6809C30 Class VIII TAPE 7 CASE SUPERVISOR DO'S AND DONT'S: THE TOTAL RATIONALE AND BACKGROUND OF AUDITING Thank you very much. And what lecture number is this? (Seven) That's right. We can still count. And what is the date? Thirty of September 1968. Nobody in the Sea Org can ever remember a day, by the way. Our weeks go 'round and 'round and 'round, and we can always tell you the date, but seldom the day. We have to go look for an almanac. Well very good. Where we got to the other evening on processing, processing in England. We have to give this in both accents, don't you see? Fortunately I don't have to give these lectures in French. A fellow came along side the ship today and asked me if he could come aboard for five minutes, in French. And I told him, "Je, no PC PC para se go tu." Very handy. That's the totality of my French. It means I don't speak French, and then it adds the colloquialism "at all". Well anyway, we, we got up to the line where we had some processes, or processes, as distinct from the subject, right? And I feel very good today because I, I've actually had some good wins. The provisional VIIIs were busy auditing in Sea Org Qual today, and they were going down the line with a tremendous pocketa-pocketa-pocketa, and making mince meat out of cases left, right and center. And doing a very beautiful job of it. I shouldn't have this, but in the Sea Org Qual there were no student folders to amount to anything. There was just one, I think. And the student got away with it, the standard line was just a pocketa-pocketa-pocketa. Anyway, the goal line, running very nicely. Now there's a piece of a line, although I'm going to talk to you about processes, I'm going to talk to you about what you have to do to keep a line in. A case supervisor must not operate by talking to the auditor, or talking to the preclear. His folders, before they come to him, must go through an examiner and, after the session must go through an examiner. So there's an examiner bit, a form, an examiner form in the folder, before he does his C/S. Every time. And there's an examiner form in the folder after the session. This way you cut down the misses. Now today there was a fantastic number of cases. Very large number of cases audited. Probably the output of a Saint Hill HGC, London HGC, Los Angeles HGC, went through the hands. Big quantity. Went through the hands of Sea Org Qual today, done by two auditors. The difference between standard tech and hunt and punch, you know the hunt and punch on the typewriter. It makes a difference. And in three of these cases it was possible, because the examiner line was in, and in very nicely and smoothly. All the examiner ever does, you see, is just put the PC on the cans, or the pre-OT on the cans, record the needle, marks whether it's a before session or after session examiner form, records the state of the needle, the position of the TA, and what the PC says. And that's all. He writes that down. Well, in three out of a very large stack of folders, the PC, in actual fact, had been audited over a PTP. In three of them. Which is caught by the examiner. Although the rudiments were flown, although the PCs indicators seemed to be in, although it all seemed well at the end of session, between the time of the student leaving the session, which must have been minutes at the very longest, and his reporting to the examiner, why his needle slowed down. And his TA went up a little bit, 'cause he was audited over a present time problem. And then, from his comment, of course it was obvious that he was audited over a problem. He could also have been audited over other things, and his comment would have reflected this, don't you see? So, it is very simple. The PC says something like, "Oh, well, that was a great review session. That was a fine review session. Except of course it didn't handle what I came in to have handled." Or, he says something like this, you know? And you know at that moment that he has something he thinks should be handled. See? Which is some peculiar thing, he's got three legs or something, in his estimation. And it is simply a wide-open invitation to get a case supervisor or somebody, to fall on his head. See? Or for the auditor to fall on his head. But the usual is done, but in this particular instant, why the auditor was actually able to fly the needle on rudiments while the fellow was sitting there with a hidden standard, or a PTP, don't you see? All of which is very, very easy. This is very easy to detect. This, from his attitude, from the fact that the end of the session to the examiner something happened to the F/N, do you (see). Something happened to the TA. It would also detect a false report on the part of the auditor. In this case there were no false reports involved. There was simply a, the PCs comment was, "Well, you know", to this effect, "it was a great session, and I feel much better, you know, but it didn't handle what I came in to have handled", or something of this sort, you see? And you just detect from these facts that something is out. Now you know something is out, but you also have detected a slightly resistive PC. And what the hell is this? He goes in to sessions, he gets an F/N but it doesn't hold. Aha. Aha, aha. Now it's explained why this fellow was three months on OT2, don't you see? Now it's explained why he has a review folder eight inches thick. See, it all goes together. See? And you got a review folder eight inches thick. He's got a, he's got something out. He has been audited over out Ruds, or he has been this, or he has been that. Well there's several things which a case supervisor can do at this moment. And which the auditor then does, several things. One, he can get an assessment of the seven types of cases. Now he can find out what is wrong. Now of course if the auditor is an eager beaver and goes and flies all of these, now he makes it difficult to run a chain, because it is past an F/N already. You see what I mean? 'Cause all he's done is key out former therapy, see? Well that's gonna key in right away. But now he's put an F/N in the road. An F/N, to that degree, is in the road. What you want is a strike, or a B/D. Do you see? Just want to assess this thing. You don't, you don't assess this conversationally. You merely make the statement and make the strike. The PCs itsa, it doesn't exist, don't you see? Now you've got it. Now you've got it. You can put in an R-factor, say, "I'm going to do an assessment here to assist case supervision, and you don't have to say anything. I'm just going to go over this." Browbowbow, teyowbowbow, teyowbowbow, teyowbowbow, teyowbowDow, teyowbowbow, B/D, mwumEwmEmpow pop. Very good. Thank you very much." Now of course the second examiner report isn't going to tell you very much, because the PC says, "Well I came all the way over here just to get this fellow sittin' here and saying something to me." But he may be very obliging and get something out of it. But that isn't the point. You want to find what you are going to blast down on to make this cease to be a resistive case. And now you put together the standard action for that particular case. You don't just fly it with itsa. See? You do something. Former therapies, man, let's get these things listed within an inch of their lives. Do you follow? Let's get these former therapies. Let's find out all about that. Let's find out theraDies similar to them in the past. Let's find out the thing misunderstood in those earlier therapies. Let's get this out of the line up. Alright, now. Physical illness, we've got to determine how ill. If he's quite ill, and so on, we're not going to audit him at all. We're not going to audit him, that's all, until we get some advises on the subject of his physical condition. Now it doesn't mean that if he's physically ill he has to be turned over inevitably and forever to the MO, the medical officer, you see. But it does mean, it does mean very definitely that this is an outness. And that we are auditing uphill, because a physical illness makes such a severe PTP that it physiologically has to get some point of resolution. Oddly enough, there are things you can do to knock out a physical illness. There are quite a few things that you can do to knock out a physical illness. Most of them are under the heading of secondaries and engram running. And now again we're not knocking about running an engram by saying, "Do you have an engram? Good. That's a floating needle. Thank you." Crap. What happened to the auditor who could run engrams, you see? I'm sure this will go out, I'm sure this will go out time and time again, that somebody will come around and say, "Oh, we never run engrams by chains anymore. That's old hat." You might as well say, "Well, auditing is old hat." It's a hot, fast, precise operation. Now you can solve physiological illness on the basis of engram running. Very simply, very easily. You actually can solve physiological illness. Not by auditing against the specific, but simply by running the chain which is offering itself to be audited. Not by doing a recall release of it. Let's get rid of this damn thing. See? There is, will be, some chain in restimulation. I'm not going into the vast difficulties of how you find this, and so forth, and I'm not laying you out a rote process. I'm trying to talk to you about the theory of what you do. Well, what do you know? It's elementary, in actual fact, but the physical illness the fellow has is on the engram chain in which he is sitting. Now as you look at this from a "diagnostic" point of view, it won't make any sense at all if you try to figure out what engram chain he's sitting in. He is sitting in the engram chain which is giving him the illness. This is too simple, don't you see? He's manifesting the chain he's sitting in. Now the point is, is his reality up to running it? Now trying to run a chain of secondaries on somebody, just that action. Trying to run a chain of secondaries on somebody. Your liable to get into something that is quite hot. In order to put the PC down the track into this chain of secondaries it is, it just, he just flies out of it. The charge, it's too charged an area. Yet you can find a chain that the person is sitting in of secondaries. And he sort of goes down the track, and he'll come back us the track to the one that was too hot to handle. He inevitably is sitting in what is wrong with him. You see, one of these wild things. Now I'll give you one of these terribly difficult case supervisor problems. You have difficulty with a case. In auditing the case somebody missed on 5A. A miss on 5A is quite catastrophic. You miss on 5A your guy will probably wind up in ethics, or blowing, and so forth, within about 48 hours. It's the most positive thing you ever hear of. You run 5A wrong, bongo. It's quite something, because it's a very powerful process. You see? So you run a weak process wrong and it won't do very much to the PC, but you run a powerful process wrong and god help you. Alright, fellow walks in, his 5A was out, but the examiner was clever enough to notice and put a small note on the end of the examination, because the examiner also, also can make some remark that the case supervise; the examiner doesn't say anything, he doesn't say anything to the PC, but he can tell the C/S any damn thing he wants to, as a note on his report form. Like, "PC came in in a wheel chair." You know, of some interest. Sometimes you'll hear this resounding name, George Alouicious Gulch, and it really sounds like something, and so on. And it's a little kid, five years old. See? And so your case supervision is affected by this because you would tell the auditor to simplify the auditing command and you might even simplify the auditing command for the auditor. Do you follow? Just so it communicates. Oddly enough, though, we are auditing currently, I think an eight year old, and we're auditing him with the full business. He apparently understands it all. And the funny part of it is, before Level 0 was run he couldn't talk English. It's all very mysterious. People had to sort of pidgin English, you know, anything that was done. All of a sudden they ran 0, and, "Well, what ARC break, what major change occurred in your lifetime?" "Da-da-da-da, yoppity-bop-bop-bop, de-ya- ba-ba-ba." And the thing of this is, it's the most adult session you ever saw in your life. It's the funny, the early part of the folder, you see is, is kiddie-widdie makey de signie, you know? And the suddenly, Level 0, and beyond there. It's certain they ran an awfully good Level 0. So anyway, the essence of the thing in this particular instance, fellow walked in. He had two wrong 5A items. So just as a bonus the case supervisor noticed that he had a very bad burn on his arm. So I simply told the auditor to run the engram chain of the burn on his arm. He'd just burned his arm, so obviously he was sitting in it. And in addition to wrong Power. So we corrected the Power, found the, ran the burn, and ran it in chain, and wound up to the case complication of what made him blow. See when 5A went out he apparently burned his arm also. So he got back to a sort of a service fac thing. Ran the engram down the chain to a period of about six years ago which, possibly was when he started blowing. Interesting. Alright, now he is sitting in the engram, which is affecting him physiologically. Now there's several ways to go about this sort of thing. If a fellow's on OT 3 what do you do? You run down his present life and he can't, couldn't find any, and had one body thetan or something stupid like that. And you just find the this lifetime injury. He's naturally mushed it all together. Find a this lifetime injury and TA or no TA, meter read or no meter read, to hell with it. Push him into it, make him run it. Run him on down the track and run an Incident 1. It'll go straight to Incident 1, and it'll go long fall, B/D, long fall, B/D, bow-bow-bow-bow. Now the PC, if he's very status happy or something, is liable to come out of this explaining how this has nothing to do with him, and that there wasn't anything there anyhow. And that there wasn't anything there anyhow, and so on his reality level isn't up to it. His grades, actually, were never run. You can just keep up this process, and all of a sudden his reality level, "Hey wait a minute. How can I keep running that same incident, only it's a different incident every time? And I only had one, and I've now run three. I don't get any pictures because when I went clear I ceased to mock up pictures, but I got these pictures. Is there some possibility I am haunted?" Now it'd be a lead pipe cinch to take care of this "physiological, psycho somatic illness" on somebody with an unflat 3. But I can expect, over the years that all sorts of oddities and peculiarities will become invented as they have in the immediate past, so that the method of finding body thetans consists of getting him to scan over his body. Scan over his body, scan over his body, and scan on the right side of his body, the left side of his body, top of his body, bottom of his body. And nothing reads, so he doesn't have any body thetans. I don't know who the hell invented that but it walked in sideways and became standard operating procedure. It isn't. It's for the birds. Now as you run a PC on this, this is a review approach, to a bird who can't manage 3. You've got to be sure that his grades were actually run. Now that's, that's important. The rehab of his grades before you start anything like this. That brings his reality up. The amount of charge off is proportional to the reality of the PC. So get the charge off whenever you can, however you can. Run some chains of this particular character of one kind and another kind. And there it is. The PC is liable to keep on explaining to you how it's all physiological and he ought to be, have his head cut off in surgery, or something. Actually the bird is dramatizing R6, which is full of medical doctors. And they carve away on a body, and oh man. The body finally comes down to nothing but raw meat, and then a skeleton. And the doctors are all so pleased. You know, just like they look, you know? That is, actually, totally in R6. Part of the 35 and three quarter day implant. Which is all pictures. You normally don't get to this section of it, because I have moved you up to the beginning of it and it all goes pfffEt! You don't get a full dress rehearsal of this. If you did, god help you. It's a killer. You'd only get it by dropping into the middle of it. But every once in a while you have the body thetan of a space man standing up on top of a cliff and jumping down and jumping up again, or you have an odd picture, a woman's head in a pit with a little baby along side the head. These, these are R6 pictures. And there's just tons of them. There's actually thousands of them. And this type of odd picture shows up. Something like this. Well actually, you try to run this too much on a; well, the, the guy who hasn't been up through the grades doesn't have enough charge off to see 'em, anyhow. He can be the effect of them, but he doesn't have enough charge off to see 'em. Do you see? He can sort of have it all keyed in, but he's not really there, and he's not looking at the picture. So you normally can run these fellows perfectly safely. Now if you really knew all there was to know about everything under the sun, moon and stars in the way of pictures in the bank; you don't have to be an expert this way fortunately. But you would recognize something about it. Actually you can recognize it very easily by dating it. The date of R6 is seventy five million years ago. So you just say this stuck picture's at seventy... It seems to you that it might be something at seventy five million years ago. If it is, why something'll happen, and if it isn't you wouldn't get a read on the meter, if it is, and it's some other date, why great. But that would be a little bit tricky to fool with because it's a thirty five and three quarter day engram. Duration. Actually the duration can be much longer in the matter of duress. So it's a bit touchy, but the probability is of it being in restimulation is very poor. But the fellow can be the effect of it. For instance, there is cyclical illness which is dictated in the various R6 implants. A fellow was forced to get sick at the age of five, followed multiples of five, and he's supposed to get sick from this and from that, and from the other thing. Measles and, you know he's supposed to have and that's certain. They predict his health, in other words. When he's fifty he's supposed to something or other. What they're trying to do is make a body cave in. See? Problem R6 was trying to solve was overpopulation. With some 250 billion inhabitants on this planet, the average through this federation was 178 billion, hundred and seventh eight billion beings per planet. They didn't eat very much, they weren't badly keyed in. But they reproduced too badly. And somebody thought he had this as a problem, so he tried to cut out the whole population. Naturally what he struck at was the second dynamic. So where you see aberrated second dynamic you're looking straight at R6. Aberrated second dynamic, you're looking at the PC having gone through R6, or body thetans through R6. Second dynamic exaggeration of a great aberration on, overindulgence of, so forth. You're just looking at R6. Now, running engrams can run into this zone or area, but the probability of them doing so, a person who doesn't have enough charge off to do so, is very remote. Now the incident in common to all thetans, body thetans, all kinds of thetans as a thetantype thetan, is of course the Incident 1. And when you clip the 1 that separates them out from the mass every time. But sometimes up the line they get impacted together on some other type of incident. It can be quite deadly, actually, occasionally, because a cluster of them exerting pressure and so on can really knock somebodys' block off. But there's something else that isn't totally understood about this by auditors. And that is simply this - that is doesn't have to be a cluster to knock your block off. It can be just one. And then you get the phenomenon, run this little tiny body thetan, he turns out to be a great big body thetan. Very fascinating. But people who are below 3 of course have all the phenomena of body thetans. Now if you were red hot in running engrams, however, you would move your PC on down the track into something he could run. So therefore, if you are very, very good, and you are very hot on the subject of engrams, engram running and so on, all you have to know is, that if it goes more solid you go earlier to a similar incident. Now I show you how you can really goof on this going earlier to a similar incident. You can start taking him down a chain of head injuries, and he dives sideways into being spanked. And all of a sudden you're running a chain of spanks, and you get an F/N on spanked, and say, "Well that finished the head injuries so therefore I... " Nuts. Head injuries aren't flat. You have to go back and pick up that. Then the other thing is the criterion of when to stop running an engram and go earlier is not new material. I don't know who sold people on this new material. That's just one of the junior indicators. New material shows up, it's a real engram and it's running. But that's a junior indicator. It's not going to hurt the PC if no new material shows up. You run the engram until the guy comes uptone or goes F/N. It is whether or not, whether or not the thing goes solid. Now look, if it's going solid, he's running it Disowned. It's a body thetans' incident that he's running. So you get the hell out of there, boy. And go earlier. And sooner or later you're going to pick up one of his own. You get the idea? And all of a sudden the thing will go F/N, because he separates out from the body thetan. Don't you see? So this is the criteria on which you judge the running of engrams. Don't think that a person got body thetans just because he got to Section 3. He's had 'em the whole way. Now this funny business can show up. The guy has been out of valence all the way from ARC Straightwire, straight on through to the end of OT2. And when you get him on 3, he can be sitting there, bright eyed, without a single, damned grade run. All the grades have been run on b-thetans. That's possible. It isn't general. But it is possible. So sometimes when you find somebody on 4 that you can't rehab anything on, it isn't necessarily true that it didn't F/N at the time. There's no F/N now because that guy isn't there anymore. Now you get this odd phenomena. What the hell do you do? Well the Ruds were out, and a lot of other things must have been out to keep him driven out of valence during that period. But of course the person the Ruds were out on at that time probably isn't there anymore anyhow. So the best thing about it is, is to detect it and, you take your life in your hands. Is it gonna be an overrun? Or is it going to be the original run? But that which you cannot rehab to F/N has not gone F/N. That which you cannot rehab to F/N has not gone F/N. It, after all of your trials and everything, and running your session with Ruds very definitely in, all of this, all the way down the line, if you still can't get an F/N, it never did have an F/N. But this is validity which occurs mainly after Section 3 is flat. The greatest validity of that remark is after Section 3 is flat. Now you get this crazy combination could theoretically occur. The grade was run on him, he hits 3, he goes out of valence, and you're trying to rehab it on a body thetan which he didn't get rid of, which... You get the crazy combinations? But in all such cases this is a matter of charge. In all such cases this is a matter of charge. It's a charged case, the case is too heavily charged in order to approach any part of a reality. And so he can't get a reality on body thetans, he can't do this, he can't do that. He will natter and talk about, "Well it seems real to him, and do you really mean valences? And you know there couldn't be such a thing as this," and so on. Well he's not necessarily a cluster, but the probability is that he's out of valence. The probability is that he has had a very severe this lifetime injury which has driven him altogether into one piece. The action involved is great. I mean it, you pick up an incident to run it on this fellow when dropped a penny on his little finger, and that's not the kind of incident. You don't necessarily rule out operations. But how savage an operation? See? How much, how much stuff? How, how violent was this thing? How long was he under anaesthesia? You know? That's the sort of thing that you're asking. You want a severe engram. And an auditor who has a hard time confronting also has a hard time asking for a real smashers. Very often. They sort of detour themselves, you know? They say to the fellow, "Now do you have a very severe injury on the track someplace or another?" And the fellow says, "Severe injury. Well yes. I did have. I had an automobile accident, and I once dropped a box on my toe." "Well, we'll take up this box on your toe." That auditor's sitting in an automobile accident of his own. Automobile accidents are rather to be very serious to run because there's automobile train accidents like crazy in R6. They have lots of automobile accidents, and trains running through it, and more automobile accidents, and helicopter crashes, and there's lots of accidents. So these things are liable to be hung up through R6. So you don't run this type of incident, therefore the available charge on the case is of vast importance to you as an auditor. How much charge can you find on the case and where? Do you follow? Now you get so fascinated with F/Ns that when a case is quite, very resistive, you want to find an area which will audit for a while without F/Ning. See? I love a good-ol' nine hour run on an engram, see? Now lets', let's, we've, the PC, the PC has got an engram chain that goes down to having been a medico in ancient Egypt. And he's got all the overts on the line of killing PCs, or something of this sort, or killing anybody who came in, 'cause they did mental consultation. They weren't PCs they were p-deads. Pre-deads, boy. 'Cause they had the right to kill. So alright, what do we do? What do we do here? Well, let's run it. Let's get down that chain. Let's get down that chain. Let's release this area. But let's release it by erasure. See? Now maybe there's something earlier than where it'll eventually go F/N, but we've gotten charge off the case. You understand? Charge off the case. Now don't pull a gag like this. As the C/S says, "Find," this is an important operation see, because it's a hung-up 3 is what you're solving here. Guy's all hung up in 3, he didn't find any, and he's got psycho somatic illnesses, and he sneezes and goes hu, Am, hm all the time, but he didn't find anything in I, and so on and yea, yea. Alright, well you get something like this, don't you see? And the case supervisor says, "Find a this lifetime injury," by which he means an injury, not by dropping a pin on his fingernail, and he prefers an injury to an operation. Because an operation is liable to take him straight back into R6. An automobile accident's liable to take him back there too. And so on. So if it's just a good, wholesome injury, you know? somebody dropped a safe on his head or something like that. And we run this, and we don't much care at the moment it's happening. And we begin this operation the case which has the smallest amount of reality when we begin this operation, we don't much care if there's any needle or tone arm action to amount to anything. We're gonna run it, it's gonna get more solid 'cause we're running a b-thetan, see? And we're gonna run it and so on. And then soon as he detects it more solid just find an earlier, similar incident. Now, you as an auditor can goof. You can go over into some other chain. Your own confront goes down and you say, "This is too damn gruesome." Blood spattering all over the place. And the PC is sitting there, sort of nattering. And you find an earlier, similar incident. Now you want a similar, similar incident, earlier. Now you can run this back life after life after life. Actually one of these is very likely to wind up 750 trillion years ago. Now we don't care where it goes. That's not your purpose. You just want the earlier, similar incident, see? Now when you finally get this earlier, similar incident that blows to FN - it will blow him out of all of the b-thetan crisscross, see? It's a very neat operation. And then you right away run an Incident 1. Got it? And very possibly his reality will still be so damn bad that he will; you know, he sits there, the meter blows up, you know? Long falls, blow downs, la-ti-bow-see, all the rest of it. That's just great. And he'll come up to say, "Well that didn't do anything and, The terrible draft, that's all, just awfull bad, you know, and so on... ," Yap yap yap yap yap. See. You don't care anything about that. Let's find another type of accident. Or, just ask for another Incident 1. Do you see? If Incident 1 didn't F/N that time ask for another Incident 1. Now in this way, by finding these various chains and going down them, you are actually running an unlimited method of releasing charge off a case. It F/Ns on a chain by erasure. Well you obviously can't do anything but plow him in if you run more on that particular chain. Now by chain, similar incident; it's "Having safes dropped on his head.' That is the chain, which can go into "Having objects dropped on his head.' But that's the chain. It's a chain of "Objects dropped on his head." Now objects blowing him up, or dropped on his foot, is another chain. Now you can erase that to F/N too. Do you follow? So it's the number of Incident 1s that you can run in the final analysis, 'cause that's the key charge. And all of a sudden this fellow says, "Wait a minute." Now you can do all kinds of goofy things. A lot of goofiness can come in. People can come in and say, "The right way to find a body thetan is to have the individual scan his hands, or wahwhehwo." Or, "A person with lots of body thetans has a needle which hiccups." Or something, you know? Poof, poof, poof, poof, poof. No, no, no, no, no. That's, it's just, don't buy any of those things. See? What I'm telling you here is the straight dope. You want to go down the chain that you start out on. Until you get down to some area that will run. Run it to F/N, dive down the bank with the guy, and run an Incident l. When you've got the Incident 1 run, and it didn't F/N bongobingo, try to find another Incident 1. Run it. And another one and run it. And another one and run it. And just have yourself just a little old ball. Now if you don't know this about engrams you might as well quit. It is the earliest incident of the engram which holds the remainder of the engram in place. So you can start late in the engram, and it doesn't give TA action or erase. You can start late in a secondary. Now I'll give you an idea of how do you start late in a secondary. You try to run the secondary out of the fellow of his house being foreclosed, and it's all taken away from him. And for some peculiar reason best known to man or beast it just doesn't run. It goes more solid faster than it should. Well, as an auditor you ought to have some psychiatric treatment. Because you've disobeyed the first law. The first law of anything is the first inkling of anything, the first incident, the first, the first, the first, the first part of the first. You get it? There's not only the first or the earlier, but the first part of the first, you understand? You want the instant he first had an inkling that he was going to lose his house. And you will find more lousy incidents running than you can shake a stick at. Another thing is, an incident that is running eventually doesn't change it's material, but comes uptone. So if you use the criteria that the material didn't change in the incident, and therefore the incident is un-erasable, I don't know where that came from either. That is just beyond the only... It's almost a casual statement in old Dianetic running. And that is simply this That the earlier the incident, the earlier the incident the more basic charge flies off the later incident. You see? That early charge, ooh boy, is that important, see? It's the quality of the charge, now. And the earlier the charge is the more quality it has. See? Although you can say any charge off will increase the cases' reality, that's true. But the earlier that charge is, and the more close it is to the standard aberrative factors of the thetan, and those are represented in the grades, you'll wake up someday to realize that the grades, the subject of the grades are the things that aberrate a thetan. And they're put together in that order, because they are the things which can be contacted in that order. Do you see? It's very tricky. Those are all the things that aberrate a thetan. Now. You can slide over into a chain of engrams, a new chain of engrams after you've got this. Let's get therapy engrams. All of a sudden we've got therapy engrams. My god, he's been operated on, chopped up, bisected and finally you get down to a basic in space opera where they used to take him apart and leave him on a bench for a week because he was bad, see? And this is the basic on being operated on, see? Something like that. You can soar right on down through these cases. Now we're really talking about a resistive case. When we're talking about a case that won't run on 3. This guy is out of valence. This guy has his identity all mixed up. He's got his engrams all mixed up. His memory is somebody else's. He's got everything and anything Disowned. Right? So, to solve this, so as to get him to get rid of his body thetans, not to solve his total reality because that comes at 7, you saw down through this line of anything that would make a bunch of thetans group together. Get the theory, see? It's just a bunch of thetans are going to scrunch, see? So the thetans go scrunch together. What would make a bunch of thetans go scrunch? Well, psychiatric treatment. One of the nastiest chains I ever saw in my life. I picked up some, couple of psychiatrists on a planet which is remote from here, had gotten hold of a girl and messed her all up. And of course she was already a group of thetans. And then they fixed her up second dynamic-wise and every other damn way that you could possibly think of. And then put her in some kind of a tub, and gave her electric shocks in a tub. And there was a burning electrode in the tub. They had a ball. They had a ball. And when the girl kicked the bucket for some how or another, by some carrier method, I don't know how, got here. Only of course as a being cluster, which is no longer even possible to pick up or run a body. All this cluster could do was just make people sick. And it obsessively attacked people. And those things are around. Now, when you run the engram chain you will run down to a point where they became a cluster. And it'll go down some chain, all of a sudden you've got that, and you've got what we call a melazzo. The second you run the mutual engram, the whole key of it is the mutual engram to them, they, a lot of them just go bingo-bango, bllthth, leaving some on whom you have to now run Incident 1 to make them blow. See? That's the common sequence of this thing. Because these clusters can be so vicious and so hard on a body, one is apt to think that all pressures; this is another one that's been introduced sideways in. Boy, people have been so god damned busy thinking, it isn't even funny. It is fascinating, you know? I find more of these damn additives. You know? Like, if the person has pressure on his body he must have a cluster. It doesn't follow, brother, it doesn't follow. One thetan can give plenty of pressure on a body. And to give you some idea of how much, how much horrible action can be thrown into a body, or how much action or stress can be put on a body by a thetan, last year I busted my back, my arm and my knee. They healed up very rapidly. But it was all in doing things that were beyond the... my arm and my knee - They healed up very rapidly - But it was all in doing things that were beyond the ability of a body to stand, pick up or resist, see? I could resist 'em all right. You, you get the idea? So the guy himself can bust himself up. And you'll have the experience up around 7 some place of trying to investigate like mad, "What the hell is this horrible pressure on my shoulder? I must have another body thetan. I this, I that, a dadada, oh my god. Wows" You know? And find out that somebody someplace in your vicinity a day or two before simply made a loud noise, or something of this sort, and at that moment you protected the body from it, to move it over sideways, and you haven't let go of it yet, you idiot. It's, it's goof things like this. Somebody was way up the line came down with a terrible lot of nasal trouble. And so on. And I've forgotten exactly what they told me, but it was just that. They hadn't owned their immediate environment yet, and it sort of backed up, and were at the present moment holding onto their, their nostrils. Holding onto their nostrils, and here you had a, here you had an advanced OT section person who was ill. Holding on to her nostril. She found this out herself and let go of her nostrils, and miraculously in about three seconds about a set of operations worth of sinusitis cleared up, see? The medicos would have had a ball with it. So, don't think that a guy also can't do this very reactively down in the vicinity of 3 and 4, or down in the vicinity of service fac, or down in the vicinity of bm-bm-bm. All that's really wrong with a thetan, you know, is a thetan concentrates his actions onto just one of a thetans abilities. So a thetan who's in good shame has got all of these abilities, but some guy starts specializing in only this fixed ability. He can't do anything else. He's weak as a cat in all other directions. So that you get, I think it was Jung, to mention infamous names; well I don't know that Jung is infamous. Freud, Broyer, the rest of these guys, they're just bandits. But Jung, I think it was, had a poltergeist phenomena. All he had to do was sit down in the room and a bookcase or something would split down through the center, see? Well any thetan can split up bookcases, hell, I mean that's easy. But he didn't know he was doing it. And it caused a lot of trouble. In other words, he was totally reactive on the basis, and totally non-recognizing. Improvement in a case is mostly meant walking it up the line to advanced realities and awarenesses. He's going in the direction of truth. Now. So the handling of a case, the handling of a case, whatever process or process you're involved with is to get charge off. And there is certain main line charge which you must get off, and those are the grades. And the fastest way to get that charge off, and the most valuable charge to get off are of course the exact grade processes. And once you've done those, that's it, boy. That's it. Let's say you start in and run a chain of engrams, and this is the one variable. You run a chain of engrams, and then you come along and you try to run the chain of engrams, that's gonna be an overrun. Right away that's gonna be an overrun. Nothing but. Because you're on the same chain the guy erased to become an engram release. He got onto the same chain. Well you're not likely to get on to it very easily unless you coax the bird onto it, and you say, "That chain wasn't flat." And you get what the content of the engram was, and then try to run the engram again. Now you're liable to get into trouble. Now the reason why engrams run so easily out of this lifetime, and so badly in this lifetime, is the fellow has very few back track associations. He has some, but he has very few back track associations with body thetans. So theoretically the further back track he gets the less thetans he's got. You get out of this lifetime, why you maybe only got a half a dozen thetans, or something like that, that are carried along with the guy. Do you see? So that it's a little bit difficult to run an engram in this lifetime, so don't be surprised when your chains rather rapidly go out of this lifetime and your engrams suddenly run. Because you're running the guy's own engrams. Do you see? But your best bet is to find one in this lifetime and try to get it run. Because that splits up this. But you can never the less separate him out from the mass and increase his reality. But you see what you're trying to do. See what the design of the bank is, is what I'm trying to show you here. Now you start main line processes and let us say we have released the guy now on Pr Pr 4, source, with those commands and on that subject, and we start to run it again. We are in trouble, boy, we are in trouble, because we're right exactly where he went release, and it now constitutes an overrun, and that is now going to be a mess. Right? Now you ask me, "What in the name of common sense is an S and D, but the isolation of source?" Well isn't it funny, you can run quite a few S and Ds on somebody. You can run at least a W and an S and a U; S & D on them. And as a guy goes along and gets PTS from some other quarter you can run another S & D. One of your sins is running too many S and Ds and trying to run S and Ds on people that don't need S and Ds. Now that's the main sins. Running too many S and Ds, and running S and Ds on people who are not PTS. I mean, those are auditor, case supervisor sins. You show me a big, fat folder that's got forty two S and Ds in it and somebody was nuts, boy. All they were doing was hanging him up with wrong items, so of course he got more and more frantic about it, because they never did find the suppressive. So that was a misalignment of source. So they're giving him wrong sources. And these wrong sources will hang up. And he'll keep these mocked up very nicely. That's why you straighten out lists. A lot of work to straighten out lists. Quite a skilled operation, actually. But, in the net gain of this, that is the subject of one of the Power processes. Every time you ask a fellow how he is you're running conditions. When you say to him, "How does it seem to you now?", and so forth, why you're running some, the subject certainly, of 5. This is the elementary actions. Do you follow? But you try to run the process itself, again, uhhhhh. Murder and sudden death. Now, I have seen the remark in a review folder, and I hope I never see it again, "Mid Ruds have been overrun on the case." I've also seen the remark, "Ruds have been overrun on the case." Well this could mean only that the auditor didn't quit when he got an F/N in that session on that chain of ARC breaks. That would be an overrun. But ARC breaks run all the way. They run all the way from the minus scale to OT8. The phenomena of ARC breaks. As long as you're in this universe, and as long as you're alive, the phenomena of ARC and U holds true. And you get up around OT8 someplace it doesn't matter much. But the net result here is that the case supervisor and the auditor, they have a problem. And that is the case which is resistive. You have find some charge to take off the case, without overrunning the case. And that's why when you take a resistive case assessment and you, the auditor, flies the needle on each one of the subjects and thinks he's doing something, he's just cut the case supervisors' throat. Or if he let's it be itsa'd he's just cutting the case supervisors' throat, because it's liable to F/N. Now you have the, the rather touchy business of instead of being able to dive in on this therapy chain and take off BD, BD, fall, BD, you know, bong-bong, another incident, fall, BD, fall, fall, fall, you know, BD, long fall, BD, fall, another incident, you see? Instead of being able to do that you're already going past an F/N. You're liable to get a protest on the thing. It isn't keyed in, it isn't available now. Do you get what the difference is? So actually to this degree you are prospecting for charge. So it's just great to fly the needle on everything. That's just great. Only as long as the case is running well. Now let's take the case that he got his review, his case supervision was quite competent, his auditing was quite competent, and he goes to the examiner and his free needle has packed up between walking the way from the auditing session to the examiner. And he says it was a great review, but it didn't handle the pain in his left lumbosis. You know now you have a resistive case. That's what you know. Because the normal action, not the usual action 'cause these are all usual actions, the normal action that you would take with a case didn't fly it. The needle F/Ned and so forth, but on those things there's something sitting around some place that isn't released. Now your problem is when this happens on lower grades you've got all the phenomena of 3 to kick the PC in the head. Naturally he's got problems. Naturally he's got, not necessarily problems, but he's got all kinds of oddities. Do you follow? So our problem here, now what do we do? Well, you do a resistive case assessment to find some area of charge. And then you set it up for the auditor to discharge that area. And when he gets that area discharged he's gonna get some change in this case. We have to know what area the case is really hung up in. Now a case which is out Ruds, let me give you some idea. A case which is out Ruds, Christ we can put in Ruds cleeeeaar back to the beginning of the universe. And we can put in ARC breaks until hell won't have it. Oh yes. One of the ways you trigger this, you see, is to ask him for serious ARC breaks. Similar serious ARC breaks. He isn't gonna F/N on that right away. And he'll look this over. One of the ways of doing this is some version of, well it's just, it's itsa. He's gonna do it by itsa, you're going to go earlier. So you're doing these little scales all the way, see? You're doing these little scales. Well you bleed them for charge. You always do A-R-C-U, C-D-E-I. And now if you really want to start bleeding down on ARC breaks or something, you ask for one that ordinarily doesn't come up. That's a side panel. Incomplete cycles of action. If you were to find a PC who said in an ARC break, he's a rather resistive PC, see, and you found that he had a hell of a time with reality. Hard to get a case change out of him. And he says, he says something like this. "Hell, they didn't let me finish it." Oh well, you just start running incomplete cycles of action and tracing back earlier incomplete cycles of action, and earlier cycles of action, and they're all ARC breaks. And do your scale on them too. Of course the ARC break is actually the incomplete cycle of action, because that causes an ARC break. Now also overruns cause an ARC break, so what has been overrun tends to cure ARC breaks. Now if you run "What has been overrun", while being alert for ARC breaks, you can get more charge off. You can play it against itself. Now if you're very clever when somebody says, "Prep check 3," or something like this as a case supervisor, your ears are right straight up and very alert to catch any ARC break that shows up. You see? "On Section 3 has anything been suppressed?" "Ba-baba-ba-ba-bam-bam-bam." "Was there an ARC break there?" "Yes." Starts to run just a little bit too long, don't you see? And so forth. Well catch the ARC break. Now if it flies on an ARC break can you finish the prep check? Well unfortunately no. But on prep checks on 3 you're peculiarly liable to get off into an ARC break chains And it's one that you should know. It's a standard datum. Everything I'm giving you is a standard datum. The rundown, then, of rudiments, the rundown of secondaries, and the rundown, these are chains, chains, chains, and the rundowns of engrams, can be done on any case below 3. They can be done on any case above 3. So therefore, these are very fruitful areas where you look for charge. You got it? You want to increase a pcs' reality, you just generally remove charge from the case. If you want to increase his reality, in removing charge from a case, you remove the highest quality charge you can get. Do you follow? So, the processes, then, are a little ladder that goes up this, which have exact rungs. And then there's this sort of bigger rope that you can climb up on both sides. Now one of these little rungs, they handle that whole subject. They key out that whole subject. The guy feels great on this whole subject, see? But there is still all kinds of this on the case. Now if you understand this, if you understand what you're doing, you understand the mechanics of this thing, you won't get wrapped around a telegraph pole by somebody telling you something stupid or silly. It is always better to audit against an understanding of what the devil you're handling. And that's why I like to teach you not against rote. There is rote. There is rote in standard tech the like of which you never heard of. But I want to tell you what is going on. You don't have to figure it. This is why, what rote there is, is there. Now if it's itsa, and earlier incident itsa, and with ARC breaks, a scale that you can assess each time, you've got a totally unlimited process. And similarly on green forms you are very soon going to, if you run too many green forms on somebody, you're very soon going to have done too many S and Ds. You're going to have done too many remedy Bs. There is what's the trouble with a green form. You can do as many green forms as you like, as long as you don't do too many lists on them. 'Cause those lists, that very soon runs into an overrun. because listing is a sort of a process. And it has a limitation. But if all items of the green form were simply itsa'ed, or earlier run with itsa, and the ARC break with the ARCU, CDEI, if earlier, runs. See, itsa or earlier itsa. It's itsa or earlier itsa. Itsa or earlier itsa. "Any earlier, similar incident?" I don't care what, what came up on the green form. See? Horse chestnuts. We don't care. Good. Horse chestnuts, horse chestnuts, horse chestnuts. Good. Is there any earlier, similar horse chestnuts? See? That's your, that's your bible. Therefore, I don't like to give you a whole bunch of canned questions about what you say on a green form. You can ask the PC about this subject, and it doesn't become a rote process. And therefore it doesn't have an opportunity to get overrun. Do you follow? So you're asking about this subject. The subject is what is important. Now, when you run a green form and then you try to run five or six process-type questions, or Qs and As, big additives of this particular character, you wrap the PC around a telegraph pole. So the only thing you are asking him for, the only, only, only thing you are asking for on a green form, is the subject of the green form and earlier, similar thing on the subject of the green form. Horse chestnuts? Itsa, itsa, itsa, no F/N. Earlier horse chestnuts? Itsa, itsa, itsa, itsa, no F/N. Earlier chestnuts. Earlier, earlier, F/N. Now your only liability in this particular instance, the thing didn't read in the first place. So you have to be alert at every turn for one, a false read, and two, a suppressed read. They're both 'he sides of this coin. I'll give you an actual example. The other day a fellow went into session and didn't like the auditor, and asked for a missed withhold. It didn't read, so as long as it didn't read he didn't say anything. - The idiot. And the auditor said, "That's clean", and went on by the thing. And PC, at the end of the session, fell on his head. Naturally. Now exactly what was wrong there? Was a missed withhold suppressed? But, by looking at it. You don't have to ask suppressed every time. But by looking at the PC you see there's something there. Learn to look at the PC. You say, "Horse chestnuts?" And, PC, "Yeah? No, no horse chestnuts." "You say on horse chestnuts, has that horse chestnuts been suppressed?" Bwooom! See? "Mmmm." "Alright, good. Tell me about that. Anything." And all of a sudden you've got a chain that has never come up in view, and tells you why the green forms never succeed on this PC. The subject is suppressed. Now the other reason the green forms don't succeed on PCs when they don't... There are two other reasons. One is because somebody overruns the lists that were called for on the green form. The other one is that the thing has falsely been reading for time immemorial. He had, he was out in lower Walla Walla, and some auditor had a new E-meter he didn't know how to run. And he'd heard that you're supposed to ask for missed withholds, or withholds, and he asked for withholds the same time he hit the tone arm with his thumb. And the fellow said, "Well you've got a withhold. It read." And the PC says, "Uuuuuuoo dooo." He had to think about it. "Well, what was that. What is it. There must be one there." So the question goes live, and five, six, seven, eight years later the question is still live. And the PC is around the bend trying to answer this thing that never read in the first place. You got it? That's true of any read. All you know as a Class VIII when an E-meter reads is that the E-meter read. The chances are it read in response to what you asked the PC. The chances are in favor of that. But that's all you know about it. Now if there's anything the least bit odd about the pcs' response, anything the least bit off, you check that read. You check for false reads. And you're sitting there and the PC has been going natter, natter, natter. "Do you have a present time problem?" "Oh, yes. Everyone is so mean to me. And they've stolen my shoes lately. And oh, natter, natter, natter, natter." "Do you have a missed withhold? That's clean." Oh, Christ, learn how to audit. That's what I always think when I see one of these damned things. For Christy sake learn how to audit. You know? Critical PC, missed withhold. Now that it didn't read doesn't mean anything. Because you might not have made an impingement on the PC to the .. ... ... ... ... You know? He might not even have heard you. It might be suppressed. Now if the PC gives the manifestations of a missed withhold, and the missed withhold question doesn't read, you ask suppressed. Naturally. You've got to work with reads. You're not a phonograph record. At Class VIII all you know is that the meter read. On something. It read on a passing car, it read on the moon going into another phase. The chances are it read on what you said. But the chances are simply slightly in favor of that. Do you follow? Now the other thing is, is when the meter doesn't read. What you know is that the meter didn't read. And the chances are in favor that that is OR. But it is not anything you can take for granted. And if the manifestations, this PC comes into session, "Oh yes, ah ah ah I ha hai." (Crying) And you say, "Do you have an ARC break? That's clean. Thank you very much." Oh boy, you're not going any place from there on, boy. I don't know what you're doing behind the wheel of a car, but you're not drivin'. The chances are very greatly in favor of having an ARC break. It's not inevitable. Maybe she's just like that. But well, you say, "Do you have an ARC break? It didn't get a read. Has anything been suppressed? On ARC breaks has anything been suppressed?" I don't care how you say it. You want to get the suppress off the ARC break, if there is a suppress on it. And it goes zooomp. "OR. Do you have an ARC break? That reads." Now you can get into this kind of a fire fight. "Do you have an ARC break? Has anything been suppressed? Do you have an ARC break? That reads." And it's a protest read. So the PC says, "Oh, I don't think so." "Alright, has anything been protested?" Didn't read. "Anything been suppressed?" Read. "Do you have an ARC break?" Read. "I'm afraid you'll have to answer the question." What you've done is prove that the meter read. Do you see? So in moments of doubt you either prove it read or prove it didn't read. See? You are the guy driving the meter. And it is a very, very remarkable instrument. There is a meter, and I think it sells for 595 pesetas or dollars. I think the dollar has dropped below the peseta now, anyhow. Well, after all, MacNamara did his best. And in his best he got us a war with Viet Nam, and ran the country into deep debt. And as a reward he was made the head of the World Bank. Anyway, did you know that? I think the most remarkable things happen on this planet. It's just time we got busy, you know. How anybody could sit around and watch this one. The guy runs the country into debt by spending three-quarters of its' income on a military activity that didn't have anything to do with the price of fish, and as a reward they make him the head of the World Bank, which is the one loaning the money to the country in order to pay for the war. You didn't notice that going on? All these things happen all the time. So, it's actually time you got busy, see? So what you know in driving this thing is that it's a damn good instrument. The 595 kerputnicks medical meter that is sold currently, reads only on body motion and passing cars. I know. I've taken one, I've tested one, I've tried to run somebody on it. I tried to do something with it. And it does nothing but run body motion. It is a very remarkable meter. Very, very, very remarkable. Because the thing reads more on the think than it does on the body. And it reads so little on the body that it doesn't even get in your road. It's a very remarkable meter. By the way, the name of it is very proper. It's really an electro psychometer. And psych in the dictionary means soul. And anybody who calls anything else an electro psychometer would be telling a lie if he used it on a body or on disease. (Do you get the point) It's an electrical means of measuring the spirit. That's exactly what its' name says. Electra psychometer. It's called for short E-meter. Somebody has come along and put on the recent labels of it, electrometer. They're trying to shorten the name down. But the proper name is an E-meter, or an electro psychometer. Now. It's a very remarkable instrument. But like all instruments it won't operate without being operated. And you, as an auditor, have got to have confidence in the instrument, confidence in what it says, and you've got to know what it says. And it says there was a charge there of some kind. Now the charge could have been restimulated by the environment, or the charge by the environment suddenly impinging on the PC. He had a bite by a fly in his left ankle. Or, it is by your question. And some fidgety PC that's leaping all over the place all the time, it could be a body motion. I don't let my PCs leap all over the place. I don't know why you let yours. My PCs always sit very still. Quite remarkable. I've never had a PC move in a session to amount to anything. And I thought oh wow, I was holding them. Anyway, if a PC keeps knocking the hands together give him a one hand electrode. Be clever. You don't have to strap him up. But the point is you know the meter read. The tone arm's quite reliable on anything. Very reliable. There is a slight thing that a meter will have to warm up sometimes during a session. But the tone arm is very, very, very reliable. What it's doing, actually, is measuring the density of the mass in association with the thetan, is really what it's doing. It's the amount of resistance in the mass which is connected to the thetan. So actually you can lean on a wall and get the tone arm reading on the wall. Quite interesting. A tone arm doesn't just read on the body. It reads on what the thetan is connected to with regard to it. Actually, if you... The male and female figures there have been worked out carefully, and it might be of interest to you that they are taken from the United State Army ohms resistance on dead bodies. And the first work that was done on this, they went around battle fields for something, or in morgues or some place, measuring dead bodies. And so, they worked out a pattern of how you went about this. So I extended their work a little bit and got these positions. But dead bodies go from five to twelve, five hundred. So when you have that read you are then only reading on the body. And you're not now reading on the thetan. When it flies you have lost a connector. Do you see? And it's the live-ness is the float of the thetan, but the tone arm position is the density of the body, not the density of the thetan. Now, when the tone arm position is high it is because there's a lot of thetan impinged on the body. There could be a lot of thetans impinged on the body, which we learn in 3, or a lot of thetan. When you're going to start going above 3 they sometimes start driving you out of your mind. Every time you go on the meter you're about 4.5 or something stupid like this. And then you find out finally what you're leaning on. But the main point here is that you're dealing with a highly reliable instrument. The efforts to curtail or to injure the distribution of the Emeter or forbid its use or something like this are quite cunningly slanted. And because the E-meter is very important. Fortunately almost anybody can build one. If you know the exact circuit. And you don't let somebody depart too far from that circuit, why they're very easily manufactured. And they give you, they give you the done. But you have to know what dope you've got. If the read is above three it is not a body read, it has to be thetan or mental mass to push it up there. And that can be composed of one or more beings. And oddly enough when overruns occur anywhere along the line, why the tone arm goes up. And that is what causes the thing. The guy has been too long at it. The guy did it once too often. And that is the basic reason for the height of a TA. Now if you go too frantic on this subject, why you'll have a bad time. I've seen C/Ses and auditors go absolutely frantic. They've got to get the TA down in the next two minutes. There is no reason to get it down in the next two minutes, two or three session are perfectly adequate for somebody. But all you do is keep clicking charge off, and overruns, and so on. There is a fast way to get it down. It's just the indications of overruns. Indications of list. Indications of BPC. But it doesn't always stay down. It then goes up. This is the lick and a promise. Locate the BPC on the thing, and something like that, and you start blowing the meter down. But the main thing that you are interested in is getting it down so that it rides in a normal range. Well how do you get it there? Well now, to get it down you've got to have someplace to take charge off the case. Correct? Well the way you take charge off the case to find overruns and rehab 'em. Now you take one of these fat folders that comes from the Ching Wong Tao Organization, and because they couldn't get all the books translated into Chinese or something, they don't know some of the hot dope. And they've been listing folders and they've got folders which are six inches thick. And so on. You actually could start taking charge off to get a tone arm down just by going back and finding the over lists, and calling them to view and indicating them and finding the item, and so on, and so on. It'll do things for the case too. It isn't necessarily what's got the tone arm up. Don't bet on the idea that you have to find out what the tone arm is up on in order to take the tone arm down. You can drive yourself nutty this way too. "What is making this tone arm go up? What is this thing? What is this thing? What is this magic thing that we are looking for? Oh, there must be some clue to this. It must be some specific overrun, some place." Hell, I wouldn't try my wits on it. I'd just find an early overrun that would shoot the later one. "Do you ever get tired of doing something? Good. Is there an earlier time?" Now I'll show you a real one. It's the velocity of the question. This is not necessarily something you'd with off on a PC, but I'm just showing you mechanics. You could say to this PC, you could say,"Did you ever get... ?," and they'd choose something, see? Serious ARC break, this thing here. "On the whole track, on the whole track did you ever kill anybody?" Well, you best believe, you know? "Naturally." "Well, good. Now we're going to find the chain of killing people." How far back do you thing that's going to go before it F/Ns? Now I'll give you an even worse one. And this you shouldn't use, it's out of 7. "Trace back moments of guilt to basic." Don't use that. But you can take something like the person's feeling guilty. Now you could make a little, a little list you make up, see? Then that doesn't shoot the whole thing to glory. That's why you make up these little lists. See? It catches, some side panel, if you're gonna run down. But there's charge on it, see? You make up this little list. And you're going to have a murder, a battle, anything you could think of, see? With five or six words, you know? Armies, wars, see, something like that. Then you assess what reads. And wars read. "Good. We're gonna go down the war chain." It read so it must be charged. We already have... Now where do we pick up the clue of this is from the itsa of former sessions. We get a track of this. This fellow says, this fellow says, "I'm just... Being drafted fills me with horror." That's just in passing, itsa. See? Well, there's certainly something about armies, soldiers, battles. See? There's going to be something someplace. And he gives you a whole chain you could run. See? Now we didn't evaluate for him because he said it. See, we found this in his itsa, see? We've heard it in his itsa, so we take this, and then we expand this out so that is catches more area. And we find what part of that area it reads, and then we don't fly it with a glimpse, we run its. See? Christ, change PCs left and right. Now let's take one like, this girl has got a very bad ARC breaks she says, when actually it's a moment of a loss. Somebody has, has left her, and doesn't love her anymore. And this reads as an ARC break, and so on. Well you can run it as an ARC break by specifying what the ARC break chain is about. Which is love. Now where the hell do you supposed that would wind you up? Now They've told you the ARC break's about love. So you just start running earlier ARC breaks on the subject of love. This is a very heavy subject, because it's right along side of affinity. And you can run a awful lot of chains Do you follow? You're now in the business of finding things to audit. But you don't bother ever to do this unless you've got a guy; you could do it for practice; but you don't bother to do this unless you've got a guy who isn't running well. Then you get the assessment, resistive cases, you find the zone or area in which he is apparently hung up, or that's hot, and then you find something associated with that that you can run a lot of charge off of. And you go right on down the bank on this. And you blow it, and you're gonna change your guy. You see how it's done? That's the formula. Therefore you can do this as a C/S, unless you've got auditors, of course, that just take the list and fly the needle on the whole list. And you can get a lot of charge off the case. Now you get a lot of charge off the case on something the guy is hung up on, his psycho somatics disappear, and so on. See? Now the guy is not in hospital, his sickness is a PTP to him to some degree, but it turns out it's physically ill. He's physically ill. Alright. If he is physically ill you have to make up your mind what you're going to do about this physically illness. Now is it something that has to be treated? And can be treated? Or should be treated, in order to knock it out? Do you see? Well there's a funny, a funny thing about this. You can get this treated, and you usually better damn well had, but at the same time you'll find out it very often doesn't get well until you audit it. I've seen, I've seen penicillin hang up for six weeks until the chain was run that made the guy sick. Now because he was on penicillin he didn't kick the bucket, do you see, and it did do a lot for him. And it tended to straighten him out, but he would up with a wheeze, or something. Don't you see? Now after you've done something for the acute state of this illness, or it's been treated in some fashion or another, now you can go in and run the engram on it. Now you'll go on down that chain. What kind of sickness? What sickness chain are you going down on? Now the trick about it is he's physically ill, and if you start auditing down an illness chain you're liable to miss it completely. Because it isn't that he is physically ill, it's the fact that he's suffering from bullets in the back, you know? He's got arthritis. And he's suffering from bullets in the back. And so on. Well, the trick of assessment in action there, would be to find really what is this guy ill from. Well it's to find out what is he sitting in. And what is he sitting in? Now there'd be several ways of discovering what he was sitting in. And what do you know? You could list it. You don't list it to F/N. You've got one of these crazy lists. You can make a list of what kind of an engram is it. It'll obey the laws of listing, if you want it to obey the laws of listing, but there are a whole bunch of questions which don't follow the laws of listing because they're not list questions. What has been overrun? It doesn't go to one item. It's not a one item list, because it's not trying to locate source of anything. So you can say to the fellow, you can say to the fellow something on the order of, "What are you, what are you afraid of?" Now you could list that to one item, but you could simply ask him, "Well, have you ever been afraid of that before?" And run a whole series of secondaries. And so help me Pete, the illness it liable to fall right out in your lap on that chain of secondaries. Now when you've run some secondaries another type of engram outflows and flies on secondaries, so that you've got something else that's got to go down. Do you get the idea? Now that you can audit so fast we've got to figure out ways so that you can audit slow. Do you see how it's done? And do you see why? Now, what I've given you is actually in this lecture, the total rationale and background of auditing. There isn't anything much lies along side of it. And unless you add a bunch of weird, odd facts coming in, such as, that in order to find out whether or not a person has body thetans you should scan the thing up and down. Nuts. The way you find out if somebody has body thetans is can you run an Incident 1? That's simple. Now if you can run an Incident 1, but he's just mocking it up, well that becomes an overrun, so you better rehab it. But, if you're running an Incident 1 which another thetan, Incident 1, and that gets overrun, you rehab that too. You're not in any danger, but this is how you find out if there are body thetans. Because that is the mutual incident. The mutual incident of all thetans is Incident 1. Quite a trick to find it. Anyway, I hope the information which I have given you will assist you to study the exact rote actions which you take, because this is the rationale which makes the rote actions rote. Thank you very much. **************************************************