Subject: SUPER SCIO ARCHIVE 69 - JAN 2000 PILOT POSTS TO ARS/ACT Date: 4 Jan 2000 04:00:15 From: (The Pilot) Newsgroups: POST69.txt SUPER SCIO ARCHIVE 69 - JAN 2000 PILOT POSTS TO ARS/ACT Jan 4, 1999 The first two posts went to both ARS and ACT, the remainder were posted to ACT only. Note that I also posted a sci fi story around XMAS in between this and the previous archive. Best, The Pilot (aka Ken Ogger) ========================================== Contents: subj: Super Scio - NEW REFORMER'S SLOGAN (GOOD FOR PICKETS) subj: Super Scio - ON REFORM (Attn Bob Minton etc.) subj: Super Scio - CURRENT STATUS (CASE SPIN AND RECOVERY) subj: Super Scio Tech - Mockups subj: Super Scio Tech - Processes For Rough Days subj: Super Scio Tech - Research Notes (2D etc.) ========================================== subj: Super Scio - NEW REFORMER'S SLOGAN (GOOD FOR PICKETS) NEW REFORMER'S SLOGAN (GOOD FOR PICKETS) I wandered down to the complex, just walking around, not making trouble. Basically just getting out and regaining some old anchor points in celebration of the new millenium. In truth I still like the place and would like to see some reforming going on and the hostilities ended. And the indications now are that about a third of the membership wants reform, and I mean big time reform like I've been talking about. These were the folks who went to the event and shocked the critics by giving covert little thumbs up signs to the picketers even as they were going into the event being picketed. At a guess, they represented about 5000 out of the 15000 or so who went to the event. DM is really lucky that a "reform now" chant didn't start when he walked out on stage. But two thirds of the membership are still hiding under a fanatical turtle shell, afraid to even talk for fear of going PTS to the SPs or becoming sick due to exposure to confidential data. It doesn't help to rub their noses in it. You need something light and easy and very very true. And the most basic thing that is wrong is the "afraid to find out" button, and even Ron has written about how bad and deadly that one is. So here is the slogan I thought of. It is intentionally ultra mild, you want something the membership can face, and it is something LRH talked about many times, so they will know it is correct. IT'S SAFE TO LOOK Please put that one on at least a few picket signs next time. Best, The Pilot ========================================== subj: Super Scio - ON REFORM (Attn Bob Minton etc.) ON REFORM (Attn Bob Minton etc.) I'm glad to see the increasing pushes towards reform rather than destruction. As I'm sure you're all aware, I believe deeply in Scientology and the tech despite feeling that the organization and policy have become toxic. I have often listed points for reform and discussed the matter both on ARS and ACT. The best summary of what I want changed is the list of points on the Scientology Reformer's Home Page at But the recent discussions got me thinking about whether there might be one key point which would cause all of the others to resolve eventually. In other words, if I could wish for one and only one change, what would it be. I think that it is the confidentiality. If Scientology wasn't afraid of its own data, then they could talk, both amongst themselves and to the outside world, critics or whatever, without fear. And that open communication would allow everything else to sort itself out eventually. And if everything else were changed but the confidentiality remained, then I would guarantee that they would still be scared and sneaking around and scamming and hiding from things and eventually all the abuses would be back in force. So that's the one, the key point that everything else hangs on. And there are endless 1950s LRH references that say that confidentiality is the one key thing that would destroy the subject and turn it into a dangerous organization. Looks like he was right. In the 1950s they had whole track and entities and space opera and OT drills and all sorts of stuff and none of it was hidden and nobody got sick from it and it was lots of fun. Around 1964-5, things were made secret and the place has been a hellhole ever since. A picket sign that said "Don't be afraid of your own tech" might be a nice gesture. Also, "Hearing OT 3 data never killed anybody." You might ease up a bit on pushing the data itself during pickets just so that the members will look and read the signs. The important point is that you talk about OT 3 or whatever and don't get sick. Too much making fun of the beliefs is actually not appropriate although even I can't resist making some jokes occasionally. And I do think this stuff is real. But it's like knowing that eggs are real and then you see these idiots arguing about which end of the egg to break first and having holy wars about it as in Gulliver's Travels, and its like this big butt sticking up in the air and you can't resist giving it a kick. See the other post that I wrote on a new reformer's slogan ("It's safe to look"). The abuses against the internet and the suits against the critics all hing on protecting confidential data. If it wasn't confidential, all that would evaporate. If data is secret, it can be called a scam. If its all out in the open, then at least it is honest even if you might think that its a load of foolishness. I think that the keynote is that as long as the CofS has secrets, it is dangerous. You can put up with somebody who is open an honest even if you disagree with them. You can't if they are sneaking around hiding things. You control people by making things secret and keeping them afraid. The controls evaporate if that secrecy disappears. So I think that the rest of it would all straighten out naturally given a bit of time and some free and open communication. But this confidentiality point is a killer that keeps people from talking and makes them afraid to find out things. Best, The Pilot ========================================== subj: Super Scio - CURRENT STATUS (CASE SPIN AND RECOVERY) CURRENT STATUS (CASE SPIN AND RECOVERY) (the following contains explicit adult material - viewer discrection is advised) Sorry that I didn't post anything in December and am only posting a small amount now. What happened is that I went into a real tailspin casewise, not because of processing but because of having failed to run out an old sore spot that was spinning me in long before I ever got into Scientology. I did warn a couple of people quietly, but I did not want to talk about this in public while it was halfway handled. And maybe some people will think that I should still keep my mouth shut now for PR reasons, but I can't research well over withholds. And so you're stuck with hearing about the real thing instead of some candy coated PR image of a super OT. But please realize that what's in here is personal session data, so don't be jumping down my throat about it. The area was what Scientology calls the second dynamic (2D), in other words sex, love, family etc. This has always been the super hot cave-in area on my own case and was the ruin that I got into Scientology to solve. The key button on my case was "no sex equal suicide" and I mean EQUALS in big bold letters, unquestionable. I didn't actually know that then, it only became obvious to me during the last week, but it explains everything so I'll tell it from that perspective. And of course shy teenagers don't have sex, so I was suicidal throughout my teens. And I knew for sure that I would die by age twenty, either due to suicide or by drug overdose because I was saving doing drugs as my last resort to breaking through all the mental blockage and having sex. As it was, I never did drugs at all because I had planned my own demise so carefully and was saving that for the end. This will come as a total shock to my family because I had it totally withheld. And it wasn't a withhold out of guilt. I simply had two classes of people, and in this area, anyone who even hinted that there should be a little less sex equated with somebody who wanted to kill me and therefore was an enemy on this particular topic. You don't give data to the enemy. Simple reactive figure figure. And the nature of the trap was that no sex put me in such a horrible frame of mind that nobody in their right minds would admire me or sleep with me while I was in that state, and yet I would never get out of it until somebody did. A self created catch-22. And even in my early teens before Scientology I knew it was self created and that I was doing it to myself but I had no way to stop. But I was a real bright kid, a regular super nerd (never mind that I was also talented and good looking, my case always bounced the girls that I attracted off at a hundred miles an hour). So I figured that my first action should be to study anything I could that might get me out of the mess. Hence the fanatical search for answers, and the facination with metaphysics (I expected to be dead soon), and the studying of psycho-therapy (which confirmed my fears that I was a true sex maniac who prefered to kill himself rather than go truely psycho), and finally lead me into Scientology. And I suppose that people had the impression of yet another shy teenager who got over his nervousness by doing a TRs course. But the real story was of a kid with a documented super genius level IQ and scholorships and a psycho level of sex drives and inhibitions suddenly snapping out of it and straightening out. This was a tremendous gain rather than a mild improvement. Scientology gave me real communication skills and confront and then kicked me way upscale with power processing. And suddenly everything was quite and the whole mess was gone and I simply started sleeping with girls. Objects and stuff were moving around too. The real keyed out OT state. I figured I was home free. But I never did find out what was wrong and I would not even have known to make that no sex equals suicide statement. And the entire area was so charged up and heavily suppressed that it wouldn't even read on the meter and didn't come up in processing. It was still totally out of the band of accessibility. And I actually tended to forget that I had ever been that way, the suppress on it was so heavy. Anyway, I felt just fine and figured that there was nothing there. Until I didn't have sex for 6 months and mentally walked over the edge of a cliff. Bang. Total suicidal spin, hopeless, no case gain, nothing changed, just like when I was 14. But this time I knew that all I had to do was have sex somehow or other (wrong). So I figured that I could push through. Ran around with a girl for a few months and she liked running around with me but was sleeping occasionally with other guys and wouldn't with me. Finally I was leaving her and she slept with me once out of guilt. That's when I learned that sex alone doesn't work at all. It has to be with admiration and affection. So I could forget about hookers or anything else. It works mechanically, and maybe I feel good for a few hours and then I'm right back in the suicidal tailspin with no way out. And I knew that my case would keep any girl from sleeping with me while I was in that state, and basically whenever I'm that way I'm highly anti social and go totally out of ARC with everybody. But I knew that processing worked. So I did doctorate course stuff intensively. I knew how to solo them from hearing the tapes. About six months of that, and feeling spun in all the time. But one day I managed to get a beam on something and was going around for a few days pleased as punch and even putting beams on peoples hands (with their permission) and moving their hand around where I wanted it to move (much to their amazement). And it just so happened that a great girl wandered by and dragged me into bed (and she didn't even know about the OT demonstations, I was not using it as a pickup line). That led to my brief first marriage. After that I simply made a point of never letting six months go by. The area is easy as long as I'm not driving the girls away with some sort of subconsious reverse OT ability. Then I moved to LA and got on upper levels and finished OT 3 fairly quickly and had made a big gain on it and was persistantly FNing and of course nothing was bothering me in the area so I didn't worry about it, and figured it was gone. Let the area slide while I was getting some good computer consulting work going and so forth. Right over the cliff's edge, spinning, no gains, ready to do myself in. And man, I'd moved objects around and had fantastic case changes, so I knew that it only felt like no gains. And this time I was also loaded with talents and abilities and much more experienced. So I held it all down and tried one practical thing after another, even throwing big parties and having girls clustered around admiring my piano playing and taking girls to romantic resturants and what have you. A total waste of time. And hidden suicidal urges kept out of sight all the time, and I didn't dare even try to get auditing because suicidal tendencies is one of the things that causes the org to offload you as a case, they are afraid that the psych's have implanted you or something. Anyway, I figured the area was too overcharged to read on a meter (it was actually - I had already learned metered solo auditing) and I'd just spin worse on mishandling if they did try and run it. Finally the solution was to reconnect with prior 2Ds. That did work. And Ann, who I'd lived with in New York for a year was the best and eventually we got married. And we had many good years together. And of course that whole area of spin was totally forgotten and of trivial importance, I would actually kind of forget how bad it was, so I just went along happily with Ann and didn't worry about it. But early on we were saving the world together through Scientology. And later she was saving the world by sheltering cats (which actually is a good thing, but is not my thing) and I was saving the world through researching the tech (which she did not want to hear one word about - see the post I just wrote on "New Reformer's Slogan"). And so we were badly out of alignment. And then I foolishly hung on, and of course it lead to trouble. You can blame the eventual betrayal on me, it was in the cards and anyone who didn't have so much charge in the area would have predicted it. And it was only a momentary thing, we are divorcing on amiable terms. And of course it had been decades since that thing had last keyed in and I had run out orders of magnitude more case than before. I'd even researched and run out a suicide implant platen. So I figured that I'd be just fine and I was in the middle of researching and crusading and trying to help people so I said the hell with worrying about the 2D. If I'd had any goddamn sense, I would have started running charge off the 2D when I could have done so easily. But the stuff I finally dug up had so much suppress on it that it seemed like there was nothing there until it smashed into me again. That's right, 6 months like clockwork, right over the edge of the cliff, trapped, suicidal, no gains, exactly like when I was 14. I was that way for all of December 99. And I damn well was not going to talk for fear that I'd drag everyone to hell with me. And I wouldn't write or post stuff when I'm spun in, I think that's how we got little bits of toxin mixed into late era Scn. But the self clearing did work and much to my surprise I actually found the real stuff that was under there, and it wasn't even sex at basic. But I had a hell of a time doing it, rollercoastering like you wouldn't believe. I'd run a process and get a big cognition and a huge keyout and it would seem like it was all gone, but really only one percent or so would have actually errased. And then the next day it would all smash back in (except for the tiny fraction that had been confronted). The first time I blew the mass, it was simply with problems of comparable magnitude and it never seemed like a problem after that - a certain stuckness was gone for good. And laughably I thought that I'd handled it and immediately wrote that post on Processes for Rough Days. Although it was keyed back in the next day, the post still seems good so I'm including it in this batch. And I ran tons and tons of stuff to huge cognitions. Just about everything you could think of, overts and ARC breaks and protests and must haves and I probably doubled my recall on the last thousand years on earth by running charge off of every 2D I could find. And gradually I worked deeper despite rollercoastering and spinning like a top. I must have run at least fifty major processes on the area, and I was getting fanstastic cogs, seeing things I'd never been aware of before. I even got a better definition of Love out of it. It's a tough one, so I wouldn't claim that this is right, but its better than anything I've had before. Love is high affinity plus asthetics and sympathy. I'm still a bit unsure about the heavy romantic impulses (that's the asthetic part), but a lot of the confusing things make sense when seen across multiple lives. I found one huge storybook level sacrifice everything to be together type love 3 lifetimes back and it turned out the same being that I'd rescued from the turks in Constantinople. And I'd carried her back to Genoa with me and we'd planned a life together, but of course I had to hunt down and kill the trator who'd opened the gates, and after I got him one of his friends got me and that life with her never got to happen. So of course when we found each other again nothing was going to keep us apart. And I found admiration deep under sex and found it running much earlier on the track. I even found some sort of implant item which is "To Be Admired IS to create sex." But even stuff like this would just pull me out for a few hours or a day. Finally I got the first real glimple. I was trying to hit the area as a hidden standard, since it acts that way even though I know about it. And I bounced ideas off of a friend and he suggested that if it persisted it must be hiding something quite different. And I realized that I used it to mask off a horrible mass of upsets with the world and society. A few processes later, I stumbled on the next key point. I finally realized that I had an association between no sex and suicide. I mentioned that earlier because it makes everything fall into place, but I never knew that until now, it was just this confusing spin which often included suicidal thoughts. And there are quite a few lifetimes where I did suicide in the last thousand or so years, so I'd previously assumed that it was just a disrelated thing that keyed in too. So I decided to look for an incident where not having sex was associated with suicide, and I found one and I was on the overt side of it. This was two lifetimes ago, the Bill Lewis lifetime in the Cival War. And although I had been up and down the track on my 2Ds here on Earth, I had never found one in that lifetime until this point, it was just totally suppressed and not-ised. It turns out (I hadn't known this before) that in the Southern Aristocracy, the men were never horney around the Southern Bells because they had the slave quarters to visit. So the girls tended to go a little crazy. I had just come back a hero from one of the first minor skirmishes at the beginning of the war and was being idolized at a ball at the governor's mansion in Richmond, and I was not used to big city life or the more sophisticated Richmond society. I think her name was Anabele. She tore her clothes off and threw herself at me and I called her lots of nasty names and refused to have sex with her. Later during the dancing, she came down to the main ballroom, put a dueling pistol to her right temple, and blew her brains out. I'm sure it made the Richmond papers. It was probably about a month after the battle of Big Bethel. If anyone has access to Cival War era newpaper archives in Richmond, please give a look see. This one also taught me why I have trouble reacting sexually to black girls (and I've known a number of beautiful ones who've been good friends of mine, but only friends). When I'd visit those slave quarters it was with gifts and I'd help to get the girls better treatment because I had to be admired and could never force sex, but it was still an overt. That lifetime was a bad one in many respects. I'd hoped that this one was basic, but it turned out to only be a lock, and the huge weight of charge was back the next day. Then, a few processes later, I found a sort of charged asthetic story, maybe something from the Reality wars, like the one about courage that gets you to make your enemies stronger (see the self clearing book). This one was the story of an evil dictator (Hitler like) who is killing everybody and then is saved by some girl falling in love with him and this brings him back from evil. And the twisted point of the story is that you wreck everything until somebody gives you love. But it seemed like this implanted picture had some sort of similarity to something that really had happened to me. And then the whole damn thing fell into my lap. In super scio chapter 3, I talk about the R3M style actual GPMs. I ran out my current one (the goal to be intelligent) intensively, but I only handled the previous one (to be holy) very lightly to big cogs but not real errasue. I found it very hard to get into the context of the viewpoint that I'd lived that goal with. At the very end of an actual, there is a short reverse where you have a "not" version of the goal. In my case it was "to not be holy", and that sort tail end is a real horror, a time when you're trying to solve everything by destruction. I have such a period back in the tens of thousands of years ago. I had gotten a vague idea of it while running the GPM, but had not really confronted or handled it, and actually it seemed very unimportant and hard to find, but that was really because it was heavily suppressed. I could have avoided all this with one simple question if I'd only known. The question would have been: "What did you use to abandon that goal" And the answer would have been sex. That is not always the answer for everybody or all GPMs, but it is one of a set of likely answers. To be specific, at the very end I was this evil character with considerable power. But there was a group, actually an entire planet, that was trying to make OTs. Amoung other things, they were a bit of a love cult with things like group marriages and heavy use of sex to turn evil characters into good guys. And it was heavy admiration/love/affection type stuff with devine forgiveness and so forth, a bit like these "you are loved" type Christian shows but with mass orgies as part of the services. All of the overts, evil purposes, etc. from the end of that decayed GPM were burried under this. And I flipped off of that GPM and over onto the top of the "to be intelligent" goal, so I quickly because a good guy and was fast on their OT like stuff. But they were scared of renegade OTs also. So you accepted an implant, freely agreeing to it by choice, and that was that if you ever began to feel evil again, you would destroy yourself. And all that old shit was not really errased but just burried under waves of sex. Remove the sex and the old evil purposes begin to surface again. And then of course I'm feeling evil so I'm supposed to kill myself. Just wild. That one stopped the roller coaster. I wouldn't say that I'm totally clear on the area. In fact, pulling the lid off has revealed tons of junk to sort out and I'm still scratching my head over a lot of it. The tail end of that previous GPM is loaded to hell and gone with evil postulates, bad intentions, and all sorts of overts tangled up into a real mess. But the charge level has gone way down and things are easy to look at and I feel like its safe to talk again. Another unexpected and surprising side effect was that my notoriously heavy smoking instantaneously dropped down to a milder level. I'm not trying to quit, I like some of my vices and abberations (don't want to be too perfect and don't like agreeing when society gets in my face about something). But it was like a plug being pulled. I suppose that I shifted from a light smoker to a heavy compulsive one during one of those suicidal periods and it kind of locked in place after that. I'm not even seeing it clearly or logically yet, its justs this wild side effect and I don't even know if its stable, but there must have been a massive shift in my body chemestry when that suicide impulse came apart. Another thing I learned while doing all that processing last month was that I'd let my space and anchor points collapse while doing all this revolutionary crusading. When I was doing all that early research, I was pulling back a bit from contact because I didn't know where it was all going and I didn't want to drag other people into trouble. Then, once I started talking on the net, I wanted to stay out of sight. Add to that Ann's jeliosy, which made me tend to want to avoid girls, and LA's increasing no smoking restrictions which put me out of ARC with a lot of places, and I was just dropping locations and anchor points left right and center. And I was hardly noticing it because the mockup processes and exterior drills work well when you're in good shape and you do get lots of space and havingness and I was also getting all of this tremendous communication on the net. So I was quite fine and happy until I got that massive case keyin at the beginning of December. The advantage of physical universe stuff is that it remains stable and doesn't fade when your case caves in. And I looked around and realized that I'd let things go much too far. Too few friends and too few places I liked to go, and too many old comm lines disappearing now that my identity was out (I haven't been declared or even bothered by OSA, but some people disconnect anyway, and some have disconnected on the opposite side too - people who are so upset with Scn that they don't even want contact with an Scn reformer.) So I plan to spend more of my time out in the real world. And actually that bears its own fruit. Just jumping in the car and making the short drive from North Hollywood down to the LA Scn complex (something I used to do often but have rarely done in the last few years) really got me feeling a lot better and gave me back some old connections and lead to the nice realization of that new slogan which I'm posting separately. Right now I'm behind on everything. I haven't even looked yet at net messages which I saved for responding too. So I know I'm being neglectful, both in private and public email and postings. However, I'm doing this as a volunteer and making nothing from it and I do have to work full time at programming on top of everything else, so you'll just have to put up with me. What with finding that sewer of junk that I want to run out of the last GPM, and my intentions to spend a little more time living life (with the suicide compulsions gone, it would seem like a nice time to start a 2D, I do still need the ARC and the havingness), I suspect that I will be a bit slower and lower volume in my net communications. But rest assured that I remain devoted to the cause. Right now I'm feeling like I have one foot on each side of the fence and instead of climbing over, I want the damn fence torn down. It never should have been put up in the first place. A sobering thought is that I needed to know everything in standard tech to make it through and yet I never would have made it if I had only known what's in standard tech and nothing else. And I always push as hard as I can at the research. Unfortunately last month was a jumble of crap and I was having the damndest time trying to write anything up even though I was spotting lots of stuff. So the best I can do is this writeup plus a jumbled mess of notes from last month that I'm posting separately. But I'm back on my feet again, so you can expect good stuff in the future. Wecome to the New Millenium, The Pilot (aka Ken Ogger) ========================================== subj: Super Scio Tech - Mockups MOCKUPS Every once in awhile, my ability to mockup suddenly improves. I think that this is a cumulative gain. You run mockups occasionally as part of other drills, and then one day there is a jump in ability to mockup. And then you go along using these better mockups and one day there is a jump in ability. And then you go along at that level and one day there is a jump in ability. My thought on this is that eventually we will get up to the point of mocking up stuff as real and solid as the physical unvierse. Obviously I'm not there yet or else I'd just mockup a heaven of some sort and invite people to come visit. But I noticed something interesting this time. When my ability to mockup suddenly jumped to a new level (more real, more certain, more solid, more depth and color, etc.), the mockups went slightly out of control briefly. And I realized that that always happens when my ability to mockup improves. I had not paid much attention to it before because I have so many tricks for bringing mockups under control if there is any tendency for them to misbehave. So I just do a bit of processing and that momentary loss of control gets handled and is soon forgotten because a big leap like this only happens on rare occasions and it only takes a few minutes processing to clean up this effect. But if you don't know these tricks and are doing drills that raise your ability to mockup, this could give you quite a bit of trouble. So learn a few of these and have them at your fingertips if a mockup or a picture seems to misbehave or be out of control. I put these thing fairly early in the self clearing book because they are very easy to do and they are life savers if your running advanced processes. In brief, the best tricks are to change something's color and/or make copies of it, or to place it in various precise locations. The interesting thing here is that a jump in horsepower briefly put my mockups slightly out of control. I mocked up a body and it was twice as real as such things used to be and then suddenly I had a mockup of an old dying oriental body with blood pouring out of its mouth, which I had not put there. And I changed its color a few times, and changed the street it was lying in around (I had a whole little village street show up with this thing) and suddenly had it come under my control and remembered that it was the death incident of an old lifetime way back when. So then I mocked up a fly on the ceiling and besides the tiny little fly, I got a big three foot one out of some automaticity, and again brought it under control. A couple more, which had only slight abberations, and then everything stabilized, appearing only at my will and only doing what I had them do without anything more welling up out of the "bank". Just a few minutes work actually. In doctorate course terminology, I had gotten a gain in horsepower and suddenly acted like a Step IV or V case who couldn't control their own mockups and had to process back to Step I. Except that this hadn't happened because my case state had deteriorated. Instead it had happened because my case state had improved and I had, shall we say, moved up into another band of abberation. And it really was a major improvement, because even while I was struggling a bit to bring things under control, I was going "wow" at the degree of detail and color and texture that I was getting, and not just on the automaticities but on the stuff that I was putting there as I began to take control. This tells me that we keep our ability to mockup shut down or turned to low volume on purpose, because if you jacked the horsepower up to full all at once, you'd have monsters and dead bodies and things poping into existance and it would just be too horrible. So you turn the volume up one notch, and stuff goes out of control and you bring it under control. And then you turn it up another notch and it goes out of control and you bring it under control at that new level, and so on. And this also tells us that a major jump in horsepower will unstabilize a case, but you shouldn't be afraid of that because it is so easy to stabilize it again. For pictures and mockups, its those simple tricks of changing colors etc. And for subjective type case phenomena, we have light recalls and ARC straightwire type processes which run like dynamite at higher horsepower levels. The mistake is to think that something is wrong when you actually have a big gain that should be validated along with doing a little bit of dusting off on the next layer of abberation that you bumped into. Hope this helps, The Pilot ========================================== subj: Super Scio Tech - Processes For Rough Days PROCESSES FOR ROUGH DAYS I was having a couple of bad days, overly charged up on some stuff (I'll spare you the details) and trying to do some ordinary processing in the area of difficulty wasn't really biting. And of course I bumble around sometimes too, not thinking of the obvious. And the obvious was that I was trying to process over a present time problem which had become a big stuck mass. So I finaly got bright and invented a problem of comparable magnitue. I imagined myself lost in the woods in the dark, cold and alone without food or a compass, and it was like turning off a switch. The charge on the other area (which had nothing to do with this) was simply gone. Amazing really. Nothing I would have predicted logically. The process simply worked, bang, on one command. Despite all my experience with processing, it still astounds me when something like that happens. And I often forget that it can happen because I'm much more inclined to try and figure something out completely rather than counting on keyout effects. But if there is too much charge kicking around on something, you're probably not going to spot a basic or sort the whole thing out because the charge keeps derailing your thought processes. So you go for the quick keyout first and then, if you're in the mood, you go back and dig for basics in the area, but you key it out first because then you can dig in comfort. There are some reliable processes that are really good workhorses for this sort of thing. For a present time problem, the best keyout trick for use solo is actually problems of comparable magnitude. It knocks the current charge out faster than other problems processes and it works even in the face of zero ability to confront or figure out the problem that you are stuck in. It is not actually the best one for learning things or fixing you up so that the problem wouldn't come back again tomorrow, but it is the quickest way to knock all the charge off of your plate. You can always follow it with another problems process to take the thing apart further so that it doesn't reoccur. For protest, the best quick hit is the protest/admiration process (alternately protest and admire the thing you are protesting). Again, it will work on just about zero confront or knowledge and works well even in the face of maximum charge. For must haves, mock up a way to waste is good. There's lots of these. Which ones work best may vary for different people. Notice which ones work well for you and keep them handy. Best, The Pilot ========================================== subj: Super Scio Tech - Research Notes (2D etc.) RESEARCH NOTES (2D ETC.) Read the post on "Current Status (case spin and recovery)" first. I didn't even feel up to writing up my notes up until now, so this is a jumbled up hodge-podge of things from almost a months worth of processing. It is not in any particular order. I've only just barely pulled out of the spin, so there is the chance that there might be a few toxic twists in here or some wrong data. --------- 1. How good you feel when you are keyed out doesn't tell you how much is really gone for good. What tells you for sure is that things are not quite as bad when you are keyed in and struggling. The constant rollercoaster of temporary keyout followed by heavy keyin that was happening to me all through December made this obvious to me. Reducing charge (while keyed in) was not apparent during the early stages of running this. I think that mind's protection was limiting how much charge was present and that there was enough stuff waiting in the wings to keep filling the percieved level of charge up to maximum as things got handled and blown. But after a few weeks it started to seem like there was gradually less and less charge during the periods when I was totally keyed in. It was like there was finally nothing extra waiting in the reseviour so that the water level started really going down. --------- 2. When I was struggling with the area, I was unwilling to publish or talk much about it for fear of perverting the tech or derailing the FZ with my own case. So at one point I decided to run some charge off of my worries on this point to see what I'd find on the other side. Basically I simply did mockups exaggerating the situation - things like ordering orgies and then throwing everybody in the RPF who complained (I got a good laugh out of that one). When the surface charge cleared away, I realized that the real worry was that if I wrote about an area that had not been flattened, people would get pulled into the non-confronted portion of my case in the area, getting restimulated by it or copying it. I think that this is a valid concern. This has other implications as far as getting sucked into each others cases on the early track. I also see terrible parallels with Ron and what happened with him from the mid sixties onwards. Unfortunately the abberation was not sex or else he would have simply jumped a few of the students and started writing sane policies again. --------- 3. Obviously the real button is not sex. For me it locks up on admiration plus sex. The sex is valueless without admiration (and will not turn off the charge) and the admiration is valueless unless there is sex involved (or else I would just bask in the glow of the newsgroup). The admiration linkage became obvious almost immediately. One of the first processes I tried brought it into view and it has remained there as a constant without variation as I kept running things. I don't know if it is only the right underlying basic for me personally or whether it is a unviersal constant. Eventually I found an item "To be admired IS to create sex." This one took a lot of charge off. It seems to be part of something larger. --------- 4. The very first process I ran sucessfully when all this mess kicked into restim was problems of comparable magnitude. First I dabbled with other problems processes and even considered the modern problem rudiment but it seemed like only Comp Magnitude had the brute force staying power to work solo in the face of the amount of charge that had come in (and at that point it all seemed like a great stuck solidity, so a problems approach seemed right rather than trying some other button). I don't think that Comp Magnitude provides as much insight or as good cogs as most of the other problems processes, but I would now say that it is the one to use to push through something that is just too damn solid to get a grip on with other techniques. Anyway, it not only keyed the area out for a day but loosened it up sufficiently that other techniques became runable. And, at least up to now, it hasn't indicated to hit the area again from the angle of problems with some of the other problems processes. The next one I used was "mockup a way to waste sexual experiences" with a view to blowing must have type charge in the area and that also worked spectacularly in the face of heavy charge. The third one was to just whipsaw it between two extreme concepts so as to loosen the area up further. I alternated "get the idea of never having a 2D ever again" with "get the idea of having huge quantities of 2D in the future." I left the second command extremely vague with the intention that the very meaning itself should be allowed to shift as it ran. And I purposefully started out with that second command actually being a mockup of huge quantities of very degraded impersonal sex and just kind of let it slide natually upwards, command after command through whatever kind of 2D stuff I would really like to have as my tone came up and ridges blew away. And at the end it was just a mockup of pure admiration. Before running that, I could have imagined all sorts of other things as basics, such as caring or partnership or whatever, but admiration is the one that stayed in when everything else fell away. And admiration remains as a constant in the area (at least for me) whereas everything else seems to run out. Even things like careing for reduce in intensity as losses are run out. Very high powered beings on the early track don't actually need to be cared for but they do need admiration. And of course it's mutual admiration. --------- 5. I've probably run at least fifty different processes in the area so far. I should really follow my own advice and keep a detailed notebook. But as I've been writing up tech so intensively, I gradually slipped all the way from keeping careful worksheets down to the point of just writing up important things after the fact. I do jot down important concepts or items if I feel I might forget them before doing a writeup, but aside from that the only real running record is the continual series of posts that I do for the net. Of course sometimes I write or half write one and then sit on it for awhile because the area is incomplete or still shifting around. But there is surprisingly little of that, entire areas have been pretty much laying themselves out on my plate ever since I posted the Super Scio book. Maybe just good karma from having done a nice deed. So this is the first time I've been banging around through huge amounts of stuff and not even getting it written down because I still felt too charged on the area. Now of course I'm remedying that. So you'll have to excuse me for not giving a complete list of processes run in sequence and results obtained. Most of it was pretty standard stuff with predictable good results. Anything unusual will be mentioned here. --------- 6. I suspect that there is early, prior to home universe, stuff about fighting for each other's admiration. One thing that I found in the home universe era was a sort of synchronization of parts of one's home universe with someone else's, giving spaces that were held in common. And eventually this deteriorated into the usual jeiousy and so forth that we see on the 2D now. Sort of like Bill synchronizes the creation of the right side of his home universe with the right side of Alice's, and then he changes his mind and syncronizes with Carol's instead and soon we have a sort of home universe era Peyton Place even though we are dealing with bodiless creators who are way above what we know of as sex. --------- 7. Another early version of male/female is simply to have one person who creates the space (female) and one who faces the outside world (male), and this simplifies to the concept of a team where one person is on offense and the other is on defense covering his back, and of course that runs on other areas besides the 2D. --------- 8. During the Tibetan lifetimes, I worked hard at inverting and backflowing the sex flows, feeding them back in instead of out so as to turn off cravings and build up horsepower. Although that entire cycle of lives ended with a major keyed out OT state, when I saw that I could not excape all the way out, I reincarnated as human. In that first post-Tibetan life I was a great magician in Tunisia. I had this huge purpose to feed the starving masses and tried to be a sort of wonder worker and I had some degree of OT abilities turned on. Then all those backed up and inverted sex flows went into massive restimulation. And I was truely powerful so I dramatized. I did dedicate myself to a worthwile crusade to feeding people better and improving the lives of the poor, vast projects of irrigation etc. which I sold the ruler on and got done. But I accumulated a tremendous harem and yet did not pay proper attention to it or its affairs. Of course there were lots of overts and I could give you all sorts of stories, but the real point is that I would suggest that channeling flows back in a feedback effect is something that you shouldn't do too much of (it is in some of the yogi practices), and I'm not saying don't do it but just that a little goes a long way and you always need to balance these with positive direct outflows etc. --------- 9. Simply handling 2D losses has be running like crazy. I've been running tons of track in the recent period going back about a thousand years. Not just loss but lots of stuff. And early on I was not tending to get much that would run any earlier, so I have been working over that material a lot. One wild thing is that while the 2D terminals and tons of other things and events and so forth were coming into view in detail, anything to do with children was completely missing (a bit shocking in retrospect). It was only when I took yet another pile of charge off of my wife and only child dying in a plane crash last lifetime that suddenly enough charge came off of losing children that I could spot that they had existed in my earlier lives. Talk about blind spots. I have been intentionally leaving the area of children aside because I know that it is another damn Pandora's box that will knock the charge levels up through the roof again if I open it. And it is not in restim, so I'm leaving well enough alone and not running processes aimed in that direction because there is enough to handle already. But I don't stop it from coming up when it wants to. And I know that sooner or later I will have to roll up my sleves and have a go at it. --------- 10. I've always been leary of claiming a famous name on recent track, especially as too much is known and documented and my recall is too poor. But after running so many 2D chains through the area, I'm pretty damn certain that I was the composer Robert Schumann back in the early 1800s. And I discovered some crazy coincidences recently, and I thought that I should mention them just because I don't entirely understand how these things happen. I pretty much taught myself to play the piano. I had a few lessons so I could puzzel out the notes and I had a few beginners books and didn't even have a piano (never did until I was working real jobs after leaving staff and went out and bought one). By an almost impossible set of coincidences, the score for the Schumann piano concerto had ended up in my hands, and I didn't really know what it was or understand it. Then one day I was home sick from school and decided to try listening to a few classical records, which was not my usual taste. We had a large record collection but my family mainly played operas which I didn't care for, so I thought that I didn't like classical music. But I grabbed a couple of records, pretty much at random, and put them on. The first was Beethoven's sonata titled Appasionata. The second was the Schumann concerto. And I had forgotten about the score, but suddenly it clicked in my mind and I dug it out and realized that it really was the same piece. So I sat there listening and puzzling through the music and that's when I really began to read music. And I ran out almost instantly and bought the score for Appassionata as well and puzzeled through that. And eventually I could play anything ever written at sight at the keyboard, but that was many years of hard work later. But Appasionata hardly took any work at all and I still consider it a trivial easy piece even though other people think of it as one of maximum difficulty. Even before I ever owned a piano or learned to play properly, I used to rattle it off on the NY org's piano in the academy late at night. I had more trouble with the Schumann, and actually only the concerto and a few other early works, written when he was feeling very good ever appealed to me in those days, all the other Schumann pieces literally made me sick - I mean true somatics, upset stomachs and so forth, so I thought that he was mostly a lousy composer. Obviously the whole mess was blocked by somatics from that lifetime. So that Appasionata was the one that kicked into my life at random, first classical record I ever put on myself, and that I was impossibly able to play without lessons even though it was one of these competition level super works, and it was the piece that taught me to really read music. I just found out that it was Clara Schumann's signature piece. The one she built her reputation on just before she and Robert threw everything in their lives away for the sake of love and ran away together. That was the storybook romance three lifetimes back that I mentioned in the other post. And I was busy crusading yet again in that lifetime, just like I often do, but the target was music, trying to shift everyone from this pedantic adherence to rules (where the rare romantic work by Bach or Mozart was considered one of their failings instead of their greatest achievements) over to a real feeling of music. And of course I thought that I'd failed, but in retrospect it worked, people make music first and worry about the rules second nowardays. However cultural lag and self invalidation made it seem like I had done nothing at the time. And then there is the classic suicide at the end. It was the first whole track incident I ever ran, right at the beginning of getting 1966 style dianetics. I didn't even suspect the name or know anything about the Schumann suicide (or even know that he had suicided because they fished the body out of the river and it sort of lived on for a few years run by entities - so its only an attempted suicide in the history books). However the time, place, form, and event matches what's in the books. Later I was playing through Beethoven number 31 and suddenly was paralyzed and on my knees with a shattering somatic in my hand and flashed onto an incident of breaking my finger while playing back in the eighteen hundreds. There seemed to be a sort of cord attached to my pinkie and it had snapped backwards. Apparantly I was practicing with weights in the old incident. And while getting a screwed up search and discovery in early 1968, looking for some old whole track SP, the name Mannerheim came up and seemed to be from the 1800s and was the item, and I'd never heard the name before, just sort of wanted to say it. A bit later I found out that all three of these things were straight out of the Schumann lifetime, the suicide, the finger breaking, and the connections with the Mannerheim family. I only have a sketchy little bio of Schumann, included in a book mainly aimed at analyzing his music. I have made a point of avoiding reading a true detailed bio for fear of prejudicing myself in running the area. The book blames the suicide on his sadness at the deaths of his friends Chopin and Mendelsohn (Schumann squelched the rivalries and pulled all the romantic composers together - the exact same sort of thing that I try to do on ACT) and at his feelings of failure. I don't think so. Something went wrong between him and Clara, otherwise he would have never left her. Too many feelings of overts with her being forced to go out and support them by playing the piano. I don't know if she was sleeping with List or Brahms on her tours, and I wouldn't have cared if she was, not a jelious bone in my body. But she wasn't sleeping with me anymore so I went out and jumped in the damn river. Typical. I've got that kind of stuff up and down the track. --------- 11. Suicides As soon as I knew to look for suicides, I found them all over the place. I already knew almost every lifetime I lived in the last thousand years, but for most of them, I'd never spotted the death. As soon as the suppress came off on suicide, there they were, one after another, shooting myself, walking off of a parapet, cuttin my own throat, on and on. Even the rare female lifetimes. I remember whoreing around in Spain. Great lifetime. I was a dancer. Lots of sex and admiration. Occasionally I took money for it but on my own terms, so it was always fun. The Spanish Inquisition scared everybody off of me. Before I cut my throat I slashed open a vein and wrote "your god is the devil" on the wall. And I found out about these double life overlays that I often have. It happens when you commit suicide and they bring you back and you've already grabbed another body. Last lifetime, 1949, I was in the hospital, too long without sex, went into the spin, wandered around late one night and found a scaple. Slit my own wrists and grabbed the Ken Ogger body around birth. And they found me before I was fully gone and patched me up and that old body dragged me back like a boat anchor. It wouldn't die until I was 4 in this lifetime. I kept bouncing between the two bodies and never quite remembering but thinking that I was dreaming about each one from the other one. Same thing happened with the Schumann to Bill Lewis transition. They fished the body out of the Rhine and I was partially dragged back. But I'd picked up an older body in the hospital (the original owner had left when it got sick) so it was easier to mostly leave the Schumann body in the hands of entities because the other one was already in its teens. --------- 12. I did some spotting of things that I like. Usually it runs easily, but this time there wasn't too much. Too many heavy ARC breaks with this universe in restimulation. I remember somebody suggesting to Homer on the newsgroup that he go out and feed the ducks to cheer himself up. He responded with a rant about not wanting to feed the damn ducks. I sympathized. But there is always something which you have high enough ARC for that it stays in even when the protests against this universe are at maximum. For me these are things like a nice piece of music, a beautiful girl, or a high quality engineering construction. But its always things where people are mocking up asthetics (even the girl is working to put an asthetic there). I don't care for the natural state of this universe. Its ok if I'm feeling love for everybody, but if I'm in a bad mood, I just don't like the damn place. So I wondered what sort of place I would like. Of course I like sci fi, but that's high tech with people putting asthetics in (at least sometimes). So I wondered what would I like in its natural state? And I got Magic universe. Its hard to say what that is. Something like the Oz movie is somebody's impression of such a place. I certainly get visions sometimes in reading a fantasy story. Its hard to say if I've ever seen anything that's exactly right. But its similar, almost like earth but with a twist. The mest there has an asthetic to it. The mest here is dead. Here the dirt is dirty, there it has a healing warmth, and yet it is almost the same. I thought of a brook and there is a spot where the brook runs uphill for a little ways. That doesn't happen here, the physics are different. Here the brook searches for the path of least resistance. There it searches for the optimum path and might go up a little to find a better downward plunge. I suppose there is a cohesion to the brook mockup there that lets it do that whereas here the individual molecules must each find their own level and will not climb temorarily to gain advantage. --------- 13. Another thing we've got wrong in the tech is the sympathy button. Because of fear of sticking people in things, I ended up building an artificial no-sympathy attitude on top of my own naturally sympathetic (perhaps over sympathetic) nature. This is a mistake. The sympathy flow, as we know it, is a low scale ARC flow. It is a positive, not a negative and there are higher scaled versions of it, it is simply so scare that people get sticky on it. Heavy no-sympathy flows make the person get worse in ever more frantic attempts to get sympathy. I think that there is some kind of a scale here. This sympathy might be better described as some kind of low scale love flow and that is so scarce that people get hurt just to get sympathy. There's more to learn here. --------- 14. Valences It would be better here to say frames of reference or packages of attitudes. These might have operated as real valences before and then the divisions between them softened due to processing, going clear, blowing entities, etc. All of these are me and I can find a point slightly before earth when I had these various attitudes as a cohesive whole without conflict, easily shifting around and looking at things from various angles without difficulty. I have been gradually returning to that state as I keep running things out. I think that it is just the horrible earth track which has forced these viewpoints apart, but it is also possible that there is some dividing against oneself that occurs in being sentenced here. It now seems to me that the "from where" type processes would be much better run with the "where" being a valence or package of attitudes or frame of referencve rather than a location. In other words, "from what viewpoint would you create ..." would be an extremely powerful process. For example, I might want to create a headache from the viewpoint of a hard taskmaster (wanting somebody to do something - eg. hitting them over the head to get them to work) and be doing that unconsciously to myself while being on the opposite side and feeling the effect of the somatic and therefore have a headache that I was creating from an old viewpoint that was out of control. This also raises the general point of one's old viewpoints left running out of control. A slightly different slant on fragmentation. Getting back to the sexual viewpoints which I was running, there are two which are acceptible to me and are gradually coming into alignment. One is a highly romantic viewpoint. This is really asthetics co-mingled with high ARC and has stuff that runs very well on games concepts and so forth but has been terribly bashed about by earth type civilization. This has ideas in it like love and soul mates and people who find each other across multiple lifetimes. It is nice and as I mentioned it is highly asthetic, but it always seems to come in conflict with practicalites and the conventions of earthly civilization. It is possible that I am creating my own opposition in this area and it always seems to require breaking socity's rules or agreements or whatever. It might simply stem from having gotten suckered into asthetic stories on the early track. From this viewpoint I am heavily at war with society because the current mechanics impose barriers and also separate you (by death or whatever) the rare times you connect to such a person. The other is a loose free love attitude that allows for multiple partners and simply considers love to be a manifestation of high ARC. This one requires an absence of jeliousy because all share and none are exclusive. Of course this one also comes into conflict with society because of contrary social conventions and the fact that most people are into jeliousy and posession. The resolving point from which these both work together is a civilization I was in slightly before getting hit by Marcab and so forth. I've talked elsewhere about a very high civilization that was smashed by Marcab. I have trouble with the name. Sometimes I get it as Elsinore. This was a place that was intentionally designing to try and make a "clear" group and get people out of the trap by means of social conventions which served to minimize the late track abberations and encourage very high scale behaviour. This applied to more than the 2D, but I'll talk about the 2D aspect here since that's what I've run recently. The conventions did include loose and free sex as an expression of ARC. They also included the idea of nearer and further bonds so that one might have a great love and yet also have light contacts without the jeliousy and false concepts of owning another being. There were group marriages with the idea that there were many roles to play and some people were better at one than another. One female might be better at child rearing and another might be a super sex item that pulled the entire group together. One of the males might be a strong macho type who handled the dangers while another might be a bright intellectual who specialize in planning. To some degree this sidestepped the actual GPMs by providing people who worked together to cover each other's weaknesses. There is a third "valence" steming from that time and it is one that is extremely careful of comitting overts related to sex. In this old civilization it primarily consisted of never letting anybody feel invalidated, decived, or misused in the 2D area. This strikes me as sane and reasonable but in the earth context it makes it impossible for me to present any false impressions or do any button pushing in the 2D area. This civilization looked on the Marcabian idea of exclusive relationships as being a trick to misuse you ultra high ARC for one special partner as a means to get you to ARC break all your other terminals. I wrote the above before getting to the final cognitions I described in "current status". This is, of course, the civilization I was talking about at the end of the other post. --------- 15. Actual GPM items In one of these R3M style actual GPMs, the items are your own choice. Only the idea of making items to try and achieve the goal plus a suggested series of goals is "implanted", not the items. A goal like "to be intelligent" has no bias as to good or evil. Although nicer items will tend to be up towards the beginning and nastier ones towards the end, there is a great deal of personal choice involved. Use of something like heavy love flows can influence the person towards a better choice of items. --------- 16. Ralph made a good suggestion about entities in the area. Of course I blow those fairly easily, but I looked it over and realized I was putting fragments of myself into 2D terminals and that there was a huge mutual exchange of fragments involved in sex. Pieces of others which were objectionable had pretty much been blown off as BTs long since. But I hadn't spotted that I was unconsiously and compulsively jambing fragments into every pretty female body that walked by. And I also realized that there were lots of other's pieces (sort of BTs) which were on me which I didn't blow off because they were not objectionable. These would be better called Spiritual Teammates a la Alan. I do not really see these as independent beings. They do seem more like pieces of others warmly placed. This raises the thought of another whole area of technology (I do not know ACW's ST tech) because some of the fragments that I have been placing due to ARC (rather than must haves or compulsions) do occasionally hit the other terminal with my abberations instead of the ARC intended. And that is true of ones placed on me as well. Consider for example an over protective mother who is putting stops in the way of her children due to her own fears for their safety. You don't want to cut such a connection but you do want to remove the stops. This is a vast area and I'm going to have to look into it further when I'm not so distracted. It also points out to me that I blew off too much during the solo nots overrun. I don't think that I blew things which shouldn't have been blown during the relatively shorter run to EP, because I was not trying to solve anything but simply handling whatever seemed like it needed handling. But during the overrun, where I was trying to solve things and find underlying sources and blow anything I could get my hands on, I certainly blew quite a few things that should have been cleaned up and aligned rather than disconnected. --------- 17. At one point I found a control line running back to what might be described as one of Capt Bill's plugs or monitors. I think of these as control entities and I see it a little different, but I think were looking at the same area. This one was large and active and off in some strange management place (like a between lives astral area reaching down to earth) and seemed to be arranging things in my life to see to it that the 2D was screwed up. It seemed like I was handling something that needed to be cleaned up and negotiated with rather than blown off, because if it was blown something else would simply replace it and pick up some hat that needed to be worn. I've hit things like this on rare occasions before and they can be cleaned up and sort of made into allies by running some processes on them and showing them some things. But this time I hit on a marvelous technique which handles these like dynamite and really turns the situation around. You tell them to "Spot the part of yourself which is living on earth and being controlled." Really knocks them on their ass and brings about an instant shift in loyalties. They never realized that it was happening to them too. And boy that character had been black, L. Kin would probably have called him xemu (silly A=A) because he had that flow, and then I was suddenly dealing with what seemed like a friend and supporter who had just woken up to what was really going on. I am now getting the idea that there might be a sort of control area where each of us has a major fragment almost comparable to the one in which we're living here on earth and by which we arrange life for each other. Another wild idea to follow up on. --------- 18. In abandoning the old actual GPM and shifting over to the current one, as I described in current status, I went through massive changes of viewpoint. Now that the heavy suppress is off of it, I can see the continuity between my old ideas and the new ones. But lets say that had been in the middle of that big spin and also been sold on the idea that all my remaning case came from external factors such as entities. And my old ideas leaking through that heavy barrier I had put up were so foriegn to my current viewpoint that I could easily be convinced that they were of external origin. I think that such a mistake would have spun me in totally. I would have abandoned what little responsibility I still had in the area and begun fighting external forces and probably gotten crazy ideas like trying to keep my ethics in as these externally created abberations tried to control me. In fact it sounds an awful lot like Ron coming back from the OT 3 research in Tangier. And he had been working R3M GPMs in 1963 and never really made it and slid over into the patterns of 1964 instead, which are a completely different animal. So maybe the previous actual GPM was heavily restimulated and sort of leaking through a heavy suppress that he'd built on it. And he did know about entities from 1952 (it is a real phenomena, just not as important as the org implies). So maybe he did make the mistake and go into a heavy spin that gives us the sea org and quickies and various other problems. I will say for sure that the amount of kick on one of these R3M style actual GPMs makes the clearing course platen feel like a walk in the park. And I say that after having gotten lots of gains and lots of TA action on CC. It is good to run but it is not in this league. --------- 19. We run incidents and experience time because without that we would have to face everything at once and it would be too much. --------- 20. A nifty process a) What lessons should others have learned b) What lesson can you forgive another not learning --------- 21. Reverse Agreements. The agreements that persist are reverse agreements. A reverse agreement is one that you made for the wrong reasons and are holding onto and it persists because it contains a lie. One reason for making a reverse agreement is because it justifies something, for example you agree that a certain class of people are stupid because it makes less of some overts you've comitted on them. You might also hold a reverse agreement in place to keep from loosing something. Many reasons are possible. Basic Basic is a reverse agreement you needed. This is just a guess with no proof, but it feels right. --------- 22. R2-12 type GPM. There may be yet another animal in this endless mess of different kinds of things that were lumped together under the heading of GPMs. For the first time I found something that really looked like one of those black ball item pairs that Ron talks about in the R2-12 days just before R3M comes out. I spotted the pair of items as: Someone who encourages having sex vs Those who oppose having sex And I noticed that they acted in this funny way to snap things into one side or the other on the subject of sex. Maybe somebody might have two things to say about sex, one being that there were too many hookers on Sunset blvd and the other being that they loved orgies. Depending on which one they said first, they would either snap into the terminal side or the opterm side, and remain there from there on, completely catalogued with no judgement on my part whatsoever - a total A=A two valued logic that is obviously very stupid. That damn thing has been running on automatic all my life (until I spotted it), and it only classifies people in regards to 2D and doesn't actually spill over into other areas. In other words, I associate somebody as a 2D opterm but do not treat them as an enemy in any other area, which is really funny too (and hopefully is gone now). I listed for what goal did these items belong to, expecting to find some sexual goal and instead found the goal "To Be Admired" which of course had been coming up elsewhere in trying to process sex. The implications are that this is some fragment of an extremely early super powerful implant, because I would expect that later track ones would simply have used sex. In fact, this might be a fragment of the one that bends admiration into sex in the first place. I haven't been able to get any more of this one so far. I'll have to take another look at it later. --------- 23. PTS I also looked at the idea of being PTS in the area and came up with a new definition which gets all the wrong data about enemies and stuff out of it. PTS is having unwanted anchorpoints or masses jambed into your space. They might even be being put there out of misguided good intentions. It is the fact of the impingement rather than the intention behind it (lets stop looking for covert enemies under every rock). This unwanted impingement knocks you down scale. If you try to process over it, you will rollercoaster because the impingement continues and puts things back into restimulation after they are keyed out. You can still make progress by errasure. Something does errase with each cognition and that gain is never lost. But the things keyed out come back in fairly quickly. And the larger percentage of our fast gains are mostly keyout effects. If possible you handle the impingement. This does not mean that you spot an enemy and disconnect. It might mean that you try and handle something in life, maybe making a deal to get a heavily impinging thing off of your lines. Or you run some charge off of the impingment so that it impacts less. Or, if there is no other choice, you roll up your sleaves and process anyway, just being aware that the errasures are cumulative even though the keyouts are very transient and you keep spinning back in. --------- 24. Grade zero I thought I was pretty damn free in the area of communications. All the training and TRs and so forth and then both old style zero and later both auditing and receiving a complete expanded grade zero. I can talk about anything. I can talk to anybody. I don't have preconcieved notions about which topics are acceptible to which kinds of people. Instead I look. And there is the rub. I am loaded to the gills with considerations about what effect I am creating and what is acceptible to whom under what conditions. I traded a fixed pattern of assumptions for a far better interactive framework. And that was the correct EP for me at the time. But it is orders of magnitude short of true freedom in communications. I've said over and over that the grades can be run again at a deeper level after you have processed tons of other stuff. This one still caught me by surprise. I guess I've found the next layer of grade 0 on my case and its finally ready to be run. 25. Lesson Learned I am going to take more risks and get a bit further out into the open. As I said in the other post, I let my real world anchor points and comm lines slip too much. Having terminals and space and ARC has a stabilizing effect on one's case and without that you bounce around too easily if any case charge starts kicking around. Although I only check it occasionally and I prefer to keep technical discussions out in the open in the newsgroup, I can be emailed as And I am in the North Hollywood phone book (and my voicemail is finally secure and accessible by me only) especially if there are some old ex-New Yorkers or cute girls in the area. I'm burrying contact information here rather than publishing in big bold letters in a short post because I don't want to make it too easy for somebody who has only glanced at my stuff and simply wants to complain at me. But people who have been reading big technical posts like this one are certainly welcome contacts. And OSA, of course, has had full contact information ever since Ann gave them my name so I'm not worried about them reading this. In truth I think that I'm doing them more good than harm what with my deep belief in the tech so I'm not too worried as long as they are thinking things through instead of just lashing out reactively. ============= I suppose that I probably scared the hell out of everybody and maybe created a few ARC breaks into the bargin. This was a rough month and every damn crazy aspect of my case was boiling to the surface all at once. But its better for this stuff to be known rather than hidden. Best, The Pilot ========================================== All these messages were posted with the following trailer - ------------------ The free Self Clearing Book, The Super Scio book, and the "SCIENTOLOGY REFORMER'S HOME PAGE" are all over the net. See The Self Clearing Homepage for URLs to these sites Or see The Pilots Home Page at Some translations are available, see links at Also see the new website. All of the current posts will be collected in Super Scio Archive #69 and posted to ACT. See the Pilot Archives at FZA.ORG. Note that some of my posts only go to ACT. I don't actually use the email address. That is just window dressing. I prefer to keep techical discussions out in the open. I watch ARS and ACT for messages with Pilot in the subject line. ------------------