6809C25 Class VIII TAPE 2 WHAT STANDARD TECH DOES Thank you. Thank you. And here we are. What's the date? It's the 25th of September AD 18. In the parlance of former religions, 1968. Well we have a few, we have a few telegrams here. Please relay our congratulations to first Class VIII course, and to Ron who made it possible. You have our fullest Hawaiian aloha. John, LRH Communicator Hawaii, for EC Hawaii and all Scientologists in Hawaii. And here's congratulations first Class VIII course students. Standard tech is here to stay. Thank you Ron. LRH Com and staff, San Francisco. And dear Ron, thanks and appreciation from all Africa and Joberg staff and Scientologists on first Class VIII course. LRH Comm Africa and LRH Comm Joberg. Dear Ron, congratulations to you and all students on first Class VIII course. We know the boom this will be, and boon this will be to mankind. Love, LRH Comms US, ASHO and LA. Executive Councils US, American Saint Hill Organization and Los Angeles. And send congratulations on first Class VIII course. Love, Executive Council ANTS. Ron, congratulations on Class VIII course. Will be fabulous to have a Class VIII case cracking super back. Thanks. Love, Kathy, Doris and Phil, Myra, the EC of Seattle Day and Foundation. From Seattle. Congratulations on first ever Class VIII course. May success ring throughout Earth and bounce between the planets of the universe. Henry and crew, OTL, WW. To first Class VIII students. Congratulations on being chosen and on attending the first ever Class VIII course. Fantastic. Love from all Africa and Joberg staff and Scientologists. Very good. Well now, let's get down to business. Where does standard tech begin? What is it? It is the accumulation of those exact processes which make a way between humanoid and OT. The exact method of organizing them, the exact method of delivering them, and the exact repair of any errors made on that route. Now that is quite remarkable because in actual fact that gives you 100 percent. It's a 100 percent action. There are no unauditable cases unless they're not present. If you can't get them present they are unauditable. And that is one of the cases that is unsolvable. And in actual fact the only case that is unsolvable. Now you can think at once, what about the person who is being audited against his own determinism? What about the unconscious person he is present? What about the psychoanalyst, you know the psychoanalyst, he had a lot of troubled cases. And let's see, man's never been able to do this sort of thing before. And there are different cases. And there're also suppressives. And we've got the so forth, and question, question, question. And that's what I'm trying to cure you monkeys of. Impolite. Now. In the first place as far as the case who is present is concerned, if you did an assessment list and you put down a reading item "isn't present", there wouldn't be anybody to do the assessment on, so that is missing on the resistive case list. But the rest of them, if you can't knock off a hundred percent on it, why you need your flywheel adjusted. The uh... that's a fact. That's a fact. There isn't much excuse for missing. Let us take the fellow who doesn't want to be audited. And he is somehow or another persuaded to be present in the auditing room. Now you say at once that we will overwhelm the mans' determinism, naturally, by forcing auditing on him. No, we don't overwhelm his determinism because basically his own determinism would want to be audited. So we have the oldest remedy of this there is, and it hasn't changed for years and years and years and years, and it does exist. And all you do is engage in itsa on how he doesn't and why he doesn't want to be audited. That's all. That's the remedy. If you can get the fellow to explain why he doesn't want to be audited, why he hates to be audited, why auditing so forth, bopa-wop wop, you've got it. But if you let him stray out into the other dynamics you haven't got it. If he sits there and tells you how all Scientologists are bad, and how no lesson is so hard... then pig face, the big politician has said from the depths of his implantedness how it's all bad, if you let him go off into this line of country you are not following the main line. And the main line is simply, why doesn't he want to be audited? Do you follow? Now the other may start to blow off but you may repeat the question because he's departed from it. Now if you can get him to explain in the fullest extent this exact process, it is an exact process. It has no discussion of Scientology connected with it whatsoever. It is simply his itsa on the subject of. Now, he will come to a point where a basic begins to appear into view and you simply go on into session and run it. Do you follow? There's nothing to it. It's just a session approach. So therefore he doesn't want to be audited, and he is asked to explain why he doesn't want to be audited, and he will there upon give as to the reasons why, and then he will hit some basic reason why, and you'll find yourself running something on the order of a secondary or an engram. Now you push him on through it. You don't push him through covertly. You never do any of this covertly. I hear of some auditor covertly auditing. Ooooo! If he hasn't got his hands on the cans you're liable to pass the F/N. And he'll hold onto the cans. He doesn't know what they are. We don't even know; he doesn't even know what he's talking about. But he will, guided in his itsa, guide himself right down into the channel of his resistance. It could wind up most anyplace. It could wind up in a prep check. It could wind up in a secondary. it could wind up, don't you see? And he'll start answering these questions and the next thing you know he's in session and feels a lot better for it, and he'll go away shaking you by the hand. Now there isn't anything covert about it. You keep your TRs in, you do your auditing job, you read your meter the same way and everything else. He's explaining why he doesn't want to be audited. Do you follow? And it is the most fundamental rudiment. Now I, I look with horror at a green form which winds up as one of its' items very late on the green form that the PC did not want to be audited in the first place. It takes this form. He didn't want a review in the first place. Well an auditor's a pretty dim bulb if he hasn't been able to detect that. A fellow comes in, and you say, "Alright, good. Have a seat here." Now at that moment you pick up the first out rudiment. See, it's actually not something you put in all rudiments, because for the excellent reason it just wastes time. This guy sits down, and so on. Now you could say it's a missed withhold, it's a this, it's a that. We don't care what it is. It's just the fact that he doesn't want to be audited. So you think now we're dealing with uh,... You think we're dealing with Mr. Swillengullet the famous politician, or Mr. Jogbog who is the famous psycho-anal-ist, and you're not. You're not dealing with the stellar light, you're dealing with a Scientologist who has walked up to the examiner, having been summoned because he hasn't been auditing for the last six months, to find out what the hell's wrong, and the examiner has said, "Go have a review. And as the review auditor is sitting there this guy walks in. And he's uncooperative and very soggy about the whole thing. If you simply ask him to explain why he didn't want to be audited he would go promptly into session. It is a process. Alright, now let's get how far this process goes. A fellow hasn't been auditing for seven months on his OT3 and it isn't flat. So, it's the same process. Why doesn't he want to be audited? You could ask it in the version of why isn't he auditing, but it comes down to why he doesn't want to be audited while auditing. And this situation you will run into every now and then. Now it flies off by accident on most of these lines. You achieve this accidentally. And you will see so on many case reviews. And you understand standard tech isn't that process which is only used in review. Review is that area where standard tech is corrected back to standard tech. If it hasn't been done in the first place it winds up in review. Now this fellow hasn't been auditing. As a matter of fact I have just off hand, I know of about three, two of whom didn't want a session, and a third who hasn't audited on her 3. Just, just brrrrt Just this. I think there've, they've been on my desk in the last 24 hours. So it is not an uncommon problem. And you accidentally hit an ARC break, you hit some by-passed charge, you hit some something that goes down the line and clears up why he hasn't been auditing. And you yourself maybe, if you had a long run on some level, hit some period where you really didn't want to sit down and audit. You sort of wanted to leave the session and so forth. Well, this is the, this is the phenomenon. Now the common denominator of hitting the phenomenon to a trained auditor would be why he doesn't... why doesn't he want to be audited. If some fellow's doing OT sections, something like that on himself, anything from R6EW on up the line, and he suddenly wants to leave session. Yeah, he's sitting there, and he's saying, "Aaiii, ugh." Well the rudiment that's out is a horribly simple rudiment. He doesn't want to be audited. Now he's just done something that fixed it up so he didn't want to be audited. Now at that moment, if he is a not-completely dead in his head, he is aware of his own activity. That is actually the fundamental difference between a Scientologist and a humanoid. A Scientologist can, is aware of his activities, his mental phenomena, he is aware of his behavior, he has an idea of what he is doing. He, he's standing there, nya, nya, nya, nya, nying, yang, yap yap, yap yap. And he's all of a sudden, "Hey wait a minute. Boy, I must have a missed withhold. See, I must have a missed withhold." I mean it's as simple as that. You know? He says to himself "Yeah." He is aware of his own behavior. It is not that he's introvertedly critical. And you will find characters around, in Scientology, who are not aware of their own behavior. And that is the difference between a Scientologist and one who isn't. You will find somebody who apparently has had some of the grades run who still attributes his behavior to some sort of an act of god or something. "I, I felt, I felt, I felt bad today. I, I feel bad today." That's about far as the cognition goes, see? But this, therefore, is a process. You're sitting there doing your materials, all of a sudden you feel bad. "Hell with it. I think I'm gonna leave. You know, pack it up and get out of here.: Well now, being aware of what you're doing you all of a sudden recognize this is a symptom. So, something's wrong. Well you'd better find out what's wrong. And what's wrong actually will show up on the basis of why he didn't want to be audited. If you simply will explain to yourself, that's, just sort it out, you know? Just say, "Let's see. The reason I don't want to be audited is so and so and so on." Now this can go so far as to make a one item list. That is, a list that is listed to one item. Reading. You can actually make a list of it. If you know your phenomena, you're a well trained auditor. "I got an ARC break. I ARC broke myself. Something I don't like." That'll show up, and go bingo-bongo. Now you take somebody, it's very interesting watching somebody being audited on the grades who isn't trained even in the least. They eventually come up to a level of awareness that something is going on but they don't have the technology to explain what is going on, and they couldn't isolate by-passed charge for the life of 'em. They can't, can't isolate. They, they know, "Now wait. Something is wrong in auditing, and something is wrong with me, and wmf wnf wmf wnf wmf wmf, and let's see. Oh, it'd be an ARC break, PTP, what if I'd gone and missed a withholds. I've done something here." He doesn't know what to call it. He hasn't got the, he hasn't got the subject matter at his fingertips. He doesn't know what to call it, so of course he can't handle it. You know there's wmwmm wmm wmwsm. And you will see one of these guys then suddenly moving in the direction of getting trained. He knows he's got a deficiency. He doesn't know what to call it. But it still comes under the heading of explaining why he doesn't want to be audited. And all of a sudden, why there's a long blow down, and there it is. Now I'll tell you something very funny. Something that is very amusing. As we used to hear, occasionally, where some SP had been operating very well, that Scientologists were far, far harder to audit than people in off the street. Yes, at the level of non-standard tech I should smell 'em out. That is certainly true. Not a guy in off the street, he isn't hard to audit at all. He's so damn stupid that he lets the auditor do anything. And a Scientologist is only hard to audit by a very lousy auditor. Do you follow? Because he's sitting there and all of a sudden the fellow says, "Uh, alright. Start of session. Good. Now yesterday we were taking up whether or not you had overts and so on, and bla bla," and this Scientologist sitting in the chair says, "Well what the hell are you talking about, man? Where, where the hell are your rudiments? Huh? You haven't got this set up. What's going on?" The fellow off the street says, "Yeah, that's logical. It it, I don't feel very good about it, but yeah, well, overt that we were taking up yesterday. I wonder where Gracie Ann is. I wonder... uh, she said she'd telephone for it. Yeah, we'd taken up overts. Telephone at four. I wonder if she's out with Bill. Um, wawawa,... " But that's just auditing, it's just life, you know. Uhhh... " Oh yeah, very hard to audit. Scientologists are very hard to audit. By a lousy auditor. That's very funny. Because as a case supervisor you can sit there and read somebody being driven straight into propitiation. Just like a falling piece of lead on a non-standard session. And now and then you will see in case supervision my comment in folders saying, "Well, maybe we got away with it." And that's because I found something non-standard in the session. And it's interesting that in the last three days I have had back before me for review, as a repeat after a completed review, only those cases where I read, "Well, maybe we got away with it. I don't know. From this folder it all seems to be O/R, but I don't know." And sure enough here, a week, two weeks later, the person in back for a review. He's sick at his stomach, he's this, he's that or he's the other thing. So you can go through the actual auditing actions on an auditors' report, and at this point of the session he is supposed to do whatever he's supposed to do, and he didn't do it. And he did something else, and he phrased the questions in some other odd way, and then you see a couple of Q and A's following this, and then you see the TA rising, and then you see indicating by-passed charge of auditing over the last floating needle or something, and you read down the line on this. And your case supervisor report is the auditors' summary sheet, and so on is glowing, the PC 'Bright toned, happy at the end. Wanted to loan me his car.' The propitiation has entered in to it. "Told me what a marvelous auditor I was, and good shape." You can expect in a week or two to see this person in Qual with a headache or sick at his stomach, or something else. And so your well dones are only given to those where the session ran off like a clock, exactly on standard tech, because you know that works. And there's these little divergence's and little zigs and little zags that you see in the session. You don't ever call those well done. Not because you are being pedantic. Not because you are being snotty and mean. But because simply, you know this case will probably appear before the examiner in another week or two, or before the Master at Arms. He will be in one or two of those positions, despite the glowing auditor report. The summary. It didn't go standard, so the result won't be standard. Now it's remarkable that anybody gets away with what they get away with at all. It is better than man has ever heard before, has ever seen, and it is quite remarkable, but he is much worse off than you ordinarily assume. So the net result of all of this is that when it is not standard he will have had some gain, it's not all bad, but he'll also have not achieved his full gain. And the difference between some gain and the difference between that and full gain, is the difference between wobbly-bobbly tech and very standard, precise tech. Now standard tech rolls off with a clickety, clickety, clickety, clickety, click, with a total invariability. Now what you get away with sometimes, we see that the rudiments are overrun. So you will see in a case supervisory report, if this looks poor, and so on, is bring the PC back to session and indicate the over listed list. Well that is a funny thing to do. The guy was perfectly happy. He's going to loan the auditor his car right after the session. Uh, and he got an F/N on it, and that's all set, and that's all O/R. But the proper case supervisor action is to have him brought back, although is was apparently very successful, and have the over listed list indicated. I just did a folder, just a few minutes before I came down here on a little kid. We have a lot of little cadets in the Sea Org. and they're pretty much on the ball. And this little kid, I don't know how old he is, uh, oh I don't know, seven, eight, something like that. Well, an auditor actually doesn't respect the PC if he's a little kid to the extent that he did. And it's absolutely fascinating how the misapplication of technology just a hair line knocks the kid around. In the first place he's being audited from too high an altitude to easily protect himself. So there was an over listed list on a power process. It went on and on and on. I can't imagine what the hell the auditor was thinking about. What in the name of god was going on? He had his first blow down, it went bong, bong. he even mentions it. He marked it and everything, and then he went on listing, you know, went on listing, went on listing. Well, the kid seemed alright. The proper action was to have him walk back into session and have the over listed list indicated. And that did happen, and the needle F/N'd promptly and at once very abundantly. The little kid knew something was wrong. And all of that was not much of a review session. I don't know how many minutes were consumed in doing this one action. But of course to do that action, why, you have to fly the needle, and then do the action. So he also got a little, tiny lick and a promise on rudiments, and so on. All of this maybe took 3, 4, 5 minutes, something like that. Indicated the over listed list and got a nice F/N on the thing and the kid cheerfully went out of session again. So you say, "God damn that's being picky! Wow! The fellow had the item indicated, it was alright, it was the correct item. Just because we add eighty or ninety additional items is no reason to believe; or just because we added five or six additional items after the blow down on 5A is no reason to be that picky." Oh yeah? One item past the first B/D on 5A is one too many items. It blew down, that's it. Now about all the lads gonna do after that is cognite. And if you start asking him for more listing items you've smothered his cognition. So the needle won't fly. Now I've got a question here. It's what is a flying needle? Now I never punish people for asking questions. They can ask all the questions they want to because in that way I get an idea of how much they've got to learn. An F/N that is a real F/N, and so forth, takes off. It flies. You can see it disconnect from the bank and start to function. So it's just a colloquialism, fly a needle. Float a needle. F/N. That's all. And the explanation is that if you can't obtain an F/N promptly and immediately on rudiments with a PC in standard tech, something's goofy. There's something wrong. And it usually is wrong with the session. Doesn't even go back into the past. There's something wrong right there, right now. So, to give you the difference, this little kid's needle probably was doing one of these half inch floats, or something like that, and when the over list was indicated why it probably went to a three inch float. Full dial float. You get the difference? Now you can expand the floating needle. But if you start expanding a floating needle with too thoroughness, you get the thing expanded to a half an inch, and then you collapse it to a quarter of an inch. And then you try to fly it further and it all of a sudden packs up and goes stiff. Known as overrun. The PC came out of it, and the PC went back into it again. Now the essence of standard tech, all of these things to the contrary and merely supplementary, the essence of standard tech then is to get somebody in session. And one of the best ways to get a person in session who won't be audited at all is to ask him to explain why he doesn't want to be audited. Have you got that's a process? Now somebody's going to say "What's the command?" It's... is if there was a canned command for that, then you would miss a certain percentage of PCs. You might have to ask him in Bottentott, you know? Now the person who has to have the exact words of the command is a person who hasn't grasped the thing that happens when you ask the command. Now I'll give you an example. Somebody who wonders at what happens with release, or wonders something about how you handle an overrun, or wonders and madly goes around in circles on this subject, has not mastered, hasn't mastered what the hell a release is. Now if he knows what is this phenomenon of release, then he can produce it, he can unproduce it. But supposing you were trying to fix a radio but you didn't know what it did. So let's give a radio to the ancient Egyptian physicians. And say "Fix it." Now you could explain to them that you take this funny, flat bladed thing and twiddle-diddle it into the shiny buttons in the front of it, and that comes down and you hook together the wire when it doesn't run. Now you've got to tell him 8,000 more things, you see, like this wire goes to the that. You're teaching him by rote. He doesn't know what a radio is. So you've got to have all kinds of exact, rote little actions. Do you see? These rote actions By rote I mean the Chinese school, you know, type actions. You'd have to have, "You take the flat bladed end instrument and you put it in to the vertical slot, which is in that, that bright steel thing there, and you rotate it against the sun. Now you'd also have to place the instrument to the south to rotate it to the sun." Ah, boo. You better tell him what a radio is. Now if he can't dig what a radio is, Christ almighty don't let him fix it! Now the mechanism of release is simply this. The guy has obsessively been thinking a mass. He himself. We know in the first place that his whole bank is mocked up by himself and nobody else at his bank, but we know also that there's a whole bunch of body thetans that are also mocking up banks. And these body thetans are copying each others' banks and mocking up banks against banks, and he's mocking up banks which are copies of body thetans' banks, and body thetans are copying his bank. And we've got the most marvelous array of counter, Disowned, super copying that you ever heard of. But this, this would be very simple if there wasn't such a thing as a body thetan. Now this guy is thinking a mass, or he's thinking a thought which keeps a body thetan mass connected to him. That's the exact mechanic of this. And you have made him recognize a thought about that thought which causes him to cease to think the thought that keeps him connected. If you go on past the point where the needle floats, you have now made him re-think the thought which re-connects him, or makes him mock up a bank, or makes the body thetans who are mocking up a bank reconnect to him. That's the mechanism of release. Let him finish his cognition. And give him an "That's it." as far as that action is concerned. Now you can release him on other actions which are not immediately germane to that action, as long as they are very different actions. Now this can go so far as if you get an F/N on a green form, in spite of the fact that you're doing remedy Bs, S and Ds, or any other thing that the green form calls for, and somewhere along that line doing the action called a green form which the PC recognizes as repair, if while doing that action you get an F/N and then knuckle headedly continue on that green form, you are going to make him think in terms of repair. And he will re-think the thought which re-connects him and you might as well not have done it in the first place. You get the idea? So he does the green form to an F/N. And that is that. It F/Ns, he gives you his last cognition, and so on. Now the bank will remedy, will put out, the bank will put out the electrical phenomenon of disconnect a moment before the PC himself cognites on it. The meter reads just a small bit below the reality, or recognition, of the preclear. So that you normally get this odd phenomenon of the bank releases and then the PC says it. He finds out about it after you find out about it on the meter. So you have to make the marvelous adjudication of when to cut his comm. Because you do cut his comm. You must cut his comm. The trouble with the auditors that you see come in at Level 0 at old Saint Hill courses and so on, you watch them on TV. It's the most agonizing thing you ever heard of. They ask this question and this fellow answers the question and he goes on and itsa's and itsa's, and the auditor's just not there! And he sits there, and the PC talks and talks and talks and talks and talks and talks and talks, and runs his havingness down, and pulls in mass. He's talking to him, and I get a hold of those guys when I'm training them and I said, "Control the session." "Well, control the session, I don't quite know what to do, that's all." A session consists of starting it, running it, and ending it. And intermediately begins with beginning, handling and completing a process. Then people won't have learned this, if they don't recognize they can control a session. They haven't found out this marvelous, marvelous fact. That you can control anybodys' bank better than they can below the level of clear. Anybody exterior to the bank can control bank far better than the guy who is inside. You can run him up and down the track, you can run him into things and out of things, and do ahh! And you get up around level 4, 5 OT section and so forth, you can make somebody scan himself all over the time track. Telepathically. Miles away. The auditor always has greater control of the PC bank than the PC does. Always! What do you mean you can't control the session? You can make the PC go wherever you want him to go. What are you waiting for? The auditor's cause. So the auditor tells him a process to run, and he's delivering self determinism into the hands of the PC, so having started him in that fine line he lets the PC do the recognition necessary to do the disconnect from the, his bank or the other persons' bank. The moment it disconnects his auditor has got to recognize the end of that cycle of action. Which is usually by the additional cognition of the PC. Cognition turns up usually right on the heels of the F/N. It starts to F/N and then you hear the cognition come out. And you've got to get the exact instant where you say "That's it." You run a PC just like you drive a car. The auditor is not an effect point. The auditor is a cause point which is bringing the PC up to cause point. So that's the mechanism. That's the mechanism of release. Well what the hell's the mechanism of clear? Well the mechanism of clear is he doesn't mock it up no more. He doesn't mock anything up anymore. Well now what happens after clear. Why do you go into anything after clear, then, if the guy... ? Well that would be great if there was just one thetan there. But there isn't Just one thetan there. Now you've got to get him on OT2 now to take enough charge off of the bank so he doesn't plow in when he hits 3, because he starts hitting these things on 3 all he's got to do is miss and the bank will go into a wing ding. The body thetans of the bank will go into a complete spinning, screaming mess. All you have to do is trip the wrong incident, run incident 2 before incident 1, get the PC wheeling and dealing and he'll go into a freewheel which could kill the PC. Could kill him. Nothing to monkey with. Therefore, he's now handled his own state, and his next action is to take enough charge with OT2 off the case, so that when he starts running these body thetans the handiest, most active body thetans have been discharged down to a point, because OT2 is part of R6. They're... they've been sneaked down. They won't freewheel as long as you run up from, up from incident 1 and incident 2. If you run north of that, and all of OT2 is north of that, it's closer to PT, see? So you discharge it. And when you throw it into 3 he won't freewheel. That is to say he doesn't automatically start going through the composite group incident of all of these body thetans. Do you follow? There is nothing much to it, it, it's very simple. You, you take the, you take the jolt out of that portion of R6 with the materials of OT2, which would cause, by overcharge, it's too charged up, the composite mass of body thetans who all of a sudden start freewheeling through R6. 'Cause they've all been in R6 on this planet. The vast majority of them have. And then you can do 3. And you can do 3 very safely. But at the time you've done 3 remember that this character has now been plowing into body thetans. And he's started to wonder whether or not he isn't mocking something up because he's got a bunch of automatic pictures, and there's things mocking up against these things, and things, things, womp womp. And what he starts doing then is start copying their copies. They'll make copies of the physical universe and then he'll copy their copies and then he'll have the masses of body thetans. He'll make the copies of body thetan masses. And he's so damned used to having there things that he feels weird without any mass in, so he starts mocking up some mass. A lot of wild things can happen. But he blows these left, right and center, and then you rehab him. And then it all goes back quietly into place. Now, as you move on up the lines, you get to 7, you get to 8, and you're taking away any slightest, faintest obsessive create that might exist. And you're taking away old obsessive postulatingness. And a lot of other odds and ends of little mechanisms that you may not have looked too closely in the teeth that are the woof and warp and composite of the thetan. Now. So what are your mechanisms of release? And what are the mechanisms of clearing? We know the individual is simply mocking it up himself. Well therefore it's very simple. All he'd have to do is cognite he's mocking it up himself and he'd go clear. There's nothing to that. Yeah, that's the trick man. He's got to cognite on it himself. You start telling him he is, and that's why you don't see that cognition put out as an end product. You start telling him that that is the end product and, god damn! I've seen several of them do it. They come around and say, "Well, bla bla and bla, everybody knows that I'm mocking it up myself. Yeah, I know I'm mocking it up myself." The guy's mad. You know, blaaaa. He looks like something a psychiatrist put out "Yeah, I know I'm mocking it up myself." And you say, "That's good. Do you have any pictures?", and so on. "Oh yeah, lots of pictures." "Are you mocking those up?" "No, no, those are automatic pictures." The cognition is being used as an evaluation. And you could actually prep check the cognition if it goes off too badly. That is, if he's mocking it up himself and you prep check him. Anyway, that'd be a very, very weird thing to do, but it could be done. You don't find very many cases in this state. You find quite a different, there's a different composite to this character. He didn't find any on 3. And you break out your little violin and you say, "It may be so, we do not know, your story sounds so queer. We hate like hell to doubt your word, but... it don't go here." The truth of the matter is the person has a this lifetime, severe physical injury which has jammed several body thetans together so that they don't answer up. They don't answer up and they're impacted, or pushed in, or all one. Severe physical crash, bang will cause an individual to find a very few or none at all. The remedy for it is run a this lifetime engram. Well, somebody's gonna say, "well why?" What do you tell him? But if you let the guy go out of this lifetime, why he's, he's running engrams of his own someplace or another that hasn't anything to do with his existing situation. His existing situation is a very simple situation where simply a lot of body thetans all think they're one body thetan, and that's the primary mistake body thetans make. And the proper cure for that, along with rehabs and getting in the lower grades, very often you find the lower grades madly out on such cases, as well as this. It's not always true, but you very often find them very badly out. And you move them up along the line, you find this lifetime injuries. This lifetime injuries or circumstances certainly which made engrams that pushed it all together, and then, then all of a sudden you can run 3. Run some of the phenomena of 3. You, you find this quite common. There is no such thing as somebody with no body thetans. Forget it. It doesn't exist. But you will find the lower grades are out. Now, this kind of phenomenon can exist, that doing the lower OT sections the guy blew a lot of body thetans. And then you can find that moment when he blew a lot of body thetans. Actually they all took off. But the common incident of body thetans is of course incident 1. The next common incident is incident 2. Incident 1 is the basic, but incident 2 is not necessarily true of every thetan because incident 2 doesn't, isn't in the bank of those thetans who were elsewhere. Who were elsewhere 75 million years ago. And there are a few of them. Also there were a few who were here who didn't get it. And so incident 2 is not that general. But it's sufficiently general that sometimes requires that. Now, incident 1 is that common incident of occurrence which tends to knit together all body thetans into the kooky idea they're all one. There is also another incident on the track which implants them to believe they're all one. And body thetans are not all one. Life is not all one by a long way. Life is composed of individuals. It requires a certain amount of effort to stay in the time stream at this period of time of this universe. Now, therefore, the mechanisms' release have to do with these factors. And at the lower grades the individual is so composited that he thinks he is one individual, and he very often hears little voices and so on, but he doesn't let this bother him too much. That's just natural. And as you come up the line, as you bring him up the line, why he of course gets closer and closer to this phenomenon. Very often on the Clearing Course, and so on, people will encounter body thetans and body thetans will start to blow. And you can't get into the OT sections without something happening about body thetans. I don't wish to be invalidative of anybody around hearing this who didn't find any. One of two things should've... one of two things should be done in such a case. His earlier auditing ought to be explored for blowing a lot of thetans. He may have occluded this. And the other one, if he still isn't flying on it, the other one is a severe injury in this lifetime, whereby the body thetans and he and the body are, have in common a savage physical experience of some kind or another which makes them all a group, and makes the group into one being. Those are the two actions which are taken in theory. But these are the mechanisms of release, and these are the mechanisms of clearing. Now those are the mechanisms you're handling, ant those are the things you're handling. And if you know those mechanisms well you can do an awful lot. You don't go squirreling around on the edges of it, because the thing which handles them is standard tech. And there isn't much else that handles them. And it handles them case after case, one person right after the other. It completely removes the differences between C/S's. There are no different cases. There are no cases different than any other cases. There aren't peculiar cases. But I can tell you this, I can tell you this, that a person who does not come up through the grades does not hit the phenomenon. He doesn't hit the release points of the upper grades if he hasn't been through the lower grades. For instance, if somebody didn't really go into 2, OT2, he's not likely to be able to come very close to 3. See? If he didn't go clear on the Clearing Course, why it's very unlikely he'll go anyplace else. If he didn't do his R6EW correctly he isn't likely to go clear. Do you follow? It's tracking back, tracking back. Question here, somebody asking somebody something or other a very complex question on the subject of going clear or not going clear, about rehab of Power after a person is clear. Now the law is you don't rehab Power after a person is clear. You do not do it. The reason you do not do it is the person all too often falls on his head. But the operative word here is what's got this person puzzled, is the word clear. If the person went clear on the Clearing Course and you rehabbed or indicated anything that was out on Power, or anything of that sort whatsoever, he would be in trouble at once. But the operative word is clear. A person who didn't go clear on the Clearing Course and didn't go release on R6EW probably has something wrong with his Power. And if there's nothing wrong with his Power he will go release on R6EW and clear on the Clearing Course. If he didn't go release on R6EW, if he gave a bunch of false attests and so forth, and didn't go clear on the Clearing Course, why then there is something wrong with his Power. But if his Power was alright he undoubtedly went release on R6EW, and undoubtedly went clear on the Clearing Course. I mean it's not a question that you wouldn't puzzle much about. So that if a person was on the Clearing Course and couldn't go clear you could of course go back and rehab the Power, because it isn't a clear, you know, I mean... Simple. All of these things are very simple. They're all straight think. So, when you're trying to audit a case that doesn't want to be audited, he is stuck into some protest or resistance, and you make him as is it, and if you haven't at that moment put him on a meter you won't see the moment when it releases, and go on arguing with the guy because you're liable to be incensed. So it is an auditing session. He will go release on the subject and be auditable, and then walk himself right back into it and plow himself in again, unless you see that he went F/N on it. So you don't ever go along on the preconceived notion, this is another rule of standard tech, don't continue to hold the same idea of the persons' character. A C/S must never continue to hold his concept of the PC which was formed at some other level of the PCs case. And you will find that PCs get reputations. Well, everybody who was maintaining and keeping the PCs reputations up the line doesn't believe auditing works. So this PC was a complete dog when he was a Level 0, he just managed to get squeaked by it, and he would have required 18 dozen reviews, and he was just having an awful time, and so on, and then the case supervisor gets this PC when he gets up along the line to about Grade IV. And he right away, he will make one horrible mistake if he does not realize the person's released from that state, or he wouldn't have gotten to IV. So either the person was run to IV or the person was not run to IV. If the person is still this kind of a case, and is now a Grade IV, then god damn it nobody ever ran him up to Grade IV. Do you follow? So you do that by confirm or rehab his Grades up to IV. Now they will either rehab, or they've got to be run. And if they won't rehab then they've got to be run. Elementary. Sometimes you start to rehab some Grade like III, or something like that, and the TA starts up like mad. Well you have to make out what the hell that was. Probably III was overrun at the time, the moment of release was there, and now I'll give you a piece of stuff out of 7, in actual fact. It is not a standard action, but what happened was, is he was audited on that with his Ruds out. A piece out of 7 is you can get the Ruds in on any situation, anywhere in the past. That's a piece out of 7, that's not standard tech in repairs. But you can get the Ruds in on any action of the past, anytime. You can put all the sessions Ruds in on it. Now, it's very remarkable to see this occur. Because the thing will blow suddenly. Some former instance will blow, which was resistive in the past. In other words, the person was living with his Ruds out. Now the weird part of it is, is the reason for it wouldn't run, let us say something like that, at the time it was run, it's now giving you a rising TA and going bad and so on. You know that there are still some Ruds out on this case. And some auditor was kidding himself someplace. So what you have to do is fly the needle. And you make it your business to fly the needle. Now you go back and try to rehabilitate IV, and oddly enough it'll rehabilitate. Most mysterious thing you ever saw. Actually, if you noticed your own auditors' reports, you put Ruds in prior to the time IV was run. IV was run, let us say, in 1965. If you were running down a chain of ARC breaks you found one in 1959. When you found the ARC break in 1959 you took it out from underneath the running of IV in 1965. You actually put some Ruds in in the 1965 session, so it will now run or rehabilitate. If it doesn't rehabilitate, you can now run it. Most mysterious think you ever saw in your life. But you have to know this operative principle. You guys go around and start running some of the odd bits I tell you out of 7 and 8 and so on, you'll probably get your brains blown out. Not by me, but these are very, very rough levels. Ah, but I'll just give you some of the data. I know where the ceiling is now, exactly. You see at 8, and the retrospect of what goes together from that has to do with the repair of cases, the operation of the mind, and so forth. So I can tell you that this fellow is still stuck in having lost the battle of Waterloo. He was not Napoleon, he was the cavalry commander who ran all of that cavalry into the sunken road so that infantry could march across the top of it or something, bodies in there by the ton. Something like this. And you just can't seem to run this damned incident. He, he's got all these bodies stacked up there, just there and so on. Well one of the ways of freeing the whole thing up is put his rudiments in for that day. He'll blow. He had a missed withhold from Napoleon. This is not a procedure, not a procedure that is advised. I'm just telling you what can happen. So that you, just getting Ruds in, then always follow the only procedure for getting Ruds in. And there is no problems, solutions, counter-problems, what are the postulates, squirrel nonsense, upset, bleegle-bloggle, yik, yik, yik, to get in a PTP and missed withhold, or any of those. It is always continuously, always forever, only in standard tech that if it didn't clear you get the earlier similar one. Now if it didn't clear it was either an earlier similar one, or there was a false read. You don't, however, ask for another earlier ARC break. That is real crocky. That's asking the case to, whole case to run on ARC breaks, because you haven't said "similar". So you invite him off to the side panels that you're not trying to clear up. "You got an earlier ARC break?" Well that's really clown, that's really a clown question. Really clown. Because of course he's got an earlier ARC break. He actually has, by actual computation enough earlier ARC breaks to make the moon astronomical laboratory's computer go crazy. It couldn't write the number. YOU can always find an earlier ARC break, and if you don't know this principle then you will never get the Ruds in. So what have you got here? You've got an earlier similar incident or an earlier similar ARC break, or you have an earlier similar PTP. "Is there an earlier similar missed withhold?" Always, always, same chain, same chain. "PC, same chain please. Earlier please. Good. Thank you. Same chain, same chain, same chain, earlier please. Thank you." Now it's either an earlier incident on the same chain or it's a false read. somebody has said he had one when he didn't have, and it's continued to read. So you check for a false read, or you check for an earlier similar one. You don't always check for the false read because that would be a damn bore and a waste of time. That's why standard tech doesn't consist of rote procedures. When you put a nickel in the slot, then the record arm comes over, and goes down, zzzzzt, and, and then the record turns around and plays Methuselah Comes Again. You got to know what you're doing So, the PC you say, "Do you have an ARC break?" You know? "Do you have an ARC break?" Somebody's asking me for the exact question by which you ask for an ARC break. I'm going to have him write me an assortment of questions by which you ask for an ARC break, as a system. Not to punish him, but to show him that the principle of asking for an ARC break is what we're talking about, not the English language. The principle. The principle. You ask some five year old kid for an ARC break who never heard of the term ARC break, you're liable to get a read on misunderstood, and then you've had it. Right? You have to know what is this question ARC break. You have to be able to say, "Upset? Is there an upset with communication?" You know? or, "An upset with your affections for people?", or, you got to know what you're doing so you can talk it. That isn't driving you off the line of standard tech. You're asking, "Do you have An ARC break?" And it reads, and the PC looks. At that moment you say, "Has anyone ever said you had an ARC break when you didn't?" "Yes, ah ha ha, yeah ha of yeah oh. One time. One time this auditor... still he always asked for an ARC break and I couldn't clear this ARC break. And I used to think Scientology didn't work because I could never clear up this ARC break. And I'd keep telling him about the ARC break. And he kept auditing, and never, and babbaababa." Wooom. Boom. "I Just realized that I didn't have an ARC break with Joe." And you say, "Good. Thank you. We will now run Grade II." Your actual action is, "Your needle is floating. Thank you very much. We will now run II." Alright. Now, the PC said, "Ohhh. You got a read on PTP, huh?" (sigh) Well honest to god it's damn near that exaggerated. How the hell I have to tell an auditor that it must be a false read someplace just testifies that the auditor who's reading this kind of thing doesn't know what the hell it is. It's an evaluation. The question is an evaluation of some time in the past. Somebody has said, you know. Now the reverse happens, but only once in a blue moon. This is once in a blue moon that the reverse can happen. "Well, do you have a present time problem? Well that's clean." "That's funny." "Why? ""Well, I was sitting here worrying about my wife.' "Alright, on that question has anything been suppressed?" "Oh yeah, well I've always had to suppress this problem, and so forth, it's always been a terrific worry to me. I've been suppressing it for years. ""Well good enough. Alright, anything been suppressed? That's clean. Alright. Do you have a present time problem?" "No." People have invalidated the fact that he had a present time problem. Some auditor has actually gone so far as maybe to ball him out for having a present time problem. There's two sides of it. And one is eval and one is inval. So the eval/inval always occurs, but it has different workings. You have to know eval/inval. Well false read, false read. Now you could actually have a situation where, "Have you never had, have you ever had a no-read on this when you did have?" "Oh yeah, lots of times." You can get that reverse situation. So the net result of this is, is you run it back to an earlier similar, similar situation, you all of a sudden get behind in time the zone or area where he was audited without Ruds, and the area will now rehab. So that's why you always fly a needle. You've done it. Now after you've flown the needle on Ruds, what the hell are you doing trying to fly the needle on Ruds? If you fly a kite, you've flown a kite. If the needle is floating it is floating. There isn't anything else you can do that gets it floating. But you're on the subject line. You're on a subject line. And you can float a needle on any specific zone of action. How is it you can fly a needle on the three questions of 5A, one right after the other? Getting it broader and broader and broader? Well, they're on three different, primary points of thetan interest. But they're three different points of interest. Now let's get, let's do five S and Ds in a row. I don't care with what question. And the PC collapses. Why? It's all on the same subject; him being suppressed. Him being suppressed or suppressing somebody, it's on the subject of suppression. And it's Just like asking the question, "Has anything been suppressed?", getting a floating needle, and then saying, "Good. Has anything been suppressed?" Now, what happens? The exact mechanism. Let's look at the exact mechanism here. "Has anything been suppressed?" Floating needle. Now you say, what has happened here now, he's stopped thinking the thought which has kept him connected to, or kept him making up a certain mass. Now he's stopped thinking that thought for a moment, because he's got it gone or it's in view or he's stated it, and now you ask the question again. You have now told him that he has not thought the thought which disconnected him, so he now goes and looks for a thought to think that will disconnect him. And, doing that, he reconnects himself. And the more you do this, the higher the TA goes because the more mass he makes up trying to find something to find... , trying to make something to find something in. You got it? So this kind of a sequence has begun. So every time you overrun you put him back in to doing it again. Because you've invalidated that he has stopped doing it. How long will a person stay a release? A person'll stay released until such time as he overruns it. If you cut the PCs comm, what the hell is he gonna do? The needle floats, he's about to tell you "I just remembered I killed my mother-in-law", you know, something like that. And you, he said, "Gee! I... " Needle floats. You say, "That's it!" You haven't got the end of process phenomena hooked up with the floating needle, hooked up with the general thing, see? And you know what the PC does? He says, "Duh, dih, OK.. Yeah." And he goes onto the, the next subject, but it doesn't float so well, and so on, and then he goes out. And every friend he's got he gets rid of this thought. "You know, funny thing in this session, session I just had in there, funny thing. I, I just said I'd occluded it totally. I killed my mother-in-law. You know? Occluded it." And he'll tell Joe and Bill and Pete and Oscar and Mazie, and so on and so on. How often, how long do you think this thing is going to stand up? It's gonna overrun, and very quickly. Because you didn't let him finish the corm cycle. But how long is the comm cycle? Well, the comm cycle is as long as it's necessary to immediately get rid of that exact realization. And that is the exact length of the comm cycle. And it is not so many inches on an auditors' report. And how long is that? Well it's just as long as it lists. A list is a list as long as it has the item on it. How long is a piece of string? A piece of string is as long as, from the distance from one end to the other end, and it is the middle part of the string and that is the length of the string. Got it? Well when I see, as a case supervisor, one and one half columns of cognition after the F/N, I know the auditor has just about as much control over this session as he has of the evolutions of Pluto. See, no control. No control on the session. He also has no judgment with regard to a finish of a comm cycle. Also his meter reading is out. Also, also, also, also. So, I, I come down on it. So the auditor who chops the comm is gonna get the F/N overrun right away, as soon as the session has ended. And the auditor who overruns it has already overrun it, and sort of invalidated it, and you'll see that an auditor can invite itsa. One of the ways an auditor invites itsa is to be silent. A person says, "My gods I just remembered, ha ha. Ha ha, never remembered it before, I never remembered it before. I killed my mother-in-law. Ha ha, what do you know? God, that's funny. Occluded the whole thing. Yeah. I occluded the whole thing. Ah, yeah. "The auditor's sitting there, the auditor's sitting there... Now the PC for sure got to explain why this is important, why this is a cognition. So the auditor didn't acknowledge it, that's all and he didn't acknowledge it with his face, or his voice, or any other damn thing. See? He didn't acknowledge it. And so he'll get an overrun. So, when you see a column and a half after the F/N explaining why it is all, you know that the auditors TRs are out, and you look. Similarly, you know when he cuts the PCs comm, the PC has got an F/N but there's no statement. Well either the auditor's admin is out, or he... (laughter). So you see the case supervisor knows all. The sensitivity to the cycle of action, the sensitivity to the cycle of action. Now, you've got a problem then, in the administration of the process over and beyond the actual asking of auditing questions. You've got the administration, and you see the administration before you in the folder, and, was it really delivered? So the case supervisor is always operating against the question mark of the auditors' TRs. Were the auditors' TRs good? Did the auditor actually give a good session presence? Because actually, a bad auditor session presence can make an apparent gain not be a gain. The out TRs didn't actually end the cycle of action, they overran it or under ran it, and it may be that the auditor was just too lazy to write it down, or the auditor wrote it down falsely, or the auditor copied his report afterwards to make it look good, or something like that. So as case supervisor you always have an unlimited number of very low conditions for any falsification, abbreviation, or otherwise, on an auditing report. The falsification or misrepresentation on an auditing report then becomes a deathly, deadly sin. Because it denies the case supervisor the information necessary to handle the case. And you, if you are out there case supervising, and you have a level, grade, Class II auditor, something like this, and this Class II auditor is busy auditing PCs in an HGC, you're going to think right away that it's absolutely vital that we train him up in the entirety of Class VIII before we let him audit anybody, oh my god, he ought to be strangled, look how bad it is. And you go over to the academy and you try to get them to teach a Class VIII course, and so forth, and the guy doesn't even know the name of the subject yet. He's got no body of information to correct or go through or anything else. He's just ignorant. So, you are very careful about what PCs he audits. And you'll find out that it's quite remarkable the gains he will get, and you in your case supervision can guide him right straight back onto the straight and narrow. You can. You can train him up so he does it. Now you probably need your nickel in the slot, the record reaches over, the arm goes over and presses this needle on and a tune runs off. But the best thing you do with a case like this is, yeah, as fast as possible, you get him on up through, and you get him through the whole body of information on a Class VI course, and you push him up through, and you get yourself a Class VIII. But you can't in actual fact, in a fortnight make Class VIII auditors out of all these guys. But you sure as hell can make it an awful deadly, deadly, deadly, deadly, deadly sin for him to make any false statement, or any alteration on an auditors' report. And that's the thing which you have to teach him, not the Class VIII course. You say, "We're very glad to have you auditing in the HGC. There's only one thing you should know about auditing in the HGC. This is the form of the session, this is how a session is written down. Any variation from this or any falsification of session data, and so forth, and you're hanged. Otherwise than that we're friends. This is the high crime. This is the high crime around here." Because that is the one thing that a case supervisor can't do too much about. Now he knows it has happened when his PC turns up in review, and he's sick, and when he turns up in a big ethics order. So a case supervisor always watches the review requests and the ethics orders. Then he can judge the quality of the auditing which is being delivered. And he can go back and find out those sessions which have been falsely reported. Now, the basis of auditing, the basis of auditing is this basic mechanism about the mind. The key out, the key out, he stops making it for now. He disconnects from the being who is making it for now. That's a release. He might think it again, or something like that, and then he's gonna do it again. He won't do it as seriously. The bulk of the charge on it has gone, so it won't be as serious as before, but he can key in. So the mechanism of key out and key in is everything you're handling up to R6EW. Then he has the cognition that he's making it, and then you only have to worry about other things making things. And then that's handled on 2 by taking charge off, and then on 3. Now when he finally gets around to what the think is, and how come he does this in the first place, and so forth, you're in the zone of OT8. OT8 is the total explanation of why? How come? What's it all about? And the beginning of the line is, the beginning of the line is, that they are not all built the same way. Some are two peanut whistle, some are 44,000 horsepower. Thetans are not all of the same strength. And they're not equal and they're not all the same being, and there's thetans who would really sweat at it to run one foot of a grasshopper, and other thetans that couldn't possibly scale themselves down to leaving the Empire State building standing if they leaned on it. Different sizes, for some peculiar reason. What would be more peculiar is if they were all the same horsepower and the same size. But the net result of all of this is, is they're all pretty strong, actually, when you get them to straighten out. And it begins at the lowest level, with the same thing that it ends with at the highest level. You're auditing the same being, or collection of beings, except at the highest level you're starting to audit the dynamics, and then you audit it back, so that an individual is an individual, despite the dynamics, and so forth. The same guy, from the bird who comes in to the session and he says to you, "I don't want to be processed." He says it with a look, and otherwise. Now that's the thought. And what you're trying to do is disconnect that thought, so that he can be processed. So you audit him very smoothly from there on out, and he doesn't think the thought again "I don't want to be processed." So he goes right on up through the roof, very nicely and very smoothly. And he's just the same as every other thetan. He might have a different horsepower, and he may have different companions in his skull. But he operates the same way, and he responds to the same laws, and there is no difference. There is no difference, there is no, definitely no difference, in his reactions. And that is the thing, basically, which you're handling. The guy is thinking a thought which mocks up, or he's mocking up something, he's mocking up something and thinking a thought. And when you clip the thing which makes him stop doing that, without at the same time stopping him, on his own volition that is to say in answering the question, then at that moment you get a floating needle. It's making him think the right thought to disconnect. Very simple. That's standard tech. And it runs all the way up. Now you think then there are millions of ways to do that. Surprise, surprise, surprise. I don't think there are fifty techniques. I don't think there are fifty processes. Fifty would be stating it very largely. I haven't counted them. I haven't counted them. The processes are the same all the way from rehab of former states of release to somebody who has never been audited, straight on through to OT8. Nowhere along the line is there a different technology employed. And it doesn't amount to fifty processes. It just has different targets. The targets shift, the processes are differently worded, the action is uniform. You're doing the same thing all the way. You bring him up to a point of where he knows he was mocking it up, and doesn't mock it up until he mocks it up and says he's mocking it up. You begin at an unawareness. He is totally unaware of the fact that he is mocking it up, and you disconnect him from mocking it up at that moment. And he isn't even aware of that. He just knows he feels good. And then it's just up and up and up, until he gets to the Clearing Course. You've brought him up enough stair steps, until he becomes aware of the fact that he is or isn't mocking it up, and this time it's the whole bank. He says, "What the hell? I'm mocking the whole thing up. Huh. What do you know." Alright. From that point on he is not really yet aware of the fact that there are other things around mocking it up. And not being aware that other things are around mocking it up he can get into many puzzles. He sometimes goes out of his head, he thinks I'll go pick up another body," he thinks this, he thinks that, he thinks something else. And he's liable to get into very severe trouble picking up another body, because there're all kinds of things being mocked up in that body. Anywhere he looks something's going to be mocked up. So he's going to get into a hell of a puzzle unless he goes up through the remaining OT sections. And then when he gets clear on up to the top and he's beautiful, he's all straightened out, boy is he straight, wow. He can steer it, not too well, but he can steer it. And then he has to handle the, the subject of think. Not mocking up, but the subject of think. What is he thinking? What... something happens and he thinks. Well that's, you know? It's the reactive think that you're handling then. But anyhow, you'll see that when you get to it. Anyway I just wanted to tell you. This is the same band and it goes from the guy who doesn't even want to be audited up to the guy who's as free as a bird and uses the Empire State building to pick his teeth. Same set of processes, same standard tech, and we got it all, and therefore, I am inviting you, kindly, persuasively, gently, ferociously to use it. And to understand it and not go off the edge of it into the never-never land that connects him all up again. Thank you. **************