From Thu Dec 18 14:00:24 1997 Path: szdc!!!!!!!!!!Sprint!!!demon!!not-for-mail Newsgroups:,alt.spiritual.enhancement From: (The Pilot) Subject: Super Scio <1 of 11> SELF CLEARING BOOK Organization: The Pilot's hidden place Lines: 1603 Date: 18 Dec 1997 14:00:24 Message-ID: Reply-To: Distribution: world NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: szdc alt.spiritual.enhancement:833 -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- SELF CLEARING FILE #1 OF 11 --------------------------------------------- Copyright 1997 All commercial rights are reserved to the author, who currently wishes to remain anonymous and therefore is writing under the pen name of "The Pilot". Individuals may freely copy these files on the internet for their own use and they may be made available on any web server who does not charge for them and who does not alter their contents. --------------------------------------------- SELF CLEARING A handbook for self enlightenment By The Pilot ================= CONTENTS PREFACE ADVICE AND WARNINGS IF YOU GET IN TROUBLE CHAPTER 1: BEGINNING STEPS CHAPTER 2: REACH AND WITHDRAW CHAPTER 3: THOUGHTS, EMOTIONS, AND ATTITUDES CHAPTER 4: SUBJECTIVE PROCESSES CHAPTER 5: STUDY CHAPTER 6: CONFRONTING THE PAST CHAPTER 7: WILLINGNESS AND ACCESSIBILITY CHAPTER 8: COMMUNICATION BARRIERS CHAPTER 9: MORE ON COMMUNICATIONS CHAPTER 10: THE DUPLICATION FACTOR CHAPTER 11: EXTERIORIZATION CHAPTER 12: HELP CHAPTER 13: CHANGE AND NO CHANGE CHAPTER 14: PROTEST CHAPTER 15: PROBLEMS CHAPTER 16: MUST HAVE AND CAN'T HAVE CHAPTER 17: MUST AVOID AND CAN'T GET RID OF CHAPTER 18: CAUSE CHAPTER 19: OVERTS, MOTIVATORS, AND WITHHOLDS CHAPTER 20: A STEP FURTHER OUT CHAPTER 21: AFFINITY, REALITY, AND COMMUNICATION CHAPTER 22: MORE ON UPSETS CHAPTER 23: TRICKERY AND FALSE DATA CHAPTER 24: SUPPRESSION CHAPTER 25: JUSTIFICATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITY CHAPTER 26: REPRESSION CHAPTER 27: KEEPING YOURSELF MOVING CHAPTER 28: INCIDENT RUNNING CHAPTER 29: HANDLING LOSS CHAPTER 30: LOCATIONS CHAPTER 31: ADVANCED INCIDENT RUNNING CHAPTER 32: INCREASING PERCEPTION AND ORIENTATION CHAPTER 33: SOURCES AND OTHER ADVANCED MECHANICS CHAPTER 34: IMPLANTS CHAPTER 35: ENTRY POINTS CHAPTER 36: ENTRY INTO THIS UNIVERSE CHAPTER 37: UNIVERSES CHAPTER 38: ENTITIES AND SPIRITUAL FRAGMENTS CHAPTER 39: ENERGY CHAPTER 40: MACHINERY CHAPTER 41: BODIES CHAPTER 42: OBJECTS AND INFINITY CHAPTER 43: ADVANCED CONCEPTS CHAPTER 44: ETHICS, MORALITY, AND THE DYNAMICS CHAPTER 45: AESTHETICS CHAPTER 46: THE UPPER DYNAMICS CHAPTER 47: POSTULATES CHAPTER 48: NEXT STEPS APPENDIX A: NOTES FOR PROFESSIONALS APPENDIX B: CORRECTION LIST APPENDIX C: COFS EQUIVALENTS ================= SELF CLEARING: PREFACE "And The Truth Shall Set You Free" - Jesus of Nazareth The truth shall not seek you, you must go forth and search for it. And laying hands upon it, you must clean the dirt from the gemstone, separating the wisdom from the falsity which has been encrusted around it. For mortals, when they find the divine, rarely let it soar upwards but instead surround it with their desires for wealth and power and self-righteousness. For this you need tools. This book is a tool kit for the seekers after truth. ================= SELF CLEARING: INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE The hardest road is the road that you walk alone. But the bridge that you build with your own hands is the most satisfying to walk upon. Here is a guidebook for those who would find their own way out of the trap. This will be an introductory book in the sense that it will not assume that the reader has already engaged upon any particular course of study, but it is not really a beginners book. It will demand much of the reader and will pull no punches as far as introducing powerful and advanced concepts. Unlike most metaphysical books, this one will include a great deal of mental exercises and techniques. The theories will be intertwined with practical actions to clear oneself of mental barriers and aberrations and to regain abilities, awareness, and recall of one's past existence. For this I must thank L. Ron Hubbard who showed the way. In the 1950s, during the early Scientology research, he took many of the ideas of metaphysics and turned them from abstract contemplations into exercises that could be drilled and strengthened. The approach was valid and the current techniques of Scientology are still valid, but they have deteriorated into a shadow of what was present in the early days and they are buried under the weight of fixed ideas (a limited application which Scientology refers to as "Standard Tech") and rigid and abusive policies. This book is the next step beyond Hubbard's powerful early work in the days before Scientology was cast in concrete. It is dedicated to the creation of self-clearing individuals who can find their own way out of the trap. We do not have all the answers. We do not have a complete road map. But metaphysics is now going through the equivalent of the industrial revolution. I invite you to participate in the forefront of this revolution. - ------- Spiritual Orientation: If we continue beyond the withering and death of our mortal shells, then the most reasonable conclusion would be that we live many lives. To live one life and then be fixed and frozen in position for all of eternity would not only be cruel, it would also be absurd and a waste of life-force. If one lives again in the future, then the logical conclusion is that one has lived before as well and that some mechanism interferes with the recollection of it. If we are immortal spirits, then there are only two possibilities, namely that we are creations, set upon our road like clockwork toys by a greater being, or that we are parts of the creator. The shadows of creative power that remain to us, whether symphonies or paintings or stories, show that we do have the capabilities of creation. And the projection of our own realities within our dreams show that this creativity can be extended to the creation of material forms from nothingness. If we create, then we are creators rather than creations. This implies that we are fragments or mirror images of God, portions of His consciousness which are trapped within the created universes. If God made man in his own image, then that image would be bodiless for how could God be locked within a body. And that image would be capable of creating because the matter and energy within the universes does not create itself. Furthermore, if we are part of God, then we have decayed from a godlike state, for God would not begin in a trapped condition. This tells us that the problem must be due to blockage added on rather than an inherent lack of ability. In other words, the aberrations (distortions) and inabilities are due to additives rather than things which are missing. Before all creations, there can only be nothingness. Therefore, God must be a nothingness with the power to conceive and create. This implies that at basic there is no personality for there would be no context in which a personality could manifest. So let us put aside all personification of God and instead refer to an infinite nothingness with the potential for infinite creation. And the creation would take place to balance the nothingness with somethingness. And thus God would be all accepting and all embracive. And from this it could be said that God is love. Not just love of goodness, but love of ALL. And the only evil would be in denying one's true nature as part of this infinite and creative nothingness. And as shadows or fragments or children of God, we too would each be a nothingness of infinite potential, striving to create and engaging in an exchange of creations. And our decay, at basic, would consist of denials of our true nature. Decisions to not create, not to experience, not to perceive, and not to communicate; Denials of responsibility and causation. And by our very nature, no blockage would succeed unless we ourselves created it. - ------- THE DECISIONS For the sake of an easier road, I will ask you to make a number of decisions and adopt a number of attitudes which will aid your progress. These are not prerequisites. If you can't accept some of these, then carry on anyway. These are things that I believe an advanced student will come to eventually and which will seem natural and rational to you when you are far enough along. If you can accept them now, it will act as a shortcut. These are not absolutes, and an advanced student would apply them with understanding rather than blind faith. But in the absence of full awareness, you will be right a majority of the time if you use these rather than their opposites. 1. Communication All indications are that willful decisions not to communicate were a significant part of the original factors which caused us to deteriorate. In any situation where you are unsure as to whether to say something or not, your best course (lacking any other reasons) would be to communicate rather than to keep your mouth shut. One of Hubbard's most famous quotes is "When in doubt, communicate". And if you do get in trouble for communicating, the solution is often to communicate more rather than to back down. 2. Confront Flinching at things and backing down from them leaves them free to operate against you. That which is not confronted tends to persist. That which is fully viewed tends to come back under one's control and ceases to affect one adversely. And so it is generally better to face up to things rather than to suppress them or hide them. 3. Forgiveness We have been at each others throats for a long time, in a mutually destructive tit for tat. We have taken turns for lifetime after lifetime playing good guys and bad guys. Both Jesus and Buddha saw this one and it is an important part of the road out. If you need more encouragement, then please realize that forgiving others lessens the weight of your own karma, for in forgiving them you forgive yourself as well. And we have all been around long enough to have tried every possible role and committed every dastardly deed at least a few times. The only way out is mutual forgiveness and an abandonment of vengeance and getting even. 4. Responsibility At the top, responsibility means causation and control rather than blame. If you are responsible for something, it is part of your creation and if you reject responsibility and shift blame to others, it is a denial of self and an abandonment of control. In modern times people fight to avoid responsibility, but in the early days we fought to become the one who was responsible for something, for with responsibility comes power. 5. Love Love is the highest form of acceptance. Here is the way to embrace and permeate the universe and it can be used to dissolve as well as to encourage. For with love, an evil thing can be brought to fulfillment and changed so that it need no longer struggle to maintain its evil. Turning again to the wisdom of Jesus, we find "Love thy neighbor as thyself", "Love thine enemies", and "God is Love". 6. Wisdom Knowledge is power. Do not be afraid to learn anything. Do not flinch from complexity or difficulty. Learn everything you can, and do not be satisfied with the mere collection of data but strive for understanding and practical application. Always search for the reasons why that lie behind things. 7. Rightness Rightness is earned and comes most to those who are willing to be wrong. Never blindly cling to your own correctness and always be willing to re-examine your premises. The road our is long and complex and you will have to revise your thinking many times along the way. Be flexible and allow yourself to grow. 8. Viewpoints At basic we are all interconnected in the infinite nothingness of which we are a part. Anyone can and has taken on any role. Strive to see things from other's viewpoints as well as your own. At the top, mutually exclusive and contradictory viewpoints can be held simultaneously. Consider playing both sides of a chess game. As black one is determined that black shall win and as white one intends the opposite. One person can hold both ideas. This is the key to dissolving a game in which one has become entrapped. Furthermore, your efforts to communicate with others are best done from the context of their viewpoints rather than your own. 9. Life Do not reject life. Do not suppress all desire. Do not seek to stop all motion. As you expand, you become more alive and more in motion. You can have more things and enjoy more things. At the top it is infinite creation and the motion and the things that you have are also infinite for you can create them at will. But do not let yourself be ruled by passions or desires. Do not allow yourself to be consumed by greed or lust. Do not become so attached to the physical that you become entrapped within it. Broader, lighter desires lead outward. Narrow, fixated desires lead to entrapment. Enjoy passions and desires as part of the richness of your creation, but always at your will. Do not let them dominate. You are the greater and they are the shadows that you create by choice to add interest and variety to life. 10. Help The best help is that help which eliminates the need for help. It is far better to teach someone to make money rather than to give them money, for with the one comes dependence and with the other comes greater ability and freedom. We are in this together and there is a great need for us to help each other. But "God helps those who help themselves" and you would be wise to do the same. Give help freely. Do not use it as a means of domination. And most important, if you yourself wish to attain freedom and enlightenment, then guide others on the same path. The best way to learn something is to teach, and the best way to gain something is to share it with others. 11. Opponents If you are striving to be the best at something, always do it by raising your own skills and never by diminishing the skills of your competitors. You run fastest when there is somebody in front of you setting the pace. Always be glad to have a strong competitor for it leads you towards new hights. We are not really in competition. It is only a game. In the long run we will all be teammates together in the game of escaping from the trap. Do not crush your opponents. You will want them around later. 12. Goals We are all capable of infinite creation. There is no shortage of resources at the top. Appearances to the contrary, we are not in competition with each other. The idea that only one will survive is false. An immortal godlike being's greatest need is for others like himself all adding to the richness and variety of creation for that is the only way to avoid boredom and hubris. Work towards greater ability and creativity both for yourself and others. - ------- This book is not a complete answer. It is the beginning of a long and difficult, but most rewarding road. It is my goal to leave the reader better prepared than any past student of metaphysics. Oriented to the highest truths and the most advanced techniques, the student begins as an initiate rather than a novice. When we introduce children to science, we do not hide the existence of chemistry or physics or nuclear energy. The entire framework is presented early. But this does not substitute for the long and detailed study needed to master these areas. They know the law of gravity and the basic principles involved, but they are a far cry from calculating orbital insertion speeds. Studying this book is a beginning rather than an end. - ------- By working alone instead of with an expert practitioner who already knows the territory, you are constrained to moving forward in a simple and orderly series of steps, taking each action as far as you can. By doing this entire book, you will raise your ability and horsepower even though you might not completely master each step on the first time through. You will then be in a position to go through the book a second time, taking each action further as needed. It is this second pass that will give strength and stability. This means that you cannot count on handling any specific difficulty as you go through the book. Instead you are working for a general gain in ability with the confidence that eventually you will push through the various things that are currently bothering you. So don't judge your progress by any specific standard such as a problem or disability that you feel should be handled. That will only lead to invalidating the real progress that you might be making. The only valid criteria for judging your progress on this route would be in terms of a broad increase of abilities with the recognition that there might be blind spots and troublesome areas that do not resolve until you are extremely far along. In other words, this is not a therapy. - ------- Other useful materials include the "Super Scio" book that I put out on the internet in early 1997. That book assumes that the reader is already familiar with Scientology. The works of L. Ron Hubbard are also quite valuable, especially the "Philadelphia Doctorate Course" lectures of 1952. Among the many books that are available, "The Fundamentals of Thought" and "The Creation of Human Ability" are especially recommended. There are others who are also attempting to carry the research forward. There is much being learned and discovered. The internet is a good place to look for them, especially the newsgroup. There are also large quantities of metaphysical works that are easily available in the better bookstores. I especially like Evan's translations of various Tibetan works including the "Tibetan book of the dead" (their road map of the between lives area). This book alone is not a total solution. But it will give you the most advanced set of tools that are known at this time. - ---------------- Do not get stuck on the first pass through this book. Take each step as far as you can and keep moving forward. The drills in the first chapters are in some respects the most advanced ones and are useful at higher levels. So do plan on going through the book twice, once in a light manner and again in a thorough one. If a process seems too difficult on the first pass through the book, you can skip it and leave it for the second time through. But don't skip too much or you will find that the later chapters are too difficult or run too slowly. Also, don't run a process if it seems really wrong to you. The most likely reason for feeling this way is simply that it is not the right time for you to run that processes, you may need to run other things (earlier or later in the book) first. It is also possible that for you specifically, the particular process is an unnecessary action, we all have our particular areas of strength as well as weakness. And, since this edition is new and experimental, it is possible that a process is poorly worded, inadequately explained, or has other errors. Do push yourself to overcome any laziness or reluctance to face up to things, but do not force yourself against your better judgment. ================= SELF CLEARING: ADVICE AND WARNINGS ------------ This is a "beta" release. It is based on a great deal of knowledge and experience and is expected to produce good results, but it is probably not perfect. Read it, understand it, and try it, but don't worship it. And write up your experiences for others. ------------ People are different. What is easy for one can be hard for another and vise versa. On the first pass through this book, some things will be too difficult and can be skipped. Other things may not run deeply enough to produce stable results. The most important thing is to keep moving forward, not expecting too much or being too pedantic about the matter. Count on doing a second pass to run these materials fully. But once a process does start running, don't drop it in the middle. You can read a lot of theory and even try things with little liability. But if something really starts happening on a process, you need to finish it or else the half run thing will hold your attention and start dragging you back like a boat anchor. If you accumulate a few of these, you will probably start to bog down and the solution is to go back and finish what you started. The general rule is that if a process is producing change (in other words, something is happening), you keep running it because there is more that can be achieved with it. Even more important, as you begin digging something out, you are only looking at it partway and that can give you some misleading ideas. For example, let's say that there was a time when you were a little child when you were afraid that there was a monster in the closet. And you imagined the monster in gruesome detail and then suppressed the entire thing because it was so horrible. Then, while running some process, you begin to halfway remember this thing because the mental barrier that you had blocked it off with has begun to dissolve. The first picture that becomes visible would be this gruesome monster that you invented and a feeling of fear. If you stop at that moment, you might leave yourself feeling a bit afraid and with the weird idea that your childhood home was actually inhabited by monsters. Since it was you who stirred up the old fear, it would fade fairly quickly. You could get yourself feeling better just by looking around the room a bit. But you might have this strange half memory that there had been a monster in your house when you were little. If you had just run a few more commands of the processes, you would have seen that it was a monster that you had imagined during your childhood and would have had a good laugh about it. So if something does turn on while running a processes, keep running the process until you get through it. You should feel good when you finish running a process. ------------ You should work through the book in order. The early chapters provide processes which are useful as safety nets when doing the more advanced ones and you are expected to build up skill and understanding as you go along. This doesn't mean that you have to do every process in a thorough manner, but it does mean that you should have some understanding of the things presented and should have success with at least some of the processes that are presented. Ideally, you should have access to a professional who can help you along and keep you dusted off with an occasional session to clean up mistakes and difficulties. Unfortunately, at the time of this writing (1997), the orthodox Church of Scientology (CofS) is at war with the various splinter groups (Knowledgism, Dynamism, Dianasis, Ability Centers, Clearing Centers, Avatar, Ron's Org, Identics, Trom, and many others) which are collectively known as the freezone. Most of these groups (including the CofS itself) have many trained people who are capable of doing general cleanup and repair actions (often called "reviews") which would greatly aid one's progress in doing this book. But there is some prejudice against self auditing and various fixed ideas about what processes should be run and in what manner. This is most especially held by the CofS itself which currently believes only in using the "standard tech" that evolved in the late 1960s and which represents only about ten percent of Hubbard's work and allows for no further research or extensions. The freezone practices vary as to how much they carried forward from the CofS and what further extensions or revisions they have applied and which prejudices they retain. So for now, you will have to see who would be willing to help you on this road and who would push you down some other path. If you yourself are already a profession, I think that you will be able to move through the book quickly and get a great deal of results from it. The book does not limit itself to what Scientology calls "low level" processes. It is a new, more balanced approach that uses mild versions of the most advanced processes right from the start. Professionals who have already been trained in Scientology techniques should read the appendix first for advice on adjusting standard techniques for use in self clearing. --------------- One problem for the novice is learning the actual skills involved in processing oneself. It is not actually very difficult but there is some degree of judgment and understanding necessary. And as you practice this, you will gain a feel for certain things (such as how long to continue a process) which can only be developed by experience. To enable you to get started quickly and develop some experience, the early chapters only introduce the minimum amount of technical expertise necessary to run the processes at all. This means that things which you learn in the later chapters will help you do a better job on the processes given in the first chapters. This is another reason for taking a second pass through the book. Things which did not produce significant results on the first pass may turn out to be much more effective once you have a greater degree of skill and understanding. Of course people who are already trained can use all the techniques that they are familiar with. Another difficulty facing the novice is that he cannot handle some specific thing out of sequence even though it might be giving him trouble. A professional would, for example, be able to deal with a specific upset that was troubling the person well before the person was ready to do a general handling on the subject of upsets. This means that you might have to set aside things that are currently bothering you or pick good moments when you are feeling less troubled. Eventually you should be able to handle anything, but that might be a good way down the road. So you do the best you can. Again, the advice is to go through the book lightly the first time. This lets you pick up things that are bothering you and take some weight off of them . You could think of this as stripping off a surface layer. After that you can push these things much deeper on a second pass. --------------- If you have had professional Scientology processing, some of the chapters may address materials that you have already been processed on extensively. In those cases, you may wish to review the chapter for background information but should skip the processing unless you feel that more can be done in the area. However, you should not skip the beginning chapters or jump to the chapter that matches the last Scientology processes that you completed successfully because this book is not in the same sequence as that used in orthodox standard technology. Because of the need to build up horsepower before attempting to run what are known as "lower level processes" solo, the early chapters introduce some of the easier "upper level processes" first as well as providing basic concepts and techniques which are essential to self clearing. Many of these processes are above any level currently used in orthodox Scientology and derive from the original research line of 1952-4 which was never followed up on completely. -------------------- You should not jump around through the book reading random paragraphs in quick succession because it may stir up too many different things at once. This book is highly compact, presenting the minimum necessary rather than lengthy explanations. Each chapter could be a major study in itself. In other words, there is little repetition and no buffering of the ideas to give one time to get used to them slowly. You should not be afraid of looking ahead, but do not look at multiple new chapters at one sitting. At least take a break in between. This warning even applies to professional processors when they first look over the book. Since about a third of the areas handled by the book are also handled in orthodox Scientology processing ("standard tech"), they will want to know what has been added and might start skipping around out of enthusiasm or curiosity. Someone with professional training could certainly read any chapter or try any process out of sequence. But even they should not stir up too many different things all at once, that is a good way to make yourself sick. The advice in all cases is to take your time and don't try to do too much at one sitting. If you do get in trouble, follow the advice given in the next section. Of course these warnings don't apply once you have studied a chapter thoroughly. ================= SELF CLEARING: IF YOU GET IN TROUBLE As you develop skill at using self clearing techniques, you will reach a point where it will be obvious to you whenever you are making a mess out of some drill or process. When these things happen, one takes a break and lets things cool down a bit. Then you look back and figure out what went wrong and fix it, usually by simply doing the drill correctly and finishing it. A beginner, however, is more prone to making mistakes and may not know enough to figure out what went wrong. This may leave you feeling bothered or disturbed or kind of "charged up". The most important thing to be aware of is that no matter how badly you messed up, it will cool down and fade out. Even in the most extreme cases, it will all be better within a few days or a week. When you are working with your own mind, it is you who stir things up, and if you drop it and put your attention on something else, it will go away. It is not the same as the "real" world where somebody else will keep shoving something onto your plate. So if you do get in trouble, give things a little time to cool down. Look around and notice nice things, think of pleasant times, do something that you enjoy. When you do feel better, go back and reread the chapter, and maybe some earlier chapters as well. The early chapters concentrate on providing techniques which are useful even if you are having difficulty, and gradually explain the basic skills and procedures which will keep you out of trouble or help you spot what went wrong if you do get into difficulty. If you do find yourself bogged down and at a loss about what to do, go back and work over the first few chapters again. The most common mistakes are: 1) You didn't understand the process and did something else. The solution is to study it again and do it right. 2) The process was just too difficult and never really started running in the first place. Just notice that that is what happened and drop it until the next time through the book. 3) You already got a good result out of it and then kept grinding along trying to go further. For this you spot when you really felt good doing the process and notice the point where it was completed. 4) A process started running really well but you got distracted or otherwise abandoned it without finishing it. Sometimes this gives you trouble on the next process, so for this you also check back over the previous few processes that you have run and finish any that were left incomplete. 5) You tried to run a process at a time when you were otherwise distracted, tired, hungry, upset, drugged, or incapable of concentrating for whatever reason. Some processes will work under these circumstances, but others will fail. The solution is to rerun the process at a time when you are feeling better. Or use processes which address the situation directly. In general, you want to be feeling your best when you learn new things and try to make forward progress on these materials. Many of the techniques are also helpful when you are feeling below par, but in that case you should generally stick to things that you have already learned and done well with. Some things will be easier for you than others and it is the easiest ones that will work best if you are below your normal levels of ability and concentration. So don't discount the things that seem too easy or simple. Those are the ones that might work if you are sick or overwhelmed or halfway unconscious. If you do get too much stirred up by carelessly skipping around through the book, give things a little time to cool down and then go back and do it right, handling one chapter at a time rather than trying to do everything at once. ================= SELF CLEARING: CHAPTER 1 : BEGINNING STEPS Rather than beginning with a lot of theory, we will start with some practical drills. The ones given here are very easy, but they should be learned well because they are useful all the way up and they may be lifesavers at times when you are in trouble because they can help you throw off mental fogginess and overwhelm. These are "processes" which means that they are actions that are to be repeated to a specified result. There will be more theory on the subject of "processing" later, but one of the basic concepts is that you achieve results much faster by doing an action repetitively rather than by simply straining at something. You pound in a nail by hitting it again and again rather than by simply pushing at it. The desired result may not happen the first time you do a processing command. You must repeat the command over and over, giving it a chance to "warm up" so to speak, and then you push through and something happens. It might be a trivial thing, or it might be fantastic, but you will have achieved some kind of result. The processes in this book will be numbered #.# with the first number being the chapter number for easy reference. In other words, 1.1 would be the first process given in this chapter. Later on, more levels of numbers (5.1.1) will be used when we need to group processes together, and letters will be used to designate commands that are alternated with each other. Some of the processes given in this and the other chapters of this book are advanced solo versions of things that are or were at one time used in Scientology. Others are original, either based on early theories of Hubbard's or based on my own attempts to carry the work forward. 1.1 The Attention Process This is almost childishly simple. And yet it is an effective technique for pushing through mental fog and blockage by directing your attention outward in a controlled manner. It also raises perception at the same time. Many variations are possible. In its simplest form, the command is: 1.1) LOOK AROUND AND NOTICE THINGS, SPOTTING PRECISE POINTS AND MOVING BRISKLY FROM ONE POINT TO THE NEXT. Of course people often do this when they go into a new or interesting place. But most of the time they leave their perceptions on automatic and they tend to introvert and their perceptions become dull as a result. If you practice this when it is easy, then you will have it at your fingertips in times when you have been heavily introverted and in those cases it can be of tremendous aid in helping you pull yourself together. Among other things, this one gives you a safety net when you are self processing. If you do get in trouble, it can cool down the mental charge that you have stirred up. It is extremely useful in pushing through the mental effects of drugs. If, for example, you were to drink too much, it will help sober you up. But in this case, you will find that you have to keep repeating the process while the chemicals remain in your system. An important part of it is the spotting of precise points rather than just vaguely looking around. If you are indoors, make a special point of spotting the corners (usually 8) of the room. Even when you are awake and alert and doing well, this drill should bring about a bit of improvement in your perceptions. The room gets a bit brighter, you feel a bit better oriented, and a bit more clearheaded. When you get this improvement, you should acknowledge that the drill has been completed. If you do it when you are tired or foggy, the effects can be dramatic. There you are, for example, half asleep and you need to force yourself awake. So you begin noticing precise spots in the room and suddenly you come fully awake. Or you are feeling bad and you start looking around and noticing things precisely, and suddenly you sort of pull yourself together and feel renewed strength. This is important because it demonstrates that you can gain control over your mental state. You should use this one a lot, to the point where it becomes second nature to do it whenever you are in a fog. This ensures that you will use it if you are half unconscious or even asleep and don't remember the process or any of your usual stuff and yet you just do this anyway because it is so much a part of your operating basis. On rare occasions, I have had dreams where my perceptions were very foggy. Eventually this technique was so much a part of me that I would use it in such cases even though I was not aware that I was dreaming. Sometimes it had a very startling effect, causing the dream to burst like a bubble and I would find myself staring at the bedroom wall, much to my surprise. To learn this one effectively, you have to actually do it rather than just reading about it. So your first act is to simply do it right now even though it may seem like a very trivial thing. Simply look around the room, noticing precise points until your perceptions brighten up a bit. It is not a big deal if you are already feeling good and alert. To get really good at it, use it many times over the course of a few days, running it in idle moments at home and at work or while shopping or while walking around or traveling. When you are doing well, it is deceptively fast and simple. But You will be surprised at how much willpower it takes to do this if you are groggy. Learn to do it now before you need it in some dangerous or critical situation. This is sometimes called a "locational" process in orthodox Scientology because it helps the being to locate or orient himself. 1.2 Spiritual Version This is the first step towards operating without a body, perceiving things from a viewpoint exterior to the body, and to what the psychics call remote viewing. It is really the same process as 1.1 above, but you do it with your eyes closed. Begin by running the ordinary attention process on the room while seated in a comfortable position. When your perceptions brighten up, then close your eyes and do it again on an imaginary view of the room. Don't be constantly opening your eyes to look around and correct your perceptions. Don't invalidate your abilities just because you don't always see real things. Early on you will have a lot of imagination mixed in with the real perceptions. Also, you sometimes get "real" perceptions that are different from what the body sees, for example, you can tune into shadows of how the room once looked. But gradually, as you continue using this process, you will start getting occasional real flashes of perception. Don't push this one too hard early on in processing. Just do it occasionally, accepting any mild "win" and not making a big deal out of it. This is actually one of the "ultimate" processes at the very top of the scale. Simply looking around and spotting things, no matter what is in the way. One might, for example, see nothing but fog, but one spots precise points in the fog, and then one maybe spots things that might be there in the fog, and then one begins to see real things beyond the fog. 1.3 Applying the Attention Process to the body This is helpful for speeding healing, easing pain, and improving your control over your body in general. It is a simple procedure of spotting points within the body. Just close your eyes and touch points in the body with your mind, attempting to look at the areas, but not making a big deal out of whether or not you are getting any visual perception. It is good enough to feel the areas slightly, but try to work up to getting a bit of a view of the inside of the body. This works best if you alternate the right and left sides of the body and work up and down the nerve channels from the brain to the extremities. If you are trying to handle problems with the head, back, or stomach, then also use a variation where you alternate spotting points in the head and the stomach (the solar plexus is like a mini-brain) because they are at opposite ends of a heavy nerve channel. Note that you are not your brain. The brain is neither conscious nor self aware, those are your characteristics as a spirit which is capable of thought. However, the brain is a big switchboard and a bit like a computer or calculator used by the spirit. Your normal operating basis is to control the brain (like typing commands into a computer) and let the brain control the body for you. But you are capable of reaching into and controlling the body directly. This process improves that ability. It is like bypassing the auto pilot and flying a plane yourself. A wise man always makes sure that he can override an auto pilot in times of difficulty and danger. You can also touch the body (alternating sides) with your finger or the back of a pencil to help focus your attention and then look at the spot (with your eyes closed) from the inside. For a pain or injury, work in the hurt area for a few commands and then work out to the extremities (fingers, toes, etc.) for a few commands rather than either avoiding the hurt area or becoming fixated on it. Facing, accepting, and acknowledging a pain often cools it down a bit. And reaching into the area mentally encourages the body to rush healing forces into it rather than withdrawing from the pain. For now, do a simple drill of spotting points in the body, alternating the left and right sides. Begin at the top of the head and work down the nerve channels to the hands and fingers, including spotting the tip of each finger. Then begin at the top of the head again and work down the spine and legs going down to the toes. Then work from the head down the front of the body to the genital area. Then work over any other areas of interest. Then repeat this, continuing until the body feels good. 1.4 More on the underlying theory Let us think of the spirit as being able to direct a certain amount of attention to things. But the "attention" gets drawn to areas of pain or danger or problems or other difficulties and becomes fixated. As the being decays, more and more of his potential awareness and attention becomes fixated in areas that he does not want to face up to and he gradually shuts down these areas without actually withdrawing his attention from them. Instead the units of "attention" become "encysted" or "buried" and he has less free attention and awareness available. As you drill precisely controlling and directing your attention, you will gradually draw "attention units" out of these stuck points and regain control over them. This strengthens your perceptions and awareness and frees up your ability to think. This is somewhat of an oversimplification because the person is also capable of generating new attention when his interest in something is great enough. Notice how much better you feel when you are looking at something that is really interesting. The amount of free attention under your own control is a major factor in your ability to think, perceive, and operate successfully. 1.5 Applying the attention process to learning a skill. As part of learning a skill where there are tools or equipment or facilities of some sort involved with the area, you can use a variation of this attention process in addition to the usual learning activities. Spot some specific points on the tool or device, looking at it with your eyes, then mentally spot some specific points inside the device (don't bother to close your eyes), then spot some more on the outside with your eyes, then more inside, etc. Note that this does not substitute for learning how to operate a machine before you start running it. But it helps you become familiar with the machine while you are studying about it, and it improves your perception and alertness as regards to the device. This could also help with sports. Doing this a bit on a basketball and a basket, for example, might improve your aim. 1.6 More advanced variations You can spot things that you like. You can spot things that are safe to look at. Many other variations are possible. Any of these can be done objectively, with the body's eyes, or mentally with your eyes closed. And you do not have to limit yourself to only doing this in the vicinity of the body. For example, you can close your eyes and get the idea that you are looking down at the city or the countryside and notice things or find things that are safe to look at, etc. We will be doing a bit more of this in a later chapter. You can also use larger spaces rather than points and permeate things. But larger volumes can get unreal very easily, so concentrate on working with points. If you do try this with larger areas and they seem too unreal or unproductive of results, then begin spotting specific points again. As you become more advanced, you will naturally tend to permeate larger volumes of space when you put your attention on things. When you drill placing your attention on specific points, go ahead and make the points as large as you feel comfortable with. But the keynote of these drills is intensity and precision of focus. 1.7 What about blind people For somebody who is blind, the first step above is not practical. But the idea behind the first step is to spot points in the physical universe in a manner that gives orientation and certainty. So a blind person would need to do the equivalent action, which would probably be to feel specific points on an object until he had physical certainty. Then he would step back and do the second process. In other words, he would first spot points physically and then spot them mentally. The spotting does not really have to be by means of vision. It is presented in terms of vision because that will be easiest for most people, but there are often many ways to achieve the same result. People with severe handicaps who are trying to do this book will run into the occasional process which is impractical due to their disability. In those cases, the process should be adjusted (as in the above example) to aim at the same target using a variation which lets them work around the disability. Just because somebody has a physical disability does not mean that they are incapable mentally. In some cases they will actually do better on advanced drills because they have more incentive to bypass the limitations of the body. 1.8 Summary The entire family of attention processes are extremely useful in orienting yourself, expanding your mental space, and getting you back on an even keel when you are shaken up. These are not just beginners processes. They go all the way up the scale, with clearer and broader perceptions as you become more advanced. At this stage we are not shooting for full mastery. Learn the techniques, have some fun with them, get them down well enough to use them in an emergency, and move on to the next chapter. As you continue to advance, come back to this chapter occasionally and push your perceptions a little further each time. ================= SELF CLEARING CHAPTER 2: REACH AND WITHDRAW Now we will move on to reaching and withdrawing from things rather than simply spotting them. But first, this seems like a good time to introduce some more of the basics of processing. One of the biggest problems with running a process is knowing how long to continue it. If you do not run a process long enough, you not only miss out on the gains that could have been made, you can also get your attention stuck on something that is half complete. And some processes can stir up things for you to look at, and if you drop them in the middle, you leave yourself with something stirred up but unhandled and that can be unpleasant. If, on the other hand, you continue a process too long, you can get into what Scientology calls "overrun". There you are, aiming at some target with a process and suddenly the process completes and the target is gone. Then you continue running the process and a number of undesirable things can occur. First of all, there is a tendency to invalidate yourself and the gain that you did make, and this weakens you and may make it harder to do the process. Second, one tends to recreate something that was handled so that one can do the processing command again. Third of all, now that you are aiming at something which is gone, there is a tendency to hit and stir up other things which are slightly off target and therefore will not run very well on the process. The net result of this is that the process can get harder to do and you can start feeling tired and heavy because you are stirring up things that are not discharging. To cure an overrun, you spot and acknowledge the fact that it was overrun and spot the moment when the process was actually completed and get back the feeling that you had at that time. One recognizes that the subsequent confusion, difficulty, inability, or invalidation that one got into was due to missing the point where the process was complete. Of course if a processes is underrun, you simply run it some more until it is complete. Drills which are aimed at the physical universe are not very sensitive to this overrun/underrun phenomena. It is normal in calisthenics to keep going past the point where you have a "win" doing the exercise and feel good about it. But if you were to do, for example, an hour of exercise by continuing each specific exercise to the point where you felt really good and strong and happily with it and in that moment shifted to a different exercise, you would find that your stamina was better and your strength developed faster than if you worked out for the same amount of time using a fixed pattern of how many times to repeat each exercise. To some degree, physical universe drills are unlimited in that you can do them again and again. But this factor of carrying on too long, invalidating yourself, and building up mental mass instead of releasing it does come into play when you grind on with the same thing over and over. So you shift between drills, doing a number of other drills before going back to one that you had a "win" on. This is the fastest way to make progress. It would be best to experiment with and learn about this overrun/underrun phenomena now while we are dealing with objective drills that do not have very much liability associated with making mistakes in this area. Later we will be doing subjective processes where the overrun and underrun effect is much more pronounced and troublesome. So this is the time to learn to notice when you have completed a process and learn to rehabilitate the moment of completion if you discover that you have carried on too long. Our first process will be to simply touch and let go of something repetitively. To observe the phenomena and learn something about it, let's intentionally overrun this one because it is easy to do with this process and the effect is very mild. Pick some object in reach of where you are sitting. The computer keyboard would be fine if you are reading this on a computer. Pick an exact spot on the object. Reach out and touch that spot very precisely. Feel it for a moment and then let go of it, lifting you hand away from it. Do this in a clean and precise manner. Repeat this over and over a number of times. If you don't vary the spot or add complications, most people will complete this process on a small number of repetitions. It will take just a little bit of a push to start doing this process and just a little determination to keep doing it a few times. Your first thought might be "well I touched it, so big deal, I touch things all the time". And there might be a little bit of resistance to doing it over and over again. Probably this will all be very mild and subtle because we are not dealing with anything that has a great deal of mental stress associated with it. But you want to do and notice these things now while you don't have any mental fireworks going off. After a few (or many) repeats, there will come a moment when the spot you are touching suddenly becomes more real and feels better to you. The object will look a bit brighter and you will have a little bit better feeling about it. This is the moment when the process is complete. Now keep doing it for another dozen or two repetitions. It will go all right for a bit and then maybe get a little boring and then as you carry on you will notice that its a little more difficult and you don't have that nice feeling about the object anymore. Now recall that exact moment when the process did complete. Get back the good feeling. Remember how you felt about the object and how it looked at that moment. It should start looking and feeling better again. That moment when you felt good is called a release point or moment of release. In this case we were not dealing with a significant amount of mental charge, but in processes that do, this would be the moment when the charge dissolved or fell away and the point of release is quite noticeable. If you overrun a significant release point, the overrun effects will be quite noticeable. As soon as you notice that this is happening on a process, you rehabilitate the moment of release as discussed above. In general, you want to continue to do a process as long as it is causing anything to happen. Processes can bring about change and you want to allow the changes to finish happening. And as long as you are flinching or having trouble or the process is stirring something up, you want to keep doing it, because the process is addressing something and continuing to do it causes you to push through whatever it is running into. So don't back off because things get difficult. That is never the moment to stop. The point when you stop is when it suddenly all becomes easy. So you do these processes with some determination and don't back down if the going gets rough. But you can get fooled because it gets hard again if you overrun past the release point, and then your determination to keep going actually works against you. So watch for this effect. The processes is tough, and suddenly it gets easy, and then it gets tough again. That is the moment to back up and rehabilitate the release point that you bypassed. But note that physical and objective processes do not have as much liability in this area as the subjective techniques that we will be using later. You can "overrun" these things and, because the physical universe is there to keep you going in the right direction, keep on going and pushing through the overrun phenomena and eventually come to another "point of release". On physical processes, you can come to many points of release, moving a little further along each time. But the biggest gain will be on the first point and the subsequent points will take longer to reach and will not produce as big a gain. So your fastest route is always to switch off, returning to a process later rather than grinding it to death on the first pass. Now let's use this reach and withdraw process. It is quite useful and valuable. 2.1 Objective reach and withdraw Pick an object. Pick a precise spot on the object. Touch and let go of it until you have a good feeling about that spot. Then pick another spot on the object and do the same. Keep doing this on individual spots until the whole object starts to feel good. Then just pick random spots on the object and touch and let go of them until you really feel like you can have the object and encompass it and feel some ability to handle and control it. This second step can also just be done by itself without the first step. Do this occasionally, especially on objects that you have to use or work with. If you drive, try doing it on your car. As a special variation which is of great benefit, do this on lots of objects in the room and also on spots of the walls until the room suddenly becomes very real and you feel good about the room as a whole. You can also use this to help pull yourself out of a groggy or depressed state just like the processes of chapter 1. Do a lot of this one. It extroverts you and improves your communication with the physical universe. It is essential to balancing the subjective processes that we will get into later. Without things like this, the subjective techniques can be too introverting. This will improve your ability to have things and control them. 2.2 Mental Reach and Withdraw This process also has a "mental" variation where you reach out mentally, sort of like projecting a beam, and touch and let go of things with your mind. You should use the physical version more than you use the mental one. When you first do this one, begin by doing the physical reach and withdraw on an object and when it is complete then shift over to the mental variation on the same object. This would usually be done with your eyes open, using the body's eyes to look at the object and then reaching mentally. But it can also be done with the eye's closed. In that case, you should definitely do the physical version on the object first. Doing this reach and withdraw with closed eyes will help develop your non-physical perceptions. Gradually you will find that you can feel objects mentally and even start to permeate them and feel what is going on inside of them. Don't expect miracles here, there is a long way to go. But you as a spirit are capable of permeating and perceiving and controlling the universe around you and this is a beginning step in that direction. 2.3 The Contact Assist or Touch Back This is officially called a "contact assist" in Scientology. It is very simple and useful and easily done solo. If you hurt yourself, there is a tendency to flinch from that spot mentally and since the body tends to obey the mind, there will also be some inhibition to the circulation and healing forces because you are pulling back. If you simply duplicate the action that hurt you, doing it slowly and safely with the same objects in the same location a few times, this will overcome the mental flinch. Of course you cool down a hot surface, or blunt or protect against anything sharp, etc. So let us say that you happen to stub your toe. In most cases, the toe keeps hurting for a little while, often surprisingly long considering that there is no significant damage, and there also seems to be an awful tendency to stub the same toe again a little later. To overcome this, you slowly swing your foot and lightly touch the exact point you collided with a few times. Suddenly you get a momentary sharp pain as the incident comes into view and releases and then the pain is really gone. And you don't keep stubbing the same toe over and over again. Or, for example, you touch a hot surface and burn your finger. Now you cool the surface off (turn off the stove, wipe it down with a wet rag until it is cool, etc.). Then slowly repeat the action that got you burned a few times. This can often alleviate the annoying pain of a minor burn, and it might even keep it from blistering (no guarantees, but it does seem to help, and its free). Of course you do any necessary first aid first. Don't stand there doing a contact assist with a sharp knife while you bleed all over the carpet. And don't expect miracles. But it really does help. Try it and see. This process is also called a "Touch Back" in modern Scientology slang because you reach back to the spot where you were injured. 2.4 The Wall Drill In orthodox Scientology, there is a series of "Control, Communication, and Havingness" processes or CCHs for short. This is the process known as CCH 2. This is absurdly simple and surprising in its effects. Begin by picking two walls with a clear path to walk between them. The commands are: 2.4a) You look at that wall. 2.4b) You walk over to that wall. 2.4c) You touch that wall. 2.4d) You turn around. This is repeated over and over again, going back and forth between the two walls. The actions should be very precise, cleanly doing each one and recognizing that you have done it. Each time you do it, you act like it was the first time rather than simply repeating the action on automatic. Now I'm quite serious in suggesting that you actually get out of the chair and do this. The reactions can be surprising in comparison with what you might think would happen in theory. Doing something precise and repetitive like this can stir up all sorts of old buried stuff such as hypnotic control or being made to march in ranks in the army. What is stirred up might not be in the current lifetime and might not be directly accessible by recall, and yet you can alleviate the weight of it by continuing the process until you successfully push through the effects and can simply and comfortably do the action. This process might not "bite" deeply the first time. You might just do a few cycles of the commands and suddenly feel good about controlling the body and moving it around. If that happens, accept the "win" and end off. But go back to it later and try it again. This process also has a "mental" variation where you lie down, close your eyes, and imagine yourself doing the commands and moving back and forth between the two walls as a spirit. But this is generally too advanced for most beginners. This process does to some degree stir up old hypnosis etc. and doing it while lying down instead of moving the body around (which forces you to stay awake) almost guarantees that you will fall asleep if any hypnotic stuff begins to run out. So a beginner might be better off leaving this variation for a second pass through this book. 2.5 Precise Control You can also drill precisely moving or controlling an object. Choose an object that you can move easily. Pick two spots. Precisely move the object back and forth between the two spots, taking care to move it at a uniform speed and land on the exact spot without hesitation. Let go of the object each time and then pick it up again. Precision type drills will turn on reactions sometimes and you keep them up until you push through and the reaction disappears. For machinery, such as an automobile, control the machine precisely over and over again in an appropriate manner. In learning to drive, for example, it helps to practice stopping the car at precise points over and over again. In learning the piano, you might choose two notes far apart on the keyboard and precisely move back and forth between them, using the same speed and force each time. Or use this as part of learning to type. This isn't meant to substitute for the usual learning activities in mastering a skill, but it can speed up the process and take you to greater levels of mastery. You can take this a bit further by doing it with your eyes closed as long as the action is one that can safely be done that way (don't drive with your eyes closed!). This is one of the key tricks of the oriental masters in learning a skill. You will find it in everything from Kung-fu to table tennis. ================= -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6 iQCVAgUBNJkn+csIt3ZgVQbNAQGAKwP+KLJBmWLAAvdcva8wOHT0VVfu0Gm1idSP 04VyLECQ1ZZpsP11CJ5Pu9zWaCJyY7M+R1X/retdfW+2F75D3FRoqr1qvQZZyEQP JdlUJnEgpZ5tX+jqDs39Za2sEr/nIYznsumIwwXFBN6AtrHYwbz5CfM3k3XCyUGc Z9bIPZxoQPY= =sPk2 -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----