. What is the duration of F/N - 4 the incident? 5. Move to the beginning Process of that inc. flat. 6. What do you see? 7. Move through the inc to a point... later. 8. OK, continue 9. What happened? A. Move to the beginning of the inc. B. Tell me when you are there. C. Scan through to the end of the inc. D. Tell me what happened. Meter trim check End of session 9:50 2.1 5 TA 2 = 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Instructions and comments: _________________ Director of Processing PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 875 TIME TA ~Start of session.~ 8:50 Sens 8 TA 3.2 Item--as a very heavy bar on my forehead and somewhere on the top of my head. 3.1 ~1.~ Pc laughing, laughing. A picture I just feel a weight in my head. ~2.~ Could be 2.5 very long time ago. Laughing. About Christ's time. ~3.~ ~4.~ My goodness. For this one 3.6 3 minutes. ~5.~ It looks like hours, hmm. ~6.~ I just see an enormous mass about 10 cm high. It's gray. There is someone there in this scene. I see a face with gray hair, it's a man. ~7.~ Pc laughing. I'm afraid to confront. Horrible (laughing). I have a repulsion to confront this. I feel . . . c'est tres . . . c'est tres long C'est tres . . . It's unreasonable. It's unbelievable. ~9.~ 2.25 Somebody was 2.3 doing something. I don't know if the body is mine. I see somebody below me. A man without hair. It's funny, I'm just not moving. There is no motion. 2.25 I'm very surprised. I saw . . . GI's F/N (Pc laughing) It's just exteriorization. F/N INDICATED VGIs. Item--feeling to be very hot. 9:08 2.25 ~1.~ Pc laughing. TIME TA I'm just thinking 2.0 of being born. (Pc laughing) I'm very happy. ~2.~ Oh! Laughing make me so bad I cannot speak! (laughing) I'm hot again. It seems that's it now. We'll say in '69. Oh! the time. 2.0 I had to translate in French. It was early in the morning. We were on the ship, one month ago. ~3.~ ~4.~ I'm just in the dining room. I have just to confront the people. I get a hurt in my neck. I have to go fast. It's about the duration. Could be half an hour at least. ~5.~ 2.25 ~6.~ I was sleeping in the Stewards' Dorm. Close the dining room fast, and I sit down. I try to be in 2.2 present time translating. ~7.~ ~9.~ Ah! I'm unable to say to you. I do not understand why it was so. I had a difficulty. It was a risk to be really fast. Better to show an appearance of quietness, politeness. I was aware of this. It's good. (Pc laughing) GI F/N INDICATED I was afraid of having a F/N here because my heart is very tired. 2.1 ~Is there an earlier inc . . .~ I get the pict. 2.25 of my brother. I was very young, 4 years old. Suddenly I was crying and very hot. ~2.~ In 1947, July 2.5 ~3.~ Ya. ~4.~ One minute. 2.6 ~5.~ Hmm-hmm. ~6.~ I just see my brother stand up and I sit down. 876 BOOK THREE TIME TA (laugh) 2.2 LFBD I'm crying. He just stands up. ~7.~ 2.3 } } LFBD 2.1 } I feel still anxious. 2.25 } } LFBD ~8.~ (laughing) 2.0 } I was yelling. I was very hungry that's all. 2.1 ~9.~ I don't know. I wanted to have this portion. He didn't want me to. He was just there. 2.25 ~AB.~ Ya. 2.1 ~C.~ I'm wanting to speak. 2.25 (Pc laughing) It's very funny. I see myself crying. 2.1 He was very upset. ~D.~ 2.3 I'm just thinking that 2.25 the chambre was not so bad. I was really in grief because he forced me like that. (laughing) (Pc happy) F/N INDICATED There's more on this chain. 9:26 2.9 ~Earlier inc?~ Yes. This anxiety before being born. ~2.~ Funny date It's really present. ~3.~ Ya. 2.0 ~4.~ It's very long, one hour. 2.1 You know I'm thinking of 2.25 identification. Two people in black, one on my left, one on my right. My stomach 2.0 Wack! (Laughing) ~5.~ (Pc seems uncomfortable, is crying, yet still smiling.) ~6.~ Just the 2.0 picture I described 2.2 to you. 2.0 Something high in front of my eye. And it was about 3 meters above the TIME TA floor. It seems something very high and I have to be at this place. ~7.~ I don't like to confront this. It's hard. I'm trembling. My foot is very tired. I cannot speak. They expect something from me. There is nothing. Each time I wait I'm in the same state, awed. (Laughing and crying) I could not move my emotion and I have my hands attached. (Pc laughing) 2.0 It's just black and 2.1 white and in the same time and a relief of hope and expectation death it was too hot. ~9.~ 1.9 Just nothing. Just 2.0 a silence, so empty. (Pc crying) There was certainly a lot of people. Then two men in black. A real desert. Just gray sky. 9:37 (crying) 2.2 (Pc laughing and crying now.) ~AB.~ I'm still there. 1.9 ~C.~ I have on a white dress. I was horrified and cannot move. On this same time. I have a lot of consideration. I try to project this to somebody else because I refuse to accept that it happens to myself. ~D.~ In the same 2.1 time I was very afraid. I must go back. Just that I was 2.2 fixed in this place completely para- lyzed by the future. They said that I was a sorceress, something like that. My goodness I have to move. I have to walk. Oh! I feel now I have to walk but I was unconscious. Brrr! 2.1 (laugh) I was completely 2.2 unconscious. I think it's going now, it's okay. It's finished. 1.9 ~AB.~ 2.2 PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 877 TIME TA 2.1 I just have this pict. Fixing this table. 2.1 ~C.~ 2.1 I'm going to cry 2.2 (Pc laughing) 1.9 Something recovering. 2.1 Somebody beside me loved me very much. It was too hot to leave. ~D.~ Just fixed (crying) physically. So it was impossible to move. 2.25 All that mass was so heavy just like lead on my back, 2.1 TIME TA and my feet. But I tell you that something very curious is hap- pening. My body is feeling lighter and my legs. So tuned. 2.0 I feel my legs. 2.1 I have them to carry me and to walk. And that's it. It's nice to see you. I feel so happy. F/N INDICATED 2.1 (laughing) 9:50 My heart is relieved. Very good indicators. I feel very relieved. 878 BOOK THREE EXAMINER'S FORM Qual Div: Flag Before session exam : Date: 21/5/69 or Time: 21:55 After session exam :v Pc, Pre-OT name :BFM (Sent by DAC Auditor) Last grade attained :IV or Grade being attested: Pc's statement (write down exactly what pc says. Don't ask any questions): ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (No statement) (laughs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why pc came to Examiner: TA position: 2.3 Pc indicators: Very good. State of needle: Clean and floating Note any further data required by C/S: Examiner routes: To Case Supervisor: or (if medical treatment required) To Case Supervisor: via Medical Officer (Examination form must be placed in pc folder before going to C/S). _________________ Signature of Examiner PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 879 SUMMARY REPORT Pc or Pre-OT:BFM Date 21/5/69 Process run :R3R TA Time 1 hr. Auditor Goals and gains: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aspects and gains: 1. How did pc do in relation to what was run. Very well. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Effectiveness of process. 100% ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Any free needles. 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. General needle behavior. Very loose ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Did TA go below 2.0 (how low). Did it come up. 1.8 Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. Did TA go high. Did it come down. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7. General TA range. 2.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8. Emotional tone of the pc and whether this improved. From happy to unhappy grief, happy, exhilaration. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9. Any misemotion. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10. Preclear appearance. Bright ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11. Any change in skin tone. Yes, more color ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12. Did color of eyes change. Get brighter Get dull No Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13. Any comm lags. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14. Any cognitions. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15. Any pains turn on blown No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16. Any sensations turn on blown Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17. Any difficulties. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18. Did you complete C/S instructions. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19. Was pc happy at session end. Bright ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20. TA at session end Needle at session end 2.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ETHICS REPORT: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUGGEST: Pc wants very much to be continued on other chains. To do this - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 881 Case 29 [PICTURE#85] page 887 882 BOOK THREE AUDITOR'S REPORT FORM Preclear: MM Date 18/5/69 No. of intensive hours Auditor: GS No. of hours Total hours 22 min. Environment Auditor Withholds PTP ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Process Time Tone-Arm Sensi- Results & Reads tivity Comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Start of session 8:45 2.75 6 Goals: Assessment for longest read. Chain erased. R3R F/N = 3 1. Locate an incident that could have caused the Pc happy feeling of... and bright. 2. When was it? 3. Move to... Process flat. 4. What is the duration of the inc. 5. Move to the beginning of that incident. 6. What do you see? 7. Move through the inc to a point... later. 8. Okay, continue. 9. What happened? A. Move to the beginning of the incident. B. Tell me when you are there. C. Scan through to the end Trim check of the incident. D. Tell me what happened. TA 2 = 1.9 F/N 9:07 2.3 6 End of session 9:07 2.3 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Instructions and comments: _________________ Director of Processing PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 883 TIME TA List of somatics. [!!!] Tiredness. Confusion. Hot sticky feeling ~Start of session.~ 2.75 Time = 8:45 ~We are going to extend the list of somatics, sensations and misemo- tions.~ OK. ~Other somatics?~ 2.8 Pc thinking. Not many. OK. ~Other sensations, misemotions?~ I have had a secondary on my second dynamic. Me the effect of a girl Sort of feeling. It's a lovesick feeling. ~Others?~ No. List 8:30 LFBD Tiredness -- x Confusion -- sF 3.00 Hot sticky feeling -- sF Lovesick feeling -- x ~Confusion. Interested?~ Yes. ~1.~ F 2.75 ~2.~ June 31, 1968, 7:30 in the morning. ~3.~ OK 3.25 ~4.~ About an hour to Two hours 3.5 ~5.~ OK. ~6.~ The Bulletin LFBD Board 3.2 About 10 people. Me with a felt pen. I'm standing and looking. 3.3 ~7.~ Very late at night. 3.5 Writing at this board. LF 3.4 Someone is there. Both confused what's supposed to happen. Place is in state of chaos. TIME TA We don't know what is supposed to happen. 3.75 These people have finished. We were sitting. (laugh) Just confused. My god we are tired. 3.8 We think how good it will be to go down to the ship. Would be such fun. ~9.~ We'd been up all night. The 3rd Mate put us in an Ethics condition. LFBD 3.75 8:38 ~AB.~ Okay 3.75 } ~C.~ LFBD 3.5 } Pc deep thinking. (Looks tired is as if asleep.) OK. ~D.~ I just looked at a confusion, I didn't understand that I was respon- sible for. 3.5 BD F/N INDICATED 2.75 ~Is there an earlier inc. ?~ 8:42 F 2.5 Pc thinking. 2.7 2.8 2.9 I guess not. Oh, wait a second. F I did that. 2.75 ~2.~ June 22 ~3.~ LF OK ~4.~ About 5 min. ~5.~ OK. ~6.~ My body sleeping in my bunk 2.5 in the Men's Dorm. ~7.~ OK LFBD 2.3 ~9.~ I was in my bunk. I was dead tired. I slept on the top bunk. Someone pulled me on the floor and we had a fight. That's all. 2.4 F/N VGIs LFBD } } F/N INDICATED 2.25 } __________ extension list 884 BOOK THREE TIME TA Hernia operation 2.5 Feeling keyed-out right now. Like pain in my right leg in my right side. sF. ~Interested?~ Yes. 2.5 ~1.~ F OK 2.5 ~2.~ 2.6 Sept 18, 1962 ~3.~ OK 2.7 ~4.~ About 8 hours ~5.~ OK 2.8 ~6.~ A man in ahospital room. 3.0 LF ~7.~ ~8.~ Okay 8:50 ~9.~ (Pc thinking as asleep.) 3.2 3.25 3.5 3.6 3.7 8:52 F 3.8 LF 3.75 3.7 } } LFBD 2.25 } 8:55 F/N 2.3 Needle very loose. I went for an op. The doctor right there and made a hole. He took my testicles and pushed them down. So the lower part was cut. It was very repulsive. I awoke about 2.75 7 hours later. 3.0 I was hurt, man. 3.2 ~AB.~ OK. F 3.3 ~C.~ OK 3.4 } } ~D.~ LFBD 3.0 } Body just slipped open. I wake 3.0 up. That's all. OK. TIME TA ~Is incident going more solid?~ Yes. 2.75 ~Earlier inc.~ Yes. 2.75 ~2.~ 47,500 trillion years ago. ~3.~ OK LF 2.6 ~4.~ 30 sec. ~5.~ LFBD ~6.~ I see me in a doll body. I'm broken. (Pc is crying) ~7.~ They put me in the repair shop I'm broken and I'm a doll. 9:02 ohh! (Pc crying) 2.3 ~9.~ Laughing LF I was taken to the repair shop. My right leg wasn't functioning. He put me down. They put me on 2.25 an assembly line. They cut the metal right across my lower half (laughing) 2.25 And it hurt. He threw it away. That was that. I can feel the somatic here going. 9:05 ~AB.~ All right. ~C~ 2.30 OK. ~D.~ Just the same thing. He cut me open on an assembly line. 9:07 Pc: The chain is erased. (Laugh) IND. F/N 2.3 Pc looks very happy and bright, laughing. ~End of session.~ PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 885 EXAMINER'S FORM After session :v Qual Div: Flag Volunteered : Date: 17/5/69 Medical : Time: 9:22 Pc or Pre-OT name :MM Last grade attained :VA Grade, Course or Action Being Attested: Pc's statement (write down exactly what pc says): ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I had an F/N there. I erased the basic on a chain 75 trillions years ago. I kept hitting a this-lifetime incident. (laugh) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TA position and any BD: 2.5 Pc indicators: Good State of needle: F/N F/N indicated to pc: Yes _________________ Signature of Examiner ROUTE THIS FORM INTO THE FOLDER. WHEN ILLNES REPORTED MAKE THIS OUT WITH A CARBON UNDER IT AND ROUTE ORIG. TO THE FOLDER AND CARBON TO MEDICAL OFFICER. RUSH ROUTE ANY LATER REPORT OR SICK REPORT TO FOLDER TO PREVENT C/S ERROR. 886 BOOK THREE SUMMARY REPORT Pc or Pre-OT:MM Date 16/5/69 Process run :R3R TA 6.35 Time 22 min. Auditor GS Goals and gains: Chain erased ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aspects and gains: 1. How did pc do in relation to what was run. Very good ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Effectiveness of process. 100 percent ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Any free needles. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. General needle behavior. Loose ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Did TA go below 2.0 (how low). Did it come up. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. Did TA go high. Did it come down. Yes, 3.75 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7. General TA range. 3.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8. Emotional tone of the pc and whether this improved. From boredom to self-confidence. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9. Any misemotion. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10. Preclear appearance. Bright ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11. Any change in skin tone. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12. Did color of eyes change. Get brighter Get dull No Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13. Any comm lags. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14. Any cognitions. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15. Any pains turn on blown No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16. Any sensations turn on blown ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17. Any difficulties. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18. Did you complete C/S instructions. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19. Was pc happy at session end. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20. TA at session end Needle at session end 2.3 F/N ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ETHICS REPORT: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUGGEST: To C/S ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 889 Case 30 [PICTURE#86] page 897 890 BOOK THREE AUDITOR'S REPORT FORM Preclear: BG Date 28/4/69 No. of intensive hours 3 hrs. 50 min. Auditor: WJ No. of hours 1 hr. 14 min. Total hours 5 hrs. 4 min. Environment Auditor Withholds PTP ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Process Time Tone-Arm Sensi- Results & Reads tivity Comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Start of session 14:58 3.2 16 Goals: Assess list. Pc's interested in tension 16:50 3.0 5 End of session 17:02 2.9 5 F/N GIs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Instructions and comments: _________________ Director of Processing PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 891 TIME TA ~Start of session.~ 15:48 3.2 R-factor -- assess list. Assess list of feelings. Agonizing pain -- LF Feeling of tiredness -- sF Embarassment, null -- 2.9 Lack of control -- null Pc's interest is on this head shake of mine. Unwanted sensation. . . . probably a feeling of mine. 3.0 . . . interest on this. ~What's feeling of that?~ Tension LF R3R 3.0 ~1.~ . . . . . . ~2.~ Jan 27, 1959 ~3. Move to.~ ~4. Duration?~ About 1 hour. ~5.~ ~6. What do you see?~ 3.1 Sitting opposite someone doing TR-0. ~7. Move thru incident.~ 3.2 I feel, sitting opposite person. feel backing off, an elsewhereness, want to escape. Refuse to do so. Conflict of that's silly and forcing myself. 1552 3.4 Feeling my head turning at an angle twisting away. Ridge of pressure across back of neck. Coach con- stantly having to straighten my head up. Feeling of acute tension at position of confront and not being able to hold up my head in a relaxed position. 15:54 3.7 . . . reality that I had an aberration that others didn't in regard to facing TIME TA other people. Couldn't control or overcome it. Fighting hard to sit up straight, look square in the eye, I did but head kept turning away. 3.9 I didn't want to expose myself. Something the other person might see. ~9. What happened?~ I realized as I went through it, at that time I didn't have head shake, just twisting way, later developed into a natural shake. As I did more training and processing, twisting developed into a head shake--with everything, not just people. 3.7 ~AB. Move to begin, tell me when there~ Right ~C. Scan thru~ 15:58 3.8 Impatience with myself that I was finding this so difficult to do. I found all sorts of sensations turning on. Couldn't keep my head upright. Keep it upright and no one will know I have a weakness. 15:59 3.9 Coach says "You are confronting me with your left cheek." She'd straighten it up. Try not to show I was fighting it. Head going around and back. (Pc's head moving just like he's saying.) Stiffness at back of neck. Pressure, particularly on left side. ~D. Tell me what happened?~ I was fed up. Seemed such a silly thing. I was highly aware of it before that, only vaguely. TR-0 caught it. ~Erasing/Solid?~ It has gone solid. 16:04 3.7 892 BOOK THREE TIME TA [!!!] ~Earlier similar incident?~ 3.8 Yes . . . ~2. When?~ 3.6 1934, May, 16th. ~3. Move to . . .~ ~4. Duration?~ 3 seconds. ~5. Move to~ ~6. What do you see?~ 16:06 3.7 At a swimming bath. ~7. Move thru incident.~ Standing at a railing, looking down. There's a chap next to me that I know. Suddenly aware of him look- ing at me. I turned and looked at him. He laughed. I said "What's so funny?" "You're a funny little chap," he said. I didn't reply. Felt tension and annoyance. 16:08 3.9 What was there about me? ~9. What happened?~ Wondering why that incident has stuck; nothing in it apart from that. ~AB. Move to beginning. Tell me when you are there.~ 3.8 ~C. Scan through to the end of the incident.~ This chap started staring at me. He was taller than me. I was gazing intently in front of me. Turned and looked at him. He smiling and laughing. Tried not to show annoy- ance, that it didn't worry me. "You're a funny little chap," and he laughed. I wanted to press on. 3.9 Something stopped me, Show that I was too sensitive. I shut up. ~D. Tell me what happened.~ 16:12 4.0 Feeling that his look restimulated something. TIME TA ~Erasing?~ No. [!!!] An earlier similar incident?~ 16:13 3.7 Yes. ~2. When?~ 19:22 14th Jan. ~3. Move to~ ~4. Duration?~ 25 min. ~5. Move to~ ~6. What do you see?~ 16:15 3.7 I'm watching boxing at school. ~7. Move thru incident to a point 25 min later.~ Big school hall and boxing ring. My father. I'm watching. All boarding school boys are older than me. Not to take part in boxing. Another chap there my age. I realized they'd decided to let the two of us have a go. I was scared, terrified. Tried not to show. Knew I couldn't refuse. Sheer terror. Eventually, I got a plan. Went up to him, said "I know nothing about boxing, take it easy will you." He nodded. Real terror in me, in stomach, trembling. Put on gloves. 16:18 3.9 Out of sheer necessity I rushed in and swung punches. Realized I was hammering hell out of him. Didn't stop; went on pummeling him until they stopped us. Feeling of exhila- ration. 16:20 3.8 ~9.~ Sheer terror out of all danger or risk involved. Feeling that I've got to, annoyed and impatient. ~A. Move to beginning.~ ~B. Tell me when you are there.~ ~C. Scan thru.~ PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 893 TIME TA 16:21 3.6 Absolute panic, where did it come from? I was almost too frightened to worry about tension. It was there, but overwhelmed by fear. As soon as I got on top I hit him as hard as I could. ~D. Tell me what happened.~ 16:25 3.8 First realization this life that I was subject to this intensity of feeling. 3.7 Felt so much more tense than other people. ~Erasing?~ No. [!!!] ~Earlier similar inc?~ Yes. 16:27 3.2 ~2. When~ 4th Nov, 1919 ~3.~ Right. ~4. Duration?~ 16:29 3.3 Five minutes. ~5. Move to the beginning of that incident.~ 3.4 ~6. What do you see?~ See my mother standing in the light and father is on the floor. 16:30 3.6 ~7. Move thru.~ I wake up aware of ghastly scene: mother angry, whisky bottle in hand, father on floor drunk. 16:31 3.8 First thought is that they must never know I'm awake and seeing what's happening. I still watch. Mother breaks top off bottle. Pours whisky into bucket, all the time speaking very angrily, telling father what she thinks of him. Anger is intense. Feel excitement at being able to witness this with no one knowing it. Got feeling of tension if TIME TA mother found me looking. Another part of me wanted to stand up and defend father. Didn't have the courage. Closed my eyes. Make sure I wasn't found out, stayed listening. 16:34 4.0 Such uncontrolled anger. Never known mother so angry. Father was so drunk he was just grunting. Hate, how could he be so weak. Why couldn't he be a man and overcome the weakness of drink. If others could see him now. He was a wretched creature. Useless indivi- dual. Sodden. Even hiding the filthy stuff away, drinking it secretly, until you're in this foul state. You all say you'll stop it, you haven't got the guts. Ruining my life, your own life. What's the use. I could kill you. Worthless creature. ~9. What happened?~ 3.4 Great sense of shock at first. It was 16:39 unbelievable. Had no idea of drunkeness up to then. Didn't know he got drunk and had these drinking bouts. Shock mainly, excitement, tension. No one must even know I witnessed this, the postulate here. Terribly embarrassing if they do know. ~AB. Move to begin. Tell me when~ ~3.4~ 16:42 3.5 ~C. Scan thru.~ I wake up. Scene is in full blast. Mother telling father how weak he is. He was owner and headmaster of the school. Behaving like this. What if boys at school knew. Even to point of hiding the stuff away from me. Next day they both knew that I knew. Lie still and breathe evenly. Felt mother might look this direction at any moment. Nice and 894 BOOK THREE TIME TA safe with eyes closed. Life would be impossible if I looked again. What would we do the next day. Sense of power knowing about something that no one else knew. 16:50 4.0 ~D. Tell me what happened.~ Not sensing anything. Picture as an impression. Not as a live picture. Don't feel I'm right back in incident. (Belch) 3.9 ~Erasing?~ I think it is. I've run it before. Still some charge. 3.75 ~AB. Move to begin.~ ~C. Scan thr.~ Lying on my side. Wake up. First sense absolute shock. Mother livid with anger, saying "What would you think if I did that?" "Drink a curse." "It's you not the drink." "Just a puppet." If he knew I'd seen him TIME TA drunk on the floor. If I could just keep my eyes closed, I'd know about it, and carry on as before. Must look as though I'd slept the night thru. I did fall asleep. ~D. Tell me what happened.~ Lot of pressure round head. 17:00 3.8 But within the shock was this masked decision to not expose myself to her gaze. 3.6 Could easily be a start of a service fac. 3.4 Not to expose myself. Don't let anybody know I'm looking. And never know what happened. F/N 3.0 (Acknowledged) F/N INDICATED 17:02 2.9 ~End of Session~ Pc GIs in. PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 895 EXAMINER'S FORM After session :v Qual Div: Flag Volunteered : Date: 30/9/69 Medical : Time: 6:30 PM Pc or Pre-OT name :BG Last grade attained : Grade, Course or Action Being Attested: Pc's statement (write down exactly what pc says): ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ran a secondary. Each time I seem to get a bit more charge off. Source of at least 1 service fac this lifetime. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TA position and any BD: 3.0 Pc indicators: State of needle: F/N F/N indicated to pc: Yes _________________ Signature of Examiner ROUTE THIS FORM INTO THE FOLDER. WHEN ILLNES REPORTED MAKE THIS OUT WITH A CARBON UNDER IT AND ROUTE ORIG. TO THE FOLDER AND CARBON TO MEDICAL OFFICER. RUSH ROUTE ANY LATER REPORT OR SICK REPORT TO FOLDER TO PREVENT C/S ERROR. 896 BOOK THREE SUMMARY REPORT Pc or Pre-OT:BG Date 30/4/69 Process run :R3R TA 3.1 Time 1 hr. 14 min. Auditor WJ Goals and gains: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aspects and gains: 1. How did pc do in relation to what was run. Ok ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Effectiveness of process. Good ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Any free needles. Yes, one. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. General needle behavior. Flowing ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Did TA go below 2.0 (how low). Did it come up. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. Did TA go high. Did it come down. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7. General TA range. 3.0 - 3.6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8. Emotional tone of the pc and whether this improved. Calm, yes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9. Any misemotion. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10. Preclear appearance. Ok ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11. Any change in skin tone. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12. Did color of eyes change. Get brighter Get dull No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13. Any comm lags. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14. Any cognitions. Yes, one ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15. Any pains turn on blown No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16. Any sensations turn on blown No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17. Any difficulties. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18. Did you complete C/S instructions. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19. Was pc happy at session end. Very ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20. TA at session end Needle at session end 2.2 F/N ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ETHICS REPORT: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUGGEST: C/S, Assess and run R3R. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 899 Case 31 [PICTURE#87] page 903 900 BOOK THREE AUDITOR'S REPORT FORM Preclear: CJ Date 29/4/69 No. of intensive hours Auditor: WJ No. of hours 28 min. Total hours 28 min. Environment Auditor Withholds PTP ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Process Time Tone-Arm Sensi- Results & Reads tivity Comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Start of session 18:51 2.5 16 Goals: Assess feeling list. Which feeling are you most interested in. 18:52 2.4 16 Funny feeling End of session 19:19 2.0 5 F/N. Color good. Very pronounced GIs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Instructions and comments: _________________ Director of Processing PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 901 TIME TA ~Start of session.~ 18:51 2.5 Assess List [!!!] Felt sick -- LF Swollen throat with pain -- null Slight pain -- null Sort of nervous -- null [!!!] Funny feeling -- null Don't like to sit still but like moving -- F Scary feeling -- null Want to move -- null Get a sharp pain when I eat sometimes -- null [!!!] ~Which most interested in?~ 18:52 2.4 Funny feeling and nervous feeling. ~Which of the two would you like to run first?~ Funny feeling. R3R ~1.~ Yes. 18:54 2.3 ~2.~ (Comm lag) 2.4 Some time when I was a kid. About 7 or 8 years old. Year 1957 or '58. 2.2 ~3.~ 2.2 ~4. Duration?~ 18:56 2.2 (Comm lag) About 5 min. ~5.~ ~6.~ See a tree and there's a big fat woman. I'm just outside a house. ~7. Move through.~ 18:58 2.25 19:02 2.3 ~9. What happened?~ 2.1 Had to ask to get some magazines. She looked at me and I got that funny feeling, especially in my stomach. 19:03 2.2 TIME TA Than she went away. ~AB. Move to beginning. Tell me when.~ 19:04 2.1 (Pc moving) 2.2 Yes. 2.1 ~C. Scan through to the end of the incident.~ 19:06 2.2 ~D. Tell me what happened.~ Standing outside the door. She comes rushing by. 2.1 Ask to get magazine back. Get funny feeling. She looks at me and says "Yes," and doesn't really listen. Feeling very funny especially in my stomach. 19:08 2.4 ~Erasing?~ No. ~Earlier incident?~ 19:08 2.2 (Comm lag) 19:11 2.4 No. ~AB. Move to begin. Tell me when there.~ 2.2 19:12 2.2 ~C. Scan through.~ 2.1 19:14 2.3 ~D. Tell me what happened.~ I was standing there, she comes by, Ask her for magazines. Get funny feeling. She says "Yes" and leaves. Still have funny feeling. ~Erasing?~ 2.1 Yes. ~AB. Move to begin.~ 19:15 2.2 ~C. Scan through.~ ~D. Tell me what appened.~ I was standing there, she comes by, ask for mags. 902 BOOK THREE TIME TA 2.2 She says "Yes" and leaves. ~Erasing/more solid?~ It's erased! 19:17 2.2 F/N 19:18 2.0 I had a cognition too. Why I get this when 1.9 TIME TA I talk to certain persons. (Acknowledged) F/N INDICATED 2.0 19:19 ~End of session.~ Color very good. Very pronounced GIs. PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 905 Case 32 [PICTURE#88] page 912 906 BOOK THREE AUDITOR'S REPORT FORM Preclear: GM Date 25/4/69 No. of intensive hours Auditor: WA No. of hours 1 hr. 39 min. Total hours 1 hr. 39 min. TA 2.5 Environment Auditor Withholds PTP ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Process Time Tone-Arm Sensi- Results & Reads tivity Comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Start of session 3:40 2.80 6 Goals: .5 This is the process 3:40 2.80 6 1. Incident 2. When was it? 3. Move to incident 4. Duration of inc. 5. Move to the beginning of that incident. 6. What do you see? 7. Move through the incident to a point (duration) later. 8. What happened? 9. Is it getting more solid? F/N 5:19 2.10 6 End of session 5:19 2.10 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Instructions and comments: _________________ Director of Processing PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 907 TIME TA ~Have you had enough sleep?~ Yes. ~Have you had enough to eat?~ Yes. ~Any alcohol in last 24 hours?~ No. Assessment. Tonsillitis Food poisoning Double pneumonia headaches -- x Ache in spine -- x Ache in neck -- x Seasickness -- x Bored - - - Blocked feeling on left side of nose. F ~Int?~ Yes. ~1.~ ~2.~ May 28, 1953 ~3.~ Alright. ~4.~ 3 weeks. ~5.~ ~6.~ My bedroom, a bed and there is this my body in bed, blankets, curtains. ~7.~ Pc moving head, swallowing hard, moving body. ~9.~ I moved through incident. It's hot. I was in bed most of the time. Pictures flashed by couple of quick ones. My lungs a bit odd. Somatic there towards end started to speed up. 3:50 2.50 ~AB.~ Alright. ~C.~ Bedroom table, sort of a wooden table. I am in the bed. ~D.~ Saw a few pictures. Felt hot again. Chipping outside disturbed me quite a bit. That's about all. ~Is it erasing or going more solid?~ I got interested in it at beginning and now it is just another incident. GIs 3:55 F/N INDICATED 2.4 Tonsillitis. ~Feeling?~ Sore throat. LF ~Int?~ Yes. TIME TA ~1.~ Yes. ~2.~ Dec 23, 1955 ~3.~ Yes. ~4.~ It was a two weeks. ~5.~ ~6.~ Hospital ward, sheets nurse, container, white sheets, window, blood (Pc laughing.) It's fantastic. ~9.~ I went through fast. Flew thru whole incident as one incident (laughed). Then I went back and looked at pictures. Got pict. of operating room pictures of having sore throat when I came around nurse calling out to me couldn't hear her saying "Turn over, turn around," something like that. I heard chipping. My attention went to that again. (Aud went outside for second time and told people to not bang as it is disturbing my pc.) ~AB.~ Alright ~C.~ Hospital ward I am dressed up in an operating robe ties up at back. I am being prepared for an operation. (Pc swallowing) breathing BD 2 Deep breath Burp. laugh -- burp Okay. ~D.~ Got this thing of being wheeled into operating room. Doctor counting. Sleeping. Stony impression. Became operator, changed identities and when I saw that I laughed and that blew. Shifted back to being operated on; wasn't sore, no pain. Throat is getting sore now, got feeling of not being there. Sore throat somatics. Trying to talk 908 BOOK THREE TIME TA and eat. Being told I would have to use my throat to eat. ~Erasing or going more solid?~ Erasing. ~AB.~ ~C.~ Bedroom ward, nothing there. There's nothing there. I feel like I am re-creating it now. F/N INCIDATED 4:20 GIs. 2.30 Headaches. -- pain in my head. LF ~Int?~ Yes. ~1.~ Yes. ~2.~ When I cracked my head when I was 2-3 yrs old. Doll fell on my head. About 1948 ~3.~ Okay. ~4.~ Couple of hours, head pain about one week. ~5.~ Alright. ~6.~ I see dining room and lounge wall. My body, servant girl. She's very small, entrance step, furniture, table. ~7.~ Pc breathing heavy. Screwing face up. Deep breaths. ~8.~ Found a pain in my head not very sharp Get a picture of being held, stitched up skull. I was awake, bellowing screaming, kicking. Quite an ordeal. The rest of it I just went through it. ~AB.~ Alright. ~C.~ I see room in which there is . . . I am getting a back up of pictures, a couple of pictures are colliding. Mother screaming at servant girl. Somatic in my head. Pc squirming, burp, burping BD ~D.~ Okay. I went through an incident, saw the doctor; my head being held back and stitched up. I felt TIME TA anger this time. I think I blew something. I was all held down, got angry at all the inflow of hurting. ~Is it getting more solid?~ Yes. ~Earlier similar?~ It is like I have moved back to the time. ~Ack~ Yeah. ~2.~ 1945, August 15. ~3.~ Pc laughing. ~4.~ About 4 or 5 hours. ~5.~ ~6.~ It keeps on changing. I see bodies dead, bodies soldiers running. Pain in my head now. I see this guy in front of me, and an explosion. Shrapnel flies into stomach, neck and maybe his head. ~7.~ Deep breathing, burp, eyes opened. ~9.~ Moved through the incid. felt somatic on my right side of head seems to be gone. Running, bomb exploded, shrapnel. Eye, head throat. Get pain in my throat. Fell down body dead. Sort of smiled, put up a good show. Then German soldier put boot on my head. ~AB.~ Alright. ~C.~ It starts off dark. Ah, I must have been in trench. Look at sand in trench. Deep breathing, blowing breath out. Alright. ~D.~ Jumped over trench, ran into exploded shell. Shouting really got feeling of dying. Pain--no not pain it's a pain and fear. Something which is quite lousy. And then this German running over and putting a boot on my head. ~Solid?~ Yes. PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 909 TIME TA ~Earlier similar?~ Blasted in head. ~2.~ 21 trillion years ago. ~3.~ Okay. ~4.~ 5 min. ~5.~ ~6.~ Landscape, walking around in space suit. Then I see grey rock in front of me. Small hill ground brownish-reddish. ~7.~ Alright. ~9.~ Got this funny feeling of something funny. Fellow jumped out behind a rock and shot me, it was like a game. ~AB.~ ~C.~ I see a face of a character who jumped out from behind rock with ray gun in his hand. Odd. ~9.~ This guy jumped up, looked to me like some kind of creature. Long type of face. He shot at me and I fell down. Felt as if I died. Felt whole thing was very unimportant. F/N INDICATED. 5:05 2.30 Pc bringing up about pressure on his face. It's my motivator-overts against people's heads. ~1.~ Yes. TIME TA ~2.~ Sept 13, 1957. ~3.~ Alright. ~4.~ Ten minutes. ~5.~ ~6.~ I see this room, yard outside room. I am standing outside chasing cats. ~7.~ Alright (Moving head.) Felt more than 10-20 minutes--quickly shot through incident. I saw myself trying to catch small cat. ~9.~ Couldn't get this one. Grabbed a spade, swiped at this cat's head and took cat's head off. The cat was not very happy with losing his head. ~AB.~ Alright. ~C.~ Room, bed, couple of bits of furniture around ~D.~ Alright. Just looked at myself in the room acting and dramatizing out with spade. Ah, well, you know how it is. Mother found cat with head chopped off. Did I do that? ~Is it getting more solid?~ [!!!] No, in fact becoming very thin. F/N INDICATED 5:19 TA 2.10 ~That's it.~ 910 BOOK THREE EXAMINER'S FORM Qual Div: Flag Before session exam : Date: 25/4/69 or Time: 17:20 After session exam :v Pc, Pre-OT name :GM Last grade attained :VA or Grade being attested:Dianetics Pc's statement (write down exactly what pc says. Don't ask any questions): ------------------------------------------------------------------------ LF BD 2.5 2.25 Laugh GIs IND F/N ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why pc came to Examiner: TA position: 2.25 Pc indicators: State of needle: F/N Note any further data required by C/S: Examiner routes: To Case Supervisor: or (if medical treatment required) To Case Supervisor: via Medical Officer (Examination form must be placed in pc folder before going to C/S). _________________ Signature of Examiner PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 911 SUMMARY REPORT Pc or Pre-OT:WA Date 25/4/69 Process run :R3R Dianetics TA 2.5 Time 1 hr. 39 min. Auditor GM Goals and gains: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aspects and gains: 1. How did pc do in relation to what was run. Excellent ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Effectiveness of process. Somatics on and off, good recall. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Any free needles. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. General needle behavior. Loose ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Did TA go below 2.0 (how low). Did it come up. X X ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. Did TA go high. Did it come down. Once - 2.5 2.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7. General TA range. 2.25 - 2.50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8. Emotional tone of the pc and whether this improved. Apathy to enthusiasm. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9. Any misemotion. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10. Preclear appearance. Good. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11. Any change in skin tone. Yes, lighter color ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12. Did color of eyes change. Get brighter Get dull X X X ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13. Any comm lags. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14. Any cognitions. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15. Any pains turn on blown X X ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16. Any sensations turn on blown X X ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17. Any difficulties. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18. Did you complete C/S instructions. Yes, but there is lots to run yet. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19. Was pc happy at session end. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20. TA at session end Needle at session end 2.10 F/N ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ETHICS REPORT: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUGGEST: Continue C/S - 2 instructions ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 913 Dianetic STANDARD DIANETIC C/S No. 2 Form ___________ __________ Preclear Date 1. Make a list of any occasional or current illnesses, unwanted sensations, aches, pains, disabilities, tiredness feelings, misemotion, fears, dislikes. 2. Assess for longest read. 3. Compare with pc's interest (don't audit it unless pc agrees that's it.) 4. Do R3R on it. 5. If it goes more solid or is not erasing after going through it twise, go earlier, asking for "an earlier incident with similar somatic, ache, pn, etc." 6. Erase basic on the chain. 7. End off on that chain if you get an F/N or an erasure. 8. Reassess, repeat the R3R on new chain. 9. End off session only on very pronounced GIs. 10. Return folder to me. _______________ C/S PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 915 Case 33 [PICTURE#89] page 928 [PICTURE#90] page 929 [PICTURE#91] page 930 916 BOOK THREE AUDITOR'S REPORT FORM Preclear: BG Date 21/5/69 No. of intensive hours Auditor: TK No. of hours 4 + 10 Total hours TA 26.4 Environment Auditor Withholds PTP ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Process Time Tone-Arm Sensi- Results & Reads tivity Comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is the session 13:12 3.75 6 Goals: R-factor Add to list 13:16 3.7 6 BD Assess List 13:17 3.4 6 R3R 13:18 3.4 6 1. Locate incident 2. When was it? 3. Move to ______. 4. What is the duration of the incident? 5. Move to the beginning of that. 6. Close your eyes. What do you see? 7. Move thru the incident to a point _____ later. 8. Okay, continue. 9. What happened? A. Move to the beginning of the incident. B. Tell me when you are there. C. Scan thru to the end of the incident. D. Tell me what happened. E/S Is the incident erasing or becoming more solid? Locate an earlier incident which caused a similar _____. F/N 14:30 2.95 6 F/N Assess List 14:41 2.9 6 BD R3R 14:45 3.0 6 F/N 15:08 2.75 6 F/N F/N 15:16 2.75 6 F/N Assess List 15:19 3.1 6 LF R3R 15:29 3.1 6 F/N 17:22 2.35 6 F/N - GIs beaming That's it. Meter TA check = 1.95 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Instructions and comments: _________________ Director of Processing PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 917 TIME TA ~This is the session.~ 13:12 3.75 R-factor Delete items run. Add to list. 13:16 3.7 Feeling of: Suppressing myself 3.7 } } BD 13:17 3.4 } Checked -- agree 13:18 3.4 R3R ~1.~ Right. ~2.~ 18th May '69 ~3.~ ~4.~ Day and a bit. ~5.~ ~6.~ 13:21 3.35 See myself getting a flunk for session. ~7.~ ~9.~ The C/S's interpretation of what had happened is not correct mainly because I didn't make a clear state- ment of it on the Summary Form I am faced with going thru HCOBs three times again--as I fail to get this rectified. I'm told I'll have to write the Commodore that would take a day or so--the "Well, you'll have to write to the Commodore," etc. reaction was to kick, bite, scratch till I get it put right. But when I restrained myself the mass built up. I watched it happen. Recog- nize as an old symptom. I couldn't stop the mass pushing me down. 13:33 3.1 By next morning I was just being other-determined. All zest gone. ~D.~ 13:36 2.75 BD Even the realization that I was doing this to myself didn't help. TIME TA ~AB.~ ~C.~ ~D.~ Just that. ~E/S?~ More solid. ~Earlier?~ ~1.~ There's a light somatic across back of my neck. 13:37 3.0 Ah, yes. ~2.~ 1st Nov. 1968 ~3.~ ~4.~ half an hour. ~5.~ ~6.~ Groups of people standing in it-- party. ~7.~ 13:40 3.25 I find myself unable to reach into any of these groups so can't participate. Attach myself to fringe of one group. I envy one chap talking so ably and freely. 13:41 3.5 I'm fed up with myself being that way--as if there's a barrier between me and the conversation--adversely different from the rest. I feel if I force myself into limelight I'll make some sort of fool of myself. So I stand around trying to look cheerful 13:44 3.6 and interested and forcing myself to say something now and again--but it's a strain to do so. I'm impatient with myself for feeling this way. I just resign myself to being quiet and being there. 13:46 3.7 ~9.~ I was conscious that I was doing this. 13:47 3.4 BD No one else doing this to me. ~AB.~ All right. ~C.~ When one chap arrived--started 918 BOOK THREE TIME TA talking in a loud voice, completely at home. He talked with greatest assurance. Seemed to overwhelm everyone. 13:49 3.7 Closed me up inside. I couldn't snap out of it for the rest of the party. ~D.~ 13:50 3.5 BD I was totally the effect of the other people at the party. I couldn't fight up to being cause. I stopped trying. Something I was doing to myself-- not permitting me to be myself. ~E/S?~ More mass. ~Earlier?~ ~1.~ 13:52 Yes. 3.3 ~2.~ 8th March, 1922. ~3.~ ~4.~ Off and on for years. ~5.~ ~6.~ Myself sitting down with some- thing. 13:55 3.5 I'm sitting on veranda quite un- believing that my father can be dead. It's just not real; must be some mistake. Not possible he's dead. Must be someone somewhere that can do something about it. I sit in a daze of unreality. How can he be? What is death? 13:57 3.65 It's just too bad to have happened. I can't have a father one moment and not the next. He'd just come back, everything would be okay. 14:00 3.75 I'm not just going to accept that he's dead. What is death? It's just a word people use and resign themselves to. Dad's just gone away. One day he'll come back or we'll find him. Normal life. Let's do something about that. 14:04 3.3 BD TIME TA ~9.~ Sense of unbelieving unreality-- there must be something here that I can work out. Being in presence of something else bigger than myself. Others should get in and sort it out. ~AB.~ All right. ~C.~ ~D.~ Can't remember who told me of my father's death. Just not knowing. Everything was unreal. 14:07 3.55 Death unreal so was life--not going to accept his loss. He's around some- where. And for years I kept dream- ing he'd come back each time dream different. I'd wake and he wasn't there. 14:09 3.7 ~E/S?~ More solid. ~Earlier similar.~ ~1.~ 14:10 3.4 All right. ~2.~ 1920, 4th April ~3.~ ~4.~ 8 minutes. ~5.~ ~6.~ I wake up and see my mother very angry with father. 14:12 3.5 ~7.~ My mother angry. I wake up to see this. I suppress my awareness from my mother. Never, never must know that I'm witnessing this severe scene. 14:14 3.7 Not daring to move. I breathe regularly. Eyes closed, listening. ~9.~ Somatic across neck a bit. 14:15 3.3 BD ~AB.~ All right. ~C.~ OK. ~D.~ Stronger than that Was fear of being found out -- vitalness of suppressing myself, of PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 919 TIME TA being discovered, like a peeping Tom. 14:18 3.6 14:19 3.3 BD ~E/S?~ More massy. ~1.~ All right. ~2.~ 16th Jan, 1913 ~3.~ ~4.~ 1 second ~5.~ ~6.~ My body lying on ground below 14:21 3.35 I decide I must keep myself out of trouble. Make myself insignificant keep in background, keep out by not getting into it. Make myself small, insignificant, so make easier to stay out of way, out of trouble. 14:23 3.65 I feel I still hurt in stomach from bullet wound. ~9.~ BD 14:23 3.4 Up there telling myself what a clod I was. 14:25 3.1 ~AB.~ OK. ~C.~ Loud bang. Shock. I'm leaving the body, sort of "Here you are again; why don't you keep out of trouble?" Make myself small next time! For Pete's sake keep out of trouble. 14:27 3.5 Don't need to get into trouble BD ~D.~ 14:28 2.85 The decision to suppress myself from any possibility of getting into trouble. Result of accumulation of pains and death. Just keep out. 14:29 3.0 ~E/S?~ It has erased. TIME TA The great scheme was to be small, to keep out of trouble. 14:30 2.95 F/N ~Earlier?~ No Needle F/N GIs 14:36 2.9 "Yeah, that's the end of that chain." (Back to list and another item) "The stiffness in the back of neck is the composite of all these chains we're running. Comment on head BD quiver caused blow down not an item tho-- 3.2 14:41 2.9 A head-quivering feeling. R3R 14:45 3.0 ~1.~ OK. ~2.~ 4 Jan, 1960. ~3.~ ~4.~ Just over three years. ~5.~ ~6.~ 14:47 3.2 I see myself in office of new general manager. ~7.~ I reported to this chap Jan, 1960 and 1961. Moment I reported I felt disagreement with him, couldn't understand how he got to be general manager. He automatically took a different view to mine. Disagree- ments--or my accepting his point of view. 14:53 3.65 I did things as I wanted to do them. ~8.~ I'm trying to convince him that this chap--accountant I've got, is making a mess. But he says he was good at income tax. 15:05 3.15 Later the same day I try to convince director. I'll just go on with this wrongness going on. 920 BOOK THREE TIME TA ~9.~ _Rushing_blood_to_top_of_head_. How am I going to handle? I'm against brick wall. No cooperation. Driving me up the wall. I couldn't accept defeat. This head quiver is from just that. Big grin. BD 15:08 2.75 F/N ~1. Earlier?~ Yes. ~2.~ 2 quadrillion years. ~3.~ ~4.~ Seven days. ~5.~ ~6.~ This devil figure standing in front of me. ~7.~ 15:10 3.0 ~8.~ Solid bar hitting me in back of head -- neck -- rubber stamping. Blunting me to convert others to my way. I must convert others into my way then bang. Knocks me uncon- scious. I must convert others. Laughing devil. "That will get you into all the trouble in the world" -- hated the bastard. 15:13 3.2 } } BD 2.6 } ~9.~ I've kept coming up with disbelief. That is the start of it all. That's the simplicity. Why others can't see it as me. This brick wall thing--I didn't know what to do. Rage, temper. Blood into head. 15:16 F/N 2.75 [!!!] ~Earlier?~ No, that's the chain, to convert others to my way. GIs. Back to list. Assessed to feeling of: being scared of making a fool of myself. Pc: "The ridge on back of neck is picking up mass now. LF 15:29 3.1 TIME TA ~1.~ Ok. ~2.~ 15 Dec., 1959 ~3.~ ~4.~ About 30 seconds. ~5.~ ~6.~ All the employees gathered together in the open square. GM standing up to address. ~7.~ ~8.~ As he was about to address them, fear in stomach in that moment that it was impossible to do. 15:33 3.25 ~9.~ At that time impossible. 15:34 3.1 BD I was eventually there and did it. ~AB.~ OK. ~C.~ It's in the stomach. With fear-- the feeling I shouldn't be that way. BD ~D.~ 15:35 3.3 } } 3.1 } A sure way of supp. myself. ~E/S?~ Solid. ~Earl?~ ~1.~ 15:37 2.85 OK. ~2.~ 10th Dec., 1930. ~3.~ ~4.~ About 4 minutes. ~5.~ ~6.~ A swimming bath, and a big towel. 15:39 3.25 ~7.~ I'm swimming in a handicap race. (Yawn) I feel this race is for fear of exposure, fear out of proportion till I die. ~9.~ Ridge 15:41 3.6 } } BD 3.25 } Neck mass. ~AB.~ ~C.~ Starts in guts; too much exposure for everyone to see. Can't see PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 921 TIME TA how frightened I am. Tembling all over. 15:44 3.4 ~D.~ Mass around head, spine, neck. ~E/S?~ Solid ~EarlO~ ~1.~ 15?45 3.3 15:47 3.6 15:49 3.75 15:52 3.85 Yes BD 15:56 3.5 ~D.~ Mass around head, spine, neck. ~E/S?~ Solid ~Earl?~ ~1.~ 15:45 3.3 15:47 3.6 15:49 3.75 15:52 3.85 } Yes BD } 15:56 3.5 } ~2.~ 709 4 of Jan. ~3.~ ~4.~ 22 min. ~6.~ Several people standing laughing. ~7.~ ~8.~ I'm the guest. This family con- sists of several sisters and brothers. This family decided I must have sex with one of the girls, big fat, least desirable. They want to stand around bed and watch. I'll never get an erection with her. She undresses; mountains of flesh. Repugnant. They think I'm shy. She's on bed-- my penis is flat. They push me on to her. Their laughter gets harsh as they notice I'm not enjoying it--no erection. Jeering at me. 16:01 3.7 "Not a man," they say, "still a child in man's body." They rush me out into the street, throw clothes after me. TIME TA ~9.~ 16:03 3.5 } } BD 3.0 } Mass on head, neck somatic. ~AB.~ OK. ~C.~ OK. ~D.~ OK. Well, I'm bored with the whole thing now. Still got mass on neck somatic. ~E/S?~ Solid. ~Earl?~ ~1.~ All right. ~2.~ 16:05 3.4 2,000 years ago. ~3.~ ~4.~ 2 days. ~5.~ ~6.~ 6 servants in front of me--three men, three women. Caught having orgy in palace. I've got to sentence them. I'm angry. ~7.~ I sentence men to have penises cut off. Sentence women to have breasts cut off. Two men fall, one stands erect. 16:09 3.75 Later I'm told the sentence is going to be administered. I want to watch it. Idea. Experiment. Which is the more intense, ecstasy or pain? Down in dungeon. 16:11 3.6 Talk to chief torturer. Tell him men left, women right. I sit between. They're all naked. I ordered one girl to make love to one man. I command they do it more willingly. He gets an erection. She lays down. He starts to insert his penis. Chief torturer reaches down and cuts off his penis. He screams. She screams. Man pulled away. Girl out of her head. Both taken away. Failure. 922 BOOK THREE TIME TA 16:15 3.7 I think up new way. Guards go get fierce dogs. Tie piece of meat to next fellow's penis and testicles. Dog released, biting at meat and testicles and penis. One girl faints. Chap is dragged away. Dog controlled. Same to other fellow. Girl screams for third guy. Guards holding. 16:18 3.5 Give dog chain to girl. "You keep him off him." She's just holding it. I enjoy this, knowing dog will win. But there's something about this fellow; be isn't cringing. Suddenly I see what I'm doing. I jump up and I scream "Stop," but dog gets him. Chap goes down but doesn't scream. I lose my bead. I scratch girl, claw her breasts. 16:22 3.25 Fight her. I've made a fool of myself. I've lost control completely. I rush upstairs to my room. All I can see is that third chap's face, steadfast, brave. Guards talking, all over palace. I wish I could turn clock back. Should not have gone down. 16:24 3.4 } } BD 3.0 } ~9.~ Mass moving around. ~AB.~ OK. ~C.~ 16:25 3.25 16:26 3.4 } } BD 3.15 } ~D.~ Justifying something that I was doing, what had happened to me. My being out of control, unable to stop third man from same fate. Now these others had seen me completely out of control. ~E/S?~ More solid. More mass. ~Earl?~ TIME TA ~1.~ OK 3.1 } } BD 16:28 2.85 } ~2.~ 567,468 years ago. ~3.~ ~4.~ 10 minutes. ~5.~ ~6.~ 16:30 3.1 Cave -- high platform ~7.~ Girl comes out of cave and smiles at me. A long white robe, shows breasts. I watch her walk towards me, breasts moving. I have contrap- tion I'm going to take her for a ride, in glass rectangle. Entrance sliding door. 16:33 3.4 I'm going to have her when I get her into contraption willing or not. Help her in feel her body close to mine. She senses something halfway in. She looks at me, sees -- 16:35 3.6 She tries to leap out. I push her in. Grabs my robe, we fall inside. I have an erection. The contraption moves. I try to jump in, I slip. Door catches my penis. I'm held outside only by my penis and contraption moving down valley. My body is tearing away from penis. 16:37 3.15 I fall away, leaving the body. As I leave the body I say "what a fool contraption." Crashes into mountain at end of valley. Explodes. Now I've got to confront her. 16:40 3.4 (Head rolling. Breathing. Pause.) Somewhere there is a tribunal and this is all exposed. 16:42 3.25 I get a suspended sentence. "Do not ever make a fool of yourself again. PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 923 TIME TA Never expose yourself again." 16:43 3.3 } BD } 2.75 } ~9.~ Soreness in neck. 16:45 2.85 ~AB.~ ~C.~ 11:00 morning, 6th of June. Sun shining. My desire for this girl overwhelms me. 16:47 3.3 16:48 3.5 ~D.~ Tribunal is just me confronting myself. "Never make a fool of your- self again. Never expose your fellow creature." 16:50 3.4 BD 3.0 ~E/S?~ Solid. ~Earl?~ (Pause, looking) ~1.~ No, I think the last one was the one--no earlier. BD 3.25 } } Back 3.0 } 16:53 ~AB.~ ~C.~ There is a real tribunal and I'm exposed to the comments of people. 16:55 3.4 They speak quite contemptuously. They're so dignified. Like a person with no control. 16:57 3.5 ~D.~ Made me feel very small, con- temptible. In silence I'm allowed to walk out alone. Warning, "don't ever make a fool of yourself again." BD 3.5 } } 16:59 3.0 } ~E/S?~ Still mass but erasing. 17:00 2.75 ~AB.~ OK. TIME TA ~C.~ 17:01 3.1 17:02 3.3 } } BD 17:03 2.7 } ~D.~ Must be another one. This one is getting more solid. Stiff in neck. ~E/S?~ -- Solid. ~Earlier?~ 17:04 2.6 ~1.~ 17:05 3.2 ~2. 196,237,419 years. ~3.~ 17:06 3.1 ~4.~ Five hours. ~5.~ 17:08 3.3 ~6.~ I'm drinking with many. I'm burs- ting with my powers with women, my virility. 17:10 3.5 Prove who can have sexual inter- course with three women the quick- est. Judge is present. 17:11 3.6 One who loses will be given to the women to do what they like. I don't like that. I boldly accept. 17:12 3.65 I lose contest, find myself tied up naked. Sitting legs apart. Just women--start torturing me, twis- ting head in agony. All I can move is my head. 17:14 3.7 Dozen different tortures one after the other. I pass out with pain. Throw wine in my face, "teach you to make fools of us." They castrate me, trembling mass of hulk. ~9.~ 17:16 3.75 } } BD 3.0 } Mass -- neck. ~AB.~ All right. ~C.~ I can't see the actual contest. 17:17 2.9 Just back in there with these women. They squeeze one testicle 924 BOOK THREE TIME TA Meter 1.95 till I scream and plead for mercy. 17:19 3.4 BD 17:20 3.0 Eventually I leave the body. ~D.~ Same realization of making a fool of myself at leaving the body. It's not worth it. BD } } ~E/S?~ Erasing. BD } } If not already erased. BD } It's gone. VGIs 17:22 2.35 F/N INDICATED F/N ~That's it.~ 26.4 TIME TA PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 925 Dianetic List From Health Form 27/4/69 Run 15/5/69 C/S Agonizing pain x x x x x Tiredness x x x tick x Impatience sF x x x x Tension tick x x x x Frustration poor vision x sF x x x Discomfort x x x x x Embarrassment x x x x x Lack of Control x x tick x x Added on 17/5/69 from Pc's feelings. Chronic Anxiety sF x tick x x Intensity to win x x x sF x Wanting to withdraw x x x x x Listing BD - Run 17/5/69 Ridge across back of neck x sF x x F Self-consciousness x x x x sF Feeling of injustice x tick x sF x Feeling of mass when injustice occurs sF sF tick x sF Head quiver, hopelessness Pc expanded to x x x x x Feeling stupid x x x x x Hopelessness at not being able to control Run 16/5/69 LFBD x x x Frustration at not being able to control x x s F sF Inferiority at not being able to control Run 16/5/69 sF x f ---------- Head quiver Hopelessness at the presence of the head quiver. tick sF x sF sF Feeling of hopelessness x x x x x 926 BOOK THREE EXAMINER'S FORM After session :v Qual Div: Flag Volunteered : Date: 21/5/69 Medical : Time: 17:30 Pc or Pre-OT name :BG Last grade attained :OT I Grade, Course or Action Being Attested: Pc's statement (write down exactly what pc says): ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I shifted an awful lot of mass and feel much lighter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TA position and any BD: 3.0 Pc indicators: Good State of needle: F/N F/N indicated to pc: Yes _________________ Signature of Examiner ROUTE THIS FORM INTO THE FOLDER. WHEN ILLNES REPORTED MAKE THIS OUT WITH A CARBON UNDER IT AND ROUTE ORIG. TO THE FOLDER AND CARBON TO MEDICAL OFFICER. RUSH ROUTE ANY LATER REPORT OR SICK REPORT TO FOLDER TO PREVENT C/S ERROR. PERSONALLY C/SED SESSIONS 927 SUMMARY REPORT Pc or Pre-OT:BG Date 21/5/69 Process run :R3R TA 26.4 Time 4 + 10 Auditor TK Goals and gains: Add to list, Assess/Run R3R ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aspects and gains: 1. How did pc do in relation to what was run. Beautifully ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Effectiveness of process. Standard, Excellent ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Any free needles. Yes, four. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. General needle behavior. Clean ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Did TA go below 2.0 (how low). Did it come up. No v ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. Did TA go high. Did it come down. No v ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7. General TA range. 2.75 to 3.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8. Emotional tone of the pc and whether this improved. Very good. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9. Any misemotion. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10. Preclear appearance. Beaming ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11. Any change in skin tone. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12. Did color of eyes change. Get brighter Get dull Yes No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13. Any comm lags. Only while looking ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14. Any cognitions. Yes! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15. Any pains turn on blown Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16. Any sensations turn on blown Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17. Any difficulties. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18. Did you complete C/S instructions. Yes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19. Was pc happy at session end. Very happy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20. TA at session end Needle at session end 2.35 F/N ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ETHICS REPORT: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUGGEST: C/S. Add to list/Assess/Stnd. R3R. Beautiful PC!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHAPTER 11 KEEPING DIANETICS WORKING The first stepping stone on the road to Clear and OT was and is Dianetics. There have been many breakthroughs in Dianetics over the years, and one in particular is that chains, the mental image pictures that a being has, are united and held together by somatics: aches, pains and misemotions. It is simply the pictures which an individual has, united by somatics which bring about the chain which is bothering him. And if you go down the somatic chain it is very rapid. There will be two, three, four, five incidents and suddenly you're right there at basic, which is quickly erased. There are no variables in standard Dianetics today. There is probably an infinity of things you can do wrong, but there is a very easily followed track through the middle of the morass that brings one through to the other side. That is Standard Dianetics. The advent of Standard Dianetics means a great deal. In the first place, it means that when somebody gets his 932 BOOK THREE certificate he can audit. There are two qualifications to a Dianetics certificate: (1) the person has had case gains on Dianetics and (2) he has been able to administer Dianetics so as to give case gains with it. And that is what a Dianetic auditor is. It is not somebody who has been through the checksheets a large number of times, or somebody who knows the director of certifications and awards. And that is the tradition which we are beginning. There are at this stage three types of Dianetic auditors. There is the Hubbard Dianetic auditor from way back. The certificate is still valid. The next grade of auditor is the Hubbard Dianetic Counselor. An HDC has received gains, can get gains and is a fully trained auditor. But he has not been trained to teach a course. The Hubbard Dianetics Graduate is always and uniformly trained in an official Scientology church. He is trained to be an auditor but he also has to be fully trained as a course supervisor. And a Hubbard Dianetic Graduate is thoroughly qualified to teach a course in Dianetics. When you make an HDG, first you make sure that he's a good auditor. Then you make a good course supervisor out of him and then he can go out and make more auditors. That happens to be what the planet needs. Now an HDG can go out to a gung ho group* or a Dianetic Counseling Group. Dianetics is not a single man hanging out a shingle. In a Dianetic Counseling Group, an HDG will be able to train auditors and an HDC will be able to audit preclears. An HDC will do great auditing somebody, but sooner or later he'll realize that a Dianetic Counseling Group is necessary to push it along. There are about three billion sick human beings out there. I have been all over the world and studied twenty-one primitive cultures, including the American and the English. And in all that time I have never really found anybody who was well. People keep falling on their heads. They spend a childhood which is happy amongst intervals of whooping cough, measles, scarlet fever. They go to school between KEEPING DIANETICS WORKING 933 pink eye, belly aches and just plain malingeringitis. And then they go do work. What's most amazing is to read the letters of humanoids, particularly in the Bible belt of Corn Belt of the United States: "Dear Bessie Ann, George isn't feeling well today. Aunt Mabel was just operated on for gallstones. Benny has taken up medicine. I don't feel very well today. I keep getting these spells. Hoping you are the same." When somebody is this fixated upon his body, he is not likely to be very interested in his spirit. So three billion sick human beings are going to take an awful lot of auditors. And we never before figured out how to make that many auditors. If you really pushed it, a Hubbard Dianetic Counselor could probably be made in ten days or two weeks. People can afford that much time. Those few that don't make it in that length of time, keep them over a while. They'll eventually make it. And you'll make auditors. And if we consistently train the Hubbard Dianetic Graduates who teach the course in Scientology churches and we keep the quality of that course up, then we're not going to muddy up the environment with a bunch of unsolved cases. And if Dianetic auditing is done in a counseling group, how can you miss? Now because there's a Scientology auditor sitting in this Dianetic Counseling Group, Scientology won't drop out. Dianetics is miraculous, so you don't have to do very much sales work. As a result of this Dianetic program, individuals will be made into well, happy human beings, and from that point they'll take off into their grades and OT sections. You have the technology, you have the administrative know-how, you have churches out there to back you up. If we cooperate with the medical doctor properly I'm sure he'll welcome us with open arms. You've got the technology to be an HDG. All you have to do is make very sure before you put that certificate in someone's hand that you are very satisfied that he himself has had case gains from Dianetics and that he has brought 934 BOOK THREE about good case gains and can be counted on to do so in his preclears. And that when someone teaches a course, he knows that course well enough so that he doesn't give opinions. If the supervisor is trained only slightly on what bulletin what was in, sooner or later the course will go to pieces, because the student's confidence in the course supervisor evaporates. He thinks that the supervisor is giving him opinions or new technology, and he gets the idea there must be some hidden data line. But if his course supervisor says to him, "You'll find the answer to that in technical bulletin of 27 May, about the third paragraph," the student will say, "This man knows his business. This is the straight dope." And he takes it with confidence and goes out and gets results. So a course supervisor is basically someone who in addition to his other duties can refer the person to the exact bulletin to get his information, and never tells him another thing. Therefore the course supervisor is quite superior in his knowledge of the subject to a person who is simply auditing. As long as you turn out good course supervisors that can hit their data off one-two-three, they know exactly what it is about. When those fellows go out and teach auditors to audit, you know there will be results. A Dianetic Counseling Group turns resistive cases over to a Scientology auditor. If your Dianetic Counseling Group does not have a Scientology auditor, then that preclear should be sent to the Qualifications Division of the nearest Scientology church to be handled. About the highest level Scientology auditor that a Dianetic Counseling Group could count upon is a Class IV who is going to handle a certain number of these cases. Better still get a Saint Hill graduate, a Class VIII. We don't expect a Dianetic auditor to be able to do one hundred percent of these cases. It has to be backed up with Scientology. A Dianetic auditor can get his job done. We back him up with a Class IV who can solve those he can't solve; and in turn back him up with a Class VIII who can solve the cases the Class IV can't solve. KEEPING DIANETICS WORKING 935 In an area where you have good Dianetic gains, you will see people are very cheerful, industrious and happy. You will see some excitement build up gradually on this, and if the excitement happens in the church it will start happening in the area. And if it happens in the area, it will happen in the world. The only thing we have been opposed by all these years is Russian mental technology, taught in every university there is. It's not a healing technology. Psychology and psychiatry are control technologies. That's why the communistically-minded or police state type individual sides at once with psychology and psychiatry. He is counting on those fellows to control the population of which he is afraid. And these fellows have fallen down on the job. There has never been a time when a psychiatrist operating with that technology has ever resolved anything. In the whole world there is not one case made well by psychiatry or psychology. Psychoanalysis has a slightly better record. And occasionally some person has learned to live with his illness. Nobody thinks there is or could be a spiritual healing technology because they have been lied to. They have been told that psychology and psychiatry are supposed to take care of this; the public at large thinks that means they're supposed to heal things. And they're not. They're just trying to keep somebody quiet. It's in all their textbooks. The only reason a person is given electric shock is to keep him quiet. We're not interested in control. We're perforce more interested in helping people. But if you don't have a certain amount of ethics around, people get knocked about by somebody who is enturbulating the area, wrecking cases, evaluating for people, chopping them up. Send for the ethics officer, then you'll find out you can make some progress. Control itself can get out of hand very easily. You can over-control an area. But that's only when control itself goes adrift and isn't following its technology. You must not let control be used suppressively, but you'll find you will have to use some of it just to get your job done. A fellow who is going to give good sessions has a good grip on his material. And a fellow who doesn't have a good 936 BOOK THREE grip on his material is not going to give good sessions. A fellow knows and can do Dianetics as well as he himself has been through the materials and as long as he himself is getting case gains. In that any Dianetics course, starting out, has only its course supervisor trained, the problems of what is used for case supervision and cramming supervisor in qual will arise. Here more than any other points, alteration can enter. Altering, doing something else, is a sufficiently serious problem to destroy a course and all the benefits of Dianetics in a whole area. Early on, during the development of the Standard Dianetics course, we were suddenly getting case failures. These were traced by case supervision to wild variations from Standard Dianetic procedure. These variations were traced to an examiner who during student checkouts was giving "advice." As soon as this was handled, case gains immediately resumed. What has happened here in Standard Dianetics is that the exact actions that produce results on all cases have been isolated and used as THE procedure. The procedure is a thin narrow walkway through a huge field of potential alterations. THERE ARE NO DIFFERENT CASES. Built in to the Standard Dianetics procedure are the remedies. For instance, early Dianetics was plagued by several problems: 1. Lack of visio--an inability to see pictures. This was solved by getting the date and duration. 2. Perception shut-off. Not required in total now to produce results. Sonic, ability to hear the sound in pictures, is not needed at all. Impression is sufficient. 3. Somatic shut-off. Not now required to be solved but its source (drugs and alcohol) have been discovered. 4. Rough session. Solved by TRs. 5. Lack of auditor judgment in diagnosis. Solved by the E-meter. In these years of research I have been able to wrap up these and other things. KEEPING DIANETICS WORKING 937 There have been more cases run on Dianetics than could easily be counted. So the research data is very broad. This is no new subject. It has been close to thirty-nine years under research. Thus what you are told on the Hubbard Standard Dianetics Course is the ~essence~ of all this work and experience. There are ~no~ unsolved problems, there is only varied application where there should not be. The whole object of the course is to train people to get good RESULTS, and train people to give a course that results in GOOD AUDITORS. That's the whole thing. We could also teach over 50,000,000 words about things that ~don't~ get results or train auditors. The essence of a brilliant subject is a simple subject. Therefore anything that varies the data of a Standard Dianetics course can send it out into unworkability. I've seen "auditors" also use "peyote" (a drug), CO2 and drugs "to help auditing." I've seen many different meter types used. I've looked over a thousand different ways to run a session. And I've seen all these things fail. The four points of greatest potential failure are: 1. A course supervisor who interprets data and alters it in order to satisfy some student's offbeat quest. 2. An examiner who throws curves into data by means of invalidating the right data. 3. A case supervisor who does not simply and only put the auditor back onto the main line and who seeks to "solve" cases by altering data. 4. An auditor who, not knowing his data in the first place, alters the data and, because in an altered form he fails, starts off on a wilder alteration of data and fails harder. Under supervisor comes the course and cramming supervisor both. So you see, that to get real Standard Dianetics results going in an area you have to be ~very~ alert to hold the exact data line as contained in the technical bulletins, tapes and books. Where you begin to find case failures, look to 1 to 4 above and to student failure to just simply study and drill. 938 BOOK THREE For the first time you have an exact subject in the field of the "humanities." These "humanities" for all Man's history have been a mass of superstition, bad logic, propaganda, authority and brutality. An ~exact~ humanity is so new that it has a bit of a hard time. All the old errors and prejudices start to "blow off" when truth enters in. Just be sure you don't lose the subject with the confusion. Cope, make do, hold the line and you'll have a successful Dianetic area. It's worth working toward, worth achieving. You have only one big stable datum. IF IT ISN'T WORKING IT IS BEING VARIED. To get it working again, find who and what is varying it, and get back on the main line. The most fundamental errors a Dianetic Counseling Group could make would be to use other than straight, Standard Dianetics, and be "not quite with Hubbard" or to call itself something else than Dianetics. SUCH A GROUP WOULD NOT HAVE PEOPLE LONG. In all the years of Dianetics and Scientology, every group or activity that has given out "We don't quite agree with Hubbard but . . ." or have called themselves psychology etc., have been short-lived. The public simply stays away in droves! Such groups get into trouble financially, dwindle then die. There have been dozens, slightly off or wholly defiant, and it has happened time and time again. They have all gone. Not because I have done anything about them, but they were doomed by the public which at the first whiff of alter-is or non-Hubbard avoids them utterly. I don't know of any group which has survived this. So be very sure in your Dianetic counselling group to stay on line and standard, and acknowledge fully the source of Dianetics, L. Ron Hubbard. Never make these fundamental errors or permit them to be made in your group. And maintain always your official regular connection with mainline Dianetics and Scientology. These are cold hard facts based on twenty four years of experience with groups. KEEPING DIANETICS WORKING 939 I WANT YOU TO PROSPER. The following points are laid out to better define "The Dianetic Counseling Group Program." 1. Group commitment. It is made a point of emphasis to a church and mission setting up a Dianetic Counseling Group that "set-up" does not imply any financial or personnel commitment or subsequent control. A group leader is a leader in his own right and in turn he respects the rights of a church or mission. 2. Scientology Church and Mission Dianetic services. Church and mission Dianetic services remain open and are to ~continue~. The Dianetic Counseling Group program is there to boost Dianetics, not close any services in churches or missions. 3. Dianetic Counseling Group material supplies. Dianetic Counseling Groups or field auditors may not remimeo any materials but must purchase these materials from a church or mission. With this policy, a mission is granted the right to sell Dianetic materials to Dianetic Counseling Groups. Dianetic Counseling Groups may receive membership discounts only, on material purchases. 4. Group chains. Dianetic Counseling Groups may not form chains. The rule applies to any Scientology group. The formation of mission chains is already covered in policy. 5. Tithes. A Dianetic Counseling Group does not pay 10 percent of its income to Mission Worldwide.* It may, however, pay a tithe IF IT SO DESIRES. In this case the Dianetic Counseling Group is granted the right to remimeo like missions and may receive new technical bulletins from Worldwide. Any materials a Dianetic Counseling Group (paying 10 percents) remimeos are for its OWN USE SOLELY and not for sale. The isolated practitioner who hung out his shingle, and sought to work all alone would have to be a "one-man band." Let us list the basic essential "hats" he would have to wear. Reception Registrar Cashier 940 BOOK THREE Ethics Officer Examiner Case Supervisor Auditor Review Auditor Public Relations Officer If successful he would spend about five hours a day auditing, two hours eating and eight hours sleeping. This leaves nine hours in which to do the remaining "hats." Of necessity one or more would be neglected. On that point he would tend to cave in as a "one-man band." It takes about two administrative personnel to keep a technical personnel going. Even a group of auditors, trying to make lots of money, usually try to do nothing but audit. It is not that they have case failures. It is that they fail to wear the essential hats. The best auditing results are obtained from teamwork. A review auditor has to be a trained Scientologist. Lack of one means a roughed up pc has to be sent to the nearest Scientology church. But there is no reason one cannot work as part of a group, even if the others are only part-timers. The best solution to all this is to form a Dianetic Counseling Group and get the essential posts held. Then the advances and gains the group makes will be advances that are stable. This group would of course have to have a liaison with a competent medical doctor or clinic. In the United States especially, the Counselors would have to be ministers. A Dianetic auditor would be able to audit all day even if the whole group only worked evenings. Let's face it. The auditor auditing alone will have case failures. He won't have time to pick them up. He won't be able to get them to Qual. After a while he will have losses and some failed cases that muddy up his neighborhood just as other professions get. Psychiatry and psychology failed as single practitioners not only because they had no real technology but because they tried to work alone. This turned them toward govern- KEEPING DIANETICS WORKING 941 ments which then used them only to control populations and there went whatever technology they might have developed. The single practitioner theory in Dianetics failed badly as an early Dianetics practice. Auditors that made it only attached themselves to the rich. Others became drifters. The answer, we have found out long since, is the group. The full hats,* organization and activities and how they interrelate are available to Dianetics Counseling Groups. It is a wide area of interesting development all by itself. We had to know organizational basics to make churches and missions. A Dianetic Counseling Group can be enfranchised and made regular and helped. It will tend to stabilize any practice area. And it will MINIMIZE case failures. The official position of Scientology churches is that they cannot take responsibility for the results obtained by single practitioners. Realism requires that auditing be a group action. As such a group can also teach a course, it is not difficult to recruit able people to help. I recall in particular two pathetic cases of singlism. One was a psychoanalyst who learned how to be an auditor and had to stop using Dianetics "as it cleaned up all his practice and he had so much trouble finding 'patients.' " The other was an auditor who found himself with the whole of a war vessel's crew as pcs and no help in sight. In either case forming a Dianetic Counseling Group, getting them checked out on their "hats" and doing their duties even part time would have solved all. One stick won't burn. One auditor cannot in truth live and work alone. Auditing is a team activity. Even if one were a medical doctor or a psychiatrist or psychologist, it would be best to have on hand or on call the rest of the team or at least a Dianetic Counseling Group even if one were not an integral part of it. The purpose of auditing is healthy sane people. The largest percentage are very grateful and very happy. CHAPTER 12 THE VALUE OF TRAINING The third dynamic called education, when engaged upon the installation of false or imagined premises, can be quite aberrative. The only right we have to train in Dianetics is that we are training people in things which they already know. The principles and axioms of Dianetics and Scientology are considerations which have been agreed upon and out of which stem this universe and livingness. To train a person in these trains him only to handle this universe and livingness, therefore Dianetics and Scientology training are non-aberrative. On the contrary, thorough training in Dianetics and Scientology is in itself a road to Clear. The very fact that we are training people in things which they already know brings us to a liability, however. As we train we restimulate considerations already undertaken in some distant past by the student. As many of these were assumed to remedy ills and evils he imagined he had (the restimulation of earlier postulates he has made--which are the postulates which become the axioms and other 944 BOOK THREE materials in Dianetics and Scientology), the student may experience somatics and confusions which he would not experience in ordinary scholastic pursuits. Even though this is all for the better, a student sometimes conceives himself to be under duress, either in student auditing sessions or from a supervisor, which is not actually present. There are three ways in which this single liability is overcome. First, we train a student thoroughly until the somatic or confusion is discharged. We do not give up training in something simply because he finds it confusing or painful. Just as in an auditing session we would continue to run the process to discharge the somatic which the same process turned on, so in training we continue to train in the area which has been restimulated. Second, we train vigorously and emphatically so that there will be no confusion in the student's mind as to the source of the training. Third, we consider a student always as an auditor, never as a preclear. We are not at all interested in the student as a case. We are interested in the student only as a student auditor. The moment he joins a course of training, he is considered from that moment on an auditor. When he is being audited he is, of course, for that time a preclear, but only by assignment. That he does experience case gains is entirely incidental to training. It is a maxim of Dianetic and Scientology supervisors that if a mirror held to a student's lips shows the mist of breath, the student is in shape to audit a preclear. There is no compromise with this state of mind. Only a supervisor who intended actual harm to students would use sympathy for a student concerning his case. Therefore, our Academies are looked upon as "tough schools." The goal of training from the viewpoint of the Director of Training of the Academy is to bring the student up to a level where he could be safely entrusted with a Hubbard Guidance Centre preclear. This does not mean that the student will be so entrusted, but before the Director of Training and the Examiner and the Board of Review pass the student as graduated, they have to be sure to their own complete satisfaction that they would have no qualm en- THE VALUE OF TRAINING 945 trusting a difficult case to this student. This training goal ensures an orientation point and standard of excellence. The supervisors, the Director of Training, the Examiner and the Board of Review know what I demand of a staff auditor. Thoroughness of training is achieved on a gradient scale. It might frighten a student to look across the training chart and realize what he must be able to perform, but it should not, if he realizes that he is climbing a stairway of rather easy steps. The steps are each one of them easy and their gradient has been planned and experienced carefully. Therefore, no student is ever passed to the next step of these many steps before the supervisor is entirely certain that he has mastered the last step. For example, on this gradient scale a student who has thoroughly learned TR1 ("Dear Alice") will have very little trouble graduating up to the top of the step, "Tone 40 on an Object," (TR8). While it would be a mistake to demand in TR1 the excellence necessary to pass "Tone 40 on an Object," it is nevertheless true that those people who had difficulty with "Tone 40 on an Object" need a review of TR1. Therefore a supervisor is always niggardly with his signature at the end of each step. To permit a student to climb too swiftly would be to condemn him to a confusion in some later area of training. Training in Dianetics and Scientology contains no thought for explaining to some student how Dianetics and Scientology fit into some other frame of reference. By straightly teaching him Dianetics and Scientology, he will come at last to see that they do not fit into any other frame of reference but other things fit into their frame of reference. A great many things in Dianetics and Scientology have been said before. Indeed, everything in Dianetics and Scientology has been directly and actively postulated by the person being trained at some point in the past. It would be odd instead if these points then did not echo or harmonize with other teachings elsewhere. It should be understood by the student that all things proceed from postulates and that these postulates go from simplicities to complexities. Therefore, it would be surprising if Tibetan Lamaism did not 946 BOOK THREE contain some of the data of Dianetics and Scientology. By working entirely with the data which is simplest and earliest, one does the odd thing with Dianetics and Scientology of taking these new, freshly born sciences and undercutting any older philosophy. If these are not found to do this in some field of human experience, then it simply means we will have to do some more studying. But before we, in the development of Dianetics and Scientology, do more studying, we should be very sure that we know enough Dianetics and Scientology to apply them to this apparently random field. Dianetics and Scientology contain several logics which are very important to training. These are actually the logics of education. Calling your attention to one of these, it will be seen that the evaluation of the importance of a datum is often more important than the datum itself. The datum found in Dianetics and/or Scientology may also be found in other philosophic works. But hold on for a moment. Did the other philosophic work give an evaluation of the importance of the datum or did it give dozens of other data as having equal rank? This point is mentioned here because it is often overlooked by students. Scientology, for instance, has some abrupt, sharp things to say about time. Indeed, time could be said to be the single source of human aberration. The hunger for a number of incidents to occur simultaneously will in itself cause people to jam their time tracks. These people, of course, are not aware of the amount of incidents and as a result jam many adventures into present time with a consequent disability of differentiation. Now it will be seen that in many philosophies time is covered exhaustively. Time is given many definitions. Time is given chapters and volumes but nowhere in those chapters and volumes does the philosopher place his finger squarely upon the two or three important data which are most important about time. He ranks these data with all of the other data and so loses them in an ocean of drops of water, all the drops looking the same as all the other drops. Thus, truth becomes submerged in an ocean of outflow. Dianetics and Scientology are more parsimonious. They are THE VALUE OF TRAINING 947 more incisive, they are more thoroughly evaluated. The two or three data which concern time ARE the data from which all other data about time flow. Thus, when a student is taught a datum, he is taught it with the understanding that it will clarify many other later and more complicated data. Thus, he is taught the simple datum thoroughly. Thus he is taught fundamentals far more thoroughly than he believes necessary. The work in the development of Dianetics and Scientology has been the culling of truth from an ocean of fact and finding that the truth has a tiny group of data possessed of the overwhelming power of changing all other facts in this universe and in livingness. This is the power of Dianetics and Scientology: that by stressing single, simple truths, they eliminate oceans of mere data. Thus in training we concentrate solidly and continually upon these small truths and we are impatient with excursions until we have established these fundamental as fundamentals with our students. My struggle has not been to Clear people. My struggle has been to get other people to bring people to Clear and OT. Now that we can do that, we've got this planet licked. The lid's off. There's no limit on the following road. We have arrived and it may take some people a long time to fully realize it. To grasp exactly what this means for this planet takes quite a bit of looking at. Three-quarters of Asia became civilized just because a few guys hoped that somebody might sooner or later be able to attain the state of Clear. Now what are you sitting with and what do you suppose is going to happen from here? That's why it is a little hard to confront this thing. What we have in Dianetics and Scientology are technologies which are sufficiently powerful, sufficiently big and overwhelming that they actually defy description. Let's face the reality of this thing. The world confronts several crises. Man's inhumanity to Man is gaining monuments daily. The time to bring a chaos under control is well before it has begun. We're slightly late as it is. Brutally, there is no other religion or group on Earth that can slow 948 BOOK THREE these crises down. Factually there is no other know-how on Earth that can plumb the problems of Man. So we had better get busy. This is no alarmist statement. We are the people who can confront it. Past civilizations have vanished. The Chaldean, Babylonian, Egyptian, Chinese, Hindu, Greek, Roman, European--they vanished. And it was when those societies looked richest that they had already started down. Like this one. They all failed because they had no know-how about Man. They all dived under from ignorance. Wisdom, real wisdom, could have salvaged any of them. Wisdom can salvage this one. Wisdom held by the many not just one wise man. We are in a position now to handle our environment smoothly, largely and well. We have moved into the future for which we have been striving. We have the tech. By tech is meant technology, referring of course, to the application of the precise scientific drills and processes of Dianetics and Scientology. Technology means the methods of application of an art or science as opposed to mere knowledge of the science or art itself. One could know all about the theory of motor cars and the science of building them and the art of designing them and still not be able to build, plan or drive one. The practices of building, planning and driving a motor car are quite different from the theory, science and art of motor cars. Now tech implies USE. There is a wide gap between mere knowledge and the application of that knowledge. A skilled auditor knows not only Dianetics and Scientology but how to apply these technologies to self, preclears and life. An auditor is one who can apply the technology. Thus the technologies of Dianetics and Scientology are their actual application to oneself, a preclear or the situations one encounters in life. It is proven that a person who is technically trained in Dianetics and Scientology is much more able to handle work and personnel than an untrained individiual. How can people handle life if they have no expert knowledge of how to handle life? A housewife who does not have professional THE VALUE OF TRAINING 949 level skill in Dianetics and Scientology could not expect to run a wholly successful family or keep order in her neighborhood and keep her family well. A factory foreman could not possibly handle his crews with full effectiveness without training in these skills. The personal assistant to a corporation executive could not do a fully effective job without being trained. A corporation president without Dianetic and Scientology certificates will someday fail. If you think that a trained Dianeticist or Scientologist is someone who only audits then you have a very limited view of Dianetics and Scientology. The trained Dianeticist or Scientologist is today's cause point in an embattled world. The factories, the marts of trade, the homes, the neighborhood, these are the places we want trained people applying Dianetics and Scientology technology. In that way alone we're on the busy, still healthy communication lines of the world. If we avoid the throbbing communication lines of the world we will not win soon enough as a group. We want companies functioning better to produce a better civilization. We want races becoming sane and stable assets to their communities. We want neighborhoods smoothing out. So get on the active lines of the world and make your presence felt. It takes training to do it. It takes the application of our technology. I know what the society needs. I know what the society responds to. I've got the data. You and I can do the job which must be done. We have the technology and we can do it now. We have been to some degree searching, all of us. Now we can settle down, learn what is known and start applying. For some years we have had a word "squirrelling." It means altering Dianetics or Scientology, off beat practices. It is a bad thing. I have found a way to explain why. Scientology (and Dianetics) is a ~workable system~. This does not mean it is the best possible system or a perfect system. Remember and use that definition. Scientology is a ~workable system~. In fifty thousand years of history on this planet alone, Man never evolved a workable system. It is doubtful if, in foreseeable history, he will ever evolve another. 950 BOOK THREE Man is caught in a huge and complex labyrinth. To get out of it requires that he follow the closely taped path of Dianetics and Scientology. Dianetics and Scientology will take him out of the labyrinth. But only if he follows the exact markings in the tunnels. It has taken me a third of a century in this lifetime to tape this route out. It has been proven that efforts by Man to find different routes came to nothing. It is also a clear fact that the route called Dianetics and Scientology ~does~ lead out of the labyrinth. Therefore it is a workable system, a route that can be travelled. What would you think of a guide who, because his party said it was dark and the road rough and who said another tunnel looked better, abandoned the route he knew would lead out and led his party to a lost nowhere in the dark. You'd think he was a pretty wishy-washy guide. What would you think of a supervisor who let a student depart from procedure the supervisor knew worked. You'd think he was a pretty wishy-washy supervisor. What would happen in a labyrinth if the guide let some girl stop in a pretty canyon and left her there forever to contemplate the rocks? You'd think he was a pretty heartless guide. You'd expect him to say at least, "Miss, those rocks may be pretty, but the road out doesn't go that way." All right, how about an auditor who abandons the procedure which will make his preclear eventually Clear just because the preclear had a cognition? People have following the route mixed up with "the right to have their own ideas." Anyone is certainly entitled to have opinions and ideas and cognitions--so long as these do not bar the route out for self and others. Scientology (including Dianetics) is a workable system. It white tapes the road out of the labyrinth. If there were no white tapes marking the right tunnels, Man would just go on wandering around and around the way he has for eons, darting off on wrong roads, going in circles, ending up in the sticky dark, alone. THE VALUE OF TRAINING 951 Scientology and Dianetics, exactly and correctly followed, take the person up and out of the mess. So when you see somebody having a ball getting everyone to take peyote because it restimulates prenatals, know he is pulling people off the route. Realize he is squirrelling. He isn't following the route. Dianetics and Scientology are new. They ~are~ a road out. There has not been one. Not all the salesmanship in the world can make a bad route a proper route. And an awful lot of bad routes are being sold. Their end product is further slavery, more darkness, more misery. This is the only workable system Man has. It has already taken people toward higher IQs, better lives and all that. No other system has. So realize that it has no competitor. Scientology, which includes Dianetics, is a workable system. The route is taped. The search is done. Now the route only needs to be walked. So put the feet of students and preclears on that route. Don't let them off of it no matter how fascinating the side roads seem to them. And move them on up and out. Squirrelling is today destructive of a workable system. Don't let your party down. By whatever means, keep them on the route. And they'll be free. If you don't, they won't. Dianetics can be made to fail by alteration of its materials from its precise workable application. It is basically so simple it is hard to conceive that this could happen. There are various ways to make Dianetics difficult. Most of these come under three headings. 1. False information as to how it doesn't work by some vested interest acting as a third party. 2. Failure to provide or get studied the actual data and technical bulletins. 3. Misinstructing which enters a supervisor's or examiner's opinion or invalidation or alteration of the actual technology. 952 BOOK THREE A person who pays attention to 1 and 3 and who doesn't insist on 2 is courting failure in auditing. Many, many instances exist of each of these three being done and ~all~ failures one has in auditing can be traced to one of the three reasons given above. The failures aren't because of the pc or the bad intention of the auditor. Believe that. They came from either not using Dianetics at all or 1, 2 or 3 above. So don't let yourself get caught in these errors. The duty of the supervisor of a course consists of: the communication of the data of Dianetics and Scientology to the student so as to achieve acceptance, duplication and application of the technology in a standard and effective manner. There are two Dianetics courses. THE HUBBARD STANDARD DIANETICS COURSE. On this course the student is trained to be a highly competent standard Dianetics auditor. It is a thorough course, taught tough, and to graduate the student must have gotten excellent case gains himself and on his preclears. He graduates by reason of excellent examination marks and well-done sessions. The certificate for this course is the HUBBARD DIANETIC COUNSELOR CERTIFICATE. The graduate of this course is ~NOT~ qualified to teach an HSDC. The second course is the HUBBARD DIANETIC SUPERVISOR COURSE. This course requires that the student knows his Dianetics course materials so well that he can point to anything in the materials. He must also know thoroughly the study material and supervision technology. The Hubbard Dianetic Supervisor Course is taught only in official Scientology churches, and is very tough with lots of drilling. The student graduates as a HUBBARD DIANETICS GRADUATE and he, and only he, is authorized to teach a Hubbard Standard Dianetics Course or a Hubbard Dianetics Supervisor Course. A Dianetics Counseling Group* should have a Hubbard Dianetics Graduate, as only then may it conduct and run a THE VALUE OF TRAINING 953 Hubbard Standard Dianetics Course. And it must hold a franchise to do so. It should send in to an official Scientology church its best standard Dianetics auditors to be trained on the Hubbard Dianetics Supervisor Course. As the teaching of basic data restimulates confusions which are then dramatized by throwing the course offline, the teaching of the Dianetics course is hugely vital. The teaching of Dianetic auditors is laid down on these simple principles: 1. The data on tapes, technical bulletins and books is studied without alter-is, interpretation or addition by the student, fellow student, instructor or supervisor. 2. Well-done and other folders are studied by the individual student. 3. No lecturing or additional interpretation or evaluation by supervisors. 4. The student audits only when he has completely passed on (1) and (2) above. 5. Things the student is weak on are done in clay. 6. The student is sent to cramming at his own expense for bad auditing goofs. He may also be taken off auditing and made to do his materials again. 7. Any student question is answered by referring to the material, folder or tape or by explaining it is beyond the scope of Dianetic auditing. 8. A rigid invariable schedule is precisely adhered to. The teaching of standard tech must also be standard. Therefore the above MUST be adhered to completely. The only answers permitted to a student's demand for verbal technical data or unusual solutions are: "The material is in (Technical Bulletin/Policy Letter*/Tape/book)." "What does your material state?" "What word did you miss in the (Technical Bulletin/Policy Letter*/Tape/book)?" And (for requests for unusual auditing solutions) "What did you actually do?" From time to time it will be found that when students enroll on a course, the question of misunderstood words 954 BOOK THREE arises. This is best handled by getting the student to hunt up and define ~with the source~ of the definition (technical bulletin date, book name and page number, etc.). This allows the student to grasp the meaning of the words used in the study of Scientology and Dianetics. Words other than Scientology or Dianetic words are also clarified. A real stopper can be the words "Scientology" or "Dianetics." Consult the student's understanding and not just accept what sounds like a definition of these two words. Simple points like "why is Level 0 level 0?" can produce astonishing resurgences in study velocity. Using the questions, "where were you doing well?" and "where did you notice you ceased doing well?", zeroes in on the point or word or principle misunderstood and sometimes just the first question blows a lot. On many occasions it's the first word in the material or the title of the technical bulletin so even check these. Sometimes tracing back where or when the student heard of Dianetics or Scientology blows the trouble. These points must be handled skillfully and rarely more than once on any occasion. Take it lightly and let the student win. A course supervisor can give himself and his students losses by becoming too careful. The supervisor being over anxious and harassing all his students to graduate without flunks can unwittingly bring about slow, cautious students. This extends course time and the mode is carried over into auditing. The students then become slow, cautious auditors. An Auditor who, in session, is being careful not to flub, not to violate any tech datum or policy will not have his TRs in, will not have the pc in session and will flunk his auditing. Dianetics is a fast simple course. It is not complicated. The majority of students will fly through the course in two to three weeks of full-time study. If they don't, the supervisor has probably gotten too cautious and inadvertently slowed the course down. It happens several ways. For example: A student goes into auditing and then flunks. The supervisor feels responsible for not having trained the student adequately. He then takes up the student auditor's flunks with the whole class THE VALUE OF TRAINING 955 and has them all checkout on the bulletin so they won't make the same mistake. Another example is the supervisor who gets anxious about the few slow students on course. He feels he is failing as a supervisor to have any slow students so starts spending much of his time coaching, checking out and handling the few. It awards a downstat. This is done to the detriment of the majority of fast students. The supervisor should simply twin the slow students, have them work together using a dictionary and checking each other out on the materials. When they really know the data, the supervisor checks them out on their materials. He doesn't spend a lot of time with them. If they just can't make the grade he routes them off to Qual, for cramming and review to handle. There are two types of students: 1. The student who has had good case gain and studies easily, or the student who may not have had much auditing but studies and audits well in spite of his case. 2. The student whose case continuously gets in the way and requires auditing before he will make much progress. The fast students are permitted to fly right along, no harassments or interruptions, quick concise checkouts. They go fast. They are encouraged to go fast. They get the idea that Dianetics is simple and they want to audit. The supervisor doesn't introduce any complications or unusual assignments or "special drills" not on the checksheet.* The student then gets onto auditing. He knows the course was simple and uncomplicated. He carries this attitude into auditing and produces simple standard sessions with good results. The slow student is twinned (paired) with another slow student (not with the supervisor) and if he doesn't make the grade at all he is sent to Cramming after a period and auditing may be required. The system of senior students auditing the newer students, together with any needed reviews, will handle the (2) type student (particularly if a Class VIII Case Supervisor and review auditor are available). The supervisor must avoid being led into giving the slow student special attention and additional time at the expense of the majority of fast students. 956 BOOK THREE Supervisors are normally very hard working and conscientious. They do an excellent job but can, in their own well intentioned desire to have all students doing well, be misled into adding to the course, becoming instructors instead of supervisors, getting too involved with slow students thus slowing down the course as a whole and producing slow, cautious students who carry this attitude into auditing and so flunk sessions. A supervisor doing this can make students too frightened to audit. If the supervisor validates the fast students by quick pertinent checkouts, keeps the course simple and avoids all additives (like assigning additional checkouts to the whole class, or group question and answer periods, etc.) pairs up any slow students and uses standard course policy, ethics and review, he will have a fast course and will produce competent uncomplicated auditors who know and apply their data, like to audit, and give good standard sessions. If at any time a supervisor or other person gives you interpretations of technical bulletins or tells you, "that's old. Read it but disregard it," or alters technology on you or personally cancels bulletins or policy without being able to show you a bulletin or policy that cancels it, YOU MUST REPORT THE MATTER COMPLETE WITH NAMES AND ANY WITNESSES ON DIRECT LINES TO THE INTERNATIONAL ETHICS OFFICER via your local church or mission. The only ways you can fail to get results on a pc are: 1. Not study the technical bulletins and my books and tapes. 2. Not apply what you studied. 3. Follow "advice" contrary to what you find in 1 above. 4. Fail to obtain the technical bulletins, books and tapes needed. There is no hidden data line. ~All~ of Dianetics and Scientology works. Any supervisor or executive who interprets, alters or cancels technology is liable to the assignment of an ethics condition. ~All~ the data is in technical bulletins or policy letters, books or on tape. THE VALUE OF TRAINING 957 Failures to make this known to every student carries a $10 fine for every student from which it is withheld. The following study datum has emerged and been proven beyond any question: NUMBER OF TIMES OVER THE MATERIAL EQUALS CERTAINTY AND RESULTS. Study drills also use this datum. In study drills the student studies the technical bulletins up to ten times through, doing something to show and increase his understanding after each time through. Further-- RESULTS IN THE STUDENT'S OWN CASE IS THE GUARANTEE OF SUCCESSFUL APPLICATION BY THE STUDENT. ~Use~ these two data. ¤Auditor Trainees¤ The first requisite of any auditor trainee is to find and run secondaries and engrams on a preclear, preferably a fellow student, and to have secondaries and engrams run on self. There is real magic in running secondaries and engrams. I have seen the most fantastic recoveries from running merely a secondary (most spectacular recoveries with secondaries were obtained from running the death of an ally). I have seen severe physical ailments--heart disease, arthritis, malfunction, allergies, impotency, frigidity, lameness, etc. through the catalog of human ills--vanish or reduce on properly running engrams to erasure. We are ~not~ in healing but we have fantastic success with Dianetics in this activity. No auditor will ever be worth very much unless he has come in the right way--through Dianetics. The concept of physical and mental difficulty stemming from a mental image picture was a great discovery and the technology of erasing such pictures as developed must not be lost in our trained Scientologists. Whole lives can be changed by finding and running the incident necessary to solve the case. 958 BOOK THREE I have seen a woman who looked 60 appear 20 after nine hours of auditing a single secondary (the recent death of her husband). When we originally tried to teach this technology (running of secondaries and engrams, 1950 - 1952) we had no ethical system, we were at that time already drowned with suppressive persons. Auditors weren't duplicating tech. They often couldn't even state the basic definitions of "secondary" or "engram." They steered the pc all over the track or let him wander like a lost soul. They tried to force the pc to run the auditor's aberrations. And it was a jolly old mess! But those few I taught personally and simply had, as any old timer will tell you, the most fantastic successes with incredibly low effort by the auditor. It's just a picture, secondary or engram. The whole of the technique is just finding the incident the pc is "in," running the pc through the incident, beginning to end, several times and not letting him digress and letting him come up the tone scale ~past~ boredom to enthusiasm by doing so. When I think of the millions of words I have had to speak or write just to get that terrible simplicity across, I see it can be bent as technology in a thousand thousand ways. The student has today guides he never had in 1950 - 1952. He has the Auditor's Code, the actual responses of the E-meter, ethics and the final solution of how to turn on visio even in suppressive persons (SPs). No understanding of the mind is complete without a thorough grasp of secondaries and engrams and running them. I have seen a person trained up to a high level who suddenly flopped at V because he had no faintest notion of ~what~ he was auditing. The budding psychoanalyst gets the shock of his life when he sees there IS SOMETHING THERE. Before us, people thought the brain had short circuits in it (psychologists and psychiatrists) or that a beast called a Censor lived in a dungeon in it (Freud), or that evil spirits haunted one (Christianity). The whole answer to the mind is mental pictures and masses created by the thetan. There is no other source or cause of aberration. Unless a student knows this he will THE VALUE OF TRAINING 959 never make a good auditor and Scientologist. The only early way to get a reality on it is to audit secondaries and engrams and be audited through them. Unless students have actually audited or been audited on secondaries and engrams they will never really have a reality on why people act as they do or the complex nature of the bank. ~Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health~ was written before whole track was known. It made releases like mad but they were then overrun like mad. It failed on only SPs and potential trouble sources. It was and is the answer to psychosomatic ills and ~human~ aberration. My results with Dianetics were not always duplicated because: 1. I stopped when the ability of the pc on any one subject was regained. 2. I audited smoothly. 3. I didn't use the subject to invalidate the pc (see ~Original Thesis~ on why auditing works). ~Many~ auditors ~did~ duplicate my results and at that time made "Clears" which we now call releases due to ~total~ Clear being so much higher. Scientology is the route from human being to total freedom and total beingness. Dianetics is the route from aberrated or aberrated and ill human to capable human. This step had never before been achieved in Man's history. Oddly, the step from human being to a spirit had been achieved, if rarely, but was not generally credited (Buddhism, other spiritual practices, even Christianity). Scientology ~really~ achieves it with TOTAL stability, no relapse and invariably one for one. Nevertheless Man had an inkling of the goals of Scientology even though he considered them almost beyond God. But Man had no inkling whatever of Dianetics. None. This was the bolt from the blue. Man was hacking and sawing and shocking and injecting and teaching and moralizing and counseling and hanging and jailing men with enthusiasm without any idea at all of what caused Man to behave as he did or what made him sick or well. The answer was and still is Dianetics. 960 BOOK THREE It was the grandpa, the ancestor, the basic discovery which led to and was the reason for Scientology. The ORIGINAL version of Dianetic auditing was all done on a gradient. One searched nothing out by meters or trick question or tests or flash answers. One got what the pc could comfortably face and audited it. If the auditing was smoothly done, the next incident was tougher ~but~ the pc was comfortable in facing it. In that way, the incidents (secondaries or engrams) become progressively more horrifying but the pc is quite comfortable facing each one in turn. This is what is meant by "gradient"--it is a steepening or an increasing from the slight to the heavy. But you see the pc ~smoothly audited~ is gaining ability and confidence all the time and so can face more and more violence in his past. It's all there in pictures. Blackness is either his unwillingness to face things or his basic bank. It cures (vanishes) if you do it by gradients. And the pc soon can see pictures very well. Therefore IF your student is becoming a good auditor all you need to do is look at his pc. If the pc is more confident and cheerful, then the auditor is learning and doing well. If the pc isn't, the student auditor has a rough spot and should go to cramming. If this doesn't work, training being good, then the auditor is probably an SP who has no idea of helping the pc at all but is using "auditing" to bust somebody up. Dianetics is too easy, really, for the student to conceive that his minimum mild actions will produce such fabulous results. So the auditor feels called upon to ~add~. Additives are what checked Dianetic results in the vast majority of cases that were checked. The pc who wants to "pscyhoanalyze" (talk) by the hour isn't getting audited and isn't going to get any better. This pc simply isn't under auditor control so the auditor's control ~and~ TRs are at fault. The state of release attained by Dianetic auditing is below Grade 0 and should be regarded as such and is declared by Qual as "Dianetic Release"--no grade number being given. THE VALUE OF TRAINING 961 ¤Dianetic Course Auditing Requirements¤ In conjunction with the expansion of its curriculum, the auditing requirements of a Dianetic student for certification are as follows: 25 hours total session time as an auditor. This auditing must include the following: A. Touch Assists B. Contact assists C. Changing the life of someone who has lost a loved one by running the secondary or chain to GIs D. Running straight engrams of former injuries E. Auditing assists on ill pcs, taking and tracing down every manifested symptom to its engramic incident or chain F. Doing TRs with pcs and indoctrinating them as pcs. The 25 hours must contain one or more remarkable cases demonstrating changes in the physical condition or well being of a preclear. Without these auditing actions and a total certainty Dianetics works as demonstrated in the cases he handles, no student enrolling on a Dianetics Course may be certified as a Hubbard Dianetic Auditor. The reasons Scientology auditors occasionally fail is that they seek to use grades to make pcs well. Grades are a route to spiritual freedom and greatly increased ability. Auditing a pc on grades who has not yet attained physical well being as a human being is an oversight only one not trained in and uncertain about Dianetics would tolerate. A Dianetic auditor would use Dianetics to handle the lack of well being of the pc. A Scientology auditor who is also skilled in Dianetics would not make the mistake of doing grade auditing on a temporarily or chronically ill pc. He would shift off to Dianetics, run the secondaries or engrams necessary to resolve the physical difficulty and then go on with Scientology auditing. Sometimes a Scientology auditor who has not become adept at Dianetics goes through his whole training thinking grades will accomplish physical healing, auditing sick pcs and wondering why "Scientology does not make them well" 962 BOOK THREE without ever realizing he is at cross purposes. He is trying to make Scientology do with grades or remedies what is done easily with Dianetics. A person can go all the way up the grades and into the OT sections always looking only to "get well" and miss the entire thing, whereas a remarkably little skilled application of Dianetic auditing would have long ago resolved it. Persons who "don't make OT" are only persons who didn't make Dianetics. It is vital then to give the Dianetic auditor total certainty of his dominance in the field of making people recover and making them into well happy human beings before he then starts them off into the upper very valuable vital areas of Scientology grades. Most of the persons who want auditing are afflicted by discomfort and unhappiness if not illness. The skill of the Dianetic auditor is no small thing. It is worth attaining as itself. I myself, when called on to handle the ailing, pick up my meter and go to work and in an hour or two have a miraculous recovery. When I don't, which is seldom, I get the pc examined clinically and find he or she has a broken skull or back or a gallstone or some remediable thing. After this is fixed up, I once more audit them and they finally emerge as bright well human beings. And I do not use in all this anything that is not contained in the already published Dianetics materials. My percentage is 100 percent. And so can yours be. 963 ADDENDUM QUADRUPLE DIANETICS There is a fourth flow to Dianetics: it is "self to self." This adds to Dianetic triples and is the last of the four flows. It is numbered "flow 0," (self doing something to self). Standard R3R commands are used on Quad Dianetics. The R3R step 1 command would be, "Locate an incident of you causing yourself . . ." (the exact somatic or feeling used in flow 1); and the R3R step 1A command, "Is there an earlier incident of you causing yourself . . . ?" (the exact somatic or feeling used in flow 1), Quadruple Dianetics is run flow 1, 2, 3, 0 in that order. The command for narrative R3R is "Locate a time when you caused yourself to have/to be . . . (incident)." The command for secondaries would be "Locate a time when you caused yourself to lose a (an) . . . (item)." With the other commands of R3R as usual. ¤Quad Rules¤ There are two rules that must be observed in running Quad Dianetics: ONCE A PC HAS HAD QUAD HE'S QUAD THEREAFTER. WHEN CATCHING UP UNRUN FLOW ZEROS ONLY RUN THOSE THAT READ. New pcs may be started on Quad Dianetics and if so must remain quad thereafter. Old pcs run triple, let them remain triple unless a quadruple rundown has to be done. If so put in the reading unrun flow 0s before attempting a new rundown quad. There are probably quite a few pcs run on quads from 1971 who have since been run triple. These pcs should be called in by the auditor (or church) who delivered the triples and have their reading unrun flow 0s run. Running unreading flow 0s when putting in missing flow 0s as in a quad pc who was switched to triples then was having his unrun flow 0s run is the reason for overrun 964 manifestations and by-passed charge. In observing Quad Dianetics in the hands of auditors not specially briefed or who had additives and figure-figure on how to move a case already run on singles and triples into quad, INVARIABLY THEY OVERRAN. This makes getting Quad Dianetics in on a case difficult and causes case upsets unless the auditor has the hang of it. The flagrant (and I do mean flagrant) errors found consisted of: (a) not being able to run precise Standard Dianetics in the first place; (b) re-running already erased chains "to find if they were flat"; (c) out-TRs to a wild extent; (d) refusing utterly to accept a pc's data; (e) faulty metering; (f) complete ignorance of the Auditor's Code, notably committing the crime of invalidating the pc; (g) running unreading flows when catching a pc up to quad. Already flat zero flows are not ~uncommon~. The zero flattened on the original triple. Thus getting in that zero flow again is an overrun. With the introduction of Quadruple Dianetics the problem of how to C/S it arises. This rule is followed: The fourth flow--zero--must be run on all items forward from the first Dianetic item ever run on the case if the pc is quad and the flow 0 reads. Where a case has already had flow 2 and flow 3 run on singles, one goes back and runs flow 0 on those items (if it reads). ¤By-passed Flow 0 s¤ As an example of by-passed flows let us say several previous items have been run triple. And the auditor now runs a new item quadruple. This leaves unrun zero chains from the previously run triple items. These can restimulate and form mass and by-passed charge. 965 Or let us say that Dianetics and Scientology grades were all run triple. A new rundown is now run quad. This will throw all Dianetic and Scientology unrun flow 0s into restimulation and give by-passed charge. LAW: WHEN ONE OR MORE OF THE FOUR FLOWS OF AN ITEM OR GRADE ARE LEFT UNRUN, WHEN USED IN LATER PROCESSES THE EARLIER UNRUN ONES RESTIMULATE AND MAKE MASS. ~All~ items, in chronological sequence, and ~all~ processes would have to be run quad. Whether you have the quad commands or not they are easy to figure out as you are only missing the zero flow, self to self. So all C/Ses and auditing actions are "rehab or run flow 1, flow 2, flow 3, flow 0 if they read," when getting in all flows on things run to date. A safe course is to use quad only on new never audited before pcs. Those begun on triples, use then only triple flows. As you read the remainder of this book you will find references to Triple Dianetics meaning three flows R3R. However bearing in mind the above rules four flows may be run. . . . . . . THE DIANETIC AXIOMS ~AXIOM 1~ The source of life is a static of peculiar and particular properties. ~AXIOM 2~ At least a portion of the static called life is impinged upon the physical universe. ~AXIOM 3~ That portion of the static of life which is impinged upon the physical universe has for its dynamic goal, survival and only survival. ~AXIOM 4~ The physical universe is reducible to motion of energy operating in space through time. ~AXIOM 5~ That portion of the static of life concerned with the life organisms of the physical universe is concerned wholly with motion. ~AXIOM 6~ The life static has as one of its properties the ability to mobilize and animate matter into living organisms. ~AXIOM 7~ The life static is engaged in a conquest of the physical universe. ~AXIOM 8~ The life static conquers the material universe by learning and applying the physical laws of the physical universe. ~Symbol:~ The symbol for the ~life static~ in use hereafter is the Greek letter ~theta~. ~AXIOM 9~ A fundamental operation of ~theta~ in surviving is bringing order into the chaos of the physical universe. ~AXIOM 10~ Theta brings order into chaos by conquering whatever in MEST may be pro-survival and destroying whatever in MEST may be contra-survival, at least through the medium of life organisms. ~Symbol:~ The symbol for the ~physical universe~ in use hereafter is ~MEST~, from the first letters of the words Matter, Energy, Space and Time, or the Greek letter ~phi~. 968 ~AXIOM 11~ A life organism is composed of matter and energy in space and time, animated by ~theta~. ~Symbol:~ Living organism or organisms will hereafter be represented by the Greek letter ~lambda~. ~AXIOM 12~ The ~MEST~ part of the organism follows the laws of the physical sciences. All ~lambda~ is concerned with motion. ~AXIOM 13~ ~Theta~ operating through lambda converts the forces of the physical universe into forces to conquer the physical universe. ~AXIOM 14~ Theta working upon physical universe motion must maintain a harmonious rate of motion. The limits of lambda are narrow, both as to thermal and mechanical motion. ~AXIOM 15~ Lambda is the intermediate step in the conquest of the physical universe. ~AXIOM 16~ The basic food of any organism consists of light and chemicals. Organisms can exist only as higher levels of complexities because lower levels of converters exist. Theta evolves organisms from lower to higher forms and supports them by the existence of lower converter forms. ~AXIOM 17~ Theta, via lambda effects an evolution of MEST. In this we have the waste products of organisms on the one hand as those very complex chemicals which bacteria make, and, on the other hand, we have the physical face of the earth being changed by animals and men, such changes as grass holding mountains from eroding or roots causing boulders to break, buildings being built, and rivers being dammed. There is obviously an evolution in MEST in progress under the incursion of THETA. ~AXIOM 18~ Lambda, even within a species, varies in its endowment of Theta. 969 ~AXIOM 19~ The effort of Lambda is toward survival. The goal of Lambda is survival. The penalty of failure to advance toward that goal is to succumb. Definition: Persistence is the ability to exert continuance of effort toward survival goals. ~AXIOM 20~ Lambda creates, conserves, maintains, requires, destroys, changes, occupies, groups and disperses MEST. Lambda survives by animating and mobilizing or destroying matter and energy in space and time. ~AXIOM 21~ Lambda is dependent upon optimum motion. Motion which is too swift and motion which is too slow are equally contra-survival. ~AXIOM 22~ Theta and thought are similar orders of static. ~AXIOM 23~ All thought is concerned with motion. ~AXIOM 24~ The establishment of an optimum motion is a basic goal of reason. Definition: Lambda is a chemical heat engine existing in space and time motivated by the life static and directed by thought. ~AXIOM 25~ The basic purpose of reason is the calculation or estimation of effort. ~AXIOM 26~ Thought is accomplished by Theta facsimiles of physical universe, entities or actions. ~AXIOM 27~ Theta is satisfied only with harmonious action or optimum motion and rejects or destroys action or motion above or below its tolerance band. ~AXIOM 28~ The mind is concerned wholly with the estimation of effort. Definition: Mind is the Theta command post of any organism or organisms. ~AXIOM 29~ The basic errors of reason are failure to differentiate amongst matter, energy, space and time. ~AXIOM 30~ Rightness is proper calculation of effort. 970 ~AXIOM 31~ Wrongness is always miscalculation of effort. ~AXIOM 32~ Theta can exert itself directly or extensionally. Theta can direct physical application of the organism to the environment or through the mind, can first calculate the action or extend, as in language, ideas. ~AXIOM 33~ Conclusions are directed toward the inhibition, maintenance or accelerations of efforts. ~AXIOM 34~ The common denominator of all life organisms is motion. ~AXIOM 35~ Effort of an organism to survive or succumb is physical motion of a life organism at a given moment in time through space. Definition: Motion is any change in orientation in space. Definition: Force is random effort. Definition: Effort is directed force. ~AXIOM 36~ An organism's effort can be to remain at rest or persist in a given motion. Static state has position in time, but an organism which is remaining positionally in a static state if alive, is still continuing a highly complex pattern of motion, such as the heart beat, digestion, etc. The efforts of organisms to survive or succumb are assisted, compelled or opposed by the efforts of other organisms, matter, energy, space and time. Definition: Attention is a motion which must remain at an optimum effort. Attention is aberrated by becoming unfixed and sweeping at random or becoming too fixed without sweeping. Unknown threats to survival when sensed cause attention to sweep without fixing. Known threats to survival when sensed cause attention to fix. ~AXIOM 37~ The ultimate goal of Lambda is infinite Survival. ~AXIOM 38~ Death is abandonment by Theta of a life organism or race or species where these can no longer serve Theta in its goals of infinite survival. 971 ~AXIOM 39~ The reward of an organism engaging upon survival activity is pleasure. ~AXIOM 40~ The penalty of an organism failing to engage upon survival activity, or engaging in non-survival activity, is pain. ~AXIOM 41~ The cell and virus are the primary building blocks of life organisms. ~AXIOM 42~ The virus and cell are matter and energy animated and motivated in space and time by theta. ~AXIOM 43~ Theta mobilizes the virus and cell in colonial aggregations to increase potential motion and accomplish effort. ~AXIOM 44~ The goal of viruses and cells is survival in space through time. ~AXIOM 45~ The total mission of higher organisms, viruses and cells is the same as that of the virus and cell. ~AXIOM 46~ Colonial aggregations of viruses and cells can be imbued with more Theta than they inherently contained. Life energy joins any group whether a group of organisms or groups of cells composing an organism. Here we have personal entity, individuation, etc. ~AXIOM 47~ Effort can be accomplished by Lambda only through the co-ordination of its parts toward goals. ~AXIOM 48~ An organism is equipped to be governed and controlled by a mind. ~AXIOM 49~ The purpose of the mind is to pose and resolve problems relating to survival and to direct the effort of the organism according to these solutions. ~AXIOM 50~ All problems are posed and resolved through estimations of effort. ~AXIOM 51~ The mind can confuse position in space with position in time. (Counter-efforts producing action phrases.) 972 ~AXIOM 52~ An organism proceeding toward survival is directed by the mind of that organism and the accomplishment of survival effort. ~AXIOM 53~ An organism proceeding toward succumb is directed by the mind of that organism in the accomplishment of death. ~AXIOM 54~ Survival of an organism is accomplished by the overcoming of efforts opposing its survival. (Note: Corollary for other dynamics.) Definition: Dynamic is the ability to translate solutions into action. ~AXIOM 55~ Survival effort for an organism includes the dynamic thrust by that organism for the survival of itself, its procreation, its group, its sub-species, its species, all life organisms, material universe, the life static and, possibly, a supreme being. (Note: List of dynamics.) ~AXIOM 56~ The cycle of an organism, a group of organisms or a species is inception, growth, recreation, decay and death. ~AXIOM 57~ The effort of an organism is directed toward the control of the environment for all the dynamics. ~AXIOM 58~ Control of an environment is accomplished by the support of pro-survival factors along any dynamic. ~AXIOM 59~ Any type of higher organism is accomplished by the evolution of viruses and cells into forms capable of better efforts to control or live in an environment. ~AXIOM 60~ The usefulness of an organism is determined by its ability to control the environment or to support organisms which control the environment. ~AXIOM 61~ An organism is rejected by Theta to the degree that it fails in its goals. ~AXIOM 62~ Higher organisms can exist only in the degree that they are supported by the lower organisms. 973 ~AXIOM 63~ The usefulness of an organism is determined by the alignment of its efforts toward survival. ~AXIOM 64~ The mind perceives and stores all data of the environment and aligns or fails to align these according to the time they were perceived. Definition: A conclusion is the Theta facsimiles of a group of combined data. Definition: A datum is a Theta facsimile of physical action. ~AXIOM 65~ The process of thought is the perception of the present and the comparison of it to the perceptions and conclusions of the past in order to direct action in the immediate or distant future. Corollary: The attempt of thought is to perceive realities of the past and present in order to predict or postulate realities of the future. ~AXIOM 66~ The process by which life effects its conquest of the material universe consists in the conversion of the potential effort of matter and energy in space and through time to effect with it the conversion of further matter and energy in space and through time. ~AXIOM 67~ Theta contains its own Theta universe effort which translates into MEST effort. ~AXIOM 68~ The single arbitrary in any organism is time. ~AXIOM 69~ Physical universe perceptions and efforts are received by an organism as force waves, convert by facsimile into Theta and are thus stored. Definition: Randomity is the misalignment through the internal or external efforts by other forms of life or the material universe of the efforts of an organism, and is imposed on the physical organism by counter-efforts in the environment. ~AXIOM 70~ Any cycle of any life organism is from static to motion to static. 974 ~AXIOM 71~ The cycle of randomity is from static, through optimum, through randomity sufficiently repetitious or similar to constitute another static. ~AXIOM 72~ There are two subdivisions to randomity; data randomity and force randomity. ~AXIOM 73~ The three degrees of randomity consist of minus randomity, optimum randomity and plus randomity. Definition: Randomity is a component factor and necessary part of motion, if motion is to continue. ~AXIOM 74~ Optimum randomity is necessary to learning. ~AXIOM 75~ The important factors in any area of randomity are effort and counter-effort. (Note: As distinguished from near-perceptions of effort.) ~Axiom 76~ Randomity amongst organisms is vital to continuous survival of all organisms. ~AXIOM 77~ Theta affects the organism, other organisms and the physical universe by translating Theta facsimiles into physical efforts or randomity of efforts. Definition: The degree of randomity is measured by the randomness of effort vectors within the organism, amongst organisms, amongst races or species of organisms or between organisms and the physical universe. ~AXIOM 78~ Randomity becomes intense in indirect ratio to the time in which it takes place, modified by the total effort in the area. ~AXIOM 79~ Initial randomity can be reinforced by randomities of greater or lesser magnitude. ~AXIOM 80~ Areas of randomity exist in chains of similarity plotted against time. This can be true of words and actions contained in randomities. Each may have its own chain plotted against time. ~AXIOM 81~ Sanity consists of optimum randomity. ~AXIOM 82~ Aberration exists to the degree that plus or minus randomity exists in the environment or past data of 975 an organism, group or species modified by the endowed self-determinism of that organism, group or species. ~AXIOM 83~ The self-determinism of an organism is determined by its Theta endowment, modified by minus or plus randomity in its environment or its existence. ~AXIOM 84~ The self-determinism of an organism is increased by optimum randomity of counter-efforts. ~AXIOM 85~ The self-determinism of an organism is reduced by plus or minus randomity of counter-efforts in the environment. ~AXIOM 86~ Randomity contains both the randomness of efforts and the volume of efforts. (Note: An area of randomity can have a great deal of confusion but, without volume of energy, the confusion itself is negligible.) ~AXIOM 87~ That counter-effort is most acceptable to an organism which most closely appears to assist its accomplishment of its goal. ~AXIOM 88~ An area of severe plus or minus randomity can occlude data on any of the subjects of that plus or minus randomity which took place in a prior time. (Note: Shut-off mechanisms of earlier lives, perceptics, specific incidents, etc.) ~AXIOM 89~ Restimulation of plus, minus or optimum randomity can produce increased plus, minus or optimum randomity respectively in the organism. ~AXIOM 90~ An area of randomity can assume sufficient magnitude so as to appear to the organism as pain, according to its goals. ~AXIOM 91~ Past randomity can impose itself upon the present organism as Theta facsimiles. ~AXIOM 92~ The engram is a severe area of plus or minus randomity of sufficient volume to cause unconsciousness. ~AXIOM 93~ Unconsciousness is an excess of randomity imposed by a counter-effort of sufficient force to cloud the 976 awareness and direct function of the organism through the mind's control center. ~AXIOM 94~ Any counter-effort which misaligns the organism's command of itself or its environment establishes plus or minus randomity or, if of sufficient magnitude, is an engram. ~AXIOM 95~ Past engrams are restimulated by the control center's perception of circumstances similar to that engram in the present environment. ~AXIOM 96~ An engram is a Theta facsimile of atoms and molecules in misalignment. ~AXIOM 97~ Engrams fix emotional response as that emotional response of the organism during the receipt of the counter-effort. ~AXIOM 98~ Free emotional response depends on optimum randomity. It depends upon absence of or non-restimulation of engrams. ~AXIOM 99~ Theta facsimiles can recombine into new symbols. ~AXIOM 100~ Language is the symbolization of effort. ~AXIOM 101~ Language depends for its force upon the force which accompanied its definition. (Note: Counter-effort, not language, is aberrative.) ~AXIOM 102~ The environment can occlude the central control of any organism and assume control of the motor controls of that organism. (Engram, restimulation, locks, hypnotism.) ~AXIOM 103~ Intelligence depends on the ability to select aligned or misaligned data from an area of randomity and so discover a solution to reduce all randomity in that area. ~AXIOM 104~ Persistence obtains in the ability of the mind to put solutions into physical action toward the realization of goals. ~AXIOM 105~ An unknown datum can produce data of plus or minus randomity. 977 ~AXIOM 106~ The introduction of an arbitrary factor or force without recourse to natural laws of the body or the area into which the arbitrary is introduced brings about plus or minus randomity. ~AXIOM 107~ Data of plus or minus randomity depends for its confusion on former plus or minus randomity or absent data. ~AXIOM 108~ Efforts which are inhibited or compelled by exterior efforts effect a plus or minus randomity of efforts. ~AXIOM 109~ Behavior is modified by counter-efforts which have impinged on the organism. ~AXIOM 110~ The component parts of Theta are Affinity, Reality and Communication. ~AXIOM 111~ Self-determinism consists of maximal Affinity, Reality and Communication. ~AXIOM 112~ Affinity is the cohesion of Theta. Affinity manifests itself as the recognition of similarity of efforts and goals amongst organisms by those organisms. ~AXIOM 113~ Reality is the agreement upon perceptions and data in the physical universe. All that we can be sure is real is that on which we have agreed is real. Agreement is the essence of reality. ~AXIOM 114~ Communication is the interchange of perception through the material universe between organisms or the perception of the material universe by sense channels. ~AXIOM 115~ Self-determinism is the Theta control of the organism. ~AXIOM 116~ A self-determined effort is that counter-effort which has been received into the organism in the past and integrated into the organism for its conscious use. ~AXIOM 117~ The components of self-determinism are affinity, communication and reality. Self-determinism is manifested along each dynamic. ~AXIOM 118~ An organism cannot become aberrated unless it has agreed upon that aberration, has been in communica- 978 tion with a source of aberration and has had affinity for the aberrator. ~AXIOM 119~ Agreement with any source contra- or pro-survival postulates a new reality for the organism. ~AXIOM 120~ Non-survival courses, thoughts and actions require non-optimum effort. ~AXIOM 121~ Every thought has been preceded by physical action. ~AXIOM 122~ The mind does with thought as it has done with entities in the physical universe. ~AXIOM 123~ All effort concerned with pain is concerned with loss. Organisms hold pain and engrams to them as a latent effort to prevent loss of some portion of the organism. All loss is a loss of motion. ~AXIOM 124~ The amount of counter-effort the organism can over come is proportional to the theta endowment of the organism, modified by the physique of that organism. ~AXIOM 125~ Excessive counter-effort to the effort of a life organism produces unconsciousness. Corollary: Unconsciousness gives the suppression of an organism's control center by counter-effort. Definition: The control center of the organism can be defined as the contact point between Theta and the physical universe and is that center which is aware of being aware and which has charge of and responsibility for the organism along all its dynamics. ~AXIOM 126~ Perceptions are always received in the control center of an organism whether the control center is in control of the organism at the time or not. This is an explanation for the assumption of valences. ~AXIOM 127~ All perceptions reaching the organism's sense channels are recorded and stored by Theta facsimile. Definition: Perception is the process of recording data from the physical universe and storing it as a Theta facsimile. 979 Definition: Recall is the process of regaining perceptions. ~AXIOM 128~ Any organism can recall everything which it has perceived. ~AXIOM 129~ An organism displaced by plus or minus randomity is thereafter remote from the perception recording center. Increased remoteness brings about occlusions of perceptions. One can perceive things in present time and then, because they are being recorded after they passed Theta perception of the awareness unit, they are recorded but cannot be recalled. ~AXIOM 130~ Theta facsimiles of counter-effort are all that interpose between the control center and its recalls. ~AXIOM 131~ Any counter-effort received into a control center is always accompanied by all perceptics. ~AXIOM 132~ The random counter-efforts to an organism and the intermingled perceptions in the randomity can re-exert that force upon an organism when restimulated. Definition: Restimulation is the reactivation of a past counter-effort by appearance in the organism's environment of a similarity toward the content of the past randomity area. ~AXIOM 133~ Self-determinism alone brings about the mechanism of restimulation. ~AXIOM 134~ A reactivated area of the past randomity impinges the effort, and the perceptions upon the organism. ~AXIOM 135~ Activation of a randomity area is accomplished first by the perceptions, then by the pain, finally by the effort. ~AXIOM 136~ The mind is plastically capable of recording all efforts and counter-efforts. ~AXIOM 137~ A counter-effort accompanied by sufficient (enrandomed) force impresses the facsimile of the counter-effort personality into the mind of an organism. 980 ~AXIOM 138~ Aberration is the degree of residual plus or minus randomity accumulated by compelling, inhibiting, or unwarranted assisting of efforts on the part of other organisms or the physical (material) universe. Aberration is caused by what is done to the individual, not what the individual does, plus his self-determinism about what has been done to him. ~AXIOM 139~ Aberrated behavior consists of destructive effort toward pro-survival data or entities on any dynamic, or effort toward the survival of contra-survival data or entities for any dynamic. ~AXIOM 140~ A valence is a facsimile personality made capable of force by the counter-effort of the moment or receipt into the plus or minus randomity of unconsciousness. Valences are assistive, compulsive or inhibitive to the organism. A control center is not a valence. ~AXIOM 141~ A control center effort is aligned toward a goal, through definite space as a recognized incident in time. ~AXIOM 142~ An organism is as healthy and sane as it is self-determined. The environmental control of the organism motor-controls inhibits the organism's ability to change with the changing environment, since the organism will attempt to carry forward with one set of responses when it needs by self-determinism to create another to survive in another environment. ~AXIOM 143~ All learning is accomplished by random effort. ~AXIOM 144~ A counter-effort producing sufficient plus or minus randomity to record is recorded with an index of space and time as hidden as the remainder of its content. ~AXIOM 145~ A counter-effort producing sufficient plus or minus randomity when activated by restimulation exerts itself against the environment or the organism without regard to space and time, except reactivated perceptions. 981 ~AXIOM 146~ Counter-efforts are directed out from the organism until they are further enrandomed by the environ at which time they again activate against the control center. ~AXIOM 147~ An organism's mind employs counter-efforts effectively only so long as insufficient plus or minus randomity exists to hide differentiation of the facsimiles created. ~AXIOM 148~ Physical laws are learned by life energy only by impingement of the physical universe producing randomity, and a withdrawal from that impingement. ~AXIOM 149~ Life depends upon an alignment of force vectors in the direction of survival and the nullification of force vectors in the direction of succumb in order to survive. Corollary: Life depends upon an alignment of force vectors in the direction of succumb and the nullification of force vectors in the direction of survive in order to succumb. ~AXIOM 150~ Any area of randomity gathers to it situations similar to it which do not contain actual efforts but only perception. ~AXIOM 151~ Whether an organism has the goal of surviving or succumbing depends upon the amount of plus or minus randomity it has reactivated (not residual). ~AXIOM 152~ Survival is accomplished only by motion. ~AXIOM 153~ In the physical universe the absence of motion is vanishment. ~AXIOM 154~ Death is the equivalent to life of total lack of life-motivated motion. ~AXIOM 155~ Acquisition of pro-survival matter and energy or organisms in space and time means increased motion. ~AXIOM 156~ Loss of pro-survival matter and energy or organisms in space and time means decreased motion. ~AXIOM 157~ Acquisition or proximity of matter, energy or organisms which assist the survival of an organism increase the survival potentials of an organism. 982 ~AXIOM 158~ Acquisition or proximity of matter, energy or organisms which inhibit the survival of an organism decrease its survival potential. ~AXIOM 159~ Gain of survival energy, matter or organisms increases the freedom of an organism. ~AXIOM 160~ Receipt or proximity of non-survival energy, matter or time decreases the freedom of motion of an organism. ~AXIOM 161~ The control center attempts the halting or lengthening of time, the expansion or contraction of space and the decrease or increase of energy and matter. This is a primary source of invalidation, and it is also a primary source of aberration. ~AXIOM 162~ Pain is the balk of effort by counter-effort in great intensity, whether that effort is to remain at rest or in motion. ~AXIOM 163~ Perception, including pain, can be exhausted from an area of plus or minus randomity still leaving the effort and counter-effort of that plus or minus randomity. ~AXIOM 164~ The rationality of the mind depends upon an optimum reaction toward time. Definition: Sanity, the computation of futures. Definition: Neurotic, the computation of present time only. Definition: Psychotic, computation only of past situations. ~AXIOM 165~ Survival pertains only to the future. Corollary: Succumb pertains only to the present and past. ~AXIOM 166~ An individual is as happy as he can perceive survival potentials in the future. ~AXIOM 167~ As the needs of an organism are met it rises higher and higher in its efforts along the dynamics. An organism which achieves ARC with itself can better achieve ARC with sex in the future; having achieved this it 983 can achieve ARC with groups; having achieved this, it can achieve ARC with mankind, etc. ~AXIOM 168~ Affinity, Reality and Communication co-exist in an inextricable relationship. The co-existent relationship between affinity, reality and communication is such that none can be increased without increasing the other two and none can be decreased without decreasing the other two. ~AXIOM 169~ Any aesthetic product is a symbolic facsimile or combination of facsimiles of Theta or physical universes in varied randomities and volumes of randomities with the interplay of tones. ~AXIOM 170~ An aesthetic product is an interpretation of the universes by an individual or group mind. ~AXIOM 171~ Delusion is the postulation by the imagination of occurrences in areas of plus or minus randomity. ~AXIOM 172~ Dreams are the imaginative reconstruction of areas of randomity or the re-symbolization of the efforts of Theta. ~AXIOM 173~ A motion is created by the degree of optimum randomity introduced by the counter-effort to an organism's effort. ~AXIOM 174~ MEST, which has been mobilized by life forms, is in more affinity with life organisms than non-mobilized MEST. ~AXIOM 175~ All past perception, conclusion and existence moments, including those of plus or minus randomity, are recoverable to the control center of the organism. ~AXIOM 176~ The ability to produce survival effort on the part of an organism is affected by the degrees of randomity existing in its past. (This includes learning.) ~AXIOM 177~ Areas of past plus or minus randomity can be readdressed by the control center of an organism and the plus or minus randomity exhausted. 984 ~AXIOM 178~ The exhaustion of past plus or minus randomities permits the control center of an organism to effect its own efforts toward survival goals. ~AXIOM 179~ The exhaustion of self-determined effort from a past area of plus or minus randomity nullifies the effectiveness of that area. ~AXIOM 180~ Pain is the randomity produced by sudden or strong counter-efforts. ~AXIOM 181~ Pain is stored as plus or minus randomity. ~AXIOM 182~ Pain, as an area of plus or minus randomity, can re-inflict itself upon the organism. ~AXIOM 183~ Past pain becomes ineffective upon the organism when the randomity of its area is addressed and aligned. ~AXIOM 184~ The earlier the area of plus or minus randomity, the greater self-produced effort existed to repel it. ~AXIOM 185~ Later areas of plus or minus randomity cannot be re-aligned easily until earlier areas are re-aligned. ~AXIOM 186~ Areas of plus or minus randomity become increased in activity when perceptions of similarity are introduced into them. ~AXIOM 187~ Past areas of plus or minus randomity can be reduced and aligned by address to them in present time. ~AXIOM 188~ Absolute good and absolute evil do not exist in the MEST universe. ~AXIOM 189~ That which is good for an organism may be defined as that which promotes the survival of that organism. Corollary: Evil may be defined as that which inhibits or brings plus or minus randomity in the organism, which is contrary to the survival motives of the organism. ~AXIOM 190~ Happiness consists in the act of bringing alignment into hitherto resisting plus or minus randomity. Neither the act or action of attaining survival, nor the accomplishment of this act itself, brings about happiness. 985 ~AXIOM 191~ Construction is an alignment of data. Corollary: Destruction is a plus or minus randomity of data. The effort of construction is the alignment toward the survival of the aligning organism. Destruction is the effort of bringing randomity into an area. ~AXIOM 192~ Optimum survival behavior consists of effort in the maximum survival interest in everything concerned in the dynamics. ~AXIOM 193~ The optimum survival solution of any problem would consist of the highest attainable survival for every dynamic concerned. ~AXIOM 194~ The worth of any organism consists of its value to the survival of its own Theta along any dynamic. ABOUT THE AUTHOR L. RON HUBBARD was born on the 13th of March, 1911 in Tilden, Nebraska, USA, to Commander Harry Ross Hubbard of the US Navy and Dora May Hubbard (nee Waterbury de Wolfe). He grew up in Montana with old frontiersmen and cowboys, and had an Indian medicine man as one of his best friends. Here in Montana, L. Ron Hubbard had his first encounter with another culture, the Blackfoot (Pikuni) Indians. He became a blood brother of the Pikuni and was later to write about them in his first published novel, ~Buckskin Brigades~. By the time he was 12 years old, he had read a good number of the world's greatest classics and began to take interest in the fields of religion and philosophy. During this time, while living in Washington, D.C., he became a close friend of President Calvin Coolidge's son, Calvin Jr., whose early death accelerated L. Ron Hubbard's interest in the mind and spirit of Man. From 1925 to 1929, his father's career took the family to the Far East where L. Ron Hubbard journeyed throughout Asia, exploring out-of-the-way places, and saw many new peoples and customs. In 1929 with the death of his grandfather, the Hubbard family returned to the United States and there L. Ron Hubbard continued his formal education. He attended Swavely Prep School in Manassas, Virginia, and went to high school at Woodward School for Boys in Washington, D. C. In 1930, he graduated from Woodward with honors, and enrolled at George Washington University Engineering School in the fall. He became the associate editor of the university newspaper and was a member of many of the university's clubs and societies, including the Twentieth Marine Corps Reserve and the George Washington College Company. 988 While at George Washington University, he learned to fly and discovered a particular aptitude as a glider pilot. Here, also, he was enrolled in one of the first nuclear physics courses ever taught in an American university. As a student, barely twenty years old, he supported himself by writing, and within a very few years he had established himself as an essayist in the literary world. Even though he was very busy during these college years, L. Ron Hubbard still found time for his exploring. In 1931, at the age of twenty, he led the Caribbean Motion Picture Expedition as a director, and underwater films made on that journey provided the Hydrographic Office and the University of Michigan with invaluable data for the furtherance of their research. And again in 1932, at twenty-one years of age, L. Ron Hubbard led another expedition conducting the West Indies Mineralogical Survey and made the first complete mineralogical survey of Puerto Rico. Although very active in several areas, L. Ron Hubbard continued his writing. Under about twenty different pen names millions of words poured from his pen and into print, including both fact and fiction, travel articles, stories of exploration and adventure, essays and anecdotes, science fiction, and western stories appearing in over ninety magazines and journals. In 1935, L. Ron Hubbard went to Hollywood and worked under motion picture contracts as a scriptwriter. He is still very active in Hollywood's movie production. While in Hollywood he continued his study of "What makes men tick," and in his own statement, L. Ron Hubbard dates the discovery of the primary law of life, summarily expressed by the command "Survive!" at 1938. In 1940, as a duly elected member of the Explorers Club of New York, L. Ron Hubbard conducted the Alaskan Radio Experimental Expedition. He was awarded the Explorers Club flag for conducting this expedition. Also, in 1940, he earned his "License to Master of Steam and Motor Vessels," and within four and a half months obtained a second certificate attesting to his marine skill: "License to Master of Sail Vessels" ("Any Ocean"). 989 In 1941, like many other young men of his generation, L. Ron Hubbard was commissioned in the US Navy. He served in all five theaters of the war. In 1944 he was severely wounded and was taken crippled and blinded to Oak Knoll Naval Hospital. It was here that L. Ron Hubbard did much of his early research on the human mind. At this time, he already had a great deal of data on what was known about the mind. Earlier, between the years of 1923 and 1928, he had received an extensive education in the field of the human mind from Commander Thompson of the Medical Corps of the US Navy, a friend of his father and a personal student of Sigmund Freud. Injured, L. Ron Hubbard faced an almost non-existent future, yet he worked his way back to fitness, strength and full perception in less than two years, using only what he knew and could determine about Man and his relationship to the universe. Some of his early research was spent determining whether the mind regulated the body or the body regulated the mind. If the mind was capable of putting restraint upon the physical body, then obviously the fact that was commonly held to be true, that the body regulated the mind, was false. He went about proving this. And so, L. Ron Hubbard continued studying, researching, and synthesizing this knowledge with what he had learned of Eastern philosophy, his understanding of nuclear physics, and his experiences among men, to form some of the basic tenets of Dianetics and Scientology. After leaving Oak Knoll, the study, work, writing and research continued at a rapid pace. And then in 1948, he wrote ~Dianetics: The Original Thesis~, his first formal report of the mysteries of the mind and life, which was a fifty thousand word revelation. The interest in Dianetics spread like wildfire. Letters asking for clarifications and advice and more data poured in, and just answering them was becoming a full-time occupation. So the work continued, work on an extensive popular text on the subject of Dianetics that would answer all questions. In May of 1950, ~Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health~ exploded onto the booklists, leapt to the top 990 of the ~New York Times~ Best-Seller List and stayed there. It is still a best seller today. L. Ron Hubbard then founded in 1950 the Hubbard Dianetic Foundation in Elizabeth, New Jersey to facilitate auditing and training the public in Dianetics. During the next twenty-four years many, many churches and missions have been established all over the planet to professionally deliver L. Ron Hubbard's technology standardly to the peoples of the world. The founder of Dianetics and Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard, lives with his wife, Mary Sue, and their children: Quentin, 21; Suzette, 20; and Arthur, 16. Their eldest daughter, Diana, 22, is happily married. Today, L. Ron Hubbard continues his life's work unabated, writing, researching and exploring new avenues and hitherto unexplored realms of life and the human spirit. BIBLIOGRAPHY In 1950, L. Ron Hubbard said, "For God's sake, get busy and build a better bridge!" He went about doing this. He constructed the Bridge first with Dianetics and then with Scientology. Today, that Bridge is completed. In this bibliography, you'll find all he has written or spoken on the subject of Dianetics, how he has laid out the part of the Bridge that is Dianetics, and given Mankind the technology of Dianetics to use for human betterment. The Bridge is ready ~for you~ to travel over! It's truly your adventure into Terra Incognita (the human mind). The way you travel across the Bridge is by finding out what Dianetics is--through duplicating the technology of Dianetics, and by your applying it to another human being and by getting it applied to yourself. From this, you find out something marvelous--IT WORKS! And this bibliography helps you gain the knowledge and technology of Dianetics. ¤Dianetic Books¤ *~Dianetics: The Original Thesis~ by L. Ron Hubbard. Wichita Publishing Co., Wichita, 1951. (This was issued as a manuscript in 1948. Its hard-cover edition came out, however, in 1951. It was written for presentation to the medical profession and to psychiatrists. It is the actual first book of Dianetics. The first statement of Dianetics and what it is. It gives the primary axioms of Dianetics, tells about the reactive mind, gives a clear statement of the basic individual, tells what engrams are, gives data on the Tone Scale, tells what auditing is, and tells what the "laws" of returning are, and much more.) 992 *~Dianetics: The Evolution of a Science~ by L. Ron Hubbard. Hubbard Association of Scientologists International Ltd., London, England, 1954. (This was issued as a book-length feature in the May (American) and June (British) 1950 issue of ~Astounding Science Fiction~ magazine as a preview to ~Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health~. It is a fascinating exposition of the Dianetic breakthrough on the subject of the anatomy of the human mind--how it works, what happens to it under stress, shock, pain or unconsciousness and the basic single answer to the resolution of its aberration by Dianetic methods.) *~Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health~ by L. Ron Hubbard. Hermitage House, New York, 1950. (This is the first published book of a detailed popular nature on Dianetics. This is ~the~ book that burst onto the Western world in May, 1950, went to the top of the bestseller lists and stayed there for week after week, month after month. It still is a best-seller today. This is the exciting basic textbook of Dianetics. It gives the fantastic discoveries about the human mind which resulted from a quarter of a century of research by L. Ron Hubbard, and gives the single answer to the resolution of human aberration. Often called "Book One.") *~Notes on the Lectures~ by L. Ron Hubbard. Hubbard Research Unit, Los Angeles, California, 1951. (This book was compiled in 1950 by the staff of the Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation of California from L. Ron Hubbard's California Lecture Series in the fall of 1950. The chapters of this book signalize a series of crucial breakthroughs, one after another, in the research and development of Dianetics. These were to become the basic expansion points of Dianetics which began and were the reason for Scientology. It has a fascinating chapter on Group Dianetics in the back of the book.) 993 *~Child Dianetics~, written and edited by the staff of the Hubbard Dianetic Foundation, Inc. International Library of Arts and Sciences, Wichita, Kansas, 1951. (Published by staff to meet the demand for an application of Dianetic principles especially for parents and teachers in helping children. The excellent introduction to the book is written by L. Ron Hubbard. In it, he tells adults how to handle children.) *~Science of Survival~ by L. Ron Hubbard. Wichita Publishing Co., Wichita, Kansas, 1951. (This is the work which is startling the scientific world with its accurate methods of predicting human behavior and its insights into the activities of Man. Included with the book is the famous Hubbard Chart of Human Evaluation. This book tells what the goal of Dianetics is, goes into the Tone Scale in depth, gives an exact description of the Theta-Mest Theory, tells about ARC and gives basic data on Dianetic processing. This book is referred to as "Book Two.") *~Self Analysis~ by L. Ron Hubbard, International Library of Arts and Sciences, Wichita, Kansas, 1951. (A simple and extremely workable self-help volume of tests and processes based on the discoveries contained in Dianetics. Easily and enjoyably self-administered.) *~Advanced Procedure and Axioms~ by L. Ron Hubbard. Central Press, Wichita, Kansas, 1951. (A concise, fascinating account of the various types of cases one encounters in life and the advanced Dianetic processes and fundamentals used to assess and resolve them. Contains over 200 definitions, logics and axioms of advanced Dianetics. This is the book of the next major breakthrough on the subject begun in Dianetics and actually moves beyond the field of the mind into the codification of the basic principles of existence.) 994 *~Handbook for Preclears~ by L. Ron Hubbard. Scientific Press, Phoenix, Arizona, 1951. (This book contains a list of the logics and axioms of Dianetics and Scientology. It was written by L. Ron Hubbard to meet the demand for a personal workbook, a good sound text that anyone could pick up and learn, and follow in easily done steps to gain certain definite changes in the conditions of their lives. *~Self Analysis in Dianetics~ by L. Ron Hubbard. Derricke Ridgeway, London, England, 1952. (The British edition of ~Self Analysis in Scientology~. This was the modern 1952 self-processing book.) *~Dianetics '55!~ by L. Ron Hubbard, Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation, Phoenix, Arizona, 1955. (The manual of human communication. Gives in detail the major discovery of the communication formula and how to apply it in life and in the techniques of Scientology. This book makes the bridge from Dianetics to Scientology.) *~Have You Lived Before This Life?~ by L. Ron Hubbard, Hubbard Association of Scientologists International Ltd., London, England, 1958. (This book, a scientific survey by L. Ron Hubbard is a study of past lives through Dianetic engrams. This is a record of the data given during processing. It is a scientific assessment of what the subjects said. It contains no evaluation of the truth or falsity of data.) *~The Basic Dianetics Picture Book~, taken from the works of L. Ron Hubbard, Revised Edition. Scientology Publications Organization Denmark, Copenhagen, 1972. (This is the visual aid to a better understanding of Man and the mind taken from the works of L. Ron Hubbard.) ¤Dianetic Articles¤ "Terra Incognita: The Mind," ~The Explorer's Journal~, Winter-Spring, 1950, Volume XXVIII, No. 1 995 "Dianetics: The Evolution of A Science," ~Astounding Science Fiction~, May, 1950. "Standard Procedure," ~Dianetic Auditor's Bulletin~, Hubbard Research Foundation, Inc., Elizabeth, N.J., July-August, 1950. "How To Release A Chronic Somatic," ~Dianetic Auditor's Bulletin~, Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation, Inc., Wichita, Kansas, September, 1950. "Dianetics and Religion," ~Dianetic Auditor's Bulletin~, Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation, Inc., Wichita, Kansas, October, 1950. "The Analytical Mind," ~Astounding Science Fiction~, October, 1950. "The Processing of Children," ~Dianetic Auditor's Bulletin~, Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation, Inc., Wichita, Kansas, November, 1950. "Handling The Psychotic," ~Dianetic Auditor's Bulletin~, Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation, Inc., Wichita, Kansas, December, 1950. "Dianometry: Your Ability and State of Mind," ~Astounding Science Fiction~, January, 1951. "The Theory of Affinity, Reality and Communication," ~Dianetic Auditor's Bulletin~, Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation, Inc., Wichita, Kansas, February, 1951. (Edited by Richard deMille) "The Problem of Sedation," ~Dianetic Auditor's Bulletin~, Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation, Inc., Wichita, Kansas, March, 1951. "Lock Scanning," ~Dianetic Auditor's Bulletin~, Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation, Inc., Wichita, Kansas, April-May, 1951. 996 "Preventive Dianetics," ~Dianetic Auditor's Bulletin~, Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation, Inc., Wichita, Kansas, June, 1951. "Education And The Auditor," ~Dianetic Auditor's Bulletin~, Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation, Inc., Wichita, Kansas, July, 1951. "Basic Reason, Basic Principles," ~Dianetic Auditor's Bulletin~, Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation, Inc., Wichita, Kansas, September, 1951. "All Possible Aberrations," ~Supplement Number One to Science of Survival~, Hubbard Dianetic Foundation, Inc., Wichita, Kansas, 1951. "Validation Processing," ~Supplement Number Two to Science of Survival~, Hubbard Dianetic Foundation, Inc., Wichita, Kansas, 1951. "MEST Processing," ~Supplement Number Three to Science of Survival~, Hubbard Dianetic Foundation, Inc., Wichita, Kansas, 1951. "A Brief History of Psycho-Therapy," ~Dianetic Auditor's Bulletin~, Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation, Inc., Wichita, Kansas, November, 1951. "An Afternoon With Ron," ~Dianetic Auditor's Bulletin~, Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation, Inc., Wichita, Kansas, January, 1952. "Cause and Effect," ~Dianetic Auditor's Bulletin~, Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation, Inc., Wichita, Kansas, February, 1952. ¤Professional Auditor's Bulletin¤ *"Bottom Rung of Dianetics Found" by L. Ron Hubbard. ~PAB 80~, Hubbard Communications Office, London, April 997 17, 1956. (In this article, L. Ron Hubbard tells about a recent discovery concerning games, and how it relates to Dianetics and handling engrams.) ¤Journals of Scientology¤ (Published by the Hubbard Association of Scientologists during the years 1952 to early 1955.) "The Handling of Arthritis" by L. Ron Hubbard. ~Journal of Scientology 1-G~, HASI, Phoenix, Arizona, 1952. (In this article L. Ron Hubbard tells what arthritis is actually, where it is on the Tone Scale, what to run on arthritic cases, and that they can be handled.) "Danger: Black Dianetics" by L. Ron Hubbard. ~Journal of Scientology 3-G~, HASI, Phoenix, Arizona, 1952. (In this article L. Ron Hubbard says that adequate laws do not exist at this time to bar the use of Black Dianetics techniques. He gives examples of Black Dianetics exerted since the dawn of time. Tells of its danger. The first of three articles on Black Dianetics released to the public.) "The Loophole in Guarded Rights" by L. Ron Hubbard. ~Journal of Scientology 4-G~, HASI, Phoenix, Arizona, 1952. (In this article, L. Ron Hubbard tells how an invalidation of Dianetics, as a process by which aberration can be relieved, works in the direction of permitting Black Dianetics to be employed without censure upon luckless human beings who may not even know that it has so been employed. He tells how the processes of Black Dianetics can be remedied by what might be called White Dianetics. In this article he tells exactly what Black Dianetics is, and why it became necessary to release the natural laws of Dianetics. The second of three articles on Black Dianetics.) "Records of Mind Are Permanent" by L. Ron Hubbard. ~Journal of Scientology 5-G~, HASI, Phoenix, Arizona, 1952. (In this article, L. Ron Hubbard tells how the very processes of the mind are used for Man's control, when 998 utilized by persons seeking power. He tells what pain is. He points out that when pain departs, it is still on record. He gives two ways to test that. He tells about counter-effort and how it acts upon the body. He also gives an exercise you can do with your body to feel the aliveness or full sense of being of different parts of the body. The last of three articles on Black Dianetics.) ~Editor's Note:~ Those Dianetic books, articles, the PAB, and Journals of Scientology with an asterisk (*) alongside their titles are available ~now~ from Scientology Publications Organization Denmark, Jernbanegade 6, 1608, Copenhagen V, Denmark or from Scientology Publications Organization United States, c/o American Saint Hill Organization, 2723 West Temple Street, Los Angeles, California 90026. (See back of the book for prices for these books, articles, the PABs and Journals of Scientology.) Those without an asterisk aren't available at this time. They'll be available in the future. Watch for an announcement of their impending release from Scientology Publications Organization Denmark or the United States, and be sure to get them. ¤Dianetic Tapes¤ In order for you to gain a full and complete understanding of the technology of Dianetics, a list of Dianetic tapes through the years has been especially compiled for you. This is so that you may get them, listen to them and be able to use this data in appyling Dianetics to preclears, and thus bring about a saner world. When listening to these tapes, you should realize that some of these tapes also give or relay Scientology concepts or talk about Scientology to a great degree. You'll be listening to Dianetics in terms of how it developed and evolved along the time track from 1950 to present time. The tapes have applicability in the subject of Dianetics as well as Scientology. Each tape has a tape number. This is the left-hand column. The first two numbers give the year of the tape, the 999 second two numbers give the month of the tape, C stands for copy and the third two numbers give the day of the tape. Example: 5707C26 = 1957, July, Copy, 26th = July 26, 1957 Copy. The second or middle column gives the tape series abbreviation of the tape and the tape number for that series. Example: PDC 4 = Philadelphia Doctorate Course, Lecture 4. Here is a list of the tape series abbreviations used on the Dianetic tape list in alphabetical order. A Accessibility 2ACC 2nd Advanced Clinical Course 3ACC 3rd Advanced Clinical Course 4ACC 4th Advanced Clinical Course 6ACC 6th Advanced Clinical Course 8ACC 8th Advanced Clinical Course 9ACC 9th Advanced Clinical Course 15ACC 15th Advanced Clinical Course 16ACC 16th Advanced Clinical Course 17ACC 17th Advanced Clinical Course 18ACC 18th Advanced Clinical Course 21ACC 21st Advanced Clinical Course 22ACC 22nd Advanced Clinical Course ACSA Anatomy Congress, South Africa AHMC Anatomy of the Human Mind Congress AICL Advanced Indoctrination Course Lectures CAC Completed Auditor's Course CHC Clean Hands Congress CONF Conference DCL December Conference Lectures FAC Foundation Auditor's Course FC Freedom Congress HEV Human Evaluation Course HPC Hubbard Professional Course ICDS International Congress of Dianeticists and Scientologists 4LACC 4th London Advanced Clinical Course 1000 5LACC 5th London Advanced Clinical Course LAM London Auditor's Meetings LCC London Clearing Congress LECT Lecture LGC London Group Course LPC London Professional Course LPLS London Public Lecture Series 1MACC 1st Melbourne Advanced Clinical Course OCT S October Series PDC Philadelphia Doctorate Course PLPS Phoenix Public Lecture and Processing Series PLS Public Lecture Series 3SA ACC 3rd South African Advanced Clinical Course SC Success Congress SHPA Special Hubbard Professional Auditor's Course SH SPEC Saint Hill Special Briefing Course SOP DEMO Standard Operating Procedure Demonstration SPR London Spring Lecture STP Standard Procedure Lectures TCC Theta Clear Congress UPC Universe Process Congress VP Validation Processing The third or right-hand column gives the title of the tape: *50--C-- Emergency Measures *50--C-- Push Buttons I 50--C-- Medical Dianetics *50--C-- Emotion (Part A) *50--C-- Emotion (Part B) *50--C-- Language Adjustment *5008C30 Preventive Dianetics *5009C23 PLS-1 Introduction to Dianetics *5009C23 PLS-2 What Dianetics Can Do *5009C28 SOP-Demo Running a Secondary *5009C28 Stalled Cases *5009C29 Coitus Engram *5009C29 Guk & Freewheeling 1001 *5010C05 STP-1 Standard Procedure (Part A) *5010C05 STP-2 Standard Procedure (Part B) *5010C05 STP-3 Standard Procedure (Part C) *5010C05 STP-4 Standard Procedure (Part D) *5010C05 STP-5 Standard Procedure (Part E) *5011C10 Handling Psychotics 5011C11 Educational Dianetics *5011C22 STP-6 Auditor's Code & Standard Procedure (Part A) *5011C22 STP-7 Auditor's Code & Standard Procedure (Part B) *5011C24 STP-8 Case Entrance (Part A) *5011C24 STP-9 Case Entrance (Part B) *5011C25 STP-10 ARC & Four Dynamics (Part A) *5011C25 STP-11 ARC & Four Dynamics (Part B) *5011C27 STP-12 Standard Procedure (Part A) *5011C27 STP-13 Standard Procedure (Part B) *5011C28 STP-14 Valence and Demon Circuits *5011C29 STP-15 Standard Procedure - Circuits & Valences *5011C30 STP-16 Standard Procedure - Step III 5011C30 Groups (Part I & II) 5011C30 Groups (Part III) 5011C30 Groups (Part V, VII & VIII) *5101C18 A-1 Accessability *5101C18 A-2 Hurdy Gurdy Straight Wire & Haywire 5104C09 Time 5104C09 Motion 5105C21 Introduction to Science of Survival 5106C04 All Possible Aberration 5106C25 Techniques - Tone Scale (Part I, II & III) 5106C25 Techniques - Tone Scale (Part IV & VI) 5106C26 HEV-1 Chart of Human Evaluation 5106C27 VP-1 Intro to Validation Processing (Part A) 5106C27 VP-2 Chronic Somatics (Part B) 5106C27 VP-3 Self Auditing, Guk, Extroversion (Part C) 1002 5106C27 VP-4 Demo of Validation Processing (Part D) *5106C28 CAC-1A Auditing Tech: The Completed Auditor CAC-1B Dynamics: Int - Exterior *5106C28 CAC-2A The Completed Auditor: SOP Auditing CAC-2B Introversion- Extroversion, Past Deaths and Lives CAC-2C Conclusion 5106C30 MEST, Theta & ARC 5107C09 Validation Processing (Part A) 5107C09 MEST Processing (Part B) 5107C09 Addenda - MEST Processing (Part C) 5107C16 Some Educational Data 5107C16 More on MEST Processing 5107C23 Time Track 5107C23 Basic Processing 5107C30 Basic Reason (Part A) 5107C30 Basic Reason (Part B) 5108C06 Survival Processing (Part A) 5108C06 Survival Processing (Part B) *5108C13 HEV-2 Human Evaluation *5108C13 HEV-3 Second Evening Lecture *5108C14 HEV-4 Conquest of the Physical Universe *5108C14 HEV-5 Parts of the Mind *5108C15 HEV-6 Human Evaluation - Tone Scale *5108C15 HEV-7 Human Evaluation - Talk About the Tone Scale *5108C16 HEV-8 Motion - Emotion *5108C16 HEV-9 Human Evaluation - Physiology *5108C17 HEV-10 Human Evaluation - Physiological Aspects of Motion/Emotion *5108C17 HEV-11 Human Evaluation - ARC Triangle 5108C27 Motion & Emotion - Line Charge 1003 5108C27 Motion & Emotion - Line Charge 5108C28 Psychotics 5108C28 Analytical Mind 5109C04 Time & Motion 5109C04 Illusion 5109C17 Some Notes on Black Dianetics 5109C17 The Cellular Postulate *5110C09 Oct. S. IIB Dianetic Axioms 1-14 *5110C10 Oct. S. IIIA Dianetic Axioms 14-32 *5110C10 Oct. S. IIIB Theory of Epicenters *5110C11 Oct. S. IVA Dianetic Axioms 33-59 *5110C11 Oct. S. IVB Theory of Epicenters - Self Determinism *5110C12 Oct. S. VA Dianetic Axioms - Continued *5110C12 Oct. S. VB Dianetic Axioms - Continued 5110C22 The Human Mind vs. the Electronic Computer (Part I) 5110C22 The Human Mind vs. the Electronic Computer (Part II) *5110C23 FAC-3A Foundation Auditor's Course (Part I) *5110C23 FAC-3B Foundation Auditor's Course (Part II) *5110C24 FAC-4 Foundation Auditor's Lecture (Part I) *5110C24 FAC-5 Foundation Auditor's Lecture (Part II) *5110C25 FAC-6 Foundation Auditor's Lecture - The Service Facsimile *5110C26 FAC-7 Foundation Auditor's Course - Evolution of Man According to the Facsimile (Part I) *5110C26 FAC-8 Foundation Auditor's Course - Evolution of Man According to the Facsimile (Part II) 5110C29 The Theta Facsimile (Part I) 5110C29 The Theta Facsimile (Part II) 5111C12 Basic Postulates 5111C12 Prime Thought 5111C26 An Analysis of Memory (Part I) 1004 5111C26 An Analysis of Memory (Part II) 5112C03 Discussion on Advanced Procedures 5112C03 Advance Procedures & Cause & Effect 5112C10 PLS-7 Dead Men's Goals 5112C17 Regret & Seriousness - Counter Efforts 5112C17 Counter Effort, Counter Emotion, Counter Thought 5112C21 Regret & Seriousness (Part I) 5112C21 On Handbook for Pc's - Service Fac I 5112C21 Regret & seriousness (Part II) *5112C27 First December Conference Lecture (Part I) *5112C27 First December Conference Lecture - Definition of Terms (Part II) *5112C28 DCL-2A Chart of Attitudes *5112C28 DCL-2B Life Continuum Theory *5112C29 DCL-3A The Goal of Processing (Part I) *5112C29 DCL-3B The Goal of Processing (Part II) *5112C29 DCL-4A Cause & Effect *5112C29 DCL-4B Self Analysis Handbook 5201C07 Survival 5201C14 The Emotional Curve *5209C21 Basis of Scientology - Dianetics (Part I) 5211C10 LPC-1A Definition of Dianetics & Scientology, other Philosophies 5212C02 PDC-4 Locks, Secondaries, Engrams - How to Handle Them 53--C-- LGC-2 History of the Organization: Self-Analysis 5303C23 Spr Lect 1 Review of Dianetics, Scientology & Para Dianetics/Scientology 5309C30 ICDS-1 History & Development of Dianetics 5310C26 AICL-17A Restimulation of Engrams, Experience 1005 5312C02 2ACC-14B Blackness *5401C15 3ACC-24 Present Time, Self Analysis 5403C29 4ACC-72 Universe Series: Self Analysis *5406C04 6ACC-37 The Mind and the Tone Scale 5406C05 UPC-1 Opening Lecture - History of Dianetics and Scientology 5406C0-- UPC-3 Theta-MEST Theory - The Tone Scale, Freedom, Space, etc. 5406C0-- UPC-11 Theta-MEST Theory - Being A Problem Aspect *5406C17 6ACC-50 Assists 5407C30 Conf. Certificates of Dianetics and Scientology 5409C14 Lect. Dianetic Group Processing *5410C19 8ACC-13 Axioms of Dianetics 5410C26 8ACC-19 Survive *5410C27 8ACC-20 Hypnotism 5410C27 PLS Principal Difference Between Dianetics and Scientology 5411C11 8ACC-31 Scope of Dianetics and Scientology 5412C10 9ACC-5 Practice of Dianetics and Scientology *5502C02 PLS Alcoholism *5504C27 PLPS Grey Dianetics 5505C11 PLPS Operation Manual For The Mind *5510C08 LPLS-1 Goals of Dianetics and Scientology 5510C11 LPLS History of Dianetics and Scientology 5510C25 4LACC-33 Engrams 5510C26 4LACC-36 Solving Engrams with Stable Datum 5601C24 LAM-11 The Role of Creation in Aberration 5608C-- HPC A6-18 Chronic Somatics 5610C28 15ACC-11 The Mind 5611C06 15ACC-17 Time Track 5701C09 16ACC-6 Obnosis 5703C12 17ACC-12 Survival 5703C12 17ACC-18 The Assist 1006 *5707C04 FC-1 Opening Lecture - How We Have Addressed the Problem of the Mind *5707C26 18ACC-10 The Mind: Its Structure in Relation to Thetan and MEST 5708C01 18ACC-14 Thinnies 5810C18 LCC-1 Story of Dianetics and Scientology *5810C27 5LACC-1 Clearing and What it Generally Means to Man *5810C28 5LACC-2 Compartmentation of 4 Universes *5810C29 5LACC-3 Types of Pictures 5810C30 5LACC-4 Mental Image Pictures, Engrams 5810C31 5LACC-5 Engrams 5811C03 5LACC-6 The Detection of Engrams 5811C04 5LACC-7 The Detection of Engrams with an E-meter 5811C05 5LACC-8 Detection of Engrams III, "Finding Truth With An Electronic Gimmick" 5811C06 5LACC-9 Difficulties Encountered in Search For Engrams *5811C07 5LACC-10 Detection of Circuits and Machinery *5811C10 5LACC-11 Auditing: Its Skills *5811C11 5LACC-12 The Skill of an Auditor *5811C12 5LACC-13 The Skill of an Auditor 5811C13 5LACC-14 The Attitude of an Auditor 5811C14 5LACC-15 What an Auditor is Supposed to Do With An Engram *5811C17 5LACC-16 The Effect of the Environment on an Engram 5811C17 5LACC-17 How to Audit an Engram, Use of an E-meter 5811C-- 5LACC-18 How to Start and Run a Session 5811C-- 5LACC-19 Attitude and Approach to Auditing 5811C-- 5LACC-20 Summary "Seeing the Monster" 5901C03 SC-2 Engrams and Clearing 1007 *5901C03 SC-3 Preliminary to Engram Running 5901C04 SC-4 Engram Running *5901C30 21ACC-5 The Grouper *5904C09 SHPA-7 What Can Be Done With The Mind *5904C14 SHPA-8 Mechanisms of the Mind *5904C16 SHPA-12 The Logics and Axioms of Dianetics and Scientology *5904C23 SHPA-19 Uses of the E-meter in Locating Engrams 5904C30 SHPA-25 Electronic Phenomena of the Mind *5907C05 TCC-4 Survive and Succumb 5911C09 1MACC-2 Demonstration of an Assist 5911C12 1MACC-7 The Role of the Weak Valence 5911C24 1MACC-24 Demo: Turning on Pictures *5911C26 1MACC-27 The Constancy of Fundamentals of Dianetics and Scientology *6012C31 AHMC-1 The Genus of Dianetics and Scientology *6101C01 AHMC-4 Dianetics 1961 and The Whole Answer To The Problems of the Mind *6101C04 22ACC-5 What a Reactive Bank Is 6101C05 22ACC-7 Dianetics and Present Time Problems 6101C06 22ACC-9 Dianetic Assists and Pre-Session 38 *6101C21 ACSA-2 The Parts of the Mind *6101C21 ACSA-3 Aberration and the Handling of 6102C09 3SA ACC-11 Mental Healing: Sanity and Insanity *6201C01 CHC-7 The Valence, How It Works *6305C16 SHSpec-265 The Time Track *6306C11 SHSpec-272 Engram Chain Running 6306C20 SHSpec-277 History of Psychotherapy *6306C26 SHSpec-279 TVD-22 Listing Assessment for Engram Running *6306C27 SHSpec-280 TVD-23 Listing Assessment for Engram Running *6307C10 SHSpec-282 Auditing Skill for R3R 1008 *6307C10 SHSpec-284A Preliminary Steps of R3R, Part 1 *6307C10 SHSpec-284B Preliminary Steps of R3R, Part 2 *6307C16 SHSpec-285 Tips on Running R3R *6407C28 SHSpec-31 Campaign to Handle Psychosomatic Ills *6607C21 SHSpec-70 Dianetic Auditing *6607C28 SHSpec-72 Dianetic Auditing and the Mind *6608C04 SHSpec-74 Dianetics Scientology and Society *6905C29 SD Spec-1 The Dianetic Program ~Editor's Note:~ Those Dianetic tapes with an asterisk (*) alongside tape numbers are available ~now~ from Scientology Publications Organization Denmark, Jernbanegade 6, 1608 Copenhagen V, Denmark. (See the back of the book for prices on individual tapes, or on tape sets.) Those without an asterisk aren't available at this time. They'll be available in the future. Watch for an announcement of their impending release from Scientology Publications Organization Denmark, and be sure to get them. ABBREVIATIONS LIST ACC Advanced Clinical Course AESP Attitudes, emotions, sensations, pains ARCU Affinity, reality, communication, understanding ARC-X ARC break CDEINR Curious, desired, enforce, inhibit, no, refuse ARF Auditor's report form BIs Bad indicators BD Blowdown BER Bad exam report BPC By-passed charge C&A Certificates and awards CC Clearing Course CL Class (level) Class Chart Classification chart Cog Cognition Comm Cycle Communication cycle C/S Case supervisor, case supervision DAC Dianetic Auditor's Course Demo Demonstration DCG Dianetic Counselling Group DFT Dianetic flow table D of P Director of Processing DN Dianetics DN Dirty Needle DR Dirty Read DYN Dynamics E/S Earlier similar E/P End phenomena E/O Ethics Officer EXT Exterior or exteriorization EXT RD Exteriorization/Interiorization Rundown F Fall, flow HAV Havingness FDA Food and Drug Administration FES Folder Error Summary FS Folder Summary 1010 FL Flow F/N Floating needle FFD Full Flow Dianetics FFT Full Flow Table GAE Gross Auditing Error GF Green form GI Good indicators GR Grade Grade Chart Gradation chart HF Health form HE&R Human emotion and reaction HCA Hubbard Certified Auditor HCO Area Sec Hubbard Communications Office Area Secretary HCOB Hubbard Communications Office Bulletin HDC Hubbard Dianetic Counselor HDG Hubbard Dianetic Graduate HGC Hubbard Guidance Center HPA Hubbard Professional Auditor HQS Hubbard Qualified Scientologist Inval Invalidation LF Long fall LFBD Long fall blow down L&N Listing and nulling LRH L. Ron Hubbard Mo Medical officer MWH (M/W/H) Missed withhold O/R Overrun OT Operating thetan PN Pain PC Preclear PE Director Personal efficiency director PR Public relations Pro Professional PTP Present time problem PSEA Pains, sensations, emotions, attitudes PT Present time PTS Potential trouble source Q&A Question and Answer R2-12 A high level goals type of process 1011 R2-12A An upper level goals process R3R Routine 3 Revised REHAB Rehabilitate/rehabilitation Restim Restimulation RR (R/R) Rocket read RS (R/S) Rock slam R/S item Rock slam item RUDS Rudiments SCN Scientology SF Small Fall SH Saint Hill SHSBC Saint Hill Special Briefing Course SOM Somatic SP Suppressive person SUPP Suppress TECH Technology or technical TA Tone Arm or Tone arm action TR Training Routine 2WC Two-way communication VGI Very good indicators W/H Withhold XDn Expanded dianetics EXDN Expanded dianetics GLOSSARY A Aberration is a departure from rational thought or behavior. From the Latin, ~aberrare~, to wander from, Latin ~ab~, away, ~errare~, to wander. It means basically to err, to make mistakes, or more specifically to have fixed ideas which are not true. The word is also used in its scientific sense. It means departure from a straight line. If a line should go from A to B, then if it is "aberrated" it would go from A to some other point, to some other point, to some other point, to some other point, to some other point, and finally arrive at B. Taken in its scientific sense, it would also mean the lack of straightness or to see crookedly. As an example, a man sees a horse but thinks he sees an elephant. ~Aberrated~ conduct would be wrong conduct, or conduct not supported by reason. When a person has engrams, these tend to deflect what would be his normal ability which then would cause an ~aberrated~ reaction to them. ~Aberration~ is opposed to sanity, which would be its opposite. ~Aberee~ is sometimes used in Dianetics to designate an aberrated person. Academy In a Scientology church, that area of the Technical Division in which courses and training are delivered. Additive a thing which has been added. This usually has a bad meaning in that an ~additive~ is said to be something needless or harmful which has been done in addition to standard procedure. ~Additive~ normally means a departure from standard procedure. For example, an auditor puts different or additional words into a standard process or command. It means a twist on standard procedure. In common English, it might mean a substance put into a compound to improve its qualities or suppress undesirable qualities. In Dianetics and Scientology, it definitely means to ~add~ something to the technology or procedure resulting in undesirable results. Admin (Administration) A contraction or shortening of the word ~administration~. ~Admin~ is used as a noun to denote the actions involved in ~administrating~ an organization. The clerical and executive decisions, actions and duties necessary to the running of an organization such as originating and answering mail, typing, filing, dispatching, applying policy, and all those actions, large and small which make up an organization. ~ADMIN~ is also used to denote the action or fact of keeping auditor's reports, summary reports, worksheets and other records related to an auditing session. "He kept good ~admin~" meaning that his summary report, auditor's report and worksheets were neat, exactly on pattern, in proper sequence and easily understood, as well as complete. Affinity Degree of liking or affection or lack of it. Affinity is a tolerance of distance. A great affinity would be a tolerance of or liking of close proximity. A lack of affinity would be an intolerance of or dislike of close proximity. Affinity is one of the components of understanding; the other components being reality and communication. 1014 Ally is a person from whom sympathy came when the preclear was ill or injured. If the ally came to the preclear's defense or his words and/or actions were aligned with the individual's survival, the reactive mind gives that ally the status of always being right--especially if this ally was obtained during a highly painful engram. Alter-is To change or falsify the way something actually is. Analytical means capable of resolving, such as problems, situations. The ~analytical~ mind would be the conscious aware mind which thinks, observes data, remembers it and resolves problems. It would be essentially the conscious mind as opposed to the unconscious mind. In Dianetics and Scientology the ~analytical~ mind is the one which is alert and aware and the reactive mind simply reacts without ~analysis~. The word ~analytical~ is from the Greek, ~analysis~, meaning resolve, undo, loosen, which is to say take something to pieces to see what it is made of. This is one of those examples of the shortcomings of the English language since no dictionary gives the word ~analytical~ any connection with thinking, reasoning, perceiving, which in essence is what it would have to mean, even in English. Anaten An abbreviation of "analytical attenuation," meaning diminution or weakening of the analytical awareness of an individual for a brief or extensive period of time. If sufficiently great, it can result in unconsciousness. It stems from the restimulation of an engram which contains pain and unconsciousness. ARC A word made from the initial letters of Affinity, Reality and Communication which together equate to understanding. Pronounced as three letters A-R-C. ARC Break: ARC brk. A sudden drop or cutting of one's affinity, reality or communication with someone or something. It is pronounced by its letters ~A-R-C break~. ARC break assessment Reading a prepared auditing list appropriate to the activity to the pc on a meter and doing nothing but locating and then indicating the charge found to the pc. ARCU CDEINR Stands for affinity, reality, communication, understanding, curious, desired, enforced, inhibited, no and refused. These are the points assessed by an auditor on the meter when handling an ARC break. As-is/As-ising To view anything exactly as it is, without any distortions or lies, at which moment it will vanish and cease to exist. Assess To Choose, from a list of statements which item or thing has the longest read and the pc's interest. The longest read usually will also have the pc's interest. Assessment is done by the auditor between the pc's bank and the meter. There is no need in assessing to look at the pc. Just note which item has the longest fall or blowdown. The auditor looks at the meter while doing an assessment. Also the action of an auditor reading down a list to find out which item on the list reacts more than the other items on the list, using an E-meter; and so choose which item to handle. 1015 Assist An action undertaken by a minister to assist the spirit to confront physical difficulties. Attention unit Could be considered a theta energy quantity of awareness existing in the mind in varying quantity from person to person. This would be the theta endowment of the individual; attention units are what he enjoys with, thinks with and works with. See also theta. Auditing Processing, the application of Dianetic or Scientology processes and procedures to someone by a trained auditor. The exact definition of auditing is: the action of asking a preclear a question (which he can understand and answer), getting an answer to that question and acknowledging him for that answer. Auditor A person trained and qualified in applying Dianetics and/or Scientology processes and procedures to individuals for their betterment; called an auditor because auditor means "one who listens." An auditor is a minister of the Church of Scientology. Auditor's Code The technical code of Dianetic and Scientology auditors; a list of "do's" and "don'ts" which experience has shown ensure optimum progress in auditing a case; the governing set of rules for the general activity of auditing. Auditor's C/S A sheet on which the auditor writes the case supervision instructions for the next session. Auditor's Report Form Is made out at the end of each session and is an outline of what actions were taken during the session. Automatic bank When a preclear gets picture after picture after picture all out of control. This occurs when one isn't following an assessed somatic or complaint or has chosen the wrong one or one which the preclear is not ready to confront or by overwhelming the preclear with rough TRs or going very non-standard in session. Some preclears turn up in their first session with automatic banks. The thing to do is carefully assess the physical complaint for longest or best read and gently handle ~that~ chain well. Automaticity Scientology term for something one is doing but is unaware or only partially aware be is doing; something the preclear has "on automatic." Axioms Statements of natural laws on the order of those of the physical sciences. Axiom 30 (Scientology Axiom) The general rule of auditing is that anything which is unwanted and yet persists must be thoroughly viewed, at which time it will vanish. Axiom 32 (Scientology Axiom) Anything which is not directly observed tends to persist. Axiom 51 (Scientology Axiom) Postulates and live communication not being mest and being senior to mest can accomplish change in mest without bringing about a persistence of mest. Thus auditing can occur. 1016 B Bad indicators (Bls) Those observable indications that all is not going well for a preclear. Bank: Reactive bank; reactive mind; engram bank The mental image picture collection of the preclear. It comes from computer technology where all data is in a "bank"; portion of the mind which contains engrams, secondaries and locks. Basic The first incident (engram, lock, overt act) on any chain. The FIRST experience recorded in mental image pictures of the TYPE of pain, sensation, discomfort, etc. Every chain has its basic. It is a PECULIARITY and a FACT that when one gets down to the basic on a chain (a) it erases and (b) the whole chain vanishes for good. Basic is simply earliest. Beingness The assumption or choosing of a category of identity. Beingness is assumed by oneself or given to oneself, or is attained. Examples of beingness would be one's name, one's profession, one's physical characteristics, one's role in a game--each and all of these could be called one's beingness. ~Grant beingness:~ To grant life to something; to permit or allow other people to have beingness. Bls See Bad Indicators. Black field This is just some part of a mental image picture where the preclear is looking at blackness. It is part of some lock, secondary or engram. In Scientology it can occur (rarely) when the pc is exterior, looking at something black. It responds to R3R. Black V A no-responsibility case; a heavily occluded case characterized by mental pictures consisting of masses of blackness. Blow To release charge from; to erase or disappear. Also to depart without authorization from an area; such a departure. Blowdown A tone arm motion to the left (one-tenth of a division or more on the Tone Arm dial of the E-meter), made to keep the needle on the dial. Body The organized physical composition or substance of an animal or man whether living or dead. It can also mean a grouping or gathering, or any whole of anything. Book One Considered by Dianeticists and Scientologists to be the book ~DIANETICS: The Modern Science of Mental Health~. Bouncers Material (matter, energy, space and time in the form of effort, force, mass, delusion etc.) or command phrases that throw the pc backward, forward, up or down from the time track and so makes it apparently unavailable. Bull-baiting In coaching certain drills the coach attempts to find certain actions, words, phrases, mannerisms or subjects that cause the student 1017 auditor doing the drill to become distracted from the drill by reacting to the coach. As a bullfighter attempts to attract the bull's attention and control the bull, so does the coach attempt to attract and control the student auditor's attention; however the coach flunks the student auditor whenever he succeeds in distracting the student from the drill and then repeats the action until it no longer has any effect on the student. Bulletin In the text bulletin refers to Hubbard Communications Office Bulletins. See technical bulletin. Button Items, words, phrases, subjects or areas that are easily restimulatable in an individual by the words or actions of other people, and which cause him discomfort, embarrassment or upset, or make him laugh uncontrollably. This term is also used to refer to specific words or phrases (such as "invalidate" or "suppress") used in auditing, because when the auditor says it to the pc (pushes it) he can get a meter reaction. Bypassed Charge When a person receives a lock, a lower earlier incident restimulates. That is bypassed charge. It isn't the auditor bypassing it. One handled later charge that restimulated earlier charge. That is bypassed charge and that is all the term means, earlier charge restimulated and not seen would be another name for it. C Case The way a person responds to the world around him by reason of his aberrations. Case gain The improvements and resurgences a person experiences from auditing and training; any case betterment according to the pc. Case Progress Sheet is a sheet which details the Levels of processing and training the pc has achieved while moving up the Grade Chart. It also lists incidental rundowns and set-up actions the pc has had. The sheet gives at a glance the pc's progress to OT. Case Supervision: C/S The inspection of auditing, by a qualified Case Supervisor (using auditor reports, session worksheets and examiner reports); the ordering of standard actions and remedies to ensure maximum gains for the preclear. The written instructions of a case supervisor. Caved in a slang term meaning mentally overwhelmed. Certs and Awards (Certificates and Awards) The section of a Scientology church which issues certificates and awards for the successful completion of courses and auditing cycles. It is located in the Qualifications Division of a Scientology church. Chain A series of incidents of similar nature or similar subject matter. Chain of incidents A whole adventure or activity related by the same subject, general location or people, understood to take place in a finite time period, weeks, months, years or even billions or trillions of years. 1018 Charge The stored quantities of energy in the time track; stored energy or stored or recreateable potentials of energy. The electrical impulse on the case that activates the meter. Harmful energy or force accumulated and generated in the reactive mind, resulting from the conflicts and unpleasant experiences that a person has had. Chart of Attitudes A chart which contains the major difficulties people have. It shows the attitudes towards life taken by people, and comes with the book ~Science of Survival~ by L. Ron Hubbard. Chart of Human Evaluation A chart organized in very early 1951 by L. Ron Hubbard. It has various columns and gives behavior characteristics. It is plotted out mathematically on the basis of ARC; a very good chart to use in order to predict people. (See ~Science of Survival~ by L. Ron Hubbard.) Check: V word has been cleared with the pc. Checklist A list of actions or inspections to ready an activity or machinery or object for use or estimate the needful repairs or corrections. This is erroneously sometimes called a "checksheet," but that word is reserved for study steps. Checkout The action of verifying a student's knowledge of an item given on a checksheet. Checksheet A list of materials, often divided into sections, that give the theory and practical steps which, when completed, give one a study completion. The items are selected to add up to the required knowledge of the subject. They are arranged in the sequence necessary to a gradient of increasing knowledge of the subject. After each item there is a place for the initial of the student or the person checking the student out. When the checksheet is fully initialed it is complete, meaning the student may now take an examination and be granted the award for completion. Some checksheets are required to be gone through twice before completion is granted. Circuit is a part of an individual's bank that behaves as though it were someone or something separate from him and either dictates or takes over his actions. (Circuits are the result of engramic commands.) Class (Level) Class 0 (Level 0) Communication Class I (Level I) Problems Class II (Level II) Overts/Withholds Class III (Level III) ARC Breaks Class IV (Level IV) Service Facsimilies Class V (Level V) Expert Auditing Class VI (Level VI) The Reactive Mind Class VII (Level VII) Power Processing Class VIII (Level VIII) Case supervision of all levels Class Chart see Classification, also Gradation Chart. 1019 Classification: Class An award earned by an auditor that entitles him to audit certain levels of processes, and that shows that he has attained the ability and skill to do so by actual test. Clay Demo Abbreviation for clay demonstration. A Scientology study technique whereby the student demonstrates definitions, principles, etc. in clay to obtain greater understanding by translating significance into actual mass. Cleaning a Clean Demanding more than is there. Clean needle One which flows, produces no pattern or erratic motions of the smallest kind with the auditor sitting looking at it and doing nothing. Clearing Training and processing of an individual to bring him to the state of Clear. Clearing Course The course taught at an Advanced Church of Scientology which covers the materials necessary for a preclear to attain the state of Clear. Clear read The tone arm reading on the E-meter on a body of 2.0 for females and 3.0 for males. Clear A thetan who can be at cause knowingly and at will over mental matter, energy, space and time as regards the First Dynamic (survival for self). The state of Clear is above the release grades of Scientology (all of which are requisite to Clearing) and is attained by completion of the Clearing Course at an Advanced Church of Scientology. Coaching Training intensively by instruction, demonstration and practice. In training drills, one twin is made the coach and the other the student. The coach, in his coaching actions, coaches the student to achieve the purpose of the drill. He coaches with reality and intention following exactly the materials pertaining to the drill to get the student through it. When this is achieved the roles are then reversed--the student becoming the coach and the coach becoming the student. Co-auditing An abbreviation for co-operative auditing. It means a team of two people who are using Dianetics or Scientology processes to help each other reach a better life. Co-auditor See co-auditing. Cognition A pc origination indicating he has "come to realize." It's a "What do you know? I . . ." statement. A new realization of life. It results in a higher degree of awareness and consequently a greater ability to succeed with one's endeavors in life. Comm Formula See communication. Committee of Evidence An ethics action convened on a person by a Scientology Ethics Officer on matters of any crime or high crime, per the policies of the Churches of Scientology. 1020 Comm lag: (Communication Lag) The length of time between the asking of the question by the auditor and the answering of that exact question by the preclear. Communication The interchange of ideas or objects between two people or terminals. More precisely the definition of communication is the consideration and action of impelling an impulse or particle from source point across a distance to receipt point, with the intention of bringing into being at the receipt point a duplication of that which emanated from the source point. The formula of communication is: cause, distance, effect, with attention and duplication. Communication by definition does not need to be two-way. Communication is one of the component parts of understanding. Communication, Control, Havingness Processes (CCHs) Processes which bring a person into better control of his body and surroundings, put him into better communication with his surroundings and other people, and increase his ability to have things for himself. They bring him into the present, away from his past problems. CCH stands for Control, Communication, Havingness. Communication cycle A completed communication, including origination of the communication, receipt of the communication, and answer or acknowledgement of the communication. A communication cycle consists of just: cause, distance, effect, with intention, attention, duplication and understanding. Completion A "completion" is the completing of a specific course or an auditing grade, meaning it has been started, worked through and has successfully ended with an award in Qual. Computation technically is that abberrated evaluation and postulate that one must be consistently in a certain state in order to succeed. Confront To face without flinching or avoiding. Confronting is actually the ability to be there comfortably and perceive. Contact assist A process which can be self-administered in which an injured body part is brought into contact with whatever caused the injury in as nearly as possible the same position and circumstances as it originally occurred (excepting only unheating hot objects, or turning off electricity, etc.) Control The ability to start, change and stop things at one's own choice. (With processing a person is capable of controlling a wider and wider sphere of things). Correction list is a list of prepared questions on a mimeod sheet which is used by the auditor for the repair of a particular situation, action, or rundown. Court of Ethics An ethics action convened on a person by a Scientology Ethics Officer on matters of any misdemeanor or any crime, per the policies of the Churches of Scientology. Cramming A section in the Qualifications Division of a Scientology Church where a student is given high-pressure instruction at his own cost after being 1021 found slow in study or when failing his examinations. In this section auditors and case supervisors are handled with special corrective instruction if they make errors when auditing or case supervising. Cramming officer That person in the Qual Division who trains students or auditors on materials they have missed. This includes trained auditors who wish to be brought up to date on current technical developments. C/S 1 An action done by an auditor based on standard case supervision instructions that sets up a preclear to run Dianetics. C/S 53RH The basic prepared list used in Scientology to get the Tone Arm up or down into normal range. D Dear Alice Nickname for the book "Alice in Wonderland." Demo Kit: Demonstration Kit A bunch of rubber bands, batteries, fuses, corks, caps, paper clips, coins or whatever, will do. These are kept in a box or container (tobacco tins or dairy cartons are good). These are used to demonstrate ideas with material objects and so increase understanding of the idea. Denyer That which obscures a part of track by implying it is not there or elsewhere (a misdirector) or should not be viewed. Destimulation The action of deleting the moments of restimulation of the reactive mind or some portion of it, so that it moves away from the preclear and he is no longer connected to it. Dianetic Assessment list A list of somatic items given by a pc and written down by the auditor with the reads marked that occur on the meter. Dianetic Assist "Running out" (using Dianetic R3R) the physically painful experience the person has just undergone, accident, illness, operation or emotional shock. This erases the "psychic trauma" and speeds healing to a remarkable degree if done properly. Dianetic Case Completion A preclear whose Dianetic auditing is complete--a well and happy human being. Dianetic Counseling Group A group of people who have banded together to form a Dianetic group with the purpose of creating an environment of well and happy beings who, being freed from bodily considerations and the present time problem of the body, can now achieve the Scientology results of a free, powerful and immortal being. Dianetic Flow Table A chronological list of Dianetic items run, from earliest to latest, with the flows that have been run. Dianetics Man's most advanced school of the mind. From the Greek ~dia~, through, and ~noos~, soul, thus "through soul" or "through thought." 1022 Director of Processing: D of P The head of the Department of Processing in the Technical Division of a Scientology Church. The person who is responsible for having auditors available and preclears to audit, assignment of preclears to auditors, scheduling of preclears and sessions. Also responsible for procurement of auditors. Dirty Needle: Symbol Dn An E-meter needle reaction in which the needle moves with a ragged, jerky, ticking motion. It is not necessarily a large reaction. Dirty Read: Symbol DR A more or less instant response of the needle which is agitated by a major thought. It is an instant tiny (less than a quarter of an inch agitation of the needle and is in fact a very small cousin of a rock slam, but is not a rock slam. It does not persist. Dope off The phenomena of a person getting tired, sleepy, foggy (as though doped). Dramatization: Dramatize To repeat in action what has happened to one in experience. It's a replay out of its time period now of something that happened then. Dub-in Any unknowingly created mental picture that appears to have been a record of the physical universe but is in fact only an altered copy of the time track. Dub-in is of no concern to auditors as it is handled no differently than any other mental pictures. It is run in Dianetics exactly the same as any lock, secondary or engram. Dynamics The urge, thrust and purpose of life--SURVIVE!--in its eight manifestations. THE FIRST DYNAMIC is the urge toward survival of self; THE SECOND DYNAMIC is the urge toward survival through sex, or children. This dynamic actually has two divisions. The Second Dynamic (a) is the sexual act itself and Second Dynamic (b) is the family unit, including the rearing of children; THE THIRD DYNAMIC is the urge toward survival through a group of individuals or as a group. Any group or part of an entire class could be considered to be a part of the Third Dynamic. The school, the club, the team, the town, the nation are examples of groups; THE FOURTH DYNAMIC is the urge toward survival through all mankind and as all mankind; THE FIFTH DYNAMIC is the urge toward survival through life forms such as animals, birds, insects, fish and vegetation, and is the urge to survive as these; THE SIXTH DYNAMIC is the urge toward survival as the physical universe and has as its components matter, energy, space and time, from which we derive the word MEST; THE SEVENTH DYNAMIC is the urge toward survival through spirits or as a spirit. Anything spiritual, with or without identity, would come under the Seventh Dynamic. A sub-heading of this dynamic is ideas and concepts such as beauty and the desire to survive through these; THE EIGHTH DYNAMIC is the urge toward survival through a Supreme Being, or more exactly, Infinity. E 8C A slang term meaning good and effective control of an individual or group. 1023 Eight Dynamics 8 dynamics. See dynamics. E-Meter Hubbard Electrometer. An electronic instrument for measuring the mental state and change of state in individuals as an aid to precision and speed in auditing. The Hubbard E-Meter is a religious artifact developed for the exclusive use of ordained ministers and technological students who are trained in its use in Church ministrations. It is not intended for and is forbidden by the Church to be used in any medical or physical treatment or the diagnosis, treatment or prevention of any disease. By itself it does nothing and is strictly not to be employed for medical or scientific purposes. Its purpose is to assist the minister to locate in his parishioner areas of travail so that be can assist in the relief of spiritual suffering. The existence and use of the E-Meter is sanctioned by law, and the copying of it or attempts by unqualified persons, doctors, scientists, psychologists, or psychiatrists, to obtain or use one are actionable under law in the United States. To obtain an E-Meter one must be a sincerely enrolled student of the Church of Scientology or a fully qualified minister of that church and must undertake as well to become wholly skilled in its purpose and use. No other persons are permitted to have E-Meters. The church permits the E-Meter to be sold, possessed, or owned only under these conditions. End Phenomena: EP Those indicators in the pc and meter which show that a chain or process is ended. It shows in Dianetics that basic on that chain and flow has been erased. In a well-run Standard Dianetic session the end phenomena are the more or less rapid sequence of: Floating needle, cognition, very good indicators, erasure. Engram is a mental image picture of an experience containing pain, unconsciousness, and a real or fancied threat to survival. It is a recording in the reactive mind of something which actually happened to an individual in the past and which contained pain and unconsciousness, both of which are recorded in the mental image picture called an engram. It must, by definition, have impact or injury as part of its content. These engrams are a complete recording, down to the last accurate detail, of every perception present in a moment of partial or full unconsiousness. Entheta Enturbulated ("en") thought or life ("theta"), especially destructive communications. Enturbulated Stirred up, agitated or turbulent. Enturbulation When a person's environment has been stirred up, become agitated, or turbulent. Erase/Erasure The action of erasing, (rubbing out) locks, secondaries or engrams. Ethics Rationality toward the highest level of survival for the individual, the future race, the group and mankind. Ethics is reason and the contemplation of optimum survival. Ethics Officer A person who handles ethics in a Scientology church. 1024 Evaluation: Evaluate, evaluative Any attempt by someone to impose his data or knowledge upon another. An example would be someone telling another why he is the way he is instead of permitting or guiding him to discover it for himself. Evil purpose: Ev Purp. Destructive intention. Examiner: Preclear examiner The person in a Scientology church to whom preclears are sent immediately after any auditing session. The examiner says nothing to the preclear in this situation, noting only what the pc's tone arm position and state of the needle are on the E-meter and recording what the pc says if anything. The Examiner is also the person a preclear sees if he wishes to make any sort of statement regarding his case, or if there is something he wants handled regarding his case. Exam Report The report made out by the Qual examiner when the pc goes to exams after sessions or goes on his own volition. It contains the meter details, pc's indicators and the pc's statement. Exterior: Exteriorized The state of the thetan being outside the body, with or without full perception. Exteriorization The act of moving out of the body with or without full perception. Becoming exterior. Exteriorization Rundown See Interiorization rundown. Ext-Int: Exteriorization-Interiorization See Interiorization rundown. F F1: Flow one another doing something to self. F2: Flow two doing something to another. F3: Flow three others doing things to others. Facsimile ~Any~ mental image picture that is unknowingly created and part of the time track, whether an engram, secondary, lock or pleasure moment. Fall: Symbol F An E-meter needle read in which the needle moves rapidly to the right from one to two inches. Firefight The action of a quarrel between an auditor and a pc. Flash answer Instantaneous reply, the first thing that flashes into the preclear's mind at the snap of the auditor's fingers upon asking a question. Flat No longer producing change or a reaction. Or, in Dianetics, referring to an engram, erased. Flatten To continue to do (something) until it no longer produces a reaction. Flatten a process: To continue a process as long as it produces change and no longer. In Dianetic auditing it is to continue running a chain of incidents until basic on that chain is reached and erased. With CCHs, it is three commands of equal comm lag with the pc doing the process. 1025 Floating Needle: Symbol F/N Free needle. The idle uninfluenced movement of the needle on the E-meter dial without any pattern or reactions in it. It can be as small as 1-inch or as large as dial wide. It does not fall or drop to the right of the dial. It moves to the left at the same speed as it moves to the right. It is observed on an E-meter calibrated with the tone arm between 2.0 and 3.0 with good indicators in on the pc. It can occur after a cognition, blowdown of the tone arm, or just moves into floating. The pc may or may not voice the cognition. Floating TA The pc is so released the needle can't be gotten onto the dial. The needle is swinging wider than the meter dial both ways from center and appears to lay first on one side and then the other. The tone arm can't be moved fast enough to keep the extreme floating needle on the dial. Flow Impulse or direction of thought, energy or action between terminals. Flow lines Refers to the administrative lines of an organization which facilitate the delivery of auditing and training. Fly a Rud: Fly a rudiment The auditor must get a free needle (floating needle) on one of the rudiment questions (ARC Breaks, PTPs, missed withholds.) Folder A folder sheet of cardboard which encloses all the session reports and other items. The folder is foolscap size, light card, usually blue or green in color. Folder Error Summary A summary of auditing errors in a folder and on a pc's case not corrected at the time the summary is done. Folder Summary Sheets located inside the front cover of a pc folder giving an adequate summary of actions taken on a pc in consecutive order. Free Needle See floating needle. Free track That part of the time track that is free of pain and misadventure, in that the pc doesn't freeze up on it. Full Flow Dianetics This is the running of all three flows in Dianetics, another to self, self to another, and another to another, on a preclear. Full Flow Table See Dianetic flow table. G GF M5: Green Form Method 5 This means assessing of the Green Form by an auditor once through marking the length and blowdown of all reads as they occur when the questions are asked of the pc. Those questions which read are then handled one at a time in order from the largest read to the smallest. GR 40: Green Form 40 This is item number 40 on the green form and is a special prepared list of items with specific actions to be done for each item. 1026 Good indicators Those observable indications that all is going well for a preclear. The pc is bright, happy and winning. Pc smiling and happy. Gradation Chart: Grade Chart This chart shows all the levels of Dianetic and Scientology auditing and training. It is the map of the road to total freedom. Grade A series of processes culminating in an exact ability attained, examined, and attested to by the pc. Grades, Scientology A series of steps or levels in which a preclear regains specific abilities and loses specific inabilities on a gradient to becoming clear. They are achieved with Scientology auditing. See also release. Grade 0 Zero Communication release Grade I One Problems release Grade II Two Relief release Grade III Three Freedom release Grade IV Four Ability release Grade V Five Power release Grade VI Six Whole track release Gradient Something that starts out simple and gets more and more complex. The essence of a gradient is just being able to do a little bit more and a little bit more and a little bit more until you finally make the grade. Green Form A standard form used in Scientology Review auditing. Grinding: Grinding out Going over and over and over a lock, secondary or engram without obtaining an actual erasure. The sense of the word comes from the action of using an emery wheel on a hard substance with it not getting much smaller or thinner no matter how long it is done. Grouper Is anything which pulls the time track into a bunch at one or more points. When the grouper is gone the time track is perceived to be straight. Gungho Group Gung-ho means "pull together" in mandarin. It pulls together other groups in the community to work towards the betterment of society and of the area. The groups program works on the motto: a community that pulls together can make a better society for all. H Hand space mimicry A CCH process. Hat Slang term for the work and title of one's post in a Scientology church (derived from railroad use of distinctively different hats to indicate different jobs.) Havingness The concept of being able to reach. Owning, possessing, experiencing. Affinity, reality, communication with the environment. Health Form A standard form used by a Standard Dianetics auditor for finding what is troubling or bothering the preclear so that it may be handled with Dianetic auditing. 1027 Hidden standard A problem a person thinks must be resolved before auditing can be seen to have worked. It's a standard by which to judge Scientology or auditing or the auditor. This hidden standard is always an old problem of long duration. It is a postulate counter-postulate situation--the source of the counter postulate was suppressive to the pc. High TA Tone arm reading above 3.5 on the tone arm dial. Hubbard Apprentice Scientologist A graduate of the Hubbard Apprentice Scientologist Course, a course in communication and control. Hubbard Dianetic Counselor: HDC A graduate of the Hubbard Standard Dianetics Course. Hubbard Dianetic Graduate: HDG A person who is qualified to supervise a Hubbard Standard Dianetics Course by having done the Dianetic supervisor course in addition to the Hubbard Standard Dianetics Course. Hubbard Guidance Center: HGC That branch of the Technical Division of a Scientology church which delivers auditing to preclears. Hubbard Standard Dianetics Course: HSDC The course that teaches a person standard Dianetics. This course is given in Scientology Churches and missions. I Implant A painful and forceful means of overwhelming a being with artificial purposes or false concepts in a malicious attempt to control and suppress him. Implanter One who implants. See Implant. In Things which should be there and are or should be done and are, are said to be "in," i.e., "We got scheduling in." Incident The recording of an experience, simple or complex, related by the same subject, location or people understood to take place in a short or finite time period such as minutes or hours or days. Indoctrination To teach a doctrine, belief, or principle to; to teach. In session Interested in own case and willing to talk to auditor. Intensive A specific number of hours of auditing given to a preclear over a short period of time, as a series of successive sessions at regularly scheduled intervals. Twenty-five hours of auditing administered over a five-day period or occupying 10 evenings would be examples of intensives. Interiorization The action of going in; a thetan becoming interiorized in a body. An analogy would be stepping through a doorway into a room or getting into an automobile. 1028 Interiorization rundown: (Int RD or Int/Ext RD) A remedy designed to permit the pc to be further audited after he has gone exterior. It is NOT meant as a method of exteriorizing the pc; formerly known as the Exteriorization Rundown or Ext RD. Interiorization Rundown Correction List: (Int RD Corr. List) A prepared list used NOT to solve the case but to make interiorization cease to read and be clean as a subject by isolating the exact outness. It is used after a pc has had an Int RD and is continuing to have difficulty with interiorization. Interne An advanced graduate or recent graduate of an auditing level who is auditing to get practical experience under professional supervision. Internship Apprenticeship served by an Interne. Invalidation A refuting or degrading or discrediting or denying something someone else considers to be a fact. Invisible field This is just a part of some lock, secondary or engram that is "invisible." It, like a black field, responds to R3R. Is-ness Something that is persisting on a continuum. Item Any one of a list of things, people, ideas, significances, purposes, etc., given by a preclear to an auditor while listing; any separate thing or article; in particular, one placed on a list by a pc. Itsa A term contracted from "It is a"; a term for a pc's action of answering an auditor's question in which the pc positively identifies something with certainty. Itsa-maker line Communication line from the preclear to his own bank. Is where pc is inspecting his bank and where he is somewhat introverted. K Key in The action of recording a lock on a secondary or engram; the moment an earlier upset or earlier incident has been restimulated. Key out An action of an engram or secondary dropping away without being erased. Released or separate from one's reactive mind or some portion of it. Know-to-Mystery Scale The scale of affinity from Knowingness, down through Lookingness, Emotingness, Effortingness, Thinkingness, Symbolizingness, Eatingness, Sexingness, and so through to Not-knowingness to Mystery. L L3RD A prepared list used for locating and handling all errors and trouble in R3R sessions. 1029 L4BR A prepared list used in Scientology for handling all listing errors, when trouble occurs on a listing process, when TA goes high or pc gets sick or upset after a session which included listing actions. Latent read If (the needle) doesn't fall or react for a second or more (after the question is asked) and then reacts. This is a latent read. List Items said by the preclear in response to a listing question from the auditor, which have been written down by the auditor in the exact sequence that they were given to him by the preclear. Listing A special Scientology procedure used in some processes where the auditor writes down items said by the preclear in response to a question by the auditor, in the exact sequence that they are given to him by the preclear. Listing and Nulling: L & N A Scientology procedure in auditing done according to very exact rules as given in the Laws of Listing and Nulling. This is Scientology Level III technology and is not related to or in any way similar to a Dianetic assessment. Locational processing Processing which establishes a stability in the environment of the preclear on the subject of objects and people. It can be run in busy thoroughfares, parks, confused traffic or anywhere that there is or is not motion of objects and people. It is used in the auditing room itself to orient the preclear. Lock A mental image picture of an incident where one was knowingly or unknowingly reminded of a secondary or engram. It does not itself contain a blow or a burn or impact and is not any major cause of misemotion. It does not contain unconsciousness. It may contain a feeling of pain or illness, etc., but is not itself the source of it. A lock is a mental image picture of a nonpainful but disturbing experience the person has experienced and which depends for its force on an earlier secondary and engram which the experience has restimulated. Long Fall: Symbol LF. An E-meter needle reaction in which the needle moves rapidly to the righ t from two to three inches. Long Fall Blowdown: Symbol LFBD. An E-meter reaction in which the needle moves rapidly to the right and requires that the tone arm be adjusted in order for the needle to remain on the needle dial. Low TA Tone Arm reading below 2.0 on the tone arm dial. M Machine An actual machine in the mind (like ordinary machinery) constructed out of mental mass and energy, that has been made by the individual to do work for him, usually having been set up so as to come into operation automatically under certain pre-determined circumstances. Mark V E-meter A type of modern E-meter used in auditing today. 1030 Mass A composition of matter and energy existing in the physical universe. Mental mass is contained in mental image pictures. Medical Officer A person in a Scientology church who has the job of increasing the number of staff declared in good health and keeping the environment, health and hygiene standards high and maintaining a liaison between the church and the medical practitioner. Mental image pictures Mental pictures; facsimiles and mock-ups; a copy of one's perceptions of the physical universe sometime in the past. Mental Mass Mocking up matter, energy, space and time. Its proportionate weight would be terribly slight compared to the real object which the person is mocking up a picture of. MEST Word coined from the initial letters of Matter, Energy, Space and Time; the physical universe and its component parts; also used as an adjective in the same sense to mean physical, as in "MEST universe," meaning "physical universe." Method 3 An assessment in which each reading question is taken up and handled with the preclear when it is seen to read before continuing the assessment. Method 5 Assessing a prepared list once through marking the length and blowdown of all reads as they occur when the questions are asked of the pc. Those questions which read are then handled one at a time in order from the largest read to the smallest. Mind A control system between the thetan and the physical universe. It is not the brain. The mind is the accumulated recordings of thoughts, conclusions, decisions, observations and perceptions of a thetan throughout his entire existence. The thetan can and does use the mind in handling life and the physical universe. Misemotion Anything that is unpleasant emotion such as antagonism, anger, fear, grief, apathy or a death feeling; mis-aligned emotion, irrational or inappropriate emotion. Misemotion is also emotion which has been suppressed and which remains part of the individual's locks and secondaries unless he is audited. Missed Withhold An undisclosed contra-survival act which has been restimulated by another but not disclosed. This is a withhold which another person nearly found out about, leaving the person with the withhold in a state of wondering whether his hidden deed is known or not. Mission An authorized branch of the Church of Scientology which may run introductory courses and the Hubbard Standard Dianetics Course and may deliver auditing up to and including Grade IV if it has the properly qualified personnel. Mock-up Any ~knowingly created~ mental picture that is not part of a time track; to make a mock-up. 1031 Model Session The same exact pattern and script (patter) with which Dianetic and Scientology sessions are begun and ended. Motivator Actions which were directed against the preclear by others or another, used by him to justify (used as a "motive" for) overts; an aggressive or destructive act received by the person. Multiple illness The preclear is physically uncomfortable or ill from several engrams of different types all restimulated. One runs one somatic chain at a time, running each new symptom that is assessed or stated by the preclear. N Narrative chain A chain of similar ~experiences~ rather than similar somatics. A chain of incidents of similar description or event. In such a chain there may be hundreds to millions of such events or incidents. Such chains can be run in Dianetics but run the risk of being very long without reaching the basic of the chain; more specifically, a chain in which the similarity of content is of ~events~ "story" content ("falls downstairs," "fight with brother"). Narrative Item One which will land the pc in a single incident for which there is no chain. Natter Criticalness; unnecessarily and ineffectively talking about someone or something; the word is coined from negative chatter. Non Interference Zone Rule The rule that preclears and pre-OTs from Level VI to OT III may not be audited on anything else but those levels or necessary repair to get them back on those levels. Not-is; Not-is-ness, Not-is-ing The effort to reduce an unwanted condition of existence by force (breaking something, saying it's not). Null To nullify or to reduce the value or effect of something to nothing; means there was no reaction of the needle on the needle dial of the E-meter when the auditor had asked a question of the preclear; or simply it didn't read. Nulling The auditor's action in saying items from a list to a preclear and noting the reaction of the preclear's bank by the use of an E-meter. Null Item or Null List An item or list of items which when called out by the auditor as in an assessment produces no E-meter needle reaction. O Objective Havingness Scientology processes which increase a preclear's havingness by increasing his objective duplication. 1032 Objective Processes Scientology processes which familiarize a person with his environment, the physical universe. Obnosis A word put together from the phrase, "observing the obvious." OCA Graph A specially prepared graph which plots ten traits of a pc's personality from a personality test taken by the pc. OCA = Oxford Capacity Analysis. The personality test is also known as the APA = American Personality Analysis. Operating Thetan (OT) A being who can be at cause knowingly and at will over thought, life, form, matter, energy, space and time, subjective and objective. Op Pro by Dup Opening procedure by duplication. A process which increases the preclear's ability to duplicate and so increases his ability to communicate. Original Thesis A book by L. Ron Hubbard. See Bibliography. OT Grades Distinct and definite steps toward greater levels of awareness and ability as an Operating Thetan. There are seven (VII) OT grades at present. Out Things which should be there and aren't or should be done or aren't are said to be "out," i.e., "Enrollment books are out." Out-point Any one datum that is offered as true that is in fact found to be illogical. Out Tech Out technology; means that Dianetics or Scientology are not being applied or are not being correctly applied. Overrun Continuing to run an auditing action (in error) past the preclear's attainment of its end phenomena. A person can also be overrun on things in life outside of auditing. This is doing something too long that has engrams connected with it which means an engram chain with too many engrams on it being restimulated by life or auditing. Accumulating protests and upsets about something until it is just a mass of stops. Overt Overt act; an overt is an aggressive or destructive act by the individual against one or more of the eight dynamics (self, family, group, mankind, animals or plants, mest, life or the infinite). Overt-Motivator Sequence The reactive series of events in which someone who has committed an overt "has to" claim the existence of motivators (acts by others against self). Motivators are thus used to justify overts and tend to be used to justify further overts. P Pain (in its various forms) is the indication of an engram. Composed of heat, cold, electrical and the combined effect of sharp hurting. If one stuck a fork in his arm, be would experience pain. When one uses pain in connection with auditing one means awareness of heat, cold, electrical or hurting stemming 1033 from the reactive mind. According to experiments done at Harvard, if one were to make a grid with heated tubes going vertically and chilled tubes going horizontally and were to place a small current of electricity through the lot, the device touched to a body would produce a feeling of pain. It need not be composed of anything very hot or cold or of any high voltage to produce a very intense feeling of pain. Therefore what we call pain is itself heat, cold and electrical. If a pc experiences one or more of these from his reactive mind, we say he is experiencing pain. "Electrical" is the bridge between sensation and pain and is difficult to classify as either pain or sensation when it exists alone. Its symbol is PN. Pan-Determinism Broad determinism; the action of determining not only one's own actions, but the actions of others as well, especially to determine the activities of two or more sides of a game simultaneously; to become pan-determined it is necessary to view a dispute, struggle or game from both sides. Pastoral Counseling Using Dianetics to handle the effect of the spirit on the body. Dianetics, after examination, treatment, cure and a clean bill of health, as necessary, by a medical doctor, is used as a tool by the minister to free a person's attentions from his body so that be is ready for Scientology. It is thus true pastoral counseling and has a religious function. Pc Preclear. Pleasure moments These are mental image pictures containing pleasure sensations. One seldom addresses them unless the preclear is fixated on some type of "pleasure" to a point where it has become highly aberrated. Policy Letter The published rules and administrative formulas and procedures by which individuals in an organization agree on action and conduct their organizational activities. In Scientology churches and missions these advices are printed in green ink on white paper. Postulate A conclusion, decision or resolution made by the individual himself; to conclude, decide or resolve a problem or to set a pattern for the future or to nullify a pattern of the past. Potential Trouble Source A person who by reason of connection with and the influences of another person who is a suppressive person, is a "potential trouble source" to himself or a group and may exhibit characteristics similar to those of the suppressive person (SP), causing upset to himself and the areas in which he operates. A person who is PTS may exhibit great gains one day and then appear to lose them the next, be happy one day and very sad the next; this being known as "rollercoaster." Before permanent and real gains can be achieved, the person who is PTS must resolve the situation with the SP. Power Grade V Power Processing. See also Release. Practical The drills which permit the student to associate and coordinate theory with the actual items and objects to which the theory applies. Practical is ~application~ of what one knows to what one is being taught to understand, handle and control. 1034 Preclear From pre-Clear, a person not yet Clear; generally a person being audited, who is thus on the Road to Clear; a person who, through Dianetic and Scientology processing, is finding out more about himself and life. Preclear Assessment Sheet: White Form A form done with new preclears or pcs who haven't been audited for some time or at the beginning of each intensive, which calls for certain basic data that is necessary for the Case Supervisor. It is done by an auditor in session. Pre-Hav (Havingness) Scale A scale giving degrees of doingness or not doingness. Pre-OT A person, having achieved the state of Clear, now working towards the state of OT, Operating Thetan. Prepcheck A Scientology auditing action in which a subject found to be charged is discharged by the use of a prepared list of buttons (called the Prepcheck Buttons). Present Time That which is now and which becomes the past almost as rapidly as it is observed. It is a term that refers to the environment as it exists now, not as it existed; as in the phrase "the preclear came up to present time," meaning the preclear became aware of the existing matter, energy, space and time of now. Present Time Problem (PTP) A specific problem that exists in the physical universe ~now~, on which a person has his attention fixed. Pressure Somatic In Dianetics, considered to be a symptom in a lock, secondary or engrarn, simply part of the content. Prior Assessment An assessment done in Dianetics in which a time prior to or earlier than something which occurred or started later is addressed. Prior read Reads which occur prior to the completion of the major thought. (Major thought is the complete thought being expressed in words by the auditor.) Problem (Prob.) Anything which has opposing sides of equal force; especially postulate-counter-postulate, intention-counter-intention or idea-counter-idea; an intention-counter-intention that worries the preclear. Process A question or set of questions or directions used by an auditor in a session to help a person find out about himself and life. Processing See Auditing. Product A finished high-quality service or article in the hands of the consumer in exchange for a valuable. Program A program is the sequence of actions session by session to be undertaken on a case by the C/S in his directions to the auditor or auditors, auditing the case. Psychosomatic ~Psycho~, of course, refers to mind and ~somatic~ refers to body; the term psychosomatic means the mind making the body ill or illnesses 1035 which have been created physically within the body by derangement of the mind. Public Relations Officer (PRO) A person in a Dianetic Counseling Group or a Scientology church who has the job of public relations for the organization, internally and externally. Q Q and A Stands for Question and Answer. A failure to complete a cycle of action; to fail to complete a cycle of action; to deviate from an intended course of action; questioning the preclear's answer; in auditing, it's a failure to complete a cycle of action on a preclear. Qual The Qualifications Division (Division V of a Scientology church) where the student is examined and where he may receive cramming or special assistance and where he is awarded completions and certifications and where his qualifications as attained on courses or in auditing are made a permanent record. Qual Sec Qualifications Secretary, the head of the Qualifications Division. Quickie Means omitting actions for whatever reason that would satisfy all demands or requirements and doing something less than could be achieved. R R3R See Routine 3 Revised. R3R Triple Dianetic R3R procedure triple flow; another to self, self to another, and another to another. Randomity The ratio of unpredicted motion to predicted motion. Reach/Withdraw Basic process in assists or when processing animals, very small children or people who are extremely ill. Reactive Bank See Reactive Mind, Bank. Reactive Mind: Reactive bank The portion of the mind which works on a stimulus-response basis (given a certain stimulus it will automatically give a certain response) which is not under a person's volitional control and which exerts force and power over a person's awareness, purposes, thoughts, body and actions. It consists of locks, secondaries, engrams and chains of them and is the single source of human aberration and psychosomatic ills. Read The action of the needle on the E-meter dial falling (moving to the right); SF, F, LF, LFBD are reads. Reality The agreed upon apparency of existence. A reality is any data that agrees with the person's perceptions, computations and education. Reality is one of the components of understanding. Reality is what ~is~. 1036 Recall Present time remembering something that happened in the past. It is ~not~ re-experiencing it, reliving or re-running it. You are in present time, thinking of, remembering, putting your attention on something that happened in the past--all done from present time. Rehabilitation The restoration of some former ability or state of being or some more optimum condition. Release A preclear whose reactive mind or some major portion of it is keyed out and is not influencing him. In Scientology processing there are eight major Grades of Release. They are, from the lowest to the highest: Grade 0 Communications Release, Grade I Problems Release, Grade II Relief Release, Grade III Freedom Release, Grade IV Ability Release, Grade V Power Release, Grade VA Power Plus Release, Grade VI Whole Track Release. Each is a distinct and definite step toward greater levels of awareness and ability. (See also Grade). Repair Patching up past auditing or recent life errors. This is done by prepared lists or completing the chain. Repeater technique A Dianetic auditing technique given in the book ~Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health~ (1950) in which the auditor would have the preclear repeat over and over certain phrases found in engrams being run. Resistive Case See Seven Resistive Cases. Restimulate To cause restimulation. Restimulation Condition in which part of the bank has been "triggered" by something in the person's environment (a restimulator) causing some greater or lesser degree of reactive behavior or condition; doing something unknowingly, unwittingly and without any understanding of what one is doing. Retread The auditor's weak areas are located and the auditor is word cleared on the appropriate materials and he then restudies the materials of those areas. Reverie The preclear is placed in a light state of "concentration" which is not to be confused with hypnosis. The analytical mind of the preclear while reduced in its potential and under direction, is still capable of thinking its own thoughts and forming its own opinions. Review When a preclear is having difficulty of some sort that is not immediately resolving with the actions being done, he may be sent to the Qualifications Division of the local Church where his case folder is carefully checked over or ~reviewed~ and the necessary corrective actions taken to resolve the difficulty. The actions done in this manner are collectively called ~review~. R-Factor Reality factor; explanation, information, data, etc., given to a person in order to bring about sufficient understanding for him to be able to perform a specific action. 1037 Ridges Are solid accumulations of old, inactive energy suspended in space and time. They are generated by opposing energy flows hitting one another and continue to exist long after the energy flows have ceased. Ridges exist in suspension around a person. Rise A needle phenomena where the needle moves to the auditor's left (auditor facing the meter); a rising needle means "no confront"--the preclear has struck an area or something he isn't confronting. One never calls his attention to this but one knows what it is. Rock Slam: Symbol RS This is a crazy, irregular, jerky motion of the needle of the E-meter, narrow as one inch or as wide as three inches happening several times a second. The needle "goes crazy," slamming back and forth, narrowly, widely, over on the left, over on the right, in a mad war dance or as if it were frantically trying to escape. It means ~hot terminal~ or ~hot~ anything in an assessment and takes precedence over a fall. Rollercoaster See Potential Trouble Source. Routine 3 Revised: R3R Designation for the principal process of Standard Dianetics; technique for running engrams. Rudiments First principles, steps, stages or conditions. The basic actions done at the beginning of a session to set up the pc for the major session action; ARC breaks, withholds and PTPs. Run Undergo processing; run out; erase. Rundown (R/D) A series of specific auditing actions done on a case designed to produce a specific result. S Sad effect When an ARC break is permitted to continue over too long a period of time and remains in restimulation a person goes into a "sad effect" which is to say they become sad and mournful. Scientology Scn. An applied religious philosophy developed by L.Ron Hubbard dealing with the study of knowledge, which through the application of its technology can bring about desirable changes in the conditions of life. (Taken from the Latin word ~scio~, knowing in the fullest sense of the word, and the Greek word ~logos~, to study.) A religious practice applying to Man's spirit and his spiritual freedom; the route from human being to total freedom and total beingness. Search and Discovery A Scientology listing process to handle a PTS person. It is not part of Dianetics. Sec Secretary, a senior executive of the Church of Scientology; also security. Secondary A secondary is a mental image picture of a moment of severe and shocking loss or threat of loss which contains misemotion such as anger, fear, grief, apathy or "deathfulness." It is a mental image picture recording of a time of severe mental stress. It may contain unconsciousness. 1038 Second Dynamic See Dynamics. Self-auditing The manifestation of going around running concepts or processes on one's self. Self Analysis A book by L. Ron Hubbard; see Bibliography. Self-Determinism The ability to regulate and take responsibility for one's own considerations; motivation by the thetan rather than by the environment. Sensation (In its various forms) is the indication of a secondary, which precedes the actual engram. All uncomfortable perceptions stemming from the reactive mind are called sensation. These are basically "pressure," "motion," "dizziness," "sexual sensation," and "emotion and misemotion." There are others, definite in themselves but definable in these five general categories. If one took the fork in the pain definition above and pressed it against the arm, that would be "pressure." "Motion" is just that, a feeling of being in motion when one is not. "Motion" includes the "winds of space," a feeling of being blown upon especially from in front of the face. "Dizziness" is a feeling of disorientation and includes a spinniness, as well as an out-of-balance feeling. "Sexual sensation" means any feeling, pleasant or unpleasant, commonly experienced during sexual restimulation or action. "Emotion and misemotion" include all levels of the complete tone scale except "pain"; emotion and misemotion are closely allied to "motion," being only a finer particle action. A bank solidity is a form of "pressure," and when the sensation of increasing solidity of masses in the mind occurs, we say "the bank is beefing up." All these are classified as sensation. Symbol SEN. Service Facsimile Serv Fac, a Scientology term. The service facsimile is that computation generated by the preclear (not the bank) to make self right and others wrong; to dominate or escape domination and enhance own survival and injure that of others. Session A precise period of time during which an auditor audits or processes a preclear. Seven Resistive Cases This is item number 40 on the Scientology Green Form (GF 40). It is a specially prepared list of items with specific actions to be done for each item, and is used by a Scientology auditor to correct specific case difficulties of a pc. Small Fall: Symbol SF An E-meter needle reaction in which the needle moves rapidly to the right a quarter to half an inch. Somatic Essentially body sensation, illness or pain or discomfort. "Soma" means body; hence PSYCHO-SOMATIC or pains stemming from the mind. A pain or ache, sensation and also misemotion or even unconsciousness. There are a thousand different descriptive words that could add up to a ~feeling~. Pain, aches, dizziness, sadness--these are all FEELINGS. Thus in Dianetics we ASK FOR AND FOLLOW DOWN ONLY FEELINGS. Those can be aches, pains, sensations, misemotion--any FEELING. ~Somatics:~ This is a general word for uncomfortable perceptions coming from the reactive mind. Its genus is early Dianetics and it is a general, common package word, used by Scientologists to denote "pain" or "sensation" with no difference 1039 made between them. To understand the source of these feelings, one should have a knowledge of engrams, ridges and other parts of the reactive bank. To the Scientologist anything is a SOMATIC if it emanates from the various part of the reactive mind and produces an awareness of reactivity. Symbol SOM. Somatic Chain A chain in which the similarity of content is of feelings, sensations, attitudes, pains, emotions. These are the chains run in routine Standard Dianetics. Squirrelling The action of altering Scientology; off-beat practices. Stable Datum Any body of knowledge, more particularly and exactly, is built from one datum. That is its stable datum. Invalidate it and the entire body of knowledge falls apart. A stable datum does not have to be the correct one. It is simply the one that keeps things from being in a confusion and on which others are aligned. Stage Four A needle reaction on the E-meter in which the needle rises, sticks, falls, about once a second or two. It is very regular, always the same distance, always the same pattern, over and over. It reacts on nothing the auditor or pc says. Standard Dianetics Standard Dianetics technology as developed and refined by L. Ron Hubbard in 1969; that Dianetic technology which has absolutely no arbitraries; correct exact duplication of source in application of Dianetics. The exact processes and auditing actions of Dianetics laid down and used for the invariable resolution of cases, taught in the Academies and Missions of Scientology and used without variation by all Hubbard Dianetic Counselors. Standard Tech: Standard Technology That tech which has absolutely no arbitraries; correct exact duplication of source in application; the exact processes and auditing actions laid down and used for the invariable resolution of cases, taught in the Acadamies, Colleges and Advanced Organizations of the Church of Scientology and used without variation by all Scientology auditors. The term applies equally to Dianetics and its technology. Static A life static has no mass, no motion, no wave length, no location in space or in time. It has the ability to postulate and to perceive. Steering the pc The only use of latent or random reads. You see a read the same as the instant read occuring again when you are not speaking but after you have found a whole thought reacting. You say "there" or "that" and the pc, seeing what he or she is looking at as you say it recovers the knowledge from the reactive bank. Sticky needle See Dirty needle. Summary Report Form Written by the Auditor after the session on a fill-in type standard form and is simply an exact record of what happened and what was observed during the session. Supervisor The person in charge of the course and its students. Any questions a student has regarding the course or the materials on the course must be directed to the Course Supervisor, never to another student. 1040 Suppressive Act Actions or omissions undertaken knowingly to suppress, reduce or impede Dianetics, Scientology or Scientologists. Suppressive Person: SP One who is battling constantly in covert ways to make others less powerful and less able because of imagined danger to himself. The SP is actually stuck on the time track at some point in the distant past long forgotten. Such a person may even appear sane but in fact is quite insane and incapable of viewing anything for what it actually is, regarding others as constant threats to himself and operating to destroy those around him. T Technical bulletin: Hubbard Communications Office Technical Bulletin (HCOB) These contain the technology of Dianetics and Scientology as issued by L. Ron Hubbard. Technical Division: Tech Div That part of a Scientology organization which routinely delivers auditing and training services. It handles the technology of Dianetics and Scientology, thus it is the Tech Div. Technology The methods of application of an art or science as opposed to mere knowledge of the science itself. Terminal Anything that can receive, relay or send a communication (most common usage); also, anything with mass and meaning. Theta Energy peculiar to life or a thetan which acts upon the material in the physical universe and animates it, mobilizes it and changes it; natural creative energy of a thetan which be has free to direct toward survival goals, especially when it manifests itself as high tone constructive communications. Theta Bop A small or wide steady dance of the needle. Over a spread of one-eighth of an inch, say (depending on sensitivity setting, it can be half an inch), the needle goes up and down perhaps five or ten times a second. It goes up, sticks, falls, sticks, goes up, sticks, etc., always the same distance like a slow tuning fork. It is a constant distance and a constant speed. A theta bop means "death," "leaving," "don't want to be here." It is caused by a yo-yo of the preclear as a thetan vibrating out and into the body or a position in the body. It's as if the needle is jumping between two peaks across a narrow valley. Thetan From THETA (life static), a word taken from the Greek symbol or letter: theta, traditional symbol for thought or spirit. The thetan is the individual himself--not the body or the mind. The thetan is the "I"; one doesn't have or own a thetan; one is a thetan. Third Dynamic See Dynamics. Tick Small jerk of the needle. 1041 Time track: Track The endless record complete with 52 perceptions of the pc's entire past; the consecutive record of mental image pictures which accumulates through the preclear's life or lives. It is very exactly dated. Tone Arm: TA Meter control lever on the E-meter (See illustration of an E-meter.) Tone arm action: TA Movement of the tone arm of the E-meter (see illustration of an E-meter in the text) when it has to be moved more than one tenth of a division to keep the needle at set (except during body movement); the total number of divisions down a tone arm has moved accurately in a unit of time such as twenty minutes or two and a half hour session. Tone arm action denotes a change, and therefore, that case gain for the preclear is occuring. Tone 40 Intention without reservation or limit; an execution of intention. Tone scale A gradation of the various factors of behavior, thought, emotion, communication and many other factors plotted on a precise scale of levels of survival potential. Touch Assist An assist that brings the person's attention to injured or affected body areas. When attention is withdrawn from them, so is circulation, nerve flows and energy, which for one thing limits nutrition to the area, and for another limits the drainage of waste products. Some ancient healers attributed remarkable flows and qualities to the "laying on of hands." Probably the workable element in this was simply heightening awareness of the affected area and restoring the physical communication factors. Training Drills See Training Routines. TR 101-104 Training drills on the Hubbard Standard Dianetics Course which train the student auditor to run R3R. Treason Betrayal after trust. This is one of the Scientology ethics conditions. Triple Dianetics The three flows--another to self, self to another, and another to another--run on a preclear by an auditor using Dianetics R3R procedure. Triple Flow Occurs when the three flows--another to self, self to another, and another to another--are run on a preclear by an auditor in Dianetics or Scientology. Triples: Triple Flows Dianetics and Scientology use of the three basic flows inward, outward and cross, in auditing. Training Routines: Symbol TRs Training drills on Dianetics and Scientology courses which train students to communicate and audit. Specific auditor skill in communication and session command are gained in doing the TRs. Two-way comm The precise technology of a process used to clarify data with another for the other. It is not chatter. It is governed by the rules of auditing. It is governed by the communication cycle. 1042 Twin The study partner with whom one is paired. Two students studying the same subject who are paired to checkout or help each other are said to be "twinned." U Unburdening As a basic is not at once available on any chain one usually ~unburdens~ it by running later engrams (closer to present time), secondaries and locks. The act of unburdening would be digging off the top to get at the bottom as in moving sand. As you run off later incidents, the ability of the preclear to confront it also increases and basic is easy to run when finally contacted. Understanding Composed of affinity, reality and communication. These three things are necessary to the understanding of anything. One has to have some affinity for it, it has to be real to him to some degree and he needs some communication with it before he can understand it. Greater understanding comes about by increasing any one of these three factors. Unmocking Attempting to reduce or make disappear, make nothing of. Upper Indoc (indoctrination) TRs (TRs 6 to 9) Purpose of these four training drills is to bring about in the student the willingness and ability to handle and control other people's bodies and to cheerfully confront another person while giving that person commands. Also to maintain a high level of control in any circumstances. Uptone At a high level of survival or state of being, plotted on the tone scale. A person who is uptone, or high-toned, has a greater ability to handle his facsimiles, to control his environment and has a greater degree of survival than someone who is downtone, or low-toned. V Valuable Final Product Something that can be exchanged with other activities in return for support. Valence Is the assumption at the reactive level by one individual of the characteristics of another individual. An individual may have a number of valences which he puts on and off as he might hats. Often these changes are so marked that an observant person can notice him dropping one valence and putting on another. The shift from valence to valence is usually completely outside the awareness and control of the individual doing so. In other cases an individual has one valence, not his own, in which he is thoroughly stuck. Visio Perceptic. Ability to see in facsimile form something one has seen earlier so that one sees it again in the same color, dimension scale, brightness and detail as it was originally viewed. 1043 W What's it Pc saying 'whatsit whatsit whatsit that's wrong with me." What's-it-line From the auditor to the pc. The auditor is saying "what is it?" The upward flow of the tone arm. Restimulated but unresolved charge. The itsa line charge channels down and disintegrates. White Form See Preclear Assessment Form/Sheet. Whole Track The moment to moment record of a person's existence in this universe in picture and impression form. Withhold An undisclosed harmful (contra-survival) act. Word Clearing A Scientology procedure used to locate and clear words the student or preclear has misunderstood in his studies of Dianetics and Scientology or earlier subjects he has studied. Worksheets The sheets on which the auditor writes a complete running record of the session from beginning to end, page after page, as the session goes along. Worldwide: WW The worldwide headquarters of the network of Scientology churches. It is located at Saint Hill Manor in East Grinstead, Sussex, England. Y Yellow Sheet A sheet detailing each correction list or set of commands which have been word cleared. It also lists the pc's current Havingness process and the type of cans the pc uses. General Index 1045 A Aberration, 47-49, 70, 82, 102, 136, 310, 333, 355, 553, 604, 946, 958, 959 ABCD, 348, 349, 577, 579, 613 additional, 349, 580 Accident-prone, 110 Acknowledgements, 134, 135, 158-163, 352 half, 307 getting a pc talking, 134, 159 Administration, 247, 252, 598 auditor, 247-255, 259-263, 265, 266 groups, 952, 953 Agreement, 8 Alter-is, 71, 474, 475 drug, 474,475 Amnesia, 299, 300 Anaten, 420, 632 pc in session, 420, 632 Antibiotics, 446, 484 APA graph, 266-271 ARC break, 71, 135, 175, 191, 234, 237, 308, 330, 332, 411, 413, 414, 417, 540, 548, 551 assessment, 356, 417 time mishandling, 333 caused by missed withholds, 414 prior charge restimulated, 330, 333 why, 122, 191, 354 ARC broken, 133, 240 pc,133, 151, 630 Art of case supervision, 560-562 As-is, 120, 130 pc's ability to, 182, 183 As-is-ness, 182 impeding, 182 Aspirin, 469, 470, 472, 640 drying-out period, 472 Assessment, 189, 191, 192, 194, 197, 336, 337, 339, 340, 522 by instant read, 192, 197 by tone arm, 189, 337 considerations, 338 Dianetic, 69, 245, 254, 337 method 3 drill, 395 method 5 drill, 398 interest, 338, 522 longest read, 191, 192, 337, 339, 522 multiple somatic, 526 narrative items, 357 not rote, 339 prior to drugs, 449 Assignment policies, 617 auditor, 617 Assists, 425-467 ARC breaks, 451, 454, 459 checklist, 458 commands, 458-464 confused scene, 429 contact, 432-435, 443, 454 drills, 434, 435, 441, 442 drunkenness, 449 engrams, 454, 461 first aid, 430, 431, 433 handling accidents, 427, 430 injured person, 454 overts, 451, 460, 461 police, 427, 429 postoperative auditing, 638 present time, 454 problems, 451, 454, 459 secondaries, 454, 460, 461 technique, 426 temperature, 430, 446 touch, 432, 433, 435, 441-443, 454 unconsciousness, 433, 455 unconscious person, 449 withholds, 454, 460 Attention, 2, 92, 125, 332, 491 Auditing, 1, 2, 130, 403, 610, 616-618, 624 as-is-ness, 120, 130, 182, 183 assist, 404, 444 comm cycle, 120, 124-129 crimes, 251, 355, 635 definition, 1, 2, 4, 64, 330 flagrant errors, 198, 199, 201, 611 how to become an auditor, 1-6 major faults, 198, 199, 588, 598, 600, 612, 613 preclear definition, 1, 4 time track, 39-42, 82, 83, 327, 328 Auditor, 1, 2, 340, 341, 537, 600, 614, 616,624 can't run engrams, 333, 334 Auditors, 2, 182, 211, 404 drills, 244 format for, 379 road out, 4 social behavior, 4 technician, 5 Auditor's code, 2, 118, 182, 188, 201, 202, 205, 474, 523, 596, 635 mixing Dianetics with other practices, 118, 625, 628, 629 refunds, 118 treating illness, 67, 523 1046 Authoritarianism, 7, 10, 15, 16 Authorities, 8 Aware, 141, 329 only of own evaluation, 329 Awareness, 141, 521 Axioms, 943 B Bad, 300 hearing, 110, 111 memory, 300 sight, 110 Bad indicators, 227, 228, 3400 spotting drill, 219, 220 Barriers, 22-36 study, 22-29 how to handle, 23, 26, 30-36 Basic, 79, 83, 330, 332, 336 not erased, 234, 331 tech, 120 Basic auditing, 120 dirty needles, 186, 200-202, 415 Bedside manner, 182 Beginning Dianetics, 403 Big win, 239 on list, 493 on ~Self Analysis~ lists, 493 Birth control pills, 458 Bizarre, 50, 444, 445 aches, 50 pains, 50 Black, 68, 309, 339, 960 pc says all, 309 Black five (V), 329, 357 Blank stare, 477 Blowdowns, 203, 330, 337, 526, 612, 634 goofs, 203 Blue sheet, 570 Bull-bait, 153 TR-0, 153 Bull-baited, 379 drill format, 379 Burns, 111, 324 Buttons, 611 using "false", 611 using "suppress", 344-346, 611 By-passed charge, 238, 333, 374, 540 C Calibration, 205 E-meter, 205 Caring, 603 Case, 4, 618-620, 624, 633, 936, 944, 957 histories, 645-930 state of, 4, 187, 188, 328 Case supervisor, 252, 259, 404, 521, 545-552, 555-558, 597-644 code, 558 duties, 253, 545, 558, 600, 602 errors, 551, 614 failures, 598, 614 mystified, 582 programmes, 545, 556, 565, 567, 568 purpose, 404, 545, 546 rules, 556-558, 623, 624, 634 Case supervision, 112, 262, 537, 606, 608 failures, primary cause, 598, 611, 620 CCHs, 164, 269, 270, 329, 357, 488-497 body control, 488 drill, 493-497 heighten perception, 490, 491 improve communication, 489 improve control, 489 improve duplication, 488, 489 increase havingness, 488, 490, 491 Cells, 73 Chain, 51-63, 78, 83, 319 too late on, 319 Chains, 62, 78, 83, 298, 305, 336-338 how held together, 399, 931 pc can't see, 329 Charge, 233, 238, 320, 328-331, 346, 561, 634,635 Checkouts, 31 errors, 31 Childbirth, 450, 109 Children, 631, 632 mentally retarded, 110 Chronic somatic, 549 Chronically ill, 586, 640, 961 Clay table training, 244 Cleaning, 200, 238 a needle, 200 Clears, 4, 144, 187, 189, 294, 306, 308, 329, 943, 959 Coaching, 145-149, 380 back-off, 147 definition, 145 intention, 146 purpose, 145 reality, 145 Cognitions, 233, 235, 243, 550 Command, 609, 384, 386 clearing drill, 385 Commands, 101, 249, 347-350 flow 2, 349 flow 3, 349 going earlier, 349 Comm cycle, 203, 440 additives, 133 additive Qs and orders, 135, 136 distractive Qs and orders, 133 Comm cycles in auditing, 120-122, 125-128 has pc received command, 126 1047 has pc received acknowledgement, 128 repetitive commands, 123 origination cycle, 123 has pc answered, 123, 127 Comm, 122 hidden line, 122 Communication, 119-183 do something for pc, 124, 129-132 use of a comm cycle, 124, 129 Communication cycle, 119, 122, 124-129, 131 as-is-ness, 120 backflow to, 127 fundamental auditing, 120, 121 terminals, 119 Competence, 148 and morale, 148 Composite engram, 62, 63 explains case problems, 62 remedy, 63 symptoms, 62 Composite engrams, 522, 532 Compulsion, 516 drugs, 516 Confront, 33-36, 67, 90, 96, 99, 140-145, 151-153, 301-304, 307, 321, 338, 552, 555, 626 and the E-meter, 338 increasing, 36, 321 over, 304, 306 reducing the pc's, 181 students, 26, 33, 34, 36, 143 under, 304, 306 Confused ideas, 26, 28, 29, 33 misunderstoods, 26, 28, 29, 33 Contact assist, 432-434 drill, 434, 435 end phenomena, 434 Control, 68, 158, 169, 170, 176-178, 181, 252, 428, 429 Control center, 74 Correction lists, 245, 253, 544 Counter-effort, 73, 477 Cramming, 557, 597, 601, 955, 960 orders, 601 Criminals, 547 Critical thoughts, 413 C/S 1, 404-409, 485, 570 drill, 404-409 Cultural lag, ~viii~ Current, 186 discharge, 119 electrical, 185, 213 increase, 214 D Damage, 3 fear of pain, 77 Data, 947, 951, 953, 956 evaluation of, 10, 15, 20, 947 Date, 347, 936 no, 936 wrong, 350 Dating, 347 Death, 93, 193, 321, 471 Definitions, 24 aberration, 47-49, 70, 82 additive, 71 ally, 70 alter-is, 71 analytical, 71 analytical mind, 71 ARC, 71, 493 ARC break, 71 assess, 69 automatic bank, 69 basic, 57, 58, 332 black field, 68 chains, 52-55, 78, 83 chains, how to run, 330 circuit, 70, 170 confront, 141 derangement, 48, 49 Dianetic auditor, how he works, 1-3 Dianetics, basic error, 611 engram, 16, 43, 67, 78, 290, 315 erasure, 58, 59, 231, 235, 332 experience, non-painful, 45 experience, disturbing, 45 floating needle, 64 headaches, 52, 55 illness, 47 incident, 56, 78, 319 is-ness, 71, 86, 88, 219 invisible field, 68 key-ins, 52, 69, 78 key-out, 60, 69, 235, 236 lock, 45, 78, 304 loss, 44, 369 machine, 70 manifestations, of engrams and secondaries, 64-66 mental image picture, 38, 42, 78 misemotion, 66 multiple illness, 69, 527, 532 pain, 50, 51, 65, 73, 74, 428 perception, 41, 65, 225-227 pleasure moment, 42 present time, 41, 46 pressure somatic, 65, 68 psychosomatic, 47 recording, 51 ridge, 70 secondary, 44, 65, 78, 290, 314, 315 sensation, 65 somatic, 49, 55, 64, 524 symptoms, handling, 63, 522 time track, 39-42, 46, 77, 316 1048 unburdening, 57 valence, 102 Delusion, 289 Demonstrations, 26, 405-409 how to, 405-409 new pcs, 405-409 purpose, 26 study, 26 Denyer, 79 Dianetic assessment lists admin, 253, 254 Dianetic assist, 432, 433, 443, 447, 605 drill 447 Dianetic auditing, 51, 63, 96, 102, 231, 232, 341, 346-349, 607, 621, 623, 626-629, 960 objective, 50, 63, 79, 96, 102, 109, 323, 959 Dianetic auditor, 51, 61, 66, 107, 108, 235-237, 359, 574, 932, 961 skill, 107, 108, 235, 578, 949, 962 tools, 7, 107, 124 Dianetic counseling groups, 932-934, 938, 939, 941, 952 errors, 938 hats, 939 tithes, 939 Dianetic, course rules, 953 C/S 1, 404-409, 570 flow table admin, 245, 261, 262, 372 student rescue intensive, 464 training, 111, 932, 944, 945, 952, 961 length of, 111, 466, 933 Dianetics, 7, 38, 107, 109, 110, 401, 931 and education, 943, 946 difference, Dianetics and Scientology, 67, 107-112, 589 study, how to, 7, 946, 953 use, 109, 111, 112, 563, 948 Dictionaries, 27, 29, 30, 32, 33 how to use, 29, 30 huge, 32 skill, 29-30 small, 27, 32 Difficult pc, 571 Disagreements, 191 with theory, 26-27 Dissemination, 285-286 Dianetics and Scientology, 285 DMSMH, 3, 76, 280, 307, 321, 367, 548, 969 DMT, 474 Doingness, 22, 24, 25 Dope-off, 540 handling, 540 Down stats, 277, 282, 283 Dramatization, 290, 292 Dreams, 314 Drill, 373, 374, 441-443, 522-524 assist, 434, 435, 439, 441-443 CCHs, 493-497 clearing commands, 384-386 contact, 434 Dianetic C/S 1, 502 filling in undone flows, 373, 374 flying ruds, 416 F/N indication, 241 health form, 522-524 L3RD, 394, 395 method 3 assessment, 395 method 5 assessment, 398 model session, 494-497 preclear assessment form, 502, 512 ~Self Analysis~ lists, 498-501 session setup, 346, 541 spotting bad indicators, 219, 220 student rescue intensive, 464-466 touch assists, 439, 441-443 unconscious person, 449 Drills, 379-384, 394-398 format for, 379, 380 TRs 101 to 104, 182, 183, 379-384 Drugs, 73, 386, 404, 455, 469-520 alcohol, 483 as-is-ness, 474 heavy users, 481, 486 how to handle, 481, 484-487, 512-517 no case gain, 480, 633 objective processes, 477, 481, 486 pc currently on, 404, 484, 486, 587 prevents case gain, 472, 478, 480, 483 resistive case, 483, 485, 633, 634 steps to handle, 512-517 taking, 471, 643 TRs, 484-486, 488 vitamins, 479-481, 486, 487 weaned off, 486 Drunkenness, 449 Drying out drugs, 472, 478, 483 time period, 472, 483 Dub-in, 78, 329 Dull student, 26 Dummy auditing, step I, 157 communication, 154, 155, 157 getting comm across, 153, 154, 157 intention, 157 tone 40 8-C, 157 Dummy auditing, step II, 162 acknowledgements, 158-163 bad auditing, 599-600 controlling communication, 158, 159 double acknowledgernents, misacknowledgements, 134 obsessive communication, 159, 160 tone of voice acknowledgements, 162 Dummy auditing, step III, 167 1049 auditing commands, 163-165, 167 communication, 165 duplication, 163-165 experience, 166, 167 Dummy auditing, step IV, 174 children, 171 circuits, 170 comm bridge, 173, 174 everyday world, 171 handling originations, 169-171, 175 maintain ARC, 172, 173 return pc to session, 172, 173 understand, 175 Duration, 309, 347, 350, 936 incorrect, 349 no, 347 E Earlier beginning, 579, 349 failure to ask, 579 Earlier incident, 349 pc can't find one, 579, 349 Eat, 640 can't, 640 Education, 20-23, 25, 943 definition, 21 Effort, 400 Electric shock treatment, 3, 113, 114, 445, 634 E-meter, 64, 185-196, 199, 202-207, 211, 217, 224, 225, 280, 316, 330, 338, 936, assessment, 189, 338, 339 clear read, 189 electrical resistance, 185 familiarization with, 186 main needle actions, 190-194 mass, 185, 365 needle, 186, 187, 190-195 practice, 186, 194, 217 pre-conscious meter, 186, 233, 316, 338 reactive mind, 196 sensitivity, 189, 190, 192, 194, 243 what to run at, 194 theory, 186 tone arm, 187, 188, 192, 202, 203, 330 construction, 187 what needle shows, 187, 190, 191, 193-195, 199, 330 what tone arm shows, 186-188, 330 E-meter errors, 199 E-meter illustration, 184 E-meter and new pcs, 405-406 Emotion, 65 chronic, 221-303 End phenomena, 231-244, 259, 542, 551, 624 assist, 243, 433, 444 Dianetics, 232 feeding to pc, 233 rudiments, 237 ~Self Analysis~ list, 492, 493, 498, 499 Engineering, 12 Engrams, 16, 43, 47, 49, 67, 77, 78, 290, 303, 315, 317, 331, 336, 350-352, 549, 550, 622, 634 command value, 548 creation of, 43 goes solid, 360 pc can't find, 227, 549 phrases, 80, 548 running laws, 82, 352, 635 Erasure, 58, 59, 232, 234, 235, 298, 320, 359, 360 how to attain, 91, 237, 298, 299, 320, 332, 359 how not to, 359 Erasing, 348 pc doesn't know, 348 Error, 457, 541, 570, 612, 613 fundamental, 586, 938 major, 538, 584 worst, 612, 613 Errors, 101, 320, 594, 612-614, 635 on running engrams, 101, 320, 584 Ethics, 242, 481 data auditor admin, 255, 256 and drugs, 481 Euthanasia, Evil, 103, 943 purposes, 250, 253 Exam form, 258, 596 Examination, correct, 450 Examiner, 256, 257, 263-265, 621 duty, 263, 264 judging pc indicators, 263, 264 Existence, 94 Exteriorization, 92, 375, 477, 552, 612, 619 false from drugs, 477, 634 F Facsimilies, 78 Failed Sessions, 579, 592 what to do, 579, 588, 592 Failure, 638, 937 foremost, 19-21 study, 19-26 cause of, 638, 952, 956 False reports, 542, 587, 592, 594, 609 False TA, 205, 206, 208-210, 212-214 checklist, 214-217 phenomena, 207 1050 rudiments, 416 Fast students, 955 Firefights, 378 Flat point, 189 Flattening, definition, 35 Floating needles, 64, 68, 203, 204, 214, 231-235, 237, 613, 614, 621 abuse, 231, 232 indication of drill, 241 persistent, 239, 240 small, 233, 240 Flow, 335, 347, 349 Flows, 335, 349, 369 three, 335, 349, 370 Flubbed commands, 578, 588 Flunks, 136, 599 auditor, 352, 599 Flying rudiments, 411-419 drills, 416 Forcing a pc to go earlier, 362, 584, 595, 634 F/Ning everything, 237, 238, 397 Folder, 246, 248-268, 621 error summary, 246, 259, 260, 597, 603, 620 Force, 75, 400, 549-552, 564 Folder summary, 246, 248, 260, 261, 539 Format, 379 drills, 379 bull-baited, 379 unbull-baited, 379 Former lives, 353 Former therapy, 633, 634 Frozen emotions, 369 Full flow Dianetics, 370-376, 378, 583 Full flow table, 372, 378 Freud, 10, 76, 96, 299, 309, 958 G Gains, 2, 130, 532, 625, 643, 935 no, 134, 182, 411, 587, 625 prevented, 478 Genius, 103, 300 Glib student, 26, 34 Good indicators list, 228-229 Goofed sessions, 598 Grade, 455, 541, 617 Gradient scale, 23, 35, 100, 301, 606, 945 confusions, 23 definitions, 23, 960 Grinding, 330, 361, 613 reason for, 330 and OTs, 369 Green form, 401, 483, 573, 575, 581, 636 Gross auditing errors, 134, 198, 243, 342, 343 Grouper, 79, 83 Gung ho groups, 932 H Hands, 207, 213 calloused, 208, 213 cold, 208 dry, 207, 213 sweaty, 207, 365 Handwriting, 265, 266 drill, 265, 266 Happiness, 63 Happy preclears, 63, 522 Hashish, 473 Havingness, 82, 159, 419, 420, 454 as-ising techniques reduce, 420 objective techniques reduce, 423 finding havingness process, 420, 421 process purpose, 422 process testing, 420 process tightening needle, 420 processes, 421, 422, 530 Havingness, locational, 426, 449 handles drunkenness, 449 Headaches, 525, 591 Healing,447, 453, 642 time, 447 Health form, 486, 521, 523, 526, 527 drill, 523, 524 Hereditary, 641 Hidden data line, 956 Hidden standards, 323, 548 High TA, 197, 207, 208, 210, 211, 213, 214, 339, 364-367, 374, 416, 470, 471, 515, 549, 552, 612, 634 after R3R, 366 cure, 364, 365, 515 in Dianetics, 364, 539 don't run rudiments on, 238, 416, 539 erasure, 365, 470, 471 false, 207, 208, 210, 211, 213 session start, 416, 539 what caused it, 197, 211 Human, disability, situations, I Identities, 293 famous, 293 Illegibility, 596 of reports, 596 Illness, 280, 451, 522, 527, 531, 534, 587, 591, 610, 633, 636, 637, 642, 644 long-term, 637 recurring, 527 Illusions, 312-314 come of running engrams, 314 1051 experience, 312 neglecting, 312 Implant, 113, 633, 634 restimulated, 634 Importances, 20, 21 evaluation of, 20, 21, 946 Incident, 56, 78, 79, 347-349 erasing, 359, 360 not erasing, 348 late on the chain, 361 not discharging, 589 Incidents, 62, 78, 375 Inertia, 138 body, 138 Insane, 136, 281, 325, 576, 639, 640 don't audit, 325 illness, 639, 640 recovery, 138 policies governing, 325 Insanity, 8, 18, 443, 474, 639 cause, 108, 136, 639, 640 In session, 182, 183, 198 definition, 182, 183, 198 Institutions, 113 Integrity, 285, 542 Interest, 338, 340, 518, 522, 523 necessary, 340 no, 518 Intestinal flora, 480 Invalidating, 594, 613, 959 auditors, 594 Invalidation, 35, 951 button, 344-346 definition, 35 when to use, 611 Is-ness, 86, 88, 219 Item, 338, 340, 346 abandoned, 237 charged, 238 gives LFBD, 338 invalidated, 611 Items, 197 Dianetics, 540 never run twice, 540 nonreading, 197, 342, 343, 345, 612 Itsa line, 122 Itsa maker line, 121 J Jumped chains, 236, 579 K Key-ins, 78 Kicks (drugs), 473-474 L L3RD, 238, 351, 376, 377, 388-395, 401, 484, 520, 611, 622, 623 drill, 388, 394 L4BR, 630, 631 Lambda, see axiom 11 Language, 29, 33 Learning, 464-467 can't, 464 about engrams, 77 Legality, ~vii~ Lived before, 321 why the individual can't remember, 299 List errors, 611, 630 Locks, 45, 78, 83, 304, 550 F/Ning, 359 Long fall blowdown, 337 Long history, 110, 637 accidents, 110 illness, 110, 637 Long-term illness, 110 Loss, 314, 369 Loses, 100 pc in auditing, 100 low TA, 238 Low TA, 197, 207, 211, 212, 339, 367, 549, 623 erasure, 360, 361, 367 false, 207, 211, 212 poor TRs, 212 LSD, 472, 482 M Major action, 540, 541, 624 Marijuana, 473-474, 482, 643 Mass, 93, 119, 189, 311, 550 black, 93, 97 electrical resistance, 185 Medical, 488, 523, 531, 610 data auditor admin, 258 diagnosis, 450 liaison, 108 Medical terms, 524, 525 get the feeling 524, 525 somatics, 526 Medical treatment, 534, 587, 637, 638 not responding to, 534 Medicine, 310, 416, 447, 533 Mental image pictures, 42-46, 66, 68, 76, 143, 314, 470, 931, 957 cause, 290 emotions, 50, 484 sensations, 484 attitudes, 50, 484 Mental mass, 186, 363, 366, 550 1052 Mental science, 108 Metering, 183 Meter reads, 190-193, 197 Mind, 28, 73, 105, 287, 291, 311, 958 anatomy, 76, 286 self-protecting mechanism, 3 Misassessment, 579, 580 Misrepresentation, 21, 22 study, 21, 22 Misunderstoods, 24-27, 29-31, 33 causing reads, 387 handling, 26, 27, 29-32, 954 Misunderstood words, 24-30, 32, 33 phenomena, 24-27, 29-31 Ministers, 185, 186, 456, 940 Missed withhold, 415, 614 rudiment, 418 Mock-ups, 78, 290, 311 Model session, 493 drill, 493 Morale, 91, 98, 148 tough checkouts, 148 Motion, 65 Motivator engrams, 368 Motivators, 367, 412 Multiple items, 526 N Narrative, 526, 612 commands, 358, 359 going earlier command, 359 items, 357, 358, 526, 612 items explained, 357 secondary commands, 358 Narratives, 357 running, 399 Nattery pc, 412, 558 Needle, 190-195, 197, 199-202, 257 ARC break needle, 191, 234, 240, 418 body reactions, 194, 195, 199 dirty needle, 186, 200-202, 415 falls, 191, 192 falling needle, 191 change of characteristic, 192 free needle, 194, 231-234, 237, 239, 240 instant reaction, 192, 396 null, 190, 194 rising, 192, 193, 199 rock slam, 193, 194 stage four, 195, 240 stuck, 190, 194 theta hop, 190, 193 tight, 190, 200 Neurosis, 310 Neurosurgery, 114 Neurotic, 294 New preclears, 336, 403, 404, 570, 587 Nonapplication, 21 reason for, 21, 22 No floating needle, 264, 618-620 flagrant errors, 619 case bugs, 619 case study, 618 high TA, 621 low TA, 207, 264 overrun, 207, 232 unflat chains, 264 Noninvolvement, 20 study, 20 No gains, 411, 412, 574 Null lists, 344, 611 Nutrition, 479, 481 O Objective, 422, 477, 479 havingness, 422, 477, 479 Obnosis, 219-223, 417 chronic tone, 221, 222 drills, 219-222 eyes, 221 Obsessions, 41 OCA, 246, 266-271 ARC breaks, 268 dropped traits, 268-270 unchanging graph, 268 Operations, 109, 626 exploratory, 638 Organisms, (axioms) Out of present time, 588 Out ruds, 538, 540, 579 recognition, 540 handling, 414, 539 Out TRs, 182, 238, 584, 601, 611, 614 Overburden, 626 Overwhelming, 328, 331, 484, 523, 639, 640 the pc, 328, 484, 523, 549, 550 Overrunning, 35, 232, 243, 244, 540, 550, 634, the chain, 361 Overt, 367-370 engram, 367 Overt-motivator sequence, 367-370, 413 cause permanent creation, 81 Overts, 82, 211, 411-413 P Pain, 11, 50, 51, 65, 73, 74, 428, 550, 626 auditor Q and A with, 333 Painkillers, 469 Past deaths, 294 1053 Past lives, 293, 298, 353, 355, 362 none, 353 remedy, 631 PC, 1, 236, 403, 405, 612 data take it (pc's), 67, 353, 630 disturbed, 348 dubbing-in, 328, 329 extreme upset, 243 fast, 616, 617 feels awful, 603 giving other people's withholds, groggy after Dianetic session, 322 ill after auditing, 581 insane, 110, 576 massy, 372, 376 misbehaving, 301 nattery, 401, 412, 413, 573 not advancing, 563 not-ising, 613 protesting, 338 remains ARC broken on Dianetics, 378 sad at session end, 581 running badly, 386, 571 total apathy, 630 won't answer, 630 Peculiarities, 400 Perception, 555, 936 shut-off, 936 Perceptions, 77, 225-227 55 human, 46, 77, 78, 83, 225-227 Permanently created, 81 Persisting somatic, 622 Peyote, 473, 482, 937 Physical universe, 80, 82, 85, 90 tendency, 80 Physics, 12 Pictures, 98, 252, 290, 314, 333, 400, 550, 622, 632, 633 availability, 98, 960 Pleasure, 314 Politics, 13 Postoperative, 109, 638 auditing, 638 conditions, 638 Postpartum psychosis, 109, 610 Postulation, 291, 550, 945 Potential trouble source, 277, 281, 457 Power of choice, 20, 21, 82 deteriorated, 82 Pregnancy and auditing, 109, 111, 457, 523, 610 Preclear assessment sheet, 484, 485, 502-512, 638 Preclear assessment form, 484 Predisposition, 451, 453 Pre-OTs, 560, 561, 616 and OT III, 361 auditing, 616 who can't handle them, 617, 618 Prepared lists, 611 assessing failures, 611 F/Ning, 611 F/Ning everything, 237, 238 missed withhold phenomena, 199 no reads, 611 primary cause of failure, 611 Present life incidents, 144 Present time problem, 237, 411, 412, 418 Pressure somatics, 65, 66, 68, 623 Preventing case gain, 480 Preventing pc from going earlier, 294, 299, 362 Priests, 105, 547 Primary barrier, 481 to coming off drugs, 481 Prior assessment, 449, 484, 486, 515, 516 Problems, 478 anatomy, 142 cause permanent, 81 medical, 587, 636-638 process, 144, 145 spiritual, 636-637 Processing, 1, 242, 431, 602, 606, 607 oldest rules, 242 Production, 148 and morale, 148 Programming, 556 Programs, 545, 565-567, 607, 620 Program 252, 253, 537, 539, 541, 621, 622, 624 sheet, 245, 570 Protested, 613 rudiments, 418 Protest, 211 reads, 338 Psychiatrists, 4, 84, 112-115, 275, 281, 456, 483, 639, 958 Psychiatry, 113-115, 212, 283, 604, 935, 940 Psychoanalysis, 10, 309, 403, 958 Psychology, 76, 294, 935, 940, 958 Psychosis, 310 Psychosomatic, 47, 50, 280, 310, 470 illness, 47, 66, 108, 310, 368 Psychotic, 310, 324, 325 definition, 324 Psychotics, 577 auditing failures, 324 Psychotropic drugs, 640 PTP, 191, 581, 629, 633 rudiment, 191 PTS, 277, 281, 548 Q Q and A, 136-139, 200, 201, 333, 614 disease, 140, 614 1054 case supervisor's, 140 examples, 136-140 what it is, 136 Questions, unreading, 190 Quickie, 239, 519, 605, 608, 609 definition, 239, 608 grades, 239 results, 605 R R3R, 55, 327, 336, 346-350, 356, 357, 359, 401, 562, 610 additives, 960 after second time through, 348 ARC breaks, 332, 356 command theory, 307, 350 commands, 347-349, 401 duration, 347 ending session, 401 failures, 333, 356, 579 going earlier, 349, 360, 363, 579 handling, 347 low TA, 360, 361 narrative, 357, 359 preliminary, 335 steps, 347-349 tone arm, 336-339 Randomity, 74 Reach and withdraw, 120, 186, 357 Reactive mind, 64, 76, 196 Reading, 196-202, 619 an E-meter, 196-202 Reads, 187, 189, 201, 204, 237, 337, 342, 346, 387, 619 confusion on, 343 dirty, 201 instant, 342, 396 definition, 342, 396 missing them, 342, 343 rudiments, 191, 417 size of differentiation, 191 when they occur, 190-192 Reality, 84, 96, 224, 225, 289, 346, 400 pc's level, 225 Reason, 83 Recall, 455, 484, 492, 529 process, 492, 529 ~Self Analysis~ lists 492 Recording, 68, 316 Recurring somatic, 626 Red sheet, 253, 570 Red tab, 258, 544 exam, 258 Rehabbing, 376, 377 chains, 376 Rehabilitation, 376, 471 Religious practice (Scientologist), 185, 456 Repair, 239, 535, 540, 623, 624, 630 program, 567, 570 Report, 246, 248, 251, 254, 598, 599 form auditor, 246, 248, 251, 596 assists, 251 Researchers, 472, 480, 937 Restimulation, 75, 330, 943, 944, 953 Results, 572, 592, 933 Retraining, 580 Return program, 567 Review, 202, 236, 401, 562, 574, 940 R-factor, 405 Rhythm and the time track, 80 Rights, 537 auditor's, 537-544, 600 Road out, 4, 325, 569 Rockslam, 193, 194 items, 250, 253 Rote procedure, 327, 340, 341, 351, 419 Rudiments, 191, 202, 238, 411, 416, 540 ARC break, 237, 411, 417 missed withhold, 199, 415, 418, 419 not F/Ning, 237 PTP, 191, 237, 411, 412, 418 suppressed, 418 unreading, 418 withhold, 191, 199, 202, 413, 419 Running, 957 out auditing, 398, 399, 562 S Sadness, 419, 540, 581 Sad, 419, 540, 581 pc, 419, 540, 581 Sane, 91, 281 Sanity, 8, 18, 86 definition, 8 Scales, 223, 224, 225 CDEI 417 effect, emotional, 223 havingness, identification, know to mystery, 223, 224 reality, 224, 225 tone scale expanded, 223, 224 Scared, 307 pc, 307 Sciences, 12, 641 Scientologists, 3, 617, 949 Secondaries, 78, 305, 323, 550 run until pc at tone 4, 315 Secondary, 44, 67, 302, 314, 529 goes solid, 529 ~Self Analysis~, 492 drill, 498-501 Self-auditing, 401, 564 1055 Self-determinism, 226 Sensations, 65 unwanted, 528 Sensitivity, 189-191, 195, 204, 243 setting, errors, 189, 243 what to run at, 189, 190 Sessions, 321, 598, 599, 614, 616 auditing out, 321, 398, 399 going earlier commands, 398 ending, 540 far apart, 539 nonstandard, 534, 535 running thetan out, setup drill, 346, 541 Setups, 540, 541 Short cuts, 569 Sickness, 259, 533 after auditing, 533 Simplicity, 296 the mind isn't, 296 Singles, 370 already run, 370 forbidden, 370 missing flows, 371, 372 multiple somatics, 372 narrative already run, 372 Skin, 110 blotches, 110 rashes, 110 Sleep, 640 can't, 640 Slow students, 955 Soaring, 540 TA, 540 Solid, 67, 81, 88, 348, 360, 366 erasing, when not to ask, 360 pc doesn't know, 348 Solidity, 80, 226 Solidness, 80 Somatics, 55, 64, 337, 341, 471, 524, 622, 627, 628, 931, 944 none, 515, 644 not gone, 531 shut-off, 470, 515, 936 Something not handled, 528 Sonic, 936 Sources of trouble, 277, 281, 457 Speed, 604, 615-618 Spinal adjustment, 440 assist, 440, 441 intervertebral disk, 440 relax muscle, 441 Spiritual healing (Dianetics), 107, 108, 935 Squirreling, 951 Status, 21 Stenographic auditing, 251 State of case, 188 Static, 287 Step D of R3R, 348 STP, 474 Stuck picture, 400, 455, 534 handling, 455 Student, 19, 20, 25-27, 150 bright, 26 definition of, 20 Dianetic handling of, 464 intention of, 19 noninvolvement, 20, 26 questions (how to handle), 26, 27, 953 rescue intensive drill, 464-466 Study, 19-26, 30, 625, 957 application speed of, 33 basic reason, 19-21 blows, cause of, 24 gradient too steep, 23, 24 physiological phenomena, 22-26, 30 terms, 35 Subject, 22, 25, 33 absence of mass, 22 purpose, 7, 10, 19 Summary report form, 246, 254, 255 Superficial actions, 604-608 Supervisor, 198, 934, 944, 950, 956 duty, 934, 952 interpretations, 937, 953, 956 too careful, 954 Surgery, 3 Sympathetic nervous system, 436, 627 pains, 627 unresolved pains, 627, 628 T TA, 202-205, 207, 209-217, 336, 337, 411, 550, 551 action, 202, 551 none,474, 540 rising, 360, 363, 375 Team action, 593, 940 Technique, 717, 958 Technology, 212, 278, 415, 416, 519, 948 psychosomatics, 47, 66, 108, 310, 368 Temperature, 446 assist, 463, 464 Terminals, 144 Text, 27 importances, 20 Theta, 64 facsimile, 78 Thetans, 64, 375, 549, 550, 553-555, 564, 958 Thought, 89, 196 storage of, 80 Time, 102, 196, 316, 333, 604, 607, 946, 947 Time track, 39-42, 46, 76, 88, 100, 316, 327, 475, 946 1056 creation, 80, 82, 332 endless record, 39, 77 grouping, 79, 83, 354 invisibility, 328 mest, 80, 84, 90, 332 moving by significance, 333 location, 334 time, 102, 334 none, 328 significance, 84 unavailability, 83, 85, 97, 329 visibility, 328 visible, 328 Tiredness, 110 Tithes, 939 Tone arm, 187-189, 192, 202-205, 217, 330 action, 188, 202, 203, 330 absence of, 337, 346 overrestimulation, 338, 365, 366 Tone scale, 222-224, 315 development, 315 Toothache, 628 Touch assist, 99, 280, 435, 443, 541 brain, 437, 439 drill, 439, 441-443 errors, 436 extremities, 436, 437 hypnotism, 439 inertia, 138 massage, 437, 440 mesmerism, 439, 440 physiological rapport, 439 shock impulses, 437 standing waves, 436 TR course, 623, 624 and auditing, 624 don't mix, 623, 624 TR-0, 151-153, 175, 270, 609 OT TR-0, 151 confront, 151-153 patter, 153 somatics on, 152 TR-0, 152, 153, 175 TR-1, 153-158, 175, 945 delivering an auditing command, 153, 154, 157 patter, 158 TR-2, 158-163, 176 controlling pc's communication, 158, 159 TR-3, 163-169, 176 duplicative commands, 163-165 patter, 167, 168 TR-4, 136, 169-176 comments, 175 originations, 136, 169-175 patter, 175 Training, 487, 585, 616, 617, 943-945, 949 in Dianetics and Scientology, 487, 943, 945, 946 Tranquilizers, 640 Traumas, 426, 428, 358 Trim, 205, 206 E-meter check, 205 Triple, 335, 529, 610 commands, 349 flows, 335, 375 flows unflat, 374 reruns, 374 Trips, 474 drugs, 474 TRs (Training Routines), 131, 133, 149-183, 201, 238, 616, 936 and cognitions, 182, 183 as-is-ness, 182, 193 evaluation, 181 invalidation, 181 and dirty needles, 201 gradients, 149, 945 TRs 6 to 9, 176-181 body control, 176 force, 181 intention, 179-181 tone 40, 157, 170, 171, 178, 180, 181, 428, 945 Trust, 181 auditors, 181 C/S's, 547, 548 overcoming pc's bank, 552 Truth, 286, 323, 946, 947 road to, 286 U Unaware, 329 Unbull-baited, 151, 181 drills format, 151, 181 Unburdening, 57, 363, 550 Unchanging, 563 pc, 563, 582 Unconscious person, 449, 455 drill, 449, 450 Understanding, 23, 25, 363 the mind, 958 Undone flows, 373, 374 filling in drill, 373 Unemotional people, 369 Unflat, 367 chains, 376, 389 masses, remedy, 367 pictures, remedy, 400 Unhandled, 400 masses, remedy, 400 pictures, remedy, 400 Unmock, 474, 478 Unresolved, pains, 626 1057 Unrun flows, 370-373 how to handle, 373, 374 Unwanted feelings, 340 V Valences, 69, 79, 102, 293, 295, 311, 318, 355, 633 synthetic, 102 keynote, 104 Very well dones, 599 auditor, 599 Vision, 309 how to turn on, 309 lack of, 936 Vitamins, 447, 451, 479 W Well dones, 599, 601 auditor, 599 What's it line, 122 White form, 404 widows, 111 Win, 236, 243, 244, 314, 324, 545, 546, 574 big, 239, 314, 324, 561 Withdrawal symptoms, 478, 484 Withhold, 199, 308, 413, 414, 540, 548 581 rudiment, 413 Word clearing, 384 drill, 384 R3R, 386-388 Word list, 387 Words, 24-32, 405-408 errors, 29-33 how to clear, 26, 27, 29-32 in learning, 24-27 simple, 27, 29 Worksheets, 246, 249-252, 337, 596 Y Yellow sheet, 246, 263 admin, 263 ~This is the one that started it all!~ Get L. Ron Hubbard's Explosive Best Seller DIANETICS [PICTURE#92] The Modern Science of Mental Health "DIANETICS IS AN ADVEN- TURE. IT IS AN EXPLORA- TION INTO TERRA INCOG- NITA, THE HUMAN MIND, THAT VAST AND HITHERTO UNKNOWN REALM HALF AN INCH BACK OF OUR FORE- HEADS." -- L. Ron Hubbard This is Book One--the Million Seller that shook the world in 1950 and continues to be a best seller today. Here are the original principles and discoveries about the human mind which cannot be found elsewhere. Read this book and gain an understanding of the mind and how it works! Use it to gain increased ability and a better life. ORDER YOURS TODAY! Just Send $7.00 to: Church of Scientology Publications Organization c/o American Saint Hill Organization 2723 West Temple Street Los Angeles, California 90026 All orders will be shipped within 24 hours of receipt. No Charge for postage and handling. California residents please add 6% sales tax. A Dianetics Publication. Dianetics is the trademark of L. Ron Hubbard in respect of his published works. Definition -- DIANETICS: from DIA (Greek) "through" and NOUS (Greek) "soul." Copyright (c) 1950, 1975 by L. Ron Hubbard. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. THE CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY OF CALIFORNIA -- a non-profit organization. Scientology is an applied religious philosophy. Scientology (R) and Dianetics (R) are registered names. BUY THESE DIANETIC BOOKS BY L. RON HUBBARD DIANETICS: THE ORIGINAL THESIS Written two years before public release of the discoveries of Dianetics. Price: ~$5.00~ DIANETICS: THE EVOLUTION OF A SCIENCE L. Ron Hubbard's exciting story of the first quarter century of Dianetic research. Price: ~$4.00~ DIANETICS: THE MODERN SCIENCE OF MENTAL HEALTH A spectacular international best seller from the first moment of its publication in May 1950, this is ~the~ book of Man's most advanced knowledge and technology in the field of the human mind. 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Scientology Mission of Albuquerque 613 San Mateo Blvd NE. Albuquerque, New Mexico 87108 Scientology Mission of Amarillo 2046 S. Hayden Amarillo, Texas 79109 Scientology Mission of Ann Arbor 203 East Ann Ann Arbor, Michigan 48108 Scientology Mission of Boston 69 Broad Street Boston, Massachusetts 02110 Scientology Mission of Boulder Box 995 Boulder, Colorado 80302 Scientology Mission of Cambridge 8 Essex Street Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Scientology Mission of Central Ohio 3894 N. High Street Columbus, Ohio 43214 Scientology Mission of Charlotte 1627 Montford Dr. Charlotte, North Carolina 28209 Scientology Mission of Chicago 108 East Oak Street Villa Park, Illinois 60181 Scientology Mission of Dallas 10443 Royal Club Dallas, Texas 75229 Scientology Mission of Delaware Valley Suite 924, 1 Cherry Hill Mall Cherry Hill, New Jersey 08034 Scientology Mission of Denver 1643 Boulder Street Denver, Colorado 80211 Scientology Mission of El Paso 1517 Montana Street El Paso, Texas 79902 Scientology Mission of Fifth Avenue 30 Fifth Avenue New York, New York 10011 Scientology Mission of Ft. Lauderdale 423 N. Andrews Ave. Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33301 Scientology Mission of Houston 2415 Brazoria Street Houston, Texas 77019 Scientology Mission of Hudson PO Box 636 Hudson, Ohio 44236 Scientology Mission of Jersey City 43 Emory Street Jersey City, New Jersey 07304 Scientology Mission of Kansas City 1715 West 39th Street Kansas City, Missouri 64111 Scientology Mission of Lakeview 3204 N. Broadway Chicago, Illinois 60657 Scientology Mission of Main Line 8 West Lancaster Ave. Ardmore, Pennsylvania 19003 Scientology Mission of Middletown 1240a Farmington Ave. Berlin, Connecticut 06457 Scientology Mission of New Hope 2738 Winnetka Ave. N. New Hope, Minnesota 55427 Scientology Mission of New Jersey PO Box 548, Elma Avenue Burlington, New Jersey 08016 Scientology Mission of New York 500 West End Ave., Suite 2B New York, New York 10024 Scientology Mission of Norris PO Box 66 Norris, Tennessee 37828 Scientology Mission of North Manhattan Apt. 2A, 251 West 98th Street New York, New York 10025 Scientology Mission of Omaha 103 S. 35 Ave. Omaha, Nebraska 68131 Scientology Mission of Orlando Box 14045 Orlando, Florida 32807 Scientology Mission of Peoria 1011 Main Street Peoria, Illinois 61606 Scientology Mission of Puerto Rico PO Box 211 Old San Juan PO San Juan, Puerto Rico 00902 Scientology Mission of Richardson 114 N. McKinney Richardson, Texas 75080 Scientology Mission of San Antonio 200 Donaldson San Antonio, Texas 78201 Scientology Mission of Southwest PO Box 5506 Irving, Texas 75060 Scientology Mission of St. Thomas PO Box 697 St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands 00801 Scientology Mission of Twin Cities 4100 Queen Ave. S. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55410 Scientology Mission of Urbana 204 W. 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Harvard Blvd. Los Angeles, California 90005 Scientology Mission of Hawaii 1282 Kapiolani Blvd. Honolulu, Hawaii 96814 Scientology Mission of Lake Tahoe PO Box 7866 South Lake Tahoe, California 95705 Scientology Mission of Long Beach 1261 Long Beach Blvd. Long Beach, California 90813 Scientology Mission of Los Gatos 250 Loma Alta Avenue Los Gatos, California 95030 Scientology Mission of Meadows 1326 Las Vegas Blvd. S. Las Vegas, Nevada 89101 Scientology Mission of Orange County 436 West 6th Street Tustin, California 92680 Scientology Mission of Palo Alto 600 Middlefield Road Palo Alto, California 94301 Scientology Mission of Pasadena 634 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena, California 91101 Scientology Mission of Phoenix 1722 E. Indian School Rd. Phoenix, Arizona 85016 Scientology Mission of Riverside 4465 Mulberry Street Riverside, California 92501 Scientology Mission of Sacramento 3027 Arden Way Sacramento, California 95825 Scientology Mission of Salt Lake City 253 East 2nd S. Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Scientology Mission of Santa Barbara 746 State Street Santa Barbara, California 93101 Scientology Mission of Santa Clara 36 Harold Ave. Santa Clara, California 95117 Scientology Mission of SCS 3802 Riverside Dr. Burbank, California 91505 Scientology Mission of South Bay 607 S. Pacific Coast Hwy. Redondo Beach, California 90277 Scientology Mission of Sunset Strip 8863 Sunset Blvd. Hollywood, California 90069 Scientology Mission of Tucson 2100 E. Speedway Tucson, Arizona 85719 Scientology Mission of Valley 13561A Ventura Blvd. Sherman Oaks, California 91403 Scientology Mission of Washoe Valley 812 N. Virginia Reno, Nevada 89501 Scientology Mission of Westwood/Wilshire 10911 Weyburn Ave. Westwood, Los Angeles, California 90024 CANADA Scientology Mission of Calgary 209 8th Avenue SW, Room 607 Calgary 2, Alberta, Canada Scientology Mission of Edmonton PO Box 1198 Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Scientology Mission of Hamilton 24 John Street N., Apt. 5 Hamilton, Ontario, Canada Scientology Mission of Niagara 455 St. Paul St. St. Catherine's Ontario, Canada Scientology Mission of Regina 1818 Scarth No. 6 Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada Scientology Mission of Vancouver 1524 West 6th Avenue Vancouver 8, British Columbia Canada Scientology Mission of Winnipeg 410 Spence Street Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada SOUTH AFRICA Scientology Mission of Durban (in S.A. (Pty.) Ltd.) 401 Cennewa House West Street, Durban Scientology Mission of Hillbrow (in S.A. (Pty.) Ltd.) 201 Hunstanton, C/r Twist & Kotze Sts. Hillbrow, Johannesburg Scientology Mission of Johannesburg (in S.A. (Pty.) Ltd.) PO Box 8835 Johannesburg Scientology Mission of Johannesburg (in S.A. (Pty.) Ltd.) 608 African City Bldg., Sixth Floor 100 Eloff Street Johannesburg Scientology Mission of Pietermaritzburg (in S.A. (Pty.) Ltd.) Dieuwke Hill 11 Hodson Road Scottsville, Pietermaritzburg NEW ZEALAND Scientology Mission of Christchurch 16 Almer Street Christchurch 2, New Zealand Scientology Mission of Ellerslie 1 Ranier Street Ellerslie Auckland, New Zealand Scientology Mission of North Shore 1 Northumberland Ave. Takapuna 9, New Zealand AUSTRALIA The New Faith Mission of Melville 15 Birdwood Road Melville, Western Australia 6156 EUROPE Scientology Mission of Angers 14 Place de L'Hotel de Ville 49290 Chalommes sur Louire Angers, France Scientology Mission of Berlin 1000 Berlin 12, Giesebrechstr 10, Germany Scientology Mission of Berlin 1 Berlin 28 (Frohnau) Bulgenbachweg 4, Germany Scientology Mission of Bogenhausen 8 Munchen 80, Postfach 860425, West Germany Scientology Mission of Brabant 27 Rue General MacArthur 1180 Bruxelles, Belgium Scientology Mission of Brussels 122 Rue Charles Degroux 1040 Bruxelles, Belgium Scientology Mission of Franken D-71 Heilbronn Goethestr 26, W. Germany Scientology Mission of Frankfurt 6000 Frankfurt Am Main Kennedy Allee 33 West Germany Scientology Mission of Hamburg 2000 Hamburg 36, Gerhofstrasse 18, W. Germany Scientology Mission of Heilbronn 71 Heilbronn Fleinerstr 37, W. Germany Scientology Mission of Hillerod Esrum Hovedgade 17, 3230 Gaested, Denmark Scientology Mission of Munich 8 Munchen 71 Drygalskiallee 118/205 West Germany Scientology Mission of Munich 8 Munchen 80, Richard Strauss Str 46 West Germany Scientology Mission of Paris 147 Rue St. Charles 75 Paris 15, France Scientology Mission of Strandvejen Hejreskovalle 26 3050 Humlebaek, Denmark Scientology Mission of Stuttgart 7000 Stuttgart 1 Hauptstatterstrasse 126A West Germany Scientology Mission of Ven Jarnvagsgatan 5, 261 32 Landskrona, Sweden Scientology Mission of Vienna Mariahilferstrasse 88A, Stg 3 III 9, 1070 Wien, Austria Scientology Mission of Zurich Mulibachstr 423/6, 8185 Winkel-Ruti, Switzerland UNITED KINGDOM Scientology Mission of Birmingham 128A Alcester Road Moseley, Birmingham 13, England Scientology Mission of Helensburgh 121 West King Street Helensburgh, Dunbartonshire Scotland Scientology Mission of London 14 Lyndhurst Road London NW 3 Scientology Mission of Southampton 33 Runnymede, West End Southampton, Hants, England Scientology Mission of Swansea 1 Highpool Close, Newton, Mumbles, Swansea, Wales Scientology Mission of Reading "St. Michael's", Shinfield Rd. Reading, Berkshire, England OTHER AREAS Scientology Mission of Empalme Apartado Postal 181, Guaymas Sonora, Mexico Scientology Mission of Mexico Pasaje de los Alpes 11F Mexico 20 DF, Mexico Scientology Mission of Mexico Avenida Nuevo Leon 159 1¤, Mexico 11 DF, Mexico Scientology Mission of Mexico Campos Eliseos 205 Mexico 5 DF, Mexico Scientology Mission of Negev PO Box 2098 Beer Sheva, Israel Scientology Mission of Rio de Janeiro Av N S Copacabana 74, Apt 202, Rio de Janeiro GB, Brazil