About Bnei Baruch Bnei Baruch is the largest group of Kabbalists in Israel, sharing the wisdom of Kabbalah with the entire world. Study materials in over 25 languages are based on authentic Kabbalah texts that were passed down from generation to generation. The Message Bnei Baruch is a diverse movement of many thousands of students worldwide. Each student chooses his or her own path and intensity, according to one's personal conditions and abilities. In recent years, the group has grown into a movement engaged in voluntary educational projects, presenting genuine Kabbalah sources in contemporary language. The essence of the message disseminated by Bnei Baruch is unity of the people, unity of nations and love of man. For millennia, Kabbalists have been teaching that love of man is the foundation of the people of Israel. This love prevailed in the days of Abraham, Moses, and the group of Kabbalists that they established. Love of man was the fuel propelling the people of Israel to extraordinary achievements. In times when love of man shifted to unfounded hatred, the nation declined into exile and affliction. If we make room for these old-but-new values, we will discover that we possess the power to put aside our differences and unite. The wisdom of Kabbalah, hidden for millennia, is now stepping out. It has been waiting for a time when we would be sufficiently developed and prepared to implement its message. Today it is emerging as a message and a solution that can unite the factions in and between the nations and bring us all, as individuals and as a society, to a far better state. History and Origin Rav Michael Laitman, Professor of Ontology and Theory of Knowledge, PhD in Philosophy and Kabbalah, and MSc in Medical Bio-Cybernetics, established Bnei Baruch in 1991, following the passing of his teacher, Rav Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (The Rabash). Rav Laitman named his group Bnei Baruch (sons of Baruch) to commemorate the memory of his mentor, whose side he never left in the final 12 years of his life, from 1979 to 1991. Rav Laitman was Ashlag's prime student, personal assistant, and is recognized as the successor of Rabash's teaching method. The Rabash is the firstborn son and successor of the greatest Kabbalist of the 20th century, Rabbi Yehuda Leib HaLevi Ashlag. Rabbi Yehuda Ashlag is author of the most authoritative and comprehensive commentary on The Book of Zohar, The Sulam Commentary (The Ladder Commentary), the first to reveal the complete method for spiritual ascent. This is also the reason for Ashlag's epithet, Baal HaSulam (Owner of the Ladder). Bnei Baruch bases its entire study method on the path paved by these great spiritual leaders. Kabbalah Lessons As Kabbalists have been doing for centuries, and as the centerpiece of Bnei Baruch's activities, Rav Laitman gives a daily lesson at the Bnei Baruch center in Israel between 3:15-6:00AM Israel time. The lessons are simultaneously translated into seven languages: English, Russian, Spanish, German, Italian, French and Turkish. In the near future, broadcasts will be translated into Greek, Polish, and Portuguese, as well. As is true for all activities of Bnei Baruch, the live broadcast is provided free for thousands of students worldwide. Funding Bnei Baruch is a non-profit organization for teaching and sharing the wisdom of Kabbalah. To maintain its independence and purity of intentions, Bnei Baruch is not supported, funded, or is otherwise tied to any government or political entity. Since the bulk of its activity is provided free of charge, the prime source of funding for the group's activities is tithing, contributed by students on a voluntary basis. Additional sources of income are Rav Laitman's books that are sold at cost, and donations. Rav Michael Laitman, PhD About Rav Michael Laitman, PhD Rav Laitman received his PhD in philosophy and Kabbalah from the Moscow Institute of Philosophy at the Russian Academy of Sciences, and his MSc in Medical Cybernetics from the St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University. In addition to his scientific engagements, Rav Laitman has been extensively engaged in Kabbalah for the past thirty years. He has published over thirty books, translated into more than twelve languages as well as hundreds of articles on Kabbalah, and over 10,000 hours of video/audio Kabbalah lectures. Laitman's extensive contributions to the field of Kabbalah led to his receiving the title of Professor in Ontology and the Theory of Knowledge, granted by the Highest Interdisciplinary Academic Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation. Additionally, Rav Laitman collaborated with prominent scientists conducting unique research on modern science and Kabbalah. In 2005 he co-authored a book on this topic with Prof. Vadim Rozin of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, the State University of Human Sciences in the Russian Academy of Sciences. For more information visit www.kab.info