--------------------------------------------- SUPER SCIO #8A VARIOUS IMPLANT PLATENS --------------------------------------------- Copyright 1996 All commercial rights are reserved to the author, who currently wishes to remain anonymous and therefore is writing under the pen name of "The Pilot". Individuals may freely copy these files on the internet for their own use and they may be made available on any web server who does not charge for them and who does not alter their contents. --------------------------------------------- This is a random collection of some of the implant platens that I researched out on myself. I found some by scanning for later key-ins of the penalty universes (the goals series and/or the terminals and/or restimulative buttons were often used in later implants) or the agreements universe (not as common), and I found others by trying to correct the half right platens issued by Ron in 1963, and some I just stumbled over. At this time, none of these have been tried by anybody else and so these can be considered highly speculative. Also, I have a tendency to fool around a bit with an implant, spot some things about it, and then have it come apart so that many of the ones I found are incomplete. I also have a high tolerance for wrong items in these things (I don't have much charge on implants in general and the items don't seem very important) so that I can't guarantee that all the items that I did find are right. Here I have only included the ones that I ran more extensively or that seemed to provide some useful bit of information and I have left out the tons of fragmentary or disorganized material that I came up with. The real product of my fumbling around with this stuff was to get enough of a view of the time track to put together the Cosmic History which is in an earlier write-up. Note that it is only Ron's 1963 platens that have extensive errors, and those are not generally used in Scientology. Later he knew about implanted false dates, had better listing techniques, and followed up on the platens in a more thorough manner with extensive team efforts to get the items right. ======================================================== DO NOT SKIM THROUGH IMPLANT PLATENS If you insist on going through these materials in a casual manner, then read the introductions and look at the first item or two very carefully, but don't just skip around glancing at the items in the middle of these things. It might not make you sick, but it could, and it might also leave you feeling upset and irritated. You probably can get away with reading these slowly and carefully, considering each item, and reading each item again if it seems to have some charge on it, and by re-reading the first or earlier items if you start to feel upset. You really should flatten these items with a meter, but they are not so deadly that you should be afraid of looking at them. ======================================================== CONTENTS: ---------- SUPERSCIO #8A 1. OT2 ADDITION 2. THE HELLATROBUS PRISON PLANET IMPLANT 3. EARLIER HELLATROBUS IMPLANTS 4. THE DEAR SOULS IMPLANT ---------- SUPERSCIO #8B 5. THE AMUSEMENT PARK GOALS 6. THE TRAIN IMPLANT 7. THE AIRCRAFT DOOR IMPLANT 8. THE AGREEMENTS UNIVERSE IMPLANT 9. THE DISABILITY IMPLANT ---------- SUPERSCIO #8C 10. THE DISCONTINUITY IMPLANT 11. THE HALVER 12. THE ANTI-ENERGY IMPLANT 13. FAC 1 14. THE INDIVIDUATION IMPLANT 15. THE JUST REWARDS IMPLANT 16. SERVICE FAC IMPLANTS ---------- SUPERSCIO #8D 17. THE HUMAN IMPLANT 18. THE POLES IMPLANT 19. THE ANTI-PSYCHIC IMPLANT 20. THE CHOICES IMPLANT 21. THE THIRD EYE IMPLANT 22. THE 10 WAY COMPULSION IMPLANT 23. THE 4TH DIMENSIONAL IMPLANT ---------- SUPERSCIO #8E 24. THE TIME IMPLANT 25. THE JEWEL OF KNOWLEDGE 26. THE FALSE JEWEL OF KNOWLEDGE ======================================================== 1. OT2 ADDITIONS The OT2 materials are currently being copied around on the internet. The version that was read into the Fishman trial and which is the most common version on the net is highly incomplete and short cutted. The materials included in the scam-iz-dat postings are much more accurate. But if you take all the OT 2 platens they published and also pickup the Fishman stuff and put the full versions of the 15 chapters in order, you will see that chapters 13 and 14 are missing. This is probably because whoever collected them did not run the full set when they did the level. I only ran about half of these when I did OT2. The posted platens match what I remember of this, but there is no guarantee that there aren't a few mistakes or missing items or even some later corrections that were found by the org which didn't make it onto the net. Modern practice is, unfortunately, to shortcut this level and bail out when there is a major release so that the person can go on to OT3. Because of misapplying clearing course theory to OT2, there is often a mistaken idea that the whole thing is either there or gone, so that if you have a big blowout on one of the chapters and it wouldn't run anymore, they think that its all gone instead of seeing that only the particular chapter (implant) is gone. They also mistakenly continue to apply clearing course style thoroughness to running later implant platens. Per the clearing course, everything must read and flatten or else something is wrong. But this is a gradient on confront of implant items. When the person is further along, he mostly FNs with an occasional item pair that reads and flattens. They used to see this kind of behavior on rerunning the CC on old OT4 but did not generalize it to apply as needed. Beyond this stage, you often have an entire implant blow out on the first few items. When that happens, you take a quick scan over it to see that its gone and persistent FNing and drop it. It is a serious mistake to grind over an implant when these things are coming apart easily. It can cause the PC to mock it up again and put it back. But it is also a serious mistake not to check over each implant individually and knock out the last remaining bits that might still be there. It is not an all or nothing proposition. It is a gradient of confront and awareness. Also, sometimes it all keys out very thoroughly and you need to do something else (like OT3 or OT drills or grade processes), but that is a keyout and if you haven't actually inspected the stuff or undercut it with really early track handling, then eventually you'll key the unhanded parts in again. Realize that there is keyout and there is erasure. An implant can erase on running only the first few items. In that case, you are aware of the entire thing. But when things fall away without being looked at and without a restoration of awareness, then its a keyout. This is a very nice condition and you should go with it and use the clear moment to let you run other things, but don't feel invalidated when it finally keys in again. Trying to make these keyouts into absolutes leads to having OTs dramatizing unrun implants and mistakenly blaming Nots or whatever. And it led to the even bigger mistake of abandoning the entire implant research line after OT2 was mapped out. Despite all the PR, even the clearing course is nowhere near basic on implants. I went over the OT2 platens (the internet version) recently, checking if there was any more charge (especially on the chapters I hadn't run before). There was only a small amount to handle. But I did find the following which might be of use when running these. Note that the individual chapters were used as separate implants at various times as well as being used in the big mass implants (as I have discussed in other write-ups). ------ CHAPTER 1: The Electrical GPM This one runs on many different sensations, not just electrical. In all cases, the "endword" is the actual sensation. Run the entire platen on each of these. The electrical shock endword used in OT2 is the 5th one of these (included below in the correct position). 1. Pleasure 2. Pain 3. Heat 4. Cold 5. Shock (electrical) 6. Numbness 7. Sensation 8. Dizziness 9. Pressure 10. Suction (vacuum) 11. Glare (brilliant flash, like an explosion) 12. Blackness ------ CHAPTER 2: The Tocky GPM (time) This may not be part of R6 at all. It may be used when time is reset. The platen may repeat on other items such as Earth, Identity, Memory, etc. ----- CHAPTER 3: The Big Being GPM (survive) This one also runs on a) Obey / Rebel b) Work / Be Lazy c) Love / Hate d) Survive / Die The same implant pattern also seems to have been used with the penalty universe goals. In this variation, a giant face of the penalty universe terminal says the items. The first one is the God Statue saying "You Must Create", "You Mustn't Create" etc. ----- CHAPTER 10: The Basic GPM (picture machine) This platen will also run on: 1. Sensation 2. Somatics 3. Reality 4. Forgettingness It is possible that it will run on others as well but the whole thing keyed out for me on these. Possibly the original researcher who plotted this got a huge keyout on simply running "picture machine" and therefore thought he had the whole thing. Other endwords may be: 1. postulating machine 2. thinkingness machine 3. somatic machine 4. reality machine 5. confusion machine 6. forgettingness machine ------ CHAPTER 11: The One Command GPM (to seek treasure) There is a missing group of items. Add these as 21. on the platen: a) Abandon, b) Do Not Abandon, c) Have, d) Never Have. As given, the platen only has one endword which is "Treasure". This is incomplete. The full series of endwords (the entire platen runs on each endword) includes the following: a) Treasure b) Wealth c) Love d) Knowledge e) Pleasure f) Bodies g) Glory h) Honor i) Identity j) Immortality This implant might or might not have been used as part of R6 (incident 2), but it certainly originates in a much earlier time period. I believe this one was commonly used in the magic universe. ----- CHAPTER 12: The Lower LP GPM (pictures) The entire platen also runs on "sensation" in place of "pictures". ----- I see nothing else wrong with the OT2 platens at this time. These were researched very thoroughly and they only missed occasionally when the things fell apart so extensively that they missed some of the later endwords. The earlier (1963) platens, on the other hand, need lots of corrections. ======================================================== 2. THE HELLATROBUS PRISON PLANET IMPLANT ----------------------------------------------- A. Background In 1963, Ron researched what he called the Hellatrobus or Heaven implants. He issued a number of bulletins (which can be found in new tech volume 7) and tapes on the subject. LRH and his Briefing Course students didn't work on this very long and dropped it in favor of searching for more advanced materials. Among other things, the implant was very long and difficult to run. As far as I know, he never got back to this one. He gives a bit of a story on the tapes about how this happened in the range of 63 trillion years ago and had some theories about why the goals varied from person to person. But the truth of the matter is that they only found a tiny percentage of the goals and they only appeared to vary because there was so much missing. They had so many errors because they were running something that was too highly charged. And this was researched before he had figured out that implants included false dates and stories etc. (he discovers that a few months later, but never gets back to this implant). Back in 1992, I decided to take the platens he had researched and try to run the implant out on myself. At a guess, there are 256 pairs of items which are repeated for each of 256 goals, which would give a total of about 65,000 items in the implant. I began by simply using Ron's platen on goals which read well and I knew were in the implant. Gradually I corrected and expanded the platen slightly (but Ron's was pretty close) and I still think there may be a few missing or incorrect items, but generally I could get everything to read and FN using the platen as it is given here (see the next section). The more I ran of it, the more goals I found and gradually I was able to connect them properly in the right order (mostly) and I started getting the scenery etc. I still only have about half of the goals, and of those I've only run about half of them in full detail (e.g. running all the items on each goal to FN). After running out over ten thousand items in it, I suddenly got it in the correct context (discussed below) and the whole thing pretty much fell apart. I may have to go back to it eventually and finish it, but with lots of other stuff attracting my attention, I wasn't about to drag back the tens of thousands of remaining items once they had keyed out. So please excuse me for leaving this thing only partially researched. Its still miles beyond what Ron found out about it. B. The Actual Context of the Incident Religious implants go way way back. See my write-up on "Cosmic History". Many of the goals and symbols used in this very recent Hellatrobus implant were used in earlier ones and go way back. Some of the things Ron discussed about the Hellatrobus implant are correct for earlier (and generally simpler) religious implants, but they are not correct for the actual implant that he was running with the platen he developed. The implant itself pulls a lot of earlier ones into restimulation and he was pulling stuff out of the earlier ones by mistake. The Hellatrobus Implant is the one used as part of the process of sentencing someone to Earth and it will have been done to you within the last ten thousand years. It is still being used. Any time you try to escape from this solar system (which some of us do occasionally), if they catch you, they run this one in on you again and send you back. Ron thought that there was a simple train implant which was used as the "Before Earth" sentencing implant. That's incorrect. There is a section of Hellatrobus that takes place in a train. The actual process of being sentenced to Earth occurs as follows: 1. You are captured somehow. I think most of us were in a war fleet that lost and we are being kept here while the war goes on. 2. You are hit with heavy energy waves and told that you are a convicted criminal about to be sentenced. You get hit with some pictures of being on trial, etc. but you don't know what your crime is. They tell you that memory of your horrible crime has been erased as part of the criminal rehabilitation process. 3. Then you are sentenced in court. They condemn you to make a copy of yourself who will be punished. You are told that after you make the copy (who will be punished in your place), you will be set free. A heavy wave of force then hits you and then you are standing beside yourself. But note that this is a fake. Its not really a splitter incident. They just put up a doll who looks like you and tell you that you divided. 4. Then they tell you that you are the copy who is to be punished and that they will set your real self (the doll) free if you accept your punishment willingly. I suppose that this keeps a few of the prisoners from kicking and screaming as they are dragged into the next step. 5. Then they tell you that they are sentencing you to hell and drag you down into the basement, which is like being taken down into a medieval dungeon. I'm not certain if the rest of this happens in an implant universe or if they simply attach some electrodes to your brain and feed you a computer simulation. Either way, the experience seems very real but it does not take place in the physical universe and is not constrained by physical universe mechanics. 6. You're standing in the basement of some underground building at the bottom of Hell. One wall of the basement is missing and you look out and down and see an infinite universe with a vast swirling cloud of chaos hanging in the center. 7. They tell you that you have become evil and turned against your creator and therefore will be tossed into chaos and torn apart as a spirit. 8. But then they offer you one last chance. They will review your history and show you how you came to this sorry state. And in so doing, they will run time backwards for you so that you many have another chance. They tell you "Now pay close attention, so that you can learn from your mistakes". 9. Then you begin to walk backwards, going backwards up stairs etc. (and occasionally down, but mostly up), gradually working your way back out of hell and through cities and mountains and eventually going backwards up a stairway to Heaven. 10. As they do this, they implant goals and items. The first goal that is implanted (at the bottom, facing chaos) is the goal "To Be Ended". They hit you with hundreds of items for this goal as you backup from chaos and go up the basement stairs (backwards). Then they use the same pattern of items for the next goal, etc. Eventually you work your way all the way up to heaven (where they implant the goal "to be in heaven") and even further until you reach the top goal, which is the goal "To Be Created" which takes place in front of God's throne. As you go backwards, these items are implanted excruciatingly slowly. 11. At the top, they show you how god created you, including a bit of Genesis. Then they tell you that this is how you lived your evil existence, but now you have a chance to live again and try to do better this time. 12. Then they let you go and its like your being released from a slingshot. You fly down the staircases etc. getting all the goals and items in the forward direction. Here they hit you very fast and you go willy nilly all the way back down to the basement at the bottom of hell and fly straight out the opening and start falling towards the swirling mass of chaos. 13. But they catch you as you're falling. They say something like "Here you've gone and done the same terrible things again. But we will give you one last chance. Now pay closer attention this time". 14. And then back you go, up the stairs backwards etc., very slowly, getting all the goals and items again. They repeat this whole mess three times. You get three runs of the goals and items going backwards (slowly up the staircase) and three runs forward (quickly, going downwards). On the last time, they let you keep falling and you fall into the pool of chaos. Once there, there are millions of objects and scenes and things flying around you, sort of like being in the middle of a tornado. Then you see a calm area, sort of like the eye of a hurricane, and there in the center is the Earth and you go down to it to escape from the chaos. And there is a feeling of peace and relief and then you go unconscious. After that, you begin reincarnating here on Earth. ------------------------------- THE HELLATROBUS ITEMS PLATEN 17 Nov 92 These are the items used on each of the goals in the Hellatrobus Implant. There may be some items missing. This is based on HCOB 12 May 1963 (Routine 3 RI Form)(new volume 7 page 145) as corrected by HCOB 26 May 1963 (R3 Line Plot)(new volume 7 page 171). My changes to Ron's items are marked with a % sign. Items with letters are additions. Only one pair, 141C/142C were added by Ron (in the 26 May HCOB), all other additional items were added by me. The item numbers are those used in the original HCOB. The odd and even numbers on the left and right side of the page form an opposing pair. === BLOCK ONE ==== (goal in past tense without TO, i.e. forgotten instead of to forget, ended instead of to be ended) 1. ________ 2. NIX _____ 3. ABSOLUTEABLY _____ 4. NIX _____ 5. PERFECTABLY ______ 6. NIX _____ 7. SUPERIORABLY _____ 8. NIX _____ 9. INCOMPARABLY _____ 10. NIX _____ 9A. WONDERFULLABLY _____ 10A. NIX _____ 11. FASCINATABLY _____ 12. NIX _____ 11A. BEAUTIFULLABLY ____ 12A. NIX _____ 13. HIGHLY ACCEPTABLY ____ 14. NIX _____ 15. RECOMMENDABLY _____ 16. NIX _____ 17. ACCEPTABLY _____ 18. NIX _____ 19. ENGROSSABLY _____ 20. NIX _____ 21. VITALABLY _____ 22. NIX _____ 23. EAGERABLY ______ 24. NIX _____ 25. ENTHUSIASTICABLY _____ 26. NIX _____ 27. ENJOYABLY _____ 28. NIX _____ 29. PLEASUREABLY _____ 30. NIX _____ 31. AGREEABLY ______ 32. NIX _____ 33. DEDICATEABLY _____ 34. NIX _____ 35. COMMENDABLY _____ 36. NIX _____ 37. DESIREABLY _____ 38. NIX _____ 37A. CREATABLY _____ 38A. NIX _____ 39. WANTABLY _____ 40. NIX _____ 41. COVETABLY _____ 42. NIX _____ 43. HOPEFULABLY _____ 44. NIX _____ (powerfullably ?) 45. DECIDEABLY _____ 46. NIX _____ 47. CREDITABLY _____ 48. NIX _____ 49. DEMANDABLY _____ 50. NIX _____ 51. BOREABLY _____ 52. NIX _____ 51A. UPSETTABLY _____ 52A. NIX _____ 51B. REGRETTABLY _____ 52B. NIX ____ 53. DEJECTABLY _____ 54. NIX _____ (COMPULSABLY ?) 53A. UNSTOPABLY _____ 54A. NIX _____ 55. DEGRADEABLY _____ 56. NIX _____ 57. IDIOTABLY _____ 58. NIX _____ 59. LOSEABLY _____ 60. NIX _____ 61. BADABLY _____ 62. NIX _____ 61A. UNCONFRONTABLY ___ 62A. NIX ____ 61B. FORGETTABLY _____ 62B. NIX _____ 63. UNWANTABLY _____ 64. NIX _____ 65. PLAYABLY _____ 66. NIX _____ 67. ABADONABLY _____ 68. NIX _____ 69. ____ING 70. NIX _____ 71. ____ERS 72. NIX _____ 73. ____INGNESS 74. NIX _____ 75. ____ISHNESS 76. NIX _____ 77. ____ATIVES 78. NIX _____ 79. ____IVITY 80. NIX _____ === BLOCK TWO ==== (goal in present tense with TO, i.e. to forget, to be ended, etc.) 81. ________ 82. NIX _____ 83. ABSOLUTEABLE _____ 84. NIX _____ 85. PERFECTABLE ______ 86. NIX _____ 87. SUPERIORABLE _____ 88. NIX _____ 89. INCOMPARABLE _____ 90. NIX _____ 89A. WONDERFULLABLE _____ 90A. NIX _____ 91. FASCINATABLE _____ 92. NIX _____ 91A. BEAUTIFULLABLE ____ 92A. NIX _____ 93. HIGHLY ACCEPTABLE ____ 94. NIX _____ 95. RECOMMENDABLE _____ 96. NIX _____ 97. ACCEPTABLE _____ 98. NIX _____ 99. ENGROSSABLE _____ 100. NIX _____ 101. VITALABLE _____ 102. NIX _____ 103. EAGERABLE ______ 104. NIX _____ 105. ENTHUSEABLE _____ 106. NIX _____ 107. ENJOYABLE _____ 108. NIX _____ 109. PLEASUREABLE _____ 110. NIX _____ 111. AGREEABLE ______ 112. NIX _____ 113. DEDICATEABLE _____ 114. NIX _____ 115. COMMENDABLE _____ 116. NIX _____ 117. DESIREABLE _____ 118. NIX _____ 117A. CREATABLE _____ 118A. NIX _____ 119. WANTABLE _____ 120. NIX _____ 121. COVETABLE _____ 122. NIX _____ 123. HOPEFULABLE _____ 124. NIX _____ (powerfullABLE ?) 125. DECIDEABLE _____ 126. NIX _____ 127. CREDITABLE _____ 128. NIX _____ 129. DEMANDABLE _____ 130. NIX _____ 131. BOREABLE _____ 132. NIX _____ 131A. UPSETTABLE _____ 132A. NIX _____ 131B. REGRETTABLE _____ 132B. NIX ____ 133. DEJECTABLE _____ 134. NIX _____ (COMPULSABLE ?) 133A. UNSTOPABLE _____ 134A. NIX _____ 135. DEGRADEABLE _____ 136. NIX _____ 137. IDIOTABLE _____ 138. NIX _____ 139. LOSEABLE _____ 140. NIX _____ 141. BADABLE _____ 142. NIX _____ 141A. UNCONFRONTABLE ____ 141B. NIX ____ 142A. FORGETTABLE _____ 142A. NIX _____ 142B. UNWANTABLE _____ 142B. NIX _____ 143. PLAYABLE _____ 144. NIX _____ 145. ABADONABLE _____ 146. NIX _____ 147. (TO)____ING 148. NIX _____ 149. (TO)____ERS 150. NIX _____ 151. (TO)____INGNESS 152. NIX _____ 153. (TO)____ISHNESS 154. NIX _____ 155. (TO)____ATIVES 156. NIX _____ 157. (TO)____IVITY 158. NIX _____ ===== BLOCK 3 (GOAL MINUS "TO", i.e. "forget", "being ended", etc.) 159. _______ 160. NIX _____ 161. _____ING 162. NIX _____ 163. _____ERS 164. NIX _____ 165. _____INGNESS 166. NIX _____ 167. _____ISHNESS 168. NIX _____ 169. _____ATIVES 170. NIX _____ 171. _____IVITY 172. NIX _____ ======= BLOCK 4 ( -ing form of goal, i.e. forgetting, being ended) (the ___ING is included below as a reminder and because Ron typed it that way, but on TO BE type goals, it changes the BE to BEING rather than coming at the end. i.e., item 173 on the goal "to be ended" is "those who are being ended" rather than "those who are ended-ing"). 173. THOSE WHO ARE ______ING 174. SOMEONE WHO ISN'T EVER _____ING 175.% GOALS THAT LEAD TO ___ING 176. SOMEONE WHO HATES ___ING (Ron's was "___ing form of goals") 177. % ACTIVELY ______ING 178. SOMEONE WHO DOESN'T WANT (Ron's was "active-ing ____") TO BE ____ING % (% - TO BE was added) 177A. THE ADVANTAGES OF ___ING 178A. SOMEONE WHO SEES NO ADVANTAGE IN ____ING 179. ANY NECESSITY FOR ___ING 180. SOMEONE WHO SEES NO NECESSITY FOR ____ING 179A. ANY EXISTENCE OF ____ING 180A. SOMEONE WHO SUPPRESSES ____ING. (or "PRESENCE OF") 179B. ANY INSISTENCE ON ____ING 180B. SOMEONE WHO INVALIDATES ____ING. 179C. ANY DEPENDENCE ON ____ING 180C. SOMEONE WHO DENIES ___ING 179D. THOSE WHO ARE CREATING ____ 180D. NIX ____ 181. ANY ACTIONS OF ___ING 182. NIX ____ 183. ANY BELIEF IN ____ING % 184. NIX ____ (%- A changed to ANY) 185. THE PROPONENTS OF ____ING 186. NIX ____ 187. THE FANTASTIC IMPORTANCES 188. THE UNIMPORTANCES OF __ING OF ____ING 189. THE OBSESSIONS FOR ___ING 190. NIX ____ 191. THE INTERESTINGNESS OF ___ING 192. NIX ____ 193. THE CONCERNS OF ____ING 194. NIX ____ 195. THE UPSETS ABOUT ____ING 196. NIX ____ 197. THE DESPERATIONS OF ____ING 198. NIX ____ 199. THE FRENZIEDNESS(ES) OF __ING 200. NIX ____ 199A. THE PAINFULLNESS OF ___ING 200A. NIX ____ 201. THE HOPELESSNESS OF ___ING 202. NIX ____ ===== BLOCK 5 ( odd numbered items continue with the ___ing form, but even numbered items are beingnesses. Ron formatted these beingness items as "____ER", but "A ____ PERSON" or "A ____ BEING" usually reads better, especially on beingness goals. I.E., on the goal "to be ended", item 204 is "an exhausted ended being" [or an exhausted ended person] rather than "an exhausted ender". Sometimes the ___ER form works better on active goals as in "an exhausted rememberer", but even here the form "an exhausted remembering person" is also valid. In the majority of goals, "____ PERSON" works better than "____ BEING" for the first few items and then "____ BEING" will start running better. On active goals, sometimes the ___ing form works best as in "an exhausting forgetting being". In this section of the implant, the beingness items end up as stuck pictures (valences) rather than the vacumes that come from the NIXes. I have omitted the usual % sign in the cases where __ER was changed to ___ BEING). 203. THE EXHAUSTIONS OF ___ING 204. AN EXHAUSTED ___ BEING. 205. THE STUPIDITY OF ___ING 206. A STUPIDIFIED ____ BEING. 207. THE EFFORTS OF ____ING 208. A WEAKENED ____ BEING % (Ron's was AN UNEFFORTIZED _ER) 209. THE UNREWARDINGNESS OF __ING 210. AN UNREWARDED ___ BEING 211. THE COMPLICATIONS OF ___ING 212. A COMPLICATED ___ BEING 213. THE DEMANDS OF ____ING 214. A DEMANDING ____ BEING 215. THE DETERMINATIONS OF ___ING 216. A DETERMINED ___ BEING 215A. THE FOOLISHNESS OF ____ING 216A. A FOOLISH ____ BEING 215B. THE COMPULSIONS OF ____ING 216B. A COMPULSIVE ____ BEING 215C. THE INVALIDATIONS OF ___ING 216C. AN INVALIDATED ____ BEING 217. THE LIMITATIONS OF ____ING 218. A LIMITED ____ BEING 217A. THE DEGREDATIONS OF ___ING 218A. A DEGRADED ____ BEING 217B. THE OVERWHELMS OF ____ING 218B. AN OVERWHELMED ____ BEING 217C. THE MISERY OF ____ING 218C. A MISERABLE ____ BEING 217D. THE UNAWARENESS OF ___ING 218D. AN UNAWARE ____ BEING 219. THE OPPONENTS OF ____ING 220. % AN OPPOSED ____ BEING (% - opposed was added) ==== BLOCK 6. (since he only had a few items here, RON did not label this as a separate block, but the format did change from "__ER" back to the block 2 form of "TO GOAL". i.e., item 220A is "somebody who needs to be ended" etc.) 219A. THE FORBIDDENNESS OF ___ING 220A. SOMEBODY WHO NEEDS TO ___ 221. A HATRED OF ____ING 222. SOMEBODY WHO LOVES TO ___ (Ron had "___ing") 221A. THE INHIBITEDNESS OF ___ING 222A. SOMEBODY WHO DESIRES TO _ 221B. THE ABSENCE OF ___ING 222B. SOMEBODY WHO COMPULSIVELY CREATES ___ 223. STOPPED ____ING 224. SOMEBODY WITH THE GOAL TO _ 225. ANY IMPOSSIBILITIES OF ___ING 226. SOMEBODY OR SOMETHING WITH THE GOAL TO ___ 227. THE NONEXISTENCE OF ___ING 228. THE GOAL TO ____ 229. TO (goal) TO NIX (next goal in series) % (Ron had much more variation in item 229 because of trying to connect together goals that didn't belong together. This was due to missing large numbers of goals in the original series. He also had item 229 opposing the goal itself (e.g. item 230. "TO ___"). This was probably due to an assumption that there was always an opposite side. To me it seems that 229 was just left hanging there and followed by item 1 of the next goal.). ---- end of Hellatrobus item platen ---- -------------------------------------------------------- HELLATROBUS GOALS LIST Oct 10, 1992 This is the goals list for the Hellatrobus Implants (Heaven Implants). The correct date is Before Earth (this is the implant used to sentence one to Earth, the 43 Trillion date is part of the implant). In the first run, you're moving backwards. Each goal is implanted with the two hundred or so items given in the Hellatrobus item platen above. On the first run, the whole thing is done backwards with you backing up the staircases etc. You are supposedly backing up through time. This makes it difficult to describe. For each scene, the first item is at the "end" of the scene and the final item, after you have backed all the way up, is at the "beginning" of the scene. In other words, if the scene for a goal had you walking down a staircase, the first item implanted would have you at the bottom with the staircase behind you and the final item would have you up at the top looking down as if you were going to walk down the staircase. Then you back up into the next goal. On the second run, you are going down and the first item would be up at the top of the stairs and the last item would be at the bottom, and everything will go in a normal direction, but if you try to run it this way, you will be missing the entire first run of the implant. To aid in running this, I have included the transition item from each goal back to the previous goal. 1. TO BE ENDED. NIX TO BE ENDED. ( a black road through empty space. The road "ends" (first item of the entire implant) at a rotating hypnotic spiraling swirl of chaos). TO BE ENDED TO NIX BEING TORTURED. 2. TO BE TORTURED. NIX TO BE TORTURED. ( going through a black dungeon. Lowered down the final pit to the road through nothingness. Strange things are done to your energy, people reaching inside of you & pulling out parts etc. You come down from insubstantial via a black chute). TO BE TORTURED TO NIX BEING INSUBSTANTIAL. 3. TO BE INSUBSTANTIAL. NIX TO BE INSUBSTANTIAL. ( ice and gray rocks & spirits saying items) TO BE INSUBSTANTIAL TO NIX BEING FLAYED. 4. TO BE FLAYED. NIX TO BE FLAYED. (e.g. To Be Cut. You're strapped to a stretcher, normally upright but it floats & twists around. You're going through a hospital ward or a lab. Various demons etc. with knives say the items. In block 1, the nix pulls you back just before the blades reach you but in block 2 you land on the blades and the nix pulls you off). TO BE FLAYED TO NIX BEING NUMB. 5. TO BE NUMB. NIX TO BE NUMB. ( crystal arches leading into hospital (flayed), starts (last item, coming in from frozen) as an ice cave ). TO BE NUMB TO NIX BEING FROZEN. 6. TO BE FROZEN. NIX TO BE FROZEN. ( snow covered landscape, ice statues say the items. On block 6 your being dunked into icewater on each item). TO BE FROZEN TO NIX BEING BURNED. 7. TO BE BURNED. NIX TO BE BURNED. ( burning landscape, path of coals, ashes in air. flame beings to either side say the items. repetitively dropped into a pit of fire, etc.). TO BE BURNED TO NIX BEING UNAFFECTED. 8. TO BE UNAFFECTED. NIX TO BE UNAFFECTED. (there are explosions on each item, very violent but the explosions don't quite hit you. landscape of hell, the ground rolls under you similar to an earthquake. The pictures are mainly of overts, watching your friends tortured etc. while you are being unaffected. There is an uncomfortable feeling of emptiness.). TO BE UNAFFECTED TO NIX BEING HORRIFIED. (or to be unreal?) 9. TO BE HORRIFIED. NIX TO BE HORRIFIED. ( an elevated roadway in hell with smoking pits and victims to either side. Demons say the items. There is the fear that you will get so horrified that you will snap into the tortures that you're looking at ). TO BE HORRIFIED TO NIX BEING UNAWARE. 10. TO BE UNAWARE. NIX TO BE UNAWARE. ( road through hell, sometimes ontop of a red hot iron wall (the walls of the city of Dis as in Dante?). tortured and burned people to either side say the items and try to grab at you but they are below you and can't reach you, you avoid looking at them). TO BE UNAWARE TO NIX BEING IN HELL. 11. TO BE IN HELL. NIX TO BE IN HELL. ( a series of bridges over flaming rivers & pits, items come from poles on sides of bridge. road "leads" to the hell city (to be unaware) and comes from a cave in the mountains (to be gameless). TO BE IN HELL TO NIX BEING GAMELESS. 12. TO BE GAMELESS. NIX TO BE GAMELESS. ( a gray road in a gray landscape, items come from the ground and gray clouds above. at the "end" (e.g. the first items, leading to hell) you go through a cave with the items coming from grottos to either side.). TO BE GAMELESS TO NIX BEING HAUNTED. 13. TO BE HAUNTED. NIX TO BE HAUNTED. (gray landscape, creatures/ghosts appear & terrorize & condemn you) TO BE HAUNTED TO NIX BEING SELF-PITYING. 14. TO BE SELF-PITYING. NIX TO BE SELF-PITYING. ( rock bridges over ashes. all gray. "Poor John is dead" type flows and feelings.) TO BE SELF-PITYING TO NIX BEING DRAINED. 15. TO BE DRAINED. NIX TO BE DRAINED. ( bleak "tales from the darkside" sort of landscape with dark misshapen trees etc. Spirits hit you and pull away energy. path leads down to a cliffside where a bridge leads out over the chasm of self-pity.) TO BE DRAINED TO NIX BEING IGNITED. 16. TO BE IGNITED. NIX TO BE IGNITED. ( riding along on a cart/stretcher at a 45 degree angle, burning from the inside, flames shooting out of fingers etc. giant candles to either side give the items. much smoke and grayness. At first (around the last items) there is the impression of a funeral parlor. near the end (first items, leading down to "drained" you are tossed off of the cart over a cliff and fall down to the gray landscape.) TO BE IGNITED TO NIX BEING INTERIORIZED. 17. TO BE INTERIORIZED. NIX TO BE INTERIORIZED. (pulled along from body to body in a morgue, snapping into each one, dead bodies on either side say the items). TO BE INTERIORIZED TO NIX BEING BODILESS. 18. TO BE BODILESS. NIX TO BE BODILESS. (floating in a ghost body over a plane of ashes. Nice things lie to either side but they are all colorless and insubstantial and you can't reach them, begins (last items) with floating out of the ground). TO BE BODILESS TO NIX BEING BURIED. 19. TO BE BURIED. NIX TO BE BURIED. ( underground, sort of moving up and down in an elevator. The pressure of dirt increases on the items, you get space (move down from dirt) on the nix. claustrophobic and suffocating. "begins" with (last items) being lowered into the ground by a sort of crane.) TO BE BURIED TO NIX BEING MOURNFUL. 20. TO BE MOURNFUL. NIX TO BE MOURNFUL. ( going through a graveyard. tombstones say the items). TO BE MOURNFUL TO NIX BEING NON-EXISTENT. 21. TO BE NONEXISTENT. NIX TO BE NONEXISTENT. (dead effigy riding on a pole on a golf cart through a mausoleum) TO BE NONEXISTENT TO NIX BEING DEAD. 22. TO BE DEAD. NIX TO BE DEAD. ( lying in a coffin rolling through rooms of mourners). TO BE DEAD TO NIX HAVING FAILED. 23. TO FAIL. NIX TO FAIL. (walking through a battlefield between barbed wire fences, items from fence poles). TO FAIL TO NIX BEING WIPED OUT. 24. TO BE WIPED OUT. NIX TO BE WIPED OUT. (battlefield with dying soldiers who say items). TO BE WIPED OUT TO NIX BEING APATHETIC. 25. TO BE APATHETIC. NIX TO BE APATHETIC. ( road through battlefield covered with dead & dying, mud etc.) TO BE APATHETIC TO NIX BEING DEFEATED. 26. TO BE DEFEATED. NIX TO BE DEFEATED. (battlefield with planes & tanks (who say items) fighting civil war style soldiers (who shout nixes). TO BE DEFEATED TO NIX BEING MURDEROUS. 27. TO BE MURDEROUS. NIX TO BE MURDEROUS. (walking on a wall, like the Chinese wall, above battlefield. exploding bombs say the items). TO BE MURDEROUS TO NIX BEING HATED. 28. TO BE HATED. NIX TO BE HATED. (in a railway carriage running between barbed wire fences in battlefield). TO BE HATED TO NIX BEING IGNORED. 29. TO BE IGNORED. NIX TO BE IGNORED. (railway carriage ? (or poling raft threw swamp?)) TO BE IGNORED TO NIX BEING BLAMED. 30. TO BE BLAMED. NIX TO BE BLAMED. (railway carriage - billboards say items) TO BE BLAMED TO NIX BEING UNCARING. 31. TO BE UNCARING. NIX TO BE UNCARING. (elegant railway car (like 1890's Tycoon's car) with people pleading & starving outside, begins (last items) with departure from trainshed) TO BE UNCARING TO NIX BEING POSSESSED. 32. TO BE POSSESSED. NIX TO BE POSSESSED. (TO BE TAKEN OVER [by a demon]) ( in trainshed, loudspeakers say items ) TO BE POSSESSED TO NIX BEING VENGEFUL. 33. TO BE VENGEFUL. NIX TO BE VENGEFUL. ( in the first backwards run, you are backing downstairs from the trainshed to the harbor, in the second forward run, you would be walking up stairs from the harbor to the trainshed - this is one of the occasional ones where you climb up a little instead of moving downward in the forward direction.) (Old European style (Italian?) houses to either side) TO BE VENGEFUL TO NIX BEING PERSECUTED. 34. TO BE PERSECUTED. NIX TO BE PERSECUTED. (running alongside harbor in the village by the end of the canal chased by townspeople with pitchforks who throw rocks and say the items). TO BE PERSECUTED TO NIX BEING PARANOID. 35. TO BE PARANOID. NIX TO BE PARANOID. (i.e. to be fearful without reason) (floating on dark water with heads on poles sticking out of the water saying the items, at the end (first items) you come to the harbor in the village) TO BE PARANOID TO NIX BEING PURPOSELESS. 36. TO BE PURPOSELESS. NIX TO BE PURPOSELESS. (canal, items from poles in water) TO BE PURPOSELESS TO NIX BEING SELF-CONFLICTING. 37. TO BE SELF-CONFLICTING. NIX TO BE SELF CONFLICTING. (i.e., to be at war with oneself) (canal, cottages along banks. you keep trying to go off in various directions simultaneously. You keep getting multiple pictures of he scenery as you separate & turn various ways simultaneously. You split on the items and recombine on the nix.) TO BE SELF-CONFLICTING TO NIX BEING COMBINED. 38. TO BE COMBINED. NIX TO BE COMBINED. (the body is on a pole in the gondola on the canal. cottages line the banks. copies of yourself (ghosts) fly in from the cottages and snap into the body). TO BE COMBINED TO NIX BEING DIVIDED. 39. TO BE DIVIDED. NIX TO BE DIVIDED. (canal boat, electrical storm, items come in with lightning bolts. stone docks at a distance to the sides, copies (ghosts) of you appear on the docks & walk away, get pulled back, etc.) TO BE DIVIDED TO NIX BEING UNCHANGING. 40. TO BE UNCHANGING. NIX TO BE UNCHANGING. (sailing in a boat/gondola like Venice, heads on barber poles sticking out of the water say the items). TO BE UNCHANGING TO NIX BEING SICK. 41. TO BE SICK. NIX TO BE SICK. (lying in a bed in a gondola on a Venice-like canal, bridges pass overhead). TO BE SICK TO NIX BEING HOPELESS. 42. TO BE HOPELESS. NIX TO BE HOPELESS. (riding down a canal like Venice, items from statues on sidewalks to either side). TO BE HOPELESS TO NIX BEING SELF-INVALIDATING. 43. TO BE SELF INVALIDATIVE. NIX TO BE SELF INVALIDATIVE. (or to self-invalidate). (canal, strange structures on the banks say the items). TO BE SELF-INVALIDATIVE TO NIX GIVING UP. 44. TO GIVE UP. NIX TO GIVE UP. (floating down canal in desert. pyramids on either side give items.) TO GIVE UP TO NIX FEELING MISERABLE. (previously I had to nix being hopeless here in the platen, before that, I had to nix being overwhelmed ? - I might still have some error here) ? (might be missing items here?) (Electrocuted) (see item 62 below) (Hallucinate) (Terrified) (Shocked) (Hypnotized) (Motion Sick) (In-Motion) 45. TO FEEL MISERABLE. NIX TO FEEL MISERABLE. (amusement ride in a box that jerks suddenly from side to side) TO FEEL MISERABLE TO NIX BEING UNCONSCIOUS. ? (might be missing items here?) 46. TO BE UNCONSCIOUS. NIX TO BE UNCONSCIOUS. (? maybe a rollercoaster car with plane rides etc. alongside). (originally seemed like open railway car between barbed wire in battlefield) TO BE UNCONSCIOUS TO NIX BEING HURT. ( to nix being smashed; then smashed (injured) to nix being reckless ?) 47. TO BE HURT. NIX TO BE HURT. (in car/cart going down steep mountain road smashing into things). TO BE HURT TO NIX BEING SELF-DESTRUCTIVE. 48. TO BE SELF-DESTRUCTIVE. NIX TO BE SELF-DESTRUCTIVE. (pits line the sides of the road with pointed stakes, rocks, acid, glass, etc. in them. item comes from pit. you step off edge & fall in, nix pulls you off & puts you back on road.) TO BE SELF-DESTRUCTIVE TO NIX BEING TRAPPED. 49. TO BE TRAPPED. NIX TO BE TRAPPED. ( going up and down on a pole. riding on a pole on a carousel horse, bars/poles & fake horses all around) TO BE TRAPPED TO NIX BEING LOST. (following 2 items might be out of place ?) 50. TO BE LOST. NIX TO BE LOST. (spinning plates? feeling disoriented? - but see to be unbalanced) TO BE LOST TO NIX BEING LOCATED. 51. TO BE LOCATED. NIX TO BE LOCATED. (walking down streets, heads/statues carved on buildings say items. walking down corridor, faces on doors saying items). TO BE LOCATED TO NIX BEING DISPERSED. (was to nix BEING ALONE). 52. TO BE DISPERSED. NIX TO BE DISPERSED. ( strapped to a bullseye on a flying target, things keep hitting you & pieces of the body fly off in all directions & then the nix pulls you back together.) TO BE DISPERSED TO NIX BEING OVERWHELMED. 53. TO BE OVERWHELMED. NIX TO BE OVERWHELMED. ( sliding, falling, being smashed, in the amusement park, this has pictures of other parts of the incident in it). TO BE OVERWHELMED TO NIX BEING PUNISHED. 54. TO BE PUNISHED. NIX TO BE PUNISHED. ( ? - some sort of amusement park ride where punching gloves & paddles hit you as your carried on a conveyor belt) TO BE PUNISHED TO NIX BEING DOMINEERING. 55. TO BE DOMINEERING. NIX TO BE DOMINEERING. (being carried through amusement park in a sedan chair). TO BE DOMINEERING TO NIX BEING CRIPPLED. 56. TO BE CRIPPLED. NIX TO BE CRIPPLED. (amusement park, bumper cars, parachute jump, boat ride into fun house etc.). TO BE CRIPPLED TO NIX BEING SPINNING. 57. TO BE SPINNING NIX TO BE SPINNING. (amusement park, steps. You're on a pole that spins as it hops down steps from the amusement park toward the harbor/canal area) TO BE SPINNING TO NIX BEING STOPPED. 58. TO BE STOPPED. NIX TO BE STOPPED. (amusement park car, keeps jamming in unpleasant places) TO BE STOPPED TO NIX BEING UNBALANCED. (to be dizzy) (to be unaffected) 59. TO BE UNBALANCED. NIX TO BE UNBALANCED. (spinning plates, plane rides, amusement park). TO BE UNBALANCED TO NIX GETTING WORSE. (? maybe missed items) (to be self controlled - see 133 below) (to be reckless) (to be controlled) 60. TO GET WORSE. NIX TO GET WORSE. ( in a cave underground. items from stalagmites & nix from floor. stairs in cave. begins (last items) with entering cave from wooded valley).(first item is WORSENED). TO GET WORSE TO NIX EXPERIENCING NOTHING. (was to nix BEING ELECTROCUTED). (to be drugged) (to be agonized) 61. TO EXPERIENCE NOTHING. NIX TO EXPERIENCE NOTHING. ( maybe heads in grottos in cave ? , hit with vacumes ) TO EXPERIENCE NOTHING TO NIX BEING ELECTROCUTED. 62. TO BE ELECTROCUTED. NIX TO BE ELECTROCUTED. (may be TO BE ELECTRIFIED) (like being in a giant pinball game. big fat round terminals on either side that deliver items and shocks. you rush towards the terminal which says the item & then at last moment something rushes down in front of you & says nix & stops you. The terminals sound high toned. in block 2 you hit the terminal and stick and get shocked until the nix. seems to take place underground.) TO BE ELECTROCUTED TO NIX BEING UNTHINKING. (this one might belong up around item 44) (? maybe missing items) (to be dismembered) (to be worried) 63. TO BE UNTHINKING. NIX TO BE UNTHINKING. ( swamp, boat ) TO BE UNTHINKING TO NIX BEING DEPRESSED. 64. TO BE DEPRESSED. NIX TO BE DEPRESSED. (poling a boat through the mud) TO BE DEPRESSED TO NIX BEING INDIFFERENT. 65. TO BE INDIFFERENT. NIX TO BE INDIFFERENT. (being dragged through a muddy swamp by snakes etc. who say the items) TO BE INDIFFERENT TO NIX BEING STUCK. 66. TO BE STUCK. NIX TO BE STUCK. (hopping in mud/tar, you are stuck on the items & lifted on the nix). TO BE STUCK TO NIX FLEEING. 67. TO BE FLEEING. NIX TO BE FLEEING. (to flee). (wading through swamp). TO FLEE TO NIX BEING INFESTED. 68. TO BE INFESTED. NIX TO BE INFESTED. (raft in marsh, lights (like fireflies/bugs) come in & enter your body on the items, has the sense of being infested with entities ( being targ-ridden)) TO BE INFESTED TO NIX BEING EVIL. (?missed items) 69. TO BE EVIL. NIX TO BE EVIL. ( creatures rise up out of the swamp and say the items ) TO BE EVIL TO NIX BEING UNIMPORTANT. 70. TO BE UNIMPORTANT. NIX TO BE UNIMPORTANT. (walking through a marsh. there are electric shocks with the items which are said by heads on stakes sticking up out of the water). TO BE UNIMPORTANT TO NIX BEING IMPLANTED. 71. TO BE IMPLANTED. NIX TO BE IMPLANTED. ( sitting in a chair being rolled forward, back, spun etc. in a tunnel like the Lincoln Tunnel in New York. The chair goes in loops, upside-down, etc. very fast. Ends (first items) with you stepping out of chair at end of tunnel to walk through swamp. The pictures are of other implants etc. The items come from the back of chair (head clamp) and the nix is from a helmet/plate across forehead. the chair also goes into a transparent tube and you fly out of the mountain and arch over down into the sea and through mud etc. and then back up and into the tunnels in the mountain etc. moves at express train speeds. At the beginning (last items) you are in a hospital wheelchair which changes into the chair that goes into the tunnel). TO BE IMPLANTED TO NIX BEING VISCOUS. (was to nix being insane) (? following may be out of sequence.) 72. TO BE VISCOUS. NIX TO BE VISCOUS. (stairs down cliffside to sea, continuing down into & under water). TO BE VISCOUS TO NIX BEING PURSUED. (this one was to be destructive) 73. TO BE PURSUED. NIX TO BE PURSUED. (running down through forest towards beach) TO BE PURSUED TO NIX BEING NERVOUS. 74. TO BE NERVOUS. NIX TO BE NERVOUS. (in the woods, trees say the items) TO BE NERVOUS TO NIX BEING CRIMINAL. 75. TO BE CRIMINAL. NIX TO BE CRIMINAL. (walking down streets in a 1930s like city) TO BE CRIMINAL TO NIX BEING DOCILE. 76. TO BE DOCILE. NIX TO BE DOCILE. (corridors ) TO BE DOCILE TO NIX BEING TREATED. 77. TO BE TREATED. NIX TO BE TREATED. (hospital corridors) TO BE TREATED TO NIX BEING INSANE. 78. TO BE INSANE. NIX TO BE INSANE. ( ends (first items) with you walking into hospital. begins (last items) walking up & down stairs in an art gallery. in between, you walk down city streets. everything is strange and crazy and turning. sometimes its like your in a glass tube and the city is revolving around you, swinging overhead and underneath you. There's a sort of kaleidoscope effect. TO BE INSANE TO NIX BEING CONDEMNED. 79. TO BE CONDEMNED. NIX TO BE CONDEMNED. (walking from court into jail, between rows of cells, prisoners say items). TO BE CONDEMNED TO NIX BEING DISHONEST. 80. TO BE DISHONEST. NIX TO BE DISHONEST. (jungle, animals saying items ?) TO BE DISHONEST TO NIX BEING ACCUSED? 81. TO BE ACCUSED. NIX TO BE ACCUSED. ( walking between pillars which say items ?) TO BE ACCUSED TO NIX BEING GUILT RIDDEN. 82. TO BE GUILT RIDDEN. NIX TO BE GUILT RIDDEN. ( faces on trees in forest say items. at end (first items), you come to steps leading to hall of justice.). TO BE GUILT RIDDEN TO NIX BEING TREASONOUS. 83. TO BE TREASONOUS. NIX TO BE TREASONOUS. (or to be traitorous or treacherous) (TBD [to be done], I have not yet run this one) TO BE TREASONOUS TO NIX BEING BLINDED. 84. TO BE BLINDED. NIX TO BE BLINDED. (TBD, not yet run) TO BE BLINDED TO NIX SPYING. 85. TO BE SPYING NIX TO BE SPYING. (TBD, not yet run) TO E SPYING TO NIX BEING BETRAYED. 86. TO BE BETRAYED. NIX TO BE BETRAYED. (TBD, not yet run) TO BE BETRAYED TO NIX BEING DEGRADED (?). (maybe missing items ?) (to be vilified) (to be treacherous) 87. TO BE DEGRADED. NIX TO BE DEGRADED. (?) (going down slide from cliffs to beach ?) TO BE DEGRADED TO NIX BEING ASHAMED. 88. TO BE ASHAMED. NIX TO BE ASHAMED. ( ? path up mountainside with lampposts saying items? or canal boat from amusement park?) TO BE ASHAMED TO NIX BEING PERVERTED. 89. TO BE PERVERTED. NIX TO BE PERVERTED. (walking through carnival. items come from booths. (? maybe starts or ends with getting in/out of canal boat ?) TO BE PERVERTED TO NIX HAVING CRAVINGS. 90. TO HAVE CRAVINGS. NIX TO HAVE CRAVINGS. (or TO CRAVE) (maybe going through a tent or shopping mall with things on display). TO HAVE CRAVINGS TO NIX BEING EMPTY. 91. TO BE EMPTY. NIX TO BE EMPTY. (floating above shopping mall, like a flying dream or maybe on a balloon like cushion. drifting down (maybe from ski lift)) TO BE EMPTY TO NIX BEING GLUTTONOUS. 92. TO BE GLUTTONOUS. NIX TO BE GLUTTONOUS. (on a restaurant terrace on a mountainside overlooking the shopping mall. you're at a table on a moving/revolving disk. at the end (first items) you're flung off of the balcony.) TO BE GLUTTONOUS TO NIX BEING REJECTED. 93. TO BE REJECTED. NIX TO BE REJECTED. (in a sort of concourse/mall-like tunnel in the side of a hill. support posts with faces say the items. the mall leads to the restaurant.). TO BE REJECTED TO NIX BEING DISGUSTING. 94. TO BE DISGUSTING. NIX TO BE DISGUSTING. (in a sort of subway station/tunnel, sewer-like) TO BE DISGUSTING TO NIX BEING TIDY. 95. TO BE TIDY. NIX TO BE TIDY. (to keep things neat, clean, etc.) (a carpeted elegant hallway, gaslights line the walls and say items) TO BE TIDY TO NIX BEING MESSY. (TO BE MESSY) (TO BE CLUNG-TO) (to be abandoned) (to be dependent) (TO BE UNFEELING) 99. TO BE SEXUAL. NIX TO BE SEXUAL. (?) TO BE SEXUAL TO NIX BEING ALONE. 100. TO BE ALONE. NIX TO BE ALONE. (?) TO BE ALONE TO NIX BEING TOGETHER. 101. TO BE TOGETHER. NIX TO BE TOGETHER. (TBD, not yet run) TO BE TOGETHER TO NIX BEING ISOLATED. 102. TO BE ISOLATED. NIX TO BE ISOLATED. (ice fields & snow bridges) TO BE ISOLATED TO NIX BEING CORRUPTING. (TO BE CORRUPTING) 104. TO BE CORRUPTED. NIX TO BE CORRUPTED. (TBD, not yet run) TO BE CORRUPTED TO NIX BEING INHIBITED. 105. TO BE INHIBITED. NIX TO BE INHIBITED. (?, maybe in a female body?) TO BE INHIBITED TO NIX BEING WANTON. 106. TO BE WANTON. NIX TO BE WANTON. (TBD, not yet run) TO BE WANTON TO NIX BEING FRUSTRATED. 107. TO BE FRUSTRATED. NIX TO BE FRUSTRATED. (?) TO BE FRUSTRATED TO NIX ? ? 109. TO BE DISINTERESTED. NIX TO BE DISINTERESTED. (TBD, not yet run) TO BE DISINTERESTED TO NIX BEING DISAPPOINTED. 110. TO BE DISAPPOINTED. NIX TO BE DISAPPOINTED. (? aerial high road, city below?) TO BE DISAPPOINTED TO NIX BEING SELFISH. (SELFISH) 112. TO BE HUMAN. NIX TO BE HUMAN. (walking out of black water onto a beach in sunlight [maybe around to be viscous?]. walking around beach on island, ground & rocks saying items. maybe pedaling backwards on a unicycle?) TO BE HUMAN TO NIX BEING ? ? (ENRAGED) (DROPPED) (CARRIED) (ski lift?) 117. TO BE EXHAUSTED. NIX TO BE EXHAUSTED. (trudging up a mountain slope from a beach, eventually reaching the snow. maybe a ski lift at the top?) TO BE EXHAUSTED TO NIX BEING OVEREXERTED. (OVEREXERTED) ? (to feel miserable?) 120. TO HALLUCINATE. NIX TO HALLUCINATE. (to be hallucinating) (some sort of car going down (backing up) steep mountain roads, sometimes its a plane or a parade float, sometimes it seems like you're going down an airstrip in a golf cart ?) TO HALLUCINATE TO NIX BEING TERRIFIED. 121. TO BE TERRIFIED. NIX TO BE TERRIFIED. (a plane or a rollercoaster or a funhouse ride in an amusement park). TO BE TERRIFIED TO NIX BEING FOOLISH (?) 122. TO BE FOOLISH. NIX TO BE FOOLISH. (path through park with lampposts, walking through a zoo, stairs in park?) TO BE FOOLISH TO NIX BEING RESPONSIBLE (?) 123. TO BE RESPONSIBLE. NIX TO BE RESPONSIBLE. (going down a steep slope in a car. highway lampposts give the item. the car is single seat, open top, very fast. block 5 is on an elevated trestle (in the car) going up and down on each pair of items, car does a loop-de-loop). TO BE RESPONSIBLE TO NIX BEING IRRESPONSIBLE. (IRRESPONSIBLE) (BURDENED) (trudging through primitive village carrying things?) 126. TO BE NEGLIGENT. NIX TO BE NEGLIGENT. (sailboats). TO BE NEGLIGENT TO NIX BEING CAREFUL. 127. TO BE CAREFUL. NIX TO BE CAREFUL. (TBD, not yet run) TO BE CAREFUL TO NIX BEING CRUSHED. 128. TO BE CRUSHED. NIX TO BE CRUSHED. (on a conveyor belt, factory like. steel cylinders come down & crush you or moving walls (plates) slam into you from the sides. the machinery says the items. TO BE CRUSHED TO NIX BEING INATTENTIVE. 129. TO BE INATTENTIVE. NIX TO BE INATTENTIVE. (TBD, not yet run) TO BE INATTENTIVE TO NIX BEING SELF-CRITICAL (?) 130. TO BE SELF-CRITICAL. NIX TO BE SELF-CRITICAL. (going down park stairways with landings?) TO BE SELF-CRITICAL TO NIX BEING CARELESS. (CARELESS) ? 133. TO BE SELF-CONTROLLED. NIX TO BE SELF-CONTROLLED. (on a scooter being jerked from side to side. coming down from jungle? going to amusement park?) TO BE SELF-CONTROLLED TO NIX BEING RECKLESS ? (RECKLESS) ? 136. TO BE REGRETFUL. NIX TO BE REGRETFUL. (floating back from a plane crash. airfield. ? sailboats, faces on sails) TO BE REGRETFUL TO NIX BEING INCOMPETENT. 137. TO BE INCOMPETENT. NIX TO BE INCOMPETENT. (to be flubbing) TO BE INCOMPETENT TO NIX BEING ENSLAVED. 138. TO BE ENSLAVED. NIX TO BE ENSLAVED. (?) TO BE ENSLAVED TO NIX BEING CRUEL. 139. TO BE CRUEL. NIX TO BE CRUEL. (carnival or suburbs or town city?) TO BE CRUEL TO NIX ? ? (to be irritated) (to be exploited) (to be resisted) (to be misled) 141. TO BE ASLEEP. NIX TO BE ASLEEP. (fluffy landscape, soft roads, stuffed animals on either side saying items) TO BE ASLEEP TO NIX BEING TIRED. (TO BE TIRED) ? 144. TO BE CRITICAL. NIX TO BE CRITICAL. (aerial road in heaven?, there is an electrical snap to the nix) TO BE CRITICAL TO NIX BEING CRITICIZED. 145. TO BE CRITICIZED. NIX TO BE CRITICIZED. (broad stairway in the air, statues along sides, running down to (first items) the top of a mountain, coming from (last items) a long gossamer bridge. TO BE CRITICIZED TO NIX BEING ARROGANT. 146. TO BE ARROGANT. NIX TO BE ARROGANT. (roads in the sky) TO BE ARROGANT TO NIX BEING WRONG. (WRONG) ? 148. TO BE IMPORTANT. NIX TO BE IMPORTANT. (a road in the air, pennants on poles say the items. backing up towards a crystal city in the sky) TO BE IMPORTANT TO NIX BEING BOTHERED. 149. TO BE BOTHERED. NIX TO BE BOTHERED. (TBD, not yet run) TO BE BOTHERED TO NIX BEING POWERFUL (?) (POWERFUL) (TROUBLED) ? (TO HAVE PICTURES) (to look at pictures or have pictures to nix being unseeing) 153. TO BE UNSEEING. NIX TO BE UNSEEING. (walking on a foggy pier, painful flashes of lights on each item. coming from a sewer tunnel (?) TO BE UNSEEING TO NIX BEING REVOLTED. 154. TO BE REVOLTED. NIX TO BE REVOLTED. (TBD, not yet run) TO BE REVOLTED TO NIX BEING AFFECTED. 155. TO BE AFFECTED. NIX TO BE AFFECTED. (?) TO BE AFFECTED TO NIX ? ? (to be tough) (to be fragile) (to be callus) (to be slovenly) (to have nothing) (to be possessive) 157. TO BE MASSLESS. NIX TO BE MASSLESS. (going through doorways, like walking through a railroad flat type apartment). TO BE MASSLESS TO NIX BEING SOLID. 158. TO BE SOLID. NIX TO BE SOLID. (going through iron archways. maybe on a traincar with signal bridges passing overhead, you stop with a jerk on the item and move on the nix). TO BE SOLID TO NIX BEING DISPERSED? ? (to be altered) (to be incomplete) (to be blocked) (to be irradiated) (to be distracted) (to forget) (to lose? or to regret) 159. TO LEVITATE. NIX TO LEVITATE. (walking on a transparent bridge in the sky. all the pictures are of overts). *********** * * * I haven't run much beyond this. Gradually you back up on an aerial stairway until you reach the gates of heaven. *********** * * * (to unconsciously create) (to automatically create) (to compulsively create) 160. TO BE CAST OUT NIX TO BE CAST OUT (thrown out of heaven) (gates of heaven) 161. TO BE IN HEAVEN NIX TO BE IN HEAVEN (path through clouds from the heavenly city down to the gates) (to be controlled?) (to be rebellious) 162. TO BE GOOD NIX TO BE GOOD (items like being obedient, respectful, etc.) (finally you back up all the way to God's Throne) 163. TO BE CREATED NIX TO BE CREATED (The top item is you being created by God). end of Hellatrobus Goals List ========================= 3. EARLIER HELLATROBUS IMPLANTS Although I have referred to the prison planet implant as being Hellotrobian, I believe that the old Hellatrobus empire is long gone in this galaxy. I think that there are still Hellotroban fanatics around who sell their services as implanters (to make people good) and specialize in prison planets. Whoever set this place up simply hired them. The Hellatoban symbology includes the staircase to heaven, pearly gates, trainsheds, trolley cars, small town banks, idyllic pastures, angels, devils, crosses, mortuaries, and peaceful small town and bucolic scenery. A great deal of Hellatroban symbols were added to Christianity in the medieval period, but please note that this does not mean that Christianity was started by Hellatrobus. Except for the cross (which is a much more basic symbol and not exclusive to Hellatrobus), none of this stuff is in early translations of the Bible (some of it is in later altered versions). The Hellatroban effort is to twist local religions into its sweeping effort to make others good by implanting. The Buddhists tended to avoid this because Buddha rejected heaven as being part of the trap (his argument was that if you accept Heaven, then you also accept Hell and you will spend your existence bouncing back and forth between them). But I think you will find a lot of Hellatrobian stuff in the other eastern religions. Hellatrobus actually prefers to blend sex in with religion and their preference would be to have temple orgies rather than celibacy. But they will work with an anti-sex religion if they have to. Either way, they insist on controlling sex and condemn its practice outside of the control of the church because they see it as a weapon and means of control. It works best in a must have / can't have atmosphere and so they object strenuously to a loose and laize farre attitude on the subject. The current Hellatrobus implant includes pictures of radioactive clouds etc., but it may be an almost accurate representation of the earlier use of the Hellatrobus implants, intended to restimulate and confuse you about when it happened. It don't think that the earlier one, used by the Hellotrobian empire in this galaxy a long time ago, was anywhere near as complex as the current implant, but I didn't spend much time trying to research it. The earliest versions of this implant go back before this universe (I don't think they were called Hellotrobian then, but the name will suffice). They get much simpler. The earliest one I could find seemed to be used in the thought universe but it uses symbols universe style constructions so maybe it actually comes from an even earlier period. This early one, which I will refer to as the "Basic Hellotrobian Implant" made extensive use of penalty universe symbols along with the standard Hellatrobian style scenery. I did some work on this one and what I got of it is given below. There are even earlier religious implants, such as the "Dear Souls Implant" (later in this write-up) and the false jewel of knowledge. This is the flip side of the coin from the implants intended to make slaves (such as the ones in OT2 and things like the amusement park goals etc.). It seems like it all goes back to the reality wars (see the cosmic history). The crowd pushing three dimensions eventually launched implants to create enforced agreement with MEST and to make slaves and the fourth dimensional crew countered with implants pushing religion, heaven, and sexual sensation, all of which exceed the normal three dimensional framework. Perhaps I shouldn't have been so critical of Ron's comment about the psychs and priests (see "What is/isn't true"), but the remark was terribly shallow compared to the real truth and it was unjustly harsh on the many well intentioned individuals in these professions. Don't bother looking for the bad guys behind all of this. We all take turns and switch sides frequently as well. The whole conflict stems from the subtle wrong data given us in the original jewel of knowledge and the only way out is for us to drop the whole thing. ----------------------- THE BASIC HELLATROBUS IMPLANT I date this as around 2 1/2 quadrillion years ago ( 2576 trillions). This is done to thetan energy beings. The construction is a 3D space built sideways so that it seems like a 2D flat picture floating in space. It looks interesting, so you float over and get drawn in. In front of the picture floating in space is a row of the 64 penalty universe terminals, leading down into the picture. You're drawn to the row and enter it and move from terminal to terminal hearing the "price" items (see the penalty universe master list - these price items were use in many different implants). As you pass the last terminal (the pyramid), you look into the picture and see the opening scene with the trolley car and the building and the bank (like a small town bank) with a nice looking little boy (?) body standing in front of it. You go down and enter it (to get away from the pyramid) and become the child. You go into the bank and find the escalator and ride it up to heaven. Pillars along side the escalator have the faces of the penalty terminals and they say the 64 "survive" lines (see the penalty universe master list). At the top you go through 64 scenes. Each depicts a penalty universe goal/terminal. You see one and then an atomic light glows and you get an implant GPM that carries the goal down to its inversion. In other words, create goes to destroy, cause goes to effect, all the way down to endure being turned around into "to be ended". The items seem to follow a CDEI style patter such as enforced creation opposing inhibited destruction but I didn't bother working out the platen because the entire scene can be blown by spotting the penalty universe native state item for the goal. So you just spot the inversion of create into destroy, ITSA the scene a bit if necessary, and then spot "to create is native state" to FN. Then do the next goal. After you get indoctrinated by the 64 scenes in heaven, you're taken before god's throne and told that you are too evil to remain in heaven. You're cast out and fall down into the pit of hell. Once there, you go through 64 tortures. Each begins with the inversion item in its strongest form, i.e. "TO CREATE IS TO DESTROY, ABSOLUTABLY", and then you're tossed into a pit of fire or frozen in ice or whatever. They go through all 64 inversions ending with "TO ENDURE IS TO BE ENDED, ABSOLUTABLY" and then angels come and rescue you. Then you're made to promise to be good (they toss you in again and the whole thing repeats if you don't), given a shove and come out of the picture in a daze. This was apparently meant to lay in the symbols of Hellatrobus by use of the earlier charge on the penalty universes. I think they went through some vast research effort to get a bit of the penalty universes so that they could put some punch behind their symbols of pearly gates and angels and things. I think they had the idea that they could take over anywhere by having a set of symbols that everyone would react to. ========================= 4. THE DEAR SOULS IMPLANT 18 Oct 90. This could be called the Ethics implant. Have you noticed these people who feel that they need to be controlled and disciplined? The sort who say that they need to have someone make them put their ethics in? If someone is being criminal, either they have it all nicely justified and not-ised or they confront it and reform. If somebody really thought they were out-ethics, they'd do something about it. But here we have someone who's saying "I don't know what's what, but somehow or other I must be being bad and that's what's wrong with me, so I need someone else to come over and jerk me around and evaluate for me and help me be good". The real psychos are down in the negative goal inversions and its all unreal. They'd never say something like this. The ordinary criminal is into the O/M, O/W, and O/J sequences and is not very likely to own up to his misdeeds. The last thing he wants is to have someone else put his ethics in. Now the average decent person could sure use some help understanding and confronting things, and he likes to have some nice guidelines about the proper things to do, but he doesn't need a policeman standing over his shoulder to get him to do them. But many of these people literally crave the presence of someone who'll tell them what terrible sinners they are and force them to behave. This is completely insane and irrational. If you hear a statement like this, you tend to dub in a factor of reasonability. You see him saying "I'm bad and I need my ethics put in" and you think that its his out ethics behavior that's making him say this. Since you can probably see that he does have some out-ethics (its pretty common), you think that that is what he's talking about. But its not! If he could get his hands on some real out-ethics, he'd just change his behavior. What he's talking about is his normal sane behavior. He has the mistaken idea that somewhere in there is some terrible criminality such as the overt of being alive and breathing, and he wants some other determined viewpoint to come along and cure him of this. This is all the result of an implant that convinced him that people were basically bad and needed to have other determined ethics pushed in on them. It sold him on the idea that what was wrong with him was his own inherent evil nature and the basic evil nature of others. It made him think that civilization depended on people policing each other from moment to moment. And it made him crave external enforcement to keep him good. In its recent form, this is the dear souls implant. It is actually a between lives implant used on the people in the dear souls civilization which spread across much of the inner core of the galaxy in the wake of the collapse of an earlier slave oriented militaristic empire (with some of the characteristics of Nazi Germany and Rome under Caesar). When the revolutionaries got control, they decided to stamp out war and strife forever and began implanting everyone to make them good. I get a date of 7 trillion, 753 million years ago as the first time I received this in this universe. In an earlier form, this was also used at various times and places in the magic universe. Basic on this seems to be early in the Symbols universe, maybe around 50 quadrillion years ago. Supposedly, it was first done to solve the problem of people dramatizing the inverted penalty goals (from the treadmill), but it never accomplished this. That was just a justifier put out by the government. The real purpose was to keep people in their place, quietly doing their jobs and not revolting. It made good servants out of the bulk of the population. There are differences between the various versions, and a great deal of things in these implants that I have not researched out in detail. The goals are late on the chain and not as deeply entrenched as the penalty universe goals, so you should be able to blow the whole mess just by spotting a few key things. INSTRUCTIONS FOR RUNNING: The following is done for each of the 20 goals given in the goals list below. 1. Spot "TO BE (goal) IS NATIVE STATE" This is the first item of the original implant used in the symbols universe. 2. Spot "TO CREATE (positive goal state) IS NATIVE STATE". This is the first item of a later version of the implant. 3. Spot "TO DESTROY (negative goal state) IS NATIVE STATE". This goes with item 2 above. 4. Another version uses the entire series of 64 penalty goals from Create down to Endure. The format is: TO BE IS TO CREATE (positive goal state) TO BE IS TO MOCK UP (positive goal state) ... etc. .... TO BE IS TO ENDURE ANYTHING FOR THE SAKE OF (positive goal state) Spot the 3 items above plus a few more if needed to get the mass to key out. Note that items like "to be is to eat ethics" are part of this platen with the sense of drawing in Ethics through your mouth and incorporating it into your beingness. But the wording might better be stated as "to be is to absorb ethics", because that is closer to the sense of the item. 5. After number 4 above, the implant uses the 64 inverted penalty goals on the negative goal state (i.e., destroying out-ethics) running from dissipate to destroy (i.e., reverse order). TO BE IS TO DISSIPATE (negative goal state). ... etc. .... TO BE IS TO UNMOCK (negative goal state). TO BE IS TO DESTROY (negative goal state). Spot the above 3 items and a few more if needed to key this out. They erred in using this on people because it includes items like "to be is to misunderstand out-ethics" which messed up their idea of people policing each other. 6. The earliest versions include a splitter where you push parts of yourself onto others to make them behave (see the write-up on CEs etc.). Spot pushing yourself onto others and compelling them to be (positive goal state). Spot pushing yourself onto others and inhibiting them from being (negative goal state). (per later research, you should have any pieces you spot "point to the being you divided from"). Also, if necessary, handle any recent overts of forcing others to be (positive goal state) or inhibiting others from being (negative goal state). Here we're not looking for sane and reasonable efforts to get others to improve but rather we're looking for the heavy make wrong type crush ethics. 7. Spot any entities that were pushed on to you to compel you to be (positive goal state) or inhibit you from being (negative goal state). Handle by having them spot the false data in the implant and by spotting the top item (#1 above). (or use point to the being you divided from). 8. Spot wanting to be compelled by others to be (positive goal state) and inhibited by others from being (negative goal state). Spot the fact that these cravings were laid in by the implant. 9. Spot the false implanted datum that people are basically (negative goal state). 10. Spot the misconception that this implant is necessary to your well being and to the well being of others. 11. Spot "TO CREATE IS NATIVE STATE". Spot this for yourself and for any partially awake entities that haven't quite blown yet. Notice that this goes back much earlier than any of the above items (i.e., the penalty universes are much much earlier). 12. If necessary, spot "TO AGREE IS NATIVE STATE", and spot building the agreements universe before that. Again, spot this both for yourself and any partially awake entities that haven't quite blown. If it hasn't keyed out completely, spot overts of designing this implant, or doing it to others, or wanting others implanted with this, or forcing others to be (positive goal). DEAR SOULS IMPLANT - GOAL LIST The format is: TO BE (positive goal) (TO CREATE (positive goal state) / TO DESTROY (negative goal state) ) Although other prefixes besides create and destroy are used with these goal states, this seems to be the clearest way of writing these items. Note that out-ethics can also be translated as criminality. Some of the items are a bit difficult to translate and you may have to work them around a bit. Note that these always represent states of beingness rather than trying to inflow something (i.e., it is making people have sympathetic natures rather than getting them to sympathize with you). 1. TO BE ETHICAL (to create ethics / to destroy out-ethics). 2. TO BE RESOURCEFUL (to create resourcefulness / to destroy complacency). 3. TO BE SYMPATHETIC (to create sympathy / to destroy callousness) 4. TO BE DUTIFUL (to create dutifulness / to destroy carelessness) 5. TO BE RESPONSIBLE (to create responsibility / to destroy irresponsibility). 6. TO BE HONORABLE (to create honor / to destroy dishonor). 7. TO BE LOYAL (to create loyalty / to destroy disloyalty). 8. TO BE TRUSTWORTHY (to create trustworthiness / to destroy betrayal) 9. TO BE INDUSTRIOUS (to create industriousness / to destroy laziness) 10. TO BE MERCIFUL (to create mercifulness / to destroy vengefulness) 11. TO BE OBEDIENT (to create obedience / to destroy disobedience) 12. TO BE PATIENT (to create patience / to destroy impatience) 13. TO BE HELPFUL (to create helpfulness / to destroy unhelpfulness) 14. TO BE CARING (to create caring / to destroy uncaring) 15. TO BE PROTECTIVE (to create protectiveness / to destroy unprotectiveness) 16. TO BE THRIFTY (to create thriftiness / to destroy wastefulness) 17. TO BE POLITE (to create politeness / to destroy rudeness) 18. TO BE RESPECTFUL (to create respectfullness / to destroy disrespectfullness) 19. TO BE GOOD (to create goodness / to destroy badness) 20. TO BE REVERENT (to create reverence / to destroy irreverence). It shouldn't be necessary to run the hundreds of detail items that were implanted on each of these 20 goals. Just use the dozen steps given above to key out the whole mess. ---------- It reminds me a bit of the boy scout's code. You can see the sweetness and light nature of this in the use of items such as politeness and by the choice of bad rather than evil as the opposite of good. It's insidious in that the items all seem nice enough that they tend to draw you into agreement. You were basically good (most of the time) prior to receiving this implant, so the item seems reasonable to you. It seems like a good idea to implant everyone into being good, like it would make a golden age or something. But it doesn't. It makes crazy people who become fanatic on enforcing goodness and destroy badness. Eventually, the idea of being good just makes people's flesh crawl. Since you become what you resist, the end product of this is a society of rude, lazy, and dishonorable people who preach at you all the time about being good. End of Dear Souls Implant =========================================