CLASS VIII CONFIDENTIAL COURSE PACK PART 7/16 74. HCOB 6 AUG 68 R 3 H HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 6 AUGUST 1968 Remimeo LEVEL III IMPORTANT-STAR RATED R 3 H (Takes precedence over all other HCOBs & Tapes) The way to handle the ARC Breaks of a case with R3H as the process for Level III is: 1. Locate a change in life by listing to a blowdown. Use that period. "What change has happened in your life" is a version of the question. 2. Get it dated. 3. Get some of the data of it (don't run as an engram) so you know what the change was. 4. Find out by assessment if this was a Break in Affinity Reality Communication or Understanding and have the pc examine that briefly. 5. Taking the one found in (4) find out by assessment if it was Curious about__________ Desired_______________ Enforced______________ Inhibited______________ That is all there is to it. That was the research process. It works like a bomb. To make sure it works well, get in the rudiments before you do it. It has been said that you can do this several times on a pc beyond a floating needle on one. I have not verified this. Doing Know-Unknown-Curious, etc. first is definitely wrong. ARC is dominant. ARC is done first as above. Understanding is the composite of ARC and so is added to ARC as U in (4) above. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:jp.s.cden copyright ©1968 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ************** 75. HCOB 6 NOV 64 STYLES OF AUDITING HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 6 NOVEMBER AD14 Remimeo Franchise Sthil Students STYLES OF AUDITING Note 1: Most old-time auditors, particularly Saint Hill Graduates, have been trained at one time or another in these auditing styles. Here they are given names and assigned to Levels so that they can be taught more easily and so that general auditing can be improved. (Note 2: These have not been written before because I had not determined the results vital to each Level.) There is a Style of auditing for each class. By Style is meant a method or custom of performing actions. A Style is not really determined by the process being run so much. A Style is how the auditor addresses his task. Different processes carry different style requirements perhaps, but that is not the point. Clay Table Healing at Level III can be run with Level I style and still have some gains. But an auditor trained up to the style required at Level III would do a better job not only of CT Healing but of any repetitive process. Style is how the auditor audits. The real expert can do them all, but only after he can do each one. Style is a mark of Class. It is not individual. In our meaning, it is a distinct way to handle the tools of auditing. LEVEL ZERO LISTEN STYLE At Level 0 the Style is Listen Style Auditing. Here the auditor is expected to listen to the pc. The only skill necessary is listening to another. As soon as it is ascertained that the auditor is listening (not just confronting or ignoring) the auditor can be checked out. The length of time an auditor can listen without tension or strain showing could be a factor. What the pc does is not a factor considered in judging this style. Pcs, however, talk to an auditor who is really listening. Here we have the highest point that old-time mental therapies reached (when they did reach it), such as psychoanalysis, when they helped anyone. Mostly they were well below this, evaluating, invalidating, interrupting. These three things are what the instructor in this style should try to put across to the HAS student. Listen Style should not be complicated by expecting more of the auditor than just this: Listen to the pc without evaluating, invalidating or interrupting. Adding on higher skills like "Is the pc talking interestingly?" or even "Is the pc talking?" is no part of this style. When this auditor gets in trouble and the pc won't talk or isn't interested, a higher classed auditor is called in, a new question given by the supervisor, etc. It really isn't "Itsa" to be very technical. Itsa is the action of the pc saying, "It's a this" or "It's a that." Getting the pc to Itsa is quite beyond Listen Style auditors where the pc won't. It's the supervisor or the question on the blackboard that gets the pc to Itsa. The ability to listen, learned well, stays with the auditor up through the grades. One doesn't cease to use it even at Level VI. But one has to learn it somewhere and that's at Level Zero. So Listen Style Auditing is just listening. It thereafter adds into the other styles. LEVEL ONE MUZZLED AUDITING This could also be called rote style auditing. Muzzled Auditing has been with us many years. It is the stark total of TRs 0 to 4 and not anything else added. It is called so because auditors too often added in comments, Qed and Aed, deviated, discussed and otherwise messed up a session. Muzzle meant a "muzzle was put on them", figuratively speaking, so they would only state the auditing command and ack. Repetitive Command Auditing, using TRs 0 to 4, at Level One is done completely muzzled. This could be called Muzzled Repetitive Auditing Style but will be called "Muzzled Style" for the sake of brevity. It has been a matter of long experience that pcs who didn't make gains with the partially trained auditor permitted to two-way comm, did make gains the instant the auditor was muzzled: to wit, not permitted to do a thing but run the process, permitted to say nothing but the commands and acknowledge them and handle pc originations by simple acknowledgment without any other question or comment. At Level One we don't expect the auditor to do anything but state the command (or ask the question) with no variation, acknowledge the pc's answer and handle the pc origins by understanding and acknowledging what the pc said. Those processes used at Level One actually respond best to muzzled auditing and worst to misguided efforts to "Two-Way Comm". Listen Style combines with Muzzled Style easily. But watch out that Level One sessions don't disintegrate to Level Zero. Crisp, clean repetitive commands, muzzled, given and answered often, are the road out- not pc wanderings. A pc at this Level is instructed in exactly what is expected of him, exactly what the auditor will do. The pc is even put through a few "do birds fly?" cycles until the pc gets the idea. Then the processing works. An auditor trying to do Muzzled Repetitive Auditing on a pc who, through past "therapy experience", is rambling on and on is a sad sight. It means that control is out (or that the pc never got above Level Zero). It's the number of commands given and answered in a unit of auditing time that gets gains. To that add the correctly chosen repetitive process and you have a release in short order, using the processes of this Level. To follow limp Listen Style with crisp, controlled Muzzled Style may be a shock. But they are each the lowest of the two families of auditing styles-Totally Permissive and Totally Controlled. And they are so different each is easy to learn with no confusion. It's been the lack of difference amongst styles that confuses the student into slopping about. Well, these two are different enough-Listen Style and Muzzled Style-to set anybody straight. LEVEL TWO GUIDING STYLE AUDITING An old-time auditor would have recognized this style under two separate names: (a) Two-Way Comm and (b) Formal Auditing. We condense these two old styles under one new name: Guiding Style Auditing. One first guides the pc by "two-way comm" into some subject that has to be handled or into revealing what should be handled and then the auditor handles it with formal repetitive commands. Guiding Style Auditing becomes feasible only when a student can do Listen Style and Muzzled Style Auditing well. Formerly the student who couldn't confront or duplicate a command took refuge in sloppy discussions with the pc and called it auditing or "Two-Way Comm". The first thing to know about Guiding Style is that one lets the pc talk and Itsa without chop, but also gets the pc steered into the proper subject and gets the job done with repetitive commands. We presuppose the auditor at this Level has had enough case gain to be able to occupy the viewpoint of the auditor and therefore to be able to observe the pc. We also presuppose at this Level that the auditor, being able to occupy a viewpoint, is therefore more self-determined, the two things being related. (One can only be self-determined when one can observe the actual situation before one: otherwise a being is delusion-determined or other-determined.) Thus in Guiding Style Auditing, the auditor is there to find out what's what from the pc and then apply the needful remedy. Most of the processes in the Book of Remedies are included in this Level (II). To use those, one has to observe the pc, discover what the pc is doing, and remedy the pc's case accordingly. The result for the pc is a far-reaching re-orientation in Life. Thus the essentials of Guiding Style Auditing consist of Two-Way Comm that steers the pc into revealing a difficulty followed by a repetitive process to handle what has been revealed. One does expert TRs but one may discuss things with the pc, let the pc talk and in general one audits the pc before one, establishing what that pc needs and then doing it with crisp repetitive auditing, but all the while alert to changes in the pc. One runs at this Level against Tone Arm Action, paying little or no heed to the needle except as a centering device for TA position. One even establishes what's to be done by the action of the Tone Arm. (The process of storing up things to run on the pc by seeing what fell when he was running what's being run, now belongs at this Level (II) and will be re-numbered accordingly.) At II one expects to handle a lot of chronic PTPs, overts, ARC Breaks with Life (but not session ARC Breaks, that being a needle action, session ARC Breaks being sorted out by a higher classed auditor if they occur). To get such things done (PTPs, overts and other remedies) in the session the auditor must have a pc "willing to talk to the auditor about his difficulties". That presupposes we have an auditor at this Level who can ask questions, not repetitive, that guide the pc into talking about the difficulty that needs to be handled. Great command of TR 4 is the primary difference in TRs from Level I. One understands, when one doesn't, by asking more questions, and by really acknowledging only when one has really understood it. Guided comm is the clue to control at this Level. One should easily guide the pc's comm in and out and around without chopping the pc or wasting session time. As soon as an auditor gets the idea of finite result or, that is to say, a specific and definite result expected, all this is easy. Pc has a PTP. Example: Auditor has to have the idea he is to locate and destimulate the PTP so pc is not bothered about it (and isn't being driven to do something about it) as the finite result. The auditor at II is trained to audit the pc before him, get the pc into comm, guide the pc toward data needful to choose a process and then to run the process necessary to resolve that thing found, usually by repetitive command and always by TA. The Book of Remedies is the key to this Level and this auditing style. One listens but only to what one has guided the pc into. One runs repetitive commands with good TR 4. And one may search around for quite a while before one is satisfied he has the answer from the pc needful to resolve a certain aspect of the pc's case. O/W can be run at Level I. But at Level II one may guide the pc into divulging what the pc considers a real overt act and, having that, then guide the pc through all the reasons it wasn't an overt and so eventually blow it. Half-acknowledgment is also taught at Level II-the ways of keeping a pc talking by giving the pc the feeling he is being heard and yet not chopping with overdone TR 2. Big or multiple acknowledgment is also taught to shut the pc off when the pc is going off the subject. LEVEL III ABRIDGED STYLE AUDITING By Abridged is meant "abbreviated", shorn of extras. Any not actually needful auditing command is deleted. For instance, at Level I the auditor always says, when the pc wanders off the subject, "I will repeat the auditing command" and does so. In Abridged Style the auditor omits this when it isn't necessary and just asks the command again if the pc has forgotten it. In this style we have shifted from pure rote to a sensible use or omission as needful. We still use repetitive commands expertly, but we don't use rote that is unnecessary to the situation. Two-Way Comm comes into its own at Level III. But with heavy use of repetitive commands. At this Level we have as the primary process, Clay Table Healing. In this an auditor must make sure the commands are followed exactly. No auditing command is ever let go of until that actual command is answered by the pc. But at the same time, one doesn't necessarily give every auditing command the process has in its rundown. In Clay Table Healing one is supposed to make sure the pc is satisfied each time. This is done more often by observation than command. Yet it is done. We suppose at III that we have an auditor who is in pretty fine shape and can observe. Thus we see the pc is satisfied and don't mention it. Thus we see when the pc is not certain and so we get something the pc is certain of in answering the question. On the other hand, one gives all the necessary commands crisply and definitely and gets them executed. Prepchecking and needle usage is taught at Level III as well as Clay Table Healing. Auditing by List is also taught. In Abridged Style Auditing one may find the pc (being cleaned up on a list question) giving half a dozen answers in a rush. One doesn't stop the pc from doing so, one half acknowledges, and lets the pc go on. One is in actual fact handling a bigger auditing comm cycle, that is all. The question elicits more than one answer which is really only one answer. And when that answer is given, it is acknowledged. One sees when a needle is clean without some formula set of questions that invalidate all the pc's relief. And one sees it isn't clean by the continued puzzle on the pc's face. There are tricks involved here. One asks a question of the pc with the key word in it and notes that the needle doesn't tremble, and so concludes the question about the word is flat. And so doesn't check it again. Example: "Has anything else been suppressed?" One eye on pc, one on needle, needle didn't quiver. Pc looks noncommittal. Auditor says, "All right, on " and goes on to next question, eliminating a pc's possible protest read that can be mistaken for another "suppress". In Abridged Style Auditing one sticks to the essentials and drops rote where it impedes case advance. But that doesn't mean one wanders about. One is even more crisp and thorough with Abridged Style Auditing than in rote. One is watching what happens and doing exactly enough to achieve the expected result. By "Abridged" is meant getting the exact job done-the shortest way between two points-with no waste questions. By now the student should know that he runs a process to achieve an exact result and he gets the process run in a way to achieve that result in the smallest amount of time. The student is taught to guide rapidly, to have no time for wide excursions. The processes at this Level are all rat-a-tat-tat processes-CT Healing, Prepchecking, Auditing by List. Again it's the number of times the question is answered per unit of auditing time that makes for speed of result. LEVEL IV DIRECT STYLE AUDITING By direct we mean straight, concentrated, intense, applied in a direct manner. We do not mean direct in the sense of to direct somebody or to guide. We mean it is direct. By direct, we don't mean frank or choppy. On the contrary, we put the pc's attention on his bank and anything we do is calculated only to make that attention more direct. It could also mean that we are not auditing by vias. We are auditing straight at the things that need to be reached to make somebody clear. Other than this the auditing attitude is very easy and relaxed. At Level IV we have Clay Table Clearing and we have Assessment type processes. These two types of process are both astonishingly direct. They are aimed directly at the Reactive Mind. They are done in a direct manner. In CT Clearing we have almost total work and Itsa from pcs. From one end of a session to another, we may have only a few auditing commands. For a pc on CT Clearing does almost all the work if he is in session at all. Thus we have another implication in the word "direct". The pc is talking directly to the auditor about what he is making and why in CT Clearing. The auditor hardly ever talks at all. In assessment the auditor is aiming directly at the pc's bank and wants no pc in front of it thinking, speculating, maundering or Itsaing. Thus this assessment is a very direct action. All this requires easy, smooth, steel-hand-in-a-velvet-glove control of the pc. It looks easy and relaxed as a style, it is straight as a Toledo blade. The trick is to be direct in what's wanted and not deviate. The auditor settles what's to be done, gives the command and then the pc may work for a long time, the auditor alert, attentive, completely relaxed. In assessment the auditor often pays no attention to the pc at all, as in ARC Breaks or assessing lists. Indeed, a pc at this level is trained to be quiet during the assessment of a list. And in CT Clearing an auditor may be quiet for an hour at a stretch. The tests are: Can the auditor keep the pc quiet while assessing without ARC Breaking the pc? Can the auditor order the pc to do something and then, the pc working on it, can the auditor remain quiet and attentive for an hour, understanding everything and interrupt alertly only when he doesn't understand and get the pc to make it clearer to him? Again without ARC Breaking the pc. You could confuse this Direct Style with Listen Style if you merely glanced at a session of CT Clearing. But what a difference. In Listen Style the pc is blundering on and on and on. In Direct Style the pc wanders off the line an inch and starts to Itsa, let us say, with no clay work and after it was obvious to the auditor that this pc had forgotten the clay, you'd see the auditor, quick as a foil, look at the pc, very interestedly and say, "Let's see that in Clay." Or the pc doesn't really give an ability he wants to improve and you'd hear a quiet persuasive auditor voice, "Are you quite certain you want to improve that? Sounds like a goal to me. Just something, some ability you know, you'd like to improve." You could call this style One-Way Auditing. When the pc is given his orders, after that it's all from the pc to the auditor, and all involved with carrying out that auditing instruction. When the auditor is assessing it is all from the auditor to the pc. Only when the assessment action hits a snag like a PTP is there any other auditing style used. This is a very extreme auditing style. It is straightforward-direct. But when needful, as in any Level, the styles learned below it are often also employed, but never in the actual actions of getting CT Clearing and Assessment done. (Note: Level V would be the same style as VI below.) LEVEL VI ALL STYLE So far, we have dealt with simple actions. Now we have an auditor handling a meter and a pc who Itsa's and Cognites and gets PTPs and ARC Breaks and Line Charges and Cognites and who finds Items and lists and who must be handled, handled, handled all the way. As auditing TA for a 2l/2 hour session can go to 79 or 125 divisions (compared to 10 or 15 for the lowest level), the pace of the session is greater. It is this pace that makes perfect ability at each lower level vital when they combine into All Style. For each is now faster. So, we learn All Style by learning each of the lower styles well, and then observe and apply the style needed every time it is needed, shifting styles as often as once every minute! The best way to learn All Style is to become expert at each lower style so that one does the style correct for the situation each time the situation requiring that style occurs. It is less rough than it looks. But it is also very demanding. Use the wrong style on a situation and you've had it. ARC Break! No progress! Example: Right in the middle of an assessment the needle gets dirty. The auditor can't continue-or shouldn't. The auditor, in Direct Style, looks up to see a-puzzled frown. The auditor has to shift to Guiding Style to find out what ails the pc (who probably doesn't really know), then to Listen Style while the pc cognites on a chronic PTP that just emerged and bothered the pc, then to Direct Style to finish the Assessment that was in progress. The only way an auditor can get confused by All Style is by not being good at one of the lower level styles. Careful inspection will show where the student using All Style is slipping. One then gets the student to review that style that was not well learned and practice it a bit. So All Style, when poorly done, is very easy to remedy for it will be in error on one or more of the lower level styles. And as all these can be independently taught, the whole can be co-ordinated. All Style is hard to do only when one hasn't mastered one of the lower level styles. SUMMARY These are the important Styles of Auditing. There have been others but they are only variations of those given in this HCO Bulletin. Tone 40 Style is the most notable one missing. It remains as a practice style at Level One to teach fearless body handling and to teach one to get his command obeyed. It is no longer used in practice. As it was necessary to have every result and every process for each Level to finalize Styles of Auditing, I left this until last and here it is. Please note that none of these Styles violate the auditing comm cycle or the TRs. L. RON HUBBARD LRH :jw.rd Copyright ©1964 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ************** 76. HCOB 27 MAY 70 UNREADING QUESTIONS AND ITEMS HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 27 MAY 1970 Remimeo UNREADING QUESTIONS AND ITEMS (With particular reference to doing a Group Engram Intensive) Never list a listing question that doesn't read. Never prepcheck an item that doesn't read. These rules hold good for all lists, all items, even DIANETICS. A "tick" or a "stop" is not a read. Reads are small falls or falls or long falls or long fall blowdown (of TA). A preclear's case can be gotten into serious trouble by listing a list that doesn't read or prepchecking or running an item that doesn't read. On a list, this is the sort of thing that happens: The List is "Who or what would fly kites?" The C/S has said to "List this to a BD F/N Item". So the auditor does list it without checking the read at all. The list can go on 99 pages with the pc protesting, getting upset. This is called a "Dead horse list" because it gave no item. The reason it didn't was that the list question itself didn't read. One does an L4 on the pc to correct the situation and gets "Unnecessary action". On a list that is getting no item you don't extend. You correctly use L4 or any subsequent issue of it. If you extend a "dead horse list" you just make things worse. Use an L4 and it will set it right. This weird thing can also happen. C/S says to list "Who or what would kill buffaloes?" The auditor does, gets a BD F/N Item "A Hunter". The C/S also says to list as a second action "Who or what would feel tough?" The auditor fails to test the Question for read and lists it. Had he tested it, the list would not have read. But the list comes up with an item, "A mean hunter". It has stirred up charge from the first question and the item "A mean hunter" is a wrong item as it is a misworded variation of the first list's item! Now we have an unnecessary action and a wrong item. We do an L4 and the pc is still upset as maybe only one or the other of the two errors read. ____________ In a Dianetic "list" one is not doing a listing action. One is only trying to find a somatic or sensation, etc that will run. The item must read well. Or it won't produce a chain to run. In actual fact the Dn list Q does usually read but one doesn't bother to test it. But an item that doesn't read will produce no chain, no basic and the pc will jump around the track trying but just jamming up his bank. The moral of this story is: ALWAYS TEST A LISTING QUESTION BEFORE LETTING THE PC LIST. ALWAYS MARK THE READ IT GAVE (sF, F, LF, LFBD) ON THE WORKSHEET. ALWAYS TEST AN ITEM FOR READ BEFORE PREPCHECKING OR RUNNING RECALL OR ENGRAMS. ALWAYS MARK THE READ AN ITEM GAVE (sF, F, LF, LFBD) ON THE WORKSHEET. CHARGE The whole subject of "charge" is based on this. "Charge" is the electrical impulse on the case that activates the meter. "Charge" shows not only that an area has something in it. It also shows that the pc has possible reality on it. A pc can have a broken leg, yet it might not read on a meter. It would be charged but below the pc's reality. So it won't read. THINGS THAT DON'T READ WON'T RUN. The Case Supervisor always counts on the AUDITOR to test Questions and Items for read before running them. The auditor, when a Question or Item doesn't read, can and should always put in "Suppress" and "Invalidate". "On this (Question) (Item), has anything been Suppressed?" "On this (Question) (Item), has anything been Invalidated?" If either one read, the question or item will also read. The Case Supervisor also counts on the AUDITOR to use Suppress and Invalidate on a Question or Item. If after this there is still no read on the Question or Item, that's it. Don't use it, don't list it. Go to the next action on the C/S or end off. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:dz.ka.rd Copyright © 1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ************** 77. HCOB 3 DEC 78 UNREADING FLOWS HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 3 DECEMBER 1978 All Auditors All C/Ses NED Checksheet UNREADING FLOWS References: HCOB 5 Aug 78 INSTANT READS HCOB 25 May 62 E-METER INSTANT READS HCOB 28 Feb 71 C/S Series 24 METERING READING ITEMS HCOB 8 Jun 61 E-METER WATCHING HCOB 27 May 70R UNREADING QUESTIONS AND ITEMS Rev 3.12.78 EACH FLOW OF AN ITEM OR QUESTION IS CHECKED FOR A READ BEFORE RUNNING IT. UNREADING FLOWS ARE NOT RUN. One of the governing laws of auditing is that you don't run unreading items. It doesn't matter what you are auditing. You don't run unreading items. And you don't run unreading flows. You don't run an unreading anything. Ever. For any reason. Auditing is aimed at reactivity. You run what reacts on the meter because it reacts and is therefore part of the reactive mind. A read means there is charge present and available to run. Running reading items, flows and questions is the only way to make a pc better. This is our purpose in auditing. To run unreading flows, etc. requires the pc to run "analytical" answers or to "run" things that aren't there or to put something there to "run." The most trouble you can get a pc into is running him on uncharged items or flows. For an auditor to sit in session watching a meter that didn't read, looking expectantly at the pc for an answer to an uncharged question, flow or item is a GAE and will wreck cases faster than anything you can do. So you must check questions, flows or items before running anything. If it doesn't read you just say "Thank you" and go on to the next one. You would, of course, use the buttons to ensure nothing was suppressed! invalidated or misunderstood before leaving an unreading item, flow or question. This is probably one of the reasons that it has been observed that I can audit a pc for 2/2 hours and get the same result that another auditor might get in 25 hours. There's nothing mysterious about it. I never run a pc on things that aren't charged. And I don't miss reads. I expect no less from you. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH: jk Copyright © 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ************** 78. HCOB 22 SEP 65 RELEASE GRADATION - NEW LEVELS OF RELEASE HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 22 SEPTEMBER 1965 Remimeo All Scientology URGENT URGENT URGENT RELEASE GRADATION NEW LEVELS OF RELEASE Further research has revealed additional data concerning Releases which makes it necessary to re-name the types of Release, or else deny preclears all the benefits available from states of Release. As mentioned in earlier lectures there are several intermediate stages of Release between Level Zero and Level Five. I have finally isolated these and they agree with the Gradation Chart of Levels. This changes also in some degree the upper levels of Academy training materials without actually adding any but only reassigning the same materials to different levels. This discovery came out of a survey of the only things that could balk a case. These also are the main things an auditor has to be careful about in pcs. Further study revealed the state of Release to be available on each of these points and therefore, both to make Releases and better trained auditors, these were fitted in to the Gradation Chart in natural sequence as the dominant points stressed on each level. The points are the same as those covered in the current "Out Tech" Bulletins and lecture. They are: Communication ARC Breaks PTPs O/Ws Continuous Overts So as to minimize any upset in introducing these additional levels of Release we will cease to call Release by stages and call them by Grades. In earlier material and lectures the terms "1st Stage Release" indicated a person released anywhere between Level Zero and Level IV, a "Second Stage Release" indicated a Power Process Release, a "Third Stage Release" was one made by orientation processes and a "Fourth Stage Release" meant one made by R6 EW. This was before I found that the additional levels were important or obtainable. Without wiping out the meaning of these "stages", we will simply cease to use them to designate Releases and designate by GRADES. We will then use the exact processes of the grades that obtain the state of Release for the preclear and thus keep things straight. This then is the new Grading: Type of Release Type of Process Grade VII - CLEAR Grade VI Release - R6 EW Grade V Release - Power Processes Grade IV Release - Service Facsimiles Grade III Release - ARC Break Processes (old R-4-H renamed R-3-H) Grade II Release - O/W Processes (including the "Joburg") Grade I Release - Problems Processes (such as Probs Intensive or CCHs) Grade 0 Release - Communication Processes Any one of the above group of processes can (and should be) run to a Floating Needle (and not one command beyond it). With auditors warned of the consequences of running beyond the state of Release and people easily rehabilitated to the state even if it is overrun, it will be found that the state is attainable at each level with smooth auditing. This ties smoothly into training as a class of auditor is capable of making a class of Release. Knowing why people Roller Coaster (Potential Trouble Source) and what an SP (Suppressive Person) is and by carefully handling training of auditors in accordance with the "Out Tech" materials we can easily attain these states for preclears. The discovery is actually contained in the first material issued that calls attention to not further auditing Releases. They could have their ARC Breaks, PTPs and Overts handled. This when I followed it up showed that additional Release states existed for these types of phenomena. There are some additional processes that can be run at certain levels and as these are proven out they will be added as alternate processes to the level. However, it will be found that when a preclear goes Release at a Grade, it will not be advisable to further audit him or her in that grade on an additional process once the phenomena of Release has been attained for that grade. It may be that if a pc fails to go Release on the recommended process for that grade, another process for that grade included under the type of process for that grade may be used. For instance, on Problems, the pc does not go Grade I Release in the regular buttons of a Problems Intensive. Other buttons may be found and used. Or the preclear may be run on "Rising Scale Processes" or another process listed for that grade, all toward the goal of making the pc a Release from Problems. You don't run a pc on the next grade just because you couldn't Release him on the lower grade. You run the additional processes of a grade until he releases at that grade. At Grade Zero you run Comm Processes of whatever kind until you have a Grade O Release. That means a "Communication Release". Then you do the same at Grade I and run any version of problems, that affects the person's problems until you have a Grade I Release, a "Problems Release". Therefore you are releasing the person on certain subjects at each grade. The scale can then be written like this. Grade VII CLEAR - Bank Erased Grade VI Release - Whole Track Release Grade V Release - Power Release Grade IV Release - Habit Release Grade III Release - ARC Release Grade II Release - Overt Release Grade I Release - Problems Release Grade 0 Release - Communication Release You can readily spot that under each of these headings we have several effective processes in addition to a principal process. The most indicated processes for these levels are listed in the first list of grades above. If a former Release went Release on, let us say, Problems, he can be rehabilitated on the Problems Release and then audited on any of the other Grades from IV down. In short, anyone who went Release on one of these Grades from IV down may not be audited further on that Grade but can be released on any one of the other Grades 0 to IV omitting only Grade I Release, Problems. Of course from V (Power Processes) on up it becomes improbable to run a lower grade but it possibly could be done on some cases. However, a Grade VI Release (R6 EW) can't possibly be run below Grade VI. And on a Clear, there's no bank at all, only freedom. It's also noteworthy that it's all but impossible to do Grade V, Power Processes, on a former Release that has not been fully rehabilitated on the lower grade. In training it is therefore necessary to put a Meter in the hands of a student at Zero and have him able to clean Tone Arm action well at Level I, be able to detect and clean reads at II and not clean cleans, be able to assess at III and find Service Facs at IV. This means also that at Zero you teach the student all about Communication, its formula and the Comm Cycle and TRs. At I you teach repetitive commands, Problems Intensives (assessed by an upper class auditor as we used to do) and the CCHs (which pull the person out of problems and into PT). At II you teach a student all about STUDY (the genus of overts is the misunderstood) and O/Ws. At III you teach the student all about ARC and ARC Breaks and assessment and how to do old R-4-H in full and expertly. And at IV you teach the student all about "Deds" and "Dedexes" (History of Man) and justified O/Ws and Suppressives and PTSs and how to find and run Service Facs. And at V you review the student and classify fully all lower grades. And at VI you teach the student all about R6 and how to do R6 EW and as the student moves to VII you teach Power Processing and give the student the final materials to go on to Clear himself. As I promised to do some time ago, that neats up all training into a form that can be firm, finally published in eventual book form, and which puts the stress on the most important data in auditing. Parts of the mind, Codes, scales, other background data can be woven into the proper levels without overloading any. Obviously then, you teach the student the theory in the Certification course and the drills and key processes for the grade in the Classification course of the proper level. This neats up both training and processing, releasing and clearing. This does not prohibit one from handling ARC Breaks or PTPs or overts in rudiments at any level, really. Handling a rudiment is just getting the pc going. It puts the heavy processes that handle ARC Breaks in life and the past, the problems, etc each in its proper level. The rule applies that you must not overrun one of these heavy grade processes and must halt it the moment a free needle appears on it. Or if the TA goes out of it and it hasn't released the pc and hasn't been overrun another process can be run for that grade to handle the subject of that grade. But I think you will find that the primary process of the grade will do it uniformly if well audited. Here then is the additional data that belongs on your Gradation Chart and modernizes it. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:ml.rd Copyright © 1965 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ************** 79. HCOB 27 SEP 65 RELEASE GRADATION, ADDITIONAL DATA HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 27 SEPTEMBER 1965 Remimeo All Scientology Staff All Students RELEASE GRADATION ADDITIONAL DATA (Supplements HCOB 22 Sept 65) The Grades of Release as covered in HCOB 22 Sept 65 have been named and will be found, with auditor classes, in the ROUTING CHART of 26 Sept 65 being issued with "Auditor 10" in October 65. These Grades and names are final, and they designate what is to be run on the pc to obtain the various states of Release. A table follows: Grade | Name | Materials | Former Name | Where Done | | | | Grade VIII | Operating Thetan | R1 Drills | Operating Thetan | Saint Hill | | | | Grade VII | CLEAR |Clearing | Clear | Saint Hill | | Course | | | | | | Solo | Grade VI |Whole Track| R6 EW Stage 4 Rel| Saint Hill Release | Solo | | | | | | | Grade VA | Power Plus |Added Power| Stage 3 Release | Saint Hill by Release | Release |Process | | Class VII Aud | | | | Grade V | Power Release |Power | 2nd Stage | Saint Hill by Release | |Processes | | Class VII Aud | | | | Grade IV | Ability Release | Service | None | SH or HGCs- Release | |Facsimiles | | Any Cl IV | | | | Grade III | Freedom Release | R3H | None | SH or HGCs- Release | |ARC Breaks | | Any Class III | | | | Grade II | Relief Release | O/W Procs.| None | SH or HGCs- Release | |M/w/hs,Joburg | Any Class II | | | | Grade I | Problems Release |Probs Intensive. None | SH or HGCs- Release | |Any Problems Proc. | Any Class I | |Hidden Standards | | |Book of Case Remedies | | | | | Grade 0 | Communications |Level 0 | Keyed-Out Clear | SH or HGCs- Release | Release |Processes | Book I Clear | Any Class 0 | |(0-0, 0-A, etc) | | | | | Ungraded | Scientologist |Assists of | None | Anywhere-any | |all types | | Qualified | | | | auditor or | | | | Scientologist | | | | ---------------- It is obvious then that GRADE CERTIFICATES FOR PRECLEARS lapse and are no longer issued and are replaced by Release awards, awarding "Grade ____Release" when attained. It is also obvious that as these states all existed before they were discovered then REHABILITATION OF FORMER RELEASE is addressed to rehabilitating these grades. When rehabilitation is done and the state recovered for the pc a "Grade_ Release" for the Grade actually recovered is issued. The SAME rehabilitation processes as issued are used for every type of Release. Preclears were sometimes released in more than one grade and Former Release is rehabilitated (and sold) for each grade the pc was formerly released on. All grades formerly attained must each one in turn be found and rehabilitated and each one is separately declared by Certs & Awards. Therefore a pc going release on a simple Qual Division check-out must be urged to get a rehabilitation as there may be other former release states there and for anyone rehabilitated as a former Release many other grades (as per chart above) are available to be audited up to. ---------------- REHABILITATION OF FORMER RELEASE Technically you will find just these phenomena as given in the Routing Chart of Auditor 10 and the 22 Sept HCOB were the subjects of release. Sometimes a pc was according to him released formerly on some other process or subject than those given on the Chart. You will however find that it relates to one of the Grade Subjects (Comm, Problems, O/W, ARC Brks, Service Facs, as the total of the Grades up to IV). Example: Pc reads as Released on CCHs. OK, that was a Problems or a Comm Release. Why? It was because pc came to PT away from his problems of the past or because pc got into comm with the universe. Just decide which. Example: Pc checks as Released on the button "Importance", run in brackets or concepts. This wasn't any Grade Vl Release! It was probably Problems that were cleaned up or even O/Ws; therefore it was a Grade I or II. You have to see which Release Grade it was and that's easy since the pc will tell you even without your asking that he "got over his ARC Breaks" or "His problems didn't worry him". On old-time processes, R2-12, Rising Scale, even Engram Running, the point where Release was attained was because a Comm block, a Problem, an O/W, an ARC Break cleaned up. It wasn't the old process that determines the Grade the pc was formerly released at so much as which of the Grade subjects were relieved at the time. ERROR The biggest error you can make in rehabilitation of a former release is to grade him too high and by-pass available charge for further releasing. In the earlier grades you can go from Grade IV Release to Grade 0 Release to Grade II, etc. They are not entirely consecutive from 0 to IV. They are from V up. For instance you rehabilitate a pc as Grade II Release (overts and withholds) by standard rehab approach. He is then declared a Grade II Release of course. However he can be run on Comm Processes to obtain Grade 0 Release or on Problems to obtain Grade I Release and better had be. As we have formerly released so many on so many different processes the background for rehabilitation is ragged at this time. New people can be moved up smoothly from Zero to IV. Older Scientologists will go up and down from Zero to IV. You will find at times that somebody you are trying to audit to a certain Grade suddenly recalls being released at that Grade. The proper action then is rehabilitation of the Grade, not continuing to run the Grade. All this is really quite simple. The BIGGEST error is and will continue to be not noticing a state of Release occurring while running a process and then overrunning it and engulfing it. You don't always see the free, floating needle-it is at times brief. NERVES For a while auditors will be very nervy and err by underrunning processes and failing to flatten them. Some auditors will see a floating needle everywhere. Some will remain blind to them and grind on and on. The thing to do is eventually find the happy medium. Don't underrun or overrun. Just notice when the process has produced a floating needle and carry on when it has not. And listen for those big pc upsurges in tone and halt there. And watch for the rising Tone Arm that goes to 5. Mostly it's an overrun. But some pcs who always were at 5 weren't ever formerly released and will need Power Processes to get them started. Power Processing also combines a lot of lower grade results. But it is hard to Power Process pcs who have never had lower grade releasing. The Power Processing becomes very lengthy. However, real tough cases can't attain lower grade release states and so have to be Power Processed at once instead of after properly attaining the lower grades. These "at once" Power Process cases, who have had no former release grade, are pretty Suppressive. However, some pcs' Tone Arms can be at 5 and the pc can act Suppressive if it all stems from unnoticed lower Grade releasing that was never observed or rehabilitated . It is interesting that a Grade V Release (Power Process) cannot thereafter be processed below his Grade. But this is a new set of processes. You won't find any Former Release Grade Vs. They just never made Grade V before, even by accident. Grade VI Releases (R6 EW) don't easily respond thereafter to Power Processes. But remember, that's a Grade VI Release, not somebody who came up with a few bits of R6 EW. You can't run a Grade VII (Clear) on anything but he can be drilled on getting about the universe and getting familiar with himself and what he can do. Grades VI and VII really cannot be successfully audited except by oneself-solo. If somebody else did audit them on a pc, the pc would not prosper. He'd be a fool and quite confused. These Grades (VI and VII) require knowledge. Without it it's pitiful. Auditors who have tried to audit raw meat pcs on these Grades have gotten into serious messes not with us but in their own activities all stemming from trying to make a baby be vice president in six easy lessons. Two such auditors blew Scientology-they themselves had no real data or release grade or even case gain yet they tried to use VI materials on raw meat and it all went wrong and the pcs today mostly snarl and natter. Their way is barred by their antagonism. It takes a real thetan to stand up to VI and VII. Ask somebody who has been there. I trust these new Grades I found will help straighten out a lot of things. L. RON HUBBARD LRH: ml.cden Copyright © 1965 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ************** 80. HCOB 30 JUN 65 RELEASE, REHABILITATION OF HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 30 JUNE 1965 Remimeo Review Hats Qual Division RELEASE, REHABILITATION OF FORMER RELEASES AND THETAN EXTERIORS There are probably a great many processes that will recover the state of First Stage Release or First Stage Thetan Exterior or Released OT. Poorest but easiest of these is plain Itsa. Itsa probably will not recover a floating needle but will pull down the TA. When it's down, stop-don't press your luck too far. The real technical job (other than Itsa) requires expert metering and a thorough knowledge of dating on a meter and a smooth comm cycle. Best at it would be an auditor who himself was a Former Release and who had himself (or herself) recovered the state. The technically correct procedure is unfortunately a delicate one which requires good command of tech on the subject of the Time Track and perception of the pc and meter alert enough to stop exactly when Re-Release occurs and say "That's It!" (Never say "End" in such sessions.) Remember all recovery must be by Key-out, not erasure. Key-outs are done by finding Key-ins. It is de-stimulation, not re-stimulation. Therefore all must be smooth and jolly with no forcing or overrun. The exact tech follows: To regain a Former Release (or Thetan Exterior or Keyed-Out OT [Released OT]): 1. Loosely locate the session or time in which it occurred. 2. Get in Suppress, Invalidate buttons on the session or time. 3. Get in "Unacknowledged" or "What was unacknowledged". 4. Indicate anything found to the pc, as By-Passed Charge. 5. Find the Key-in that was Keyed out in that time or session (the person went release because something keyed out in that time or session). 6. When this is found and recognized by the pc, the pc will then return to Release or Released OT. 7. If this does not happen, find what keyed in that ended the state and repeat (1) to (6) on it. This is all rough to communicate to the pc who is not well trained. This datum will help (a standard datum of early Dianetics): The analytical mind when it becomes aware of a point in the Reactive Mind, makes it vanish. In other words one needs but become aware of the actual cause of an aberration to have it vanish. We see this mainly in Cognitions. But it is the backbone of all auditing. When the person was originally released he had become aware of something that caused the reactive mind to de-stimulate at that point or become weak. And so he Released. You have to find that point of sudden awareness again as in ( I ) to (6) above and if you miss it you can at least find (7). You could find both and in a lot of cases will probably do so. But if you win on ( I ) to (6), for heaven's sakes don't go on to (7). If you do (7) you may suddenly turn up with (5). When you've done it realize you've done it and come off of it. Don't overrun. When you have done it, tell the person to get trained so he or she can go on to actual Clear. LIABILITY The Liability in all this is finding the original thing that was keyed in (which when keyed out gave Release). If this happens you have a new key-in in the session you are running right now. It is a new key-in and is handled as one. TECH COMMENT This tells us that finding and running out key-ins will make a First Stage Release out of someone who has never been one. Standard Grade Processing does this. L. RON HUBBARD LRH: ml.rd Copyright © 1965 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ************** 81. HCOB 21 JUL 65 RELEASE REHABILITATION HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 21 JULY AD15 Remimeo Tech Div Hats Qual Div Hats Classes III & IV Students RELEASE REHABILITATION Refers to and amplifies HCOB 30 June 1965 In doing a Former Release rehabilitation, if you find the point of key-out of the moment the pc was formerly released, and then the moment of key-in afterwards and then get the pc to Itsa these alternate points, one after the other, with a bit of guiding when you see a fall (telling the pc [who is thinking] the needle fell by saying, "What's that?"), and then if you get off any unacknowledgment by the auditor in the rehabilitation session, and if you handle all such moments in the pc's auditing history, recent or distant, you will get the TA down and momentary floats of the needle. Then if you end it with the pc happy and all well in the release rehabilitation session, the pc will feel terrific and you will probably have regained the floating needle. Remember it isn't a repetitive alternate question, "What was keyed out then?" "What was keyed in then?" but a use of these and any such wording one after the other as Itsa invitations, until you get the TA off it and the TA down (and not up again on session comm cycle goofs). By hitting the key-out, then the key-in in that former session where the pc went release, he or she really gets the charge off it and you've regained it. I daresay you could take a stuck TA at 5 on an old-time pc and by locating the moments when he or she felt good in sessions and handling each one in turn until you get the pc happy he or she has "got it", you would eventually get the TA to clear read and a momentary or continuously floating needle. It's gentle. The only goof you can really make, aside from comm cycle and code breaks, is not to quit when the needle floats in your rehabilitation session. The rule of ALL processing is NEVER RUN A PROCESS FURTHER THAN IT PRODUCES A FLOATING NEEDLE WITH THE TA BETWEEN 2 AND 3. This applies to former release rehabilitating session as well. When that needle floats again, if it does, you have to gently "That's it" and desist and send to Declare? To go on is to overaudit. Good hunting. L. RON HUBBARD LRH: ml.rd Copyright © 1965 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ************** 82. HCOB 2 AUG 65 RELEASE GOOFS HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 2 AUGUST 1965 Star Rated on all Check-Outs Remimeo Tech Div Hats Qual Div Hats Classes III & IV Students RELEASE GOOFS 1. Overrun The first goof relating to Releases is the one done for 15 years-running past a free, floating needle on any type of process. THIS is the goof that held back all Scientology. And if it continues to be done, known as well as it is now that you mustn't, one can only consider it suppressive-not just ignorant-as who now doesn't know you wreck a Release by running past the floating needle? 2. Rehabilitation Goof Not doing a Rehabilitation by the book, HCOB 30 June 1965, HCOB 21 July AD15 and now this one would constitute a breach of tech. To say you are "Rehabilitating a Former Release" and yet do only current rudiments is, of course, a lie. Rehabilitation is an exact series of actions covered in the above HCOBs and NOTHING ELSE. I have seen a case being given an assist on PTPs and current ARC Breaks and had the auditor say, "Oh yes, I'm following orders. I'm rehabilitating a former release." Rehabilitation of a Former Release is a PRECISE SET OF ACTIONS covered only in the above HCOBs and this one. One only does THOSE actions given in these HCOBs. 3. Rough Comm Cycle The roughness of the Auditor's Comm Cycle can prevent, not only a Release from occurring but can prevent rehabilitation. All auditing is best done muzzled with the auditor drilled on Mutter TRs. 4. Meter Misuse In Step I of HCOB 30 June 65 it says, "Loosely locate the session or time in which it (Release) occurred." This means a METER DATING. By "loosely" is meant to the year, month and day, not the minute. You can of course locate to the hour. ADD AS THE PRIMARY STEP TO HCOB 30 JUNE 65 1. LIST AND EXACTLY DATE BY METER EACH AND EVERY TIME THE PC HAS ATTAINED A STATE OF RELEASE IN THIS LIFETIME. That should dispel any doubts about what rehabilitation of former release is aiming to do. ADD ALSO AS A PARAGRAPH IN HCOB 30 JUNE 1965: IF THE PC'S NEEDLE GOES FREE WITH THE TONE ARM BETWEEN 2 AND 3 ON A CALIBRATED METER, CEASE REHABILITATION AT THAT INSTANT AND DECLARE. DO NOT CONTINUE BEYOND THE FLOATING NEEDLE ON A REHABILITATION EITHER. IF A PC'S NEEDLE FLOATS DOING THE HCO POLICY LETTER FORM 26 JUNE 65 CEASE AT THAT INSTANT AND SEND TO GET THE STATE DECLARED. DO NOT KEEP ON DOING THE FORM PAST FLOATING NEEDLE EITHER. IN FACT DON'T CONTINUE ANY PROCESS OR AUDITING BEYOND A FLOATING NEEDLE. YOU CAN SHIFT FROM PROCESS TO PROCESS, A FREE NEEDLE ATTAINED ON EACH ONLY IN POWER PROCESSING AND ONLY ON R6- GPMI. An auditor must also realize that handling current matters and all on a former release in a rehabilitation is violating further the rule DON'T AUDIT PAST A FLOATING NEEDLE. The whole trouble with the pc was auditing beyond Release. Therefore in rehabilitation even ruds are just more auditing aren't they? You can only do HCOB 30 June 65 and its further HCOBs. 5. Not Recognizing a Floating Needle Floating needle, free needle are the same thing. What does one look like? Once you've seen one you'll never make a mistake on one again. For it floats. It ceases to register on the pc's bank. It just idly floats about or won't stand up even at low sensitivity. The TA goes to any place between 2 and 3 and the needle floats. Differences in cans used as electrodes and not keeping the meter calibrated with 5,000 ohm and 12,500 ohm resistors clipped between the two cans and setting the TA to (F) and (M) can lead an auditor to "find" a floating needle at TA 3.8 but ignore it because the meter is out. Also, two meters used can both be out. Particularly if the wrong cans are used. Steel cans, chromium plated or tin plated (like ordinary vegetable soup tin cans) are the best electrodes. 6. Not Getting Them All Not getting every time the pc has been a Release in this lifetime can be a big goof. Sometimes the last one is just yesterday, but omitting it can halt rehabilitation. Getting whole track (before this lifetime) former release periods is of questionable benefit but cannot be ruled out. 7. Pc's Own Purposes The leader in making a high state of being collapse (given an R6 bank) is the pc's own purposes. A person shot up scale can postulate. Postulating going down scale or an attack on something can collapse a state of release. Protest, wanting to get even, revenge are some things that a pc postulated that made him go back into the bank. It's a goof for a pc to postulate himself down scale or to postulate himself right by showing another he is wrong. This is why Class IV processing (Service Fac) can so easily make a 1st Stage Release. 8. Declare Errors Sometimes a pc is not rehabilitated yet is so declared. This causes a serious upset. Sometimes the Examiner fails to detect the flaw that the pc doesn't think he was released and passes the pc. Sometimes the Examiner challenges and fiddles about too much. This is a withhold of acknowledgment of the state and will cause an upset before it can be awarded. 9. Unalert Org An org which is not alert to the way SPs go for new releases when the release is still finding his or her "feet" will make very few that remain stable. If an org develops a lazy attitude toward auditor and personnel discipline then two things happen: (a) Auditors and execs alike think it is all right to audit past a floating needle on a form, action or process or (b) Start declaring people who aren't released. Either way is catastrophe. The middle road of honest and precise tech is vital. Auditors with sloppy comm cycles almost never release anyone to floating needle. Such begin to believe it is "all gas" so it doesn't matter what they do. An org not alert to what a bad comm cycle can do to prevent release is "for it" as tech will fade. Summary For fifteen years auditors have made and then undone keyed-out-clearing all over the world. We can then assume that, as they had the data about floating needles in 1958 and did not heed it, we will have this battle with us from here on. The end product of all auditing right up to clear is a floating needle. There is no other end product from the auditors' viewpoint. So, shall we get on with it, see it when it occurs and declare it? Please? L. RON HUBBARD LRH:ml:cden Copyright © 1965 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED **************