Newsgroups: From: (The Pilot) Subject: Super Scio Archive - <6/9> posts of July 97 Date: 25 Aug 1997 14:00:17 POST6.TXT SUPER SCIO TECH: PILOT POSTS OF JULY 1997 (other posts from July are in POST7.txt) ======================== Contents (Headers): Subj : Super Scio Tech - Looking over DMSMH from Hindsight Subj : Super Scio Tech - GROUP MIND INCIDENTS Subj : Super Scio Tech - SUGGESTIONS FOR HOMER Subj : Super Scio Tech - Spaceation Subj : RE: Forgiveness Processing (Super Scio Reply) ======================== Subj : Super Scio Tech - Looking over DMSMH from Hindsight LOOKING OVER DMSMH FROM HINDSIGHT The antis will probably complain that this is unscientific and therefore worthless. The freezone will probably say, "who cares". The orgs will probably consider it sacraledge. And everyone else will probably think that its a big waste of time. But I felt that it really needed to be done, and it has aided me in getting various things in perspective. And so here it is. As Christ would say, let those who can hear listen. The question is how much of DMSMH (Dianetics the Modern Science of Mental Health) would a modern Dianetic auditor toss out the window as being mistaken guesswork. --------------- A great deal of Dianetic auditing has been done since the release of Dianetics the Modern Science of Mental Health (DMSMH). The modern dianetic techniques bear little resemblance to those used in the book. A few things have been officially recognized as mistakes, but most things are considered simply to be new "discoveries". Based on our subsequent experience, the original book turns out to be mostly wrong, or at best, a shaky collection of half truths. But Scientology still hangs on to basic definitions and conclusions that were drawn from this wrong data. Here I am going to review DMSMH from the viewpoint of a modern dianetic auditor. I will try to avoid using any of my own non-standard-tech research in this evaluation. The only reason that a modern Class 8 would not write such an analysis is that they work hard to make Ron always right and twist things around to avoid criticizing his early work. It is this mental twist that I'm trying to get rid of, both for them and for myself. The modern dianetic techniques (Routine 3R etc.) do produce results (although maybe not as much as advertised) and the original book generally just produced interesting phenomena. For those of us who have had success with modern dianetic techniques, we need to re-evaluate our basic premisis and stop carrying excess baggage and wrong data forward from this inspiring but poorly researched early book. AN ANALYSIS OF DMSMH The Dianetic therapy described in Dianetics the Modern Science of Mental Health (DMSMH) was obviously not researched and tested thoroughly before the book was released. But the Dianetic boom itself, and subsequent use of the techniques given in the book can be used as research data to validate or invalidate the theories given in the book. In the past, most evaluations of this book have used a black or white approach where either it was all good (because some results were produced) or it was all bad (because some things failed). Let us instead consider the entire thing to be a series of theoretical ideas of which some were subsequently validated in practice and others were found to be false. I believe that what we really had was a series of bright ideas proposed by Ron that were based on a very limited number of experiments. He drew broad conclusions from isolated instances. Unfortunately, the book was full of sales hype and exaggerations and was presented as a finished and validated practice rather than a series of theoretical propositions which needed to be researched. The Dianetic boom came about because there were things in the book that were correct and easily demonstrable. But the boom collapsed because there was too much that didn't work. The typical story of the early Dianetics practicioners was that they would begin with tremendous enthusiasm generated by the fantastic phenomena that they found when they applied the techniques. But things would not carry forward as expected, and so they would blame themselves for the failures and restudy the book or take a course with Hubbard. Finally they would realize that it was the book rather than themselves which was inadequate and abandon the subject in disgust. But the book was not an absolute which was true or false in its entirity. It was built on guesswork, but it was brilliant guesswork. So let us look at some of the ideas that were proposed and see what we can make of them based on hindsight. 1. The existance of Engramic recordings of incidents, including sonic as well as visio and including events that take place while one is unconcious. This one has been validated endlessly. You can easily throw someone into an engram and dredge up the most facinating array of data. This is the reason for the Dianetic boom. Almost anyone who read the book and understood it well enough to apply the techniques correctly soon had a PC running through an incident in a dramatic manner. So they told their friends that it worked and the friends got their own books and it all expanded like wildfire. Even Miller's critical work recounts numerous people who joined the boom because they had run through a vivid engramic experience with the techniques. Before I ever walked into an org, I got a copy of DMSMH and read it. Then I put my mother on the couch and explained to her about how we could run through incidents burried in the subconcious to relieve hidden stress. She was game to try it. So I asked her to move to the moment when I had walked into the living room to get her to try doing a session and then told her to move through the incident recounting it as she went through it. And she gave me what sounded like a literal replay of every word and gesture I had used. She did, however, seem to be almost in a hypnotic trance, which I took to be Dianetic reverie (you never see this with modern Dianetics). Satisfied that she could run through an incident, I then asked her to tell me the first thing that poped into her mind when I snapped my fingers. Then I asked "How Old Are You" and snapped and she answered "17". I said good, move to when you were 17 and she let out a scream. There was a fire and she had climbed out of her second floor bedroom window onto the lower roof that extended over another wing of the house. She had panicked and run screaming across the roof and fell through a skylight onto a table in the room below and passed out. I was impressed. Obviously Dianetics worked. Except that this was only one of the many ideas in the book. This one was valid, but some of the others were not. This was a situation that I was not prepared for, namely that we had a series of unconfirmed hypothesis rather than a tried and true science. 2. The ability to come up with accurate data by running through incidents Dianetically. This one is half true. An amazing amount of data can be pulled into conciousness by repeatedly scanning through an incident. Often it is found to be correct or mostly correct, but occasionally its not quite right or even blatently wrong. What appears to be happening is that you get better data than you would by simple recall, but it is nowhere near perfect. 3. The idea that at some level we all have perfect recordings of everything we have experienced. This is a nice idea, and it could be true, but I can't see where it has ever been proven. It is also an idea that is very hard to disproved since you can always say that more needs to be done to achieve full access to these recordings. We do see improvements in people's ability to recall things, and we even find that the ability to recall sounds, tastes, smells, etc. can be improved, but none of this is absolute. We can, however, state with certainty that a "clear" does not have perfect recall even in the current lifetime. 4. The idea that prenatal incidents are recorded as engrams. Here again we are on shaky ground. We know from modern Dianetics as used in Scientology that the person himself (the thetan) does not sit there in the womb as the body grows. The most common experience seems to be one where the thetan hangs around the mother for awhile and enters the body just before birth. Modern techniques use a lighter style which is closer to recall type processes and the person finds his way back down chains of incidents. Doing this, the person tends to slide back into past lives rather than into prenatal incidents. So we do not have enough modern data to evaluate whether or not these prenatal incidents are real. The only technique which ever brought up a significant number of prenatal incidents was repeater technique. Here the PC says a phrase over and over again until he falls into the incident where the phrase was recorded engramically. The early Dianeticists observed a great deal of interesting phenomena while playing around with this. But as far as I know, there was never a serious effort to validate or invalidate the incidents that were being dredged up. To the best of my knowlege, modern clears and OTs do not have any significant recall of the prenatal area. And the general supposition is that they were not in the body at that time anyway. If there are prenatal incidents, then we are dealing with a different mechanism than the thetan's own engramic recordings. The 1952 speculations were that it was the Genetic Entity's recordings, and the modern idea is probably that it comes from BTs who were in the body before birth (but there is so little discussion of confidential data that its hard to say what is currently thought about this). This would have to be researched to determine if these recordings are accurate and to determine what is doing the recording. The only thing here that we can say with certainty is that Ron found a wild phenomena and built a lot of incorrect speculations around it and that we still don't know to this day exactly what the real truth is in this area. 5. The idea that a later incident can gain force from an earlier incident. Here I'm going to carefully avoid mention of related ideas such as errasue and chains and basic incidents and try to deal with this concept in isolation so that we can look over the other points separately. Ron bundles many different concepts together here and I wish to raise the point that some may be true but not necessarily all of the ideas. If, in running a later incident, an earlier incident is stirred up (restimulated), then the later incident begins to draw force from the earlier one and become more severe instead of getting better. This is valid and is easily observed in modern dianetics. I don't think that this idea originated with Ron, but it is a key point that is often missed in the psychiatric field. The normal disproof of incident running as a therapy is by showing that the patient sometimes gets worse instead of better by running through an incident, and these shallow refutations never try to find an earlier underlying incident which can be run successfully. 6. The idea that these engrams are arrayed in chains which are anchored in "basic" engrams. Here I think that the idea is oversimplified and slightly off. There are engrams which can be run successfully and ones which can only be handled by tracing back to earlier similar engrams until you do find one which can be discharged. DMSMH is primarily concerned with earlier similar content and modern dianetics discards this in favor of earlier similar somatics (pains, sensations, emotions, and attitudes). Interim techniques such as 1966 style simply used a vague "locate an earlier similar incident" type command that could go either way, and this is even used in modern dianetics in special circumstances. The modern technique seems in general to work better, but all methods of going earlier had some success. This implies that every engram is on dozens of chains, including chains of the various somatics in the incident and various aspects of the incident's content. If it was the mear fact of an earlier similar engram existing which prevented discharging the incident, then you would never be able to run anything because there would be so much pulled into restimulation. So we have to back off a bit on this idea and take a more practical approach. Which is to say that sometimes running an engram restimulates an earlier one so you have to run that one instead, rather than assuming that these things are arrayed in some permanent fashion. I would like to continue using the word "basic" to refer to an incident which can be discharged, but I wish to discard any notion that these "basics" are the first times that anything happened. If any of our ideas about past lives are correct, then the anount of earlier incidents that exist are great enough to imply that we have almost never run the first time that a particular pain or experience happened. And yet we can often successfully run and discharge "basic" engrams. It may be that the person either simply faces something or doesn't quite confront it and thereby becomes restimulated by the earlier incidents. So we work earlier and undercut the current incident and also get the added benifit that we are addressing something that is more remote from his current existance and therefore is easier to face. When we hit one that he can face without pulling in earlier restimulation, it runs and discharges and we then consider that it was a "basic" incident. But there is no reason to assume that if we had run this at a different time, when the person was in better or worse shape, that we would have hit the same basic incident. And on a general basis, we observe this in case supervision, where there is a recognition that a case on Dianetics can run shallow or deep. 7. The idea that these engrams "errase". What we observe in running dianetics is that an incident can be charged up and difficult to face, or it can be discharged and easily confronted. In other words, it is capable of bothering the person, or it is incapable of bothering the person any more. There is the idea that the incident is a picture which vanishes upon errasure. But you can always visualize that picture again. All that has changed is that the person is not compulsively creating the picture and it is back under his control. And there is a later statement by Ron, around 1958, where he considers that most of the person's pictures are not being compulsively created all the time, but only the ones that are currently restimulated. My own observations are that this is correct. The book also contains a statement that there is no recall of pain outside of these engrams and that it is the pain which errases and can no longer be recalled. I certainly have not found this to be the case. But, since pain is generally undesirable, once an incident is under one's control, one is not particularly inclined to summon the pain back up again except perhaps as an exercise or for a point of research. So nothing actually errases. It is simply discharged and ceases to affect the person. It comes back under his control. However, it would be reasonable to keep calling this "errasure" on the basis that the "charge" is being errased. As far as I can tell, these incidents don't "charge up" again after they have been run out properly, so calling this an errasure would seem to be appropriate. But I am playing a word game here, redefining the term to match the phenomena. The original idea of errasure as explained in the book is not really correct. 8. The role of unconciousness in engrams DMSMH considers that being unconcious is a key factor in these engrams. It is part of the definintion (a moment of pain and unconciousness). Later dianetic techniques consistantly worked better by simply running any stressful incident and ignoring the question of whether or not the individual was actually unconcious. This was justified by explaining that there was always a bit of unconciousness present when the person flinched at anything. Furthermore, the results improved significantly when the running of engrams was balanced by running incidents of giving an "engram" to another person (in other words, run the incident of hitting somebody else as well as running the incident of somebody hitting you). These "overt engrams" run successfully in the techniques. But it should be obvious that you are not normally unconcious while hitting somebody else. I suppose that we could say that anything which is not fully confronted is to some degree unconcious. But we are redefining the word in this case. The DMSMH book did not use the word in that sense. It said "unconcious" and (obviously from the examples) it ment truely physically "unconcious". On that basis the book was totally wrong. With hindsight, a better explanation would be to say that things which you don't face can feed into the "subconcious" (or "reactive mind" or whatever you want to call it) and can thereby affect you. And that one way of handling this is to face up to the incidents now by means of incident running techniques. This would apply to anything that was done to one or that one has done to another or even that one has seen people doing to each other with the only provisio being that the person did not face up to it at the time. 9. The idea that engrams are basic and that secondaries and locks build up on them. Modern Dianetics still has this idea, but I don't see that it has ever been proven. Things that seem trivial or light incidents that appear to have effects all out of proportion to the severity of the incident might well be drawing their power from earlier heavier incidents. I think that we have seen this enough in practice to consider it to be proven. But this doesn't prove that an engram is always heavier than a secondary or "lock" nor does it prove that a lock or secondary might not be basic. If the Scientology ideas about theta are correct, then the early basics could not be engrams because the thetan would not have been subject to force at the begining but would have to have gradually decayed to the point where he could be hit. Therefore the early basics must be "locks". If it was originally this way, then it still might work this way at least sometimes. Let's take a hypothetical example. Is it that the person decides that Volkswagon's are ugly and then gets hit by one (because he doesn't want to see them), or is it that the person gets hit by a Volkswagon and then begins to think that they are ugly because he has been hit. I think that it can go either way, and I think that we have observed it happening either way in auditing. Might not disconnecting from a friend launch one into a series of secondaries and engrams which build up on top of one's regret at such an action? But here I am speculating. My point is not to say which way it is, but only to point out that we do not have any proof in either direction and that therefore the book's assumptions are unfounded. 10. The idea that one comes "up-tone" to cheerfulness as an incident runs out. We have seen this one in practice. We assume that as long as the person feels apathetic or angry or whatever, there is more that must be run either by continuing to go through the current incident (if it is discharging) or by going earlier to an underlying incident. We rarely see "clockwork" progressions from emotion to emotion as we run something out, but we do see that this general rule is important and does work. There is a great deal of later material on the tone scale, but that is not in the Dianetic book and can be set aside for the purposes of this discussion. Note that this indicates that if the person is still worried or upset or angry about the contents of an engram they have run, it means that the incident was left unflat. On this basis one might guess what incident Ron left unflat on his own case (listen to the RJ 67 tape). 11. The idea that illogical associations can develope between different things in an incident. I think that we do see this in practice. The person is beaten up while Beethoven's fifth symphony is playing on the radio and then sometimes he begins to dislike the symphony. And I think that we also see a widow taking a dislike to red sports cars when she has seen her husband run over by one. In this case there is no pain and unconciousness, just a severe loss. But nothing shows that the majority of factors in an incident become associated in this manner. To go a bit further, I think that we can show that it does happen occasionally, but that it does not happen usually and that it is certainly not all embrasive. One or two factors in an incident may become irrationally associated, but certainly not everything in the incident. Here I believe that the book is addressing a significant phenomena, but the slant on it is far too sweeping and generalized. 12. The idea that one dramatizes an engram when it is restiulated (keyed in). I think that I have seen this occasionally, but it is rare. My own experience was that I would get nervous or fearful without a direct cause and that I could later look back and find an engram that was the real source of the fear and which was keyed in by something in the environment. But as far as I know, I never actually dramatized the content of an engram with the possible exception of turning on a somatic (pain, etc.). Please note the difference between an emotional reaction and the actual dramatization of contents. Turning off a psychosomatic pain by means of running engrams does not necessarily mean that the pain came about because the engram was restimulated. The pain might also turn off because confronting the engrams acted as a way to practice confronting the pain. But maybe I think this because most of the engram running I recieved was after I went clear and that might change things in this regard. Again we have an occasional phenomena that is blown out of proportion. We do see the restimulation due to earlier engrams causing a person to be disturbed or avoid things, but we do not see true "dramatization" very often. 13. The idea that engramic "command phrases" act like post hypnotic suggestions. Again we seem to be looking at a rare phenomena. I did once (and only once) blow a somatic on myself by finding a command phrase that was holding it in place. As far as I can tell, this is the only command phrase that ever affected me in this lifetime. Of course I'm ignoring the matter of whole track implants, but even there it only seemed like I was obeying the things in rare instances so that it was a minor rather than a major factor. Engrams and implants do have their effect in making one flinch at various things or distorting one's thinking, but the major effect seems to be in avoiding things or becoming upset about things that have heavy force associated with them rather than a simple minded obedience to orders given during painful incidents. We do know that post hypnotic suggestions can be implanted by means of hypnosis, and we can probably assume that the use of pain and drugs in the hypnotism can beef up the power of these commands considerably. This is the logic by which Ron drew his conclusions about engrams. But we don't really have much data about the long term behaviour of post hypnotic suggestions. My own impression is that these things wear off fairly rapidly and you wouldn't find somebody continuing to obey orders a decade later whether those "orders" are chance phrases within an engram or post hypnotic suggestions. Of course there is brainwashing / conditioning, and most of the data on that is kept top secret by the governments who engage in this. But all indications are that they use far more than simple verbal commands. The hints that we see in various movies imply the use of tailored painful false experiences in combination with drugs and hypnosis. And even here I have my doubts about the long term effectiveness. The popular spy movies have legions of conditioned plants living as ordinary citizens and waiting to be triggered by conditioned command phrases, but this may be just as inaccurate as the old rocket to Mars type science fiction stories. We do have space ships, but they are pretty far from the simpleminded fictional ones. And we do have conditioning and brainwashing, but it might be a mear shadow of the fictional presentation. If, for example, "the control of Candy Jones" is an accurate account, then they were only able to use her as a courier (not doing anything very repugnant) a number of times before she began to shrug off the conditioning. This might be the best that they can do unless they get their hands on a psychotic who wants to kill everybody anyway for his own reasons. And in that case they are simply encouraging the person's own abberated desires rather than creating a new abberation. So I don't think that you'll find abberations steming from command phrases. At best they would stir up or reinforce existing abberations. So in this respect also the book is wrong, and modern Dianetics pretty much ignores the subject of command phrases. 14. The idea that you run secondaries late on the track (unlike running engrams where you try to get as early as possible). This was done to relieve chrage from the case so that the PC could find earlier engrams more easily. I think that we have seen this work in practice. But modern rundowns handle secondaries in the same manner as engrams. This primarily shows up in Scientology rundowns which use dianetics, such as the ext/int rundown. In these procedures, the standard approach was to run recalls followed by secondaries and finally followed by engrams with all of these being run on either 3 or 4 flows. Occasionally the secondary chain drops into an engram before it errases, but usually not. So here we have an approach which does work, but later alternate approaches might be better. In other words, again we have a practical idea which is not all encompassing. 15. The idea that all psycho-somatics stem from secondaries and engrams. Obviously false if we use the original DMSMH definitions. Overts (harmful acts) are just as likely to bring about a psycho-somatic as are engrams. The modern Dianetic technique handles this by running overt engrams as well as incidents which happened to the person. Modern Scientology has other sources for psycho-somatics, one example being Nots. We call these somatics for short and they represent any pain, sensation, emotion, or attitude that does not have a current physical source. If we survey all of modern Scientology and Dianetics, it should be obvious that no more than 20 to 30 percent of a person's somatics could come from engrams that have been done to him. And this is assuming that we currently know all the answers, which I believe to be highly doubtful. So the real percentage is probably far lower (maybe 10 percent). No matter how we look at the numbers, the success ratio of aleviating somatics in 1950 must have been extremely low. Therefore there must have been a lot of wishful thinking and quite a bit of justification in the form of "we haven't managed to find the right engram yet". The extreme mistake was to think that when you found the source for one person's headache, you had found the general source of all headaches. In practice, the causes currently known in Scientology would include the following: a) the pc goes to a baseball game and gets a headache because he was once hit over the head with a baseball bat. b) the pc has a headache because he used to hit his brother over the head (overt). c) the pc has a headache because he sympathized with somebody whose head was crushed under a falling safe (flow three). d) the pc has a headache because the thetan interiorized forcefully and smashed into the head (ext/int rundown). e) the pc has a headache because mother used to have headaches and she died and he wants to bring her back. (life continuum). f) the pc has a headache because he used to use them as an excuse for staying out of school. (justifier) g) the pc has a headache because it solves a problem h) the pc has a headache because of entities i) the pc has a headache because he is flinching at communicating with his head (maybe he has decided that bodies are evil or that his head is ugly or whatever - grade 0 from where could you communicate to a ... type processes). j) the pc has a headache because he has some kind of theta machine that is hitting the head for some reason (maybe to remind him to go to the store - see 3rd ACC & other early references on mental machinery). k) the pc has a headache to gain sympathy. l) the pc has a headache to make others wrong. Here I already have a dozen different potential reasons for a headache. And there is no indication that there aren't another dozen reasons we haven't figured out yet. We have always beefed up our success ratio by using assists that don't try to find out the source of the somatic but simply cool it down temporarily (such as a touch assist or pushing the somatic into the walls etc.). And modern Dianetics might sometimes work by accustoming the person to confronting and mocking up pain and force rather than by actually finding the actual source of something. I have had a handful of times where I experienced a true magical dissapearance of a somatic on running an engram. I consider those to be the cases where an engram was the correct source for the somatic. But most of my gains while running Dianetics were in the form of something lessening or becoming easier to turn off or handle. This I attribute to the fact that the incident running can act as an exercise in confront and cool something down in that manner even if the true source was not an engram. Obviously, engrams are only the tiniest part of the picture. 16. The Dianetic techniques The overall idea was that one could run through an incident multiple times, gradually raising one's confront of it, or, if necessary, find an earlier incident until the "charge" could be relieved. This does appear to work as a general approach. But the original techniques included many things which were inherited from hypnosis. Things such as installing a "canceller", etc. My own experience with the book before going into a Scientology org was that it did tend to encourage some sort of trance state. Furthermore, Ron himself had them change from having the PC lying on a couch to making him sit up in a chair to reduce the likelyhood of inducing a hypnotic trance (this is on an early tape of 1950-51, but I forget which one). And practices for locating engrams, such as repeater technique, tended to throw the person in over their heads in an incident that they had little perception or understanding of. In general the techniques were difficult for the auditor, and rough on the PC, and didn't work very well. In comparison, all the later incident running techniques are light and easy and simple. Modern tricks such as locating incidents on an easy gradient, getting the date and duration, searching for an earlier begining, and so forth, are major advances which show the original methods to have been crudely researched and poorly worked out. And you do not see any trance like behaviour with modern Dianetic techniques, which, in my opinion, makes them much safer. 17. The Dianetic phenomena: holders, bouncers, and denyers A holder keeps a person stuck in an incident. A bouncer causes him to bounce out of the incident. A denyer makes the incident seem unreal or non-existant. All of these are described in the Dianetic book and attributed to command phrases. For example, an engram might contain the phrase "I can't stay here" and therefore the person bounces out of it. I think that this command phrase behaviour was observed occasionally when tossing people into incidents by means of repeater technique. The incidents would be overcharged, outgradient, and unreal to the person and the early Dianetic techniques did tend to be hypnotic so that the PC was liable to follow orders given in the engram when he was in the middle of running it. But this doesn't mean that he was following those orders in everyday life. You almost never find this command phrase behavior in modern Dianetics and Scientology. But you do see manifestations of holders, bouncers, and denyers on occasion. These do not stem from the commands given in engrams. They come from the persons action in response to things that they don't want to face up to. People get stuck in things, or flinch away from them or pretend that they are not there. It is a valid manifestation of mental charge. The mistake is in thinking that this behaviour comes from engramic command phrases. That puts a wrong slant onto the Dianetic view of human behavior. Later Scientology handling consists of raising the person's confront of things so that they don't flinch from them. But the question of why does a person handle things by flinching or whatever might be a lucrative line to persue in future research. 18. The role of engrams in everyday life Here I am generalizing, because there is a lot in the book which analyzes behavior in terms of engrams and there are many conclusions drawn about society etc. Based on number 15 above, engrams are only a minor source of behavior. And the various factors such as command phrases did not turn out to work to the degree predicted although the phenomena of denying or bouncing away from hot mental areas does seem to occur occasionally. Therefore, all the broad conclusions that are based on a theory of engrams exclusively are obviously wrong. Some of these ideas have been revisited from a Scientology perspective which includes things such as overts and justifications etc., but that is its own subject. As far as the Dianetics book goes, we pretty much have to toss it and restart from scratch. 19. The idea that a stimulous-response Reactive Mind underlies all abberations. So much of the book has already gone out the window based on the above discussion that it should be obvious that there was insufficient data at that time to support such a sweeping conclusion. Reactive stimulous response behaviour can be shown to exist. But I think that we can see very easily in Scientology that most abberations are not reactive in nature. How many overts are an unthinking reaction and how many are concious? I think that anybody who has experience with running grade 2 should find the obvious conclusion that most are concious rather than reactive. Furthermore, although we can trace some reactive behaviour back to engrams, this does not prove that all reactive behaviour comes from engrams. Just because some houses are made of wood does not mean that all houses are made of wood. Therefore I think that the above statement is an unfounded excessively generalized conclusion. The correct statement would be along the lines of recognizing that there is an unthinking stimulous response phenomena which forms part of the picture of human behaviour and abberation. The person has unthinking reactions and some of them stem from engrams. But I do believe that we could state that all abberations stem from some kind of mental "charge". That is almost inherent in the definition of abberation (in other words, a distortion has been introduced). But that is not to say that all of this mental charge is reactive nor does it prove that the charge all stems from engrams. We could, from a Scientology perspective, point out that the person ceases to think in areas that are too heavily charged. But that is not quite the same as this picture of a "Reactive Mind" fed by engrams. 20. The idea of a "Clear" who is free of all abberations. Obviously, from Scientology theory, the idea of a one lifetime "Clear" attained by running the basic-basic prenatal incident of this lifetime, resulting in perfect recall, computer like computational capabilities, and other super abilities is totally false. If such a state exists, it could certainly not be attained by running the technique described in DMSMH. Is there any Scientology auditor who could honestly believe that Ron could have made a "Clear" without ever running an overt or pulling a withhold or running a past life incident? I think not. That means that there were no "clears" when the book was written and therefore the state was hypothetical, an ideal to shoot for rather than a verified result. Was there any basis for this ideal? Actually yes. If the mind is distorted by mental charge, then removing that charge should produce a cleared condition. As to the theoretical attributes, these can be hypothesised on the basis that anything which is attainable on a one of a kind occurance must be an inherent capability of the mind which could become universal if all abberations were removed. In other words, if one person can have a photographic memory, then this must be a property of the mind and it should be theoretically available to everyone if they were not abberated. This does actually make a nice theory and a good target to aim for. But it is a theoretical ideal rather than a cast iron truth. When we enter Scientology theory into this, we find ourselves in a totally different landscape. We run engrams to raise the PC's confront of force. We ask for postulates made at the time of the engrams. And we get the person up to the point of controlling his mental pictures and being at cause over mocking them up at will. And from this something really does happen, and we call that the state of Clear. And it is a wonderful state. One's mind is no longer twisted by the distortions of forces long gone. But it is not the "clear" of DMSMH. And it is not freedom from all abberation. And it is not total recall or total conciousness or some kind of superman condition. Efforts to twist the modern state of clear so as to match the theoretical ideal given in DMSMH is nothing more than sales hype. It is a nice state. Why not let it be what it is and stop the bullshit? --------------- This analysis is, of course, only a lick and a promise. A thorough chapter by chapter review should really be done. Furthermore, a detailed compilation and review of actual experience with modern Dianetics in the handling of cases is needed. The current attitude is fanatical and assumes that the technology is flawless rather than examining each individual point in detail and determining which components are extrememly workable and which are actually inhibiting the results. Every scientific breakthrough has been followed by decades of review and refinement. It is not enough to say "it works". The original light bulbs and DC generators "worked" but they were a poor and shabby product compared to the tech that lights our homes today. As to independent scientific reviews, that would be nice but is currently impossible. There is a war on, engendered by the fanatical attitudes of those who currently run the subject. Everyone on both sides of the fence has too much of a vested interest in either proving it all wrong or proving it all absolutely correct. No science can take place in such an atmosphere. And there is the problem of needing qualified reviewers. There are almost none in existance. The org can't produce them because of the fanatical viewpoint and the lack of adequate scientific training among the bulk of the membership. And outside "experts" do not generally know the subject well enough and are rarely qualified to review it in a true sense. A zepplin expert has no authority in reviewing airplanes. He would have to learn the subject of heavier than air flight first. Imagine that you have a very poorly designed airplane which just barely flies. Now you bring in a zepplin expert (who is truely competant in his field, it is a quite complex one) who doesn't believe in heavier than air flight and he wants to solve the plane's problems by adding balloons to the wings because that is what is obviously wrong to his eyes. There have been a handfull of people who have trained both in psychology and Dianetics/Scientology (if I recall correctly, Ray Kemp was one) but they have been placed in an impossible position and generally end up hiding in the freezone. And there have been a few psychologists who do investigate past lives or out of body experiences. These would at least be capable of investigating the subject without prejudice. But they themselves are often attacked by the bulk of the "authorities" in the field. Note that the lack of proper laboratory validation does not disprove a theory. The Quantum Mechanics double slit experiment remained a "thought" experiment for decades before the laboratory techniques caught up. And most of Einstein's "experiments" were "thought experiments" rather than laboratory tests. We have phenomena here which are mind boggeling and in serious need of thorough scientific research and analysis. But the outside "experts" wouldn't look and the Scientology "experts" wouldn't think. I can only pray for a time when this area can be looked at without prejudice or fanaticism. --------------- In conclusion, there is surprisingly little that can be salvaged from the book. Its best work was in providing an ideal to shoot for and popularizing the idea of a theoretically perfect mind distorted by abberations which could be alleviated by confronting the right things. It identified one out of a long list of abberative factors and resulted in a long search for others. It does contain some useful basic concepts, but those are better stated from a Scientology perspective. We could really use a modern Dianetic home co-audit book that was a bit more accurate. That would be the one to mass market. DMSMH would then remain only to provide professionals with a historical perspective. At one time, the ponderous and outdated "Science of Survival" was regulated to the back shelves and replaced in practice by Ruth Minshull's "How to Choose Your People" which became the popular public book about the tone scale. This had very good results and resulted in much more application of the tone scale data. Of course the fanatics have seen to it that the Minshull books have long been gone from the org's bookstores. I wonder how many people will be able to read the above without starting to rant at me one way or the other. Sometimes I feel like a Gulliver who wants to scramble the eggs instead of breaking them at either the top or the bottom. Best The Pilot Note: I am putting this post into both ARS and ACT because it may be of special interest to CofS lurkers on ARS, but the technical posts that I feel are mainly of interest to the freezone are only going to ACT now. ======================== Subj : Super Scio Tech - GROUP MIND INCIDENTS GROUP MIND INCIDENTS: This is highly speculative. I have been thinking about this for awhile in an attempt to understand the org's cultish mob behavior. It is especially promenent in the Sea Org. One ex-SO member described it to me as "when they wave, you wave". This was not as strong in the early days, there was a lot of room for individuals and much less "group think". Maybe I'm streatching too far with this one and it could simply be explained on the basis of mass agreement, but the effect is so strong that I think that there is a distinct possability that some kind of a "group mind" effect can come into play, a bit like the "collective unconcious" that appears in some early psychoanalitic theories. If there is such a thing, what might it encompass? My first thoughts are of mob behaviour, mutual exchange of BTs, and "sympathetic" vibrations of emotions in a feedback effect. In a group mind, the thetans are not merged but they are temporarily packaged by the mutual attraction exceeding the normal repulsion. The main bar to telepathy might be fear of absorbtion or overwhelm by a group mind. It seems to me that there were early whole track practices which tried to regain native state by intentionaly merging into a group mind which would be god. It was a misguided attempt to rejoin native state. You joined these things willfully (not forced by implants) and then found yourself overwhelmed and couldn't disconnect. So you built walls. There is lots of sci fi about telepathic societies with this group mind stuff kicking people around in various ways. Often they purge or attack individuals who wouldn't blend into the group mind. Maybe these are hints of real burried recall. Fear of talking to groups could be fear of this group mind stuff. You stand there at the focal point of all those intentions and postulates and you might get overwhelmed and taken over by the group. But you don't usually invoke one of these things unless you begin to push hate and fear buttons. The heavy emotional reactions may have group mind incidents as basics. I can seem to spot an old incident of a crowd chanting "all is one", wanting to become it, wanting to invoke god, a frightening religious ritual. ---- The cheering "hip hip hurray" can sweep you up and pull you into resonance if you go into agreement. Its the sympathetic doingness, cheering together, yelling "zieg heil" or whatever that does it, not just listening to a speaker. Occasionally in a church when you have the people chanting a litany together or singing, you will get a bit of a group mind effect. But in this case its usually mild and uplifting. Sit in on an Easter sunday service sometime and see what you can percieve. Its strongest when everybody sings together as a unit. Not so strong in professional productions where there are many different parts. That gives you awareness of being a individual participating in a group. Playing in an orchestra or as part of a team with individual roles may to some degree proof you up against this group mind syndrom because you are drilling holding your own position as part of a group effort. You learn to sing your own line or move in your own direction as a contributing part of the group effect rather than submerging into the mob. This makes "chineese school" (the class reciting things together) and group sing-alongs slightly scary. The org is pushing this effect sometimes with large "musters" and group participation at events. But I've never felt this effect in real group processing. Although everyone does the same commands, the commands encourage individual cognitions and differentiation of individuals. But you can get a group mind effect in these shallow bits of group processing that they use at the begining of events if you have everyone do exactly the same thing without any commands that create individual variations. If you tell everyone to look at the right corner of the room, you get a uniform group action. However, if you tell everyone to look around the room and find something that they like, you get individual actions which undo the group mind effect. So you're safe as long as you don't run uniform group actions exclusively. If you tell the group to stamp their feet on the floor, everyone does it their own way, some faster, some slower, some lighter and some with more force, etc. The effect always seems chaotic and cheers people up. But if you were to have everyone stamp their right foot, and then stamp it again, all together in unison, you would start building up this group mind effect and loss of identity and volition. Applauding is not really dangerous in this regards. People clap faster and slower and can whistle or cheer or stamp their feet individually. Group waves at sporting events where the rows of spectators stand up and down in sequence are just fine, giving the individual the fun of group participation without having everybody do the same thing at the same time. Again, this aids individual differentiation because you have to time your moment for standing and not stand up at the same time as the row behind you does. There was no problem with this in the old style of applauding completions at the org as long as they didn't insist that everybody always applaud or look happy. But when they started with the "hip hip hurray's" towards Ron's picture, they began stirring up this group mind effect because everybody is cheering in unison. Its very bad and quite hypnotic. ------------- This hypnotic group mind effect is created by group activity in unison. It is broken by group activity with individual differentiation where the individual has to conciously do something different than the rest of the crowd. Unfortunately it is not broken by applause or having everyone stamp their feet because those can be done either way (they don't force you into the effect, but they don't force you out of it either). Let's say that you're still in good standing at the org, and you get announced or otherwise have the opportunity to control one of these group dramatizations. And lets say that you don't want ethics on your back, but you do want to make a little push towards undoing group hypnosis instead of contributing to it. The thing to do is to stop the crazies from giving their usual "hip hip hurray" by saying "lets do something really nice for Ron" and then introducing anything which causes individual differentiation from the group effect. Simply dividing the audience into 4 groups and having them hold different notes (forming a chord) while singing "thank you Ron" would force each person to hold separate from the composite. Another good one would be to have everyone "imagine something really nice and flow it towards Ron", but don't you dare tell them what to mock up because its having them each imagine their own different thing that makes them all unique. These kind of things will get you the "together yet different" effect which breaks group think. Four part harmony is ideal since the majority is almost never in unison, and yet they are all working together and in agreement. -------------- One of the basic lies is that you have to be like everyone else so as to like and be liked by everyone else. The tight coupling of affinity and agreement within the ARC triange does exist but it is a basic abberation rather than an underlying natural law. One of the beauties of working in an orchestra is that it shows you that people can be quite different while participating in a satisfying group effect. Violins, drums, and trumpets are all radically different from each other and yet they can play together very nicely. Once you've swallowed the group think lie of having to be the same as everyone else, you then get fed the next horrible lie which is that the only way to be different is to go into opposition. The lie is that you can only retain your individuality by fighting, and this leads to building up GPMs. You're alone and isolated in a human condition because you're fighting off these group minds that exist at the next layer up (everybody creating reality together, etc.). But those group minds are an abberation. At the vary top, there are many individual lines, the same yet different, which are not in opposition to each other but instead delight in the flux of shifting harmonies. If the fragmentation theories have some basis in fact (see Super Scio chapter 6A "Divide and Conquor", and Ron's HCL lectures, and some of Allen Hacker's materials), we may sometimes fragment in ways that leave "holes" which we want to fill, a bit like an incomplete electron shell. Instead of putting ourselves back together, we join with others, both in packaging implants and in these group minds in an effort to fill the vacumes. If so, excessive running of Nots without balancing it by regaining fragments of yourself (with "point to the being you divided from" as discussed in Super Scio) might leave behind excessive vacumes which would encourage group mind formation at the higher levels of the org. I'm just guessing here, but it might explain a lot. And there is the possiblity that Ron's identity submerged totally under the continual impact of standing at the focus of group think. Don't bet your money on this theory, its layed on very shakey ground. But please do try to break those group drilling patterns, because something sure does happen with them and the end product seems to be along the lines of Nazi Germany. Best, The Pilot Note: I label posts like this one "Super Scio Tech" so that people who are not interested can skip them easily. Sometimes these only go to ACT (freezone), but some (like this one) also go to ARS because they might be of interest to CofS lurkers. ======================== Subj : Super Scio Tech - SUGGESTIONS FOR HOMER SUGGESTIONS FOR HOMER Dear Homer, I think that you have been a very posative force on the net, providing a space for communication, maintaining an archive of knowledge, making your own materials available, and continually pushing and questioning others to get them to think, to communicate, and to publish their own materials. This is an essential action and I do hope that you will continue despite the occasional tantrums, critical comments, and koosical threats. On that basis, you deserve some help and support in your own quest for truth, so I will throw my own two cents in on the ever popular discussion of what to do about Homer's case. First off, let me acknowlege that you are wearing a tech finder's hat and working exclusively on the basis of self CSing as well as solo auditing. I do the same. You expect a process to "indicate" before you run it. I expect the same. This is not impossible, although most loyalists and even many freezoners will disagree. It is simply extremely difficult because all of the responsibility is on your own plate and your determination to find truth has to be stronger than any restimulation that you run into. In other words, you have to want the answers so bad that you will walk stright into heavy restim without flinching. I do this all the time. And occasionaly I get kicked in the teeth. ---------- Sometimes you have to give up on an area temporarily. Things can go solid and trash your Itsa line. In that case, you do things that you know are destimulative for you personally. Getting a breather so to speak. For some people this might be going out and feeding the damn ducks (yes I read your comment about this), that doesn't work for me because it reminds me that we are all trapped in bodies. But I will sit down at the piano, and that does work for me. I don't know what your useful destimulation activities are, but I'm certain that there is something. Learn to use it in between each failed attempt to scale the mountain. You can't keep pushing endlessly because that just brings more and more mass into restimulation. You take a shot at it, giving your best effort, possibly even running it too long just to be sure, and then you back off and catch your breath. Try to destimulate and restore some space and ability to Itsa, just as much as you can manage even if you are still in bad shape. You've got to terminate the figure figure and whatsit and free up your attention so that you can think again. Then, when all is quite, you look at it again and formulate a new angle of approach and charge the mountain again. Or you work something else for awhile to build up horsepower or learn more, but you always come back to that mountain eventually because it is unacceptable for a tech finder to do anything else. But remember the axioms. You charge it and then back off, and then charge again and back off until you conquor it. You do not just keep pushing at the damn thing and going solid. And as a tech finder, it is your responsibility to find ways to destimulate yourself and drop the area temporarily no matter how chronic and demanding the condition seems to be. As a self-CS, you need to find a successful way of backing off temporarily to prepare for each new attempt. ---------- You recently mentioned that you are making gains on running dichotomies. I think that's great. Don't let me derail you. Carry on the process as long as it produces change. Simply realizing what the items are as you go about your usual activities is the highest scale form of listing. This would eventually start happening whenever I was digging up large numbers of items including researching penalty universes, implants, actual GPM platens, and spotting BT's items (what they were being) on solo Nots. I'd check these on the meter later and they'd read and then FN. Further along, they'd just FN but I could get a read on their sequence in the platen and their correctness, at least up to the point where a platen would start persistant FNing, so they were valid items. Once you hit this point on an area, you don't really need to use the meter anymore although its a nice validation. I think that it means that enough charge is coming off that the items can be itsa'ed directly. One would suspect that simple dichotomies existed before GPMs. I came up with a large set in the agreements universe "implant" (its not quite a true implant, see the description) which is in Super Scio 8B <20 of 32>. Whether implanted or actual, there might (or might not) be a sequence to the dichotomies. You could try checking this on the meter and see if they belong in some order. I'm quite interested as to whether these things predate game sphere's or develope as a consequence of them. The same goes for valences. The simple rule of thumb is that the heavier more significant factors develope later (GPMs come long after simple problems). So I think that the dichotomies go earlier, but I wouldn't guarantee it. ---------- You have also talked of your great dispair. Paul Bunyan ("Pilgrim's Progress") called this the "slough of despond". I have been there a number of times, usually for a year or two before I managed to pull out of it. It is failed purpose. For me it is being caught in the trap and seeing no way out, dead forever hopelessness. According to the "OT Orgs" policy, you simply rekindle the failed purpose. That's nice, but its like trying to empty the ocean with a teaspoon. But it does work to some degree, at least a few times. Unfortunately, it fails if you keep hitting the same wall every time you get fired up and try again. The only thing that really pulls you out is to actually make some forward progress. So you pull yourself together somehow or other and keep trying. A really good forward step and suddenly you're moveing and the despair is like an old bad dream, easily forgotten. ---------- As for some other angles of approach, I have some suggestions but as a self-CS, the decisions and responsibility are on your plate. 1. Don't Fixate on the Body I would balance the intensive body/case handling with some kind of OT drills or light recall of pleasure moments or whatever so as to avoid validating the condition too much. There are OT drills which will sort of work even if you have zero reality or perception. You must completely ignore the issue of whether or not you are exterior and not try to prove anything but simply take any vague win and end off on the process (they can be run again and again). You can look around the room with the body's eyes and spot things you like to a minor win. Then close your eyes and look around the room (even if you have zero perceptions) and spot things that you like to a minor win. Don't push it, stop on the win and do the process again on subsequent days. You can find something large in your area, such as a mountain and imagine that you are interiorizing and exteriorizing from it. You do this as a pure imaginary exercise without worrying about having any perceptions or whether or not you are stuck in the body. Again, you stop at the mildest win. You can find places where you are not. Eventually you start getting little flashes of real perception. Take these as wins and don't Q&A with them. All of these work on a total bypass of ext/int on the basis that the thetan was never really located in the first place so that he is, to some degree, where ever he puts his attention. This is all pretty much from the 3rd ACC. 2. Infinite Charge You have occasionally made statements about having infinite charge. This is very real to me. I have played around a lot with infinite mockups. These are commonly used in early implant universes and there is a little bit of discussion about this in Super Scio 5A . The infinite waves of blackness at the end of incident 1 (truely infinite in its own space and time) are an example of this. It is surprisingly easy to postulate an infinity. It is much easier to mockup a number line that runs to infinity than it is to mockup unique "numbers" (each with their own symbol) from one to a hundred. To get control of a mockup, you must mockup multiple copies and alter-is them slightly. When you get enough, you will find that you can turn it off and/or throw it away. You mockup multiples and then toss them and then do it again until you can causatively turn the mockup on or off at will. I got this by applying the doctorate course tech to the infinities I was running into while handling implant universes. For infinite charge, you need to add some distinguishing characteristic to the mockup, such as a color or taste or smell or some other quality, whatever you can get. You don't have to actually see it, just feel that it is there. Then you mock up, lets say, an infinite redish charge, and an infinite greenish charge, and an infinite yellow charge, etc., all concurrently, until you have enough parallel infinities to get some control over the compulsive mockup of an infinite charge. Then you throw them all away and do it again until you can really have or not have an infinite charge at will. If you can't "get mockups", you just imagine that these infinite charges are there. Just be sure to imagine multiple ones until you have enough of them. Of course this does not address the source of the charge, but it will raise your horsepower and hopefully make it easier to address the area without the charge fogging your perceptions. 3. The Incident You have said that the incident is all around you in PT and that you can't run track. For this you can alternately spot something in the incident and in the room. Even if it is only the perception that there is charge or occlusion to the right of you and to the left of you etc, but be sure and spot things (Itsa) rather than putting your attention on 'what the hell is that'. The reason for alternating with spotting the room is to avoid going unconcious from continually staring into an area of unconciousness. It is an alternation of repetatively pushing your attention into it and then pulling back, like striking it with a hammer. If you start to get the thing losening up and you are finding it easy to spot stuff, you can start spotting more things and only spot the room when you feel that you need to. If possible, spot the begining of the incident. If it shifts back on the track, then spot it where it belongs. If earlier incidents become visible, then spot those. If higher realities or precipitating factors or pre-Mest or any other stuff, no matter how wild or inexplicable comes into view, then spot that. Always follow the line of the most available Itsa. If you shift to something and only spot one or two things and it fades, then shift back to the stuff around you. End on a win, but don't push yourself to exhaustion or try to handle the entire condition with a single run. 4. Loss One of the most likely causes for chronic illness is a devastating secondary and life continuum. These are very hard to run, are often bypassed in normal auditing, and R3R type incident running rarely gets off all of the charge. I believe that secondaries go much earlier on the track than engrams (the godlike beings could lose things long before they could actually be hurt or feel pain) and that the area is not at all handled by going clear or whatever. The process I'm going to suggest here is from the 1st ACC. I used it once as an assist on a Class 6 OT. When asked "who had that condition", he mentioned his long dead wife, but he had already been run on the death extensively and didn't think that there was any charge left in the area. The following process turned on and ran out the most fantastic grief charge. He was crying heavily by the third time through the commands. Run this on the point where the lost one most closely approximates your current physical condition, or on the point where you are confronted with their dead body, or on the point where you experienced a shock upon seeing the condition that they were in and realized that they were going to die, or on the imagined picture of their death that you mocked up when you were told about it. Run Alternately: a) Mock yourself up in a body identical to theirs, right next to them at that time, which duplicates their physical condition. b) dissolve the body and turn into a free thetan in that space and time. Repeate. Since you have mentioned that both your parents died when you were young, both should be run. If your Mother's death was false data, you would still run it based on what you thought happened at the time. If anything turns on, especially heavy grief, you have to keep alternating the two commands until it flattens. These means that its not a good solo process for beginners, but if you can keep doing a command in the presence of heavy charge, then you should be fine. There are other processes which are possible here. Usually I would suggest starting into something like this by running help first, but from the materials in your archives, it would seem to me that you have already flattened that. 5. Breathing Since you mention that breathing problems are part of the condition, you might try mockups (or imaginings which could build up into mockups) on things that affect breathing, on both a motivator and an overt flow (clouds of stuff around you and you putting clouds of stuff around others). Here, bad air, poison gas, or various bad smells might be very lucrative, especially things like the "stink of death". 6. Effort You have mentioned success with effort processing. If you can run effort, you can probably upgrade it to tech 88 style attention unit running and get a more powerful result. You do this by spotting the flow of incoming intention/attention units that form the effort and your counter flow of intention/ attention units that tried to stop the inflow and formed ridges. Ron called them "attention" units, but from the description it sounds more like "intention" units to me and there have been some freezone writings which have been calling them that, so in this case I do agree with changing the term (or rather, with considering perception to be attention units and projection to be intention units). Another trick which can get more out of effort processing is to find the effort behind the effort. In other words, to run the effort that you make to make the effort. This is from the HCL lectures. 7. Unflat Processes Self auditors are especially prone to starting things and leaving them unflat. I make this mistake sometimes. If you do it too much, the bypassed areas accumulate and you start having a rough time of it. You could check if you have left processes incomplete and finish them. 8. Other Factors Tons of assists are possible (some are in Super Scio 4A <7 of 32>). Auditing repair is a possibility if the condition was precipitated by bad auditing. The green form is very useful in this regards and can be run solo if you are well enough trained and have a meter. Out lists are fixed by doing an L4B rather than by running abuse (sorry Alan). Of course abusive auditors, CSes, and Ethics officers are also a possibility and Alan's rundown would seem to be a good way of handling that. If its both out lists and abuse, then you handle both of course. If you can spot and handle BTs easily, then blow them out of the area because this will lighten it up a bit and make it easier to handle, but don't assign source to them or the area will get more solid. They only contribute to the motion. And if you don't have awareness of these guys, then don't bother with that approach because its not basic anyway. If you get partial relief and the Itsa line opens up enough, you can follow through with things that look for underlying factors, whether incident running or handling GPMs or valances or games or codes or whatever else that might have encouraged you to mockup the condition. But these things might not work if you don't have enough free attention to Itsa the area. They are best left for times when you don't have something immediate that has to be handled. And of course there are the grades buttons, especially overts. 9. Closing Comments There are multiple whys under every condition. Anybody can blow through a single why using horsepower alone. Even with multiple sources, you usually only get momentary acute manifestations. A chronic condition implys that there are an overwhelming number of different whys, different reasons, different basics, none of which undercut the others or blow them automatically (because that would make them count as only one why). Chronics are trouble because they accumulate more whys by the very fact of their continued presence (they are available for use as justifiers, serv facs, game conditions, etc.). So you often have to do more than just blowing the factor that percipitated the condition. But you don't have to blow all the whys to handle the condition. Just get rid of enough to shift the balance. Hope this helps, The Pilot ======================== Subj : Super Scio Tech - Spaceation SPACATION (Ralph Hilton) wrote: # Spacation seems to be a lost tech in the CofS. I run it regularly too. # I have also found that adding it in to TRs gives quite a boost. On Tue, 1 Jul 1997 11:23:11 -0400 (EDT), "Robert" asked: > Can you tell us the technique for doing this? > > Offhand, I would imagine it would be done by holding eight anchor points in > space while confronting, which was a technique suggested by our senior c/s > Barbara Wilhite (Bowes) back in 1973, and which I didn't see the importance > of at the time. On 1 July, Ralph replied: # I find that too steep for most. I start people on holding the 2 back # corners of the room while doing TR0. Then other pairs of corners. Then # build it up to 4 then 8. # It seems to increase presence so that the person begins to create the # space in which too confront rather than confronting in an # other-determined space. Bullbait seems to flatten much quicker and # more naturally too. # It also seems to lessen any tendency toward robotic TRs. This is a nice way of doing it, like intending the space on TR 8. In 1968 I was doing this myself as a matter of course (without saying anything about it) whenever I did TRs with anybody. This was when I was "keyed out OT". One day I did this with another student who was in a similar keyed out state and he instantly flunked me for "putting him in a box". He felt that I was forcing his space to contract to the size of the room we were in. I hadn't told him what I was doing. When we discussed it, he said that it made him feel like he was trapped. After that I was careful to only lightly grab the corners without makeing walls rather than strongly grabbing the space as a cube. The doctorate course spacation technique is to start with a point and extend a line from it. Then extend the line into a plane. Then either thicken the plane into a cube or extend more lines and planes from the corners until you make a box. The senior variation is to mockup your own space this way outside of physical universe space rather than intending the existing space. Mockups done in your own mocked up space are supposed to be more valuable to you and more benificial to run than mockups located in the physical universe. Except for a few of us tech fanatics, spacation was pretty much lost by the mid 1950s. The last time I talked to somebody who had done the "OT doctorate course", he had been advised by his instructor not to try out the techniques given on the tapes because that would be self auditing (even though Ron says on the tapes that they can be successfully self audited). Its nice to see that there are other people who liked this process as much as I did. Best, The Pilot ======================== Subj : RE: Forgiveness Processing (Super Scio Reply) > From: (Soren Kirchner) > Newsgroups: > Subject: Forgiveness Processing > Date: Wed, 25 Jun 1997 22:11:52 -0500 > Message-ID: <5osmlo$at1$> > > Most agree in the power of forgiveness: > > Of what others have done to you > Of what you have done to others > Of what others have done to others > Of what you have done to yourself > > many believe that to forgive is a Godly thing to do and that it is at > least liberating. > > But HOW? What is the process ? > > My intention is to learn these processes apply them to myself and teach > them in "The Forgiveness Workshop" > > Anyone game for sharing the process of the actual "release" and let go? > And please dont say, "let go..." without describing the process (steps) > in letting go > > Thank you and may God bless all of you!!!!!!!! > > Soren Kirchner, Ph.D. > Innovation Resources > 11 South 12th Street Suite #402 > Minneapolis, MN 55403 > 612.376.7886 This is the area addressed by Grade 2 in Scientology. These are called "overt" acts. One of the points on this is that after comission of overts, the person no only withholds the fact of what he has done but that he also begins to withhold himself from action in general. A simple but effective process used on Grade 2 is to run alternately: a) What have you done b) What haven't you said You do not insist that the done be harmful. Any admission of action is acceptible. Run in a repetative manner, the person will come up to greater and greater confront of the things that he has done. Full confront and acceptance will bring about a release. For clearing up a specific overt, more steps can be done to bring it into view and remove factors which hold it in place. a) What was it b) When was it c) Is that all of it The idea here being to get the complete time, place, form, and event with enough detail to ensure sufficient confront of what has been done. Then you ask: d) Who nearly found out about that Because this can fixate the person's attention (worrying whether or not "they" know of his overt) and bring about a persistance. This can be followed by asking "Who else nearly found out about that". This is called a "Missed Withhold" in Scientology (meaning that it was almost found out but has been missed). Another thing that can be asked is e) How have you justified that Because the person also holds onto it by insisting that it was justified. If all of this does not produce relief, then look for an earlier similar overt because the later repeates will hang up on earlier times that he did the same thing. A different point is that a "false accusation" can also cause somebody to fixate on an overt, even to the point of leading to his starting to commit it after being falsely labled as a crimminal. Another interesting point is that the person's real mental charge on overts is based on his own moral code rather than the rules of society. It might help you if you can find a Scientology Academy level 2 auditor's training pack. Sometimes these things show up in used bookstores. Good Luck, The Pilot ======================== (This is the trailer that was on most of these messages) See the "SCIENTOLOGY REFORMER'S HOME PAGE" by the Pilot at or or The Pilots Home Page at Get the Pilot materials (the 32 part SUPER SCIO book) at: or pick up the ss## files from Homer's archive at Or search dejanews either for "Super Scio" or for all pilot postings to ARS or ACT using, for example: ~a (The Pilot) & ~g (alt.religion.scientology) ------------------