JULIE PELZER: Notes to Self An incredibly soothing voice merges sound healing, energy medicine and guided meditation in a unique creation, helping you to shift your body and mind into a state of relaxation that is highly conducive to all forms of personal healing. 1 - Intro 2 - Clearing 3 - Attracting 4 - Preparing the Healer 5 - Self Healing 6 - Harmony Visualize – Harmonize - Energize Begin your healing journey now. Release any struggle. Allow Julie’s incredibly soothing voice help you to slip into deep relaxation. Effortlessly you begin a powerful meditative process. Your body, your mind, your own unique spirit, all have unlimited healing potential, and they are at their highest when your consciousness drifts within a natural flow of harmony. Relaxing and de-stressing with Julie’s Notes to Self CD can transport you to higher levels of consciousness, opening you to the potential of healing. These guided meditations will help you shift your body and mind into a state of relaxation that is highly conducive to all forms of personal healing. This CD is a unique creation that merges guided meditation with sound healing (yes, Julie does her own beautiful toning) and energy medicine. The combination of meditation and toning helps to create harmony and balance within the body/mind energetic system. You will notice an immediate relaxation response and shifting of energy. The creation of harmony and balance throughout the body/mind energetic system helps to assist your inherent ability to heal. Many people who have bought the Notes to Self CD have found it helpful in a wide range of healing processes, from enriching their personal growth to managing chronic pain, sleeping problems, or cancer symptoms. ADDITIONAL AUDIO SAMPLES ON WEBSITE. What People are saying: I want to thank you for bringing forth your gifts and creating this powerful CD for us all! I have used the guided meditations in a group setting and found it to be very powerful in activating the chakras. Each person in the group was deeply affected by the power of vibrational healing within the CD. I have found that Track 6 \"Harmony\" has been especially effective to deepen the relaxation and healing within an energy-work session for my clients. Your toning and vibrational healing boosts the energy of a session and helps to facilitate the healing potential within. I look forward to an extended version that I can play for a longer duration! I have also used \"Harmony\" to vibrationally clear a room in preparation for a healing session. Thank you again for following your guidance and opening your voice! Chris Grey - Therapeutic Energy-Work with Chris Grey Julie\'s \"Notes to Self\" CD has a professional quality that in no way detracts from the innocence and purity of this work. A treasure, to be used individually or in group sessions, this powerful meditation series is a \"must have\" for both beginners and advanced practitioners. Leone Jensen, BSN, CHTP Website http://violetwaters.com/notes-to-self.html